[WONG & PARTNERS LETTERHEAD]

                       DATED THE 28th DAY OF January 2000



                                  as Purchaser


                         UTUSAN MELAYU (MALAYSIA) BERHAD

                                    as Vendor


                           UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD.

                                 as the Company


                                   RELATING TO

                           UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

CLAUSE            HEADING                                                      PAGE

1.       INTERPRETATION...........................................................2
         AND SUBSCRIPTION OF THE SUBSCRIPTION SHARES..............................8
3.       CONSIDERATION............................................................9
4.       CONDITIONS..............................................................10
5.       COMPLETION..............................................................11
7.       RESTRICTIONS ON THE VENDOR..............................................18
8.       TERMINATION.............................................................20
11.      RESTRICTION ON ANNOUNCEMENTS............................................24
12.      ACCESS TO INFORMATION...................................................25
13.      CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION................................................25
14.      GENERAL.................................................................26
15.      GOVERNING LAW...........................................................28
16.      ARBITRATION.............................................................28
17.      COUNTERPARTS............................................................28

SCHEDULE   1.....................................................................*
PARTICULARS OF THE COMPANY.......................................................*

SCHEDULE  2......................................................................*
THE CONTINUING DIRECTORS.........................................................*

SCHEDULE  3......................................................................*
THE DIRECTORS....................................................................*

SCHEDULE  4......................................................................*

SCHEDULE  5......................................................................*
DETAILS OF SOFTWARE..............................................................*

SCHEDULE  6......................................................................*

SCHEDULE  7......................................................................*
COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.........................................*

SCHEDULE 8.......................................................................*
KEY EMPLOYEES....................................................................*

APPENDIX  A......................................................................*
FORM OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION....................................................*

APPENDIX  B......................................................................*
FORM OF NO-CLAIMS LETTER.........................................................*

* Schedule omitted -- will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon


APPENDIX  C1.....................................................................
FORM OF VENDOR'S DISCLOSURE LETTER...............................................

APPENDIX  C2.....................................................................
FORM OF COMPANY'S DISCLOSURE LETTER..............................................

APPENDIX  D......................................................................
FORM OF DEED OF INDEMNITY........................................................

APPENDIX  E......................................................................
FORM OF SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT..................................................

APPENDIX F.......................................................................
FORM OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS.....................................................

APPENDIX  G......................................................................
FORM OF SERVICES AGREEMENT.......................................................

APPENDIX H.......................................................................
FORM OF SUBCONTRACT..............................................................

APPENDIX  I......................................................................
FORM OF TENANCY AGREEMENT........................................................

APPENDIX  J......................................................................
FORM OF COMPANY'S RESOLUTIONS FOR COMPLETION.....................................

APPENDIX  K......................................................................
FORM OF VENDOR'S RESOLUTIONS FOR COMPLETION......................................

APPENDIX  L......................................................................
FORM OF PURCHASER'S APPLICATION FOR..............................................
SUBSCRIPTION OF COMPANY'S SHARES.................................................

APPENDIX  M......................................................................
FORM OF PURCHASER'S RESOLUTIONS..................................................
APPROVING THE ACQUISITION AND SUBSCRIPTION.......................................

APPENDIX  N......................................................................
FORM OF COMPANY'S RESOLUTIONS FOR................................................

APPENDIX  O......................................................................
FORM OF COMPANY'S SHAREHOLDER'S RESOLUTIONS FOR..................................

APPENDIX  P......................................................................
VENDOR'S COMPLETION CERTIFICATE..................................................

APPENDIX  Q......................................................................
COMPANY'S COMPLETION CERTIFICATE.................................................


THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 28 day of January 2000.


ASIA ONLINE INTERNET SERVICES SDN. BHD., a company incorporated in Malaysia
whose registered office is at Faber Imperial Court, Suite 12-1B, Jalan Sultan
Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ("PURCHASER");


UTUSAN MELAYU (MALAYSIA) BERHAD ("UTUSAN"), a company incorporated in Malaysia
whose registered office is at 46M, Jalan Lima, Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ("VENDOR");


UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD. ("COMPANY"), a company incorporated in Malaysia
whose registered office is at 46M, Jalan Lima, Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ("COMPANY").


A.    The Company is in the process of increasing its issued and paid up capital
      from RM2 represented by 2 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each to RM360,000
      through the issuance and allotment of 359,998 ordinary shares of RM1.00
      each to the Vendor ("VENDOR SUBSCRIPTION SHARES").

B.    The Company is in the business of providing multimedia and information
      technology solutions.

C.    Upon the completion of the subscription of the 359,998 shares in the
      Company, the Vendor has agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to
      purchase 90,000 Shares (as defined below) consisting of 25% of the issued
      share capital of the Company following the completion of the subscription
      of the Vendor Subscription Shares upon the terms and conditions set out

D.    Following the Completion (as defined below) of the sale and purchase of
      the Sale Shares, the Purchaser shall, subscribe for 191,025 Shares
      ("SUBSCRIPTION SHARES"), resulting in the Purchaser holding a total of
      281,025 Shares representing 51% of the issued and paid up Shares of the
      Company and the Vendor holding 270,000 Shares representing 49% of the
      issued and paid up Shares of the Company upon the terms and conditions set
      out below.


IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1   In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise:

      "ACCOUNTING DATE"             means 31 December 1998;

      "ARTICLES"                    means the articles of association of the

      "ASIA ONLINE LIMITED"         means Asia Online Limited, a company
      OR "ASIA ONLINE"              incorporated in Delaware, United States of
                                    America with its business address at the
                                    16/F One International Finance Centre, No. 1
                                    Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong;

      "AUDITED ACCOUNTS"            means the audited balance sheets of the
                                    Company made up as at the Accounting Date
                                    and the audited profit and loss accounts of
                                    the Company for the year ended on that date
                                    including the Director's report, statement
                                    by Directors, auditor's report and all notes
                                    contained therein;

      "AUDITORS"                    means PricewaterhouseCoopers of 11th Floor,
                                    Wisma Sime Darby, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350
                                    Kuala Lumpur;

      "CLAIM"                       means any notice, demand, assessment, letter
                                    or other document issued or action taken by
                                    any revenue or taxing authority or other
                                    statutory or governmental authority body or
                                    official whosoever whereby the Company is or
                                    may be placed or sought to be placed under a
                                    liability to make a payment on any Taxes or
                                    deprived of any relief, allowance, credit or
                                    repayment otherwise available;

      "COMMUNICATIONS AND           means the Malaysian Communications and
      MULTIMEDIA ACT"               Multimedia Act 1998;

      "COMPANIES ACT"               means the Malaysian Companies Act 1965;


      "COMPLETION"                   means completion of the sale and purchase
                                     of the Sale Shares and the Subscription of
                                     the Subscription Shares as specified in
                                     Clause 5;

      "COMPANY'S DISCLOSURE LETTER"  means the disclosure letter to be delivered
                                     on or before the Completion Date by the
                                     Company to the Purchaser, in the form set
                                     out in Appendix C2;

      "COMPETING BUSINESS"           means any business of providing internet
                                     access services, re-selling of internet
                                     access services, web-hosting, database
                                     hosting, server co-location, intranet
                                     hosting, web mail services, homepage
                                     services, e-commerce services, virtual
                                     private network management, re-selling of
                                     internet access services, on-line
                                     classifieds services, leased lines,
                                     electronic bookstores, and network
                                     consultancy services, in competition with
                                     the business carried on by the Company;

      "COMPLETION ACCOUNTS"          means the audited balance sheet of
                                     the Company made up as at the close of
                                     business on the Completion Date and the
                                     audited profit and loss account of the
                                     Company for the period from the Accounting
                                     Date to the Completion Date;

      "COMPLETION"                   means the completion of the sale of the
                                     Sale Shares to the Purchaser and the issue
                                     of the Subscription Shares to the Purchaser
                                     in accordance with Clause 5;

      "COMPLETION DATE"              means the same date as the date of the
                                     execution of this Agreement or such later
                                     date as the Parties may agree in writing
                                     prior to Completion;

      "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"     means any information which is proprietary
                                     and confidential to a party including but
                                     not limited to the terms and conditions of
                                     this Agreement, information concerning or
                                     relating in any way whatsoever to its
                                     distributorship arrangements, principals,
                                     any of the trade secrets or confidential
                                     operations, processes or inventions carried
                                     on or used by a party, any information
                                     concerning the organisation, business,
                                     business methods, finances, transactions or
                                     affairs of a party, dealings of a party,
                                     secret or confidential information which
                                     relates to the business or party or any of
                                     its principals', clients' or customers'
                                     transactions or affairs, any party's


                                    designs, documentation, manuals, budgets,
                                    financial statements or information,
                                    accounts, dealers' lists, suppliers' list,
                                    customer lists, marketing studies, drawings,
                                    notes, memoranda and the information
                                    contained therein, any information therein
                                    in respect of trade secrets, technology and
                                    technical or other information relating to
                                    the development, manufacture, clinical
                                    testing, analysis, marketing, sale or supply
                                    or proposed development, manufacture,
                                    clinical testing, analysis, marketing, sale
                                    or supply of any products or services by a
                                    party; and plans for the development or
                                    marketing of such products or services and
                                    information and material which is either
                                    marked confidential or is by its nature
                                    intended to be exclusively for the knowledge
                                    of the recipient alone;

      "CONTINUING DIRECTORS"        means the Directors who shall continue as
                                    directors of the Company following
                                    Completion, whose names are set out in
                                    Schedule 2;

      "CUT-OFF DATE"                means the date of this Agreement;

      "DEED OF INDEMNITY"           means the deed of indemnity in the form set
                                    out in Appendix D;

      "DIRECTORS"                   means the existing directors of the Company,
                                    whose names are set out in Schedule 3;

      "EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS"        means the employment contracts to be entered
                                    into between the Company and the Key
                                    Employees in the form set out in Appendix F;

      "ENCUMBRANCE"                 means any form of legal, equitable, or
                                    security interests, including but not
                                    limited to any mortgage, assignment of
                                    receivables, debenture, lien, charge,
                                    pledge, title retention, right to acquire,
                                    security interest, hypothecation, options,
                                    rights of first refusal, any preference
                                    arrangement (including title transfers and
                                    retention arrangements or otherwise) and any
                                    other encumbrance or condition whatsoever or
                                    any other arrangements having similar

      "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"       includes patents, knowhow, trade secrets and
                                    other confidential information, registered
                                    designs, copyrights, design rights,
                                    topography rights, trade


                                    marks, service marks, business names, domain
                                    names, registrations of and applications to
                                    register any of the aforesaid items, rights
                                    in the nature of any of the aforesaid items
                                    in any country, rights in the nature of
                                    unfair competition rights and rights to sue
                                    for passing off;

      "JASPA"                       means the Jaring Access Service Provider
                                    Agreement dated 30 December 1996 between
                                    Utusan and MIMOS Berhad, one of the main
                                    internet access providers in Malaysia who
                                    provide their services under the name

      "KEY EMPLOYEES"               means the persons whose names are set out in
                                    Schedule 8;

      "LEGAL CLAIM"                 means any notice, demand, assessment, letter
                                    or other document issued or action taken by
                                    any third party against the Company
                                    including any actions taken by any advocate,
                                    solicitor or legal counsel on behalf of such
                                    persons whereby the Company is or may be
                                    placed or sought to be placed under any form
                                    of liability;

      "MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS"         means the balance sheets of the Company as
                                    at 31 October 1999 and the profit and loss
                                    accounts of the Company for the period from
                                    1 January 1999 to 31 October 1999, being the
                                    accounts which have been audited by the
                                    Auditors specifically for the purpose of the
                                    Purchaser purchasing the Sale Shares and
                                    subscribing for the Subscription Shares;

      "MULTIMEDIA SUPER CORRIDOR    means the status awarded by the Multimedia
      STATUS"                       Development Corporation of Malaysia to
                                    companies carrying out activities relating
                                    to advanced technology which affords the
                                    party awarded with such status various tax
                                    and other privileges under Malaysian law;

      "PARTIES" OR "PARTY"          means the Vendor, Purchaser and the Company
                                    and such one of them, as the case may be;

      "PRE-COMPLETION PERIOD"       means the period from the date of this
                                    Agreement until Completion (if Completion
                                    takes place on a date which is different
                                    from the date of this Agreement);


      "PURCHASER'S ACCOUNTANTS"     means PricewaterhouseCoopers of 11th Floor,
                                    Wisma Sime Darby, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350
                                    Kuala Lumpur;

      "PURCHASER'S SOLICITORS"      means Wong & Partners of Faber Imperial
                                    Court, Suite 12-1A, Jalan Sultan Ismail
                                    50250 Kuala Lumpur;

      "RELATED CORPORATION"         has the meaning ascribed to it in section 6
                                    of the Companies Act;

      "RM" OR "MALAYSIAN RINGGIT"   means the lawful currency of Malaysia;

      "SALE SHARES"                 means the 90,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00
                                    each in the enlarged issued and paid up
                                    capital of the Company following the
                                    completion of the subscription of the Vendor
                                    Subscription Shares by the Vendor, to be
                                    sold by the Vendor and purchased by the
                                    Purchaser pursuant to the terms and
                                    conditions set out in this Agreement;

      "SALE SHARES CONSIDERATION"   means the consideration for the transfer of
                                    the Sale Shares being the sum(s) specified
                                    in Clause 3;

      "SECURITIES"                  means any form of debentures, bonds, stocks
                                    and shares in a company and includes any
                                    right or option in respect thereof;

      "SERVICES AGREEMENT"          means the services agreement to be entered
                                    into between the Vendor and the Company
                                    whereby the Vendor shall provide certain
                                    services to the Company and the Company
                                    shall provide certain services to the Vendor
                                    in the form set out in Appendix G;

      "SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT"     means the shareholders' agreement in the
                                    form set out in Appendix E;

      "SHAREHOLDER'S LOAN"          means the aggregate of all sums, advances
                                    and credits obtained by the Company from
                                    Utusan which are still outstanding as at the

      "SHARES"                      means all or any part of the ordinary shares
                                    of RM1.00 each in the share capital of the

      "STAMP ACT"                   means the Malaysian Stamp Act 1949;


      "SUBCONTRACT"                 means the subcontract entered into between
                                    the Vendor and the Company in relation to
                                    the JASPA in the form set out in Appendix H;

      CONSIDERATION"                means the consideration for the subscription
                                    of the Subscription Shares being the sum(s)
                                    specified in Clause 3;

      "SUBSIDIARY"                  has the meaning ascribed to it in section 5
                                    of the Companies Act;

      "TAXES" or "TAXATION"         means all forms of taxation including all
                                    taxes past, present and deferred, including,
                                    without limitation, income, corporate,
                                    occupation, real and personal property,
                                    gross receipts, sales, use, ad valorem,
                                    franchise, license, withholding, payroll,
                                    employment, excise, severance, service tax,
                                    occupation, estate duty, stamp duty, good
                                    and services, customs and other import or
                                    export duties, or charges of any kind
                                    whatsoever, estimated and other taxes,
                                    together with any interest and levies and
                                    all penalties, charges, costs and additions
                                    to tax, payable by or due from the Company,
                                    or any additional amounts imposed by any
                                    government, governmental agency, statutory
                                    body or any revenue authority, upon the

      "TENANCY AGREEMENT"           means all the tenancy agreements (including
                                    any options for extension relating thereto)
                                    to which the Company is a party in the form
                                    set out in Appendix I, brief details of
                                    which are set out in Schedule 4;

      "THIRD PARTY CONFIDENTIAL     means Confidential Information belonging to
      INFORMATION"                  a third party;

      "VALUE ADDED NETWORK          means the licence dated 13 May 1998
      SERVICES LICENCE OR VANS      granted by the then Minister of Energy,
      LICENCE"                      Telecommunications & Posts to the
                                    Vendor to carry out various activities
                                    relating to value added network services;


      "VENDOR'S DISCLOSURE LETTER"  means the disclosure letter to be delivered
                                    on or before the Completion Date by the
                                    Vendor to the Purchaser, in the form set out
                                    in Appendix C1;

      "VENDOR'S SOLICITORS"         means Kadir, Tan & Ramli of 8th Floor,
                                    Menara Safuan, 80 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala
                                    Lumpur; and

      "WARRANTIES"                  means collectively, the representations,
                                    warranties and undertakings of the Vendor in
                                    Clause 9 and Schedule 6, and the
                                    representations, warranties and undertakings
                                    of the Company in Clause 10 and Schedule 7;
                                    and "WARRANTY" shall mean each or any of the

1.2   References to statutory provisions shall be construed as references to
      those provisions as amended or re-enacted or as their application is
      modified by other provisions (whether before or after the date hereof)
      from time to time and shall include any provisions of which they are
      re-enactments (whether with or without modification).

1.3   References herein to Clauses, Schedules and Appendices are to clauses in,
      schedules and appendices to this Agreement unless the context requires
      otherwise and the Schedules and Appendices to this Agreement shall be
      deemed to form part of this Agreement.

1.4   The expressions "Vendor", "Purchaser" and the "Company" shall, where the
      context permits, include their respective successors and permitted

1.5   All representations, warranties, undertakings, indemnities, covenants,
      agreements and obligations given or entered into by more than one person
      are given or entered into jointly and severally.

1.6   The headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the
      construction of this Agreement.

1.7   Unless the context requires otherwise, words importing the singular
      include the plural and vice versa and words importing a gender include
      every gender.

1.8   No rule of construction applies to the disadvantage of a party because the
      party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of


2.1   Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Parties hereby agree that they
      shall do the following, in the order set out below:


      (a)   the Vendor shall subscribe for the Vendor Subscription Shares by
            capitalising the Shareholder's Loan in the sum of RM359,998 into the
            share capital of the Company as Shares, the completion of which
            would result in an increase in the total issued and paid up capital
            of the Company to RM360,000;

      (b)   the Vendor as legal and beneficial owner of the Sale Shares, shall
            sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Sale Shares free from all
            Encumbrances and together with all rights now or hereafter attaching
            thereto; and

      (c)   the Purchaser shall subscribe for the Subscription Shares and the
            Vendor shall procure that the Company shall, and the Company shall
            allot and issue the Subscription Shares to the Purchaser.

2.2   The Purchaser shall not be obliged to complete the purchase of any of the
      Sale Shares unless the purchase of all of the Sale Shares is completed
      simultaneously together with the subscription by and the issuance of the
      Subscription Shares to the Purchaser.

2.3   The Vendor hereby waives any rights of pre-emption conferred on it by the
      Articles or otherwise over the Subscription Shares to be subscribed by the

2.4   Following the allotment and issue to the Vendor of the Vendor Subscription
      Shares, the sale of the Sales Shares to the Purchaser and the subscription
      of the Subscription Shares by the Purchaser, the Shares shall be held in
      the following proportions:

         Shareholder                Percentage %              Number of Shares
         -----------                ------------              ----------------

         Purchaser                       51                          281,025
         Vendor                          49                          270,000
         Total                          100                          551,025


3.1   The Sale Shares Consideration payable for the Sale Shares shall be the sum
      of Ringgit Malaysia Five Million (RM5,000,000) which shall be paid to the
      Vendor on Completion in accordance with the Clause 5.3.

3.2   The Purchaser hereby agrees to subscribe for the Subscription Shares at a
      premium of approximately Ringgit Malaysia Fifty-Four and Cents Fifty Five
      (RM54.55) per share. The Subscription Shares Consideration for the
      subscription of the Subscription Shares shall be the sum of Ringgit
      Malaysia Ten Million Six Hundred and Twelve Thousand and Five Hundred
      (RM10,612,500) which shall be paid in accordance with Clause 10 of the
      Shareholders' Agreement.

3.3   A sum of Ringgit Malaysia Three Million Seven Hundred Thousand
      (RM3,700,000) shall be paid by the Purchaser to the Company as payment for
      a part of the Subscription Shares Consideration on the Completion Date.



4.1   The Completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares and the
      subscription of the Subscription Shares is conditional upon:

      (a)   the passing by the board of directors (or any duly authorised
            committee appointed by the board) of Asia Online of a resolution
            approving the purchase of the Sale Shares and the subscription of
            the Subscription Shares by the Purchaser pursuant to the terms of
            this Agreement and the approval of the Shareholders' Agreements
            contemplated in this Agreement;

      (b)   the capitalisation of the Shareholder's Loan in the amount of
            RM360,000 and the completion of the subscription of the Vendor
            Subscription Shares by the Vendor and the increase in the authorised
            capital of the Company to RM3 million divided into 3,000,000
            ordinary shares of RM1.00 each;

      (c)   the Vendor's Disclosure Letter and the Company's Disclosure Letter
            to be delivered to the Purchaser on the Completion Date being in
            form and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser;

      (d)   the Warranties remaining true and not misleading in any respect at
            Completion, as if repeated at Completion and at all times between
            the date of this Agreement and Completion;

      (e)   the Vendor and the Company having performed all of the covenants and
            agreements required to be performed or caused to be performed by
            each of them under this Agreement on or before the Completion Date;

      (f)   the Company or its officers supplying or the Vendor procuring the
            Company or its officers to supply to the Purchaser, all of the
            information (in such detail as may be satisfactory to the Purchaser)
            requested by the Purchaser, the Purchaser's Solicitors or the
            Purchaser's Accountants from time to time before the Completion

      (g)   all other consents and approvals (save for Foreign Investment
            Committee approval) required under any and all applicable laws for
            the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares and the subscription of the
            Subscription Shares and to give effect to the transactions
            contemplated hereunder being obtained;

      (h)   the Tenancy Agreement, the Employment Contracts, the Subcontract and
            the Services Agreement being duly executed by the respective parties
            in form and substance satisfactory to each of the parties thereto;

      (i)   the Company submitting or the Vendor procuring the Company to submit
            an application to the relevant authority for the relevant licences
            under the Communications and Multimedia Act in order to lawfully
            conduct the activities which it currently carries out or which it
            proposes to carry out in the future; and


      (j)   the Vendor submitting its Value Added Network Services Licence for
            registration with the relevant authority under the Communications
            and Multimedia Act.

4.2   The Purchaser may, at its sole discretion, waive all or any of such
      conditions at any time by notice in writing to the Vendor's Solicitors.

4.3   The Vendor shall use all its best endeavours to ensure that the conditions
      set out in Clause 4.1 shall be fulfilled by the Cut-Off Date. If any of
      the conditions stated in Clause 4.1 shall not be fulfilled or waived by
      the Purchaser on or before the Cut-Off Date or such other date as the
      parties shall mutually agree, the Purchaser shall be entitled at its sole
      discretion to terminate this Agreement whereupon this Agreement shall
      cease to be of any further effect except save for Clauses 1, 12, 13, 14,
      and 15 which shall remain in full force and effect and save in respect of
      claims for costs, damages, compensation or otherwise arising out of any
      antecedent breach of the terms in this Agreement including the undertaking
      contained in this Clause 4.3.


5.1   Subject to the provisions of Clause 4, Completion shall take place at the
      offices of the Purchaser's Solicitors at 9.00am on the Completion Date or
      at such other place and time as shall be mutually agreed, where all (and
      not some only) of the events described in this Clause 5 shall occur.

5.2   At Completion, the Vendor shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the

      (a)   duly executed instrument of transfer in respect of the Sale Shares
            in favour of the Purchaser (or its nominees) accompanied by the
            relevant share certificates in respect of the Sale Shares;

      (b)   certified true copies of the resolutions passed by the board of
            directors of the Vendor in the form set out in Appendix K;

            (i)   approving the sale of the Sale Shares to the Purchaser in the
                  terms set out in this Agreement; and

            (ii)  authorising the execution of the instrument of transfer in
                  respect of the Sale Shares in favour of the Purchaser and
                  giving authority to execute the instrument of transfer on
                  behalf of the Vendor to the party who executed it; and

            (iii) authorising the execution and delivery by the Vendor of each
                  of this Agreement, the Tenancy Agreement, the Employment
                  Contracts, the Subcontract, the Services Agreement, the
                  Shareholders' Agreement and the Deed of Indemnity;


      (c)   certified true copies of the resolutions in the form set out in
            Appendix J passed by the board of directors of the Company:

            (i)   approving the transfer of the Sale Shares to the Purchaser, or
                  the transfer of all or any part of the Sale Shares to a
                  nominee appointed by the Purchaser;

            (ii)  approving the entering in the register of members of the
                  Company, the name of the Purchaser or that of its nominee as
                  holder of the Sale Shares, upon the presentation of the
                  instrument of transfer duly stamped in accordance with the
                  Stamp Act; and

            (iii) authorising the issue of the new share certificate in respect
                  of the Sale Shares in favour of the Purchaser or such nominee
                  of the Purchaser and the cancellation of the existing share
                  certificates for the Sale Shares.

      (d)   a duly completed and executed Stamp Duty Form - PDS 6 together with
            the Audited Accounts of the Company;

      (e)   such waivers or consents or other documents as may be required to
            give to the Purchaser good title to the Sale Shares and to enable
            the Purchaser or its nominees to be registered as the holders of any
            of the Sale Shares;

      (f)   all the statutory and other books and records (including financial
            records) duly written and updated of the Company and their
            respective certificate(s) of incorporation, current business
            registration certificate(s) (if applicable) and common seal(s) and
            any other papers, records and documents of the Company;

      (g)   deeds executed by the Vendor confirming that the Vendor has no claim
            against the Company and if there are any claims that the Vendor
            shall release and disclaim all their rights to such claims, which
            letter shall be in the form set out in Appendix B;

      (h)   execute and deliver to the Purchaser a certificate (the "Vendor's
            Completion Certificate") which shall be in the form set out in
            Appendix P, setting forth the Vendor's representations and
            warranties that:

            (i)   each of the Warranties in Schedule 6 was accurate in all
                  respects as of the date of this Agreement;

            (ii)  each of the Warranties in Schedule 6 is accurate in all
                  respects as of the Completion Date as if made on the
                  Completion Date;

            (iii) each of the covenants and obligations that the Vendor is
                  required to have complied with or performed pursuant to this
                  Agreement at or prior to Completion has been duly complied
                  with and performed in all respects;

            (iv)  each of the conditions set forth in Clause 4.1 has been
                  satisfied in all respects; and


            (v)   the Vendor is not aware of any matter or thing which is in
                  breach of or inconsistent with any of the Warranties in
                  Schedule 6;

      (i)   the Deed of Indemnity duly executed by the Vendor;

      (j)   the Tenancy Agreement duly executed by the Vendor and the Company;

      (k)   the Employment Contracts duly executed by the Company and each of
            the Key Employees;

      (l)   the Subcontract duly executed by the Company and the Vendor;

      (m)   the Services Agreement duly executed by the Company and the Vendor;

      (n)   cause such persons as the Purchaser may nominate to be validly
            appointed as directors of the Company and upon such appointment
            forthwith cause the Directors other than the Continuing Directors
            and the company secretary of the Company to resign from their
            respective offices, each delivering to the Purchaser a letter
            addressed to the Company acknowledging that the person so resigning
            has no claim outstanding for compensation or otherwise against the
            Company, and if there are any claims, that they shall release and
            disclaim all their rights to such claims, which letter shall be in
            the form set out in Appendix A; and

      (o)   evidence that the Vendor has procured the revocation of all
            authorities to the bankers of the Company relating to bank accounts
            and procure the giving of authority to such persons as the Purchaser
            may nominate to operate the same;

      (p)   a document signed by the Vendor confirming that at Completion the
            Vendor has been repaid or has discharged in full all Shareholder's
            Loan owed by the Company to the Vendor or vice versa.

5.3   At Completion, and upon compliance with the provisions set out in Clauses
      2.2 and 5.2, the Purchaser shall:

      (a)   deliver to the Company:

            (i)   an unconditional application in writing for the allotment to
                  the Purchaser of 191,025 Shares at the premium of
                  approximately RM54.55 per share for a total amount of the
                  Subscription Share Consideration, in the form set out in
                  Appendix L; and

            (ii)  part of the Subscription Shares Consideration in the amount
                  stated in Clause 3.3 of this Agreement in favour of the
                  Company (whose receipt shall be an absolute discharge
                  therefor) either by bankers' draft or by telegraphic transfer
                  into the designated bank account of the Company,


                  which shall be agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendor not
                  less than four (4) business days prior to Completion (at the
                  option of the Purchaser); and

      (b)   deliver to the Vendor:

            (i)   payment of the Sale Shares Consideration in favour of the
                  Vendor (whose receipt shall be an absolute discharge therefor)
                  either by a bankers' draft or by telegraphic transfer to the
                  bank account of the Vendor which shall be notified by the
                  Vendor to the Purchaser not less than four (4) business days
                  prior to Completion (at the option of the Purchaser); and

            (ii)  certified true copies of the resolution of the board of
                  directors of the Purchaser approving the purchase of the Sale
                  Shares and the subscription of the Subscription Shares
                  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, in the form set out
                  in Appendix M.

5.4   At Completion, the Vendor shall cause to be delivered and the Company
      shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser:

      (a)   evidence satisfactory to the Purchaser's Solicitors of the
            satisfaction of the conditions specified in Clause 4.1 above
            including, without limitation, the execution by the Company of the
            Tenancy Agreement, the Employment Contracts, the Subcontract and the
            Services Agreement;

      (b)   certified true copies of the resolutions passed by the board of
            directors of the Company, in the form set out in Appendix N:

            (i)   approving and authorising the allotment and issue of
                  Subscription Shares to the Purchaser or its nominee;

            (ii)  authorising the issue of the new share certificates in respect
                  of the Subscription Shares in favour of the Purchaser or its

            (iii) approving the entering in the register of members of the
                  Company, the name of the Purchaser or its nominee as holder of
                  the Subscription Shares;

            (iv)  authorising the execution and delivery by the Company of each
                  of this Agreement, the Tenancy Agreement, the Employment
                  Contracts, the Subcontract, the Services Agreement and the
                  Shareholders' Agreement;

            (v)   authorising and approving the appointment of the persons
                  nominated by the Purchaser as directors and secretary of the
                  Company with effect from the Completion Date;

            (vi)  accepting the resignations of the outgoing Directors and the
                  company secretary;


            (vii) revocation of the existing instructions to the bankers of the
                  Company relating to bank accounts and the approval of new bank
                  signatories to such accounts and the approval of the new
                  instructions in relation to the operations of such bank

      (c)   certified true copies of the ordinary resolutions passed by the
            shareholders of the Company in general meeting, in the form set out
            in Appendix O:

            (i)   approving and authorising the allotment and issue of the
                  Subscription Shares to the Purchaser on the terms set out in
                  this Agreement and authorising the Directors to allot and
                  issue the same; and

            (ii)  authorising the execution and delivery by the Company of this

      (d)   the original share certificate(s) with the Purchaser or its nominee
            registered as the holder for the Subscription Shares subscribed by
            the Purchaser pursuant to Clause 2.1(c);

      (e)   such other documents as may be required to give to the Purchaser
            good title to the Subscription Shares and to enable the Purchaser to
            become the registered holder thereof; and

      (f)   a written confirmation in the form set out in Appendix Q, (the
            "Company's Completion Certificate") , setting forth the Company's
            representations and warranties that:

            (i)   each of the Warranties in Schedule 7 was accurate in all
                  respects as of the date of this Agreement;

            (ii)  each of the Warranties in Schedule 7 is accurate in all
                  respects as of the Completion Date as if made on the
                  Completion Date;

            (iii) the Company is not aware of any matter or thing which is in
                  breach of or inconsistent with any of the Warranties in
                  Schedule 7.

5.5   At Completion, the Parties shall execute and deliver to each other
      counterpart copies of the Shareholders' Agreement duly executed by each
      respective party. The Vendor shall procure the execution and delivery of
      the Shareholders' Agreement by the Company.

5.6   Without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Purchaser, if in
      any respect the provisions of Clauses 5.2 and 5.4 are not complied with by
      the Vendor or the Company (as the case may be) on the Completion Date the
      Purchaser may:

      (a)   defer Completion to a date not more than 28 days after the
            Completion Date (and so that the provisions of this Clause 5.6 shall
            apply to Completion as so deferred); or


      (b)   proceed to Completion so far as practicable (without prejudice to
            its rights in this Agreement); or

      (c)   rescind this Agreement.


6.1   The Vendor shall ensure that during the Pre-Completion Period:

      (a)   none of the Sale Shares are sold or otherwise transferred, or
            offered for sale, and thus no agreement or commitment is entered
            into (in writing or otherwise) to sell or otherwise transfer, any of
            the Sale Shares or any interest in or right relating thereto;

      (b)   it does not permit, offer, agree or commit (in writing or otherwise)
            to permit, any of the Sale Shares to become subject, directly or
            indirectly, to any Encumbrance; and

      (c)   enter into any transaction to take any action that might cause or
            constitute a breach of any of the Warranties made by the Company in
            this Agreement.

6.2   The Vendor shall procure and the Company undertakes that during the
      Pre-Completion Period, the Company shall:

      (a)   conduct its operations exclusively in the ordinary course of
            business and operate the business of the Company in a manner
            consistent with past practices.

      (b)   preserve intact its current business organisation, maintain its
            relations and goodwill with all suppliers, customers, landlords,
            creditors, licensors, licensees, employees and other persons having
            business relationships with the Company;

      (c)   procure that its officers confer regularly with the Purchaser
            concerning operational matters and otherwise report regularly to the
            Purchaser concerning the status of the Company's business condition,
            assets, liabilities, operations, financial performance and
            prospects; and

      (d)   immediately notify the Purchaser of any inquiry, proposal or offer
            from any person relation any acquisition transaction.

6.3   The Vendor shall procure and the Company undertakes that during the
      Pre-Completion Period, the Company shall not, without the prior written
      consent of the Purchaser:


      (a)   enter into or vary any contract nor assume any liability which is
            outside the ordinary or proper course of its business or which is
            long term, unusual or onerous;

      (b)   make any capital expenditure or enter into any capital commitment in
            a sum in excess of RM30,000 (whether by way of purchase, lease, hire
            purchase or otherwise);

      (c)   make any change in the nature, scope or organisation of its business
            nor dispose of the whole of its undertaking or property or a
            substantial part thereof;

      (d)   acquire or form any subsidiary nor acquire any shares in any company
            nor acquire the whole or any substantial part of the undertaking,
            assets or business of any other company or any firm or person or
            enter into any joint venture or partnership with any other person;

      (e)   make any loans or grant any credit (other than credit given in the
            normal course of trading and advances made to employees against
            expenses incurred by them on its behalf);

      (f)   borrow any money (except borrowings from its bankers not exceeding
            RM100,000 or make any payments out of or drawings on its bank
            accounts (except routine payments in the ordinary course of

      (g)   enter into any guarantee, indemnity or surety;

      (h)   make any changes in the terms of employment of any of its employees
            or in any arrangements with its consultants or directors or officer,
            including any change to the amount of salary, wage, commissions,
            fringe benefits or other compensation or remuneration payable to
            such consultants, directors, officers or employees;

      (i)   acquire or dispose of or grant any option or right of pre-emption in
            respect of any material asset or any interest nor give nor receive
            any service otherwise than at market value;

      (j)   enter into any leasing, hire purchase agreement or any agreement or
            arrangements for payment on deferred terms;

      (k)   grant or enter into any licence, franchise or other agreement or
            arrangement concerning any part of its name, trading names or

      (l)   declare, make or pay any dividend or distribution in respect of any

      (m)   sell or otherwise issue any shares or other securities;

      (n)   incur or pay any management charges other than in accordance with
            the Services Agreement;


      (o)   change any of its methods of accounting or accounting practices in
            any respect;

      (p)   enter into any transaction to take any action that might cause or
            constitute a breach of any of the Warranties made by the Company in
            this Agreement; and

      (q)   make any payments to the Vendor other than payments which the
            Company is obligated to make pursuant to the Subcontract, the
            Services Agreement and the Tenancy Agreement in the event that such
            agreements give rise to binding legal obligations to make payments
            to the Vendor prior to Completion.

6.4   The Vendor and the Company undertake to the Purchaser that the Company
      shall be free of any debt or liability of any nature whatsoever (whether
      actual, contingent or otherwise) save for those incurred in the normal
      course of business as at the Completion Date and the Vendor shall cause
      all indebtedness and its Shareholders' Loan to the Company to be
      discharged and paid in full prior to Completion.


7.1   The Vendor hereby undertakes with the Purchaser (with the intent that the
      obligations set out hereunder shall continue to have full force and effect
      notwithstanding Completion) that except with the consent in writing of the

      (a)   for the period of 12 months after Completion it shall not either on
            its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person,
            firm or company, carry on or be engaged, concerned or interested
            directly or indirectly whether as shareholder, director, employee,
            partner, agent or otherwise in carrying on anywhere in Malaysia a
            Competing Business (other than as a holder of not more than five per
            cent (5%) of the issued shares or debentures of any company listed
            on any recognized stock exchange);

      (b)   for the period of 12 months after Completion it shall not either on
            its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any other
            person, firm or company canvass, solicit or entice away or attempt
            to canvass, solicit or entice away from the Company the custom of
            any person, firm, company or organization who shall at Completion or
            any time within 1 year prior to the Completion have been or was a
            customer, client, identified prospective customer or client,
            representative, agent or correspondent of the Company or in the
            habit of dealing with the Company or enter into any contract with or
            accept any business from any such person, firm, company or

      (c)   for the period of 24 months after Completion it will not, either on
            its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any other
            person, firm or company employ, solicit or entice away or attempt to
            employ, solicit or entice away from the Company any person who is at
            the date hereof or who shall have been at the date of or within 1
            year prior to any purported breach of this Clause 7.1(c) an officer,
            manager, consultant or employee of the Company whether or not such
            person would commit a breach of contract by reason of leaving such


      (d)   it will not at any time hereafter make use of or disclose or divulge
            to any person (other than to officers or employees of the Company
            whose province it is to know the same) any Confidential Information
            and any other information relating to the Company (other than any
            information properly available to the public or disclosed or
            divulged pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction)
            and and shall use its best endeavours to prevent the publication or
            disclosure of any such information;

      (e)   it will not at any time hereafter in relation to any trade, business
            or company use a name including the word "Asia Online" or any
            similar word in such a way as to be capable of or likely to be
            confused with the name of the Company and shall use all reasonable
            endeavours to procure that no such name shall be used by any person,
            firm or company with which it is connected;

      (f)   it will procure that its subsidiaries, holding company and any other
            affiliated companies will observe the restrictions contained in the
            foregoing provisions of this Clause 7.1 and that its employees will
            observe the restrictions contained in Clause 7.1(d); and

      (g)   it will not, for a period of 18 months after the Completion, utilise
            the Value Added Network Services Licence either on its own or in
            conjunction, collaboration or association with any third party
            either for its own benefit or the benefit of any of its or its
            subsidiaries' or associated companies' without the prior written
            consent of the Purchaser and that it shall endeavour with the
            Purchaser to arrive at a mutually satisfactory means of utilising
            the Value Added Network Services Licence in conjunction,
            collaboration or association with the Purchaser.

7.2   Without derogation from the obligations of the Vendor pursuant to the
      provision in Clause 7.1(a) and (b) above, the Vendor shall, for a period
      of 12 months after Completion offer to the Company a first right of
      refusal to provide any internet related services which the Vendor or its
      Subsidiaries or Related Corporation may require at fair market rates for
      such services. The Vendor shall give notice to the Company in writing
      stating the Vendor's or its Subsidiaries' or Related Corporation's
      requirements for any such internet related services and evidence of other
      market rates which the Vendor or its Subsidiaries or Related Corporation
      may be able to obtain for such services. The Company shall have a period
      of 14 days from the date of receipt of such notice to determine whether to
      provide such services to the Vendor or its Subsidiaries or Related
      Corporation (as the case may be) at the market rates indicated in such

7.3   The Vendors acknowledge that:

      (a)   the covenants given in Clause 7.1 are material to the Purchaser's
            decision to enter into this Agreement; and


      (b)   the restraints contained in Clause 7.1 are:

            (i)   fair and reasonable regarding the subject matter, area and
                  duration; and

            (ii)  reasonably required by the Purchaser to protect the business,
                  financial and proprietary interests of the Company.

7.3   Each and every obligation under this Clause shall be treated as a separate
      independent obligation and shall be severally enforceable as such and in
      the event of any obligation or obligations being or becoming unenforceable
      in whole or in part such part or parts as are unenforceable shall be
      deemed, deleted from this Clause and any such deletion shall not affect
      the enforceability of all such parts of this Clause as remain not so
      deleted or modified to the minimum extent necessary to make this Agreement
      or that Clause or part enforceable.

7.4   While the restrictions contained in this Clause are considered by the
      parties to be reasonable in all the circumstances it is recognized that
      restrictions of the nature in question may fail for reasons unforeseen and
      accordingly it is hereby agreed and declared that if any of such
      restrictions shall be adjudged to be void as going beyond what is
      reasonable in all the circumstances for the protection of the interests of
      the Company or the Purchaser but would be valid if part of the wording
      thereof were deleted or the periods thereof reduced or the range of
      activities or area dealt with thereby reduced in scope, the said
      restriction shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary to
      make it valid and effective.


8.1   This Agreement may be terminated prior to Completion:

      (a)   by the Purchaser if (i) there is a material breach of any covenant
            or obligation of any of the Vendor or the Company or (ii) the
            Purchaser reasonably determines that the timely satisfaction of any
            condition set forth in Clause 4.1 has become impossible or
            impractical (other than as a result of any failure on the part of
            the Purchaser to comply with or perform its covenants and
            obligations under this Agreement);

      (b)   by the Vendor if there is a material breach of any covenant or
            obligation of the Purchaser;

      (c)   by the Purchaser at or after Cut-Off Date if any condition set forth
            in Clause 4.1 has not been satisfied by the Cut-Off Date (other than
            as a result of the failure on the part of the Purchaser to comply
            with or perform any covenant or obligation set out in this
            Agreement); or

      (d)   by mutual consent of the Parties.


8.2   If a Party wishes to terminate this Agreement, the Party shall deliver to
      the other Parties a written notice stating that the Party is terminating
      this Agreement and setting forth a brief description of the basis on which
      the Party is terminating this Agreement and the provision of this
      Agreement pursuant to which this termination is made.

8.3   If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Clause 8.2, all further
      obligations of the Parties under this Agreement shall terminate, provided
      however, that:

      (a)   no Party shall be relieved of any obligation or other liability
            arising from any antecedent breach(es) by such party of any
            provision of this Agreement;

      (b)   the Vendor and the Company shall, in all events, remain bound by and
            continue to be subject to Clauses 1, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

8.4   The termination rights provided in Clause 8.1 shall not be deemed to be
      exclusive. Accordingly, the exercise by any Party of its right to
      terminate this Agreement pursuant to Clause 8.1 shall not be deemed to be
      an election of remedies and shall not be deemed to prejudice, or to
      constitute or operate as a waiver of, any other right or remedy that such
      Party may be entitled to exercise (whether under this Agreement, under any
      other contract, under any statute, at common law, in equity or otherwise).


9.1   The Vendor hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Purchaser
      (with the intent that the provisions of this Clause shall continue to have
      full force and effect notwithstanding Completion) in the terms set out in
      Schedule 6 and that each of the statements set out in Schedule 6 is now
      true and accurate and acknowledges that the Purchaser in entering into
      this Agreement, is relying on the Warranties set out in Schedule 6 and
      that the Purchaser shall be entitled to treat the same as conditions of
      this Agreement.

9.2   The Vendor further warrants and undertakes to and with the Purchaser (with
      the intent that the provisions of this Clause shall continue to have full
      force and effect notwithstanding Completion) that:

      (a)   all Warranties contained in Schedule 6 will be fulfilled and will be
            true and correct at Completion in all respects as if they had been
            entered into afresh at Completion; and

      (b)   in relation to any Warranty in Schedule 6 which refers to the
            knowledge, information or belief of the Vendor, that the Vendor has
            made all necessary enquiry into the subject matter of that Warranty.

9.3   The Warranties in Schedule 6 are given subject to the matters fully,
      fairly and specifically disclosed in the Vendor's Disclosure Letter but no
      other information relating to the Company of which the Purchaser has
      knowledge (actual or


     constructive) and no investigation by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall
     prejudice any claim made by the Purchaser under such representations,
     warranties and undertakings or under the indemnity contained in Clause 9.7
     or the Deed of Indemnity or operate to reduce any amount recoverable and it
     shall not be a defense to any claim against the Vendor that the Purchaser
     knew or ought to have known or had constructive knowledge of any
     information (other than as disclosed in the Vendor's Disclosure Letter)
     relating to the circumstances giving rise to such claim.

9.4   Each Warranty in Schedule 6 shall be separate and independent and save as
      expressly provided shall not be limited by reference to any other
      paragraph or anything in this Agreement or the Schedules.

9.5   The Warranties in Schedule 6 shall be deemed to be repeated as at
      Completion as if all references therein to the date of this Agreement were
      references to the Completion Date.

9.6   In the event of it being found prior to Completion that any of the
      Warranties in Schedule 6 is untrue, misleading or incorrect or have not
      been fully carried out in any material respect, or in the event of any
      matter or thing arising or becoming known or being notified to the
      Purchaser which is inconsistent with any such Warranty or any other
      provision of this Agreement or in the event of the Vendor becoming unable
      or failing to do anything required to be done by them at or before
      Completion the Purchaser shall not be bound to complete the purchase of
      the Sale Shares and the Purchaser may by notice rescind this Agreement
      without liability on its part. The right conferred upon the Purchaser by
      this Clause is in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights of
      the Purchaser (including any rights to claim damages or compensation from
      the Vendor by reason of any such breach or non-fulfillment) and failure to
      exercise it shall not constitute a waiver of any such rights.

9.7   The Vendor hereby undertakes to indemnify and keep indemnified the
      Purchaser (for itself and as trustee for the Company) against any loss or
      liability suffered by the Purchaser or the Company as a result of or in
      connection with any breach of any of the Warranties in Schedule 6
      including, but not limited to, any diminution in the value of the assets
      of and any payment made or required to be made by the Purchaser or the
      Company and any costs and expenses incurred as a result of such breach
      provided that the indemnity contained in this Clause shall be without
      prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Purchaser in relation to
      any such breach of Warranty and all such other rights and remedies are
      hereby expressly reserved to the Purchaser.

9.8   The Vendor will, both before and after Completion promptly notify the
      Purchaser in writing of any matter or thing of which the Vendor becomes
      aware which is a breach of or inconsistent with any of the Warranties
      contained in Schedule 6.

9.9   Any amount paid to the Purchaser by the Vendor as damages or compensation
      for any loss or liability suffered by the Purchaser or the Company in
      connection with any of the Warranties in Schedule 6 or under any indemnity
      herein or contained in the Deed of Indemnity shall be deemed to be a
      repayment of part of the Consideration which shall be deemed to have been
      reduced accordingly.


9.10  The Vendor hereby warrants and undertakes that it shall procure the
      Company to submit an application to the relevant authority for Multimedia
      Super Corridor Status as soon as practicable after Completion.


10.1  The Company hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Purchaser
      (with the intent that the provisions of this Clause shall continue to have
      full force and effect notwithstanding Completion) in the terms set out in
      Schedule 7 and that each of the statements set out in Schedule 7 is now
      true and accurate and acknowledges that the Purchaser in entering into
      this Agreement, is relying on the Warranties set out in Schedule 7 and
      that the Purchaser shall be entitled to treat the same as conditions of
      this Agreement.

10.2  The Company further warrants and undertakes to and with the Purchaser
      (with the intent that the provisions of this Clause shall continue to have
      full force and effect notwithstanding Completion) that:-

      (a)   all Warranties contained in Schedule 7 will be fulfilled and will be
            true and correct at Completion in all respects as if they had been
            entered into afresh at Completion; and

      (b)   in relation to any Warranty in Schedule 7 which refers to the
            knowledge, information or belief of the Company has all necessary
            enquiry into the subject matter of that Warranty.

10.3  The Warranties in Schedule 7 are given subject to the matters fully,
      fairly and specifically disclosed in the Company's Disclosure Letter but
      not other information relating to the Company of which the Purchaser has
      knowledge (actual or constructive) and no investigation by or on behalf of
      the Purchaser shall prejudice any claim made by the Purchaser under such
      representations, warranties and undertakings or under the indemnity
      contained in Clause 10.7 or operate to reduce any amount recoverable and
      it shall not be a defense to any claim against the Company that the
      Purchaser knew or ought to have known or had constructive knowledge of any
      information (other than as disclosed in the Company's Disclosure Letter)
      relating to the circumstances giving rise to such claim.

10.4  Each Warranty in Schedule 7 shall be separate and independent and save as
      expressly provided shall not be limited by reference to any other
      paragraph or anything in this Agreement or the Schedules.

10.5  The Warranties in Schedule 7 shall be deemed to be repeated as at
      Completion as if all references therein to the date of this Agreement were
      references to the Completion Date.


10.6  In the event of it being found prior to Completion that any of the
      Warranties in Schedule 7 is untrue, misleading or incorrect or have not
      been fully carried out in any material respect, or in the event of any
      matter or thing arising or becoming known or being notified to the
      Purchaser which is inconsistent with any such Warranty or any other
      provision of this Agreement or in the event of the Company becoming unable
      or failing to do anything required to be done by them at or before
      Completion the Purchaser shall not be bound to complete the subscription
      of the Subscription Shares and the Purchaser may by notice rescind this
      Agreement without liability on its part. The right conferred upon the
      Purchaser by this Clause is in addition to and without prejudice to any
      other rights of the Purchaser (including any rights to claim damages or
      compensation from the Company by reason of any such breach or
      non-fulfillment) and failure to exercise it shall not constitute a waiver
      of any such rights.

10.7  The Company hereby undertakes to indemnify and keep indemnified the
      Purchaser against any loss or liability suffered by the Purchaser as a
      result of or in connection with any breach of any of the Warranties in
      Schedule 7 including, but not limited to, any diminution in the value of
      the assets of and any payment made or required to be made by the Purchaser
      and any costs and expenses incurred as a result of such breach provided
      that the indemnity contained in this Clause shall be without prejudice to
      any other rights and remedies of the Purchaser in relation to any such
      breach of Warranty and all such other rights and remedies are hereby
      expressly reserved to the Purchaser.

10.8  The Company will, both before and after Completion promptly notify the
      Purchaser in writing of any matter or thing of which the Company becomes
      aware which is a breach of or inconsistent with any of the Warranties
      contained in Schedule 7.

10.9  The Company hereby warrants and undertakes that it shall submit an
      application to the relevant authority for Multimedia Super Corridor Status
      as soon as practicable after Completion.


11.1  Each of the parties hereto undertakes that prior to Completion and
      thereafter it will not (save as required by law or any rule of any
      relevant stock exchange) make any announcement or disclosure in connection
      with this Agreement unless the other Parties hereto shall have given their
      respective consents to such announcement (which consents may not be
      unreasonably withheld and may be given either generally or in a specific
      case or cases and may be subject to conditions).

11.2  If the Vendor or the Company is required by law or by the rules of any
      securities exchange to which they are subject to make any disclosure
      regarding this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein, the
      Vendor shall advise the Purchaser and shall provide to the Purchaser a
      proposed public announcement within respect to the transaction, at least
      five (5) business days before making such disclosure and upon the Parties'
      mutual agreement as to the announcement, the Vendor may proceed with such



12.1  As from the date of this Agreement the Company shall give and the Vendor
      shall procure that the Company gives the Purchaser and any persons
      authorised by it all such information relating to the Company and such
      access to the premises and all books, title deeds, records, accounts and
      other documentation of the Company as the Purchaser may reasonably request
      and be permitted to take copies of any such books, deeds, records,
      accounts and other documentation and that the officers and employees of
      the Company shall be instructed to give promptly all such information and
      explanations to any such persons as aforesaid as may be requested by it or

12.2  In the event of this Agreement ceasing to have effect the Purchaser
      undertakes to release to the Company and to the Vendor all information and
      documents concerning the Company which have been provided to the Purchaser
      in connection with this Agreement and also undertakes not to use any such
      information gained by it to further itself in its trade or to the
      detriment of the Company unless such information had already been known to
      the Purchaser or had become or subsequently becomes public knowledge
      otherwise than by reason of any act or default of the Purchaser, its
      advisers or employees.


13.1  The Vendor and the Company undertake with the Purchaser that it shall each
      treat as strictly confidential all Confidential Information received or
      obtained by them or their employees, agents or advisers as a result of
      entering into or performing this Agreement including information relating
      to the existence and the terms of this Agreement, the negotiations leading
      up to this Agreement, the subject matter of this Agreement or the business
      or affairs of the Purchaser or any member of the Purchaser's group of
      companies or and subject to the provisions of Clause 12.2 that it will not
      at any time hereafter make use of or disclose or divulge to any person any
      such information and shall use their best endeavours to prevent the
      publication or disclosure of any such information.

13.2  The restrictions contained in Clauses 13.1 shall not apply so as to
      prevent the Vendor or the Company from making any disclosure required by
      law or by any securities exchange or supervisory or regulatory or
      governmental body pursuant to rules to which the relevant Vendor or the
      Company is subject or from making any disclosure to any professional
      adviser for the purposes of obtaining advice (provided always that the
      Vendor and the Company shall procure that the provisions of this Clause 13
      apply to and are observed in relation to, the use or disclosure by such
      professional adviser of the information provided to him) nor shall the
      restrictions apply in respect of any information which comes into the
      public domain otherwise than by a breach of this Clause 13 by the Vendor
      or the Company.



14.1  Each party to this Agreement shall pay its own costs and disbursements of
      and incidental to the negotiation leading to the entering into of this
      Agreement and all other agreements contemplated under this Agreement and
      the preparation, execution and performance of such agreements. All stamp
      duties assessed or assessable on the transfer of the Sale Shares to the
      Purchaser shall be borne by the Purchaser.

14.2  Each notice, demand or other communication given or made under this
      Agreement shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the relevant party
      at its address (by hand, by registered mail, by courier or express
      delivery service) or fax number (by facsimile) set out below (or such
      other address or fax number as the addressee has by five (5) days' prior
      written notice specified to the other parties):

      To the Purchaser:                 Asia Online Internet Services Sdn. Bhd.
                                        c/o Asia Online Limited
                                        16/F One International Finance Centre
                                        No. 1 Harbour View Street
                                        Central, Hong Kong

                                        Fax Number:       852 2882 4468
                                        Attention:        Mr. Edward Roberto

      To the Vendor:                    Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad
                                        Level 7, Menara PGRM,
                                        No 8, Jalan Pudu, Cheras,
                                        56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                                        Fax Number:       603 - 982 6652
                                        Attention:        Mr. Azizi Meor Ngah

      To the Company:                   Utusan Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
                                        No. 11, Ground Floor, The Right Angle
                                        Jalan 14/22, 46100 Petaling Jaya
                                        Selangor Darul Ehsan

                                        Fax Number:       603 - 757 2777
                                        Attention :       Mr. Felix Miller

      Any notice, demand or other communication so addressed to the relevant
      party shall be deemed to have been delivered (a) if given or made by
      letter, when actually delivered to the relevant address; and (b) if given
      or made by fax, when despatched.

14.3  No failure or delay by the Purchaser in exercising any right, power or
      remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall
      any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any further exercise
      thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. Without
      limiting the foregoing, no waiver by the Purchaser of any breach by the
      Vendor or Company of any provision hereof shall be deemed to be


      a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision hereof.
      If at any time any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal,
      invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity and
      enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be
      affected or impaired thereby.

14.4  This Agreement shall not be assignable by the Vendor or the Company. The
      Purchaser shall be freely permitted to assign any or all of its rights
      under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any other person without
      obtaining the consent or approval of any other Party hereto or of any
      person and shall be freely permitted to nominate a Related Corporation to
      purchase the Sale Shares and/or subscribe for the Subscription Shares in
      accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

14.5  This Agreement (together with any documents referred to herein)
      constitutes the whole agreement between the parties and supersedes any
      previous agreements or arrangements between them relating to the subject
      matter of this Agreement and it is expressly declared that no variations
      of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and executed
      by the parties.

14.6  The provisions of this Agreement including the representations, warranties
      and undertakings herein contained, insofar as the same shall not have been
      fully performed at Completion, shall remain in full force and effect
      notwithstanding Completion.

14.7  If any provision or part of a provision of this Agreement shall be, or be
      found by any authority or court of competent jurisdiction to be, void,
      invalid or unenforceable to any extent, such invalidity or
      unenforceability shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement and the
      other provisions or parts of such provisions of this Agreement, all of
      which shall continue to be valid and enforceable and shall remain in full
      force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

14.8  The rights and remedies of the Parties hereto shall be cumulative (and not
      alternative). The Vendor agree that:

      (a)   any right of rescission conferred upon the Purchaser hereby shall be
            in addition to and without prejudice to all other rights and
            remedies available to it (and, without prejudice to the generality
            of the foregoing, shall not extinguish any right to damages to which
            the Purchaser may be entitled in respect of the breach of this
            Agreement) and no exercise or failure to exercise such a right of
            rescission shall constitute a waiver by the Purchaser of any such
            other right or remedy;

      (b)   in the event of any breach or threatened breach by the Vendor of any
            covenant, obligation or other provision set forth in this Agreement,
            the Purchaser shall be entitled (in addition to any other remedy
            available to it) to :

            (i)   an order of specific performance to enforce the observance and
                  performance of such covenant, obligation or other provision,

            (ii)  an injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach.


14.9  Upon and after Completion the Vendor and the Company shall do and execute
      or procure to be done and executed all such further acts, deeds, documents
      and things as may be necessary to give effect to the terms of this
      Agreement and to place control of the Company in the hands of the
      Purchaser and pending the doing of such acts, deeds, documents and things
      the Vendor shall as from Completion hold the legal estate in the Sale
      Shares in trust for the Purchaser.

14.10 All agreements, resolutions and documents of whatever nature to be
      provided by any of the Parties under this Agreement shall be in the
      English Language and the English Language version of any such agreements,
      resolutions and documents shall prevail over any other versions of such
      documents which may be made under any other languages.


      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
      laws of Malaysia.


16.1  The parties agree that any dispute arising out of or in connection with
      this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity
      or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration
      in Malaysia in accordance with the UNCITRAL Rules which are deemed to be
      incorporated by reference into this clause.

16.2  The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators, one to be
      appointed by each of the parties.

16.3  The language of the arbitration shall be English.

16.4  Notwithstanding Clauses 16.1 to 16.3, any party may bring an action:

      (a)   for injunctive or other similar mandatory or prohibitory relief in
            any court of competent jurisdiction; and

      (b)   for any interlocutory or interim relief, including, without
            limitation, any proceedings for the detention, custody or
            preservation of any property,

      pending the results of the arbitration.


      This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, all of which
      taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Any party may
      enter into this Agreement by signing any such counterpart and each
      counterpart may be signed and


     executed by the parties and transmitted by facsimile transmission and shall
     be as valid and effectual as if executed as an original.

            -The rest of this page has been intentionally left blank-


IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed on the day and year first
above written.

The Purchaser

SIGNED BY Kevin H. Randolph                 )
for and on behalf of                        )
ASIA ONLINE INTERNET                        )
SERVICES SDN. BHD.                          )
in the presence of:                         )   /s/ KEVIN H. RANDOLPH

Edward P. Roberto                               /s/ EDWARD P. ROBERTO

The Vendor

SIGNED BY Azizi Meor Ngah                   )
for and on behalf of                        )
UTUSAN MELAYU (MALAYSIA)                    )
BERHAD                                      )
in the presence of:                         )   /s/ AZIZI MEOR NGAH

- --------------------------------
    Khamarul Baharain Sulaiman

The Company

SIGNED BY Azizi Meor Ngah                   )
for and on behalf of                        )
UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD.                 )
in the presence of:                         )   /s/ AZIZI MEOR NGAH

- --------------------------------
    Khamarul Baharain Sulaiman
