LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

                            (Non-employee Directors)

To:  Non-employee Director

     PIONEER   NATURAL   RESOURCES   COMPANY,   a  Delaware   corporation   (the
"Corporation"),  may from  time to time,  as  payment  for  your  services  as a
director of the Corporation,  grant you a Nonstatutory  Option (the "Option") to
purchase shares of the Corporation's authorized common stock, par value $.01 per
share.  The number of shares  subject to this Option and the Exercise  Price per
share will be set forth in separate  memoranda  (each a "Notice of Grant").  The
Options,  if granted,  will be granted  under  Section 6 of the Pioneer  Natural
Resources Company Long-Term Incentive Plan dated August 7, 1997 (as amended, the
"Plan"),  a copy of which has been furnished to you, and which Plan is expressly
incorporated herein and shall be applicable for all purposes.  All terms of this
Omnibus  Nonstatutory  Stock Option Agreement  (collectively with each Notice of
Grant,  this  "Agreement") are governed by the Plan and if any provision of this
Agreement  conflicts  with  the  expressly  applicable  terms of the  Plan,  the
provisions  of  the  Plan  shall  control  and,  if  necessary,  the  applicable
provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be amended to comply with the
Plan.  All  capitalized  terms  shall have the  meanings  given them in the Plan
unless  otherwise  defined  in this  Agreement  or unless the  context  requires

     This  Agreement  does not obligate the  Corporation to grant any Options to
you. This Agreement does, however,  set forth the terms of the agreement between
you and the Corporation with respect to any and all Options which may be granted
to you. By accepting  any grant of Options,  you agree to be bound by all of the
terms hereof.

     1. Vesting and Exercisability.  You cannot exercise the Options and acquire
Stock  until  your  right to  exercise  has  vested.  Options  will  vest and be
exercisable  at the  times  and with  respect  to the  number of shares of Stock
indicated in the applicable Notice of Grant.  Options will vest only if you have
been a director of the Corporation  continuously since the date of grant of such
Options  through the vesting  date.  You may  exercise  your  Options for vested
portions at any time before the time the Options terminate. The termination time
is described in paragraph 3 hereof.

     2. Method of  Exercise.  You may  exercise  your Options only by written or
recorded electronic notice delivered to the Corporation's  Office of the General
Counsel or designee, in accordance with instructions generally applicable to all
option holders, during the term of the Options. The notice must:


        a. State the number of shares of Stock being purchased;

        b. Be signed or otherwise  given by you  (or by the person authorized by
     the Plan in case of your death or Disability);

        c. Be accompanied  by payment  of the  Exercise Price  for all shares of
     Stock being  purchased  (unless  you have  provided for  payment  through a
     brokerage firm or other means when the Plan so permits); and

        d. Be accompanied by  payment of  the amount  that  the  Corporation  is
     required to withhold for federal income or  other tax purposes  (unless you
     have  provided for  payment  of those  taxes to the  Corporation in another
     manner permitted under the Plan).

No  Options  will  be  deemed  to  have  been  exercised  unless  all  of  these
requirements  are  satisfied.  However,  this  provision  may be  waived  by the
Corporation by a written  document  signed by a duly  authorized  officer of the

     3.  Termination.  With  respect to the number of shares for which an Option
has vested and become exercisable pursuant to paragraph 1 above, the Option will
terminate on the fifth  anniversary  of the date such Option  vested,  unless it
terminates  earlier  according to any of the  provisions  of the Plan, or unless
otherwise provided in the Notice of Grant under which such Option was granted.

     4.  Incorporation of Plan. All Options are subject to the Plan.  Except for
the  provisions  of paragraph 6 hereof,  in the event of a difference  between a
mandatory provision of the Plan and any provision of this Agreement,  the Plan's
terms govern. The following  paragraphs of the Plan are hereby incorporated into
this Agreement:

          a. The  terms and  provisions contained  in Paragraph  6.5 of the Plan
     (concerning method of exercise).

          b. The terms  and provisions  contained in  Paragraph 6.7  of the Plan
     (concerning medium and time of payment of Exercise Price).

          c. The  terms and  provisions  contained in  Paragraph 6.8 of the Plan
     (concerning  payment of Exercise Price with sale proceeds).

          d. The terms  and provisions  contained in Paragraph  6.12 of the Plan
     (concerning modification, extension and renewal of Options).

          e. The  terms and provisions  contained in Paragraph  10.1 of the Plan
     (concerning adjustment of  the Exercise Price and the  number of  shares of
     Stock subject to Options upon certain events).


          f. The terms  and provisions contained in  Paragraph 10.2 of  the Plan
     (concerning potential  changes in the terms  and provisions of the  Options
     upon the  occurrence of a  Change in Control of the Corporation), including
     the terms and provisions of Paragraph 10.2(a).

          g. The terms and  provisions contained in  Paragraph 10.3  of the Plan
     (concerning a Restructure without a Change in Control of the Corporation).

          h. The  terms and  provisions contained in Paragraph  11.2 of the Plan
     (concerning your loss of eligibility).

          i. The terms and  provisions contained in  Paragraph  11.3 of the Plan
     (concerning your death).

          j. The  terms and provisions  contained in Paragraph 11.7  of the Plan
     (concerning transferability of Options).

          k. The terms and  provisions contained  in Paragraph 11.9  of the Plan
     (concerning delivery of certificates of Stock upon exercise of Options).

          l. The  terms and  provisions contained in Paragraph 11.10 of the Plan
     (concerning  conditions to  delivery  of  the  certificates of  Stock  upon
     compliance with applicable securities laws).

          m. The terms and  provisions contained  in Paragraph 11.11 of the Plan
     (concerning exercisability of  Options by  persons subject  to the Exchange
     Act Section 16(b)).

          n. The  terms and  provisions contained in Paragraph 11.14 of the Plan
     (concerning your rights as a stockholder of the Corporation).

          o. The terms and provisions contained in  Paragraph 11.15 of  the Plan
     (concerning certain information to be furnished by you to the Corporation).

          p. The  terms and  provisions contained in Paragraph 11.16 of the Plan
     (concerning  the  absence  of  any  obligation  on your  part  to  exercise

          q. The terms  and provisions  contained in Paragraph 11.17 of the Plan
     (concerning the power and authority of the Committee to amend the terms and
     conditions of this Agreement).

          r. The terms and provisions  contained in  Paragraph 11.18 of the Plan
     (concerning  remedies  available to the  Corporation in connection with the
     enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Agreement).


          s. The  terms and provisions contained in  Paragraph 11.19 of the Plan
     (concerning   your  confidentiality   obligation  with  respect   to   this

          t. The terms and provisions  contained in  Paragraph 11.20 of the Plan
     (concerning  consideration to be paid by you).

          u. The terms and provisions  contained in Paragraph  11.21 of the Plan
     (concerning payment of taxes by you upon exercise of the Option).

          v. The  terms and  provisions  contained  in  Section  12  of the Plan
     (concerning duration and amendment of the Plan and this Agreement).

          w. The terms  and provisions  contained  in  Section  13  of the  Plan
     (concerning general matters relating to the Plan).

     5. Notice.  Notices will be given and deemed  delivered in accordance  with
Paragraph 13.14 of the Plan. The Corporation, the Committee and the Holder agree
that  any  notices  shall  be  given to the  Corporation  or the  Holder  at the
following addresses:

         Corporation or            Pioneer Natural Resources Company
         Committee:                1400 Williams Square West
                                   5205 North O'Connor Boulevard
                                   Irving, Texas 75039
                                   Attn:  General Counsel

         Holder:                   At the Holder's current address as shown in
                                   the Corporation's records.

     6. Governing Law. This  Agreement and all  determinations  made and actions
taken pursuant hereto,  to the extent not otherwise  governed by the laws of the
United  States,  shall be  governed  by the laws of the  State of  Delaware  and
construed accordingly, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  has  caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed by its duly authorized officer as of [date].

                                  PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY

