Exhibit 7.1

                                 CHARLES LINCOLN
                        1600 South Federal Hwy, Suite 200
                          Pompano beach, Florida 33062

March 18, 2002

Board of Directors
ColumbiaLum Staffing, Inc.
310 Harrision Street
Tampa, Florida


This letter is to inform you that I have as of this date resigned my position as
Chief Executive Officer and Director of ColumbiaLum Staffing, Inc., and similar
posts in Integra Staffing, Inc.. its wholly owned subsidiary. This resignation
is being tendered as an act of "lack of confidence" in the management of
ColumbiaLum Staffing, Inc., and is tendered solely to comply with the terms of a
funding offer approved by the Board Of Directors of ColumbiaLum Staffing, Inc.
on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Integra Staffing, Inc. made by Mr.
William A. Brown and the William A. Brown Family Trust (collectively an existing
control group shareholder) and hereinafter referred to as the "Controlling

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors which took place on Monday March 18,
2002, at approximately 11:45 am by telephone where such meeting was duly called
and all directors waived notice. This offer of funding was read into the minutes
of that meeting and motion to accept was brought forward. I was obligated to
abstain from voting on that the motion due to conflict of interest given my
desire to not relinquish my positions in the firm nor my position as Director.
The remaining Directors who were to give up shares to the Controlling Persons
saw no conflict of interest in the matter for them selves and Mr. Cris Perez and
Mr. Gale Porter, both directors, voted to accept. Had I not been in a conflict I
would have voted NO to the proposition.

In the terms of the offer to provide funding to the company the Controlling
Persons made the demand for the removal of myself from any and all managerial
and oversight positions. In addition, the Controlling Persons obtained
agreements with three other principal shareholders wherein they are required to
cede to the Controlling Persons a combined number of shares so as to bring the
total number of shares held by the Controlling Persons to 51% or greater of the
company's control stock. With the company's compliance of these demands, the
Controlling Persons offered to provide additional funding to the company in an
amount up to ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($150,000.00) to be contributed
on an "As Needed" basis. The Controlling Persons would make no better commitment
to the company than a "Best Effort" to provide this funding and no written
contract between the company and the Controlling Persons obligates them to make
such contributions, nor stipulates in what form those payments will be made. It
is uncertain what the ramifications of this action will have on shareholders,
debenture holders and creditors. Upon the completion of the transfer of shares
to the Controlling Persons, they will have control of when and if funds are to
be tendered, for what purposes those funds will be used as well as the future of
the company.

Albeit the company required additional capital, the reason I would not have been
able to support this proposal were as follows:

1. In truth the cash needs of the company are pressing, but not urgent in that
the company had sufficient assets that when reallocated would satisfy immediate
cash needs to satisfy creditors and obligation to pay payrolls and taxes. This
would have allowed management time to seek a source of capital that was less
disruptive to management and to its business plan.

2. The Controlling Persons have no contractual obligation to make any of these
infusions of capital. Shareholders and debentures holders have no assurance that
these Controlling Persons will in fact make good on their representations.
Further, in my opinion, it doubtful this sum will sustain the company's cash
needs until such time as it has filed form SB-2 to register shares for sale to
the public, and in the offer for funding the Controlling Persons have no
commitment to seek additional funding beyond the stated intended amount.

3. The Controlling Persons have no obligation to continue the company's business
plan and once in control will be in a position to redirect the company's efforts
and activities as it sees fit, without regard to shareholder interests.

4. The Controlling Persons have little experience in managing successful
staffing firms or businesses with public reporting responsibilities.

5. The Controlling Persons have indicated to the Board of Directors that once in
control they intend to continue with remaining management in their positions,
ie ... Mr. Cris Perez as C.F.O. and Mr. Gale Porter as C.O.O.. This poses
certain concerns for share holders and debenture holders in that Mr. Cris Perez
is employed full time in another endeavor and can not devote his full attention
to the financial controls of the business. Mr. Porter, also President of
ColumbiaLum and its Subsidiary Integra Staffing, Inc., has been charged with the
day to day management of this operating unit, since its merger. During the
period this unit has been under his management it has produced significant
continuing operating losses. Further, under his management Integra Staffing,
Inc. has failed to produce interim operating statements between required audits
and has submitted no financial reports to management as to the financial health
of the business. The consequence has been sudden unanticipated urgent needs for
cash, under depositing of payrolls and mis-guidance of the C.F.O. and the Board
of Directors as to the rate of losses being incurred in the business. As Chief
Executive Officer, on several occasions I urged Mr. Porter to be more attentive
to this important responsibility and if his staff was unable to produce timely
reports, he was to get proper trained staff to do so. During the Week of March
4th, Mr. Perez has expressed to me privately, a lack of confidence in Mr.
Porter's maintenance of adequate financial controls and a lack of managerial
awareness of the financial condition of the Integra Staffing Subsidiary. On
March 12th, 2002, I'd found it necessary to reproach Mr. Porter for writing
checks that funds were not on deposit to cover and to instruct him to never do
so in the future. Despite Mr. Perez's and Mr. Porter's assurance to the
contrary, I do not believe that adequate overall financial controls exist for
the enterprise, nor will they with the management plan contemplated by the
Controlling Persons. Current management performance is not one I could allow
shareholders to continue to rely upon had I remained in office, and I believe
the Controlling Persons plan will only serve to exasperate and delay necessary
action to establish reliable financial controls and projections.

6. On behalf of the Company, as Chairman and C.E.O., I'd arranged for and
obtained approval of a $5,000,000.00 operating capital line of credit on
favorable terms to the company. As a part of the inducement to give the company
this credit, as officers and directors, Mr. Porter and I were required to give
our personal guarantees as to the performance of the company, which we both had
agreed to do at the time of application for the credit line. The loan although
approved has remained unclosed due to Mr. Porter's reluctance to submit his
Personal Guarantee and other supporting documentation. A provision of the
agreement provides that if either of us were to no longer to serve as officer
and or director and that guarantee of such person be withdrawn, that a
replacement guarantor could be submitted. Mr. Porter has chosen to not submit
his previously agreed guaranty as of this date, and under direct query, the
Controlling Persons have indicated that they will not guarantee this credit
facility. The consequence of these combined actions by Mr. Porter and the
expressed intent of the Controlling Persons is to collapse an important credit
facility without any replacement facility in the offing. I'm being required to
vacate my position(s) with the firm, I can no longer support this credit
facility with my guarantee as I will have no further say in the operation and
conduct of the company from this day forward. I believe the company's good
standing in the credit community and the professionalism of its management will
be impugned by this change of control, with management as proposed. The changes
contemplated will serve to diminish the prospects of the company's ability to
execute its stated business plan and hinder its ability to conduct its plans for
acquiring other staffing firms. None of which, in my opinion, are in the
shareholders', debenture holders' or creditors' best interest.

On balance, I believe the terms and conditions of the offer from the Controlling
Persons were inadequate and not in the best interest of the business of the
company, its share holders, debenture holders and creditors. Hence, I tender my
resignation with no confidence of management. I herein make specific request
that my resignation in its entirety be published in the company's information
filing regarding this action with the Securities and Exchange Commission as
required by regulation.

Yours truly,

/s/ Charles H. Lincoln
- ---------------------------
Charles H.  Lincoln

cc.  Mr. Herb Sommer, Counsel to ColumbiaLum Staffing, Inc.