[BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]




                         ASIA ONLINE-AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
                               (ACN 089 444 691)




                               (ACN 089 587 753)


                          DATED AS OF OCTOBER 14, 1999



                         [BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clauses and Headings                                                                                      Page
- --------------------                                                                                      ----
1.       Agreement to Sell and Subscribe for Shares..........................................................1
         1.1      Sale and Subscription of Shares............................................................1
         1.2      Purchase Price of Sale Shares and Subscription Price of Subscription Shares................1
         1.3      Closing....................................................................................2
         1.4      Meetings...................................................................................4
2.       Representations and Warranties......................................................................5
         2.1      Organization; Good Standing and Qualification..............................................5
         2.2      Certificate of Incorporation and Constitution Records......................................5
         2.3      Capitalization.............................................................................6
         2.4      No Conflict................................................................................7
         2.5      Proprietary Rights; Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement.......................7
         2.6      Actions Pending............................................................................8
         2.7      Offering Valid.............................................................................8
         2.8      Financial Position.........................................................................8
         2.9      Absence of Changes Since 30 June 1999.....................................................10
         2.10     Title to Assets...........................................................................12
         2.11     Bank Accounts.............................................................................13
         2.12     Receivables; Major Customers..............................................................13
         2.13     Equipment, Etc............................................................................14
         2.14     Real Property.............................................................................15
         2.15     Proprietary Assets........................................................................15
         2.16     Year 2000.................................................................................15
         2.17     Contracts.................................................................................16
         2.18     Liabilities; Major Suppliers..............................................................17
         2.19     Compliance with Legal Requirements........................................................17
         2.20     Governmental Authorisations...............................................................18
         2.21     Governmental Action.......................................................................19
         2.22     Employee and Labor Matters................................................................19
         2.23     Benefit Plans.............................................................................20
         2.24     Sale of Products; Performance of Services.................................................20
         2.25     Insurance.................................................................................21
         2.26     Related Party Transactions................................................................22
         2.27     Certain Payments, Etc.....................................................................23
         2.28     Proceedings...............................................................................23
         2.29     Brokers...................................................................................24


                         [BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clauses and Headings                                                                                      Page
- --------------------                                                                                      ----
         2.30     The Vendors...............................................................................24
         2.31     Full Disclosure...........................................................................25
         2.32     Insolvency Events.........................................................................26
         2.33     The Company...............................................................................28
         2.34     Reorganisation Transactions...............................................................28
         2.35     Effect of Sale............................................................................29
3.       Representations and Warranties of Purchaser........................................................29
         3.1      Acquisition of Shares.....................................................................29
         3.2      Authority; Binding Nature of Agreement....................................................29
4.       Pre-Closing Covenants of the Vendors...............................................................29
         4.1      Access and Investigation..................................................................29
         4.2      Operation of Business.....................................................................30
         4.3      Filings and Consents......................................................................32
         4.4      Payment of Indebtedness by Related Parties................................................33
         4.5      No Negotiation............................................................................33
         4.6      Best Efforts..............................................................................33
         4.7      Confidentiality...........................................................................33
5.       Conditions Precedent to Purchaser's Obligation to Close............................................34
         5.1      Accuracy of Representations...............................................................34
         5.2      Performance of Obligations................................................................34
         5.3      Consents..................................................................................35
         5.4      No Adverse Change.........................................................................35
         5.5      Additional Documents......................................................................35
         5.6      No Proceedings............................................................................35
         5.7      No Claim Regarding Stock Ownership or Sale Proceeds.......................................35
         5.8      No Prohibition............................................................................35
         5.9      Resignation of Barry Assaf................................................................36
         5.10     Reorganisation Transactions...............................................................36
6.       Conditions Precedent to the Vendors' Obligations to Close..........................................36
         6.1      Accuracy of Representations...............................................................36
         6.2      No Injunction.............................................................................36
7.       Termination........................................................................................36
         7.1      Termination Events........................................................................36
         7.2      Termination Procedures....................................................................37
         7.3      Effect of Termination.....................................................................38
         7.4      Non-exclusivity of Termination Rights.....................................................38
8.       Indemnification, Etc...............................................................................38
         8.1      Survival of Representation and Covenants..................................................38
         8.2      Indemnification by the Vendors............................................................38
         8.3      No Contribution...........................................................................39


                         [BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clauses and Headings                                                                                      Page
- --------------------                                                                                      ----
         8.4      Interest..................................................................................39
         8.5      Set-off...................................................................................40
         8.6      Non-exclusivity of Indemnification Remedies...............................................40
         8.7      Defence of Third Party Claims.............................................................40
         8.8      Expiration of the Representations and Covenants...........................................41
         8.9      Extent of the Warranties..................................................................42
         8.10     Limitations on the Vendors Liability......................................................43
9.       Restriction of the Vendors.........................................................................43
         9.1      Restraints................................................................................43
         9.2      Obligation to Procure.....................................................................45
         9.3      Severance.................................................................................45
         9.4      Restraints Fair and Reasonable............................................................45
         9.5      Exceptions................................................................................45
10.      Miscellaneous Provisions...........................................................................46
         10.1     Further Assurances........................................................................46
         10.2     Fees, Expenses and Stamp Duty.............................................................46
         10.3     Attorneys' Fees...........................................................................46
         10.4     Notices...................................................................................46
         10.5     Time of the Essence.......................................................................47
         10.6     Headings..................................................................................47
         10.7     Counterparts..............................................................................47
         10.8     Governing Law; Venue......................................................................47
         10.9     Successors and Assigns....................................................................48
         10.10    Remedies Cumulative; Specific Performance.................................................48
         10.11    Waiver....................................................................................48
         10.12    Amendments................................................................................49
         10.13    Severability..............................................................................49
         10.14    Parties in Interest.......................................................................49
         10.15    Entire Agreement..........................................................................49
         10.16    Construction..............................................................................49

- --------
EXHIBIT A          Certain Definitions......................................................................54
EXHIBIT B          Not Used.................................................................................*
EXHIBIT C          Proprietary Information and Inventions Deed..............................................*
EXHIBIT D          List of Shareholders and Covenantors.....................................................67
EXHIBIT E          [Not Used]...............................................................................*

* Exhibit omitted -- will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon


                         [BAKER & MCKENZIE LETTERHEAD]

- --------
EXHIBIT F          List of Consultants and Independent Contractors............................................*
EXHIBIT G          List of Governmental Licenses, Permits, Orders, Etc........................................*
EXHIBIT H          Form of Employment Agreement...............................................................*
EXHIBIT I          Designated Senior Officers and Employees...................................................*
EXHIBIT J          Shareholders Deed..........................................................................*
EXHIBIT K          New Constitution...........................................................................*

* Exhibit omitted -- will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon


This Share Sale and Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as
of ____________________, 1999, by and among the parties listed in Part I of
Exhibit D hereto (collectively referred to as the "Vendors") the parties listed
in Part II of Exhibit D (collectively referred to as the "Covenantors"), Flex
Information Technology Pty Ltd (ACN 089 587 753 (the "Company") and Asia
Online-Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 089 444 691) (the "Purchaser").


WHEREAS, the Vendors own the entire issued share capital of the Company.

WHEREAS, the Vendors wish to sell and the Purchaser wishes to purchase 39% of
all the issued shares in the capital of the Company (the "Sale Shares") and the
Purchaser wishes to subscribe for a further 12% of the shares in the capital of
the Company.

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:


         1.1      Sale and Subscription of Shares

                  (a)      At the Closing, each of the Vendors shall sell,
                           assign, transfer and deliver to the Purchaser, and
                           the Purchaser shall purchase, the shares in the
                           Company listed beside each Vendor's name in Exhibit
                           D, on the terms and subject to the conditions set
                           forth in this Agreement.

                  (b)      At the Closing, the Purchaser shall subscribe for
                           the shares in the Company listed in Part III of
                           Exhibit D (the "Subscription Shares"), and the
                           Vendors shall cause the Company to allot and issue
                           the Subscription Shares, on the terms and subject to
                           the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

         1.2      Purchase Price of Sale Shares and Subscription Price of
                  Subscription Shares

                  The purchase price for the Sale Shares and the subscription
                  price for the Subscription Shares shall be paid and satisfied
                  at Closing as follows:

                  (a)      in respect of the Sale Shares, (A$3,488,940) to be
                           paid to the Vendors (or as they may direct) at
                           Closing in the proportions set out beside their
                           respective names in Exhibit D by telegraphic transfer
                           to the bank

                           accounts nominated in writing by each of the Vendors
                           to the Purchaser not less than four business days
                           prior to Closing; and

                  (b)      in respect of the Subscription Shares, by the
                           Purchaser undertaking certain ongoing funding
                           obligations of the Company as set out in clause 9 of
                           the Shareholders Deed.

         1.3      Closing

                  (a)      The closing of the sale of the Sale Shares to the
                           Purchaser and the issue of the Subscription Shares
                           to the Purchaser (the "Closing") shall take place at
                           the offices of the Purchaser's Australian counsel,
                           Baker & McKenzie, Level 26 A.M.P. Centre, 50 Bridge
                           Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia at 10:00
                           a.m. (Sydney Time) on the later of 8 October, 1999
                           or the date two business days following the
                           satisfaction of the Closing Conditions set forth in
                           Section 5, (excluding the Closing Condition in
                           Section 5.2 which may be satisfied by the Vendors at
                           Closing) and Section 6. For the purposes of this
                           Agreement "Scheduled Closing Time" shall mean the
                           time and date as of which the Closing is required to
                           take place pursuant to this Section 1.3(a); and
                           "Closing Date" shall mean the time and date as of
                           which the Closing actually takes place.

                  (b)      At the Closing:

                           (i)      the Vendors shall deliver to the Purchaser
                                    the certificates representing the Sale
                                    Shares, duly executed instruments of
                                    transfer to transfer title to the Sale
                                    Shares to the Purchaser (or its nominees)
                                    and certified copies of the resolutions of
                                    the Boards of Directors of those Vendors
                                    which are corporations authorising the
                                    transfer of the Sale Shares registered in
                                    their names and giving authority to execute
                                    the relevant instrument(s) of transfer on
                                    behalf of the relevant Vendor to the party
                                    who executed them;

                           (ii)     the Vendors shall deliver duly executed
                                    powers of attorney (in deed form) from each
                                    Vendor in favour of the Purchaser (or its
                                    nominee(s)) generally in respect of the
                                    Sale Shares sold by that Vendor under this
                                    Agreement enabling the Purchaser (or its
                                    nominee(s)) to attend and vote at general
                                    meetings of the Company;

                           (iii)    the Vendors shall deliver any waiver,
                                    consent or other document necessary to give
                                    the Purchaser (or its nominee(s)) full
                                    legal and beneficial ownership of the Sale

                           (iv)     the Vendors shall deliver the common seal
                                    (if any) of the Company and any of its
                                    subsidiaries, and each register, minute


                                    book and other book required to be kept by
                                    the Company and any of its subsidiaries
                                    under any Legal Requirement up to the date
                                    of Closing and each certificate of
                                    incorporation of the Company and any of its
                                    subsidiaries (including certificates issued
                                    upon any change of name);

                           (v)      the Company shall (and the Vendors shall
                                    cause the Company) to allot and issue
                                    600,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the
                                    Company to the Purchaser (or its
                                    nominees(s)) (representing, when aggregated
                                    with the Sale Shares, 51% of the total
                                    number of shares on issue immediately
                                    following such issue) and deliver to the
                                    Purchaser (or its nominees(s)) a share
                                    certificate in respect of those shares;

                           (vi)     the Vendors shall deliver to the Purchaser:

                                    (A)      employment contracts in the form
                                             of the drafts annexed as Exhibit
                                             H, entered into between the
                                             Company and the senior officers
                                             and employees designated in
                                             Exhibit I;

                                    (B)      copies of the Proprietary
                                             Information and Inventions Deed
                                             executed by each of the senior
                                             officers and employees designated
                                             in Exhibit I;

                           (vii)    the Vendors shall execute and deliver to
                                    the Purchaser a certificate (the "Closing
                                    Certificate") setting forth the Vendors'
                                    and the Covenantors' representations and
                                    warranties that (A) each of the
                                    representations and warranties made by the
                                    Vendors and the Covenantors in this
                                    Agreement was accurate in all respects as
                                    of the date of this Agreement, (B) except
                                    as expressly set forth in the Closing
                                    Certificate, each of the representations
                                    and warranties made by the Vendors and the
                                    Covenantors in this Agreement is accurate
                                    in all respects as of the Closing Date as
                                    if made on the Closing Date, (C) each of
                                    the covenants and obligations that the
                                    Vendors and the Covenantors are required to
                                    have complied with or performed pursuant to
                                    this Agreement at or prior to the Closing
                                    has been duly complied with and performed
                                    in all respects, and (D) except as
                                    expressly set forth in the Closing
                                    Certificate, each of the conditions set
                                    forth in Sections 5.3, 5.4, 5.7 and 5.8 has
                                    been satisfied in all respects;

                           (viii)   subject to the Shareholders Deed, the
                                    Vendors shall procure that each of its
                                    nominees as the Purchaser notifies to the
                                    Vendors resigns from their positions as
                                    directors and officers of the Company and
                                    any subsidiary, in each case formally
                                    resigning their respective office (with
                                    effect from the end of the meetings held
                                    pursuant to Section 1.4) and acknowledging
                                    in a


                                    form reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser
                                    that the writer has no claim against the
                                    Company or any of its subsidiaries for
                                    compensation for loss of office or

                           (ix)     the Vendors shall procure the revocation of
                                    the relevant bank signing mandates and
                                    authorities and powers of attorney given by
                                    the Company as notified by the Purchaser.

                  (c)      Subject to the Vendors duly complying with the
                           requirements of Section 1.3(b), at the Closing, the
                           Purchaser shall pay each Vendor the portion of the
                           Purchase Price specified beside each such Vendor's
                           name in Part I of Exhibit D, in each case through
                           telegraphic transfer to the bank account nominated
                           by each Vendor in writing not less than four
                           business days prior to Closing.

                  (d)      At the Closing, the Vendors and the Purchaser shall
                           execute and deliver to each other counterpart copies
                           of the Shareholders Deed. The Vendors shall procure
                           execution and delivery of the Shareholders Deed by
                           the Company.

         1.4      Meetings

         On or before Closing, the Vendors shall cause to be held a meeting of
         the directors and/or shareholders of the Company at which the
         following resolutions are passed:

                  (a)      subject to payment of stamp duty (if any), the
                           approval of the registration of the transfers of the
                           Sale Shares;

                  (b)      approve and authorise the allotment and issue of the
                           shares referred to in Section 1.3(b)(v) in favour of
                           the Purchaser (or its nominees(s));

                  (c)      subject to the Shareholders Deed, appoint persons
                           nominated by the Purchaser as directors, secretary
                           and auditor of the Company with effect from the end
                           of the meeting;

                  (d)      the cancellation of the existing share certificates
                           for the Sale Shares;

                  (e)      the issue of new certificates for the Sale Shares in
                           favour of the Purchaser (or its nominee(s)); and

                  (f)      the issue of a certificate for the Subscription
                           Shares in favour of the Purchaser (or its

                  (g)      the approval and adoption of the Constitution as a
                           replacement of the existing constitution of the



         In this Section 2, references to the Company shall be treated in all
         respects as meaning :

         (a)      the Company;

         (b)      Flex IT Pty Ltd ("Flex") at all relevant times prior to the
                  Reorganisation Transactions being completed in accordance
                  with their terms; and

         (c)      Morse Corporation (Australia) Pty Limited ("Morse") at all
                  relevant times prior to the Reorganisation Transactions being
                  completed in accordance with their terms.

         The Vendors and each of Charles Peter Assaf and Barry Joseph Assaf
         jointly and severally and Farmax Electronic Components Pty Ltd and TV
         Corporation Pty Ltd severally in the proportions of 5% and 3.75%
         respectively, hereby represent and warrant (except where this Section
         expressly provides for the representations and warranties to be given
         severally in a different manner in which case they are to be given in
         that manner) to and for the benefit of the Purchaser, as follows:

         2.1      Organization; Good Standing and Qualification

                  (a)      The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly
                           existing and in good standing under the laws of New
                           South Wales, Australia. The Company has all
                           requisite corporate power and authority to own and
                           operate its properties and assets, to perform its
                           obligations under all material contracts, and to
                           carry on its business as presently conducted and as
                           presently proposed to be conducted.

                  (b)      The Company has never conducted any business under
                           or otherwise used, for any purpose or in any
                           jurisdiction, any fictitious name, assumed name,
                           trade name or other name, other than the names "Flex
                           IT Pty Ltd" and "Morse Corporation (Australia) Pty
                           Ltd" respectively.

                  (c)      The Company is not required to be qualified,
                           authorized, registered or licensed to do business in
                           any jurisdiction other than Australia.

                  (d)      The Company has no subsidiaries, and has never
                           owned, beneficially or otherwise, any shares or
                           other securities of, or any direct or indirect
                           interest of any nature in, any Entity.

         2.2      Certificate of Incorporation and Constitution Records

                  (a)      There has not been any violation of any of the
                           provisions of the Company's constitution or of any
                           resolution adopted by the Company's shareholders,
                           the Company's board of directors or any committee of
                           the Company's board of directors; and no event has


                           occurred, and no condition or circumstance exists,
                           that might (with or without notice or lapse of time)
                           constitute or result directly or indirectly in such
                           a violation.

                  (b)      The books of account, shareholder records, minute
                           books and other records of the Company are accurate,
                           up-to-date and complete, and have been maintained in
                           accordance with sound business practices. All of the
                           records of the Company are in the actual possession
                           or direct control of the Company. The Company has in
                           place an adequate and appropriate system of internal
                           controls in respect of each of its businesses.

         2.3      Capitalization

                  (a)      The issued share capital of the Company, immediately
                           prior to the Closing, will consist of 4,400,000
                           fully paid ordinary shares. All issued and
                           outstanding shares of the Company's issued capital
                           (a) have been validly issued to the persons listed
                           on Exhibit D hereto, (b) are fully paid and
                           non-assessable, and (c) were issued in compliance
                           with all applicable Legal Requirements concerning
                           the issuance of securities. The rights, preferences,
                           privileges and restrictions of the Shares are as
                           stated in the constitution.

                  (b)      The Vendors severally warrant that they each have,
                           and the Purchaser will acquire at the Closing, good
                           and valid title to the Sale Shares listed beside the
                           name of each Vendor in Exhibit D free and clear of
                           any Encumbrances subject only to the payment of any
                           applicable stamp duty.

                  (c)      There is no:

                           (i)      outstanding subscription, option, call,
                                    warrant or right (whether or not currently
                                    exercisable) to acquire any shares or other
                                    securities of the Company;

                           (ii)     outstanding security, instrument or
                                    obligation that is or may become
                                    convertible into or exchangeable for any
                                    shares or other securities of the Company;

                           (iii)    Contract under which the Company is or may
                                    become obligated to sell or otherwise issue
                                    any shares of its capital stock or any
                                    other securities; or

                           (iv)     condition or circumstance that may directly
                                    or indirectly give rise to or provide a
                                    basis for the assertion of a claim by any
                                    Person to the effect that such Person is
                                    entitled to acquire or receive any shares
                                    or other securities of the Company;


                  (d)      The Company has never repurchased, redeemed or
                           otherwise reacquired any shares or other securities.

         2.4      No Conflict

                  Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the
                  Vendors nor the consummation by the Vendors of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement will:

                  (i)      result in a default (or give rise to any right of
                           termination, cancellation or acceleration) under any
                           of the terms, conditions or provisions of any note,
                           bond, mortgage, indenture, or other evidence of
                           indebtedness related to the Company or its business
                           or any material license agreement, lease or other
                           material contract, instrument or obligation related
                           to the Company or its business to which it is a
                           party or by which it may be bound;

                  (ii)     violate any statute, rule, regulation, order, writ,
                           injunction, decree or arbitration award applicable
                           to the Company;

                  (iii)    result in the loss of, or in a violation or breach
                           of any Governmental Authorisation;

                  (iv)     result in the creation or imposition of, or subject
                           the Purchaser to any liability for, any conveyance
                           or transfer tax or any similar tax except for the
                           payment of any applicable stamp duty; or

                  (v)      result in the creation of any material (individually
                           or in the aggregate) lien, including any claims,
                           mortgages, pledges, liens, security interests,
                           encumbrances or charges of any kind (collectively,
                           "Lien") on any of the assets owned or used by the

         2.5      Proprietary Rights; Proprietary Information and Inventions

                  (a)      Neither the Company nor the Vendors have received
                           any communications alleging that they have violated
                           or, by conducting their businesses as proposed would
                           violate, any proprietary rights of any other person,
                           nor are the Company or the Vendors aware of any
                           basis for the foregoing.

                  (b)      The Vendors do not believe it is or will be
                           necessary for the Company to utilize any inventions,
                           trade secrets or proprietary information of any of
                           the Company's employees made prior to their
                           employment by the Company, except for inventions,
                           trade secrets or proprietary information that have
                           been assigned to the Company.

                  (c)      The Company owns, licenses or has rights to all of
                           the (i) patents, patent applications, registrations
                           and applications for registration thereof; (ii)
                           trademarks, tradenames, service marks and

                           and applications for registrations thereof; (iii)
                           copyrights and registrations and applications for
                           registration thereof; (iv) mask works and
                           registrations and applications for registration
                           thereof; (v) computer software, data and
                           documentation; (vi) trade secrets and confidential
                           business information, know-how, research and
                           development information, copyrightable works,
                           financial, marketing and business data, pricing and
                           cost information, marketing plans and customer lists
                           and information; and (vii) other proprietary rights
                           relating to any of the foregoing owned or used by the
                           Company (collectively, "Intellectual Property").

                  (d)      The Company has conducted its business without
                           infringement or claim of infringement of any
                           license, patent, copyright, service mark, trademark,
                           trade name, trade secret or other intellectual
                           property right of others that would have a material
                           adverse effect on the businesses or assets of the
                           Company. To the Knowledge of the Vendors, there is
                           no claim of infringement by others of any license,
                           patent, copyright, service mark, trademark, trade
                           name, trade secret or other Intellectual Property
                           right of the Company.

         2.6      Actions Pending

                  There is no action, suit or proceeding pending or, to the
                  Knowledge of the Vendors (but without having made any enquiry
                  of any Person who is not engaged or employed by the Company),
                  threatened against or affecting the Company or any of its
                  respective properties or rights before any court or by or
                  before any governmental body or arbitration board or

         2.7      Offering Valid

                  None of the Vendors, nor any agent on their behalf, have
                  solicited or will solicit any offers to sell or has offered
                  to sell or will offer to sell all or any part of the Sale
                  Shares to any person or persons so as to bring the offer or
                  sale of the Sale Shares by the Vendors to the Purchaser (or
                  its nominee(s)) within the registration provisions of the
                  United States of America's Securities Act of 1933, as
                  amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder
                  (the "Securities Act") or any US state securities laws or the
                  provisions of Division 2 of Part 7.12 of the Corporations

         2.8      Financial Position

                  (a)      The Vendors have delivered to the Purchaser the
                           following financial statements and notes
                           (collectively, the "the Vendors Financial

                           (i)      for each of the Vendors in respect of the
                                    financial year ended 30 June 1998 (the "
                                    1998 Accounts Date"), its unaudited profit
                                    and loss statement for the financial year
                                    ending on the 1998


                                    Accounts Date and its unaudited balance
                                    sheet as at the 1998 Accounts Date,
                                    together with all statements, reports and
                                    notes attached to or intended to be read
                                    with any or all of the profit and loss
                                    statement or balance sheet;

                           (ii)     for each of the Vendors in respect of the
                                    financial year ended 30 June 1999 (the
                                    "1999 Accounts Date"), its unaudited profit
                                    and loss statement for the financial year
                                    ending on the 1999 Accounts Date and its
                                    unaudited balance sheet (the "Unaudited
                                    Balance Sheet") as at the 1999 Accounts
                                    Date, together with all statements, reports
                                    and notes attached to or intended to be
                                    read with any or all of the profit and loss
                                    statement or balance sheet; and

                           (iii)    for the Company, its unaudited proforma
                                    balance sheet as at 30 September 1999
                                    (assuming the Reorganisation Transactions
                                    are effective as at that date), together
                                    with all statements, reports and notes
                                    attached to or intended to be read with
                                    that balance sheet.

                  (b)      All of the Vendors Financial Statements are true,
                           fair and complete in all material respects, and the
                           dollar amount of each line item included in the
                           Vendors Financial Statements is accurate. The
                           financial statements and notes referred to in
                           Section 2.8(a)(i) present fairly the financial
                           position of the Vendors for the period to which they
                           relate and the results of operations, changes in
                           shareholders' equity and cash flows of the Vendors
                           for the year then ended. The financial statements
                           and notes referred to in Section 2.8(a)(ii) present
                           fairly the financial position of the Vendors as of
                           the respective dates thereof and the results of
                           operations, changes in shareholders' equity and cash
                           flows of the Vendors for the periods covered
                           thereby. The Vendors Financial Statements have been
                           prepared in accordance with GAAP, applied on a
                           consistent basis throughout the periods covered.

                  (c)      As at the 1999 Accounts Date (i) the Company had no
                           Liabilities required by GAAP to be provided for in
                           the Unaudited Balance Sheet or described in the
                           notes thereto which were not provided for in the
                           Unaudited Balance Sheet or described in the notes
                           thereto and (ii) all reserves established by the
                           Company and set forth in the Unaudited Balance Sheet
                           were adequate for the purposes for which they were

                  (d)      Except as disclosed in Part 2.8(d) in the Disclosure
                           Schedule since the 1999 Accounts Date:

                           (i)      the Company has not increased the
                                    compensation of any of its officers, or the
                                    rate of pay of its employees as a group,


                                    as part of regular compensation increases
                                    in the Ordinary Course of its Business;

                           (ii)     neither the number of subscribers for the
                                    services offered by the Company nor the
                                    revenues generated therefrom have

                           (iii)    there has been no resignation or
                                    termination of employment of any officer or
                                    key employee of the Company;

                           (iv)     there has been no labor dispute or
                                    industrial disruption involving the Company
                                    or its employees and none is pending or, to
                                    the Knowledge of any Vendor, threatened;

                           (v)      there has been no borrowing or agreement to
                                    borrow by the Company or change in the
                                    contingent obligations of the Company by
                                    way of guarantee, endorsement, indemnity,
                                    warranty or otherwise or grant of a
                                    mortgage or security interest in any
                                    property of the Company;

                           (vi)     there has not been any payment of any
                                    obligation or liability of the Company
                                    other than current liabilities paid in the
                                    Ordinary Course of Business;

                           (vii)    there has been no sale, assignment or
                                    transfer of any tangible asset of the
                                    Company except in the Ordinary Course of
                                    Business and no sale, assignment or
                                    transfer of any patent, trademark, trade
                                    secret or other intangible asset of the
                                    Company; and

                  (e)      The Company has good and marketable title to its
                           properties and assets. Such properties and assets
                           are not subject to Encumbrance except liens for
                           current taxes and assessments not delinquent or
                           those which are not material in scope or amount and
                           do not materially interfere with the conduct of the
                           Company's business. All leases pursuant to which the
                           Company leases real or personal property are in good
                           standing and are valid and effective in accordance
                           with their respective terms and, to the Vendors'
                           knowledge, there exists no default thereunder or
                           occurrence or condition which could result in a
                           default thereunder or termination thereof. The
                           Company's buildings, equipment and other tangible
                           assets are in good operating condition and are
                           useable in the ordinary course of business having
                           regard to their age and ordinary wear and tear, and
                           the Company owns, or has a valid leasehold interest
                           in, all assets necessary for the conduct of its
                           business as presently conducted.

         2.9      Absence of Changes Since 30 June 1999

                  Except in the Ordinary Course of Business since 30 June 1999:


                  (a)      there has not been any adverse change in the
                           Company's business, condition, assets, liabilities,
                           operations, financial performance, net income or
                           prospects (or in any aspect or portion thereof), and
                           no event has occurred that might have an adverse
                           effect on the Company's business, condition, assets,
                           liabilities, operations, financial performance, net
                           income or prospects (or on any aspect or portion

                  (b)      there has not been any loss, damage or destruction
                           to, or any interruption in the use of, any of the
                           Company's assets (whether or not covered by

                  (c)      the Company has not (i) declared, accrued, set aside
                           or paid any dividend or made any other distribution
                           in respect of any shares or (ii) repurchased,
                           redeemed or otherwise reacquired any shares or other

                  (d)      the Company has not sold or otherwise issued any
                           shares or any other securities;

                  (e)      the Company has not amended its certificate of
                           incorporation or constitution and has not effected
                           or been a party to any Acquisition Transaction,
                           recapitalisation, reclassification of shares, share
                           consolidation or division, capital reduction, share
                           buy back or similar transaction;

                  (f)      the Company has not purchased or otherwise acquired
                           any asset from any other Person, except for supplies
                           acquired by the Company in the Ordinary Course of

                  (g)      the Company has not leased or licensed any asset
                           from any other Person;

                  (h)      the Company has not made any capital expenditure
                           over A$30,000;

                  (i)      the Company has not sold or otherwise transferred,
                           and has not leased or licensed, any asset to any
                           other Person except for products sold by the Company
                           from its inventory in the Ordinary Course of

                  (j)      the Company has not written off as uncollectable, or
                           established any extraordinary reserve with respect
                           to, any account receivable or other indebtedness;

                  (k)      the Company has not pledged or hypothecated any of
                           its assets or otherwise permitted any of its assets
                           to become subject to any Encumbrance;


                  (l)      the Company has not made any loan or advance to any
                           other Person;

                  (m)      the Company has not (i) established or adopted any
                           Employee Benefit Plan, or (ii) paid any bonus or
                           made any profit-sharing or similar payment to, or
                           increased the amount of the wages, salary,
                           commissions, fringe benefits or other compensation
                           or remuneration payable to, any of its directors,
                           officers or employees;

                  (n)      the Company has not entered into, and neither the
                           Company nor any of the assets owned or used by the
                           Company has become bound by, any Contract that is
                           not an Excluded Contract;

                  (o)      no Contract by which the Company or any of the
                           assets owned or used by the Company is or was bound,
                           or under which the Company has or had any rights or
                           interest, has been amended or terminated;

                  (p)      the Company has not incurred, assumed or otherwise
                           become subject to any Liability, other than accounts
                           payable (of the type required to be reflected as
                           current liabilities in the "liabilities" column of a
                           balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP)
                           incurred by the Company in the Ordinary Course of

                  (q)      the Company has not discharged any Encumbrance or
                           discharged or paid any indebtedness or other
                           Liability, except for accounts payable that (i) are
                           reflected as current liabilities in the
                           "liabilities" column of the Unaudited Balance Sheet
                           or have been incurred by the Company since 30 June
                           1999 in the Ordinary Course of Business, and (ii)
                           have been discharged or paid in the Ordinary Course
                           of Business;

                  (r)      the Company has not forgiven any debt or otherwise
                           released or waived any right or claim;

                  (s)      the Company has not changed any of its methods of
                           accounting or accounting practices in any respect in
                           respect of its businesses;

                  (t)      the Company has not entered into any transaction or
                           taken any other action outside the Ordinary Course
                           of Business; and

                  (u)      the Company has not agreed, committed or offered (in
                           writing or otherwise), and has not attempted, to
                           take any of the actions referred to in clauses "(c)"
                           through "(t)" above.

         2.10     Title to Assets

                  (a)      The Company owns, and has good, valid and marketable
                           title to, all assets purported to be owned by it,


                           (i)      all assets reflected on the Unaudited
                                    Balance Sheet (except for inventory sold by
                                    the Company since 30 June 1999 in the
                                    Ordinary Course of Business);

                           (ii)     all assets acquired by the Company since 30
                                    June 1999 (except for inventory sold by the
                                    Company since 30 June 1999 in the Ordinary
                                    Course of Business);

                           (iii)    all equipment and all of the Company's
                                    rights under the Company Contracts; and

                           (iv)     all other assets reflected in the Company's
                                    books and records as being owned by the

                           All such assets are owned by the Company free and
                           clear of any Encumbrances.

                  (b)      Part 2.10 of the Disclosure Schedule identifies all
                           assets that are being leased or licensed to the

         2.11 Bank Accounts

                  Part 2.11 of the Disclosure Schedule accurately sets forth,
                  with respect to each account maintained by or for the benefit
                  of the Company at any bank or other financial institution:

                  (a)      the name and location of the institution at which
                           such account is maintained;

                  (b)      the name in which such account is maintained and the
                           account number of such account; and

                  (c)      the names of all individuals authorized to draw on
                           or make withdrawals from such account.

                  There are no safe deposit boxes or similar arrangements
                  maintained by or for the benefit of the Company.

         2.12     Receivables; Major Customers

                  (a)      Except as set forth in Part 2.12 of the Disclosure
                           Schedule, all existing accounts receivable of the
                           Company (including those accounts receivable
                           reflected on the Unaudited Balance Sheet that have
                           not yet been collected:

                           (i)      represent valid obligations of customers of
                                    the Company arising from bona fide
                                    transactions entered into in the Ordinary
                                    Course of Business; and


                           (ii)     subject to appropriate provisioning, there
                                    is no reason to believe that all such
                                    accounts receivable will not be collected
                                    by the Company in the Ordinary Course of

                  (b)      Part 2.12 of the Disclosure Schedule accurately
                           identifies, and provides an accurate and complete
                           breakdown of the revenues received from, each
                           customer or other Person that accounted for:

                           (i)      more than A$25,000 of the gross revenues of
                                    the Company for the financial year to 30
                                    June 1998,

                           (ii)     more than A$25,000 of the Company's gross
                                    revenues for the financial year to 30 June
                                    1999, or

                           (iii)    more than A$10,000 of the Company's gross
                                    revenues for the first quarter of the 2000
                                    financial year.

                           Neither the Company nor the Vendors have received
                           any notice or other communication in writing
                           indicating that any customer or other Person
                           identified in Part 2.12 of the Disclosure Schedule
                           may cease dealing with the Company.

         2.13     Equipment, Etc.

                  (a)      Part 2.13 of the Disclosure Schedule accurately
                           identifies all equipment, furniture, fixtures,
                           improvements and other tangible assets (other than
                           inventory) owned by the Company, having a written
                           down value exceeding A$5,000. Part 2.13 also
                           accurately identifies all tangible assets leased to
                           the Company or used in any of its businesses.

                  (b)      Each asset identified or required to be identified
                           in Part 2.13 of the Disclosure Schedule:

                           (i)      is in good condition and repair (ordinary
                                    wear and tear excepted);

                           (ii)     complies in all respects with, and is being
                                    operated and otherwise used in full
                                    compliance with, all applicable Legal

                           The assets of the Vendors to be transferred to the
                           Company pursuant to the Reorganisation Transactions
                           are adequate for the conduct of the Company's
                           businesses in the manner in which such businesses
                           are currently being conducted and in the manner in
                           which such businesses are proposed to be conducted.


         2.14     Real Property

                  The Company does not own any real property or any interest in
                  real property, except for the leaseholds created under any
                  real property leases. The Company enjoys peaceful and
                  undisturbed possession of such premises.

         2.15     Proprietary Assets

                  (a)      Except as set forth in Part 2.15 of the Disclosure
                           Schedule, there is no Proprietary Asset that is
                           owned by or licensed to the Company or that is
                           otherwise used or useful in connection with the
                           Company's business. The Company has taken all
                           measures and precautions necessary to protect the
                           confidentiality and value of each Proprietary Asset

                  (b)      Neither the Company nor the Vendors are infringing,
                           and have not at any time infringed or received any
                           notice or other communication (in writing or
                           otherwise) of any actual, alleged, possible or
                           potential infringement of, any Proprietary Asset
                           owned or used by any other Person. To the Knowledge
                           of each of the Vendors but without separate inquiry
                           having been made, no other Person is infringing, and
                           no Proprietary Asset owned or used by any other
                           Person infringes or conflicts with, any Proprietary
                           Asset owned or used by the Company.

                  (c)      The Proprietary Assets constitute all of the
                           Proprietary Assets necessary to enable the Company
                           to conduct its businesses in the manner in which its
                           businesses are currently being conducted and in the
                           manner in which its businesses are proposed to be

         2.16     Year 2000

                  (i)      The Company's products and services are "Year 2000
                           Compliant", meaning that (i) date data from at least
                           1900 through 2001 will process without error or
                           interruption (other than an error or interruption
                           not expected to have a material adverse effect on
                           the Company) in any level of computer hardware,
                           software or services the Company provides, including
                           but not limited to, microcode, firmware, system or
                           application programs, files, databases and computer
                           services, there will be no loss of functionality of
                           the Company's products and services (other than any
                           loss not expected to have a material adverse effect
                           on the Company) with respect to the introduction,
                           processing or output of records containing dates on
                           or after January 1, 2000 and the Company's products
                           and services will be interoperable with other
                           software/hardware which may deliver records to,
                           receive records from or interact with the Company's
                           products and services in the course of processing
                           data; provided, however, that the foregoing shall
                           not apply to any adverse effects caused by any
                           products and services (including any third party
                           software or hardware) not developed by the Company
                           or by any


                           modification to the Company's products and services
                           which are made by a party other than the Company.
                           Further, the Company has tested all of its products
                           and services and determined that they are Year 2000
                           Compliant. To its knowledge, third party software
                           used by the Company in its products and services and
                           the Company's internal hardware and software is also
                           Year 2000 Compliant.

         2.17     Contracts

                  (a)      Part 2.17 of the Disclosure Schedule identifies and
                           provides an accurate and complete description of all
                           contracts, agreements, commitments and undertakings
                           of any nature, written or oral, of the Company, each
                           of which involves future payments, performance of
                           services or delivery of goods or materials to or by
                           the Company of an aggregate amount or value in
                           excess of $10,000 or which otherwise is material to
                           the business or prospects of the Company
                           (collectively, the "Material Contracts"), except for
                           any Excluded Contract.

                  (b)      Each Company Contract is valid and in full force and
                           effect, and is enforceable by the Company in
                           accordance with its terms.

                  (c)      (i)      No Person has violated or breached, or
                                    declared or committed any default under, any
                                    Company Contract;

                           (ii)     no event has occurred, and no circumstance
                                    or condition exists, that might (with or
                                    without notice or lapse of time) (A) result
                                    in a violation or breach of any of the
                                    provisions of any Company Contract, (B)
                                    give any Person the right to declare a
                                    default or exercise any remedy under any
                                    Company Contract, (C) give any Person the
                                    right to accelerate the maturity or
                                    performance of any Company Contract, or (D)
                                    give any Person the right to cancel,
                                    terminate or modify any Company Contract;

                           (iii)    neither the Company nor the Vendors have
                                    received any notice or other communication
                                    in writing regarding any actual or alleged
                                    violation or breach of, or default under,
                                    any Company Contract; and

                           (iv)     neither the Company nor the Vendors have
                                    waived any of their rights under any
                                    Company Contract.

                  (d)      To the Knowledge of the Vendors but without any
                           separate inquiry having been made, each Person
                           against whom the Company has or may acquire any
                           rights under any Company Contract is solvent and is
                           able to satisfy all of such Person's current and
                           future monetary obligations and other obligations
                           and Liabilities to the Company.


                  (e)      Neither the Company nor the Vendors has ever
                           guaranteed or otherwise agreed to cause, insure or
                           become liable for, and has never pledged any of
                           their assets to secure, the performance or payment
                           of any obligation or other Liability of any other

                  (f)      Neither the Company nor the Vendors has ever been a
                           party to or bound by (A) any joint venture
                           agreement, partnership agreement, profit-sharing
                           agreement, cost-sharing agreement, loss-sharing
                           agreement or similar Contract, or (B) any Contract
                           that creates or grants to any Person, or provides
                           for the creation or grant of, any stock appreciation
                           right, phantom stock right or similar right or

                  (g)      The performance of the Company Contracts will not
                           result in any violation of or failure to comply with
                           any Legal Requirement.

                  (h)      The Contracts identified in Part 2.17 of the
                           Disclosure Schedule and the Excluded Contracts
                           collectively constitute all of the material
                           Contracts necessary to enable the Company to conduct
                           its business in the manner in which its business is
                           currently being conducted.

         2.18     Liabilities; Major Suppliers

         The Company has no Liabilities, except for the Company's obligations
         under the Company Contracts and under Excluded Contracts, to the extent
         that the existence of such obligations is ascertainable solely by
         reference to such Contracts.

         2.19     Compliance with Legal Requirements

                  (a)      (i)      The Company is in full compliance with each
                                    Legal Requirement that is applicable to it
                                    or to the conduct of its business or the
                                    ownership or use of any of its assets;

                           (ii)     the Company has at all times been in full
                                    compliance with each Legal Requirement that
                                    is or was applicable to it or to the
                                    conduct of its business or the ownership or
                                    use of any of its assets;

                           (iii)    no event has occurred, and no condition or
                                    circumstance exists, that might (with or
                                    without notice or lapse of time) constitute
                                    or result directly or indirectly in a
                                    violation by the Company of, or a failure
                                    on the part of the Company to comply with,
                                    any Legal Requirement; and

                           (iv)     the Company has not received, at any time,
                                    any notice or other communication in
                                    writing from any Governmental Body or any
                                    other Person regarding (i) any actual,
                                    alleged, possible or potential violation
                                    of, or failure to comply with, any Legal
                                    Requirement, or (ii) any actual, alleged,
                                    possible or potential


                                    obligation on the part of the Company to
                                    undertake, or to bear all or any portion of
                                    the cost of, any cleanup or any remedial,
                                    corrective or response action of any

         2.20     Governmental Authorisations

                  (a)      Part 2.20 of the Disclosure Schedule identifies:

                           (i)      each Governmental Authorization that is
                                    held by the Company or is used in its
                                    businesses; and

                           (ii)     each other Governmental Authorization that,
                                    to the Knowledge of the Vendors, is held by
                                    any of the Company's employees and relates
                                    to the Company's business.

                           The Vendors have delivered to the Purchaser accurate
                           and complete copies of all of the Governmental
                           Authorisations necessary for the conduct of the
                           businesses of the Company including all renewals
                           thereof and all amendments thereto. Each
                           Governmental Authorisation is valid and in full
                           force and effect.

                  (b)      The Company and its employees are, and have at all
                           times been, in full compliance with all of the terms
                           and requirements of each Governmental Authorisation;

                  (c)      no event has occurred, and no condition or
                           circumstance exists, that might (with or without
                           notice or lapse of time) (A) constitute or result
                           directly or indirectly in a violation of or a
                           failure to comply with any term or requirement of
                           any Governmental Authorisation, or (B) result
                           directly or indirectly in the revocation,
                           withdrawal, suspension, cancellation, termination or
                           modification of any Governmental Authorisation;

                  (d)      the Company has never received, and, to the
                           Knowledge of the Vendors, no employee of the Company
                           has ever received, any notice or other communication
                           in writing from any Governmental Body or any other
                           Person regarding (A) any actual, alleged, possible
                           or potential violation of or failure to comply with
                           any term or requirement of any Governmental
                           Authorisation, or (B) any actual, proposed, possible
                           or potential revocation, withdrawal, suspension,
                           cancellation, termination or modification of any
                           Governmental Authorisation; and

                  (e)      all applications required to have been filed for the
                           renewal of the Governmental Authorisations have been
                           duly filed on a timely basis with the appropriate
                           Governmental Bodies, and each other notice or filing
                           required to have been given or made with respect to
                           such Governmental Authorisations has been duly given
                           or made on a timely basis with the appropriate
                           Governmental Body.


                  (f)      The Governmental Authorisations delivered or
                           disclosed to the Purchaser constitute all of the
                           Governmental Authorisations necessary (i) to enable
                           the Company to conduct its businesses in the manner
                           in which they are currently being conducted and (ii)
                           to permit the Company to own and use its assets in
                           the manner in which they are currently owned and

                  (g)      The Company will not be required to make any filing
                           with or give any notice to, or to obtain any Consent
                           from, any Person in connection with the execution
                           and delivery of any of the Transactional Agreements
                           or the consummation or performance of any of the

         2.21     Governmental Action

                  No authorisation, consent or approval of, or filing with, any
                  court or any federal, state or local governmental authority
                  or agency is required in connection with the execution and
                  delivery of this Agreement and the issuance and sale of the
                  Sale Shares other than those that have been or will be made
                  or obtained prior to the Closing.

         2.22     Employee and Labor Matters

                  (a)      Exhibit F contains a list of individuals who are
                           currently performing services for the Company
                           related to its businesses and are classified as
                           "consultants" or "independent contractors".

                  (b)      The Company is not a party to or bound by, and has
                           never been a party to or bound by, any employment
                           agreement or any union contract, industrial award or
                           determination, collective bargaining agreement or
                           similar Contract.

                  (c)      The Vendors have delivered to the Purchaser accurate
                           and complete copies of all employee manuals and
                           handbooks, disclosure materials, policy statements
                           and other materials relating to the employment of
                           the current and former employees of the Company and
                           requested by the Purchaser.

                  (d)      To the Knowledge of the Vendors but without making
                           any separate inquiries:

                           (i)      no employee of the Company intends to
                                    terminate his employment with the Company;

                           (ii)     no employee of the Company has received an
                                    offer to join a business that may be
                                    competitive with the Company's businesses;


                           (iii)    no employee of the Company is a party to or
                                    is bound by any confidentiality agreement,
                                    non-competition agreement or other Contract
                                    (with any Person) that may have an adverse
                                    effect on (A) the performance by such
                                    employee of any of his duties or
                                    responsibilities as an employee of the
                                    Company, or (B) the Company's businesses or

                  (e)      the Company is not engaged, and has never been
                           engaged, in any unfair labour practice of any
                           nature. There has never been any slowdown, work
                           stoppage, labour dispute or union organising
                           activity, or any similar activity or dispute,
                           affecting the Company or any of its employees. There
                           is not now pending, and no Person has threatened to
                           commence, any such slowdown, work stoppage, labour
                           dispute or union organising activity or any similar
                           activity or dispute. No event has occurred, and no
                           condition or circumstance exists, that might
                           directly or indirectly give rise to or provide a
                           basis for the commencement of any such slowdown,
                           work stoppage, labour dispute or union organising
                           activity or any similar activity or dispute.

                  (f)      The Company does not have: any existing service or
                           other agreements with any officers, consultants or
                           employees of the Company which cannot be fairly
                           terminated by three months' notice or less without
                           giving rise to a claim for damages or compensation;
                           liability for compensation to ex-employees or
                           ex-consultants; obligation to re-instate or
                           re-employ any ex-officer, ex-consultant or
                           ex-employee of the Company; policy, practice or
                           obligation regarding redundancy payments to
                           employees which is more generous than the applicable
                           award(s) or legislation; or any industrial agreement
                           or enterprise agreement (whether registered or not)
                           or plans to introduce any such agreement, that
                           applies to any employee or officer of the Company.

         2.23     Benefit Plans

                  (a)      The Company does not have any accrued liability,
                           unfunded or contingent obligations in relation to
                           any Relevant Scheme.

                  (b)      The Company has made all occupational superannuation
                           contributions required under any award or prescribed
                           industrial agreement for its employees and has
                           satisfied all laws.

                  (c)      Each Relevant Scheme has at all times been
                           administered under the relevant rules and/or trust
                           document and (in the case of superannuation schemes)
                           for the Relevant Scheme to qualify for the maximum
                           income Tax concessions available to superannuation

         2.24     Sale of Products; Performance of Services

                  (a)      Each product or service that has been sold or
                           performed by the Company to or for any Person:


                           (i)      conformed and complied with the terms and
                                    requirements of any applicable warranty or
                                    other Contract and with all applicable
                                    Legal Requirements; and

                           (ii)     was free of any design defects,
                                    construction defects or other defects or
                                    deficiencies at the time of sale.

                           All repair services and other services that have
                           been performed by the Company were performed
                           properly with the terms and requirements of all
                           applicable warranties and other Contracts and with
                           all applicable Legal Requirements.

                  (b)      The Company will not incur or otherwise become
                           subject to any Liability arising directly or
                           indirectly from any product sold, or any services
                           performed by, the Company on or at any time prior to
                           the Closing Date.

                  (c)      No product developed or sold by the Company has been
                           the subject of any recall or other similar action;
                           and no event has occurred, and no condition or
                           circumstance exists, that might (with or without
                           notice or lapse of time) directly or indirectly give
                           rise to or serve as a basis for any such recall or
                           other similar action relating to any such product.

                  (d)      No customer or other Person has ever asserted or
                           threatened to assert in writing any claim against
                           the Company (i) under or based upon any warranty
                           provided by or on behalf of the Company, or (ii)
                           under or based upon any other warranty relating to
                           any product sold by the Company or any services
                           performed by the Company. To the Knowledge of the
                           Vendors, no event has occurred, and no condition or
                           circumstance exists, that might (with or without
                           notice or lapse of time) directly or indirectly give
                           rise to or serve as a basis for the assertion of any
                           such claim.

                  (e)      The Company has an adequate and appropriate quality
                           control system in respect of its businesses.

         2.25     Insurance

                  (a)      Part 2.25 of the Disclosure Schedule accurately sets
                           forth, with respect to each insurance policy
                           maintained by or at the expense of, or for the
                           direct or indirect benefit of the Company or its

                           (i)      the name of the insurance carrier that
                                    issued such policy and the policy number of
                                    such policy; and

                           (ii)     a description of any claims pending, and
                                    any claims that have been asserted in the
                                    past, with respect to such policy.


                  (b)      Each of the policies identified in Part 2.25 of the
                           Disclosure Schedule is valid, enforceable and in
                           full force and effect, and has been issued by an
                           insurance carrier that, to the Knowledge of the
                           Vendors, is solvent, financially sound and
                           reputable. All of the information contained in the
                           applications submitted in connection with said
                           policies was (at the times said applications were
                           submitted) accurate and complete, and all premiums
                           and other amounts owing with respect to said
                           policies have been paid in full. The nature, scope
                           and dollar amounts of the insurance coverage
                           provided by said policies are sufficient to
                           adequately insure the Company's business, assets,
                           operations, key employees, services and potential

                  (c)      There is no pending claim under or based upon any of
                           the policies and no event has occurred, and no
                           condition or circumstance exists, that might (with
                           or without notice or lapse of time) directly or
                           indirectly give rise to or serve as a basis for any
                           such claim.

                  (d)      Neither the Company nor the Vendors have received:

                           (i)      any notice or other communication in
                                    writing regarding the actual or possible
                                    cancellation or invalidation of any of the
                                    policies or regarding any actual or
                                    possible adjustment in the amount of the
                                    premiums payable with respect to any of
                                    said policies;

                           (ii)     any notice or other communication in
                                    writing regarding any actual or possible
                                    refusal of coverage under, or any actual or
                                    possible rejection of any claim under, any
                                    of the policies; or

                           (iii)    any indication that the issuer of any of
                                    the policies may be unwilling or unable to
                                    perform any of its obligations thereunder.

         2.26     Related Party Transactions

                  (a)      No Related Party has, and no Related Party has at
                           any time since incorporation of the Vendors or the
                           Company had, any direct or indirect interest of any
                           nature in any asset used in or otherwise relating to
                           the businesses of the Vendors or the Company;

                  (b)      no Related Party is, or has at any time since
                           incorporation of the Vendors or the Company been,
                           indebted to the Vendors or the Company;

                  (c)      since the incorporation of the Vendors or the
                           Company, no Related Party has entered into, or has
                           had any direct or indirect financial


                           interest in, any Contract, transaction or business
                           dealing of any nature involving the Vendors or the

                  (d)      no Related Party is competing, or has at any time
                           since incorporation of the Vendors or the Company
                           competed, directly or indirectly, with the Vendors
                           or the Company in any market served by the Vendors
                           or the Company;

                  (e)      no Related Party has any claim or right against the
                           Vendors or the Company; and

                  (f)      no event has occurred, and no condition or
                           circumstance exists, that might (with or without
                           notice or lapse of time) directly or indirectly give
                           rise to or serve as a basis for any claim or right
                           in favour of any Related Party against the Vendors
                           or the Company.

         2.27     Certain Payments, Etc.

                  Neither the Company, nor any officer, employee, agent or
                  other Person associated with or acting for or on behalf of
                  the Company, has at any time, directly or indirectly:

                  (a)      made any false or fictitious entry, or failed to
                           make any entry that should have been made, in any of
                           the books of account or other records of the

                  (b)      made any pay-off, influence payment, bribe, rebate,
                           kickback or unlawful payment to any Person;

                  (c)      made any payment (whether or not lawful) to any
                           Person, or provided (whether lawfully or unlawfully)
                           any favour or anything of value (whether in the form
                           of property or services, or in any other form) to
                           any Person, for the purpose of obtaining or paying
                           for (i) favourable treatment in securing business,
                           or (ii) any other special concession; or

                  (d)      agreed, committed, offered or attempted to take any
                           of the actions described in clauses "(a)" through
                           "(c)" above.

         2.28     Proceedings

                  (a)      There is no pending Proceeding or investigation, and
                           no Person has threatened to commence any Proceeding:

                           (i)      that involves the Company or relates to its
                                    businesses or that otherwise relates to or
                                    might affect the Company's businesses or
                                    any of the assets owned or used by the
                                    Company (whether or not the Company is
                                    named as a party thereto); or


                           (ii)     that challenges, or that may have the
                                    effect of preventing, delaying, making
                                    illegal or otherwise interfering with, any
                                    of the Transactions.

                           Within the Knowledge of the Vendors (but without
                           having made any enquiry of any Person who is not
                           engaged or employed by the Company), no event has
                           occurred, and no claim, dispute or other condition
                           or circumstance exists, that might directly or
                           indirectly give rise to or serve as a basis for the
                           commencement of any such Proceeding.

                  (b)      The Vendors have delivered to the Purchaser accurate
                           and complete copies of all pleadings and
                           correspondence to which the Vendors or the Company
                           have access that relate to the Proceedings.

                  (c)      There is no Order to which the Vendors or the
                           Company, or any of the assets owned or used by the
                           Vendors or the Company is subject that (i) may have
                           an adverse effect on the Company's businesses,
                           condition, assets, liabilities, operations,
                           financial performance, net income or prospects (or
                           on any aspect or portion thereof) or on the ability
                           of the Company or the Vendors to comply with or
                           perform any covenant or obligation under any of the
                           Transactional Agreements, or (ii) may have the
                           effect of preventing, delaying, making illegal or
                           otherwise interfering with any of the Transactions.

                  (d)      To the Knowledge of the Vendors (but without having
                           made any enquiry of any Person who is not engaged or
                           employed by the Company), no officer or employee of
                           the Company is subject to any Order that prohibits
                           such officer or employee from engaging in or
                           continuing any conduct, activity or practice
                           relating to the Company's businesses.

         2.29     Brokers

                  Neither the Company nor any of the Vendors have agreed or
                  become obligated to pay, or has taken any action that might
                  result in any Person claiming to be entitled to receive, any
                  brokerage commission, finder's fee or similar commission or
                  fee in connection with any of the Transactions.

         2.30     The Vendors

                  (a)      In respect of each of the Vendors who are
                           incorporated, they severally warrant that they are
                           corporations duly organised, validly existing and in
                           good standing under the laws of New South Wales and
                           have all requisite corporate powers and authority to
                           execute and deliver this Agreement and to carry out
                           and perform their obligations under the Agreement
                           and the Closing Certificate. Each of the Vendors
                           severally warrants that they have the capacity and
                           financial capability to comply


                           with and perform all of their covenants and
                           obligations under each of the Transactional
                           Agreements to which they are or may become a party.

                  (b)      None of the Vendors:

                           (i)      has at any time, (A) made a general
                                    assignment for the benefit of creditors,
                                    (B) filed, or had filed against it, any
                                    bankruptcy petition or similar filing, (C)
                                    suffered the attachment or other judicial
                                    seizure of all or a substantial portion of
                                    its assets, (D) admitted in writing its
                                    inability to pay its debts as they become
                                    due, (E) been convicted of, or pleaded
                                    guilty to, any felony, or (F) taken or been
                                    the subject of any action that may have an
                                    adverse effect on its ability to comply
                                    with or perform any of its covenants or
                                    obligations under any of the Transactional
                                    Agreements; or

                           (ii)     is subject to any Order that may have an
                                    adverse effect on its ability to comply
                                    with or perform any of its covenants or
                                    obligations under any of the Transactional

                  (c)      There is no Proceeding pending, and no Person has
                           threatened to commence any Proceeding, that may have
                           an adverse effect on the ability of any of the
                           Vendors to comply with or perform any of its
                           covenants or obligations under any of the
                           Transactional Agreements. Within the knowledge of
                           the Vendors no event has occurred, and no claim,
                           dispute or other condition or circumstance exists,
                           that might directly or indirectly give rise to or
                           serve as a basis for the commencement of any such

                  (d)      Those of the Vendors that are corporations severally
                           warrant that all corporate action on the part of the
                           relevant Vendor, its officers, directors and
                           shareholders necessary for the authorisation of this
                           Agreement, the performance of all its obligations
                           hereunder at the Closing and the sale and delivery
                           of the Sale Shares it is selling will be taken prior
                           to the Closing. Each Vendor severally warrants that
                           this Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and
                           binding obligation of each of the Vendors,
                           enforceable against each of the Vendors in
                           accordance with its terms except to the extent that
                           enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy,
                           insolvency, moratorium or similar laws affecting the
                           rights of creditors generally and except to the
                           extent that enforcement may be limited by the
                           application of general equitable principles.

         2.31     Full Disclosure

                  (a)      None of the Transactional Agreements contains or
                           will contain any untrue statement of fact; and none
                           of the Transactional Agreements omits or will omit
                           to state any fact necessary to make any of the


                           representations, warranties or other statements or
                           information contained therein not misleading.

                  (b)      There is no fact within the Knowledge of any of the
                           Vendors (other than publicly known facts relating
                           exclusively to political or economic matters of
                           general applicability that will adversely affect all
                           Comparable Entities) that (i) may have an adverse
                           effect on the Company's businesses, condition,
                           assets, liabilities, operations, financial
                           performance, net income or prospects (or on any
                           aspect or portion thereof) or on the ability of the
                           Vendors to comply with or perform any covenant or
                           obligation under any of the Transactional
                           Agreements, or (ii) may have the effect of
                           preventing, delaying, making illegal or otherwise
                           interfering with any of the Transactions.

                  (c)      All of the information set forth in the Disclosure
                           Schedule, and all other information regarding the
                           Company and its business, condition, assets,
                           liabilities, operations, financial performance and
                           net income that has been furnished by the Vendors to
                           the Purchaser or any of its Representatives is
                           accurate and complete in all material respects.

                  (d)      The Vendors have provided the Purchaser and the
                           Purchaser's Representatives with full and complete
                           access to all of the Company's records and other
                           documents and data.

         2.32     Insolvency Events

                  (a)      Liquidation/winding up/appointment of administrator
                           or receiver etc.

                           Neither the Vendors nor the Company have had:

                           (i)      a liquidator or provisional liquidator

                           (ii)     a receiver, receiver and manager, trustee,
                                    controller, official manager or similar
                                    officer appointed;

                           (iii)    an administrator appointed, whether under
                                    Part 5.3A of the Corporations Law or
                                    otherwise; or

                           (iv)     an application made for the appointment of
                                    an administrator, liquidator or provisional

                           over all or part of the businesses, assets or
                           revenues of the Company and neither the Company nor
                           its directors have passed a resolution for any such
                           appointment; or

                           (v)      an application made for the winding up of
                                    the Company.


                  (b)      Execution

                           No execution, distress or similar process has been
                           levied upon or against all or any part of the
                           businesses, assets or revenues of the Vendors or the

                  (c)      Schemes of arrangement

                           Neither the Vendors nor the Company has:

                           (i)      entered into or resolved to enter into any
                                    scheme of arrangement, composition,
                                    assignment for the benefit of, or other
                                    arrangement with their creditors or any
                                    class of creditors; or

                           (ii)     proposed or had proposed on their behalf a
                                    reorganisation, moratorium, deed of company
                                    arrangement or other administration
                                    involving one or more of their creditors,
                                    or their winding up or dissolution.

                  (d)      Statutory demands

                           Neither the Vendors nor the Company have received
                           any demand under section 459E of the Corporations
                           Law, or been taken to have failed to comply with a
                           statutory demand as a result of the operation of
                           section 459F(1) of the Corporations Law.

                  (e)      Solvency

                           The Vendors and the Company:

                           (i)      are able to pay their debts as and when
                                    they fall due;

                           (ii)     are not insolvent or presumed to be
                                    insolvent under any law; and

                           (iii)    are not insolvent under administration as
                                    defined in Section 9 of the Corporations
                                    Law or have not taken any action which
                                    could result in that event.

                  (f)      Striking off

                           Neither the Vendors nor the Company:

                           (i)      have received a notice under sections 601AA
                                    or 601AB of the Corporations Law; and


                           (ii)     have been struck off the register of
                                    companies or dissolved and there is no
                                    action proposed by the Australian
                                    Securities and Investments Commission to do

         2.33     The Company

                  The Company:

                  (a)      was incorporated on 16 September 1999;

                  (b)      subject to the Reorganisation Transaction, since
                           incorporation it has not traded and has incurred no

         2.34     Reorganisation Transactions

                  Notwithstanding the Reorganisation Transactions:

                  (a)      the Company owns or has the use of all assets,
                           property, rights and interest (previously held by
                           Flex IT Pty Ltd and Morse Corporation (Australia)
                           Pty Ltd) necessary to carry on the business in the
                           same manner as it was conducted immediately prior to
                           the Reorganisation Transactions;

                  (b)      the Reorganisation Transactions have been completed
                           and consummated in accordance with their terms and
                           in accordance with all Legal Requirements;

                  (c)      the Company has no claim against any of the parties
                           to the Reorganisation Transactions in respect of the
                           Reorganisation Transactions;

                  (d)      neither the execution nor performance of the
                           Reorganisation Transactions (or any document
                           contemplated as part of the Reorganisation
                           Transactions) has or could:

                           (i)      result in the Company losing the benefit of
                                    any Governmental Authorisation or an asset,
                                    licence, grant, right or privilege which
                                    was used in or enjoyed by the business
                                    immediately prior to the Reorganisation

                           (ii)     conflict with or result in a breach or give
                                    rise to an event of default under, or
                                    require the consent of a person under, or
                                    enable a person to terminate or relieve a
                                    person from an obligation under, an
                                    agreement or arrangement relating to the
                                    Company's business.


         2.35     Effect of Sale

                  (a)      Except as disclosed in Part 2.35 of the Disclosure
                           Schedule, neither the execution nor performance of
                           this Agreement or a document to be executed at or
                           before Closing will:

                           (i)      result in the Company losing the benefit of
                                    any Governmental Authorisation or an asset,
                                    licence, grant, subsidy, right or privilege
                                    which it enjoys at the date of this
                                    Agreement and any jurisdiction; or

                           (ii)     conflict with, or result in a breach of, or
                                    give rise to an event of default under, or
                                    require the consent of a person under, or
                                    enable a person to terminate or relieve a
                                    person from an obligation under, an
                                    agreement, arrangement or obligation to
                                    which the Company is a party or a legal or
                                    administrative requirement in any


         The Purchaser represents and warrants, to and for the benefit of the
         Vendors, as follows:

         3.1      Acquisition of Shares

                  The Purchaser is not acquiring the Sale Shares with the
                  current intention of making a public distribution thereof.

         3.2      Authority; Binding Nature of Agreement

                  (a)      The Purchaser has the absolute and unrestricted
                           right, power and authority to enter into and perform
                           its obligations under this Agreement;

                  (b)      The execution, delivery and performance of this
                           Agreement by the Purchaser has been duly authorised
                           by all necessary action on the part of the Purchaser
                           and its board of directors; and

                  (c)      This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and
                           binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable
                           against the Purchaser in accordance with its terms.


         4.1      Access and Investigation

                  The Vendors shall jointly and severally, ensure that, at all
                  times during the Pre-Closing Period:


                  (a)      the Company and its Representatives provide the
                           Purchaser and its Representatives with reasonable
                           access to the Company's Representatives, personnel
                           and assets and to all existing books, records, Tax
                           Returns, work papers and other documents and
                           information relating to the Company to enable the
                           Purchaser to conduct its due diligence enquiries;

                  (b)      the Company and its Representatives provide the
                           Purchaser and its Representatives with such copies
                           of existing books, records, Tax Returns, work papers
                           and other documents and information relating to the
                           Company as the Purchaser may request in good faith
                           to enable the Purchaser to conduct its due diligence
                           enquiries; and

                  (c)      the Company and its Representatives compile (at the
                           Purchaser's expense) and provide the Purchaser and
                           its Representatives with such additional financial,
                           operating and other data and information regarding
                           the Company as the Purchaser may request in good
                           faith to enable the Purchaser to conduct its due
                           diligence enquiries.

         4.2      Operation of Business

                  The Vendors shall jointly and severally ensure that, except
                  with the approval of the Purchaser, during the Pre-Closing

                  (a)      none of the Sale Shares are sold or otherwise
                           transferred, or offered for sale, and thus no
                           agreement or commitment is entered into (in writing
                           or otherwise) to sell or otherwise transfer, any of
                           the Sale Shares or any interest in or right relating

                  (b)      they do not permit offer, agree or commit (in
                           writing or otherwise) to permit, any of the Sale
                           Shares to become subject, directly or indirectly, to
                           any Encumbrance;

                  (c)      the Company conducts its operations in the Ordinary
                           Course of Business and in the same manner as such
                           operations have been conducted prior to the date of
                           this Agreement;

                  (d)      the Company uses its reasonable endeavours to
                           preserve intact its current business organisation,
                           keep available the services of its current officers
                           and employees and maintains its relations and
                           goodwill with all suppliers, customers, landlords,
                           creditors, licensors, licensees, employees and other
                           Persons having business relationships with the

                  (e)      the Company keeps in full force all insurance
                           policies ;

                  (f)      the Company's officers confer regularly with the
                           Purchaser concerning operational matters and
                           otherwise report regularly to the Purchaser

                           concerning the status of the Company's business,
                           condition, assets, liabilities, operations, financial
                           performance and prospects;

                  (g)      the Company immediately notifies the Purchaser of
                           any inquiry, proposal or offer from any Person
                           relating to any Acquisition Transaction;

                  (h)      the Company and its officers use their Best Efforts
                           to cause the Company to operate profitably and to
                           maximise its net income;

                  (i)      the Company does not declare, accrue, set aside or
                           pay any dividend or make any other distribution in
                           respect of any shares, and does not repurchase,
                           redeem or otherwise reacquire any shares or other

                  (j)      the Company does not sell or otherwise issue any
                           shares or any other securities;

                  (k)      the Company does not amend its constitution, and
                           does not effect or become a party to any Acquisition
                           Transaction, recapitalisation, reclassification of
                           shares, share consolidation or division, capital
                           reduction or share buy back or similar transaction;

                  (l)      the Company does not form any subsidiary or acquire
                           any equity interest or other interest in any other

                  (m)      the Company does not make any capital expenditure,
                           except for capital expenditures that are made in the
                           Ordinary Course of Business and that, when added to
                           all other capital expenditures made on behalf of the
                           Company during the Pre-Closing Period, exceed
                           A$10,000 in the aggregate;

                  (n)      the Company does not enter into or permit any of the
                           assets owned or used by the Company to become bound
                           by any Contract, except for any Excluded Contract;

                  (o)      the Company does not incur, assume or otherwise
                           become subject to any Liability, except for current
                           liabilities (of the type required to be reflected in
                           the "liabilities" column of a balance sheet prepared
                           in accordance with GAAP) incurred in the Ordinary
                           Course of Business;

                  (p)      the Company does not establish or adopt any employee
                           benefit plan, and does not pay any bonus or make any
                           profit-sharing or similar payment to, or increase
                           the amount of the wages, salary, commissions, fringe
                           benefits or other compensation or remuneration
                           payable to, any of its directors, officers or


                  (q)      the Company does not change any of its methods of
                           accounting or accounting practices in any respect;

                  (r)      the Company does not make any Tax election;

                  (s)      the Company does not commence any Proceeding except
                           for collection of debts in the Ordinary Course of

                  (t)      the Company does not enter into any transaction or
                           take any other action of the type referred to in
                           Section 2.9 except as set out in Part 2.9 of the
                           Disclosure Schedule;

                  (u)      the Company does not enter into any transaction or
                           take any other action outside the Ordinary Course of

                  (v)      the Company does not enter into any transaction or
                           take any other action that might cause or constitute
                           a Breach of any representation or warranty made by
                           the Vendors in this Agreement or in the Closing
                           Certificate; and

                  (w)      the Company does not agree, commit or offer (in
                           writing or otherwise), and does not attempt, to take
                           any of the actions described in clauses "(a)"
                           through "(v)" of this Section 4.2.

         4.3      Filings and Consents

                  The Vendors shall ensure that:

                  (a)      each filing or notice required to be made or given
                           (pursuant to any applicable Legal Requirement,
                           Government Authorisation, Order or Contract, or
                           otherwise) by the Company or the Vendors in
                           connection with the execution and delivery of any of
                           the Transactional Agreements or in connection with
                           the consummation or performance of any of the
                           Transactions is made or given as soon as reasonably
                           possible after the date of this Agreement;

                  (b)      each Consent required to be obtained (pursuant to
                           any applicable Legal Requirement, Order or Contract,
                           or otherwise) by the Company or the Vendors in
                           connection with the execution and delivery of any of
                           the Transactional Agreements or in connection with
                           the consummation or performance of any of the
                           Transactions is obtained as soon as reasonably
                           possible after the date of this Agreement and
                           remains in full force and effect through the Closing

                  (c)      the Company and the Vendors promptly deliver to the
                           Purchaser a copy of each filing made, each notice
                           given and each Consent obtained by them during the
                           Pre-Closing Period; and


                  (d)      during the Pre-Closing Period, the Vendors, the
                           Company and their Representatives cooperate with the
                           Purchaser and with the Purchaser's Representatives,
                           and prepare and make available such documents and
                           take such other actions as the Purchaser may request
                           in good faith, in connection with any filing, notice
                           or Consent that the Purchaser is required or elects
                           to make, give or obtain.

         4.4      Payment of Indebtedness by Related Parties

                  The Vendors shall cause all indebtedness and other
                  Liabilities of each Related Party to the Company to be
                  discharged and paid in full prior to the Closing.

         4.5      No Negotiation

                  The Vendors shall ensure that, during the Pre-Closing Period,
                  neither the Company nor any of the Company's Representatives
                  directly or indirectly:

                  (a)      solicits or encourages the initiation of any
                           inquiry, proposal or offer from any Person (other
                           than the Purchaser) relating to any Acquisition

                  (b)      participates in any discussions or negotiations
                           with, or provides any non-public information to, any
                           Person (other than the Purchaser) relating to any
                           Acquisition Proposal; or

                  (c)      considers the merits of any unsolicited inquiry,
                           proposal or offer from any Person (other than the
                           Purchaser) relating to any Acquisition Transaction.

         4.6      Best Efforts

                  During the Pre-Closing Period, each of the Vendors shall use
                  its Best Efforts to cause the conditions set forth in Section
                  5 to be satisfied on a timely basis.

         4.7      Confidentiality

                  Each party shall ensure that, during the Pre-Closing Period,
                  and at all times after Closing, without the consent of the
                  other party:

                  (a)      subject to paragraph (d) below, it shall keep
                           strictly confidential the existence and terms of
                           this Agreement;

                  (b)      it shall not issue or disseminate any press release
                           or other publicity or otherwise make any disclosure
                           of any nature (to any of the Company's suppliers,
                           customers, landlords, creditors or employees or to
                           any other Person) regarding any of the Transactions,
                           except to the extent that that party is required by
                           law to make any such disclosure regarding the
                           Transactions; and


                  (c)      except in the case of urgent interlocutory
                           applications, if a party is required by law to make
                           any disclosure regarding the Transactions, that
                           party shall advise the other party, a reasonable
                           period before making such disclosure, of the nature
                           and content of the intended disclosure and take into
                           account the other party's reasonable requirements
                           relating to the preservation of confidentiality;

                  (d)      A party may make any disclosures in relation to this

                           (i)      its professional advisers, bankers,
                                    financial advisers and financiers, provided
                                    that those persons agree to keep
                                    information disclosed confidential;

                           (ii)     comply with any applicable law or
                                    requirement of any regulatory body
                                    (including any relevant stock exchange); or

                           (iii)    any of its employees to whom it is
                                    necessary to disclose the information, on
                                    receipt of an undertaking from that
                                    employee to keep the information

                           Notwithstanding anything else contained in this
                           Section 4.7, a party shall not be in breach of its
                           obligations if it makes a disclosure of confidential
                           information which has become available to the public
                           generally, other than directly or indirectly through
                           the actions of the party making such disclosure.


         The Purchaser's obligation to purchase the Sale Shares and to
         subscribe for the Subscription Shares and to take the other actions
         required to be taken by the Purchaser at the Closing is subject to the
         satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following
         conditions (any of which may be waived by the Purchaser, in whole or
         in part, in accordance with Section 10.11):

         5.1      Accuracy of Representations

                  All of the representations and warranties made by the Vendors
                  in this Agreement (considered collectively), and each of said
                  representations and warranties (considered individually),
                  shall be accurate in all material respects as of the date of
                  this Agreement, and as of the Scheduled Closing Time as if
                  made at the Scheduled Closing Time, subject only to the
                  contents of the Disclosure Schedule.

         5.2      Performance of Obligations

                  The Vendors shall have delivered to the Purchaser the
                  certificates representing all (and not less than all) of the
                  Sale Shares as required by Section 1.3(b)(i), and shall have
                  executed and/or delivered each of the other documents
                  required to be executed and/or delivered by it pursuant to
                  Section 1.3(b) such that


                  subject only to payment of stamp duty and the registration of
                  the transfers of the Sale Shares by the Company, the
                  Purchaser shall upon Closing become the registered holder of
                  51% issued share capital of the Company.

         5.3      Consents

                  Each of the Consents shall have been obtained and shall be in
                  full force and effect.

         5.4      No Adverse Change

                  There shall have been no adverse change in the Company's
                  business, condition, assets, liabilities, operations,
                  financial performance, net income or prospects (or in any
                  aspect or portion thereof) since the date of this Agreement
                  which would have a Material Adverse Effect.

         5.5      Additional Documents

                  The Purchaser may request in good faith such other materials
                  or evidence as it may reasonably require for the purpose of
                  (i) evidencing the accuracy of any representation or warranty
                  made by the Vendors or the Covenantors, (ii) evidencing the
                  compliance by the Vendors or the Covenantors with, or the
                  performance by the Vendors of, any covenant or obligation set
                  forth in this Agreement, (iii) evidencing the satisfaction of
                  any condition set forth in this Section 5, or (iv) otherwise
                  facilitating the consummation or performance of any of the

         5.6      No Proceedings

                  Since the date of this Agreement, there shall not have been
                  commenced or threatened against the Purchaser, or against any
                  Person affiliated with the Purchaser, any Proceeding (a)
                  involving any challenge to, or seeking damages or other
                  relief in connection with, any of the Transactions, or (b)
                  that may have the effect of preventing, delaying, making
                  illegal or otherwise interfering with any of the

         5.7      No Claim Regarding Stock Ownership or Sale Proceeds

                  No Person shall have made or threatened any claim asserting
                  that such Person (a) may be the holder or the beneficial
                  owner of, or may have the right to acquire or to obtain
                  beneficial ownership of, any capital stock or other
                  securities of the Company, or (b) may be entitled to all or
                  any portion of the Purchase Price.

         5.8      No Prohibition

                  Neither the consummation nor the performance of any of the
                  Transactions will, directly or indirectly (with or without
                  notice or lapse of time), contravene or conflict with or
                  result in a violation of, or cause the Purchaser or any


                  affiliated with the Purchaser to suffer any adverse
                  consequence under, (a) any applicable Legal Requirement or
                  Order, or (b) any Legal Requirement or Order that has been
                  proposed by or before any Governmental Body.

         5.9      Resignation of Barry Assaf

                  Mr. Barry Assaf shall have resigned from his position as an
                  employee of Telstra and shall have entered into the agreement
                  referred to in Section 1.3(b)(vi)(A).

         5.10     Reorganisation Transactions

                  The Reorganisation Transactions shall have been entered into
                  and completed on terms reasonably satisfactory to the


         The Vendors' obligations to sell the Sale Shares and to take the other
         actions required to be taken by each of them at the Closing is subject
         to the satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the
         following conditions (any of which may be waived by the Vendors, in
         whole or in part, in accordance with Section 10.11):

         6.1      Accuracy of Representations

                  All of the representations and warranties made by the
                  Purchaser in this Agreement (considered collectively), and
                  each of said representations and warranties (considered
                  individually), shall have been accurate in all material
                  respects as of the date of this Agreement and shall be
                  accurate in all material respects as of the Scheduled Closing
                  Time as if made at the Scheduled Closing Time as qualified by
                  disclosures (if any) under this Agreement.

         6.2      No Injunction

                  There shall not be in effect any injunction that shall have
                  been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction since the
                  date of this Agreement that prohibits the sale of the Sale
                  Shares by the Vendors to the Purchaser or the subscription of
                  the Subscription Shares by the Purchaser.


         7.1      Termination Events

                  This Agreement may be terminated prior to the Closing:

                  (a)      by the Purchaser if (i) there is a material Breach
                           of any covenant or obligation of any of the Vendors
                           or (ii) the Purchaser reasonably determines that the
                           timely satisfaction of any condition set forth in
                           Section 5 has become impossible or impractical
                           (other than as a result


                           of any failure on the part of the Purchaser to
                           comply with or perform its covenants and obligations
                           under this Agreement);

                  (b)      by the Vendors if (i) there is a material Breach of
                           any covenant or obligation of the Purchaser, or (ii)
                           the Vendors reasonably determine that the timely
                           satisfaction of any condition set forth in Section 6
                           has become impossible or impractical (other than as
                           a result of any failure on the part of any of the
                           Vendors to comply with or perform any covenant or
                           obligation set forth in this Agreement);

                  (c)      by the Purchaser at or after the Scheduled Closing
                           Time if any condition set forth in Section 5 has not
                           been satisfied by the Scheduled Closing Time;

                  (d)      by the Vendors at or after the Scheduled Closing
                           Time if any condition set forth in Section 6 has not
                           been satisfied by the Scheduled Closing Time;

                  (e)      by the Purchaser if the Closing has not taken place
                           on or before 8 October, 1999 (other than as a result
                           of any failure on the part of the Purchaser to
                           comply with or perform its covenants and obligations
                           under this Agreement);

                  (f)      by the Vendors if the Closing has not taken place on
                           or before 8 October, 1999 (other than as a result of
                           the failure on the part of the Vendors to comply
                           with or perform any covenant or obligation set forth
                           in this Agreement); or

                  (g)      by the mutual consent of the Purchaser and the

                  The Purchaser will consider in good faith any bona fide and
                  reasonable request by the Vendors for an extension of the
                  date referred to in Section 7.1(e) if the request relates
                  solely to an inability to satisfy the Closing Condition
                  referred to in Section 5.10 and the Vendors have used their
                  Best Efforts to satisfy the Condition prior to 8 October

         7.2      Termination Procedures

                  If the Purchaser wishes to terminate this Agreement pursuant
                  to Section 7.1(a), Section 7.1(c), or Section 7.1(e), the
                  Purchaser shall deliver to any Vendor a written notice
                  stating that the Purchaser is terminating this Agreement and
                  setting forth a brief description of the basis on which the
                  Purchaser is terminating this Agreement. If the Vendors wish
                  to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 7.1(b),
                  Section 7.1(d) or Section 7.1(f), the Vendors shall deliver
                  to the Purchaser a written notice stating that the Vendors
                  are terminating this Agreement and setting forth a brief
                  description of the basis on which the Vendors are terminating
                  this Agreement.


         7.3      Effect of Termination

                  If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 7.1, all
                  further obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall
                  terminate; provided, however, that:

                  (a)      no party shall be relieved of any obligation or
                           other Liability arising from any Breach by such
                           party of any provision of this Agreement;

                  (b)      the parties shall, in all events, remain bound by
                           and continue to be subject to Section 4.7.

         7.4      Non-exclusivity of Termination Rights

                  The termination rights provided in Section 7.1 shall not be
                  deemed to be exclusive. Accordingly, the exercise by any
                  party of its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to
                  Section 7.1 shall not be deemed to be an election of remedies
                  and shall not be deemed to prejudice, or to constitute or
                  operate as a waiver of, any other right or remedy that such
                  party may be entitled to exercise (whether under this
                  Agreement, under any other Contract, under any statute, rule
                  or other Legal Requirement, at common law, in equity or


         8.1      Survival of Representation and Covenants

                  (a)      The representations, warranties, covenants and
                           obligations of each party shall survive (without

                           (i)      the Closing and the sale of the Sale Shares
                                    to the Purchaser and the subscription by
                                    the Purchaser of the Subscription Shares;

                           (iii)    any Acquisition Transaction effected by or
                                    otherwise involving the Purchaser, the
                                    Vendors or the Company.

                           All of said representations, warranties, covenants
                           and obligations shall remain in full force and
                           effect and shall survive in accordance with this

                  (c)      For purposes of this Agreement, each statement or
                           other item of information set forth in the
                           Disclosure Schedule or in any update to the
                           Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed to be a
                           representation and warranty made by the Vendors in
                           this Agreement.

         8.2      Indemnification by the Vendors

                  (a)      The Vendors shall hold harmless and indemnify each
                           of the Indemnitees from and against, and shall
                           compensate and reimburse each of the Indemnitees
                           for, any Damages which are suffered or incurred by
                           any of the Indemnitees or to which any of the


                           may otherwise become subject at any time (regardless
                           of whether or not such Damages relate to any
                           third-party claim) and which arise directly or
                           indirectly from or as a direct or indirect result
                           of, or are connected with:

                           (i)      any Breach of any representation or
                                    warranty made by the Vendors in this
                                    Agreement (giving full effect to any update
                                    to the Disclosure Schedule) or in the
                                    Closing Certificate;

                           (ii)     any Breach of any representation, warranty,
                                    statement, information or provision
                                    contained in the Disclosure Schedule or in
                                    any other document delivered or otherwise
                                    made available to the Purchaser or any of
                                    its Representatives by or on behalf of the
                                    Vendors or any of its Representatives;

                           (iii)    any Breach of any covenant or obligation of
                                    the Vendors;

                           (iv)     any Liability to which the Company or any
                                    of the other Indemnitees may become subject
                                    and that arises directly from or relates
                                    directly to any product manufactured or
                                    sold, or any service performed, by or on
                                    behalf of the Company on or at any time
                                    prior to the Closing Date; or

                           (v)      any Proceeding relating to any Breach,
                                    alleged Breach, Liability or matter of the
                                    type referred to in clause "(i)", "(ii)",
                                    "(iii)" or "(iv)", above (including any
                                    Proceeding commenced by any Indemnitee for
                                    the purpose of enforcing any of its rights
                                    under this Section 8).

         8.3      No Contribution

                  Each of the Vendors waives, and acknowledges and agrees that
                  it shall not have and shall not exercise or assert or attempt
                  to exercise or assert, any right of contribution or right of
                  indemnity or any other right or remedy against the Company or
                  any of its employees, officers or agents in connection with
                  any indemnification obligation or any other Liability to
                  which any of the Vendors may become subject under any of the
                  Transactional Agreements or otherwise in connection with any
                  of the Transactions.

         8.4      Interest

                  Any party that is required to indemnify any other Person
                  pursuant to this Section 8 with respect to any Damages shall
                  also be required to pay such other Person interest on the
                  amount of such Damages (for the period commencing on the date
                  on which such other Person first incurred or otherwise became
                  subject to such Damages and ending on the date on which the
                  applicable indemnification payment is made by such party) at
                  a floating rate three


                  percentage points above the rate of interest publicly
                  announced by Bank of America, N.T. & S.A. from time to time
                  as its prime, base or reference rate.

         8.5      Set-off

                  In addition to any rights of set-off or other rights that the
                  Purchaser or any of the other Indemnitees may have at common
                  law or otherwise, the Purchaser shall have the right to set
                  off any amount that may be owed to any Indemnitee under this
                  Section 8 against any amount otherwise payable by any

         8.6      Non-exclusivity of Indemnification Remedies

                  The indemnification remedies and other remedies provided in
                  this Section 8 shall not be deemed to be exclusive.
                  Accordingly, the exercise by any Person of any of its rights
                  under this Section 8 shall not be deemed to be an election of
                  remedies and shall not be deemed to prejudice, or to
                  constitute or operate as a waiver of, any other right or
                  remedy that such Person may be entitled to exercise (whether
                  under this Agreement, under any other Contract, under any
                  statute, rule or other Legal Requirement, at common law, in
                  equity or otherwise).

         8.7      Defence of Third Party Claims

                  In the event of the assertion or commencement by any Person
                  of any claim or Proceeding (whether against the Company,
                  against any other Indemnitee or against any other Person)
                  with respect to which the Vendors may become obligated to
                  indemnify, hold harmless, compensate or reimburse any
                  Indemnitee pursuant to this Section 8, the Vendors shall have
                  the right, in the first instance to assume the defence of
                  such claim or Proceeding at the sole expense of the Vendors.
                  If the Vendors so elect to assume the defence of any such
                  claim or Proceeding:

                  (a)      the Vendors shall proceed to defend such claim or
                           Proceeding in a diligent manner with counsel
                           reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser;

                  (b)      the Purchaser shall make available to the Vendors
                           any non-privileged documents and materials in the
                           possession of the Purchaser that may be necessary to
                           the defence of such claim or Proceeding;

                  (c)      the Vendors shall keep the Purchaser informed of all
                           material developments and events relating to such
                           claim or Proceeding;

                  (d)      the Purchaser shall have the right to participate in
                           the defence of such claim or Proceeding;

                  (e)      the Vendors shall not settle, adjust or compromise
                           such claim or Proceeding without the prior written
                           consent of the Purchaser provided,


                           however, that the Purchaser shall not unreasonably
                           withhold such consent; and

                  (f)      the Purchaser may at any time (notwithstanding the
                           prior designation of the Vendors to assume the
                           defence of such claim or Proceeding) assume the
                           defence of such claim or Proceedings after giving
                           the Vendors written notice of the Purchaser's
                           reasonable dissatisfaction of the manner of the
                           defence being conducted, and the Vendors failing to
                           rectify such matters within 30 days of receiving
                           such notice.

                  If the Vendors do not elect to assume the defence of any such
                  claim or Proceeding (or if, after initially assuming such
                  defence, the Purchaser elects to assume such defence in
                  accordance with Section 8.7(f)), the Purchaser may proceed
                  with the defence of such claim or Proceeding on its own. If
                  the Purchaser so proceeds with the defence of any such claim
                  or Proceeding on its own:

                  (i)      all reasonable expenses relating to the defence of
                           such claim or Proceeding incurred by the Purchaser
                           shall be borne and paid exclusively by the Vendors;

                  (ii)     the Vendors shall make available to the Purchaser
                           any documents and materials in the possession or
                           control of any of the Vendors that may be necessary
                           to the defence of such claim or Proceeding;

                  (iii)    the Purchaser shall keep the Vendors informed of all
                           material developments and events relating to such
                           claim or Proceeding; and

                  (iv)     the Purchaser shall have the right to settle, adjust
                           or compromise such claim or Proceeding with the
                           consent of the Vendors; provided, however, that the
                           Vendors shall not unreasonably withhold such

         8.8      Expiration of the Representations and Covenants

                  The Vendors shall not be liable to the Indemnitees in
                  connection with any representation, warranty, obligation or
                  covenant under this Agreement unless:

                  (a)      the Indemnitees have given notice as soon as
                           reasonably practicable, after becoming aware, of any
                           fact or circumstance which gives or may reasonably
                           be expected to give rise to Damages by the
                           Indemnitees, to the Vendors of such fact or
                           circumstance and have allowed the Vendors at least a
                           14 day period from the giving of such notice at the
                           Vendors' expense to investigate the same even though
                           such fact or circumstance may not at the date of
                           such notification give rise to any Damages on the
                           part of the Indemnitees;

                  (b)      the Indemnitees have given written notice to the
                           Vendors setting out


                           details of the matter in respect of which
                           indemnification is sought on or before 31 March
                           2001; and

                  (c)      within three months after the giving of written
                           notice under Section 8.8 (b), the Indemnitees'
                           Damages have been admitted by the Vendors or settled
                           between the Vendors and the Indemnitees or the
                           Indemnitees have instituted and served legal
                           proceedings on the Vendors.

         8.9      Extent of the Warranties

                  (a)      No Damages can be made, brought or raised by the
                           Indemnitees against the Vendors in respect of the
                           Warranties or any covenant under this Agreement
                           unless the aggregate of those Damages exceeds
                           $30,000 whereupon the Vendors are liable for the
                           entirety of those Damages and not just the excess
                           over $30,000. The maximum aggregate liability of the
                           Vendors for any breach of this Agreement or under
                           the representations, warranties, covenants and
                           obligations is limited to A$8,946,000.

                  (b)      If the Vendors are liable for Damages in respect of
                           any breach of the Warranties, the Vendors may, by
                           notice in writing to the Indemnitees, require the
                           Purchaser to accept a transfer of some or all of the
                           shares that they hold in the Company, or, if they
                           have chosen to exchange their shares in the Company
                           for Class C Non-Voting Common Shares in Asia Online,
                           Ltd., some or all of those shares (in each case,
                           with full title and free of Encumbrance) in or
                           towards payment of any Damages which may be due in
                           respect of such breach, provided that the Purchaser
                           may continue to claim monetary Damages over and
                           above the Value of the Shares so transferred (less
                           any reasonable costs, expenses and any stamp duty
                           incurred by the Purchaser in respect of such a
                           transfer), subject to the maximum cap on damages in
                           Section 8.9(a). For the purpose of this Section
                           8.9(b), the "Value" of any such shares shall be
                           their fair market value determined as agreed between
                           the Vendors and the Purchaser within 15 days of the
                           Purchaser receiving the Vendors notice and, failing
                           agreement, as determined by the Company's auditor
                           acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator. In
                           determining the fair market value of any shares to
                           be transferred under this Section 8.9(b):

                           (i)      the auditor shall take account of any
                                    diminution in the value of the shares as a
                                    result of the breach which gives rise to
                                    the relevant claim for Damages;

                           (ii)     the auditor's determination shall be
                                    binding in the absence of manifest error;

                           (iii)    the auditor's fees are to be shared and
                                    paid equally by the Purchaser and the


         8.10     Limitations on the Vendors Liability

                  (a)      The Vendors are not liable for any loss in respect
                           of any breach of the representations, warranties,
                           covenants and obligations to the extent that it has
                           been caused by an act or omission after Closing, but
                           are only liable to the extent that it has been
                           caused by an act or omission before Closing.

                  (b)      The Vendors will not be liable to the Indemnitees
                           for any Damages under a representation, warranty,
                           obligation or covenant under this Agreement:

                           (i)      where the Damages are due to any change of
                                    law or any imposition or increase of any
                                    Tax after Closing Date; or

                           (ii)     [where the Damages are as a result of or in
                                    respect of a judicial interpretation of the
                                    law in any jurisdiction after the date of
                                    this Agreement unless such interpretation
                                    avoids this Agreement or any transaction
                                    contemplated hereby, in which event and
                                    without prejudice to any other remedy
                                    available to the Indemnitees, the Vendors
                                    shall refund the moneys received under this
                                    Agreement or the moneys otherwise paid by
                                    the Indemnitees as required by the Vendors
                                    for this transaction, or the part thereof
                                    applicable to the transaction affected, and
                                    the Indemnitees shall restore the Shares;

                  (c)    The Vendors will not be liable to the Indemnitees for
                         any Damages under any representation or warranty under
                         this Agreement to the extent that any matter or
                         transaction has been fully and fairly disclosed in the
                         Disclosure Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, the
                         Purchaser waives its rights to make any claim in
                         respect of any representation or warranty to the
                         extent that such representation or warranty has been
                         the subject of a full and fair disclosure in the
                         Disclosure Schedule.


         9.1      Restraints

                  Each of the Vendors and the Covenantors undertakes with the
                  Purchaser (for itself and as trustee for the Company) that,
                  except with the consent in writing of the Purchaser:

                  (a)      until the later of two years after Closing or, if
                           applicable, two years after a Covenantor ceases to
                           be employed or otherwise engaged by the Company, it
                           will not within any country or place in which the
                           Company has carried on business during the year
                           preceding the date of this Agreement either on its
                           own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of
                           any person, firm or company carry on or be engaged,
                           concerned or interested, directly or indirectly,
                           whether as shareholder,


                           director, employee, partner, agent or otherwise in
                           carrying on any business carried on by the Company
                           within such preceding year (other than as a holder
                           of not more than 5 per cent (5%) of the issued
                           shares or debentures of any company listed on a
                           recognised stock exchange);

                  (b)      until the later of two years after Completion or, if
                           applicable, two years after a Covenantor ceases to
                           be employed or otherwise engaged by the Company, it
                           will not either on its own account or in conjunction
                           with or on behalf of any other person, firm or
                           company solicit or entice away or attempt to solicit
                           or entice away from the Company the custom of any
                           person, firm, company or organisation who shall at
                           any time within the year preceding the date hereof
                           have been a customer, representative, agent, or
                           correspondent of the Company or in the habit of
                           dealing with the Company or enter into any contract
                           for sale and purchase or accept business from any
                           such person, firm, company or organisation in a
                           business area in which the Company competes;

                  (c)      until the later of two years after Completion or, if
                           applicable, two years after a Covenantor ceases to
                           be employed or otherwise engaged by the Company, it
                           will not either on its own account or in conjunction
                           with or on behalf of any other person, firm or
                           company employ, solicit, entice away or attempt to
                           employ, solicit or entice away from the Company any
                           person who at the date hereof is or at the date of
                           or within the year preceding such employment,
                           solicitation, enticement or attempt shall have been
                           an officer, manager, consultant or employee of the
                           Company whether or not such person would commit a
                           breach of contract by reason of leaving such

                  (d)      it will not at any time hereafter make use of or
                           disclose or divulge to any person (other than to
                           officers or employees of the Company whose province
                           it is to know the same) any information (other than
                           any information properly available to the public or
                           disclosed or divulged pursuant to an order of a
                           court of competent jurisdiction) relating to the
                           Company, the identity of its customers and
                           suppliers, its products, finance, contractual
                           arrangements, business or methods of business;

                  (e)      if, in connection with the business or affairs of
                           the Company, it shall have obtained trade secrets or
                           other confidential information belonging to any
                           third party under an agreement purporting to bind
                           the Company which contained restrictions on
                           disclosure it will not without the previous written
                           consent of the Company at any time infringe or take
                           any action which would or might result in an
                           infringement of such restrictions;

                  (f)      it will not at any time hereafter in relation to any
                           trade, business or company use a name or trade mark
                           including the word "FLEXIT" or any word or symbol
                           confusingly similar thereto in such a way as to be
                           capable of or likely to be confused with the name or
                           any trade mark or


                           the Company and shall use its best endeavours to
                           procure that no such name or trade mark shall be
                           used by any person, firm or company with which the
                           Vendor or Covenantor is connected.

         9.2      Obligation to Procure

                  The Vendors and the Covenantors shall procure that each of
                  their subsidiaries, holding companies and any other
                  affiliated companies will observe the restrictions contained
                  in the foregoing provisions of this Section and that their
                  respective employees will observe the restrictions contained
                  in this Section.

         9.3      Severance

                  While the restrictions contained in this Clause are
                  considered by the parties to be reasonable in all the
                  circumstances, it is recognised that restrictions of the
                  nature in question may fail for technical reasons and
                  accordingly it is hereby agreed and declared that if any of
                  such restrictions shall be adjudged to be void as going
                  beyond what is reasonable in all the circumstances for the
                  protection of the interests of the Purchaser but would be
                  valid if part of the wording thereof were deleted or the
                  periods thereof reduced or the range of activities or area
                  dealt with thereby reduced in scope the said restriction
                  shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary to
                  make it valid and effective.

         9.4      Restraints Fair and Reasonable

                  The Vendors and the Covenantors acknowledge that:

                  (a)      the covenants given in Section 9.1 are material to
                           the Purchaser's decision to enter into this
                           Agreement; and

                  (b)      the restraints contained in Section 9.1 are:

                           (i)      fair and reasonable regarding the subject
                                    matter, area and duration; and

                           (ii)     reasonably required by the Purchaser to
                                    protect the business, financial and
                                    proprietary interests of the Company.

         9.5      Exceptions

                  The provisions of this clause 9 shall not prevent the Vendors
                  or the Covenantors, after the first anniversary of them
                  ceasing to be engaged or employed by the Company, being
                  engaged as a bona fide employee or a bona fide independent
                  consultant in any business that does not directly compete
                  with the business of the Company (or its successors and
                  assigns) .



         10.1     Further Assurances

                  Each party hereto shall execute and/or cause to be delivered
                  to each other party hereto such instruments and other
                  documents, and shall take such other lawful actions within
                  its power, as such other party may reasonably request (prior
                  to, at or after the Closing) for the purpose of carrying out
                  or evidencing any of the Transactions.

         10.2     Fees, Expenses and Stamp Duty

                  Each party shall bear its own expenses of and incidental to
                  the negotiation leading to the entering into of this
                  Agreement all the Transaction Agreement, and the preparation,
                  execution and performance of such agreement. All stamp duties
                  assessed or assessable on the transfer of the Sale Shares to
                  the Purchaser or this Agreement shall be borne by Purchaser.

         10.3     Attorneys' Fees

                  If any legal action or other legal proceeding relating to any
                  of the Transactional Agreements or the enforcement of any
                  provision of any of the Transactional Agreements is brought
                  against any party hereto, the prevailing party shall be
                  entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and
                  disbursements (in addition to any other relief to which the
                  prevailing party may be entitled).

         10.4     Notices

                  Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be
                  delivered to any party under this Agreement shall be in
                  writing and shall be deemed properly delivered, given and
                  received when delivered (by hand, by registered mail, by
                  courier or express delivery service or by facsimile) to the
                  address or facsimile number set forth beneath the name of
                  such party below (or to such other address or facsimile
                  number as such party shall have specified in a written notice
                  given to the other parties hereto):

                  If to the Purchaser  :     Asia Online-Australia Pty Ltd
                                             23rd Floor, Citicorp Centre
                                             18 Whitfield Road
                                             Causeway Bay
                                             Hong Kong

                                             Attention   :     MR. ED. ROBERTO
                                             Facsimile   :     (852) 2882 4468


                  If to the Vendors  :       97 Wattle Street
                                             Punchbowl   NSW  2196

                                             Attention   :    Mr Charles Assaf
                                             Facsimile   :    9796 2728

                  If to the Covenantors  :   97 Wattle Street
                                             Punchbowl NSW 2196

                                             Attention   :    Mr Charles Assaf
                                             Facsimile   :    9796 2728

         10.5     Time of the Essence

                  Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

         10.6     Headings

                  The underlined headings contained in this Agreement are for
                  convenience of reference only, shall not be deemed to be a
                  part of this Agreement and shall not be referred to in
                  connection with the construction or interpretation of this

         10.7     Counterparts

                  This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each
                  of which shall constitute an original and all of which, when
                  taken together, shall constitute one agreement.

         10.8     Governing Law; Venue

                  (a)     This Agreement and all definitive Agreements
                          contained herein shall be construed in accordance
                          with, and governed in all respects by, the laws of
                          New South Wales.

                  (b)      Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits
                           to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of
                           New South Wales.

                  (c)      The Vendors agree that, if any Proceeding is
                           commenced against any Indemnitee by any Person in or
                           before any court or other tribunal anywhere in the
                           world, then such Indemnitee may proceed against the
                           Vendors in such court or other tribunal with respect
                           to any indemnification claim or other claim arising
                           directly or indirectly from or relating directly or
                           indirectly to such Proceeding or any of the matters
                           alleged therein or any of the circumstances giving
                           rise thereto.

                  (d)      Nothing contained in Section 10.8(b) or 10.8 (c)
                           shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the
                           right of any Indemnitee to commence any


                           legal proceeding or otherwise proceed against the
                           Vendors in any other forum or jurisdiction.

                  (e)      Each of the Vendors irrevocably waives the right to
                           a jury trial in connection with any legal proceeding
                           relating to this Agreement or the enforcement of any
                           provision of this Agreement.

         10.9     Successors and Assigns

                  This Agreement shall be binding upon: the Vendors and the
                  Purchaser and their respective successors and assigns (if
                  any). This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the
                  Purchaser; and the respective successors and assigns (if any)
                  of the foregoing. The Purchaser may freely assign any or all
                  of its rights under this Agreement (including its
                  indemnification rights under Section 8), in whole or in part
                  to any body corporate within the Asia Online Ltd group of
                  companies or to any other Person if the written consent or
                  approval of the Vendors is obtained with respect to the
                  relevant Person, such consent or approval not to be
                  unreasonably withheld.

         10.10    Remedies Cumulative; Specific Performance

                  The rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be
                  cumulative (and not alternative). The Vendors agree that:

                  (a)      in the event of any Breach or threatened Breach by
                           any one or more of the Vendors of any covenant,
                           obligation or other provision set forth in this
                           Agreement, the Purchaser shall be entitled (in
                           addition to any other remedy that may be available
                           to it) to (i) a decree or order of specific
                           performance or mandamus to enforce the observance
                           and performance of such covenant, obligation or
                           other provision, and (ii) an injunction restraining
                           such Breach or threatened Breach; and

                  (b)      neither the Purchaser nor any other Indemnitee shall
                           be required to provide any bond or other security in
                           connection with any such decree, order or injunction
                           or in connection with any related action or

         10.11    Waiver

                  (a)      No failure on the part of any Person to exercise any
                           power, right, privilege or remedy under this
                           Agreement, and no delay on the part of any Person in
                           exercising any power, right, privilege or remedy
                           under this Agreement, shall operate as a waiver of
                           such power, right, privilege or remedy; and no
                           single or partial exercise of any such power, right,
                           privilege or remedy shall preclude any other or
                           further exercise thereof or of any other power,
                           right, privilege or remedy.


                  (b)      No Person shall be deemed to have waived any claim
                           arising out of this Agreement, or any power, right,
                           privilege or remedy under this Agreement, unless the
                           waiver of such claim, power, right, privilege or
                           remedy is expressly set forth in a written
                           instrument duly executed and delivered on behalf of
                           such Person; and any such waiver shall not be
                           applicable or have any effect except in the specific
                           instance in which it is given.

         10.12    Amendments

                  This Agreement may not be amended, modified, altered or
                  supplemented other than by means of a written instrument duly
                  executed and delivered on behalf of the Purchaser and the

         10.13    Severability

                  In the event that any provision of this Agreement, or the
                  application of any such provision to any Person or set of
                  circumstances, shall be determined to be invalid, unlawful,
                  void or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this
                  Agreement, and the application of such provision to Persons
                  or circumstances other than those as to which it is
                  determined to be invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable,
                  shall not be impaired or otherwise affected and shall
                  continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
                  permitted by law.

         10.14    Parties in Interest

                  Except for the provisions of Section 8 hereof, none of the
                  provisions of this Agreement is intended to provide any
                  rights or remedies to any Person other than the parties
                  hereto and their respective successors and assigns (if any).

         10.15    Entire Agreement

                  The Transactional Agreements set forth the entire
                  understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter
                  thereof and supersede all prior agreements and understandings
                  among or between any of the parties relating to the subject
                  matter thereof.

         10.16    Construction

                  (a)      For purposes of this Agreement, whenever the context
                           requires: the singular number shall include the
                           plural, and vice versa; the masculine gender shall
                           include the feminine and neuter genders; the
                           feminine gender shall include the masculine and
                           neuter genders; and the neuter gender shall include
                           the masculine and feminine genders.

                  (b)      The parties hereto agree that any rule of
                           construction to the effect that ambiguities are to
                           be resolved against the drafting party shall not be
                           applied in the construction or interpretation of
                           this Agreement.


                  (c)      As used in this Agreement, the words "include" and
                           "including", and variations thereof, shall not be
                           deemed to be terms of limitation, but rather shall
                           be deemed to be followed by the words "without

                  (d)      Except as otherwise indicated, all references in
                           this Agreement to "Sections" and "Exhibits" are
                           intended to refer to Sections of this Agreement and
                           Exhibits to this Agreement.

The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered as
of the date stated at the commencement hereof.

SIGNED for and on behalf of                  )
by its duly authorised representative        )
in the presence of:                          )

/s/ JOHN G. STARK                              /s/ KEVIN H. RANDOLPH
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of witness                           Signature of authorised representative

John G. Stark                                  Kevin H. Randolph
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of witness (please print)                 Name of authorised representative
                                               (please print)

SIGNED for and on behalf of                  )
FLEX IT PTY LTD (ACN 071 079 199)            )
by its duly authorised representatives:      )

/s/ BARRY ASSAF                                /s/ CHARLES ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of secretary/director                Signature of director

Barry Assaf                                    Charles Assaf
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of secretary/director (please print)      Name of director
                                               (please print)



SIGNED for and on behalf of                       )
LTD (ACN 055 262 167)                             )
by its duly authorised representatives:           )

/s/ CHARLES ASSAF                              /s/ BARRY ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of secretary/director                Signature of director

Charles Assaf                                  Barry Assaf
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of secretary/director (please print)      Name of director
                                               (please print)

SIGNED for and on behalf of                       )
LTD (ACN 089 587 753)                             )
by its duly authorised representatives:           )

/s/ CHARLES ASSAF                              /s/ BARRY ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of secretary/director                Signature of director

Charles Assaf                                  Barry Assaf
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of secretary/director (please print)      Name of director
                                                         (please print)

SIGNED by CHARLES PETER ASSAF                     )
In the presence of:                               )

/s/ JOSHUA THEUNISSEN                          /s/ CHARLES ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of witness                           Signature of Charles Peter Assaf

Joshua Theunissen                              CHARLES PETER ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of witness (please print)


SIGNED by BARRY JOSEPH ASSAF                      )
In the presence of:                               )

/s/ JOSHUA THEUNISSEN                          /s/ BARRY JOSEPH ASSAF
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of witness                           Signature of Barry Joseph Assaf

Joshua Theunissen                              Barry Joseph Assaf
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of witness (please print)

SIGNED for and on behalf of                       )
LTD (ACN 064 152 003)                             )
by its duly authorised representative             )
in the presence of:                               )

/s/ JOSHUA THEUNISSEN                          /s/ Vincent Chow
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of witness                           Signature of authorised representative

Joshua Theunissen                              Vincent Chow
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of witness (please print)                 Name of authorised representative
                                               (please print)

SIGNED for and on behalf of                       )
TV CORPORATION PTY LTD                            )
(ACN 081 834 451)                                 )
by its duly authorised representative             )
in the presence of:                               )

/s/ JOSHUA THEUNISSEN                          /s/ TIM VOUTIANITIS
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Signature of witness                           Signature of authorised representative

Joshua Theunissen                              Tim Voutianitis
- ----------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------
Name of witness (please print)                 Name of authorised representative
                                               (please print)



                                   EXHIBIT A

                              CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

For purposes of the Agreement (including this Exhibit A):

ACQUISITION TRANSACTION    "Acquisition Transaction" shall mean any transaction

                           (a)      the sale or other disposition of all or any
                                    portion of the Company's business or assets
                                    (other than in the Ordinary Course of

                           (b)      the issuance, sale or other disposition of
                                    (i) any capital stock of the Company, (ii)
                                    any option, call, warrant or right (whether
                                    or not immediately exercisable) to acquire
                                    any capital stock of the Company, or (iii)
                                    any security, instrument or obligation that
                                    is or may become convertible into or
                                    exchangeable for any capital stock of the
                                    Company; or

                           (c)      any merger, consolidation, business
                                    combination, share exchange, reorganisation
                                    or similar transaction involving the

AGREEMENT                  "Agreement" shall mean the Share Sale and
                           Subscription Agreement to which this Exhibit A is
                           attached (including the Disclosure Schedule), as it
                           may be amended from time to time.

BEST                       EFFORTS "Best Efforts" shall mean the efforts that a
                           prudent Person desiring to achieve a particular
                           result would use in order to ensure that such result
                           is achieved as expeditiously as possible, but
                           without incurring any additional liability to pay
                           any amount of money.

BREACH                     There shall be deemed to be a "Breach" of a
                           representation, warranty, covenant, obligation or
                           other provision if there is or has been (a) any
                           inaccuracy in or breach of, or any failure to comply
                           with or perform, such representation, warranty,
                           covenant, obligation or other provision, or (b) any
                           claim (by any Person) or other circumstance that is
                           inconsistent with such representation, warranty,
                           covenant, obligation or other provision; and the
                           term "Breach" shall be deemed to


                           refer to any such inaccuracy, breach, failure, claim
                           or circumstance.

BUSINESS                   DAY "Business day" means a day (excluding Saturday)
                           when banks are open for business in both Hong Kong
                           and New South Wales.

CLOSING                    "Closing" shall have the meaning specified in
                           Section 1.3(a) of the Agreement.

CLOSING                    CERTIFICATE "Closing Certificate" shall have the
                           meaning specified in Section 1.3(b)(vii) of the

CLOSING DATE               "Closing Date" shall have the meaning specified in
                           Section 1.3(a) of the Agreement.

COMPANY CONTRACT           "Company Contract" shall mean any Contract:

                           (a)      to which the Company is a party;

                           (b)      by which the Company or any of its assets
                                    is or may become bound or under which the
                                    Company has, or may become subject to, any
                                    obligation; or

                           (c)      under which the Company has or may acquire
                                    any right or interest.

COMPANY PLAN               "Company Plan" shall mean any Current Benefit Plan
                           or Past Benefit Plan.

COMPARABLE                 ENTITIES "Comparable Entities" shall mean Entities
                           (other than the Company) that are engaged in
                           businesses substantially similar to the Company's

CONSENT                    "Consent" shall mean any approval, consent,
                           ratification, permission, waiver or authorisation
                           (including any Governmental Authorisation).

CONSTITUTION               "Constitution" means the constitution in the form
                           attached at Exhibit K.

CONTRACT                   "Contract" shall mean any written, oral, implied or
                           other agreement, contract, understanding,
                           arrangement, instrument, note, guaranty, indemnity,
                           deed, assignment, power of attorney, certificate,
                           purchase order, work order, insurance policy,
                           benefit plan, commitment, covenant or undertaking of
                           any nature.


CURRENT BENEFIT PLAN       "Current Benefit Plan" shall mean any Employee
                           Benefit Plan that is currently in effect and:

                           (a)      that was established or adopted by the
                                    Company or is maintained or sponsored by
                                    the Company;

                           (b)      in which the Company participates;

                           (c)      with respect to which the Company is or may
                                    be required or permitted to make any
                                    contribution; or

                           (d)      with respect to which the Company is or may
                                    become subject to any Liability.

DAMAGES                    "Damages" shall include any loss, damage, injury,
                           decline in value, Liability, claim, demand,
                           settlement, judgment, award, fine, penalty, Tax, fee
                           (including any legal fee, expert fee, accounting fee
                           or advisory fee), charge, cost (including any cost
                           of investigation) or expense of any nature, but
                           excludes consequential loss (including loss of
                           profits, loss of reputation or loss of opportunity).

DISCLOSURE                 SCHEDULE "Disclosure Schedule" shall mean the
                           schedule (dated as of the date of the Agreement)
                           delivered to the Purchaser on behalf of the Vendors,
                           a copy of which is attached to the Agreement and
                           incorporated in the Agreement by reference.

ENCUMBRANCE                "Encumbrance" shall mean any lien, pledge,
                           hypothecation, charge, mortgage, security interest,
                           encumbrance, equity, trust, equitable interest,
                           claim, preference, right of possession, lease,
                           tenancy, license, encroachment, covenant,
                           infringement, interference, Order, proxy, option,
                           right of first refusal, pre-emptive right, community
                           property interest, legend, defect, impediment,
                           exception, reservation, limitation, impairment,
                           imperfection or retention of title, condition or
                           restriction of any nature (including any restriction
                           on the voting of any security, any restriction on
                           the transfer of any security or other asset, any
                           restriction on the receipt of any income derived
                           from any asset, any restriction on the use of any
                           asset and any restriction on the possession,
                           exercise or transfer of any other attribute of
                           ownership of any asset).


ENTITY                     "Entity" shall mean any corporation (including any
                           non-profit corporation), general partnership,
                           limited partnership, limited liability partnership,
                           joint venture, estate, trust, cooperative,
                           foundation, society, political party, union, company
                           (including any limited liability company or joint
                           stock company), firm or other enterprise,
                           association, organisation or entity.

EXCLUDED CONTRACT          "Excluded Contract" shall mean any Company Contract

                           (a)      the Company has entered into in the
                                    Ordinary Course of Business;

                           (b)      has a term of less than 90 days or may be
                                    terminated by the Company (without penalty)
                                    within 90 days after the delivery of a
                                    termination notice by the Company; and

                           (c)      does not contemplate or involve the payment
                                    of cash or other consideration in an amount
                                    or having a value in excess of A$10,000.

GAAP                       "GAAP" shall mean the accounting standards
                           applicable for the purposes of the Corporations Law;
                           if applicable the requirements of the Corporations
                           Law for the preparation and content of financial
                           statements, directors' reports and auditor's
                           reports; and generally accepted and consistently
                           applied accounting principles and practices in
                           Australia; except those inconsistent with any of the
                           foregoing; and for any company incorporated outside
                           Australia, the equivalent accounting standards in
                           that company's jurisdiction of incorporation.

AUTHORISATION              "Governmental Authorisation" shall mean any:

                           (a)      permit, license, certificate, franchise,
                                    concession, approval, consent,
                                    ratification, permission, clearance,
                                    confirmation, endorsement, waiver,
                                    certification, designation, rating,
                                    registration, qualification or
                                    authorisation that is, has been or may in
                                    the future be issued, granted, given or
                                    otherwise made available by or under the
                                    authority of any Governmental Body or
                                    pursuant to any Legal Requirement; or


                           (b)      right under any Contract with any
                                    Governmental Body.

GOVERNMENTAL BODY          "Governmental Body" shall mean any:

                           (a)      commonwealth, state, province, nation,
                                    principality, territory, county,
                                    municipality, district or other
                                    jurisdiction of any nature;

                           (b)      federal, state, local, municipal, foreign
                                    or other government;

                           (c)      governmental or quasi-governmental
                                    authority of any nature (including any
                                    governmental division, subdivision,
                                    department, agency, bureau, branch, office,
                                    commission, council, board,
                                    instrumentality, officer, official,
                                    representative, organisation, unit, body or
                                    Entity and any court or other tribunal); or

                           (e)      individual, Entity or body exercising, or
                                    entitled to exercise, any executive,
                                    legislative, judicial, administrative,
                                    regulatory, police, military or taxing
                                    authority or power of any nature.

INDEMNITEES                "Indemnitees" shall mean the Purchaser

KNOWLEDGE                  An individual shall be deemed to have "Knowledge" of
                           a particular fact or other matter if:

                           (a)      such individual is actually aware of such
                                    fact or other matter; or

                           (b)      a reasonably prudent individual could be
                                    expected to discover or otherwise become
                                    aware of such fact or other matter in the
                                    course of conducting a reasonably diligent
                                    investigation concerning the truth or
                                    existence of such fact or other matter.

                           The Vendors shall be deemed to have "Knowledge" of a
                           particular fact or other matter if any officer or
                           employee of the Vendors has Knowledge of such fact or
                           other matter.

LEGAL REQUIREMENT          "Legal Requirement" shall mean any federal, state,
                           local, municipal, foreign or other law, statute,


                                    legislation, constitution, principle of
                                    common law, resolution, ordinance, code,
                                    edict, decree, proclamation, treaty,
                                    convention, rule, regulation, ruling,
                                    directive, pronouncement, requirement,
                                    specification, determination, decision,
                                    opinion or interpretation that is, has been
                                    or may in the future be issued, enacted,
                                    adopted, passed, approved, promulgated,
                                    made, implemented or otherwise put into
                                    effect by or under the authority of any
                                    Governmental Body.

LIABILITY                           "Liability" shall mean any debt,
                                    obligation, duty or liability of any nature
                                    (including any unknown, undisclosed,
                                    unmatured, unaccrued, unasserted,
                                    contingent, indirect, conditional, implied,
                                    vicarious, derivative, joint, several or
                                    secondary liability), regardless of whether
                                    such debt, obligation, duty or liability
                                    would be required to be disclosed on a
                                    balance sheet prepared in accordance with
                                    GAAP and regardless of whether such debt,
                                    obligation, duty or liability is
                                    immediately due and payable.

MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT             For the purposes of the Agreement,
                                    "Material Adverse Effect" as it applies to
                                    the Company or Purchaser means an adverse
                                    effect on the business, operations,
                                    condition (financial or otherwise), assets
                                    or prospects of the Company or Purchaser,
                                    taken as a whole, which is material. For
                                    purposes of this Agreement, documents,
                                    objects, effects, conditions, events or
                                    occurrences shall be deemed "material" if
                                    they involve amounts, or result in
                                    Purchaser Damages (as hereinafter defined),
                                    in excess of A$50,000 (or equivalent in any
                                    other currency) individually or when
                                    aggregated with other Purchaser Damages
                                    incurred due to a breach of a
                                    representation or warranty by the Vendors
                                    or if they in any way materially and
                                    adversely affect the value of, or the
                                    Company's rights, title or interest in, any
                                    of its assets. For purposes of this
                                    Agreement, "Purchaser Damages" means any
                                    material loss, expense, liability, or other
                                    damages, including the reasonable costs of
                                    investigation, interest, penalties and
                                    attorney's and accountant's fees.

ORDER                               "Order" shall mean any:

                                    (a)      order, judgment, injunction,
                                             edict, decree, ruling,
                                             pronouncement, determination,
                                             decision, opinion, verdict,
                                             sentence, subpoena, writ or award
                                             that is, has been or may in the
                                             future be


                                             issued, made, entered, rendered or
                                             otherwise put into effect by or
                                             under the authority of any court,
                                             administrative agency or other
                                             Governmental Body or any arbitrator
                                             or arbitration panel; or

                                    (b)      Contract with any Governmental
                                             Body that is, has been or may in
                                             the future be entered into in
                                             connection with any Proceeding.

ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS         An action taken by or on behalf of the
                                    Company shall not be deemed to have been
                                    taken in the "Ordinary Course of Business"

                                    (a)      such action is consistent with the
                                             Company's past practices and is
                                             taken in the ordinary course of
                                             the Company's normal day-to-day

                                    (b)      such action is taken in accordance
                                             with sound and prudent business

                                    (c)      such action is not required to be
                                             authorised by the Company's
                                             shareholders, the Company's board
                                             of directors or any committee of
                                             the Company's board of directors
                                             and does not require any other
                                             separate or special authorisation
                                             of any nature; and

                                    (d)      such action is similar in nature
                                             and magnitude to actions
                                             customarily taken, without any
                                             separate or special authorisation,
                                             in the ordinary course of the
                                             normal day-to-day operations of
                                             other Entities that are engaged in
                                             businesses similar to the
                                             Company's business.

PAST BENEFIT PLAN                   "Past Benefit Plan" shall mean any Employee
                                    Benefit Plan (other than a Current Benefit

                                    (a)      which the Company has at any time
                                             established, adopted, maintained
                                             or sponsored;

                                    (b)      in which the Company has ever

                                    (c)      with respect to which the Company
                                             has ever made, or has ever been
                                             required or permitted to make, any
                                             contribution; or

                                    (d)      with respect to which the Company
                                             has ever been subject to any


PERSON                              "Person" shall mean any individual, Entity
                                    or Governmental Body.

PRE-CLOSING                         PERIOD "Pre-Closing Period" shall mean the
                                    period commencing as of the date of the
                                    Agreement and ending on the Closing Date.

PROCEEDING                          "Proceeding" shall mean any action, suit,
                                    litigation, arbitration, proceeding
                                    (including any civil, criminal,
                                    administrative, investigative or appellate
                                    proceeding and any informal proceeding),
                                    prosecution, contest, hearing, inquiry,
                                    inquest, audit, examination or
                                    investigation that is, has been or may in
                                    the future be commenced, brought, conducted
                                    or heard by or before, or that otherwise
                                    has involved or may involve, any
                                    Governmental Body or any arbitrator or
                                    arbitration panel.

PROPRIETARY ASSET                   "Proprietary Asset" shall mean any patent,
                                    patent application, trademark (whether
                                    registered or unregistered and whether or
                                    not relating to a published work),
                                    trademark application, trade name,
                                    fictitious business name, service mark
                                    (whether registered or unregistered),
                                    service mark application, copyright
                                    (whether registered or unregistered),
                                    copyright application, maskwork, maskwork
                                    application, trade secret, know-how,
                                    franchise, system, domain name or internet
                                    address, computer software, invention,
                                    design, blueprint, proprietary product,
                                    technology, proprietary right or other
                                    intellectual property right or intangible

INVENTIONS DEED                     "Proprietary Information and Inventions
                                    Deed" means the proprietary information and
                                    inventions deed in the form attached as
                                    Exhibit C.

PURCHASE PRICE                      "Purchase Price" shall have the meaning
                                    specified in Section 1.2 of the Agreement.

RELATED PARTY                       Each of the following shall be deemed to be
                                    a "Related Party":

                                    (a)      the Vendors;

                                    (b)      each individual who is an officer
                                             of the Vendors;


                                    (c)      each member of the family of each
                                             of the parties who are individuals
                                             referred to in clauses "(a)" and
                                             "(b)" above; and

                                    (d)      any Entity in which any one of the
                                             parties referred to in clauses
                                             "(a)", "(b)" and "(c)" above holds
                                             (or in which more than one of such
                                             parties collectively hold),
                                             beneficially or otherwise, a
                                             material voting, proprietary or
                                             equity interest.

RELEVANT SCHEME                     shall mean: all superannuation schemes,
                                    retirement benefit schemes or other pension
                                    schemes or arrangements; and all employment
                                    benefit plans, programs or arrangements
                                    including medical, dental or life insurance
                                    to which the Company or any of its
                                    subsidiaries is a party or which the
                                    Company or any of its subsidiaries makes
                                    available or obtains for its officers or
                                    employees or former officers or employees;

REORGANISATION TRANSACTIONS         "Reorganisation Transactions" means the
                                    disposal by the Vendors of their respective
                                    businesses and assets to the Company
                                    pursuant to the Agreement for Sale of Assets
                                    between the Vendors and the Company executed
                                    and completed on or about the date hereof.

REPRESENTATIVES                     "Representatives" shall mean officers,
                                    directors, employees, agents, attorneys,
                                    accountants, advisors and representatives.

SALE SHARES                         "Sale Shares" shall have the meaning as
                                    specified in the Recitals to the Agreement.

SCHEDULED CLOSING TIME              "Scheduled Closing Time" shall have the
                                    meaning specified in Section 1.3(a) of the

SHAREHOLDERS DEED                   "Shareholders Deed" means the shareholders
                                    deed in the form attached in Exhibit J.

SUBSIDIARY                          "subsidiary" has the meaning given to that
                                    term in Division 6 of part 1.2 of the
                                    Corporations Law.

TAX                                 "Tax" shall mean any tax (including any
                                    income tax, franchise tax, capital gains
                                    tax, estimated tax, gross receipts tax,
                                    value-added or goods and services tax,
                                    surtax, excise tax, ad valorem tax,
                                    transfer tax, stamp tax, sales tax, use
                                    tax, land or property tax, business tax,


                                    occupation tax, inventory tax, occupancy
                                    tax, withholding tax or payroll tax), levy,
                                    assessment, tariff, impost, imposition,
                                    toll, duty (including any customs duty),
                                    deficiency or fee, and any related charge
                                    or amount (including any fine, penalty or
                                    interest), that is, has been or may in the
                                    future be (a) imposed, assessed or
                                    collected by or under the authority of any
                                    Governmental Body, or (b) payable pursuant
                                    to any tax-sharing agreement or similar

TAX RETURN                          "Tax Return" shall mean any return
                                    (including any information return), report,
                                    statement, declaration, estimate, schedule,
                                    notice, notification, form, election,
                                    certificate or other document or
                                    information that is, has been or may in the
                                    future be filed with or submitted to, or
                                    required to be filed with or submitted to,
                                    any Governmental Body in connection with
                                    the determination, assessment, collection
                                    or payment of any Tax or in connection with
                                    the administration, implementation or
                                    enforcement of or compliance with any Legal
                                    Requirement relating to any Tax.

TRANSACTIONAL AGREEMENTS            "Transactional Agreements" shall mean:

                                    (a)      the Agreement;

                                    (b)      the Shareholders Deed;

                                    (c)      the Proprietary Information and
                                             Inventions Deed;

                                    (d)      the Employment Agreements referred
                                             to in Section 1.3(b)(vi)(A) of the

                                    (e)      the Closing Certificate.

TRANSACTIONS                        "Transactions" shall mean (a) the execution
                                    and delivery of the respective
                                    Transactional Agreements, and (b) all of
                                    the transactions contemplated by the
                                    respective Transactional Agreements,

                                    (i)      the sale of the Sale Shares by the
                                             Vendors to the Purchaser in
                                             accordance with the Agreement; and

                                    (ii)     the performance by the Vendors and
                                             the Purchaser of their respective
                                             obligations under the
                                             Transactional Agreements and the


                                             by the Vendors and the Purchaser of
                                             their respective rights under the
                                             Transactional Agreements.

VENDORS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS        "Vendors Financial Statements" shall have
                                    the meaning specified in Section 2.8(a) of
                                    the Agreement.


                                   EXHIBIT D



SHAREHOLDER                 PROPORTION %                SHARES
- -----------------------     -----------------------     -----------------------
Flex IT Pty Ltd                       50                   975,000
97 Wattle St
Punchbowl  NSW  2196

Morse Corporation                     50                   975,000
(Australia) Pty Limited
97 Wattle Street
Punchbowl  NSW  2196


Charles Assaf
97 Wattle Street
Punchbowl   NSW   2196

Barry Assaf
97 Wattle Street
Punchbowl   NSW   2196

Farmax Electronic Components Pty Ltd
(ACN 064 152 003)
17/28 Vore Street
Silverwater   NSW   2141

TV Corporation Pty Ltd
(ACN 081 834 451)
18 Mellor Street
West Ryde   NSW   2114


600,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company representing,
when aggregated with the Sale Shares, 51% of the total outstanding voting
equity of the Company on a fully diluted basis immediately following the issue
of such shares.
