Washington,  D.C.  20549

                            Report of a Foreign Issuer
                        Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                          the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                              For the month(s) of: March 31, 1999

                             NEWCOURT CREDIT GROUP INC.

                             Newcourt Centre, 207 Queens Quay West
                                       Suite 700
                                      Toronto, Ontario
                                       Canada, M5J 1A7

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  May 5,1999


By: John P. Stevenson			
Corporate Secretary			




For the three months ended March 31, 1999

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.


                 [in thousands of United States dollars]

                                            March 31,     December 31,
                                             1999            1998
                                               $               $
Cash                                          440,355       98,807
Finance assets held for investment [Note 3] 8,900,429    8,611,705
Equipment under operating lease             2,265,632    2,173,514
Finance assets held for sale                2,061,763    1,542,769
Investment in affiliated companies            256,142      194,860
Accounts receivable, prepaids and other       402,434      310,948
Property and equipment, net [Note 4]          100,244       93,874
Goodwill [Note 5]                           1,275,188    1,280,036
Future income tax asset                       180,965      146,444
Total Assets                               15,883,152   15,352,957

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      686,256      727,468
Debt [Note 6]                              12,148,897   11,607,184
Total Liabilities                          12,835,153   12,334,652
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital [Note 8]                      2,792,137    2,792,861
Retained earnings                             255,862      225,444
Total Shareholders' Equity                  3,047,999    3,018,305
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 15,883,152   15,352,957

See accompanying Notes

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.


    [in thousands of United States dollars, except for per share amounts]

                                              Three Months Ended
                                            March 31,      March 31,
                                              1999           1998
                                                $              $
Asset finance income
  Net finance and rental income               94,676       122,494
  Gain on sale of finance assets              49,257        55,509
  Management fees and other income [Note 7]   92,786        31,243
Total asset finance income                   236,719       209,246
Salaries and wages                            88,930        75,243
Operating and administrative                  69,463        69,504
Depreciation and goodwill amortization
   [Note 5]                                   17,930        18,437
Operating income before income taxes          60,396        46,062
Provision for income taxes                    24,339        18,751
Net income for the period                     36,057        27,311
Retained earnings, beginning of period       225,444        81,240
Dividends paid on common shares               (5,639)       (3,596)
Retained earnings, end of period             255,862       104,955

Earnings per common share:
Basic                                          $0.24         $0.21
Fully diluted                                  $0.24         $0.21

See accompanying Notes

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.

                      [in thousands of United States dollars]

                                               Three Months ended 
                                                    March 31,
                                               1999          1998
                                                 $             $
Net income for the period                      36,057         27,311
Add  items not requiring an outlay of cash:
  Future income taxes                         (38,575)         7,508
  Goodwill amortization, depreciation and 
  other expense                                17,930         18,437

Cash flow from operations                      15,412         53,256
Net change in non-cash assets and liabilities(135,599)       (39,329)
Cash (used in)/provided by operating 
 Activities                                  (120,187)        13,927

Finance assets, underwritten and purchased (4,206,145)    (2,529,156)
Finance assets, sold                        2,027,660      1,056,135
Finance assets, repayments and others       1,274,343        880,543
Finance assets and assets held for sale      (904,142)      (592,478)
Business acquisitions                               0     (1,059,892)
Investment in affiliated companies            (61,365)         1,284
Purchase of property and equipment            (12,915)        (3,761)
Cash used in investing activities            (978,422)    (1,654,847)

Issuance of debt                           12,375,299     25,974,628
Repayment of debt                         (11,829,630)   (25,399,764)
Issue of common shares, net                       126      1,103,856
Future tax on share issue costs                     0         17,200
Dividends paid on common shares                (5,638)        (3,596)
Cash provided by/(used in) financing 
 Activities                                   540,157      1,692,324

Increase (decrease) in cash during the period(558,452)        51,404
Cash, beginning of period                     998,807          4,776
Cash, end of period                           440,355         56,180

See accompanying Notes


Newcourt Credit Group Inc. (the "Company") is an independent, non-
bank financial services enterprise with operations primarily in 
the United States, Canada and Europe.  The Company also has 
supporting operations in Latin America and Asia.  The Company 
originates, invests in and sells asset-based financings including 
secured loans, leases and conditional sales contracts.  For asset-
based financings sold to institutional investors the Company 
generally continues to manage these financings on behalf of the 
investors for a fee.  The Company's origination activities focus 
on the commercial and corporate finance segments of the asset-
based financing market.

The Company originates leases and loans in the commercial finance 
market predominantly through vendor finance programs.  These 
agreements are established with select equipment manufacturers, 
dealers and distributors to provide equipment sales and inventory 
financing.  The Company also serves the corporate finance market 
through financing services it delivers to major corporations, 
public sector institutions and governments.


The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in 
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in 
Canada, consistently applied ("Canadian GAAP").  

Effective January 1, 1999, the Company adopted the United States 
dollar as its reporting currency to reflect the increased 
significance of the U.S. currency in its operations following the 
acquisition of AT&T Capital Corporation in 1998.  Through a 
translation of convenience, comparative amounts were restated from 
Canadian to U.S. dollars using an exchange rate of $0.6443, the 
rate prevailing at December 31, 1998.

The more significant accounting policies are summarized below:

Principles of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements of the Company include the 
accounts of all its wholly-owned subsidiaries.  All material 
intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.

The Company accounts for its investment in foreign and domestic 
affiliates in which it has significant influence using the equity 

Finance assets held for investment

Net investment in finance assets is comprised of loans, capital 
lease receivables and retained interest in receivables securitized 
net of an allowance for credit losses.  Income is recognized on 
finance assets held for investment on an actuarial basis which 
produces a constant rate of return on the investment in finance 

Recognition of finance income is generally suspended when, in 
management's view, a loss is likely to occur but in no event later 
than 90 days after an account has gone into arrears.  Accrual is 
resumed when the receivable becomes contractually current and 
management believes there is no longer any significant probability 
of loss.

Allowance for credit losses

Repossessed assets are specifically reserved for at their 
estimated net realizable value based on estimated collateral 
values and recoveries under third party guarantees and vendor 
support agreements.

Management also routinely assesses the portfolio on an item-by-
item basis and establishes specific allowances for those accounts 
considered doubtful.  General allowances are established for 
probable losses on loans which cannot be determined on an item-by-
item basis.  This provision is established by applying historical 
loss trends to various segments of the portfolio according to 
external and internal credit ratings.

Gain on sale of finance assets

The Company sells certain of its asset-based finance assets to 
securitization vehicles.

Securitization transactions are accounted for as sales of finance 
assets.  These sales are non-recourse to the Company except to the 
extent of the Company's retained interest in these securitization 
vehicles.  These transactions result in the removal of the assets 
from the Company's consolidated balance sheets, the recording of 

assets received and a gain on sale when the significant risks and 
rewards of ownership are transferred to the purchaser.  The assets 
received are generally cash and a retained interest in the cash 
flows of the receivables sold.  Such retained interest (or 
securitization investments) is recorded at estimated fair value 
and may include cash collateral accounts, excess spread assets, 
and securities backed by the transferred assets.  Proceeds on sale 
are computed as the aggregate of the initial cash consideration 
and the present value of any additional sale proceeds, net of a 
provision for anticipated credit losses on the securitized assets 
and the amount of an arm's length servicing fee.

Income is earned on the securitization investments on an accrual 
basis.  The carrying value of this asset is reduced, as required, 
based on changes in the Company's share of the estimated credit 
losses and the effects of changes in the payment rate on the 
securitized assets.  The Company 

continues to manage the securitized assets and recognizes income 
equal to an arm's length servicing fee over the term of the 
securitized assets.

Certain finance assets are underwritten and sold to institutional 
investors for cash.  These transactions generate syndication fees 
for the Company.  The Company generally continues to service these 
assets on behalf of the investors for a fee.  Fees received for 
syndicating finance assets are included in income when the related 
transaction is substantially complete provided the yield on any 
portion of the assets retained by the Company is at least equal to 
the average yield earned by the other participants involved.

Equipment under operating lease

Equipment under operating lease is generally depreciated over the 
estimated useful life of the asset.  Depreciation is generally 
calculated on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease to 
the estimated unguaranteed residual value at the end of the lease 
term.  Rental revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis over 
the related lease term.

Estimated unguaranteed residual values

Estimated unguaranteed residual values are established upon 
acquisition and leasing of the equipment based upon the estimated 
value of the equipment at the end of the lease term.  Values are 

determined on the basis of studies prepared by the Company, 
historical experience and industry data.  Although it is 
reasonably possible that a change in the unguaranteed residual 
values could occur in the near term, the Company actively manages 
its residual values by communicating with lessees and vendors 
during the lease term to encourage lessees to extend their leases 
or upgrade and enhance their leased equipment.  Residual values 
are continually reviewed and monitored by the Company.  Declines 
in residual values for capital leases are recognized as an 
immediate charge to income.  Declines in residual values for 
operating leases are recognized as adjustments to depreciation 
expense over the shorter of the useful life of the asset or the 
remaining term of the lease.

Deferred costs

Direct incremental costs of acquisition of finance assets and 
operating leases are deferred and amortized over the shorter of 
the term of the finance asset or operating lease and the expected 
period of future benefit.  As finance assets are securitized, the 
unamortized portion of the acquisition costs related to the assets 
being securitized is expensed.  Costs incurred during the pre-
operating period of new business ventures are deferred and 
amortized over the expected period of future benefit.

Property and equipment

Property and equipment are recorded at cost less accumulated 
depreciation.  Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis 
at the following rates:

     Buildings                        20 years
     Furniture and fixtures           10 years
     Computers and office equipment    5 years


Goodwill is recorded at cost less accumulated amortization.  The 
Company's amortization periods for goodwill range from 20 to 35 
years.  The valuation and amortization of goodwill is evaluated on 
an ongoing basis and, if considered permanently impaired, goodwill 
is written down.  The determination as to whether there has been 
an impairment in value is made by comparing the carrying value of 
the goodwill to the projected undiscounted net revenue stream to 
be generated by the related activity.

Foreign currency translation

The Company's foreign operations function financially and 
operationally independent of the parent and therefore are 
considered, for the purposes of foreign currency translation, to 
be self-sustaining operations.  As a result, the assets and 
liabilities of the Canadian and non-United States foreign 
operations are translated into United States dollars at rates in 
effect at the consolidated balance sheet dates.  Revenue and 
expenses are translated at the average exchange rates prevailing 
during the period.  Unrealized foreign exchange currency 
translation gains and losses on these self-sustaining operations 
are included in share capital.

Income taxes

The Company accounts for income taxes using the liability method 
of income tax allocation.

Earnings per common share

Basic earnings per common share is computed based on the weighted 
average number of common shares outstanding during the year.  
Fully diluted earnings per common share has been computed based on 
the weighted average number of common shares outstanding after 
giving effect to the exercise of all outstanding dilutive options 
to acquire common shares and any other dilutive items.

Derivative financial instruments

The Company uses derivative financial instruments in conjunction 
with its interest rate and currency risk management strategies.  
Derivative financial instruments are used to hedge exposure 
to interest rate and foreign exchange rate risk arising during the 
normal course of business.  Contract and notional amounts 
associated with derivative financial instruments are not recorded 
as assets or liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.  The 
most frequently used derivative financial instruments are various 
types of interest rate swaps and foreign exchange contracts.  
Currency swaps and bond forwards are also used.

Swaps and forward contracts are accounted for on the accrual basis 
when cash flows of the derivatives are matched to a specific on 
balance sheet position.  Net accrued interest receivable/payable 
and deferred losses/gains are recorded in accounts receivable, 
prepaids and others or accounts payable and accrued liabilities, 

as appropriate.  Realized losses/gains on terminated contracts are 
deferred and amortized over the remaining life of any applicable 
corresponding position.

Foreign exchange contracts are used to hedge the Company's net 
investment in certain of its self sustaining operations.  Gains 
and losses on these foreign exchange contracts are credited or 
charged to the cumulative translation adjustment account.

When a derivative financial instrument is no longer designated as 
a hedge, any gain or loss on the contract is recognized in income 

Use of estimates

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity 
with generally accepted accounting principles requires management 
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts 
of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets 
and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expense during 
the reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those 
estimates.  Significant areas in which estimates are used include 
residual values, income taxes, retained interests in securitized 
assets and related reserves, allowance for credit losses, 
valuation of finance assets held for sale, restructuring reserves 
and contingencies.

An analysis of the Company's allowance for credit losses is as 
                                                       March 31,  December 31,
                                                          1999          1998
                                                           $              $
Finance assets held for investment and equipment under 
operating lease                                         11,166,061   10,785,219

Allowance for credit losses, beginning of period           183,693       24,846
Provision for credit losses during the period               24,026       96,141
Provision for credit losses from acquisition, net of sales       0      132,022
Write-offs, net of recoveries                              (19,652)     (69,316)
Allowance for credit losses, end of period                 188,067      183,693

Allowance as a percentage of investment assets                 1.7%        1.7%

Investment assets in arrears (90 days and over)            165,278     143,620

Arrears as a percentage of investment assets                   1.5%        1.3%

Assets in repossession, at estimated net realizable value  153,451      84,540


Property and equipment consist of the following:

                          March 31, 1999           December 31,
                               Accumulated             Accumulated
                         Cost  depreciation      Cost  depreciation
                           $         $             $         $
Land and buildings        31,512    16,881        28,842    16,309
Furniture and fixtures    57,979    27,400        55,070    26,702
Computers and office 
Equipment                107,105    55,178       103,231    53,420
Other                      3,870       763         3,910       748
                         200,466   100,222       191,053    97,179
Net book value           100,244                  93,874


Goodwill amortization during the period was $11,360 [1998 - 


Debt consists of the following:
                                                         March 31,   	December 31,
                                                           1999        1998
                                                             $           $
Fixed Rate Debt
U.S. senior notes, bearing interest at rates varying from
6.84% to 8.26%, maturing in the years 2000 to 2005	        1,502,162   503,504
Medium term notes, bearing interest at rates varying from
5.00% to 9.34%, maturing in the years 1999 to 2007	           582,201   581,004
U.S. medium term notes, bearing interest at rates varying
from 5.61% to 8.25%, maturing in the years 1999 to 2028    6,198,099 6,126,500
7.625% debenture, maturing in June, 2001                      82,603    80,446
6.45% debenture, maturing in June, 2002                       99,121    96,535
Collateralized borrowings related to securitized
assets, 5.50%, maturing in 2003                              112,439   122,873
Capital lease obligations, discounted at rates varying from 
5.70% to 13.50%, maturing in 2004                            132,952   258,602
Other fixed rate debt                                        441,256   338,321

Floating Rate Debt
Floating rate U.S. medium term notes, interest rate ranges
from 4.89% to 6.81%, maturing in the years 1999 to 2002      815,250  1,350,322
Collateralized borrowings relating to securitized assets,
based upon one month LIBOR plus 0.125%, maturing in 2001      57,025     65,674
Floating rate medium term notes, interest 
periodically reprices
based upon CDOR index, maturing in the year 2000             66,150    64,430
Commercial paper and other short-term borrowings	           2,059,639  2,018,973
Total debt                                                12,148,897 11,607,184

Interest expense on the debt outstanding during the period was 
$199,944 [1998 - $140,935].

The Company renegotiated its various bank facilities in April 1998 
to support the existing commercial paper programs and for general 
corporate purposes.  The U.S. bank facility was increased to $2.3 
billion with $1.535 billion having a term of 364 days and $765 
million having a term of five years.  In addition, the Canadian 
bank facility was increased to Cdn. $1.2 billion with a term of 
364 days.  The amount of unused Canadian and U.S. bank facilities 
are Cdn. $1.0 billion [1998 - Cdn. $0.3 billion] and $2.3 billion 
[1998 - $2.3 billion], respectively.

In April 1999, the Company renewed its various bank facilities to 
support the existing commercial paper programs and for general 
corporate purposes.  The terms and conditions remained unchanged 
with the exception of the Canadian facility, which was renewed at 
Cdn. $1.0 billion with a term of 364 days.

The weighted average interest on commercial paper outstanding as 
at March 31, 1999 is 5.23% [1998 - 4.91%], for the Canadian 
commercial paper program, 5.32% [1998 - 6.02%] for the U.S. 
commercial paper program and 5.01% [1998 - nil] for the Australian 

In connection with the purchase of AT&T Capital, the Company 
unconditionally guarantees the debt and liquidity facilities of 
AT&T Capital as to payment of principal and interest, when and as 
this debt shall become due and payable, whether at maturity or 
otherwise.  Also, AT&T Capital entered into an agreement whereby 
it guarantees certain indebtedness and liquidity facilities of the 


During the first quarter, the Company recorded a pre-tax gain of 
$56,582 [1998 - nil] (after-tax gain of $31,120 [1998-nil]) 
resulting from the extinguishment of certain derivative financial 
instruments.  During 1998, the Company had derivative financial 
instruments in place to hedge the Company's  net investment in 
certain of its foreign self-sustaining operations to Canadian 
dollars (the "1998 Derivatives"), its reporting currency in 1998.   
Effective January 1, 1999, the Company adopted the United States 
dollar as its reporting currency.  Accordingly, on that date, the 

Company determined that  all non-U.S. dollar functional self-
sustaining operations would be hedged to the U.S. currency and 
that the 1998 Derivatives would be terminated.   This change in 
hedging strategy was completed during the first quarter.  The 1998 
Derivatives were unwound over several weeks in early 1999 to 
minimize the Company's liability or maximize its receivables from 
counterparties without exposing the Company to undue risk.  Since 
the 1998 Derivatives were no longer designated as hedges during 
1999, any gains or losses must be immediately recognized in 


Authorized -

The Company's authorized share capital consists of the following:

[i]  Unlimited common shares with voting rights;
[ii]  Unlimited special shares without voting rights convertible 
into common shares on a share-for-share basis; and
[iii]  Unlimited Class A preference shares 
issuable in series.

Outstanding -

The following is a summary of the changes in share capital during 
the period:

                                     March 31,               December 31,
                                      1999                       1998
                                   #             $          #             $
Subscription rights
Outstanding, beginning of period    0              0     38,500,000   1,132,997
Exchange for common shares          0              0    (38,500,000) (1,132,997)
Outstanding, end of period          0              0              0           0
Common shares
Outstanding, beginning 
  of period                    148,312,634    2,751,233  83,070,958     758,282
Shares issued for 
  subscription rights                    0            0  38,500,000   1,111,974
Shares issued for warrants               0            0   8,668,446     368,929
Issued on acquisition                    0            0  17,633,857     508,995
Stock options exercised             11,475          126     417,492       2,152
Others                                   0            0      21,881         901
Outstanding, end of period     148,324,109    2,751,359 148,312,634   2,751,233

Total                          148,324,109    2,751,359 148,312,634   2,751,233
Unrealized foreign
 currency translation adjustment         0       40,778           0      41,628
Total share capital         148,324,109       2,792,137 148,312,634   2,792,861

Public Offerings

On January 12, 1998, the subscription rights were exchanged for 
38,500,000 common shares at Cdn. $46.00 per share.

On June 4, 1998, all of the special warrants outstanding were 
exercised without additional payment.

Treasury Issue

On January 12, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of 
17,633,857 common shares at $31.19 per share for proceeds of 

On May 20, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of 
8,668,446 special warrants at $46.14 per warrant.  Each special 
warrant entitled the holder thereof to acquire one common share of 
the Company.


Included in finance assets under management are finance assets 
which have been securitized or syndicated by the Company and are 
not reflected on the consolidated balance sheets.

Securitized finance assets are described in Note 2.  Syndicated 
finance assets are assets which have been sold to investors 
without recourse or credit enhancement.

Finance assets under management are as follows:

                                            March 31,   December 31,
                                              1999          1998
                                                $             $
Securitized finance assets                  9,584,464      9,000,658
Syndicated finance assets                   1,658,666      1,396,230
Syndicated finance assets of 
 affiliated companies                         416,453        416,265
Total                                      11,659,583     10,813,153


The table below shows summarized consolidated financial 
information for AT&T Capital, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary 
of the Company.  The Company has guaranteed ("Guarantee") on a 
full and unconditional basis the existing registered debt 
securities and certain other indebtedness of AT&T Capital.  The 
Company has not disclosed financial statements or other 
information regarding AT&T Capital on a stand-alone basis since 
management does not believe that it is material to debt holders 
due to the Guarantee.

The following summarized consolidated financial information for 
AT&T Capital has been prepared in accordance with accounting principles 
generally accepted in Canada.

                                Three months ended March 31,
                                       1999               1998
                                       $                  $
[S]                                    [C]                [C]
Total asset finance income           110,881            150,470
Operating expenses                    87,394            130,156
Operating income before taxes         23,487             20,314
Net income for the period             14,954             12,153

                                      March 31,            December 31,
                                                1999           1998
                                                  $              $
[S]                                              [C]            [C] 
Cash                                          266,105     1,011,409
Finance assets held for investment          4,671,938     4,759,564
Equipment under operating lease             1,583,035     1,565,379
Finance assets held for sale                        0       177,049
Receivables from affiliates and 
 other assets                               3,968,901     3,276,167
Total Assets                               10,489,979    10,789,568
Debt                                        9,135,736     9,280,639
Accrued liabilities                           414,984       582,122
Total Liabilities                           9,550,720     9,862,761
Total Shareholder's Equity                    939,259       926,807
Total Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity 10,489,979    10,789,568

Included in first quarter 1999 total asset finance income is $38.1 
million (1998 - $2.9 million) of interest income related to 
intercompany receivables due from certain subsidiaries of the 

Total asset finance income decreased in the first quarter of 1999 
compared to the same period in 1998 due mainly to the sale of 
various portions of the international businesses of AT&T Capital 
to the Company at their approximate book value.  The assets 
relating to these businesses approximated $1,178.4 million.  
Increased securitization volume in the second half of 1998 also 
contributed to the decrease in finance revenue.

Included in first quarter 1999 receivables from affiliates and 
other assets is $3.2 billion (1998 - $2.9 billion) of intercompany 
receivables due from certain subsidiaries of the Company.

The purchase price the Company paid for AT&T Capital has not been 
"pushed down" to AT&T Capital's stand-alone financial statements; 
however, these statements reflect the adoption of the accounting 
policies and procedures of the Company.


On March 8, 1999, the Company announced that it would be acquired 
by The CIT Group Inc. ("CIT") through an exchange of common stock.  
Under the terms of the transaction each outstanding share of the 
Company's common stock will be exchanged for 0.92 shares of CIT.  
The transaction is expected to close during the third quarter of 
1999, and is conditional upon, among other things, regulatory and 
shareholder approval.  CIT is headquartered in Livingston, New 
Jersey, USA.  CIT is a leading diversified finance organization 
offering secured commercial and consumer financing primarily in 
the United States.

12. YEAR 2000 ISSUE

The Year 2000 Issue arises because many computerized systems use 
two digits rather than four to identify a year.  Date-sensitive 
systems may recognize the Year 2000 as 1900 or some other date, 
resulting in errors when information using Year 2000 dates is 
processed.  In addition, similar problems may arise in some 
systems which use certain dates in 1999 to represent something 
other than a date.  The effects of the Year 2000 Issue may be 
experienced before, on, or after January 1, 2000 and, if not 

addressed, the impact on operations and financial reporting may 
range from minor errors to significant systems failure which could 
affect an entity's ability to conduct normal business operations.  
It is not possible to be certain that all aspects of the Year 2000 
Issue affecting the Company, including those related to the 
efforts of customers, suppliers, or other third parties, will be 
fully resolved.


The following Canadian to U.S. dollars exchange rates were used 
during the period:

December 31, 1998                                   0.6443
March 31, 1999                                      0.6615
Average for first quarter 1999                      0.6585


The comparative consolidated financial statements have been 
reclassified from statements previously presented to conform to 
the  presentation of the 1999 consolidated financial statements.

Newcourt Credit Group Inc.


[in thousands of United States dollars, unless otherwise indicated]