Exhibit 23.01

                             PETERSON SULLIVAN PLLC
    601 UNION STREET SUITE 2300 SEATTLE WA 98101 (206) 382-7777 FAX 382-7700
                          CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT

We hereby consent to the inclusion in this amendment no. 7 to the registration
statement on Form SB-2/A (No. 333-106839) of Essential Innovations Technology
Corp. of our report dated January 9, 2004, on our audit of the consolidated
balance sheet of Essential Innovations Technology Corp. as of October 31, 2003,
and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' deficit and
comprehensive loss, and cash flows for the year then ended and for the period
from February 9, 2001 (date of inception) to October 31, 2003. We also consent
to the references to our firm under the caption "Experts."

/s/ Peterson Sullivan PLLC

July 9, 2004
Seattle, Washington