NEWS RELEASE

                                        Company Contacts: (972) 444-9001
                                        Investors: Frank Hopkins or Scott Rice
                                        Media and Public Affairs: Susan Spratlen

            Pioneer Reports Year-End 2006 Reserves and Finding Costs

Dallas,  Texas, February 6, 2007 -- Pioneer Natural Resources Company (NYSE:PXD)
today  announced  that as of December  31,  2006,  its total  proved oil and gas
reserves were 905 million barrels oil equivalent  (MMBOE).  During 2006, Pioneer
replaced  200% of  production  at a finding and  development  cost of $18.36 per
barrel oil equivalent (BOE).

Pioneer  invested  total  capital  for  its  continuing  operations  in  2006 of
approximately $1.5 billion, excluding asset retirement obligations,  capitalized
interest,  and  geological and  geophysical  G&A.  These  expenditures  exceeded
Pioneer's  prior  projection by  approximately  $100  million,  primarily due to
acreage  acquisitions  in several core areas which were closed during the fourth
quarter.  The  Company  estimates  that the  acreage  acquired  during  2006 has
resource potential of approximately 150 MMBOE.

Of the $1.5 billion of total capital  invested during 2006,  approximately  $1.2
billion  generated  Pioneer's 12%  production  growth in North America and total
reserve  additions  of 91 MMBOE.  Another  $225  million  was  allocated  to two
multi-year  development  projects -- South Coast Gas  offshore  South Africa and
Oooguruk  on the North  Slope of  Alaska.  Production  from  these  projects  is
expected to commence in 2007 and 2008, respectively.  Pioneer did not record any
proved reserves related to these projects during 2006. Additionally, $82 million
was  allocated to  high-impact  exploration  for which no proved  reserves  were

Scott D.  Sheffield,  Pioneer's  Chairman  and CEO,  stated,  "Our  finding  and
development  cost for 2006 of $18.36 per BOE was within our target  range of $15
to $20 per BOE,  despite the upward pressure on drilling and  development  costs
throughout  the year.  In the lower 48 states and Canada,  which was our primary
focus area for reserve  growth in 2006,  our finding  and  development  cost was
approximately  $15 per BOE. We also met our reserve  replacement  target of 200%
for  2006,  reflecting  the  success  of our  lower-risk  North  America  focus,
continued  opportunity  for expansion in our core areas and new resource  plays,
and the expertise and diligence of our asset teams."

Pioneer's proved reserves were determined using year-end NYMEX equivalent prices
of $60.82  per  barrel of oil and $5.64 per  thousand  cubic  feet (Mcf) of gas,
compared  to $61.04  per  barrel of oil and  $10.08 per Mcf of gas at the end of
2005. This resulted in negative reserve  revisions of 14 MMBOE that were related
to the decline in year-end gas prices,  the majority of which would be recovered
at a NYMEX equivalent gas price of $7.50 per Mcf.

Netherland,   Sewell  and  Associates,   Inc.  (NSA),  an  independent   reserve
engineering firm, audited the proved reserves of significant fields. NSA's audit
covered  properties  representing  approximately  89% of Pioneer's  total proved
reserves at year-end 2006.

For the three  years  ending in 2006,  Pioneer's  finding and  development  cost
averaged $12.92 per BOE. Over the three-year period,  Pioneer added 474 MMBOE of
proved  reserves for total costs  incurred of $6.1 billion.  Three-year  average
reserve  replacement  was 261%.  For the five  years  ending in 2006,  Pioneer's
finding and development cost averaged $10.97 per BOE. Over the five-year period,
Pioneer  added 690 MMBOE of proved  reserves  for total  costs  incurred of $7.6
billion. Five-year average reserve replacement was 246%.

Year-end  proved  reserves  and costs  incurred  are  detailed  in the  attached
supplemental schedule.

Pioneer is a large  independent oil and gas exploration and production  company,
headquartered in Dallas,  Texas,  with operations in the United States,  Canada,
South Africa and  Tunisia.  For more  information,  visit  Pioneer's  website at

Except for historical  information contained herein, the statements in this News
Release are forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor
Provisions   of  the  Private   Securities   Litigation   Reform  Act  of  1995.
Forward-looking  statements and the business prospects of Pioneer are subject to
a number of risks and uncertainties  which may cause Pioneer's actual results in
future periods to differ materially from the forward-looking  statements.  These
risks and uncertainties include,  among other things,  volatility of oil and gas
prices,  the ability to obtain  environmental  and other  permits and the timing
thereof,   other  government   regulation  or  action,  third  party  approvals,
international  operations  and associated  international  political and economic
instability, the costs and results of drilling and operations, Pioneer's ability
to replace  reserves,  implement its business plans or complete its  development
projects  as  scheduled,  access  to and cost of  capital,  uncertainties  about
estimates of reserves and quality of technical  data.  These and other risks are
described  in  Pioneer's  10-K and  10-Q  Reports  and  other  filings  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Pioneer  undertakes  no duty to publicly
update these statements except as required by law.

Cautionary Note to U.S.  Investors -- The SEC permits oil and gas companies,  in
their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved  reserves that a company has
demonstrated  by  actual   production  or  conclusive   formation  tests  to  be
economically  and legally  producible  under  existing  economic  and  operating
conditions.  Pioneer  uses  certain  terms in this  release,  such as  "resource
potential" or other descriptions of volumes of reserves potentially  recoverable
through  additional  drilling or recovery  techniques that the SEC's  guidelines
prohibit  Pioneer from including in filings with the SEC. These estimates are by
their nature more  speculative than estimates of proved reserves and accordingly
are subject to substantially greater risk of being recovered by Pioneer.

                          Year Ended December 31, 2006

                                              States       Argentina      Canada       Africa        Total
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     -------     ----------
Proved reserves:
    Oil (MBbls):
      Balance, January 1, 2006                 232,513        27,087        2,051        6,824       268,475
      Revisions of previous estimates            4,072          (247)        (259)       3,100         6,666
      Purchases of minerals-in-place            31,304             -            -            -        31,304
      Discoveries and extensions                 8,910           111          182          500         9,703
      Production                                (7,343)         (918)        (113)      (2,377)      (10,751)
      Sales of minerals-in-place               (11,261)      (26,033)           -            -       (37,294)
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    ----------
      Balance, December 31, 2006               258,195             -        1,861        8,047       268,103
    Natural Gas Liquids (MBbls):
      Balance, January 1, 2006                 153,258         6,937          372            -       160,567
      Revisions of previous estimates          (11,539)          (59)         100            -       (11,498)
      Purchases of minerals-in-place            10,521             -            -            -        10,521
      Discoveries and extensions                 3,038            24           35            -         3,097
      Production                                (6,748)         (154)        (169)           -        (7,071)
      Sales of minerals-in-place                     -        (6,748)           -            -        (6,748)
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
      Balance, December 31, 2006               148,530             -          338            -       148,868
    Natural Gas (MMcf):
      Balance, January 1, 2006               2,750,856       404,323      130,514       60,395     3,346,088
      Revisions of previous estimates          (10,664)       (2,043)      (7,953)         175       (20,485)
      Purchases of minerals-in-place            52,308             -            -            -        52,308
      Discoveries and extensions               136,712         4,576       66,801        8,223       216,312
      Production                              (134,445)      (16,025)     (15,853)        (436)     (166,759)
      Sales of minerals-in-place              (108,806)     (390,831)           -            -      (499,637)
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
   Balance, December 31, 2006                2,685,961             -      173,509       68,357     2,927,827
    Equivalent Barrels (MBOE):
      Balance, January 1, 2006                 844,247       101,411       24,175       16,890       986,723
      Revisions of previous estimates           (9,244)         (646)      (1,485)       3,129        (8,246)
      Purchases of minerals-in-place            50,543             -            -            -        50,543
      Discoveries and extensions                34,733           898       11,351        1,870        48,852
      Production (a)                           (36,499)       (3,743)      (2,924)      (2,449)      (45,615)
      Sales of minerals-in-place               (29,395)      (97,920)           -            -      (127,315)
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
      Balance, December 31, 2006               854,385             -       31,117       19,440       904,942
                                            ==========     =========     ========     ========    ==========
Costs incurred for oil and gas producing activities ($000):
    Property acquisition costs:
      Proved                                $   77,338     $       -     $      -     $      -    $   77,338
      Unproved                                 109,320             -       19,931       15,584       144,835
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
                                               186,658             -       19,931       15,584       222,173
    Exploration costs:
      Resource plays                           204,792             -      100,799       40,970       346,561
      High impact                               57,666             -            -       24,352        82,018
    Development costs:
      Development drilling                     560,214             -       97,188         (719)      656,683
      Development projects                     111,615             -            -      112,897       224,512
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
                                             1,120,945             -      217,918      193,084     1,531,947

    Asset retirement obligations                22,868             -        8,299       14,299        45,466
    Discontinued operations                      6,976        35,768            -            -        42,744
    G&G G&A                                     26,659             -        2,446       11,951        41,056
    Capitalized interest                         6,833             -            -        5,333        12,166
                                            ----------     ---------     --------     --------    -----------
    Total costs incurred                    $1,184,281     $  35,768     $228,663     $224,667    $1,673,379
                                            ==========     =========     ========     ========    ==========
    Reserve replacement percentage (b)                                                                  200%
    Finding and development costs per BOE of proved reserves added (c)                            $    18.36
- ------------
(a)  Production includes 6,811 MBOE related to discontinued operations and 2,894
     MBOE related to field fuel.
(b)  The summation of annual proved  reserves,  on a BOE basis,  attributable to
     revisions  of  previous  estimates,   purchases  of  minerals-in-place  and
     discoveries  and extensions  divided by annual  production of oil, NGLs and
     natural gas, on a BOE basis.
(c)  Total costs incurred divided by the summation of annual proved reserves, on
     a BOE basis, attributable to revisions of previous estimates,  purchases of
     minerals-in-place and discoveries and extensions.  Consistent with industry
     practice,  future capital costs to develop proved undeveloped  reserves are
     not included in costs incurred.