[BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]

                             DATED 17 JANUARY 2000

                             (1) WONG CHING MAN
                             (2) CHAN KAI LEUNG
                             (3) LAW PUI YIN, IRENE

                                   AS VENDORS


                           (4) ACG INTERNATIONAL INC.

                                  AS PURCHASER


                               AGREEMENT FOR THE
                               SALE AND PURCHASE
                                  OF SHARES IN
                             MACRO SYSTEMS LIMITED




Number                                          Clause Headings                                           Page
- ------                                          ---------------                                           ----

1.       Definitions and Interpretation......................................................................2
2.       Sale of Sale Shares.................................................................................6
3.       Consideration.......................................................................................6
4.       Conditions..........................................................................................7
5.       Completion..........................................................................................8
6.       Completion Accounts................................................................................11
7.       Adjustment of Consideration and Payment of Retained Consideration..................................12
8.       Post-Completion Obligations........................................................................13
9.       Warranties.........................................................................................15
10.      Retirement Scheme..................................................................................17
11.      Restriction on Announcements.......................................................................17
12.      Confidentiality of Information Received by the Vendors.............................................17
13.      Costs..............................................................................................18
14.      General............................................................................................18
15.      Notices............................................................................................19
16.      Governing Law and Submission to Jurisdiction.......................................................19

- ---------

SCHEDULE 1   The Vendors...................................................................................
SCHEDULE 2   Details of the Company.........................................................................*
SCHEDULE 3   The Properties.................................................................................*
SCHEDULE 4   Deed of Indemnity..............................................................................*
SCHEDULE 5   Warranties.....................................................................................*
SCHEDULE 6   Resignation Letter.............................................................................*
SCHEDULE 7   Software.......................................................................................*


* Schedule omitted -- will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon

DATE:    17 JANUARY 2000


(1)       The persons whose names are set out in Column 1 of Schedule 1 (the

(2)       ACG INTERNATIONAL INC., a company incorporated in the British Virgin
          Islands whose registered office is at First Floor, Columbus Centre
          Building, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (the


(A)       The Vendors are the registered holders and beneficial owners of all
          of the issued shares in the capital of Macro Systems Limited ("THE
          COMPANY"). Particulars of the Company are set out in Schedule 2.

(B)       The Vendors wish to sell and the Purchaser wishes to purchase the
          said shares on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.



1.1       In this Agreement where the context so admits the following words and
          expressions shall have the following meanings:

          "ACCOUNTING DATE"                         31 March 1999;

          "ACCOUNTS"                                the audited financial statements of the Company for
                                                    the accounting period which ended on the Accounting
                                                    Date (each such financial statement comprising a
                                                    balance sheet, profit and loss account, notes and
                                                    directors' and auditors' report) and the profit and
                                                    loss account and balance sheet of the Company as at
                                                    and for the period ending on the Accounting Date
                                                    copies of which are annexed to the Disclosure Letter;

          "ASIA ONLINE SHARES"                      shall mean the Series C Common Stock of Asia Online,

          "AUDITORS"                                Hung Sui Kwan, Certified Public Accountant of Room 17E
                                                    Skyline Tower, 18 Tong Mi Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong

          "BOARD"                                   the  board of  directors of the Company for the time


        "COMPANY"                                   Macro Systems Limited details of which are set out in
                                                    Schedule 2;

        "company"                                   any company or body corporate wherever incorporated;

        "COMPANIES ORDINANCE"                       the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of
                                                    Hong Kong);

        "COMPLETION"                                completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares
                                                    as specified in Clause 5;

        "COMPLETION ACCOUNTS"                       the audited balance sheet of the Company made up as at
                                                    the close of business on the Completion Date and the
                                                    audited profit and loss account of the Company for the
                                                    period from the Accounting  Date to the Completion
                                                    Date, to be prepared and agreed or determined in
                                                    accordance with the provisions of Clause 6;

        "COMPLETION DATE"                           the date hereof (or such later date as the Parties may
                                                    agree in writing);

        "CONDITIONS"                                the conditions specified in Clause 4.1;

        "CONSIDERATION"                             the total consideration for the Sale Shares being the
                                                    cash consideration and share component specified in
                                                    Clause 3 but subject to adjustment (if any) under
                                                    Clause 7.1;

        "CONTINUING DIRECTOR"                       Chan Kai Leung;

        "DEED OF INDEMNITY"                         the Deed in the form set out in Schedule 4;

        "DIRECTORS"                                 the persons listed as directors of the Company in
                                                    Schedule 2;

        "DISCLOSURE LETTER"                         the letter of today's date from the Vendors to the
                                                    Purchaser in the approved terms;

        "HONG KONG"                                 the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
                                                    People's Republic of China;

        "INITIAL CONSIDERATION"                     the amount of HK$ 4,800,000;

        "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"                     Includes patents, knowhow, trade secrets and other
                                                    confidential information, registered designs, copyrights,
                                                    Internet domain names of any level, design rights,
                                                    rights in circuit


                                                    layouts, trade marks, service marks, business names,
                                                    registrations of, applications to register and rights
                                                    to apply for registration of any of the aforesaid
                                                    items, rights in the  nature of any of the aforesaid
                                                    items in any country, rights in the nature of unfair
                                                    competition rights and rights to sue for passing off;

        "LEASES"                                    all the leases, sub-leases, tenancy agreements,
                                                    sub-tenancy agreements, licences or other documents
                                                    (including any options for extension relating thereto)
                                                    granted or agreed to be granted to the Company or
                                                    pursuant to which the Company holds or occupies any
                                                    property, details of which are set out in Schedule 3;

        "LEASED PROPERTIES"                         the properties  short  particulars of which are set out
                                                    in Schedule 3;

        "MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS"                       the unaudited balance sheet of the Company as at 31 August
                                                    1999 and the unaudited profit and loss account of the
                                                    Company for the period commencing from the day immediately
                                                    following the Accounting Date and ending on 31 August
                                                    1999 copies of which are annexed to the Disclosure Letter;

        "NET ASSETS"                                the net assets of the Company at Completion as shown
                                                    by the Completion Accounts;

        "PARTIES"                                   the named parties to this Agreement and their respective
                                                    successors and assigns;

        "PROPERTIES"                                the Leased Properties;

        "PURCHASER'S ACCOUNTANTS"                   PricewaterhouseCoopers of 21st Floor, Prince's Building,
                                                    Central, Hong Kong;

        "PURCHASER'S SOLICITORS"                    Baker & McKenzie of 14th Floor Hutchison House, 10
                                                    Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong;

        "RETAINED CONSIDERATION"                    the amount of HK$1,200,000;

        "SALE SHARES"                               the 50,000 ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each in the issued
                                                    share capital of the Company to be bought and sold pursuant to
                                                    Clause 2;

        "TAX"                                       all forms of taxation, estate duties,


                                                    deductions, withholdings, duties, imposts, levies, fees,
                                                    charges, social security contributions and rates imposed,
                                                    levied, collected, withheld or assessed by any local,
                                                    municipal, regional, urban, governmental, state,
                                                    federal or other body in Hong Kong or elsewhere and
                                                    any interest, additional taxation, penalty, surcharge
                                                    or fine in connection therewith;

        "VENDORS' SOLICITORS"                       Ho & Tam, Solicitors, Unit 3703, 37/F, Tower 1, Lippo
                                                    Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong;

        "WARRANTIES"                                the representations, warranties and undertakings
                                                    contained or referred to in Clause 9 and Schedule 5;

        "HK$"                                       Hong Kong dollars.

1.2       Save where the context otherwise requires words and phrases the
          definitions of which are contained or referred to in the Companies
          Ordinance shall be construed as having the meaning thereby attributed
          to them.

1.3       Any references, express or implied, to statutes or statutory
          provisions shall be construed as references to those statutes or
          provisions as respectively amended or re-enacted or as their
          application is modified from time to time by other provisions
          (whether before or after the date hereof) and shall include any
          statutes or provisions of which they are re-enactments (whether with
          or without modification) and any orders, regulations, instruments or
          other subordinate legislation under the relevant statute or statutory
          provision. References to Sections of consolidating legislation shall,
          wherever necessary or appropriate in the context, be construed as
          including references to the Sections of the previous legislation from
          which the consolidating legislation has been prepared.

1.4       References in this Agreement to Clauses and Schedules are to clauses
          in and schedules to this Agreement (unless the context otherwise
          requires). The Recitals and Schedules to this Agreement shall be
          deemed to form part of this Agreement.

1.5       Headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the
          construction of this Agreement.

1.6       The expression "THE VENDORS" includes their respective personal
          representatives and the expression "THE PURCHASER" includes its
          successors and assigns.

1.7       References to "PERSONS" shall include bodies corporate,
          unincorporated associations and partnerships (whether or not having
          separate legal personality).

1.8       References to writing shall include any methods of producing or
          reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form.


1.9       The masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter and the
          singular number shall include the plural and vice versa.

1.10      All warranties, representations, indemnities, covenants, agreements
          and obligations given or entered into by more than one person are
          given or entered into jointly and severally.

1.11      A document expressed to be "IN THE APPROVED TERMS" means a document
          the terms of which have been approved by or on behalf of the Parties
          and a copy of which has been signed for the purposes of
          identification by or on behalf of those Parties.

1.12      In construing this Agreement:

          1.12.1    the rule known as the ejusdem generis rule shall not apply
                    and, accordingly, general words introduced by the word
                    "other" shall not be given a restrictive meaning by reason
                    of the fact that they are preceded by words indicating a
                    particular class of acts, matters or things; and

          1.12.2    general words shall not be given a restrictive meaning by
                    reason of the fact that they are followed by particular
                    examples intended to be embraced by the general words.


2.1       Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each of the Vendors shall
          sell as beneficial owner (and shall cause each other so to sell) and
          the Purchaser shall purchase, free from all liens, charges and
          encumbrances and together with all rights now or hereafter attaching
          to them, including all rights to any dividend or other distribution
          declared, made or paid after the date of this Agreement, the number
          of Sale Shares set opposite his name in column 2 of Schedule 1.

2.2       Each of the Vendors hereby waives and agrees to procure the waiver of
          any restrictions on transfer (including pre-emption rights) which may
          exist in relation to the Sale Shares, whether under the articles of
          association of the Company or otherwise.

2.3       The Purchaser shall not be obliged to complete the purchase of any of
          the Sale Shares unless the purchase of all of the Sale Shares is
          completed simultaneously.


3.1       The total consideration payable for the Sale Shares shall be
          HK$6,000,000 (Six Million Hong Kong Dollars) (subject to adjustment
          in accordance with Clause 7).

3.2       The cash component of the Initial Consideration shall be payable on
          Completion to each of the Vendors in accordance with Clause 5.3.1 in
          the following amounts:


          Chan Kai Leung                           HK$1,084,320
          Law Pui Yin, Irene                       HK$722,880
          Wong Ching Man                           HK$2,400,000

3.3       Prior to the earlier of either (i) six months from the Completion
          Date or (ii) the date of the initial public offering of the shares of
          Asia Online, Ltd. on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, the share component
          of the Initial Consideration shall be delivered to each of the
          following Vendors as follows:

          Chan Kai Leung                           5,700 Asia Online Shares
          Law Pui Yin, Irene                       3,800 Asia Online Shares

3.4       The Retained Consideration shall be payable in accordance with Clause

4.        CONDITIONS

4.1       The sale and purchase of the Sale Shares is conditional upon:

          4.1.1     the Purchaser notifying the Vendor's Solicitors in writing
                    that it is satisfied in reliance on the Warranties and upon
                    inspection and investigation as to :-

             the financial, contractual, taxation and trading
                              positions of the Company;

             the title of the Company to its assets; and

             the results of its searches and the replies to
                              its enquiries in regard to the Properties;

          4.1.2     all necessary consents being granted by third parties
                    (including governmental or official authorities) and no
                    statute, regulation or decision which would prohibit,
                    restrict or materially delay the sale and purchase of the
                    Sale Shares or the operation of the Company after
                    Completion having been proposed, enacted or taken by any
                    governmental or official authority;

          4.1.3     all necessary consents being granted by any landlord or
                    other reversioner to any Lease where the sale and purchase
                    of the Sale Shares would breach or be deemed to breach such
                    Lease; and

          4.1.4     Chan Kai Leung duly executing an employment agreement with
                    Asia Online (Hong Kong) Ltd. in the approved terms.

4.2       The Purchaser may waive all or any of such conditions at any time by
          notice in writing to the Vendors' Solicitors.

4.3       The Vendors shall use their best endeavours to procure the fulfilment
          of the Conditions on or before the Completion Date.


4.4       In the event that any of the Conditions shall not have been fulfilled
          (or waived pursuant to Clause 4.2) prior to the Completion Date then
          the Purchaser shall not be bound to proceed with the purchase of the
          Sale Shares and this Agreement shall cease to be of any effect except
          Clauses 1, 11, 12, 13, 14.1 to 14.5, 15 and 16 which shall remain in
          force and save in respect of claims arising out of any antecedent
          breach of this Agreement.

4.5       In the event that the Purchaser shall give notice in writing of
          satisfaction of, or shall waive, the conditions contained in Clause
          4.1.1, Clause 4.1.2, Clause 4.1.3 and Clause 4.1.4 such notice or
          waiver shall not imply that the Purchaser is not relying on the
          Warranties but rather only that it is prepared, in reliance upon the
          Warranties and such comfort, if any, as it has taken from its
          investigations, to proceed with the transaction.

5.        COMPLETION

5.1       Subject to the provisions of Clause 4, Completion shall take place on
          the Completion Date at the offices of the Purchaser's Solicitors when
          all (but not some only) of the events described in this Clause 5
          shall occur.

5.2       At Completion, the Vendors shall:

          5.2.1     deliver to the Purchaser:

             duly executed transfers and sold notes in respect
                              of all of the Sale Shares in favour of the
                              Purchaser or its nominees together with the
                              relative share certificates together with a
                              cheque for HK$7,500 in respect of the Vendors'
                              50% share of stamp duty drawn in favour of the
                              Government of the Hong Kong Special
                              Administrative Region and the Vendors undertake
                              to pay forthwith half of any additional stamp
                              duty which may be imposed in respect of such
                              transfers of the Sale Shares;

             such waivers or consents as the Purchaser may
                              reasonably require to enable the Purchaser or its
                              nominees to be registered as holders of any of
                              the Sale Shares;

             the Deed of Indemnity duly executed by the
                              Vendors and the Company;

             a letter of resignation of the Auditors as the
                              auditors of the Company, in the approved terms,
                              such resignation to contain a statement in
                              accordance with Section 140A of the Companies
                              Ordinance that there are no circumstances
                              connected with their resignation which they
                              consider should be brought to the attention of
                              the members or creditors of the Company;

             the title deeds, Leases and all other relevant
                              deeds, documents and correspondence relating to
                              the Properties;

             all the statutory and other books and records


                              financial records) duly written up to date of
                              the Company and its certificates of incorporation,
                              current business registration certificate, common
                              seal and any other papers and documents of the

             written confirmation in the approved terms that
                              none of the Vendors or Directors is aware of any
                              matter or thing which is a breach of or
                              inconsistent with any of the Warranties;

             an unconditional letter of release from the
                              Company's bankers, in the approved terms,
                              evidencing the release and discharge of all
                              guarantees, debentures and charges granted by the

             certified copies of any powers of attorney under
                              which any of the documents referred to in this
                              Clause 5.2 is executed or evidence satisfactory
                              to the Purchaser of the authority of any person
                              signing on behalf of any of the Vendors;

            letters of resignation in the approved terms from
                              each of the Directors (other than the Continuing
                              Director) and the secretary of the Company, such
                              resignations to take effect from close of the
                              meeting of the Board referred to in Clause 5.2.3;

            a duly executed release under seal, in the
                              approved terms, releasing the Company from any
                              liability whatsoever (whether actual or
                              contingent) which may be owing to the Vendors by
                              the Company at Completion;

            irrevocable powers of attorney (in such form as
                              the Purchaser may reasonably require) executed
                              under seal by each of the holders of the Sale
                              Shares in favour of the Purchaser or such
                              person(s) as may be nominated by the Purchaser to
                              enable the Purchaser or its nominees (pending
                              registration of the said transfers) to act
                              generally in respect of the Sale Shares and to
                              execute all voting and other rights attaching to
                              the Sale Shares and to appoint proxies for that

            evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser
                              that all guarantees given by the Company in
                              favour of third parties in respect of the
                              performance of the obligations of the Vendors or
                              any other person (if any) have been released;


            evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser
                              that all loans or other indebtedness due or owing
                              to the Company by any of the Vendors or Directors
                              or other officers of the Company have been repaid
                              in full; and

            the duly executed copy of the employment
                              agreement of the Continuing Director with Asia
                              Online (Hong Kong) Ltd. in the approved terms.

          5.2.2     pay all monies (if any) then owing by them to the Company,
                    whether due for payment or not;

          5.2.3     cause the Directors to hold a meeting of the Board at which
                    the Directors shall pass resolutions in the approved terms
                    (inter alia) to:-

             approve the registration of the Purchaser or its
                              nominees as members of the Company subject only
                              to the production of duly stamped and completed
                              transfers in respect of the Sale Shares;

             approve and authorise the execution by the
                              Company of the Deed of Indemnity;

             appoint the Purchaser's Accountants as auditors
                              of the Company;

             cause such persons as the Purchaser may nominate
                              to be validly appointed as directors of the
                              Company and upon such appointment forthwith cause
                              the Directors, other than the Continuing
                              Director, and the secretary of the Company to
                              resign from their respective offices and as
                              employees, each delivering to the Purchaser a
                              letter under seal in the form set out in Schedule
                              9 acknowledging that the person so retiring has
                              no claim outstanding for compensation or
                              otherwise; and

             procure revocation of all authorities to the
                              bankers of the Company relating to bank accounts
                              and procure the giving of authority to such
                              persons as the Purchaser may nominate to operate
                              the same.

5.3      At Completion, the Purchaser shall:

          5.3.1     pay to each of the Vendors their respective cash component
                    of the Initial Consideration as set out in Clause 3.2 by
                    telegraphic bank transfer to the bank account nominated by
                    each Vendor in writing not less than two business days
                    prior to the Completion Date or by bank cheque; and

          5.3.2     deliver to the Vendors a counterpart Deed of Indemnity duly
                    executed by the Purchaser.


5.4       Without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Purchaser,
          if in any respect the provisions of Clause 5 are not complied with by
          any of the Vendors on the Completion Date the Purchaser may:

          5.4.1     defer Completion to a date not more than 28 days after the
                    Completion Date (and so that the provisions of this Clause
                    5.4 shall apply to Completion as so deferred); or

          5.4.2     proceed to Completion so far as practicable (without
                    prejudice to its rights under this Agreement).


6.1       Immediately after Completion the Purchaser's Accountants (or their
          representatives) and the Auditors (or their representatives) shall,
          if the Purchaser elects, participate in a physical stocktake
          conducted by the Company at the Properties.

6.2       The Purchaser and the Vendors shall use all reasonable endeavours to
          procure that draft accounts for the Company in respect of the period
          from the Accounting Date to the Completion Date shall be prepared by
          the Company as soon as reasonably practicable after such stocktake
          and such accounts:

          6.2.1     shall be prepared on the same accounting bases and in
                    accordance with the same accounting and valuation
                    principles and practices as the Accounts, except that the
                    Company's accounting policy for revenue recognition shall
                    be that revenue will be recognised by the Company when the
                    relevant equipment and software are delivered to the
                    customer and the relevant services are rendered to the
                    customer and not when the customer is invoiced for such
                    equipment and services; and

          6.2.2     shall in all respects comply with current legislation and
                    standard accounting principles and practice.

6.3       Following the preparation of such draft accounts, the Company shall
          submit them to the Auditors who shall conduct an audit applying the
          same bases and principles referred to in Clause 6.2 and produce the
          Completion Accounts and a draft statement as to the amount of the Net
          Assets (the "NET ASSET STATEMENT") confirming that in their opinion
          the Completion Accounts have been prepared in accordance with the
          provisions of this Clause 6. The Auditors shall agree in advance with
          the Purchaser's Accountants what audit procedures should be employed
          in conducting the audit and shall carry out the audit on that basis.

6.4       The Auditors shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, submit the
          draft Completion Accounts and draft Net Asset Statement to the
          Purchaser's Accountants for their review to determine if there are
          any material adjustments required to the draft Completion Accounts
          and the draft Net Asset Statement. The Vendors shall procure that the
          Auditors' working papers and the Company's books and accounts are
          made available to the Purchaser's Accountants, if required by them in
          carrying out their review.


6.5       If the Purchaser's Accountants and the Auditors are able to agree the
          form and content of the Completion Accounts and the Net Asset
          Statement within 30 days of the date on which the drafts were
          submitted to the Purchaser's Accountants (or within such other period
          as the Vendors and the Purchaser may agree in writing), the accounts
          as so agreed shall be the Completion Accounts and the Auditors shall
          issue a Net Asset Statement which shall be final and binding on the
          Parties but such statement shall be without prejudice to the
          Purchaser's right to claim under the Warranties, the Deed of
          Indemnity or otherwise in respect of any matter. In carrying out
          their functions under this Agreement, the Auditors and the
          Purchaser's Accountants shall be deemed to be acting as experts and
          not as arbitrators.

6.6       If the Purchaser's Accountants and the Auditors shall not be able to
          agree the form and content of the Completion Accounts and the Net
          Asset Statement within 30 days of the date on which the draft
          accounts were first submitted to the Purchaser's Accountants (or
          within such other period as the Vendors and the Purchaser may agree
          in writing) the matter may be referred by the Vendors or the
          Purchaser to an independent firm of chartered accountants selected by
          agreement between the Vendors and the Purchaser or, failing
          agreement, nominated by the President for the time being of the Hong
          Kong Society of Accountants on the application of any of the Vendors
          or the Purchaser and:

          6.6.1     such independent firm of chartered accountants shall be
                    requested to settle any matter in dispute, applying the
                    same bases and principles as are referred to in Clause 6.2
                    and (unless both the Vendors and the Purchaser shall
                    otherwise direct in writing) determine the form and content
                    of the Completion Accounts and the Net Asset Statement; and

          6.6.2     the decision of such firm of chartered accountants as to
                    the matter in dispute and their determination (if any) as
                    to the form and content of the Completion Accounts and the
                    Net Asset Statement shall, in the absence of manifest
                    error, be final and binding on the Parties and such
                    chartered accountants shall be deemed to act as experts and
                    not as arbitrators.

6.7       The costs of the Auditors in respect of the preparation and
          determination of the Completion Accounts shall be borne by the
          Vendors and the costs of the Purchaser's Accountants shall be borne
          by the Purchaser. The costs of the independent chartered accountant,
          if any, shall be borne by the Vendors and the Purchaser equally.


7.1       Within seventy-five (75) days of the determination of the amount of
          the Net Assets in accordance with Clause 6:

          7.1.1     if the Net Assets is less than negative HK$32,728, the
                    Purchaser shall pay to the Vendors the Retained
                    Consideration, less the amount that the Net Assets is less
                    than negative HK$32,728; or

          7.1.2     if the amount of the Net Assets exceeds negative HK$32,728,
                    the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendors' Solicitors (whose
                    receipt shall be an absolute


                    discharge thereof), an amount equal to such excess and the
                    Purchaser shall not be concerned to see to the distribution
                    of the monies so paid.


8.1       Each of the Vendors undertakes with the Purchaser (for itself and as
          trustee for the Company) that, except with the consent in writing of
          the Purchaser and subject to the provisions of Clause 8.3:

          8.1.1     for the period of twenty-four (24) months after Completion
                    he will not within any country or place in which the
                    Company has carried on business during the year preceding
                    Completion either on his own account or in conjunction with
                    or on behalf of any person, firm or company carry on or be
                    engaged, concerned or interested, directly or indirectly,
                    whether as shareholder, director, employee, partner, agent
                    or otherwise in carrying on the business of web hosting or
                    any other business carried on by the Company(other than as
                    a holder of not more than 5 per cent (5%) of the issued
                    shares or debentures of any company listed on a recognised
                    stock exchange);

          8.1.2     for the period of twenty-four (24) months after Completion
                    he will not either on his own account or in conjunction
                    with or on behalf of any other person, firm or company
                    solicit or entice away or attempt to solicit or entice away
                    from the Company the custom of any person, firm, company or
                    organisation who shall at any time within the year
                    preceding the date hereof have been a customer, identified
                    prospective customer, representative, agent, or
                    correspondent of the Company or in the habit of dealing
                    with the Company or enter into any contract for sale and
                    purchase or accept business from any such person, firm,
                    company or organisation;

          8.1.3     for the period of twenty-four (24) months after Completion
                    he will not either on his own account or in conjunction
                    with or on behalf of any other person, firm or company
                    employ, solicit, entice away or attempt to employ, solicit
                    or entice away from the Company any person who at the date
                    hereof is or at the date of or within the year preceding
                    such employment, solicitation, enticement or attempt shall
                    have been an officer, manager, consultant or employee of
                    the Company whether or not such person would commit a
                    breach of contract by reason of leaving such employment;

          8.1.4     for the period of twenty-four (24) months after Completion
                    he will not make use of or disclose or divulge to any
                    person (other than to officers or employees of the Company
                    whose province it is to know the same) any information
                    (other than any information properly available to the
                    public or disclosed or divulged pursuant to an order of a
                    court of competent jurisdiction) relating to the Company,
                    the identity of its customers and suppliers, its products,
                    finance, contractual arrangements, business or methods of
                    business and shall use his best endeavours to prevent the
                    publication or disclosure of any such information;


          8.1.5     if, in connection with the business or affairs of the
                    Company, he shall have obtained trade secrets or other
                    confidential information belonging to any third party under
                    an agreement purporting to bind the Company which contained
                    restrictions on disclosure he will not without the previous
                    written consent of the board of directors of the Purchaser
                    at any time infringe or take any action which would or
                    might result in an infringement of such restrictions;

          8.1.6     he will not at any time hereafter in relation to any trade,
                    business or company use a name or trade mark including the
                    words or symbol "Macro" or "Macro Systems" or its Chinese
                    equivalent or any word or symbol confusingly similar
                    thereto in such a way as to be capable of or likely to be
                    confused with the name or any trade mark of the Company and
                    shall use his best endeavours to procure that no such name
                    or trade mark shall be used by any person, firm or company
                    with which he is connected.

8.2       Each Vendor shall procure that all companies and businesses directly
          or indirectly owned or controlled by him shall be bound by and observe
          the provisions of Clause 8.1 to Clause 8.4 as if they were parties
          covenanting with the Purchaser in the same terms.

8.3       While the restrictions contained in Clause 8.1 to Clause 8.4 are
          considered by the parties to be reasonable in all the circumstances,
          it is recognised that restrictions of the nature in question may fail
          for technical reasons and accordingly it is hereby agreed and
          declared that if any of such restrictions shall be adjudged to be
          void as going beyond what is reasonable in all the circumstances for
          the protection of the interests of the Purchaser but would be valid
          if part of the wording thereof were deleted or the periods thereof
          reduced or the range of activities or area dealt with thereby reduced
          in scope the said restriction shall apply with such modifications as
          may be necessary to make it valid and effective.

8.4       The restrictions contained in sub-Clauses 8.1 and 8.2 above shall be
          without prejudice to performance by and shall not limit the
          restrictions on the Continuing Director under the terms of agreements
          entered into pursuant to this Agreement.

8.5       The Purchaser agrees to provide the Company with HK$2,000,000 as
          working capital.

8.6       In relation to the Microsoft Certified Solution Provider Agreement
          dated 7 April 1999 entered into between the Company and Microsoft
          Hong Kong Ltd. on behalf of Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"), the
          Vendors shall indemnify the Company and the Purchaser against any and
          all losses, expenses, costs or damage suffered or incurred by the
          Company if Microsoft's consent to the sale and purchase of the Sale
          Shares by the Vendors to the Purchaser is not obtained.

8.7       The Vendors shall indemnify the Company and the Purchaser against any
          and all losses, expenses, costs or damage suffered or incurred by the
          Company in relation to any unauthorised use of any computer programs
          or software by the Company.

8.8       In relation to the tenancy agreement dated 20 July 1998 entered into
          between Konsun


          International Limited ("KIL") and the Company, the Vendors shall
          indemnify the Company and the Purchaser against any and all losses,
          expenses, costs or damage suffered or incurred by the Company if
          KIL's consent to the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares by the
          Vendors to the Purchaser is not obtained.

8.9       The Vendors shall indemnify the Company and the Purchaser against any
          and all losses, expenses, costs or damage suffered or incurred by the
          Company in relation to any warranty claims by the Company's customers
          which are not adequately covered by the original manufacturers' and
          licensors' warranties for the relevant equipment, software and
          computer systems.

9.        WARRANTIES

9.1       Each of the Vendors jointly and severally represents, warrants and
          undertakes to and with the Purchaser that each of the statements set
          out in Schedule 5 is now true and accurate.

9.2       The Warranties (other than Warranties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1 and 15 in
          respect of which no qualification is accepted) are given subject to
          matters fully, fairly and specifically disclosed in the Disclosure
          Letter but no other information relating to the Company of which the
          Purchaser has knowledge (actual or constructive) and no investigation
          by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall prejudice any claim made by
          the Purchaser under the Warranties or operate to reduce any amount
          recoverable, and liability in respect thereof shall not be confined
          to breaches discovered before Completion. No letter, document or
          other communication shall be deemed to constitute a disclosure for
          the purposes of this Agreement unless the same is accepted as such by
          the Purchaser and is expressly referred to in the Disclosure Letter.

9.3       The Vendors acknowledge that the Purchaser has entered into this
          Agreement in reliance upon the Warranties and has been induced by
          them to enter into this Agreement.

9.4       Without restricting the rights of the Purchaser or otherwise
          affecting the ability of the Purchaser to claim damages on any other
          basis available to it, in the event that any of the Warranties is
          broken or (as the case may be) proves to be untrue or misleading, the
          Vendors shall, on demand, pay to the Purchaser or, at the Purchaser's
          direction, the Company:

          9.4.1     the amount necessary to put the Company into the position
                    which would have existed if the Warranties had not been
                    broken or (as the case may be) had been true and not
                    misleading; and

          9.4.2     all costs and expenses incurred by the Purchaser and the
                    Company in connection with or as a result of such breach
                    and any costs (including legal costs on a solicitor and own
                    client basis), expenses or other liabilities which any of
                    them may incur either before or after the commencement of
                    any action in connection with (i) any legal proceedings in
                    which the Purchaser claims that any of the Warranties has
                    been broken or is untrue or


                    misleading and in which judgment is given for the Purchaser
                    or (ii) the enforcement of any settlement of, or judgment
                    in respect of, such claim.

9.5       Each of the Warranties shall be separate and independent and, save as
          expressly provided to the contrary, shall not be limited by reference
          to or inference from any other Warranty or any other term of this
          Agreement, nor by anything in the Disclosure Letter which is not
          expressly referenced to the Warranty concerned.

9.6       Where any statement in the Warranties or any confirmation or
          certificate given by any of the Vendors hereunder or pursuant hereto
          is qualified by the expression "so far as the Vendors are aware" or
          "to the best of the Vendors' knowledge and belief" or any similar
          expression, that statement shall be deemed to include an additional
          statement that it has been made after due and careful enquiry.

9.7       Each of the Vendors hereby agrees with the Purchaser (for itself and
          as trustee for the Company) to waive any rights which he may have in
          respect of any misrepresentation or inaccuracy in, or omission from,
          any information or advice supplied or given by the Company or its
          officers, employees or advisers in connection with the giving of the
          Warranties and the preparation of the Disclosure Letter.

9.8       The Vendors shall give to the Purchaser and its solicitors and
          accountants both before and after Completion all such information and
          documentation relating to the Company as the Purchaser shall
          reasonably require to enable it to satisfy itself as to the accuracy
          and due of observance of the Warranties.

9.9       The benefit of the Warranties may be assigned in whole or in part and
          without restriction by the person for the time being entitled

9.10      If any sum payable by the Vendors under this Clause 9 shall be
          subject to Tax (whether by way of deduction or withholding or direct
          assessment of the person entitled thereto) such payment shall be
          increased by such an amount as shall ensure that after deduction,
          withholding or payment of such Tax the recipient shall have received
          a net amount equal to the payment otherwise required hereby to be

9.11      The liabilities of the Vendors under the Warranties and under the
          indemnities contained in Clauses 8.6 to 8.9 shall cease after a
          period of two (2) years commencing on the date hereof except in
          respect of matters which have been the subject of a written claim
          made before such date by the Purchaser or the Purchaser's Solicitors
          to any of the Vendors or the Vendors' Solicitors PROVIDED ALWAYS that
          if in any case the relevant claim or claims has arisen by reason of:

          9.11.1    fraud or wilful concealment or dishonesty or deliberate non
                    disclosure on the part of any of the Vendors or on the part
                    of any officer or representatives of the Company prior to
                    the date of this Agreement; or

          9.11.2    the Company not having good title to any asset (including
                    any shares or stock of any company) of which it is now
                    warranted to be the owner; or


          9.11.3    any of the Vendors or any signatory on their respective
                    behalfs being claimed not to have had legal authority or
                    capacity to enter into the Agreement or any agreement
                    ancillary thereto;

          then in any such case the limitations as to time set forth in this
          Clause 9.11 shall not apply.


          The Vendors warrant that there is no retirement scheme operated in
          respect of the Directors and employees of the Company.


          Each of the Parties undertakes that it will not (save as required by
          law or by any securities exchange or any supervisory or regulatory
          body to whose rules any of the Parties is subject) make any
          announcement in connection with this Agreement unless the other
          Parties shall have given their respective consents to such
          announcement (which consents may not be unreasonably withheld or
          delayed and may be given either generally or in a specific case or
          cases and may be subject to conditions).


12.1      The Vendors undertake with the Purchaser that they shall treat as
          strictly confidential all information received or obtained by them or
          their employees, agents or advisers as a result of entering into or
          performing this Agreement including information relating to the
          provisions of this Agreement, the negotiations leading up to this
          Agreement, the subject matter of this Agreement or the business or
          affairs of the Purchaser or any member of the Purchaser's group of
          companies and subject to the provisions of Clause 12.2 that they will
          not at any time hereafter make use of or disclose or divulge to any
          person any such information and shall use their best endeavours to
          prevent the publication or disclosure of any such information.

12.2      The restrictions contained in Clause 12.1 shall not apply so as to
          prevent the Vendors from making any disclosure required by law or by
          any securities exchange or supervisory or regulatory or governmental
          body pursuant to rules to which the relevant Vendor is subject or
          from making any disclosure to any professional adviser for the
          purposes of obtaining advice (provided always that the provisions of
          this Clause 12 shall apply to and the Vendors shall procure that they
          apply to and are observed in relation to, the use or disclosure by
          such professional adviser of the information provided to him) nor
          shall the restrictions apply in respect of any information which
          comes into the public domain otherwise than by a breach of this
          Clause 12 by any Vendors.


13.       COSTS

13.1      Each party to this Agreement shall pay its own costs of and
          incidental to this Agreement and the sale and purchase hereby agreed
          to be made.

13.2      The Vendors confirm that no expense of whatever nature relating to
          the sale of the Sale Shares has been or is to be borne by the

14.       GENERAL

14.1      This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure for the benefit of the
          estates, personal representatives or successors of the Parties.

14.2      This Agreement (together with any documents referred to herein or
          executed contemporaneously by the Parties in connection herewith)
          constitutes the whole agreement between the Parties and supersedes
          any previous agreements or arrangements between them relating to the
          subject matter hereof; it is expressly declared that no variations
          hereof shall be effective unless made in writing signed by duly
          authorised representatives of the Parties.

14.3      All of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force
          and effect notwithstanding Completion (except insofar as they set out
          obligations which have been fully performed at Completion).

14.4      If any provision or part of a provision of this Agreement shall be,
          or be found by any authority or court of competent jurisdiction to
          be, invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability
          shall not affect the other provisions or parts of such provisions of
          this Agreement, all of which shall remain in full force and effect.

14.5      If any liability of one or more but not all of the Vendors shall be
          or become illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such
          circumstance shall not affect or impair the liabilities of the other
          Vendors under this Agreement.

14.6      Any right of rescission conferred upon the Purchaser hereby shall be
          in addition to and without prejudice to all other rights and remedies
          available to it (and, without prejudice to the generality of the
          foregoing, shall not extinguish any right to damages to which the
          Purchaser may be entitled in respect of the breach of this Agreement)
          and no exercise or failure to exercise such a right of rescission
          shall constitute a waiver by the Purchaser of any such other right or

14.7      The Purchaser may release or compromise the liability of any of the
          Vendors hereunder or grant to any Vendor time or other indulgence
          without affecting the liability of any other Vendor hereunder.

14.8      No failure of the Purchaser to exercise, and no delay or forbearance
          in exercising, any right or remedy in respect of any provision of
          this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy.


14.9      Upon and after Completion the Vendors shall do and execute or procure
          to be done and executed all such further acts, deeds, documents and
          things as may be necessary to give effect to the terms of this
          Agreement and to place control of the Company in the hands of the
          Purchaser and pending the doing of such acts, deeds, documents and
          things the Vendors shall as from Completion hold the legal estate in
          the Sale Shares in trust for the Purchaser.

14.10     This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, and by
          the Parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective
          until each party has executed at least one counterpart and each such
          counterpart shall constitute an original of this Agreement but all
          the counterparts shall together constitute one and the same

15.       NOTICES

          Any notice required to be given by any party hereto to any other
          shall be deemed validly served by hand delivery or by prepaid
          registered letter sent through the post (airmail if to an overseas
          address) or by facsimile transmission to its address given herein or
          such other address as may from time to time be notified for this
          purpose and any notice served by hand shall be deemed to have been
          served on delivery, any notice served by facsimile transmission shall
          be deemed to have been served when sent and any notice served by
          prepaid registered letter shall be deemed to have been served 72
          hours in the case of a letter sent by airmail to an address in
          another country after the time at which it was posted and in proving
          service it shall be sufficient (in the case of service by hand and
          prepaid registered letter) to prove that the notice was properly
          addressed and delivered or posted, as the case may be, and in the
          case of service by facsimile transmission to prove that the
          transmission was confirmed as sent by the originating machine.


          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereto irrevocably submit to
          the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts for the
          purpose of enforcing any claim arising hereunder.


                                   SCHEDULE 1

                                  THE VENDORS

     (1)                                                   (2)
WONG CHING MAN                                     Twenty-five Thousand (25,000)
(Hong Kong Identity Card No. D545275(A))
Flat G, 11th Floor, Block 4
Fullview Garden
Siu Sai
Hong Kong

CHAN KAI LEUNG                                     Fifteen Thousand (15,000)
(Hong Kong Identity Card No. G647435(6))
Flat J, 4th Floor, Man Wo Garden
No. 38 Yuet Wah Street
Kwun Tong
Hong Kong

LAW PUI YIN, IRENE                                 Ten Thousand (10,000)
(Hong Kong Identity Card No. C629716(A))
Flat J, 4th Floor, Man Wo Garden
No. 38 Yuet Wah Street
Kwun Tong
Hong Kong


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have signed this document on the date
appearing at the head hereof.

by WONG CHING MAN.                          )
in the presence of:                         )
                      /s/ HO PAK MING       ) /s/ Wong Ching Man
                      Ho Pak Ming
                      Solicitor, HKSAR
                      Ho & Tam

by CHAN KAI LEUNG.                          )
in the presence of:                         )
                      /s/ HO PAK MING       ) /s/ Chan Kai Leung
                      Ho Pak Ming
                      Solicitor, HKSAR
                      Ho & Tam

by LAW PUI YIN, IRENE                       )
in the presence of:                         )
                      /s/ HO PAK MING       ) /s/ Law Pui Yin
                      Ho Pak Ming
                      Solicitor, HKSAR
                      Ho & Tam

SIGNED BY  /s/ KEVIN H. RANDOLPH            )
          --------------------------        )
for and on behalf of                        )
ACG INTERNATIONAL INC.                      )
in the presence of:                         ) /s/ Kevin H. Randolph
