Washington,  D.C.  20549

Report of a Foreign Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month(s) of: January 1, 1998 to March 31, 1998


BCE Place, 181 Bay Street
Suite 3500, P.O. Box 827
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5J 2T3

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  May 15, 1998


By: John P. Stevenson
Corporate Secretary




For the three months ended March 31, 1998

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.

                                    CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                [in thousands of Canadian dollars]

                                          March 31,           December 31,
                                            1998                   1997
                                              $                      $

Cash and cash held in escrow                  87,195               1,778,413
Finance assets held for investment
  [notes 3 and 5]                         11,516,392               2,185,568
Operating leases held for investment 
 and sale [notes 4 and 5]                  2,874,492                 275,833
Finance assets held for sale               1,597,878               1,091,398
Investment in affiliated companies           171,925                 173,918
Accounts receivable, prepaids and other      450,101                 181,736
Future income tax receivable                 321,536                       0
Fixed assets [note 6]                        120,686                  87,396
Goodwill [note 7]                          1,847,877                 408,754
Total Assets                              18,988,082               6,183,016

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   1,096,384                 303,968
Debt [note 8]                             13,786,085               2,789,816
Future income tax liability                        0                  27,739
Total Liabilities                         14,882,469               3,121,523
Preferred Securities                         284,560                       0

Shareholders' Equity
Share capital [note 9]                     3,658,155               2,935,402
Retained earnings                            162,898                 126,091
Total Shareholders' Equity                 3,821,053               3,061,493
Total Liabilities, Preferred Securities 
and Shareholders' Equity                  18,988,082               6,183,016

See accompanying notes

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.

                                      RETAINED EARNINGS
             [in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for per share amounts]
                                                 Three Months Ended
                                          March 31,             March 31,
                                            1998                  1997
                                              $                     $
Asset finance income
   Revenue on sale of finance assets        86,154                 22,737
   Management and other fees                48,491                  9,920
   Net finance and rental income           190,119                 16,008
Total asset finance income                 324,764                 48,665

Operating expenses
   Salaries and wages                      116,783                 13,576
   Operating and administrative            107,875                 14,270
   Depreciation and amortization            28,615                  2,711
Operating income before taxes               71,491                 18,108
Provision for income taxes                  29,103                  3,983
Net income for the period                   42,388                 14,125
Retained earnings, beginning of period     126,091                100,774
Dividends paid on common shares             (5,581)                (2,107)
Options purchased                                0                   (173)
Retained earnings, end of period           162,898                112,619

Earnings per common share
Basic                                        $0.32                  $0.23
Fully diluted                                $0.32                  $0.23

See accompanying notes

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.

                          [in thousands of Canadian dollars]

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                               March 31,        March 31,
                                                 1998             1997
                                                   $               $

Net income for the period                         42,388          14,125
Add items not requiring an outlay of cash
            Future income taxes                   11,653           2,782
            Depreciation and amortization         28,615           2,711
Cash flow from operations                         82,656          19,618
Net change in non-cash assets and liabilities    (61,039)        (59,957)
Cash provided by (used in) operating activities   21,617         (40,339)

Finance assets, underwritten and purchased    (3,925,433)       (946,532)
Finance assets, sold                           1,639,197         714,064
Finance assets, repayments and others          1,366,666         192,511
Finance assets and assets held for sale        (919,570)         (39,957)
Business acquisitions                        (1,645,029)               0
Investment in affiliated companies                1,993           (7,946)
Purchase of fixed assets                         (5,838)         (10,205)
Cash used in investing activities            (2,568,444)         (58,108)

Debt issued, net                                892,230          (71,401)
Shares issued for subscription rights, net    1,713,264          121,400
Deferred tax on share issues                     26,696            2,508
Dividends paid on common shares                  (5,581)          (2,107)
Options purchased                                     0             (173)
Cash provided by financing activities         2,626,609           50,227

Increase (decrease) in cash during the period    79,782          (48,220)
Cash (net of cash held in escrow of
$1,771,000 [March 31, 1997 - nil]), 
 beginning of period                              7,413           51,184
Cash, end of period                              87,195            2,964

See accompanying notes


The Company is an independent, non-bank financial services enterprise with 
operations primarily in Canada and the United States and has recently 
expanded its operations into the United Kingdom and Australia.  The 
acquisition of AT&T Capital Corporation ("AT&T Capital") has expanded 
the Company's operations into Europe, the Asia/Pacific Region, Mexico and 
South America.  The Company originates, sells and manages asset-based 
financing by way of secured loans, leases and conditional sales contracts.  
Generally, the Company retains an interest in the financings it originates.  
The loan origination activities focus on the commercial and corporate 
finance segments of the asset-based lending market.

The Company originates loans in the commercial finance market through 
vendor finance programs.  These agreements are established with select 
equipment manufacturers, dealers and distributors to provide equipment 
sales and inventory financing.  The Company serves the corporate finance 
market through financing services it delivers via vendors to major 
corporations, public sector institutions and governments.


The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
accounting principles generally accepted in Canada.  The more significant 
accounting policies are summarized below:

Principles of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements of the Company include the accounts 
of all its wholly owned subsidiaries.  All inter-company transactions and 
balances have been eliminated.

Finance assets held for investment

Net investment in finance assets is comprised of loans, the aggregate of 
capital lease receivables, estimated unguaranteed residual values, unearned 
income, allowance for credit losses and the Company's investment in 
securitization receivables.  Income is recognized on finance assets held for 
investment on an actuarial basis which produces a constant rate of return on 
the investment in finance assets.

Recognition of finance income is generally suspended when, in 
management's view, a loss is likely to occur but in no event later than 90 
days after an account has gone into arrears.  Accrual is resumed when the 
receivable becomes contractually current and management believes there is 
no longer any significant probability of loss.

Operating leases held for investment and sale

Equipment under operating leases is generally depreciated over the 
estimated useful life of the asset.  During the term of the related lease, 
annual depreciation is generally calculated on a straight-line basis based on 
the estimated unguaranteed residual values at the end of the respective lease 
terms.  Rental revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis over the related 
lease terms.

Estimated unguaranteed residual values

Estimated unguaranteed residual values are established upon acquisition and 
leasing of the equipment based upon the estimated value of the equipment at 
the end of the lease term.  Values are determined on the basis of studies 
prepared by the Company, historical experience and industry data.  
Although it is reasonably possible that a change in the unguaranteed residual 
values could occur in the near term, the Company actively manages its 
residual values by communicating with lessees and vendors during the lease 
term to encourage lessees to extend their leases or upgrade and enhance 
their leased equipment.  Residual values are continually reviewed and 
monitored by the Company.  Declines in residual values for capital leases 
are recognized as an immediate charge to income.  Declines in residual 
values for operating leases are recognized as adjustments to depreciation 
expense over the shorter of the useful life of the asset or the remaining term 
of the lease.

Deferred costs

Direct incremental costs of acquisition of finance assets, operating leases 
and of investing in affiliated companies are deferred and amortized over the 
shorter of the term of the finance asset or operating lease and the expected 
period of future benefit.  Costs incurred during the pre-operating period of 
new business ventures are deferred and amortized over the expected period 
of future benefit.

Allowance for credit losses

Losses on finance assets and the carrying value of repossessed assets are 
determined by discounting at the rate of interest inherent in the original 
asset the expected future cash flows of the finance assets including 
realization of collateral values and estimated recoveries under third party 
guarantees and vendor support agreements.

General allowances are established for probable losses on loans and leases 
whose impairment cannot otherwise be measured.

Revenue on sale of finance assets

The Company sells certain of its asset-based financing originations to 
securitization vehicles.

The securitization transactions are accounted for as sales of finance assets, 
resulting in the removal of the assets from the Company's consolidated 
balance sheet, the recording of assets received and the computation of a gain 
on sale.  The asset received is generally cash.  Assets  retained, represent an 
interest in the cash flows of the receivables sold.  Such retained interest may 
include cash collateral accounts, excess spread assets, securities backed by 
the transferred assets and residual interests in securitized trusts.  Proceeds 
on sale are computed as the aggregate of the initial cash consideration and 
the present value of any additional sale proceeds, net of a provision for 
anticipated credit losses on the securitized assets and the amount of a normal 
servicing fee.  The sale of finance assets is recorded when the significant 
risks and rewards of ownership are transferred.

Income is earned on the securitization receivables and is recognized on an 
accrual basis.  The carrying value of this asset is reduced, as required, 
based upon changes in the Company's share of the estimated credit losses on 
the securitized assets.  The Company continues to manage the securitized 
assets and recognizes income equal to a normal servicing fee over the term 
of the securitized assets.

Certain finance assets are underwritten and sold to institutional investors for 
cash.  These transactions generate syndication fees for the Company, which 
generally continues to service these assets on behalf of the investors.

Fees received for syndicating finance assets are included in income when the 
related transaction is substantially complete provided the yield on any 
portion of the asset retained by the Company is at least equal to the average 
yield earned by the other participants involved.

Fixed assets

Fixed assets are recorded at cost.  Depreciation is provided on a straight-line 
basis at the following rates:
            Building                            20 years
            Furniture and fixtures              10 years
            Computers and office equipment       5 years


Goodwill is recorded at cost less accumulated amortization.  Amortization is 
provided on a straight-line basis over a period not to exceed 20 years.  The 
valuation and amortization of goodwill is evaluated on an on-going-basis 
and, if considered permanently impaired, is written down.  The 
determination as to whether there has been an impairment in value is made 
by comparing the carrying value of the goodwill to the projected 
undiscounted net revenue stream to be generated by the related activity.

Foreign currency translation

Prior to 1998, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies of 
certain foreign operations were translated using the temporal method, 
whereby monetary assets and liabilities were converted into Canadian 
dollars at exchange rates in effect at the consolidated balance sheet dates.  
Gains and losses on finance assets and debt were deferred and amortized 
over the remaining lives of the related items on a straight-line basis.  Non-
monetary assets and liabilities were translated at historical rates.  Revenue 
and expenses were translated at the exchange rate in effect on the date of the 

As a consequence of the acquisition of AT&T Capital, the Company's 
foreign operations function financially and operationally independent of the 
parent, and therefore are considered, for the purposes of foreign currency 
translation, to be self-sustaining operations.  As a result, the assets and 
liabilities of these operations are translated into Canadian dollars at rates 
in effect at the balance sheet date.  Revenue and expenses are translated at 
the average exchange rates prevailing during the year.  Unrealized foreign  
currency translation gains and losses on these self-sustaining operations are 
netted with share capital.

Income taxes

During 1997, the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants approved the 
adoption of the liability method of accounting for income taxes effective for 
fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2000.  Effective January 1, 
1996, the Company adopted the provisions of the standard.  The adoption of 
the standard amends the Company's method of accounting for income taxes
from the comprehensive tax allocation method to an asset and liability 
approach.  Under the asset and liability method, future tax assets and 
liabilities are provided for all significant temporary differences between the 
financial statement and tax bases of assets and liabilities and are adjusted 
for tax rate changes as they occur.

The Company had retroactively adopted this standard.  This standard does 
not have a material impact on the Company's financial position or results of 
operations in the current period or preceding periods.

Earnings per common share

Basic earnings per common share is computed based on the weighted 
average number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Fully 
diluted earnings per common share has been computed based on the 
weighted average number of common shares outstanding after giving effect 
to the exercise of all outstanding options to acquire common shares.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are used to hedge the Company's exposure 
to interest and currency risk by creating positions which are opposite to, and 
offset, on-balance sheet positions which arise from normal operations.  The 
most frequently used derivatives are interest rate and currency swaps, bond 
forwards and foreign exchange forward contracts.

Contract and notional amounts associated with derivative financial 
instruments are not recorded as assets or liabilities on the balance sheet.  
Off-balance sheet treatment is accorded where an exchange of the 
underlying asset or liability has not occurred or is not assured, or where 
notional amounts are used solely to determine cash flows to be exchanged.

Swaps and bond forward contracts are accounted for on the accrual basis.  
Net accrued interest receivable/payable and deferred gains/losses are 
recorded in accounts payable and accrued liabilities, as appropriate.  
Realized gains/losses on terminated contracts are recognized/expensed or 
deferred and amortized over the remaining life of any applicable 
corresponding position.

Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally 
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and 
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and 
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the 
reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.  
Significant areas in which estimated are used include residual values, 
income taxes, retained interests in securitized assets and related reserves, 
allowance for credit losses, valuation of assets held for sale, restructuring 
reserves and contingencies.


Finance assets held for investment consists of loans, capital leases and the 
Company's investment in securitization receivables and are as follows:

                                              March 31,        December 31,
                                                1998              1997
                                                  $                 $
Receivables                                   11,087,410         2,005,661
Estimated unguaranteed residual values           838,677            57,421
Unearned income                               (1,249,070)         (190,020)
Allowance for credit losses                     (236,323)          (38,563)
Securitization receivables                     1,075,698           351,069
Finance assets held for investment            11,516,392         2,185,568

As at March 31, 1998, the minimum annual payments are as follows:

1998         3,272,458
1999         2,367,320
2000         1,626,118
2001         1,074,379
2002           625,789
Thereafter   2,121,346

Included in finance assets held for investment is US$7,142,005
[December 31, 1997 - US$693,758].

Substantially all of the finance assets held for investment bear interest 
at varying levels of fixed rates of interest.  There are no significant 

The loans included in finance assets held for investment are collateralized by 
the related finance assets.


The following is a summary of equipment under operating leases:

                                      March 31,        December 31,
                                       1998               1997
                                        $                   $

Original equipment cost:
Information technology               1,555,794           364,608
Telecommunications                   1,124,833                 0
Transportation                         666,605                 0
Manufacturing                          346,048                 0
Healthcare                              15,230                 0
General equipment and other            482,856                 0
                                     4,191,366           364,608
Less:  Accumulated depreciation     (1,391,342)          (88,775)

Rental receivables, net                 74,468                 0
Investment in operating leases       2,874,492           275,833

Minimum annual future rentals to be received on non-cancelable operating
leases as of March 31, 1998, are as follows:

1998                  1,155,530
1999                    741,582
2000                    409,349
2001                    138,265
2002                     72,289
Thereafter               11,582

Included in operating leases held for investment is US$1,977,465 
[December 31, 1997 - $182,824].


An analysis of the Company's allowance for credit losses and its finance 
assets and operating leases held for investment are as follows:

                                                March 31,      December 31,
                                                  1998             1997
                                                    $                $

Finance assets held for investment and
operating leases held for investment and sale   14,390,884        2,461,401

Allowance for credit losses, 
 beginning of period                                38,563           16,465
Provisions for credit losses during the 
 period including acquisitions                     246,723           31,041
Write-offs, net of recoveries                      (27,523)          (8,943)
Allowance for credit losses, end of period         257,763           38,563

Allowance as a percentage of investment assets         1.8%             1.6%

Investment assets in arrears (90 days and over)    160,008           13,619

Arrears as a percentage of investment assets           1.1%             0.6%

Investment assets in repossession, 
  at estimated net realizable value                122,421            6,023

Credit provisions against finance assets acquired 
during the period amounted to $207,446 [December 31, 1997 - $26,230].

The Company has an additional specific credit loss 
reserve of $88,240 [December 31, 1997 - $1,596] relating 
to the Company's securitization receivables.  Beyond this 
specific credit loss reserve further losses may be provided 
for by a reduction in the yield earned on the securitization receivables.


Fixed assets consist of the following:

                             March 31, 1998           December 31, 1997
                                         Accumulated              Accumulated
                           Cost          depreciation   Cost      depreciation
                             $                $           $             $

Land and buildings           40,798           21,739      14,654          3,281
Furniture and fixtures       78,867           41,802      48,658         15,143
Computers and 
 office equipment           121,275           60,027      56,552         17,300
Other                         4,676            1,362       4,182            926
                            245,616          124,930     124,046         36,650
Net book value              120,686                       87,396


On January 12, 1998, the Company purchased all of the outstanding 
common shares of AT&T Capital for approximately U.S. $1.7 billion (Cdn 
$2.4 billion), of which approximately U.S. $1.15 billion (Cdn $1.6 billion) 
was paid in cash and remaining U.S. $550 million (Cdn $789 million) was 
satisfied through the issuance of approximately 17.6 million common shares 
of the Company.  AT&T Capital is a full-service, diversified equipment 
leasing and finance company that operates predominately in the United 

This acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase, and accordingly the 
Company's consolidated financial statements include the results of 
operations of the acquired business from the date of acquisition.  The net 
assets acquired are as follows:


Net assets acquired at approximate fair values
Cash                                                      12,346
Finance assets held for investment                     9,380,053
Operating leases held for investment and sale          2,287,583
Accounts receivable, prepaids and other                  498,933
Future income tax receivable                             327,870

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities               1,034,621
Debt                                                  10,213,136
Preferred securities                                     286,560
Net assets acquired                                      972,468

Cash                                                   1,645,029
Common shares                                            789,997
Total consideration                                    2,435,026
Goodwill                                               1,462,558


Debt consists of the following:

                                                    March 31,     December 31,
                                                      1998            1997
                                                       $                $

Fixed Rate Debt

U.S. senior notes, bearing interest 
varying from 6.95% to 7.12%, maturing 
 in the years 2000 to 2005                          147,971           149,011

U.S. senior notes, bearing interest at 8.26%,
maturing in the year 2005                           142,280           143,280

Medium term notes, bearing interest rates 
varying from 4.40% to 9.34% maturing in 
 the years 1998 to 2007                           1,168,464         1,118,433

U.S. medium term notes, bearing interest 
varying from 5.53% to 8.08% maturing in 
 the years 1998 to 2005                           5,894,660                 0

7.625% debenture, maturing in June, 2001            124,816           124,802

6.45% debenture, maturing in June, 2002             149,794           149,782

Other fixed rate debt                               598,378           270,227

Floating rate debt

Floating rate U.S. medium term notes, interest
periodically reprices based upon various indices, 
average interest rate ranges from 5.88% to 6.15%, 
maturing in the years 1998 to 2000                1,598,160                 0

Commercial paper and other short term borrowings  3,961,562           834,281
                                                 13,786,085         2,789,816

Interest expense on the debt outstanding during the period was $218,741 
[1997 - $28,506].

On August 12, 1997, the Company increased its Canadian bank facility to 
$750 million.  On May 14, 1997, the Company renewed and increased its 
U.S. bank facility to US$600 million.  The Canadian bank facility and one-
third of the U.S. bank facility is a 364-day committed unsecured revolving 
credit facility with a syndicate of Canadian, U.S. and international banks.  
The remaining two-thirds of the U.S. bank facility is a three-year committed 
unsecured revolving credit facility.  These credit facilities are used as 
interim funding pending syndication, sale, securitization, collection of 
proceeds of financings assets, or as support for the Company's $750 million 
Canadian commercial paper program and its US$600 million U.S. 
commercial paper program.  The Canadian and U.S. bank facilities attract 
interest at bankers' acceptance plus 45 basis points and LIBOR plus 45 basis 
points, respectively.

The Company renegotiated its various bank facilities in April, 1998 to 
support the existing commercial paper programs and for general corporate 
purposes.  The U.S. bank facility was increased to US$2.3 billion with 
US$1.535 billion having a term of 364 days and US$765 million having a 
term of 5 years.  In addition, the Canadian bank facility was increased to 
$1.2 billion with a term of 364 days.

Included in debt is US$1,422,478 [December 31, 1997 - US$1,388,211] of 
which US$1,357,478 [December 31, 1997 - US$1,323,211] was used to 
fund leases and loans which are repayable in U.S. dollars.

As of March 31, 1998, scheduled annual repayments are as follows:


1998                    6,662,556
1999                    4,631,530
2000                      815,874
2001                      584,982
2002                      439,221
Thereafter                651,922


Authorized -

The Company's authorized share capital consists of the following:

[i]	Unlimited Common Shares with voting rights;
[ii]	Unlimited Special Shares without voting rights convertible into 
Common Shares on a share-for-share basis; and
[iii]	Unlimited Class A Preference Shares issuable in series.

Outstanding -

The following is a summary of the changes in share capital during the period:

                                         March 31,              December 31,
                                           1998                     1997
                                     #            $           #          $

Subscription Rights
Outstanding, beginning of period    38,500,000    1,758,493            0          0
Exchange for common shares         (38,500,000)  (1,758,493)
Proceeds of rights issue, net                0            0   38,500,000  1,758,493
Outstanding, end of period                   0            0   38,500,000  1,758,493

Common Shares
Outstanding, beginning of period    83,070,958    1,176,909   60,182,688    415,160
Proceeds of share issue, net                 0            0   13,910,000    481,030
Shares issued for subscription 
 rights                             38,500,000    1,725,864            0          0
Issued on acquisition [note 7]      17,633,857      789,997    8,214,843    277,295
Stock options exercised                385,015        3,332      743,172      2,839
Others                                   2,374          177       20,255        585
Outstanding, end of period         139,592,204    3,696,279   83,070,958  1,176,909

Total                              139,592,204    3,696,279  121,570,958  2,935,402
Unrealized foreign
 currency translation adjustment             0      (38,124)           0          0
Total share capital                139,592,204    3,658,155  121,570,958  2,935,402

Public Offerings

On March 11, 1997, the Company completed a public offering of 2,475,000 
(4,950,000 post split) Common Shares at $51.00 per share for gross 
proceeds of $126,225.  Expenses of this issue, net of deferred income tax 
recoveries of $2,508, amounted to $3,066.

On August 29, 1997, the Company completed a public offering of 7,260,000 
common shares at $38.50 per share for gross proceeds of $279,510.  
Expenses of this issue, net of deferred income tax recoveries of $5,571, 
amounted to $6,809.

On December 3, 1997, the Company completed a public offering of 
38,500,000 subscription rights at $46 per right for gross proceeds to the 
Company of $1.77 billion.  Expenses of this issue, net of deferred income 
tax recoveries of $36,929 amounted to $45,136.

On January 12, 1998, the subscription rights were exchanged for 
38,500,000 common shares at $46.00 per share.

Treasury Issue

On September 24, 1997, the Company completed a private placement of 
1,700,000 common shares at $50.10 per share for proceeds of $85,170.

On January 12, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of 
17,633,857 common shares at US$31.19 per share for proceeds of 

Subdivision of Common Shares

Effective April 14, 1997, the Company subdivided on a two-for-one basis 
all of the Company's issued and outstanding Common Shares and all the 
Company's Common Shares reserved for issuance.


Included in finance assets under management are finance assets which have 
been securitized or syndicated by the Company and are not reflected on the 
consolidated balance sheets.

Finance assets under management are as follows:

                                             March 31,            December 31,
                                               1998                    1997
                                                $                        $

Securitized finance assets                  11,018,443               5,626,856
Syndicated finance assets                    4,089,609               1,386,706
Syndicated finance assets 
 of affiliated companies                       606,908                 616,052
                                            15,714,960               7,629,614