(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement   [ ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission
                                        Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                           THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

        1)     Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

        2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

        3)     Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

        4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

        5)     Total fee paid:  ................................................

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
        paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
        number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)     Amount previously paid:

        2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:

        3)     Filing Party:

        4)     Date Filed:


                           THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND, INC.
                              GATEWAY CENTER THREE
                          NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102-4077




To Our Stockholders:

    Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of The Asia
Pacific  Fund,  Inc. (the Fund) will be held on July 10, 1997, at 11:00 a.m., at
the offices of Sullivan & Cromwell, 125 Broad Street-26th  Floor,  New York, New
York 10004, for the following purposes:

                1. To elect three Directors.

                2. To  ratify  the  selection  of  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP   as
          independent  public accountants of the Fund for the fiscal year ending
          March 31, 1998.

                3. To  consider  a  stockholder proposal requesting the Board of
          Directors to take action to liquidate the Fund.
                4. To consider and act  upon any other  business as may properly
          come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

    The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business on June 2, 1997 as
the record date for the  determination  of stockholders  entitled to vote at the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                                        S. Jane Rose

Dated: June 10, 1997

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND, INC.
                              GATEWAY CENTER THREE
                          NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102-4077


                                PROXY STATEMENT


    This Proxy  Statement  is  furnished  by the Board of  Directors of The Asia
Pacific Fund, Inc. (the Fund) in connection with its solicitation of proxies for
use at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  to be held on July 10,  1997 (the
Meeting)  at 11:00  a.m.,  at the  offices  of  Sullivan &  Cromwell,  125 Broad
Street-26th  Floor, New York, New York 10004. The purpose of the Meeting and the
matters  to be acted  upon are set  forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual

    The most  recent  annual  report  for the Fund  preceded,  or for the Fund's
newest stockholders, will accompany, the mailing of this Proxy Statement.

    If the accompanying form of proxy is executed properly and returned,  shares
represented  by it  will  be  voted  at  the  Meeting  in  accordance  with  the
instructions on the proxy.  However,  if no instructions  are specified,  shares
will  be  voted  for  the  election  of  Directors,   in  accordance   with  the
recommendation  of the Board of Directors as to all other proposals,  and if any
other business is presented at the Meeting,  in the best judgment of the persons
named as  Proxies.  A proxy may be  revoked  at any time prior to the time it is
voted by written  notice to the  Secretary of the Fund or by  attendance  at the

    If  sufficient  votes to approve one or more of the  proposed  items are not
received,  the persons named as Proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of
the Meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment will
require  the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of those  shares  present at the
Meeting or  represented  by Proxy.  When voting on a proposed  adjournment,  the
persons named as Proxies will vote for the proposed  adjournment all shares that
they are  entitled  to vote  with  respect  to each  item,  unless  directed  to
disapprove  the  item,  in which  case such  shares  will be voted  against  the
proposed adjournment.

    If  a  proxy  that  is  properly   executed  and  returned   accompanied  by
instructions to withhold  authority to vote represents a broker "non-vote" (that
is, a proxy  from a broker  or  nominee  indicating  that  such  person  has not
received instructions from the beneficial owner or other person entitled to vote
shares on a  particular  matter with respect to which the broker or nominee does
not have discretionary power), the shares represented thereby will be considered
not to be present at the Meeting for purposes of determining  the existence of a
quorum for the transaction of business,  and be deemed not cast, with respect to
such  proposal.  If no  instructions  are received by the broker or nominee with
reference to routine matters,  the shares represented  thereby may be considered
for purposes of  determining  the existence of a quorum for the  transaction  of
business, and will be deemed cast, with respect to such routine matters. Also, a
properly  executed  and  returned  proxy  marked  with  an  abstention  will  be
considered present at the Meeting for purposes of determining the existence of a
quorum  for  the  transaction  of  business.  However,  abstentions  and  broker
"non-votes" do not constitute a vote "for" or "against" the matter, but have the
effect of a negative  vote on matters  which  require  approval  by a  requisite
percentage of the outstanding shares.

    The close of  business on June 2, 1997 has been fixed as the record date for
the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
Meeting.  On  that  date,  the  Fund  had  18,903,279  shares  of  Common  Stock
outstanding  and entitled to vote. As of June 2, 1997,  the only holders of more
than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Fund were Cede & Co. Fast, P.O. Box 20,
Bowling Green Station, New York, NY 10274-0020, which held, solely of record and
not beneficially,  17,557,882 shares of the Fund which represented approximately
92.9% of the shares of the Fund then outstanding. Each share will be entitled to
one vote at the Meeting. It is expected that the Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxy
Statement and form of proxy will first be mailed to stockholders of record on or
about June 10, 1997.


    The  expense  of  solicitation  will be borne  by the Fund and will  include
reimbursement  of brokerage  firms and others for expenses in  forwarding  proxy
solicitation  material to beneficial owners. The solicitation of proxies will be
largely  by  mail  but  may  include,  without  cost  to the  Fund,  telephonic,
telegraphic  or  oral   communications   by  regular   employees  of  Prudential
Investments  Fund  Management  LLC  (PIFM).  In  addition,  the Fund's  Board of
Directors  has  authorized  management  to retain a proxy  solicitation  firm to
assist in the  solicitation of proxies for the Meeting.  Management has selected
Shareholder Communications Corporation as the proxy solicitation firm (the Proxy
Solicitation  Firm). The cost of solicitation by the Proxy  Solicitation Firm is
not expected to exceed  $50,000 in fees and expenses  (exclusive  of postage and
printing costs) and will be borne by the Fund.

    The Investment Manager of the Fund is Baring  International  Investment (Far
East) Limited,  1901 Edinburgh Tower, 15 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong, and the
Administrator of the Fund is Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC, Gateway
Center Three, 100 Mulberry Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102-4077.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                (Proposal No. 1)

    The Fund's By-Laws provide that the Board of Directors is divided into three
classes of  Directors,  as nearly  equal in number as  possible.  Each  Director
serves for a term of three years,  with one class being elected each year.  Each
year the term of office of one class will expire.

    At the Meeting,  three Class II  Directors  will be elected to serve for the
ensuing  three  years,  ending in 2000,  and until  their  successors  have been
elected and qualified.  It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed
proxy to vote in favor of the election of Messrs. Burns, Hsu and Scholfield (the
nominees).  Each of the  nominees  has  consented  to be  named  in  this  Proxy
Statement  and to serve as a Director if elected.  Each of the Class II nominees
is currently a Class II Director of the Fund and has previously  been elected by
stockholders.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason to believe that any of the
nominees named above will become unavailable for election as a Director,  but if
that should occur before the Meeting,  proxies will be voted for such persons as
the Directors may recommend. All of the Fund's Directors were previously elected
by  stockholders.  The affirmative  vote of a plurality of all the votes cast at
the Meeting is required to approve the election of a nominee.

    The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning each of the
nominees and each Director of the Fund.


 Name, age, business experience      
 during the past five years and                                  Shares Owned at
     other directorships                     Position with Fund   June 2, 1997
- --------------------------------             ------------------  ---------------

                               Class II Directors
                (Nominated to be Elected for Term Expiring 2000)

Robert H. Burns (67), Chairman, Robert H. Burns    Director           28,000
  Holdings  Limited,  Hong  Kong;   previously,
  Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer, Regent
  International Hotels, Limited, Hong Kong.       


 Name, age, business experience      
 during the past five years and                                  Shares Owned at
     other directorships                     Position with Fund   June 2, 1997
- --------------------------------             ------------------  ---------------

Douglas  Tong  Hsu  (55),  Chairman  and  Chief     Director          -0-
  Executive Officer, Far Eastern  Textile Ltd.,
  Taiwan;  Director,  The  Baring  Taiwan  Fund
  Limited (since 1993).  

*David G. P. Scholfield (53), Divisional Direc-     President and     12,170 
  tor,    Baring    International    Investment
  Management Limited;  Chairman,  Baring Mutual
  Fund Management S.A.; Director, International
  Fund   Managers  UK  Limited;   Baring  Asset
  Management (C.I.) Limited; European and Asian
  Fund  Management  S.A.; The Baring  Chrysalis
  Fund   Limited;   The  Baring   Peacock  Fund
  Limited;  The  Baring  Taiwan  Fund  Limited;
  World Value Fund SICAF. Previously,  Managing
  Director,   Baring  International  Investment
  (Far  East)  Limited;   Baring  International
  Asset   Administration   Limited;   Director,
  Baring  Mutual  Fund   Management   (Ireland)
  Limited and The Greater China Fund, Inc.

                                Class I Directors
                              (Term Expiring 1999)

Olarn  Chaipravat  (52),   President  and  Chief    Director          -0-
  Executive   Officer  (since   October   1992),
  Director and Senior Executive  Vice  President
  (July    1990-September 1992)   and     Senior
  Executive Vice President (September  1987-June
  1990),  The  Siam  Commercial   Bank,   Public
  Company Limited, Thailand.

Michael   J.   Downey   (53),  Private  Investor.   Director          6,974 
  Previously,  Chairman  (August 1990-May 1993),
  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Director (June
  1987-May  1993)  and  President of  Prudential
  Mutual   Fund   Management,   Inc. (PMF) (June
  1987-July   1990);   Director   of  Prudential
  Securities  Group,  Inc. (July 1991-May 1993);
  President,   Asset   Management   Group  (July
  1991-May 1993);  Executive Vice President (May
  1989-May 1993), Director (July 1985-June 1991)
  and  Senior  Vice President (December 1983-May
  1989) of  Prudential  Securities  Incorporated
  (PSI);   Director,    International    Imaging
  Materials,  Inc., The Merger Fund, Value Asset 
  Management, Inc. and The Simba Fund Limited. 


 Name, age, business experience      
 during the past five years and                                  Shares Owned at
     other directorships                     Position with Fund   June 2, 1997
- --------------------------------             ------------------  ---------------

John A. Morrell (69),  Chairman, John  Morrell      Director           -0-
  &  Associates  Limited;   Director,  Mercury
  International Investment Trust Ltd.;  Govett
  Oriental Trust Plc; Govett Emerging  Markets 
  Investment  Trust  Plc;  Govett  High Income
  Investment   Trust   Plc;   Invesco    Japan
  Discovery    Trust    Plc;   Law   Debenture
  Corporation Plc; Lowland  Investment Company
  Plc; Johnson Fry  Utilities Investment Trust
  Plc; Johnson Fry Second Utilities Investment
  Trust   Plc;   PRICOA   Worldwide  Investors
  Portfolio; Fidelity Asian Values  Investment
  Trust  Plc;  Fidelity  Japanese Values Trust
  Plc;  Balliol  College  Accommodation 2 Plc;
  Balliol  College  Accommodation  Plc; Beagle
  Nominees     Limited;     Caius      College  
  Accommodation  Plc;  Framlington  Dual Trust
  Plc;  Framlington  Income  &  Capital  Trust
  Plc;  Girton   College   Accommodation  Plc;
  Gonville College  Accommodation  Plc; Hughes
  Hall College  Accommodation  Plc; LDC  Trust
  Management     Ltd.;     Linacre     College
  Accommodation     Plc;    Magdalen   College
  Accommodation Plc; New College Accommodation
  Plc;  St.  Anthony's  College  Accommodation 
  Plc;   The   Law    Debenture   Intermediary
  Corporation Plc; The Law Debenture  Overseas
  Limited; The Law Debenture Trust Corporation
  Plc; Trinity  College  Accommodation  2 Plc;
  Trinity  College  Accommodation Plc; Wolfson
  College  Oxford  Accommodation   (1993) Plc;
  Wolfson  College  Oxford  Accommodation  Plc
  and  Worcester  College  Accommodation  Plc.
  Member,  Advisory  Board  to the Trustees of
  the    Atlantic    Richfield   Pension Fund.
  Previously,   Executive    Chairman,  Baring
  International   Investment   Ltd.; Director,
  Baring International  Investment (Far  East)
  Ltd.;  Baring  Asset Management Ltd.;  Inner 
  London  Board of National  Westminster Bank;
  Medical Services  International;   HCG Alpha 
  Limited;  HCG  Bravo  Limited;  HCG  Charlie
  Limited; HCG Delta Limited; HCG Echo Limited;
  HCG Foxtrot  Limited;  HCG  Lloyds  Holdings
  Limited  and HCG Lloyds Investment Trust Plc.

                               Class III Directors
                              (Term Expiring 1998)

*Robert F. Gunia (50), Comptroller, Prudential      Vice President    1,200 
  Investments  Corporation (since  May  1996);       and Director
  Executive   Vice   President  and Treasurer,
  PIFM;   Senior   Vice President (since March
  1987) of  PSI; formerly Chief Administrative
  Officer (July 1990-September 1996), Director
  (January  1989-September  1996),   Executive
  Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial 
  Officer  (June 1987-September 1996)  of  PMF;
  Director of  40 investment  companies in the 
  Prudential  Fund   Complex  (the   Prudential 


 Name, age, business experience      
 during the past five years and                                  Shares Owned at
     other directorships                     Position with Fund   June 2, 1997
- --------------------------------             ------------------  ---------------

*David J. Brennan (39), Director, Baring Asset   Vice President       -0-
  Management   Holdings   Limited;    Managing   and Director
  Director,  Baring Asset  Management  Limited;
  Chairman,   Baring  Asset  Management  (Asia)
  Limited;   Baring  Asset  Management   (Asia)
  Holdings Limited;  Baring  International Fund
  Managers  Limited;  and Baring  International
  Investment  (Far  East)  Limited;  President,
  Baring  International Fund Managers (Bermuda)
  Limited; Director, Baring Korea Fund Limited;
  and Divisional Director, Baring International
  Investment  Limited and Baring  International
  Investment Management Limited.

Don  G. Hoff (61), Chairman and Chief Executive     Chairman of       690 
  Officer,    Intertec,  Inc.   (since   1975);      the Board
  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer, The     and Director
  Lamaur   Corporation,   Inc.   (since  1993);
  Director/Trustee  of  12 Prudential Funds and
  The Greater China Fund, Inc.  

- ---------
*Indicates  "interested"  Directors  of the Fund,  as defined in the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the Investment Company Act). Messrs. Scholfield
and Brennan are deemed to be  "interested"  Directors of the Fund,  by reason of
their affiliations with Baring International  Investment (Far East) Limited. Mr.
Gunia is deemed to be an  "interested"  Director  of the Fund,  by reason of his
affiliation with PIFM.

    As of June 2,  1997,  the  Directors  and  officers  of the  Fund as a group
beneficially  owned  49,034 (less than 1%) of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock of the Fund.  The Fund pays each of its Directors who is not an affiliated
person (as defined in the Investment  Company Act) of the Investment  Manager or
the  Administrator  an annual fee of  US$10,000,  plus  US$750 for each Board or
committee  meeting  attended.  The  Chairman  of the Fund is paid an  additional
amount  of  US$2,500  annually.  The Fund  reimburses  all  Directors  for their
out-of-pocket  travel  expenses.  For the  fiscal  year  ended  March 31,  1997,
Directors'  fees and  expenses  amounted to $79,000 and  approximately  $83,300,
respectively. The Board of Directors does not have a compensation committee.

    The following table sets forth the aggregate  compensation  paid by the Fund
to the  Directors  who are not  affiliated  with the  Investment  Manager or the
Administrator and the aggregate  compensation paid to such Directors for service
on the  Fund's  board  and that of all  other  registered  investment  companies
managed by Baring  International  Investment  (Far  East)  Limited or any of its
affiliates (Fund Complex) during the Fund's fiscal year ended March 31, 1997.

                               Compensation Table

                                                    Pension or                       Compensation
                                                    Retirement                        From Fund
                                    Aggregate    Benefits Accrued  Estimated Annual    and Fund
                                   Compensation  As Part of Fund    Benefits Upon     Complex Paid
       Name and Position            From Fund       Expenses         Retirement       to Directors
       -----------------            ---------       --------         ----------       ------------

John A. Morrell-Director            $14,500           None              N/A            $14,500(1)*
Robert Burns-Director               $11,500           None              N/A            $11,500(1)*
Olarn Chaipravat-Director           $11,500           None              N/A            $11,500(1)*
Michael J. Downey-Director          $13,000           None              N/A            $13,000(1)*
Don G. Hoff-Director and Chairman   $17,000           None              N/A            $27,250(2)*
Douglas Tong Hsu-Director           $11,500           None              N/A            $11,500(1)*
- --------
*Indicates  number  of  funds  in Fund  Complex  (including  the  Fund) to which
aggregate compensation relates.


    There were  three  regularly  scheduled  meetings  of  the  Fund's  Board of
Directors  for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1997.  The Board of Directors has
an Audit Committee,  which makes  recommendations to the full Board of Directors
with respect to the engagement of the independent public accountants and reviews
with the  independent  public  accountants  the plan and  results  of the  audit
engagement  and  matters  having a material  effect  upon the  Fund's  financial
operations. The Audit Committee consists of the Directors who are not interested
persons  (as such term is defined in the  Investment  Company  Act) of the Fund,
Messrs. Burns,  Chaipravat,  Downey, Hoff, Morrell, and Hsu. The Audit Committee
met twice during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1997. For the fiscal year ended
March 31, 1997, Messrs. Burns, Chaipravat and Hsu attended fewer than 75% of the
aggregate of the total  number of meetings of the Board of Directors  and of the
Audit Committee. The Board of Directors does not have a nominating committee for
the selection of Directors.

    Certain of the Directors of the Fund, including the nominees, reside outside
the United States,  and substantially all the assets of such persons are located
outside the United States. It may not be possible,  therefore,  for investors to
effect  service of process  within the  United  States  upon such  persons or to
enforce  against  them, in United  States  courts or foreign  courts,  judgments
obtained in United States courts predicated upon the civil liability  provisions
of the federal  securities laws of the United States or the laws of the State of
Maryland.  In addition, it is not certain that a foreign court would enforce, in
original  actions  or in actions to  enforce  judgments  obtained  in the United
States,  liabilities  against  such persons  predicated  solely upon the federal
securities laws.

    The executive  officers of the Fund, other than as shown above, are: S. Jane
Rose, Secretary, having held such office since September 18, 1986; Grace Torres,
Treasurer  and  Principal  Financial and  Accounting  Officer,  having held such
office since May 16, 1997; and Deborah A. Docs, Assistant Secretary, having held
such office  since  November  3, 1989.  Ms. Rose is 51 years old and is a Senior
Vice President  (since December 1996) of PIFM; prior thereto she was Senior Vice
President (January  1991-September 1996) and Senior Counsel (June 1987-September
1996)  of PMF  and  Senior  Vice  President  and  Senior  Counsel  of PSI  (July
1992-September  1996).  Ms. Torres is 37 years old and is a first Vice President
(since  December  1996) of PIFM and a first Vice  President  of PSI (since March
1994); prior thereto she was First Vice President (January  1991-September 1996)
of PFM. Ms. Docs is 39 years old and is a Vice President of PIFM (since December
1996); prior thereto she was Vice President and Associate General Counsel of PMF
(January 1993-September 1996) and a Vice President and Associate General Counsel
of PSI.

                                (Proposal No. 2)

    A majority of the members of the Board of Directors  who are not  interested
persons of the Fund have selected  Deloitte & Touche LLP as  independent  public
accountants  for the Fund  for the  fiscal  year  ending  March  31,  1998.  The
ratification  of the selection of  independent  accountants is to be voted on at
the Meeting, and it is intended that the persons named in the accompanying proxy
vote for  Deloitte & Touche LLP. No  representative  of Deloitte & Touche LLP is
expected to be present at the Meeting.

    The  Board  of  Directors'  policy  regarding  engaging  independent  public
accountants'  services  is that  management  may  engage  the  Fund's  principal
independent  public  accountants to perform any service(s)  normally provided by
independent  public  accounting  firms. The Audit Committee reviews and approves
all services,  substantially all of which are auditing services, provided by the
independent public accountants prior to their being rendered.



                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL
                                (Proposal No. 3)

    A  beneficial  owner  (the  "proponent")  of  Common  Stock  of the Fund has
informed  the Fund that he  intends  to  present a  proposal  for  action at the
Meeting.  The proponent's name and address and the number of shares owned by him
will be furnished by the Secretary of the Fund upon request.

    The proponent's formal proposal (the "proposal") is as follows:

    "By  voting  FOR  this   proposal,  shareholders  are  recommending  to  the
Directors  of the Asia  Pacific  Fund,  Inc.  to take  all  steps  necessary  to
liquidate  the Asia  Pacific  Fund,  Inc.  and return the cash  proceeds  to the

    The  proponent  has  furnished  the  following  statement  (the  "supporting
statement") in support of the proposal:

    "1. The Asia Pacific Fund,  Inc.  ("the Fund") has been trading at a greater
than 10%  discount to net asset  value  (NAV) for a number of months.  As of the
date of this proposal,  the discount from NAV is 16.6%.  Based on the 18,903,279
shares outstanding as of March 31, 1996, this discount  (approximately $2.50 per
share) is keeping  shareholders  from  accessing  more than $47 million of their
investment funds.

    "2. The proponent has made written and verbal  suggestions  to the Directors
of the Fund in hopes of  eliminating  or  reducing  the  discount.  Based on the
response  to the  proposals  outlined  below  (items a, b and c), the  proponent
believes the existing  Directors are unwilling to  contemplate  steps that might
decrease the discount from NAV such as:

        a) a limitation of future rights offerings

        b) share repurchase by the Fund

        c) conversion to an open ended mutual fund

    "3.  The  investment  returns  based  on NAV have  been (in the  proponent's
opinion) weak. The NAV on December 31, 1995 was $14.19; as of November 22, 1996,
the NAV was  $15.13.  The NAV  return has  therefore  been  approximately  6.91%
year-to-date  if one also counts the $.04 dividend paid in January 1996.  During
the same time frame,  the market  value of the Fund has  dropped  from 13-7/8 to
12-5/8  resulting  in a negative  return of 9.90%.  Also  during  that same time
period,  the Hong  Kong  Stock  market  (which  represents  42.8% of the  Fund's
holdings  according to the annual  report dated March 31, 1996) has increased by

    "4. A large  majority of the existing  Directors  do not have a  significant
ownership  interest in the Asia Pacific Fund. As of the date of the  shareholder
proposal,  the  proponent  owns 28,370  shares by himself (or with close  family
members). The most recent proxy statement shows just one Director holding 28,000
shares,  another  11,700  shares.  The remaining 7 Directors  together hold just
6,654 shares (fewer than 25% of the number of shares held by the proponent).  In
the proponent's  opinion,  if the Directors held more of the Fund's shares,  the
more than $47 million NAV discount might have been as important a concern to the
Directors as it is to the proponent."


    For the reasons discussed below, the Board of Directors strongly  recommends
that you vote AGAINST this stockholder proposal.

    Liquidation is an extraordinary action that should only be considered in the
extreme  circumstances  where the objective of the Fund is no longer  capable of
being  achieved.  Liquidation  would  eliminate  the  vehicle  chosen by current
stockholders for long-term  investment in the Asia-Pacific  region,  and subject
them to  applicable  Federal,  state and local  income  taxes on the  difference
between the proceeds of liquidation and their tax bases in shares of the Fund

- ---------
1All references are made to Barron's Weekly dated November 25, 1996.


just as if they had  voluntarily  sold  their  shares.  These  consequences  are
unwarranted,  and are not, in the Board's view, in the best overall interests of

    While  shares of the Fund  have been  trading  for a  substantial  period at
market  prices that  reflect a greater  than 10%  discount  from their net asset
value,  these  discounts are comparable to those at which other U.S.  registered
closed-end funds investing in the  Asia-Pacific  region have been trading during
this same period.  Contrary to the suggestion made in the supporting  statement,
the Board of  Directors  has been and  continues  to be  concerned  about market
prices of shares of the Fund  relative to their net asset value and has reviewed
and plans to continue to review  actions  that might  reasonably  be expected to
reduce or  eliminate  the  discounts  at which shares have been trading and that
would not have significant  adverse  consequences to long-term  investors in the
Fund.  Closed-end  investment  companies of all sorts tend to trade at discounts
from net asset value for substantial  periods of time for reasons that are often
difficult to ascertain.  In the opinion of management,  the Fund's  discount may
reflect general investor sentiment as to the relative attraction of investing in
investment   companies   that  focus  on  developing   markets,   including  the
Asia-Pacific region, as opposed to any fundamental problem peculiar to the Fund.

    The  investment  objective  of the Fund is  long-term  capital  appreciation
through   investment   primarily  in  equity  securities  of  companies  in  the
Asia-Pacific  region,  and the  Board of  Directors  believes  that the Fund has
achieved and is continuing to achieve that objective. From inception in May 1987
to December 31, 1996,  the cumulative  total return of the Fund,  based upon net
asset value, was 279.7%,  with an average  annualized total return of 14.8%. The
Fund's  performance  in 1995 and 1996 ranked it second and third,  respectively,
among the six U.S. registered closed-end funds investing in equity securities of
companies in the  Asia-Pacific  region  during those years.  Both long and short
term  performance of the Fund do not justify the extreme measure of liquidation.
Even more  important,  however,  would be the  unjustifiable  step of permitting
certain stockholders who wish to enhance near-term  realization on sale of their
shares to force  stockholders  who have  chosen the Fund as a vehicle to achieve
long-term  professional  management  of their  investments  in the  Asia-Pacific
region to liquidate  their  investments at a time not of their choosing and with
the adverse tax consequences discussed above. Following receipt of the proposal,
the  Board  of  Directors,   at  its  meeting  in  January  1997,  gave  careful
consideration  to the proposal and the  supporting  statement and determined for
the fundamental  reasons discussed above not to approve  liquidation of the Fund
and to recommend strongly that stockholders vote against the proposal.

    The  proposal  is, as  required  by  Maryland  law,  advisory  only and asks
stockholders  to vote to recommend  that the Directors  take action to liquidate
the Fund. Voluntary liquidation of the Fund would require a determination by the
Board of Directors  that  liquidation  is advisable and the approval of at least
75% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund at a meeting  to be called  and held
subsequent to such a determination of the Board.



                                  OTHER MATTERS

    No  business  other than as set forth  herein is expected to come before the
Meeting,  but should any other matter  requiring a vote of  stockholders  arise,
including any question as to an adjournment of the Meeting, the persons named in
the  enclosed  proxy will vote thereon  according to their best  judgment in the
interests of the Fund.

                             STOCKHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

    A  stockholder's  proposal  intended to be  presented  at the Fund's  Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  in 1998  must be  received  by the Fund on or  before
February 10, 1998 in order to be included in the Fund's proxy statement and form
of proxy  relating  to that  meeting.  The mere  submission  of a proposal  by a
stockholder  does not guarantee that such proposal will be included in the proxy
statement  because certain federal rules must be complied with before  inclusion
of the proposal is required.

Dated: June 10, 1997                                       S. Jane Rose


                           THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND, INC.                          
                              GATEWAY CENTER THREE
                          NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102-4077

     Proxy for the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  July 10, 1997
     This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors.

The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Deborah A. Docs, S. Jane Rose and David G.P.
Scholfield  as  Proxies,  each  with  the  power  of  substitution,  and  hereby
authorizes each of them to represent and to vote, as designated  below,  all the
shares of Common  Stock of The Asia  Pacific  Fund,  Inc.  held of record by the
undersigned on June 2, 1997 at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held on
July 10, 1997, or any adjournment thereof.

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the undersigned  Stockholder(s).  If no direction is made, this proxy will be
voted FOR  Proposals 1 and 2,  AGAINST  Proposal 3 and if any other  business is
presented at the Meeting,  in the best  judgment of the persons named as Proxies

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.  Joint owners should each sign. When
signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give
full title as such.  If a  corporation,  please sign in full  corporate  name by
president  or  other  authorized  officer.  If a  partnership,  please  sign  in
partnership name by authorized person.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Left Column)


                          THE ASIA PACIFIC FUND, INC.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.        _____________________________

- -------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
         Stockholder sign  here                   Co-owner sign here

(Right Column)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR Proposals 1 and 2.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          For           With-          For All
                                                        hold            Except
1.   Election of Directors.               |_|            |_|             |_|
     Class II (Term Expiring in 2000)

                                 Robert H. Burns
                                Douglas Tong Hsu
                              David G.P. Scholfield

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority for any individual nominee, mark the "For All
Except" box and strike a line through that nominee's name in the list above.

                                           For          Against         Abstain
2.   Ratification of the selection of    
     Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent  |_|            |_|             |_|
     accountants of the Fund for the 
     fiscal year ending March 31, 1998.   

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      The Board of Directors recommends that you vote AGAINST Proposal 3.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                           For          Against         Abstain

3.   Stockholder proposal relating to
     liquidation of the Fund.              |_|            |_|             |_|

Mark box at right if an address change has been noted on the
reverse side of this card.                                                |_|  

                              RECORD DATE SHARES: