Exhibit 99.3

                             HEADWATERS INCORPORATED
                              INCENTIVE BONUS PLAN
                            Effective 1 October 2003

1.       PURPOSE

         The purpose of this Incentive Bonus Plan is to promote the success of
         Headwaters Incorporated and Headwaters' subsidiaries, by providing
         financial incentive for employees to strive for more effective
         operation of the business through ongoing development and use of their
         knowledge, skill, ingenuity, resourcefulness and industry. The Plan
         provides that annual Awards may be made to employees who are
         responsible for successful operation and management of the Company.


         The following definitions shall be applicable throughout the Plan:

         (a)      "Award" means the total dollar amount that may be paid to a
                  Participant following a given Performance Year.

         (b)      "Base Compensation" means the annualized W2 wages of a
                  Participant determined on the last day of a Performance Year.

         (c)      "Board" means the Board of Directors of Headwaters

         (d)      "Bonus Percent" means the percentages associated with each
                  Participant based on position, responsibility, and other
                  factors, listed on the appropriate Participation Schedule as
                  defined on Schedule 1.

         (e)      "Business Unit" means the businesses, subsidiaries, or units
                  thereof, identified on Schedule 1.

         (f)      "Change in Control" means:

                  (i) The consummation of a merger or consolidation of the
         Company with or into another entity or any other corporate
         reorganization, if persons who were not stockholders of the Company
         immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or other reorganization
         own immediately after such merger, consolidation or other
         reorganization 50% or more of the voting power of the outstanding
         securities of each of (A) the continuing or surviving entity and (B)
         any direct or indirect parent corporation of such continuing or
         surviving entity;

                  (ii) The sale, transfer or other disposition of all or
         substantially all of the Company's assets;

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Incentive Bonus Plan

                  (iii) Any transaction as a result of which any person is the
         "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934), directly or indirectly, of securities of the
         Company representing at least 50% of the total voting power represented
         by the Company's then outstanding voting securities. For purposes of
         this Paragraph (iii), the term "person" shall have the same meaning as
         when used in sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
         1934 but shall exclude (A) a trustee or other fiduciary holding
         securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company or of a parent
         or subsidiary of the Company and (B) a corporation owned directly or
         indirectly by the stockholders of the Company in substantially the same
         proportions as their ownership of the common stock of the Company.

         A transaction shall not constitute a Change in Control if its sole
         purpose is to change the state of the Company's incorporation or to
         create a holding company that will be owned in substantially the same
         proportions by the persons who held the Company's securities
         immediately before such transaction.

         (g)      "Committee" means the Headwaters' Compensation Committee, or
                  such other committee comprised of members of the Board
                  designated by the Board to oversee the Plan.

         (h)      "Company" means collectively Headwaters Incorporated and
                  certain subsidiaries named on Schedule 1.

         (i)      "Completion Factor" means the percentage completion of IBO and
                  EIBO commitments of the Participants. The Completion Factor of
                  an EIBO can exceed the original percent allocated to the EIBO
                  if the Participant exceeds the original performance agreed to
                  in the EIBO. The incremental Completion Factor for an EIBO
                  shall be the product of the appropriate EBITDA Factor
                  multiplied by the appropriate Percent Factor, based on the
                  following table:

                  Increase in              EBITDA  Increase in EBIDA    Percent
                  EBITDA                   Factor  as a % of EIBO Goal   Factor
                  ------                   ------  -------------------   ------
                  (Dollars in Thousands)

                  $0 to 100                 10%       0 to 5%              10%
                  101 to 200                20%       5.01% to 10%         12.5%
                  201 to 300                30%       10.1% to 15%         15%
                  301 to 400                40%       15.1% to 20%         17.5%
                  401 to 500                50%       20.1% to 25%         20.0%
                  501 to 600                60%       25.1% to 30%         22.5%
                  601 to 700                70%       30.1% to 35%         25.0%
                  701 to 800                80%       35.1% to 40%         27.5%
                  801 to 900                90%       40.1% to 45%         30.0%
                  $900 and higher          100%       45% and higher       32.5%

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Incentive Bonus Plan

         (j)      "Economic Individual Business Objective or EIBO" means an IBO
                  that has been determined by the Chief Executive Officer to
                  qualify as an IBO that has a direct relationship to EVA

         (k)      "EVA" means the net operating profit before taxes, as adjusted
                  pursuant to items identified in Schedule 1, ("NOPAT"), less
                  the average cost of capital employed by the Company during the
                  Performance Year. In calculating EVA, license fees received
                  from the Pace license escrow, to the extent that the
                  distribution from the escrow causes Pace license revenues to
                  exceed the Pace licensee budgeted amounts, will be excluded;
                  likewise, proceeds received or damages incurred from a
                  resolution of the A.J. Gallagher litigation will be excluded.

         (l)      "EVA Multiplier" means that factor identified on the EVA
                  Multiplier Table for the Company, associated with different
                  levels of EVA obtained during the Performance Year that
                  exceeds the Threshold EVA.

         (m)      "Individual Business Objective or IBO" means the goals
                  established by each Participant used to determine his/her
                  Performance Adjustment Factor.

         (n)      "Participant" means a full time employee of the Company,
                  employed by the Company on the last day of a Performance Year
                  and who otherwise meets the eligibility requirements for
                  participation set forth in section 4.

         (o)      "Performance Adjustment Factor or PAF" means the multiplier
                  obtained by combining the completion factors from the IBO
                  commitments of the Participants. The Performance Adjustment
                  Factor can vary from 0% to greater than 100% depending upon
                  the attainment of the Participant's IBOs.

         (p)      "Performance Year" means a designated fiscal year of the
                  Company during which Company and individual performance will
                  be measured and Participant services will be rendered for
                  which an Award may be granted.

         (q)      "Plan" means this Headwaters Incorporated Incentive Bonus

         (r)      "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of
                  Headwaters Incorporated.

         (s)      "Retrospective Review" means the formal report prepared
                  annually which details the Company's, and the Participants'
                  performance during the Performance Year and provides the basis
                  for the Committee's determination of the Performance
                  Adjustment Factor and Participant Awards.

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Incentive Bonus Plan

         (t)      "Threshold EVA" means the level of EVA performance below which
                  there will be no Award.


                  The Committee shall have such powers and duties as are
         conferred upon it under this Plan, or any amendments thereto, or by the
         Board. The Committee shall have the authority to determine the time or
         times when approved Participant Awards shall be paid each year; and the
         Committee shall determine Plan participation and Award amounts for
         Participant's pursuant to Section 6(a).

                  The Committee shall take whatever action is necessary in
         fulfilling the purposes and intent of the Plan. The Committee is
         authorized and empowered to interpret the terms and conditions of the
         Plan, to promulgate any rules, regulations and schedules of general
         applicability and to adopt such forms deemed necessary to carry out the
         purposes of the Plan. However, no such interpretation, rule or
         regulation shall be contrary to the clearly expressed provisions of the

                  The Committee may prescribe rules and procedures for the
         allocation of responsibilities among the agents appointed by the
         Committee for the performance of ministerial duties.


         (a)      Those employees of the Company employed by the Company on the
                  last day of the Performance Year who:

                  (i)      have achieved relevant Plan performance criteria;
                  (ii)     are not otherwise eligible to receive regularized,
                           periodic performance-based bonus compensation under
                           some established plan of the Company or its business
                           units or subsidiaries; and
                  (iii)    are identified on Schedule I or are added to the Plan
                           during the Performance Year.

         (b)      Those employees of the Company who are eligible to participate
                  are entitled to receive a copy of this Plan document.

         (c)      Participation in a given Performance Year does not entitle
                  participation in any subsequent Performance Year.


         An Award shall be computed as follows:

         EVA Multiplier X Base Compensation X Bonus Percent X PAF

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Incentive Bonus Plan


         (a)      Chief Executive Officer. Each year the Chief Executive Officer
                  shall present to the Committee the list of Participants, their
                  PAF and the computation of the proposed Award, and the Award
                  amounts recommended for each Participant.

         (b)      Committee. The Committee shall consider the Chief Executive
                  Officer's report referred to in Section 6(a) and approve the
                  total Awards to be granted for the Performance Year.


         (a)      A Participant's Award shall be prorated based upon number of
                  months of service in a given Performance Year or if the
                  Participant is in different employment categories during a
                  Performance year.

         (b)      The actual Award granted to any individual Participant
                  hereunder shall be based upon the Company's overall
                  performance and individual performance considerations and
                  shall be determined by the Committee, in its sole discretion.

         (c)      No Award will be granted if the Company's overall performance
                  is below Threshold EVA or if a Participant's individual
                  performance is unsatisfactory, as determined by the Committee
                  in its sole discretion, upon the recommendation of the Chief
                  Executive Officer.


         (a)      An Award shall be paid to the Participant in cash, less
                  applicable federal, state, local and FICA taxes, as soon as
                  practicable after the date on which all awards are approved by

         (b)      If Banking applies to a Participant as shown on Schedule 1,
                  then 50% of the amount of the Award that is in excess of the
                  Award that would be computed if the EVA multiplier were 1,
                  shall be withheld from payment. Payment of the withheld Award
                  shall be made over the two years immediately subsequent to the
                  Performance Plan Year (50% of the withheld year in the first
                  subsequent year and 50% in the second subsequent year) if the
                  Company reaches the Threshold EVA in the subsequent years. If
                  the Company fails to achieve the Threshold EVA in the
                  subsequent two years, the withheld amounts are forfeited. Any
                  Banked Awards will be paid to a Participant upon the
                  occurrence of (i) the Participant's retirement from the
                  Company after reaching age 60; or (ii) a Change in Control of
                  the Company.

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Incentive Bonus Plan


         (a)      In the event of the Participant's disability, incompetency or
                  death, or retirement such Participant may receive an Award,
                  prorated to the effective date of such event, at the sole
                  discretion of the Committee. Any such prorated Award shall be
                  determined and paid in accordance with the regular procedures
                  of the Plan.

         (b)      Should an Award be approved under Section 9(a), such Award
                  shall be paid in cash, less applicable federal, state, local
                  and FICA taxes, on the normal Award payout date to the
                  Participant, or, in the event of the Participant's death, to
                  the Participant's estate, or to the person or persons who have
                  acquired, by will or by the laws of descent and distribution
                  or by other legal proceedings, the right to such Award.


         Nothing contained in the Plan shall require the Company to segregate
         any monies from its general funds, or to create any trust or make any
         special deposit in respect of any amounts payable under the Plan to or
         for any Participant or group of Participants. All amounts payable under
         the Plan shall be paid out of the general funds of the Company.


         No right or interest of any Participant in the Plan or in any unpaid
         Award shall be assignable or transferable in whole or in part, either
         voluntarily or by operation of law or otherwise, or be subject to
         payment of debts of any Participant by execution, levy, garnishment,
         attachment, pledge, bankruptcy or in any other manner.


         Nothing contained in the Plan or any Award shall confer upon any
         employee any right with respect to continuation of employment with the
         Company in any capacity or interfere in any way with the right of the
         Company to terminate an employee's employment at any time or guarantee
         any right of participation in any other employee benefit plan of the


         The terms and conditions of this Plan shall inure to the benefit of and
         bind the Company, the Participants, their successors, assignees, and
         personal representatives. If substantially all of the stock or assets
         of the Company are acquired by another corporation or entity or if the
         Company is merged into, or consolidated with another corporation or

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Incentive Bonus Plan

         entity, then upon such event the Banked portion of any Awards shall be
         immediately payable to the Participants and all other obligations
         created hereunder shall be obligations of the acquirer or successor
         corporation or entity without the requirement of further action by the
         acquirer or successor corporation or entity.


         The provisions of this Plan shall be construed and administered in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Utah.

15.      AMENDMENT

         The Committee may from time to time amend, suspend, terminate or
         reinstate any or all of the provisions of the Plan. However, the
         Committee may not cancel awards, including any banked awards, payable
         on account of a completed Performance Year.


         The Plan shall become effective for the Performance Year commencing
         October 1, 2003 upon adoption by the Committee and shall remain in
         effect until such time as the Committee may terminate it.

         Approved by Committee:  23 October 2003

         /s/ Kirk A. Benson
         Kirk A. Benson, Chairman & CEO

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