- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS

In 1997, DuPont achieved a 30 percent total shareholder return. We posted our
fourth consecutive year of record earnings, excluding nonrecurring items. And we
announced $7 billion in acquisitions that will further strengthen our position
in the chemicals, energy and specialties markets, while opening tremendous new
potential for our life sciences businesses.

    Net income for the year before nonrecurring items was $4.1 billion, or basic
earnings per share of $3.61, compared with $3.7 billion, or $3.32 per share in
1996. Overall, we achieved excellent financial performance. Despite a 7 percent
negative impact on earnings from currency fluctuations, and 8 percent lower
crude oil prices, earnings per share grew 9 percent. Reported net income for the
year was $2.4 billion, or basic earnings per share of $2.12, compared with $3.6
billion, or $3.23 per share in 1996.

     Certain business areas stand out from the rest in terms of earnings
contribution. Higher volumes and, in some cases, improved pricing led to
increases in specialty fibers -- Lycra(R) spandex, Tyvek(R) and Sontara(R)
nonwovens and Kevlar(R) and Nomex(R) fibers. Photopolymers and electronic
materials -- one of our high growth businesses -- was also a strong performer.
Automotive products and Dacron(R) polyester both had an excellent year. In the
energy sector, downstream petroleum (a business targeted in 1997 for major
improvement) showed the greatest gain, while upstream achieved its highest-ever

A clear sense of direction

    DuPont is a chemical, materials and energy company that derives its
competitive advantage from technological strengths in chemistry and chemical
engineering, biotechnology, and geology. Our chemicals and specialties
businesses are world class with strong core technology platforms, leading market
and cost positions, value-added products, global presence and financial
strength. The DuPont superbrand is among the most recognized in the world, and
our many brand franchises offer unparalleled opportunity for our businesses in
established and developing markets.

    After years of streamlining our businesses and restructuring both our
portfolio and the way we work, DuPont is less susceptible to the impact of
chemical and petroleum industry cycles. Even in the present uncertain times we
remain committed to delivering record performance. Our target of 15 percent
total annual return to shareholders over time remains unchanged.

Strategies translated into actions

    We have restructured our chemicals and specialties portfolio to focus on
those businesses where we can be number one or a strong number two globally,
based on clear technological advantages that provide profitable growth. During
1997, we took bold steps in acquiring several businesses from ICI. These
acquisitions will propel our polyester business by providing a very strong
ingredients position based on world class technology and by substantially
strengthening our polyester films and resins businesses. The pending purchase of
ICI's considerable titanium dioxide assets will allow us to lead the world in
white pigments and accelerate our growth in both Europe and Asia.

    In energy, Conoco is well along its path to doubling its value by 2003. In
Venezuela, we established and completed financing on a joint venture that will
give us access to major oil reserves for many years. In addition, the
acquisition of natural gas fields in the Lobo Trend of South Texas represents a
potential 70 percent increase in Conoco's U.S. gas reserves when fully
developed. Conoco's worldwide proven reserves were up 38 percent, the largest
single-year increase in Conoco's history, and a fourfold increase over
production. By 1999, we expect a 15 percent increase in Conoco's production from
these and earlier strategic initiatives.

    Among our most exciting future prospects is the growth we anticipate in our
life sciences businesses. We are one of the world's industrial leaders in
biotechnology and expect life sciences to account for at least 30 percent of
earnings by 2002. About


one-third of our annual research and development expenditure is focused on these
businesses. In 1997, we strengthened our position in the feed, food and
industrial materials markets through an alliance with seed company Pioneer Hi-
Bred International and through the purchase of Protein Technologies
International from Ralston Purina. These actions will clearly strengthen our
position as one of the top suppliers of crop protection and enhanced food and
feed products worldwide.

Synergy between our life sciences and materials businesses

    We believe that the application of biotechnology will redefine our company
in the coming decades. While currently applied largely in the pharmaceuticals,
food and feed businesses, biotechnology also has enormous potential in our
traditional materials businesses. We expect that we will eventually produce
chemicals and specialty products from plants and microorganisms instead of
petrochemicals. By maintaining world class efforts in biotechnology and applying
them to both the life sciences and traditional chemical businesses, DuPont is
uniquely positioned to capture the full potential of biotechnology long term for
our shareholders.

Portfolio adjustments and productivity improvements -- a way of life

    As we aggressively expanded the most promising parts of our portfolio, we
divested several units that we believed could not achieve the necessary global
competitiveness to meet profitable growth goals. During the past five years, we
divested, placed into joint ventures, or made an initial public offering of
businesses representing more than $4 billion of revenue. This includes the
divestitures announced in 1997, among them the sale of parts of the printing and
publishing unit, which was targeted in last year's annual report. Where
appropriate, we will continue to make changes to achieve greater value from our

    Our productivity improvement over the last five years has been substantial


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

necessary to achieve globally competitive businesses. The focus today is on
cost reduction and asset productivity as well as revenue growth. The next step
change in productivity will come this year from further streamlining the
administrative work in our company and from cost and capital effectiveness by
accelerating efforts to improve yield and uptime.

Record year for safety and environmental performance

    One of the most remarkable accomplishments during a year of considerable
challenge and change occurred in safety and environmental performance. The
people of our company achieved their best year ever in overall safety and
environmental performance.

    Employee injuries and illnesses were down 27 percent globally over 1996
figures and down 60 percent since the early 1990s. Conoco was down more than 70
percent since the early 1990s. Among our contractors, there was a 45 percent
reduction over the past three years. This improvement builds on our own record
levels of performance, with DuPont nearly 30 times better than the U.S. industry

    Total releases to air, land and water and underground injection wells as
recorded in the most recent data submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency are down 20 percent over the prior year and nearly 80 percent lower than
our 1987 base year. These achievements in safety and the environment are
something that each employee has a direct impact on every day, and we
congratulate them and thank them for their commitment and resulting success. Our
goal remains zero for all accidents and environmental incidents.

1998 -- Opportunities outweigh challenges

    The challenges of 1998 are already apparent in light of lower petroleum
prices, the Asian economic turmoil, and the earnings dilution we face from our
rapid pace of acquisitions. But given the cost reductions, restructuring and
portfolio realignment of the past years, our prospects are vastly improved
regardless of economic conditions. In fact, opportunities for us this year
outweigh the challenges. Among the positive signs for the current year in the
chemicals and specialties businesses:

 . The economies of the United States and Europe are projected to remain strong.
These regions account for 80 percent of our sales, and we believe that volume
growth is attainable in 1998.

 . Pricing in local currency for chemicals and specialties products increased in
the fourth quarter of 1997, versus the fourth quarter of 1996. Currency should
be less of a factor in 1998.

 . The lower prices for petroleum and natural gas mean lower raw material costs
for our chemicals businesses.

21st century team in place

    In late 1997 we put in place the senior management that will lead DuPont
into the 21st century. Many of the business leaders are from the new generation
of executives with global experience. These men and women have a strong external
focus, are veterans of global competition and have specific and challenging
objectives. We are relying on the outstanding abilities and commitment to
success of all of DuPont's people in discovery, manufacturing, marketing and
customer service. We greatly appreciate their creativity and enthusiasm which
keeps us on a winning path in a very dynamic, challenging global market.

    In spite of competitive pressures and changing business environments in many
regions of the world, we see enough opportunities to deliver another record year
in 1998. The task before us is to maintain solid fundamental business
performance as we create the innovations to deliver the results that our
shareholders expect from their company.

/s/ John A. Krol                       /s/ Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
John A. Krol                           Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
Chairman of the Board                  President and Chief Executive Officer

February 27, 1998


The Chemicals segment includes a wide range of commodity and specialty products
such as titanium dioxide, fluorochemicals and polymer intermediates used in the
paper, plastics, chemical processing, refrigeration, textile and environmental
management industries. Principal products include Ti-Pure(R)  titanium dioxide
white pigments, Suva(R)  refrigerants, Formacel(R)  blowing agents, Vertrel(R)
cleaning agents, Dymel(R)  aerosol propellants and fire extinguishants.


A diversified mix of specialty fibers is produced to serve end uses ranging from
protective apparel, active sportswear and packaging to high-strength composites
in aerospace. High-volume fibers are produced for apparel and home fabrics,
carpeting and industrial applications. Some principal products include Lycra(R)
brand spandex, Stainmaster(R) and Antron(R) nylon carpet fibers, Cordura(R) and
Tactel(R) nylon yarns, and polyester fibers for fabrics and filling including
Dacron(R), Micromattique(R), Thermax(R) and CoolMax(R). Nonwoven products
include Tyvek(R) spunbonded olefin, Typar(R) spunbonded polypropylene and
Sontara(R) spunlaced products. Advanced fibers are Kevlar(R) brand fiber,
Nomex(R) brand fiber and paper, and Teflon(R) brand fluoropolymer fiber.


The Polymers segment includes engineering polymers, fluoropolymers, ethylene
polymers, finishes and performance films for industries such as packaging,
construction, chemical processing, electrical, paper, textiles and
transportation; the automotive businesses, which are engaged in manufacturing
and marketing more than 100 DuPont product lines used by the automotive
industry; and DuPont Dow Elastomers, a 50 percent-owned joint venture. Principal
products of Polymers include Teflon(R) and Tefzel(R) fluoropolymers,
SilverStone(R) non-stick finishes, Tedlar(R) polyvinyl fluoride film, Zytel(R)
nylon resins, Hytrel(R) polyester elastomer, Crastin(R) polyester resins,
Delrin(R) acetal resins, Tynex(R) nylon filaments, Centari(R) and Imron(R)
automotive finishes, Butacite(R) safety glass interlayer and Corian(R) surfaces.



Petroleum operations are carried out by Conoco. The "upstream" part of the
business finds, develops and produces crude oil and natural gas, and processes
natural gas to recover higher-value liquids. The "downstream" part of the
business includes the refining of crude oil and other feedstocks into petroleum
products, trading in crude oil and products, and distribution and marketing of
high-quality fuels, motor oils and other products, including industrial
lubricants, petroleum coke and intermediates for use in making petrochemicals.
Brands include Conoco(R), Seca(R) and Jet(R) gasolines and motor oils,
Hydroclear/TM/ lubricants, and LiquidPower/TM/ flow improver. Conoco also has a
growing presence in the power generation business.


Life Sciences consists of Agricultural Products, with a focus on crop protection
chemicals and an increasing role in biotechnology and food; and Pharmaceuticals,
which includes DuPont's 50 percent interest in The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical
Co. Principal agricultural products include Optimum(R) modified corn and
soybeans, the herbicides Basis(R) Gold(R) and Accent(R) for corn, Classic(R),
Canopy(R) and Synchrony(R) for soybeans, Glean(R) and Ally(R) for cereals,
Londax(R) for rice, Staple(R) for cotton, and a range of fungicides and
insecticides. Pharmaceutical products include Coumadin(R) anticoagulant,
Cozaar(R) antihypertensive, Sinemet(R) antiparkinsons, Symmetrel(R) antiviral
and antiparkinsons, Cardiolite(R) cardiac imaging agents, and Neurolite(R) 
brain-imaging agents.


Diversified Businesses include polyester intermediates, resins and films,
photopolymer and electronic materials, and CONSOL, a coal operation owned 50
percent by DuPont. Principal products include Cronar(R) and Mylar(R) polyester
films, Kapton(R) polyimide film, Teflon(R) fluoropolymer film, Crystar(R) and
Melinar(R) polyester resins, Melinex(R) polyester film, Petretec/SM/ polyester
regeneration technology, Riston(R) photoresists, Birox(R) microcircuit
materials, Pyralux(R) flexible laminates, Cyrel(R) flexographic printing plates,
Cromalin(R) color proofing systems, photomask imaging products, and Fodel(R)
photoimageable compositions for flat panel displays.


                      Management's Discussion and Analysis
     This review and discussion of financial performance should be read in
  conjunction with the letter to stockholders (pages 1-3), segment profiles 
       (pages 8-9) and consolidated financial statements (pages 31-53).

Analysis of Operations


Sales in 1997 were a record $45.1 billion, up 3 percent from 1996. Petroleum
segment sales were $21.0 billion compared to $20.2 billion in 1996, up 4
percent. This reflects higher U.S. downstream margins and volumes, increased
natural gas volumes outside the United States, and higher U.S. natural gas
prices. Worldwide crude oil prices averaged 8 percent lower, while natural gas
prices were up 10 percent. Sales for the combined chemicals and specialties
segments (Chemicals, Fibers, Polymers, Life Sciences and Diversified Businesses)
were $24.1 billion, up 2 percent. Sales outside of the United States comprised
46 percent of total worldwide chemicals and specialties sales in 1997 versus 47
percent in the prior year. After adjusting for the divestiture of certain
Medical Products businesses, as well as the formation of the DuPont Dow
elastomers joint venture, sales were up 4 percent. This is due to 7 percent
higher volume partly offset by 3 percent lower selling prices. Excluding the
effect of currency fluctuation, worldwide selling prices were about flat versus
1996. U.S. prices were down less than 1 percent for the year, but were up 1
percent when comparing the fourth quarter 1997 to fourth quarter 1996. Outside
the United States, prices for the year averaged 7 percent below 1996, and were
down 5 percent comparing the fourth quarter of 1997 to the fourth quarter of
1996. In the fourth quarter comparison, worldwide prices, excluding the adverse
effect of currency fluctuation, were up 2 percent. U.S. sales volume was up 5
percent, while outside the United States volume was up 10 percent. The latter
reflects strength in Europe, South America and Mexico. Growth in Asia for the
year averaged 7 percent, but had fallen to 1 percent below 1996 levels in the
fourth quarter. Europe's annual volume growth of 11 percent was largely offset
by lower selling prices due to the effect of currency fluctuation.

Sales in 1996 were a record $43.8 billion, up 4 percent from 1995. Petroleum
segment sales were $20.2 billion, compared to $17.7 billion in 1995, up 14
percent. This reflects higher worldwide prices for crude oil and natural gas and
increased crude oil production and natural gas deliveries. Crude oil and natural
gas average prices were higher than those in 1995 by 21 percent and 19 percent,
respectively. Sales for the combined chemicals and specialties segments were
$23.6 billion, 4 percent lower than in 1995. This reflects a reduction in sales
resulting from the divestiture of certain Medical Products businesses and
formation of the DuPont Dow elastomers joint venture. After adjusting for these
changes in business composition, sales were 2 percent higher than 1995,
reflecting 3 percent higher sales volume, partly offset by 1 percent lower
average selling prices. U.S. selling prices were flat, while prices outside the
United States averaged 3 percent lower, mostly attributable to a stronger U.S.
dollar. U.S. sales volume was up 3 percent. Volume outside the United States was
up 4 percent. Sales in Mexico and South America combined were up 13 percent,
reflecting a recovery from the 1995 devaluation in the Mexican peso and the
continuing growth in South America. Sales volume growth in Asia was 9 percent
but was substantially offset by 7 percent lower prices. European sales were down
1 percent, as slightly higher volume was more than offset by lower selling


Net income in 1997 was $2,405 million versus $3,636 million in 1996. The decline
in net income principally reflects net nonrecurring charges of $1,682 million
taken in 1997 as compared to $101 million in net charges for 1996. The 1997
nonrecurring charges include $1,466 million for purchased in-process research
and development associated with acquisitions made during the year. Excluding
nonrecurring charges from both years, net income was a record $4,087 million
compared to $3,737 million in 1996, up 9 percent. About one-half of this
increase is due to 19 percent higher petroleum segment earnings which reflect
higher natural gas prices, increased volumes and higher refined product margins.
The remainder is due to 5 percent higher chemicals and specialties earnings. The
latter reflects 7 percent higher sales volumes, partly offset by lower selling
prices and the absence of $186 million after-tax from the favorable allocation
of DuPont Merck pharmaceutical venture operating income in 1996. Lower selling
prices were principally the result of the adverse currency impact of the
stronger U.S. dollar.

Basic earnings per share were $2.12 ($2.08 diluted) versus $3.23 ($3.18 diluted)
in 1996. Excluding nonrecurring items from both years, 1997 basic earnings per
share were a record $3.61 ($3.55 diluted), up 9 percent from $3.32 ($3.27
diluted) in 1996. Earnings growth on a per share basis tracked net income growth
as average shares outstanding for 1997 were up less than 1 percent from 1996.

Net income in 1996 was a record $3,636 million versus $3,293 million in 1995, up
10 percent. This principally reflects a 39 percent


                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

improvement in after-tax operating income for the Petroleum segment and lower
after-tax interest expense. Upstream petroleum had record earnings, primarily
resulting from higher oil and gas prices. In addition, Life Sciences earnings
increased 15 percent. In 1996, net nonrecurring charges were $101 million versus
$114 million in 1995. Excluding these charges, earnings were $3,737 million, up
$330 million from 1995.

Basic earnings per share were $3.23 ($3.18 diluted) in 1996 versus $2.81 ($2.77
diluted) in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring items from both years, 1996 basic
earnings per share were $3.32 ($3.27 diluted), up 14 percent from $2.91 ($2.87
diluted) in 1995. One-half of this improvement was from higher Petroleum segment
earnings with the balance attributable to higher results from the DuPont Merck
pharmaceutical venture largely due to a more favorable allocation of operating
income to DuPont, benefit from lower average shares outstanding and lower
interest expense. Petroleum benefited from higher oil and gas prices and higher
volumes. Earnings from the chemicals and specialties segments were up 1 percent
as gains from higher sales volume were offset by lower selling prices and by
reduction in earnings resulting from businesses that were divested or are now
operated through a joint venture arrangement.

TAXES ($ in millions)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
                                    1997      1996      1995
Income tax expense                 $2,275    $2,345    $2,097

Effective income tax rate (EITR)     48.6%     39.2%     38.9%

The 1997 EITR of nearly 49 percent is significantly higher than the 1996 and
1995 EITR of 39 percent and is due to purchased in-process research and
development charges for the Pioneer and Protein Technologies transactions which
reduced earnings but had no tax effect. The 1996 EITR of 39 percent was
essentially equal to 1995, reflecting insignificant changes in the effective tax
rates for both chemicals and specialties and petroleum compared to 1995.

The company paid total taxes of $8.3 billion in 1997, compared to $8.4 billion
in 1996 and $8.3 billion in 1995. 1997 total tax payments were slightly lower
than in 1996 due principally to lower petroleum excise taxes, partly offset by
higher income taxes. 1996 total tax payments were slightly higher than in 1995
due principally to higher income taxes and higher U.S. petroleum excise taxes,
partly offset by lower petroleum excise taxes outside the United States.

Segment Reviews


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                           4.3     1997                           600 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                           4.1     1996                           563  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                           4.2     1995                           651  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

Chemicals segment businesses are: White Pigment and Mineral Products, which
includes titanium dioxide products; Specialty Chemicals, which produces a range
of chemical intermediates; and Fluorochemicals, which produces refrigerants.

In White Pigment and Mineral Products, major developments during 1997 included
announcement of the intention to buy ICI's titanium dioxide business, excluding
North American assets and business, subject to government approval.

Specialty Chemicals exited several businesses that were not integral to future
growth, including DuPont's 50 percent share of the Niachlor caustic chlorine
joint venture, which was sold to the Olin Corporation, DuPont's partner in the
venture. Plans were also announced to sell the global hydrogen peroxide

Fluorochemicals commercialized FE-36 fire extinguishants and Vertel(R) HFC-4310
cleaning agents.

1997 versus 1996 Sales of $4.3 billion were up 3 percent reflecting 7 percent
higher volume. The average annual price level was 4 percent lower, but the
fourth quarter average was 2 percent above prior year reflecting improved
titanium dioxide prices. After-tax operating income (ATOI) was $600 million,
versus $563 million in 1996. Excluding 1996 nonrecurring charges, ATOI was up 3
percent as higher earnings from specialty chemicals were partly offset by lower
earnings from titanium dioxide.

1996 versus 1995 Sales of $4.1 billion were 1 percent lower, reflecting 4
percent higher sales volume more than offset by 5 percent lower prices. ATOI was
$563 million, down 14 percent from $651 million in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring
items from both years, earnings were $584 million, down 9 percent from the $641
million earned in 1995, principally reflecting lower earnings from titanium
dioxide resulting from significantly lower selling prices. Partly offsetting
this were higher earnings from chemical intermediates. Segment results were also
negatively affected by investment write-offs in the fourth quarter.



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

Perspective In White Pigment and Mineral Products, the ICI acquisition would, if
approved, give DuPont a long-sought titanium dioxide manufacturing presence in
Europe and additional capability in Asia and Africa, which should contribute
significantly to future growth. Growth in demand and a continuing focus on
productivity improvements should help Specialty Chemicals maintain profitable
growth. Fluorochemicals' results will continue to be affected by overcapacity
for HFC-134a.


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                           7.7     1997                           980 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                           7.2     1996                           802  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                           7.2     1995                           805  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

The Fibers group of businesses consists of Nylon, Lycra(R), Dacron(R), Nonwovens
and Advanced Fibers Systems.

Nylon had another good year with strong results across the portfolio, continued
focus on cost reduction globally, and progress in upgrading and consolidating
fiber facilities, primarily in North America and Europe. New facilities were
started up in Singapore (nylon intermediates), China and India (tire cord fibers
and fabrics), Taiwan and Mexico (apparel fibers), and Japan (carpet and apparel
fibers). An alliance was formed with P. T. Branta Mulia, a major producer of
tire cord fibers and fabrics, to manufacture and market nylon tire cord in Asia
Pacific, with DuPont acquiring a 19.8 percent equity interest in Branta Mulia.
The nylon tire cord fabric business of Akzo Nobel in Brazil was acquired.

Demand for Lycra(R) brand spandex products remained high and supply was tight
during the year. The business completed a significant expansion at Waynesboro,
Virginia, and a new facility in China. Expansions were also announced for
existing sites in Maydown in the United Kingdom and in Singapore. The strategy
continues to be growth through increased use in established segments such as
hosiery and intimate apparel, development of new markets such as shoes and
ready-to-wear clothing, and geographic expansion in developing markets.

Dacron(R) had an excellent year, benefiting from a strong position in filament
and differentiated products, cost control efforts and favorable ingredient
prices. Work continued on building capacity at Suzhou, China, in a joint venture
to supply the Chinese polyester market. The strategy continues to be to maintain
market leadership in the polyester filament industry, branded and specialty
products, and in niche and retail markets outside North America.

Nonwovens' strong growth was led by the Tyvek(R) business, which posted gains in
all major segments. In response to customer demand, Nonwovens is enhancing
manufacturing capability for Tyvek(R) spunbonded olefin in Richmond, Virginia,
and introducing new technology for Sontara(R) spunlaced products at a new plant
in Asturias, Spain. A new product, Xavan(TM) spunbonded polypropylene, was
introduced, bringing the business into new markets in industrial packaging,
furniture and bedding.

Advanced Fibers Systems continued to build on its Kevlar(R), Nomex(R) and
Teflon(R) brands of fiber, paper and pressboard in developing new products, new
applications and new regional markets. Kevlar(R) brand fiber is being introduced
for concrete strengthening in earthquake-prone areas of Asia, Nomex(R) brand
paper in honeycomb form is being used in a new generation of heating and cooling
systems to improve air quality, and Teflon(R) brand fiber has found a new
application in low-friction socks.

1997 versus 1996 Sales of $7.7 billion were up 7 percent reflecting 9 percent
higher sales volume partly offset by 2 percent lower selling prices. After-tax
operating income (ATOI) was $980 million versus $802 million in 1996. Excluding
1996 nonrecurring charges, ATOI increased 18 percent reflecting earnings growth
across all business units, principally from Lycra(R) brand spandex and nylon.

1996 versus 1995 Sales of $7.2 billion were flat as average selling prices and
sales volumes were essentially unchanged versus 1995. ATOI was $802 million,
essentially even with the $805 million earned in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring
items, earnings were $834 million, 8 percent above the $774 million earned in
1995, principally attributable to improved results for Lycra(R) brand spandex,
nonwovens and Dacron(R) polyester.

Perspective A five-year program of modernization and consolidation of
manufacturing facilities, which began in 1997, should enhance Nylon's
competitive position. Innovation and brand image should aid growth for Lycra(R)
in new market segments and developing markets. Dacron(R) is in a strong position
based on polyester intermediates and filament, branded and specialty products.
Nonwovens and Advanced Fibers Systems are adding capacity in response to demand
in new and traditional markets.



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                           6.8     1997                           924 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                           6.7     1996                           909  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                           7.0     1995                           829  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

The businesses in the Polymers segment are: Packaging and Industrial Polymers,
Automotive, Corian(R), Engineering Polymers, Fluoropolymers and DuPont Dow
Elastomers L.L.C., a 50-50 global joint venture.

Packaging and Industrial Polymers sales continued strong in all major product
lines. Demand was driven by evolving needs in the packaging industry, increasing
product performance requirements in the various other industries served, and
growing purchasing power and lifestyle changes in emerging economies in Asia,
Mexico and South America. Plans were announced to expand polyvinyl alcohol
capacity by 20 percent.

Automotive achieved increases in sales and earnings, with strong growth outside
the United States. The automotive finishes businesses continued to do well, as
did Butacite(R) polyvinyl butyral safety glass interlayer in North America and
Europe. The business concluded the acquisition of Carrs Paints, Ltd. of the
United Kingdom.

Corian(R) continued to expand sales and launched its first product variant, an
antibacterial solid surface material that offers extra protection for home and
commercial environments. The business also introduced 16 new colors.

Engineering Polymers experienced growth in all regions. Capacity expansion
startups to support global growth included a Zytel(R) nylon resin plant in
Richmond, Virginia, Delrin(R) polyacetal resins at Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
Tynex(R) toothbrush filament at Shenzen, China, Crastin(R) polyester resins at
Uentrop, Germany, and Vespel(R) polyimide products at Circleville, Ohio.

Fluoropolymers continued construction and is near completion of a major
expansion program at plants in West Virginia, The Netherlands and Japan, in
response to rising demand for its products. Products include Teflon(R) and
Tefzel(R) resins, Teflon(R) and SilverStone(R) non-stick finishes, Tedlar(R)
polyvinyl fluoride film and Nafion(R) perfluorinated membranes.

DuPont Dow Elastomers completed its first full calendar year of operations and
began commercial production of Nordel(R) IP hydrocarbon rubber, made via Dow's
proprietary Insite(TM) process and catalyst technology. The new facility is at
Plaquemine, Louisiana, and has capacity of 200 million pounds a year. Nordel(R)
is used in the manufacture of a range of products including automotive hoses and

1997 versus 1996 Sales were $6.8 billion versus $6.7 billion in 1996. After
adjusting to exclude prior year elastomers sales now part of the DuPont Dow
elastomers joint venture, sales were up 5 percent. This is attributable to 7
percent higher volume partly offset by 2 percent lower selling prices. After-tax
operating income (ATOI) was $924 million versus $909 million in 1996. After
excluding nonrecurring items from 1996 results, ATOI was up 8 percent. This
principally reflects higher earnings from Packaging and Industrial Polymers and
Automotive Products.

1996 versus 1995 Sales of $6.7 billion were 4 percent above 1995, after
adjusting for the reduction in sales resulting from formation of the DuPont Dow
elastomers joint venture. This reflects 4 percent higher volume and flat selling
prices. ATOI was $909 million, up 10 percent from $829 million in 1995.
Excluding nonrecurring items from both years, earnings were $854 million, down 1
percent from $864 million in 1995. Increased earnings from automotive products,
engineering polymers, and Corian(R) surfaces were offset by a reduction in
elastomers earnings due to formation of the DuPont Dow elastomers joint venture.

Perspective Demand for most products in the Polymers segment should continue to
be robust but this outlook is tempered by the possibility of further economic
slowdown in Asia during 1998. Long term, demand in the emerging economies and
emphasis on high-performance materials for vehicles and various industrial uses
are positive factors.


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                          21.0     1997                         1,068 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                          20.2     1996                           860  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                          17.7     1995                           619  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

Petroleum operations include exploration and production, and refining, trading,
transportation and marketing, carried out by Conoco.

In the United States, a $929 million acquisition of natural gas properties and
transportation assets in the Lobo Trend of South Texas significantly expanded
the company's North American



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

natural gas business. Deepwater holdings in the Gulf of Mexico were also
increased and a second advanced drillship was ordered to evaluate the acreage,
while development of the large, partner-operated Ursa field in the Gulf of
Mexico was on schedule for first production in 1999.

A continuing exploration program in the Triangle Zone of western Canada added to
natural gas reserves in the region.

Excel Paralubes, Conoco's joint venture with Pennzoil, brought a $500 million
hydrocracker onstream at the Lake Charles, Louisiana, site and Conoco introduced
Hydroclear(TM) lubricants blended from the pure base oils produced by the
hydrocracker. The two companies formed another joint venture, Penreco, to
further use the hydrocracked base oils in the production and sales of premium
white oils, petrolatum and solvents.

In the U.K. sector of the North Sea, the Britannia gas field is scheduled to
come onstream in the second half of 1998 following installation of the platform
last summer. This giant field, in which Conoco holds a 42 percent interest, is
expected to be an important contributor to earnings for many years. Conoco
continued to apply its expertise in economically developing smaller North Sea
fields such as the MacCulloch field. MacCulloch was brought onstream using a
converted oil tanker as a floating production, storage and offtake system
(FPSO). Full production from the similarly sized Banff field will begin in 1998
also using an FPSO, following successful tests. The Boulton gas field will also
begin production, through a remotely controlled platform installed in 1997.
Conoco increased to more than 20 percent its interest in the large Clair oil
field west of the Shetland Islands; shortly before year-end, the U.K. government
awarded Conoco and its partners two additional highly prospective exploration
blocks in the area.

In Norway, production from the Heidrun field increased as the use of Conoco's
LiquidPower(TM) flow improver raised the capacity of the field's export
pipeline. A methanol plant, using natural gas from Heidrun as feedstock, was

As part of its strategy to develop an integrated natural gas business across
Europe, Conoco signed a second major agreement to supply gas via the
Interconnector pipeline from its U.K. North Sea fields to continental Europe.
The pipeline was installed in 1997 and terminals at each end are scheduled for
completion in late 1998.

Conoco and its partners in the Karlsruhe, Germany, refinery merged operations
with the adjacent Esso refinery to significantly improve operating capability.

Conoco continued to expand its marketing operations in Central Europe, opening
31 additional gasoline outlets in the region with 25 more planned in 1998.

In South America, work began on the Petrozuata project, a 50 percent-owned $2.4
billion joint venture with state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., to
extract 1.6 billion barrels of extra-heavy crude oil from the Orinoco oil belt.
Project financing of $1.45 billion was also arranged. Initial production of
30,000 barrels per day is expected by the end of 1998. Conoco will drill
exploratory wells in 1998 on light oil tracts in eastern and western Venezuela
and three highly promising tracts in Colombia.

In Asia Pacific, the company reached agreement in principle to supply large
volumes of gas to Singapore from Block B offshore Indonesia and made a promising
discovery in Irian Jaya. Additional exploration acreage was obtained in several
countries, including Taiwan, where drilling is under way. A new joint venture
refinery in Melaka, Malaysia, is scheduled for startup by mid-1998.

In other developments, letters of intent were signed with American Electric
Power Company, one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the United States,
to create two joint venture companies to acquire and lease the assets of
industrial and large commercial businesses and to manage power facilities.

1997 versus 1996 Sales for the year were $21.0 billion, up 4 percent from last
year's $20.2 billion, as higher downstream prices and volumes, increased
international natural gas volumes and stronger domestic natural gas prices more
than compensated for lower crude oil prices.

After-tax operating income (ATOI) was $1,068 million versus $860 million in
1996. Excluding nonrecurring items, earnings were a record $1,074 million, up
$173 million or 19 percent from 1996. Nonrecurring items in 1997 include a $55
million dollar write-down of an office building held for sale in Europe and a
$112 million impairment of certain international nonrevenue producing
properties. Largely offsetting these losses was a $161 million gain from the
sale of North Sea producing and exploration properties.

Excluding nonrecurring items, Conoco's upstream operations had record ATOI of
$775 million, up 10 percent from last year. U.S. upstream ATOI totaled $404
million, up 40 percent from $288



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

million in 1996 due to higher gas prices and gains from asset sales which more
than offset lower crude oil prices. U.S. natural gas prices were up 23 percent
to $2.34 per thousand cubic feet and gas deliveries outside the United States
increased 5 percent. The company's net realized crude oil price averaged $18.58
per barrel, 8 percent lower than the previous year. Outside the United States,
ATOI was $371 million, down 11 percent from last year due to lower crude oil
prices, partly offset by increased oil and gas volumes.

Downstream ATOI, excluding nonrecurring items, was $299 million, up 53 percent
from the $195 million earned last year. In the United States, downstream earned
$170 million versus $107 million in the prior year, an increase of 59 percent.
The improvement is attributable to very strong refinery margins, reduced
operating costs and higher refined product sales. Outside the United States,
downstream earned $129 million, up 47 percent, primarily due to higher European
margins and increased refinery production. Worldwide refined product sales were
1,048,000 barrels per day (bpd), up 5 percent versus 1996, due to higher
refinery production from the new Lake Charles, Louisiana, hydrocracker and the
Humber refinery's new vacuum unit in the United Kingdom. Worldwide crude oil and
condensate production averaged 337,000 bpd for the year, up slightly versus

1996 versus 1995 Sales for 1996 were $20.2 billion, up 14 percent from 1995. The
increase resulted from higher crude oil and natural gas prices and higher
volumes outside the United States. Earnings of $860 million were up 39 percent
from $619 million in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring items from both years, 1996
earnings were $901 million versus $664 million in 1995, a 36 percent increase.

Upstream earnings of $632 million were up 43 percent from $443 million in 1995.
Excluding nonrecurring charges, earnings of $706 million were up 46 percent from
$482 million in 1995. Higher crude oil and natural gas prices and improved
volumes outside the United States, partly offset by increased exploration costs,
contributed to the improvement.

Downstream earnings of $228 million in 1996 were up 30 percent from $176 million
in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring items, earnings of $195 million were up 7
percent from $182 million in 1995 due to gradually improving margins, despite
higher crude oil prices and one-time startup costs for new units in refining.

Perspective The major investments that Conoco has made in the past few years
will result in an increase in the company's oil and gas production and in its
output of refined products in 1998, mitigating the effects of weaker prices. The
significant improvement by Conoco's downstream operations in 1997 combines with
its already competitive position in upstream to provide the balance and strength
for long-term profitable growth.


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                           2.5     1997                         (786) 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                           2.5     1996                           679  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                           2.3     1995                           588  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

Life Sciences consists of Agricultural Products and Pharmaceuticals.

Agricultural Products made three important moves during the year in executing
its strategy of developing a leading position in biotechnology businesses while
building on its strong position in traditional crop protection products: (a)
formed a research alliance plus a separate joint venture company, Optimum
Quality Grains, L.L.C., with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, to speed the
discovery, development and delivery of new crops for farmers and livestock
producers, and acquired a 20 percent interest in Pioneer; (b) purchased Protein
Technologies International, a global supplier of soy proteins, from Ralston
Purina; and (c) signed a letter of intent to form a joint venture with Griffin
Corporation to produce and market standard crop protectants worldwide.

The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company joint venture delivered another strong
performance in 1997 with continued growth in sales and earnings, led by the
anticoagulant Coumadin(R), which achieved record sales in 1997. Strong
performance by other products, including Sinemet(R) and Sinemet(R) CR for
Parkinson's disease, and by Cardiolite(R) heart imaging agent, also fueled
earnings growth. In 1997, DuPont Merck's antiretroviral agent Sustiva(R) entered
phase three development. Sustiva(R) is a new investigational nonnucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitor used in combination therapy for HIV. DuPont
Merck is preparing for marketing approval for Sustiva(R) in the United States,
Canada and Europe in 1998. Two nuclear oncology products were launched in 1997:
Miraluma(R) breast imaging agent and Quadramet(R) for treating bone pain.
Revia(R), for the treatment of alcoholism, was launched in France. The generics
and multisource product lines were sold.

1997 versus 1996 Segment sales of $2.5 billion were up 2 percent reflecting 6
percent higher volume, partly offset by 4 percent


                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

lower prices. After-tax operating income (ATOI) was a loss of $786 million
versus earnings of $679 million reported in 1996. The loss resulted from $1.4
billion in net nonrecurring charges taken during the year, principally for the
write-off of acquired in-process research and development costs associated with
purchases of Protein Technologies International and a 20 percent interest in
Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Excluding nonrecurring items, ATOI was $607
million versus $789 million in 1996. 1996 included $186 million after-tax from a
favorable allocation of operating income to DuPont from the DuPont Merck joint
venture. Excluding this benefit from 1996 and nonrecurring charges from both
years, ATOI was essentially unchanged, $607 million versus $603 million, as
costs associated with recent agricultural acquisitions and the shutdown of
triazines were offset by higher pharmaceutical results.

1996 versus 1995 Segment sales of $2.5 billion were up 6 percent reflecting 9
percent higher volume partly offset by 3 percent lower prices. ATOI was $679
million, up 15 percent from $588 million. Excluding nonrecurring items from both
years, ATOI was $789 million, up 21 percent from $651 million in 1995. This
reflects earnings improvement from both pharmaceuticals and agricultural
products. The increase in pharmaceuticals earnings was largely due to a more
favorable allocation of operating income to DuPont from the DuPont Merck joint
venture totaling $186 million in 1996, compared to $111 million in 1995.

Perspective Agricultural Products is poised for a new phase of growth as a
result of its acquisitions and alliances in biotechnology and traditional
products. The Pharmaceuticals business is developing well as pipeline
therapeutics enter commercialization. Additionally, Cozaar(R), launched in 1995
for hypertension, continues strong growth worldwide.


    SALES ($ in Billions)                  ATOI ($ in Millions)
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1997                           2.8     1997                           (8) 
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1996                           3.1     1996                           205  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     
1995                           3.7     1995                           252  
    ------------------------------         ------------------------------     

The Diversified group of businesses consists of Polyester Films, Polyester
Resins and Intermediates, Photopolymer and Electronic Materials, Printing and
Publishing and CONSOL, a coal operation 50 percent owned by DuPont.

Films was divided into Polyester Resins and Intermediates and Polyester Films as
the business acquired ICI's global polyester resins and intermediates businesses
in December 1997 and ICI's global polyester films business in February 1998.
During 1997 the product viability of NG-3 (next generation) polyester
polymerization technology was demonstrated. This technology, when coupled with
the acquired ICI technology, will provide the lowest-cost, highest-productivity
polyester value chain, providing a 40 percent investment advantage. Other
initiatives under start-up or completing construction include terephthalic acid
capacity in Taiwan, polyester film capacity in Luxembourg and the United
Kingdom, and capacity for Kapton(R) polyimide film in the United States and

Photopolymer and Electronic Materials continued its growth strategy with
formation of a global joint venture in high-performance liquid polyimide
materials for semiconductor applications. The 50-50 joint venture, Hitachi
DuPont MicroSystems L.L.C., combines the Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd. and DuPont
polyimide coating businesses, including research and development, manufacturing,
sales and technical service. Polyimides are used in the fabrication of
semiconductor chips and related components. Also, a majority-owned venture was
formed in Taiwan to market dry film resists for the printed circuit board
industry. The business introduced Fodel(R) photoimageable compositions, which
are used in the emerging flat panel display market, and the Cyrel(R) digital

Printing and Publishing proceeded with business associated with exiting the
electronic imaging joint venture with Fujifilm and prepared for the sale of the
global graphic arts films and offset printing plates businesses to the
Agfa-Gevaert Group.

CONSOL Energy Inc., a coal operations joint venture owned 50 percent by DuPont,
had another record year of earnings and continued to make productivity gains.

Medical Products' last remaining business, NEN Life Sciences Products, was sold.

1997 versus 1996 Sales were $2.8 billion compared to $3.1 billion in 1996. After
adjusting for the divestiture of certain Medical Products businesses, sales were
2 percent lower. This reflects 6 percent higher volume which was more than
offset by 8 percent lower selling prices. Prices were down largely due to lower
prices for films, graphic arts, and printed circuit products. After-tax
operating income (ATOI) was a loss of $8 million versus



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

earnings of $205 million in 1996. The current year includes nonrecurring charges
for writedown of the global graphic arts films and offset printing plates
business assets held for sale and other related costs as well as a charge for
purchased in-process research and development in connection with the purchase of
ICI's global polyester intermediates and resins businesses. Excluding
nonrecurring items from both years, ATOI was $275 million, versus $157 million
in 1996, up 75 percent. This reflects lower operating losses from the Printing
and Publishing businesses pending sale and the Medical Products businesses now
divested. Higher earnings were realized from Photopolymers and Electronic
Materials and CONSOL.

1996 versus 1995 Segment sales were $3.1 billion, up 2 percent, after adjusting
for the divested Medical Products businesses. This reflects flat selling prices
and 2 percent higher sales volume. ATOI was $205 million, down 19 percent from
$252 million in 1995. Excluding nonrecurring items from both years, earnings
were $157 million, down 41 percent. This is principally due to the absence of
earnings from Medical Products businesses that were divested in 1996, and lower
Printing and Publishing earnings. Partly offsetting were higher earnings from
electronic materials and coal.

Perspective Growth prospects for Polyester Resins and Intermediates, Polyester
Films and Photopolymer and Electronic Materials are good, tempered near term by
problems in Asian economies. CONSOL should benefit from growth in the U.S.
domestic utility market and continued productivity gains.

Financial Condition and Cash Flows


During 1997, DuPont made four strategic acquisitions to strengthen both the
company's position in the chemicals, energy and specialties markets, as well as
for future opportunities in the life sciences businesses. In May, Conoco spent
$0.9 billion to purchase the Lobo Trend natural gas properties in South Texas.
In September, the company purchased a 20 percent interest in Pioneer Hi-Bred
International for $1.7 billion. In December, ICI's global polyester
intermediates and resins businesses were acquired for $1.2 billion and the
company acquired the Protein Technologies International (PTI) business from
Ralston Purina for 22.5 million shares of DuPont stock valued at $1.3 billion.
In each of the ICI and PTI transactions, the company assumed $0.2 billion of
debt of the respective companies. (See Note 23, "Investment Activities," to the
financial statements.) Following the PTI acquisition, the company spent $1.4
billion to repurchase 22.5 million shares to offset dilution resulting from the
shares issued to Ralston. (See Note 21, "Stockholders' Equity," to the financial
statements.) As a result of these actions, borrowings at year-end 1997 of $12.0
billion were $3.1 billion higher than the $8.9 billion at the end of 1996. With
this increase in debt, the ratio of cash provided by operations to debt
decreased from 71 percent at the end of 1996 to 58 percent at the end of
1997.The company expects that this ratio will improve gradually over the next
few years.

In August, following the announcement of the four major acquisitions, Moody's
Investors Service (Moody's) confirmed their rating of the company's senior
unsecured long-term debt at Aa3. Standard & Poor's (S&P) also affirmed its
rating on senior debt of AA-. However, both Moody's and S&P cautioned that the
higher level of debt has weakened the company's debt protection measures and
further deterioration could result in a ratings downgrade. The company's
commercial paper rating remains at Prime-1 by Moody's and A-1+ by S&P.

Borrowings at year-end 1996 of $8.9 billion were $2.8 billion below the $11.7
billion at the end of 1995. This reduction was accomplished through a
combination of internally generated funds and $1.3 billion of asset sales,
including proceeds from sales of essentially all of the Medical Products
businesses and certain petroleum properties, plus proceeds from the formation of
the elastomers joint venture with Dow.


Cash provided by operations totaled $7.0 billion in 1997; this was $0.6 billion
higher than the $6.4 billion in 1996. This increase is principally the result of
$0.7 billion higher net income in 1997 after adjusting for noncash charges and
credits. Two transactions in December also contributed to this year's higher
inflow as follows: (a) Conoco received $303 million from a contract for future
sales of natural gas to Centrica, a U.K. company which holds gas contracts for
the British government; and (b) $250 million was transferred from the company's
pension trust in the United States to pay the company's portion of certain
retiree health care costs as permitted under federal law. These higher inflows
were partially offset by higher inventory levels. The $1.5 billion adjustment
for "Purchased In-Process Research and Development" eliminates the noncash
charge to earnings



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

associated with the purchase of a 20 percent interest in Pioneer, the
acquisition of Protein Technologies International from Ralston and the purchase
of ICI's polyester intermediates and resins businesses. (See Note 5, "Purchased
In-Process Research and Development," to the financial statements.) "Other
Noncash Charges and Credits -- Net" of $437 million includes a $340 million
adjustment to eliminate the noncash charge taken in the third quarter to write
down certain Printing and Publishing assets to be sold. It also includes $167
million to eliminate the noncash charges for impairment of nonrevenue producing
properties and an office building held for sale. (See Note 6, "Write-down of
Assets and Other Related Costs," to the financial statements.)

In 1996, cash provided by operations totaled $6.4 billion; this was $0.4 billion
below the $6.8 billion inflow in 1995. This reduction is primarily due to higher
working capital investment in support of increased business activity in the
latter part of 1996 and tax payments related to gains on divestitures and the
joint venture formation.


Total capital investments, including investments in affiliates and acquisitions,
were $8.3 billion. This is an increase of $4.5 billion from 1996. As discussed
under "Financial Condition" above, $3.9 billion of the 1997 expenditures were
for three strategic acquisitions. Excluding these items, 1997 expenditures of
$4.4 billion were up $0.6 billion, or 16 percent, from $3.8 billion spent last
year. The 1996 expenditures were up $0.3 billion, or 9 percent, from $3.5
billion in 1995.

In the Petroleum segment, capital investments were $3.0 billion and included
$0.9 billion to purchase the Lobo natural gas properties in South Texas.
Excluding the South Texas natural gas properties purchase, expenditures were
$2.1 billion versus $2.0 billion in 1996 and upstream capital expenditures were
$1.5 billion, up 15 percent from the $1.3 billion spent in 1996. The most
significant upstream expenditures in 1997 included development of the newly
acquired Lobo gas properties and continued development of the Britannia gas
field in the U.K. North Sea and the Ursa deepwater oil field in the Gulf of
Mexico. Downstream capital expenditures of $0.6 billion were down 14 percent
from the $0.7 billion spent in 1996. Downstream spending included continuing
construction of the Melaka refinery in Malaysia and expansion of refining and
marketing operations in central and eastern Europe.

For the chemicals and specialties businesses, capital investments totaled $5.3
billion in 1997. Excluding the $3.0 billion spent for the Pioneer and ICI
acquisitions, capital investments were $2.3 billion, which is $0.5 billion above
the $1.8 billion for 1996. The program to modernize, consolidate and renew the
cost competitiveness of the Nylon business continued in 1997 with expenditures
made in the United States, Europe and Asia to upgrade both nylon manufacturing
facilities and nylon intermediates. Other expenditures this past year were to
expand capacity and build market positions in Europe and Asia for key
businesses, including Lycra(R) brand spandex, crop protection agents, Dacron(R)
polyester, Terathane(R), Mylar(R) thin films, Sontara(R) nonwoven and Softec(TM)
polyester. In the United States, expenditures increased capacity for Hytrel(R)
and Vespel(R) resins, Lycra(R), Fortress(R) insecticide, Vamac(R) elastomers and
terephthalic acid. Also, significant expenditures were made for environmental

In 1998, the company currently expects that capital investments will be about
$6.0 billion. This includes $1.6 billion to complete the acquisition of ICI's
polyester films and tioxide businesses. Excluding these strategic acquisitions,
capital spending is expected to total $4.4 billion, or about the same as in
1997. Petroleum expenditures are expected to be about $2.1 billion and include
equity contributions for the Petrozuata extra-heavy oil development in
Venezuela, continuing development of the Lobo gas properties, expansion of
refining and marketing in central and eastern Europe, and completion of the
Britannia gas development in the U.K. North Sea and the Melaka refinery in
Malaysia. Chemicals and specialties expenditures are expected to be $2.3 billion
and include funding for a number of growth-oriented projects to expand
manufacturing capacity globally, especially for businesses such as Lycra(R)
utilizing a new generation of technology, engineering polymers and crop
protection chemicals. Renewal and modernization of nylon manufacturing and
intermediates capacity in the United States, Europe and Asia will continue. The
budget also provides funds for the newly acquired polyester resins,
intermediates and films, tioxide and life sciences businesses.


Proceeds from asset sales were $1,123 million in 1997. Half of this total came
from sales of various petroleum properties which totaled $565 million in 1997 as
compared with $275 million the



                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

previous year. Proceeds from sales of chemicals and specialties assets and
businesses amounted to $558 million in 1997. The most significant proceeds came
from: (a) collection of the note received from the sale of the Diagnostic
Imaging business last year; (b) the sale of NEN Life Sciences Products which
concluded the divestiture of the company's Medical Products businesses; and (c)
the sale by DuPont Merck of its generic and multisource product lines. (See Note
23, "Investment Activities," to the financial statements.)

In 1996, proceeds were $1,271 million, principally from the sale of two Medical
Products businesses (Diagnostic Imaging and In-Vitro Diagnostics), the formation
of the elastomers joint venture with Dow and sales of various petroleum


"Miscellaneous - Net" Investment Activities of $555 million included $450
million from the liquidation of financial investments by Danube Insurance
Limited, the company's self-insurance subsidiary. These funds from excess
insurance reserves were used for operating and investment purposes.


Dividends per share of common stock were $1.23 in 1997, $1.115 in 1996 and
$1.015 in 1995. The quarterly dividend was increased from $.285 to $.315 in the
second quarter of 1997 and from $.26 to $.285 in the second quarter of 1996. The
company's objective is to pay dividends that are 15 to 25 percent of cash
provided by operations. For 1997 and 1996, dividends paid in relation to cash
provided by operations were 20 percent, as compared with 18 percent in 1995.


In accordance with the company's announced intent to offset dilution resulting
from DuPont stock issued under compensation plans and the acquisition of the PTI
business, the company spent $1,747 million in 1997 to purchase shares of DuPont
common stock. Immediately after purchase, these shares were retired. The total
includes $1,420 million spent in December to buy back 22.5 million shares,
equivalent to the shares issued to acquire the PTI business. The remaining $327
million was for the purchase of 5.8 million shares to offset dilution from
compensation plans.

In July 1996, the company paid $504 million to repurchase warrants from Seagram.
The warrants were issued to Seagram as part of the 1995 transaction to redeem
312 million shares of the company's common stock. Also, in 1996, the company
received $297 million from the formation of a partnership in which Vanguard
Energy Investors L.P. owns a 33 percent interest.


At the end of 1997, the company's investment in working capital (excluding cash
and cash equivalents, marketable securities, and short-term borrowings and
capital lease obligations) was $2.8 billion, an increase of $0.1 billion from
the $2.7 billion in 1996. This increase is principally due to the acquisition of
the Protein Technologies International business and ICI's polyester
intermediates and resins businesses in December. Current assets increased by
$0.9 billion due to the two acquisitions, higher miscellaneous receivables for
gains on foreign exchange contracts and higher inventories in support of
increased business levels partially offset by collection of the note receivable
from The Sterling Group, Inc. Current liabilities increased $0.8 billion
principally due to higher accrued liabilities for losses on foreign exchange
contracts and the two acquisitions.

In 1996, working capital investment decreased $0.2 billion from the $2.9 billion
in 1995. Accounts and notes receivable increased $281 million, primarily due to
the $175 million note received from The Sterling Group, Inc., in connection with
the sale of the Diagnostic Imaging business, but this increase was more than
offset by a $503 million increase in current liabilities principally due to
increased business activity at the end of 1996 as compared with 1995 as well as
higher crude oil prices.

The ratio of current assets to current liabilities, including cash and cash
equivalents, marketable securities, short-term borrowings and capital lease
obligations, at year-end 1997 was 0.8:1 as compared with 1.0:1 in 1996 and 0.9:1
in 1995. The lower ratio in 1997 is due to a $2.2 billion increase in short-term
borrowings from 1996, resulting from commercial paper borrowings.

YEAR 2000

Historically, certain computer programs have been written using two digits
rather than four digits to define the applicable year, which could result in
computers recognizing a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year
2000. This could result in major system failures or miscalculations, and is
generally referred to as the "Year 2000" problem or issue.

                                     DUPONT                              25

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

The company is conducting a global assessment of its key internal computer
systems and software and will take steps necessary to ensure that its
information technology infrastructure will be Year 2000-capable. The company has
established a "Year 2000 Project Office" to lead and coordinate all of its
global Year 2000 activities. This office is accountable to provide the necessary
leadership, tools and knowledge required by all operating units to become Year
2000-capable. The company is also working with Computer Sciences Corporation and
Andersen Consulting, who operate the majority of the company's global
information systems and technology infrastructure, so that the services they
provide will be Year 2000-capable. At this time, the company cannot reasonably
estimate the potential impact on its financial position and operations if key
suppliers, customers and other constituents (e.g., government) do not become
Year 2000-capable on a timely basis.

Out-of-pocket costs incurred to become Year 2000-capable are currently estimated
to be about $200 million and are not expected to have a material adverse effect
on the company's financial condition, operations or liquidity. The company will
devote all necessary resources to make its key systems Year 2000-capable on a
timely basis.

Financial Instruments


Under procedures and controls established by the company's Financial Risk
Management Framework, the company enters into contractual arrangements
(derivatives) in the ordinary course of business to hedge its exposure to
foreign currency, interest rate and commodity price risks. The counterparties to
these contractual arrangements are major financial institutions.

Although the company is exposed to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by
these counterparties, this exposure is managed through credit approvals, limits
and monitoring procedures and, to the extent possible, by restricting the period
over which unpaid balances are allowed to accumulate. The company does not
anticipate nonperformance by counterparties to these contracts, and no material
loss would be expected from any such nonperformance.


The company routinely uses forward exchange contracts to hedge its net
exposures, by currency, related to the foreign currency-denominated monetary
assets and liabilities of its operations. The primary business objective of this
hedging program is to maintain an approximately balanced position in foreign
currencies so that exchange gains and losses resulting from exchange rate
changes, net of related tax effects, are minimized.

In addition, from time to time, the company will enter into forward exchange
contracts to establish with certainty the U.S. dollar amount of future firm
commitments denominated in a foreign currency. Decisions regarding whether or
not to hedge a given commitment are made on a case-by-case basis taking into
consideration the amount and duration of the exposure, market volatility and
economic trends. Forward exchange contracts are also used to manage near-term
foreign currency cash requirements and to place foreign currency deposits and
marketable securities investments into currencies offering favorable returns.

Principal currency exposures and related hedge positions at December 31, 1997,
were as follows (dollars in millions):

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   Open Contracts To     
                                                                  Buy/(Sell) Currency      Net     
                              Monetary    Monetary  Net Monetary  --------------------   After-Tax 
Currency                      Assets    Liabilities  Exposure     Pretax     After-Tax   Exposure
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
British Pound                  $2,052     $1,042      $1,010      $(1,623)    $(1,006)     $  4
Canadian Dollar                $  341     $  180      $  161      $  (264)    $  (164)     $ (3)
German Mark                    $  565     $1,027      $ (462)     $   749     $   461      $ (1)
Norwegian Krone                $  408     $    -      $  408      $  (661)    $  (410)     $ (2)
French Franc                   $1,375     $1,009      $  366      $  (587)    $  (364)     $  2
Italian Lira                   $  445     $  212      $  233      $  (377)    $  (234)     $ (1)

26                                   DUPONT

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

The fair value of forward exchange contracts outstanding as of December 31,
1997, was $(3) million. Given the company's balanced foreign exchange position
shown above, a ten percent adverse change in foreign exchange rates upon which
these contracts are based would result in exchange losses from these contracts
that, net of tax, would, in all material respects, be fully offset by exchange
gains on the underlying net monetary exposures for which the contracts are
designated as hedges.


The company uses a combination of financial instruments, including interest rate
swaps, interest and principal currency swaps and structured medium-term
financings, as part of its program to manage the fixed and floating interest
rate mix of the total debt portfolio and related overall cost of borrowing.

Interest rate swaps involve the exchange of fixed for floating rate interest
payments to effectively convert fixed rate debt into floating rate debt based on
LIBOR or commercial paper rates. Interest rate swaps also involve the exchange
of floating for fixed rate interest payments to effectively convert floating
rate debt into fixed rate debt. Interest rate swaps allow the company to
maintain a target range of floating rate debt.

Under interest and principal currency swaps, the company receives predetermined
foreign currency-denominated payments corresponding, both as to timing and
amount, to the fixed or floating interest rate and fixed principal amounts to be
paid by the company under concurrently issued foreign currency-denominated
bonds. In return, the company pays U.S. dollar interest and a fixed U.S. dollar
principal amount to the counterparty thereby effectively converting the foreign
currency-denominated bonds into U.S. dollar-denominated obligations for both
interest and principal. Interest and principal currency swaps allow the company
to be fully hedged against fluctuations in currency exchange rates and foreign
interest rates and to achieve U.S. dollar fixed or floating interest rate
payments below the market interest rate, at the date of issuance, for borrowings
of comparable maturity.

Structured medium-term financings consist of a structured medium-term note and a
concurrently executed structured medium-term swap which, for any and all
calculations of the note's interest and/or principal payments over the term of
the note, provide a fully hedged transaction such that the note is effectively
converted to a U.S. dollar-denominated fixed or floating interest rate payment.
Structured medium-term swaps allow the company to be fully hedged against
fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates and to achieve U.S. dollar
fixed or floating interest rate payments below the market interest rate, at the
date of issuance, for borrowings of comparable maturity.

The fair value of interest rate derivatives outstanding as of December 31, 1997,
was not material. A one percentage point adverse change in the interest rates
upon which these contracts are based would not cause these instruments to have a
material impact on future earnings.


The company enters into exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivative
commodity instruments to hedge its exposure to price fluctuations on anticipated
crude oil, refined products and natural gas transactions and certain raw
material purchases.

Commodity trading in petroleum futures contracts is a natural extension of cash
market trading and is used to physically acquire a portion of refining crude
supply requirements. The commodity futures market has underlying principles of
increased liquidity and longer trading periods than the cash market and is one
method of reducing exposure to the price risk inherent in the petroleum
business. Typically, trading is conducted to manage price risk around near-term
supply requirements.

Occasionally, as market views and conditions allow, longer-term positions will
be taken to manage price risk for the company's equity production (crude and
natural gas) or net supply requirements. The company's use of derivative
commodity instruments reduces the effects of price volatility, thereby
protecting against adverse price movements, while limiting, somewhat, the
benefits of favorable price movements.

On a limited basis, the company also purchases and sells petroleum- and other
energy-based futures contracts for trading purposes. After-tax gain/loss from
such trading has not been material.

The fair value of derivative commodity instruments outstanding as of December
31, 1997, was not material. A ten percent adverse change in the commodity prices
upon which these contracts are based would not cause these instruments to have a
material impact on future earnings.

Additional details on these and other financial instruments are set forth in
Note 26 to the financial statements.

                                     DUPONT                                 27

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

Environmental Matters

DuPont operates manufacturing facilities, petroleum refineries, natural gas
processing plants and product-handling and distribution facilities around the
world. These facilities are significantly affected by a broad array of
environmental laws and regulations. Company policy requires that all operations
fully meet or exceed legal and regulatory requirements. DuPont facilities
worldwide are run in accordance with the highest standards of safe operation,
even where those standards exceed the requirements of local law. DuPont has also
implemented voluntary programs to reduce air emissions, curtail the generation
of hazardous waste, decrease the volume of wastewater discharges and improve the
efficiency of energy use. The costs of complying with complex environmental laws
and regulations, as well as internal voluntary programs, are significant and
will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. These costs may increase in
the future, but are not expected to have a material impact on the company's
competitive or financial position.

In 1997 DuPont spent about $330 million for environmental capital projects
either required by law or necessary to meet the company's internal waste
elimination and pollution prevention goals. The company currently estimates
expenditures for environmental-related capital projects will total $300 million
in 1998. Significant capital expenditures may be required over the next decade
for treatment, storage and disposal facilities for solid and hazardous waste and
for compliance with the Clean Air Act (CAA) and its 1990 Amendments. Until all
new CAA regulatory requirements are known, considerable uncertainty will remain
regarding future estimates of capital expenditures. Total CAA capital costs over
the next two years are currently estimated to range from $20 million to $200

Estimated pretax environmental expenses charged to current operations totaled
about $700 million, before insurance recoveries, in 1997 as compared to about
$800 million in both 1996 and 1995. These expenses include the remediation
accruals discussed below, operating, maintenance and depreciation costs for
solid waste, air and water pollution control facilities and the costs of
environmental research activities. The largest of these expenses resulted from
the operation of wastewater treatment facilities and solid waste management
facilities, each of which accounted for about $170 million. About 72 percent of
total annual expenses resulted from the operations of the company's Chemicals,
Fibers, Polymers, Life Sciences and Diversified Businesses segments in the
United States.


DuPont accrues for remediation activities when it is probable that a liability
has been incurred and reasonable estimates of the liability can be made. These
accrued liabilities exclude claims against third parties and are not discounted.
Much of this liability results from the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, often referred to as Superfund), the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and similar state laws that
require the company to undertake certain investigative and remedial activities
at sites where the company conducts or once conducted operations or at sites
where company-generated waste was disposed. The accrual also includes a number
of sites identified by the company that may require environmental remediation,
but which are not currently the subject of CERCLA, RCRA or state enforcement
activities. Over the next one to two decades the company may incur significant
costs under both CERCLA and RCRA. Considerable uncertainty exists with respect
to these costs and under adverse changes in circumstances, potential liability
may exceed amounts accrued as of December 31, 1997.

Remediation activities vary substantially in duration and cost from site to site
depending on the mix of unique site characteristics, evolving remediation
technologies, diverse regulatory agencies and enforcement policies and the
presence or absence of potentially liable third parties. Therefore, it is
difficult to develop reasonable estimates of future site remediation costs. At
December 31, 1997, the company's balance sheet included an accrued liability of
$561 million as compared to $586 million and $602 million at year-end 1996 and
1995, respectively. Approximately 78 percent of the company's environmental
reserve at December 31, 1997 was attributable to RCRA and similar remediation
liabilities and 22 percent to CERCLA liabilities. During 1997, remediation
accruals of $54 million, offset by $55 million in insurance proceeds, resulted
in a credit to income of $1 million, compared to credits of $9 million and $79
million in 1996 and 1995, respectively, also resulting from insurance


RCRA extensively regulates the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous
waste and requires a permit to conduct such activities. The law requires that
permitted facilities undertake an

28                                   DUPONT

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis

assessment of environmental conditions at the facility. If conditions warrant,
the company may be required to remediate contamination caused by prior
operations. As contrasted by CERCLA, the RCRA corrective action program results
in the cost of corrective action activities being typically borne solely by the
company. The company anticipates that significant ongoing expenditures for RCRA
remediation activities may be required over the next two decades, although
annual expenditures for the near term are not expected to vary significantly
from the range of such expenditures over the past few years. Longer term,
expenditures are subject to considerable uncertainty and may fluctuate
significantly. The company's expenditures associated with RCRA and similar
remediation activities were approximately $62 million in 1997, $79 million in
1996 and $94 million in 1995.

The company from time to time receives requests for information or notices of
potential liability from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state
environmental agencies alleging that the company is a "potentially responsible
party" (PRP) under CERCLA or an equivalent state statute. The company has also
on occasion been made a party to cost recovery litigation by those agencies or
by private parties. These requests, notices and lawsuits assert potential
liability for remediation costs at various sites that typically are not company
owned but allegedly contain wastes attributable to the company's past
operations. As of December 31, 1997, the company had been notified of potential
liability under CERCLA or state law at about 347 sites around the United States,
with active remediation under way at 175 of those sites. In addition, the
company has resolved its liability at 96 sites, either by completing remedial
actions with other PRPs or by participating in "de minimis buyouts" with other
PRPs whose waste, like the company's, represented only a small fraction of the
total waste present at a site. The company received notice of potential
liability at 12 new sites during 1997 compared with 7 similar notices in 1996
and 16 in 1995. The company's expenditures associated with CERCLA and similar
state remediation activities were approximately $18 million in 1997, $28 million
in 1996 and $25 million in 1995. 

For most Superfund sites, the company's potential liability will be
significantly less than the total site remediation costs because the percentage
of waste attributable to the company versus that attributable to all other PRPs
is relatively low. Other PRPs at sites where the company is a party typically
have the financial strength to meet their obligations and, where they do not, or
where PRPs cannot be located, the company's own share of liability has not
materially increased. There are relatively few sites where the company is a
major participant, and neither the cost to the company of remediation at those
sites, nor at all CERCLA sites in the aggregate, is expected to have a material
impact on the competitive or financial position of the company.

Total expenditures for previously accrued remediation activities under CERCLA,
RCRA and similar state laws were $80 million in 1997, $107 million in 1996 and
$119 million in 1995. Although future remediation expenditures in excess of
current reserves is possible, the effect on future financial results is not
subject to reasonable estimation because of the considerable uncertainty
regarding the cost and timing of expenditures.

                                     DUPONT                                  29

Responsibilities for Financial Reporting

Management is responsible for the consolidated financial statements and the
other financial information contained in this Annual Report. The financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles considered by management to present fairly the company's financial
position, results of operations and cash flows. The financial statements include
some amounts that are based on management's best estimates and judgments.

The company's system of internal controls is designed to provide reasonable
assurance as to the protection of assets against loss from unauthorized use or
disposition, and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial
statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The company's business
ethics policy is the cornerstone of our internal control system. This policy
sets forth management's commitment to conduct business worldwide with the
highest ethical standards and in conformity with applicable laws. The business
ethics policy also requires that the documents supporting all transactions
clearly describe their true nature and that all transactions be properly
reported and classified in the financial records. The system is monitored by an
extensive program of internal audit, and management believes that the system of
internal controls at December 31, 1997, meets the objectives noted above.

The financial statements have been audited by the company's independent
accountants, Price Waterhouse LLP. The purpose of their audit is to
independently affirm the fairness of management's reporting of financial
position, results of operations and cash flows. To express the opinion set forth
in their report, they study and evaluate the internal controls to the extent
they deem necessary. Their report is shown on this page. The adequacy of the
company's internal controls and the accounting principles employed in financial
reporting are under the general oversight of the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors. This committee also has responsibility for employing the independent
accountants, subject to stockholder ratification. No member of this committee
may be an officer or employee of the company or any subsidiary or affiliated
company. The independent accountants and the internal auditors have direct
access to the Audit Committee, and they meet with the committee from time to
time, with and without management present, to discuss accounting, auditing and
financial reporting matters.

/s/ Charles O. Holliday, Jr.             /s/ Gary M. Pfeiffer

Charles O. Holliday, Jr.                 Gary M. Pfeiffer
President                                Senior Vice President 
and Chief Executive Officer              and Chief Financial Officer 

February 13, 1998

Report of Independent Accountants

To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements appearing on pages 31-53
of this Annual Report present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and its subsidiaries at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the results of their operations and their cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the company's management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements,
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We
believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed

/s/ Price Waterhouse LLP

Price Waterhouse LLP
Thirty South Seventeenth Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

February 13, 1998

30                                   DUPONT

                              Financial Statements
        E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Consolidated Subsidiaries

Consolidated Income Statement
(Dollars in millions, except per share)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      1997           1996           1995
Sales*                                                               $45,079        $43,810        $42,163
Other Income (Note 2)                                                  1,574          1,340          1,059
   Total                                                              46,653         45,150         43,222
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Operating Charges                        26,377         25,144         23,363
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                           2,711          2,856          2,995
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization                               2,385          2,621          2,722
Exploration Expenses, Including Dry Hole Costs and Impairment
  of Unproved Properties                                                 457            404            331
Research and Development Expense                                       1,116          1,032          1,067
Interest and Debt Expense (Note 3)                                       642            713            758
Taxes Other Than on Income* (Note 4)                                   6,300          6,399          6,596
Purchased In-Process Research and Development (Note 5)                 1,478             --             --
Write-down of Assets and Other Related Costs (Note 6)                    507             --             --
   Total                                                              41,973         39,169         37,832
Earnings Before Income Taxes                                           4,680          5,981          5,390
Provision for Income Taxes (Note 7)                                    2,275          2,345          2,097
Net Income                                                           $ 2,405        $ 3,636        $ 3,293
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock (Note 8)
   Basic                                                             $  2.12        $  3.23        $  2.81
   Diluted                                                           $  2.08        $  3.18        $  2.77

* Includes petroleum excise taxes of $5,349, $5,461 and $5,655 in 1997, 1996 and
  1995, respectively.

                              See pages 35-53 for Notes to Financial Statements.

                                     DUPONT                                  31

                              Financial Statements

       E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Consolidated Subsidiaries

Consolidated Balance Sheet
(Dollars in millions, except per share)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                                             1997             1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Note 9)                                                    $  1,004         $  1,066
Marketable Securities (Note 9)                                                             142              253
Accounts and Notes Receivable (Note 10)                                                  5,740            5,193
Inventories (Note 11)                                                                    4,070            3,706
Prepaid Expenses                                                                           397              297
Deferred Income Taxes (Note 7)                                                             521              588
   Total Current Assets                                                                 11,874           11,103
Property, Plant and Equipment (Note 12)                                                 54,284           50,549
Less: Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization                              30,701           29,336
                                                                                        23,583           21,213
Investment in Affiliates (Note 13)                                                       3,477            2,278
Other Assets (Notes 7 and 14)                                                            4,008            3,276
Total                                                                                 $ 42,942         $ 37,870
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable (Note 15)                                                            $  3,007         $  2,757
Short-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations (Note 16)                            6,154            3,910
Income Taxes (Note 7)                                                                      593              526
Other Accrued Liabilities (Note 17)                                                      4,316            3,794
   Total Current Liabilities                                                            14,070           10,987
Long-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations (Note 18)                             5,929            5,087
Other Liabilities (Note 19)                                                              8,919            8,450
Deferred Income Taxes (Note 7)                                                           2,084            2,133
   Total Liabilities                                                                    31,002           26,657
Minority Interests (Note 20)                                                               670              620
Stockholders' Equity (next page)
Preferred Stock, without par value - cumulative; 23,000,000 shares authorized;
issued at December 31:
   $4.50 Series--1,672,594 shares (callable at $120)                                       167              167
   $3.50 Series--700,000 shares (callable at $102)                                          70               70
Common Stock, $.30 par value; 1,800,000,000 shares authorized;
   Issued at December 31, 1997--1,152,762,128; 1996--1,158,085,450                         346              347
Additional Paid-In Capital                                                               7,991            6,676
Reinvested Earnings                                                                      4,389            4,931
Cumulative Translation Adjustments                                                        (153)             (23)
Minimum Pension Liability Adjustments                                                     (144)            (116)
Common Stock Held in Trust for Unearned Employee
   Compensation and Benefits (Flexitrust), at Market
   (Shares: December 31, 1997--23,245,747; 1996--30,991,590)                            (1,396)          (1,459)
   Total Stockholders' Equity                                                           11,270           10,593
Total                                                                                 $ 42,942         $ 37,870

                              See pages 35-53 for Notes to Financial Statements.

32                                   DUPONT

                              Financial Statements
        E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Consolidated Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity (Notes 21 and 22)
(Dollars in millions, except per share)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             1997                         1996                         1995
                                                    Shares          Amount       Shares            Amount      Shares        Amount
Preferred Stock                                                      $ 237                          $ 237                     $ 237
Common Stock
Balance January 1                                1,158,085,450         347    1,470,085,448           441   1,362,009,888       408
Issuance of Shares in Connection with:
   Businesses Acquired                              23,009,778           7               --            --              --        --
   Public and Private Offerings                             --          --                2            --      54,678,750        16
   Establishment of Flexitrust                              --          --               --            --      48,000,000        14
   Compensation Plans                                       --          --               --            --       5,396,810         3
Retirement of Treasury Stock                       (28,333,100)         (8)    (312,000,000)          (94)             --        --
Balance December 31                              1,152,762,128         346    1,158,085,450           347   1,470,085,448       441
Additional Paid-In Capital
Balance January 1                                                    6,676                          8,689                     4,771
Changes due to:                                                                                  
   Businesses Acquired                                               1,317                             --                        --
   Public and Private Offerings                                         --                             --                     1,731
   Common Stock Held by Flexitrust                                     356                            458                     1,662
   Shares Issued by Flexitrust                                        (299)                          (289)                      (19)
   Issuance (Repurchase) of Warrants                                    --                           (504)                      439
   Compensation Plans                                                  134                             70                       105
   Retirement of Treasury Stock                                       (193)                        (1,748)                       --
Balance December 31                                                  7,991                          6,676                     8,689
Reinvested Earnings                                                                              
Balance January 1                                                    4,931                          9,503                     7,406
Net Income                                                           2,405                          3,636                     3,293
Preferred Dividends                                                    (10)                           (10)                      (10)
Common Dividends (1997-$1.23; 1996-$1.115;                                                       
  1995-$1.015)                                                      (1,391)                        (1,251)                   (1,186)
Retirement of Treasury Stock                                        (1,546)                        (6,947)                       --
Balance December 31                                                  4,389                          4,931                     9,503
Cumulative Translation Adjustments                                                               
Balance January 1                                                      (23)                            --                        --
Adjustments during Year                                               (130)                           (23)                       --
Balance December 31                                                   (153)                           (23)                       --
Minimum Pension Liability Adjustments                                                            
Balance January 1                                                     (116)                          (113)                      (79)
Adjustments during Year                                                (28)                            (3)                      (34)
Balance December 31                                                   (144)                          (116)                     (113)

Less: Common Stock Held in Flexitrust                                                   
Balance January 1                                   30,991,590       1,459       47,092,352         1,645              --        --
Establishment of Flexitrust                                 --          --               --            --      48,000,000     1,626
Shares Issued                                       (7,745,843)       (419)     (16,100,762)         (644)       (907,648)      (31)
Adjustments to Market Value                                 --         356               --           458             --         50
Balance December 31                                 23,245,747       1,396       30,991,590         1,459      47,092,352     1,645
Less: Common Stock Held in Treasury, at Cost
Balance January 1                                           --          --      312,000,000         8,789             --         --
Acquisition (Retirement)                                    --          --     (312,000,000)       (8,789)    312,000,000     8,789
Balance December 31                                         --          --               --            --     312,000,000     8,789
Total Stockholders' Equity                                         $11,270                        $10,593                    $8,323

                              See pages 35-53 for Notes to Financial Statements.

                                     DUPONT                                   33

                              Financial Statements

        E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Consolidated Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(Dollars in millions)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                             1997            1996            1995
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                             $ 1,066         $ 1,408         $   856
Cash Provided by Operations
Net Income                                                                   2,405           3,636           3,293
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Cash Provided by Operations:
  Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization                                   2,385           2,621           2,722
  Dry Hole Costs and Impairment of Unproved Properties                         169             137             121
  Purchased In-Process Research and Development                              1,478              --              --
  Other Noncash Charges and Credits--Net                                       437            (244)            (67)
  Decrease (Increase) in Operating Assets:
   Accounts and Notes Receivable                                              (650)           (359)            151
   Inventories and Other Operating Assets                                     (390)           (253)             21
  Increase (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities:
   Accounts Payable and Other Operating Liabilities                            857             531              (8)
   Accrued Interest and Income Taxes (Notes 3 and 7)                           293             319             528
    Cash Provided by Operations                                              6,984           6,388           6,761
Investment Activities (Note 23)
Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment                                  (4,768)         (3,303)         (3,240)
Investments in Affiliates                                                   (2,283)           (413)           (249)
Payments for Businesses (Net of Cash Acquired)                              (1,238)            (75)             (5)
Proceeds from Sales of Assets                                                1,123           1,271             337
Net Decrease (Increase) in Short-Term Financial Instruments                    115            (197)            500
Miscellaneous--Net                                                             555              57             (56)
    Cash Used for Investment Activities                                     (6,496)         (2,660)         (2,713)
Financing Activities
Dividends Paid to Stockholders                                              (1,401)         (1,261)         (1,196)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Short-Term Borrowings                             1,737            (954)          2,172
Long-Term and Other Borrowings:
  Receipts                                                                   6,462           3,194           7,640
  Payments                                                                  (5,562)         (5,171)         (5,642)
Acquisition of Treasury Stock (Note 21)                                     (1,747)             --          (8,350)
Repurchase of Warrants (Note 21)                                                --            (504)             --
Net Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock
  through Public and Private Offerings (Note 21)                                --              --           1,747
Proceeds from Exercise of Stock Options                                        116             315              58
Increase (Decrease) in Minority Interests (Note 20)                            (56)            363              --
    Cash Used for Financing Activities                                        (451)         (4,018)         (3,571)
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash                                        (99)            (52)             75
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                                   $ 1,004         $ 1,066         $ 1,408
Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                           $   (62)        $  (342)        $   552
                              See pages 35-53 for Notes to Financial Statements.

34                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

DuPont observes the generally accepted accounting principles described below.
These, together with the other notes that follow, are an integral part of the
consolidated financial statements.

Basis of Consolidation

The accounts of wholly owned and majority-owned subsidiaries are included in the
consolidated financial statements. Investments in affiliates owned 20 percent or
more and corporate joint ventures are accounted for under the equity method.
Investments in noncorporate joint ventures of petroleum operations are
consolidated on a pro rata basis. Other securities and investments, excluding
marketable securities, are generally carried at cost.


Substantially all inventories are valued at cost as determined by the last-in,
first-out (LIFO) method; in the aggregate, such valuations are not in excess of
market. Elements of cost in inventories include raw materials, direct labor and
manufacturing overhead. Stores and supplies are valued at cost or market,
whichever is lower; cost is generally determined by the average cost method.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment (PP&E) is carried at cost and, except for
petroleum PP&E, PP&E placed in service prior to 1995 is depreciated under the
sum-of-the-years' digits method and other substantially similar methods. PP&E
placed in service after 1994 is depreciated using the straight-line method. This
change in accounting was made to reflect management's belief that the
productivity of such PP&E will not appreciably diminish in the early years of
its useful life, and it will not be subject to significant additional
maintenance in the later years of its useful life. In these circumstances,
straight-line depreciation is preferable in that it provides a better matching
of costs with revenues. Additionally, the change to the straight-line method
conforms to predominant industry practice. The effect of this change on net
income is dependent on the level of future capital spending; it did not have a
material effect in 1995. Depreciation rates are based on estimated useful lives
ranging from 3 to 25 years. Generally, for PP&E acquired prior to 1991, the
gross carrying value of assets surrendered, retired, sold or otherwise disposed
of is charged to accumulated depreciation and any salvage or other recovery
therefrom is credited to accumulated depreciation. For disposals of PP&E
acquired after 1990, the gross carrying value and related accumulated
depreciation are removed from the accounts and included in determining gain or
loss on such disposals.

Petroleum PP&E, other than "Oil and Gas Properties" described below, is
depreciated on the straight-line method at various rates calculated to
extinguish carrying values over estimated useful lives. When petroleum PP&E is
surrendered, retired, sold or otherwise disposed of, the nature of the assets
involved determines if a gain or loss is recognized, or if the gross carrying
value is charged to accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization, and
any salvage or other recovery therefrom is credited to accumulated depreciation,
depletion and amortization.

Maintenance and repairs are charged to operations; replacements and betterments
are capitalized.

Oil and Gas Properties

The company's exploration and production activities are accounted for under the
successful-efforts method. Costs of acquiring unproved properties are
capitalized, and impairment of those properties, which are individually
insignificant, is provided for by amortizing the cost thereof based on past
experience and the estimated holding period. Geological, geophysical and delay
rental costs are expensed as incurred. Costs of exploratory dry holes are
expensed as the wells are determined to be dry. Costs of productive properties,
production and support equipment and development costs are capitalized and
amortized on a unit-of-production basis.

Intangible Assets

Identifiable intangible assets such as purchased patents and trademarks are
amortized using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives.
Goodwill is amortized over periods up to 40 years using the straight-line
method. The company continually evaluates the reasonableness of its amortization
of intangibles. In addition, if it becomes probable that expected future
undiscounted cash flows associated with intangible assets are less than their
carrying value, the assets are written down to their fair value.

Environmental Liabilities and Expenditures

Accruals for environmental matters are recorded in operating expenses when it is
probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of the liability can
be reasonably estimated. Accrued liabilities are exclusive of claims against
third parties and are not discounted.

                                     DUPONT                                  35

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

Costs related to environmental remediation are charged to expense. Other
environmental costs are also charged to expense unless they increase the value
of the property and/or mitigate or prevent contamination from future operations,
in which event they are capitalized.

Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes has been determined using the asset and liability
approach of accounting for income taxes. Under this approach, deferred taxes
represent the future tax consequences expected to occur when the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities are recovered or paid. The provision for
income taxes represents income taxes paid or payable for the current year plus
the change in deferred taxes during the year. Deferred taxes result from
differences between the financial and tax bases of the company's assets and
liabilities and are adjusted for changes in tax rates and tax laws when changes
are enacted. Valuation allowances are recorded to reduce deferred tax assets
when it is more likely than not that a tax benefit will not be realized.

Provision has been made for income taxes on unremitted earnings of subsidiaries
and affiliates, except for subsidiaries in which earnings are deemed to be
permanently invested. Investment tax credits or grants are accounted for in the
period earned (the flow-through method).

Foreign Currency Translation

Through December 31, 1995, the company had determined that the U.S. dollar was
the "functional currency" of its worldwide operations. For subsidiaries where
the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, all foreign currency asset and
liability amounts are remeasured into U.S. dollars at end-of-period exchange
rates, except for inventories, prepaid expenses and property, plant and
equipment, which are remeasured at historical rates. Foreign currency income and
expenses are remeasured at average exchange rates in effect during the year,
except for expenses related to balance sheet amounts remeasured at historical
exchange rates. Exchange gains and losses arising from remeasurement of foreign
currency-denominated monetary assets and liabilities are included in income in
the period in which they occur.

Effective January 1, 1996, management determined that the local currency should
be designated as the functional currency for the company's integrated European
petroleum operations to properly reflect changed circumstances in the primary
economic environment in which these subsidiaries operate. For subsidiaries whose
functional currency is local currency, assets and liabilities denominated in
local currency are translated into U.S. dollars at end-of-period exchange rates,
and resultant translation adjustments are reported as a separate component of
stockholders' equity. Assets and liabilities denominated in other than the local
currency are remeasured into the local currency prior to translation into U.S.
dollars, and the resultant exchange gains or losses, net of their related tax
effects, are included in income in the period in which they occur. Income and
expenses are translated into U.S. dollars at average exchange rates in effect
during the period.

Exchange gains and losses, net of their related tax effects, are not material in

Hedging and Trading Activities

The company routinely uses forward exchange contracts to hedge its net exposure,
by currency, related to monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
currencies other than the functional currency of the reporting unit. Exchange
gains and losses associated with these contracts are included in income in the
period in which they occur.

The company selectively enters into forward exchange contracts and similar
agreements to effectively convert firm foreign currency commitments to
functional currency-denominated transactions. Gains and losses on these firm
commitment hedges are deferred and included in the functional currency
measurement of the related foreign currency-denominated transactions.

The company enters into interest rate swap agreements as part of its program to
manage the fixed and floating interest rate mix of its total debt portfolio and
related overall cost of borrowing. The differential to be paid or received is
accrued as interest rates change and is recognized in income over the life of
the agreements.

The company enters into commodity futures contracts to hedge its exposure to
price fluctuations on anticipated crude oil, refined products and natural gas
transactions and certain raw material purchases. Gains and losses on these hedge
contracts are deferred and included in the measurement of the related
transaction. On a limited basis, the company also purchases and sells petroleum-
and other energy-based futures contracts for trading purposes. Changes in the
market values of these trading contracts are reflected in income in the period
the change occurs.

36                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

In the event that a derivative designated as a hedge of a firm commitment or
anticipated transaction is terminated prior to the maturation of the hedged
transaction, gains or losses realized at termination are deferred and included
in the measurement of the hedged transaction. If a hedged transaction matures,
or is sold, extinguished or terminated prior to the maturity of a derivative
designated as a hedge of such transaction, gains or losses associated with the
derivative through the date the transaction matured are included in the
measurement of the hedged transaction and the derivative is reclassified as for
trading purposes. Derivatives designated as a hedge of an anticipated
transaction are reclassified as for trading purposes if the anticipated
transaction is no longer likely to occur.

In the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the company reports the cash flows
resulting from its hedging activities in the same category as the related item
that is being hedged.

Preparation of Financial Statements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Certain reclassifications of prior years' data have been made to conform to 1997

2.  Other Income
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    1997        1996        1995
Royalty income                                      $ 66        $ 74        $ 70
Interest income, net of miscellaneous
  interest expense                                   225         211         178
Equity in earnings of affiliates
  (see Note 13)                                      682/1/      669         545
Sales of assets                                      382/2/      279         102
Pipeline tariff revenue                              115          81          71
Miscellaneous income and
  expenses--net                                      104          26          93
                                                  $1,574      $1,340      $1,059

1  Includes a benefit of $115 from the gain on the sale by DuPont Merck of its
   generic and multisource product lines.
2  Includes a benefit of $239 from the gain on the sale of certain North Sea
   petroleum producing and exploration properties.

3.  Interest and Debt Expense
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    1997        1996        1995
Interest and debt cost incurred                     $811        $857        $928
Less: Interest and debt cost capitalized             169         144         170
                                                    $642        $713        $758

Interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) was $577 in 1997, $755 in 1996, and
$688 in 1995.

4.  Taxes Other Than on Income
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    1997        1996        1995
Petroleum excise taxes 
 (also included in Sales):
   U.S                                            $1,201      $1,145      $1,060
   Non-U.S                                         4,148       4,316       4,595
Payroll taxes                                        417         439         433
Property taxes                                       207         205         214
Import duties                                        189         168         166
Production and other taxes                           138         126         128
                                                  $6,300      $6,399      $6,596

5.  Purchased In-Process Research and Development

Purchased in-process research and development represents the value assigned in a
purchase business combination to research and development projects of the
acquired business that were commenced but not yet completed at the date of
acquisition and which, if unsuccessful, have no alternative future use in
research and development activities or otherwise. In accordance with Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 2, "Accounting for Research and
Development Costs," as interpreted by FASB Interpretation No. 4, amounts
assigned to purchased in-process research and development meeting the above
criteria must be charged to expense at the date of consummation of the purchase
business combination. In this regard, a charge of $903 was recorded in
conjunction with the purchase of a 20 percent interest in Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc. based on an independent appraisal. In addition, charges of
$500 and $75 were recorded in conjunction with the purchase of Protein
Technologies International and the polyester intermediates and resins businesses
of Imperial Chemical Industries PLC, respectively, based on preliminary
allocations of purchase price which are subject to revision upon completion of
purchase accounting allocations and/or obtaining independent valuations by an
outside appraisal firm. See Note 23.

                                     DUPONT                                   37

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

6.  Write-down of Assets and Other Related Costs

During 1997 DuPont and the Agfa-Gevaert Group (Agfa) signed an agreement under
which Agfa will acquire DuPont's global graphic arts films and offset printing
plates businesses. Agfa will purchase manufacturing facilities in Germany and
the United Kingdom and provide employment to most of the 2,200 DuPont employees
working in these businesses. A decision was made to dispose of these businesses,
which are a component of DuPont's Diversified Businesses segment, after it
became apparent that the company would not be a leader in this industry.

The transaction is expected to close during the first quarter of 1998. In
connection with the pending sale, DuPont recorded a charge of $340 against third
quarter 1997 earnings to write down assets being sold to their estimated net
realizable value and to provide for other expenses associated with exiting these
businesses. The 1997 loss from operations from these businesses was not

Also in 1997, the Petroleum segment recorded impairment provisions of $167 for
nonrevenue producing properties and an office building held for sale.

7.  Provision for Income Taxes
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          1997            1996             1995
Current tax expense:
  U.S. federal                          $   901         $   869         $   617
  U.S. state and local                       51              40              36
  Non-U.S                                 1,324           1,248           1,077
   Total                                  2,276           2,157           1,730
Deferred tax expense:
  U.S. federal                              116             135             379
  U.S. state and local                        8               4              22
  Non-U.S                                  (125)             49             (25)
   Total                                     (1)            188             376
Other/1/                                     --              --              (9)
Provision for Income Taxes                2,275           2,345           2,097
Stockholders' Equity
  Stock Compensation/2/                     (96)            (69)            (30)
  Minimum Pension Liability/3/              (18)             (1)            (21)
Total Provision                          $2,161          $2,275          $2,046
1 Represents exchange (gains) losses associated with the company's hedged
  non-U.S. tax liabilities. These amounts offset the tax effect arising from
  related hedging activities.

2 Represents tax benefit of certain stock compensation amounts that are
  deductible for income tax purposes but do not affect net income.

3 Represents deferred tax charge for minimum pension liability recorded in
  stockholders' equity. 

Total income taxes paid worldwide were $2,048 in 1997, $1,984 in 1996, and
$1,649 in 1995.

Deferred income taxes result from temporary differences between the financial
and tax bases of the company's assets and liabilities. The tax effects of
temporary differences and tax loss/tax credit carryforwards included in the
deferred income tax provision are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               1997          1996          1995
Depreciation                                  $  18         $  68         $ 152
Accrued employee benefits                        31            99            62
Other accrued expenses                           16           (91)          118
Intangible drilling costs                        27           (15)          (23)
Inventories                                     (29)          (52)          (71)
Unrealized exchange gains (losses)               (6)            5            (1)
Investment in subsidiaries and affiliates       (38)          (19)         --
Other temporary differences                      64           107            40
Tax loss/tax credit carryforwards              (112)          210            18
Valuation allowance change--net                  28          (124)           81
                                              $  (1)        $ 188         $ 376

The significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities at December
31, 1997 and 1996, are as follows:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         1997                        1996
Deferred Tax                       Asset     Liability         Asset     Liability
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depreciation                      $   --        $3,214        $    3        $3,220
Accrued employee benefits          3,067           968         2,926           811
Other accrued expenses               761            25           773            24
Intangible drilling costs             --           278            --           251
Inventories                          331           317           267           285
Unrealized exchange gains              5            19             7            37
Tax loss/tax credit
  carryforwards                      287            --           236            --
Investment in subsidiaries
  and affiliates                      61            93            60           129
Other                                470         1,145           447         1,061
Total                             $4,982        $6,059        $4,719        $5,818
                                               -------                     ---------
Less: Valuation
  allowance                          326                         298
                                 -------                     -------
Net                               $4,656                      $4,421

38                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

Current deferred tax liabilities (included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet
caption "Income Taxes") were $67 and $48 at December 31, 1997 and 1996,
respectively. In addition, deferred tax assets of $227 and $196 were included in
Other Assets at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively (see Note 14).

An analysis of the company's effective income tax rate follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               1997          1996          1995
Statutory U.S. federal income tax rate         35.0%         35.0%         35.0%
Higher effective tax rate on non-U.S 
  operations (principally Petroleum)            6.7           6.7           6.8
Lower effective tax rate on export sales       (1.3)         (0.8)         (1.0)
Alternative fuels credit                       (1.4)         (1.1)         (1.1)
In-Process R&D*                                10.8            --            --
Other--net                                     (1.2)         (0.6)         (0.8)
Effective income tax rate                      48.6%         39.2%         38.9%

 * Charges associated with the Pioneer and PTI transactions were not tax
   effected because these purchases were stock acquisitions rather than asset
   purchases. See Note 5.

Earnings before income taxes shown below are based on the location of the
corporate unit to which such earnings are attributable. However, since such
earnings are often subject to taxation in more than one country, the income tax
provision shown above as U.S. or non-U.S. does not correspond to the earnings
set forth below.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               1997          1996          1995
United States (including exports)             $2,241        $3,633        $3,066
Other regions                                  2,439         2,348         2,324
                                              $4,680        $5,981        $5,390

At December 31, 1997, unremitted earnings of non-U.S. subsidiaries totaling
$7,007 were deemed to be permanently invested. No deferred tax liability has
been recognized with regard to the remittance of such earnings. It is not
practicable to estimate the income tax liability that might be incurred if such
earnings were remitted to the United States.

Under the tax laws of various jurisdictions in which the company operates,
deductions or credits that cannot be fully utilized for tax purposes during the
current year may be carried forward, subject to statutory limitations, to reduce
taxable income or taxes payable in a future year. At December 31, 1997, the tax
effect of such carryforwards approximated $287. Of this amount, $267 has no
expiration date, $17 expires in 1998 and $3 expires after 1998 but before 2002.

8.  Earnings Per Share of Common Stock

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, "Earnings Per Share,"
became effective in the fourth quarter of 1997 and requires two presentations of
earnings per share - "basic" and "diluted." Basic earnings per share is computed
by dividing income available to common stockholders (the numerator) by the
weighted-average number of common shares (the denominator) for the period. The
computation of diluted earnings per share is similar to basic earnings per
share, except that the denominator is increased to include the number of
additional common shares that would have been outstanding if the potentially
dilutive common shares had been issued.

The numerator in calculating both basic and diluted earnings per share for each
year is reported net income less preferred dividends of $10. The denominator is
based on the following weighted-average number of common shares:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      1997             1996            1995
Basic                            1,130,755,483   1,121,350,592    1,170,214,952
Diluted                          1,149,803,450   1,139,822,755    1,183,408,459

The difference between basic and diluted weighted-average common shares results
from the assumption that dilutive stock options outstanding were exercised.

The following stock options and warrants are not included in the diluted
earnings per share calculation since in each case the exercise price is greater
than the average market price:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             1997         1996         1995
Stock options                             4,992,300           -         512,000
Warrants                                          -           -     312,000,000

Shares held by the Flexitrust are not considered in computing the weighted-
average number of common shares. See Notes 21 and 22.

9.  Cash and Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities

Cash equivalents represent investments with maturities of three months or less
from time of purchase. They are carried at cost plus accrued interest, which
approximates fair value because of the short maturity of these instruments. Cash
and cash equivalents are used in part to support a portion of the company's
commercial paper program.

Marketable securities represent investments in fixed and floating rate financial
instruments classified as available-for-sale securities and reported at fair

                                     DUPONT                                 39

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

10.  Accounts and Notes Receivable

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                    1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trade--net of allowances of $66 in 1997
  and 1996                                                    $4,366     $4,216
Miscellaneous                                                  1,374        977
                                                              $5,740     $5,193

Accounts and notes receivable are carried at amounts that approximate fair value
and include $94 for 1997 and $137 for 1996 from equity affiliates.

See Note 29 for a description of business segment markets and associated
concentrations of credit risk.

11.  Inventories

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                 1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals                                                  $  289        $  281
Fibers                                                        744           692
Polymers                                                      707           620
Petroleum                                                   1,278         1,270
Life Sciences                                                 676           561
Diversified Businesses                                        376           282
                                                           $4,070        $3,706

The excess of replacement or current cost over stated value of inventories for
which cost has been determined under the LIFO method approximated $552 and $785
at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. In the aggregate, the market value
of the company's vertically integrated petroleum and petroleum-based chemical
products exceeds cost. Inventories valued at LIFO comprised 84 percent and 88
percent of consolidated inventories before LIFO adjustment at December 31, 1997
and 1996, respectively.

12.  Property, Plant and Equipment

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals                                                 $ 6,387       $ 6,074
Fibers                                                     12,805        12,325
Polymers                                                    7,034         6,813
Petroleum                                                  21,326        20,070
Life Sciences                                               2,412         1,871
Diversified Businesses                                      4,320         3,396
                                                          $54,284       $50,549

Property, plant and equipment includes gross assets acquired under capital
leases of $212 and $209 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively; related
amounts included in accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization were
$108 and $99 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

13.  Summarized Financial Information for Affiliated Companies

Summarized combined financial information for affiliated companies for which
DuPont uses the equity method of accounting (see Note 1, "Basis of
Consolidation") is shown below on a 100 percent basis. The most significant of
these affiliates are CONSOL Energy Inc., DuPont Dow Elastomers L.L.C., The
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.;
DuPont has a 50 percent equity ownership in each of these companies with the
exception of Pioneer, in which the ownership is 20 percent. Dividends received
from equity affiliates were $734 in 1997, $860 in 1996 and $671 in 1995.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Year Ended December 31
Results of operations                        1997         1996         1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales/1/                                   $14,257      $13,374       $10,447
Earnings before income taxes                 1,719        1,108         1,084
Net Income                                   1,369          822           828
DuPont's equity in earnings of affiliates
  (see Note 2)                                 682/2/       669/3/        545/3/

1 Includes sales to DuPont of $1,064 in 1997, $804 in 1996, and $802 in 1995.

2 Includes a benefit of $115 from the gain on the sale by DuPont Merck of its
  generic and multisource product lines.

3 Reflects a more favorable allocation of DuPont Merck operating income to
  recognize the performance of assets originally contributed to the venture by

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial position at December 31                        1997            1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                                         $ 6,944          $ 4,715
Noncurrent assets                                       13,774           10,936
  Total assets                                         $20,718          $15,651
Short-term borrowings*                                 $   968          $   830
Other current liabilities                                3,433            2,630
Long-term borrowings*                                    5,199            3,802
Other long-term liabilities                              3,502            3,250
  Total liabilities                                    $13,102          $10,512
DuPont's investment in affiliates
  (includes advances)                                  $ 3,477          $ 2,278

* DuPont's pro rata interest in total borrowings was $2,153 in 1997 and $1,565
  in 1996 of which $1,372 in 1997 and $789 in 1996 was guaranteed by the
  company. These amounts are included in the guarantees disclosed in Note 27.

40                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

14.  Other Assets

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                              1997             1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepaid pension cost (see Note 25)                      $1,673           $1,760
Intangible assets                                        1,285*             221
Other securities and investments                           185              586
Deferred income taxes (see Note 7)                         227              196
Miscellaneous                                              638              513
                                                        $4,008           $3,276

* Includes $1,025 based on preliminary allocations of purchase price for
  businesses purchased from Ralston Purina and ICI. See Note 23.

Other securities and investments includes $97 and $478 at December 31, 1997 and
1996, respectively, representing marketable securities classified as available
for sale and reported at fair value. The remainder represents numerous small
investments in securities for which there are no quoted market prices and for
which it is not practicable to determine fair value. Such securities are
reported at cost.

15.  Accounts Payable

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                           1997                1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trade                                                $2,043              $1,926
Payables to banks                                       273                 264
Compensation awards                                     267                 231
Miscellaneous                                           424                 336
                                                     $3,007              $2,757

Payables to banks represents checks issued on certain disbursement accounts but
not presented to the banks for payment. The reported amounts approximate fair
value because of the short maturity of these obligations.

16.  Short-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                 1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial paper                                           $2,576        $1,663
Private placement commercial paper                          2,896         1,318
Bank borrowings:
  U.S. dollars                                                 --            61
  Other currencies                                            197           136
Medium-term notes payable within one year                     128           372
Long-term borrowings payable within one year                  300           300
Industrial development bonds payable on demand                 51            51
Capital lease obligations                                       6             9
                                                           $6,154        $3,910

The estimated fair value of the company's short-term borrowings, including
interest rate financial instruments, based on quoted market prices for the same
or similar issues or on current rates offered to the company for debt of the
same remaining maturities, was $6,200 and $3,900 at December 31, 1997 and 1996,
respectively. The increase in estimated fair value in 1997 was primarily due to
higher short-term borrowing levels.

Unused short-term bank credit lines were approximately $6,200 and $4,500 at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. These lines support short-term
industrial development bonds, a portion of the company's commercial paper
program and other borrowings.

The weighted-average interest rate on short-term borrowings outstanding at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, was 5.9 percent and 6.0 percent, respectively.

17.  Other Accrued Liabilities

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                1997           1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payroll and other employee-related costs                  $  682         $  688
Taxes other than on income                                   444            395
Accrued postretirement benefits cost
  (see Note 24)                                              341            356
Miscellaneous                                              2,849          2,355
                                                          $4,316         $3,794

                                     DUPONT                                 41

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

18.  Long-Term Borrowings and Capital Lease Obligations

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                   1997        1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. dollar:
  Industrial development bonds due 2007-2026                $  333       $  334
  Medium-term notes due 1998-2005/1/                           437          516
  8.50% notes due 1998                                          --          301
  7.50% notes due 1999                                         301          302
  9.15% notes due 2000/2/                                      303          304
  6.00% debentures due 2001 ($660 face value,
   13.95% yield to maturity)                                   505          475
  6.50% notes due 2002                                         498           --
  6.75% notes due 2002                                         299          299
  8.00% notes due 2002                                         252          253
  8.50% notes due 2003/2/                                      300          300
  8.13% notes due 2004                                         331          330
  8.25% notes due 2006                                         282          282
  6.75% notes due 2007                                         499           --
  8.25% debentures due 2022                                    372          372
  7.95% debentures due 2023                                    299          299
  7.50% debentures due 2033                                    247          247
6.25% Swiss franc notes due 2000/3/                            103          103
Other loans (various currencies)
  due 1998-2008                                                475          266
Capital lease obligations                                       93          104
                                                            $5,929       $5,087
1  Average interest rates at December 31, 1997 and 1996, were 7.1 percent and
   7.0 percent, respectively.

2  The company entered into an interest rate swaption agreement for each of
   these notes as part of the program to manage the fixed and floating interest
   rate mix of total borrowings. Each agreement gives the swaption counterparty
   the one-time option to put the company into an interest rate swap with a
   notional amount of $300, whereby the company would, over the remaining term
   of the notes, receive fixed rate payments essentially equivalent to the fixed
   interest rate of the underlying notes, and pay the counterparty a floating
   rate of interest essentially equivalent to the rate the company pays on its
   commercial paper. If exercised, the swaptions would effectively convert the
   notes to a floating rate obligation over the remaining maturity of the notes.
   The premium received from the counterparties for these swaptions is being
   amortized to income, using the effective interest method, over the remaining
   maturity of the notes. The interest rate swaption agreement for the 9.15
   percent notes due 2000 expired on April 15, 1997, without being exercised.
   The fair value and carrying value of these swaptions at December 31, 1997 and
   1996, were not material.

3  Represents notes denominated as 150 million Swiss francs with a 6.25
   percent Swiss franc fixed interest rate. Concurrent with the issuance of
   these notes, the company entered into an interest and principal currency
   swap that effectively established a $103 fixed principal amount with a 6.9
   percent U.S. dollar fixed interest rate.

Average interest rates on industrial development bonds and on other loans
(various currencies) were 6.1 percent and 7.0 percent at December 31, 1997, and
6.1 percent and 6.9 percent at December 31, 1996.

Maturities of long-term borrowings, together with sinking fund requirements for
years ending after December 31, 1998, are $445, $523, $783 and $1,199 for the
years 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002, respectively.

The estimated fair value of the company's long-term borrowings, including
interest rate financial instruments, based on quoted market prices for the same
or similar issues or on current rates offered to the company for debt of the
same remaining maturities was $6,500 and $5,700 at December 31, 1997 and 1996,

19.  Other Liabilities

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31                                                  1997         1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accrued postretirement benefits cost (see Note 24)          $5,867       $5,847
Reserves for employee-related costs                          1,102        1,159
Miscellaneous                                                1,950        1,444
                                                            $8,919       $8,450

20.  Minority Interests

In 1996 certain petroleum subsidiaries contributed assets with an aggregate fair
value of $613 to Conoco Oil & Gas Associates L.P. (COGA) for a general
partnership interest of 67 percent. The remaining 33 percent was purchased by
Vanguard Energy Investors L.P. (Vanguard) as a limited partner. The net result
of this transaction was to increase minority interests by $297.

Vanguard is entitled to a cumulative annual priority return on its investment
and participation in residual earnings at rates established in the partnership
agreement. The priority return rate, currently 6.52 percent, is negotiated every
four years. Vanguard's share of COGA's earnings was $22 or 18 percent in 1997
and $18 or 17 percent in 1996.

21.  Stockholders' Equity

The company's common stock was split two-for-one effective May 15, 1997; all per
share data and common stock information have been restated to reflect this

42                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

In January 1997 the company approved plans to purchase and retire up to 20
million shares of common stock to offset dilution resulting from shares issued
under its compensation programs. During the year, 5,833,100 shares were
repurchased for $327 and retired under this program. In February 1998 the
company purchased 6 million shares for $374 in a private placement transaction.
The purchase price is subject to adjustment under the terms of the private
placement agreement. In 1997, 509,778 shares were issued for 100 percent of the
capital stock of Pfister Hybrid Corn Company. Also in 1997, 22.5 million shares
were issued for 100 percent of the capital stock of Protein Technologies
International (PTI). Immediately subsequent to the PTI transaction, 22.5 million
shares were repurchased for $1,420 ($63.13 a share) in two private placement
transactions. The purchase price for one transaction for 16 million shares is
subject to adjustment under terms of the private placement agreement. The
remaining 6.5 million shares were purchased from the DuPont Pension Trust Fund
for $410.

Additional paid-in capital (compensation plans) includes $38 at December 31,
1997, related to amounts accrued for variable options.

In April 1995 the company redeemed 312 million shares of its common stock from
Seagram for $8,775 ($28.13 per share), including warrants valued at $439. In
addition, related costs of $14 were incurred. In July 1996 DuPont repurchased
the warrants for $504. Coincident with the repurchase, the company retired 312
million shares of common stock held as treasury stock.

In the second quarter of 1995, the company sold through public and private
offerings 54,678,750 shares of newly issued common stock for $1,747, including
15,578,750 shares that were sold to the DuPont Pension Trust Fund for $500
($32.10 a share). The company also established a Flexitrust that will effect the
sale or distribution of common stock to satisfy existing employee compensation
and benefit programs. In May 1995 DuPont issued 48 million shares of common
stock to the Flexitrust in return for a $1,612 promissory note and $14 in cash.

22.  Compensation Plans

From time to time, the Board of Directors has approved the adoption of a
worldwide Corporate Sharing Program. Under these programs, essentially all
employees received a one-time grant to acquire shares of DuPont common stock at
the fair market value at the date of grant. Option terms are "fixed" and
generally are exercisable one year after date of grant and expire 10 years from
date of grant. There are no additional shares that may be subject to option
under existing programs.

Stock option awards under the DuPont Stock Performance Plan may be granted to
key employees of the company and may be "fixed" and/or "variable." The purchase
price of shares subject to option is the fair value of the company's stock at
the date of grant. In January 1997 a reload feature was added to the Stock
Performance Plan to accelerate stock ownership by more effectively using stock
options. Through February 13, 1999, optionees are eligible for reload options
upon the exercise of stock options with the condition that shares received from
the exercise are held for at least five years. A reload option is granted at the
fair market value on the date of grant and has a term equal to the remaining
term of the original option. The maximum number of reload options granted is
limited to the number of shares subject to option in the original option times
the original option price divided by the option price of the reload option.
Generally, fixed options are fully exercisable from one to three years after
date of grant and expire 10 years from date of grant. Beginning in 1998, shares
otherwise receivable from the exercise of nonqualified options can be deferred
as stock units for a designated future delivery.

During 1997 variable stock option grants were made to certain senior management.
These options are subject to forfeiture if, within five years from the date of
grant, the market price of DuPont common stock does not achieve a price of $75
per share for 50 percent of the options and $90 per share for the remaining 50
percent. At December 31, 1997, none of the outstanding variable options were

The maximum number of shares that may be subject to option for any consecutive
five-year period is 72 million shares. Subject to this limit, additional shares
that may have been made subject to options for the years 1997, 1996 and 1995
were 56,842,462, 59,078,926 and 56,770,460, respectively.

Awards for 1997 under the DuPont Stock Performance Plan (granted to key
employees in 1998) consisted of 5,377,304 fixed options to acquire DuPont common
stock at the fair market value ($59.50 per share) on the date of grant. These
options vest over a three-year period and, except for the last six months of the
ten-year option term, are exercisable when the market price of DuPont common
stock exceeds the option grant price by 20 percent.

                                     DUPONT                                 43

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

The following table summarizes activity for fixed and variable options for the
last three years:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Fixed                       Variable
                            Number       Weighted-        Number     Weighted-
                             of           Average           of        Average
                           Shares          Price          Shares       Price
January 1, 1995          42,729,694        $20.02           --          --
Granted                  26,521,722        $28.39           --          --
Exercised                 7,117,248        $18.03           --          --
Forfeited                   594,990        $22.76           --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995        61,539,178        $23.83           --          --
Granted                   5,674,188        $39.41           --          --
Exercised                17,754,052        $23.56           --          --
Forfeited                    93,186        $25.96           --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996        49,366,128        $25.73           --          --
Granted                  22,937,612        $52.82      4,926,900      $52.66
Exercised                 9,719,982        $24.47           --          --
Forfeited                 1,373,884        $47.85         95,600      $52.50
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997        61,209,874        $35.58      4,831,300      $52.66

Fixed options exercisable at the end of the last three years and the weighted-
average fair value of fixed options granted are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            1997         1996           1995
Options exercisable at year-end:
  Number of shares                      40,037,649    43,742,702     35,419,276
  Weighted-average price                    $26.50        $23.97         $20.47

Weighted-average fair value of
  options granted during the year           $12.91         $8.95          $5.94

The weighted-average fair value of variable options granted during 1997 was

The fair value of options is calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing
model. Assumptions used were as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 1997                  1996          1995
                          Fixed        Variable       Fixed         Fixed

Dividend yield             2.2%          2.2%          2.6%          3.4%

Volatility                18.8%         18.6%         21.0%         20.6%


  interest rate            6.4%          6.4%          5.4%          7.6%

Expected life

  (years)                  5.6           5.7           6.0           4.5

The following table summarizes information concerning currently outstanding and
exercisable fixed options. For total variable options outstanding at December
31, 1997, the weighted-average remaining contractual life was 9.1 years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 Exercise      Exercise    Exercise     Exercise
                                  Price         Price        Price       Price
                                 $13.17-        $22.63-     $35.00-     $52.66-
December 31, 1997                 $19.63        $33.88      $52.50      $64.75
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options outstanding             11,036,697    23,521,320   24,517,251  2,134,606
Weighted-avg. remaining
  contractual life (years)             2.7           6.3          8.9        9.0
Weighted-avg. price                 $18.51        $26.81       $49.92     $55.90
Options exercisable             11,036,697    23,521,320    4,824,875    654,757
Weighted-avg. price                 $18.51        $26.81       $39.38     $55.27

The company applies APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees," and related interpretations in accounting for its stock option
plans. Accordingly, no compensation expense has been recognized for fixed
options. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123, "Accounting
for Stock-Based Compensation," was issued in 1995. The company has elected not
to adopt the optional recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123. The table below
sets forth pro forma information as if the company had adopted these recognition

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  1997       1996        1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reduction of:
  Net Income                                      $199       $ 34        $100
  Earnings per share
    Basic                                         $.18       $.03        $.09
    Diluted                                       $.17       $.03        $.08

Compensation expense recognized in income for stock-based employee compensation
awards was $65, $22 and $16 for 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Awards under the Variable Compensation Plan may be granted in stock and/or cash
to employees who have contributed most in a general way to the company's
success, consideration being given to ability to succeed to more important
managerial responsibility. Such awards were $268 for 1997, $233 for 1996 and
$240 for 1995. Amounts credited to the Variable Compensation Fund are dependent
on company earnings and are subject to maximum limits as defined by the plan.
The amounts credited to the fund were $265 in 1997, $230 in 1996 and $240 in
1995. In accordance with the terms of the Variable Compensation Plan and similar
plans of subsidiaries, 1,668,211 shares of common stock are awaiting delivery
from awards for 1997 and prior years.

44                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

23.  Investment Activities

Purchases of property, plant and equipment in 1997 includes $929 for natural gas
properties in South Texas.

Investment in affiliates in 1997 includes $1,711 for the September 1997 purchase
of a 20 percent interest in Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Pioneer develops,
produces and markets hybrids of corn and varieties of soybeans. For accounting
purposes, the acquisition has been treated as a purchase. Of the $1,711 purchase
price, $903 was allocated to purchased in-process research and development and
the remainder was allocated based on fair values to assets and liabilities of
Pioneer, principally intangible assets, for purposes of determining equity in

Protein Technologies International was purchased on December 1, 1997. PTI is a
global supplier of soy proteins and applied technology to the food and paper
processing industries. 22,500,000 shares of DuPont common stock were issued in
this transaction with a fair value of $1,297. In addition, related costs of $4
were incurred. For accounting purposes, the acquisition has been treated as a
purchase. Based on preliminary estimates that are subject to revision, the
purchase price has been allocated as follows: cash $47; other current assets
$158; noncurrent assets $897; in-process research and development $500; and
liabilities assumed $301, including $188 of debt.

The company purchased ICI's global polyester intermediates and resins businesses
on December 31, 1997, for a cash payment of $1,240. As part of the transaction,
the company acquired a 70 percent interest in an ICI subsidiary that had
approximately $225 in long-term borrowings at December 31, 1997. For accounting
purposes, the acquisition has been treated as a purchase. Based on preliminary
estimates that are subject to revision, the purchase price has been allocated as
follows: current assets $116; non-current assets $1,444; in-process research and
development $75; and liabilities assumed $395, including $251 of debt.

The operating results of Pioneer, PTI, and the polyester intermediates and
resins businesses of ICI have been included in consolidated results from their
respective dates of acquisition. Excluding the effect of the $1,478 charge
associated with purchased in-process research and development, unaudited pro
forma results, assuming these acquisitions had all taken place on January 1,
1996, indicate that net income and earnings per share in 1996 and 1997 would be
reduced approximately 4 percent from amounts reported for these periods,
principally reflecting additional interest expense that would have been incurred
if borrowings used to finance these acquisitions had been outstanding from the
beginning of each year at the interest rates that would have been applicable to
borrowings during these periods.

Note 5 provides information on purchased in-process research and development in
connection with the Pioneer, PTI and ICI purchases.

In February 1998, DuPont acquired ICI's global polyester films business for
$650. The acquisition, accounted for under the purchase method, consisted of
film manufacturing facilities located in the United Kingdom, United States,
Japan and The Netherlands, and related technology and inventories. The results
of this business will be reported in the Diversified Businesses segment. The
unaudited pro forma effect on net income and earnings per share for 1996 and
1997 is not material.

Proceeds from sales of assets in 1997 principally include: (a) $175 from
collection of a note from The Sterling Group, Inc. received in connection with
their purchase of the Diagnostic Imaging business in 1996; (b) $125 from DuPont
Merck for sale of its generic and multisource product lines; and (c) $62 from
the sale of the NEN Life Sciences Products to Genstar Capital LLC. Sales of
other chemicals and specialties businesses and assets total $196, and proceeds
from sales of various petroleum properties were $565, including $272 from the
sale of certain North Sea properties.

Proceeds from sales of assets in 1996 principally include $570 from the sales of
Medical Products businesses, $390 from the formation of the elastomers joint
venture, and $275 from the sales of various petroleum properties. Assets sold in
connection with these sales amounted to $1,163, of which $644 was for property,
plant and equipment, with the remainder being primarily working capital. In 1995
there were no individually material items included in sales of assets.

Payments for businesses acquired in 1996 principally relate to the purchase of
commercial floorcovering distribution and installation companies.


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

24.  Other Postretirement Benefits

The parent company and certain subsidiaries provide medical, dental and life
insurance benefits to pensioners and survivors. The associated plans are
unfunded, and approved claims are paid from company funds. Under the terms of
these plans, the company reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue the

Other postretirement benefits cost includes the following components:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               Health        Life
1997                                            Care       Insurance      Total
Service cost--benefits allocated
  to current period                            $  50         $  11        $  61
Interest cost on accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation              280            73          353
Amortization of net gains and prior
  service credit                                 (91)           (1)         (92)
Other postretirement benefits cost             $ 239         $  83        $ 322

Service cost--benefits allocated
  to current period                            $  51         $  17        $  68
Interest cost on accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation              259            74          333
Amortization of net gains and prior
  service credit                                (102)           (1)        (103)
Other postretirement benefits cost             $ 208         $  90        $ 298

Service cost--benefits allocated
  to current period                            $  39         $  13        $  52
Interest cost on accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation              274            78          352
Amortization of net gains and prior
  service credit                                (133)           (1)        (134)
Other postretirement benefits cost             $ 180         $  90        $ 270

The higher health care costs in 1997 and 1996 versus 1995 were due to the
discount rate and health care trends used to determine the accumulated
postretirement benefit obligation. In 1996 the company recorded a curtailment
gain of $115 related to business divestitures, joint venture activity and other
business restructurings.

The following provides a reconciliation of the accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation to the liabilities reflected in the balance sheet at December
31, 1997 and 1996:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           Health           Life
1997                                                        Care          Insurance        Total
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for:
  Current pensioners and survivors                        $(2,623)        $  (747)        $(3,370)
  Fully eligible employees                                   (188)             --            (188)
  Other employees                                          (1,014)           (319)         (1,333)
                                                           (3,825)         (1,066)         (4,891)
Unrecognized net loss (gain)                                 (706)             96            (610)
Unrecognized prior service credit                            (707)             --            (707)
Accrued postretirement benefits cost                      $(5,238)        $  (970)        $(6,208)
Amount included in Other
  Accrued Liabilities (see Note 17)                                                       $   341
Amount included in Other Liabilities
  (see Note 19)                                                                           $ 5,867


Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for:
  Current pensioners and survivors                        $(2,661)        $  (676)        $(3,337)
  Fully eligible employees                                   (195)             --            (195)
  Other employees                                            (908)           (287)         (1,195)
                                                           (3,764)           (963)         (4,727)
Unrecognized net loss (gain)                                 (714)             13            (701)
Unrecognized prior service credit                            (775)             --            (775)
Accrued postretirement benefits cost                      $(5,253)        $  (950)        $(6,203)
Amount included in Other
  Accrued Liabilities (see Note 17)                                                       $   356
Amount included in Other Liabilities
  (see Note 19)                                                                           $ 5,847

The health care accumulated postretirement benefit obligation was determined at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, using a health care escalation rate of 8 percent
decreasing to 5 percent over 8 years. The assumed long-term rate of compensation
increase used for life insurance was 5 percent. The discount rate was 7 percent
at December 31, 1997, and 7.75 percent at December 31, 1996. A one-percentage-
point increase in the health care cost escalation rate would have increased the
accumulated postretirement benefit obligation by $405 at December 31, 1997, and
the 1997 other postretirement benefit cost would have increased by $42.


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

25.  Pensions

The company has noncontributory defined benefit plans covering substantially all
U.S. employees. The benefits for these plans are based primarily on years of
service and employees' pay near retirement. The company's funding policy is
consistent with the funding requirements of federal law and regulations.

Pension coverage for employees of the company's non-U.S. consolidated
subsidiaries is provided, to the extent deemed appropriate, through separate
plans. Obligations under such plans are systematically provided for by
depositing funds with trustees, under insurance policies or by book reserves.

Net pension cost (credit) for defined benefit plans includes the following

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     1997                   1996                   1995
Service cost--benefits
  earned during the period                 $ 388                $   382                  $   292
Interest cost on projected
  benefit obligation                       1,211                  1,173                    1,140
Return on assets:
  Actual (gain)                $(3,391)                $(2,477)                $(3,417)
  Deferred gain (loss)           1,876    (1,515)        1,017   (1,460)         2,082    (1,335)
                               -------                 -------                 -------  
Amortization of net gains
  and prior service cost                     (58)                   (72)                    (108)
                                         -------                -------                  -------  
Net pension cost (credit)                $    26                $    23                  $   (11)

The change in the annual pension cost (credit) was primarily due to the discount
rate used to determine the present value of future benefits and the return on
pension trust assets. In 1996, the company recorded a curtailment loss of $88
related to business divestitures, joint venture activity and other business

The funded status of these plans was as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           Fully Funded                                Partially Funded
December 31                                          1997                   1996                  1997                   1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actuarial present value of:
  Vested benefit obligation                $(13,817)            $(12,584)              $(1,487)              $(1,152)
                                           --------             --------               -------               -------  
  Accumulated benefit obligation           $(14,283)            $(13,073)              $(1,537)              $(1,207)
                                           --------             --------               -------               -------  
  Projected benefit obligation                        $(16,601)            $(15,085)             $(1,935)              $(1,597)
Plan assets at fair value                               19,355               17,654                  538                   379
                                                      --------             --------              -------               ------- 
Plan assets in excess of (less than) 
  projected benefit obligation                           2,754                2,569               (1,397)               (1,218)
Unrecognized net (gain) loss*                           (1,698)              (1,493)                 551                   388
Unrecognized prior service cost                            617                  684                  153                   145
Additional minimum liability                                 -                    -                 (403)                 (329)
                                                      --------             --------              -------               ------- 
Accrued pension asset (liability)                       $1,673               $1,760              $(1,096)              $(1,014)

* Includes the unamortized balance of $(835) and $(1,000) for fully funded plans
  and $3 and $14 for partially funded plans at December 31, 1997 and 1996,
  respectively, of unrecognized net (gain) loss at January 1, 1985, the initial
  application date of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 87,
  "Employers' Accounting for Pensions."


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

For U.S. plans, the projected benefit obligation was determined using a discount
rate of 7 percent at December 31, 1997, and 7.75 percent at December 31, 1996,
and an assumed long-term rate of compensation increase of 5 percent. The assumed
long-term rate of return on plan assets is 9 percent. Plan assets consist
principally of common stocks, including 9,715,087 shares of DuPont at December
31, 1997, and U.S. government obligations. For non-U.S. plans, no one of which
was material, similar economic assumptions were used.

In the United States, federal law permits employers to transfer some of the
excess funds from an overfunded pension plan to pay a company's portion of
certain retiree health care costs. Accordingly, on December 31, 1997, $250 was
transferred with respect to eligible 1997 costs. This action had no impact on

26.  Derivatives and Other Hedging Instruments

The company enters into contractual arrangements (derivatives) in the ordinary
course of business to hedge its exposure to currency, interest rate and
commodity price risks. The company has established an overlying Financial Risk
Management Framework for risk management and derivative activities. The
framework sets forth senior management's financial risk management philosophy
and objectives through a Corporate Financial Risk Management Policy. In
addition, it establishes oversight committees and risk management guidelines
that authorize the use of specific derivative instruments and further
establishes procedures for control and valuation, counterparty credit approval,
and routine monitoring and reporting. The counterparties to these contractual
arrangements are major financial institutions. The company is exposed to credit
loss in the event of nonperformance by these counterparties. The company manages
this exposure to credit loss through the aforementioned credit approvals, limits
and monitoring procedures and, to the extent possible, by restricting the period
over which unpaid balances are allowed to accumulate. The company does not
anticipate nonperformance by counterparties to these contracts, and no material
loss would be expected from such nonperformance. Market and counterparty credit
risks associated with these instruments are regularly reported to management.
The company's accounting policies with respect to these financial instrument
transactions are set forth in Note 1.

Currency Risk

The company routinely uses forward exchange contracts to hedge its net
exposures, by currency, related to monetary assets and liabilities of its
operations that are denominated in currencies other than the designated
functional currency. The primary business objective of this hedging program is
to maintain an approximately balanced position in foreign currencies so that
exchange gains and losses resulting from exchange rate changes, net of related
tax effects, are minimized.

In addition, the company from time to time will enter into forward exchange
contracts to establish with certainty the functional currency amount of future
firm commitments denominated in another currency. Decisions regarding whether or
not to hedge a given commitment are made on a case-by-case basis, taking into
consideration the amount and duration of the exposure, market volatility and
economic trends. At December 31, 1997, the company had 11 open forward exchange
contracts designated as hedges of firm foreign currency commitments. Deferred
losses associated with these contracts were not material. Forward exchange
contracts are also used to manage near-term foreign currency cash requirements
and to place foreign currency deposits and marketable securities investments
into currencies offering favorable returns. Net cash inflow (outflow) from
settlement of forward exchange contracts was $146, $(192) and $195 for the years
1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Interest Rate Risk

The company uses a combination of financial instruments, including interest rate
swaps, interest and principal currency swaps and structured medium-term
financings, as part of its program to manage the fixed and floating interest
rate mix of the total debt portfolio and related overall cost of borrowing.

Interest rate swaps involve the exchange of fixed for floating rate interest
payments that are fully integrated with underlying fixed-rate bonds or notes to
effectively convert fixed rate debt into floating rate debt based on LIBOR or
commercial paper rates. Interest rate swaps also involve the exchange of
floating for fixed rate interest payments that are fully integrated with
commercial paper or other floating rate borrowings to effectively convert
floating rate debt into fixed rate debt. Both types of interest rate swaps are
denominated in U.S. dollars. Interest rate swaps allow the company to maintain a
target range of floating rate debt.

Under interest and principal currency swaps, the company receives predetermined
foreign currency-denominated payments


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

corresponding, both as to timing and amount, to the fixed or floating interest
rate and fixed principal amount to be paid by the company under concurrently
issued foreign currency-denominated bonds. In return, the company pays a U.S.
dollar-denominated fixed or floating interest rate and a U.S. dollar-denominated
fixed principal amount to the counterparty, thereby effectively converting the
foreign currency-denominated bonds into U.S. dollar-denominated obligations for
both interest and principal. Interest and principal currency swaps allow the
company to be fully hedged against fluctuations in currency exchange rates and
foreign interest rates and to achieve U.S. dollar fixed or floating interest
rate payments below the market interest rate, at the date of issuance, for
borrowings of comparable maturity.

An interest and principal currency swap was outstanding at December 31, 1997 and
1996, that effectively converted a 150 million Swiss franc borrowing with a 6.25
percent Swiss franc fixed interest rate and a maturity of 2000 to a U.S. dollar
fixed principal amount of $103 with a 6.9 percent U.S. dollar fixed interest
rate. The fair value of this swap at December 31, 1997 and 1996, was not

Structured medium-term financings consist of: (a) a structured medium-term note
with interest and/or principal payments (denominated in either U.S. dollars or
foreign currencies) determined using a specified calculation incorporating
changes in currency exchange rates or other financial indexes; and (b) a
concurrently executed structured medium-term swap that, for any and all
calculations of the note's interest and/or principal payments over the term of
the note, provides a fully hedged transaction such that the note is effectively
converted to a U.S. dollar-denominated fixed or floating interest rate with a
U.S. dollar-denominated fixed principal amount. Structured medium-term swaps
allow the company to be fully hedged against fluctuations in exchange rates and
interest rates and to achieve U.S. dollar fixed or floating interest rate
payments below the market interest rate, at the date of issuance, for borrowings
of comparable maturity.

The face amount of structured medium-term financings outstanding was $50 and
$135 at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The weighted-average interest
rate and weighted-average maturity was 5.6 percent and 5.8 percent, and 7.8
years and 3.8 years, at December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The fair value
of the structured medium-term swap associated with these financings at December
31, 1997 and 1996, was not material.

It is the company's policy that foreign currency bonds and structured
medium-term notes will not be issued unless a hedge of the market risks inherent
in such borrowings is executed simultaneously with a management-approved, highly
creditworthy counterparty to provide a fully hedged transaction.

Interest rate financial instruments did not have a material effect on the
company's overall cost of borrowing at December 31, 1997 and 1996.

See also Notes 16 and 18 for additional descriptions of interest rate financial

Summary of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments

Set forth below is a summary of the notional amounts, estimated fair values and
carrying amounts of outstanding financial instruments at December 31, 1997 and

Notional amounts represent the face amount of the contractual arrangements and
are not a measure of market or credit exposure. Estimated fair value of forward
exchange contracts is based on market prices for contracts of comparable time to
maturity. Carrying amounts represent the receivable (payable) recorded in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet. See also Notes 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 and 18 for fair
values and carrying amounts of other financial instruments.

Notional Amount, Estimated Fair Value and Carrying Amount
of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                Notional  Estimated   Carrying
Type of Instrument                               Amount   Fair Value   Amount 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Forward Exchange Contracts                                                    
  December 31, 1997                             $  8,621    $  (3)     $  16  
               1996                                7,597      (30)       (52) 

Estimated fair values shown above only represent the value of the hedge
component of these transactions, and thus are not indicative of the fair value
of the company's overall hedged position. The estimated fair value of the
company's total debt portfolio, based on quoted market prices for the same or
similar issues or on current rates offered to the company for debt of the same
remaining maturities, was $12,700 and $9,600 at December 31, 1997 and 1996,
respectively. The increase in fair value in 1997 was primarily due to higher
borrowing levels.


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

Commodity Price Risk

The company enters into exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivative
commodity instruments to hedge its exposure to price fluctuations on anticipated
crude oil, refined products and natural gas transactions and certain raw
material purchases.

Commodity trading in petroleum futures contracts is a natural extension of cash
market trading and is used to physically acquire a portion of refining crude
supply requirements. The commodity futures market has underlying principles of
increased liquidity and longer trading periods than the cash market and is one
method of reducing exposure to the price risk inherent in the petroleum
business. Typically, trading is conducted to manage price risk around near-term
supply requirements.

Occasionally, as market views and conditions allow, longer-term positions will
be taken to manage price risk for the company's equity production (crude and
natural gas) or net supply requirements. These positions may not exceed
anticipated equity production or net supply requirements for the hedge period.
The company's use of derivative commodity instruments reduces the effects of
price volatility, thereby protecting against adverse price movements, while
limiting, somewhat, the benefits of favorable price movements.

On a limited basis, the company also purchases and sells petroleum- and other
energy-based futures contracts for trading purposes. After-tax gain/loss from
such trading has not been material. The fair value of outstanding derivative
commodity instruments at December 31, 1997 and 1996, was not material.

27.  Commitments and Contingent Liabilities

The company uses various leased facilities and equipment in its operations.
Future minimum lease payments under noncancelable operating leases are $361,
$304, $225, $185 and $161 for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002,
respectively, and $884 for subsequent years, and are not reduced by
noncancelable minimum sublease rentals due in the future in the amount of $141.
Rental expense under operating leases was $382 in 1997, $354 in 1996 and $339 in

In June 1997, DuPont formed alliances with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
and Andersen Consulting. CSC operates a majority of DuPont's global information
systems and technology infrastructure and provides selected applications and
software services. Andersen Consulting provides information systems solutions
designed to enhance DuPont's manufacturing, marketing, distribution and customer
service for its chemicals businesses. The total dollar value of the contracts is
in excess of $4,000 over 10 years. Minimum payments due under the contracts are:
$336, $275, $221, $182 and $174 for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002,
respectively, and a total of $711 thereafter.

The company has various purchase commitments for materials, supplies and items
of permanent investment incident to the ordinary conduct of business. In the
aggregate, such commitments are not at prices in excess of current market. In
addition, at December 31, 1997, the company had an obligation to purchase
natural gas at prices that were in excess of year-end 1997 market prices. No
material annual loss is expected from this long-term commitment.

The company is subject to various lawsuits and claims with respect to such
matters as product liabilities, governmental regulations and other actions
arising out of the normal course of business. While the effect on future
financial results is not subject to reasonable estimation because considerable
uncertainty exists, in the opinion of company counsel, the ultimate liabilities
resulting from such lawsuits and claims will not materially affect the
consolidated financial position of the company.

During 1991 the company initiated a stop-sale and recall of Benlate(R) 50 DF
fungicide. About 80 of the more than 700 cases filed against the company in
connection with the recall remain, the rest having been disposed of by trial,
dismissal or settlement. In the fourth quarter of 1995, DuPont and the other
major defendants in litigation concerning allegedly defective plumbing systems
made with polybutylene pipe and acetal fittings settled two of several national
class actions. The company's liability in the settled actions is limited to 10
percent of the cost of repairing plumbing systems up to a total company payout
of $120. The related liability for each of these matters included in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet is not reduced by the amounts of any expected
insurance recoveries. Adverse changes in estimates for such costs could result
in additional future charges.

The company is also subject to contingencies pursuant to environmental laws and
regulations that in the future may require the company to take further action to
correct the effects on the environment of prior disposal practices or releases
of chemical or petroleum substances by the company or other parties. The company
has accrued for certain environmental


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

remediation activities consistent with the policy set forth in Note 1. At
December 31, 1997, such accrual amounted to $561 and, in management's opinion,
was appropriate based on existing facts and circumstances. Under adverse changes
in circumstances, potential liability may exceed amounts accrued. In the event
that future remediation expenditures are in excess of amounts accrued,
management does not anticipate that they will have a material adverse effect on
the consolidated financial position of the company.

The company has indirectly guaranteed various debt obligations under agreements
with certain affiliated and other companies to provide specified minimum
revenues from shipments or purchases of products. At December 31, 1997, these
indirect guarantees totaled $29, and the company had directly guaranteed $1,756
of the obligations of certain affiliated companies and others. No material loss
is anticipated by reason of such agreements and guarantees.

28.  Geographic Information
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       United                 Other
                                                       States     Europe      Regions  Consolidated
Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/                     $24,648     $15,389    $5,042       $45,079
Transfers Between Geographic Areas/2/                    3,108         625       832             -
   Total                                               $27,756     $16,014    $5,874       $45,079
After-Tax Operating Income                             $ 1,346     $ 1,306    $  126       $ 2,778
Identifiable Assets at December 31                     $20,015     $11,346    $5,242       $36,603

Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/                     $22,969     $16,045    $4,796       $43,810
Transfers Between Geographic Areas/2/                    2,699         753       671             -
   Total                                               $25,668     $16,798    $5,467       $43,810
After-Tax Operating Income                             $ 2,688     $ 1,144    $  186       $ 4,018
Identifiable Assets at December 31                     $17,230     $10,973    $4,462       $32,665

Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/                     $21,534     $15,859    $4,770       $42,163
Transfers Between Geographic Areas/2/                    2,406         755       605           -
   Total                                               $23,940     $16,614    $5,375       $42,163
After-Tax Operating Income                             $ 2,414     $ 1,161    $  169       $ 3,744
Identifiable Assets at December 31                     $17,387     $10,879    $4,149       $32,415

1 Sales outside the United States of products manufactured in and exported from
  the United States totaled $4,005 in 1997, $3,826 in 1996 and $4,289 in 1995.
2 Products are transferred between geographic areas on a basis intended to
  reflect as nearly as practicable the "market value" of the products.


                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

29.  Industry Segment Information

The company has six principal segments that manufacture and sell a wide range of
products to many different markets, including energy, transportation, textile,
construction, automotive, electronics, printing, health care, packaging and
agricultural products. The company sells its products worldwide, however, about
52 percent and 34 percent of sales are made in the United States and Europe,
respectively. Major products by segment include: Chemicals (specialty chemicals,
white pigment and mineral products, fluorochemicals and nylon intermediates);
Fibers (textile, industrial and carpet nylon, Dacron(R) polyester, Lycra(R)
brand spandex, nonwovens and aramids); Polymers (automotive finishes,
elastomers, fluoropolymers, Corian(R) surfaces, packaging and industrial
polymers, and engineering polymers); Petroleum (crude oil, natural gas and
refined products), Life Sciences (agricultural products and pharmaceuticals),
and Diversified Businesses (photopolymers and electronic materials, printing
industry products, polyester films, intermediates and resins, and coal). The
company's sales are not materially dependent on a single customer or small group
of customers. The Fibers and Polymers segments, however, have several large
customers in their respective industries that are important to these segments'
operating results.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                         Life   Diversified
                                            Chemicals   Fibers   Polymers  Petroleum   Sciences  Businesses  Consolidated
Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/            $4,267    $7,680    $6,830    $20,990/2/   $2,518    $2,794      $ 45,079
Transfers Between Segments                       215        23       225        420          --        42            --
   Total                                      $4,482    $7,703    $7,055    $21,410      $2,518    $2,836      $ 45,079
Operating Profit                              $  864    $1,494    $1,319    $ 1,928      $ (123)   $ (128)     $  5,354
Provision for Income Taxes                      (313)     (541)     (511)      (899)       (118)       33        (2,349)
Equity in Earnings of Affiliates                  49        27       116         39        (545)       87          (227)
After-Tax Operating Income/3/                 $  600    $  980    $  924    $ 1,068      $ (786)   $   (8)     $  2,778/4/
Identifiable Assets at December 31            $3,684    $7,118    $4,854    $13,822      $3,380    $3,745      $ 36,603/5/
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization      $  310    $  555    $  313    $ 1,070      $   86    $  157      $  2,491/6/
Capital Expenditures                          $  429    $  782    $  570    $ 2,771      $  119    $  229      $  4,900/7/
Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/            $4,141    $7,204    $6,699    $20,166/2/   $2,472    $3,128      $ 43,810
Transfers Between Segments                       190        22       213        413          --        52            --
   Total                                      $4,331    $7,226    $6,912    $20,579      $2,472    $3,180      $ 43,810
Operating Profit                              $  808    $1,247    $1,306    $ 1,818      $  436    $  257      $  5,872
Provision for Income Taxes                      (301)     (455)     (489)      (933)       (254)      (90)       (2,522)
Equity in Earnings of Affiliates                  56        10        92        (25)        497        38           668
After-Tax Operating Income/8/                 $  563    $  802    $  909    $   860      $  679    $  205      $  4,018/4/
Identifiable Assets at December 31            $3,723    $6,805    $4,535    $13,018      $2,033    $2,551      $ 32,665/5/
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization      $  330    $  609    $  350    $ 1,128      $   83    $  219      $  2,719/6/
Capital Expenditures                          $  338    $  611    $  446    $ 1,616      $   93    $  213      $  3,317/7/
Sales to Unaffiliated Customers/1/            $4,181    $7,215    $7,037    $17,660/2/   $2,322    $3,748      $ 42,163
Transfers Between Segments                       248        31       208        298          --        46            --
   Total                                      $4,429    $7,246    $7,245    $17,958      $2,322    $3,794      $ 42,163
Operating Profit                              $  947    $1,199    $1,244    $ 1,257      $  468    $  283      $  5,398
Provision for Income Taxes                      (360)     (435)     (465)      (660)       (202)      (82)       (2,204)
Equity in Earnings of Affiliates                  64        41        50         22         322        51           550
After-Tax Operating Income/9/                 $  651    $  805    $  829    $   619      $  588    $  252      $  3,744/4/
Identifiable Assets at December 31            $3,643    $6,305    $4,678    $12,634      $1,935    $3,220      $ 32,415/5/
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization      $  352    $  626    $  362    $ 1,111      $   91    $  281      $  2,823/6/
Capital Expenditures                          $  417    $  593    $  399    $ 1,714      $   73    $  198      $  3,394/7/

52                                   DUPONT

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

1  Sales of refined petroleum products of $15,115 in 1997, $15,169 in 1996 and
   $13,938 in 1995 exceeded 10 percent of consolidated sales.

2  Excludes crude oil and refined product exchanges and trading transactions
   totaling $4,249 in 1997, $3,549 in 1996 and $2,299 in 1995.

3  Includes the following (charges):

Petroleum/a/                                                           $    (6)
Life Sciences/b/                                                        (1,393)
Diversified Businesses/c/                                                 (283)

  a Includes charges of $112 for impairment of nonrevenue producing properties
    and $55 for a write-down of an office building held for sale, substantially
    offset by a $161 gain on the sale of certain North Sea properties.

  b Includes charges of $1,403 for acquired in-process research and development
    relating to the Pioneer transaction ($903) and PTI transaction ($500) and
    $62 associated with the Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall, partly offset by
    a $72 gain on the sale by DuPont Merck of its generic and multisource
    product lines.

  c Includes charges of $220 associated with the planned divestiture of certain
    printing and publishing businesses and $63 for acquired in-process research
    and development relating to the ICI polyester intermediates and resins

4 The following reconciles After-Tax Operating Income to Net Income:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      1997      1996      1995
After-Tax Operating Income                           $2,778    $4,018    $3,744
Interest and Other Corporate
  Expenses Net of Tax*                                 (373)     (382)     (451)
Net Income                                           $2,405    $3,636    $3,293

   *Includes interest and debt expense and other corporate expenses such as
    exchange gains and losses (including the company's share of equity
    affiliates' exchange gains and losses).

 5 The following reconciles Identifiable Assets to Total Assets:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             1997         1996         1995
Identifiable Assets at December 31         $36,603        $32,665       $32,415
Investment in Affiliates                     3,477          2,278         1,846
Corporate Assets                             2,862          2,927         2,938
Total Assets at December 31                $42,942        $37,870       $37,199

 6 Includes depreciation on research and development facilities and impairment
   of unproved properties; excludes write-down of assets discussed in Note 6.

 7 Excludes investments in affiliates and payments for businesses acquired. See
   Note 23 for discussion of 1997 strategic acquisitions in the Life Sciences
   and Diversified Businesses segments.

8 Includes the following (charges) benefits:

Chemicals/a/                                                              $ (21)
Fibers/a/                                                                   (32)
Polymers/b/                                                                  55
Petroleum/c/                                                                (41)
Life Sciences/d/                                                           (110)
Diversified Businesses/e/                                                    48

  a Charges associated principally with employee separation costs in the United

  b Benefit associated with formation of the DuPont Dow elastomers joint

  c Includes charges of $63 for write-down of investment in a European natural
    gas marketing joint venture and $22, principally, for employee separation
    costs in the United States partly offset by a net benefit of $44 related to
    environmental insurance recoveries.

  d Charge associated with the Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall.

  e Includes gains of $41 from the sale of certain medical products businesses
    and $33 related to sale of stock received in connection with the previously
    sold connector systems business, and a charge of $26, principally employee
    separation costs outside the United States, associated with the printing and
    publishing business.

9 Includes the following (charges) benefits/a/:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals                                                                $  10
Fibers                                                                      31
Polymers/b/                                                                (35)
Petroleum/c/                                                               (45)
Life Sciences/d/                                                           (63)
Diversified Businesses/e/                                                  (12)

  a  Includes a benefit of $69 principally from adjustments in estimates
     associated with the third quarter 1993 restructuring charge. The $69 is
     reflected in Chemicals ($10), Fibers ($31), Polymers ($3), and Diversified
     Businesses ($25).

  b  Includes a charge of $38 for costs to settle certain plumbing systems

  c  Charge for write-down of certain North American and European assets.

  d  Charge associated with the Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall.

  e  Includes a charge of $24 for printing and publishing operations,
     principally for employee separation costs in Europe, and a litigation
     provision of $13 related to a previously sold business.

See segment discussions on pages 8-9 and 17-23 for a description of each
industry segment. Products are transferred between segments on a basis intended
to reflect as nearly as practicable the "market value" of the products.

                                     DUPONT                                   53

                           Supplemental Petroleum Data

                              (Dollars in millions)

Oil and Gas Producing Activities

"Supplemental Petroleum Data" disclosures are presented in accordance with the
provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 69, "Disclosures
About Oil and Gas Producing Activities." Accordingly, volumes of reserves and
production exclude royalty interests of others, and royalty payments are
reflected as reductions in revenues.


Results of Operations for Oil and Gas Producing Activities
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         Total Worldwide                       United States
                                                   1997        1996        1995        1997         1996        1995     
Consolidated Companies

  Sales to unaffiliated customers                 $ 2,603     $ 2,479     $ 1,863     $   787     $   621     $   443   
  Transfers to other company operations               849         927         862         272         363         386   
Exploration, including dry hole costs                (412)       (374)       (275)       (101)       (131)        (80)  
Production                                           (854)       (755)       (727)       (320)       (297)       (287)  

Depreciation, depletion, amortization and
  valuation provisions                               (872)       (800)       (727)       (279)       (302)       (290)  
Other /2/                                             321          69          82         106          48          48   
Income taxes                                         (847)       (912)       (626)       (109)        (47)        (24)  
Total consolidated companies                          788         634         452         356         255         196   

Equity Affiliates
Results of operations of equity affiliates             34          36          12          11          11          --     
Total                                             $   822     $   670     $   464     $   367     $   266     $   196   

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               Europe                         Other Regions    
                                                    1997       1996       1995         1997       1996       1995               
Consolidated Companies                                                                                                  

  Sales to unaffiliated customers                 $ 1,181     $ 1,204     $   817     $   635     $   654     $   603      
  Transfers to other company operations               577         566         477          --          (2)         (1)     
Exploration, including dry hole costs                (131)       (156)       (134)       (180)        (87)        (61)     
Production                                           (409)       (372)       (347)       (125)        (86)        (93)     
Depreciation, depletion, amortization and                                                                               
  valuation provisions                               (419)       (443)       (362)       (174)/1/     (55)        (75)     
Other /2/                                             215          (1)         31          --          22           3      
Income taxes                                         (393)       (436)       (242)       (345)       (429)       (360)     
Total consolidated companies                          621         362         240        (189)         17          16
Equity Affiliates                                                                                                       
Results of operations of equity affiliates             29          25          12          (6)         --          --        
Total                                              $  650     $   387     $   252     $  (195)    $    17     $    16      

1 Includes a charge of $112 for impairment of nonrevenue producing properties.

2 Includes gain (loss) on disposal of fixed assets and other miscellaneous
revenues and expenses.

54                                   DUPONT

                           Supplemental Petroleum Data

                              (Dollars in millions)

Costs Incurred in Oil and Gas Property Acquisition, Exploration and Development
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Total Worldwide                      United States 
                                                    1997        1996       1995        1997        1996         1995     
Consolidated Companies
Property acquisitions:
  Proved/2/                                       $   152     $    21     $    96     $   148     $    14     $    95  
  Unproved                                            831          42          58         723/3/       41          29  
Exploration                                           450         445         358         107         144         128  
Development                                           921         828         745         289         203         242  
Total consolidated companies                        2,354       1,336       1,257       1,267         402         494

Equity Affiliates                                                                                             
Development                                           269          22          29          18           8          19
Total equity affiliates                               269          22          29          18           8          19 
Total                                             $ 2,623     $ 1,358     $ 1,286     $ 1,285     $   410     $   513

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               Europe                         Other Regions  
                                                    1997       1996         1995       1997        1996         1995               
Consolidated Companies
Property acquisitions:
  Proved/2/                                       $     -    $     -      $     -     $     4     $     7     $     1  
  Unproved                                             95          -            1          13           1          28  
Exploration                                           135        169          159         208         132          71  
Development                                           568        543          463          64          82          40  
Total consolidated companies                          798        712          623         289         222         140  

Equity Affiliates                                                                                            
Development                                             2         14           10         249/4/        -           -  
Total equity affiliates                                 2         14           10         249           -           -  
Total                                             $   800    $   726      $   633     $   538     $   222     $   140  

1 These data comprise all costs incurred in the activities shown, whether
  capitalized or charged to expense at the time they were incurred.
2 Excludes properties acquired through property exchanges.
3 Includes acquisition costs associated with gas reserves acquired in the South
  Texas Lobo Trend. 
4 Includes Conoco's equity share of the Petrozuata heavy oil venture in


Capitalized Costs Relating to Oil and Gas Producing Activities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Total Worldwide             United States                               
                                                   1997      1996       1995      1997     1996      1995     
Consolidated Companies

Gross costs:
  Proved properties                               $12,420   $11,914   $11,023   $ 4,676   $ 4,255   $ 4,440    
  Unproved properties                               1,491       913       883       774/1/    262       251    
Accumulated depreciation, depletion,                 
  amortization and valuation allowances:                                                                       
  Proved properties                                 6,940     6,729     6,290     2,836     2,739     2,822  
  Unproved properties                                 261       157       156        71        77        76    
Total net costs of consolidated companies           6,710     5,941     5,460     2,543     1,701     1,793
Equity Affiliates                                                                                              
Net costs of equity affiliates:                                                                                
  Proved properties                                   464       217       223        68        55        60
Total                                             $ 7,174   $ 6,158   $ 5,683   $ 2,611   $ 1,756   $ 1,853    

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Europe                         Other Regions  
                                                    1997      1996     1995       1997     1996      1995               
Consolidated Companies                    
Gross costs:                              
  Proved properties                               $ 6,276   $ 6,268   $ 5,220   $ 1,468   $ 1,391   $ 1,363   
  Unproved properties                                 432       444       439       285       207       193   
Accumulated depreciation, depletion,                  
  amortization and valuation allowances:                                                                      
  Proved properties                                 3,001     2,947     2,425     1,103     1,043     1,043  
  Unproved properties                                   7         7         7       183        73        73
Total net costs of consolidated companies           3,700     3,758     3,227       467       482       440
Equity Affiliates                                                                                             
Net costs of equity affiliates:                   
  Proved properties                                   147       162       163       249/2/      -         -    
Total                                             $ 3,847   $ 3,920   $ 3,390   $   716   $   482   $   440    

1 Includes costs associated with gas reserves acquired in the South Texas Lobo
2 Includes Conoco's equity share of the Petrozuata heavy oil venture in

                                     DUPONT                                  55

                          Supplemental Petroleum Data

                            (In millions of barrels)

Estimated Proved Reserves of Oil/1/

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                Total Worldwide                  United States             
                                         1997       1996       1995       1997       1996       1995       
Proved Developed and Undeveloped       
  Reserves of Consolidated Companies   
Beginning of year                         926        933        953        299        294        336       
Revisions and other changes                54         55         (1)         3         11         (8)      
Extensions and discoveries                 62         75        122         12         31         25       
Improved recovery                           3          4          4          3          4          1       
Purchase of reserves/3/                     5         (1)         5          4         (1)         3       
Sale of reserves/4/                       (27)       (12)       (33)       (11)       (10)       (33)      
Production                               (130)      (128)      (117)       (33)       (30)       (30)      
End of year/5/                            893        926        933        277        299        294       
Proved Developed and Undeveloped       
  Reserves of Equity Affiliates        
Beginning of year                          47         44         35       --         --         --         
Revisions and other changes                10          8          5       --         --         --         
Extensions and discoveries                680         --          8       --         --         --         
Production                                 (6)        (5)        (4)      --         --         --         
End of year                               731         47         44       --         --         --         
Total                                   1,624        973        977        277        299        294       
Proved Developed Reserves              
  of Consolidated Companies            
Beginning of year                         630        684        706        258        265        324       
End of year                               600        630        684        242        258        265       

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Europe                         Other Regions/2/
                                         1997       1996       1995       1997       1996       1995
Proved Developed and Undeveloped       
  Reserves of Consolidated Companies   
Beginning of year                         413        408        394        214        231        223   
Revisions and other changes                43         36         (9)         8          8         16   
Extensions and discoveries                 44         35         72          6          9         25   
Improved recovery                          --         --          3         --         --         -- 
Purchase of reserves/3/                     1         --         --         --         --          2
Sale of reserves/4/                       (16)        --         --         --         (2)        -- 
Production                                (64)       (66)       (52)       (33)       (32)       (35)
End of year/5/                            421        413        408        195        214        231
Proved Developed and Undeveloped       
  Reserves of Equity Affiliates        
Beginning of year                          47         44         35         --         --         -- 
Revisions and other changes                10          8          5         --         --         -- 
Extensions and discoveries                 --         --          8        680/6/      --         -- 
Production                                 (6)        (5)        (4)        --         --         -- 
End of year                                51         47         44        680         --         --
Total                                     472        460        452        875        214        231
Proved Developed Reserves              
  of Consolidated Companies            
Beginning of year                         185        217        171        187        202        211   
End of year                               174        185        217        184        187        202   

/1/  Oil reserves comprise crude oil and condensate and natural gas liquids
     expected to be removed for the company's account from its natural gas

/2/  Excludes reserve data applicable to Conoco's petroleum assets in Libya.
     Although negotiations with the Libyan government's national oil company
     continue, Conoco has not resumed its participation in Libyan operations.

/3/  Includes reserves acquired through property exchanges.

/4/  Includes reserves disposed of through property exchanges.

/5/  Includes reserves of 87 and 89 at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively,
     attributable to Conoco Oil & Gas Associates L.P. in which there is a
     minority interest with an approximate 18 percent and 17 percent revenue
     share at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively. See Note 20.

/6/  Includes Conoco's equity share of the Petrozuata heavy oil venture in

56                                 DUPONT

                          Supplemental Petroleum Data

                            (In billion cubic feet)
Estimated Proved Reserves of Gas

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 Total Worldwide                    United States                 
                                          1997       1996       1995       1997          1996          1995        
Proved Developed and Undeveloped
  Reserves of Consolidated Companies
Beginning of year                        5,063      4,709      4,330      1,822         1,891         1,749        
Revisions and other changes                134         41        292         --            79            95        
Extensions and discoveries                 518        780        400        453           176           225        
Improved recovery                            1         --          1          1            --             1        
Purchase of reserves/1/                    270         41        167        264/2/          3           167        
Sale of reserves/3/                        (62)       (71)       (78)       (46)          (57)          (78)       
Production                                (433)      (437)      (403)      (259)         (270)/4/      (268)/4/
End of year/5/                           5,491      5,063      4,709      2,235         1,822         1,891        

Proved Developed and Undeveloped
  Reserves of Equity Affiliates
Beginning of year                          613        627        830        613           627           830        
Revisions and other changes                 (5)         1         --         (5)            1            --        
Extensions and discoveries                  74         --         --         74            --            --        
Purchase of reserves                        --         --         --         --            --            --          
Sale of reserves                            --         --       (189)        --            --          (189)       
Production                                  (8)       (15)       (14)        (8)          (15)          (14)       
End of year                                674        613        627        674           613           627        
Total                                    6,165      5,676      5,336      2,909         2,435         2,518        

Proved Developed Reserves of
  Consolidated Companies
Beginning of year                        2,843      2,933      2,496      1,672         1,733         1,687        
End of year                              3,061      2,843      2,933      1,801         1,672         1,733        

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Europe                       Other Regions
                                              1997       1996       1995       1997       1996       1995
Proved Developed and Undeveloped
  Reserves of Consolidated Companies
Beginning of year                            3,068      2,649      2,431        173        169        150
Revisions and other changes                     97        (39)       195         37          1          2
Extensions and discoveries                      59        574        147          6         30         28
Improved recovery                               --         --         --         --         --         --
Purchase of reserves/1/                         --         36         --          6          2         --
Sale of reserves/3/                             (7)        --         --         (9)       (14)        --
Production                                    (157)      (152)      (124)       (17)       (15)       (11)
End of year/5/                               3,060      3,068      2,649        196        173        169

Proved Developed and Undeveloped
  Reserves of Equity Affiliates
Beginning of year                               --         --         --         --         --         --
Revisions and other changes                     --         --         --         --         --         --
Extensions and discoveries                      --         --         --         --         --         --
Purchase of reserves                            --         --         --         --         --         --
Sale of reserves                                --         --         --         --         --         --
Production                                      --         --         --         --         --         --
End of year                                     --         --         --         --         --         --
Total                                        3,060      3,068      2,649        196        173        169

Proved Developed Reserves of
  Consolidated Companies
Beginning of year                            1,041      1,071        683        130        129        126
End of year                                  1,091      1,041      1,071        169        130        129
1  Includes reserves acquired through property exchanges.
2  Includes reserves acquired in the South Texas Lobo Trend.
3  Includes reserves disposed of through property exchanges.
4  Restated to exclude natural gas liquids which are included in estimated
   proved reserves of oil reported on previous page.
5  Includes reserves of 115 and 104 at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively,
   attributable to Conoco Oil & Gas Associates L.P. in which there is a minority
   interest with an approximate 18 percent and 17 percent revenue share at year-
   end 1997 and 1996, respectively. See Note 20.

                                    DUPONT                                    57

                           Supplemental Petroleum Data

Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows 
Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves 

The information on the following page has been prepared in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 69, which requires the
standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows to be based on year-end
sales prices, costs and statutory income tax rates and a 10 percent annual
discount rate. Specifically, the per-barrel oil sales prices used to calculate
the December 31, 1997, data averaged $15.34 for the United States, $16.11 for
Europe and $14.92 for Other Regions, and the gas prices per thousand cubic feet
averaged approximately $2.07 for the United States, $2.75 for Europe and $1.52
for Other Regions. Because prices used in the calculation are as of December 31,
the standardized measure could vary significantly from year to year based on
market conditions at that specific date.

The projections should not be viewed as realistic estimates of future cash flows
nor should the "standardized measure" be interpreted as representing current
value to the company. Material revisions to estimates of proved reserves may
occur in the future, development and production of the reserves may not occur in
the periods assumed, actual prices realized are expected to vary significantly
from those used and actual costs may also vary. The company's investment and
operating decisions are not based on the information presented on the following
page, but on a wide range of reserve estimates that includes probable as well as
proved reserves, and on different price and cost assumptions from those
reflected in this information.

Beyond the above considerations, the "standardized measure" is also not directly
comparable with asset balances appearing elsewhere in the financial statements
because any such comparison would require reconciling adjustments, including
reduction of the asset balances for related deferred income taxes.

58                                   DUPONT

                          Supplemental Petroleum Data

                             (Dollars in millions)

Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil
and Gas Reserves
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Total Worldwide                         United States
                                       1997         1996         1995         1997         1996         1995    
Consolidated Companies

Future cash flows:
  Revenues                          $ 26,666     $ 34,366     $ 26,766     $  8,355     $ 10,044     $  7,631     
  Production costs                    (9,251)     (10,406)      (9,152)      (2,997)      (3,085)      (3,038)    
  Development costs                   (1,586)      (1,669)      (1,583)        (446)        (283)        (218)    
  Income tax expense                  (6,822)     (10,364)      (7,404)      (1,175)      (2,041)      (1,169)    
Future net cash flows                  9,007       11,927        8,627        3,737        4,635        3,206     
Discounted to present value at a
  10% annual rate                     (3,384)      (4,638)      (3,469)      (1,552)      (2,088)      (1,456)    
Total*                                 5,623        7,289        5,158        2,185        2,547        1,750     
Equity Affiliates

Future cash flows:
  Revenues                             9,255        2,786        1,952        1,628        1,783        1,198     
  Production costs                    (2,860)        (801)        (827)        (487)        (446)        (456)    
  Development costs                   (1,437)        (306)        (380)        (311)        (283)        (348)    
  Income tax expense                  (1,228)        (668)        (274)        (299)        (365)        (116)    
Future net cash flows                  3,730        1,011          471          531          689          278     
Discounted to present value at a
  10% annual rate                     (3,087)        (654)        (305)        (427)        (533)        (234)    
Total                                    643          357          166          104          156           44     
Total                               $  6,266     $  7,646     $  5,324     $  2,289     $  2,703     $  1,794     

                                                   Europe                             Other Regions
                                       1997         1996         1995         1997         1996         1995    
Consolidated Companies

Future cash flows:
  Revenues                          $ 15,119     $ 19,364     $ 14,995     $  3,192     $  4,958     $  4,140
  Production costs                    (5,387)      (6,378)      (5,154)        (867)        (943)        (960)
  Development costs                   (1,094)      (1,294)      (1,234)         (46)         (92)        (131)
  Income tax expense                  (3,921)      (5,179)      (3,758)      (1,726)      (3,144)      (2,477)
Future net cash flows                  4,717        6,513        4,849          553          779          572
Discounted to present value at a    
  10% annual rate                     (1,679)      (2,317)      (1,813)        (153)        (233)        (200)
Total*                                 3,038        4,196        3,036          400          546          372
Equity Affiliates                   

Future cash flows:                  
  Revenues                               651        1,003          754        6,976            -            -
  Production costs                      (315)        (355)        (371)      (2,058)           -            -
  Development costs                      (30)         (23)         (32)      (1,096)           -            -
  Income tax expense                    (170)        (303)        (158)        (759)           -            -
Future net cash flows                    136          322          193        3,063            -            -
Discounted to present value at a    
  10% annual rate                        (44)        (121)         (71)      (2,616)           -            -
Total                                     92          201          122          447            -            -
Total                               $  3,130     $  4,397     $  3,158     $    847     $    546     $    372

* Includes $372 and $686 at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively, attributable
  to Conoco Oil & Gas Associates L.P. in which there is a minority interest with
  an approximate 18 percent and 17 percent revenue share at year-end 1997 and
  1996, respectively. See Note 20.

Summary of Changes in Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows
Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           Consolidated Companies          Equity Affiliates
                                                                          1997      1996      1995      1997      1996      1995
Balance at January 1                                                    $ 7,289   $ 5,158   $ 4,275   $   357   $   166   $   211
Sales and transfers of oil and gas produced, net of production costs     (2,583)   (2,647)   (1,998)      (61)      (83)      (46)
Development costs incurred during the period                                921       828       745       224        22        30
Net changes in prices and in development and production costs            (4,974)    2,525       675    (1,287)      128       135
Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery, less related costs           818     1,630     1,219     1,190         -         -
Revisions of previous quantity estimates                                    439       553       375        39        83        68
Purchases (sales) of reserves in place--net                                  36       (54)      (62)        -         -       (34)
Accretion of discount                                                     1,312       931       753        63        26        15
Net change in income taxes                                                2,285    (1,676)     (897)       20      (182)     (155)
Other                                                                        80        41        73        98       197       (58)
Balance at December 31                                                  $ 5,623   $ 7,289   $ 5,158   $   643   $   357   $   166


                            Quarterly Financial Data

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quarter Ended                                            March 31      June 30   September 30    December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                                     $11,211      $11,402      $11,136        $11,330      
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses/1/                    9,602        9,732       11,015         10,982      
Net Income                                                  1,020        1,140          (17)/4/        262/5/   
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock/2/                                                                           
  Basic                                                       .90         1.01         (.02)           .23      
  Diluted/3/                                                  .89          .99         (.02)           .23      
Dividends Per Share of Common Stock/2/                       .285         .315         .315           .315      
Market Price of Common Stock/2,//6/                                                                             
  High                                                         57 5/8       62 7/8       69 3/4         64 15/16
  Low                                                          46 3/8       49 3/4       60 11/16       50 3/16  
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                                     $10,769      $11,148      $10,486        $11,407
Cost of Goods Sold and Other Expenses/1/                    9,457        9,673        9,131         10,195      
Net Income                                                    879/7/     1,001/8/       898/9/         858      
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock/2/                                                                       
  Basic/3/                                                    .79          .89          .80            .76      
  Diluted/3/                                                  .77          .88          .79            .75      
Dividends Per Share of Common Stock/2/                        .26         .285         .285           .285      
Market Price of Common Stock/2,//6/                                                                         
  High                                                         42 3/16      42 7/16      44 15/16       49 11/16
  Low                                                          34 13/16     38 3/8       36 7/16        43 7/8   

1   Excludes interest and debt expense and provision for income taxes.

2   Restated to reflect two-for-one split of common stock effective May 15,

3   Earnings per share for the year does not equal to the sum of quarterly
    earnings per share due to changes in average share calculations.

4   Includes a net charge of $998 ($.88 per share - basic) reflecting: a charge
    of $850 associated with acquired in-process research and development for the
    Pioneer transaction; a charge of $220 associated with the planned
    divestiture of certain printing and publishing businesses; and a gain of $72
    from the sale by DuPont Merck of its generic and multisource product lines.

5   Includes a net charge of $684 ($.61 per share - basic) reflecting: a charge
    of $616 associated with acquired in-process research and development
    relating to the PTI transaction ($500), the Pioneer transaction ($53), and
    the ICI polyester intermediates and resins transaction ($63); a charge of
    $62 associated with the Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall; a charge of $112
    associated with the impairment of nonrevenue producing petroleum properties;
    a charge of $55 associated with the write-down of an office building held
    for sale; and a gain of $161 associated with the sale of certain North Sea
    petroleum producing and exploration properties.

6   As reported on the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Composite Transactions

7   Includes a net charge of $20 ($.02 per share - basic) reflecting: a charge
    of $53 principally for employee separation costs; and a benefit of $33 for
    sale of stock received in connection with a previously sold business.

8   Includes a net charge of $34 ($.03 per share - basic) reflecting: a charge
    of $63 for write-down of investment in a European natural gas marketing
    joint venture; a charge of $48 principally for employee separation costs; a
    charge of $63 associated with Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall; a gain of
    $55 associated with the formation of the DuPont Dow elastomers joint
    venture; a benefit of $44 related to environmental insurance recoveries; and
    a gain of $41 from the sale of certain medical products businesses.

9   Includes a charge of $47 ($.04 per share - basic) associated with
    Benlate(R) 50 DF fungicide recall.

                          Consolidated Geographic Data

                              (Dollars in millions)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               Capital           Total Assets        Average
                                             Expenditures         December 31       Employment
                                            1997      1996       1997     1996     1997     1996
United States                             $ 7,029    $1,723    $23,819  $19,508   63,653   67,119
Europe                                      1,644     1,418     12,459   12,039   19,136   19,796
Other Regions                               1,535       589      6,664    6,323   15,110   14,556
Total                                     $10,208    $3,730    $42,942  $37,870   97,899  101,471
Capital expenditures, total assets and average employment are assigned to
geographic areas, generally based on physical location.

60                                   DUPONT

                           Five-Year Financial Review/1/

                     (Dollars in millions, except per share)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            1997         1996          1995          1994           1993            
Summary of Operations                                                                                               
Sales                                    $45,079       $43,810       $42,163       $39,333         $37,098          
Earnings Before Income Taxes             $ 4,680       $ 5,981       $ 5,390       $ 4,382         $   958          
Provision for Income Taxes               $ 2,275       $ 2,345       $ 2,097       $ 1,655         $   392          
Net Income                               $ 2,405       $ 3,636       $ 3,293       $ 2,727         $   566/2/       
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock/3/                                                                               
  Basic                                  $  2.12       $  3.23       $  2.81       $  2.00         $   .41          
  Diluted                                $  2.08       $  3.18       $  2.77       $  1.98         $   .41          
Financial Position at Year End                                                                                      
Working Capital                          $(2,196)      $   116       $ (1,776)     $ 3,543         $ 1,460          
Total Assets                             $42,942       $37,870       $ 37,199      $36,813         $36,958          
Borrowings and Capital Lease                                                                                        
  Short Term                             $ 6,154       $ 3,910       $ 6,157       $ 1,292         $ 2,796          
  Long Term                              $ 5,929       $ 5,087       $ 5,678       $ 6,376         $ 6,531          
Stockholders' Equity                     $11,270       $10,593       $ 8,323       $12,743         $11,135          
Dividends as Percent of Cash Provided                                                                               
   by Operations                              20%           20%           18%           22%             22%         
Cash Provided by Operations as Percent                                                                              
   of Total Debt                              58%           71%           57%           74%             58%         
Total Debt as Percent of Total                                                                                      
   Capitalization                             50%           45%           58%           37%             45%         
Return on Average Investors' Capital        12.3%         20.0%         18.0%         14.6%            4.0%         
Net Income As Percent of Average                                                                                    
   Stockholders' Equity                     21.3%         38.2%         32.9%         22.8%            4.8%         
For the Year:                                                                                                       
  Capital Expenditures                   $10,208/4/    $ 3,730       $ 3,643       $ 3,241         $ 3,725          
  Depreciation, Depletion and                                                                                       
     Amortization                        $ 2,385       $ 2,621       $ 2,722       $ 2,976         $ 2,833          
  Research and Development Expense       $ 1,116       $ 1,032       $ 1,067       $ 1,047         $ 1,132          
    As Percent of Sales for:                                                                                        
     Chemicals and Specialties                                                                                      
       Businesses                            4.5%          4.2%          4.2%          4.5%            5.1%         
     Petroleum                               0.2%          0.2%          0.2%          0.3%            0.3%         
Average Number of Shares (millions)/3/                                                                              
  Basic                                    1,131         1,121         1,170         1,360           1,353          
  Diluted                                  1,150         1,140         1,183         1,371           1,363          
Dividends Per Common Share/3/            $  1.23       $ 1.115       $ 1.015       $   .91         $   .88          
Common Stock Prices:/3/                                                                                             
  High                                   $    69 3/4   $    49 11/16 $    36 1/2   $    31 3/16    $    26 15/16    
  Low                                    $    46 3/8   $    34 13/16 $    26 5/16  $    24 1/8     $    22 1/4             
  Year-End Close                         $    60 1/16  $    47 1/16  $    34 15/16 $    28 1/16    $    24 1/8      
At Year End:                                                                                                        
  Employees (thousands)                       98            97           105           107             114          
  Common Stockholders of Record                                                                                     
     (thousands)                             154           158           166           172             181          
  Book Value Per Common Share/3/         $  9.77       $  9.19       $  7.28       $  9.18         $  8.04           
1   See Management's Discussion and Analysis, Consolidated Financial Statements
    and Quarterly Financial Data for information relating to significant items
    affecting the results of operations and financial position.

2   Before effect on income of extraordinary item.

3   Restated to reflect two-for-one split of common stock effective May 15,

4   Includes strategic acquisitions discussed in Note 23.

                                    DUPONT                                    61