199 S. LOS ROBLES AVE., #200

                                December 5, 2005
                                                   Via Facsimile: (202) 772-9203
                                                         and submitted via EDGAR

Abby Adams
Office of Mergers and Acquisitions
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-3628

          Re:  Wilder  Richman  Historic   Properties  II  (the   "Partnership")
               Schedule TO-T filed by Everest Properties II, LLC on November 14,

Dear Ms. Adams:

     This letter  responds to the  Staff's  comments  conveyed in your letter of
November  23,  2005.  Numbered  paragraphs  below  correspond  to  the  numbered
paragraphs in your letter.

     1. The clause  quoted in the comment,  "otherwise  not  affiliated,"  means
simply that, other than owning limited partner units in the  Partnership,  Dixon
Mill Investor, LLC (the "Dixon Bidder") has no relation to the Partnership.

     As  disclosed  in the Offer to  Purchase,  members of the Dixon  Bidder are
shareholders  of Dixon  Venture  Corp.,  the  operating  general  partner of the
Partnership.  Dixon Venture Corp.  and the Dixon Bidder are under common control
with  each  other,  but  neither  are  in an  affiliate  relationship  with  the
Partnership or its General  Partner.  Dixon Venture Corp.  acts as the operating
general  partner at the  property and  operating  level  partnerships  by paying
bills,  collecting rents and handling day to day real estate management  issues,
but does not have any  decision-making  authority or responsibility with respect
to the  Partnership.  Decisions  of the  Partnership,  including,  for  example,
acquisitions  or  dispositions  by the  Partnership  or approval of transfers of
interests in the  Partnership,  are made by the General  Partner (with a vote of
the limited  partners,  where  required).  None of the bidders or the  operating
general partner has any control over the Partnership's General Partner or shares
any equity  owners,  officers,  directors  or control  persons with such General

     In  response to the  comment,  the Offer to  Purchase  has been  amended in
"Summary of the Offer."

     2. The subject  partnership  has just filed its Form 10-K for 2004.  At the
time the Offer was filed,  the  bidders had access to the  information  for 2004
that the bidders  presented in the Offer to Purchase under Appendix A - Selected
Financial Data - Combined Operating Partnerships, which information had not been
in prior filings. The bidders did not have more recent information regarding the
number of shares  outstanding,  although it appears  from the Form 10-K for 2004
that the number has not changed.

          3. Please see our response paragraph 1.

     Analyzing our status prior to commencement  of the offer,  pursuant to Rule
13e-3(a)(1),  no bidder is an affiliate for the following reasons. No bidder is,
directly or  indirectly,  in control of,  controlled by or under common  control
with the  Partnership  or its  General  Partner.  To  elaborate,  no bidder  has
influence or control over the  management or policies of the  Partnership.  As a
limited  partner,  no bidder  has  powers to act under the  limited  partnership
agreement of the subject  partnership or to cause the Partnership or its general
partner to take, or desist from taking, any action,  except each bidder may vote
as any other  limited  partner may vote on matters  that may be submitted to the
limited partners for approval.

     This Partnership's  limited partnership  agreement requires any approval by
limited partners to be made by 51% of the outstanding  securities (as opposed to
a majority of a quorum).  There are no provisions in this Partnership's  limited
partnership  agreement that allow a lesser vote to constitute an approval of the
limited  partners.  Therefore,  the General Partner has sole legal and practical
control over the Partnership. There is no board of directors to which a director
may be elected by someone with a large (but not majority) position.

     Further,  the General  Partner does not consult with any bidder in any way,
or seek our informal approval or input on any matters whatsoever.  In fact, if a
bidder  participated in the Partnership's  management in that way, it would risk
losing its limited  liability status as a limited partner by becoming a de facto
general  partner.  The bidders do not  request,  nor to our  knowledge  does any
bidder  receive,  any  information  from the  General  Partner  that is not made
equally available to any limited partner.

     4. In response to the  comment,  the Offer to Purchase is being  amended in
"Details of the Offer - 1. Terms of the Offer; Expiration Date; Proration; and -
2.  Acceptance for Payment and Payment of Purchase  Price" and in Effects of the
Offer - Limitations on Resales" to clarify that, notwithstanding the Partnership
Agreement  provisions,  the  bidders  will  accept all Units  that are  tendered
pursuant to the terms of the Offer and pay  promptly  after the General  Partner
confirms ownership and changes the distribution  address.  Thus, the Partnership
Agreement will not restrict the number of Units purchased.

     5. Please see response paragraph 4, above.

     6. In response to the comment,  the bullet point  identified in the comment
is being amended.

     7. In response  to the  comment,  the Offer is being  amended to delete the
bullet point identified in the comment.

     8. and 9. We  respectfully  submit that these  comments  are  inappropriate
because, as comment 9 recognizes, the relevant inquiry is whether a condition to
an offer  is  within  the  direct  or  indirect  control  of the  bidder,  or is
adequately objective so that the offer is not illusory.  The relevant inquiry is
not whether a condition  can be  verified  by a security  holder  independently,
while the Offer is pending.

     None of the  conditions  are within the direct or  indirect  control of the
bidders,  and we do not believe the conditions are so broad as to make the Offer
illusory or unclear.  Nonetheless,  we hereby confirm our  understanding  of the
Staff's  previously stated position that we must promptly advise Unit Holders as
to how we  intend to  proceed  if we become  aware of an event  that we  believe
implicates a condition. If the bidders claimed the existence of a condition that
would permit termination of the offer,  objective verification would be possible
at that time.

     For example,  referring to the conditions specifically cited in the Staff's

     condition (a)(iv) is prefaced by: "a preliminary or permanent injunction or
     other  order of any  federal  or state  court,  government,  administrative
     agency or other  governmental  authority  shall have been  issued and shall
     remain  in  effect  which . . . ,"  therefore,  a  public  record  would be
     available to verify the triggering event;

     condition (f), similarly,  requires that there shall have been "threatened,
     instituted  or  pending  any  action  or  proceeding  before  any  court or
     governmental  agency  or  other  regulatory  or  administrative  agency  or
     commission or by any other person," which could be verified  objectively by
     public records or by the party who made the threat;

     condition  (c) requires  that "there shall be any  authorization,  consent,
     order of, or filing with, or expiration of waiting  periods imposed by, any
     court, government,  administrative agency or other governmental authority,"
     which could be verified  objectively by public records or by the applicable
     government agency;

     condition  (d) requires  one of the  following:  (1) an event to occur,  be
     disclosed or be threatened, which is verifiable by the actual occurrence or
     disclosure of the event,  or in the case of a threatened  event,  by public
     information (e.g., a hurricane), by public record (e.g., a proposed law) or
     other means that would depend on the type of threatened  event; (2) a lien,
     which  is  objectively   verifiable   through  public  records  or  through
     documents; or (3) the disclosure of a previously undisclosed fact, which is
     objectively  demonstrated  by the making of the new disclosure and a review
     of prior  disclosure  to see that it was not  previously  made  (the  Staff
     misstated this condition when paraphrasing it in comment 9).

     Although some conditions may also involve an element of reasonable judgment
by the bidders, such as a material adverse effect on the Partnership, we believe
that each  condition is  adequately  objective to permit a Unit Holder to verify
whether or not the condition was met, if asserted by the bidders.

     10. We respectfully  submit that this comment is not appropriate because it
misstates the requirement of Item 1004(a)(xii) of Regulation M-A and it asks the
bidders to include in the Offer a statement of warranty that is neither required
nor  appropriate.  The item  requires  disclosure of "[t]he  federal  income tax
consequences of the transaction,  if [such tax consequences  are] material." The
"transaction"  is  the  acquisition  by  bidder  of all  the  Units  of  Limited
Partnership  Interest,  for cash. We do not believe there are any federal income
tax consequences to the target  registrant of that  transaction,  other than the
potential tax  termination  effect that is  described.  The  description  of tax
consequences to the Unit Holders that is set forth in the Offer is provided as a
courtesy to security holders, consistent with common practice.

     Even if the Staff believes that Item  1004(a)(xii)  requires  disclosure of
the federal income tax  consequences to the Unit Holders of selling their Units,
if such tax consequences are material,  tax consequences to the Unit Holders are
described in the Offer to Purchase. Therefore, the bidders have either succeeded
or  failed to  satisfy  the  requirement  to state  "[t]he  federal  income  tax
consequences of the  transaction,"  which success or failure is not changed by a
statement  claiming  that the bidder has  "disclosed  all  material  federal tax
consequences of the transaction."  There is no requirement that the bidders make
such a  specific  warranty  statement  to  security  holders  regarding  the tax
disclosure,  just as there  is no  requirement  that  such a  specific  warranty
statement be made to security  holders  regarding any particular topic for which
disclosure is required or is made.

     11. We respectfully  submit that the comment is not appropriate because the
Staff incorrectly  infers that we claim we "are not responsible for the accuracy
of the information . . . in [our] offering materials." No such statement is made
or implied in Appendix A.

     In any event,  the Offer is being amended to delete  Appendix A and instead
refer to the Form 10-K  recently  filed by the  Partnership,  which  renders the
comment moot.

     Closing paragraphs:  While acknowledging the Staff's positions, and without
implying any specific issue with such position,  we respectfully decline to make
the statements  requested.  There is no requirement that we do so. To the extent
the requested  statements are accurate statements of applicable law, there is no
reason to obtain  from  bidders a  recitation  of such law.  To the  extent  the
statements go beyond applicable law or reflect  interpretations  of law that may
be open to dispute,  it would not be fair or appropriate  to require  bidders to
make statements that might prejudice their right to take a contrary  position at
some later time, if the occasion arose.

     We are filing an amendment concurrently with this letter. We do not believe
that the amendment  materially  changes the information  already provided to the
Unit  Holders,  although a copy of the  amendment  is being  delivered  with the
letter included as Exhibit 12.5.  Please contact the undersigned if you have any
questions  regarding our  responses to the Staff's  comments and to advise us if
the Staff has any further comments.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                        /S/ CHRISTOPHER K. DAVIS
                                        Christopher K. Davis
                                        Vice President and General Counsel

Enclosures with fax copy
cc w/e:  Mark Bava (Dixon)
         Chip Patterson (MPF)