Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by Rule
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                                HSB Group, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     2)  Aggregate   number  of   securities  to  which   transaction   applies:


     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):


     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     5) Total fee paid:


[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:


     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3) Filing Party:


     4) Date Filed:


- ---------
- ---------

                                 HSB GROUP, INC.

                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING

March 16, 2000

To the Shareholders:

        Notice is hereby given that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of HSB
Group, Inc. will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2000, at 2:00 P.M., at the office
of the Company,  One State  Street,  Hartford,  Connecticut,  for the  following

        1. To elect three directors for three-year terms;

        2. To appoint independent public accountants for the ensuing year; and

        3. To transact any other business proper to come before the meeting.

        A Proxy  Statement to assist you in the  consideration  of the foregoing
matters is attached.

        The Board of Directors  has fixed  February  15,  2000,  at the close of
business,  as the record date and time for the determination of the shareholders
entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  and any  adjournment

        It is hoped that you will be able to attend this meeting. If you cannot,
please vote your shares by following  the  instructions  on the  enclosed  proxy

                                            By order of the Board of Directors.
                                            /s/ R. K. Price
                                            R. K. PRICE
                                            Corporate Secretary

HSB Group, Inc.
One State Street
P.O. Box 5024
Hartford, Connecticut  06102-5024

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


        The enclosed  proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of HSB Group,
Inc. for use at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held April 18, 2000,
and  at  any  and  all  adjournments  thereof.  The  Company  is  a  Connecticut
corporation  and its principal  office is located at One State Street,  P.O. Box
5024, Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5024, (860) 722-1866.

        You are urged to read this Proxy  Statement  and to fill in, date,  sign
and return the  enclosed  form of proxy as promptly as possible in the  envelope
provided or vote your shares by  telephone  or the  Internet  by  following  the
instructions for telephonic or Internet voting on your proxy card. The giving of
a proxy does not affect your right to vote should you attend the meeting and the
proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted.  Properly  executed proxies
that have not been revoked will be voted as specified.

        Arrangements  will be made with  brokers,  nominees and  fiduciaries  to
distribute  proxy material to their  principals,  and their postage and clerical
expenses in so doing will be paid by the Company.  The entire cost of soliciting
proxies  on  behalf  of  management  will be  borne by the  Company.  Directors,
officers and regular employees of the Company may solicit proxies  personally if
proxies are not received  promptly.  The Company has retained Corporate Investor
Communications, Inc. ("CIC") to aid in the solicitation of proxies. CIC's fee is
not expected to exceed $4,500 in addition to out-of-pocket expenditures.

        Only holders of Company  common stock of record at the close of business
on  February  15, 2000 are  entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the  meeting.
Each shareholder of record on said date is being mailed the Annual Report of the
Company for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1999 with the  Notice,  Proxy
Statement and Proxy card on or about March 16, 2000. On February 15, 2000, there
were 29,247,002 outstanding shares of Company common stock, each entitled to one

        Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  are  included in the total number of
shares  represented  for  matters  to be voted  upon at the  meeting  for quorum
purposes.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as either FOR or
AGAINST a nominee or matter and will have no effect upon the voting  results for
any of the proposals.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

        The  Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation  provide  that the number of
directors will be determined  from time to time by a resolution of a majority of
the Board of Directors. The directors are divided into three classes consisting,
as  nearly  as  possible,  of  one  third  of  the  total  number  of  directors
constituting  the entire Board.  Each class is elected for a three-year  term at
successive annual meetings.  At the Annual Meeting,  the number of directorships
will be nine.

        Three  directors  are to be elected  for terms of three  years and until
their  successors are elected and qualified.  Unless otherwise  instructed,  the
shares  represented by the enclosed proxy will be voted for William B. Ellis, E.
James Ferland and Henrietta  Holsman Fore. In the event any nominee is unable to
serve as a director on the date of the Annual Meeting,  the proxies may be voted
for a substitute nominee  recommended by the Board of Directors.  A plurality of
the votes cast by the shares  entitled to vote is required  for the  election of
each director.

     Mr. Ellis and Mr.  Ferland were elected to their  present terms at the 1997
Annual Meeting. Ms. Fore was appointed to the Board in July 1998.

        Stated  below  are the  names  and ages of the  nominees  and  directors
continuing in office, the principal  occupation of each during at least the last
five years, the date on which each individual was first elected as a director of
the Company, and other directorships and business and civic affiliations of such
persons.  The  information set forth on the following pages with respect to each
nominee's  and  director's   principal   occupation,   other  directorships  and
affiliations and beneficial ownership of Company common stock has been furnished
by the nominee or director.


For Three-Year Term Expiring in 2003

               William B. Ellis

               Mr. Ellis, 59, is Senior Fellow at the Yale University  School of
               Forestry and Environmental  Studies, a position he has held since
               1995.  In 1995,  he retired  from his position as Chairman of the
               Board of Northeast Utilities and its principal  subsidiaries,  as
  -----        well as from  Connecticut  Yankee  Atomic  Power  Company,  after
  PHOTO        serving as Chief  Executive  Officer of those companies from 1983
  -----        to  1993.  Mr.  Ellis  is  a  director  of  Advest  Group,  Inc.,
               Catalytica  Combustion Systems,  Inc.,  Massachusetts Mutual Life
               Insurance  Company and Metro Hartford Chamber of Commerce.  He is
               also a member of the Board of The  Smithsonian  Museum of Natural
               History,  a member  of the  Board  of the Pew  Center  on  Global
               Climate Change, and a member of the Conservation Science Advisory
               Board of The Nature Conservancy.

               Mr.  Ellis has served as a director  of the  Company  since April

               E. James Ferland

               Mr.  Ferland,  57, is  Chairman,  President  and Chief  Executive
               Officer  of Public  Service  Enterprise  Group  Incorporated  and
 -----         Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of its principal subsidiary,
 PHOTO         Public Service  Electric and Gas Company,  a position he has held
 -----         since  1986.   Mr.  Ferland  is  a  director  of  Foster  Wheeler
               Corporation,  the Nuclear Energy  Institute,  the  Association of
               Edison  Illuminating  Companies  and the  Committee  for Economic

               Mr.  Ferland  has  served  as a  director  of the  Company  since
               November 1986.


               Henrietta Holsman Fore

               Ms.  Fore,  51,  has  served  since  1993 as  Chairman  and Chief
               Executive  Officer of Holsman  International,  a  management  and
               investment  company.  She  is  also  Chairman  and  President  of
               Stockton  Products,  which manufactures and distributes steel and
 -----         wire products for the U.S. and European construction  industry, a
 PHOTO         position  she has held since  1993.  Ms.  Fore is a  director  of
 -----         Dexter   Corporation   and  trustee  of  National   Public  Radio
               Foundation,   Aspen  Institute,  The  Asia  Foundation  and  Asia
               Society.  She is a board member of The Institute of the Americas,
               the U.S. Committee - Pacific Economic  Cooperation  Council,  and
               the Advisory Board of the Hart Leadership  Program,  Institute of
               Public Policy,  Duke  University.  She is Senior Associate at the
               Center  for  Strategic  and   International   Studies  (CSIS)  in
               Washington D.C.

               Ms. Fore has served as a director of the Company since July 1998.


Term Expiring in 2001

               Richard H. Booth

               Mr. Booth, 52, is Chairman,  President,  Chief Executive  Officer
               and a director of the Company. He was elected President and Chief
               Executive  Officer in January 2000 and Chairman in March 2000. He
               had served from 1994 through 1999 as Executive  Vice President of
               Phoenix  Home Life Mutual  Insurance  Company,  and as a director
  -----        since 1998.  Prior to joining  Phoenix,  Mr. Booth was president,
  PHOTO        chief   operating   officer  and  a  director  of  The  Travelers
  -----        Corporation  from 1991 through 1994. Mr. Booth is President and a
               director of The Hartford  Steam Boiler  Inspection  and Insurance
               Company,  a  director  of The  Boiler  Inspection  and  Insurance
               Company  of  Canada  and  HSB  Engineering   Insurance   Limited,
               affiliates  of the  Company.  He is also a  director  of  CuraGen
               Corporation,  Chairman of the United Arts  Campaign  2000 for the
               Greater  Hartford Arts Council,  a member of the Board of Fellows
               of Trinity College and an executive committee member of the World
               Affairs Council.

               Mr.  Booth has served as a  director  of the  Company  since July

               Colin G. Campbell

               Mr.  Campbell,  64, is President of Rockefeller  Brothers Fund, a
               position  he has held since 1988.  Mr.  Campbell is a director of
 -----         Pitney Bowes, SYSCO Corporation,  Rockefeller  Financial Services
 PHOTO         and  HSB  Engineering  Insurance  Limited,  an  affiliate  of the
 -----         Company. He is Chairman of the Colonial  Williamsburg  Foundation
               and of Public Broadcasting Services (PBS).

               Mr.  Campbell  has  served as a  director  of the  Company  since
               September 1983.


               Simon W. Leathes

               Mr. Leathes, 52, is Chief Executive Officer,  Shared Services, of
               Lend  Lease   Corporation,   an  international  real  estate  and
               financial  services company, a position he has held since January
               2000,  following the  acquisition of Bovis Limited by Lend Lease.
- -----          He had served as Group  Finance  Director of Bovis  Limited  from
PHOTO          June 1999 through  January 2000.  He was appointed  Group Finance
- -----          Director  of  Hambros  PLC in  1996  and  also  served  as  Chief
               Executive  Officer of Hambros from 1997 through 1998. Mr. Leathes
               was with S.G.  Warburg  Group PLC from 1980 to 1995,  serving  as
               Group  Finance  Director  from  1992 to 1995.  Mr.  Leathes  is a
               director of HSB Engineering  Insurance  Limited,  an affiliate of
               the Company.

               Mr.  Leathes  has  served  as a  director  of the  Company  since
               February 1997.

Term Expiring in 2002

               Joel B. Alvord

               Mr.  Alvord,  61, has been  President  and  Managing  Director of
               Shawmut  Capital  Management,  Inc.  since 1997.  Mr. Alvord also
               serves as Chairman of the  Executive  Committee and a Director of
               Fleet  Boston  Financial  Group.  He  became  Chairman  and Chief
- -----          Executive Officer of Shawmut National Corporation in 1988 and was
PHOTO          elected  to  Chairman  of Fleet in 1995  following  the merger of
- -----          Shawmut  National  Corporation  with  Fleet  Financial  Group,  a
               position  he held until  1997.  Mr.  Alvord is a director of CUNO
               Incorporated,   the  Harvard  Eating  Disorders  Center  and  the
               American  Repertory Theater, a trustee of The Wang Center for the
               Performing  Arts,  Boston,  and an overseer of the Museum of Fine
               Arts, Boston and The Boston Symphony Orchestra.

               Mr. Alvord has served as a director of the Company since December

               Richard G. Dooley

               Mr.  Dooley,  70, has  served as a  consultant  to  Massachusetts
               Mutual Life  Insurance  Company  since 1993.  Mr.  Dooley  joined
               Massachusetts Mutual in 1955 and served in a variety of positions
- -----          before being named Executive Vice President and Chief  Investment
PHOTO          Officer in 1978, a position he held until his retirement in 1993.
- -----          Mr. Dooley is a director of Advest Group, Inc.,  Jefferies Group,
               Inc.,    Kimco   Realty   Corp.    and   certain    Massachusetts
               Mutual-sponsored  investment companies.  He is a trustee of Saint
               Anselm College.

               Mr.  Dooley  has served as a director  of the  Company  since May

               Lois D. Rice

               Mrs. Rice, 67, is a Guest Scholar,  Program in Economic  Studies,
               at the  Brookings  Institution,  a  position  she has held  since
               October 1991.  Mrs. Rice is a director of McGraw-Hill  Companies,
- -----          International  Multifoods,  and  UNUM/Provident  Corp.  She  is a
PHOTO          trustee  of the  Center for Naval  Analysis,  the  Public  Agenda
- -----          Foundation,  Reading  is  Fundamental  and a life  trustee of the
               Urban Institute.  She is also co-chair of the Board of Management
               Leadership for Tomorrow. Mrs. Rice also serves as a member of the
               President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

               Mrs.  Rice has served as a director  of the  Company  since April


Meetings and Remuneration of the Directors

        During 1999,  the Board of Directors  held nine  meetings and thirty two
committee  meetings.  Each director attended at least 75% of the meetings of the
Board and committees on which he or she served combined.

        The Governance  Committee of the Board of Directors has adopted a formal
policy for the  compensation  of  directors  in order to further  link  director
compensation  with the  long-term  interests of  shareholders.  According to the
policy,  director  compensation  should:  a) enable the  Company to attract  and
retain  the  talent  needed  to  fulfill  the  responsibilities  of the Board of
Directors in a superior and independent  fashion;  b) align the interests of the
directors with the long-term interests of shareholders  through stock ownership;
c)  compensate  directors  for their time,  efforts  and  capacity to assist the
Company in the  achievement of its long-term  goals;  and d) be validated in its
efficacy through review by an independent compensation consultant.

     The  annual  retainer  for each  non-employee  director  of the  Company is
$17,500.  Each non-employee director is paid a fee of $1,200 for attendance at a
Board or a committee  meeting and an additional $350 for each committee  meeting
chaired.  Directors who are employees of the Company do not receive compensation
for service on the Board or its  committees  and are not eligible to participate
in the plans described below for non-employee directors.  Non-employee directors
are not  eligible  to  participate  in any of the plans  discussed  in the Human
Resources  Committee  Report  on  Executive   Compensation.   Directors  may  be
reimbursed  for  reasonable  travel  expenses  incurred in  attending  Board and
committee meetings.

        Each  non-employee  director  received an award of 825 "deferred shares"
under the Directors Stock and Deferred  Compensation Plan (the "Directors Plan")
for the 1999 plan year,  prorated for partial year's service,  if applicable.  A
deferred  share is defined in the plan as the right to receive  the fair  market
value of a share of Company common stock.

        Under the  Directors  Plan, a director may elect to defer payment of all
or a portion of his or her cash compensation  (annual retainer and meeting fees)
to a future date specified by the director.  A participating  director may elect
to have amounts held in his or her deferred  account (i) credited  annually with
interest  (accrued at a fixed rate of 8.5% on the average  daily balance held in
such  accounts for the preceding  plan year);  or (ii)  converted  into deferred
shares  equal to the amount of deferred  cash  compensation  divided by the fair
market  value  of  Company  common  stock on the date  such  compensation  would
otherwise have been paid.

         Deferred share and cash account  balances held under the Directors Plan
are  paid  out in the  form  of  shares  of  Company  common  stock,  and  cash,
respectively,  and may be paid out either in a lump sum or in  installments,  at
the  director's  election,  upon the  director's  termination  of board service.
Dividend  equivalents,  in an amount equal to the amount of dividends that would
have been payable had each deferred share  credited to a director  constituted a
share of Company common stock,  are payable in cash or converted into additional
deferred shares following the end of the plan year.

        The Board of Directors has  established a Charitable  Endowment  Program
for members of the Board of Directors who have at least one year of service as a
director.  A portion of the program is currently  funded by life insurance.  The
Company intends to make tax deductible charitable contributions of $1 million to
charities  recommended  by each  director,  paid out over a period  of ten years
following the death of the director.  Directors derive no financial benefit from
the program since any insurance proceeds and charitable deductions accrue solely
to the Company.

        The Company's Board of Directors  annually appoints certain directors to
serve on standing committees of the Board of Directors,  which currently consist
of the Audit, Human Resources, Governance, Finance and Executive Committees.

     The Audit Committee's primary responsibility is to review and report to the
Board on the Company's  accounting  policies,  the adequacy of its financial and
internal  auditing  controls,  and  the  reliability  of  financial  information
reported to the public.  The Committee has the authority to approve the scope of
the annual audit and to authorize  the release of annual  financial  statements.
The Audit Committee held four meetings during


1999. Mr. Ferland (Chairman),  Mr. Ellis, Mr. Leathes and Ms. Fore, none of whom
is an  employee  of the Company or a  subsidiary,  presently  serve on the Audit

     The  Human  Resources  Committee  reviews  remuneration  for the  Company's
executives  as described in the Human  Resources  Committee  Report on Executive
Compensation  located on page 8. The  Committee  reviews the  Company's  benefit
plans and  policies  and  practices  with  respect to  employee  relations.  The
Committee acts as Plan  Administrator  for the 1985 and 1995 Stock Option Plans,
the  Directors  Stock and Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  and the  Long-Term  and
Short-Term  Incentive Plans.  The Human Resources  Committee held three meetings
during 1999. Mr. Ellis (Chairman), Mr. Campbell, Ms. Fore and Mrs. Rice, none of
whom is an employee of the Company or a subsidiary, presently serve on the Human
Resources Committee.

        The Governance Committee reviews the organization and performance of the
Board of  Directors  and  reviews  and  recommends  director  compensation.  The
Committee  also reviews the  Company's  policies and  practices  with respect to
community  relations and recruits and nominates  candidates for Board membership
in  conjunction  with  the  Chief  Executive  Officer.  In  accordance  with the
Company's Bylaws,  any nomination by a shareholder must have been made by proper
written notice given to the Corporate Secretary not later than February 20, 2000
in order to be considered for the 2000 Annual Meeting.  The Governance Committee
held four meetings during 1999. Mr. Campbell (Chairman),  Mr. Alvord, Mr. Dooley
and Mrs. Rice presently serve on the Governance Committee.

     Other  committees of the Board of Directors  are the Finance  Committee and
the Executive  Committee.  The Finance  Committee reviews the investment plan of
the Company,  investor  relation  activities,  and other  matters  involving the
Company's financial resources. Mr. Dooley (Chairman), Mr. Alvord, Mr. Booth, Mr.
Ferland  and Mr.  Leathes  presently  serve  on the  Finance  Committee,  which,
including  any of its  subcommittees,  held  twenty-one  meetings  in 1999.  The
Executive  Committee  acts on behalf of the Board of  Directors  in the  interim
between meetings of the Board when prompt, formal action is necessary. Mr. Booth
(Chairman),  Mr. Alvord, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Ferland presently serve
on the Executive Committee, which did not meet in 1999.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

        The Company is unaware of any  shareholder who on March 10, 2000 was the
beneficial owner of 5 percent or more of Company common stock outstanding except
as noted in the following table.

                                                AMOUNT AND NATURE
CLASS             OF BENEFICIAL OWNER              OWNERSHIP           CLASS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common            Employers Reinsurance                (1)               (1)
Stock             Corporation
                  5200 Metcalf
                  Overland Park, Kansas

Common            Trimark Financial Corporation     2,014,650(2)         6.9%
Stock             One First Canadian Place
                  Suite 5600
                  P.O. Box 487
                  Toronto, Ontario  Canada

(1)  On December 31, 1997,  the Company and  Employers  Reinsurance  Corporation
     ("ERC")  entered  into a Purchase  Agreement  pursuant  to which a business
     trust  formed  by  the  Company   sold  $300  million  of  7%   convertible
     subordinated capital securities to ERC. The securities are convertible into
     the common stock of HSB Group, Inc. at $56.67 a share at any time,  subject
     to regulatory approval,  or approximately  5,294,118 shares of common stock
     of the Company,  which on a fully diluted basis would  constitute  15.3% of
     the Company's outstanding shares.  Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement,  ERC
     has agreed to vote any shares  acquired  upon  conversion  with  respect to
     certain  matters in accordance  with the  recommendations


     of the  Company's  Board of Directors,  or, in the event such  agreement is
     held  invalid or in  violation  of any law, in the same  proportion  as the
     Company's other holders of voting securities.

(2)  Information  provided  as of  12/31/99  by  Trimark  Financial  Corporation
     indicates  that  Trimark   Financial   Corporation   has  sole  voting  and
     dispositive power with respect to these shares.

        The number of shares of Company  common stock  beneficially  owned as of
March 10, 2000 by each nominee and director,  by each current  executive officer
who is named in the Summary  Compensation  Table, which in each case, other than
Mr. Downs, represents less than 1% of the Company common stock outstanding as of
such date, and by all current  directors and executive  officers as a group,  is
shown in the table below.  Assuming the  exercise of all  currently  exercisable
options,  Mr. Downs would  beneficially  own 1.2% of Company  common stock as of
March 10, 2000. For non-employee members of the Board of Directors participating
in the Directors Stock and Deferred  Compensation  Plan (and for Mr. Booth,  who
received  deferred  shares under the plan while a  non-employee  director),  the
number of shares  shown as held  directly  also  includes the number of deferred
shares credited to their accounts.  The Directors Plan is explained in detail on
page 5. Individuals are fully at risk as to the value of deferred shares held in
their deferred accounts, which will be converted to an equal number of shares of
Company common stock upon each director's termination of board service.

        Unless otherwise indicated,  each officer, nominee and director has sole
voting and  investment  power (or shares such powers with a family  member) with
respect to Company  common  stock shown as held  directly  (other than  deferred
shares, which cannot be voted). All shares shown as held indirectly reflect sole
voting  and  investment  power  exercised  by the  individual  specified  unless
otherwise indicated.

Beneficial Owner     Directly Held(1)    Indirectly Held      Total
- ----------------     ---------------     ---------------      ------
Joel B. Alvord         12,314                                 12,314
Saul L. Basch         238,090(2)                             238,090
Richard H. Booth       85,467                 500(3)          85,967
Colin G. Campbell       7,209               2,151(4)           9,360
Richard G. Dooley      25,176                                 25,176
Michael L. Downs      363,310(5)                             363,310
William B. Ellis        8,518                                  8,518
E. James Ferland        9,422               3,000(3)          12,422
Henrietta H. Fore       7,543                                  7,543
John J. Kelley        222,271(6)            1,600(3)         223,871
Simon W. Leathes        3,494                                  3,494
Lois D. Rice            9,690                 300(7)           9,990
Robert C. Walker      251,852(8)                             251,852

All Current Directors and Executive Officers
as a Group (seventeen in number): 2,012,697 (9)

(1)Includes   deferred   shares  held  in  the  Directors   Stock  and  Deferred
     Compensation  Plan for the following  directors:  Mr.  Alvord,  9,800;  Mr.
     Booth,  2,406; Mr. Campbell,  6,081; Mr. Dooley,  14,990; Mr. Ellis, 7,018;
     Mr. Ferland,  7,922; Ms. Fore,  2,543;  Mr. Leathes,  2,519; and Mrs. Rice,
(2)  Includes  210,000 shares  subject to options to purchase  shares of Company
     common stock that are exercisable on or before May 10, 2000.
(3)  Shares held by spouse.
(4)  600 shares held in trusts for benefit of children  over which Mr.  Campbell
     exercises shared voting and investment power. 1,551 held by spouse.
(5)  Includes  307,500 shares  subject to options to purchase  shares of Company
     common stock that are exercisable on or before May 10, 2000.
(6)  Includes  194,250 shares  subject to options to purchase  shares of Company
     common stock that are exercisable on or before May 10, 2000.
(7)  As trustee.


(8)Includes  225,000  shares  subject to options to  purchase  shares of Company
     common stock that are exercisable on or before May 10, 2000.
(9)Includes  1,628,250  shares subject to options to purchase  shares of Company
     common  stock that are  exercisable  on or before  May 10,  2000 and 61,841
     deferred  shares held under the Directors  Stock and Deferred  Compensation
     Plan.  Assuming  the  exercise of all such  options and the issuance of all
     such  deferred  shares,  the  percentage  of Company  common stock owned by
     directors  and  executive  officers as a group would be 5.5% of the Company
     common stock outstanding.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

        Ownership of and transactions in Company stock by executive officers and
directors  of the Company are  required  to be  reported to the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934.  To the  Company's  knowledge,  based  solely on a review of the copies of
reports that were furnished to the Company and written  representations  that no
other reports were required,  all required  reports were made in a timely manner
with  respect to the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1999.  In 1999,  Normand
Mercier,  Senior Vice  President of the Company,  discovered  that 18 shares had
been  inadvertently  omitted  from his  initial  report  to the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission in 1998 and this omission has now been corrected.


        Executive compensation programs for the Senior Vice Presidents and Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company (the  "executives")  are  administered  by the
Human  Resources  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  (the  "Committee").  A
nationally recognized compensation consultant reviews and analyzes the Company's
executive  compensation  policies and practices in order to advise the Committee
as more fully described below. The Committee  believes that the structure of the
Company's   compensation   programs  provides  a  direct  link  between  Company
performance and executive compensation.

        Under the direction of the Committee,  executive  compensation  programs
are structured to provide performance-based  incentives to achieve the Company's
short and long-term  goals,  and to enable the Company to attract and retain key
individuals.  For 1999, the Committee determined competitive compensation levels
and  practices by reference to two  comparator  groups.  The primary  comparator
group consisted of twelve property/casualty insurance companies (including three
of the eight  insurance  companies  in the S&P 500  Property/Casualty  Insurance
Index  used in the  Performance  Graph  located  on page 17)  determined  by the
Committee to be  representative  of the executive labor markets within which the
Company competes. The Committee also reviewed the compensation practices and mix
of  compensation  components  of the top  companies  on  Fortune's  list of most
admired  companies (none of which are included in the S&P 500  Property/Casualty
Insurance  Index).   Compensation   practices   analyzed  included  the  mix  of
compensation  components,  actual and targeted  stock  ownership  levels and the
design of short and long-term incentives.

        Base salary and variable compensation paid under the Company's incentive
plans (Short-Term and Long-Term  Incentive Plans and the 1995 Stock Option Plan)
for 1999 to executives as a group,  and for Mr. Kreh  individually,  were at the
median paid to  executives  by the  companies  in the primary  comparator  group
according to information compiled by the Company's compensation consultant.

        Base salary  adjustments are made for executives  based upon an analysis
of individual performance, changes in responsibilities, and comparative data for
base salaries paid to executives  with similar  responsibilities  in the primary
comparator  group.  Annual salary  adjustments for executives are recommended by
the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the Human Resources Committee in its
discretion. The Committee determines adjustments for the Chief Executive Officer
in its discretion.  For 1999, base salary  adjustments for executives other than
Mr.  Kreh were made for  competitive  reasons  based upon  comparisons  with the
primary  comparator group. Mr. Kreh received a 3.6% base salary increase in 1999
based on the Committee's analysis of the comparative data for base salaries paid
to executives with similar responsibilities in the primary comparator group.


        The Company's  Short-Term  Incentive Plan provides for annual  incentive
awards to officers  of the  Company,  including  the  executives,  and any other
employees  designated by the Committee,  based upon the Company's  attainment of
certain  results.  Under the plan, at the beginning of each year,  the Committee
establishes  target awards based on the Company achieving a certain level of Net
Income Per Share ("formula  awards").  Net income is defined as after-tax income
per share,  consolidating all subsidiaries,  inclusive of realized capital gains
and losses.  The Committee  has the  authority to exercise  discretion to reduce
(but not  increase)  the final  amount of any formula  awards to the  executives
based on criteria such as individual  and Company  performance.  Formula  awards
made to covered  employees  are  designed  to meet the  requirements  of Section
162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code regarding performance-based compensation and
will therefore be deductible by the Company.  The Committee also has the ability
to make  discretionary  non-formula  awards to participants  under the plan that
will not meet Section  162(m)  requirements,  in order for the Board to preserve
flexibility  to  reward   individuals   for   extraordinary   achievements   not
contemplated  at the time a schedule was  established  for formula  awards.  The
maximum formula award payable under the plan to a participant for a plan year is
$2  million.  Payment of awards  may be made in the form of stock  (which may be
restricted), stock units or cash.

        Awards made to executives under the plan for 1999,  including Mr. Kreh's
award  of  $145,000,  were  calculated  under  the  formula  established  by the
Committee  based on net  income per share  achieved  for 1999.  Some  individual
awards  were  reduced by the  Committee  based on an  assessment  of  individual
contributions to 1999 results.

        Long-term  incentives  are provided to  executives  through  awards made
under the Company's  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan.  Under the plan,  the Committee
establishes specific Performance Goals for each participant (or all participants
as a group) at the beginning of each Performance  Period based on one or more of
the following Performance Measures: insurance combined ratio; expense ratio; net
income per share; return on equity; total shareholder return;  return on assets;
revenues;   operating  margin;   increase  in  book  value;  and  market  share.
Performance  Periods are defined as periods of three consecutive years beginning
each  January 1 or such other  period as the  Committee  may  specify.  For each
Performance  Goal,  an  award  schedule  of  Performance   Contingent  Units  is
established for minimum,  target and maximum attainment of such goal, based on a
percentage  of a  participant's  base salary rate at the beginning of the period
(adjusted for any promotional  increases during the Performance  Period) divided
by the average of the high and low trading prices of Company common stock on the
first trading date of the Performance Period.

        The  actual  Performance  Contingent  Award to be paid to a  participant
under the schedule  described above at the conclusion of the Performance  Period
is based on the level of attainment of the  Performance  Goals  established  for
such period.  If the minimum level of  achievement is not reached for any of the
Performance Goals, no Performance  Contingent Award is payable. In addition, the
value  of any  awards  made  at the  end of the  Performance  Period  will  vary
depending on whether the value of Company  common  stock  increases or decreases
during the Performance  Period. The maximum amount payable to a participant with
respect  to a  Performance  Contingent  Award  for a  Performance  Period  is $2

        Performance  Contingent Awards are prorated for actual length of service
as an eligible executive during the Performance Period. Any payments are made in
cash or in shares of Company common stock (which may be restricted  shares),  as
determined  by the  Committee.  At the  discretion  of the  Committee,  dividend
equivalents  may be paid in conjunction  with award payouts made under the plan,
equal to the  amount of cash  dividends  that  would  have been paid  during the
Performance  Period with respect to an award of Performance  Contingent Units if
the award had been made in Company common stock.  Performance  Contingent Awards
made  pursuant  to the  schedule  described  above  are  designed  to  meet  the
requirements   of  Section  162(m)  of  the  Internal   Revenue  Code  regarding
performance-based  compensation.  The  Committee  also has the  ability  to make
discretionary  awards to  participants  under  the plan that do not meet  162(m)
requirements,  as the Board has  determined  that it is in the best interests of
the  Company to  preserve  flexibility  to reward  executives  for  achievements
related to  extraordinary  events not  contemplated  at the time the schedule is
established for Performance Contingent Awards.


        For the  Performance  Period ending in 1999,  the Committee  established
specific  Performance Goals at the beginning of the Performance  Period based on
the following  Performance  Measures:  net income per share,  insurance combined
ratio and return on equity.  For each  Performance  Goal,  an award  schedule of
Performance  Contingent  Units was established  for minimum,  target and maximum
attainment of such goals, based on a percentage of the participant's base salary
rate at the  beginning of the period  (adjusted  for any  promotional  increases
during the period), divided by the average of the high and low trading prices of
Company  common  stock  on the  first  day of the  Performance  Period.  For the
Performance Period ending in 1999, net income per share was at the minimum level
and the targets for insurance combined ratio and return on equity were exceeded.
Awards made to executives  under the plan for the  Performance  Period ending in
1999,  including Mr. Kreh's award of $577,352,  were calculated  under the award
schedule established by the Committee based on these results.

        Shares of restricted  stock awarded to executives as described above and
shown in the Summary  Compensation  Table cannot be sold or transferred and will
be forfeited if the executive  leaves the Company  within a period of five years
for reasons other than death,  disability,  retirement,  involuntary termination
other than for cause,  or  resignation  with the consent of the Human  Resources
Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company.

        During  1999,  executive  officers  were  eligible  for awards under the
Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan. Plan awards provide  executives with long-term
incentives and serve to further align executives' long-term interests with those
of  shareholders.  Stock  options  are  awarded  based upon the market  price of
Company  common  stock on the date of the grant and  provide a vehicle to reward
executives  only if the price of Company common stock  increases above the grant

        Awards  to be  made  to  specific  participants  are  determined  by the
Committee in its  discretion.  The  Company's  outside  compensation  consultant
reviews  each  executive's  award in  comparison  to awards made to  individuals
employed by companies in the primary comparator group and makes  recommendations
as to whether the awards made to Company executives should be adjusted.  Several
factors  were  considered  in  determining  the size of stock  option  grants to
executive officers in 1999, including  competitive practices at companies in the
primary comparator group, the Committee's  perception of the recipient's ability
to  affect  the  results  of the  Company  over  time and  individual  levels of
responsibility. Awards made to executives in 1999, including Mr. Kreh's award of
150,000 stock options,  were determined by the Committee in its discretion based
on its evaluation of these criteria.

        The Committee and management  have also agreed to the  establishment  of
stock   ownership   guidelines   for   executives.   Shares  owned  directly  or
beneficially,  restricted  shares and shares held in the  Company's  401(k) plan
account are counted for  purposes of the  guidelines,  while  unexercised  stock
options are not. The ownership goal for the Chief  Executive  Officer is 45,000.
Both Mr. Kreh,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer until December 31, 1999,
and Mr.  Booth,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer since January 1, 2000,
achieved this goal.  The goal for other  executives is ownership of 9,000 shares
within five years of their  becoming  executives of the Company.  All executives
subject to this goal have achieved it.

        Under  Section  162(m)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code,  publicly  held
corporations  may not deduct  certain  types of  compensation  paid to the Chief
Executive Officer and the next four most highly  compensated  individuals to the
extent such compensation  exceeds $1 million.  Certain types of compensation are
excluded from this limitation,  including  performance-based  compensation  paid
under  plans that are  approved  by  shareholders  and  administered  by outside

        Compensation  derived  from the  exercise  of stock  options  under  the
Company's plans and awards made pursuant to objective formulas under the current
provisions of the Long-Term and Short-Term  Incentive  Plans are exempt from the
limit on the corporate tax  deduction.  The Long-Term and  Short-Term  Incentive
Plans both provide the Committee with the ability to make  discretionary  awards
which may not be deductible  under Section  162(m),  as the Board has determined
that it is in the best interests of the Company to retain


some flexibility for extraordinary  situations.  Compensation paid to executives
during 1999 was fully deductible.

     Respectfully  submitted  by the Human  Resources  Committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company

William B. Ellis (Chairman)
Colin G. Campbell
Henrietta H. Fore
Lois D. Rice


                      SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

        The  following  table  sets forth  cash  compensation  for the five most
highly  compensated  executive  officers  of the  Company  serving as  executive
officers on December 31, 1999 for  services  rendered in all  capacities  to the
Company and its subsidiaries during the last three fiscal years.

                                            Annual Compensation       Long-Term Compensation
                                            -------------------         Awards         Payouts
                                                                      Restricted     Underlying   All Other
                                                                        Stock          Options      Compen-
Name and Principal Position       Year       Salary       Bonus        Award(s)(1)    (Number      sation(2)
                                                                                     of shares)

Gordon W. Kreh, Chairman,         1999      $725,000     $145,000     $  577,352      150,000      $ 5,000
 President and Chief              1998      $710,385     $630,000     $1,244,339      150,000      $ 5,000
 Executive Officer as of          1997      $568,654     $700,000     $  186,817      112,500      $ 4,750
 December 31, 1999

Saul L. Basch, Senior             1999      $415,000     $ 80,000     $  235,692       67,500      $ 5,000
 Vice President, Treasurer        1998      $400,000     $240,000     $  428,014       52,500      $ 5,000
 and Chief Financial Officer      1997      $325,962     $330,000     $   62,272       30,000      $ 4,750

Michael L. Downs                  1999      $415,000     $ 75,000     $  235,692       67,500      $ 5,000
 Senior Vice President            1998      $400,000     $160,000     $  608,373       67,500      $ 5,000
                                  1997      $325,962     $330,000     $   74,762       45,000      $ 4,750

John J. Kelley                    1999      $415,000     $ 80,000     $  235,692       67,500      $     0
 Senior Vice President            1998      $400,000     $240,000     $  435,314       67,500      $ 5,000
                                  1997      $325,962     $310,000     $   76,098       45,000      $ 2,553

Robert C. Walker, Senior          1999      $370,000     $ 81,000     $  212,118       52,500      $ 5,000
 Vice President and               1998      $360,000     $215,000     $  392,134       52,500      $ 5,000
 General Counsel                  1997      $283,039     $230,000     $   69,185       30,000      $ 4,750

(1) For 1999,  represents  Long-Term Incentive Plan awards paid out in shares of
Restricted Stock for the Performance Period ending in 1999. All such shares have
a five-year  vesting  period as explained in more detail in the Human  Resources
Committee  Report on  Executive  Compensation  located  on page 8. (The value of
restricted  stock shown in this column is calculated by multiplying  the closing
price of Company common stock on the date the restricted  shares were granted by
the number of shares  awarded.  Recipients are entitled to receive  dividends on
restricted stock to the extent paid on Company common stock generally. The total
number of  restricted  shares held on  12/31/99  by each of the named  executive
officers, and the aggregate value of such shares, calculated by multiplying them
by the closing  price of Company  common  stock on such date is as follows:  Mr.
Kreh,  42,820 shares,  $1,447,851  aggregate  value;  Mr. Basch,  13,916 shares,
$470,535  aggregate value; Mr. Downs,  19,721 shares,  $666,816 aggregate value;
Mr. Kelley,  15,350 shares,  $519,022  aggregate value;  and Mr. Walker,  13,773
shares,  $465,700 aggregate value.  Additional  information concerning Long-Term
Incentive Plan awards is located in the table on page 14.

(2)  For  1999,  reflects  Company  contributions  under  the  Company's  Thrift
Incentive Plan.



The  following  tables  show  information  with  respect  to stock  options  and
potential  awards  under  the  Company's   Long-Term   Incentive  Plan  for  the
individuals named in the Summary Compensation Table.

                            Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year (ended 12/31/99)

                                         Individual Grants
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Percent of
                           Number of      Total
                           Securities     Options
                           Underlying     Granted to      Exercise
                           Options        Employees       or Base        Expira-
Name                       Granted        in Fiscal       Price          tion          Grant Date
                             (1)          Year            ($/Share)      Date        Present Value (2)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gordon W. Kreh            150,000          14.34%         $36.31         2/21/2009      $920,400

Saul L. Basch              67,500           6.45%         $37.06         1/24/2009      $400,950

Michael L. Downs           67,500           6.45%         $37.06         1/24/2009      $400,950

John J. Kelley             67,500           6.45%         $37.06         1/24/2009      $400,950

Robert C. Walker           52,500           5.02%         $37.06         1/24/2009      $311,850

(1) Options granted are  nonstatutory  stock options.  The exercise price of the
option is equal to the fair market  value of the stock on the date of the grant.
Payment for the shares as to which an option is exercised may be made in cash or
in shares of Company  common  stock or a  combination  of cash and stock.  These
options may not be  exercised  any  earlier  than one year or any later than ten
years from the date of the grant.  Participants will be permitted to satisfy any
federal,  state or local tax requirements due upon exercise of a stock option by
delivering to the Company already-owned Company common stock or by directing the
Company  to  retain  stock   otherwise   issuable  upon  such  exercise  to  the
participant,  having a fair market value equal to the amount of the tax. Options
and stock  appreciation  rights will  generally be  nontransferrable  during the
lifetime of the participant,  except that the Human Resources  Committee may, in
its  discretion,  grant  nonqualified  stock  options  that  may be  transferred
pursuant to a qualified  domestic  relations  order,  or to an immediate  family
member or a trust for the benefit of an immediate family member.

(2) The  estimated  grant date present  value shown was  determined by using the
Black-Scholes   stock  option  pricing  model.  The  model  uses  the  following
assumptions:  (i) stock price volatility of 22.2%;  (ii) dividend yield of 4.7%;
(iii) a  risk-free  interest  rate of 4.76% with  respect  to  options  expiring
January 24, 2009 and 5.11% with respect to options expiring 2/21/2009;  and (iv)
an option term of ten years. These figures are not intended to forecast possible
future appreciation, if any, of the Company's stock price.


Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year (ended 12/31/99) and FY-End Option Values
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Number of
                                                              Securities                  Value of
                                                              Underlying                Unexercised In-
                                                              Unexercised                the-money
                       Shares                                 Options at                 Options at
                       Acquired on         Value             Fiscal Year-end           Fiscal Year-end
Name                   Exercise            Realized               (#)                       ($)
                          (#)                ($)              -------------             ---------------
                                                               Exercisable/              Exercisable/
                                                              Unexercisable             Unexercisable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gordon W. Kreh         16,500(1)          $98,279(1)        609,750(2)/150,000       $1,053,205/0

Saul L. Basch               0                  $0           142,500/67,500           $  141,033/$0

Michael L. Downs            0                  $0           240,000/67,500           $  493,911/$0

John J. Kelley         15,300             $59,107           253,500(3)/67,500        $  493,911/$0

Robert C. Walker            0                  $0           120,000/52,500           $  342,893/$0

(1)  One-half of shares  acquired  and value  realized  attributable  to options
     transferred  pursuant to rules established by the Human Resources Committee
     of the Board.
(2)  Of which 117,375 have been transferred.
(3)  Of which 126,750 have been transferred.

   Long-Term Incentive Plan -- Awards in Last Fiscal Year (ended 12/31/99)(1)

                    Number of     Performance     Estimated Future Payouts under
                    Shares,       or Other        Non-stock Price-based Plans
                    Units or      Period until
                    Other         Maturation or
Name                Rights        Payout          Threshold  Target   Maximum
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gordon W. Kreh      (1)           1999-2001        3,531      5,885    11,770
Saul L. Basch       (1)           1999-2001        3,032      6,064    12,128
Michael L. Downs    (1)           1999-2001        3,032      6,064    12,128
John J. Kelley      (1)           1999-2001        3,032      6,064    12,128
Robert C. Walker    (1)           1999-2001        2,703      5,406    10,813

(1) This  table  reflects  the  schedule  of  awards  established  by the  Human
Resources   Committee  and  represents  the  potential   number  of  Performance
Contingent Units that may be awarded to participants for the Performance  Period
and levels of performance  shown. (The schedule for Mr. Kreh has been reduced to
reflect the terms of his retirement  agreement described on page 16.) The actual
number of performance units awarded at the end of a Performance  Period, if any,
is not yet  determinable  because the number of units earned is based on Company
performance during the Performance Period.

If  threshold,  target or maximum  goals are  reached,  payouts  of  Performance
Contingent  Unit Awards under the plan will be made in shares of Company  common
stock (which may be restricted shares) or their  corresponding cash value at the
end of a Performance Period. Performance Contingent Unit Awards are prorated for
length of  service  during a  Performance  Period,  and for  varying  degrees of
performance  between the threshold and maximum levels of  performance.  (For the
Performance  Period that ended on December 31, 1999, payouts were made in shares
of restricted  stock as indicated in the Summary  Compensation  Table located on
page 12).

Retirement Plans

The following table shows the estimated annual amounts payable on a life annuity
basis to a  participant  retiring  on  12/31/99  at age 65 under  the  Company's
qualified  defined benefit  pension plan based on  compensation  that is covered
under the plan and years of service with the  Company.  Benefits are reduced for
participants  who  elect to retire  prior to age 62.  The  table  also  includes
amounts  payable  under  nonqualified  supplemental  pension  plans that provide
benefits  that  would  otherwise  be denied  participants  by reason of


certain Internal Revenue Code limitations on qualified plan benefits. All of the
executives named in the Summary  Compensation  Table participate in these plans.
(A small portion of Mr. Kreh's annual retirement benefit shown in the table will
be paid from The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada's  retirement
plan based on Mr. Kreh's initial service and earnings with that affiliate.)

                                                              Years of Service
Earnings                  5               10              15            20               25               30                  35
- --------                  -               --              --            --               --               --                  --

  700,000               55,173          110,347        165,520        220,694         275,867          296,867               317,867
  800,000               63,173          126,347        189,520        252,694         315,867          339,867               363,867
  900,000               71,173          142,347        213,520        284,694         355,867          382,867               409,867
1,000,000               79,173          158,347        237,520        316,694         395,867          425,867               455,867
1,100,000               87,173          174,347        261,520        348,694         435,867          468,867               501,867
1,200,000               95,173          190,347        285,520        380,694         475,867          511,867               547,867
1,300,000              103,173          206,347        309,520        412,694         515,867          554,867               593,867
1,400,000              111,173          222,347        333,520        444,694         555,867          597,867               639,867
1,500,000              119,173          238,347        357,520        476,694         595,867          640,867               685,867
1,600,000              127,173          254,347        381,520        508,694         635,867          683,867               731,867
1,700,000              135,173          270,347        405,520        540,694         675,867          726,867               777,867
1,800,000              143,173          286,347        429,520        572,694         715,867          769,867               823,867
1,900,000              151,173          302,347        453,520        604,694         755,867          812,867               869,867
2,000,000              159,173          318,347        477,520        636,694         795,867          855,867               915,867
2,100,000              167,173          334,347        501,520        668,694         835,867          898,867               961,867
2,200,000              175,173          350,347        525,520        700,694         875,867          941,867             1,007,867
2,300,000              183,173          366,347        549,520        732,694         915,867          984,867             1,053,867
2,400,000              191,173          382,347        573,520        764,694         955,867        1,027,867             1,099,867
2,500,000              199,173          398,347        597,520        796,694         995,867        1,070,867             1,145,867

Benefits payable under the Company's Retirement Plan are based on the average of
the  participant's  highest  three  consecutive  years of earnings in the 5-year
period before  retirement,  and on years of service.  Earnings covered under the
plan include  compensation  listed in the Summary  Compensation  Table under the
"Salary" and "Bonus"  columns,  and restricted stock awarded under the Long-Term
Incentive Plan shown in the "Restricted  Stock Awards" column,  valued as of the
award date. (Restricted stock awarded outside of the Long-Term Incentive Plan is
not  included  as  earnings  under the  plan.)  Credited  years of service as of
December 31, 1999 for the individuals  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table
are as follows:  Mr. Kreh, 29 years; Mr. Basch, four years; Mr. Downs, 27 years;
Mr. Kelley, 28 years; and Mr. Walker, six years.

        In addition,  the executive  officers named in the Summary  Compensation
Table are covered under a supplemental  retirement/death  benefit program. Under
this program,  if the executive officer should die prior to his retirement,  his
beneficiary  will be entitled  to an annual  death  benefit  equal to 50% of the
executive's  base salary for fifteen  years.  At  retirement,  the  executive is
entitled to an annual retirement  supplement equal to 35% of his base salary for
fifteen  years.  An  executive's  right to this  benefit  vests over a five-year
period, beginning on the date he is appointed an executive officer. Benefits are
reduced for executives who retire prior to age 65.

Employment Arrangements

        The  members of the Board of  Directors  believe  that it is in the best
interests of the shareholders for the Company to have employment agreements with
each of the  executive  officers  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table (and
certain other key  employees)  to (i) encourage  them to remain in the Company's
employ during the uncertain  times which attend a threatened or actual change in
control of the  Company;  and (ii)  provide  specified  benefits in the event of
certain terminations  unrelated to a change in control event. Under the terms of
the agreements,  generally, a change in control shall be deemed to have occurred
if (i) any person acquires securities of the Company representing 25% or more of
the Company's  then  outstanding  securities;  (ii) current  directors and those
replacement or additional members of the Board  subsequently


approved  by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the  Board,  cease to make up at
least  two-thirds of the Board;  (iii) a merger or  consolidation of the Company
occurs such that the  shareholders  of the Company prior to such merger own less
than  60% of the  surviving  corporation;  or  (iv) a  complete  liquidation  or
dissolution  of the Company or disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the
assets of the Company occurs. A threatened  change in control shall be deemed to
have occurred if (i) the Company enters an agreement, which if consummated would
result in a change in  control;  (ii) the  Company  or any person  announces  an
intention  to take actions  which if  consummated  would  constitute a change in
control; (iii) any person acquires securities of the Company representing 10% or
more of the Company's then outstanding securities;  or (iv) the Board determines
that a threatened change in control has occurred.

        Upon a change  in  control,  the  following  will  occur:  (i) under the
Company's  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan,  the fair  market  value  of  Performance
Contingent  Units  allocated to the  executive for each  three-year  Performance
Period within which the date of the change in control falls, prorated for actual
service within each Performance Period prior to such date, will be paid, and the
restrictions  on any  shares of  restricted  stock  awarded  will  lapse and any
amounts  deferred will be paid;  (ii) under the Company's  Short-Term  Incentive
Plan,  an award  will be paid  calculated  as  though  target  performance  were
achieved for the year within which the change in control occurs; and (iii) under
the Company's  Stock Option Plan,  all stock options  outstanding on the date of
the change in control will become  immediately  exercisable and the restrictions
on any restricted stock previously awarded will lapse.

        If an executive's  employment with the Company is terminated  within the
term  of  the  agreement  following  a  change  in  control  or,  under  certain
circumstances,  a  threatened  change  in  control,  other  than  for  cause  or
resignation (other than for good reason, which means termination as a result of,
among other  things,  the  involuntary  assignment  of such  executive to duties
inconsistent with the executive's position prior to such event or a reduction of
the  executive's  current  compensation  or  benefits),  the  executive  becomes
entitled  to the  following:  (i) three  times the sum of the  executive's  base
salary in effect at the time of such  event and the  three-year  average of sums
paid to the executive  under the Company's  Short-Term  and Long-Term  Incentive
Plans; (ii) a fully vested  supplemental  retirement benefit, as described above
under  Retirement  Plans;  (iii) credit for an additional three years of service
and age under the  Company's  retirement  plans;  (iv)  three  years of  welfare
benefits  provided at the Company's then current subsidy rate; (v) reimbursement
of  any  costs  incurred  by  the  executive  to  enforce  the  agreement;  (vi)
outplacement services; and (vii) payment to the executive equal to the amount of
any excise tax imposed upon the executive with respect to the foregoing payments
as a result of the occurrence of such event.

        The agreements also provide certain severance benefits in the event that
an  executive's  employment is terminated  other than for cause or in connection
with a change in control.  In such  event,  the  executive  would be entitled to
receive  severance  payments in installments over a period of two years equal to
two times the executive's base salary,  outplacement  services and reimbursement
of any costs incurred to enforce the agreement if the executive is successful in
such effort.

        The  Company  has  established  a trust  (which  would be funded  upon a
threatened  change in control) pursuant to which payments under these agreements
and certain  other  benefit  plans will be paid in the event of a threatened  or
actual change in control.

         The Company  entered  into an  agreement  with Mr. Kreh  following  his
announcement  to retire  from the  Company  as  President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer. In connection with the execution of this agreement, Mr. Kreh has waived
his  rights  to  benefits  (including  severance  payments)  to  which  he would
otherwise  have been  entitled  pursuant  to his  executive  officer  employment
agreement (described above). Mr. Kreh has agreed to continue to provide services
to the Company on projects  assigned by Mr. Booth in areas where his  knowledge,
experience  and  relationships  will be of value to the business of the Company.
Under  the terms of the new  arrangement,  Mr.  Kreh is  subject  to a  two-year
non-competition  agreement,  and is prohibited  from  soliciting  for employment
individuals who are former employees of the Company for a three-year period. The
agreement provides for a one-time payment of $1,350,000,  the payment of $50,000
annually for two years and the continuation of health and medical benefits until
he reaches age 55 when he becomes  eligible for retiree  medical  benefits.  Mr.
Kreh's  previous  awards of stock options and restricted  stock will continue in
force  during


the two-year  period and he will be eligible to receive  prorated awards for the
1998--2000  and  1999--2001  Performance  Periods under the Company's  Long-Term
Incentive  Plan  provided  that  he  complies  with  the   non-competition   and
non-solicitation  agreements,  but he will not be eligible for additional awards
of stock options or future  awards under the  Company's  Short-Term or Long-Term
Incentive Plans for Performance Periods commencing on or after January 1, 2000.


        There are none.

                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT

        Fleet Boston  Financial Group, of which Mr. Alvord served during 1999 as
a director, performed various services for the Company in 1999, among which were
acting as the trustee for the Company's Retirement Plan. The Company and certain
of its subsidiaries also maintained various accounts with Fleet Boston Financial
Group during 1999.  In the opinion of the Company,  the fees for these  services
were  comparable to those charged by other financial  institutions.  The Company
and its subsidiaries maintain banking relationships with various other financial

        The  Company has  invested $2 million as a limited  partner in a private
equity limited  partnership which invests  principally in targeted businesses in
the  financial  services  industry.  Mr.  Alvord is a major  equity owner of the
limited   liability   company  which  serves  as  the  general  partner  of  the

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

         The  following   line-graph   compares   cumulative,   five-year  total
shareholder returns on Company common stock on an indexed basis with the S&P 500
Stock  Index  and the S&P 500  Property/Casualty  Insurance  Index,  based on an
initial investment on December 31, 1994 of $100, assuming that all dividends, if
any, were reinvested.

Company / Index     1994    1995      1996       1997      1998       1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HSB GROUP INC       100    131.79    128.34     159.86    185.17     159.30
S&P 500 INDEX       100    137.58    169.17     225.60    290.08     351.12
  CASUALTY)-500     100    135.40    164.52     239.33    222.69     166.00


                                   PROPOSAL 2


        The    Board    of    Directors    recommends    that    the   firm   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. be appointed as independent public accountants for
the  Company for the year  ending  December  31,  2000.  Coopers & Lybrand  (the
predecessor of  PricewaterhouseCoopers)  has served as the Company's independent
public accountants since 1965.

        Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers will be present at the meeting
to make a statement  if they wish to do so, and will be  available to respond to
appropriate questions raised by shareholders.

        Unless otherwise directed,  the shares represented by the enclosed proxy
card will be voted for the appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers as independent
public accountants for 2000.  Approval of Proposal 2 requires that the number of
votes cast in favor of the proposal exceed the number of votes cast opposing the

        The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR Proposal 2.


        Shareholders who wish to submit written proposals for possible inclusion
in next year's proxy statement must make certain that they are received no later
than November 8, 2000. Proposals should be sent to the Corporate Secretary,  HSB
Group, Inc., One State Street, P.O. Box 5024, Hartford,  Connecticut 06102-5024.
If the Company  receives  notice of a  shareholder  proposal for the 2000 Annual
Meeting after February 20, 2000,  the persons named in the proxies  solicited by
the Board of Directors  of the Company for the 2000 Annual  Meeting may exercise
discretionary voting power with respect to such proposal.


        The  management  does  not  know  of any  matters  to be  presented  for
consideration  at the meeting other than the matters  described in the Notice of
Annual Meeting; but if other matters are properly presented, it is the intention
of the  persons  named  in the  accompanying  proxy to vote on such  matters  in
accordance with their judgment.  Shareholders  desiring to nominate  persons for
election as  directors  or to bring other  business  before  shareholders  at an
annual  meeting  must provide the  appropriate  written  notice  required by the
Company's  Bylaws,  copies of which are available  upon request to the Corporate
Secretary of the Company.



                      By Order of the Board of Directors,

                      R. K. PRICE
                      Corporate Secretary

                                                       Printed on recycled paper




The  following  is the text of the  Company's  2000  form of  proxy  and memo to
employees participating in Company plans:


                                HSB GROUP, INC.



     The undersigned hereby appoints Joel B. Alvord,  Richard G. Dooley and Lois
D. Rice  each  with the  power to  appoint  his or her  substitute,  and  hereby
authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated on the reverse side, all
the shares of common stock of the Company held of record by the  undersigned  on
February 15, 2000 at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to be held on April 18,
2000 or any adjournment  thereof,  upon all matters  properly coming before said
Annual  Meeting,  including  but not  limited  to the  matters  set forth on the
reverse side, hereby revoking any proxy heretofore given.


   SIDE                                                              SIDE

Vote by Telephone

It's fast, convenient, and immediate!
Call Toll-Free on a Touch-Tone Phone
1-877-PRX-VOTE (1-877-779-8683)

Follow these four easy steps:

1.  Read the accompanying Proxy Statement
    and Proxy Card.

2.  Call the toll-free number
    1-877-PRX-VOTE (1-877-779-8683)

3.  Enter your 14-digit Control Number located
    on your Proxy Card above your name.

4.  Follow the recorded instructions.

Your vote is important!
Call 1-877-PRX-VOTE anytime!

Vote by Internet

It's fast, convenient, and your vote is immediately
confirmed and posted.

Follow these four easy steps:

1.  Read the accompanying Proxy Statement
    and Proxy Card.

2.  Go to the Website

3.  Enter your 14-digit Control Number located on
    your Proxy Card above your name.

4.  Follow the instructions provided.

Your vote is important!
Go to anytime!

    Do not return your Proxy Card if you are voting by Telephone or Internet

                                  DETACH HERE

/X/ Please mark
    votes as in
    this example.

       The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR proposals 1 and 2.

1.  Election of Directors

    Nominees:  (01) William B. Ellis, (02) E. James Ferland,
               (03) Henrietta Holsman Fore

           FOR                         WITHHELD
           ALL     /  /          /  /  FROM ALL
         NOMINEES                      NOMINEES

/  / ______________________________________
     For all nominees except as noted above

2.  Appintment of independent public     FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
    accountants.                        /   /   /   /     /    /



Please  sign  exactly as your name  appears.  If acting as  attorney,  executor,
trustee or in other representative  capacity,  sign name and print title. Please
date proxy and return in the enclosed post-paid return envelope.

Signature: _______________________  Date: ______________
Signature: _______________________  Date: ______________

To:  All Employees

From:  R. K. Price, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary

Date:  March 27, 2000

If you are a participant in any of the Company's stock plans (Payroll Investment
Plan,  Thrift  Incentive Plan - HSB Stock Fund, the Long-Term  Incentive Plan or
the Stock Option and Restricted  Stock Plan), you should receive proxy materials
for this year's  Annual  Meeting to be held on April 18,  2000  through the U.S.
mail shortly.

Annual reports and proxy materials were distributed  beginning on March 16, 2000
via bulk mail in order to save on postage expenses. As many of you know, HSB has
used bulk mail for several years for this reason,  and, although cost effective,
it can result in some delays in delivery.

If you hold shares registered other than in your name alone (e.g.,  jointly with
another  individual  or as  custodian  for a minor's  account)  you may  receive
additional  copies of the  materials.  You are  encouraged  to return any excess
copies of the  Annual  Report to your  department  or Branch  Office,  and extra
copies of the proxy statement to Jean Cohn, Law Department, Home Office.

Included  with the proxy  materials is a card upon which you may  register  your
vote in connection with actions proposed to be taken at the Annual Meeting.  You
may choose to vote your shares by telephone  or the  Internet by  following  the
instructions  for  telephonic or Internet  voting on your proxy card.  The proxy
card  lists the number of shares  allocated  to your  account  under each of the
plans in which you participate, as well as any shares you hold directly.

The following abbreviations are used to identify your holdings:

COM - Shares held directly or through the Payroll Investment Plan

RST - Restricted Stock held in the Company's plans

401 - Shares  allocated to your account under the Thrift  Incentive  Plan if you
participate in the HSB Stock Fund

Whether you own one share or a thousand,  it is very  important that your shares
be represented at the Annual Meeting.  As a shareholder,  you have the right and
an  obligation to have your vote count at the Annual  Meeting.  Please vote your
shares by following the instructions on your proxy card.

If you do not receive your  materials by April 10, 2000, or if you misplace your
card, please contact Jean Cohn, Home Office, Ext. 5724.