
                        PRELIMINARY DRAFT / CONFIDENTIAL

                            The 59 Wall Street Trust

                   21 Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                                 (617) 423-0800

                    Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                           To be held October 8, 1999

         A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of The 59 Wall Street Money Market
Fund,  The 59 Wall Street U.S.  Treasury Money Fund, The 59 Wall Street Tax Free
Short/Intermediate  Fixed  Income Fund and The 59 Wall  Street Tax Exempt  Money
Fund (the Funds), each a series of The 59 Wall Street Trust (the Trust), will be
held at the  offices of Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co. at 59 Wall  Street,  New
York,  NY 10005,  on  Friday,  October  8, 1999 at 3:00 p.m.  for the  following
purposes, all as set forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement. Please note that
the Money Market Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing all
of its investable assets in U.S.
Money Market Portfolio (the Portfolio).

         For shareholders of all Funds

              Proposal 1. To vote on amendments to the  Declaration  of Trust of
              the Trust regarding Trustee retirement and removal provisions.

              Proposal 2.  To elect four Trustees of the Trust.

              Proposal 3. To vote on the  selection  of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
              the independent certified public accountants of the Trust.

         For shareholders of the Tax Exempt Money Fund only:

              Proposal 4.  To vote on an Investment  Advisory  Agreement with
              Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. for the Tax Exempt Money Fund.

         For shareholders of the Money Market Fund only:

              Proposal 5. To authorize the Trust,  on behalf of the Money Market
              Fund,  to vote at a meeting of investors of the  Portfolio to vote
              on an  amendment  to the  Declaration  of Trust  of the  Portfolio
              regarding Trustee retirement and removal provisions.

              Proposal 6. To authorize the Trust,  on behalf of the Money Market
              Fund,  to vote at a meeting of investors of the Portfolio to elect
              six Trustees of the Portfolio

              Proposal 7. To authorize the Trust,  on behalf of the Money Market
              Fund,  to vote at a meeting of investors of the  Portfolio to vote
              on the  selection  of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP as the  independent
              certified public accountants of the Portfolio.

        For shareholders of all Funds:

              Proposal 8. To transact  such other  business as may properly come
              before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                        The Trustees recommend that you vote in favor of items 1
through 7.

     Only shareholders of record on August 20, 1999 will be entitled to vote at
the meeting and at any adjournments thereof.

                                                Linda T. Gibson, Secretary

August 31, 1999

Your Vote Is Important.  We would appreciate your voting,  signing and returning
the enclosed proxy promptly, which will help in avoiding the additional expenses
of a second  solicitation.  A stamped,  self-addressed  envelope is enclosed for
your convenience.

                        PRELIMINARY DRAFT / CONFIDENTIAL

                                 Proxy Statement

         This Proxy  Statement and Notice of Special  Meeting with  accompanying
form of proxy are being furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by and on behalf of the  Board of  Trustees  of The 59 Wall  Street  Trust  (the
Trust),  to be used at a special  meeting of  Shareholders of The 59 Wall Street
Money Market,  The 59 Wall Street U.S.  Treasury  Money Fund, The 59 Wall Street
Tax Free Short/Intermediate  Fixed Income Fund and The 59 Wall Street Tax Exempt
Money Fund (the Funds) and any adjournment therit eof (the Meeting),  to be held
at the offices of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. at 59 Wall Street,  New York, NY
10005 on  Friday,  October  8,  1999 at 3:00  p.m.  It is  expected  that  proxy
solicitations  will be made  primarily  by mail.  The Trust  will bear all proxy
solicitation  costs.  The Trust's  officers and eligible  institutions  may also
solicit  proxies by telephone or personal  interview at their own cost and at no
additional  cost to the Trust.  If the  enclosed  form of proxy is executed  and
returned,  it may  nevertheless  be revoked  prior to its  exercise  by a signed
writing  delivered at the Meeting or filed with the Secretary of the Trust. This
Proxy Statement and the enclosed proxy card are expected to be distributed on or
about  August 31,  1999 to  shareholders  of record at the close of  business on
August 20, 1999 (the Record Date).

         The Money  Market Fund seeks to achieve  its  investment  objective  by
investing  all of its  investable  assets in U.S.  Money Market  Portfolio  (the
Portfolio).  The  Portfolio is an open-end,  diversified  management  investment
company having the same investment objective as the Money Market Fund.

         Only shareholders of record on the Record Date will be entitled to vote
at the Meeting. On the Record Date, the numbers of shares of beneficial interest
of each Fund outstanding and entitled to vote at the Meeting were as follows:

         Money Market Fund - [NUMBER] shares
         Treasury Money Fund - [NUMBER] shares
         Fixed Income Fund - [NUMBER] shares
         Tax Exempt Money Fund - [NUMBER] shares

Each Share is  entitled  to one vote,  and  fractional  Shares are  entitled  to
proportionate shares of one vote.

         Shareholders  of the  Money  Market  Fund  are  being  asked to vote on
certain matters with respect to the Portfolio because the Portfolio has called a
meeting of its  investors  (principally  the Money  Market Fund) to vote on such
matters. The Trust on behalf of the Money Market Fund will cast its votes at the
meeting of investors in the Portfolio on each matter in the same  proportions as
the votes cast by the Money Market Fund's shareholders.

         Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co.,  59 Wall  Street,  New York,  New York
10005, acts as the administrator for the Trust and as the investment adviser for
each of the Treasury  Money Fund,  the Fixed  Income Fund,  the Tax Exempt Money
Fund and the  Portfolio.  59 Wall Street  Distributors,  Inc.,  21 Milk  Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02109, acts as distributor for the Trust.

         The Board of Trustees is recommending the following proposals:

PROPOSAL                                                                         FUNDS AFFECTED
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1.   To vote on  amendments  to the  Declaration  of Trust of the  regarding     All
     Trustee retirement and removal provisions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
2.       To elect four Trustees of the Trust.                                     All
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

    To vote on the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent
     certified public accountants of the Trust.                                   All

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

To vote on an Investment  Advisory  Agreement between the Trust on behalf of the Tax Exempt Money Fund
     Tax Exempt Money Fund and its investment adviser, Brown Brothers Harriman &

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

To  authorize  the  Trust,  on  behalf of the Money  Market  Fund,  to vote at a  Money Market Fund
     meeting  of  investors  of the  Portfolio  to vote on an  amendment  to the
     Declaration  of Trust of the Portfolio  regarding  Trustee  retirement  and
     removal provisions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

6.       To authorize the Trust,  on behalf of the Money Market Fund, to vote at  Money Market Fund
     a meeting  of  investors  of the  Portfolio  to elect six  Trustees  of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

7.   To authorize  the Trust,  on behalf of the Money  Market  Fund,  to vote at Money Market Fund
      a meeting of  investors  of the  Portfolio to vote on the
     selection  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP as the  independent  certified  public
     accountants of the Portfolio

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
8.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the  meeting    All
     or any adjournment thereof.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

         The Annual  Report to  Shareholders  of each Fund,  containing  audited
financial  statements for its fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 were mailed to all
shareholders  of record of that Fund prior to the  Meeting.  These  reports  are
available  without  charge upon request by calling the Trust at (800)  625-5759.
These reports are not to be regarded as proxy solicitation material.

         This  joint  Proxy  Statement  is being  used in order  to  reduce  the
preparation,  printing, handling and postage expenses that would result from the
use of separate proxy  statements for each Fund and,  because many  shareholders
own Shares of more than one Fund, to avoid overburdening  shareholders with more
than one proxy statement.  It is therefore essential that shareholders complete,
date and sign the enclosed proxy card(s).  Proposals 1, 2 and 3 relate to all of
the Funds and  shareholders of all Funds will vote together on these  proposals.
Proposal 4 relates to only the Tax Exempt Money Fund. Proposal 5, 6 and 7 relate
to only the Money Market Fund and  authorizes  the Trust to vote at a meeting of
investors in the  Portfolio.  Separate proxy cards are enclosed for each Fund in
which a shareholder is a record owner of shares.

         In the event  that a quorum is not  present  at the  Meeting  or in the
event that a quorum is present at the  Meeting but  sufficient  votes to approve
any of the proposals are not received,  the persons named as proxies may propose
one or more  adjournments  of the  Meeting  (with  respect to all or some of the
proposals  and with  respect  to all or some of the  Funds)  to  permit  further
solicitation of proxies.  Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote
of a majority of those Shares  affected by the  adjournment  represented  at the
Meeting  in person or by proxy.  When  voting  on a  proposed  adjournment,  the
persons named as proxy agents will vote FOR the proposed  adjournment all shares
that they are  entitled to vote with  respect to such item,  unless  directed to
vote  AGAINST  the item,  in which case such  shares  will be voted  AGAINST the
proposed  adjournment with respect to that item. A shareholder vote may be taken
on one or more of the proposals  with respect to one or more Funds in this Proxy
Statement prior to any such  adjournment if sufficient  votes have been received
for approval.  With respect to proposals requiring all Funds to vote together as
a group,  a quorum is defined  by the  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the
holders of a majority of the Shares of the  Corporation  entitled to vote at the
Meeting.  With respect to proposals  requiring each Fund to vote  separately,  a
quorum is  defined as the  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the  holders of
one-third of the Shares of such Fund entitled to vote at the Meeting.

         If you return your proxy card with no voting instructions,  your Shares
will be voted in favor of each matter described in the Proxy  Statement.  If you
give instructions to abstain, your Shares will be represented at the Meeting for
purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is present and your  instructions  to
abstain will have the same effect as  instructions  to cast a negative vote. For
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum for transacting business at the
Meeting,  abstentions and broker  "non-votes"  (that is, proxies from brokers or
nominees  indicating that such persons have not received  instructions  from the
beneficial owner or other persons entitled to vote shares on a particular matter
with respect to which the brokers or nominees do not have  discretionary  power)
will be treated as shares that are  present  but which have not been voted.  For
this reason,  abstentions and broker  "non-votes" will have the effect of a "no"
vote for purposes of obtaining the requisite  approval of proposals 1 through 6.
The Trust's  Declaration of Trust provides that, at any meeting of  shareholders
of a  Fund,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.,  as an  eligible  institution  or
shareholder  servicing  agent,  may vote any Shares as to which  Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. is the agent of record and which are otherwise not represented in
person or by proxy at the Meeting,  proportionately in accordance with the votes
cast by holders of all Shares otherwise  represented at the meeting in person or
by proxy as to which Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. is the agent of record.  Any
Shares so voted by Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. will be deemed  represented at
the meeting for purposes of quorum requirements.

         In order that your Shares may be  represented  at the Meeting,  you are
requested to:

     o Indicate your instructions on the enclosed proxy card(s);
o Date and sign the proxy card(s);
o Mail the proxy card(s) promptly in the enclosed envelope,
which requires no postage if mailed in the United States; and
o Allow sufficient time for the proxy card(s) to be received on or before
9:00 a.m. on October 8, 1999.

     Proposal 1: To Amend The Declaration Of Trust Of The Regarding Retirement
And Removal Provisions.

         The Board of Trustees of the Trust has approved,  and  recommends  that
shareholders of the Trust approve, a proposal to amend certain provisions of the
Trust's Declaration of Trust to establish a mandatory  retirement age and expand
removal provisions of Trustees.

         In considering  the amendment,  the Trustees  considered and evaluated,
among other things,  a report of the Advisory  Group of the  Investment  Company
Institute on Best  Practices  of Fund  Directors  recommending  that fund boards
adopt  policies on the  retirement of  directors.  The Trustees  considered  the
provisions of the current Declaration of Trust and determined that the setting a
specific  retirement age and revising the removal  provisions  would enhance the
Board's effectiveness. In considering the mandatory retirement age, the Trustees
balanced  the  need  for  fresh  perspectives  against  the  benefits  that  the
experience  and  institutional  memory  of  existing  Directors  provides.  Upon
conclusion of its review, the Board recommended that the Declaration of Trust be
amended as proposed.

         Currently,  the Trust's  Declaration of Trust provides that a Trustee's
term of office is indefinite  and that a Trustee may be removed for cause by the
action of  two-thirds  the  remaining  Trustees.  The Trustees of the Trust have
recommended  that the  Declaration of Trust be amended.  Such  amendments  would
specifically  provide  that a Trustee  shall hold office until he or she attains
the age of seventy  (except for  Trustees  elected  prior to January 1, 2000 who
would hold office until he or she attains the age of  seventy-two),  or until he
or  she  sooner  dies,  resigns  or is  otherwise  removed  as  provided  in the
Declaration of Trust. Additionally, such amendments would provide that a Trustee
may be  removed  with  or  without  cause  by a vote  of  three-quarters  of the
remaining  Trustees  who  are  not  "interested  persons,"  as  defined  in  the
Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as  amended  (the  "1940  Act") of the  Trust
("Independent Trustees") of the Trust.

         If this item is approved by Shareholders of the Trust,  the definitions
section of the Trust's Declaration of Trust shall be amended to read in relevant
part as follows:

         "Independent   Trustees"   shall  mean  those   Trustees  who  are  not
         "interested persons" of the Trust as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the
         Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     Section 2.2 of Article II of the Trust's Declaration of Trust shall be
amended to read in relevant part as follows:

         Subject to the provisions of Section 16(a) of the  [Investment  Company
         Act of 1940] ("1940  Act"),  . . . a Trustee shall hold office until he
         or she  attains  the age of seventy  (except  with  respect to Trustees
         elected  prior to January 1, 2000,  until he or she  attains the age of
         seventy-two),  or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed as
         provided in Section 2.3 below.

     Section 2.3 of Article II of the Trust's Declaration of Trust shall be
amended to read in relevant part as follows:

         Any of the Trustees may be removed  (provided that the aggregate number
         of  Trustees  after  such  removal  shall not be less  than the  number
         required  by Section 2.1 hereof)  with or without  cause,  by action of
         three-quarters of the remaining Trustees who are Independent Trustees.

     Section 2.4 of Article II of the Trust's Declaration of Trust shall be
amended to read in relevant part as follows:

         The term of office of a Trustee  shall  terminate  and a vacancy  shall
         occur in the event of the expiration of the term of office  pursuant to
         Section 2.2 hereof,  attainment of the age seventy (except with respect
         to Trustees  elected prior to January 1, 2000  attainment of the age of
         seventy-two), the death, resignation, removal, bankruptcy,  adjudicated
         incompetence or other incapacity to perform the duties of the office of
         a Trustee.

         The Declaration of Trust also currently describes the obligation of the
Trustees  to call a meeting of  shareholders  with  respect to the  removal of a
Trustee  when  requested  to do so by  shareholders  meeting  certain  ownership
requirements.  Because this  obligation is a requirement of the 1940 Act and not
required  disclosure  for a Trust's  Declaration  of Trust,  the Trustees of the
Trust recommend that the following information shall be deleted from Section 2.3
of Article II of the Trust's Declaration of Trust:

         The Trustees  shall  promptly  call a meeting of  Shareholders  for the
         purpose of voting upon the  question of removal of any such  Trustee or
         Trustees when  requested in writing so to do by the holders of not less
         than 10 per  centum of the  outstanding  Shares.  Whenever  ten or more
         Shareholders  who have been such for at least six months  preceding the
         date of application, and who hold in the aggregate either Shares having
         a net asset  value of at least  $25,000 or at least 1 per centum of the
         outstanding  Shares,  whichever is less, shall apply to the Trustees in
         writing,  stating that they wish to communicate with other Shareholders
         with a view to obtaining signatures to a request for a meeting pursuant
         to the preceding  sentence and  accompanied by a form of  communication
         and request which they wish to transmit, the Trustees shall then follow
         the  procedures  set forth in Section  16(c)(1) or 16(c)(2) of the 1940

         As this  obligation of the Trustees is a  requirement  of the 1940 Act,
the  deletion  of the above  language  will not  effect  the powers or rights of

         The full text of  applicable  sections  of the Trust's  Declaration  of
Trust, as proposed to be amended,  are set forth in the Appendix B to this proxy

         It is intended that proxies  submitted by Shareholders of the Trust not
limited to the contrary  will be voted in favor of amending the  Declaration  of
Trust of the Trust as set forth in  Appendix  B. The  amendment  to the  Trust's
Declaration of Trust requires the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Trust present in person or represented by proxy at the Meeting
(Trust Majority Shareholder Vote).

The Board of Trustees of the Trust has concluded that the proposed  amendment is
in the best interest of the shareholders.  Accordingly, the Board of Trustees of
unanimously  recommends that the shareholders of the Trust vote FOR the approval
of the proposed amendment to the Trust's Declaration of Trust.

Proposal 2:       To Elect Four Trustees Of The Trust.

         It is  proposed  by the Board of  Trustees of the Trust that there be a
common  Board of Trustees  for The 59 Wall Street  Family of Funds.  The 59 Wall
Street Family of Funds currently  consists of the Trust,  the Portfolio,  The 59
Wall Street Fund, Inc. (the Corporation) and, with respect to each series of the
Corporation which is organized in the Hub and Spoke(R) master-feeder mutual fund
structure,  that  fund's  corresponding  portfolio.  The  Trustees  of the Trust
believe  that a combined  Board or Trustees  would  permit the  Trustees to more
efficiently  supervise the affairs of each  fund/portfolio in The 59 Wall Street
Family of Funds.

         When The 59 Wall Street Family of Funds were organized, the Independent
Trustees/Directors  of the Trust and the Corporation were separate from those of
the  portfolios.  The Trustees of the Trust now believe that the  supervision of
the  affairs  of The Wall  Street  Family of Funds  will be more  efficient  and
effective  if  there  is  a  common  Board  of  Trustees.   In  considering  the
establishment  of a common Board, the Trustees  considered and evaluated,  among
other things, a report of the Advisory Group of the Investment Company Institute
on Best Practices of Fund Directors  recommending that fund boards within a fund
complex be organized as a unitary board.  Specifically,  the Trustees determined
that  a  common  board  of  Trustees  would  provide  Independent   Trustees  an
opportunity to obtain better familiarity with the many aspects of fund/portfolio
operations that are complex-wide in nature.  These aspects include, for example,
the  nature and  quality  of  compliance,  administrative,  transfer  agency and
custodial services,  as well as distribution  channels used by the complex.  The
Trustees  discussed  the  possibility  that  a  common  board  may  provide  the
Independent  Trustees  greater  access to the  Investment  Adviser  and  greater
influence  with the  Investment  Adviser  than they  would  have if they were on
separate boards. The Trustees noted that the administrative costs,  complexities
and redundancies of separate meetings would also be reduced.

         The Board of  Trustees of the Trust has fixed the number of Trustees at
nine, and, at a meeting on August 10, 1999, nominated Messrs. Carpenter,  Clark,
Seitzman  and Ivory for  election by the  shareholders  in  accordance  with the
provisions of the 1940 Act.

         The following  table shows the nominees for election as Trustees of the
Trust, their principal  occupations which,  unless otherwise  specified,  are of
more than five years  duration,  although the titles held may have varied during
that period.  If elected,  each nominee would be an  independent  Trustee of the
Trust.  Only the Trust's  Independent  Trustees  receive  compensation  from the
Trust.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  principal  business  address of each
Trustee is 21 Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.


                                Business Experience
Name                     Age    During Past Five Years

Richard L. Carpenter     66     Trustee of the  Portfolio,  U.S.  Small  Company  Portfolio  and  International
                                Equity  Portfolio;  and Dow Jones Islamic Market Index Portfolio (since
                                March 1999);  Retired;  Director of  Investments,  Pennsylvania  Public
                                School Employees' Retirement System (prior to 1997).

Clifford A. Clark       69      Trustee  of  the   Portfolio,   U.S.   Small   Company   Portfolio  and
                                International  Equity  Portfolio;  and Dow Jones  Islamic  Market Index
                                Portfolio (since March 1999); Retired.

David M. Seitzman       70      Trustee of the  Portfolio,  U.S.  Small  Company  Portfolio  and  International
                                Equity Portfolio; Physician, Private Practice.

J. Angus Ivory          67      Trustee  of Dow Jones  Islamic  Market  Index  Portfolio  (since  March  1999);
                                Committee  Member,  St.  Thomas  Hospital  Pain  Clinic  (since  1999);
                                Director  of  Brown  Brothers   Harriman  Ltd.,   subsidiary  of  Brown
                                Brothers Harriman & Co.; Director of Old Daily Saddlery;  Advisor,  RAF
                                Central Fund.

         Should  this  proposal  be  approved,  the  Trustees of the Trust shall
receive an annual base fee of $15,000 (except for the Chairman who shall receive
a base fee of $20,000)  which shall be allocated  among all funds and all active
portfolios in The Wall Street  Family of Funds,  based on their  respective  net
assets. In addition, each fund/portfolio in The Wall Street Family of Funds that
has  commenced  operations  shall pay an annual  fee to each  Trustee of $1,000.
Currently,  the  Trustees  of the Trust  receive a base  annual  fee of  $15,000
(except the Chairman  who  receives a base annual fee of $20,000)  which is paid
jointly by all funds in the Wall Street Family of Funds and allocated  among the
funds based upon their respective net assets.  In addition,  each fund which has
commenced operations pays an annual fee to each Trustee of $1,000.

         The following table outlines the  compensation  received by the current
Trustees of the Trust for the most recent fiscal year.


                                            Pension or                                  Compensation
                                            Retirement                                  from the
                           Aggregate        Benefits Accrued  Estimated Annual          Fund
Name of Person,            Compensation     as Part of        Benefits upon             Complex**Paid
Position                   from the Trust   Fund Expenses     Retirement                to Trustees

J.V. Shields, Jr.**,       $19,854           none                       none             $31,000

Eugene P. Beard***,        $15,828            none                       none             $26,000

David P. Feldman***,       $15,828            none                       none             $26,000

Alan G. Lowy***,           $15,828            none                       none             $26,000

Arthur D. Miltenberger***,  $15,828           none                       none              $26,000

* The "Fund  Complex"  consists  of the Trust,  the  Corporation  and all active
portfolios in The Wall Street Family of Funds.  There are currently eleven funds
and three active portfolios in The 59 Wall Street Family of Funds. **Mr. Shields
is an "interested  person" of the Trust, as defined in the 1940 Act,  because of
his affiliation with a registered  broker-dealer.  ***These Trustees are members
of the standing Audit  Committee of the Trust.  Each member attended all four of
the Audit  Committee  meetings  held during the Trust's  last fiscal  year.  The
duties and functions of the Audit  Committee  are,  among other  things,  to (1)
serve as the liaison between the independent  auditors and the Funds' management
as their  duties  relate to  assuring  the  integrity  of the  Funds'  financial
reporting and the safeguarding of the Funds' assets; (2) assure the independence
of the auditors,  the integrity of management and the adequacy of disclosures to
shareholders;  and (3) review the scope of the audit,  the financial  results of
the Fund for the year and the auditors'  evaluation  of the overall  adequacy of
internal  controls and thereby  assists the Board of Trustees in fulfilling  its
fiduciary  responsibilities as to accounting  policies and reporting  practices.
The Trust does not have a nominating committee or a compensation committee.

         As of June 30, 1999,  the Trustees of the Trust,  individually  or as a
group directly or indirectly  beneficially owned less than 1% of the outstanding
shares of each Fund and less than 1% of the  aggregate  beneficial  interests in
the Portfolio.

         During the fiscal  year ended June 30,  1999 the Board of  Trustees  of
each of the Trust and the  Portfolio  met four times.  Each Trustee of the Trust
attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

         It is the  present  intention  that the  enclosed  proxy  will,  unless
authority to vote for election of one or more nominees is specifically  withheld
by executing  the proxy in the manner  stated  thereon,  be used to vote FOR the
election of the four  nominees  indicated  below as  Trustees  of the Trust.  If
Proposal  1 is  approved,  each  Trustee so elected  will hold  office  until he
attains  the age of  seventy-two  or is  removed,  as  provided  in the  Trust's
Declaration  of Trust.  Please note that each nominee has  consented to serve if
elected at the Meeting.

         Election of the  nominees  as  Trustees  of the Trust  requires a Trust
Majority Shareholder Vote.

                  The Trustees unanimously  recommend that you vote FOR election
of the nominees as Trustees of the Trust.  In the event the  shareholders of the
Trust fail to approve this  proposal,  the  Trustees of the Trust will  consider
what further action should be taken.

Proposal 3:       Ratification Of Selection Of Accountants.

         A majority of the Trust's Independent Trustees have selected Deloitte &
Touche LLP, 200 Berkeley  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02116, as independent
certified public  accountants to sign or certify any financial  statements which
may be filed by the Trust with the Securities and Exchange Commission in respect
of all or any part of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000.  The  employment  of
such auditors  being  expressly  conditioned  upon the right of the Trust,  by a
Trust  Majority  Shareholder  Vote at any  meeting  called for the  purpose,  to
terminate such  employment is without any penalty.  Such selection is subject to
ratification or rejection by the  shareholders of the Trust at a meeting of such
shareholders.  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP  currently  serves  as  the  independent
certified  public  accountants  of the  Trust  and  has  served  as  independent
certified public accountants of the Trust since 1990. The Trust is informed that
no member of Deloitte & Touche LLP has any direct or material  indirect interest
in the Trust.

         The Trust's independent  certified public accountants provide customary
professional  services in  connection  with the audit  function for a management
investment  company such as the Trust,  and their fees for such services include
fees for work leading to the expression of opinions on the financial  statements
included in annual  reports to the  shareholders  of the Trust,  opinions on the
financial statements and other data included in the Trust's annual report to the
Securities and Exchange Commission, opinions on financial statements included in
amendments to the Trust's registration statement, and preparation of the Trust's
federal and state income tax returns.  The nature and scope of the  professional
services of the  accountants  were  approved by the Trust's  Trustees,  who have
considered the possible effect thereof on the independence of the accountants.

         Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP are not expected to be present
at the meeting but have been given the  opportunity  to make a statement if they
do so desire  and will be  available  should any matter  arise  requiring  their
presence.  If the Trust receives a written request from any shareholder at least
five days prior to the Meeting stating that the  shareholder  will be present in
person at the Meeting and desires to ask questions of the accountants, the Trust
will  arrange to have a  representative  of Deloitte & Touche LLP present at the
Meeting who will respond to  appropriate  questions and have an  opportunity  to
make a statement.

         It is intended  that proxies not limited to the contrary  will be voted
in favor of  authorizing  the Trust to ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche
LLP as the independent  certified public accountants to be employed by the Trust
to sign or certify  financial  statements  required to be signed or certified by
independent  public  accountants  and filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission in respect of all or part of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000.

         The Trustees of the Trust recommend that the  shareholders of the Trust
vote to authorize  the Trust to ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
the  independent  certified  public  accountants of the Trust.  In the event the
shareholders  of the Trust fail to approve  this  proposal,  the Trustees of the
Trust will consider what further action should be taken.

Proposal  4:      To Approve The Investment  Advisory  Agreement  Between The
                  Trust  On  Behalf  Of The Tax  Exempt  Money  Fund  And  Brown
                  Brothers Harriman & Co.

         Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co. acts as  investment  adviser to the Tax
Exempt  Money Fund  pursuant  to an  Investment  Advisory  Agreement  with Brown
Brothers  Harriman & Co., dated February 9, 1999. The Advisory  Agreement is set
forth  as  Exhibit  A to  this  Proxy  Statement.  The  Advisory  Agreement  was
originally  approved by the Fund's initial  shareholder on February 22, 1999 but
has  not   previously   been   submitted  for  approval  by  the  Fund's  public

         Pursuant  to the  Advisory  Agreement,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co.
provides  investment  advice  and  portfolio  management  services  to the Fund.
Subject to the supervision of the Trust's  Trustees,  Brown Brothers  Harriman &
Co. makes the  day-to-day  investment  decisions for the Fund,  arranges for the
execution of the purchase and sale orders for the portfolio  transactions of the
Fund and generally manages the Fund's investments.

         Pursuant  to the  Advisory  Agreement,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co.
receives a fee equal to an annual rate of 0.15% of the Fund's  average daily net
assets.  For the period from February 22, 1999  (commencement  of operations) to
June 30, 1999, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. received an advisory fee of $4,948.
The net assets of the Fund as of June 30, 1999 were $14,654,457.

         The  Advisory  Agreement  will  remain in full force and effect for two
years from the date of such agreement and will continue in full force and effect
indefinitely  thereafter,  but only so long as such  continuance is specifically
approved  at  least  annually  (i)  by a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Trust's
Independent  Trustees  who are not parties to the proposed  Advisory  Agreement,
cast in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,
or (ii) by a vote of a majority  of the Fund's  outstanding  shares,  and by the
Trust's Independent Trustees who are not parties to the Advisory Agreement.  The
Advisory  Agreement may be terminated at any time without penalty by a vote of a
majority of the  Trustees of the Trust or by a vote of the holders of a majority
of the Fund's  outstanding  shares on 60 days' written  notice to Brown Brothers
Harriman & Co. and by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. upon 90 days' written notice
to the Fund. In addition,  the Advisory Agreement will terminate immediately and
automatically if assigned.

         The Advisory  Agreement further provides that Brown Brothers Harriman &
Co. shall not be liable for any loss incurred in connection with the performance
of its duties, or action taken or omitted under such agreement in the absence of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence in the  performance of its
duties or by reason of its  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties
thereunder, or for any losses which may be sustained in the acquisition, holding
or disposition of any security or other investment.

         The  Board of  Trustees,  including  a  majority  of those  Independent
Trustees  who were not parties to the Advisory  Agreement  approved the Advisory
Agreement  on  February  9,  1999  and  authorized  its   presentation   to  the
shareholders of the Fund on August 10, 1999. At the time of such action, Messrs.
David P. Feldman, Arthur D. Miltenberger, Eugene P. Beard, Alan G. Lowy and J.V.
Shields,  Jr.  were  Trustees  of the  Trust.  The  Board of  Trustees  received
materials  relating to the Advisory  Agreement in advance of the meeting and had
the opportunity to ask questions and request further information.

         Before  approving  the Advisory  Agreement,  the  Trustees  conducted a
review of the various documents,  reports and other materials  submitted to them
by Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co.,  information  that they were familiar with as
Trustees,  as well as  information  obtained  from  independent  sources such as
Lipper Analytical  Services,  Inc.  Specifically,  the Trustees received,  among
other  things,  information  on  comparative  fees  charged to other  investment
companies by other investment  advisers;  comparative  performance  results, and
expense ratio data comparing the Fund with other investment companies of similar
size and with similar investment objectives.

         The Board of Trustees and the Independent  Trustees  considered whether
the  Fund has  operated  within  its  investment  objective  and its  record  of
compliance  with its  investment  restrictions.  They also  reviewed  the Fund's
investment  performance  as well as the  performance  of a peer  group of mutual
funds, and the performance of an appropriate  index.  The Trustees  reviewed the
background of the  portfolio  management  team and spoke with senior  management
responsible for investment  operations.  Among other things, they considered the
size, education and experience of the management team and its use of technology.
The Trustees reviewed the nature, quality, cost and extent of administrative and
shareholder  servicing/eligible  institution  services performed for the 59 Wall
Street  Funds  by Brown  Brothers  Harriman  and its  affiliates.  The  Trustees
considered the Fund's expense ratio as well as the expense ratio of a peer group
and considered the amount and nature of fees paid by shareholders.  The Trustees
considered the level of Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co.'s profits with respect to
managing the Fund as well as other  funds/portfolios  in The 59 Wall Street Fund
family and reviewed any affiliated  brokerage  transaction  costs. After careful
consideration of the above factors,  the Trustees approved the proposed Advisory
Agrement .

                             The Investment Adviser

         For  information  about Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co., the identity of
its general partners and its other contractual  arrangements with the Trust, see
pages [#] - [#] of this Proxy Statement.

         Authorization of the Advisory  Agreement  requires the affirmative vote
of a "majority of the outstanding  voting securities" of the Fund, which term as
used in this Proxy  Statement  means the vote of the lesser of (a) more than 50%
of the  outstanding  Shares of that  Fund,  or (b) 67% of the Shares of the Fund
present at the Meeting if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding Shares
of that Fund are present or represented by proxy at the Meeting.

         The Trustees of the Trust  recommend that the  shareholders of the Fund
vote FOR the approval of the Advisory  Agreement.  In the event the shareholders
of the Fund fail to  approve  this  Proposal,  the  Trustees  of the Trust  will
consider what further action should be taken.

Proposal 5:       Authorizing  The  Amendment  Of The  Declaration  Of Trust
                  Of The  Portfolio  Regarding  Trustee Retirement And Removal

         The Board of Trustees of the  Portfolio has  approved,  and  recommends
that investors in the Portfolio  approve, a proposal to amend certain provisions
of the Portfolio's  Declaration of Trust to establish a mandatory retirement age
and expand removal provisions relating to Trustees of the Portfolio.

         In considering  the amendment,  the Trustees  considered and evaluated,
among other things,  a report of the Advisory  Group of the  Investment  Company
Institute on Best  Practices  of Fund  Directors  recommending  that fund boards
adopt  policies on the  retirement of  directors.  The Trustees  considered  the
provisions of the current Declaration of Trust and determined that the setting a
specific  retirement age and revising the removal  provisions  would enhance the
Board's effectiveness. In considering the mandatory retirement age, the Trustees
balanced  the  need  for  fresh  perspectives  against  the  benefits  that  the
experience  and  institutional  memory  of  existing  Directors  provides.  Upon
conclusion of its review, the Board recommended that the Declaration of Trust be
amended as proposed.

         Currently,  the Portfolio's  Declaration of Trust provides,  in Section
2.2 of Article II, that beginning with the Trustees elected at the first meeting
of investors,  each Trustee holds office until the  termination of the Portfolio
unless  the  Trustee  resigns  or  is  removed  as  otherwise  provided  in  the
Declaration of Trust. The Portfolio's  Declaration of Trust further provides, in
Section  2.3 of Article  II,  that a Trustee  may be  removed  with cause by the
action of two-thirds of the remaining Trustees.

         The Trustees of both the Portfolio and the Trust have  recommended that
the  respective   Declarations  of  Trust  be  amended.  Such  amendments  would
specifically  provide  that a Trustee  shall hold office until he or she attains
the age of seventy  (except for  Trustees  elected  prior to January 1, 2000 who
would hold office until he or she attains the age of  seventy-two),  or until he
or  she  sooner  dies,  resigns  or is  otherwise  removed  as  provided  in the
respective  Declarations of Trust.  Additionally,  such amendments would provide
that  a  Trustee   could  be  removed  with  or  without  cause  by  a  vote  of
three-quarters  of the remaining  Trustees who are  Independent  Trustees of the

         If this item is approved by Shareholders and the other investors in the
Portfolio,  the definition section of the Portfolio's Declaration of Trust shall
be amended in relevant part to read as follows:

         "Independent   Trustees"   shall  mean  those   Trustees  who  are  not
         "interested persons" of the Trust as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the
         Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     Section 2.2 of Article II of the Portfolio's Declaration of Trust shall be
amended in relevant part to read as follows:

         Subject to the  provisions  of Section 16(a) of the 1940 Act and except
         as provided in Section 2.3 hereof, each Trustee shall hold office until
         he or she attains the age of seventy  (except  with respect to Trustees
         who are elected as Trustees  prior to January 1, 2000,  until he or she
         attains  the age of  seventy-two),  or  until  he or she  sooner  dies,
         resigns or is removed as provided in Section 2.3 below.

     Section 2.3 of Article II of the Portfolio's Declaration of Trust shall be
amended in relevant part as follows:

         Any  Trustee  may be  removed  with or  without  cause by the action of
         three-quarters of the remaining  Trustees who are Independent  Trustees
         (provided  the  aggregate  number of  Trustees,  after such removal and
         after giving effect to any appointment made to fill the vacancy created
         by such removal,  shall not be less than the number required by Section
         2.1 hereof).

         If this  proposal is approved,  the Trust's  Declaration  of Trust will
also be amended by adding similar language to the corresponding  sections of the
Trust's Declaration of Trust.

         The full text of applicable sections of the Portfolio's  Declaration of
Trust and the Trust's  Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended,  are set
forth in the Appendix C and B, respectively, to this proxy statement.

         It is intended  that  proxies  submitted by  Shareholders  of the Money
Market Fund not limited to the  contrary  will be voted in favor of amending the
Portfolio's  Declaration  of Trust as set forth in Appendix C.  Amendment of the
Portfolio's Declaration of Trust requires the vote of investors in the Portfolio
holding more than 50% of the total interests entitled to vote.

         The Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  unanimously  recommends  that the
shareholders  of the Money  Market Fund vote FOR the  approval  of the  proposed
amendments  of  the   Portfolio's   Declaration  of  Trust.  In  the  event  the
shareholders  of the  Money  Market  Fund fail to  approve  this  proposal,  the
Trustees of the Trust will consider what further action should be taken.

Proposal 7:       Authorizing The Election Of Six Trustees Of The Portfolio.

         It is proposed by the Board of Trustees of the Portfolio  that there be
a common Board of Directors/Trustees for The 59 Wall Street Family of Funds. The
Trustees of the Portfolio  believe that a combined  Board of  Directors/Trustees
would permit the Directors/Trustees to more efficiently supervise the affairs of
each fund/portfolio in The 59 Wall Street Family of Funds.

         When The 59 Wall Street Family of Funds were organized, the Independent
Trustees of the  Portfolio  were  separate  from the  Directors/Trustees  of the
Corporation  and the Trust.  The Trustees of the  Portfolio now believe that the
supervision  of the  affairs  of The Wall  Street  Family of Funds  will be more
efficient  and  effective  if  there  is a  common  Board.  In  considering  the
establishment  of a common Board, the Trustees  considered and evaluated,  among
other things, a report of the Advisory Group of the Investment Company Institute
on Best Practices of Fund Directors  recommending that fund boards within a fund
complex be organized as a unitary board.  Specifically,  the Trustees determined
that a common Board would provide Independent  Trustees an opportunity to obtain
better  familiarity with the many aspects of fund/portfolio  operations that are
complex-wide  in nature.  These  aspects  include,  for example,  the nature and
quality of compliance,  administrative,  transfer agency and custodial services,
as well as distribution channels used by the complex. The Trustees discussed the
possibility  that a common Board may provide the  Independent  Trustees  greater
access to the  Investment  Adviser and  greater  influence  with the  Investment
Adviser than they would have if they were on separate boards. The Trustees noted
that  the  administrative  costs,  complexities  and  redundancies  of  separate
meetings would also be reduced.

         The Board of Trustees of the Portfolio has fixed the number of Trustees
at nine, and, at a meeting on August 10, 1999, nominated Messrs. Sheilds, Beard,
Feldman,  Lowy,  Miltenberger  and  Ivory  for  election  by  the  investors  in
accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act.

         The following  table shows the nominees for election as Trustees of the
Portfolio, their principal occupations which, unless otherwise specified, are of
more than five years  duration,  although the titles held may have varied during
that period.  Asterisks indicate those Trustees who are "interested persons," as
defined in the 1940 Act, of the Portfolio. Only the Independent Trustees receive
compensation  from the  Portfolio.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the principal
business address of each Trustee is 21 Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.


                                 Business Experience
Name                     Age     During Past Five Years

J.V. Shields, Jr.*      61       Chairman of the Board and  Director/Trustee  of the Corporation and the
                                 Trust;  Director,  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Shields &
                                 Company;  Chairman of Capital Management Associates,  Inc.; Director of
                                 Flowers  Industries,  Inc; Vice Chairman and Trustee of New York Racing

Eugene P. Beard         64       Director/Trustee  of the Corporation and the Trust;  Executive Vice President -
                                 Finance and Operations of The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.

David P. Feldman        59       Director/Trustee of the Corporation and the Trust;  Retired; Vice President and
                                 Investment Manager - AT&T Investment  Management  Corporation (prior to
                                 October 1997);  Director of Dreyfus Mutual Funds;  and Jeffrey Co.; and
                                 Heitman Financial.

Alan G. Lowy            60      Director/Trustee  of the Corporation and the Trust;  Private  Investor;
                                Secretary,  Los Angeles  County  Board of  Investments  (prior to March

Arthur D. Miltenberger  60       Director/Trustee  of the  Corporation  and the Trust;  Retired;  Executive Vice
                                 President  and Chief  Financial  Officer of Richard K.  Mellon and Sons
                                 (prior to June 1998);  Treasurer of the Richard King Mellon  Foundation
                                 (prior  to June  1998);  Vice  President  of the  Richard  King  Mellon
                                 Foundation;  Trustee,  R.K.  Mellon  Family  Trusts;  General  Partner,
                                 Mellon   Family   Investment   Company  IV,  V  and  VI;   Director  of
                                 Aerostructures Corporation (since 1996).

J. Angus Ivory         67       Trustee  of Dow Jones  Islamic  Market  Index  Portfolio  (since  March
                                1999);  Committee  Member,  St.  Thomas  Hospital  Pain  Clinic  (since
                                1999);  Director of Brown Brothers  Harriman Ltd.,  subsidiary of Brown
                                Brothers Harriman & Co.; Director of Old Daily Saddlery;  Advisor,  RAF
                                Central Fund.

         Should this proposal be approved,  the Trustees of the Portfolio  shall
receive an annual base fee of $15,000 (except for the Chairman who shall receive
a base fee of $20,000)  which will be  allocated  among all funds and all active
portfolios in The Wall Street  Family of Funds,  based on their  respective  net
assets. In addition, each fund/portfolio in The Wall Street Family of Funds that
has  commenced  operations  shall pay an annual  fee to each  Trustee of $1,000.
Currently,  the Trustees of the  Portfolio  receive a base annual fee of $12,000
(except the Chairman  who  receives a base annual fee of $17,000)  which is paid
jointly by the U.S. Money Market  Portfolio,  U.S.  Small Company  Portfolio and
International  Equity  Portfolio and allocated  among the Portfolios  based upon
their  respective  net assets.  In addition,  each  portfolio in The Wall Street
Family  of Funds  which has  commenced  operations  pays an  annual  fee to each
Trustee of $1,000.

         The following table outlines the  compensation  received by the current
Trustees of the Portfolio for the most recent fiscal year.


                                              Pension or                         from the
                                              Retirement                         Fund
Name                       Aggregate          Benefits Accrued Estimated Annual  Complex*
of Person,                 Compensation       as Part of       Benefits upon     Paid
Position                   from the Portfolio Fund Expenses    Retirement        to Trustees

Richard L. Carpenter**,    $11,970                   none         none              $15,000

Clifford A. Clark**,       $11,970                   none         none              $15,000

David M. Seitzman**,       $11,970                   none         none              $15,000

J. Angus Ivory,            N/A                       N/A           N/A              N/A


* The "Fund  Complex"  consists  of the Trust,  the  Corporation  and all active
portfolios in The Wall Street Family of Funds.  There are currently eleven funds
and three  active  portfolios  in The 59 Wall  Street  Family of Funds.  **These
Trustees are members of the standing  Audit  Committee  of the  Portfolio.  Each
member  attended  all four of the  Audit  Committee  meetings  held  during  the
Portfolio's  last fiscal year.  The duties and functions of the Audit  Committee
are,  among other things,  to (1) serve as the liaison  between the  independent
auditors and the  Portfolio's  management as their duties relate to assuring the
integrity of the  Portfolio's  financial  reporting and the  safeguarding of the
Portfolio's  assets; (2) assure the independence of the auditors,  the integrity
of management and the adequacy of  disclosures to holders of interests;  and (3)
review the scope of the audit,  the  financial  results of the Portfolio for the
year and the auditors'  evaluation of the overall adequacy of internal  controls
and  thereby   assists  the  Board  of  Trustees  in  fulfilling  its  fiduciary
responsibilities  as  to  accounting  policies  and  reporting  practices.   The
Portfolio does not have a nominating committee or a compensation committee.

         As of June 30, 1999, the Trustees of the Portfolio,  individually or as
a group directly or indirectly  beneficially owned less than 1% of the aggregate
beneficial interests in the Portfolio.

         During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 the Board of Trustees of the
Portfolio  met four times.  Each  Trustee of the  Portfolio  attended all of the
meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Portfolio.

         It is the  present  intention  that the  enclosed  proxy  will,  unless
authority to vote for election of one or more nominees is specifically  withheld
by executing  the proxy in the manner  stated  thereon,  be used to vote FOR the
election of the six  nominees as  Trustees  of the  Portfolio.  If Proposal 5 is
approved,  each  Trustee so elected will hold office until he or she attains the
age of  seventy-two  or until he or she sooner  dies,  resigns  or is  otherwise
removed as provided in the respective  Declarations  of Trust.  Each nominee has
consented to serve as a Trustee of the Portfolio if elected at the Meeting.

         Election of the nominees as Trustees of the Portfolio requires the vote
of  investors  in  thePortfolio  holding  more than 50% of the  total  interests
entitled to vote.

         The Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  unanimously  recommends  that the
shareholders  of the Money  Market Fund vote FOR the  approval  of the  proposed
amendments  of  the   Portfolio's   Declaration  of  Trust.  In  the  event  the
shareholders  of the  Money  Market  Fund fail to  approve  this  proposal,  the
Trustees of the Trust will consider what further action should be taken.

Proposal 8:       Ratification Of Selection Of Accountants Of The Portfolio.

         A majority of the Portfolio's  Trustees have selected Deloitte & Touche
LLP, 200 Berkeley Street, Boston,  Massachusetts 02116, as independent certified
public  accountants  to sign or certify any  financial  statements  which may be
filed by the Portfolio with the Securities and Exchange Commission in respect of
all or any part of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000.  The employment of such
auditors being expressly conditioned upon the right of the Portfolio, by vote of
a majority  of the  outstanding  "voting  securities"  in the  Portfolio  at any
meeting called for the purpose,  to terminate such employment  forthwith without
any  penalty.  Such  selection  is subject to  ratification  or rejection by the
investors of the Portfolio at a meeting of such investors. Deloitte & Touche LLP
currently  serves  as  the  independent  certified  public  accountants  of  the
Portfolio and has served as  independent  certified  public  accountants  of the
Portfolio  since June 30,  1991.  The  Portfolio  is informed  that no member of
Deloitte  & Touche  LLP has any  direct or  material  indirect  interest  in the

         The  Portfolio's   independent  certified  public  accountants  provide
customary  professional  services in  connection  with the audit  function for a
management  investment  company such as the  Portfolio,  and their fees for such
services  include  fees for work  leading to the  expression  of opinions on the
financial  statements  included in annual reports to the holders of interests in
the Portfolio,  opinions on the financial  statements and other data included in
the  Portfolio's  annual  report  to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,
opinions on  financial  statements  included in  amendments  to the  Portfolio's
registration  statement,  and preparation of the  Portfolio's  federal and state
income tax  returns.  The nature and scope of the  professional  services of the
accountants were approved by the Portfolio's  Trustees,  who have considered the
possible effect thereof on the independence of the accountants.

         It is intended  that proxies not limited to the contrary  will be voted
in favor of authorizing  the  ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche
LLP as the  independent  certified  public  accountants  to be  employed  by the
Portfolio  to sign or  certify  financial  statements  required  to be signed or
certified by independent  public  accountants  and filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission in respect of all or part of the fiscal year ending June 30,

         The Trustees of the Trust recommend that the  shareholders of the Money
Market Fund vote to authorize  the  ratification  of the selection of Deloitte &
Touche LLP as the independent certified public accountants of the Portfolio.  In
the event  the  shareholders  of the Money  Market  Fund  fail to  approve  this
proposal,  the Trustees of the Trust will consider what further action should be

Proposal 6:       Other Business.

         Neither the Trustees of the Trust nor the persons  appointed as proxies
are aware of any matters other than those set forth in the  accompanying  Notice
of  Special  Meeting  which may be  presented  by  others,  nor do they have any
intention of bringing before the Meeting for action any matters other than those
specified in such Notice.  If any other  business shall properly come before the
Meeting,  the persons appointed as proxies shall vote thereon in accordance with
their  best  judgment.  Proposals  of  shareholders  which  are  intended  to be
presented  at a future  shareholder  meeting  must be  received  by the  Trust a
reasonable time prior to the Trust's  solicitation  of proxies  relating to such
future meeting.

                             Additional Information

Officers of the Trust and the Portfolio.

         The following  table sets forth certain  information  about the current
officers of the Trust and the Portfolio.  All officers are "interested persons,"
as defined in the 1940 Act. Unless otherwise  indicated,  the principal business
address of each officer is 21 Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

                          Position with
                          the Trust and         Business Experience
Name                      the Portfolio         During Past Five Years

Philip W. Coolidge         President            Chief  Executive  Officer and  President  of
                                                Signature  Financial  Group,  Inc.  ("SFG"),
                                                59 Wall Street Distributors,  Inc. ("59 Wall
                                                Street  Distributors")  and  59 Wall  Street
                                                Administrators,    Inc.   ("59 Wall   Street

James E. Hoolahan          Vice President       Senior Vice President of SFG.

John R. Elder              Treasurer            Vice President of SFG (since April 1995).

Linda T. Gibson            Secretary            Senior  Vice   President   and   Secretary   of  SFG;
                                                Secretary  of 59  Wall  Street  Distributors
                                                and 59 Wall Street Administrators.

Molly S. Mugler            Assistant Secretary  Vice  President  and  Assistant   Secretary  of  SFG;
                                                Assistant   Secretary   of  59 Wall   Street
                                                Distributors      and     59 Wall     Street

Susan Jakuboski            Assistant Treasurer
                           Assistant Secretary* Vice President of   SFG; Assistant Secretary, Assistant
                                                Treasurer and  Vice President of Signature Financial Group (Grand Cayman)
                                                Limited (since August 1994).

Christine A. Drapeau       Assistant Secretary  Vice   President   of  SFG  (since   January   1996);
                                                Paralegal and  Compliance  Officer,  various
                                                financial  companies  (July  1992 to January
                                                1996);  Graduate  Student,  Bentley  College
                                                (prior to December 1994).

Linwood C. Downs           Assistant Treasurer   Senior  Vice   President   and   Treasurer   of  SFG;
                                                 Treasurer  of  59 Wall  Street  Distributors
                                                 and 59 Wall Street Administrators.

*Ms. Jakuboski is Assistant Secretary of the Portfolio only.

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

         Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co., Private Bankers,  is a New York limited
partnership  established  in 1818.  The  principal  offices  of  Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. are located at 59 Wall Street,  New York,  New York 10005.  Brown
Brothers Harriman & Co. is subject to regulation by the  Superintendent of Banks
of the State of New York and by the Department of Banking of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania.  The firm is also subject to  supervision  and  examination by the
Commissioner  of Banks of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co.  provides a broad range of  investment  management  services  for
customers in the United  States and abroad.  At June 30, 1999,  it managed total
assets of approximately $33 billion.

     The general partners of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. are Messrs. J.
William Anderson, Peter B. Bartlett, Brian A. Berris, Taylor S. Bodman, John J.
Borland, Douglas A. Donahue, Jr., Anthony T. Enders, A. T. Erckientz, T. M.
Farley, John A. Gehret, Elbridge T. Gerry, Jr., Robert R. Gould, Kyosuke
Hashimoto, Ronald J. Hill, Landon Hilliard, Radford W. Klotz, Michael Kraynak,
Jr., T. Michael Long, Hampton S. Lynch, Jr., Michael W. McConnell, William H.
Moore III, Donald B. Murphy, John A. Nielsen, Eugene C. Rainis, A. Heaton
Robertson III, Jeffrey A. Schoenfeld, Stokley P. Towles, Andrew J. F. Tucker,
Lawrence C. Tucker, Maarten van Hengel, Douglas C. Walker, Laurence F.
Whittemore and Richard H. Witmer, Jr. and Mss. Kristen F. Giarrusso and Susan C.
Livingston. The mailing address for each general partner is Brown Brothers
Harriman & Co., 59 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005, with the following
exceptions: Messrs. Bodman, Donahue, Robertson and Towles and Mss. Giarrusso and
Livingston at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., 40 Water Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109; Mr. Walker at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., 1531 Walnut
Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102; Mr. Borland at 125 South Wacker Drive,
Suite 2150, Chicago, Illinois 60606; Mr. Hashimoto at Daimatsu Building, 4th
Floor, 8-14 Nihonbashi 3-Chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, 103-0027, Japan; and Mr. Lynch
at Veritas House, 125 Finsbury Pavement, London EC2A 1PN, England. The five
partners with the largest economic interests in Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
are Messrs. Enders, Hilliard, Murphy, Tucker and McConnell. The Steering
Committee of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. is comprised of Messrs. Enders,
Bartlett, Hilliard, Murphy, Tucker, Donahue and McConnell. Messrs. Nielsen and
Murphy have significant management responsibilities relating to the Trust and
the Portfolio.

         The investment  advisory services provided by Brown Brothers Harriman &
Co.  to the Tax  Exempt  Money  Fund are not  exclusive  under  the terms of the
Advisory  Agreement.  Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co. is free to and does render
similar   investment   advisory   services  to  others,   including   the  other
funds/portfolios  in the 59 Wall  Street  Family  of  Funds.  The  names  of the
funds/portfolios  which are money  market  funds or  investment  in fixed income
securities  in the 59 Wall  Street  Family  of Funds for  which  Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. provides investment advisory services, the approximate amounts of
their net assets or market  value as of June 30,  1999 and the  annual  rates of
Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co.'s fees for its investment  advisory  services to
such companies are as follows:

                                           Rate of Investment
                        Net Assets         Advisory Compensation
                        as of              as Percentage of Average
Name of Fund            June 30, 1999      Daily Net Assets
- ------------            -------------      ============================

U.S. Money              $1,058,041,530             0.15%
Market Portfolio

The 59 Wall Street       $192,642,426               0.15%
U.S. Treasury Money Fund

The 59 Tax Exempt        $14,654,457                 0.15%
Money Fund

The 59 Wall Street Tax   $76,478,367                0.25%
Free Short/Intermediate
Fixed Income Fund

The 59 Wall Street        $11,864,194              0.25%
Inflation-Indexed Securities

         The Trust has entered  into an  Eligible  Institution  Agreement  and a
Shareholder  Servicing  Agreement with Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. pursuant to
which Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. acts as shareholder  servicing agent for its
customers and for other fund  investors.  These  shareholder  services  include:
answering  inquiries  regarding account status and history,  the manner in which
purchases and  redemptions of Shares may be effected,  and certain other matters
pertaining to the Fund;  assisting in designating and changing dividend options,
account designations and addresses; providing necessary personnel and facilities
to coordinate the  establishment  and  maintenance  of shareholder  accounts and
records with the transfer agent;  transmitting purchase and redemption orders to
the transfer  agent;  arranging for the wiring or other transfer of funds to and
from customer  accounts in connection  with orders to purchase or redeem Shares;
verifying  purchase  and  redemption  orders,  transfers  among and  changes  in
accounts;  informing  the  distributor  of the  gross  amount  of  purchase  and
redemption orders for Shares; and providing other related services. The Trust on
behalf of each Fund has  agreed to pay Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co. for these
services a fee,  which is computed daily and may be paid monthly and is equal to
an  annual  percentage  rate  of  the  value  of  Fund  Shares  owned  by or for
shareholders  for whom  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  is  acting  either  as
shareholder servicing agent or eligible institution.

         The  Trust on behalf  of each  Fund has  agreed  to pay Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. for these services a fee, which is computed daily and may be paid
monthly equal to an annual  percentage  rate of the value of the Fund's  shares.
With  respect to the Tax Exempt Money Fund,  the fees payable to Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. as shareholder  servicing agent or eligible institution are 0.25%
of the Fund's average daily net assets.  For the most recent fiscal year,  Brown
Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  received  $8,246 for  shareholder  servicing/eligible
institution services to the Fund.

         The Trust has also entered into an  Administrative  Services  Agreement
with Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. pursuant to which Brown Brothers  Harriman &
Co. administers all aspects of the Trust's operations subject to the supervision
of  the  Trust's   Trustees.   In  connection  with  its   responsibilities   as
Administrator  for each Fund and at its own expense,  Brown Brothers  Harriman &
Co. (i)  provides  the Trust with the  services of persons  competent to perform
such  supervisory,  administration  and clerical  functions as are  necessary in
order  to  provide  effective   administration  of  the  Trust,   including  the
maintenance  of certain  books and records;  (ii)  oversees the  performance  of
administrative and professional  services to the Trust by others,  including the
Funds' Custodian,  Transfer Agent and Dividend  Disbursing Agent; (iii) provides
the Trust with adequate office space and  communications  and other  facilities;
and (iv) prepares  and/or arranges for the preparation of, but does not pay for,
the  periodic  updating of the  Trust's  registration  statement  and the Fund's
prospectus,  the printing of such  documents for the purpose of filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and state securities administrators,  and the
preparation  of tax returns for the Fund and reports to the Fund's  shareholders
and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         The  Trust on behalf  of each  Fund has  agreed  to pay Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. for  administrative  services a fee,  which is computed daily and
may be paid  monthly  equal to an  annual  percentage  rate of the  value of the
Fund's  shares.  With respect to the Tax Exempt Money Fund,  the fees payable to
Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. as administrator  are 0.10% of the Fund's average
daily net  assets.  For the most  recent  fiscal  year Brown  Brothers  Harriman
received administration fees from the Fund equal to [$]. Brown Brothers Harriman
& Co. pays a  subadministration  fee as determined  from time to time to 59 Wall
Street  Administrators,  Inc.  Therefore the net  administration  fee payable to
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. is lower.

         The  Glass-Steagall  Act prohibits certain financial  institutions from
engaging in the business of underwriting, selling or distributing securities and
from  sponsoring,  organizing or  controlling a registered  open-end  investment
company  continuously  engaged in the issuance of its shares, such as the Trust.
There is presently no controlling precedent  prohibiting financial  institutions
such as Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. from performing the investment  advisory,
administrative or shareholder servicing/eligible institution functions described
above.  If Brown Brothers  Harriman & Co. were to terminate the Tax Exempt Money
Fund's  Investment  Advisory  Agreement with the Trust or were  prohibited  from
acting in such  capacity,  it is expected  that the  Trustees of the Trust would
recommend to the  shareholders of the Trust that they approve that the Trust, on
behalf of the Tax  Exempt  Money  Fund,  enter  into a new  investment  advisory
agreement  with another  qualified  adviser  selected by the Trustees.  If Brown
Brothers Harriman & Co. were to terminate its Shareholder  Servicing  Agreement,
Eligible  Institution  Agreement or Administrative  Services  Agreement with the
Trust or were prohibited  from acting in any such capacity,  its customers would
be  permitted  to remain  shareholders  of the Trust and  alternative  means for
providing  shareholder services or administrative  services, as the case may be,
would be sought.  In such  event,  although  the  operation  of the Trust  might
change,  it is not  expected  that any  shareholders  would  suffer any  adverse
financial  consequences.  However, an alternative means of providing shareholder
services may afford less convenience to investors.

         Pursuant to a license  agreement  between the Trust and Brown  Brothers
Harriman & Co. dated June 8, 1990, the Trust may continue to use in its name "59
Wall Street", the current and historic address of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.,
only if Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.: (i) gives, prior to the Trustees creating
any new series of the Trust,  its  written  consent to the  creation of any such
additional  series;  and (ii) does not request that the Trust change its name to
eliminate  all  reference  to "59 Wall Street"  upon the  expiration  or earlier
termination of any  investment  advisory  agreement  between the Trust and Brown
Brothers  Harriman & Co. with  respect to the latter's  rendering of  investment
advisory services to any current or future series of the Trust.

                             Portfolio Transactions

         The  securities  in  which  the Tax  Exempt  Fund  invests  are  traded
primarily  in the  over-the-counter  market on a net  basis and do not  normally
involve  either  brokerage   commissions  or  transfer  taxes.   Where  possible
transactions on behalf of the Fund are entered  directly with the issuer or from
an  underwriter  or market maker for the  securities  involved.  Purchases  from
underwriters  of securities  may include a commission or concession  paid by the
issuer to the  underwriter,  and purchases from dealers serving as market makers
may  include  a spread  between  bid and  asked  price.  The  policy of the Fund
regarding  purchases and sales of securities  is that primary  consideration  is
given to  obtaining  the most  favorable  prices  and  efficient  executions  of
transactions.  In  seeking to  implement  the Fund's  policies,  the  Investment
Adviser effects  transactions  with those brokers and dealers who the Investment
Adviser  believes provide the most favorable prices and are capable of providing
efficient  executions.  While reasonably  competitive spreads or commissions are
sought for the Fund,  it will not  necessarily  be paying  the lowest  spread or
commission  available.  If the  Investment  Adviser  believes  such  prices  and
executions  are  obtainable  from more than one  broker or  dealer,  it may give
consideration to placing  portfolio  transactions with those brokers and dealers
who also  furnish  research  and other  services  to the Fund or the  Investment
Adviser.  Such services may include,  but are not limited to, any one or more of
the following:  information as to the availability of securities for purchase or
sale;  statistical or factual  information or opinions pertaining to investment;
and appraisals or evaluations of portfolio securities.

         On those  occasions  when  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  deems  the
purchase or sale of a security to be in the best  interests of a Fund as well as
other  customers,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman & Co., to the extent  permitted  by
applicable  laws and  regulations,  may, but is not obligated to,  aggregate the
securities  to be sold  or  purchased  for the  Fund  with  those  to be sold or
purchased for other customers in order to obtain best execution, including lower
brokerage  commissions,  if  appropriate.  In  such  event,  allocation  of  the
securities  so  purchased  or  sold  as well  as any  expenses  incurred  in the
transaction are made by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. in the manner it considers
to be most  equitable  and  consistent  with its  fiduciary  obligations  to its
customers, including the Fund. In some instances, this procedure might adversely
affect the Fund.

                                         By Order of the Board of Trustees.
                                         Linda T. Gibson, Secretary.

                                                                  APPENDIX A

                            THE 59 WALL STREET TRUST
                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT


         AGREEMENT,  made this 9th day of  February,  1999  between  THE 59 WALL
STREET TRUST, a Massachusetts  business trust (the "Trust"), on behalf of The 59
Wall Street Tax Exempt Money Fund (the "Fund"),  and BROWN  BROTHERS  HARRIMAN &
CO., a New York limited partnership (the "Adviser"),

         WHEREAS,  the  Trust  is  an  open-end  management  investment  company
registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the " 1940
Act"); and

         WHEREAS,  the Trust desires to retain the Adviser to render  investment
advisory  services  to the Fund,  and the  Adviser  is  willing  to render  such

         NOW, THEREFORE, this Agreement


that in consideration of the premises and mutual promises hereinafter set forth,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

         1. The Trust hereby  appoints the Adviser to act as investment  adviser
to the Fund for the  period  and on the terms set forth in this  Agreement.  The
Adviser  accepts such  appointment  and agrees to render the services herein set
forth, for the compensation herein provided.

         2. Subject to the general supervision of the Trustees of the Trust, the
Adviser shall manage the investment  operations of the Fund and the  composition
of the Fund's  portfolio of securities  and  investments,  including  cash,  the
purchase,  retention and disposition thereof and agreements relating thereto, in
accordance  with the Fund's  investment  objective and policies as stated in the
Prospectus  (as  defined in  paragraph 3 of this  Agreement)  and subject to the
following understandings:

                  (a) the Adviser shall furnish a continuous  investment program
for the Fund's  portfolio and determine  from time to time what  investments  or
securities  will be  purchased,  retained,  sold or lent by the  Fund,  and what
portion of the assets will be invested or held uninvested as cash;

                  (b) the  Adviser  shall  use the  same  skill  and care in the
management  of the Fund's  portfolio as it uses in the  administration  of other
accounts for which it has investment responsibility as agent;

                  (c)  the  Adviser,  in  the  performance  of  its  duties  and
obligations  under this  Agreement,  shall act in  conformity  with the  Trust's
Declaration  of Trust and  By-Laws and the  Prospectus  of the Fund and with the
instructions and directions of the Trustees of the Trust and will conform to and
comply with the  requirements of the 1940 Act and all other  applicable  federal
and state laws and regulations  including,  without limitation,  the regulations
and rulings of the New York State Banking Department;

                  (d)  the  Adviser  shall   determine  the   securities  to  be
purchased,  sold or lent by the  Fund  and as agent  for the  Fund  will  effect
portfolio  transactions  pursuant to its determinations either directly with the
issuer or with any broker and/or dealer in such  securities;  in placing  orders
with brokers and or dealers the Adviser intends to seek best price and execution
for purchases and sales.

         On occasions  when the Adviser deems the purchase or sale of a security
to be in the best interest of the Fund as well as other customers,  the Adviser,
may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and  regulations,  but shall not
be obligated to, aggregate the securities to be so sold or purchased in order to
obtain the best  execution  and lower  brokerage  commissions,  if any.  In such
event,  allocation  of the  securities  so  purchased  or  sold,  as well as the
expenses incurred in the transaction,  will be made by the Adviser in the manner
it  considers  to be the  most  equitable  and  consistent  with  its  fiduciary
obligations to the Fund and to such other customers.

                  (e) the Adviser shall  maintain books and records with respect
to the Fund's  securities  transactions and shall render to the Trust's Trustees
such periodic and special reports as the Trustees may reasonably request; and

                  (f) the investment  management  services of the Adviser to the
Fund under this Agreement are not to be deemed exclusive,  and the Adviser shall
be free to render similar services to others.

         3. The Trust has delivered copies of each of the following documents to
the Adviser and will promptly notify and deliver to it all future amendments and
supplements, it any:

                  (a)  Declaration  of  Trust  of  the  Trust,  filed  with  the
Secretary of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts on June 8, 1983, and amendments
thereto filed on October 27, 1983,  August 22, 1984, July 20, 1989,  October 24,
1989,  February 14, 1991,  December 20, 1991 and June 26, 1992 (such Declaration
of Trust and amendments, as presently in effect and as further amended from time
to time, are herein called the "Declaration of Trust");

                  (b) By-Laws of the Trust (such By-Laws, as presently in effect
and as amended from time to time, are herein called the "By-Laws");

                  (c)  Certified  resolutions  of  the  Trustees  of  the  Trust
authorizing  the  appointment  of the  Adviser  and  approving  the form of this

               (d) Registration  Statement under the 1940 Act and the Securities
Act of  1933,  as  amended,  on Form  N-1A  (No.  33-39020)  (the  "Registration
Statement")  as  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission   (the
"Commission")  on November  30, 1998  relating to the Trust and the Fund shares,
and all amendments thereto;

                  (e)  Notification  of Registration of the Trust under the 1940
Act on Form  N-8A  as  filed  with  the  Commission  on June  24,  1983  and all
amendments thereto; and

                  (f)  Prospectus  of the Fund,  dated  February  16, 1999 (such
prospectus,  as presently in effect and as amended or supplemented  with respect
to the Fund from time to time, is herein called the "Prospectus").

         4. The Adviser  shall keep the Fund's books and records  required to be
maintained by it pursuant to paragraph 2(e). The Adviser agrees that all records
which  it  maintains  for the  Fund  are the  property  of the  Fund and it will
promptly surrender any of such records to the Fund upon the Fund's request.  The
Adviser  further agrees to preserve for the periods  prescribed by Rule 31a-2 of
the  Commission  under  the 1940  Act any such  records  as are  required  to be
maintained  by the  Adviser  with  respect  to the  Fund  by Rule  31a-1  of the
Commission under the 1940 Act.

         5. During the term of this  Agreement the Adviser will pay all expenses
incurred by it in connection with its activities under this Agreement other than
the cost of securities and investments  purchased for the Fund (including  taxes
and brokerage commissions, if any).

         6. For the services  provided and the expenses  borne  pursuant to this
Agreement,  the Adviser will receive from the Fund as full compensation therefor
a fee at an annual rate equal to 0.15% of the Fund's  average  daily net assets.
This fee will be computed based on net assets at 4:00 P.M. New York time on each
business  day and will be paid to the  Adviser  monthly  during  the  succeeding
calendar  month.  In the  event the  expenses  of the Fund for any  fiscal  year
(including  the fees payable to the Adviser and the Trust's  administrator  (the
"Administrator"),  but excluding  interest,  taxes,  brokerage  commissions  and
litigation and  indemnification  expenses and other  extraordinary  expenses not
incurred  in the  ordinary  course of the  Fund's  business)  exceed  the lowest
applicable  annual expense  limitation  established  pursuant to the statutes or
regulations of any  jurisdiction  in which Shares of the Fund are then qualified
for  offer and sale,  the  compensation  due to the  Adviser  hereunder  will be
reduced  by 50% (or 100% if the  Trust  does not have an  Administrator)  of the
amount of such excess,  or if such excess expenses exceed the amount of the fees
payable to the Adviser and the  Administrator,  the Adviser shall  reimburse the
Fund for 50% (or 100% if the Trust does not have an Administrator) of the amount
by which such  expenses  exceed such fees.  Any reduction in the fee payable and
any  payment by the  Adviser to the Fund shall be made  monthly  and  subject to
readjustment during the year.
         7. The Adviser shall not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake
of law or for any loss  suffered by the Fund in  connection  with the matters to
which this Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from a breach of fiduciary
duty with respect to the receipt of compensation for services (in which case any
award of  damages  shall be  limited  to the  period and the amount set forth in
Section  36(b)(3) of the 1940 Act) or a loss resulting from wilful  misfeasance,
bad faith or gross  negligence on its part in the  performance  of its duties or
from  reckless  disregard  by  it of  its  obligations  and  duties  under  this

         8. This Agreement  shall continue in effect for two years from the date
of its  execution  and  thereafter,  but  only  so long  as its  continuance  is
specifically  approved at least annually in conformity with the  requirements of
the 1940 Act;  provided,  however,  that this  Agreement may be terminated  with
respect  to the Fund by the  Trust  at any  time,  without  the  payment  of any
penalty, by vote of a majority of all the Trustees of the Trust or by "vote of a
majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities" of the Fund on 60 days written
notice to the Adviser, or by the Adviser at any time, without the payment of any
penalty,   on  90  days  written  notice  to  the  Trust.  This  Agreement  will
automatically and immediately terminate in the event of its "assignment".

         9. The  Adviser  shall  for all  purposes  herein  be  deemed  to be an
independent  contractor and shall, unless otherwise expressly provided herein or
authorized by the Trustees of the Trust from time to time,  have no authority to
act for or represent  the Fund or the Trust in any way or otherwise be deemed an
agent of the Fund or the Trust.

         10. This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent, but the consent of
the Trust must be approved  (a) by vote of a majority  of those  Trustees of the
Trust who are not parties to this Agreement or "interested  persons" of any such
party,  cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on such
amendment,  and (b) by "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities"
of the Fund.

         11.  As used in this  Agreement,  the terms  "assignment",  "interested
persons" and "vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  shall
have the meanings assigned to them respectively in the 1940 Act.

         12.  Notices of any kind to be given to the  Adviser by the Trust shall
be in writing and shall be duly given if mailed or  delivered  to the Adviser at
59 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005, Attention: Treasurer, or at such other
address or to such other  individual as shall be specified by the Adviser to the
Trust.  Notices of any kind to be given to the Trust by the Adviser  shall be in
writing  and shall be duly given if mailed or  delivered  to the Trust at The 59
Wall Street  Trust,  21 Milk Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02116,  Attention:
Secretary,  or at such other  address or to such  other  individual  as shall be
specified by the Trust to the Adviser.

         13. The Trustees have  authorized  the  execution of this  Agreement in
their  capacity as Trustees  and not  individually  and the Adviser  agrees that
neither  the   shareholders   nor  the  Trustees  nor  any  officer,   employee,
representative  or agent of the Trust shall be personally liable upon, nor shall
resort be had to their private  property for the  satisfaction  of,  obligations
given,   executed  or  delivered  on  behalf  of  or  by  the  Trust,  that  the
shareholders,  Trustees, officers, employees,  representatives and agents of the
Trust shall not be  personally  liable  hereunder,  and the  Adviser  shall look
solely to the property of the Trust for the satisfaction of any claim hereunder.

         14. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to be an original.
        15. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be executed by their officers or Partners  designated  below on the day and year
first above written.

                                               THE 59 WALL STREET TRUST

                                               By/s/Joseph V. Shields, Jr.
                                               Joseph V. Shields, Jr., Chairman


/s/Christine A. Drapeau
By Christine A. Drapeau
Assistant Secretary                            BROWN  BROTHERS HARRIMAN & CO.

ATTEST:                                        By /s/John A. Nielsen
                                                  John A. Nielsen, Partner

/s/Christine A. Drapeau
By Christine A. Drapeau
Assistant Secretary

                                                                    APPENDIX B

         Proposed  amendment to Section 1.2  (Definitions) of the Declaration of
Trust of the Trust (words  deleted have been marked  through and words added are

         "Independent   Trustees"   shall  mean  those   Trustees  who  are  not
         "interested persons" of the Trust as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the
         Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

         Proposed  amendment  to Sections  2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of Article II of the
Declaration  of The 59 Wall Street Trust (words deleted have been marked through
and words added are underscored):

         Section  2.2.  Election and Term.  The  Trustees  shall be elected by a
         Majority   Shareholder  Vote  at  the  first  meeting  of  Shareholders
         following  the  initial  public  offering  of Shares of the Trust.  The
         Trustees  shall  have the power to set and alter the terms of office of
         the  Trustees,  and they may at any time  lengthen or lessen  their own
         terms  or make  their  terms  of  unlimited  duration,  subject  to the
         resignation  and removal  provisions of Section 2.3 hereof.  Subject to
         the provisions of Section 16(a) of the 1940 Act, the Trustees may elect
         their own successors and may,  pursuant to Section 2.4 hereof,  appoint
         Trustees to fill vacancies. A Trustee shall hold office until he or she
         attains the age of seventy  (except  with  respect to Trustees  who are
         elected as Trustees  prior to January 1, 2000,  until he or she attains
         the age of seventy-two),  or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is
         removed as  provided  in Section 2.3 below.  The  Trustees  shall adopt
         By-Laws not inconsistent  with this Declaration or any provision of law
         to provide for  election of  Trustees by  Shareholders  at such time or
         times as the Trustees shall determine to be necessary or advisable.

         Section 2.3.  Resignation and Removal. Any Trustee may resign his trust
         (without need for prior or subsequent  accounting)  by an instrument in
         writing  signed by him and  delivered  to the other  Trustees  and such
         resignation  shall be effective upon such delivery,  or at a later date
         according  to the terms of the  instrument.  Any of the Trustees may be
         removed  (provided that aggregate number of Trustees after such removal
         shall not be less than the number  required by Section 2.1 hereof) with
         cause,  by the action of two-thirds of the remaining  Trustees.  Any of
         the  Trustees may be removed  (provided  that the  aggregate  number of
         Trustees after such removal shall not be less than the number  required
         by  Section  2.1  hereof)  with or  without  cause,  by the  action  of
         three-quarters of the remaining Trustees who are Independent  Trustees.
         In  addition,  no  Trustee  shall  continue  to serve as such after the
         holders of not less than  two-thirds  of the  outstanding  Shares  have
         declared that he be removed from that office either by  declaration  in
         writing filed with the Custodian or by votes cast in person or by proxy
         at a meeting called for that purpose.  The Trustees shall promptly call
         a meeting of  Shareholders  for the purpose of voting upon the question
         of removal of any such Trustee or Trustees when requested in writing so
         to do by the holders of not less than 10 per centum of the  outstanding
         Shares.  Whenever  ten or more  Shareholders  who have been such for at
         least six months preceding the date of application, and who hold in the
         aggregate either Shares having a net asset value of at least $25,000 or
         at least 1 per centum of the  outstanding  Shares,  whichever  is less,
         shall  apply to the  Trustees  in  writing,  stating  that they wish to
         communicate with other Shareholders with a view to obtaining signatures
         to a request  for a meeting  pursuant  to the  preceding  sentence  and
         accompanied by a form of  communication  and request which they wish to
         transmit,  the Trustees  shall then follow the  procedures set forth in
         Section  16(c)(1) or 16(c)(2) of the 1940 Act. Upon the  resignation or
         removal  of a Trustee,  or his  otherwise  ceasing to be a Trustee,  he
         shall  execute and deliver  such  documents as the  remaining  Trustees
         shall  require  for  the  purpose  of  conveying  to the  Trust  or the
         remaining Trustees any Trust Property held in the name of the resigning
         or removed  Trustee.  Upon the incapacity or death of any Trustee,  his
         legal  representative  shall  execute  and  deliver on his behalf  such
         documents as the  remaining  Trustees  shall require as provided in the
         preceding sentence.

         Section 2.4. Vacancies. The term of office of a Trustee shall terminate
         and a vacancy shall occur in the event of the expiration of the term of
         office  pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof,  attainment  of the age seventy
         (except with  respect to Trustees who are elected as Trustees  prior to
         January  1, 2000,  attainment  of the age of  seventy-two),  the death,
         resignation,  removal,  bankruptcy,  adjudicated  incompetence or other
         incapacity  to perform  the duties of the office of a Trustee.  No such
         vacancy  shall  operate  to annul  the  Declaration  or to  revoke  any
         existing agency created  pursuant to the terms of the  Declaration.  In
         the case of an existing vacancy, including a vacancy existing by reason
         of an increase in the number of Trustees,  subject to the provisions of
         Section 16(a) of the 1940 Act, the remaining  Trustees or, prior to the
         public  offering of Shares of the Trust, if only one Trustee shall then
         remain in office, the remaining Trustee, shall fill such vacancy by the
         appointment  of  such  other  person  as they or he,  in  their  or his
         discretion  shall  see fit,  made by a written  instrument  signed by a
         majority of the remaining Trustees or by the remaining Trustee,  as the
         case may be. Any such appointment shall not become effective,  however,
         until the person named in the written  instrument of appointment  shall
         have accepted in writing such  appointment  and agreed in writing to be
         bound by the terms of the Declaration.  An appointment of a Trustee may
         be made in anticipation of a vacancy to occur at a later date by reason
         of  retirement,  resignation  or  increase  in the number of  Trustees,
         provided that such appointment shall not become effective prior to such
         retirement, resignation or increase in the number of Trustees. Whenever
         a vacancy is filled as provided in this  Section  2.4,  the Trustees in
         office,  regardless of their number,  shall have all the powers granted
         to the Trustees  and shall  discharge  all the duties  imposed upon the
         Trustees  by the  Declaration.  A  written  instrument  certifying  the
         existence of such vacancy signed by a majority of the Trustees shall be
         conclusive evidence of the existence of such vacancy.

         Proposed  amendment to Section 1.2  (Definitions) of the Declaration of
Trust of U.S. Money Market Portfolio (words deleted have been marked through and
words added are underscored):

         "Independent   Trustees"   shall  mean  those   Trustees  who  are  not
         "interested persons" of the Trust as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the
         Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

         Proposed  Amendment  to  Sections  2.2  and  2.3 of  Article  II of the
Declaration  of Trust of U.S.  Money Market  Portfolio  (words deleted have been
marked through and words added are underscored):

         Section 2.2. Term and Election.  Each Trustee named herein,  or elected
         or appointed  prior to the first meeting of the Holders,  shall (except
         in the event of  resignations  or  removals  or  vacancies  pursuant to
         Section 2.3 or 2.4 hereof)  hold office  until his  successor  has been
         elected at such  meeting  and has  qualified  to serve as  Trustee,  as
         required under the 1940 Act. Subject to the provisions of Section 16(a)
         of the 1940 Act and except as  provided  in Section  2.3  hereof,  each
         Trustee  shall hold office  during the lifetime of this Trust and until
         its termination as hereinafter provided until he or she attains the age
         of seventy (except with respect to Trustees who are elected as Trustees
         prior  to  January  1,  2000,  until  he or  she  attains  the  age  of
         seventy-two),  or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed as
         provided in Section 2.3 below.

         Section 2.3. Resignation, Removal and Retirement Any Trustee may resign
         his or her trust  (without need for prior or subsequent  accounting) by
         an  instrument  in writing  executed by such  Trustee and  delivered or
         mailed to the  Chairman,  if any, the President or the Secretary of the
         Trust and such resignation shall be effective upon such delivery, or at
         a later date according to the terms of the instrument.  Any Trustee may
         be removed by the  affirmative  vote of  Holders of  two-thirds  of the
         Interests or (provided  the  aggregate  number of Trustees,  after such
         removal and after  giving  effect to any  appointment  made to fill the
         vacancy  created  by such  removal,  shall not be less than the  number
         required  by  Section  2.1  hereof)  with a  cause,  by the  action  of
         two-thirds of the remaining  Trustees.  Any Trustee may be removed with
         or  without  cause by the  action of  three-quarters  of the  remaining
         Trustees who are Independent Trustees (provided the aggregate number of
         Trustees, after such removal and after giving effect to any appointment
         made to fill the  vacancy  created by such  removal,  shall not be less
         than the number  required by Section 2.1  hereof).  Removal  with cause
         includes,  but is not  limited  to,  the  removal  of a Trustee  due to
         physical or mental  incapacity  or failure to comply with such  written
         policies as from time to time may be adopted by at least  two-thirds of
         the Trustees with respect to the conduct of the Trustees and attendance
         at meetings.  Any Trustee who has attained a mandatory  retirement age,
         if any, established pursuant to any written policy adopted from time to
         time by at least  two-thirds of the Trustees shall,  automatically  and
         without action by such Trustee or the remaining Trustees,  be deemed to
         have retired in accordance with the terms of such policy,  effective as
         of the date determined in accordance with such policy.  Any Trustee who
         has  become  incapacitated  by  illness  or injury as  determined  by a
         majority of the other  Trustees,  may be retired by written  instrument
         executed by a majority of the other  Trustees,  specifying  the date of
         such Trustee's retirement. Upon the resignation,  retirement or removal
         of a Trustee  or a Trustee  otherwise  ceasing  to be a  Trustee,  such
         resigning,  retired removed or former Trustee shall execute and deliver
         such documents as the remaining  Trustees shall require for the purpose
         of conveying to the Trust or the remaining  Trustees any Trust Property
         held in the name of such resigning, retired, removed or former Trustee.
         Upon  the  death  of  any  Trustee  or  upon  removal,   retirement  or
         resignation  due to any Trustee"  incapacity  to serve as Trustee,  the
         legal  representative of such deceased,  removed,  retired or resigning
         Trustee shall execute and deliver on behalf of such deceased,  removed,
         retired or resigning  Trustee such documents as the remaining  Trustees
         shall require for the purpose set forth in the preceding sentence.

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(R) "HUB AND SPOKE" is a registered  service mark of Signature  Financial Group,