Washington,  D.C.  20549

Report of a Foreign Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month(s) of: January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998


BCE Place, 181 Bay Street
Suite 3500, P.O. Box 827
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5J 2T3

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  February 26,1999


By: John P. Stevenson
Corporate Secretary

                   NEWCOURT CREDIT GROUP INC.


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General 
Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of Newcourt 
Credit Group Inc. (the "Corporation") will be held 
at The Design Exchange, 234 Bay Street, Toronto, 
Ontario, on Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. 
(Toronto time) for the following purposes:

1.	to receive the consolidated financial 
statements of the Corporation for the year ended 
December 31, 1998, and the Auditor's Report 

2.	to elect Directors for the ensuing year;

3.	to re-appoint the Auditors of the Corporation 
and to authorize the Directors to fix the 
remuneration of the Auditors; and

4.	to transact such other business as may be 
properly brought before the Meeting or any 
adjournment thereof.

The specific details of the foregoing matters to be 
put before the Meeting are set forth in the 
Management Information Circular dated as of 
February 8, 1999, accompanying this Notice.  A copy 
of the audited consolidated financial statements of 
the Corporation for the year ended December 31, 
1998 accompanies this Notice.

Shareholders of the Corporation who are unable to 
attend the Meeting in person are requested to date 
and sign the enclosed form of proxy and return it 
in the envelope provided to the Corporation's 
transfer agent, Montreal Trust Company of Canada, 
151 Front Street West, Stock Transfer Department, 

8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2N1.  In order to 
be valid and acted upon at the Meeting, forms of 
proxy must be returned to Montreal Trust Company of 
Canada at the address shown on the envelope, or to 
the attention of the Corporate Secretary at the 
registered office of the Corporation, Suite 3500, 
BCE Place, 181 Bay Street, P.O. Box 827, Toronto, 
Ontario, M5J 2T3, not less than 48 hours before the 
time fixed for holding the Meeting or any 
adjournment thereof.

A shareholder of record as of 5:00 p.m. (Toronto 
time) on February 15, 1999, unless the shareholder 
has transferred any common shares of the 
Corporation (the "Common Shares") subsequent to 
that date and the transferee shareholder, no later 
than ten (10) days before the Meeting, establishes 
his, her or its ownership to the Common Shares and 
requests his, her or its name to be included on the 
list of shareholders prepared for the Meeting, will 
be entitled to vote the Common Shares registered in 
his, her or its name at the Meeting.

DATED at Toronto, Ontario on February 8, 1999.


David F. Banks


Instrument of Proxy for the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

March 23, 1999

The undersigned shareholder of Newcourt Credit 
Group Inc. (the "Corporation") hereby appoints JOHN 
P. STEVENSON, or failing him, DAVID F. BANKS, or 
failing him, DAVID J. SHARPLESS, or instead of any 
of the foregoing _______________________ as 
proxyholder of the undersigned, with full power of 
substitution, to attend, vote and act for and on 
behalf of the undersigned at the Annual General 
Meeting of Shareholders of the Corporation to be 
held on March 23, 1999, and at any adjournment 
thereof (the "Meeting"), and on every ballot that 
may take place in consequence thereof to the same 
extent and with the same powers as if the 
undersigned were personally present at the Meeting, 
with authority to vote at the proxyholder's 
discretion on amendments or variations to matters 
identified in the Notice of Meeting or such other 
matters as may properly be brought before the 
Meeting, except as otherwise specified below.  
Without limiting the general power hereby 
conferred, the undersigned hereby directs the 
proxyholder to vote the Common Shares of the 
Corporation represented by this proxy in the 
following manner:

__________ (or, if not specified, VOTE) for the 
election of the persons nominated as directors as 
listed in the Management Information Circular dated 
as of February 8, 1999.

__________ (or, if not specified, VOTE) for the re-
appointment of Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants 
, as auditors of the Corporation and authorizing 
the directors to fix the auditors' remuneration.

This proxy is solicited on behalf of the management 
of the Corporation.  Each shareholder has the right 
to appoint a person other than the management 
nominees specified above to attend and act on his, 
her or its behalf at the Meeting.  Such right may 
be exercised by inserting the name of the person to 
be appointed in the space provided, or by 
completing another proper form of proxy and, in 
either case, depositing the form of proxy not less 
than 48 hours preceding the time of the Meeting at 
the office of Montreal Trust Company of Canada, 
Stock Transfer Department, 151 Front Street West, 
8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2N1; or to the 
attention of the Corporate Secretary at the 
registered office of the Corporation, Suite 3500, 
BCE Place, 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 

The undersigned hereby revokes any prior proxies.

DATED this __________ day of 
___________________________, 1999.

Signature of shareholder

Name of shareholder (Please Print)

The signature of the shareholder on this Proxy must 
be exactly the same as the name in which the Common 
Shares are registered.

If this Proxy is not dated in the space provided, 
it shall be deemed to bear the date on which it was 
mailed to the Corporation.

This Proxy must be executed by the shareholder or 
an attorney authorized in writing or, if the 
shareholder is a corporation, under its corporate 
seal or by an officer or attorney thereof duly 



For the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
to be held on March 23, 1999


Solicitation of Proxies

This management information circular (the 
"Information Circular") is furnished in connection 
with the solicitation of proxies by the management 
of Newcourt Credit Group Inc. (the "Corporation") 
for use at the Annual General Meeting of 
Shareholders of the Corporation to be held on 
Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto 
time), and at any adjournment thereof (the 
"Meeting"), for the purposes set forth in the 
Notice of Meeting.  The costs incurred in the 
preparation and mailing of the form of proxy, 
Notice of Meeting and Information Circular will be 
borne by the Corporation.  In addition to the use 
of mail, proxies may be solicited by personal 
interviews or by other means of communication or by 
directors, officers and employees of the
Corporation, who will not be remunerated therefor.

No person is authorized to give any information or 
to make any representation with respect to the 
matters contained in this Information Circular 
other than that information or those 
representations set out herein, and, if given or 
made, such information or representations must not 
be relied upon as having been authorized.

Appointment of Proxies

The persons named in the enclosed form of proxy are 
directors or officers of the Corporation.  A 
shareholder submitting a proxy has the right to 
appoint a person (who need not be a shareholder of 
the Corporation) to represent him, her or it at the 
Meeting.  To exercise this right, the shareholder 
should insert the name of the desired 
representative in the blank space provided in the 
form of proxy, or submit another appropriate proxy.

Proxies must be delivered not less than 48 hours 
before the time of the Meeting at the office of 
Montreal Trust Company of Canada, Stock Transfer 
Department, 151 Front Street West, 8th Floor, 
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2N1, or to the attention of 
the Corporate Secretary at the registered office of 
the Corporation, Suite 3500, BCE Place, 181 Bay 
Street, P.O. Box 827, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3.

The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in 
writing and shall be executed by the shareholder or 
his, her or its attorney authorized in writing or, 
if the shareholder is a Corporation, under its 
corporate seal or by an officer or attorney thereof 
duly authorized.

Revocability of Proxy

A shareholder who has submitted a proxy may revoke 
it at any time prior to the exercise thereof.  If a 
person who has given a proxy attends personally at 
the Meeting, such person may revoke the proxy and 
vote in person.  In addition to revocation in any 
other manner permitted by law, a proxy may be 
revoked by instrument in writing executed by the 
shareholder or his, her or its attorney authorized 
in writing or, if the shareholder is a corporation, 
under its corporate seal or by an officer or 

attorney thereof duly authorized, and deposited 
either to the attention of the Corporate Secretary 
at the registered office of the Corporation at any 
time up to and including the last business day 
before the Meeting at which the proxy is to be 
used, or with the Chairman of the Meeting on the 
day of the Meeting prior to the start of the 

Confidentiality of Voting

Under normal circumstances, confidentiality of 
voting is maintained by virtue of the fact that 
proxies and votes are tabulated by the 
Corporation's transfer agent.  However, such 
confidentiality may be lost as to any proxy or 
ballot if a question rises as to validity or 
revocation or any other like matter of a legal 
nature.  Loss of confidentiality may also occur if 
the Board of Directors decides that disclosure is 
in the interest of the Corporation or its 
shareholders.  Complete confidentiality may be 
secured by the shareholder registering his, her, or 
its shares in the name of a nominee.

Exercise of Discretion by Proxy

The common shares of the Corporation (the "Common 
Shares") represented by proxy in favour of 
management will be voted by management for or 
against, or withheld from voting, on any poll or 
ballot at the Meeting and, where the shareholder 
specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be 
acted upon, the Common Shares will be voted for or 
against, or withheld from voting, on any poll or 
ballot in accordance with the specification so 

In the absence of such specification, such Common 
Shares will be voted in favour of the matters to be 
acted upon as set out herein.  The persons 
appointed under the form of proxy furnished by the 
Corporation are conferred with discretionary 
authority with respect to amendments to or 
variations of those matters specified in the form 
of proxy and Notice of Meeting and with respect to 
any other matters which may properly be brought 
before the Meeting.  At the date of this 
Information Circular, management of the Corporation 
knows of no such amendment, variation or other 


Voting Shares and Principal Holders Thereof

The Corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited 
number of Common Shares and Special Shares. As at 
the date of this Information Circular, 148,371,383 
Common Shares of the Corporation were issued and 
outstanding and no Special Shares were issued and 
outstanding.  Each Common Share is entitled to one 
vote per share.

The Board of Directors has determined that any 
person holding Common Shares of record as of 5:00 
p.m. (Toronto time) on Monday, February 15, 1999 
shall be entitled to vote such Common Shares at the 
Meeting, except to the extent that the person has 
transferred the ownership of his, her or its Common 
Shares after 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on February 
15, 1999 and the transferee of those Common Shares 
establishes that he, she or it owns the Common 
Shares and requests, no later than ten (10) days 
before the Meeting, to be included in the list of 
those entitled to vote at the Meeting, in which 
case the transferee shall be entitled to vote those 
Common Shares at the Meeting.

To the knowledge of the directors and officers of 
the Corporation, as of the date hereof, the 
following persons, own beneficially, either 
directly or indirectly, or exercise control or 
direction over, Common Shares carrying more than 
10% of the votes attached to the Common Shares as a 


Shareholder                    Number of Common            % of Total Issued 
                                     Shares                 and Outstanding
                                                              Common Shares
Hercules Holdings 
(Cayman) Limited                   17,633,857                     11.89
AIC Group of Funds                 16,681,480                     11.24


The directors and senior executive officers of the 
Corporation (collectively, the "Insiders"), as a 
group beneficially own, directly or indirectly, 
8,092,150 Common Shares, representing 5.5% of the 
Common Shares outstanding as at the date of this 
Information Circular.

Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada ("The 
Mutual Group"), Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada 
("CIBC"), Hercules Holdings (Cayman) Limited 
("Hercules"), Cameron Capital Corporation (the 
holding company of Steven K. Hudson), A&A Capital 
Limited (the holding company of Bradley D. 
Nullmeyer) and M&S Capital Limited (the holding 
company of David D. McKerroll) (together, the 
"Principal Shareholders") entered into an amended 
and restated shareholders' agreement (the 

"Shareholders' Agreement") on November 17, 1997.  
Pursuant to the Shareholders' Agreement, the 
Principal Shareholders agreed to nominate and, with 
the exception of Hercules, agreed to exercise the 
voting rights attached to the Common Shares owned 
by them in favour of a board of directors of the 
Corporation comprising: two (2) nominees of The 
Mutual Group; two (2) nominees of CIBC; two (2) 
nominees of Hercules; three (3) employees of the 
Corporation to be selected by Messrs. Hudson, 
Nullmeyer and McKerroll (the "Management 
Shareholders"); and, a majority of nominees who are 
independent of the Corporation.  The Management 
Shareholders also agreed in the Shareholders' 
Agreement that they will own, directly or 
indirectly, an aggregate of not less than 3,500,000 
Common Shares.



The Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSE") has issued a 
series of guidelines for effective corporate 
governance of publicly traded corporations (the 
"TSE Guidelines") which, although not mandatory, 
contain recommendations with respect to the 
constitution of boards of directors and committees 
of the board, their functions, their independence 
from management and other procedures for ensuring 
sound corporate governance.  The TSE has also 
adopted as a listing requirement that disclosure be 
made by each listed company of its corporate 
governance system with reference to the TSE 
Guidelines.  In compliance with this listing 
requirement, the following describes the 
Corporation's corporate governance practices and 

the policies of the Board of Directors to ensure 
on-going continued compliance with the TSE 

The Board of Directors and senior management of the 
Corporation consider good corporate governance to 
be central to the effective and efficient operation 
of the Corporation and enhancement of shareholder 
value.  The Board of Directors formally adopted a 
corporate governance policy in compliance with the 
recommendations of the TSE Guidelines on February 
1, 1995 and extended the mandate of the Governance 
and Compensation Committee of the Board of 
Directors to monitor all on-going aspects of the 
Corporation's corporate governance policies and 

Composition of the Board of Directors

A principal recommendation of the TSE Guidelines is 
that boards of directors, and each of the 
committees thereof, of publicly traded corporations 
be comprised of a majority of outside and unrelated 
directors.  Seventeen (17) directors were elected 
at the Annual General and Special Meeting of 
Shareholders of the Corporation held on March 25, 
1998 and one (1) additional director, William A. 
Farlinger, Chairman of Ontario Hydro, was appointed 
by the Board of Directors during 1998.  Of the 
eighteen (18) directors who held office during 
1998, thirteen (13) would be considered to be 
unrelated directors within the meaning of the TSE 
Guidelines as they were "independent of management 
and free from any interest and any business or 
other relationship which could, or could reasonably 
be perceived to, materially interfere with the 
director's ability to act with a view to the best 
interests of the Corporation, other than interests 
and relationships arising from shareholding".  The 

remaining five (5) directors were:  David F. Banks, 
Chairman of the Board; David J. Sharpless, Deputy 
Chairman of the Board; Steven K. Hudson, Chief 
Executive Officer; Bradley D. Nullmeyer, President, 
Newcourt Financial; and David D. McKerroll, 
President, Newcourt Capital.

The Articles of the Corporation provide that the 
Corporation shall have a Board of Directors 
consisting of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum 
of twenty (20) directors.  On April 18, 1995, the 
shareholders of the Corporation approved a special 
resolution empowering the Board of Directors to 
determine the number of directors of the 
Corporation from time to time, within these minimum 
and maximum limitations and subject to applicable 
law.  The TSE Guidelines recommend that boards of 
directors examine their size and, with a view to 
determining the impact of the number of directors 
upon effectiveness, undertake, where appropriate, a 
program to reduce the number of directors to a 
number which facilitates more effective decision 
making.  The Board of Directors has considered this 
recommendation and has determined that a number not 
exceeding eighteen (18) is the optimum number of 
members for the Board of Directors for the ensuing 

Mandate of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has the duty to supervise 
the management of the Corporation's business and 
affairs pursuant to the powers vested in it by the 
Business Corporations Act (Ontario) with the 
objective of maintaining the strength and integrity 
of the Corporation.  In order to fulfil its 
mandate, the Board of Directors. and each committee 
of the Board, meets regularly on a quarterly basis 
and holds additional meetings whenever appropriate 
to consider particular issues.

In furtherance of its duties and responsibilities, 
the Board of Directors:  (a) oversees the 
Corporation's overall strategic planning process 
and annual business plan and monitors the 
implementation of the short and long term 
objectives of the Corporation; (b) directly, and 
through the Investment Committee, reviews and 
assesses the principal risks arising from or 
incidental to the business activities of the 
Corporation and the on-going management of such 
risks; (c) directly, through the Audit Committee 
and through the Corporation's external auditors, 
monitors and assesses the Corporation's internal 
control and management information systems and 
approves the annual consolidated financial 
statements of the Corporation and Management's 
Discussion and Analysis of such financial results 
as contained in the Corporation's Annual Report to 
Shareholders; (d) appoints the senior executives of 
the Corporation; (e) directly, through the 
Governance and Compensation Committee and with the 
assistance of external human resources consultants, 
reviews the performance of senior executives; (f) 
oversees the Corporation's public communications 
policies and procedures, including disclosure of 
material information, investor relations and 
shareholder communications; and (g) establishes and 
oversees the mandate of all committees of the Board 
and appoints the members to serve on such 
committees.  All major decisions affecting the 
business and affairs of the Corporation, including 
all major decisions of each committee of the Board, 
are subject to ratification and approval by the 

Chairman of The Board of Directors

On March 25, 1998, the Board re-appointed David F. 
Banks as Chairman and David J. Sharpless as Deputy 
Chairman of the Board.  During his tenure as 
Chairman, Mr. Banks also served as Chairman of the 
Executive Committee and as a member of the 
Governance and Compensation Committee.

The Chairman of the Board is responsible for 
ensuring that appropriate structures and procedures 
are in place to facilitate the functioning of the 
Board, and committees of the Board, independently 
of management.  In this regard, the Chairman, with 
the assistance of the Secretary of the Corporation 
who reports directly to the Chairman, determines 
the agenda of all meetings of the Board and 
supervises the agenda of all committees of the 
Board.  The Chairman of the Board is also 
responsible for monitoring and evaluating the 
effectiveness of the Board, the committees of the 
Board and individual directors and serves as 
Chairman of the Executive Committee acting as the 
Nominating Committee for the purpose of selecting 
nominees to serve as directors of the Corporation.

Committees of The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has established five (5) 
committees of the Board to assist it in fulfilling 
its mandate and in order to permit directors to 
devote the necessary expertise and resources to 
particular areas.  These committees are the 
Executive Committee (which also acts as the 
Nominating Committee), the Audit Committee, the 
Governance and Compensation Committee, the 
Investment Committee and the Special Committee.  
All of the members of the Audit Committee, in 
compliance with the TSE Guidelines, are unrelated 

directors, all of the members of the Special 
Committee are unrelated directors, and a majority 
of the members of each of the other three (3) 
committees consists of unrelated directors.  During 
1998, with the exception of the Executive Committee 
and the Investment Committee, the Chairmen of which 
were David F. Banks and Steven K. Hudson, 
respectively, the Chairman of each of the 
committees was an unrelated director.  All 
committees of the Board meet independently of 
management when required.

During 1998, the Executive Committee was comprised 
of seven (7) directors, four (4) of whom were 
unrelated directors as defined in the TSE 
Guidelines.  The remaining members were David F. 
Banks, Chairman of the Board, David J. Sharpless, 
Deputy Chairman of the Board and Steven K. Hudson, 
Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.  The 
Chairman of the Executive Committee during 1998 was 
David F. Banks.  The Executive Committee meets only 
on an as-required basis when the full Board is not 
in session and is responsible for advising 
executive management on specific business and 
managerial issues, such as sensitive or strategic 
matters and special risk situations, as they arise.  
Acting as the Nominating Committee, the Executive 
Committee also establishes the criteria and 
procedures for the selection of nominees for 
election to the Board of Directors.  As the 
Executive Committee does not exercise all of the 
powers of the Board, its recommendations are 
referred to the Board for approval.

During 1998, the Audit Committee was comprised of 
five (5) directors, all of whom were unrelated 
directors.  Bruce I. Robertson was the Chairman of 
the Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee meets 
regularly following each financial quarter and by 

special meeting if required.  Its responsibilities 
include the review of the Corporation's external 
audit plan, internal auditing process, accounting 
standards and practices, financial information and 
accounting systems, internal control and data 
security procedures, financial risk management, and 
the financial reporting and statements of the 
Corporation.  The Audit Committee communicates 
directly with the Corporation's external auditors 
and meets with the external auditors, in the 
absence of management, at each quarterly meeting of 
the Audit Committee.

During 1998, the Governance and Compensation 
Committee was comprised of five (5) directors, 
three (3) of whom were unrelated directors.  The 
remaining two (2) members were David F. Banks, 
Chairman of the Board and David D. McKerroll, 
President, Newcourt Capital.  Paul G. Morton was 
the Chairman of the Committee.  The Governance and 
Compensation Committee meets regularly following 
each financial quarter and by special meeting if 
required.  This Committee serves as the corporate 
governance committee of the Board with the mandate 
to enhance the Corporation's corporate governance 
procedures through a continuing assessment of those 
procedures and the formation of corporate 
governance policy recommendations to the Board of 
Directors.  Its responsibilities include the review 
of transactions with related parties of the 
Corporation and the on-going monitoring of the 
Corporation's procedures with respect to conflicts 
of interest, disclosure of information, customer 
complaints and business ethics.  The Governance and 
Compensation Committee reviews, at least annually, 
the succession plan for the Chief Executive Officer 
and senior officers of the Corporation and the 
general human resources policies and procedures of 
the Corporation.  This Committee also reviews, at 
least annually, the performance of the Chief 

Executive Officer and senior officers and, with the 
assistance of external human resources consultants, 
reviews and recommends to the Board for approval, 
the level and form of compensation of the Chief 
Executive Officer and senior officers and directors 
of the Corporation.

During 1998, the Board established the Special 
Committee, comprised of seven (7) directors, all of 
whom were unrelated directors.  The Chairman of the 
Committee was Paul G. Morton.  The mandate of the 
Special Committee is to review management proposals 
for strategic alliances and corporate development.  
All recommendations of this Committee are referred 
to the Board for approval.

During 1998, the Investment Committee was comprised 
of seven (7) directors, five (5) of whom were 
unrelated directors.  The remaining two (2) members 
were: Steven K. Hudson, Chief Executive Officer, 
Chairman of the Investment Committee, and Bradley 
D. Nullmeyer, President, Newcourt Financial.  The 
Investment Committee meets regularly, if required, 
every two weeks.  Its responsibilities include the 
review, and recommendation for approval to the 
Board at least annually, of the Corporation's 
Credit Manual; which manual sets out the 
Corporation's credit philosophies, guidelines, 
underwriting procedures, portfolio management 
process, individual maximum credit exposures and 
credit authorization levels.  The Investment 
Committee also regularly reviews and monitors the 
Corporation's investment and lending practices and 
results, including reviewing portfolio credit 
quality, diversification, domestic and 
international exposure, arrears and credit losses 
in excess of established limits.

Shareholder Communications

The Corporation's shareholder communication policy 
is, as noted above, subject to review at least 
annually by the Governance and Compensation 
Committee.  The fundamental objective of the 
shareholder communication policy is to ensure open, 
accessible and timely disclosure to all 
shareholders of information respecting the 
business, affairs and performance of the 
Corporation.  This policy, in conjunction with the 
Corporation's policies and procedures with respect 
to confidentiality and securities trading, ensures 
that timely disclosure of all material information 
is completed in accordance with the requirements of 
applicable securities legislation and other 
statutory obligations governing the disclosure of 
such information.  To facilitate the effective and 
timely dissemination of information to all 
shareholders, the Corporation releases its 
information through newswire services, the general 
media, conferences with investment analysts and 
regular mailings to all shareholders.


Compensation of Directors

On February 4, 1998, on the recommendation of the 
Governance and Compensation Committee and the 
advice of independent compensation consultants, the 
Board of Directors approved amendments to the 
Corporation's policy on remuneration of directors 
to provide that the annual compensation to be paid 
to directors of the Corporation, other than the 
Chairman of the Board and those directors who are 
also officers of the Corporation or employees of 
The Mutual Group, CIBC, CIBC Wood Gundy Securities, 
Inc. ("CIBC Wood Gundy") or Nomura International 

plc ("Nomura"), shall consist of 500 Common Shares 
of the Corporation and options to acquire not more 
than 3,000 Common Shares of the Corporation (the 
"Options").  The Common Shares forming part of the 
annual compensation are acquired on behalf of the 
director upon the direction of the recipient 
director through the facilities of the TSE and the 
Options are issued pursuant to the Corporation's 
Stock Option Plan.  Each Chairman of a committee of 
the Board, other than the Chairman of the Board and 
those directors who are also officers of the 
Corporation or employees of The Mutual Group, CIBC, 
CIBC Wood Gundy or Nomura, receive an additional 
cash compensation of $5,000 per annum. The 
directors' annual remuneration is paid as soon as 
practicable following the first regularly scheduled 
meeting of the Board immediately following the 
annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation.

Pursuant to this compensation policy, each of 
Messrs. Axworthy, McKinlay, Morton, Robertson and 
Small were paid an annual retainer of 500 Common 
Shares having an aggregate value of $37,330 or 
$74.66 per Common Share at the date of purchase.  
William A. Farlinger, who was appointed to the 
Board on June 16, 1998, was paid an annual retainer 
of 417 Common Shares, having an aggregate value of 
$31,133 or $74.66 per Common Share at the date of 
purchase.  The annual compensation for 1998 paid to 
directors who are also employees of The Mutual 
Group, CIBC, CIBC Wood Gundy or Nomura was $20,000, 
which remuneration was paid directly to The Mutual 
Group, CIBC, CIBC Wood Gundy or Nomura as the case 
may be.  A fee of $900 for each meeting of the 
Board of Directors or committee thereof attended, 
was paid to all directors (other than the Chairman 
of the Board and those directors who are also 
employees of the Corporation); which fee was paid 

directly to The Mutual Group, CIBC, CIBC Wood Gundy 
or Nomura, as the case may be, with respect to 
those directors who are also employees of such 

Also pursuant to the Corporation's compensation 
policy, as part of the 1998 annual retainer paid to 
directors, each of Messrs. Axworthy, McKinlay, 
Morton, Robertson and Small were granted 3,000 
Options exercisable on or before April 29, 2008 at 
an exercise price of $68.50 per Common Share, being 
the price per Common Share as quoted on the TSE at 
the close of trading on the trading day immediately 
preceding the grant thereof on April 24, 1998.  
William A. Farlinger was granted 2,500 Options 
exercisable on or before April 29, 2008 at an 
exercise price of $66.35 per Common Share, being 
the price per Common Share as quoted on the TSE at 
the close of trading on the trading day immediately 
preceding the grant thereof on June 16, 1998.  No 
Options were granted to directors who are also 
employees of The Mutual Group, CIBC Wood Gundy, 
CIBC or Nomura or to directors who are also 
employees of the Corporation, other than to David 
F. Banks, as described below.

David F. Banks was re-appointed Chairman of the 
Board on March 25, 1998.  Mr. Banks received cash 
compensation during 1998 of $1,108,643 and options 
to purchase 159,000 Common Shares exercisable as to 
twenty-five per cent (25%) on or after January 8, 
2000; fifty per cent (50%) on or after January 8, 
2001; seventy-five per cent (75%) on or after 
January 8, 2002 at an option exercise price of 
US$34.34 per Common Share, being the closing price 
per Common Share as quoted on the New York Stock 
Exchange at the close of trading on the trading day 
immediately preceding the date of the grant thereof 
on January 8, 1998.

The following table sets out the options held by all directors who are not also 
executive officers as a group.

                            OPTIONS HELD BY DIRECTORS WHO ARE NOT
                               ALSO EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AS A GROUP

Number of Directors
who are not also
Executive Officers          Number of                           Market Price at
as a Group                Optioned Shares     Exercise Price      Date of Grant       Expiry Date

Options held by 5 directors    15,000             14.40               14.40          Feb. 23, 2001
Options held by 1 director     30,000              7.75                7.75          Feb. 23, 2001
Options held by 1 director     20,000             24.25               24.25          Feb.  6, 2007
Options held by 6 directors    18,000             26.00               26.00          May   2, 2007
Options held by 6 directors    18,000             68.50               68.50          April 29, 2008
Options held by 1 director      2,500             66.35               66.35          April 29, 2008

Notes: 	(1)	An aggregate of 514,697 Common Shares of the Corporation are 
owned by such directors who are not also executive officers as a group

Compensation of Executive Officers

The following table sets forth all compensation 
paid to the Chief Executive Officer of the 
Corporation and each of the next four highest paid 
executive officers (collectively, the "Named 
Executive Officers") for the fiscal year ended 
December 31, 1998 and for the two prior fiscal 
years ended December 31, 1997 and December 31, 

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
              DECEMBER 31, 1998, DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                                       Annual                         Long-Term
                                                     Compensation                     Compensation  
                                                                                          Common Shares  
Name and Principal Position       Year      Salary       Bonus<fn1>    Other Annual           Under
                                                                       Compensation <fn2> Options Granted
                                              ($)          ($)               ($)                 #
Steven K. Hudson                  1998      113,000     3,656,000          204,680                 Nil
Chief Executive Officer           1997      114,500     2,081,000           59,171             285,714
                                  1996      114,500     2,775,000           19,144                 Nil

Bradley D. Nullmeyer              1998       93,000     2,186,000           21,948                 Nil
President, Newcourt Financial     1997       94,500     1,385,000           20,902             285,714
                                  1996       94,500     1,629,000           24,234                 Nil

David D. McKerroll                1998       93,000     2,074,000           23,674                 Nil
President, Newcourt Capital       1997       94,500     1,324,000           24,313             285,714
                                  1996       94,500     1,558,000           24,209                 Nil

Daniel A. Jauernig                1998      293,000     1,478,000           601,145                Nil
President, Newcourt Services      1997       75,000       670,000             5,020            285,714
and Chief Financial Officer       1996       75,000       670,000             7,949             80,000

Borden D. Rosiak                  1998       93,000     1,536,000           159,126                Nil
Executive Vice President          1997      294,500       619,000            23,631            285,714
                                  1996      294,500       764,000            21,343             40,000

Notes: <fn1>  Bonus includes a one-time special bonus in the amount of 
$1,200,000 paid to Steven K. Hudson, $719,000 paid to Bradley D. Nullmeyer, 
$676,000 paid to David D. McKerroll, $652,000 paid to Daniel A. Jauernig and 
$573,000 paid to Borden D. Rosiak, as approved by the Board of Directors in 
connection with the successful acquisition of AT&T Capital Corporation.

<fn2>  Other Annual Compensation includes a one-time relocation expense benefit, 
car allowance, life insurance, health benefits and vacation pay. Included in 
this amount for Daniel A. Jauernig is a one-time payment in the amount of 
$573,500 with respect to contingent performance-based compensation for 1998 and 
prior years. 

There were no individual grants of options to purchase Common Shares of the Corporation made during the 
year ended December 31, 1998 to any of the Named Executive Officers.

The following table sets out the value of options to acquire Common Shares held by the Named 
Executive Officers as at December 31, 1998.

                                    AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES AND
                                       VALUE OF OUTSTANDING OPTIONS 
                                          AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1998

                    Acquired On   Aggregate      Unexercised Options to     Value of Unexercised in the 
Name and            Exercise Of     Value         Acquire Common Shares           Money Options as at
Principal Position   Options      Realized<fn1>    as at December 31, 1998        December 31, 1998<fn3>
                       (#)           ($)                  (#)                           ($)
                                               Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable  Unexercisable
Steven K. Hudson       nil           nil           nil           285,714           nil         7,857,135
Chief Executive Officer

Bradley D. Nullmeyer   nil           nil           nil           285,714           nil         7,857,135
Newcourt Financial

David D. McKerroll     nil           nil           nil           285,714           nil         7,857,135
Newcourt Capital

Daniel A. Jauernig   14,000<fn2>   793,100        80,000         285,714        3,320,000      7,857,135
Newcourt Services 
and Chief Financial Officer

Borden D. Rosiak     27,500<fn2>   1,436,875      40,000         285,714        1,660,000       7,857,135
Executive Vice President 

Notes:<fn1>Based on the difference between the market value per Common Share as at the date of exercise 
as quoted on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the exercise price per Common Share underlying the option.
<fn2>  If not exercised during this period, these options would otherwise have expired on February 23, 
<fn3>  Based on the difference between the market value per Common Share as at December 31,  1998 as 
quoted on The Toronto Stock Exchange and the exercise price per Common Share underlying the option.

Governance and Compensation Committee

During the year ended December 31, 1998, the 
following individuals served as members of the 
Governance and Compensation Committee (the 
"Committee"): Paul G. Morton, Chairman of the 
Committee, David F. Banks, Chairman of the Board, 
Ronald A. McKinlay, Dr. Steven C. Small and David 
D. McKerroll, President, Newcourt Capital.  The 
Chairman of the Committee and all of the members of 
the Committee, other than Messrs. Banks and 
McKerroll were, for the purposes of the TSE 
Guidelines, outside and unrelated directors.

Report on Executive Compensation

As discussed above under the heading "Corporate 
Governance", the Committee is responsible for 
reviewing and monitoring the compensation policies 
of the Corporation to ensure that the Corporation 
is able to recruit, retain and motivate competent 
employees who are capable of implementing the 
strategies and achieving the objectives of the 
Corporation.  In furtherance of this mandate, the 
Committee met on six (6) occasions during 1998 to 
review, among other things, management compensation 
policies and practices and strategies relating to 
the implementation of a management succession plan.  
The Committee also has a specific mandate to 

review, and recommend to the Board for approval, 
the compensation of the Chairman, directors, 
executive officers, including the Named Executive 
Officers, and other employees of the Corporation.

Steven K. Hudson provides information to the 
Committee, makes recommendations on compensation 
policy matters generally and on the compensation of 
the Named Executive Officers, but does not 
participate in and is not present during 
discussions regarding the determination of his own 
compensation arrangements.  In February, 1998, the 
Committee recommended and the Board approved new 
employment and compensation agreements with each of 
the four Named Executive Officers, Messrs. Hudson, 
Nullmeyer, McKerroll and Rosiak, on substantially 
the same terms and conditions as their existing 
agreements and approved employment and compensation 
agreements with each of David F. Banks, David J. 
Sharpless and Daniel A. Jauernig on comparable 
terms and conditions to those of the employment and 
compensation agreements with the four Named 
Executive Officers.

For the purposes of assisting the Committee in its 
review of executive compensation matters generally 
and the terms and conditions of the employment 
contracts with each of the Named Executive 
Officers, the Corporation retains the services of 
external compensation consultants.  The 
compensation of all senior officers, including the 
Named Executive officers, but excluding senior 
officers and other employees involved in credit 
adjudication and loan management, are consistent 
with the Corporation's principles and policies 
underlying employee compensation generally in 
establishing a low to moderate base salary coupled 
with a bonus based on the individual officer's 
contribution to the achievement of the 
Corporation's financial objectives.

Presented by the Governance and Compensation 

Paul G. Morton, Chairman
David F. Banks
David D. McKerroll
Ronald A. McKinlay
Dr. Steven C. Small

Indebtedness of Directors and Officers

As at December 31, 1998, there was no outstanding 
indebtedness to the Corporation from any officer or 
director, or former officer or director of the 
Corporation, or any associate of any of the 
foregoing, under securities purchase programs. 

The aggregate indebtedness of all officers, 
directors, employees and former officers, directors 
and employees of the Corporation or associates 
thereof not entered into under securities purchase 
programs outstanding as at December 31, 1998 was 
U.S.$15,593,621.  The table below sets out the 
details of the loans to directors, executive 
officers and senior officers or associates thereof 
of the Corporation not entered into under 
securities purchase programs as at December 31, 
1998. These loans were provided by the Corporation 
to the associates of such officers with respect to 
relocation and related expenses incurred by such 
officers in connection with their employment at the 
request of the Corporation and are fully secured 
against the respective residences of such officers. 


                                                      Largest Amount               Amount
                                                        Outstanding            Outstanding As At
Name and Principal          Involvement of           During the Year           the Date of this
   Positions                 Corporation        Ended December 31, 1998<fn1>  Information Circular
                                                          U.S.$                       U.S.$
1288006 Ontario Limited          Lender                  7,061,560                 7,061,560 
an associate of
Steven K. Hudson
Chief Executive Officer

1293910 Ontario Limited          Lender                  3,800,000                 3,800,000
an associate of
Bradley D. Nullmeyer
President, Newcourt Financial

1302839 Ontario Limited          Lender                  4,732,061                 4,732,061 
an associate of
Borden D. Rosiak
Executive Vice President

Notes: <fn1> The rate of interest of all indebtedness for amounts outstanding 
during the year ended December 31, 1998 was 3.0% for 1288006 Ontario Limited, 
the associate of Steven K. Hudson, and 5.0% for all others.

Share Performance Graph

The Corporation's Common Shares were listed on The 
Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSE") and the Montreal 
Exchange (the "ME") on March 28, 1994 and listed on 
the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "NYSE") on 
April 22, 1997.  The following graph shows changes 
in the value of $100 invested in the Corporation's 
Common Shares and in the TSE 300 Total Return 
Index, from the time of listing to December 31, 

                       SHARE PERFORMANCE GRAPH
Total Shareholder Return on $100 investment (dividends reinvested)
for the period March 28, 1994 to December 31, 1998

           __________ = Common Shares of the Corporation
             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = TSE 300 Total Return Index

                              Common Shares                  TSE 300
                              of the Corporation       Total Return Index
March 28, 1994                    100.00                     100.00
December 30, 1994                 115.94                      96.00
December 29, 1995                 158.03                     109.00
December 31, 1996                 360.74                     141.00
December 31, 1997                 732.95                     162.00
December 31, 1998                 822.00                     159.15

Directors' and Officers' Liability

The Corporation maintains directors' and officers' 
liability insurance with an aggregate annual limit 
of liability of US$75 million.  The premium paid 
during the year ended December 31, 1998 for this 
insurance coverage for both directors and officers 
was US$362,000 in the aggregate.  Under this 
insurance coverage the Corporation, subject to a 
US$500,000 deductible, is reimbursed for payments 
made to directors or officers of the Corporation 
required or permitted by law or under provisions of 
the by-laws of the Corporation as indemnity for 
loss, including legal costs, arising from acts, 
errors or omissions done or committed by officers 
or directors in the course of their duties.

Election of Directors

The Board of Directors has fixed the number of 
directors to be elected at the Meeting at eighteen 
(18) directors.  At the Meeting, shareholders will 
be asked to elect eighteen (18) directors to serve 
until the next annual meeting of shareholders of 
the Corporation or until their respective 
successors have been elected or appointed.  In the 
absence of instructions to the contrary, the Common 
Shares represented by the enclosed form of proxy 
will be voted for the nominees herein listed.

Management does not contemplate that any of the 
nominees will be unable to serve as a director.  In 
the event that prior to the Meeting, any vacancies 
occur in the slate of nominees herein listed, it is 
intended that discretionary authority shall be 
exercised by the person named in the proxy as 
nominee to vote the Common Shares represented by 
proxy for the election of another person or persons 
as directors.

Management nominees for the Board of Directors and information concerning them 
as furnished by the individual nominees are set out below:

                             NOMINEES FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                                                        Common Shares
Name And Municipality                                                                     Held As At
of Residence                  Director Since           Principal Occupation           February 4, 1999
David F. Banks<fn2> <fn4>     February 4, 1998       Chairman of the Board, Formerly,       120,385
Toronto, Ontario                                     President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                     of AT&T Capital Corporation

Steven K. Hudson<fn2><fn5>      June 30, 1984        Chief Executive Officer               3,424,889
Toronto, Ontario

Bradley D. Nullmeyer<fn5>      February 1, 1991      President, Newcourt Financial         1,811,215
Toronto, Ontario

David D. McKerroll<fn4>         April 18, 1995       President, Newcourt Capital           1,545,697
Toronto, Ontario

Thomas S. Axworthy <fn6>        April 18, 1995       Adjunct Faculty in Public Policy,         7,000
Toronto, Ontario                                     John F. Kennedy School of 
                                                     Government, Harvard University;
                                                     Executive Director, The CRB
                                                     Foundation (charitable foundation)

Gerald E. Beasley <fn5>        October 31, 1997      Senior Executive Vice President, Risk    Note 1
Mississauga, Ontario                                 Management, Canadian Imperial Bank 
                                                     of Commerce

William A. Farlinger <fn6>       June 16, 1998       Chairman, Ontario Hydro                   4,417
Toronto, Ontario

Common Shares
Name And Municipality                                                                     Held As At
of Residence                  Director Since           Principal Occupation           February 4, 1999

Guy Hands <fn2><fn5>             February 4, 1998    Managing Director and Head of             Note 1
Sevenoaks, England                                   Principal Finance Group, 
                                                     Nomura International plc
                                                     (international investment bank)

Robert F. Kilimnik <fn5>          April 16, 1993     Vice President, Investments               Note 1
Waterloo, Ontario                                    The Mutual Group

David A. MacIntosh <fn2><fn3>     April 16, 1993     Executive Vice President                  Note 1
Waterloo, Ontario                                    The Mutual Group

Ronald A. McKinlay               January 29, 1993    Retired.   Formerly, Chairman of the      43,740
Toronto, Ontario                                     Board and Chairman of Canada
<fn2><fn3><fn4><fn6>                                 Deposit Insurance Corporation

Paul G. Morton<fn4><fn5><fn6>     April 18, 1995     Chairman, Security Investment             98,500
Toronto, Ontario                                     Corporation Ltd. (private investment 

Bruce I. Robertson<fn3><fn5><fn6> April 18, 1995     President of B.I. Robertson &             25,000
Toronto, Ontario                                     Associates Ltd. (asset management

David J. Sharpless<fn2>           April 26, 1993     Deputy Chairman of the Board.             58,170
North York, Ontario                                  Formerly, Senior Partner, Blake, 
                                                     Cassels & Graydon (barristers &
Takumi Shibata<fn3>               March 25, 1998     President and Chief Executive Officer,     Note 1
London, England                                      Nomura International plc
                                                     (international investment bank)

Common Shares
Name And Municipality                                                                     Held As At
of Residence                  Director Since           Principal Occupation           February 4, 1999

Dr. Steven C. Small<fn3><fn4>     April 18, 1995     President and Chief Executive Officer,   188,140
Toronto, Ontario                                     Capital Partners Corporation
                                                     (venture capital/merchant bank
                                                     investment firm)

Richard E. Venn<fn2>             October 31, 1997    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,      Note 1
Toronto, Ontario                                     CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc.
                                                     (investment dealer)

William D. Walsh<fn6>           December 14, 1993    General Partner, Sequoia Associates      147,900
Atherton, California                                (investment firm)

Notes: <fn1> Gerald E. Beasley and Richard E. Venn are nominees of CIBC which 
beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 14,067,962 Common Shares; Guy Hands 
and Takumi Shibata are nominees of Hercules which beneficially owns, directly or 
indirectly, 17,633,857 Common Shares; and David A. MacIntosh and Robert F. 
Kilimnik are nominees of The Mutual Group which beneficially owns, directly or 
indirectly, 2,423,450 Common Shares, as at the date hereof.  As nominees of 
significant shareholders of the Corporation, each of the foregoing nominees is 
prohibited by the policies of their respective entities from owning Common 
<fn2>  Member of the Executive Committee
<fn3> Member of the Audit Committee
<fn4> Member of the Governance and Compensation Committee
<fn5> Member of the Investment Committee
<fn6> Member of the Special Committee

The background of each of the nominees for the 
Board of Directors is described below:

David F. Banks, Chairman, was appointed Chairman 
of the Board of Directors on February 4, 1998 
following the acquisition by the Corporation of 
AT&T Capital Corporation ("AT&T").  Prior to 
assuming the position of Chairman, Mr. Banks had 
served as President and Chief Executive Officer of 
AT&T since 1997.  Mr. Banks has over twenty-five 
years of senior financial services experience in 
the United States and international markets.  From 
1994 to 1997 Mr. Banks served as Chief Executive 
Officer of Penna Holdings plc and advisor to Nomura 
International plc, prior to which he served as 
Chief Financial Officer of General Atlantic Group 

David J. Sharpless, Deputy Chairman, was 
appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors 
on February 4, 1998 and served as Chairman of the 
Board of Directors of the Corporation from March 
25, 1997 to February 4, 1998.  As Deputy Chairman, 
Mr. Sharpless is responsible for managing the 
Corporation's international operations and 
significant joint ventures.  Mr. Sharpless also 
serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of 
Dell Financial Services Inc. and has served as a 
director of the Corporation since 1993.  Mr. 
Sharpless was a senior partner with the law firm of 
Blake, Cassels & Graydon until January 31, 1997.

Steven K. Hudson, Chief Executive Officer, is a 
founding principal of the Corporation and has 
directed its development since 1984.  Mr. Hudson 
has sixteen years of experience in the asset 
finance industry.  He is Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Toronto Community Foundation and 
is a member of the Board of Directors of AGRA Inc., 

the Royal Ontario Museum Foundation and the St. 
Joseph's Health Centre Foundation of Toronto.  He 
is a member of the Executive Committee of the 
Canadian Finance and Leasing Association and 
Director of the Foundation for Leasing Education.  
Mr. Hudson is a chartered accountant.

Bradley D. Nullmeyer, President, Newcourt 
Financial, is a founding principal of the 
Corporation and joined the Corporation in 1986.  
Mr. Nullmeyer is responsible for the overall 
management and direction of the Corporation's 
commercial finance business, known as Newcourt 
Financial.  Mr. Nullmeyer is a chartered 

David D. McKerroll, President, Newcourt Capital, is 
a founding principal of the Corporation and joined 
the Corporation in 1987.  Mr. McKerroll is 
responsible for the overall management and 
direction of the Corporation's corporate finance 
business known as Newcourt Capital.  Mr. McKerroll 
is a chartered accountant.

Thomas S. Axworthy is currently Executive Director 
of The CRB Foundation in Montreal and an Adjunct 
Lecturer, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 
Harvard University, where he has held numerous 
appointments since 1984, and was formerly Principal 
Secretary to the Office of the Prime Minister.

Gerald E. Beasley has served as Senior Executive 
Vice President, Risk Management of The Canadian 
Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC") since 1994 and 
has been an officer of CIBC since 1968.

William A. Farlinger has served as Chairman of 
Ontario Hydro since November, 1995 and is a member 
of the Board of Directors of Cara Operations 
Limited, Laidlaw Inc., and Manulife.  Prior to 

joining Ontario Hydro, Mr. Farlinger was Chairman 
and Chief Executive Officer of the accounting and 
management consultant firm, Ernst & Young.

Guy Hands has served as Managing Director and Head 
of Principal Finance Group, Nomura International 
plc ("Nomura") since 1994.  Prior to joining 
Nomura, Mr. Hands served as Head of Global Asset 
Structuring with Goldman Sachs International, with 
whom he had served in various capacities since 

Robert F. Kilimnik has served as Vice President, 
Investments of The Mutual Group since 1991 and has 
been associated with The Mutual Group for over 25 

David A. MacIntosh has served as Executive Vice 
President of The Mutual Group since 1987, has been 
associated with The Mutual Group since 1963 and is 
a director of a number of subsidiaries and 
affiliates of The Mutual Group.

Ronald A. McKinlay served as Chairman of the Board 
from December 12, 1994 to March 25, 1997 and has 
been a director of the Corporation since 1993.  Mr. 
McKinlay retired as Chairman of the Canada Deposit 
Insurance Corporation in December, 1992, having 
served in such position since 1985.  For several 
years prior to 1985, Mr. McKinlay served as 
Chairman of The Clarkson Company Limited (now Ernst 
& Young Inc.).

Paul G. Morton is Chairman of Security Investment 
Corporation Ltd., co-founder and former President 
of Global Communications Limited and former 
Chairman of the Stadium Corporation of Ontario.

Bruce I. Robertson is President of B.I. Robertson & 
Associates Ltd. which specializes in the management 
of real estate and mortgages on behalf of financial 
institutions and other clients, and was associated 
as a chartered accountant for over eleven years 
with a major firm of chartered accountants.

Takumi Shibata has served as President and Chief 
Executive Officer, Nomura International plc 
("Nomura") since 1997 and has been an officer of 
Nomura since 1976.

Dr. Steven C. Small is founder and President and 
Chief Executive Officer of Capital Partners 
Corporation, the general partner of a private 
merchant banking and venture capital investment 
firm.  Dr. Small is also the founder and senior 
managing partner of his group professional
practice.  He is a director of a number of private 
and public companies.  Dr. Small is one of the 
founding shareholders of Newcourt.

Richard E. Venn is Chairman and Chief Executive 
Officer of CIBC Wood Gundy Securities, Inc. ("CIBC 
Wood Gundy") and has served in various executive 
capacities with CIBC Wood Gundy since 1975.

William D. Walsh is founder and general partner of 
Sequoia Associates, a private California investment 
firm established in 1982.  Mr. Walsh is a director 
of a number of private and public Canadian and U.S. 

Appointment of Auditors

In the absence of contrary instructions, the Common 
Shares represented by the enclosed form of proxy 
will be voted in favour of the re-appointment of 
the firm of Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, 
of Toronto, Ontario, as auditors of the 
Corporation, to hold office until the next annual 
meeting of shareholders and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration.


Management is not aware of any material interest of 
any director or officer or anyone who has held 
office as such since the beginning of the 
Corporation's last financial year or of any 
associate or affiliate of any of the foregoing in 
any matter to be acted on at the Meeting, except as 
otherwise disclosed herein.


Management knows of no amendment, variation or 
other matter to come before the Meeting other than 
the matters referred to in the Notice of Annual 
General Meeting.  However, if any other matter 
properly comes before the Meeting, the accompanying 
proxy will be voted on such matter in accordance 
with the best judgement of the person or persons 
voting the proxy.


Additional documents, including copies of the 
Renewal Annual Information Form (including any 
documents incorporated by reference therein) of the 
Corporation, the Annual Report and the audited 
consolidated financial statements of the 
Corporation for its most recently completed 
financial year, interim financial statements of the 
Corporation and additional copies of this 
Information Circular of the Corporation are 
available upon request from the Corporate 
Secretary, Newcourt Credit Group Inc., Suite 3500, 
181 Bay Street, P.O. Box 827, Toronto, Ontario  M5J 


The foregoing contains no untrue statements of 
material fact and does not omit to state a material 
fact that is required to be stated or that is 
necessary to make a statement not misleading in the 
light of the circumstances in which it was made.

The contents and the sending of this Information 
Circular have been approved by the Board of 
Directors of the Corporation.

DATED as of February 8, 1999.

David F. Banks