EXHIBIT 2.12(b)

                       DATED THE 28th DAY OF January 2000




                        UTUSAN MELAYU (MALAYSIA) BERHAD


                          UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD.


                            SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT


                                WONG & PARTNERS
                             ADVOCATES & SOLICITORS
                              Faber Imperial Court
                        Suite 12-1A, Jalan Sultan Ismail
                               50250 KUALA LUMPUR
                           Telephone: (603) 461 1888
                           Facsimile: (603) 460 3880


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

CLAUSE            HEADING                                                                                    PAGE
- ------            -------                                                                                    ----

1.       DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION........................................................................2
2.       COMMENCEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS ON COMPLETION.............................................................8
3.       THE BUSINESS..........................................................................................9
4.       MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY.............................................................................9
5.       MATTERS REQUIRING UNANIMOUS CONSENT..................................................................15
6.       REGISTERED OFFICE, SECRETARY, AUDITORS, FINANCIAL YEAR, ACCOUNTS.....................................16
7.       TRANSFER OF SHARES...................................................................................16
8.       WARRANTIES...........................................................................................20
9.       OPTIONS..............................................................................................21
10.      PROMISE TO PAY BY ASIA ONLINE - MALAYSIA.............................................................23
11.      MUTUAL CO-OPERATION..................................................................................24
12.      TERMINATION..........................................................................................24
13.      CONSEQUENCES OF TERMINATION..........................................................................25
14.      TERMS APPLICABLE UPON TERMINATION....................................................................26
15.      DEADLOCK.............................................................................................26
16.      NON COMPETITION......................................................................................27
17.      NO PARTNERSHIP.......................................................................................29
18.      NAME PROTECTION......................................................................................29
19.      NOTICES..............................................................................................30
20.      GENERAL PROVISIONS...................................................................................31

SCHEDULE 1....................................................................................................*
DEED OF ADHERENCE.............................................................................................*

SCHEDULE 2....................................................................................................*
BUSINESS PLAN.................................................................................................*

SCHEDULE 3....................................................................................................*
MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF COMPANY.............................................................*

* Schedule omitted -- will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon

                            SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT

THIS SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT is made the 28 of January 2000.


ASIA ONLINE INTERNET SERVICES SDN. BHD., a company incorporated in Malaysia
whose registered office is at Faber Imperial Court, Suite 12-1B, Jalan Sultan
Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ("ASIA ONLINE - MALAYSIA");


UTUSAN MELAYU (MALAYSIA) BERHAD, a company incorporated in Malaysia under the
laws of Malaysia with its registered office at 46M, Jalan Lima, Off Jalan Chan
Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur ("UTUSAN");


UTUSAN MULTIMEDIA SDN. BHD., a company incorporated in Malaysia with its
registered office at 46M, Jalan Lima, Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala
Lumpur ("COMPANY").


A.       The Company carries on the business of providing internet access, web
         design and production, web hosting, database hosting,
         intranet-hosting, server co-location, web consulting, web mail
         services, homepage services, systems integration and e-commerce
         solutions and services.

B.       By a Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement of even date, Asia
         Online-Malaysia has agreed to acquire and subscribe in aggregate
         281,025 ordinary voting shares representing 51% of the total issued
         and paid up share capital of the Company.

C.       The Shareholders (as defined below) have entered into this Agreement
         to set forth their rights as Shareholders of the Company and the terms
         and conditions upon which the business of the Company shall be managed
         and operated and to regulate their relationship inter se as
         Shareholders of the Company.





         In this Agreement, all terms defined in the Share Purchase and
         Subscription Agreement shall have the same meaning herein unless
         otherwise specified. Unless the context otherwise requires, in this

         ""A" DIRECTOR"               means a Director appointed from time to
                                      time by Asia Online-Malaysia under Clause

         "ARTICLES"                   means the articles of association of the
                                      Company as amended from time to time;

           OR "ASIA ONLINE"           means Asia Online Limited, a company
                                      incorporated in Delaware, United States
                                      of America with its business address at
                                      the 16/F One International Finance
                                      Centre, No. 1 Harbour View Street,
                                      Central, Hong Kong;

         ""B" DIRECTOR"               means a Director appointed from time to
                                      time by Utusan under Clause 4.1;

         "BOARD"                      means the Company's board of directors
                                      from time to time;

         "BUSINESS"                   means those activities carried on by the
                                      Company from time to time;

         "BUSINESS PLAN"              means the business plan as approved by
                                      the Board from time to time (the first
                                      such plan being attached hereto as
                                      Schedule 2);

         "CHAIRMAN"                   means the chairman of the Board from time
                                      to time;

         "COMPANIES ACT"              means the Malaysian Companies Act 1965;

         "COMPETING PRODUCTS"         means new internet based services or
                                      products which compete with products
                                      currently offered or to be offered by the
                                      Company (as outlined in the Business
                                      Plan) and would include but are not
                                      limited to web hosting, database hosting,
                                      server co-location, intranet hosting, web
                                      mail services, homepage services,
                                      e-commerce services, virtual private
                                      network management, re-selling of
                                      internet access services, online
                                      classifieds services, leased lines,


                                      bookstores, network consultancy services
                                      and other services related to the use of
                                      Utusan's or the Company's network

         "CONTROL"                    has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
                                      33(1) of the Malaysian Securities
                                      Commission Act 1993;

         "DEADLOCK"                   means any of the following situations:

                                      (a)    where any resolution proposed at a
                                             meeting of the Shareholders fails
                                             to be passed due to a failure to
                                             achieve the required votes for the
                                             resolution at two consecutive
                                             meetings of the Shareholders; or

                                      (b)    a quorum cannot be achieved at two
                                             successive proposed meetings of
                                             the Shareholders, of which not
                                             less than one week's notice has
                                             been given;

         "DEED OF ADHERENCE"          means a deed substantially in the form
                                      set out in Schedule 1 or any other form
                                      approved in advance by all of the
                                      Shareholders under which a transferee or
                                      allottee of Shares agrees to be bound by
                                      all the terms of this Agreement as if it
                                      had been one of the Shareholders;

         "DIRECTOR"                   means any director from time to time of
                                      the Company (or a duly appointed

         "EVENT OF DEFAULT"           includes any of the following:

                                      (a)    a petition is presented or a
                                             proceeding is commenced or an
                                             order is made or an effective
                                             resolution is passed for the
                                             winding-up, insolvency, judicial
                                             management, administration,
                                             reorganisation, reconstruction,
                                             dissolution or bankruptcy of any
                                             party or for the appointment of a
                                             liquidator, receiver, judicial
                                             manager, administrator, trustee or
                                             similar officer of the party over
                                             all or any part of its business or

                                      (b)    any party stops or suspends
                                             payments to its creditors
                                             generally or is unable or admits
                                             its inability to pay its debts as
                                             they fall due or seeks to enter
                                             into any composition or other
                                             arrangement with its creditors or
                                             is declared or


                                             becomes bankrupt or insolvent; or
                                             if a creditor takes possession of
                                             all or any part of the business or
                                             assets of the party or any
                                             execution or other legal process is
                                             enforced against the business or
                                             any substantial asset of the party
                                             and is not discharged within
                                             fourteen (14) days; or

                                      (c)    any party ceases or threatens to
                                             cease to carry on its business or
                                             any substantial part thereof or if
                                             the party disposes of or threatens
                                             to dispose of or any governmental
                                             or other authority expropriates or
                                             threatens to expropriate all or
                                             any substantial part of its
                                             business or assets;

         "EXERCISE PERIOD"            means a period of 90 days from the date
                                      of notification by Asia Online or Asia
                                      Online-Malaysia of the occurrence of a
                                      Trigger Event;

         "EXERCISE PRICE"             means sale price per share of the Shares
                                      (in cash) which is to be calculated in
                                      accordance with the formula below:

                                                   2 x previous 3 months
                                                   annualized revenue of the
                                                   Company from the date of the
                                                   Option Notice
                                      Sale Price = Number of existing issued
                                      per Share    Shares in the Company as at
                                                   the date of the  expression
                                                   to purchase or sell the

         "EXISTING"                   means existing, established, in operation
                                      or in place as at the date of this

         "IP ADDRESSES"               means a 32 or 128 bit number that
                                      identifies a specific device connected to
                                      a local network or the internet;

         "MEMORANDUM"                 means the memorandum of the Company as
                                      amended from time to time;

         "OFFERING SHAREHOLDER"       means a Shareholder who has served a
                                      Purchase Notice pursuant to Clause

         "OPTION NOTICE"              means written notice served by Asia
                                      Online-Malaysia or Utusan notifying the
                                      other of its wish to exercise the
                                      relevant "call" options under Clause 9;


         "OPTION PERIOD"              means the period commencing from the
                                      earlier to occur of:

                                      (a)    twelve (12) months from Completion
                                             (as defined under the Share
                                             Purchase and Subscription
                                             Agreement; or

                                      (b)    the Trigger Event;

                                      and expiring forty-two (42) months from

         "PRESCRIBED PRICE"           means the sale price of the Shares agreed
                                      within 14 days of the expression of an
                                      intention to purchase or sell the shares,
                                      by the Shareholders or in the absence of
                                      such agreement, at the price per Share
                                      which is calculated utilizing the revenue
                                      multiple of 2.0 times the last three
                                      months annualized revenue of the Company
                                      divided by the number of the then issued
                                      Shares in the Company as at the date of
                                      the expression of the intention to
                                      purchase or sell the Shares;

         "PROPORTIONATE SHARE"        in relation to a Shareholder means the
                                      proportion that the number of Shares from
                                      time to time held or beneficially owned
                                      by that Shareholder bears to the total
                                      number of Shares on issue from time to

         "PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER"      means a third party who has made a bona
                                      fide offer to purchase some or all of the
                                      Shares of a Shareholder under Clause

         "PURCHASE NOTICE"            means a written notice of acceptance
                                      served under Clause 7.3(d);

         "RELATED CORPORATION"        has the meaning ascribed to it in section
                                      4 of the Companies Act;

         REGULATORY AUTHORITIES"      means any Malaysian governmental or
                                      non-governmental authority having
                                      jurisdiction over the sale of shares held
                                      by Malaysian interests to foreign
                                      interests and the offer for subscription
                                      or purchase of Securities in Malaysia;


         "RELEVANT SHARES"            means the number and class of Shares and
                                      any interest in them which a Transferor
                                      may wish to transfer or dispose of;

         SYMBOL "RM"                  means the lawful currency of Malaysia;

         "SECURITIES"                 has the meaning ascribed to it in section
                                      2 of the Malaysian Securities Commission
                                      Act 1993;

         "SECURITY INTEREST"          means an interest in or over an asset
                                      which provides security for, or protects
                                      against default by, a person for the
                                      payment or satisfaction of a debt,
                                      obligation or liability including a
                                      mortgage, charge, bill of sale, pledge,
                                      deposit, lien, encumbrance,
                                      hypothecation, or arrangement for the
                                      retention of title;

         "SHAREHOLDER"                means a registered holder from time to
                                      time of one or more Shares;

         "SHARES"                     means the ordinary voting shares having a
                                      par value of RM1.00 each in the capital
                                      of the Company from time to time;

         SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT"      means the Share Purchase and Subscription
                                      Agreement of even date between Asia
                                      Online-Malaysia, Utusan and the Company;

         "SUBSIDIARY"                 has the meaning ascribed to it in section
                                      5 of the Companies Act;

         "THIRD PARTY INTEREST"       means any Security Interest, lease,
                                      option, voting arrangement, easement,
                                      covenant, notation, restriction, interest
                                      under any agreement, interest under any
                                      trust, or other right, equity,
                                      entitlement or other interest of any
                                      nature held by a third party;

         "TRANSFER NOTICE"            means a notice in writing under Clause
                                      7.3 that a Transferor desires to sell,
                                      transfer or dispose of any Share or

         "TRANSFEROR"                 means a Shareholder proposing to sell,
                                      transfer or dispose of any Share or
                                      Shares under Clause 7.3;

         "TRIGGER EVENT"              means the earlier to occur of:


                                      (a)    the date which is 90 days before
                                             the likely day on which Asia
                                             Online registers its initial
                                             public offering document with the
                                             United States Securities and
                                             Exchange Commission; or

                                      (b)    a change of Control of Asia Online
                                             or any sale of substantially all
                                             of the assets and undertaking of
                                             Asia Online (other than by way of
                                             any group reorganisation or
                                             reconstruction undertaken by Asia

         "WARRANTIES"                 means the representations, warranties and
                                      covenants made by the Shareholders under
                                      Clause 8 and "Warranty" means any one of


         In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

         (a)      a reference:

                  (i)      to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

                  (ii)     to a gender includes all genders;

                  (iii)    to a document (including this Agreement) is a
                           reference to that document (including any Schedules
                           and Annexures,) as amended, consolidated,
                           supplemented, novated or replaced;

                  (iv)     to an agreement includes any deed, agreement or
                           legally enforceable arrangement or understanding
                           whether written or not;

                  (v)      to parties means the parties to this Agreement and
                           to a party means a party to this Agreement;

                  (vi)     to a notice means all notices, approvals, demands,
                           requests, nominations or other communications given
                           by one party to another under or in connection with
                           this Agreement;

                  (vii)    to a person shall be deemed to include bodies
                           corporate or unincorporate;

                  (viii)   Recitals, Clauses, Sub-Clauses and Schedules are
                           references to recitals, clauses, sub-clauses and
                           schedules to this Agreement;


         (b)      headings are for convenience only and are ignored in
                  interpreting this Agreement;

         (c)      if a period of time is specified and dates from, after or
                  before, a given day or the day of an act or event, it is to
                  be calculated exclusive of that day;

         (d)      if a payment or other act must (but for this Clause) be made
                  or done on a day which is not a Business day, then it must be
                  made or done on the next Business day;

         (e)      the words "including" or "includes" mean "including but not
                  limited to" or "including without limitation";

         (f)      this Agreement must not be construed adversely against a
                  party solely because that party was responsible for preparing
                  it; and

         (g)      where a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical
                  forms have a corresponding meaning.


2.1      Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, the rights and
         obligations created by this Agreement commence, and are enforceable
         from the Completion of the Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement
         (as defined therein) and shall continue in force for an indefinite
         term until the Company shall be wound up or until this Agreement is
         terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
         provided however that if any Shareholder sells or transfers all of its
         Shares in the Company in accordance with the provisions of this
         Agreement (except to a Related Corporation), the rights, obligations
         and liabilities of such selling Shareholder shall terminate except as
         may otherwise be provided for herein.

2.2      The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that following the Completion
         of the Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement, the Shares of the
         Company shall be held in the following proportions:

         Shareholder                 Percentage %          Number of Shares
         -----------                 ------------          ----------------

         Asia Online-Malaysia              51                   281,025
         Utusan                            49                   270,000
         Total                            100                   551,025



         The primary object of the Company is to conduct the Business in
         accordance with the Business Plan as amended from time to time.



         (a)      For so long as it holds 51% of the Shares, Asia
                  Online-Malaysia is entitled to appoint, substitute and remove
                  a total of three (3) "A" Directors.

         (b)      For so long as it holds 49% of the Shares, Utusan is entitled
                  to appoint, substitute and remove a total of two (2) "B"

         (c)      The Board shall be responsible for supervising the activities
                  of the Company and for determining the overall policies and
                  objectives of the Company, subject always to the terms of
                  this Agreement and the provisions of the Companies Act.


         (a)      Each appointment, substitution and removal of a Director will
                  be carried out by:

                  (i)      the relevant Shareholder(s) depositing a written
                           notice at the Company's main business premise; and

                  (ii)     sending a copy of the notice to the other

         (b)      If a Director leaves his office due to the expiry of his term
                  of office, death, resignation, dismissal or any other reason
                  whatsoever, the Shareholder which appointed the Director
                  shall appoint a Director to fill the vacancy. Such
                  appointment, removal or replacement of a Director shall be in
                  accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act.

         (c)      Each Director may appoint or remove from time to time any
                  person to act as his alternate who shall have all the powers
                  of his appointing Director, including without limitation the
                  power to vote on resolutions of the Board. One person may act
                  as alternate director to more than one Director and while he
                  is so acting he shall be entitled a separate vote for each
                  Director he is representing and if he is himself a Director,
                  his vote or votes as an alternate director shall be in
                  addition to his own vote. If a Director ceases to hold the
                  office of Director, the appointment of his alternate shall
                  thereafter cease.



         (a)      If either Shareholder disposes of all its Shares, that
                  Shareholder must cause the resignation of the relevant
                  Director(s) appointed by it.

         (b)      Subject to Clause 4.1(a), the number of Director(s) a
                  Shareholder is entitled to appoint is in proportion to its
                  shareholding in the Company as it relates to the total
                  shareholding in the Company.


         Any Shareholder substituting or removing a Director pursuant to its
         rights under this Clause 4 is responsible for and holds harmless the
         other Shareholder and the Company from and against:

         (a)      any claim for unfair or wrongful dismissal arising out of the
                  substitution or removal; and

         (b)      any reasonable costs and expenses incurred in defending any
                  proceedings, including, but without limitation, legal costs
                  on a solicitor client basis.


         (a)      Subject to (b) below, at each meeting of the Board and for
                  each resolution proposed to the Board, the Directors present
                  at the meeting will have one vote each.

         (b)      If less than the full number of "A" Directors or "B" Directors
                  are appointed to the Board or attend or are able to vote at
                  any Board meeting, the "A" Director(s) or "B" Director(s) that
                  attend or are so appointed are entitled to exercise between
                  them the number of votes that equal the maximum number of "A"
                  Directors entitled to be appointed under Clause 4.1(a) (in the
                  case of any votes exercised by the Asia Online-Malaysia
                  Directors) and the maximum number of "B" Directors entitled to
                  be appointed under Clause 4.1(b) (in the case of any votes
                  exercised by the Utusan Directors).

         (c)      Subject to Clause 5.1, all resolutions of the Board must be
                  passed by:

                  (i)      a simple majority vote by the Directors present in
                           person or by their alternates at the relevant
                           meeting; or

                  (ii)     a circular written resolution signed by a majority
                           of the Directors. Any such resolution may consist of
                           several documents in identical form, each signed by
                           one or more of the Directors.

         (d)      The quorum for a Board meeting is at least two Directors, one
                  of which must be an "A" Director.


         (e)      Any Director may at any time cause and request the secretary
                  of the Company to satisfy the formalities necessary to
                  convene a meeting of the Board of Directors and the Company
                  secretary shall attend to the formalities necessary to
                  convene such a meeting upon receiving such a request from any
                  of the Directors. Meetings may be held outside Malaysia
                  provided that such meetings are held either in Singapore,
                  Hong Kong, and Japan or via telephone or by using any other
                  technology as stated in Clause 4.5(k).

         (f)      Each of the parties agree to cause a meeting of the Board of
                  Directors to be convened at least twice a year or whenever
                  necessary and whenever requested by any Director. In the
                  first six months from the date of this Agreement, each party
                  shall endeavour to cause a meeting of the Board of Directors
                  to be convened monthly.

         (g)      Each of the Directors shall be informed by prior written
                  notice of at least 21 days of the time, date and place of
                  meeting of the Board of Directors in accordance with the
                  provisions of the Memorandum and Articles. Such period may be
                  shortened or dispensed with provided all the Directors so
                  agree. Each such notice shall specify a complete agenda of
                  the relevant meeting and if the meeting is to be held in 2 or
                  more places, the technology that will be used to facilitate

         (h)      No business of the Company shall be transacted at any meeting
                  of the Board unless a quorum is present at the beginning and
                  throughout each meeting.

         (i)      If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the time
                  appointed for a meeting, that meeting will be adjourned until
                  the same time and place on the same day in the next week.

         (j)      If the Board so authorizes or requests, auditors,
                  consultants, advisers and employees (or any other persons, at
                  the discretion of the Board) shall be permitted to attend and
                  speak at meetings of the Board, but not to vote.

         (k)      Directors or their alternates may participate in Board
                  meetings by means of conference telephone, video or other
                  similar communications equipment where all Directors
                  participating in that meeting can hear and communicate with
                  each other. Such participation is deemed to be presence in
                  person. The matters resolved during such meetings shall be
                  subject to confirmation by the signatures of the
                  participating Directors on the minutes taken of such meeting.


         (a)      The quorum for a general meeting is at least two
                  Shareholders, one of which must be Asia Online-Malaysia.

         (b)      At each meeting of the Shareholders and for each resolution
                  proposed to the Shareholders, each Shareholder has one vote
                  for each Share it holds. The Shareholders' resolutions may be
                  passed by circular resolution signed by or on


                  behalf of one or more Shareholder(s) who holds more than 50%
                  of the voting rights (in the case of ordinary resolutions) or
                  who holds more than 75% of the voting rights (in the case of
                  special resolutions). Any such resolution may consist of
                  several documents in identical form, each signed by one or
                  more of the Shareholders.

         (c)      If a quorum is present at the beginning of the meeting, it is
                  deemed to be present throughout the meeting even if a
                  Shareholder absents itself, himself or herself, or absents
                  from voting, for any reason.

         (d)      If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the time
                  appointed for a meeting, any meeting convened on a requisition
                  of Shareholders will be dissolved but any other meeting will
                  be adjourned until the same time and place on the same day in
                  the next week or to such other day, time and place that the
                  Directors may appoint by notice to the Shareholders. If at the
                  adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting will be

         (e)      If a quorum is not present at two successive proposed
                  meetings of the Shareholders, a Deadlock will be deemed to
                  have occurred and Clause 15 shall apply.

         (f)      One (1) month's prior written notice of all meetings
                  specifying the place, the day and the time of the meeting,
                  shall be given to all Shareholders, unless all the
                  Shareholders agree to unanimously shorten or waive the

         (g)      The Chairman, if any, of the Board shall preside as Chairman
                  of the Shareholders' meeting of the Company, or if there is
                  no such Chairman, or if he is not present within 20 minutes
                  after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is
                  unwilling to act, any one of the "A" Directors who is present
                  at the meeting shall act as the Chairman.

4.7      CHAIRMAN

         (a)      Asia Online-Malaysia has the right to nominate one of the "A"
                  Directors to be Chairman. If the chairman ceases to be a
                  Director, Asia Online-Malaysia will be entitled to nominate a
                  replacement Chairman.

         (b)      If any vote taken at a Board meeting results in a tie, the
                  Chairman is entitled to a second or casting vote.

         (c)      If the Chairman is not present at any meeting thirty (30)
                  minutes after the stipulated time for the meeting, any "A"
                  Director present at the meeting shall act as the Chairman.


         (a)      Asia Online-Malaysia shall nominate a suitably qualified
                  candidate for the position of Chief Executive Officer. On the
                  approval of the Board the person


                  so nominated shall be appointed to the position of Chief
                  Executive Officer on such terms and conditions as agreed
                  between the parties. The Chief Executive Officer shall carry
                  out such duties as may from time to time be defined by the

         (b)      The parties hereby agree that the first Chief Executive
                  Officer shall be Felix Miller (NRIC Number 571031-01-5475) of
                  57, Jalan SS3/43, 47300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor and his
                  appointment will be in accordance with his contract of
                  employment with the Company.

         (c)      The Chief Executive Officer shall head a management team to
                  manage the day to day operations of the Company in an
                  efficient manner and shall at all times be accountable to the
                  Board for the performance of the Company.

         (d)      The Chief Executive Officer shall be required to submit
                  monthly reports on the status of the Company to the Board and
                  shall be required to submit to the Board monthly accounts in
                  a format and in a manner to be determined by the Board.

         (e)      The Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for the
                  establishment of the annual budget and annual business plan
                  to be submitted for approval of the Board according to such
                  reporting timetable set by the Board.

         (f)      The Chief Executive Officer shall act in accordance with the
                  directions of the Board.

         (g)      The Chief Executive Officer may make the following decisions
                  without further Board's approval:

                  (i)      execution of agreements required in the ordinary
                           course of business; and

                  (ii)     general management and administration,

                  provided that:

                  (i)      the Chief Executive Officer acts within the confines
                           of the annual budget and the annual Business Plan;

                  (ii)     no decisions are taken by the Chief Executive
                           Officer which would normally require Board's
                           approval and in particular the matters requiring
                           Board's approval under Clause 5.1.


         (a)      The parties shall procure that the Company shall at all times
                  maintain true and complete accounting and other financial
                  records, in the English language, in accordance with the
                  requirements of all applicable laws and generally accepted
                  accounting principles applicable in Malaysia. Such records
                  shall be kept at the principal office of the Company and shall
                  be made available for inspection by


                  any of the parties and each party shall be entitled at its
                  own expense to have an independent audit of the accounts of
                  the Company in addition to the audit carried out by the
                  auditors of the Company.

         (b)      The annual financial statements and accounts of the Company
                  shall be audited annually at the expense of the Company by
                  the Company's auditor. Copies of all audited financial
                  statements of the Company shall be furnished to each of the

         (c)      All financial and management accounts and operations reports
                  shall be submitted to the parties on a monthly basis and
                  shall be accompanied by such other reports as may be
                  determined by the Board from time to time.


         (a)      In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the
                  Memorandum and Articles and this Agreement, the terms of this
                  Agreement shall prevail and the parties shall cause the
                  necessary amendments to be made in the Memorandum and
                  Articles. In furtherance of this provision, the Shareholders
                  agree to adopt the Memorandum and Articles attached hereto as
                  Schedule 3 in replacement of the existing Memorandum and

         (b)      The Shareholders shall exercise their respective voting
                  rights to approve and adopt the Memorandum and Articles
                  attached hereto as Schedule 3 as the Memorandum and Articles
                  of the Company.

         (c)      Any restriction in the Memorandum to the effect that the
                  Directors of the Company shall have the right to accept or
                  refuse registration on transfer of Shares in the Company
                  shall not be applicable in respect of the transfer of any
                  Shares which are in accordance and have complied with the
                  provisions of this Agreement and each party agrees to cause
                  the Directors nominated by it to so cast their votes in
                  favour of accepting such registration or transfer of Shares.

         (d)      Any restriction whatsoever in the Memorandum relating to or
                  imposed upon the rights of a Shareholder of partly paid up
                  Shares, whether in respect of the Company's right to have
                  lien over such Shares, the Company's rights of forfeiture or
                  sale or dealing over such shares, the Company's rights of
                  retention of dividends on such Shares, apportionment of the
                  payment of dividends on such Shares or any other right which
                  the Company may have against such Shares shall not, for the
                  term of this Agreement be applicable or have effect. Each
                  party agrees to cause the Directors nominated by it to give
                  effect to this Clause 4.10(d).

         (e)      The rights of a Shareholder of partly paid shares shall be
                  pari passu to the rights of a Shareholder of fully paid up
                  shares provided however that the share certificate that is
                  issued to a Shareholder in respect of partly paid Shares


                  bear an endorsement to the effect that the Shares are partly
                  paid shares and the percentage paid up in respect of those



         The parties agree that despite anything to the contrary in this
         Agreement, or in the Memorandum or Articles, the unanimous consent of
         the Board of Directors is required to:

         (a)      create or, where appropriate, issue any Security Interest
                  over the whole or any material part of the undertaking,
                  business, property or assets (tangible or intangible) of the

         (b)      sell, transfer, lease, assign, dispose of or part with
                  control of any interest in all or any material part of the
                  undertaking, business, property or assets (tangible or
                  intangible) of the Company (whether by a single transaction
                  or a series of transactions) or to contract to do so (other
                  than as a result of any group reorganisation or
                  reconstruction of the Company or any material part of its

         (c)      acquire or contract to acquire any business, property or
                  assets (tangible or intangible) or any interest therein which
                  represents more than 20% of the Company's assets at the
                  relevant time (other than as a result of any group
                  reorganisation or reconstruction of the Company or any
                  material part of its assets);

         (d)      enter into any joint venture, partnership or profit sharing
                  agreement with any third party; and

         (e)      convert any of its shares into larger or smaller amounts;

         (f)      allot further shares.

         In Clauses 5.1(a), 5.1(b) and 5.1(c) "material part" means any part or
         parts of the undertaking, business, property or assets having a value
         of at least 20% of the Company's assets at the relevant time.




         The registered office of the Company shall be at at Faber Imperial
         Court, Suite 12-1B, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
         or such other location as the Board may from time to time decide.

6.2      SECRETARY

         The secretaries of the Company shall be Lai Sow Toh (NRIC
         620915-10-6418) and Lim Poh Seng (NRIC 710228-10-5519) or such other
         person(s) as shall from time to time be determined by the Board.

6.3      AUDITORS

         The auditors of the Company shall be PricewaterhouseCoopers or such
         other firm as shall from time to time be agreed by the Board.


         The Company shall adopt a financial year which shall begin on 1 July
         and end on 30 June of each year or such year-end as agreed by the


         (a)      The parties hereby agree that authorized signatories of the
                  bank accounts shall be decided by the Board.

         (b)      All funds of the Company shall be kept in such banking
                  accounts as the Board may from time to time designate. All
                  monies of the Company, and all instruments for the payment of
                  money to the Company, when received, shall be deposited in
                  the bank account(s) of the Company. All funds of the Company
                  may be drawn upon by cheques signed by any one or more of the
                  authorized representatives of the Company as authorized by
                  the Board.

         (c)      Subject to the Memorandum and Articles and this Agreement,
                  the Company shall be at liberty to obtain such bank loans
                  and/or facilities to meet its working capital and other needs
                  as the Board may from time to time determine, whether secured
                  by a charge on the Company's asset or not.

         (d)      In the event the Company shall borrow from external sources
                  and guarantees are required for such borrowings, Asia
                  Online-Malaysia agrees that it shall procure the necessary



         (a)      A Shareholder may not sell, transfer or dispose of any Shares
                  or any interest in any Shares or charge or otherwise encumber
                  or create any Third Party Interest


                  in any Shares without the prior consent of the other
                  Shareholders, except as provided in this Agreement.

         (b)      If any Shareholder purports or attempts to transfer, dispose
                  of or create a Third Party Interest over their Shares or any
                  interest in their Shares, except as provided in this
                  Agreement, that Shareholder will be deemed to have served a
                  Transfer Notice in accordance with Clause 7.3 for those


         A transfer of Shares to a transferee who is and remains a Related
         Corporation of the transferor Shareholder is permitted if:

         (a)      the transferor Shareholder has given prior written notice to
                  the other Shareholders; and

         (b)      the transferee executes a Deed of Adherence upon the transfer
                  of the Shares.

         As long as Utusan or Asia Online-Malaysia (as the case may be) remains
         the other party to this Agreement, if for any reason the Related
         Corporation to whom the Shares are transferred ceases to be related to
         the transferor Shareholder, the transferor Shareholder shall cause the
         Related Corporation to re-transfer the Shares back to the transferor
         Shareholder who shall thereafter be bound by the provisions of this


         (a)      A Transferor wishing to sell, assign or dispose of an
                  interest in its Shares (other than to a Related Corporation
                  under Clause 7.2) must deliver a Transfer Notice to the other
                  Shareholders specifying:

                  (i)      the Relevant Shares (which must be all of the Shares
                           then held by the Transferor);

                  (ii)     the identity of the Prospective Purchaser (if any);

                  (iii)    the price at which the Transferor wishes to sell the
                           Relevant Shares.

                  (iv)     any other material terms or circumstances known to
                           the Transferor which affect or may affect the offer.

         (b)      A Transfer Notice once given or deemed to have been given is
                  not revocable except with the consent of all of the Directors
                  in writing.

         (c)      Receipt of the Transfer Notice constitutes an offer by the
                  Transferor to the other Shareholders to sell the Relevant
                  Shares to the other Shareholders on terms contained in the
                  Transfer Notice.


         (d)      Each Shareholder (other than the Transferor) may exercise its
                  option to buy the Relevant Shares by serving a Purchase
                  Notice on the Transferor of the number of Relevant Shares it
                  wants to buy within 15 days of the date of service of the
                  Transfer Notice.

         (e)      If a Shareholder serves a Purchase Notice under Clause 7.3(d):

                  (i)      the Transferor must sell to that Shareholder the
                           number of Relevant Shares allocated to that
                           Shareholder under Clause 7.4; and

                  (ii)     the relevant Shareholder must buy them on the terms
                           set out in the Transfer Notice.


         (a)      The Transferor must sell to each Offering Shareholder the
                  number of Relevant Shares that the Offering Shareholder has
                  offered to buy if the Transferor receives offers for equal to
                  or less than the number of Relevant Shares.

         (b)      The Relevant Shares must be allocated to the Offering
                  Shareholders in the proportion that their Proportionate
                  Shares bear to each other if there are not enough Relevant
                  Shares to satisfy the offers of all Offering Shareholders.

         (c)      An Offering Shareholder is not bound to buy or entitled to
                  buy more than the number of Relevant Shares which that
                  Offering Shareholder has offered to buy, even if paragraph
                  (b) would result in a higher number of Relevant Shares being
                  allocated to that Offering Shareholder.

         (d)      Any Relevant Shares which remain unallocated because of
                  paragraph (c) must be re-allocated amongst those remaining
                  Offering Shareholders who offered to buy more than the number
                  of Relevant Shares already allocated to them under paragraph
                  (b). This process may be repeated if necessary until all of
                  the Relevant Shares have been allocated.

         (e)      The Company may round a fraction up or down as it thinks fit,
                  if this Clause would otherwise result in a fraction of a

         (f)      The Company must notify the Transferor and each Offering
                  Shareholder of the number of Relevant Shares to which each
                  Offering Shareholder is entitled.

         (g)      Within 30 days of the date of service of the Transfer Notice
                  and subject to the Offering Shareholder paying the Transferor
                  the required sale consideration, the Transferor must give
                  each Offering Shareholder a transfer of the relevant number
                  of Relevant Shares signed by the Transferor.

         (h)      The Transferor must give the Company the share certificates
                  for the Relevant Shares at the same time as it gives the
                  Offering Shareholder a transfer under paragraph (g).


         (i)      In the event that the Offering Shareholder is prevented under
                  any law, regulation or guideline pertaining to the investment
                  and acquisition of Malaysian companies and business by
                  foreign interest or pertaining to the licensing conditions of
                  any licences held by the Company required in order for the
                  Company to carry out its Business, the Offering Shareholder
                  shall be entitled to nominate a third party to acquire the
                  number of Relevant Shares which it would otherwise be
                  permitted to acquire under this Clause 7 provided that the
                  third party so nominated shall execute a Deed of Adherence
                  upon the transfer of the Relevant Shares in accordance with
                  paragraph (g) and (h) above.


         (a)      If offers are not received from the Shareholders to purchase
                  all the Relevant Shares, or a Shareholder defaults in paying
                  for the Relevant Shares in accordance with Clause 7.4(g),
                  then the Transferor may sell the Relevant Shares to the
                  Prospective Purchaser within 60 days but not before 40 days
                  after the date of service of the Transfer Notice.

         (b)      The Transferor must not sell the Relevant Shares for a lower
                  price than that specified in the Transfer Notice or otherwise
                  on more beneficial terms.


         (a)      The Shareholders will ensure that the Directors register any
                  transfer of Shares which complies with Clause 7 or Clause 9.

         (b)      The Directors must refuse to register the transfer of any
                  Share, unless the provisions of this Clause 7 or Clause 9
                  have been duly complied with and the proposed transferee has
                  executed a Deed of Adherence.


         (a)      Upon the Transferor becoming bound to transfer any Shares
                  under this Agreement the Transferor must deliver to the
                  transferee executed transfers for those Shares in favour of
                  the transferee together with the relevant share
                  certificate(s) against payment by the transferee of the price
                  due for them.

         (b)      If the Transferor defaults in transferring the Shares, any
                  Director is irrevocably and unconditionally appointed as the
                  attorney of the Transferor to complete and execute the
                  necessary instrument of transfer of those Shares together
                  with a standard form indemnity for non-production of share
                  certificates for those Shares and may deliver them on behalf
                  of the Transferor and the Company will receive the purchase
                  money for the Shares on trust for the Transferor and will
                  (subject to the instrument being duly stamped) cause the
                  transferee to be registered as the holder of the Shares.


         (c)      The Company is not bound to earn or pay interest on any money
                  held and will not pay any money to the Transferor until the
                  Transferor has delivered the Transferor's share certificates
                  (or an appropriate indemnity for any lost certificates) to
                  the Company.


         Nothing in this Clause 7 limits or restricts the rights of Utusan or
         Asia Online under Clause 9.



         Each Shareholder warrants to the other Shareholders that:

         (a)      the execution of this Agreement by it has been properly
                  authorised by all necessary corporate or other action by it;

         (b)      it has full corporate authority or statutory power, as the
                  case may be, and lawful authority, to execute and deliver
                  this Agreement and to perform or cause to be performed its
                  obligations under this Agreement;

         (c)      this Agreement constitutes a full and binding legal
                  obligation upon it;

         (d)      this Agreement does not conflict with or result in the breach
                  of or default under the provision of its Memorandum and
                  Articles of Association or other constituent documents or any
                  material term or provision of any agreement or Agreement or
                  any writ order or injunction, rule, judgment, law, or
                  regulation to which it is a party or is subject or by which
                  it is bound;


         Utusan, warrants that on exercise and completion of the call options
         in Clause 9 it will be the legal and beneficial owner of the Shares to
         be transferred to Asia Online free of all Third Party Interests and
         will transfer its entire title in the Shares free of any Third Party

9.       OPTIONS


         (a)      Asia Online-Malaysia will notify Utusan within two business
                  days of a Trigger Event occurring.


         (b)      If a Trigger Event occurs Asia Online-Malaysia may purchase
                  all, but not less than all, of Utusan's Shares at any time
                  during the Exercise Period on terms contained in Clause 9.2.


         (a)      Upon expiry of the Exercise Period, the call option in favour
                  of Asia Online-Malaysia lapses if not previously exercised;

         (b)      The call option provided in Clause 9.1(b) in favour of Asia
                  Online must be exercised by Asia Online-Malaysia serving on
                  Utusan an Option Notice.

         (c)      The Option Notice will specify that it is in respect of all
                  Shares held by Utusan.

         (d)      Upon service of an Option Notice, Utusan become bound to sell
                  their entire shareholding in the Company specified in the
                  Option Notice at the Exercise Price within 5 days subject to
                  any consent or approval required from the Relevant Malaysian
                  Regulatory Authorities.

         (e)      Asia Online-Malaysia is entitled to nominate a nominee to
                  legally acquire the Shares specified in the Option Notice
                  from Utusan.


         If the exercise of the call and put option becomes binding pursuant to
         Clause 9.2(d) or 9.4(a), then within 5 days of service of the relevant
         Option Notice and subject to any consent required from the Relevant
         Malaysian Regulatory Authorities:

         (a)      Utusan must deliver to Asia Online-Malaysia:

                  (i)      transfers of all their Shares duly executed by the
                           registered holders in favour of Asia Online-Malaysia
                           or its nominee together with the relevant share
                           certificates for those Shares; and

                  (ii)     executed resignations of the "B" Directors;

         (b)      Asia Online-Malaysia must deliver to Utusan a payment by way
                  of bank draft or telegraphic transfer a sum equivalent to the
                  Exercise Price in respect of the Utusan's Shares.


         (a)      In addition to the call option as provided in Clause 9.1(b),
                  Asia Online-Malaysia shall have a call option to require
                  Utusan to sell all, but not less than all, of Utusan's Shares
                  at any time during the Option Period to Asia Online-Malaysia
                  or its nominees.

         (b)      The call option under Clause 9.4(a) in favour of Asia
                  Online-Malaysia must be exercised by Asia Online-Malaysia
                  serving on Utusan an Option Notice.

         (c)      The Option Notice will specify that it is in respect of all
                  Shares held by Utusan.

         (d)      Upon service of an Option Notice, Utusan become bound to sell
                  its entire shareholding in the Company specified in the
                  Option Notice at the Exercise Price within 5 days subject to
                  any consent or approval required from the Relevant Malaysian
                  Regulatory Authorities.

         (e)      The provisions of Clause 9.3 shall mutatis mutandis apply in
                  respect to the completion of the exercise of the call option.

         (f)      If the Option Notice is not served on Utusan on the date of
                  the expiration of the Option Period, the call option in
                  favour of Asia Online-Malaysia under this Clause 9.4(a) shall
                  lapse, in which event the provisions of Clause 9.5 shall be


         (a)      Upon the call option provided in Clause 9.4(a) having lapsed,
                  Utusan have a call option to require Asia Online-Malaysia to
                  sell all, but not less than all, of their Shares at any time
                  during sixty (60) days after the expiry of the Option Period
                  to Utusan or its nominees.

         (b)      The call option under Clause 9.5 (a) in favour of Utusan must
                  be exercised by Utusan serving on Asia Online-Malaysia an
                  Option Notice.

         (c)      The Option Notice will specify that it is in respect of all
                  Shares held by Asia Online-Malayisa.

         (d)      Upon service of an Option Notice, Asia Online-Malaysia shall
                  become bound to sell their entire shareholding in the Company
                  specified in the Option Notice at the Exercise Price within 5
                  days subject to any consent or approval required from the
                  Relevant Malaysian Regulatory Authorities.

         (e)      Within the period state in Clause 9.5(d), Asia
                  Online-Malaysia must deliver to Utusan:

                  (i)      transfers of all their Shares duly executed by the
                           registered holders in favour of Utusan together with
                           the relevant share certificates for those Shares;

                  (ii)     executed resignations of the "A" Directors;

         (f)      Utusan must deliver to Asia Online-Malaysia a payment by way
                  of bank draft or telegraphic transfer a sum equivalent to the
                  Exercise Price in respect of the Asia Online-Malaysia's


         (g)      If the Option Notice is not served on Asia Online-Malaysia
                  during the period stated in Clause 9.5(a), the call option in
                  favour of Utusan under this Clause 9.5(a) shall lapse.



         In accordance with the Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement, Asia
         Online- Malaysia have agreed to subscribe for 191,025 Shares in the
         Company at the premium of approximately RM54.55, for a total sum of
         Ringgit Malaysia Ten Million Six Hundred and Twelve Thousand and Five
         Hundred (RM10,612,500) ("SUBSCRIPTION SHARES CONSIDERATION").


         The payment of the Subscription Shares Consideration shall be made
         instalments as follows:

         (a)      At the time of the subscription of the Subscription Shares,
                  Asia-Online Malaysia shall make an initial payment of Ringgit
                  Malaysia Three Million and Seven Hundred Thousand
                  (RM3,700,000) which shall be paid in favour of the Company
                  (whose receipt shall be an absolute discharge therefor)
                  either by bankers' draft or by telegraphic transfer into the
                  designated bank account of the Company, which shall be agreed
                  between the Purchaser and the Vendor not less than four (4)
                  business days prior to Completion (at the option of the

         (b)      the balance of the Subscription Shares Consideration shall be
                  paid by Asia Online-Malaysia to the Company on a monthly
                  basis in accordance with the expenditure and funding
                  requirements of the Company as detailed in the Business Plan
                  included in Schedule 2 of this Agreement subject to the
                  entire Subscription Share Consideration being paid within 12
                  months of the date on which the Subscription Shares are
                  issued to Asia Online-Malaysia. Asia Online-Malaysia is
                  entitled but not required to prepay the amount outstanding on
                  the Shares to the Company.


         Subject to the entire Subscription Share Consideration being paid
         within 12 months of the date on which the Subscription Shares are
         issued to Asia Online-Malaysia, the Shareholders acknowledge that the
         Board will in good faith review such expenditure requirements as
         detailed in the Business Plan on a regular basis to ensure that the
         Business has the appropriate level of working capital to function
         efficiently and profitably and the level of monthly payment to be made
         upon Asia Online-Malaysia may be altered or accelerated to achieve
         this. In the avoidance of doubt, Asia Online


         shall not be obliged to pay more than RM10,612,500 to the Company
         under this Clause.



         Each of the Shareholders agrees that it will use all reasonable
         endeavours to promote the business and profitability of the Company.


         Each of the Shareholders agrees with the other that this Agreement is
         entered into between them and will be performed by each of them in a
         spirit of good faith, mutual cooperation, trust and confidence and
         that it will use all means reasonably available to it (including its
         voting power whether direct or indirect, about the Company) to give
         effect to the objectives of this Agreement and to ensure that the
         Company complies with its obligations.



         This Agreement may be terminated immediately with respect to a party
         (the "DEFAULTER") by the non-defaulting party (the "NON-DEFAULTER"),
         by notice in writing to the Defaulter, if:

         (a)      the Defaulter is in material breach of any of its obligations
                  under this Agreement and has failed to remedy the breach
                  within a period of thirty (30) days upon receipt of a notice
                  in writing from the Non-Defaulter giving particulars of the
                  breach and requiring the Defaulter to remedy the breach; or

         (b)      an Event of Default occurs or has occurred in respect of the


         This Agreement may be terminated at any time upon the mutual written
         agreement of all parties to this Agreement.



         If this Agreement is terminated under Clause 12.1, the Non-Defaulters
         shall have the right to either:


         (a)      Option to Purchase or Sell

                  (i)      Purchase all the Shares owned by the Defaulter (the
                           "DEFAULTER'S SHARES") at the price of 80% of the
                           Prescribed Price either by itself or its nominee, by
                           a notice in writing to the Company and the Defaulter;
                           or sell to the Defaulter all the Shares in the
                           Company owned by the Non- Defaulter at the price of
                           120% of the Prescribed Price, provided however that
                           if there is more than one Non-Defaulter, the
                           Non-Defaulter wishing to sell its Shares shall first
                           offer those Shares to the other Non-Defaulters at the
                           full Prescribed Price.

                  (ii)     In the event there is more than one Non-Defaulter,
                           the Defaulter's Shares shall be offered to the
                           Non-Defaulters in proportion to their respective
                           shareholding in the Company.

                  (iii)    If none of the Non-Defaulters wishes to acquire the
                           portion of Defaulter's Shares offered to it, the
                           untaken Defaulter's Shares will be offered to the
                           other Non-Defaulters in proportion to their
                           respective shareholding in the Company.

                  (iv)     The sale of the Defaulter's Shares shall be
                           completed within the later of 30 days after the date
                           of the exercise of the option to purchase and the
                           determination of the Prescribed Price, or such
                           period as may be extended at the discretion of
                           Non-Defaulter and so notified to the Defaulter, at
                           the registered office of the Company.

                  (v)      If the Defaulter fails or refuses to transfer the
                           Defaulter's Shares, the provisions of Clause 7.7(b)
                           shall apply mutatis mutandis.

         (b)      Liquidate the Company

                  (i)      If none of the Non-Defaulters wishes to exercise
                           their rights pursuant to Clause 13.1, the
                           Non-Defaulters may, by notice in writing to the
                           Defaulter, require a general meeting to be convened
                           and other actions to be taken for the purpose of
                           winding-up the Company.

                  (ii)     Upon receipt of such notice, the Shareholders shall
                           procure that a general meeting is convened and other
                           actions required to wind-up the Company to be taken
                           within thirty (30) days of the notice.

                  (iii)    All Shareholders shall attend or be represented at
                           such meeting or at any adjournment thereof and no
                           Shareholder shall be entitled to vote otherwise than
                           against a proposal to adjourn the meeting, or in
                           favour of the resolution for the winding-up of the
                           Company. The Shareholders and Directors shall
                           forthwith execute all documents and do all other acts
                           required to wind-up or dissolve the Company under
                           applicable laws.




         Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever the
         obligations of the parties hereto shall cease provided always however
         that such termination shall not:

         (a)      affect any accrued rights and obligations;

         (b)      excuse any party from a default under this Agreement; or

         (c)      affect any obligation surviving the termination of this

15.      DEADLOCK


         If at any time a Deadlock exists or occurs:

         (a)      any party may convene, by written notice to the other party,
                  a meeting of at least one (1) representative of each party,
                  at the registered office of the Company on the date specified
                  in the notice. This date must not be less than seven (7) days
                  and not more than fourteen (14) days after the date on which
                  the notice is issued ("NOTICE DATE").

         (b)      each of the parties undertakes that its representative must
                  use all reasonable efforts to resolve the Deadlock.

15.2     MEDIATION

         (a)      If the Deadlock is not resolved at the meeting referred to in
                  Clause 15.1 or any subsequent meetings or negotiations within
                  fourteen (14) days after the Notice Date, any Shareholder may
                  by notice in writing to the other Shareholder require the
                  resolution of the Deadlock to be referred to a mediator
                  appointed by both Utusan and Asia Online-Malaysia. If the
                  Shareholders cannot agree on the appointment of a mediator
                  within twenty eight (28) days after the Notice Date, either
                  party may approach the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Regional
                  Arbitration Centre to request him to appoint a mediator.


         (a)      If the Shareholders fail to resolve the Deadlock by mediation
                  within sixty (60) after the Notice Date or such extended as
                  agreed between the Shareholders, any Shareholder (the
                  "OFFEROR") may offer in writing (the "OFFER") to purchase the


                  Shares of all the other Shareholders (the "Offerees") at the
                  Prescribed Price. Within one (1) month of the making of the
                  Offer, the Offeree shall either:

                  (i)      accept the Offer; or

                  (ii)     elect to purchase the Shares of the Offeror at the
                           same price pro rata, which the Offeror shall then be
                           obliged to accept.

                  If the Offeree fails to respond to the Offer within one (1)
                  month, it will be deemed to have accepted the Offer. If there
                  is more than one Offeror, the Offerees shall sell its Shares
                  to the Offerors in proportion to the Offerors" respective
                  shareholding in the Company.

         (b)      Upon acceptance or deemed acceptance of the Offer, or
                  election to purchase by the Offeree, the provisions of Clause
                  6 shall apply as if a Transfer Notice had been served in
                  respect of all of the Shares by the selling party and
                  accepted by the acquiring party at the Prescribed Price.

         (c)      If no Offer is made or accepted, or the Shareholders cannot
                  otherwise agree on the transfer of Shares between themselves,
                  any Shareholder may, by notice in writing to the other
                  Shareholders, require a general meeting to be convened and
                  other actions to be taken for the purpose of winding-up the
                  Company and the provisions of Clauses 13(b)(ii) and (iii)
                  shall apply mutatis mutandis.



         Utusan covenants that for a period of 12 months from the date of
         Completion (as defined under the Share Purchase and Subscription
         Agreement) and for as long as it is a party to this Agreement it shall
         not and shall procure that neither its Subsidiaries nor Related
         Corporations shall be engaged concerned or interested either directly
         or indirectly and whether on its own behalf or on behalf of or in
         association with others or in any capacity in carrying on anywhere in
         Malaysia a similar business in competition to that carried on by the


         Utusan covenants that for a period of 12 months from the date of
         Completion (as defined under the Share Purchase and Subscription
         Agreement) and for as long as it is a party to this Agreement it shall
         not and shall procure that its Subsidiaries and Related Corporations
         shall not solicit in Malaysia in competition with the Company the
         custom of any person who at that time is or was a customer of the



         Without derogation from the obligations of Utusan under the Share
         Purchase and Subscription Agreement and without limiting the
         generality of the provisions in Clauses 16.1 and 16.2 above, Utusan
         agrees and undertakes that it (and in respect of its Subsidiaries and
         Related Corporations other than the Company, it shall procure that
         such companies):

         (a)      shall not introduce Competing Products for a period of 12
                  months from the date of Completion (as defined under the
                  Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement);

         (b)      shall for a period of 12 months from the date of Completion
                  (as defined under the Share Purchase and Subscription
                  Agreement) offer to the Company a first right of refusal to
                  provide any internet related services other than Existing
                  internet related services which Utusan or its Subsidiaries or
                  Related Corporations other than the Company may require at
                  fair market rates for such services. Utusan shall give notice
                  to the Company in writing stating Utusan's or its
                  Subsidiaries' or Related Corporation's requirements for any
                  such internet related services and evidence of other market
                  rates which Utusan or its Subsidiaries or Related Corporation
                  may be able to obtain for such services. The Company shall
                  have a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of such
                  notice to determine whether to provide such services to
                  Utusan or its Subsidiaries or Related Corporation (as the
                  case may be) at the market rates indicated in such notice.


         Utusan or any of its Subsidiaries and Related Corporations other than
         the Company agree that in the event that they wish to launch a product
         which is not a Competing Product, such product shall conform with the
         following requirements:

         (a)      it does not utilise Utusan's Existing network;

         (b)      it does not utilise facilities located on land or within
                  premises containing an Existing Utusan node;


         (a)      The Company shall be entitled at its option for a period of
                  at least 24 months from the date of Completion (as defined
                  under the Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement) to
                  manage Utusan or any of its Subsidiaries and Related
                  Corporations other than the Company agree that all network
                  traffic emanating from Utusan's Existing network and from any
                  of Utusan's Subsidiaries or Related Corporations other than
                  the Company which is linked to Utusan's wide area network.

         (b)      The Company shall be entitled at its option for a period of
                  at least 24 months from the date of Completion (as defined
                  under the Share Purchase and


                  Subscription Agreement) to manage Utusan's Existing network,
                  which shall include the maintenance, control and supervision
                  of the network equipment including servers, routers, hubs,
                  switches, firewall and other ancillary equipment which are
                  linked or to be linked to Utusan's wide area network.


         The Company shall be entitled at its option for a period of at least
         24 months from the date of Completion (as defined under the Share
         Purchase and Subscription Agreement) to maintain all IP Addresses of
         Utusan and any of its Subsidiaries and Related Corporations other than
         the Company and their respective Windows NT client administration,
         assignment of user access rights, DNS server router configuration,
         network hubs and switches pursuant to agreements to be entered into by
         the relevant parties.


         Utusan agrees that in relation to itself and its Subsidiaries and
         Related Corporations other than the Company, the network status,
         number of users and links connected to the internet shall remain
         unchanged following the Completion ( as defined under the Share
         Purchase and Subscription Agreement). In the event that Utusan or any
         of its Subsidiaries or Related Corporations other than the Company
         wish to increase its or their utilisation of the internet, such
         utilisation shall be dependent upon bandwidth.



         (a)      The parties' rights and obligations are not joint, or joint
                  and several, or collective. Each party is only responsible
                  for its own obligations as set out in this Agreement.

         (b)      The parties do not intend to create, and this Agreement does
                  not constitute, a partnership, agency, trust or other

         (c)      Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, neither
                  party has the authority to act for, or incur any obligation
                  on behalf of, the other party.



         The parties have the intention to change the name of the Company to a
         name bearing the designation "Asia Online".



         The parties agree and confirm that Asia Online is the sole and
         exclusive owner of all rights, interest and title in and to the name
         "Asia Online" or variation of such name and it is hereby agreed that
         in the event that Asia Online-Malaysia shall cease to be a party to
         this Agreement or shall cease to hold any Shares, the Parties shall
         forthwith take all necessary action, including the passing of all
         necessary shareholders resolution, to change the name of the Company
         to one which does not contain the name "Asia Online" or any similar
         name or word within 30 days of such cessation.


         The parties agree and confirm that Utusan is the sole and exclusive
         owner of all rights, interest and title in and to the name "Utusan"
         and it is hereby agreed that in the event that Utusan shall cease to
         be a party to this Agreement or shall cease to hold any Shares, the
         parties shall forthwith take all necessary action, including the
         passing of all necessary shareholders resolution, to change the name
         of the Company to one which does not contain the name "Utusan" or any
         similar name or word within 30 days of such cessation.

19.      NOTICES

         Each notice, demand or other communication given or made under this
         Agreement shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the relevant
         party at its address (by hand, by registered mail, by courier or
         express delivery service) or fax number (by fascimile) set out below
         (or such other address or fax number as the addressee has by five (5)
         days' prior written notice specified to the other parties):

         To the Purchaser:             Asia Online Internet Services Sdn. Bhd.
                                       c/o Asia Online Limited
                                       16/F One International Finance Centre
                                       No. 1 Harbour View Street
                                       Central, Hong Kong

                                       Fax Number: 852 2882 4468
                                       Attention: Mr Edward Roberto

         To the Vendor:                Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad
                                       Level 7, Menara PGRM,
                                       No 8, Jalan Pudu, Cheras,
                                       56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                                       Fax Number: 603 - 982 6652
                                       Attention: Mr. Azizi Meor Ngah

         To the Company:               Utusan Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
                                       No. 11, Ground Floor, The Right Angle
                                       Jalan 14/22, 46100 Petaling Jaya
                                       Selangor Darul Ehsan


                                       Fax Number: 603 - 757 2777
                                       Attention: Mr. Felix Miller

         Any notice, demand or other communication so addressed to the relevant
         party shall be deemed to have been delivered (a) if given or made by
         letter, when actually delivered to the relevant address; and (b) if
         given or made by fax, when despatched.



         If a provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable in a

         (a)      it is read down or severed in that jurisdiction to the extent
                  of the invalidity or unenforceability; and

         (b)      it does not affect the validity or enforceability of:

                  (i)      that provision in another jurisdiction; or

                  (ii)     the remaining provisions.


         No failure or delay by any party in exercising any right, power or
         remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor
         shall any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any further
         exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.
         Without limiting the foregoing, no waiver by the any party of any
         breach by the other parties of any provision hereof shall be deemed to
         be a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision
         hereof. If at any time any provision of this Agreement is or becomes
         illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality,
         validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this
         Agreement shall not be affected or impaired thereby.

20.3     AMENDMENT

         This Agreement (together with any documents referred to herein)
         constitutes the whole agreement between the parties and supersedes any
         previous agreements or arrangements between them relating to the
         subject matter of this Agreement and it is expressly declared that no
         variations of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing
         and executed by the parties.



         This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, all of
         which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Any
         party may enter into this Agreement by signing any such counterpart
         and each counterpart may be signed and executed by the parties and
         transmitted by facsimile transmission and shall be as valid and
         effectual as if executed as an original.


         Each party must, at its own expense, whenever requested by another
         party, promptly do or cause to be done everything reasonably necessary
         to give full effect to this Agreement and the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement.

20.6     COSTS

         Each party must pay its own costs in respect of this Agreement and the
         documents and transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


         A party must not assign, create an interest in or deal in any other
         way with any of its rights under this Agreement without the prior
         written consent of the other party.

20.8     NON-MERGER

         The representations and covenants by the parties in this Agreement are
         continuing and will not merge or be extinguished on Completion and
         will survive after Completion.


         The rights, remedies and powers of the parties under this Agreement
         are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights, remedies or powers
         provided to the parties by law.


         A party may give its consent conditionally or unconditionally or
         withhold its approval or consent in its absolute discretion unless
         this Agreement expressly provides otherwise.


         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the laws of Malaysia.



         (a)      The parties agree that any dispute arising out of or in
                  connection with this Agreement, including any question
                  regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be
                  referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Malaysia
                  in accordance with the UNCITRAL Rules which are deemed to be
                  incorporated by reference into this clause.

         (b)      The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators,
                  one to be appointed by each of the parties.

         (c)      The language of the arbitration shall be English.

         (d)      Notwithstanding Clauses 20.12 (a) to (c), any party may bring
                  an action:

                  (i)      for injunctive or other similar mandatory or
                           prohibitory relief in any court of competent
                           jurisdiction; and

                  (ii)     for any interlocutory or interim relief, including,
                           without limitation, any proceedings for the
                           detention, custody or preservation of any property,
                           pending the results of the arbitration.

20.13    LANGUAGE

         English shall be the language to be used in all matters concerning
         this Agreement including but not limited to any arbitration

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been made between and executed by the
parties on the day and year first written above.


         By: /S/ KEVIN  RANDOLPH
         Name (printed): Kevin Randolph
         Designation   : Director

         In the presence of:

         /s/ EDWARD ROBERTO
         Name: Edward Roberto
         NRIC/Passport No: 015890022

         Date: 28 January 2000


         By: /s/ AZIZI MEOR NGAH
         Name (printed):  Azizi Meor Ngah
         Designation   :  Executive Director

         In the presence of:

         Name: Khamarul Baharain Sulaiman
         NRIC/Passport No: 610122-05-5375

         Date: 28 January 2000



         Name (printed): Khamarul Baharain Sulaiman
         Designation   : Group General Manager Finance

         In the presence of:

         /s/ SHARINA SAIDON
         Name: Sharina Saidon
         NRIC/Passport No: 600414-10-6198

         Date: 28 January 2000