519 SW Third Avenue, Suite 805
                               Portland, OR 97204


           Information Statement pursuant to sections 14(C) and 14(F)
                   of the securities and exchange act of 1934

                        WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY

         This  Information  Statement  (the  "Information  Statement")  is being
mailed  on or about  March  16,  2001 to the  holders  of record at the close of
business on February 27, 2001,  of the common  stock,  $.001 par value per share
(the "Common Stock") of Brighton  Technologies  Corporation (the "Company"),  in
connection with the Company's acquisition of Seedling Technology Ventures,  Inc.
("Seedling") and appointment of certain persons to the Board of Directors of the
Company other than at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company.

         This  Information  Statement  is also  being  mailed  to the  Company's
shareholders  in  connection  with a  proposed  action  by  written  consent  to
authorize   and  approve:   an  Amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate   of
Incorporation  to  change  the name of the  Company  to  "Seedling  Technologies
Corporation." Members of the Board of Directors own or have voting authority for
25,030,418 shares of Common Stock. These shareholdings  represent  approximately
52% of the total outstanding votes of all issued and outstanding Common Stock of
the Company and are sufficient to take the proposed action on the record date of
February 27, 2001.  Dissenting  shareholders do not have any statutory appraisal
rights as a result of the action  taken.  All members of the Board of  Directors
have  indicated  their  intentions to execute  written  consents in favor of the
proposed  action on behalf of the  shares of the  Company  which they own or for
which they have  voting  authority.  The Board of  Directors  does not intend to
solicit any proxies or consents from any other  shareholders  in connection with
this action.

         Pursuant  to  the   provisions   of  Delaware  law  and  the  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation,  the amendments require the approval of a majority
of such  shares.  Accordingly,  the vote of the Board is  sufficient  to approve
these matters,  which the Company's management believes is in the best interests
of the Company and its shareholders.

         This  Information  Statement  is  being  distributed  pursuant  to  the
requirements of Sections 14(c) and 14(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         The entire cost of furnishing this Information  Statement will be borne
by the Company. The Company will request brokerage houses, nominees, custodians,
fiduciaries and other like parties to forward this information  Statement to the
beneficial  owners of the Common Stock held of record by them and will reimburse
such persons for their reasonable charges and expenses in connection therewith.



         The shares of Common Stock are the only class of voting  securities  of
the Company outstanding.  Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote per
share on all matters submitted to a vote of the shareholders. As of February 27,
2001 the Company had 47,928,754 shares of the common stock outstanding.

                        CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE COMPANY

         On November 3, 2000 the Company  entered  into an  agreement to acquire
(the  "Acquisition") 100% of the issued and outstanding common stock of Seedling
for an  aggregate  of  37,439,025  shares of  common  stock of the  Company.  On
February  20,  2001 the  Company  issued  these  shares to the  shareholders  of

         At present,  Seedling's  shareholders  own  approximately  78.1% of the
outstanding Common Stock and are able to elect new directors and officers either
at a meeting of shareholders or by written consent.

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS


         Management  of the  Company,  prior  to the  Acquisition  (collectively
referred to as "Prior Management') is set forth below:

         Name                               Position
         ----                               --------

         Kit Kung              Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
         Hong Yun              Secretary and Director
         Nils Ollquist         Director
         Michael Muldavin      Director

         Prior  Management  resigned  effective  as of  November 3, 2000 and the
following  individuals  (collectively  referred  to as  "New  Management")  have
assumed the positions set forth next to their names:

         Name                       Age          Position
         ----                       ---          --------

         Douglas B. Spink           30           Chairman of the Board, Chief
                                                 Executive Officer
         Paul R. Peterson           33           President and Director

Douglas B. Spink, Chief Executive Officer:  Mr. Spink is the founder of Seedling
Technology   Ventures,   Incorporated.   In  addition  to  day-to-day  executive
responsibilities, he has authority for all corporate financing and acquisitions.
Prior to founding  Seedling,  Mr. Spink has had extensive  experience with early
stage Internet and technology  companies.  In 1998 Mr. Spink founded Strategicus


Partners, Inc., a technology consultancy and e-commerce business incubator. That
company was acquired by The Stonepath Group,  Inc. (f/k/a Net Value Holdings) in
mid-1999, at which point Mr. Spink joined the board of directors and became that
company's Chief Technical Offer. Mr. Spink resigned his positions with Stonepath
in  January  2000.  During  the past five  years  Mr.  Spink  has  invested  in,
co-founded,  or served as an advisor to several e-commerce companies,  including  (co-founder  and  board  member),  (investor),  (advisor) and  (founder,  investor and board  member).
Prior to Stategicus,  Mr. Spink founded and served as CEO of  and
Timberline  Direct, a sports  nutritional  portal and direct marketing  company,
respectively.  He sold both of these companies to a large Northwest  retailer in
1998. Mr. Spink was formerly a consultant with the Boston  Consulting  Group and
an analyst at Leo Burnett & Co.,  where he consulted  in marketing  with Fortune
100 companies.

Mr. Spink earned his MBA in marketing from the University of Chicago,  his BA in
cultural  anthropology from Reed College and is currently studying for his Ph.D.
in Systems  Science  at  Portland  State  University,  with a research  focus on
quantitative  theories  of  consciousness.  Mr.  Spink  is  also  the  owner  of
Timberline  Farms  LLC,  an  importer  and  breeder  of Grand  Prix  showjumping
Holsteiner horses.

Paul R. Peterson,  President and Director:  Mr.  Peterson is responsible for all
aspects of the company's  operations.  Mr. Peterson  joined Seedling  Technology
Ventures Incorporated in January 2000. From February 1998 until January 2000 Mr.
Peterson  was Vice  President  at  Discover  Mortgage  Bank,  where  he  managed
cross-collateral  lending on  securities  and real  estate.  From  January  1996
through  January  1998 Mr.  Peterson  was the  President  of  Investors  Network
Corporation,  a Honolulu-based  venture capital firm. From June 1994 to December
1995,  Mr.  Peterson  was  Vice  President,  Corporate  Finance  of Wall  Street
Financial, an investment banking firm and investment holding company.

Mr.  Peterson has a masters degree in  International  Business  Management  from
Kansai  University of Foreign Studies in Osaka,  Japan.  Mr.  Peterson  received
undergraduate degrees from the University of Minnesota and St. Thomas College in
Foreign  Languages,   Linguistics  and  International  Business  and  Economics,

         Each  member  of New  Management  has been  nominated  to serve in such
position  until  the  next  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  and  until  their
successors have been duly elected and shall have qualified.


                              SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF

         The  following  table sets  forth,  as of the Record  Date  information
concerning ownership of the Company's securities by (i) each Director, (ii) each
executive  officer,  (iii) all Directors and executive  officers as a group; and
(iv) each person  known to the Company to be the  beneficial  owner of more than
five percent of each class:

                            Name and Address(1)                    Amount and Nature            Percent of
Title of Class            of  Beneficial Owner(2)               of Beneficial Ownership          Class(3)
- --------------            -----------------------               -----------------------          --------
Common Stock                  Douglas B. Spink                           24,404,658               50.92%

                              Paul R. Peterson                              625,760                1.30%

                              Spice Island Products, Inc.                 2,431,250                5.07%

                              Property Management
                                Services, Inc.                            2,566,250                5.35%

                              Jerry Bermensolo                            2,450,495                5.11%

                              Kit Kung                                    2,715,035                5.66%

All executive officers
 and Directors as a Group
(2 persons)                                                              25,030,418               52.22%
- ---------------------

(1)  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the address of each beneficial  owner is c/o
     Seedling  Technology  Ventures,  Inc.,  519 SW  Third  Avenue,  Suite  805,
     Portland, Oregon 97204.
(2)  Beneficial  ownership has been  determined  in  accordance  with Rule 13d-3
     under  the  Exchange  Act  and  unless  otherwise   indicated,   represents
     securities  for which the  beneficial  owner has sole voting and investment
(3)  Based upon 47,928,754 shares outstanding on February 27, 2001.


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

         The  Company's  board  of  directors  approved  the  amendment  to  the
Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to change the name of the  Company to
Seedling Technologies  Corporation.  The Board, which holds approximately 52% of
the Company's common stock has approved these actions and will vote their shares
in favor of these matters at the meeting.

Change of Corporate Name

         The Company has acquired Seedling Technology Ventures, Inc. The closing
occurred on February 20, 2001.

         The change of corporate name will become effective upon the filing with
the  Secretary  of  State  of an  amendment  to  the  Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation which states that, upon the filing of the Certificate of Amendment
the name of the Corporation will be Seedling Technologies Corporation.

Approval Required

         The approval of a majority of the  outstanding  stock  entitled to vote
will be necessary to approve the proposed  amendment.  As discussed  above,  the
Company's  Board of  Directors,  on February  27,  2001,  the record date of the
transaction,  hold voting authority for stock representing  approximately 52% of
the  votes of the  Company's  outstanding  stock.  They  have  executed  written
consents  voting those shares in favor of the proposed  amendment.  The Board of
Directors  does not intend to solicit  any  proxies or  consents  from any other
shareholders in connection with this action.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board of Directors does not know of any other matters to be brought
before the meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Douglas B. Spink
                                              Douglas B. Spink
                                              Chairman of the Board

March 16, 2001
