- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-Q

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001


                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission File Number 1-815

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

            Delaware                                            51-0014090
(State or Other Jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
 Incorporation or Organization)                             Identification No.)

                1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19898
                   (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                (302) 774-1000
                        (Registrant's Telephone Number)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes  X       No ___

1,042,806,896 shares (excludes 87,041,427 shares of treasury stock) of common
stock, $0.30 par value, were outstanding at April 30, 2001.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                      E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                Table of Contents

Part I   Financial Information
  Item 1.  Financial Statements

    Consolidated Income Statement                                                           3
    Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                                                    4
    Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                              5
    Notes to Financial Statements                                                        6-13
  Item 2.Management's Discussion and Analysis of
         Financial Condition and Results of Operations

    Forward-Looking Statements                                                          14-15
    Results of Operations:
      Financial Results                                                                 15-16
      Segment Performance                                                               16-17
      Outlook                                                                              18
    Financial Condition                                                                 18-19
    Other Items:
      Targeted Reductions To Improve Competitiveness                                       19
      Exit From Benlate(R) Business                                                        20
      Pioneer Roundup Ready(R) Soybean Activities                                          20
      Purchased In-Process Research and Development                                        20
Part II   Other Information

  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                                            21-22
  Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                          22-23
  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                             23-24
Signature                                                                                  25
Exhibit Index                                                                           26-27
Exhibit 10.7 - Company's Salary Deferral And
    Savings Restoration Plan                                                               28
Exhibit 12 - Computation of Ratio of Earnings to
    Fixed Charges                                                                          29


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                          Part I. Financial Statements



                                                                                                             Three Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT(a)                                                                                  March 31
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                                                                    2001              2000
                                                                                                          -------           -------
SALES(b)                                                                                                  $ 6,859           $ 7,593
Other Income(c)                                                                                               170               348
                                                                                                          -------           -------

     Total                                                                                                  7,029             7,941
                                                                                                          -------           -------

Cost of Goods Sold and Other Operating Charges(d)                                                           4,486             4,856
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                                                                  757               757
Depreciation                                                                                                  327               351
Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets                                                          112               107
Research and Development Expense                                                                              410               421
Interest and Debt Expense                                                                                     178               201
Purchased In-Process Research and Development(e)                                                               --               (11)
                                                                                                          -------           -------

     Total                                                                                                  6,270             6,682
                                                                                                          -------           -------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES AND MINORITY INTERESTS                                                             759             1,259
Provision for Income Taxes                                                                                    272               439
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated Subsidiaries                                                     3                17
                                                                                                          -------           -------

    ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE(b)                                                                                   484               803
Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Income Taxes(f)                                  11                --
                                                                                                          -------           -------

NET INCOME                                                                                                $   495           $   803
                                                                                                          =======           =======

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Income before Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle                                  $   .46           $   .76
     Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle                                                    .01                --
                                                                                                          -------           -------

     Net Income                                                                                           $   .47           $   .76
                                                                                                          =======           =======

     Income before Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle                                  $   .46           $   .76
     Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle                                                    .01                --
                                                                                                          -------           -------

     Net Income                                                                                           $   .47           $   .76
                                                                                                          =======           =======

DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK                                                                       $   .35           $   .35
                                                                                                          =======           =======

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                                                                                          Three Months Ended
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS(a)                                                        March 31
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                                                    2001               2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Income                                                                          $   495            $   803
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Cash:
    Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle, Net of Tax(f)                  (11)                --
    Depreciation                                                                          327                351
    Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets                                  112                107
    Purchased In-Process Research and Development(e)                                       --                (11)
    Other Noncash Charges and Credits - Net                                               138                199
    Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities - Net                                   (1,583)            (1,114)
                                                                                      -------            -------

      Cash Provided by (Used for) Operations                                             (522)               335
                                                                                      -------            -------

  Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment                                             (316)              (434)
  Investment in Affiliates                                                                 (7)                (9)
  Payments for Businesses Acquired (Net of Cash Acquired)                                 (22)               (23)
  Proceeds from Sales of Assets                                                             6                191
  Net Decrease (Increase) in Short-Term Financial Instruments                              61               (118)
  Miscellaneous - Net                                                                       8                (28)
                                                                                      -------            -------

        Cash Used for Investment Activities                                              (270)              (421)
                                                                                      -------            -------

  Dividends Paid to Stockholders                                                         (368)              (369)
  Net Increase in Borrowings                                                            1,030              1,871
  Acquisition of Treasury Stock                                                           (50)                --
  Proceeds from Exercise of Stock Options                                                  79                 34
                                                                                      -------            -------

        Cash Provided by Financing Activities                                             691              1,536
                                                                                      -------            -------

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash                                                   (94)               (72)
                                                                                      -------            -------

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                      $  (195)           $ 1,378
                                                                                      =======            =======

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET(a)                                                     March 31         December 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions, except per share)                                               2001                2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                       $  1,345            $  1,540
  Marketable Securities                                                                 15                  77
  Accounts and Notes Receivable                                                      5,360               4,552
  Inventories(h)                                                                     4,737               4,658
  Prepaid Expenses                                                                     315                 228
  Deferred Income Taxes                                                                636                 601
                                                                                  --------            --------
    Total Current Assets                                                            12,408              11,656
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, less accumulated depreciation
  (March 31, 2001 - $20,763; December 31, 2000 - $20,468)                           14,114              14,182
GOODWILL AND OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                                 8,277               8,365
INVESTMENT IN AFFILIATES                                                             2,198               2,206
OTHER ASSETS                                                                         3,424               3,017
                                                                                  --------            --------
      TOTAL                                                                       $ 40,421            $ 39,426
                                                                                  ========            ========

  Accounts Payable                                                                $  2,150            $  2,731
  Short-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations                                4,349               3,247
  Income Taxes                                                                         377                 250
  Other Accrued Liabilities                                                          3,050               3,027
                                                                                  --------            --------
    Total Current Liabilities                                                        9,926               9,255
LONG-TERM BORROWINGS AND CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS                                   6,531               6,658
OTHER LIABILITIES                                                                    7,659               7,729
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES                                                                2,514               2,105
                                                                                  --------            --------
    Total Liabilities                                                               26,630              25,747
                                                                                  --------            --------
MINORITY INTERESTS                                                                     373                 380
                                                                                  --------            --------
  Preferred Stock                                                                      237                 237
  Common Stock, $.30 par value; 1,800,000,000 shares authorized;
    shares issued at March 31, 2001 - 1,129,783,629; December 31,
    2000 - 1,129,973,354                                                               339                 339
  Additional Paid-In Capital                                                         7,593               7,659
  Reinvested Earnings                                                               12,240              12,153
  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)                                       (264)               (188)
  Common Stock Held in Treasury at Cost (Shares:  March 31, 2001 -
    87,041,427; December 31, 2000 - 87,041,427)                                     (6,727)             (6,727)
  Common Stock Held in Trust for Unearned Employee Compensation
    and Benefits (Flexitrust), at Market (Shares:  March 31, 2001 - 0;
    December 31, 2000 - 3,601,199)                                                      --                (174)
                                                                                  --------            --------
    Total Stockholders' Equity                                                      13,418              13,299
                                                                                  --------            --------
    TOTAL                                                                         $ 40,421            $ 39,426
                                                                                  ========            ========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

(a)  These statements are unaudited, but reflect all adjustments that, in the
     opinion of management, are necessary to provide a fair presentation of the
     financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the dates and
     periods covered.

                                                                          Three Months Ended
(b)  CONSOLIDATED SEGMENT INFORMATION(1)                                       March 31
                                                                         2001           2000
     Agriculture & Nutrition                                            $   609        $   628
     Nylon Enterprise                                                       960          1,109
     Performance Coatings & Polymers                                      1,458          1,653
     Pharmaceuticals                                                        205            389
     Pigments & Chemicals                                                   951            960
     Pioneer                                                                929            921
     Polyester Enterprise                                                   545            567
     Specialty Fibers                                                       858            905
     Specialty Polymers                                                   1,039          1,091
     Other                                                                   81            123
                                                                        -------        -------

          Total Segment Sales                                             7,635          8,346

     Elimination of Intersegment Transfers                                 (146)          (159)
     Elimination of Equity Affiliate Sales                                 (628)          (595)
     Miscellaneous                                                           (2)             1
                                                                        -------        -------

          CONSOLIDATED SALES                                            $ 6,859        $ 7,593
                                                                        -------        -------

     Agriculture & Nutrition                                            $    48        $    62
     Nylon Enterprise                                                        12             87
     Performance Coatings & Polymers                                        132            179
     Pharmaceuticals                                                        (64)            54
     Pigments & Chemicals                                                   124            164
     Pioneer(3)                                                             118             77
     Polyester Enterprise                                                    (8)             9
     Specialty Fibers                                                       156            201
     Specialty Polymers                                                     130            165
     Other                                                                    3             --
                                                                        -------        -------

          Total Segment ATOI                                                651            998

     Interest and Exchange Gains and Losses                                 (97)          (123)
     Corporate Expenses                                                     (70)           (72)
                                                                        -------        -------

              IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE                                   $   484        $   803
                                                                        =======        =======

- ---------------------
(1)  Certain reclassifications of segment data have been made to reflect changes
     in organizational structure.
(2)  Includes pro rata share of equity affiliate sales and intersegment
     transfers. Excludes sales of intermediates by DuPont to joint ventures
     within the Nylon Enterprise and Polyester Enterprise segments.
(3)  Includes noncash charges of $83 and $215 for first quarter 2001 and 2000,
     respectively, resulting from the sale of acquired Pioneer inventories
     which, in accordance with purchase accounting rules, were recorded at fair
     value on October 1, 1999. The first quarter 2000 charge was partly offset
     by a $109 gain resulting from the sale of certain equity securities
     classified as available for sale and a credit of $11 to reduce the
     preliminary purchase price allocated to acquired in-process research and


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

(c)   First quarter 2000 includes a $176 gain resulting from the sale by Pioneer
      of certain equity securities classified as available for sale.

(d)   In accordance with purchase accounting rules applied to the acquisition of
      the remaining 80 percent ownership interest in Pioneer on October 1, 1999,
      Pioneer inventory was increased to fair value. This inventory step-up
      generates noncash charges to cost of goods sold as the inventory on hand
      at the acquisition date is sold. Charges in first quarter 2001 and 2000
      were $133 and $347, respectively.

(e)   Purchased in-process research and development represents the value
      assigned in a purchase business combination to research and development
      projects of the acquired business that were commenced but not yet
      completed at the date of acquisition, for which technological feasibility
      has not yet been established, and which have no alternative future use in
      research and development activities or otherwise. During first quarter
      2000, a credit of $11 was recorded based on revisions of preliminary
      purchase price allocations associated with the October 1, 1999, purchase
      of the remaining 80 percent ownership interest in Pioneer.

(f)   On January 1, 2001, the company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
      Standards (SFAS) No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and
      Hedging Activities," as amended. The new standard requires that all
      derivative instruments be reported on the balance sheet at their fair
      values. For derivative instruments designated as fair value hedges,
      changes in the fair values of the derivative instruments will generally be
      offset on the income statement by changes in the fair values of the hedged
      items. For derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges, the
      effective portion of any hedge is reported in accumulated other
      comprehensive income (loss) until it is cleared to earnings during the
      same period in which the hedged item affects earnings. The ineffective
      portion of all hedges is recognized in current period earnings. Changes in
      the fair values of derivative instruments that are not designated as
      hedges are recorded in current period earnings.

      The adoption of SFAS No. 133 resulted in a pretax cumulative-effect-type
      adjustment to income of $19 million ($11 million after-tax). The primary
      component of this gain is related to the company's position in certain
      stock warrants, which were previously accounted for as available-for-sale
      securities for which changes in fair value have been reflected in
      accumulated other comprehensive income. The company also recorded a pretax
      increase to accumulated other comprehensive income of $10 million ($6
      million after-tax). The increase in accumulated other comprehensive income
      is primarily due to unrealized gains in agricultural commodity hedging

      Objectives And Strategies For Holding Derivative Instruments

      Under procedures and controls established by the company's Financial Risk
      Management Framework, the company enters into contractual arrangements
      (derivatives) in the ordinary course of business to reduce its exposure to
      foreign currency, interest rate and commodity price risks. The framework
      has established a variety of approved derivative instruments to be
      utilized in each risk management program, as well as varying levels of
      exposure coverage and time horizons based on an assessment of risk factors
      related to each program. Derivative instruments utilized during the period
      include forwards, options, futures, and swaps. The company has not
      designated any nonderivatives as hedging instruments.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

      Fair Value Hedges

      During the quarter, the company has maintained a number of interest rate
      swaps that involve the exchange of fixed for floating rate interest
      payments that allow the company to maintain a target range of floating
      rate debt. All interest rate swaps qualify for the shortcut method of
      hedge accounting, thus there is no ineffectiveness related to these
      hedges. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that hedge interest rate
      risk are recorded in interest expense each period. The offsetting changes
      in the fair values of the related debt are also recorded in interest
      expense. The company maintains no other fair value hedges.

      Cash Flow Hedges

      The company maintains a number of cash flow hedging programs to reduce
      risks related to foreign currency and commodity price risk. Foreign
      currency programs involve hedging a portion of foreign currency-
      denominated revenues and major raw material purchases from vendors outside
      of the United States. Commodity price risk management programs serve to
      reduce exposure to price fluctuations on purchases of inventory such as
      natural gas, corn, soybeans, and soybean meal. While each risk management
      program has a different time horizon, no program currently extends beyond
      the next two-year period.

      The effects of hedges of foreign currency-denominated revenues are
      reported on the Sales line of the Consolidated Income Statement, and the
      effects of hedges of inventory purchases are reported as a component of
      Cost of Goods Sold and Other Operating Charges.

                           Cash Flow Hedge Results During              Pretax
                                  The Quarter                       Gain/(Loss)
                    ------------------------------------------      -----------

                    Hedge ineffectiveness reported in earnings           $(3)
                    Hedge gains/(losses) excluded from
                      assessment of hedge effectiveness                   (6)
                    Reclassification to earnings for forecasted
                      transactions that did not occur                      -

           Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                   (Cash Flow Hedge Portion Only)                               Pretax    Tax   After-Tax
      ----------------------------------------------------------------          ------   -----  ---------
      Balance at January 1, 2001 (upon adoption of FAS 133)                     $ 10    $ (4)    $   6
      Additions and revaluations of derivatives designated as cash
         flow hedges                                                             (27)     10       (17)
      Less:  Clearance of hedge results to earnings during the quarter            (4)      1        (3)
                                                                                ----    ----     -----
      Balance at March 31, 2001                                                 $(13)   $  5     $  (8)
                                                                                ====    ====     =====
      Portion of ending balance expected to be reclassified into
         earnings over the next twelve months                                   $(10)   $  4     $  (6)

      Cash flow hedge results are reclassified into earnings during the same
      period in which the related exposure impacts earnings. Reclassifications
      are made sooner if it appears that a forecasted transaction will not


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

      Hedges Of Net Investment In A Foreign Operation

      During the quarter, the company has not maintained any hedges of net
      investment in a foreign operation.

      Derivatives Not Designated In Hedging Relationships

      The company uses forward exchange contracts to reduce its net exposure, by
      currency, related to foreign currency-denominated monetary assets and
      liabilities. The objective of this program is to maintain an approximately
      balanced position in foreign currencies so that exchange gains and losses
      resulting from exchange rate changes, net of related tax effects, are

      Several small equity affiliates have risk management programs, mainly in
      the area of foreign currency exposure, for which they have elected not to
      pursue hedge accounting. In addition, Pioneer maintains small risk
      management programs for commodities that do not qualify for hedge
      accounting treatment. Also, the company owns stock warrants in a few
      companies for strategic purposes.

(g)   Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing income available to
      common stockholders (the numerator) by the weighted-average number of
      common shares (the denominator) for the period. The numerator, net income,
      is reduced by preferred dividends of $2.5. For diluted earnings per share,
      the denominator is based on the following weighted-average number of
      common shares and includes the additional common shares that would have
      been outstanding if potentially dilutive common shares had been issued:

                                      Three Months Ended
                                           March 31
                                   Basic               Diluted
                               -------------       -------------

                  2001         1,042,168,259       1,047,973,561
                  2000         1,047,036,515       1,057,077,345

      The difference between basic and diluted weighted-average common shares
      outstanding results from the assumption that dilutive stock options
      outstanding were exercised.

      The following stock options are antidilutive, and therefore are not
      included in the diluted earnings per share calculation since the exercise
      price is greater than the average market price:

                                       Three Months Ended
                                            March 31
                                       2001           2000
                                    ----------     ----------

                  Stock Options     35,344,478     13,382,037

      Compensation expense (benefit) recognized in income for stock-based
      employee compensation awards was $1 and $(25) for the three months ended
      March 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

      Treasury stock and shares previously held by the Flexitrust are not
      considered outstanding in computing the foregoing weighted-average number
      of common shares.


                                                                      Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

                                                            March 31        December 31
(h)   Inventories                                              2001             2000
      -----------                                           ---------        -----------
        Finished Products                                   $   3,332        $     2,818
        Semifinished Products                                   1,014              1,504
        Raw Materials and Supplies                                971                907
                                                            ---------        -----------
                                                                5,317              5,229
        Less:  Adjustment of Inventories to a Last-In,
         First-Out (LIFO) Basis                                   580                571
                                                            ---------        -----------
           Total                                            $   4,737        $     4,658
                                                            =========        ===========

(i)   The following sets forth the company's Total Comprehensive Income for the
      periods shown:

                                                          Three Months Ended
                                                             2001      2000
                                                             ----      ----
               Net Income                                    $495     $ 803
               Cumulative Effect of a Change in
                  Accounting Principle                          6         -
               Net Revaluation and Reversal of Cash
                  Flow Hedges                                 (14)        -
               Cumulative Translation Adjustment              (32)       (7)
               Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on
                  Securities                                  (36)     (129)*
                                                            -----     -----

               Total Comprehensive Income                    $419     $ 667
                                                            =====     =====

               * Primarily reflects unrealized holding losses of $85 associated
                 with the company's investment in Healtheon/WebMD and a $35
                 adjustment related to the sale of an equity security.

(j)   In the first quarter 2001, there were no changes in estimates related to
      reserves established for restructuring initiatives in prior years. A
      complete discussion of these activities is included in Item 8 of the
      company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31,
      2000, at Note 6 "Employee Separation Costs and Write-down of Assets." An
      update on first quarter activity is provided below under the respective
      prior years' activities.


                                                                     Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

      2000 Activities

      Performance Coatings & Polymers

      A restructuring program (Phase II) was instituted in the second quarter to
      continue the consolidation of business assets and to eliminate
      redundancies as a result of the acquisition of Herberts in 1999 by
      Performance Coatings. Charges resulting from these activities totaled $96.
      The charges included $71 related to termination payments to be settled
      over time for about 1,100 employees involved in technical, manufacturing,
      marketing and administrative activities. At March 31, 2001, about $41 had
      been settled and charged against the related liabilities and approximately
      850 employees had been terminated. Restructuring charges of $13 related to
      the write-down of operating facilities that were shut down in the second
      quarter. The remaining charge of $12 relates to the cancellation of
      contractual agreements and, as of March 31, 2001, about $8 had been
      settled and charged against the related liability. Termination of services
      under the contractual agreements will be completed during 2001.

      Pigments & Chemicals

      A restructuring program was instituted in the third quarter to address
      poor economic and intensely competitive market conditions for the Chemical
      Solutions Enterprise. Charges resulting from this restructuring totaled
      $28. This charge included $24 related to the write-down of operating
      facilities at the New Jersey Chambers Works site that were shut down in
      the third quarter. The charge covers the net book value of the facilities
      of $15 and estimated dismantlement and removal costs less estimated
      proceeds from the sale of equipment and scrap of $9. At March 31, 2001,
      about $2 had been charged against the liability for dismantlement and
      removal and these activities will be completed in 2001. The remaining
      restructuring charge of $4 relates to employee termination payments to be
      settled over time for approximately 65 employees involved in manufacturing
      and technical activities. At March 31, 2001, essentially all employees had
      been terminated thereby completing the program, and about $1 in employee
      termination installment benefits had been settled and charged against the
      related liability.

      Account balances and activity for the 2000 restructuring programs are
      summarized below:

                                              Write-down    Separation     Other
                                              of Assets       Costs      Exit Costs     Total
                                            ------------    ----------   ----------   ---------
       Balance at December 31, 2000         $          -    $       48   $       16   $      64
       Changes to accounts
         Employee separation settlements                           (15)                     (15)
         Other expenditures                                                      (5)         (5)
                                            ------------    ----------   ----------   ---------
       Balance at March 31, 2001            $          -    $       33   $       11   $      44
                                            ============    ==========   ==========   =========


                                                                     Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

      1999 Activities

      Agriculture & Nutrition

      A restructuring program was instituted in the third quarter to address
      poor economic and intensely competitive market conditions for DuPont Crop
      Protection. Charges resulting from these restructuring activities totaled
      $124. This charge included $45 related to employee termination payments to
      be settled over time for approximately 800 employees involved in
      technical, manufacturing, marketing and administrative activities. A net
      benefit of $2 was subsequently recorded to reflect lower costs associated
      with employees who accepted other work assignments partially offset by
      higher costs associated with terminating employees. At December 31, 2000,
      approximately 730 employees had been terminated and the remaining
      employees have accepted other work assignments within the company thereby
      completing this program. At March 31, 2001, approximately $38 had been
      settled and charged against the related liability.

      The remaining restructuring charge of $79 principally related to the
      write-down of operating facilities that were shut down in 1999. The effect
      on results of removing these facilities from operations was not material.
      The charge covers the net book value of the facilities ($64) and estimated
      dismantlement and removal costs less estimated proceeds from the sale of
      equipment and scrap ($15). A benefit of $6 was subsequently recorded to
      reflect lower costs associated with dismantlement and removal. At March
      31, 2001, approximately $6 in dismantlement and removal costs had been

      Nylon Enterprise

      The company also recorded a charge of $28 in the third quarter associated
      with restructuring activities in Europe to modernize and consolidate
      sites. This included employee termination payments to be settled over time
      of $15 to about 120 employees involved principally in manufacturing
      activities at several locations. A charge of $2 was subsequently recorded
      to reflect higher costs associated with terminating employees. At December
      31, 2000, essentially all employees had been terminated. At March 31,
      2001, approximately $14 had been settled and charged against the related
      liability. Also included was $13 for a manufacturing facility that was
      shut down in 1999.

      Polyester Enterprise

      A restructuring program was instituted in the second quarter to address
      poor economic and intensely competitive market conditions. Charges of $60
      relate to employee separation costs to be settled over time for about 850
      employees primarily engaged in manufacturing. A net benefit of $2 was
      subsequently recorded to reflect lower costs associated with employees who
      accepted other work assignments partially offset by higher costs
      associated with terminating employees. At December 31, 2000, approximately
      800 employees had been terminated and the remaining employees had accepted
      other work assignments within the company thereby completing this program.
      At March 31, 2001, about $54 in employee termination installment benefits
      had been charged against the related liability.


                                                                     Form 10-Q

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)

      Account balances and activity for the 1999 restructuring programs are
      summarized below:

                                            Write-down        Separation           Other
                                            of Assets           Costs            Exit Costs       Total
                                           -----------       ------------        ----------      -------
      Balance at December 31, 2000         $         -       $         18        $        4      $    22
      Changes to accounts
          Employee separation settlements                              (6)                            (6)
          Other expenditures                                                             (1)          (1)
                                           -----------       ------------        ----------      -------
      Balance at March 31, 2001            $         -       $         12        $        3      $    15
                                           ===========       ============        ==========      =======

      1998 Activities

      During the third quarter 1998 the company recorded a charge of $577
      directly related to management decisions to implement company-wide
      productivity improvement initiatives.

      These charges included $310 related to employee separation costs to be
      settled over time, substantially all of which were for estimated
      termination payments for approximately 4,100 employees, and were based on
      plans that identified the number of employees to be terminated, their
      functions and their businesses. A net benefit of $33 was subsequently
      recorded to reflect changes in estimates. As of December 31, 1999, about
      4,000 employees had been terminated and the remaining employees have
      accepted other work assignments within the company thereby completing this
      program. At March 31, 2001, about $272 in employee termination installment
      benefits had been settled and charged against the related liability.

      The remaining charge of $267 is related to write-downs of property, plant
      and equipment, principally due to the shutdown of excess production
      capacity, and there are no outstanding liabilities related to this

      Account balances and activity for the 1998 restructuring programs are
      summarized below:

                                                Write-down    Separation         Other
                                                of Assets        Costs        Exit Costs     Total
                                               -----------    ----------      ----------   --------
      Balance at December 31, 2000             $         -    $        7      $        -   $      7
      Changes to accounts
          Employee separation settlements                             (2)                        (2)
                                               -----------    ----------      ----------   --------
      Balance at March 31, 2001                $         -    $        5      $        -   $      5
                                               ===========    ==========      ==========   ========

(k)   On April 2, 2001, the company announced plans to further streamline
      operations by reducing the employee work force and shutting down certain
      manufacturing assets.


                                                                       Form 10-Q


         Forward-Looking Statements

                This report contains forward-looking statements which may be
          identified by their use of words like "plans," "expects," "will,"
          "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates" or other words of
          similar meaning. All statements that address expectations or
          projections about the future, including statements about the company's
          strategy for growth, product development, market position,
          expenditures and financial results are forward-looking statements.

                Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and
          expectations of future events. The company cannot guarantee that these
          assumptions and expectations are accurate or will be realized. In
          addition to the factors discussed in this report and in Management's
          Discussion and Analysis in the company's latest Annual Report, the
          following are some of the important factors that could cause the
          company's actual results to differ materially from those projected in
          any such forward-looking statements:

                .  The company operates in approximately 70 countries worldwide
                   and derives about half of its revenues from sales outside the
                   United States. Changes in the laws or policies of other
                   governmental and quasi-governmental activities in the
                   countries in which the company operates could affect its
                   business in the country and the company's results of
                   operations. In addition, economic factors (including
                   inflation and fluctuations in interest rates and foreign
                   currency exchange rates) and competitive factors (such as
                   greater price competition or a decline in U.S. or European
                   industry sales from slowing economic growth) in those
                   countries could affect the company's revenues, expenses and

                .  The company's ability to grow earnings will be affected by
                   increases in the cost of raw materials, particularly
                   petroleum-based feedstocks, natural gas and paraxylene. The
                   company may not be able to fully offset the effects of higher
                   raw material costs through price increases or productivity

                .  The company's growth objectives are largely dependent on its
                   ability to renew its pipeline of new products and to bring
                   those products to market. This ability may be adversely
                   affected by difficulties or delays in product development
                   such as the inability to: identify viable new products;
                   successfully complete research and development projects;
                   obtain relevant regulatory approvals, which may include
                   approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; obtain
                   adequate intellectual property protection; or gain market
                   acceptance of the new products.

                .  As part of its strategy for growth, the company has made and
                   may continue to make acquisitions and divestitures and form
                   strategic alliances. There can be no assurance that these
                   will be completed or beneficial to the company.

                .  To a significant degree, results in the company's Agriculture
                   & Nutrition and Pioneer segments reflect changes in
                   agricultural conditions, including weather and government
                   programs. These results also reflect the seasonality of sales
                   of agricultural products; highest sales in the United States
                   occur in the first half of the year. In addition, demand for
                   products produced in these segments may be affected by market
                   acceptance of genetically enhanced products.


                                                                      Form 10-Q

                .  The company has undertaken and may continue to undertake
                   productivity initiatives, including organizational
                   restructurings and Six Sigma productivity improvement
                   projects, to improve performance and generate cost savings.
                   There can be no assurance that these will be completed or
                   beneficial to the company. Also there can be no assurance
                   that any estimated cost savings from such activities will be

                .  The company's facilities are subject to a broad array of
                   environmental laws and regulations. The costs of complying
                   with complex environmental laws and regulations, as well as
                   internal voluntary programs, are significant and will
                   continue to be so for the foreseeable future. The company's
                   accruals for such costs and liabilities may not be adequate
                   since the estimates on which the accruals are based depend on
                   a number of factors including the nature of the allegation,
                   the complexity of the site, the nature of the remedy, the
                   outcome of discussions with regulatory agencies and other
                   potentially responsible parties (PRPs) at multiparty sites,
                   and the number and financial viability of other PRPs.

                .  The company's results of operations could be affected by
                   significant litigation adverse to the company including
                   product liability claims, patent infringement claims and
                   antitrust claims.

                The foregoing list of factors is not inclusive, or necessarily
            in order of importance.

            (a) Results of Operations

                (1) Financial Results:

                    Including one-time items in both periods, diluted earnings
            per share for first quarter 2001 were $.47 compared to $.76 in 2000.
            First quarter 2001 diluted earnings per share before one-time items
            was $.54 per share, 36 percent below the $.85 per share earned in
            the first quarter of 2000.

                    First quarter 2001 consolidated sales totaled $6.9 billion
            compared to $7.6 billion in 2000. Segment sales, which include
            intersegment transfers and a pro rata share of sales by equity
            affiliates, were $7.6 billion, down 9 percent from $8.3 billion in
            2000. This reflects 7 percent lower volume and 2 percent lower U.S.
            dollar selling prices. The latter reflects 1 percent higher local
            selling prices that were more than offset by adverse currency
            effects, principally from the weaker euro and Japanese yen, which
            reduced worldwide segment sales by 3 percent.

                    Regional segment sales and related variances for the first
            quarter 2001 compared with the first quarter 2000 are summarized

                                                                 % Change Due To
                           1Q 01     % Change       Local      Currency               Portfolio
     Segment Sales          $B      vs. 1Q 00       Price       Effect     Volume      Changes
  ------------------      --------  -----------     -----      --------    ------     ---------
  Worldwide                   7.6          (9)          1         (3)        (7)         0
     U.S.                     3.7         (13)          1          0        (13)        (1)
     Europe                   2.1          (3)          3         (7)         1          0
     Asia Pacific             1.1          (1)          1         (4)         2          0
     Canada, Mexico,
         S. America           0.7          (9)          2         (2)        (9)         0


                                                                 Form 10-Q

                .  U.S. first quarter sales volume declined 13 percent versus
                   2000 including a 4 percent adverse impact from
                   Pharmaceuticals, in addition to lower volumes of fibers,
                   automotive finishes, and white pigments.

                .  European volume was up 1 percent and local currency prices up
                   3 percent. However, the stronger dollar reduced European
                   sales by 7 percent.

                .  Asia Pacific sales decreased 1 percent, the first decline
                   since the economic downturn in 1998. Marginally higher volume
                   and local prices were more than offset by the negative impact
                   of weaker currencies, particularly the Japanese yen.

                      Including one-time items, net income was $495 million
                versus $803 million in 2000, resulting in earnings per share of
                $.47 compared to $.76 last year. The earnings decline reflects
                significantly lower Pharmaceuticals results and reduced earnings
                across the company's chemicals and materials segments. The
                latter resulted principally from lower U.S. sales volumes,
                higher raw material costs, and a stronger U.S. dollar.

                      Net income before one-time items was $567 million,
                compared to $898 million in the first quarter of 2000, down $331
                million or 37 percent. One-time items are described in the notes
                to the accompanying financial statements and are summarized in
                the table below:

                                                        $MM Pretax    $MM After-Tax   ($ Per Share)
                                                        -----------   -------------   ------------
                                                        1Q 01 1Q 00   1Q 01 1Q 00     1Q 01 1Q 00
                                                        ----- -----   ----- -------   ----- -----
              Pioneer - In-Process R&D Revision                  11           11             .01
              Pioneer - Inventory Step-up               (133)  (347)   (83) (215)     (.08) (.20)
              Asset Sale - Equity Securities                    176          109             .10
              Adoption of SFAS 133*                       19            11             .01
                                                        ----   ----    ---   ---      ----  ----
              1/st/ Quarter - Total                     (114)  (160)   (72)  (95)     (.07) (.09)
                                                        ====   ====    ===   ===      ====  ====

                *  Reflects the cumulative effect of a change in accounting
                   principle. Effective January 1, 2001, the company adopted
                   SFAS 133 -"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
                   Activities," as amended.

                  (2) Segment Performance:

                      The following text compares first quarter 2001 results
          with first quarter 2000, for sales and earnings of each segment,
          excluding the earnings impact of the one-time items described in the
          footnotes to the "Consolidated Segment Information" table at Note (b)
          on page 6. Segment results include intersegment transfers and a pro
          rata ownership share of the sales and earnings of equity affiliates.

                .  Agriculture & Nutrition - Sales declined 3 percent and ATOI
                   fell 23 percent reflecting lower earnings in both Crop
                   Protection and Nutrition & Health. Crop Protection earnings
                   were significantly affected by currency in Europe and Asia,
                   and by a litigation settlement. Nutrition & Health results
                   reflect high natural gas prices and weaker European volumes.

                .  Nylon Enterprise - Sales decreased 13 percent and ATOI
                   declined 86 percent, principally reflecting the impact of a
                   40 percent increase in raw material costs (largely natural
                   gas related), 15 percent lower volumes, and less favorable
                   product mix. Sales declines were principally due to lower
                   flooring and apparel volumes, particularly in the United


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                .  Performance Coatings & Polymers - Sales were 12 percent lower
                   than 2000 reflecting lower vehicle builds and lower refinish
                   sales in the United States, as well as the weak euro.
                   Increased raw material costs were a significant factor in
                   lower results in Engineering Polymers and Elastomers, in
                   addition to lower volumes. Segment ATOI declined 26 percent.

                .  Pharmaceuticals - The loss of $64 million was primarily due
                   to lower sales, as wholesaler inventories in the distribution
                   channel continue to be reduced. Underlying demand for
                   Sustiva(TM) efavirenz and Cardiolite(R) cardiac imaging agent
                   grew 15 percent, and the Coumadin(R) (warfarin sodium
                   tablets, USP) crystalline market position remains strong. The
                   DuPont share of U.S. operating profits for Cozaar(R)
                   (losartan) and Hyzaar(R) (losartan potassium) increased this
                   quarter as of February 1. R&D and marketing expenses
                   increased as planned. Major product sales are shown below:

                                                 1Q 2001       1Q 2000
                                                 -------       -------
                                                     ($ in millions)
                      Coumadin(R)                 $26           $100
                      Sustiva(TM)                  55             96
                      Cardiolite(R)/Miraluma(TM)   18             40

                .  Pigments & Chemicals - ATOI declined 24 percent on 1 percent
                   lower sales reflecting lower earnings in all strategic
                   business units. Three percent lower worldwide volume was
                   partly offset by 2 percent higher U.S. dollar prices. Segment
                   earnings were negatively affected by high chlorine and energy
                   costs in White Pigment & Mineral Products and by a litigation
                   settlement in DuPont Chemical Solutions Enterprise.

                .  Pioneer - Worldwide sales increased slightly, reflecting
                   strong early season sales in the United States and southern
                   Europe, partly offset by lower U.S. dollar prices due to the
                   weak euro. Earnings increased 17 percent reflecting improved
                   margins and a more favorable product mix.

                .  Polyester Enterprise - Sales were 4 percent lower, reflecting
                   continuing depressed conditions in worldwide fibers markets.
                   Margins continue to be reduced by lower prices and higher raw
                   material and energy costs, resulting in a first quarter loss
                   of $8 million.

                .  Specialty Fibers - Sales and ATOI were 5 percent and 22
                   percent lower, respectively. Continued earnings growth from
                   Advanced Fibers Systems only partly offset lower Lycra(R)
                   elastane earnings, which were adversely affected by lower
                   U.S. dollar prices, higher raw material costs, and lower
                   volume. Earnings for Nonwovens were essentially flat on
                   modestly higher sales.

                .  Specialty Polymers - ATOI increases in Fluoropolymers and the
                   Electronic Technologies unit of DuPont iTechnologies only
                   partly offset a decline in Packaging & Industrial Polymers
                   earnings resulting from lower volumes and higher ethane
                   costs. Results also declined in DuPont Surfaces and the
                   Imaging Technologies unit of DuPont iTechnologies. Segment
                   earnings decreased 21 percent on 5 percent lower sales.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

             (3) Outlook:

                 Based on demand signals observed in the first quarter in key
          markets, the company now anticipates that the global economic slowdown
          will similarly impact the manufacturing sector through the second
          quarter and perhaps into the second half of 2001. In the second
          quarter the company expects continued volume pressure due to
          macroeconomic factors; stabilizing energy and raw material costs,
          albeit at a higher level than second quarter last year; and normal
          seasonality for its portfolio of businesses.

          .  The company expects second quarter volumes to remain below 2000
             levels in the United States in its chemicals and materials
             businesses, although sequential declines should moderate
             considerably. In Europe and Asia, year-over-year volume growth is
             approaching zero, and continued strength of the U.S. dollar will
             likely result in negative revenue comparisons in the second

          .  The agriculture related segments, as expected, are operating in a
             difficult U.S. farm economy and experiencing negative currency
             impacts during the first half selling season. In addition, poor
             weather conditions in North America, together with high fertilizer
             costs, are expected to result in lower corn acreage than last year.
             Accordingly, the company expects the full-year operating outlook
             for these segments will be moderately negative versus 2000.

          .  Pharmaceuticals segment sales and earnings should improve in the
             second quarter, but ATOI losses are again expected. A return to
             more normal levels of sales and earnings is expected in the second
             half of the year.

                 The economic outlook for the second half of 2001 remains
          uncertain. However, key indicators suggest that declines in U.S.
          manufacturing and global automotive markets may be moderating. The
          company is encouraged by these trends, but continues to plan for a
          second half economy that is on balance, similarly challenging to the
          second half of last year.

         (b) Financial Condition

                                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                                        March 31
                            Selected Cash Flow Information           2001       2000
             ---------------------------------------------------    -------  -------
                                                                     ($ in millions)
             Cash Provided by (Used for) Operations                  $(522)      $ 335
             Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment               (316)       (434)
             Proceeds from Sales of Assets                               6         191
             Dividends Paid to Stockholders                           (368)       (369)
             Acquisition of Treasury Stock                             (50)          0

         Cash used for operations was $522 million for first quarter 2001 as
compared to cash provided by operations of $335 million for the same period in
2000. Net income plus noncash charges included in net income was $1.1 billion
this year, down from $1.4 billion last year reflecting a $308 million decrease
in net income in the quarter. Net operating assets and liabilities increased
$1.6 billion in first quarter 2001 as compared to an increase of $1.1 billion in
2000. The increase was primarily due to an increase in inventories in first
quarter this year, while inventories declined in first quarter last year.

         Year-to-date purchases of property, plant and equipment were $316
million in 2001, as compared to $434 million spent in 2000. The lower spending
level reflects management's intent to limit full year 2001 total capital
spending, including purchases of property, plant and equipment, investments in
affiliates, and payments for businesses acquired, to about $1.8 billion for the


                                                                       Form 10-Q

         Proceeds from the sale of assets in the first quarter of 2001 were $6
million. Proceeds from the sale of assets in the first quarter of 2000 were $191
million primarily reflecting the sale of certain available for sale securities
held by Pioneer.

         The per share dividend paid to stockholders in first quarter 2001 and
2000 was $.35 per share. This rate has been in effect since second quarter 1998.

         In each of 1997 and 1998, DuPont's Board of Directors approved programs
to purchase and retire up to 20 million shares of DuPont common stock to offset
dilution from shares issued under compensation programs. On July 26, 2000, the
company's Board of Directors approved an increase in the amount of shares
remaining to be purchased under the 1998 program from about 16 million shares to
the total number of shares of DuPont common stock which can be purchased for
$2.5 billion. The remaining purchases are not limited to those needed to offset
dilution from shares issued under compensation programs. Under the increased
July 2000 authorization, the company spent $50 million in first quarter 2001 to
purchase and retire 1.2 million shares. To date under the increased July 2000
authorization, the company has spent $262 million to purchase and retire 5.7
million shares. DuPont anticipates completing this program in 2002 and for it to
be largely funded through the monetization of nonstrategic assets.

         Debt, including capital lease obligations, net of cash and cash
equivalents and marketable securities at March 31, 2001, was $9.5 billion, as
compared to $8.3 billion at year-end 2000. The increase in debt primarily
reflects the issuance of commercial paper. To increase the company's financial
flexibility, management's intent over the course of the year is to reduce debt
from the current level, ending the year with net debt below last year-end.

         Management believes that the company's ability to generate cash from
operations and its capacity to issue short-term and long-term debt will be
adequate to meet anticipated future cash requirements to fund working capital,
capital spending, dividend payments and other cash needs in the foreseeable

         (c) Other Items

             Targeted Reductions To Improve Competitiveness

         On April 2, 2001, the company announced it will further align resources
consistent with the specific missions of its individual businesses. These
actions will reduce the company's global employee workforce by about 4,000, or 4
percent. DuPont will also reduce the number of contract personnel by about 1,300
and shut down less competitive manufacturing assets.

         Approximately 75 percent of the affected employees and contractors are
in the United States. Projected annual payroll savings, including reduction in
contractor costs, are on the order of $400 million pretax. DuPont expects to
achieve about one-third of the projected cost benefit in 2001, and substantially
all in 2002.

         DuPont expects to take a one-time second quarter charge of
approximately 40-45 cents per share as a result of these actions. Roughly half
of this estimated charge will be for employee severance costs, with the
remainder principally for asset shutdowns and related dismantlement expenses.
Since plans are still being finalized, the actual one-time charge to earnings
will not be available until the end of the second quarter.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

             Exit From Benlate(R) Business
         On April 19, 2001, the company informed its customers around the world
that it will discontinue the manufacture of its fungicide benomyl and will phase
out sales of Benlate(R) in all its forms from the global market. No sales will
occur after December 31, 2001, and all product is expected to clear the channels
of trade by the end of 2002.

         DuPont advised customers that this is not a product recall, but a
voluntary business decision based on a review of global market conditions and
other factors. The decision is part of the recently announced restructuring to
improve the overall competitiveness of its agricultural businesses.

             Pioneer Roundup Ready(R) Soybean Activities

      In December 1999, the Monsanto Company filed suit in the U.S. District
Court for the Eastern District of Missouri against Pioneer claiming that its
merger with DuPont breached a 1992 license agreement granting Pioneer the right
to produce and market Roundup Ready(R) glyphosate tolerant soybeans. Monsanto
asked for damages for the breach and termination of the license. Monsanto's
complaint also alleged claims for patent infringement and trade secret
misappropriation if the license were terminated. On March 20, 2001, the court,
on motions for summary judgment, found that DuPont's acquisition of Pioneer
terminated the agreement. The court found no breach of contract and therefore
awarded no damages on this claim. It held that any claim for damages or other
relief Monsanto seeks will have to wait until the next phase of the litigation,
which involves Monsanto's patent infringement and trade secret allegations.

      The court found that its determination involved controlling questions of
law as to which there is a substantial difference of opinion and that an
immediate appeal would advance the ultimate determination of this litigation.
Those questions involve whether Federal common law or state merger law should
control the transferability of patent licenses. The court has certified its
decision for immediate appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit. Pioneer will pursue the appeal expeditiously. The company believes that
the appellate court will ultimately find that state merger law rather than
Federal common law controls in merger situations and therefore, that no
prohibited license transfer took place when DuPont acquired Pioneer. Pioneer has
also moved the district court to stay the next phase of the litigation pending
the outcome of the appeal since a favorable ruling on appeal will reinstate the
license and eliminate the infringement and trade secret claims.

      On October 1, 1999, the company acquired the approximately 80 percent of
Pioneer not previously owned for $7,684 million. An intangible asset has been
recorded to recognize the value of the 1992 license agreement. Should the
ultimate outcome of this lawsuit be adverse to the company, the value of this
intangible asset may become impaired, resulting in a one-time noncash charge to
earnings. Management does not anticipate that the ultimate outcome of this
lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on the company's consolidated
financial position or liquidity, although it could be significant to the results
of operations of the Pioneer segment in the period recognized.

             Purchased In-Process Research and Development

         Unanticipated technical hurdles have adversely impacted the Pioneer
research and development project to impart resistance to molds and mycotoxins
that was in process at the October 1, 1999, acquisition date. As a result, the
estimated completion date for the project, if successful, has been moved back to
2009 and the probability of technical and commercial success is now estimated at
40 percent. Failure to successfully complete this project would not have a
material adverse impact on the company's financial condition, results of
operations or liquidity. In addition, uncertainties with respect to regulatory
approval may delay commercialization of technologically successful trait and
technology projects by six to twelve months.

         No other significant changes occurred during the first quarter 2001
with respect to in-process research and development projects related to the
company's acquisitions in prior years.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                          PART II. OTHER INFORMATION


- ---------

         In 1991, DuPont began receiving claims by growers that use of
Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide had caused crop damage. Based on the belief that
Benlate(R) 50 DF would be found to be a contributor to the claimed damage,
DuPont began paying crop damage claims. In 1992, after 18 months of extensive
research, DuPont scientists concluded that Benlate(R) 50 DF was not responsible
for plant damage reports received since March 1991. Concurrent with these
research findings, DuPont stopped paying claims. DuPont since has been served
with several hundred lawsuits most of which were disposed of by trial, dismissal
or settlement. Approximately 125 cases are pending. Most of these lawsuits were
filed by growers who allege plant damage from using Benlate(R) 50 DF, although
some include claims for alleged damage to shrimping operations from Benlate(R)
50 OD and a smaller number of cases include claims for alleged personal
injuries. Also, many of these cases include general allegations of fraud and

         In addition, a securities fraud class action was filed in September
1995 by a shareholder in federal district court in Florida against the company
and the then-Chairman. This action is still pending. The plaintiff in this case
alleges that DuPont made false and misleading statements and omissions about
Benlate(R) 50 DF, with the alleged effect of inflating the price of DuPont's
stock between June 19, 1993, and January 27, 1995. This district court has
certified the case as a class action. Discovery is proceeding.

         Certain plaintiffs who previously settled with the company have filed
cases alleging fraud and other misconduct relating to the litigation and
settlement of Benlate(R) 50 DF claims. Approximately 47 such cases are pending.
These cases are in various stages of proceedings in trial and appellate courts
in Florida and Hawaii.

         On June 21, 2000, a jury in Texas state court awarded compensatory
damages of $10.3 million, prejudgment interest, and punitive damages of $90
million to two growers who claimed Benlate(R) 50 DF failed to protect their
melons and cantaloupe crops. Due to limitations on punitive damages in Texas,
the total award was reduced to approximately $35 million. DuPont and the
plaintiff have reached a settlement of all claims.

         Pending against the company in state court in Broward County, Florida,
are 30 cases brought by Ecuadorian shrimp farmers alleging that Benlate(R) 50
OD, applied to banana plantations in Ecuador, ran off and was deposited in
plaintiffs' shrimp farms, causing massive numbers of shrimp to die. Two cases
were tried, in the fall of 2000 and in early 2001, which resulted in adverse
judgments of approximately $14 million and $16 million. The company has appealed
both cases. DuPont contends that the deaths of the shrimp are attributable to a
virus, Taura Syndrome Virus, and in no way involve Benlate(R) 50 OD.

         DuPont continues to believe that Benlate(R) did not cause the damages
alleged in these cases and denies the allegations of fraud and misconduct.
DuPont intends to defend itself in ongoing matters and in any additional cases
that may be filed or reopened. The ultimate liabilities from the Benlate(R)
lawsuits discussed above may be significant to the company's results of
operations, particularly in the Crop Protection business, in the period
recognized, but management does not anticipate that they will have a material
adverse effect on the company's consolidated financial position or liquidity.

         The company's balance sheet reflect accruals for estimated costs
associated with this matter. Adverse changes in estimates for such liabilities
could result in additional future charges.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

Environmental Proceedings
- -------------------------

         The Indiana Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental
Management and the United States Department of Interior are in the process of
conducting a natural resource damage assessment of the Grand Calumet River and
the Indiana Harbor Canal System under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Oil Pollution Act (OPA). The
company owned a facility in East Chicago, Indiana, which discharged industrial
wastewater into these waterways. The company was identified as one of 17
potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the cost of the assessment and any
determined natural resource damages. The trustees recently indicated that their
preferred remedy is to dredge the entire Grand Cal/Indiana Harbor system. DuPont
has joined with eight other PRPs to contest the remedy. A settlement offer has
been tendered to the trustees and negotiations are ongoing.


         Business transacted at the annual meeting:

         A total of 860,593,610 shares of common stock were voted in person or
by proxy at the annual meeting of stockholders on April 25, 2001, or 82.5
percent of the shares entitled to be voted. The following are the voting results
on proposals considered and voted upon at the meeting, all of which are
described in the proxy statement.

     1.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: The 12 nominees listed below were elected to
         serve on the Board of Directors for the ensuring year. The vote
         tabulation with respect to each nominee follows:

                                           Votes             Votes Cast Against
                    Director              Cast For                or Withheld
                 --------------         -----------          ---------------
                 A. J. P. Belda         851,405,763               9,187,847
                 C. J. Crawford         851,315,790               9,277,820
                 L. C. Duemling         851,084,365               9,509,245
                 E. B. du Pont          851,345,765               9,247,845
                 C. O. Holliday, Jr.    850,584,557              10,009,053
                 D. C. Hopkins          851,013,279               9,580,331
                 L. D. Juliber          851,377,939               9,215,671
                 G. Lindahl             851,335,753               9,257,857
                 M. Naitoh              851,075,494               9,518,116
                 W. K. Reilly           851,333,581               9,260,029
                 H. R. Sharp, III       851,031,792               9,561,818
                 C. M. Vest             851,536,147               9,057,463

     2.  RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS: The proposal to ratify the
         appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants
         for 2001 was approved by a vote of 838,315,829 shares for, 17,068,036
         shares against, and 5,209,745 abstentions and broker nonvotes.

     3.  POLITICAL NONPARTISANSHIP: A stockholder proposal recommending that
         DuPont affirm its political nonpartisanship was defeated by a vote of
         638,581,241 shares against, 36,001,198 for, and 186,011,171 abstentions
         and broker nonvotes.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

     4.  EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A stockholder proposal requesting the Board of
         Directors prepare a report in response to the Glass Ceiling
         Commission's business recommendations was defeated by a vote of
         613,534,210 shares against, 57,160,583 shares for, and 189,898,817
         abstentions and broker nonvotes.

     5.  PLANT CLOSURE: A stockholder proposal that DuPont create a committee to
         report to the Board of Directors regarding the impact to communities as
         a result of the closure of DuPont plants and alternatives that can be
         developed to help mitigate the impact of such closures in the future
         was defeated by a vote of 641,115,715 shares against, 34,300,116 shares
         for, and 185,177,779 abstentions and broker nonvotes.

     6.  INTERNATIONAL WORKPLACE STANDARDS: A stockholder proposal that DuPont
         adopt, implement and enforce the workplace Code of Conduct as based on
         the International Labor Organization's Conventions 29, 87, 98, 100,
         105, 111, 135 and 138 on workplace human rights was defeated by a vote
         of 610,686,987 share against, 55,383,923 shares for, and 194,522,700
         abstentions and broker nonvotes.


         (a)  The exhibit index filed with this Form 10-Q is on pages 26 and 27.

         (b)  Reports on  Form 8-K

                1. On January 24, 2001, a Current Report on Form 8-K, pursuant
                   to Regulation FD, was filed in connection with Debt and/or
                   Equity Securities that may be offered on a delayed or
                   continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3
                   (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No.
                   333-86363). Under Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant
                   filed a news release, dated January 24, 2001, entitled
                   "DuPont Reports Fourth Quarter And Full-Year 2000 Earnings."

                2. On March 26, 2001, a Current Report on Form 8-K, pursuant to
                   Regulation FD, was filed in connection with Debt and/or
                   Equity Securities that may be offered on a delayed or
                   continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3
                   (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No.
                   333-86363). Under Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant
                   filed a news release, dated March 21, 2001, entitled "DuPont
                   Reaffirms Pioneer Hi-Bred Ability To Market Roundup Ready(R)
                   Soybeans And Roundup Ready Canola(R)."

                3. On April 2, 2001, a Current Report on Form 8-K, pursuant to
                   Regulation FD, was filed in connection with Debt and/or
                   Equity Securities that may be offered on a delayed or
                   continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3
                   (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No.
                   333-86363). Under Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant
                   filed a news release, dated April 2, 2001, entitled "DuPont
                   Plans Targeted Reductions To Improve Competitiveness."

                4. On April 19, 2001, a Current Report on Form 8-K, pursuant to
                   Regulation FD, was filed in connection with Debt and/or
                   Equity Securities that may be offered on a delayed or
                   continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3
                   (No. 33-53327, No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No.
                   333-86363). Under Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant
                   filed a news release, dated April 19, 2001, entitled "DuPont
                   To Phase Out Sale Of Benlate(R)."


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                5. On April 24, 2001, a Current Report on Form 8-K, pursuant to
                   Regulation FD, was filed in connection with Debt and/or
                   Equity Securities that may be offered on a delayed or
                   continuous basis under Registration Statements on Form S-3
                   (No. 33-53372, No. 33-61339, No. 33-60069, and No.
                   333-86363). Under Item 5, "Other Events," the Registrant
                   filed a news release, dated April 24, entitled "DuPont
                   Reports First Quarter 2001 Earnings."


                                                                       Form 10-Q


        Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                        Date:            May 10, 2001

                                        By          /s/ Gary M. Pfeiffer
                                                        Gary M. Pfeiffer
                                         Senior Vice President - DuPont Finance
                                       (As Duly Authorized Officer and Principal
                                            Financial and Accounting Officer)


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

   Number                             Description
   ------      -----------------------------------------------------------------
    3.1        Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, filed May 29,
               1997 (incorporated by reference to the company's filing on Form
               8-K on June 13, 1997.)

    3.2        Company's Bylaws, as last revised January 1, 1999 (incorporated
               by reference to Exhibit 3.2 of the company's Annual Report on
               Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998).

      4        The company agrees to provide the Commission, on request, copies
               of instruments defining the rights of holders of long-term debt
               of the company and its subsidiaries.

   10.1*       Company's Corporate Sharing Plan, as last amended August 28, 1991
               (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of the company's
               Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996).

   10.2*       The DuPont Stock Accumulation and Deferred Compensation Plan, as
               last amended April 29, 1998 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
               10.3 of the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
               period ended March 31, 1998).

   10.3*       Company's Supplemental Retirement Income Plan, as last amended
               effective June 4, 1996 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3
               of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
               December 31, 1996).

   10.4*       Company's Pension Restoration Plan, as last amended effective
               June 4, 1996 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 of the
               company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
               31, 1996).

   10.5*       Company's Stock Performance Plan, as last amended effective
               January 28, 1998 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of
               the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended
               March 31, 1998).

   10.6*       Company's Variable Compensation Plan, as last amended effective
               April 30, 1997 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.7 of the
               company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
               September 30, 1997).

   10.7*       Company's Salary Deferral & Savings Restoration Plan, as last
               amended September 20, 2000, effective January 1, 2000.

   10.8*       Company's 1995 Corporate Sharing Plan, adopted by the Board of
               Directors on January 25, 1995 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.8 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
               year ended December 31, 1999).

   10.9*       Company's 1997 Corporate Sharing Plan, adopted by the Board of
               Directors on January 29, 1997 (incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 10.11 of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
               year ended December 31, 1996).

- ------------------------------------------
*    Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement
      required to be filed as an exhibit to this Form 10-Q.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

  Number                            Description
  ------       -----------------------------------------------------------------
  10.10*       Company's Retirement Income Plan for Directors, as last amended
               August 1995 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.12 of the
               company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
               March 31, 1997).

  10.11*       Letter Agreement and Employee Agreement, dated as of April 22,
               1999, between the company and R. R. Goodmanson (incorporated by
               reference to Exhibit 10.11 of the company's Annual Report on Form
               10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999).

  10.12        Company's Tax Sharing Agreement dated October 27, 1998, by and
               among the company and Conoco Inc., formerly known as Conoco
               Energy Company (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.13 of the
               company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
               31, 1998).

     12        Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

- --------------------------------------
*  Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement
    required to be filed as an exhibit to this Form 10-Q.


                                                                       Form 10-Q

                                                                    Exhibit 10.7


                      Originally Adopted - April 26, 1994

         As Last Amended September 20, 2000, Effective January 1, 2000

                     E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
