
To [NAME]:

     1.  Restricted  Stock  Award.   Pioneer  Natural   Resources  Company  (the
"Company"), a Delaware corporation, hereby grants to you an aggregate of [SHARES
GRANTED]  shares of Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share, of the Company (the
"Restricted Shares").  This award is subject to your acceptance of and agreement
to all of the applicable  terms,  conditions and  restrictions  described in the
Company's  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan"),  a copy of which is on file
with,  and may be obtained  from,  the  Secretary  of the  Company,  and to your
acceptance of and agreement to the further terms,  conditions  and  restrictions
described in this Restricted Stock Award Agreement (this "Award Agreement").  To
the  extent  that any  provision  of this  Award  Agreement  conflicts  with the
expressly  applicable  terms of the Plan, it is hereby  acknowledged  and agreed
that those terms of the Plan shall  control and, if  necessary,  the  applicable
provisions of this Award Agreement shall be hereby deemed amended so as to carry
out the purpose  and intent of the Plan.  Terms that have their  initial  letter
capitalized but that are not otherwise  defined in this Agreement shall have the
meaning given them in the Plan in effect as of the date of this Agreement.

     2. Escrow of Restricted  Shares.  The Company shall,  at its sole election,
either issue in your name a  certificate  for the  Restricted  Shares and retain
that  certificate  for the period  during  which the  restrictions  described in
Section  3(a) are in  effect,  or,  issue  the  Restricted  Shares  in your name
electronically  and  control  the  Shares  electronically  during  the period of
restriction. You shall, if requested, execute and deliver to the Company a stock
power in blank for the  Restricted  Shares.  You hereby  agree that the  Company
shall hold the certificate for, or control electronically, the Restricted Shares
and the related stock power pursuant to the terms of this Award  Agreement until
such time as the  restrictions  described  in Section 3(a) lapse as described in
Section  4, or the  Restricted  Shares  are  canceled  pursuant  to the terms of
Section 3(b).

     3.  Restrictions.  Until the restrictions set forth in this Section 3 shall
lapse pursuant to the terms of Section 4, below, the Restricted Shares shall:

         (a)   Not be  sold,  assigned,  transferred,  pledged,  hypothecated or
     otherwise disposed of; and

         (b)   Be  cancelled and  returned to  the Company  at the  time of your
     "Termination of  Employment"  (as defined  in  Section  11.1 of  the Plan),
     other than a  Termination of Employment that is described in  Section  4(b)
     or 4(c) below,  and  you shall forfeit the Restricted Shares to the Company
     and all of  your rights  thereto shall  terminate  without  any  payment of
     consideration  by the Company.

     4. Lapse of  Restrictions.  The  restrictions  described in Section 3 shall
lapse in accordance with the terms of this Section.  Following the lapse of such
restrictions with respect to any Restricted Shares, such Restricted Shares shall
no longer be subject to such restrictions.


     5.  Ownership of Restricted  Shares.  You are entitled to all the rights of
absolute ownership of the Restricted  Shares,  including the right to vote those
shares and to receive dividends thereon,  if, as, and when declared by the Board
of Directors of the Company,  subject,  however,  to the terms,  conditions  and
restrictions described in the Plan and in this Agreement.

     6.  Agreement  With Respect to Taxes.  With regard to all taxes  associated
with this award, you agree that:

         (a) You will pay to the Company,  or make arrangements  satisfactory to
     the Company regarding the payment of, any federal,  state or local taxes of
     any kind required by law to be  withheld by the Company with respect to the
     Restricted Shares;  provided,  however, the Company,  at its sole election,
     shall be entitled or permitted to satisfy this obligation by:

             (1)   The Company's  withholding of  stock that  is subject to this
         Agreement; or

             (2)   Accepting  your  transfer  of  other shares  of stock  to the

         (b) The Company shall,  to the extent  permitted by law, have the right
     to deduct from any  payments of any kind otherwise  due to you any federal,
     state or  local  taxes  of any  kind  required by  law to be  withheld with
     respect to the Restricted Shares.

     7. Adjustment of Shares.  The number of shares of Restricted  Stock subject
to this Agreement shall be adjusted as provided in Section 10.1 of the Plan.

     8.  Agreement With Respect to Securities  Matters.  You agree that you will
not sell or  otherwise  transfer any  Restricted  Shares  except  pursuant to an
effective  registration  statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
or pursuant to an applicable exemption from such registration.

     9. Restrictive  Legend. You hereby acknowledge that the certificate for the
Restricted  Shares,  at the Company's sole  discretion,  may bear a legend noted
conspicuously  thereon  referring  to the  terms,  conditions  and  restrictions
described  in the Plan and in this  Agreement.  Any  attempt  to  dispose of any
Restricted  Shares in  contravention  of the terms,  conditions and restrictions
described in the Plan or in this Agreement shall be ineffective.

     10.  Governing Law. This Award  Agreement and all  determinations  made and
actions taken pursuant hereto, to the extent not otherwise  governed by the laws
of the United States, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware and
construed accordingly, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws.

     If you accept this Restricted  Stock Award and agree to the foregoing terms
and conditions, please so confirm by signing and returning the duplicate copy of
this Award Agreement enclosed for that purpose.

