Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2006


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
               For the transition period from _______ to ________

                         Commission File Number: 1-13245

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   Delaware                                 75-2702753
        -------------------------------                -------------------
        (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
         incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

5205 N. O'Connor Blvd., Suite 900, Irving, Texas               75039
- ------------------------------------------------            ----------
     Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

                                 (972) 444-9001
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                 Not applicable
              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                Yes / x /  No /  /

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large  accelerated  filer, an
accelerated  filer, or a  non-accelerated  filer. See definition of "accelerated
filer and large  accelerated  filer" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange  Act.  (Check

Large accelerated filer /x/   Accelerated filer / /   Non-accelerated filer / /

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant is a shell company (as defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

                                Yes / / No / x /

Number of shares of Common Stock outstanding as of May 1, 2006...... 129,300,537


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements..............    2

Definitions of Certain Terms and Conventions Used Herein................    3

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.        Financial Statements

               Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2006
                  and December 31, 2005.................................    4

               Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three
                  months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005..................    6

               Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity for the
                  three months ended March 31, 2006.....................    7

               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three
                  months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005..................    8

               Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                  for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005....    9

               Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...............   10

Item 2.        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
               Condition and Results of Operations......................   32

Item 3.        Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
               Market Risk..............................................   45

Item 4.        Controls and Procedures..................................   46

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.        Legal Proceedings........................................   47

Item 1A.       Risk Factors.............................................   47

Item 2.        Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and
               Use of Proceeds..........................................   47

Item 6.        Exhibits.................................................   48

Signatures     .........................................................   49

Exhibit Index  .........................................................   50

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

     The  information  in this  quarterly  report on Form  10-Q  (the  "Report")
contains forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties.  When
used in this document, the words "believes," "plans," "expects,"  "anticipates,"
"intends,"  "continue," "may," "will," "could," "should," "future," "potential,"
"estimate," or the negative of such terms and similar expressions as they relate
to  Pioneer  Natural  Resources  Company  ("Pioneer"  or the  "Company")  or its
management   are   intended  to   identify   forward-looking   statements.   The
forward-looking  statements  are based on the  Company's  current  expectations,
assumptions,  estimates  and  projections  about the Company and the industry in
which the Company operates.  Although the Company believes that the expectations
and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, they
involve  risks and  uncertainties  that are  difficult  to predict  and, in many
cases,  beyond the Company's  control.  Accordingly,  no assurances can be given
that the actual  events and results will not be  materially  different  than the
anticipated  results described in the forward-looking  statements.  See "Part I,
Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative  Disclosures  About Market Risk" and "Part
II, Item 1A. Risk Factors" in this Report and "Item 1. Business --  Competition,
Markets and Regulations", "Item 1A. Risk Factors" and "Item 7A. Quantitative and
Qualitative  Disclosures  About Market Risk" in the  Company's  Annual Report on
Form 10-K for a description of various factors that could materially  affect the
ability  of  Pioneer  to  achieve  the  anticipated  results  described  in  the
forward-looking  statements.  The Company  undertakes no duty to publicly update
these statements except as required by law.


            Definitions of Certain Terms and Conventions Used Herein

     Within this report,  the  following  terms and  conventions  have  specific

     o  "Bbl" means a standard barrel containing 42 United States gallons.
     o  "Bcf" means billion cubic feet.
     o  "BOE" means a barrel of oil equivalent and is a standard convention used
        to express oil and gas volumes on a comparable oil equivalent basis. Gas
        equivalents are  determined under the  relative energy content method by
        using the  ratio of  6.0 Mcf of  gas to  1.0 Bbl of  oil or  natural gas
     o  "BOEPD" means BOE per day.
     o  "Btu" means  British thermal unit,  which is a  measure of the amount of
        energy  required to  raise the  temperature  of one  pound of  water one
        degree Fahrenheit.
     o  "LIBOR" means  London Interbank Offered Rate,  which is a market rate of
     o  "Mcf" means one  thousand  cubic feet  and is a  measure of  natural gas
     o  "MMBbl" means one million Bbls.
     o  "MMBOE" means one million BOEs.
     o  "MMBtu" means one million Btus.
     o  "NGL" means natural gas liquid.
     o  "NYMEX" means the New York Mercantile Exchange.
     o  "proved reserves"  mean the estimated  quantities of crude oil,  natural
        gas  and  natural gas  liquids  which  geological  and  engineering data
        demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be  recoverable in future years
        from known reservoirs under existing  economic and operating conditions,
        i.e., prices and  costs as  of the  date the  estimate  is made.  Prices
        include  consideration  of changes in  existing prices provided  only by
        contractual  arrangements,  but  not on  escalations  based  upon future
             (i) Reservoirs are considered  proved if economic  producibility is
        supported by either actual production or conclusive formation test.  The
        area  of  a  reservoir  considered  proved  includes  (A)  that  portion
        delineated by drilling and defined by gas-oil and/or oil-water contacts,
        if any; and (B) the immediately adjoining portions not yet drilled,  but
        which can be reasonably  judged as economically  productive on the basis
        of  available  geological  and  engineering  data.  In  the  absence  of
        information on fluid contacts, the lowest known structural occurrence of
        hydrocarbons controls the lower proved limit of the reservoir.
             (ii)  Reserves   which   can  be   produced  economically   through
        application  of improved  recovery techniques  (such as fluid injection)
        are included in the "proved" classification when successful testing by a
        pilot  project,  or  the  operation  of  an  installed  program  in  the
        reservoir,  provides support for the  engineering analysis on  which the
        project or program was based.
              (iii) Estimates of  proved reserves do  not include the following:
        (A)  oil  that  may  become  available  from  known  reservoirs  but  is
        classified separately as "indicated additional reserves"; (B) crude oil,
        natural gas and natural gas liquids, the recovery of which is subject to
        reasonable  doubt  because  of  uncertainty  as  to  geology,  reservoir
        characteristics  or economic  factors;  (C)  crude oil,  natural gas and
        natural gas liquids,  that may  occur in  undrilled  prospects;  and (D)
        crude oil,  natural gas  and natural  gas liquids, that may be recovered
        from oil shales, coal, gilsonite and other such sources.
     o  "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
     o  With respect to  information on the  working interest in wells, drilling
        locations  and acreage,  "net" wells,  drilling locations and  acres are
        determined by multiplying "gross" wells, drilling locations and acres by
        the Company's  working interest  in such  wells,  drilling  locations or
        acres. Unless otherwise specified, wells, drilling locations and acreage
        statistics quoted herein  represent gross wells,  drilling  locations or
     o  Unless otherwise  indicated,  all currency amounts are expressed in U.S.


                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.         Financial Statements


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                       March 31,      December 31,
                                                                         2006             2005
                                                                     -----------      ------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents........................................  $    42,982      $    18,802
  Accounts receivable:
     Trade, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $5,567
       and $5,736 as of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005,
       respectively................................................      186,226          336,062
     Due from affiliates...........................................          971            1,596
  Inventories......................................................       89,942           79,659
  Prepaid expenses.................................................       28,550           18,091
  Deferred income taxes............................................      111,644          158,878
  Discontinued operations held for sale............................      733,409              -
  Other current assets:
     Derivatives...................................................       10,655            1,246
     Other, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $6,425
       as of December 31, 2005.....................................        8,259            9,470
                                                                      ----------       ----------
          Total current assets.....................................    1,212,638          623,804
                                                                      ----------       ----------
Property, plant and equipment, at cost:
  Oil and gas properties, using the successful efforts method
   of accounting:
     Proved properties.............................................    6,900,087        8,499,253
     Unproved properties...........................................      176,478          313,881
  Accumulated depletion, depreciation and amortization.............   (1,632,887)      (2,577,946)
                                                                      ----------       ----------
          Total property, plant and equipment......................    5,443,678        6,235,188
                                                                      ----------       ----------
Goodwill...........................................................      311,603          311,651
Other property and equipment, net..................................       86,058           90,010
Other assets:
  Derivatives......................................................        2,281            1,048
  Other, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $92 as of
     March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005..........................       52,991           67,533
                                                                      ----------       ----------
                                                                     $ 7,109,249      $ 7,329,234
                                                                      ==========       ==========

  The financial information included as of March 31, 2006 has been prepared by
     management without audit by independent registered public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Continued)
                        (in thousands, except share data)

                                                                       March 31,      December 31,
                                                                         2006            2005
                                                                     -----------      -----------

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable:
     Trade.........................................................  $   233,066      $   330,151
     Due to affiliates.............................................        4,336           15,053
  Interest payable.................................................       18,442           40,314
  Income taxes payable.............................................      151,061           22,470
  Discontinued operations held for sale............................       66,322              -
  Other current liabilities:
     Derivatives...................................................      174,491          320,098
     Deferred revenue..............................................      187,412          190,327
     Other.........................................................      159,951          114,942
                                                                      ----------       ----------
          Total current liabilities................................      995,081        1,033,355
                                                                      ----------       ----------

Long-term debt.....................................................    1,159,763        2,058,412
Derivatives........................................................      262,844          431,543
Deferred income taxes..............................................      989,564          767,329
Deferred revenue...................................................      619,477          664,511
Other liabilities and minority interests...........................      126,709          156,982
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock, $.01 par value; 500,000,000 shares authorized;
     145,336,331 and 145,200,293 shares issued at March 31,
     2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively......................        1,476            1,470
  Additional paid-in capital.......................................    3,738,509        3,775,794
  Treasury stock, at cost; 18,311,846 and 18,368,109 shares at
     March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively............     (879,516)        (882,382)
  Deferred compensation............................................          -            (45,827)
  Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)..........................      340,452         (184,320)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
     Net deferred hedge losses, net of tax.........................     (301,878)        (506,636)
     Cumulative translation adjustment.............................       56,768           59,003
                                                                      ----------       ----------
          Total stockholders' equity...............................    2,955,811        2,217,102
Commitments and contingencies......................................
                                                                      ----------       ----------
                                                                     $ 7,109,249      $ 7,329,234
                                                                      ==========       ==========

  The financial information included as of March 31, 2006 has been prepared by
     management without audit by independent registered public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                     Three months ended
                                                                           March 31,
                                                                    2006             2005
                                                                 ----------       ----------
Revenues and other income:
    Oil and gas...............................................   $  379,468       $  323,115
    Interest and other........................................       17,111            2,306
    Gain (loss) on disposition of assets, net.................          (73)           2,141
                                                                  ---------        ---------
                                                                    396,506          327,562
                                                                  ---------        ---------
Costs and expenses:
    Oil and gas production....................................       94,683           80,946
    Depletion, depreciation and amortization..................       82,406           73,308
    Impairment of long-lived assets...........................          -                152
    Exploration and abandonments..............................      124,642           53,829
    General and administrative................................       32,247           27,488
    Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations.....        1,148            1,499
    Interest..................................................       36,576           32,746
    Other.....................................................        5,054            8,841
                                                                  ---------        ---------
                                                                    376,756          278,809
                                                                  ---------        ---------
Income from continuing operations before income taxes.........       19,750           48,753
Income tax provision..........................................      (20,717)         (21,762)
                                                                  ---------        ---------
Income (loss) from continuing operations......................         (967)          26,991
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax...............      544,174           57,666
                                                                  ---------        ---------
Net income....................................................   $  543,207       $   84,657
                                                                  =========        =========
Basic earnings per share:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations..................   $     (.01)      $      .19
    Income from discontinued operations, net of tax...........         4.29              .40
                                                                  ---------        ---------
    Net income................................................   $     4.28       $      .59
                                                                  =========        =========
Diluted earnings per share:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations..................   $     (.01)      $      .19
    Income from discontinued operations, net of tax...........         4.29              .39
                                                                  ---------        ---------
    Net income................................................   $     4.28       $      .58
                                                                  =========        =========
Weighted average shares outstanding:
    Basic.....................................................      126,944          142,898
                                                                  =========        =========
    Diluted...................................................      126,944          147,345
                                                                  =========        =========
Dividends declared per share..................................   $      .12       $      .10
                                                                  =========        =========

         The financial information included herein has been prepared by
           management without audit by independent public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                               Accumulated Other
                                                                                           Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                                                                                  Retained   Deferred
                                           Additional                             Earnings     Hedge      Cumulative      Total
                                   Common   Paid-in    Treasury     Deferred    (Accumulated   Losses,    Translation  Stockholders'
                                   Stock    Capital      Stock    Compensation    Deficit)   Net of Tax   Adjustment      Equity
                                   ------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------

Balance as of January 1, 2006....  $1,470  $3,775,794  $(882,382)  $  (45,827)   $(184,320)   $(506,636)    $ 59,003    $2,217,102

  Dividends declared ($.12 per
    common share)................      -           -          -            -       (15,510)          -            -        (15,510)
  Exercise of long-term incentive
    plan stock options...........      -           -       4,847           -        (2,925)          -            -          1,922
  Purchase of treasury stock.....      -           -      (1,981)          -            -            -            -         (1,981)
  Tax benefits related to
    stock-based compensation.....      -        1,062         -            -            -            -            -          1,062
  Compensation costs:
    Adoption of SFAS 123(R)......      -      (45,827)        -        45,827           -            -            -             -
    Compensation awards..........       6          (6)        -            -            -            -            -             -
    Compensation costs included
      in net income..............      -        7,486         -            -            -            -            -          7,486
  Net income.....................      -           -          -            -       543,207           -            -        543,207
  Other comprehensive income (loss):
    Deferred hedging activity,
     net of tax:
      Net deferred hedge gains...      -           -          -            -            -        41,902           -         41,902
      Net hedge losses included
       in continuing operations..      -           -          -            -            -        36,584           -         36,584
      Net hedge losses included
       in discontinued
       operations................      -           -          -            -            -       126,272           -        126,272
    Translation adjustment.......      -           -          -            -            -            -        (2,235)       (2,235)
                                    -----   ---------   --------    ---------     --------     --------      -------     ---------

Balance as of March 31, 2006.....  $1,476  $3,738,509  $(879,516)  $       -     $ 340,452    $(301,878)    $ 56,768    $2,955,811
                                    =====   =========   ========    =========     ========     ========      =======     =========

   The financial information included herein has been prepared by management
                without audit by independent public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                                 (in thousands)

                                                                             Three months ended
                                                                                   March 31,
                                                                            2006             2005
                                                                        -----------       ----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income.......................................................   $   543,207       $   84,657
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
      Depletion, depreciation and amortization.......................        82,406           73,308
      Impairment of long-lived assets................................           -                152
      Exploration expenses, including dry holes......................        94,582           16,676
      Deferred income taxes..........................................        16,961           15,197
      Loss (gain) on disposition of assets, net......................            73           (2,141)
      Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations..........         1,148            1,499
      Discontinued operations........................................      (539,653)         122,749
      Interest expense...............................................         3,047              197
      Commodity hedge related activity...............................           508           (3,061)
      Stock-based compensation.......................................         7,486            5,152
      Amortization of deferred revenue...............................       (47,949)         (11,625)
      Other noncash items............................................         3,714            4,146
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects
     from acquisition:
      Accounts receivable, net.......................................       126,115          (12,033)
      Inventories....................................................       (20,131)          (1,315)
      Prepaid expenses...............................................       (12,264)           2,449
      Other current assets, net......................................         9,429             (198)
      Accounts payable...............................................       (93,648)          17,593
      Interest payable...............................................       (19,100)         (16,259)
      Income taxes payable...........................................       134,051            2,775
      Other current liabilities......................................        13,365            3,736
                                                                         ----------        ---------
         Net cash provided by operating activities...................       303,347          303,654
                                                                         ----------        ---------
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Payments for acquisition, net of cash acquired...................          -                (965)
    Proceeds from disposition of assets..............................       963,191          600,096
    Additions to oil and gas properties..............................      (334,888)        (194,940)
    Other property additions, net....................................        (6,548)         (11,062)
                                                                         ----------        ---------
         Net cash provided by investing activities...................       621,755          393,129
                                                                         ----------        ---------
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Borrowings under long-term debt..................................       364,271          155,713
    Principal payments on long-term debt.............................    (1,264,271)        (708,713)
    Payment of other liabilities.....................................          (524)          (8,302)
    Exercise of long-term incentive plan stock options...............         1,922           25,076
    Purchase of treasury stock.......................................        (1,981)        (151,976)
                                                                         ----------        ---------
         Net cash used in financing activities.......................      (900,583)        (688,202)
                                                                         ----------        ---------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents............................        24,519            8,581
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents.........          (339)             201
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.......................        18,802            7,257
                                                                         ----------        ---------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period.............................   $    42,982       $   16,039
                                                                         ==========        =========

         The financial information included herein has been prepared by
           management without audit by independent public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                                 (in thousands)

                                                                          Three months ended
                                                                               March 31,
                                                                         2006             2005
                                                                      ----------       ---------

Net income.........................................................   $  543,207       $  84,657
                                                                       ---------        --------

Other comprehensive income (loss):
    Deferred hedging activity, net of tax:
      Net deferred hedge gains (losses)............................       41,902        (311,906)
      Net hedge losses included in continuing operations...........       36,584          18,906
      Net hedge losses included in discontinued operations.........      126,272          12,226
    Translation adjustment.........................................       (2,235)         (1,623)
                                                                       ---------        --------

         Other comprehensive income (loss).........................      202,523        (282,397)
                                                                       ---------        --------

Comprehensive income (loss)........................................   $  745,730       $(197,740)
                                                                       =========        ========

         The financial information included herein has been prepared by
           management without audit by independent public accountants.

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE A.     Organization and Nature of Operations

     Pioneer is a Delaware  corporation  whose common stock is listed and traded
on the New York Stock Exchange.  The Company is a large  independent oil and gas
exploration and production company with operations in the United States, Canada,
Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia.

NOTE B.     Basis of Presentation

     Presentation.  In the opinion of  management,  the  unaudited  consolidated
financial statements of the Company as of March 31, 2006 and for the three-month
periods  ended March 31, 2006 and 2005  include all  adjustments  and  accruals,
consisting only of normal recurring accrual adjustments, which are necessary for
a fair  presentation  of the  results  for the interim  periods.  These  interim
results  are not  necessarily  indicative  of results  for a full year.  Certain
amounts in the prior  period  financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to
conform to the current period presentation.

     Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles
in the United States  ("GAAP") have been  condensed or omitted in this Form 10-Q
pursuant to the rules and regulations of the SEC. These  consolidated  financial
statements  should  be  read  in  connection  with  the  consolidated  financial
statements  and notes thereto  included in the  Company's  Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005.

     Discontinued  operations.  During  2005  and  2006,  the  Company  sold its
interests in the following oil and gas assets and has reflected their results of
operations in discontinued operations:

       Country                 Description of Assets                Date Divested
       -------                 ---------------------                -------------

       Canada                  Martin Creek, Conroy Black           May 2005
                               and Lookout Butte fields

       United States           Two Gulf of Mexico                   August 2005
                               shelf fields

       United States           Deepwater Gulf of Mexico             March 2006

       Argentina               All Argentine properties             April 2006

     In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No.
144,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets" ("SFAS
144"),  the Company has reflected (a) the Argentine  assets and liabilities sold
during April 2006 as discontinued  operations held for sale as of March 31, 2006
and (b) the results of  operations  of the above  divestitures  as  discontinued
operations,  rather than as a component of continuing operations. See Note N for
additional information regarding discontinued operations.

     Inventories.  Inventories were comprised of $88.0 million and $77.3 million
of materials and supplies and $1.9 million and $2.4 million of commodities as of
March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively.  The Company's materials and
supplies  inventory  is  primarily  comprised  of oil and gas drilling or repair
items  such as  tubing,  casing,  chemicals,  operating  supplies  and  ordinary
maintenance  materials  and parts.  The  materials  and  supplies  inventory  is
primarily  acquired for use in future drilling  operations or repair  operations
and is carried at the lower of cost or market,  on a first-in,  first-out basis.
Commodities  inventory is carried at the lower of average  cost or market,  on a


first-in,  first-out basis.  As of  March 31, 2006 and December  31,  2005,  the
Company's  materials  and  supplies  inventory  was net of $1.5  million and $.2
million, respectively, of valuation reserve allowances.

     Goodwill.  In accordance with SFAS No. 142,  "Goodwill and Other Intangible
Assets",  goodwill is not amortized to earnings,  but is assessed for impairment
whenever events or circumstances  indicate that impairment of the carrying value
of goodwill is likely, but no less often than annually. If the carrying value of
goodwill is determined to be impaired, it is reduced for the impaired value with
a  corresponding  charge  to  pretax  earnings  in the  period  in  which  it is
determined  to be  impaired.  During  the third  quarter  of 2005,  the  Company
performed its annual assessment of goodwill impairment and determined that there
was no impairment.

     In accordance with GAAP,  certain  qualifying  income tax benefits  derived
from  stock-based  compensation are recorded as reductions in the carrying value
of goodwill.

     Stock-based compensation.  On January 1, 2006, the Company adopted SFAS No.
123  (revised  2004)  "Share-Based  Payment"  ("SFAS  123(R)")  to  account  for
stock-based  compensation.  Among other items, SFAS 123(R) eliminates the use of
the Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion No. 25 "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees"  ("APB  25")  intrinsic  value  method  of  accounting  and  requires
companies to recognize  the cost of employee  services  received in exchange for
awards of equity  instruments based on the grant date fair value of those awards
in the financial statements. The Company elected to use the modified prospective
method for adoption,  which requires compensation expense to be recorded for all
unvested  stock  options and other  equity-based  compensation  beginning in the
first  quarter of adoption.  For all unvested  stock options  outstanding  as of
January 1, 2006, the previously measured but unrecognized  compensation expense,
based  on the  fair  value  on the  date of  grant,  will be  recognized  in the
Company's   financial   statements  over  the  remaining  vesting  period.   For
equity-based  compensation  awards granted or modified  subsequent to January 1,
2006,  compensation expense,  based on the fair value on the date of grant, will
be recognized in the Company's financial statements over the vesting period. The
Company utilizes the Black-Scholes option pricing model to measure fair value of
stock  options  and  utilizes  the stock price on the date of grant for the fair
value of  restricted  stock  awards.  Prior to the adoption of SFAS 123(R),  the
Company followed the intrinsic value method in accordance with APB 25 to account
for stock options. Prior period financial statements have not been restated.

     The  modified   prospective   method   requires  the  Company  to  estimate
forfeitures in calculating  the expense  related to stock-based  compensation as
opposed to its prior policy of recognizing  forfeitures  as they  occurred.  The
Company recorded no cumulative effect as a result of adopting SFAS 123(R).

     Additionally,  under the provisions of SFAS 123(R),  deferred  compensation
recorded  under APB 25  related  to  equity-based  awards  should be  eliminated
against the  appropriate  equity  accounts.  As a result,  upon adoption of SFAS
123(R), the Company eliminated $45.8 million of deferred  compensation cost from
stockholders'  equity and reduced by a like amount additional paid-in capital in
the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet.

     For the three  months  ended  March 31,  2006,  the Company  recorded  $7.5
million  of  stock-based  compensation  costs for all  plans.  The impact to net
income of adopting SFAS 123(R) for this period was $634  thousand,  or less than
$.01 per diluted  share.  The adoption  impact is comprised of $492  thousand of
compensation expense associated with unvested stock options and $142 thousand of
compensation expense associated with the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
which is a compensatory plan under the provisions of SFAS 123(R).

     Pursuant to the provisions of SFAS 123(R),  the Company's issued shares, as
reflected in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets, at March 31, 2006 and
December  31,  2005  do  not  include  2,230,117 shares  and  1,756,180  shares,
respectively,  related to unvested  restricted  stock  awards.  During the three
months ended March 31, 2006,  the Company  issued  658,381  shares of restricted
stock awards.



                                 March 31, 2006

     As of  March  31,  2006,  there is  approximately  $67.5  million  of total
unrecognized  compensation expense related to unvested share-based  compensation
plans. This compensation will be recognized over the remaining vesting period of
less than three years.

     The following table  illustrates the pro forma effect on net income and net
income  per share as if the  Company  had  applied  the fair  value  recognition
provisions of SFAS 123(R) to  stock-based  compensation  during the three months
ended March 31, 2005 (in thousands, except per share amounts):

    Net income, as reported..........................................   $  84,657
    Plus: Stock-based compensation expense included
       in net income for all awards, net of tax (a)..................       3,271
    Deduct: Stock-based compensation expense determined
       under fair value based method for all awards, net of tax (a)..      (4,242)
    Pro forma net income.............................................   $  83,686
    Net income per share:
       Basic - as reported...........................................   $     .59
       Basic - pro forma.............................................   $     .58
       Diluted - as reported.........................................   $     .58
       Diluted - pro forma...........................................   $     .57
- -------------
(a)  For the three months ended March 31, 2005, stock-based compensation expense
     included in net income is net of tax benefits of $1.9  million.  Similarly,
     stock-based  compensation  expense  determined  under the fair value  based
     method for the three  months ended March 31, 2005 is net of tax benefits of
     $2.4 million. See Note D for additional information regarding the Company's
     income taxes.

NOTE C.     Exploratory Well Costs

     The Company  capitalizes  exploratory  well costs until a determination  is
made that the well has either found proved reserves or that it is impaired.  The
capitalized  exploratory  well costs are  presented in proved  properties in the
Consolidated  Balance  Sheets.  If the  exploratory  well  is  determined  to be
impaired, the well costs are charged to expense.

     The following  table reflects the Company's  capitalized  exploratory  well
activity during the three months ended March 31, 2006 (in thousands):

    Beginning capitalized exploratory well costs ....................   $ 198,291
    Additions to exploratory well costs pending the
       determination of proved reserves..............................     100,534
    Reclassifications due to determination of proved reserves........     (53,958)
    Disposition of wells.............................................     (50,671)
    Exploratory well costs charged to expense........................     (36,745)

    Ending capitalized exploratory well costs .......................   $ 157,451



                                 March 31, 2006

     The following table provides an aging as of March 31, 2006 and December 31,
2005 of  capitalized  exploratory  well costs based on the date the drilling was
completed  and the  number of wells for which  exploratory  well costs have been
capitalized  for a period  greater than one year since the date the drilling was

                                                                      March 31,       December 31,
                                                                        2006              2005
                                                                     -----------      ------------
                                                                   (in thousands, except well counts)

     Capitalized exploratory well costs that have been
        capitalized for a period of one year or less...............    $ 88,198         $ 84,042
     Capitalized exploratory well costs that have been
        capitalized for a period greater than one year.............      69,253          114,249
                                                                        -------          -------
                                                                       $157,451         $198,291
                                                                        =======          =======
     Number of wells with exploratory well costs that have been
        capitalized for a period greater than one year.............          11               14
                                                                        =======          =======

     The following table provides the capitalized costs of exploration  projects
that  have  been  suspended  for more  than one  year as of March  31,  2006 and
December 31, 2005:

                                                                      March 31,       December 31,
                                                                        2006              2005
                                                                     -----------      ------------
                                                                            (in thousands)

     United States:
        Ozona Deep.................................................    $    -           $ 19,423
        Thunder Hawk...............................................         -             25,769
        Oooguruk...................................................      52,205           52,205

     Canada - other................................................         844              805
     South Africa..................................................       7,227            7,227
     Tunisia - Anaguid.............................................       8,977            8,820
                                                                        -------          -------

              Total................................................    $ 69,253         $114,249
                                                                        =======          =======

     The  following   discussion  describes  the  history  and  status  of  each
significant suspended exploratory project:

     Ozona Deep and Thunder Hawk. The Company's Ozona Deep  exploration well was
drilled  during 2002 and found  quantities  of oil  believed  to be  commercial;
however,  given its location in the Gulf of Mexico,  it was  necessary to have a
signed production  handling agreement with  infrastructure in the area to ensure
the economics  associated  with the discovery  prior to doing further  appraisal
drilling.  During the third  quarter of 2005,  Pioneer and the operator of Ozona
Deep signed a Capacity Commitment Agreement with a third-party platform to bring
future production from the discovery to the third-party's platform.

     During 2004, the Company's  initial  Thunder Hawk well found  quantities of
oil  believed  to be  commercial.  Additional  appraisal  wells were  determined
necessary to confirm the commercialization of the discovery.

     During  March 2006,  the Company  sold its  interests in the Ozona Deep and
Thunder  Hawk  properties  as part of the  Company's  deepwater  Gulf of  Mexico
divestiture.  See Note N for  additional  information  regarding  the  Company's
divestiture of its deepwater Gulf of Mexico oil and gas properties.



                                 March 31, 2006

     Oooguruk. During 2003, the Company's Alaskan Oooguruk discovery wells found
quantities of oil believed to be commercial.  In 2003, the Company began farm-in
discussions with the owner of undeveloped  discoveries in adjacent acreage given
its  proximity and the potential  cost benefits of a larger scale  project.  The
farm-in was completed during 2004. Along with completing the farm-in  agreement,
Pioneer  obtained  access to  exploration  well and seismic  data to improve the
Company's  understanding,  without  having  to drill  additional  wells,  of the
potential of the discoveries.  In late 2004, the Company  completed an extensive
technical and economic evaluation of the resource potential within this area and
authorized a front-end  engineering  design  study  ("FEED  study") for the area
which was completed.

     During the first quarter of 2006, the Company sanctioned the development of
the discovery and obtained the necessary regulatory approvals. The Company began
operations  to install an  offshore  gravel  drilling  and  production  site and
completed gravel hauling activities during the 2006 winter construction  season.
A subsea flowline and facilities will be installed during 2007 to carry produced
liquids to existing  onshore  processing  facilities  at the Kuparuk River Unit.
Pioneer  plans  to drill  approximately  40  horizontal  wells  to  develop  the
discovery.  Depending  on  weather  conditions  and  facilities  completion  and
accessibility,  drilling  could begin as early as the fall of 2007.  The Company
estimates first production to occur in 2008.

     South Africa.  During 2001, the Company drilled two South African discovery
wells that found  quantities of gas and  condensate  believed to be  commercial.
During 2004,  2003 and 2002,  the Company  actively  reviewed the gas supply and
demand  fundamentals in South Africa and had discussions  with the operator of a
gas-to-liquids  ("GTL") plant located in the area to purchase the condensate and
gas.  During  2004,  a FEED study was  authorized  for the gas  development  and
infrastructure  design.  The FEED study was completed in early 2005 and based on
that study, the GTL plant operator  initiated purchase orders for long-lead time
infrastructure  components.  In December  2005,  the Company  received the final
approvals  with its partner in the South  Coast gas  project.  The project  will
include  subsea  tie-back of gas from the Sable field and five to six additional
gas accumulations to the existing production  facilities on the F-A platform for
transportation  via existing  pipelines to the GTL plant.  Development  drilling
related to the project  commenced in the first  quarter of 2006.  Production  is
expected to begin during the second half of 2007.

     As of December 31, 2005, the remaining  costs  associated with this project
relate  to the  Boomslang  discovery,  which  was not  included  in the  initial
development  of this  project.  Boomslang  is  both  an oil  and gas  discovery.
Continued studies of the  commercialization of the project are ongoing.  Part of
the ongoing efforts is determining the  commercialization of the discovery as an
oil  project,  gas  project  or both.  If  commercialized  as an oil  discovery,
earliest  production  would be 2009 and if  commercialized  as a gas  discovery,
earliest production would be 2012.

     Tunisia - Anaguid.  During 2003, the Company drilled an exploration well on
its  Anaguid  Block in Tunisia  which  found  quantities  of gas and  condensate
believed to be commercial.  During 2004, the well was scheduled and approved for
extended  production tests.  However,  the project operator delayed the extended
production tests due to issues  unrelated to the Company or the project.  In the
third quarter of 2005, the project operator,  along with the Company, drilled an
offset appraisal well to the exploration well.

     The appraisal well  offsetting the  exploration  well  encountered  gas and
condensate in a similar  horizon to the initial  well.  The Company is currently
reviewing data from the appraisal well to determine  whether  development of the
area is economical.



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE D.     Income Taxes

     The Company  accounts for income taxes in accordance with the provisions of
SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 109"). SFAS 109 requires that
the Company  continually assess both positive and negative evidence to determine
whether it is more  likely  than not that  deferred  tax assets can be  realized
prior  to  their  expiration.  Pioneer  monitors  Company-specific,  oil and gas
industry and worldwide  economic  factors and assesses the  likelihood  that the
Company's  net  operating  loss  carryforwards  ("NOLs") and other  deferred tax
attributes in the United States and state,  local and foreign tax  jurisdictions
will be utilized prior to their expiration.  During the three months ended March
31, 2006, the Company  utilized all of its available  United States NOLs,  other
than  those  subject  to  limitations,  primarily  related  to the  sale  of the
deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets; accordingly, this will accelerate the Company's
payment of cash taxes. As of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Company's
valuation  allowances  (relating  primarily to foreign tax  jurisdictions)  were
$116.1 million and $95.8 million, respectively.

     Income tax  provision.  The Company  recognized  income tax  provisions  on
continuing  operations of $20.7 million and $21.8 million during the three-month
periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The Company's effective tax
rate on continuing  operations of 104.9 percent differs from the combined United
States federal and state statutory rate of approximately  36.5 percent primarily
due to:

       o     foreign tax rates,
       o     statutes in  foreign jurisdictions  that differ  from those  in the
             United States and
       o     expenses for unsuccessful well  costs and associated  acreage costs
             in foreign  locations where  the Company does not expect to receive
             income  tax  benefits;  during  the  first  quarter  of 2006,  this
             primarily  related  to  Nigerian  expenses of  approximately  $35.5

     The Company's income tax provisions  attributable to income from continuing
operations  consisted of the following for the  three-month  periods ended March
31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                            Three months ended
                                                                  March 31,
                                                           2006             2005
                                                        ---------        ---------
                                                              (in thousands)
          U.S. federal..............................    $  (2,513)       $     -
          U.S. state and local......................           (9)             -
          Foreign...................................        6,278            6,565
                                                         --------         --------
                                                            3,756            6,565
                                                         --------         --------
          U.S. federal..............................        9,937           14,728
          U.S. state and local......................         (198)              (1)
          Foreign...................................        7,222              470
                                                         --------         --------
                                                           16,961           15,197
                                                         --------         --------

                                                        $  20,717        $  21,762
                                                         ========         ========



                                 March 31, 2006

     Discontinued  operations.  The Company's effective tax rate associated with
discontinued  operations during the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and
2005 was 34.9 percent and 34.3 percent,  respectively.  The Company's income tax
provisions  attributable to income from discontinued operations consisted of the
following for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                            Three months ended
                                                                  March 31,
                                                           2006             2005
                                                        ---------        ---------
                                                              (in thousands)
          U.S. federal..............................    $ 140,725        $     -
          U.S. state and local......................        2,140              -
          Foreign...................................        1,165            2,325
                                                         --------         --------
                                                          144,030            2,325
                                                         --------         --------
          U.S. federal..............................      142,276           26,691
          U.S. state and local......................        6,215            1,149
          Foreign...................................       (1,004)             (64)
                                                         --------         --------
                                                          147,487           27,776
                                                         --------         --------

                                                        $ 291,517        $  30,101
                                                         ========         ========

NOTE E.     Long-term Debt

     Lines of credit.  The Company has an Amended and Restated 5-Year  Revolving
Credit Agreement (the "Credit  Agreement") that matures in September 2010 unless
extended in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreement.  The terms of the
Credit Agreement provide for initial aggregate loan commitments of $1.5 billion,
which may be  increased  to a maximum  aggregate  amount of $1.8  billion if the
lenders  increase their loan commitments or if loan commitments of new financial
institutions  are  added to the  Credit  Agreement.  As of March 31,  2006,  the
Company had no outstanding  borrowings under the Credit Agreement,  however,  if
the Company had outstanding borrowings,  the Company's current additional margin
to LIBOR is .875 percent.

     The Credit Agreement  contains certain financial  covenants,  which include
the (i) maintenance of a ratio of the Company's  earnings before gain or loss on
the  disposition  of  assets,  interest  expense,  income  taxes,  depreciation,
depletion  and  amortization  ("DD&A")  expense,  exploration  and  abandonments
expense and other noncash charges and expenses to consolidated  interest expense
of at least  3.5 to 1.0;  (ii)  maintenance  of a ratio  of  total  debt to book
capitalization less intangible assets,  accumulated other  comprehensive  income
and  certain  noncash  asset  impairments  not to exceed  .60 to 1.0;  and (iii)
because  the  Company  fell below an  investment  grade  rating by both  Moody's
Investor  Services,  Inc.  ("Moody's") and Standard & Poor's Ratings Group, Inc.
("S&P")  prior to  attaining a  mid-investment  grade  rating (as defined in the
Credit  Agreement) by either of such rating  agencies,  then such covenants also
include  the  maintenance  of an annual  ratio of the net  present  value of the
Company's  oil and gas  properties to total debt of at least 1.50 to 1.0 for the
first 18 months  following  the date of the  Credit  Agreement,  and 1.75 to 1.0
thereafter. The lenders may declare any outstanding obligations under the Credit
Agreement  immediately  due and  payable  upon the  occurrence,  and  during the
continuance of, an event of default,  which includes a defined change in control
of the Company.  As of March 31, 2006, the Company had unused borrowing capacity
of $1.4 billion under the Credit Agreement.

     As of March 31, 2006, the Company had $121.3 million of undrawn  letters of
credit,  of which  $119.6  million  were  undrawn  commitments  under the Credit
Agreement.  The letters of credit  outstanding  under the Credit  Agreement  are
subject  to a per  annum  fee,  based on a grid of the  Company's  debt  rating,
currently  representing  the  Company's  LIBOR margin (.875 percent at March 31,
2006) plus .125 percent.



                                 March 31, 2006

     As of March 31, 2006,  the Company was in  compliance  with all of its debt

     Senior notes.  During April 2006, the Company issued $450 million of 6.875%
senior notes due 2018 (the "6.875%  Notes") for net proceeds of $446.6  million.
The  proceeds  from this  borrowing  will be used to fund a tender offer for the
Company's  outstanding  6.50%  senior  notes due 2008 (the  "6.50%  Notes")  and
general  corporate  purposes.  See Note O for additional  information  regarding
these transactions and plans.

     Rating agencies.  In January 2006, Moody's downgraded the Company from Baa3
to Ba1. The downgrade  triggered  increases in the pricing grid under the Credit

NOTE F.     Derivative Financial Instruments

     Fair value  hedges.  The  Company  monitors  the debt  capital  markets and
interest  rate  trends to  identify  opportunities  to enter into and  terminate
interest  rate  swap  contracts  with the  objective  of  reducing  its costs of
capital. As of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Company was not a party
to any open fair value hedges.

     As of March 31, 2006, the carrying value of the Company's long-term debt in
the accompanying  Consolidated  Balance Sheets included a $4.5 million reduction
in the carrying  value  attributable  to net deferred hedge losses on terminated
fair value hedges that are being amortized as net increases to interest  expense
over the original terms of the  terminated  agreements.  During the  three-month
periods  ended  March  31,  2006 and 2005,  the  Company's  amortization  of net
deferred  hedge gains on  terminated  interest  rate swaps reduced the Company's
reported interest expense by $.1 million and $2.2 million, respectively.

     The  following  table  sets  forth,  as of March 31,  2006,  the  scheduled
amortization  of net deferred  hedge losses on  terminated  interest rate hedges
(including  terminated  fair value and cash flow hedges) that will be recognized
as increases to the Company's future interest expense:

                                 Nine months
                                    ending                        Year Ending December 31,
                                 December 31,    ----------------------------------------------------------
                                     2006          2007        2008        2009        2010      Thereafter
                                 -----------     --------    --------    --------    --------    ----------
                                                                  (in thousands)

Net deferred hedge losses......   $     (7)      $ (1,573)   $   (554)   $   (528)   $   (578)   $ (4,355)
                                   =======        =======     =======     =======     =======     =======

     Cash flow hedges.  The Company utilizes commodity swap and collar contracts
to (i) reduce the effect of price  volatility  on the  commodities  the  Company
produces and sells,  (ii) support the  Company's  annual  capital  budgeting and
expenditure  plans and (iii) reduce commodity price risk associated with certain
capital  projects.  As of March 31, 2006,  all of the Company's  open  commodity
hedges are designated as hedges of Canadian and United States  forecasted sales.
The Company also, from time to time,  utilizes interest rate contracts to reduce
the effect of interest rate volatility on the Company's indebtedness and forward
currency  exchange  agreements  to reduce the effect of U.S.  dollar to Canadian
dollar exchange rate volatility.



                                 March 31, 2006

     Oil prices.  All material physical sales contracts  governing the Company's
oil  production  have been tied  directly or  indirectly  to NYMEX  prices.  The
following  table sets forth the  volumes  hedged in Bbls under  outstanding  oil
hedge  contracts  and the  weighted  average  NYMEX  prices  per  Bbl for  those
contracts as of March 31, 2006:

                                               First          Second         Third          Fourth          Outstanding
                                              Quarter         Quarter        Quarter        Quarter           Average
                                           -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Average daily oil production hedged (a):
     2006 - Swap Contracts
         Volume (Bbl)....................                          5,000           5,000           5,000           5,000
         Price per Bbl...................                  $       37.20   $       37.20   $       37.20   $       37.20

     2006 - Collar Contracts
         Volume (Bbl)....................                          7,000           6,500           6,500           6,665
         Price per Bbl...................                  $42.50-$68.45   $41.92-$66.41   $41.92-$66.41   $42.12-$67.12

     2007 - Swap Contracts
         Volume (Bbl)....................         10,000          10,000          10,000          10,000          10,000
         Price per Bbl...................  $       30.96   $       30.96   $       30.96   $       30.96   $       30.96

     2007 - Collar Contracts
         Volume (Bbl)....................          2,000           2,000           2,000           2,000           2,000
         Price per Bbl...................  $50.00-$89.50   $50.00-$89.50   $50.00-$89.50   $50.00-$89.50   $50.00-$89.50

     2008 - Swap Contracts
         Volume (Bbl)....................         10,000          10,000          10,000          10,000          10,000
         Price per Bbl...................  $       30.62   $       30.62   $       30.62   $       30.62   $       30.62

- ------------
(a)  Subsequent to March 31, 2006, the Company  entered into oil swap contracts,
     with an average  fixed  price of $71.83 per Bbl,  designated  as hedges for
     90,000 Bbls of forecasted June 2006 South African oil sales.

     The Company reports average oil prices per Bbl including the effects of oil
quality  adjustments,  amortization of deferred  volumetric  production  payment
("VPP") revenue and the net effect of oil hedges. The following table sets forth
the Company's oil prices from continuing  operations,  both reported  (including
hedge results and amortization of deferred VPP revenue) and realized  (excluding
hedge results and amortization of deferred VPP revenue), VPP amortization to oil
revenue and the net effect of settlements of oil price hedges on oil revenue for
the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                               Three months ended
                                                                                     March 31,
                                                                               2006           2005
                                                                              -------       -------

     Average price reported per Bbl.......................................    $ 60.01       $ 34.99
     Average price realized per Bbl.......................................    $ 60.10       $ 45.08
     VPP increase to oil revenue (in millions)............................    $  28.9       $   -
     Reduction to oil revenue from hedging activity (in millions) (a).....    $ (29.1)      $ (31.5)

- -----------
(a)  Excludes  hedge losses of $12.3 million and $12.8 million  attributable  to
     discontinued  operations for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006
     and 2005, respectively.

     Natural gas liquids prices.  During the three-month periods ended March 31,
2006 and 2005,  the  Company did not enter into any NGL hedge  contracts.  There
were no outstanding NGL hedge contracts at March 31, 2006.



                                 March 31, 2006

     Gas prices.  The  Company  employs a policy of hedging a portion of its gas
production based on the index price upon which the gas is actually sold in order
to mitigate the basis risk between  NYMEX  prices and actual  index  prices,  or
based on NYMEX  prices if NYMEX  prices  are  highly  correlated  with the index
price.  The  following  table  sets  forth the  volumes  hedged in MMBtus  under
outstanding gas hedge contracts and the weighted  average index prices per MMBtu
for those contracts as of March 31, 2006:

                                                 First        Second          Third         Fourth       Outstanding
                                                Quarter       Quarter        Quarter        Quarter        Average
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
Average daily gas production hedged:
   2006 - Swap Contracts
     Volume (MMBtu)........................                       73,790         73,880         73,984         73,885
     Index price per MMBtu.................                 $       4.30   $       4.31   $       4.31   $       4.31

   2006 - Collar Contracts
     Volume (MMBtu)........................                      105,000        105,000        115,000        108,345
     Index price per MMBtu.................                 $6.55-$14.20   $6.55-$14.20   $6.54-$14.39   $6.55-$14.27

   2007 - Swap Contracts
     Volume (MMBtu)........................        24,071         24,146         24,231         24,329         24,195
     Index price per MMBtu.................  $       3.99   $       4.00   $       4.01   $       4.02   $       4.00

   2007 - Collar Contracts
     Volume (MMBtu)........................       215,000        215,000        215,000        215,000        215,000
     Index price per MMBtu.................  $6.57-$11.84   $6.57-$11.84   $6.57-$11.84   $6.57-$11.84   $6.57-$11.84

     The Company reports average gas prices per Mcf including the effects of Btu
content,  gas processing,  shrinkage  adjustments,  amortization of deferred VPP
revenue and the net effect of gas  hedges.  The  following  table sets forth the
Company's gas prices from continuing operations,  both reported (including hedge
results and amortization of deferred VPP revenue) and realized  (excluding hedge
results and  amortization  of deferred VPP  revenue),  VPP  amortization  to gas
revenue and the net effect of settlements of gas price hedges on gas revenue for
the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                              Three months ended
                                                                                    March 31,
                                                                               2006          2005
                                                                             -------       -------

     Average price reported per Mcf......................................    $  6.72       $  6.01
     Average price realized per Mcf......................................    $  7.05       $  5.61
     VPP increase to gas revenue (in millions)...........................    $  19.0       $  11.6
     Reduction to gas revenue from hedging activity (in millions) (a)....    $ (28.3)      $   (.3)
- --------------
(a)  Excludes  hedge  losses of $3.4 million and $7.7  million  attributable  to
     discontinued  operations for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006
     and 2005, respectively.

     Hedge ineffectiveness.  During the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006
and 2005, the Company recognized net ineffectiveness credits, or reductions,  to
other expense from continuing operations of $8.2 million and net ineffectiveness
charges of $5.1 million,  respectively,  related to the ineffective  portions of
changes in the fair values of its cash flow hedging  instruments.  These credits
and charges  primarily  result from changes in correlations  and derivative fair
values associated with indexes of financial hedge derivatives and the indexes of
the hedged forecasted production for certain fields.



                                 March 31, 2006

     Accumulated other comprehensive  income (loss) - net deferred hedge losses,
net of tax ("AOCI - Hedging").  As of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, AOCI
- - Hedging  represented net deferred losses of $301.9 million and $506.6 million,
respectively.  The AOCI - Hedging  balance as of March 31, 2006 was comprised of
$419.9  million of net deferred  losses on the  effective  portions of open cash
flow hedges, $55.4 million of net deferred losses on terminated cash flow hedges
(including  $3.1 million of net deferred losses on terminated cash flow interest
rate hedges) and $173.5  million of associated  net deferred tax  benefits.  The
decrease  in AOCI - Hedging  during the three  months  ended  March 31, 2006 was
primarily  attributable to the termination and  reclassification to discontinued
operations of the underlying  balances related to hedges that were designated as
deepwater Gulf of Mexico hedges and the  reclassification  of net deferred hedge
losses to net income as  derivatives  matured by their  terms.  The net deferred
losses  associated  with open cash flow hedges  remain  subject to market  price
fluctuations until the positions are either settled under the terms of the hedge
contracts  or  terminated  prior  to  settlement.  The net  deferred  losses  on
terminated cash flow hedges are fixed.

     During the twelve months ending March 31, 2007, based on current  estimates
of future commodity prices,  the Company expects to reclassify $162.0 million of
net deferred losses  associated  with open commodity  hedges and $3.6 million of
net deferred  losses on terminated  commodity  hedges from AOCI - Hedging to oil
and gas  revenues.  The Company also expects to reclassify  approximately  $60.5
million of net deferred  income tax benefits  associated  with commodity  hedges
during the twelve months ending March 31, 2007 from AOCI - Hedging to income tax

     The  following  table  sets  forth,  as of March 31,  2006,  the  scheduled
amortization of net deferred gains (losses) on terminated  commodity hedges that
will be recognized as decreases in the case of losses, and increases in the case
of gains, to the Company's future oil and gas revenues:

                                             First      Second        Third       Fourth
                                            Quarter     Quarter       Quarter     Quarter       Total
                                           --------    ---------     --------     --------     --------
                                                                  (in thousands)
    2006 net deferred hedge gains.......               $   1,164     $  1,418     $    581     $  3,163
    2007 net deferred hedge losses......   $ (6,768)   $  (2,843)    $ (2,553)    $ (3,277)     (15,441)
    2008 net deferred hedge losses......   $ (8,718)   $  (6,123)    $ (6,008)    $ (6,472)     (27,321)
    2009 net deferred hedge losses......   $ (2,330)   $    (232)    $   (230)    $   (822)      (3,614)
    2010 net deferred hedge losses......   $   (667)   $    (620)    $   (578)    $   (539)      (2,404)
    2011 net deferred hedge losses......   $   (873)   $    (889)    $   (902)    $   (906)      (3,570)
    2012 net deferred hedge losses......   $   (810)   $    (791)    $   (784)    $   (772)      (3,157)



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE G.     Asset Retirement Obligations

     The Company's asset retirement  obligations  primarily relate to the future
plugging  and  abandonment  of proved  properties  and related  facilities.  The
Company  does not  provide  for a market  risk  premium  associated  with  asset
retirement  obligations  because a reliable  estimate cannot be determined.  The
Company has no assets that are legally restricted for purposes of settling asset
retirement  obligations.  The following  table  summarizes  the Company's  asset
retirement obligation transactions recorded in accordance with the provisions of
SFAS No. 143,  "Accounting  for Asset  Retirement  Obligations"  and SFAS No. 5,
"Accounting for  Contingencies"  during the three-month  periods ended March 31,
2006 and 2005:

                                                                                 Three months ended
                                                                                      March 31,
                                                                                2006            2005
                                                                             ---------        --------
                                                                                   (in thousands)

    Beginning asset retirement obligations...............................    $ 157,035        $120,879
       New wells placed on production and changes in estimates (a).......       42,000           1,445
       Liabilities reclassed to discontinued operations held for sale....      (13,585)            -
       Disposition of wells..............................................      (30,085)            -
       Liabilities settled...............................................       (1,068)         (2,400)
       Accretion of discount.............................................        1,880           2,140
       Currency translation..............................................          (89)           (127)
                                                                              --------         -------

    Ending asset retirement obligations .................................    $ 156,088        $121,937
                                                                              ========         =======
- -----------
(a)  For the three months ended March 31, 2006,  reflects a $42 million increase
     in the  abandonment  estimate  of the East  Cameron  facilities  that  were
     destroyed  by  Hurricane  Rita,  which  is  reflected  in  exploration  and
     abandonments  expense  in  the  accompanying   Consolidated  Statements  of

     The Company records the current and noncurrent portions of asset retirement
obligations  in other current  liabilities  and other  liabilities  and minority
interests, respectively, in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets.

NOTE H.     Postretirement Benefit Obligations

     As of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005,  the Company had recorded $18.8
million and $18.6 million,  respectively, of unfunded accumulated postretirement
benefit  obligations,  the current and noncurrent portions of which are included
in other  current  liabilities  and other  liabilities  and minority  interests,
respectively, in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets. These obligations
are  comprised of five plans of which four relate to  predecessor  entities that
the Company acquired. These plans had no assets as of March 31, 2006 or December
31, 2005.  Other than the Company's  retirement  plan, the participants of these
plans are not current employees of the Company.



                                 March 31, 2006

     The  following  table   reconciles   changes  in  the  Company's   unfunded
accumulated  postretirement  benefit  obligations during the three-month periods
ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                              Three months ended
                                                                                    March 31,
                                                                             2006            2005
                                                                           --------        --------
                                                                                (in thousands)

       Beginning accumulated postretirement benefit obligations........    $ 18,576        $ 15,534
          Net benefit payments.........................................        (285)           (186)
          Service costs................................................         204              81
          Accretion of discounts.......................................         259             225
                                                                            -------         -------
       Ending accumulated postretirement benefit obligations...........    $ 18,754        $ 15,654
                                                                            =======         =======

NOTE I.     Commitments and Contingencies

     Legal actions. The Company is party to the legal actions that are described
below. The Company is also party to other  proceedings and claims  incidental to
its business.  While many of these matters  involve  inherent  uncertainty,  the
Company believes that the amount of the liability,  if any,  ultimately incurred
with  respect to such  other  proceedings  and  claims  will not have a material
adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial position as a whole or on
its liquidity,  capital  resources or future annual  results of operations.  The
Company will continue to evaluate its litigation matters on a quarter-by-quarter
basis and will  adjust its  litigation  reserves as  appropriate  to reflect its
assessment of the then current status of litigation.

     Alford.  The Company is party to a 1993 class action  lawsuit  filed in the
26th Judicial District Court of Stevens County, Kansas by two classes of royalty
owners,  one for  each  of the  Company's  gathering  systems  connected  to the
Company's Satanta gas plant. The case was relatively inactive for several years.
In early 2000, the plaintiffs  amended their pleadings and the case now contains
two material  claims.  First,  the plaintiffs  assert that they were  improperly
charged expenses  (primarily field  compression),  which plaintiffs allege are a
"cost of  production",  and for which the  plaintiffs  claim  they,  as  royalty
owners,  are not responsible.  Second, the plaintiffs claim they are entitled to
50 percent of the value of the helium  extracted  at the  Company's  Satanta gas
plant.  If the  plaintiffs  were to  prevail  on the above  two  claims in their
entirety,  it is possible that the Company's liability (both for periods covered
by the  lawsuit  and from the last date  covered by the lawsuit to the present -
because the deductions  continue to be taken and the  plaintiffs  continue to be
paid for a royalty share of the helium) could reach  approximately  $72 million,
plus prejudgment  interest.  However, the Company believes it has valid defenses
to the  plaintiffs'  claims and has paid the  plaintiffs  properly  under  their
respective  oil and gas leases and other  agreements,  and intends to vigorously
defend itself.

     The  Company  does not  believe  the costs it has  deducted  are a "cost of
production".  The costs being  deducted are post  production  costs  incurred to
transport the gas to the Company's  Satanta gas plant for processing,  where the
valuable hydrocarbon liquids and helium are extracted from the gas.

     The  factual  evidence  in the case  was  presented  to the  26th  Judicial
District Court without a jury in December 2001. Oral arguments were heard by the
court in April 2002,  and  although  the court has not yet entered a judgment or
findings,  it could do so at any time. The Company strongly denies the existence
of any material  underpayment to the plaintiffs and believes it presented strong
evidence at trial to support its positions. However, either through a negotiated
settlement or court ruling,  the Company could have to pay some part of the cost
of  production  claim and,  accordingly,  the Company has  established a partial
reserve for this claim.  The Company  has not  established  a provision  for the
helium claim. Although the amount of any resulting liability, to the extent that
it exceeds the Company's provision,  could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's results of operations for the quarterly reporting period in which such



                                 March 31, 2006

liability  is  recorded,  the Company  does not expect that any such  additional
liability  will have a material  adverse  effect on its  consolidated  financial
position as a whole or on its  liquidity,  capital  resources  or future  annual
results of operations.

     MOSH  Holding.  The Company and its  principal  United  States  subsidiary,
Pioneer  Natural  Resources USA, Inc., were named as defendants in MOSH Holding,
L.P. v Pioneer Natural Resources  Company;  Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.;
Woodside  Energy (USA) Inc.; and JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA, as Trustee of the Mesa
Offshore  Trust,  which was filed on April 11, 2005,  in the  District  Court of
Travis County, Texas (250th Judicial District). The plaintiff is a unitholder in
the Mesa Offshore  Trust,  which was created in 1982 as the sole limited partner
in a partnership  that holds an overriding  royalty  interest in certain oil and
gas leases offshore Louisiana and Texas. The plaintiff alleges that the Company,
together with Woodside  Energy (USA) Inc.  ("Woodside"),  concealed the value of
the royalty interest and worked to terminate the Mesa Offshore Trust prematurely
and to capture for itself and Woodside  profits that belong to the Mesa Offshore
Trust. The plaintiff also alleges breaches of fiduciary duty,  misapplication of
trust property, common law fraud, gross negligence, and breach of the conveyance
agreement  for the  overriding  royalty  interest.  The claims  appear to relate
principally  to  farmout  arrangements  established  in 2003  for  two  offshore
properties,  the Brazos Area Block A-7 and Brazos  Area Block  A-39.  The relief
sought by the  plaintiff  includes  monetary  and  punitive  damages and certain
equitable  relief,  including  an  accounting  of expenses,  a setting  aside of
certain farmouts, and a temporary and permanent injunction. The Company believes
the claims are without merit and intends to defend the lawsuit vigorously.

     Dorchester  Refining  Company  Site. A  subsidiary  of the Company has been
notified by a letter from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ")
dated August 24, 2005 that the TCEQ considers the subsidiary to be a potentially
responsible  party  with  respect  to  the  Dorchester  Refining  Company  State
Superfund  Site  located  in  Mount  Pleasant,  Texas.  In  connection  with the
acquisition  of oil and gas  assets in 1991,  the  Company  acquired  a group of
companies,  one of which was an entity that had owned a refinery  located at the
Mount Pleasant site from 1977 until 1984.  According to the TCEQ,  this refinery
was  responsible  for releases of  hazardous  substances  into the  environment.
Pursuant to applicable Texas law, the Company's  subsidiary,  which does not own
any  material  assets or  conduct  any  material  operations,  may be subject to
strict,  joint and  several  liability  for the costs of  conducting  a study to
evaluate  potential  remedial  options  and  for the  costs  of  performing  any
remediation  ultimately  required  by the TCEQ.  The  Company  does not know the
nature  and  extent  of  the  alleged  contamination,  the  potential  costs  of
remediation  or the portion,  if any, of such costs that may be allocable to the
Company's  subsidiary;  however,  the Company has noted that there  appear to be
other operators or owners who may share  responsibility for these costs and does
not expect  that any such  additional  liability  will have a  material  adverse
effect on its  consolidated  financial  position as a whole or on its liquidity,
capital resources or future annual results of operations.

     Environmental  Protection  Agency  Investigation.  On November 4, 2005, the
Company learned from the U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency that the agency
was  conducting a criminal  investigation  into a 2003 spill that  occurred at a
Company-operated  drilling  rig  located  on an ice island  offshore  Kuparuk in
Harrison Bay, Alaska.  The  investigation is being conducted in conjunction with
the U.S.  Attorney's Office for the District of Alaska. The spill was previously
investigated by the Alaska  Department of  Environmental  Conservation  ("ADEC")
and,  following  completion of a clean up, the ADEC issued a letter  stating its
determination  that,  at that  time,  the site  did not  pose a threat  to human
health, safety or welfare, or the environment.  The Company is fully cooperating
with the government's investigation.



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE J.     Income (Loss) Per Share From Continuing Operations

     Basic income  (loss) per share from  continuing  operations  is computed by
dividing income (loss) from continuing operations by the weighted average number
of common shares  outstanding for the period.  The computation of diluted income
per share from continuing  operations reflects the potential dilution that could
occur if securities  or other  contracts to issue common stock that are dilutive
to income from  continuing  operations  were  exercised or converted into common
stock or resulted in the  issuance of common  stock that would then share in the
earnings of the Company.  During  periods that the Company  realizes a loss from
continuing operations, securities or other contracts to issue common stock would
be dilutive to loss per share and conversion into common stock is assumed not to

     The  following  table is a  reconciliation  of  basic  income  (loss)  from
continuing  operations to diluted income (loss) from  continuing  operations for
the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                       Three months ended
                                                                             March 31,
                                                                      2006             2005
                                                                   ---------        ---------
                                                                        (in thousands)

     Basic income (loss) from continuing operations............    $    (967)       $  26,991
     Interest expense on convertible notes, net of tax.........          -                802
                                                                    --------         --------

     Diluted income (loss) from continuing operations..........    $    (967)       $  27,793
                                                                    ========         ========

     The following table is a  reconciliation  of basic weighted  average common
shares outstanding to diluted weighted average common shares outstanding for the
three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                       Three months ended
                                                                             March 31,
                                                                      2006             2005
                                                                   ---------        ---------
                                                                        (in thousands)

     Weighted average common shares outstanding (a):
       Basic..................................................      126,944          142,898
       Dilutive common stock options (b) (c)..................          -              1,293
       Restricted stock awards (c)............................          -                827
       Convertible notes dilution (c).........................          -              2,327
                                                                   --------         --------

       Diluted................................................      126,944          147,345
                                                                   ========         ========
- ---------------
(a)  During August 2005, the Company's board of directors (the "Board") approved
     a share repurchase program  authorizing the purchase of up to $1 billion of
     the Company's common stock, $641 million of which was completed in 2005 and
     $359 million of which is expected to be initiated in mid-May 2006.
(b)  Common  stock  options  to  purchase  30,712  shares of common  stock  were
     outstanding  but not  included in the  computations  of diluted  income per
     share from continuing  operations for the three months ended March 31, 2005
     because the  exercise  prices of the options  were greater than the average
     market  price  of the  common  shares  and  would be  anti-dilutive  to the
(c)  Due to the loss from  continuing  operations  during the three months ended
     March 31, 2006, the potential dilutive effects of stock options, restricted
     stock awards and convertible notes would be anti-dilutive.



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE K.     Geographic Operating Segment Information

     The Company has operations in only one industry segment, that being the oil
and  gas  exploration  and  production   industry;   however,   the  Company  is
organizationally  structured along geographic operating segments or regions. The
Company has reportable  operations in the United  States,  Canada and Africa and
Other.  Africa and Other is primarily comprised of current or past operations in
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia.

     As previously referred to in Note B, during 2005, the Company sold Canadian
and United States oil and gas properties having carrying values of $58.9 million
and $31.4  million,  respectively,  on their dates of sale.  Also as  previously
referred to in Note B, during 2006,  the Company sold  Argentine  net assets and
United  States oil and gas  properties  having  carrying  values,  including net
deferred  hedge  losses,  of  approximately   $667  million  and  $432  million,
respectively.   The  results  of  operations  of  those   properties  have  been
reclassified  as  discontinued  operations in  accordance  with SFAS 144 and are
excluded from the geographic  operating segment information  provided below. See
Note N for information regarding the Company's discontinued operations.

     The following  tables provide the Company's  interim  geographic  operating
segment  data for the  three-month  periods  ended  March  31,  2006  and  2005.
Geographic  operating  segment  income  tax  benefits   (provisions)  have  been
determined  based on statutory  rates existing in the various tax  jurisdictions
where the Company has oil and gas producing activities. The "Headquarters" table
column  includes  income and  expenses  that are not  routinely  included in the
earnings measures  internally  reported to management on a geographic  operating
segment basis.



                                 March 31, 2006

                                                      United                  Africa                     Consolidated
                                                      States      Canada     and Other    Headquarters      Total
                                                     --------    --------    ---------    -----------    ------------
                                                                          (in thousands)
Three months ended March 31, 2006:
  Revenues and other income:
     Oil and gas................................     $309,881    $ 28,362    $ 41,225      $    -         $ 379,468
     Interest and other.........................          -           -           -          17,111          17,111
     Loss on disposition of assets, net.........          -           -           -             (73)            (73)
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
                                                      309,881      28,362      41,225        17,038         396,506
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Costs and expenses:
     Oil and gas production.....................       77,901      10,914       5,868           -            94,683
     Depletion, depreciation and amortization...       63,616       7,230       5,695         5,865          82,406
     Exploration and abandonments...............       78,281       3,416      42,945           -           124,642
     General and administrative.................          -           -           -          32,247          32,247
     Accretion of discount on asset retirement
        obligations.............................          -           -           -           1,148           1,148
     Interest...................................          -           -           -          36,576          36,576
     Other......................................          -           -           -           5,054           5,054
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
                                                      219,798      21,560      54,508        80,890         376,756
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Income (loss) from continuing operations
     before income taxes........................       90,083       6,802     (13,283)      (63,852)         19,750
  Income tax benefit (provision)................      (32,880)     (2,423)      8,698         5,888         (20,717)
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Income (loss) from continuing operations......     $ 57,203    $  4,379    $ (4,585)     $(57,964)      $    (967)
                                                      =======     =======     =======       =======        ========

Three months ended March 31, 2005:
  Revenues and other income:
     Oil and gas................................     $254,936    $ 20,488    $ 47,691      $    -         $ 323,115
     Interest and other.........................          -           -           -           2,306           2,306
     Gain on disposition of assets, net.........        2,032         -           -             109           2,141
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
                                                      256,968      20,488      47,691         2,415         327,562
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Costs and expenses:
     Oil and gas production.....................       64,099       9,080       7,767           -            80,946
     Depletion, depreciation and amortization...       52,353       7,039       9,377         4,539          73,308
     Impairment of long-lived assets............          -           -           152           -               152
     Exploration and abandonments...............       28,803       3,741      21,285           -            53,829
     General and administrative.................          -           -           -          27,488          27,488
     Accretion of discount on asset retirement
       obligations..............................          -           -           -           1,499           1,499
     Interest...................................          -           -           -          32,746          32,746
     Other......................................          -           -           -           8,841           8,841
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
                                                      145,255      19,860      38,581        75,113         278,809
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Income (loss) from continuing operations
     before income taxes........................      111,713         628       9,110       (72,698)         48,753
  Income tax benefit (provision)................      (40,775)       (229)     (2,060)       21,302         (21,762)
                                                      -------     -------     -------       -------        --------
  Income (loss) from continuing operations......     $ 70,938    $    399    $  7,050      $(51,396)      $  26,991
                                                      =======     =======     =======       =======        ========



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE L.     Volumetric Production Payments

     During  2005,  the Company  sold 27.8 MMBOE of proved  reserves by means of
three  VPP  agreements  for  net  proceeds  of  $892.6  million,  including  the
assignment  of  the  Company's   obligations  under  certain   derivative  hedge
agreements.  Proceeds from the VPPs were  initially  used to reduce  outstanding
indebtedness.  The  first  VPP  sold  58 Bcf of gas  volumes  over  an  expected
five-year  term that began in February  2005. The second VPP sold 10.8 MMBbls of
oil volumes over an expected  seven-year  term that began in January  2006.  The
third VPP sold 6.0 Bcf of gas volumes over an expected  32-month term that began
in May 2005 and 6.2 MMBbls of oil volumes over an expected  five-year  term that
began in January 2006.

     The Company's VPPs represent  limited-term  overriding royalty interests in
oil and gas reserves  which:  (i) entitle the  purchaser  to receive  production
volumes over a period of time from specific lease  interests;  (ii) are free and
clear of all associated future production costs and capital expenditures;  (iii)
are nonrecourse to the Company (i.e.,  the  purchaser's  only recourse is to the
assets acquired); (iv) transfer title to the purchaser and (v) allow the Company
to retain the assets after the VPPs volumetric quantities have been delivered.

     Under SFAS No.  19,  "Financial  Accounting  and  Reporting  by Oil and Gas
Producing  Companies",  a VPP is  considered  a sale of  proved  reserves.  As a
result,  the Company (i) removed the proved  reserves  associated with the VPPs;
(ii)  recognized the VPP proceeds as deferred  revenue which are being amortized
on a  unit-of-production  basis to oil and gas  revenues  over the  terms of the
VPPs; (iii) retained  responsibility for 100 percent of the production costs and
capital costs related to VPP interests and (iv) no longer recognizes  production
associated with the VPP volumes.

     The  following  table  provides  information  about  the  deferred  revenue
carrying values of the Company's VPPs:

                                                        Gas          Oil          Total
                                                    ---------     ---------     ---------
                                                                (in thousands)

    Deferred revenue at December 31, 2005.......    $ 249,323     $ 605,515     $ 854,838
    Less 2006 amortization......................      (19,028)      (28,921)      (47,949)
                                                     --------      --------      --------
         Deferred revenue at March 31, 2006.....    $ 230,295     $ 576,594     $ 806,889
                                                     ========      ========      ========

     The  above  deferred  revenue  amounts  will be  recognized  in oil and gas
revenues in the Consolidated  Statements of Operations as noted below,  assuming
the related VPP production volumes are delivered as scheduled (in thousands):

         Remaining 2006................................      $  142,378
         2007..........................................         181,232
         2008..........................................         158,138
         2009..........................................         147,906
         2010..........................................          90,215
         2011..........................................          44,951
         2012..........................................          42,069
                                                             $  806,889



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE M.     Insurance Claims

     Fain Plant. During May 2005, the Company sustained damages as a result of a
fire at its Fain gas plant in the West Panhandle field. The damages  interrupted
production  from  mid-May  through  mid-July  of 2005.  The  Company  maintained
business   interruption  and  physical  damage   insurance   coverage  for  such
circumstances.  The  Company  recognized  a total of $17.9  million in  business
interruption   recoveries  and  $4.4  million  in  physical  damage   recoveries
associated with the Fain gas plant fire. The Company recognized $14.2 million of
the business  interruption  recoveries  in 2005 and the  remaining  $3.7 million
during the three months ended March 31,  2006,which  is included in other income
in the Company's accompanying Consolidated Statements of Operations.

     Hurricanes  Katrina and Rita. During August and September 2005, the Company
sustained  damages  as a  result  of  Hurricanes  Katrina  and  Rita at  various
facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. Other than the East Cameron facility discussed
further below, the Company believes the damages to the facilities are covered by
physical damage insurance.

     The Company filed a business interruption claim with its insurance provider
related  to its  Devils  Tower  field  resulting  from  its  inability  to  sell
production  as a result of  damages to  third-party  facilities.  The  Company's
business  interruption  claim is  expected  to cover  losses  of  revenues  from
mid-October  2005  (the end of  45-day  deductible  waiting  period)  until  the
third-party  facilities  could take the full  production  from the Devils  Tower
field,  which the Company determined to have occurred in early December 2005. At
March 31, 2006, the Company estimates that its business interruption recovery on
Devils Tower to be approximately  $20 million.  The Company has not recorded any
estimated  recoveries due to certain  pending issues that the Company expects to
have resolved in the near future.

     As a result of Hurricane  Rita,  the  Company's  East Cameron  facility was
destroyed  and the Company  does not plan to rebuild the  facility  based on the
current  economics of the field. The Company continues to evaluate the magnitude
of the loss.  Currently,  the Company  estimates that it will incur a minimum of
$86 million to reclaim and completely  abandon the East Cameron facility;  thus,
the Company recorded an additional  abandonment obligation charge of $42 million
which  is  included  in  exploration  and   abandonments  in  the   accompanying
Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three months ended March 31, 2006.
The  Company's  estimate to reclaim and abandon the  facilities is based upon an
analysis and fee proposal prepared by a third-party engineering firm and assumes
that the  Company  will be able to  "reef" a  substantial  portion  of debris in
place.  The Company has filed its application  with the  appropriate  regulatory
agency to reef the debris in place.

     The Company has filed a claim with its  insurance  provider  regarding  the
loss at East Cameron.  Under the Company's  insurance  policy,  the East Cameron
facility had the  following  coverages:  (a) $14 million of  scheduled  property
value for the  platform,  (b) $4  million  of  scheduled  business  interruption
insurance after a deductible  waiting  period,  (c) greater of (1) 25 percent of
the scheduled property value of the platform or (2) up to $40 million for debris
removal  coverage,  in total, for all assets per occurrence and (d) $100 million
of "make well safe" coverage, in total, for all assets per occurrence.

     In December 2005, the Company received the $14 million  scheduled value for
the East Cameron  assets and recognized a gain of $9.7 million during the fourth
quarter of 2005.  The Company  earned the $4.0 million of business  interruption
recoveries  during the three months ended March 31, 2006.  The Company  believes
that its debris  removal  and make well safe  coverages,  in  combination,  will
substantially cover costs to abandon the East Cameron facility.  The Company has
not  recorded any  estimated  recoveries  related to insurance  due to the early
nature of the claim and the need to better quantify the claim.



                                 March 31, 2006

NOTE N.     Discontinued Operations

     During 2005 and 2006,  the Company sold its  interests in the following oil
and gas assets and has reflected  their  results of  operations in  discontinued

       Country           Description of Assets           Date Divested     Net Proceeds       Gain
       -------           ---------------------           -------------     ------------     --------
                                                                                  (in millions)

       Canada            Martin Creek, Conroy Black      May 2005          $   197.2        $  138.3
                         and Lookout Butte fields

       United States     Two Gulf of Mexico              August 2005            59.1            27.7
                         shelf fields

       United States     Deepwater Gulf of Mexico        March 2006          1,160.9(a)        728.4

       Argentina         All Argentine properties        April 2006            675.0            (b)
- -----------
(a)  Net  proceeds  do not  reflect  the cash  payment  of  $193.2  million  for
     terminated hedges associated with the deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets.
(b)  The  Company  estimates  that it will  recognize  a  nominal  gain from the
     Argentine divestiture in the second quarter of 2006.

     Pursuant to SFAS 144, the Company has reflected  (a) the  Argentine  assets
and liabilities sold during April 2006 as discontinued  operations held for sale
as of March 31, 2006 and (b) the results of operations of the above divestitures
as discontinued operations, rather than as a component of continuing operations.
The following  table  represents  the  components of the Company's  discontinued
operations for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                            Three months ended
                                                                                  March 31,
                                                                             2006         2005
                                                                          ---------    ---------
                                                                              (in thousands)
       Revenues and other income:
          Oil and gas.................................................    $ 181,569    $ 197,197
          Interest and other..........................................        1,847       26,027
          Gain on disposition of assets...............................      728,502           80
                                                                           --------     --------
                                                                            911,918      223,304
       Costs and expenses:
          Oil and gas production......................................       27,955       33,016
          Depletion, depreciation and amortization....................       37,327       82,843
          Exploration and abandonments................................        5,947       13,556
          General and administrative..................................        2,432        2,097
          Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations.......          732          641
          Interest....................................................          344          505
          Other.......................................................        1,490        2,879
                                                                           --------     --------
                                                                             76,227      135,537
                                                                           --------     --------
       Income from discontinued operations before income taxes........      835,691       87,767
       Income tax provision:
          Current.....................................................     (144,030)      (2,325)
          Deferred....................................................     (147,487)     (27,776)
                                                                           --------     --------
       Income from discontinued operations, net of tax................    $ 544,174    $  57,666
                                                                           ========     ========



                                 March 31, 2006

     At March 31, 2006, the Argentine assets included in discontinued operations
held for sale and the Argentine liabilities included in discontinued  operations
held for sale were comprised of the following components (in thousands):

   Assets included in discontinued operations held for sale:
      Current assets, including cash and cash equivalents of $7.0 million.......   $  46,980
      Property, plant and equipment, net........................................     677,591
      Other assets, net.........................................................       8,838
           Total assets.........................................................   $ 733,409

   Liabilities included in discontinued operations held for sale:
      Current liabilities.......................................................   $  36,142
      Deferred tax liabilities..................................................      13,943
      Other liabilities.........................................................      16,237
           Total liabilities....................................................   $  66,322

NOTE O.     Subsequent Events

     Argentine  divestiture.  As  described  in Note N, during  April 2006,  the
Company sold  substantially  all of its assets and  liabilities in Argentina for
proceeds of approximately $675 million, before normal closing adjustments.

     The  Company  has  provided  the  purchaser  of its  Argentine  assets  and
liabilities  certain  indemnifications,  subject  to  defined  limitations.  The
indemnifications  primarily  pertain  to matters  of  litigation,  environmental
contingencies,  royalty  obligations and income taxes, none of which the Company
believes  to be probable  of having a material  impact on its future  results of
operations,  financial position or liquidity.  Below is the Company's previously
disclosed  litigation  that  was  assumed  by  the  purchasers,  subject  to the

     The  Company's  former  subsidiary  in  Argentina  is  involved  in various
administrative   proceedings  with  environmental  authorities  in  the  Neuquen
Province  relating  to  permits  for  and  discharges  from  operations  in that
province.  The Company's former subsidiary was cooperating with the proceedings,
although it from time to time  challenged  whether  certain  assessed fines were
appropriate.  The Company  estimated  that fines  assessed in these  proceedings
would be immaterial,  but in the aggregate could exceed $100,000.  The Company's
former subsidiary in Argentina has also been named in a suit against various oil
companies  operating in the Neuquen basin entitled  Asociacion de Superficiarios
de la Patagonia v. YPF S.A.,  et. al.,  originally  filed on August 21, 2003, in
the Argentine National Supreme Court of Justice. The plaintiffs, a private group
of landowners,  have also named the national government and several provinces as
third parties.  The lawsuit alleges injury to the  environment  generally by the
oil and gas industry  without  specifically  alleging how any of the  defendants
caused this injury. The plaintiffs  principally seek creation of an insured fund
to remediate the environment.

     Senior  notes.  As previously  discussed in Note E, during April 2006,  the
Company  issued  $450  million of 6.875%  Notes and  received  proceeds,  net of
issuance discount and underwriting costs of $446.6 million. The Company will use
the net proceeds from the issuance of the 6.875% Notes to fund a tender offer to
purchase its outstanding  $350 million of 6.50% Notes and for general  corporate



                                 March 31, 2006

     During April 2006, the Company  commenced an offer to purchase for cash all
of its $350  million of 6.50%  Notes.  The Company is  offering an early  tender
payment  of $20 per $1,000  principal  amount of notes to  holders  who  validly
tender  their  notes on or before  May 10,  2006.  The tender  offer  expires on
Wednesday,  May 24, 2006.  If all of the 6.50% Notes are validly  tendered,  the
Company will record a pretax charge of approximately  $8.5 million in the second
quarter of 2006.

     Long-term incentive plan. In May 2006, the Company's  stockholders approved
a new long-term  incentive plan (the "Long-Term  Incentive Plan") which provides
for the  granting  of  incentive  awards  in the  form of stock  options,  stock
appreciation  rights,  performance units,  restricted stock and restricted stock
units to  directors,  officers  and  employees  of the  Company.  The  Long-Term
Incentive  Plan  provides  for the  issuance of up to 4.6 million  shares of the
Company's  common  stock.  The Company will make no future awards under the 1997
Long-Term Incentive Plan.



Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
            Results of Operations

Financial and Operating Performance

     The Company's financial and operating  performance for the first quarter of
2006 included the following highlights:

     o     Entered into  separate  agreements to  sell certain  of the Company's
           deepwater Gulf of  Mexico oil and gas  properties  and its  Argentine
           net assets  that provided  for cash  proceeds,  before normal closing
           adjustments,  of $1.3  billion and  $675 million,  respectively.  The
           Company completed the sale of its deepwater Gulf of Mexico properties
           during March 2006,  recognizing a first quarter pretax gain of $728.4
           million.  During  April 2006,  the Company  completed the sale of its
           Argentine  net  assets  and  expects to  recognize  a nominal  second
           quarter pretax gain.
     o     Approval and  commencement of the development of the Pioneer-operated
           Oooguruk field on the North Slope of Alaska.
     o     Approval of a  $1.3 billion  capital budget  for 2006,  80 percent of
           which  represents  capital  directed towards  onshore North  American
           activities,  including development drilling in core areas and testing
           of  new  coalbed  methane  ("CBM")  resource  projects.   The  budget
           represents  a  reduction  in  higher-risk  exploration  capital  from
           approximately  30  percent of  capital  expenditures  during  2005 to
           approximately 10 percent of budgeted  capital  expenditures  in 2006.
     o     Recognized a loss  from continuing operations of $1.0  million  ($.01
           per diluted share)  for the  first quarter  of 2006,  as  compared to
           income from continuing operations  of $27.0 million ($.19 per diluted
           share) for the first quarter of 2005,  primarily as a result of a $42
           million  increase  in the  abandonment  estimate  of the East Cameron
           facilities that were destroyed by  Hurricane Rita,  which the Company
           believes will  substantially  be covered  by insurance,  and  a $33.1
           million dry hole and  acreage impairment  on the Company's  Block 256
           permit in Nigeria.
     o     Recognition of income from discontinued operations of $544.2  million
           ($4.29  per  diluted  share)   during   the  first  quarter  of  2006
           attributable to the Company's  deepwater  Gulf of  Mexico oil and gas
           properties  sold  during  March  2006,  including the  aforementioned
           $728.4 million  pretax gain,  and the  Company's Argentine net assets
           that were held for sale as of March 31, 2006.
     o     Increase in net income to  $543.2 million  ($4.28 per  diluted share)
           for the first quarter of 2006, as compared to $84.7 million ($.58 per
           diluted share) for  the first quarter of 2005,  primarily as a result
           of the  $728.4 million  pretax  gain  realized  from the  sale of the
           Company's deepwater Gulf of Mexico oil and gas properties,  partially
           offset by increases of $70.8 million in  exploration and abandonments
           expense and $260.4 million in worldwide income tax provisions.
     o     Net cash provided by operating activities remained constant at $303.3
           million  during  the first  quarter  of 2006  as  compared  to $303.7
           million during the first quarter of 2005.
     o     Reduction in outstanding debt of $898.6 million, or 44 percent, as of
           March 31,  2006  as compared  to debt  outstanding as of December 31,
           2005,  resulting  in  a  decrease  in  the  Company's  debt  to  book
           capitalization  to 28  percent at  March 31,  2006 from 48 percent at
           December 31, 2005.

Second Quarter 2006 Outlook

     Based on current  estimates,  the Company  expects that second quarter 2006
production  will  average  93,000 to  98,000  BOEPD.  This  range  reflects  the
Company's  sale of its  deepwater  Gulf of  Mexico  properties,  the sale of its
Argentine  assets  and  the  typical  variability  in the  timing  of oil  cargo
shipments in South Africa and Tunisia.

     Second quarter production costs (including production and ad valorem taxes)
are  expected to average  $11.00 to $12.00 per BOE based on current  NYMEX strip
prices for oil and gas.  DD&A expense is expected to average $9.25 to $10.25 per

     Total exploration and abandonment  expense is expected to be $25 million to
$55 million and  includes  plans to drill in the  resource  plays in the Edwards
trend,  Canada and Tunisia,  carryover costs  from the  Alaskan  winter drilling



season and the  acquisition  of additional  3-D seismic (which is required to be
expensed under the successful efforts method of accounting) and personnel costs.
General and administrative expense is expected to be $31 million to $34 million.
Interest  expense is expected to be $24 million to $27 million,  representing  a
decrease  from the  prior  quarter  primarily  as a result of the  repayment  of
outstanding  borrowings  under  the  Credit  Agreement  as a result of the asset
divestitures.  Interest income, primarily from cash investments,  is expected to
be $3  million  to  $4  million.  Accretion  of  discount  on  asset  retirement
obligations  is expected to be $1 million to $2 million.  The  Company's  second
quarter  effective  income tax rate is  expected  to range from 35 percent to 45
percent based on current capital spending plans.  Cash income taxes are expected
to range from $5 million to $15 million.

Acquisitions, Divestments, Operations and Drilling Highlights

     During the first quarter of 2006, the Company  completed the divestiture of
certain of its deepwater Gulf of Mexico properties.  Additionally,  during 2005,
the Company sold its interests in certain oil and gas properties on the shelf of
the Gulf of Mexico and  certain  fields in  Canada.  Operating  results  and the
related gains on disposition of assets from these  divestitures  are reported as
discontinued operations.

     During the first  quarter of 2006,  the Company  announced  an agreement to
sell  its  Argentine  net  assets  for  cash  proceeds,  before  normal  closing
adjustments,  of $675 million. The Company completed this sale during April 2006
and  estimates it will  recognize a nominal gain in the second  quarter of 2006.
The  Company's  Argentine  net  assets  have  been  classified  as  discontinued
operations held for sale as of March 31, 2006 in the  accompanying  Consolidated
Balance  Sheet and the  Argentine  results  of  operations  for the  three-month
periods  ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 are included in income from  discontinued
operations in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Operations.

     See Note N of Notes to Consolidated  Financial Statements included in "Item
1.  Financial  Statements"  for additional  information  regarding the Company's
discontinued operations.

     During the first quarter of 2006,  the Company  incurred  $377.8 million in
finding  and  development   costs  including   $212.4  million  for  development
activities,  $132.4  million for  exploration  activities  and $33.0 million for
acquisitions.   The  majority  of  the  Company's  development  and  exploration
expenditures   were  spent  on  drilling  wells,   acquiring  seismic  data  and
constructing infrastructure associated with successful drilling activities.

     The following table summarizes by geographic area the Company's finding and
development costs incurred,  excluding asset retirement obligations,  during the
first quarter of 2006 and the total wells planned to be drilled  during the year
ending December 31, 2006:

                                  Acquisition Costs                                                   2006
                               ----------------------    Exploration   Development                    Wells
                                 Proved     Unproved        Costs         Costs         Total        Planned
                               ---------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      -------
                                                             (in thousands)
United States:
    Gulf of Mexico (a).......  $     -     $        2    $   21,843    $    7,554    $   29,399           3
    Onshore Gulf Coast.......          3       12,452        12,163         6,583        31,201          50
    Permian Basin............      1,867        3,606         1,533        56,870        63,876         360
    Mid-Continent............        -            -               3         7,495         7,498          40
    Rocky Mountains..........        605        1,979         8,206        43,856        54,646         390
    Alaska...................        -            -          18,578         8,909        27,487           3
                                --------    ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------      ------
                                   2,475       18,039        62,326       131,267       214,107         846
                                --------    ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------      ------
Argentina (a)................        -              2         6,873        17,607        24,482         -
Canada.......................       (207)         -          38,412        32,060        70,265         260
Nigeria......................        -          7,735        19,551           -          27,286           1
South Africa.................        -            -              83        31,255        31,338           5
Tunisia......................        -          5,000         1,609           200         6,809          11
Other........................        -            -           3,540           -           3,540         -
                                --------    ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------      ------
                                    (207)      12,737        70,068        81,122       163,720         277
                                --------    ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------      ------
         Total Worldwide.....  $   2,268   $   30,776    $  132,394    $  212,389    $  377,827       1,123
                                ========    =========     =========     =========     =========      ======



- -----------
(a)  Approximately  $8.5 million of the finding and  development  costs incurred
     are  associated  with the divested  deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets and all
     the Argentine  finding and development  costs incurred were not included in
     the $1.3 billion  2006 capital  budget as the Company was in the process of
     selling those assets.

     The   following   tables   summarize   the   Company's    development   and
exploration/extension  drilling  activities for the three months ended March 31,

                                                             Development Drilling
                               Beginning Wells       Wells       Successful     Unsuccessful     Ending Wells
                                 in Progress         Spud           Wells           Wells        In Progress
                               ---------------     ---------     ----------     ------------     ------------
United States.................        29               136            160               3               2
Argentina.....................         2                15             10             -                 7
Canada........................         3               -              -               -                 3
Africa........................       -                   2              1             -                 1
                                  ------            ------         ------          ------           -----
      Total Worldwide.........        34               153            171               3              13
                                  ======            ======         ======          ======           =====

                                                        Exploration/Extension Drilling
                               Beginning Wells       Wells       Successful     Unsuccessful     Ending Wells
                                 in Progress         Spud           Wells           Wells        In Progress
                               ---------------     ---------     ----------     ------------     ------------
United States................          7                17             13               2                9
Argentina....................          4                 4              2               1                5
Canada.......................        109                88            151               6               40
Africa.......................          3                 2            -                 1                4
                                  ------            ------         ------          ------           ------
     Total Worldwide.........        123               111            166              10               58
                                  ======            ======         ======          ======           ======

     Gulf of Mexico area. The Company's East Cameron  facilities  were destroyed
by Hurricane Rita during the third quarter of 2005. The Company plans to abandon
the East Cameron field because the pre-hurricane production of approximately 600
BOEPD and future  production  profile do not justify the cost of  replacing  the
facilities. During the first quarter of 2006, the Company increased its estimate
to abandon the East Cameron  facilities to $86 million by taking a charge of $42
million.  The Company's  estimate to reclaim and abandon the facilities is based
upon an analysis and fee proposal prepared by a third-party engineering firm and
assumes that the Company will be able to "reef" a substantial  portion of debris
in place. The Company has filed its application with the appropriate  regulatory
agency to reef the debris in place. The Company expects a substantial portion of
the loss to be covered by insurance.

     During  October  2005,  the Company  announced  a discovery  on its Clipper
prospect in the Green Canyon Blocks 299 and 300 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
The  Clipper  discovery,  which  Pioneer  operates  with  a 55  percent  working
interest, was not included in the Company's deepwater Gulf of Mexico divestiture
package.  The  Company  intends  to  develop  the  Clipper  field  and has a rig
contracted  to drill  appraisal  and  exploratory  wells in the field during the
third quarter of 2006.

     Gulf Coast  area.  In the  Edwards  Trend in South  Texas,  the Company has
discovered two new fields which are analogous to its Pawnee and Washburn fields.
Four successful  wells have been drilled in the first new field discovery in the
Sinor area that tested at between 2.5 and 3.2 million  cubic feet per day before
being  stimulated.  These four wells are expected to be on production by the end
of the second  quarter of 2006,  and the full  field  development  plan is being
prepared.  The second new field  discovery was drilled on the Stingray  prospect
northeast of the Pawnee field.  Early results  indicate the new field could have
significant  resource potential.  The discovery well is anticipated to be online
and producing by late second quarter of 2006.



     Three additional new-field prospects are scheduled to be drilled during the
second  quarter of 2006 to continue the Edwards  Trend play  expansion.  Pioneer
holds more than 200,000 gross acres in the trend area,  has four rigs  currently
dedicated  to the play and is adding two rigs to the program  during 2006 and at
least one rig during 2007.  The Company plans to drill at least 35 Edwards Trend
development and exploration wells during 2006.

     Alaska area.  The Company's 2005 - 2006 winter  drilling  season program in
Alaska  included three  exploratory  wells in the Central North Slope area where
Pioneer and its partners  tested multiple play types that were close to existing
infrastructure.  The  Company's  Arctic Fox  drilling  rig was  utilized for the
three-well program.

     Pioneer  announced  in early March 2006 that the  Hailstorm  No. 1 well was
unsuccessful.  It was  drilled to test the first of  multiple  prospects  in the
153,000-acre  Pioneer-operated  Storms area just south of the Prudhoe Bay field.
The  Company  owns a 50 percent  working  interest in the  prospect.  Additional
prospects have been  identified in a variety of  established  play types and are
likely to be tested in future years.

     The  Cronus No. 1 well,  in which the  Company  owns a 90  percent  working
interest, was planned to test multiple objectives on a prospect just west of the
Meltwater field. A thick, oil-bearing sand section in the Torok and a thin, oil-
bearing  sand  in the  Jurassic-aged  Kuparuk  C were  penetrated  by the  well.
Wireline and core data are  currently  being  analyzed and  integrated  with 3-D
seismic to determine if appraisal  activities  are  warranted  during the 2006 -
2007 winter drilling season in Alaska.

     Drilling of the Antigua No. 1 well on the non-operated Antigua prospect was
unsuccessful.  The Company owns a 32 percent working  interest in this prospect,
which is adjacent to the Kuparuk River field.

     During  2005,  the  Company   acquired  a  ten  percent   interest  in  the
Cosmopolitan  Unit in the  Cook  Inlet  of  Alaska  through  a  disproportionate
spending  arrangement  for a 3-D seismic  shoot that was  undertaken in 2005 and
completed in the first quarter of 2006. The Company has the option to acquire an
additional 40 percent in the Cosmopolitan Unit and assume  operatorship any time
prior to June 1, 2006.  The  Company is  completing  its  evaluation  of the 3-D
seismic  and will make its  determination  on  whether or not to  exercise  this
option during the second quarter of 2006.

     Mid-Continent  area.  The  Company's  2006  drilling  plans  are  primarily
comprised of drilling wells in the Hugoton and West Panhandle fields.

     Permian Basin area. During 2006, the Company plans to increase its drilling
activity by  approximately  87 percent over the wells drilled in the area during
2005 and almost a 200 percent increase  relative to average annual wells drilled
over the past five years.

     Rocky  Mountain  area.  In the Raton Basin,  production  is increasing as a
result of a pipeline expansion that was completed in October 2005 and additional
field and wellhead  compression.  Pioneer  plans to increase its Raton  drilling
during  2006  and to  leverage  its CBM  expertise  in the  Raton  area to drill
development wells. Additionally,  the Company intends to continue efforts during
2006 to optimize gathering and compression facilities in the area.

     In northwest Colorado,  the Company's programs to evaluate the CBM resource
potential at Lay Creek and Columbine Springs are progressing.  At Lay Creek, the
Company  has  drilled  five pilot  wells and  completed  workovers  on two wells
drilled by the previous  operator.  Results to date  indicate that the coals are
permeable  and thicker than  expected.  During the second half of 2006,  Pioneer
plans to drill 14 development  wells and install the  infrastructure to initiate
sales by the end of 2006.  Drilling on two additional pilot wells is expected to
commence  during the second quarter of 2006. At Columbine  Springs,  the Company
expects to complete its  seven-well  extension  pilot program by the end of July
2006 and have these and 23 existing  wells on production by the end of the third
quarter of 2006 to assess production potential and water-handling  requirements.
Full-field development could begin in 2007. The Company also plans to drill five
wells to  further  evaluate  its  resource  play at  Castlegate  and to test its
conventional Entrada gas play, both in the Uinta Basin in Utah.



     Canada.  The  Company's  operations  continued to focus upon the  Chinchaga
field, the Company's  Horseshoe  Canyon and Alberta  Mannville CBM plays. In the
Chinchaga  field,  the  Company  drilled  in 44 wells of which 90  percent  were
successful,   recompleted  an  additional  31  wells  and  upgraded  field  wide
compression and gathering  facilities during the winter drilling season of 2006.
In the Horseshoe  Canyon CBM trend,  the Company drilled 18 wells of the planned
200  wells  for  2006  and is  planning  to tie 300  wells  into  gathering  and
compression  facilities by the end of 2006.  In the Alberta  Mannville CBM play,
the Company plans to drill eight  horizontal wells during 2006 to test three new
CBM pilots.

     Nigeria.  During the first quarter of 2006, the Company participated in the
drilling of the Pina 1-X well on Block 256 in the  deepwater  of Nigeria,  which
was  unsuccessful.  As a result,  the Company recorded a charge of $33.1 million
for the dry hole cost and  related  acreage  impairment.  The  Company  has a 25
percent working interest in the block. The well tested multiple  objectives on a
large thrust structure  located near the western edge of the block. The partners
plan to drill an additional  well on Block 256 in 2007 to test a different  play

     A  partially-owned  subsidiary of the Company  joined Oranto  Petroleum and
Orandi  Petroleum  in an existing  production  sharing  contract on Block 320 in
deepwater  Nigeria  gaining   exploration  rights  from  the  Nigerian  National
Petroleum  Corporation.  The  subsidiary,  which holds a 51 percent  interest in
Block 320, is owned 59 percent by the Company and 41 percent by an  unaffiliated
third-party.  The  Company  acquired  3-D seismic  data of the block  during the
fourth quarter of 2005 and is currently  processing  the seismic.  The Company's
subsidiary plans to drill the first well on the block during 2007.

     South Africa. During the first quarter of 2006, the Company and its partner
drilled two wells that are awaiting completion and plan to drill four additional
development  wells in 2006 and  early  2007 to  develop  the gas and  condensate
fields discovered offshore South Africa. The Company also invested $22.3 million
in facilities  infrastructure and design work, of which installation is expected
to commence at the end of 2006. First production from the project is expected in
the second half of 2007.

     Tunisia.  The Adam 4 well  drilled  during  the first  quarter  of 2006 was
successful,  extending the Company's 100 percent  success rate in the concession
where a two-rig drilling program is underway. On the adjacent Jenein Nord block,
the Company  acquired the remaining  equity interest in February 2006,  becoming
the  operator of the block with 100 percent  working  interest  and is currently
acquiring 3-D seismic on both the Jenein Nord block and Adam Concession.  A well
is planned  during the second  quarter of 2006 on the Borj El Khadra block which
is adjacent to the Adam Concession.

Results of Operations

     Oil and gas  revenues.  Oil and gas  revenues  from  continuing  operations
totaled  $379.5  million and $323.1  million for the  three-month  periods ended
March 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The increase in oil and gas revenues from
continuing  operations  was due to a 72 percent  increase  in oil  prices,  a 30
percent  increase  in NGL  prices  and a 12  percent  increase  in  gas  prices,
including the effects of commodity price hedges and amortization of deferred VPP
revenues,  partially offset by a ten percent decrease in average daily BOE sales



     The following  table provides  average daily sales volumes from  continuing
operations,  by geographic area and in total, for the three-month  periods ended
March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------
       Oil (Bbls):
         United States.............................     16,965        22,522
         Canada....................................        277           161
         Africa....................................      7,654        11,967
                                                      --------      --------
         Worldwide.................................     24,896        34,650
                                                      ========      ========
       NGLs (Bbls):
         United States.............................     18,176        17,489
         Canada....................................        419           417
                                                      --------      --------
         Worldwide.................................     18,595        17,906
                                                      ========      ========
       Gas (Mcf):
         United States.............................    274,773       283,080
         Canada....................................     35,782        34,171
                                                      --------      --------
         Worldwide.................................    310,555       317,251
                                                      ========      ========
       Total (BOE):
         United States.............................     80,937        87,191
         Canada....................................      6,659         6,273
         Africa....................................      7,654        11,967
                                                      --------      --------
         Worldwide.................................     95,250       105,431
                                                      ========      ========

     On a quarter-to-quarter  comparison,  average daily sales volumes increased
by six percent in Canada,  while average daily sales volumes  decreased by seven
percent in the United States and by 36 percent in Africa. Canadian average daily
sales volumes from  continuing  operations  increased due to new production from
wells drilled and connected to infrastructure  during 2005.  Average daily sales
volumes from continuing  operations in the United States were lower  principally
due to  incremental  volumes  sold under VPPs  during  2005 that were  effective
beginning  in  January  2006.  Production  decreased  in  Africa  due to  normal
production declines and timing of oil shipments.

     The following table provides average daily sales volumes from  discontinued
operations,  by geographic  area and in total,  during the  three-month  periods
ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------
       Oil (Bbls):
          United States............................      9,732        6,201
          Argentina................................      7,184        8,191
          Canada...................................        -             69
                                                      --------     --------
          Worldwide................................     16,916       14,461
                                                      ========     ========
       NGLs (Bbls):
          United States............................        -             55
          Argentina................................      1,296        1,572
          Canada...................................        -            184
                                                      --------     --------
          Worldwide................................      1,296        1,811
                                                      ========     ========
       Gas (Mcf):
          United States............................    145,002      255,205
          Argentina................................    135,047      130,351
          Canada...................................        -         15,375
                                                      --------     --------
          Worldwide................................    280,049      400,931
                                                      ========     ========
       Total (BOE):
          United States............................     33,899       48,790
          Argentina................................     30,987       31,488
          Canada...................................        -          2,816
                                                      --------     --------
          Worldwide................................     64,886       83,094
                                                      ========     ========



     The oil and gas prices  that the  Company  reports  are based on the market
price received for the commodities adjusted by the results of the Company's cash
flow hedging  activities  and the  amortization  of deferred  VPP  revenue.  The
following table provides  average  reported  prices from  continuing  operations
(including the results of hedging  activities and the  amortization  of deferred
VPP revenue),  and average realized prices from continuing operations (excluding
the results of hedging  activities and the amortization of deferred VPP revenue)
by  geographic  area and in total,  for the three- month periods ended March 31,
2006 and 2005:

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------
       Average reported prices:
          Oil (per Bbl):
            United States.........................    $  59.97      $  29.94
            Canada................................    $  67.11      $  50.88
            Africa................................    $  59.84      $  44.28
            Worldwide.............................    $  60.01      $  34.99
          NGLs (per Bbl):
            United States.........................    $  33.74      $  26.12
            Canada................................    $  54.23      $  37.97
            Worldwide.............................    $  34.20      $  26.39
          Gas (per Mcf):
            United States.........................    $   6.60      $   6.01
            Canada................................    $   7.65      $   5.96
            Worldwide.............................    $   6.72      $   6.01
       Average realized prices:
          Oil (per Bbl):
            United States.........................    $  60.11      $  45.46
            Canada................................    $  67.11      $  50.88
            Africa................................    $  59.84      $  44.28
            Worldwide.............................    $  60.10      $  45.08
          NGLs (per Bbl):
            United States.........................    $  33.74      $  26.12
            Canada................................    $  54.23      $  37.97
            Worldwide.............................    $  34.20      $  26.39
          Gas (per Mcf):
            United States.........................    $   7.00      $   5.56
            Canada................................    $   7.44      $   5.98
            Worldwide.............................    $   7.05      $   5.61

     Hedging  activities.   The  Company  utilizes  commodity  swap  and  collar
contracts  in  order  to (i)  reduce  the  effect  of  price  volatility  on the
commodities the Company  produces and sells,  (ii) support the Company's  annual
capital  budgeting and expenditure  plans and (iii) reduce  commodity price risk
associated with certain capital projects.  During the three-month  periods ended
March 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company's  commodity price hedges decreased oil and
gas revenues from  continuing  operations  by $57.4  million and $31.8  million,
respectively.  See Note F of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included
in "Item  1.  Financial  Statements"  for  specific  information  regarding  the
Company's hedging activities during the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006
and 2005.

     Deferred revenue.  During the three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006 and
2005, the Company's  amortization of deferred VPP revenue  increased oil and gas
revenues  from  continuing  operations  by  $47.9  million  and  $11.6  million,
respectively.  See Note L of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included
in "Item  1.  Financial  Statements"  for  specific  information  regarding  the
Company's VPPs.

     Interest  and other  income.  Interest  and other  income  from  continuing
operations for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 was $17.1
million and $2.3  million,  respectively.  The  increase  in interest  and other
income was primarily due $7.6 million of business interruption  insurance claims
related to the East Cameron  facility and  finalizing  the Fain Plant claims,  a
$2.9 million increase in minority interest reimbursements and a $2.1 million bad



debt recovery. See Note M of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included
in "Item 1.  Financial  Statements"  for  additional  information  regarding the
Company's business interruption insurance claims.

     Oil and gas production  costs.  The Company recorded oil and gas production
costs from  continuing  operations of $94.7 million and $80.9 million during the
three-month  periods  ended March 31, 2006 and 2005,  respectively.  In general,
lease operating  expenses and workover expenses  represent the components of oil
and gas production  costs over which the Company has management  control,  while
production and ad valorem taxes are directly  related to commodity price changes
and third-party  transportation  charges are related to volumes produced.  Total
oil and gas production costs per BOE from continuing  operations increased by 29
percent  during the three months  ended March 31, 2006,  as compared to the same
period in 2005, primarily due to (i) $1.23 per BOE increase resulting from a 261
percent increase in VPP volume  deliveries on a BOE basis, for which the Company
records no sales volumes but bears all associated production costs, (ii) general
inflation  of  field  service  costs,  (iii) a 16  percent  increase  in per BOE
Canadian  gas  transportation  costs and (iv)  increases  in ad  valorem  taxes,
production taxes and field utility costs due to increases in commodity prices.

     The following  tables provide the components of the Company's total oil and
gas production  costs per BOE from  continuing  operations and total oil and gas
production  costs per BOE from continuing  operations by geographic area for the
three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------

       Lease operating expenses..................     $   6.15      $   4.80
       Third-party transportation charges........         1.21           .88
          Ad valorem.............................         1.20          1.02
          Production.............................         1.76          1.21
       Workover costs............................          .72           .62
                                                       -------       -------

          Total production costs.................     $  11.04      $   8.53
                                                       =======       =======

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------
          United States..........................     $  10.69      $   8.17
          Canada.................................     $  18.21      $  16.08
          Africa ................................     $   8.52      $   7.21
          Worldwide..............................     $  11.04      $   8.53

     Depletion,  depreciation and amortization expense. The Company's total DD&A
expense  from  continuing  operations  was  $9.61  and  $7.73  per  BOE  for the
three-month  periods  ended  March 31,  2006 and 2005,  respectively.  Depletion
expense from continuing  operations,  the largest component of DD&A expense from
continuing operations, was $8.93 per BOE during the three months ended March 31,
2006, as compared to $7.25 per BOE during the same period in 2005.  The increase
in per BOE depletion expense from continuing operations was primarily due to (i)
a generally increasing trend in the Company's oil and gas properties' cost bases
per BOE of proved and proved  developed  reserves,  (ii) the fourth quarter 2005
downward   revisions  of  proved   reserves  in  the  Raton  field,   (iii)  the
aforementioned  increase in VPP volume  deliveries,  for which the Company bears
all  capital  costs but records no  production  volumes and (iv) a $2.35 per BOE
increase in Tunisian depletion expense primarily associated with a 2005 and 2006
decrease in the Company's working interest in the Adam Concession, (v) partially
offset by a $.44 per BOE decrease in South African depletion due to 2005 reserve
revisions attributable to well performance.



     The following  table  provides  depletion  expense per BOE from  continuing
operations by geographic area for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006
and 2005:

                                                        Three months ended
                                                             March 31,
                                                        2006          2005
                                                      --------      --------

          United States...........................    $   8.73      $   6.67
          Canada..................................    $  12.06      $  12.47
          Africa .................................    $   8.27      $   8.71
          Worldwide...............................    $   8.93      $   7.25

     Exploration,  abandonments, geological and geophysical costs. The following
table provides the Company's  geological and geophysical costs,  exploratory dry
hole  expense,   leasehold  abandonments  and  other  exploration  expense  from
continuing operations by geographic area for the three-month periods ended March
31, 2006 and 2005:

                                                            United                   and
                                                            States      Canada      Other        Total
                                                           --------    --------    --------    ----------
                                                                         (in thousands)
       Three months ended March 31, 2006:
         Geological and geophysical...................     $ 20,660    $    346    $ 10,449    $  31,455
         Exploratory dry holes........................       15,635       2,504      14,673       32,812
         Leasehold abandonments and other.............       41,986         566      17,823       60,375
                                                            -------     -------     -------     --------

                                                           $ 78,281    $  3,416    $ 42,945    $ 124,642
                                                            =======     =======     =======     ========
       Three months ended March 31, 2005:
         Geological and geophysical...................     $ 24,397    $    986    $  9,410    $  34,793
         Exploratory dry holes........................        2,264       2,664      11,556       16,484
         Leasehold abandonments and other.............        2,142          91         319        2,552
                                                            -------     -------     -------     --------
                                                           $ 28,803    $  3,741    $ 21,285    $  53,829
                                                            =======     =======     =======     ========

     Significant components of the Company's exploration and abandonment expense
during the first quarter of 2006 included (i) $33.1 million  attributable  to an
unsuccessful  well and related  impairment of acreage on the Company's Block 256
permit in  Nigeria,  (ii) $6.7  million  attributable  to the  write-off  of the
Company's  Platypus  prospect  on the shelf of the Gulf of  Mexico,  (iii)  $8.5
million  associated with two unsuccessful  wells in the Company's winter Alaskan
drilling  program and (iv) various other  exploratory  wells.  The United States
leasehold  abandonments  and other costs includes a $42 million increase in East
Cameron abandonment obligations that resulted from Hurricane Rita damage. During
the three months ended March 31, 2006,  the Company  completed and evaluated 176
exploration/extension  wells,  166  of  which  were  successfully  completed  as
discoveries.  During the same respective  period in 2005, the Company  completed
and  evaluated 41  exploration/extension  wells,  32 of which were  successfully
completed as discoveries.

     General and administrative expense. General and administrative expense from
continuing  operations for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005
was $32.2 million and $27.5 million,  respectively.  The increase in general and
administrative  expense was primarily due to increases in  administrative  staff
and  performance-related   compensation  costs  including  the  amortization  of
restricted stock awarded to officers, directors and employees.

     Interest  expense.  Interest  expense from continuing  operations was $36.6
million and $32.7  million for the three- month periods ended March 31, 2006 and
2005,  respectively.  The  weighted  average  interest  rates  on the  Company's
indebtedness  for the three  months  ended  March 31, 2006 was 6.2  percent,  as
compared to 6.0 percent  for the same period in 2005,  including  the effects of
interest rate derivatives. The increase in interest expense was primarily due to
increased  average  borrowings  under the  Company's  lines of credit and a $3.1
million decrease in the amortization of interest rate hedge gains.



     Other  expenses.   Other  expenses  from  continuing   operations  for  the
three-month  periods  ended March 31,  2006 and 2005 were $5.1  million and $8.8
million,  respectively. The primary components of the decrease in other expenses
were a $13.4 million decrease in hedge ineffectiveness, offset by mark-to-market
losses of  approximately  $6.6  million  recorded  in the first  quarter of 2006
associated with certain derivative instruments.

     Income tax  provision.  The Company  recognized  income tax  provisions  on
continuing  operations of $20.7 million and $21.8 million during the three-month
periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The Company's first quarter
2006 effective tax rate on continuing  operations of 104.9 percent  differs from
the combined  United States federal and state  statutory  rate of  approximately
36.5 percent primarily due to:

      o   foreign tax rates,
      o   statutes in foreign jurisdictions that differ from those in the United
          States and
      o   expenses for  unsuccessful well costs and associated  acreage costs in
          foreign locations where the  Company does not expect to receive income
          tax benefits; during the first quarter of 2006, this primarily related
          to Nigerian expenses of approximately $35.5 million.

     See Note D of Notes to Consolidate  Financial  Statements included in "Item
1.  Financial  Statements"  for additional  information  regarding the Company's
income taxes.

     Discontinued  operations.  During  2005  and  2006,  the  Company  sold its
interests in the following oil and gas assets and has reflected their results of
operations in discontinued operations:

       Country               Description of Assets              Date Divested
       -------               ---------------------              -------------

       Canada                Martin Creek, Conroy Black         May 2005
                             and Lookout Butte fields

       United States         Two Gulf of Mexico                 August 2005
                             shelf fields

       United States         Deepwater Gulf of Mexico           March 2006

       Argentina             All Argentine properties           April 2006

     The  Company  recognized  income  from  discontinued  operations  of $544.2
million and $57.7 million  during the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006
and 2005, respectively. During the first quarter of 2006, the Company recognized
a gain on the  disposition  of its  deepwater  Gulf of  Mexico  assets of $728.4
million.   The  Company's   effective  tax  rate  associated  with  discontinued
operations during the three-month periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 was 34.9
percent and 34.3 percent, respectively.

Capital Commitments, Capital Resources and Liquidity

     Capital  commitments.   The  Company's  primary  needs  for  cash  are  for
development, exploration and acquisition of oil and gas properties, repayment of
contractual obligations and working capital obligations.  Funding for these cash
needs,  as well as  funding  for any  stock  repurchases  that the  Company  may
undertake, may be provided by any combination of internally-generated cash flow,
proceeds from the  disposition of nonstrategic  assets or alternative  financing
sources as discussed in "Capital resources" below.

     Oil and gas properties.  The Company's cash  expenditures  for additions to
oil and gas properties  during the three- month periods ended March 31, 2006 and
2005 totaled $334.9 million and $194.9 million,  respectively.  During the three
months ended March 31, 2006, the Company's expenditures for additions to oil and
gas properties were funded by  $303.3 million of net cash  provided by operating



activities and a portion of the $1.0 billion of proceeds received in conjunction
with the sale of the Company's  deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets (net of payments
to terminate derivative instruments associated with the deepwater Gulf of Mexico
assets).   During  the  three  months  ended  March  31,  2005,   the  Company's
expenditures  for additions to oil and gas properties were internally  funded by
$303.7 million of net cash provided by operating activities.

     Contractual  obligations,  including  off-balance  sheet  obligations.  The
Company's  contractual  obligations  include  long-term debt,  operating leases,
drilling commitments, derivative obligations, other liabilities,  transportation
commitments  and VPP  obligations.  From  time-to-time,  the Company enters into
off-balance  sheet  arrangements and transactions that can give rise to material
off-balance sheet obligations of the Company. As of March 31, 2006, the material
off-balance  sheet  arrangements and  transactions  that the Company has entered
into included (i) undrawn letters of credit,  (ii) operating  lease  agreements,
(iii) drilling commitments,  (iv) VPP obligations (to physically deliver volumes
and pay related  lease  operating  expenses  in the future) and (v)  contractual
obligations  for  which  the  ultimate  settlement  amounts  are not  fixed  and
determinable  such as derivative  contracts that are sensitive to future changes
in  commodity  prices  and  gas  transportation  commitments.   Other  than  the
off-balance sheet arrangements described above, the Company has no transactions,
arrangements  or  other  relationships  with  unconsolidated  entities  or other
persons that are reasonably likely to materially affect the Company's  liquidity
or  availability of or requirements  for capital  resources.  Since December 31,
2005, the material changes in the Company's contractual obligations included (i)
a $900 million  reduction in outstanding  borrowings under the Credit Agreement,
(ii) an increase of  approximately  $400 million in the  Company's  drilling rig
commitments,  (iii) a $325 million decrease in derivative obligations and (iv) a
$52 million  increase in  outstanding  undrawn  letters of credit.  See "Item 3.
Quantitative  and  Qualitative  Disclosures  About  Market  Risk" for a table of
changes in the fair value of the Company's open derivative contract  liabilities
during the three months ended March 31, 2006.

     Environmental contingency. A subsidiary of the Company has been notified by
a letter  from the TCEQ  dated  August  24,  2005  that the TCEQ  considers  the
subsidiary to be a potentially  responsible party with respect to the Dorchester
Refining  Company State  Superfund Site located in Mount  Pleasant,  Texas.  The
subsidiary,  which was acquired by the Company in 1991, owned a refinery located
at the Mount  Pleasant  site from 1977 until 1984.  According to the TCEQ,  this
refinery  was  responsible  for  releases  of  hazardous   substances  into  the
environment.  The  Company  does not know the nature  and extent of the  alleged
contamination,  the potential costs of remediation,  or the portion,  if any, of
such costs that may be allocable to the Company's subsidiary.  However, based on
the limited information  currently available and assessed regarding this matter,
the Company has no reason to believe that it may have a material  adverse effect
on its future financial condition, results of operations or liquidity. See Notes
I and O of Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  included  in "Item 1.
Financial  Statements" for additional  information regarding this matter as well
as other environmental and legal contingencies involving the Company.

     Capital  resources.  The Company's  primary capital  resources are net cash
provided  by  operating  activities,  proceeds  from  financing  activities  and
proceeds from sales of nonstrategic  assets.  During the next twelve months, the
Company  anticipates  that net cash  provided by  operating  activities  will be
insufficient  to fund its capital  commitments;  however,  net cash  provided by
operating  activities combined with proceeds from financing activities and sales
of nonstrategic assets are expected to be sufficient to fund capital commitments
during the foreseeable future.

     Asset  divestitures.  During  March  2006,  the  Company  sold  all  of its
interests in certain oil and gas  properties in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico for
net proceeds of $1.2 billion,  resulting in a gain of $728.4 million.  Also, the
proceeds were reduced by $193.2 million of net payments to terminate  derivative
instruments  associated  with the deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets.  During April
2006,  the Company  sold all of its  interests in its  Argentine  assets for net
proceeds of $675 million.  The net cash proceeds  from these  divestitures  were
used to reduce  outstanding  indebtedness  under the  Credit  Agreement  and for
general corporate purposes.

     Operating activities.  Net cash provided by operating activities during the
three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 was $303.3 million and $303.7
million,  respectively.  As a result of the sale of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico
assets, the Company utilized all of its available United States NOLs, other than
those subject to limitations.  The use of the available  United States NOLs will
accelerate the Company's payment of cash taxes.



     Investing activities.  Net cash provided by investing activities during the
three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 was $621.8 million and $393.1
million, respectively. The increase in net cash provided by investing activities
was primarily due to a $363.1 million  increase in proceeds from  disposition of

     Financing  activities.  Net cash used in  financing  activities  during the
three  months  ended  March 31, 2006 was $900.6  million,  as compared to $688.2
million during the same period in 2005.

     During February 2006, the Board declared a semiannual  dividend of $.12 per
common share,  payable on April 12, 2006 to  shareholders of record on March 29,
2006.  Associated  therewith,  the  Company  paid  $15.5  million  of  aggregate
dividends  during April 2006.  Future  dividends  are at the  discretion  of the
Board,  and the Board may change the  current  dividend  amount in the future if
warranted by future liquidity and capital resource attributes.

     During  August  2005,  the  Board  approved  a  share  repurchase   program
authorizing the purchase of up to $1 billion of the Company's common stock, $641
million of which was completed in 2005.  Purchase of the remaining  $359 million
of the  authorization  is expected to be initiated in mid-May  2006.  During the
three-month  periods  ended March 31, 2006 and 2005,  the Company  expended $2.0
million to acquire 45 thousand  shares of treasury  stock (these shares were not
repurchased  under the  Company's  $1  billion  repurchase  program)  and $152.0
million to acquire 3.7 million shares of treasury stock, respectively.

     Subsequent  to March 31,  2006,  the Company  issued $450 million of 6.875%
Notes for net proceeds of $446.6 million.  The Company will use the net proceeds
from the  issuance of the 6.875%  Notes to fund the tender offer to purchase its
outstanding 6.50% Notes and for general corporate purposes.

     As the Company  pursues its  strategy,  it may  utilize  various  financing
sources,  including  fixed  and  floating  rate  debt,  convertible  securities,
preferred  stock or common  stock.  The  Company  may also issue  securities  in
exchange for oil and gas  properties,  stock or other interests in other oil and
gas  companies  or  related  assets.  Additional  securities  may be of a  class
preferred  to common  stock  with  respect  to such  matters  as  dividends  and
liquidation  rights and may also have other rights and preferences as determined
by the Board.

     Liquidity.  The Company's principal source of short-term  liquidity is cash
on hand and unused  borrowing  capacity on the Credit  Agreement.  There were no
outstanding  borrowings  under the Credit  Agreement as of March 31, 2006. After
deducting $119.6 million of undrawn and outstanding  letters of credit under the
Credit Agreement,  the Company had $1.4 billion of unused borrowing  capacity as
of March 31, 2006. In the future, to the extent that Pioneer's liquidity results
in cash in  excess  of  immediate  capital  needs,  the  Company  may  invest in
short-term cash equivalent securities.

     Debt  ratings.  The  Company  receives  debt  credit  ratings  from S&P and
Moody's,  which are  subject to regular  reviews.  During the fourth  quarter of
2005, S&P cut the Company's corporate credit rating to BB+ with a stable outlook
from BBB-.  During  January  2006,  Moody's cut the Company's  corporate  credit
rating to Ba1 with a negative  outlook from Baa3. S&P and Moody's  consider many
factors in  determining  the  Company's  ratings  including:  production  growth
opportunities,  liquidity, debt levels and asset and reserve mix. As a result of
the  downgrades,  the  interest  rate and fees the  Company  pays on the  Credit
Agreement  have increased and additional  debt covenant  requirements  under the
Credit  Agreement  were  triggered.  During  January  2006,  as a result  of the
Company's  downgrades by the rating agencies,  the Company issued $52 million of
additional  letters  of  credits  and  will  issue   approximately  $33  million
additional  letters of credits  during the second  quarter of 2006  pursuant  to
agreements  that  contain  provisions  with  rating  triggers.   The  individual
downgrades  are not  expected  to  materially  affect  the  Company's  financial
position or liquidity,  but could  negatively  impact the  Company's  ability to
obtain  additional  financing or the interest rate and fees associated with such
additional financing.



     Book capitalization and current ratio. The Company's book capitalization at
March  31,  2006  was  $4.1  billion,  consisting  of debt of $1.2  billion  and
stockholders' equity of $3.0 billion.  Consequently,  the Company's debt to book
capitalization  decreased  to 28  percent  at March 31,  2006 from 48 percent at
December 31, 2005. The Company's ratio of current assets to current  liabilities
was 1.22 to 1.00 at March 31, 2006 as  compared  to .60 to 1.00 at December  31,
2005.  The  improvement  in the  Company's  ratio of  current  assets to current
liabilities  was  primarily  due to the  classification  of all of the Argentine
assets and liabilities to current pending its sale which closed in April 2006.



Item 3.     Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     The following  quantitative and qualitative  disclosures  about market risk
are  supplementary to the quantitative and qualitative  disclosures  provided in
the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2005.
As such, the information contained herein should be read in conjunction with the
related  disclosures  in the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2005.

     Although certain derivative contracts to which the Company has been a party
did not qualify as hedges,  the Company does not enter into  derivative or other
financial instruments for trading purposes.

     The following table reconciles the changes that occurred in the fair values
of the Company's open derivative contracts during the first quarter of 2006:

                                                      Derivative Contract Net Liabilities
                                                    Commodities       Rate          Total
                                                    -----------     ---------     ----------
                                                                 (in thousands)
       Fair value of contracts outstanding
          as of December 31, 2005...............    $ (748,477)     $     -       $ (748,477)
       Changes in contract fair values (a)......        72,621            148         72,769
       Contract maturities......................        63,218           (148)        63,070
       Contract terminations....................       188,889            -          188,889
                                                     ---------       --------      ---------
       Fair value of contracts outstanding
          as of March 31, 2006..................    $ (423,749)     $     -       $ (423,749)
                                                     =========       ========      =========
- ---------------
(a)  At inception, historically derivative contracts entered into by the Company
     have no intrinsic value.

     Foreign  exchange  rate  sensitivity.  From  time to  time,  the  Company's
Canadian  subsidiary  enters into  short-term  forward  currency  agreements  to
purchase Canadian dollars with U.S. dollar gas sales proceeds.  The Company does
not designate these derivatives as hedges due to their short-term nature.  There
were no outstanding  forward  currency  agreements at March 31, 2006 or December
31, 2005.

     Interest rate sensitivity.  The following table provides  information about
other  financial  instruments  to which the  Company was a party as of March 31,
2006 and that are sensitive to changes in interest rates. For debt  obligations,
the table presents  maturities by expected  maturity dates, the weighted average
interest rates expected to be paid on the debt given current  contractual  terms
and market  conditions and the debt's estimated fair value. For fixed rate debt,
the weighted average  interest rate represents the contractual  fixed rates that
the Company was obligated to periodically  pay on the debt as of March 31, 2006.
As of March 31, 2006, the Company was not a party to material  derivatives  that
would subject it to interest rate sensitivity.

                            Interest Rate Sensitivity
                      Debt Obligations as of March 31, 2006

                              Nine months                                                                           Liability
                                 ending              Year ending December 31,                                     Fair Value at
                              December 31,  -----------------------------------------                               March 31,
                                  2006        2007       2008       2009       2010     Thereafter     Total           2006
                              -----------   --------   --------   --------   --------   ----------   ----------   -------------
                                                   (in thousands, except interest rates)
Total Debt:
  Fixed rate principal
    maturities (a)...........   $   -       $ 32,075   $350,000   $   -      $   -      $ 882,985    $1,265,060   $(1,326,852)
    Weighted average
      interest rate (%)......     6.31          6.29       6.16     6.16       6.16          6.16
- -------------
(a)  Represents  maturities  of principal  amounts  excluding  (i) debt issuance
     discounts and premiums and (ii) deferred fair value hedge gains and losses.
     Subsequent  to March 31,  2006,  the Company  issued $450 million of 6.875%
     Notes for net proceeds of $446.6 million. The Company will use a portion of
     the net  proceeds  from the  issuance of the 6.875%  Notes to fund a tender
     offer to purchase its outstanding 6.50% Notes.



     Commodity price sensitivity. The following tables provide information about
the Company's oil and gas derivative  financial  instruments that were sensitive
to changes in oil or gas prices as of March 31, 2006. As of March 31, 2006,  all
of the  Company's  oil and gas  derivative  financial  instruments  qualified as

     See Note F of Notes to Consolidated  Financial Statements included in "Item
1. Financial  Statements" for  information  regarding the terms of the Company's
derivative  financial  instruments  that are sensitive to changes in oil and gas
prices as well as hedge volumes and weighted average prices by calendar quarter.

                          Oil and Gas Price Sensitivity
              Derivative Financial Instruments as of March 31, 2006

                                                  Nine months        Year ending         Asset (Liability)
                                                     ending,         December 31,          Fair Value at
                                                  December 31,   --------------------        March 31,
                                                      2006         2007        2008             2006
                                                  -----------    --------    --------    -----------------
                                                                                          (in thousands)
Oil Hedge Derivatives:
  Average daily notional Bbl volumes:
   Swap contracts (a)........................           5,000      10,000      10,000       $ (298,371)
    Weighted average fixed price per Bbl.....      $    37.20    $  30.96    $  30.62
   Collar contracts..........................           6,665       2,000         -         $  (25,147)
    Weighted average ceiling price per Bbl...      $    67.12    $  89.50    $    -
    Weighted average floor price per Bbl.....      $    42.12    $  50.00    $    -
   Average forward NYMEX oil prices (b)......      $    76.65    $  76.79    $  74.04

Gas Hedge Derivatives (c):
  Average daily notional MMBtu volumes:
   Swap contracts............................          73,885      24,195         -         $ (102,115)
    Weighted average fixed price per MMBtu...      $     4.31    $   4.00    $    -
   Collar contracts..........................         108,345     215,000         -         $    1,884
    Weighted average ceiling price per MMBtu.      $    14.27    $  11.84    $    -
    Weighted average floor price per MMBtu...      $     6.55    $   6.57    $    -
   Average forward NYMEX gas prices (b)......      $     8.03    $  10.10    $    -
- ---------------
(a)  Subsequent to March 31, 2006, the Company  entered into oil swap contracts,
     with an average  fixed  price of $71.83 per Bbl,  designated  as hedges for
     90,000 Bbls of forecasted June 2006 South African oil sales.
(b)  The  average  forward  NYMEX  oil and gas  prices  are based on May 3, 2006
     market quotes.
(c)  To minimize  basis risk,  the Company enters into basis swaps for a portion
     of its gas hedges to convert the index price of the hedging instrument from
     a NYMEX index to an index which reflects the geographic area of production.
     The Company  considers these basis swaps as part of the associated swap and
     collar contracts and, accordingly, the effects of the basis swaps have been
     presented together with the associated contracts.

Item 4.     Controls and Procedures

     Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures. The Company's management,
with  the  participation  of  its  principal  executive  officer  and  principal
financial  officer,  have  evaluated,  as required by Rule  13a-15(b)  under the
Exchange Act, the Company's  disclosure  controls and  procedures (as defined in
Exchange  Act  Rule  13a-15(e))  as of the  end of the  period  covered  by this
quarterly report on Form 10-Q. Based on that evaluation, the principal executive
officer and principal  financial officer concluded that the design and operation
of the Company's  disclosure  controls and  procedures are effective in ensuring
that information  required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it
files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded,  processed,  summarized and
reported within the time periods specified in the SEC's rules and forms.

     Changes in internal  control over financial  reporting.  There have been no
changes in the Company's  internal control over financial  reporting (as defined
in Rule  13a-15(f)  under the Exchange Act) that  occurred  during the Company's
last fiscal quarter that have  materially  affected or are reasonably  likely to
materially affect the Company's internal control over financial reporting.



                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.     Legal Proceedings

     The  Company is party to the legal  proceedings  that are  described  under
"Legal actions" in Note I of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included
in  "Item  1.  Financial  Statements".  The  Company  is  also  party  to  other
proceedings and claims  incidental to its business.  While many of these matters
involve  inherent  uncertainty,  the  Company  believes  that the  amount of the
liability,  if any,  ultimately  incurred with respect to such other proceedings
and claims will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated
financial  position as a whole or on its liquidity,  capital resources or future
annual results of operations.

Item 1A.    Risk Factors

     In addition to the other  information set forth in this report,  you should
carefully  consider the risks  discussed in the Company's  Annual Report on Form
10-K  under  the  headings  "Item  1.  Business  -   Competition,   Markets  and
Regulations", "Item 1A. Risk Factors" and "Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative
Disclosures  About  Market  Risk",  which  risks  could  materially  affect  the
Company's  business,  financial  condition or future results.  There has been no
material change in the Company's risk factors from those described in the Annual
Report on Form  10-K.  These  risks are not the only risks  facing the  Company.
Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to the Company or that it
currently  deems to be  immaterial  also may  materially  adversely  affect  the
Company's business, financial condition or future results.

Item 2.     Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers

     The following  table  summarizes the Company's  purchases of treasury stock
during the three months ended March 31, 2006:

                                                                  Total Number of Shares    Approximate Dollar
                                                                   (or Units) Purchased      Amount of Shares
                            Total Number of     Average Price       as Part of Publicly      that May Yet Be
                           Shares (or Units)    Paid per Share        Announced Plans        Purchased under
Period                       Purchased (a)        (or Unit)             or Programs         Plans or Programs
- ------                     -----------------    --------------    ----------------------    ------------------

January 2006.............           3,632          $  51.08                   -
February 2006............          39,652          $  43.78                   -
March 2006...............           1,349          $  44.09                   -
                              -----------                               ---------
        Total............          44,633          $  44.38                   -               $ 359,294,950
                              ===========                               =========              ============
- -----------
(a)  Amounts include shares withheld to fund tax withholding on employees' stock
     awards for which restrictions have lapsed.

     During  August  2005,  the  Board  approved  a  share  repurchase   program
authorizing the purchase of up to $1 billion of the Company's common stock, $641
million of which was  completed in 2005 and $359 million of which is expected to
be initiated in mid-May 2006 since the Company has completed its  divestiture of
the deepwater Gulf of Mexico assets and its Argentine assets.



Item 6.     Exhibits
- -------     --------


 2.1        Purchase and Sale  Agreement by  and between  Pioneer as  Seller and
            Marubeni Offshore Production  (USA) Inc. as Purchaser  (incorporated
            by reference to  Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's Current Report on Form
            8-K,  File No. 1-13245,  filed with the SEC on  February 28,  2006).
 4.1        Sixth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of  May 1, 2006, among the
            Company,  Pioneer Natural Resources  USA, Inc.  and The  Bank of New
            York  Trust  Company,  N.A.,  as  Trustee,   with  respect  to  that
            indenture,  dated  as of  January  13, 1998, between the Company and
            the  Trustee  (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit 4.1  to  the
            Company's Current Report on  Form 8-K, File No. 1-13245,  filed with
            the SEC on May 4, 2006).
 4.2        Form of 6.875% Senior Notes due 2018 of the Company (incorporated by
            reference to  Exhibit 4.2  to the  Company's  Current Report on Form
            8-K, File No. 1-13245, filed with the SEC on May 4, 2006).
31.1 (a)    Chief Executive Officer certification under Section 302 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
31.2 (a)    Chief Financial Officer certification under Section 302 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
32.1 (b)    Chief Executive Officer certification under Section 906 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
32.2 (b)    Chief Financial Officer certification under Section 906 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.

- ---------------
(a) Filed herewith.
(b) Furnished herewith.




     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY

Date:  May 10, 2006                     By:      /s/ Richard P. Dealy
                                              Richard P. Dealy
                                              Executive Vice President and Chief
                                              Financial Officer

Date:  May 10, 2006                     By:      /s/ Darin G. Holderness
                                              Darin G. Holderness
                                              Vice President and Chief
                                              Accounting Officer



Exhibit Index
- -------------

   2.1      Purchase and Sale  Agreement by and  between Pioneer  as Seller  and
            Marubeni Offshore  Production (USA) Inc. as Purchaser  (incorporated
            by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's  Current Report on Form
            8-K, File No. 1-13245, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2006).
   4.1      Sixth Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as  of May 1,  2006, among the
            Company,  Pioneer Natural Resources USA,  Inc.  and The  Bank of New
            York  Trust  Company,  N.A.,  as   Trustee,  with  respect  to  that
            indenture,  dated as of January 13,  1998,  between the  Company and
            the Trustee  (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.1  to  the
            Company's Current Report on Form 8-K,  File No. 1-13245,  filed with
            the SEC on May 4, 2006).
   4.2      Form of 6.875%  Senior Notes  due 2018 of the  Company (incorporated
            by reference  to  Exhibit 4.2  to the  Company's  Current  Report on
            Form 8-K, File No. 1-13245, filed with the SEC on May 4, 2006).
  31.1(a)   Chief Executive Officer certification under Section 302 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
  31.2(a)   Chief Financial Officer certification under Section 302 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
  32.1(b)   Chief Executive Officer certification under Section 906 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.
  32.2(b)   Chief Financial Officer certification under Section 906 of Sarbanes-
            Oxley Act of 2002.

- -------------
(a) Filed herewith.
(b) Furnished herewith.
