Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No.)

Filed by the Registrant [ ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[X] Soliciting Materials Under  Rule 14a-12

          Prometheus Income Partners, a California limited partnership
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                            Everest Investors 12, LLC
                           Everest Properties II, LLC
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:
     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:
     (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11.
     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5) Total fee paid:
     [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

     [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number,  or the form or  schedule  and the date of its  filing.  (1) Amount
     previously  paid:  (2) Form,  Schedule or  Registration  Statement no.: (3)
     Filing Party: (4) Date Filed:

Everest Properties
199 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 440
Pasadena, CA  91101
Tel: (626) 585-5920
Fax: (626) 585-5929

                                  July 12, 2002

                                                                   Via facsimile

Mr. John J. Murphy
Prometheus Development Company, Inc.
350 Bridge Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065

         Re:      Prometheus Income Partners (the "Partnership")

Dear Mr. Murphy:

     We are in receipt of your  letter to limited  partners  dated July 3, 2002,
filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on July 5,  2002.  We are
disturbed by the grossly misleading and untruthful  statements contained in your

     First,  you  contend  that you  have  attempted  to  contact  Aspen  Square
Management,  Inc. ("Aspen") on several occasions without getting a response from
Aspen. We are aware that in-fact you have had lengthy  conversations  with Aspen
during which Aspen  answered your questions and  subsequently  provided you with
information about Aspen and their ability to effectuate their offer.

     Further,  you claim that Aspen's  offer price is not clear.  We do not know
how Aspen could be any clearer than offering  $54,500,000  for both  properties,
which is  $1,300,000  above  the  price  offered  for the  properties  under the
proposed merger. The $1,600,000 in expense savings under the Aspen offer is also
obvious from Aspen's letter and your own  explanation of the  calculation of the
merger  consideration on page 65 of your proxy  statement.  Your letter fails to
mention this savings, the resulting increase in proceeds to limited partners, or
the fact that you are charging a disposition  fee which is not authorized by the
partnership agreement.

     Further,  you state that  Aspen's  offer has  significant  and  substantial
contingencies.  You must know that this statement is  misleading.  Aspen's offer
only requires a 15 day due diligence  period,  which is an extremely  short time
given the size of the  transaction.  Aspen has also  specifically  stated in its
offer  that  it  maintains  the  liquid  funds  to  proceed  with  an  all  cash
transaction,  without a  financing  contingency.  You also failed to disclose in
your letter  that your  proposed  merger has both due  diligence  and  financing
contingencies that were more uncertain than Aspen's.

     We are truly puzzled when you tell the limited  partners that Everest's own
best interest may not be consistent with that of the limited  partners.  We have
brought to the limited  partners an unaffiliated  and very qualified third party
to purchase  the  properties  for a higher price than you are offering and which
would  result in a higher  distribution  to the  limited  partners.  We want all
limited  partners  to  receive  the  highest  price from a  disposition  of this

Page 2
Mr. Murphy

     Also,  your comments  regarding the manner in which proceeds from a sale to
Aspen  would  be  distributed  conveniently  fail to  mention  that all of those
results are entirely in your control as the general partner of the  Partnership.
Nothing,  other  than the  general  partner's  own  decision,  would  delay  the
immediate distribution of the proceeds of a full-value sale of the properties to
an unaffiliated purchaser, such as Aspen. The only interest that is inconsistent
with the limited partners' interest is the self-interest of the general partner.

     Finally, your sudden concern for an accelerated closing is unwarranted. The
partnership has been in existence for over 14 years; a full value liquidation is
worth a short delay (which,  by the way, is the fault of the general partner for
not openly marketing these properties earlier).

     We expect you to contact  Aspen,  pursue a sale in good faith and present a
transaction  to  limited  partners  which  is  consistent  with  your  fiduciary
obligations.  We  further  request  that you  disclose  to limited  partners  an
accurate  description  of the Aspen  offer,  which is superior to the offer made
under your merger proposal,  without any  misrepresentations and extend the date
of the limited  partners'  meeting to allow them to review the offer. We believe
that it is also  appropriate that you send the Aspen offer to Houlihan Lokey and
ask them to provide a reasoned  opinion  regarding which proposal is financially
superior for the limited partners.

     It is time to put the interest of the limited  partners before yours and be
honest with all of us regarding which offer will result in higher  distributions
to the limited partners.

                                Very truly yours,
                                EVEREST PROPERTIES II, LLC
                                EVEREST INVESTORS 12, LLC

                                /s/ W. Robert Kohorst
                                W. Robert Kohorst


cc: Limited Partners of Prometheus Income Partners

                           Prometheus Income Partners
       PIP General Partner's Merger Proposal vs. Aspen's Acquisition Offer

- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Issue             Prometheus          Aspen Offer          Misrepresentations in
                    Merger                                  Prometheus' July 3
                   Proposal                                       Letter
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------

Purchase         $53,200,000          $54,500,000
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Expense          $0                   $1,600,000             Not disclosed
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Per              $1,736               $1,888                 Not disclosed
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Allocation of    General Partner's    Net income and debt    Not disclosed
net Income and   affiliate will       reductions between
debt reduction   receive the          March 31, 2002 and
between now      partnership's net    the acquisition
and closing      income and mortgage  closing date
                 debt reduction       will go to the limited
                 between              partners.   Based on a
                 March 31, 2001 and   closing date of September
                 the closing date of  30, 2002, and based
                 the transaction.     on the first quarter
                                      operating results,
                                      the limited partners
                                      will receive $1,084,000
                                      in net income and $174,000
                                      in reduced debt.

- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Both transactions The obligations      This offer is        The Prometheus'
have similar      of the General       structured as an     letter misrepresents
financing         Partner to complete  all cash transaction the financing
contingencies     the merger are       and Aspen            contingency in the
                  subject to the       maintains the        Aspen offer.
                  condition that       liquid funds
                  the outstanding      to purchase
                  indebtedness         the properties with
                  with respect to the  no financing
                  partnership'         contingencies other
                  properties be        than the possible
                  refinanced on terms  loan assumption.
                  satisfactory to
                  the General
                  Partner in its
                  sole and absolute
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Due diligence     The Merger           Aspen has asked      Prometheus' letter
and other         proposal             for a 15 business    misleadingly states
conditions        specifically states  day due diligence    that "Aspen's letter
                  that conditions      period (very short   of intent is subject
                  still exist that     for this type of     to significant and
                  can prevent the      transaction).        substantial
                  merger.                                   conditions" without
                                                            mentioning the
                                                            conditions that
                                                            could prevent the
- ---------------  ---------------      --------------     -----------------------
Closing date      The earliest that    The sale of the        The Prometheus
                  the Merger could     properties can         letter
                  close is August      close as early as      misleadingly
                  14, 2002, that is    August 31, 2002,       states "a sale of
                  if the General       which will include     the Partnership's
                  Partner does not     the timeframe to       properties would
                  extend the proxy     obtain limited         take significant
                  period or the        partners' approval     time to complete"
                  date of the          for the transaction.   without mentioning
                  meeting.                                    the similar time
                                                              frame required to
                                                              close both

- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Cash available   Fixed at $1736/unit  Cash available          In reference to
at close         with  no upside      for distribution to the the Aspen offer,
                 or downside          limited partners would  Prometheus' letter
                 adjustment           INCREASE due to         states "Cash
                                      increases  in cash      available for
                                      positions as well       distribution would
                                      as reduction of         be reduced by
                                      mortgage debt           these
                                      as a result of          [contingent]
                                      operations between      liabilities:. This
                                      the March 31, 2001      statement is
                                      cutoff date under       obviously not
                                      the merger and the      true.
                                      acquisition's closing
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Payment to       Full cash payment    It is entirely up       The Prometheus'
limited          at the close of      to the General          letter
partners at      the merger           Partner to determine    misleadingly
closing                               what portion of         states that
                                      the sales proceeds to   "it is unlikely
                                      distribute to the       you [the limited
                                      limited partners.        partners] would
                                      While the cash          receive the
                                      available at closing    proposed purchase
                                      will likely be          price in full."
                                      subject to a
                                      reserve provision,
                                      there is no reason
                                      that the limited
                                      partners should
                                      receive anything
                                      less than the full
                                      amount of the
                                      sales proceeds.
                                      Additionally, any
                                      reserves should
                                      earn interest to
                                      the benefit of the
                                      limited partners
                                      until the reserves
                                      are released.

- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Everest's        The General          Everest is a limited    Prometheus' letter
Interest         Partner is           partner just like you   states that "We
                 merging the          with the interest of    believe that
                 partnership          getting the highest     Everest is acting
                 with a related       possible distribution   in what it
                 entity which wants   to all the limited      perceives to be
                 to acquire           partners.               its own best
                 properties at the                            interests, which
                 lowest  possible                             may not be
                 price.                                       consistent with
                                                              those of the other
                                                              limited partners."
                                                              Everest interests
                                                              are not only
                                                              consistent but the
                                                              same as other
                                                              limited partners.
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------
Everest vs.      The General Partner  Everest introduced      Prometheus' letter
The General      has never presented  the properties to       states "Everest
Partner          a competitive offer  Aspen and Aspen         has made no
                 from unaffiliated    submitted an offer      proposal to us
                 companies to the     that is effectively     that would benefit
                 limited partners.    over $2,900,000         the interests of
                 There has been no    higher than the         all the limited
                 true market test     merger offer to an .    partners." Everest
                 of the properties'   entity directly         introduced the
                 value.               affiliated with the     properties to
                                      General Partner.        Aspen and brought
                                                              the higher offer
                                                              to the
- ---------------  ---------------      -------------      -----------------------