In February of 2005,  two REITs  focused  primarily  on the  restaurant
industry,  CNL  Restaurant  Properties,   Inc.  ("CNLRP")  and  U.S.  Restaurant
Properties,   Inc.  ("USRP")  merged  and  simultaneously  acquired  18  limited
partnerships which owned primarily triple-net leased restaurant properties ("the
Merger and Related Financing  Transactions").  CNLRP was treated as the acquirer
for accounting purposes.  Trustreet Properties,  Inc. ("Trustreet") was the name
adopted  upon  the  merger.   The  following   unaudited  pro  forma   condensed
consolidated balance sheet gives effect to an additional  financing  transaction
that occurred in April of 2005.

         The unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated statement of operations
data for the quarter  ended March 31, 2005 and the year ended  December 31, 2004
gives  effect to the Merger and Related  Financing  Transactions  as if they had
occurred on January 1, 2004. The operating results for Trustreet for the quarter
ended March 31, 2005 consist of the  operating  results of CNLRP from January 1,
2005 through  February 24, 2005 and of the merged  companies  from  February 25,
2005 through March 31, 2005. The pro forma  adjustments are based upon available
information and certain assumptions that we consider  reasonable.  The pro forma
data is not necessarily  indicative of the results of operations that would have
been achieved had the  Transactions  reflected  herein been  consummated  on the
dates indicated or that will be achieved in the future.

         The  presentation of pro forma operating  results does not reflect cost
savings  or  synergies  that may  result  from the  mergers  and there can be no
assurances  that such savings or synergies  will occur.  Examples of anticipated
savings  include the  elimination  of separate  regulatory  filings,  as well as
reductions  in the cost of  investor  relations  and  administrative  costs  and
executive compensation.

         The unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated  financial data assumes
that  Trustreet  will continue to be taxed as a REIT under the Internal  Revenue
Code.  As a REIT,  Trustreet  generally  will not be subject to corporate  level
federal income tax on net income it distributes to its stockholders.

         All income and expenses  relating to  properties  held for sale and the
ultimate  gain or loss  realized upon  disposition  are treated as  discontinued
operations  for all  periods  presented.  In  addition,  depreciation  on  these
properties is not recorded.  Therefore,  revenues from the operation of any such
properties,  or gains from the sale of any properties sold, are not reflected in
the "Revenues"  line item in the summary pro forma data presented  herein.  As a
result, the unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated  financial data does not
include   income  from   discontinued   operations,   net  of  income  taxes  of
approximately  $5.0  million and $51.3  million for the quarter  ended March 31,
2005 and the year  ended  December  31,  2004,  respectively,  which  represents
activities related to the sale of certain real estate properties including those
purchased   with  the  intent  to  sell.   In  addition,   only   operating  and
administrative  expenses that are directly  attributable to acquiring or selling
properties  that are  classified as held for sale or were sold during the period
are allocated to the "Income from  discontinued  operations"  line item, and all
other  general  operating and  administrative  expenses are allocated to "Income
from continuing operations."

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
            Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                              As of March 31, 2005
                                 (in thousands)

<s> <c>

                                                                   Pro Forma
                                                    Trustreet     Adjustments(2)     Pro Forma
                                                    ----------    --------------    -----------

     Real estate investment properties....          $1,897,980                       $ 1,897,980
     Mortgage, equipment and other notes
        receivable........................             300,151                           300,151
     Cash and cash equivalents............              28,661     $      3,264           31,925
     Restricted cash......................              13,732                            13,732
     Receivables, less allowance for
        doubtful accounts.................               9,595                             9,595
     Accrued rental income................              29,837                            29,837
     Goodwill.............................             183,711                           183,711
     Other assets.........................             136,852            4,526          141,378
                                                    ----------     -------------     -----------
        Total assets......................          $2,600,519     $      7,790      $ 2,608,309
                                                    ==========     =============     ===========

     Revolving credit facilities..........          $  189,000     $   (109,000)     $    80,000
     Notes payable........................             411,697          175,000          586,697
     Warehouse credit facilities..........              67,712                            67,712
     Secured subordinated note............              21,875          (21,875)              --
     Bonds payable........................             803,617                           803,617
     Due to related parties...............              36,735          (36,335)             400
     Other payables.......................              95,313                            95,313
                                                    ----------     -------------     -----------
        Total liabilities.................           1,625,949            7,790        1,633,739

     Minority interests...................               4,551                             4,551

     Stockholders' Equity
     Preferred stock - Series A...........                   8                                 8
     Preferred stock - Series C...........                   7                                 7
     Common stock.........................                  58                                58
     Capital in excess of par value.......           1,358,931                         1,358,931
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss.              (5,733)                           (5,733)
     Accumulated distributions in excess of
        net earnings......................            (383,252)                         (383,252)
                                                    ----------      ------------     -----------
        Total stockholders' equity........             970,019               --          970,019
                                                    ----------      ------------     -----------
     Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity       $2,600,519      $     7,790      $ 2,608,309
                                                    ==========      ============     ===========

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
       Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                        Three Months Ended March 31, 2005
               (in thousands, except for share and per share data)

<s> <c>
                                                                      (*)     Historical
                                                   Historical     Historical   Income        Pro Forma
                                                    Trustreet        USRP       Funds       Adjustments(3)    Pro Forma
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------   --------------   -------------
   Rental and earned income from operating and
     direct financing leases................        $   26,236    $  10,711     $  7,848       $   709 a      $   45,504
   Interest income from mortgage, equipment and
     other notes receivable.................             6,827          277           --            --             7,104
   Other income.............................             1,061           25           18          (191)b             913
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
         Total revenues.....................            34,124       11,013        7,866           518            53,521

   General operating and administrative.....            12,160        6,231        4,893          (191)c          23,093
   Interest expense.........................            16,891        3,299           --         6,242 d          26,432
   Depreciation and amortization............             5,230        3,667        1,136         1,457 e          11,490
   Impairments and provisions on assets.....                --          198           --            --               198
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
       Total expenses.......................            34,281       13,395        6,029         7,508            61,213

Income (loss) from continuing operations before
   gain on sale of assets, minority interest in
   income of consolidated joint ventures and
   equity in earnings (loss) of unconsolidated
   joint ventures...........................             (157)       (2,382)       1,837        (6,990)           (7,692)

Other Items:
   Gain on sale of assets...................               --           751           --            --               751
   Minority interest in income of
       consolidated joint ventures and
       equity in earnings (loss) of
       unconsolidated joint ventures........             (785)           14           (7)           --              (778)
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations....             (942)       (1,617)       1,830        (6,990)           (7,719)

   Dividends on preferred stock.............           (2,923)       (2,322)          --        (1,930)f          (7,175)
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations
   allocable to common stockholders.........         $ (3,865)     $ (3,939)    $  1,830     $  (8,920)      $   (14,894)
                                                   ===========    ==========  ===========    =============    ============

Basic and diluted loss per share from
   continuing operations allocable to common
   stockholders.............................         $  (0.09)         n/a          n/a           n/a        $     (0.26)
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------

Basic and diluted weighted average shares
   outstanding (g)..........................           43,858          n/a          n/a           n/a             57,668
                                                   -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------

     (*) Operating results are for the period from January 1, 2005 through
         February 24, 2005.

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
       Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                          Year Ended December 31, 2004
               (in thousands, except for share and per share data)

<s> <c>
                                                   Historical     Historical     Income      Pro Forma
                                                      CNLRP          USRP        Funds      Adjustments (4)   Pro Forma
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
   Rental and earned income from operating and
     direct financing leases................        $67,949         $61,776     $ 46,945     $   3,632a     $   180,302
   Interest income from mortgage, equipment and
     other notes receivable.................         30,164           1,863           --            --           32,027
   Retail operations........................             --          55,813           --       (55,813)g             --
   Other income.............................          7,107           3,678          534        (1,136)b         10,183
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
         Total revenues.....................        105,220         123,130       47,479       (53,317)         222,512

   General operating and administrative.....         27,995          22,674        8,389        (1,136)c
                                                                                                (8,832)g         49,090
   Interest expense.........................         47,999          18,683           --        30,349 d         97,031
   Retail cost of sales.....................             --          46,981           --       (46,981)g             --
   Depreciation and amortization............         11,775          21,947        6,864        10,506 e         51,092
   Impairments and provisions on assets.....          5,491             521        1,439            --            7,451
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
       Total expenses.......................         93,260         110,806       16,692       (16,094)         204,664

Income (loss) from continuing operations before
    gain on sale of assets, minority interest
    in income of consolidated joint ventures
    and equity in earnings(loss) of
    unconsolidated joint ventures...........         11,960          12,324       30,787       (37,223)          17,848

Other Items:
   Gain on sale of assets...................            135              --          167            --              302
   Minority interest in income of
       consolidated joint ventures and
       equity in earnings (loss) of
       unconsolidated joint ventures........         (3,613)            (38)         (39)           --           (3,690)
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations....          8,482          12,286       30,915       (37,223)          14,460

   Dividends on preferred stock.............             --          (9,965)          --       (18,738)f        (28,703)
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations
   allocable to common stockholders.........      $   8,482       $   2,321    $  30,915     $ (55,961)        $(14,243)
                                                  ===========    ==========  ===========    =============    ===========

Income (loss) per share from continuing operations allocable to common

      Basic.................................      $    0.19       $    0.11         n/a          n/a           $  (0.26)
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------
      Diluted...............................           0.19       $    0.10         n/a          n/a           $  (0.26)
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------

Basic and diluted weighted average shares
    outstanding (h):                                 45,249          22,557         n/a          n/a             55,589
                                                  -----------    ----------  -----------    -------------    ------------

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

1.       Basis of Presentation and Accounting Treatment

         On February 25, 2005, Trustreet was the name adopted upon the merger of
CNLRP and the 18 Income  Funds  with and into  USRP.  CNLRP was  treated  as the
acquiror for accounting purposes.

2.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

         In connection with the Transactions, in April of 2005 we entered into a
term loan and repaid  certain  indebtedness  of  Trustreet.  The  following is a
summary of the use of proceeds:

<s> <c>
           New term loan B due 2010............................................     $ 175,000
           Repayment of bridge financing.......................................      (109,000)
           Repayment of secured subordinated note due 2008.....................       (21,875)
           Repayment of loan due to related party..............................       (36,335)
             Cash proceeds before loan costs...................................         7,790
           Loan costs..........................................................        (4,526)
             Net cash proceeds.................................................    $    3,264

3.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005

         The following  describes the pro forma adjustments to the unaudited pro
forma condensed  consolidated statement of operations for the three months ended
March 31,  2005,  as if the  Merger  and  Related  Financing  Transactions  were
consummated as of January 1, 2004.

         (a)      Represents  rental  income  adjustments   resulting  from  the
                  straight-lining  of  scheduled  rent  increases as if the real
                  estate  had  been   acquired   on  January  1,  2004  and  the
                  amortization of the intangible assets relating to above market
                  leases of $47,638 and  liabilities  relating  to below  market
                  leases of $32,501 on a straight-line  basis over the remaining
                  lease terms which range from 4 to 12 years:

<s> <c>
           Accrued rental income...............................................     $    480
           Net amortization of above/below market leases.......................          229
                                                                                    $    709

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

3.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 -- Continued

         (b) Represents  the  elimination  of the  following  intercompany  fees
             between CNLRP and the Income Funds.

<s> <c>
           Other income:
               Reimbursement of administrative cost............................      $  (143)
               Management fees.................................................          (48)
                                                                                     $  (191)

         (c) Represents the  elimination of  intercompany  expenses  between the
             Income  Funds and  CNLRP.  No pro forma  adjustments  were made for
             anticipated  savings  from  operating  as one  company  such as the
             elimination of separate regulatory filings or for reductions in the
             cost of  investor  relations,  administrative  costs  or  executive

<s> <c>
           General and administrative:
               Reimbursement of administrative cost............................      $   (143)
               Management fees.................................................           (48)
                                                                                     $   (191)

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

3.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 -- Continued

         (d) Reflects  the  adjustments  to  interest   expense  and  loan  cost
             amortization  based on the Merger and  Related  Financings  and the
             additional April 2005 financing described in Note 2:

<s> <c>
                                                                                                        Pro Forma
                                                                                                      Adjustment to
                                                                                      Estimated         Interest
                                                                                       Blended        Expense/Loan
                                                                      Balance           Rate        Cost Amortization
                                                                     ----------       ---------     -----------------
Estimated interest on New Net Lease Securitization due
    2012......................................................     $    275,000         5.06%        $      3,479
Estimated interest on new term loan B due 2010................          175,000         4.86%               2,126
Estimated interest on senior notes due 2015...................          250,000         7.50%               4,688
Elimination of interest expense on USRP term loan due
    2008......................................................          (35,000)          --                 (341)
Elimination of interest expense on CNLRP secured
    subordinated note due 2008................................          (21,875)          --                 (383)
Elimination of interest expense on CNLRP loan due to
    related parties...........................................          (33,860)          --                 (543)
Elimination of interest expense on USRP senior notes
    due 2005..................................................         (111,000)          --               (1,323)
Elimination of interest expense on USRP Hawaii facility
    due 2011..................................................          (11,364)          --                  (89)
Unused commitment fee on new revolving credit facility
    due 2008..................................................               --           --                   59
Estimated loan cost amortization..............................               --           --                1,092
Reversal of historical interest expense on bridge
    financing for New Net Lease Securitization due 2012.......               --           --                 (961)
Reversal of historical interest expense on bridge
    financing on new term loan B due 2010.....................               --           --                 (472)
Reversal of historical interest on bridge financing on
    senior notes due 2015.....................................               --           --                 (469)
Reversal of historical loan cost amortization ................
                                                                             --           --                 (621)
                                                                                                      $     6,242

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

3.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 -- Continued

         In the event the interest  rate changes by  one-eighth  of one percent,
the pro forma adjustment for interest expense would change as follows:

<s> <c>
                                                                                      Interest         Impact on
                                                                                        Rate           Interest
                                                                      Balance         Increase          Expense
                                                                   -----------        ---------       -----------
New term loan B due 2010......................................   $    175,000            0.125%         $   55

         (e) The following summarizes the estimated  adjustments to depreciation
             of real estate assets and amortization of identifiable  intangibles
             using the straight-line method relating to the mergers:

<s> <c>
           Increase in basis:                                                     Total

           Buildings.........................................................   $ 146,354
           Leases in place...................................................      15,675
           Tenant relationships..............................................       9,539
                                                                                $ 171,568

           Estimated Increase in Depreciation and Amortization Expense:
               Buildings (30 years)..........................................   $     813
               Leases in place and tenant relationships (1)..................         644
           Estimated adjustment..............................................   $   1,457

                  (1) Amortized over the life of each individual lease. The
                      acquired leases have remaining lives ranging from two
                      months to 20 years.

         (f) Represents  additional  dividends  relating  to Series C  preferred
             stock issued in connection with the mergers and the reversal of the
             dividends  relating to the  redemption  of all of the USRP Series B
             Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock. No proforma adjustment was
             made for the  Preferred  Stock  (Series A) because  the  historical
             numbers reflect the dividends for the quarter.

<s> <c>
           Preferred stock (Series C):
                7,244 shares at $1.875 per share............................... $    2,263
           Preferred stock (Series B)..........................................       (333)
                                                                                $    1,930

         (g) Reflects  conversion  of  historical  basic  and  diluted  weighted
             average shares  outstanding to pro forma basic and diluted weighted
             average shares outstanding as follows:

<s> <c>

          Trustreet historical shares.....................................      22,636
          CNLRP shares at converted rate..................................      35,032
                   Pro forma shares.......................................      57,668

         The impact of any common stock equivalents was anti-dilutive.

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

4.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2004

         The following  describes the pro forma adjustments to the unaudited pro
forma condensed consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December
31, 2004, as if the Transactions were consummated as of January 1, 2004.

         (a) Represents   rental   income   adjustments   resulting   from   the
             straight-lining  of scheduled  rent increases as if the real estate
             had been  acquired on January 1, 2004 and the  amortization  of the
             intangible  assets  relating to above  market  leases of 47,638 and
             liabilities  relating  to  below  market  leases  of  32,501  on  a
             straight-line basis over the remaining lease terms which range from
             4 to 12 years:

<s> <c>
           Accrued rental income...............................................  $  2,879
           Net amortization of above/below market leases.......................       753
                                                                                 $  3,632

         (b) Represents  the  elimination  of the  following  intercompany  fees
             between CNLRP and the Income Funds.

           Other income:
               Reimbursement of administrative cost............................  $   (861)
               Management fees.................................................      (275)
                                                                                 $ (1,136)

         (c) Represents the  elimination of  intercompany  expenses  between the
             Income  Funds and  CNLRP.  No pro forma  adjustments  were made for
             anticipated  savings  from  operating  as one  company  such as the
             elimination of separate regulatory filings or for reductions in the
             cost of  investor  relations,  administrative  costs  or  executive

<s> <c>
           General and administrative:
               Reimbursement of administrative cost............................  $   (861)
               Management fees.................................................      (275)
                                                                                 $ (1,136)

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

4.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2004--Continued

         (d) Reflects  the  adjustments  to  interest   expense  and  loan  cost
             amortization  based on the Merger and  Related  Financings  and the
             additional April 2005 financing described in Note 2:

<s> <c>
                                                                                                        Pro Forma
                                                                                                      Adjustment to
                                                                                      Estimated         Interest
                                                                                       Blended        Expense/Loan
                                                                      Balance           Rate        Cost Amortization
                                                                     ----------       ----------    ------------------
Estimated interest on New Net Lease Securitization due
    2012......................................................     $    275,000         5.06%        $     13,915
Estimated interest on new term loan B due 2010................          175,000         4.86%               8,505
Estimated interest on senior notes due 2015...................          250,000         7.50%              18,750
Elimination of interest expense on USRP term loan due
    2008......................................................          (35,000)          --               (2,048)
Elimination of interest expense on CNLRP secured
    subordinated note due 2008................................          (21,875)          --               (2,168)
Elimination of interest expense on CNLRP loan due to
    related parties...........................................          (33,860)          --               (1,465)
Elimination of interest expense on USRP senior notes
    due 2005..................................................         (111,000)          --               (7,937)
Elimination of interest expense on USRP Hawaii facility
    due 2011..................................................          (11,364)          --                 (534)
Unused commitment fee on new revolving credit facility
    due 2008..................................................               --           --                  238
Estimated loan cost amortization..............................               --           --                5,575
Reversal of historical loan cost amortization ................               --           --               (2,482)
                                                                                                     $     30,349

         In the event the interest rate changes by one-eighth of one percent,
         the pro forma adjustment for interest expense would change as follows:

<s> <c>
                                                                                      Interest         Impact on
                                                                                        Rate           Interest
                                                                      Balance         Increase          Expense
                                                                     ----------       --------         ---------
New term loan B due 2010......................................       $  175,000        0.125%          $   219

                           Trustreet Properties, Inc.
    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Information
                      (in thousands except per share data)

4.       Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed  Consolidated Statement of
         Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 -- Continued

         (e) The following summarizes the estimated  adjustments to depreciation
             of real estate assets and amortization of identifiable  intangibles
             using the straight-line method relating to the mergers:

<s> <c>
           Increase in basis:                                                         Total
           Buildings.........................................................       $ 146,356
           Leases in place...................................................          15,675
           Tenant relationships..............................................           9,539
                                                                                    $ 171,570

           Estimated Increase in Depreciation and Amortization Expense:
               Buildings (30 years)..........................................       $  4,878
               Leases in place and tenant relationships (1)..................          5,628
           Estimated adjustment...........................................          $ 10,506

                  (1) Amortized over the life of each individual lease. The
                      acquired leases have remaining lives ranging from two
                      months to 20 years.

         (f) Represents  additional  dividends relating to Series A and Series C
             preferred  stock  issued in  connection  with the  mergers  and the
             reversal of the  dividends  relating to the  redemption  of all the
             USRP Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock.

<s> <c>
           Preferred stock (Series A):
                3,750 shares at $1.93 per share................................    $   7,237
           Preferred stock (Series C):
                7,244 shares at $1.875 per share...............................       13,583
           Preferred stock (Series B)..........................................       (2,082)
                                                                                    $ 18,738

         (g) Reflects  the  reclassification  of the  results of the USRP retail
             operations to discontinued  operations as a result of entering into
             a contract in February 2005 to sell these operations.

         (h) Reflects  conversion  of  historical  basic  and  diluted  weighted
             average shares  outstanding to pro forma basic and diluted weighted
             average shares outstanding as follows:

<s> <c>

          USRP historical shares..........................................      20,557
          Pro forma common shares issued to CNLRP.........................      35,032
                   Pro forma shares.......................................      55,589

         The impact of any common stock equivalents was anti-dilutive.


         The following table sets forth selected consolidated financial data of

<s> <c>
                                    Three Months Ended
                                         March 31,                            Year Ended December 31,
                                   ----------------------     ------------------------------------------------------
                                     2005       2004 (3)      2004 (3)   2003 (3)    2002 (3)    2001 (3)   2000 (3)
                                   -------      --------      --------   --------    --------    --------   --------
                                                                              (dollars in thousands)
Statement of Operations Data:
     Sale of real estate.........  $   --      $    --        $     --     $   --      $ 209,498   $ 128,480   $   --
     Rental income from
       operating leases..........  23,474        14,427         57,728     60,161         66,440      72,759   60,141
     Earned income from
       direct financing
       leases ...................   2,762         2,575         10,221     10,687         11,629      12,078   12,847
     Interest income
       from mortgage,
       equipment and
       other notes
       receivables...............   6,281         6,653         26,394     29,807         34,552      40,831   21,438
     Investment and
       interest income ..........     546         1,191          3,770      4,586          5,347       5,845    8,240
     Net decrease in
       value of mortgage
       loans held for
       sale, net of
       related hedge ............      --            --             --     (1,853)        (5,368)     (5,070)  (6,855)
     Gain on sale of
       mortgage loans ...........      --            --             --         --             --       4,120       --
     Other income................   1,061         1,356          7,107      9,610         12,308      13,256    8,908
                                    -------     ---------     ---------  --------       --------    --------  -------
       Total revenues...........   34,124        26,202        105,220    112,998        334,406     272,299  104,719

     Cost of real estate
       sold ....................       --            --             --         --        193,179     118,372       --
     General operating
       and administrative ......   10,963         6,299         27,346     25,208         28,433      29,592   26,083
     Interest expense ..........   16,891        11,829         47,999     50,576         58,401      67,892   46,806
     Property expenses..........    1,014            27            312        746          3,036       1,892    4,306
     State and other
       taxes ...................      183           108            337        212             88         931    1,184
     Depreciation and
       amortization ............    5,230         2,784         11,775     12,228         12,784      17,379   14,741
     Transaction costs ..... ...       --            --             --         --             --          --   10,315
     Loss on termination
       of cash flow
       hedges ..................       --           355           940         502             --       8,060    5,348
     Impairments and
       provisions on
       assets ..................       --           547         4,551      12,864          9,510      39,848    2,476
                                    ------      --------       -------    -------       --------     -------  -------
       Total expenses...........    34,281       21,949        93,260     102,336        305,431     283,966  111,259

Income (loss) from
     operations before
     minority interest
     in income of
     consolidated joint
     ventures, equity in
     earnings of
     joint ventures and
     gain/(loss) on sale
     of assets .................      (157)         4,253       11,960   10,662         28,975     (11,667)  (6,540)

Minority interest in
     income of
     consolidated joint
     ventures...................      (815)          (662)      (3,718)  (1,913)        (2,409)     (1,250)   1,024
Equity in earnings of
     joint ventures.............        30             34          105      108            101          98       98
Gain (loss) on sale of
     assets ....................        --              6          135     (157)          (347)     (1,138)    (790)
                                     ------         ------      -------  -------       --------    --------   ------
Income (loss) from
     operations ...............       (942)         3,631        8,482    8,700         26,320     (13,957)  (6,208)


         The following table sets forth selected consolidated  financial data of

<s> <c>
                                     Three Months Ended
                                          March 31,                             Year Ended December 31,
                                   ----------------------     ------------------------------------------------------
                                     2005       2004 (3)      2004 (3)   2003 (3)    2002 (3)    2001 (3)   2000 (3)
                                   -------      --------      --------   --------    --------    --------   --------
                                                                              (dollars in thousands)
Income (loss) from
     operations, net of
     income taxes...............      4,391        7,217       33,536     33,740        9,270       (6,654)   9,135
Cumulative effect of accounting
     change.....................         --           --           --         --           --       (3,841)      --
                                   ---------    --------      -------    -------      -------       -------   ------
     Net income (loss).......         3,449       10,848       42,018     42,440       35,590      (24,452)   2,927
Dividends on preferred stock....     (2,923)          --           --         --          --            --       --
                                   ---------    --------      -------    -------      -------      -------    ------
     Net income (loss) allocable
        to common stockholders..   $    526     $ 10,848      $42,018    $42,440      $35,590     $(24,452)  $2,927
                                   =========    ========      =======    =======      =======      ========   ======
Balance Sheet Data (at
     period end):
Cash and cash
     equivalents (1) ..........    $ 28,661     $22,323      $ 22,744   $ 36,955     $ 16,579     $ 21,924  $ 24,382
Total assets ..................   2,600,519   1,295,086     1,243,649  1,298,116    1,383,450    1,560,117 1,605,944
Total debt (2) ................   1,493,901     754,069       712,500    751,834      831,223      973,715   941,866
Total stockholders' equity ....     970,019     470,762       453,422    479,886      494,151      526,182   607,738

Other Financial Data:
Dividends declared on
     common stock .............   $  21,701   $  17,251      $ 69,002  $  69,002    $  67,991   $   66,466  $ 66,329

(1) Only  includes  unrestricted  cash.  Please  see  "Capitalization"  for  the
    definition of restricted cash.

(2) Total debt does not include principal and accrued interest balances of $35.8
    million,  $23.5 million and $4.25 million  outstanding at December 31, 2004,
    2003 and 2002, respectively, due to CNL Financial Group, Inc., an affiliate.
    No such amounts were outstanding at December 31, 2001 and 2000.

(3) These are the historical  operating results of CNLRP, who was treated as the
    acquirer for accounting purposes.