(Amended and Restated Effective as of August 1, 2002)

              (Amended and Restated Effective as of August 1, 2002)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I.      Definitions and Construction................................1
                1.1      Definitions........................................1
                1.2      Number and Gender..................................3
                1.3      Headings...........................................3

ARTICLE II.     Eligibility and Participation...............................3
                2.1      Eligibility........................................3
                2.2      Participation......................................3

ARTICLE III.    Account Credits and Allocations of Income or Loss...........4
                3.1      Member Deferrals...................................4
                3.2      Matching Credits...................................5
                3.3      Allocation of Net Income or Loss and Changes
                         in Value Among Accounts............................6

ARTICLE IV.     Deemed Investment of Accounts...............................6

ARTICLE V.      Determination of Vested Interest............................7

ARTICLE VI.     Withdrawals.................................................7
                6.1      General............................................7
                6.2      Unforeseeable Financial Emergency..................7
                6.3      Early Withdrawal...................................7

ARTICLE VII.    Termination Benefits........................................8
                7.1      Amount of Benefit..................................8
                7.2      Time of Payment....................................8
                7.3      Alternative Forms of Benefit Payments..............8
                7.4      Designation of Beneficiaries.......................9
                7.5      Payment of Benefits................................9
                7.6      Unclaimed Benefits.................................9
                7.7      Accelerated Pay-Out Due to Change of Control.......9
                7.8      Accelerated Payment of Reclassified Amounts........9
                7.9      Payment of Member Accounts Incident to Divorce....10

ARTICLE VIII.   Administration of the Plan.................................10
                8.1      Appointment of Plan Administrator.................10
                8.2      Records and Procedures............................10
                8.3      Self-Interest of Plan Administrator...............10
                8.4      Compensation and Bonding..........................10
                8.5      Plan Administrator Powers and Duties..............10
                8.6      Company to Supply Information.....................11
                8.7      Claims Review.....................................11
                8.8      Indemnity.........................................12

ARTICLE IX.     Administration of Trust Fund...............................12
                9.1      Payment of Expenses...............................12
                9.2      Trust Fund Property...............................12

ARTICLE X.      Nature of the Plan.........................................12

ARTICLE XI.     Adopting Entities..........................................13

ARTICLE XII.    Miscellaneous..............................................13
                12.1     Not Contract of Employment........................13
                12.2     Alienation of Interest Forbidden..................13
                12.3     Withholding.......................................14
                12.4     Amendment and Termination.........................14
                12.5     Severability......................................14
                12.6     Loans.............................................14
                12.7     Governing Laws....................................14

              (Amended and Restated Effective as of August 1, 2002)


     WHEREAS,   PIONEER  NATURAL   RESOURCES  COMPANY   ("Pioneer")   heretofore
RETIREMENT PLAN (the "Plan"),  effective  August 8, 1997, for the benefit of its
eligible employees and the eligible  employees of its participating  affiliates;

     WHEREAS,  Pioneer now desires to amend and restate the Plan in its entirety
to change the Plan name and make certain other changes;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  pursuant to the  authority  reserved in the  Compensation
Committee  pursuant to Section 12.4,  the Plan is hereby renamed and amended and
restated in its  entirety,  effective  August 1, 2002,  as the  PIONEER  NATURAL

                                   ARTICLE I.

                          Definitions and Construction

     1.1 Definitions.  Where the following words and phrases appear in the Plan,
they shall have the  respective  meanings set forth below,  unless their context
clearly indicates to the contrary:

     (a)  Account(s):  A Member's Matching  Account and/or  General Account,  as
          applicable, including the amounts credited thereto.

     (b)  Affiliate: Each trade or business  (whether or not incorporated) which
          together with the Company would  be deemed  to be a  "single employer"
          within the meaning of subsections  (b), (c), (m) or (o) of section 414
          of the Code.

     (c)  Change of Control: The meaning  given that  term in Section 1.7 of the
          Pioneer  Natural  Resources  Company   Long-term  Incentive  Plan,  as
          approved by the shareholders of the Company on August 7, 1997.

     (d)  Code: The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     (e)  Company: Pioneer,  Pioneer Natural  Resources USA,  Inc. and any other
          entity which adopts the Plan pursuant to the provisions of Article XI.

     (f)  Directors: The Board of Directors of Pioneer.

     (g)  Effective Date: August 1, 2002.

     (h)  Eligible Employee:  Any individual who is employed by a Company and is
          (a) an officer  or (b)  a member of  a select  group of  management or
          highly   compensated  employees  who   is   designated   by  the  Plan
          Administrator from time  to time as being  eligible to  participate in
          the Plan.

     (i)  Entry Date: The first day of each Plan Year.


     (j)  General Account:  A bookkeeping account established for each Member to
          which is  credited his  Member Deferrals  pursuant to  Section 3.1 and
          which is credited  (or debited)  for such account's  allocation of net
          income (or net loss) as provided in Section 3.3.

     (k)  Hypothetical Investments:  The investment  funds and  other securities
          designated from  time to time by the Plan Administrator for the deemed
          investment of Accounts pursuant to Article IV.

     (l)  Matching Account: A bookkeeping account established for each Member to
          which is credited the  Matching Credits made on his behalf pursuant to
          Section 3.2(a)  and which is  credited (or debited) for such account's
          allocation of net income (or net loss) as provided in Section 3.3.

     (m)  Matching Credits:  Matching credits  made by the Company on a Member's
          behalf pursuant to Section 3.2.

     (n)  Member:  Each   Eligible  Employee  who  has   met   the   eligibility
          requirements for participation in the Plan and who has become a Member
          pursuant to Article II.

     (o)  Member Deferrals: Deferrals made by a Member pursuant to Section 3.1.

     (p)  Pay:  The total  of all  amounts  paid by  the  Company to  or for the
          benefit of a  Member for services  rendered or labor performed,  which
          are required  to be  reported  on such  Member's  federal  income  tax
          withholding statement(s) (Form W-2 or its subsequent equivalent), plus
          any amounts such Member could have received in cash in lieu of  Member
          Deferrals pursuant to Section 3.1.

     (q)  Pioneer:  Pioneer Natural Resources Company,  a Delaware  corporation,
          and its successors.

     (r)  Plan:  This  Pioneer  Natural  Resources  Company  Executive  Deferred
          Compensation Plan, as amended from time to time.

     (s)  Plan Administrator: The Compensation Committee of the Directors, which
          may act through its delegate.

     (t)  Plan Year: The calendar year.

     (u)  Trust: The trust established under the Trust Agreement.

     (v)  Trust Agreement:  The agreement  entered into  between Pioneer and the
          Trustee pursuant to Article X.

     (w)  Trust Fund:  The funds  and properties,  if any,  held pursuant to the
          provisions of the Trust Agreement,  together with all income,  profits
          and increments thereto.

     (x)  Trustee:  The  trustee  or  trustees  appointed  by  the  Compensation
          Committee of  the Directors  who are  qualified and  acting  under the
          Trust Agreement at any time.

     (y)  Unforeseeable Financial Emergency:  An unexpected need of a Member for
          cash that (i) arises from an illness,  casualty loss, sudden financial
          reversal, or such other  unforeseeable occurrence that is caused by an
          event beyond  the control of such Member,  (ii) would result in severe
          financial  hardship  to  such  Member  if  his  compensation  deferral
          election was not  canceled  pursuant to  Section 3.1(f)  and /or  if a


          withdrawal  or  benefit  payment   pursuant  to  Article  VI  was  not
          permitted,   and  (iii)  is  not  reasonably  satisfiable  from  other
          resources of such Member.  Cash needs arising from foreseeable events,
          such as the  purchase  of a house or  education expenses for children,
          shall not be considered to be the result of an Unforeseeable Financial

     (z)  Valuation Date: Each business day.

     (aa) Vested Interest:  The portion  of the  amounts  credited to a Member's
          Accounts which, pursuant to the Plan, is nonforfeitable.

     1.2 Number  and  Gender.  Wherever  appropriate  herein,  words used in the
singular  shall be considered to include the plural and words used in the plural
shall be  considered  to include  the  singular.  The  masculine  gender,  where
appearing in the Plan, shall be deemed to include the feminine gender.

     1.3  Headings.  The headings of Articles  and Sections  herein are included
solely for  convenience,  and if there is any conflict between such headings and
the text of the Plan, the text shall control.

                                   ARTICLE II.

                          Eligibility and Participation

     2.1 Eligibility. Any Eligible Employee shall be eligible to become a Member
of the Plan for any Plan Year by electing to make Member  Deferrals  pursuant to
Section 3.1(a).

     2.2 Participation.

     (a)  Prior to each Entry Date,  the Plan Administrator  shall notify  those
          Eligible Employees who are determined by the  Plan Administrator to be
          eligible to  initially  become Members  pursuant to  Section 2.1 as of
          such Entry Date.  Any such  Eligible Employee  may become a Member for
          the Plan Year beginning on such  Entry Date  by making,  prior to such
          Entry  Date  and  within  the  time  period  prescribed  by  the  Plan
          Administrator,  a Member Deferral election on a form prescribed by and
          filed  with the  Plan  Administrator.  Notwithstanding  any  provision
          herein to  the contrary,  an Eligible  Employee who  first  becomes an
          Eligible  Employee on  other than  the first  day of  a Plan  Year may
          become a Member on the date he first becomes an  Eligible Employee for
          the  remainder of  such Plan  Year with  respect to  Member  Deferrals
          pursuant to Section 3.1(a) by making, prior to or within 30 days after
          the date  he first  becomes an  Eligible  Employee and within the time
          period  prescribed  by  the  Plan  Administrator,  a  Member  Deferral
          election  on  a   form  prescribed  by   and  filed   with   the  Plan

     (b)  Notwithstanding  any provision  herein  to the  contrary,  an Eligible
          Employee  who  has become  a Member  of  the  Plan  shall cease  to be
          entitled  to  make  Member  Deferrals  hereunder or  receive  Matching
          Credits  hereunder  effective  as of  any date  designated by the Plan
          Administrator.   Any   such  Plan   Administrator  action   shall   be
          communicated to the affected individual prior to the effective date of
          such action.  Any such Eligible Employee may again  become entitled to
          make Member Deferrals hereunder and receive Matching Credits hereunder
          for any subsequent Plan Year selected by the Plan Administrator in its
          sole discretion.


                                  ARTICLE III.

                Account Credits and Allocations of Income or Loss

     3.1 Member Deferrals.

     (a) A Member meeting the  eligibility  requirements of Section 2.1 may,  in
         accordance  with  rules  established  from  time to  time by  the  Plan

         (1)   elect to defer from his Pay a  percentage or dollar amount of his
               salary for a Plan Year; and/or

         (2)   elect to defer from his Pay a percentage  or dollar amount of his
               bonus which is payable in cash for a Plan Year.

         The  maximum  Member  deferral for a Plan Year under Section  3.1(a)(1)
         shall be  25% of the  Member's  base salary for the Plan Year and under
         Section  3.1(a)(2)  shall be 100% of the  Member's  cash  bonus for the
         Plan Year.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, with  respect to an Eligible
         Employee who first  becomes a Member  on other than an Entry Date,  any
         such Member Deferrals  pursuant to  Section  3.1(a)(1) shall apply only
         for the  portion of such  Plan Year  commencing  with the date he first
         becomes a Member and ending on the last day of such Plan Year.

     (b) A Member's  election to  defer an  amount of  his Pay  pursuant to this
         Section shall be made by making, on a form prescribed by and filed with
         the Plan Administrator,  a Member  Deferral election  pursuant to which
         the Member  authorizes the  Company to  reduce his  Pay in  the elected
         amount and the Company, in consideration thereof,  agrees to  credit an
         equal amount to such  Member's General  Account maintained  pursuant to
         the Plan.  The  reduction  in a  Member's  Pay pursuant  to his  Member
         Deferral election  shall be effected by Pay reductions as determined by
         the Plan Administrator  following  the effective date of such election.
         Such Pay reductions shall be within  the Plan Year  to which the Member
         Deferral election relates,  except that Pay  reductions attributable to
         elections  pursuant to  Section 3.1(a)(2)  may be made  within the next
         following Plan  Year if the bonus to which the Member Deferral election
         relates is  paid in  such next  following  Plan Year.  Member Deferrals
         made by a Member shall be credited to such Member's  General Account as
         of a date  determined in  accordance with  procedures  established from
         time to  time by  the Plan  Administrator; provided, however, that such
         Member  Deferrals shall be credited  to the Member's General Account no
         later than 30 days after  the date  upon which  the Pay  deferred would
         have been  received by  such Member  in cash  if he  had not elected to
         defer such amount pursuant to this Section 3.1.

     (c) A Member  Deferral election  pursuant to  Section 3.1(a)  shall  become
         effective as of the Entry Date  (or later initial eligibility date,  if
         applicable) which is  on or  after the date the election is made by the
         Member. A Member Deferral election shall remain in force and effect for
         the entire (or partial, if applicable) Plan Year to which such election
         relates.  A Member Deferral  election pursuant  to Section 3.1(a) shall
         remain in force and effect for each subsequent Plan Year (following the
         Member's  initial  year  of  participation  in the  Plan) for  which he
         satisfies the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 2.1, unless
         and until such election  is changed  or revoked by such Member prior to
         the Entry Date  for the  subsequent  Plan Year  to which such change or
         revocation relates.

     (d) A Member Deferral election shall indicate  the applicable time and form
         of payment,  as provided in  Sections 7.2 and 7.3, for the Pay deferred
         thereunder for  such Plan  Year  and  the  net  income  (or  net  loss)
         allocated with respect  thereto. Such time and form of payment election


         for such  Plan Year  shall also  apply to any Matching Credits for such
         Plan Year  and the  net  income  (or net loss)  allocated  with respect
         thereto.  Each Member's  Accounts shall  be divided into subaccounts to
         reflect such  Member's  various elections  respecting time and  form of

     (e) A Member who has  made a  Member Deferral  election pursuant to Section
         3.1(a) may change or cancel his election,  as of the Entry Date for any
         subsequent Plan Year, by making a new Member Deferral election prior to
         such Entry  Date and  within the  time  period  prescribed  by the Plan
         Administrator.  A Member who  cancels his Member Deferral  election may
         again make a new Member  Deferral election  for a subsequent Plan Year,
         if he satisfies the eligibility requirements  set forth in Section 2.1,
         by making  a new  Member Deferral  election prior to the Entry Date for
         such  Plan Year  and within  the time  period  prescribed  by the  Plan

     (f) In the event  that the  Plan Administrator,  upon written  request of a
         Member, determines in its sole discretion that such Member has suffered
         an Unforeseeable Financial Emergency,  the Member  Deferral election of
         such Member  then in  effect,  if any,  shall be  terminated as soon as
         administratively practicable after such  determination.  A Member whose
         Member Deferral election  has been  so terminated  may again make a new
         Member Deferral  election for a subsequent  Plan Year  that is at least
         twelve  months after  the effective  date of  such  termination,  if he
         satisfies the  eligibility  requirements set  forth in  Section 2.1, by
         making a new Member Deferral election for such Plan Year and within the
         time period prescribed by the Plan Administrator.

     (g) If a Member  takes a  hardship  withdrawal  from  the  Pioneer  Natural
         Resources USA, Inc.  401(k)  and Matching  Plan or  any other qualified
         cash or  deferred arrangement (within  the meaning of Section 401(k) of
         the Code) maintained by a Company or an  Affiliate, the Member's Member
         Deferral  election  shall be  suspended  and the  Member  shall  not be
         allowed to make  Member  Deferrals  for a  period of  six months  after
         receipt of such hardship withdrawal.

     3.2 Matching Credits.

     (a) For each payroll period,  the Company  shall defer on a Member's behalf
         an amount which equals 100% of  the Member  Deferrals made  pursuant to
         Section 3.1(a)(1) and  (2) by such Member during  such payroll  period.
         Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, in no event shall the  Matching
         Credit on a Member's behalf for a  Plan Year exceed 8%  of the Member's
         base salary for the  Plan Year.  For officers of the Company, 10% shall
         be substituted for 8% in the preceding sentence.

     (b) Matching Credits made on a Member's  behalf pursuant  to Section 3.2(a)
         shall be  credited  to his  Matching  Account  in accordance  with  the
         procedures established from time to time by the Plan Administrator.

     (c) A Member  who does  not have  a time  and form  of payment  election in
         effect pursuant to Section 3.l(d) for any  Plan Year shall  make a time
         and form of payment election,  as provided in Sections 7.2 and 7.3, for
         Matching Credits pursuant  to Sections 3.2(a) for such Plan Year.  Such
         election shall be made  on a form prescribed by and filed with the Plan
         Administrator.  Such election shall remain in force and effect for each
         subsequent Plan Year  (following such initial election) unless or until
         such election  is changed  by a  new election  hereunder or pursuant to
         Section  3.1(d) prior to the  Entry Date of  a subsequent  Plan Year to
         which such  change  relates.  A Member  who makes  a time  and  form of
         payment  election  pursuant to  this  Section  3.2(c)  may  change  his
         election, as of the Entry Date of any subsequent Plan Year, by making a
         new  election  prior to  such Entry  Date and  within  the time  period


         prescribed by the Plan Administrator.  Each Member's  Accounts shall be
         divided into  subaccounts  to reflect such Member's  various  elections
         respecting time and form of payment.

     3.3 Allocation of Net Income or Loss and Changes in Value Among Accounts.

     (a) As of each Valuation Date,  the Plan Administrator shall  determine the
         net income (or net loss) of each Hypothetical Investment for the period
         elapsed since the next preceding Valuation Date. The net income (or net
         loss)  of  each   Hypothetical  Investment  since  the  next  preceding
         Valuation Date shall be  ascertained by the  Plan Administrator in such
         manner  as  it  deems  appropriate,  which  may   include  expenses  of
         administering the Hypothetical Investment, the Trust and the Plan.

     (b) For purposes of allocations  of net income (or net loss), each Member's
         Accounts shall  be divided into  subaccounts to  reflect such  Member's
         deemed investment in a particular  Hypothetical Investment  pursuant to
         Article IV.  As of each Valuation Date, the net income (or net loss) of
         each  Hypothetical  Investment,  separately and respectively,  shall be
         allocated among the corresponding  subaccounts  of the Members  who had
         such   corresponding   subaccounts  invested   in   such   Hypothetical
         Investments since the next preceding Valuation Date.

     (c) So long as there is an  amount credited to  any Account,  such  Account
         shall continue to receive allocations pursuant to this Section.

                                   ARTICLE IV.

                          Deemed Investment of Accounts

     Each Member shall designate,  in accordance with the procedures established
from time to time by the Plan  Administrator,  the  manner in which the  amounts
allocated  to his  Accounts  shall be  deemed  to be  invested  from  among  the
Hypothetical  Investments  made  available from time to time for such purpose by
the Plan  Administrator.  Such  Member may  designate  one of such  Hypothetical
Investments  for the  deemed  investment  of all the  amounts  allocated  to his
Accounts or he may split the deemed  investment of the amounts  allocated to his
Accounts  between such  Hypothetical  Investments in such increments as the Plan
Administrator  may  prescribe.  If a Member fails to make a proper  designation,
then his Accounts shall be deemed to be invested in the Hypothetical  Investment
or  Investments  designated  by the Plan  Administrator  from  time to time in a
uniform and nondiscriminatory manner.

     A Member may change his deemed investment designation for future amounts to
be allocated to his Accounts.  Any such change shall be made in accordance  with
the procedures established by the Plan Administrator,  and the frequency of such
changes may be limited by the Plan Administrator.

     A Member  may elect to  convert  his  deemed  investment  designation  with
respect to the amounts  already  allocated to his Accounts.  Any such conversion
shall  be made  in  accordance  with  the  procedures  established  by the  Plan
Administrator,  and the frequency of such conversions may be limited by the Plan


                                   ARTICLE V.

                        Determination of Vested Interest

     A Member  shall have a 100%  Vested  Interest  in his  General  Account and
Matching Account at all times.

                                   ARTICLE VI.


     6.1 General.  Except as provided in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, Members shall not
be  permitted  to make  withdrawals  from  the  Plan  prior  to  termination  of
employment with the Company and its Affiliates.  Members shall not, at any time,
be permitted to borrow from the Trust Fund.

     6.2  Unforeseeable   Financial  Emergency.  In  the  event  that  the  Plan
Administrator,  upon  written  request of a Member on a form  prescribed  by and
filed with the Plan  Administrator,  determines in its sole discretion that such
Member has suffered an Unforeseeable  Financial Emergency,  such Member shall be
entitled  to a benefit  in an amount  not to exceed the lesser of (1) the amount
determined by the Plan  Administrator  as necessary to meet such Member's  needs
created by the Unforeseeable  Financial Emergency, or (2) the then value of such
Member's Vested Interest in his Accounts.  Such withdrawal benefit shall be paid
in a single lump sum, cash payment as soon as administratively practicable after
the  Plan  Administrator  has  made  its  determinations  with  respect  to  the
availability and amount of such benefit.  If a Member's Account(s) are deemed to
be invested in more than one Hypothetical  Investment,  such withdrawal shall be
deemed to be paid pro rata from the Hypothetical  Investments  designated by the
Member in which  such  Account(s)  are  deemed  to be  invested.  If a  Member's
Account(s)  contain more than one subaccount,  such withdrawal  benefit shall be
considered to have been paid,  first,  from the subaccount with respect to which
the earliest  payment would be made,  then,  from the subaccount with respect to
which the next earliest  payment would be made,  and continuing in such a manner
until all of such  subaccounts  have been  exhausted  to satisfy the  withdrawal

     6.3 Early  Withdrawal.  Benefit payments may be made to a Member of some or
all of his or her Vested Interest in the form of an early  withdrawal.  An early
withdrawal  may be  requested  by a  Member  once  per  year,  unless  the  Plan
Administrator  determines  otherwise.  The minimum amount  eligible for an early
withdrawal shall equal  twenty-five  percent (25%) of the amount credited to the
Member's  Account(s).  To request  an early  withdrawal,  a Member  shall file a
written request on a form prescribed by and filed with the Plan Administrator at
least thirty (30) days in advance of the proposed early  withdrawal date and the
Plan Administrator  shall determine in its sole discretion whether to grant such
request.  If a Member's  Account(s)  are deemed to be  invested in more than one
Hypothetical  Investment,  such early  withdrawal shall be deemed to be paid pro
rata from the  Hypothetical  Investments  designated by the Member in which such
Account(s) are deemed to be invested. If a Member's Account(s) contain more than
one  subaccount,  such  withdrawal  shall be considered to have been paid first,
from the  subaccount  with respect to which the earliest  payment would be made,
then, from the subaccount with respect to which the next earliest  payment would
be made, and continuing in such a manner until all of such subaccounts have been
exhausted to satisfy the withdrawal  benefit.  Notwithstanding  any provision of
this Plan to the  contrary,  any Member who receives an early  withdrawal  shall
forfeit from the amount  withdrawn  an amount  equal to ten percent  (10%)of the
amount withdrawn;  provided, however, that the amount forfeited shall not exceed
$50,000.  The Member shall not have any right or claim to the forfeited  amount,
and the Company shall have no obligation  whatsoever to the Member, or any other
person with regard to the forfeited amount.


                                  ARTICLE VII.

                              Termination Benefits

     7.1 Amount of Benefit.  Upon termination of employment of a Member with the
Company and its Affiliates for any reason,  the Member,  or, in the event of the
death of the Member while employed by the Company or an Affiliate,  the Member's
designated  beneficiary,  shall be entitled  to a benefit  equal in value to the
Member's Vested Interest in his Accounts as of the Valuation Date next preceding
the date the payment of such  benefit  plus any Member  Deferrals  and  Matching
Credits  credited to and less any benefit payments or withdrawals made from such
Accounts since such Valuation Date. The amount of each payment made with respect
to a Member's  Accounts and any forfeiture  amounts applied  pursuant to Section
6.3 shall be deducted  from the amount  credited to such Accounts at the time of
payment or forfeiture.

     7.2 Time of Payment.  Payment of a Member's benefit under Section 7.1 shall
be made,  with  respect  to such  Member's  Accounts,  or with  respect  to such
Member's  subaccounts  established  pursuant to Section  3.1(d)  and/or  3.2(c),
separately and respectively,  as soon as administratively  practicable after the
Valuation  Date  coinciding  with or next following a date elected by the Member
pursuant to Section 3.1(d) or 3.2(c), which date shall be either (i) the date of
the Member's  termination  of employment  with the Company and its Affiliates or
(ii) the  first day of the Plan Year  next  following  the date of the  Member's
termination of employment with the Company and its  Affiliates.  With respect to
any portion of a Member's  benefit  for which no time of payment  election is in
effect,  payment  of such  amount  shall  be  made  as soon as  administratively
practicable  after the Valuation Date coinciding with or next following the date
on which the Member terminates employment with the Company and its Affiliates.

     7.3 Alternative Forms of Benefit Payments. A Member's benefit under Section
7.1 shall be paid,  with respect to such Member's  Accounts,  or with respect to
such Member's  subaccounts  established pursuant to Section 3.1(d) and/or 3.2(c)
separately and respectively,  in one of the following forms irrevocably  elected
(except as provided  below) by such Member  pursuant  to Section  3.1(d)  and/or

     (a) a single lump sum, cash payment; or

     (b) if the amount  payable from  a subaccount  is $10,000 or more as of the
         date  of the  Member's  termination of  employment,  annual installment
         payments  for a term  certain of  either 5  or 10  years payable to the
         Member or, in the event of such Member's death prior to the end of such
         term certain, to his designated beneficiary as provided in Section 7.4,
         with each  annual  installment  equal  to the  amount  credited  to the
         Member's Account multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is one
         and the  denominator of which is the  number of payments remaining.  If
         the amount payable  from a  subaccount is  less than  $10,000 as of the
         date of the Member's termination  of employment,  such amount  shall be
         paid in a single lump sum, cash payment.

     With  respect to any  portion of a  Member's  benefit  for which no form of
payment  election is in effect,  such amount shall be paid in a single lump sum,
cash  payment.  If a Member  dies prior to the date the  payment of his  benefit
begins and if no form of payment  election  is in effect for any portion of such
Member's  benefit,  such  amount  shall  be  paid  to  the  Member's  designated
beneficiary  in the form described in the preceding  sentence.  If a Member dies
prior to the date the  payment  of his  benefit  begins  with a form of  payment
election  in  effect,  then  benefit  payments  shall  be made  to the  Member's
designated beneficiary in the form elected by the Member.

     A Member may elect to change a prior  payment  election,  provided that any
such change in election may be made only once each  calendar  year and that such


change shall not be effective  unless it is made at least one full calendar year
preceding the date that benefits  otherwise would have commenced under the prior
payment election.

     7.4 Designation of Beneficiaries.

     (a) Each  Member  shall  have  the  right to  designate the  beneficiary or
         beneficiaries to  receive payment of  his benefit  in the  event of his
         death. Each such designation shall be made by executing the beneficiary
         designation form prescribed by the  Plan Administrator and  filing same
         with the Plan Administrator. Any such designation may be changed at any
         time by execution of a new designation in accordance with this Section.

     (b) If no  such designation  is on  file with the Plan Administrator at the
         time of the death of  the Member  or such  designation is not effective
         for any  reason as  determined  by  the  Plan Administrator,  then  the
         designated beneficiary  or beneficiaries to receive  such benefit shall
         be as follows:

         (1)  if a Member  leaves a surviving spouse,  his benefit shall be paid
              to such surviving spouse; or

         (2)  if a Member leaves no  surviving spouse, his benefit shall be paid
              to such Member's  estate or  to his  heirs at  law if  there is no
              administration of such Member's estate.

     7.5  Payment of  Benefits.  To the  extent  the Trust  Fund has  sufficient
assets, the Trustee shall pay benefits to Members or their beneficiaries  except
to the extent the Company  pays the  benefits  directly  and  provides  adequate
evidence of such payment to the  Trustee.  To the extent the Trustee does not or
cannot pay  benefits out of the Trust Fund,  the  benefits  shall be paid by the
Company.  Any benefit  payments made to a Member or for his benefit  pursuant to
any  provision  of the Plan  shall be  debited to such  Member's  Accounts.  All
benefit payments shall be made in cash to the fullest extent practicable. To the
extent that the Company  (rather than the Trustee)  pays  benefits to Members or
their  beneficiaries,  then the  Trustee  shall  reimburse  the Company for such
payments, provided the Trust Fund has sufficient assets.

     7.6  Unclaimed  Benefits.  In the case of a benefit  payable on behalf of a
Member, if the Plan  Administrator is unable to locate the Member or beneficiary
to whom such  benefit is  payable  upon the Plan  Administrator's  determination
thereof,  such benefit  shall be forfeited to the Company.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if subsequent to any such  forfeiture  the Member or  beneficiary to
whom  such  benefit  is  payable  makes a valid  claim  for such  benefit,  such
forfeited benefit shall be restored to the Plan by the Company.

     7.7  Accelerated  Pay-Out  Due to  Change  of  Control.  Notwithstanding  a
Member's  elections  with respect to time and form of payment of Plan  benefits,
upon a Change of Control the entire amount credited to a Member's Accounts shall
be paid to such Member in a single sum cash payment as soon as  administratively
feasible.  The Plan  Administrator  shall  immediately  update the value of each
Member's  Accounts and direct the Trustee to make such  payments to the Members.
In the event the Plan  Administrator  does not  immediately  update the value of
each Member's Accounts and direct the Trustee to make such payments, the Trustee
shall  promptly  update the value of the  Accounts  and make the payments to the

     7.8  Accelerated  Payment of  Reclassified  Amounts.  In the event that the
Internal Revenue Service formally assesses a deficiency  against a Member on the
grounds that an amount  credited to such  Members's  Accounts  under the Plan is
subject to federal income tax (the "Reclassified  Amount") earlier than the time
payment  otherwise  would be made to the Member  pursuant to this Plan, then the
Plan Administrator shall immediately  update the value of each Member's Accounts


and direct the Trustee to make such  payments to the Member and deduct from such
Accounts the Reclassified Amount.

     7.9 Payment of Member Accounts  Incident to Divorce.  Any provision of this
Plan to the contrary notwithstanding,  in the event that a court shall order the
division  of a  Member's  Accounts  in a  manner  that  the  Plan  Administrator
determines  satisfies the requirements of a qualified  domestic  relations order
within  the  meaning  of  Section  414(p) of the Code,  then the  portion of the
Member's Accounts awarded to the alternate payee pursuant to such order shall be
paid to the  alternate  payee at the same  time  and in the same  manner  as the
Accounts of the Member; provided,  however, that the Plan Administrator,  in its
sole discretion,  may require that the portion of the Member's  Accounts awarded
to the alternate  payee pursuant to such order be paid to the alternate payee in
a single lump sum, cash payment as soon as practicable.

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

                           Administration of the Plan

     8.1 Appointment of Plan  Administrator.  The general  administration of the
Plan shall be vested in the Plan Administrator.

     8.2 Records and Procedures.  The Plan Administrator  shall keep appropriate
records of its  proceedings  and the  administration  of the Plan and shall make
available for  examination  during  business  hours to any Member or beneficiary
such  records as pertain to that  individual's  interest  in the Plan.  The Plan
Administrator  shall  designate the person or persons who shall be authorized to
sign for the Plan  Administrator  and, upon such  designation,  the signature of
such person or persons shall bind the Plan Administrator.

     8.3  Self-Interest  of  Plan   Administrator.   No  delegate  of  the  Plan
Administrator  shall have any right to vote or decide  upon any matter  relating
solely to himself under the Plan or to vote in any case in which his  individual
right to claim any benefit under the Plan is particularly  involved. In any case
in which a delegate of the Plan  Administrator  is so  disqualified  to act, the
Directors shall decide the matter in which he is disqualified.

     8.4  Compensation  and Bonding.  The Plan  Administrator  shall not receive
compensation with respect to its services as Plan  Administrator.  To the extent
required by applicable law, or required by the Company,  the Plan  Administrator
shall furnish bond or security for the performance of its duties hereunder.

     8.5 Plan  Administrator  Powers and Duties.  The Plan  Administrator  shall
supervise the  administration and enforcement of the Plan according to the terms
and provisions  hereof and shall have all powers  necessary to accomplish  these
purposes,  including, but not by way of limitation, the right, power, authority,
and duty:

     (a) to make rules,  regulations and  bylaws for the  administration  of the
         Plan which are not  inconsistent with the terms and  provisions hereof,
         provided  such rules,  regulations and  bylaws are evidenced in writing
         and copies thereof are delivered to the Trustee and to the Company;

     (b) to construe  all terms,  provisions,  conditions and limitations of the

     (c) to  correct  any  defect  or  supply  any  omission  or  reconcile  any
         inconsistency that may  appear in  the Plan, in such manner and to such
         extent as it shall deem expedient to carry the Plan into effect for the
         greatest benefit of all interested parties;


     (d) to  employ  and  compensate  such  accountants,  attorneys,  investment
         advisors and  other agents and  employees as the Plan Administrator may
         deem necessary or advisable in the proper  and efficient administration
         of the Plan;

     (e) to determine all questions relating to eligibility;

     (f) to determine the amount, manner and time of payment of any benefits and
         to prescribe  procedures  to be  followed by  distributees in obtaining

     (g) to make a  determination as  to the  right of  any person  to a benefit
         under the Plan; and

     (h) to receive  and review  reports from  the Trustee  as to  the financial
         condition of the Trust Fund, including its receipts and disbursements

     8.6 Company to Supply Information. The Company shall supply full and timely
information to the Plan Administrator relating to the Member's retirement, death
or other  termination of employment and such other  pertinent  facts as the Plan
Administrator  may require.  The Company shall advise the Trustee of such of the
foregoing  facts as are  deemed  necessary  for the  Trustee  to  carry  out the
Trustee's  duties under the Plan. When making a determination in connection with
the Plan,  the Plan  Administrator  shall be entitled to rely upon the aforesaid
information furnished by the Company.

     8.7  Claims  Review.  In any case in which a claim for Plan  benefits  of a
Member or  beneficiary  is  denied or  modified,  the Plan  Administrator  shall
furnish written notice to the claimant within ninety days (or within 180 days if
additional  information  requested  by the Plan  Administrator  necessitates  an
extension of the ninety-day period), which notice shall:

     (a) state the specific reason or reasons for the denial or modification;

     (b) provide specific  reference to  pertinent Plan  provisions on which the
         denial or modification is based;

     (c) provide  a  description  of  any  additional  material  or  information
         necessary for the Member, his beneficiary, or representative to perfect
         the claim and  an explanation  of why  such material  or information is
         necessary; and

     (d) explain the Plan's claim review procedure as contained herein

In the event a claim for Plan benefits is denied or modified, if the Member, his
beneficiary,  or a representative of such Member or beneficiary  desires to have
such denial or  modification  reviewed,  he must,  within  sixty days  following
receipt of the notice of such denial or  modification,  submit a written request
for review by the Plan Administrator of its initial decision.

     In  connection  with such  request,  the Member,  his  beneficiary,  or the
representative of such Member or beneficiary may review any pertinent  documents
upon  which such  denial or  modification  was based and may  submit  issues and
comments in writing.  Within  sixty days  following  such request for review the
Plan  Administrator  shall,  after providing a full and fair review,  render its
final decision in writing to the Member,  his beneficiary or the  representative
of such Member or  beneficiary  stating  specific  reasons for such decision and
making specific  references to pertinent Plan provisions upon which the decision
is based.  If special  circumstances  require  an  extension  of such  sixty-day
period, the Plan Administrator's  decision shall be rendered as soon as possible
but not later  than 120 days after  receipt of the  request  for  review.  If an
extension of time for review is required,  written notice of the extension shall
be furnished to the Member, beneficiary, or the representative of such Member or
beneficiary prior to the commencement of the extension period.


     8.8 Indemnity.  To the extent permitted by applicable law the Company shall
indemnify and save harmless the  Compensation  Committee of the  Directors,  the
Plan  Administrator and any individual  acting as Plan  Administrator (or as its
delegate) against any and all expenses,  liabilities and claims (including legal
fees  incurred to defend  against such  liabilities  and claims)  arising out of
their discharge in good faith of responsibilities under or incident to the Plan.
Expenses and liabilities  arising out of willful misconduct shall not be covered
under this indemnity. This indemnity shall not preclude such further indemnities
as may be available under insurance  purchased by the Company or provided by the
Company  under any  bylaw,  agreement,  vote of  stockholders  or  disinterested
directors or otherwise, as such indemnities are permitted under applicable law.

                                   ARTICLE IX.

                          Administration of Trust Fund

     9.1 Payment of Expenses. All expenses incident to the administration of the
Plan and Trust, including but not limited to, legal,  accounting,  Trustee fees,
and expenses of the Plan  Administrator,  may be paid by the Company and, if not
paid by the Company, shall be paid by the Trustee from the Trust Fund.

     9.2 Trust Fund Property. All income,  profits,  recoveries,  contributions,
forfeitures and any and all moneys, securities and properties of any kind at any
time received or held by the Trustee shall be held for investment  purposes as a
commingled  Trust Fund  pursuant to the terms of the Trust  Agreement.  The Plan
Administrator  shall  maintain one or more  Accounts in the name of each Member,
but the  maintenance  of an Account  designated as the Account of a Member shall
not mean that such Member shall have a greater or lesser  interest than that due
him by  operation of the Plan and shall not be  considered  as  segregating  any
funds or property from any other funds or property  contained in the  commingled
fund. No Member shall have any title to any specific asset in the Trust Fund.

                                   ARTICLE X.

                               Nature of the Plan

     The Company  intends and desires by the  adoption of the Plan to  recognize
the value to the Company of the past and present  services of employees  covered
by the Plan and to encourage and assure their continued service with the Company
by making more adequate provision for their future retirement security. The Plan
is intended to constitute an unfunded,  unsecured plan of deferred  compensation
for a select group of management or highly compensated employees of the Company.
Plan  benefits  herein  provided  are to be paid  out of the  Company's  general
assets.  Nevertheless,  subject to the terms hereof and of the Trust  Agreement,
the Company may transfer  money or other property to the Trustee and the Trustee
shall pay Plan  benefits  to Members  and their  beneficiaries  out of the Trust
Fund. To the extent the Company  transfers assets to the Trustee pursuant to the
Trust Agreement,  the Plan Administrator may, but need not, establish procedures
for the  Trustee  to invest  the Trust  Fund in  accordance  with each  Member's
designated deemed  investments  pursuant to Article IV respecting the portion of
the Trust Fund assets equal to such Member's Account(s).

     The  Compensation  Committee of the Directors shall establish the Trust and
direct the Company to enter into the Trust Agreement. In such event, the Company
shall  remain the owner of all assets in the Trust Fund and the assets  shall be
subject  to the  claims  of  Company  creditors  if  the  Company  ever  becomes
insolvent.  For purposes hereof, the Company shall be considered  "insolvent" if
(a) the  Company  is  unable  to pay its debts as they  become  due,  or (b) the
Company is subject to a  pending proceeding  as a debtor under the United States


Bankruptcy Code (or any successor federal statute).  The chief executive officer
of the  Company  and its board of  directors  shall  have the duty to inform the
Trustee in writing if the Company becomes insolvent. Such notice given under the
preceding  sentence by any party shall  satisfy all of the parties' duty to give
notice. When so informed,  the Trustee shall suspend payments to the Members and
hold the  assets for the  benefit of the  Company's  general  creditors.  If the
Trustee receives a written allegation that the Company is insolvent, the Trustee
shall suspend payments to the Members and hold the Trust Fund for the benefit of
the Company's  general creditors and shall determine within the period specified
in the  Trust  Agreement  whether  the  Company  is  insolvent.  If the  Trustee
determines that the Company is not insolvent,  the Trustee shall resume payments
to the Members.  No Member or beneficiary  shall have any preferred claim to, or
any beneficial ownership interest in, any assets of the Trust Fund.

                                   ARTICLE XI.

                                Adopting Entities

     It is contemplated that other corporations,  associations,  partnerships or
proprietorships may adopt this Plan and thereby become a Company hereunder.  Any
such entity,  whether or not  presently  existing,  may become a party hereto by
appropriate action of its officers without the need for approval of its board of
directors or noncorporate  counterpart or of the Directors;  provided,  however,
that such entity must be an  Affiliate.  The  provisions of the Plan shall apply
separately  and equally to each Company and its  employees in the same manner as
is expressly  provided for Pioneer and its employees  and benefit  payments made
under the Plan with  respect  to a  Member's  Accounts  shall be the  obligation
solely of the Company  maintaining  such Accounts.  Transfer of employment among
Companies and  Affiliates  shall not be  considered a termination  of employment
hereunder.  Any Company may, by appropriate  action of its officers  without the
need for approval of its board of directors or  noncorporate  counterpart or the
Directors, terminate its participation in the Plan. Moreover, the Directors may,
in their discretion, terminate a Company's Plan participation at any time.

                                  ARTICLE XII.


     12.1 Not Contract of Employment.  The adoption and  maintenance of the Plan
shall not be deemed to be a contract between the Company and any person or to be
consideration  for the employment of any person.  Nothing herein contained shall
be  deemed to give any  person  the right to be  retained  in the  employ of the
Company or to restrict the right of the Company to  discharge  any person at any
time nor shall the Plan be deemed to give the  Company  the right to require any
person to remain in the employ of the Company or to restrict any person's  right
to terminate his employment at any time.

     12.2  Alienation  of Interest  Forbidden.  The  interest of a Member or his
beneficiary or beneficiaries hereunder may not be sold,  transferred,  assigned,
or  encumbered  in any manner,  either  voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  and any
attempt so to anticipate, alienate, sell, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber, or
charge the same shall be null and void;  neither shall the benefits hereunder be
liable for or subject to the debts, contracts,  liabilities engagements or torts
of any person to whom such  benefits or funds are payable,  nor shall they be an
asset in  bankruptcy  or subject to  garnishment,  attachment  or other legal or
equitable proceedings.


     12.3  Withholding.  All deferrals and payments provided for hereunder shall
be subject to applicable  withholding and other  deductions as shall be required
of the Company under any applicable local, state or federal law.

     12.4 Amendment and Termination. The Compensation Committee of the Directors
may from time to time, in its discretion, amend, in whole or in part, any or all
of the provisions of the Plan; provided,  however, that no amendment may be made
that  would  impair  the rights of a Member  with  respect  to  amounts  already
allocated to his  Accounts.  The  Compensation  Committee of the  Directors  may
terminate  the Plan at any time. In the event that the Plan is  terminated,  the
amounts  credited  to a Member's  Accounts  shall be paid to such  Member or his
designated beneficiary in the manner specified by the Plan Administrator,  which
may include the payment of a single lump sum, cash payment in full  satisfaction
of all of such Member's or beneficiary's benefits hereunder.

     12.5  Severability.  If any provision of this Plan shall be held illegal or
invalid for any  reason,  said  illegality  or  invalidity  shall not affect the
remaining  provisions hereof;  instead,  each provision shall be fully severable
and the Plan  shall be  construed  and  enforced  as if said  illegal or invalid
provision had never been included herein.

     12.6 Loans.  Loans shall not be permitted  under the Plan and Members shall
not be eligible to borrow from any Account hereunder.

     12.7  Governing  Laws.  All  provisions  of the Plan shall be  construed in
accordance with the laws of Texas except to the extent preempted by federal law.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this amended and restated Plan has been executed as of
this 18th day of July, 2002, to be effective as of the Effective Date.

                                         PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY

                                         By:   /s/ Larry Paulsen
                                             Name:    Larry Paulsen
                                             Title:   Vice President
