Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10 - Q

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

               For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1999

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number: 000-22683

                            GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its Charter)

                DELAWARE                        58-2077966
         (State of Incorporation)    (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

                       2859 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1450
                             Atlanta, Georgia 30339
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                (770) 436 - 4600
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   N/A (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since
                                  last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or such shorter period that the Registrant was required
to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing  requirements  for
the past (90) days.

                               (1) (X) YES ( ) NO
                               (2) (X) YES ( ) NO

Page 2

                            GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                               FORM 10 - Q INDEX

Part I  -  Financial Information                                           Page

  Item 1:  Financial Statements

           Consolidated  Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1999 and
           December 31, 1998                                                 3

           Consolidated  Statements of Operations  for the three
           and nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998                 4

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the nine months
           ended September 30, 1999 and 1998                                 5

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                        6

  Item 2:  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
           Financial Condition and Results of Operations                    11

  Item 3:  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
           Market Risk                                                      30

Part II -  Other Information                                                31

  Item 1:  Legal Proceedings

  Item 2:  Changes in Securities

  Item 3:  Defaults Upon Senior Securities

  Item 4:  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

  Item 5:  Other Information

  Item 6:  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

Signature                                                                  32

Page 3


                                         GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (Amounts in Thousands, Except Per Unit Amounts)

                                                               September 30,      December 31,
                                                                   1999               1998
                                                               -------------      ------------
ASSETS:                                                        (Unaudited)
Real estate assets:
   Land........................................................  $ 222,582          $ 229,960
   Buildings...................................................  1,179,817          1,218,782
   Furniture, fixtures and equipment...........................     91,119             87,238
   Construction in progress....................................     22,049             79,829
   Land held for future development............................     53,155             66,152
                                                                -----------       ------------
      Real estate assets before accumulated depreciation.......  1,568,722          1,681,961
   Less:  accumulated depreciation.............................   (164,781)          (138,239)
                                                                -----------       ------------
     Net real estate asset.....................................  1,403,941          1,543,722

Cash and cash equivalents......................................     11,052              7,054
Restricted cash................................................     10,682              8,017
Deferred financing costs, net..................................      4,267              4,696
Investment in joint ventures...................................     20,070                161
Other assets, net..............................................     29,061             22,667
                                                               ------------       -----------
     Total assets..............................................$ 1,479,073        $ 1,586,317
                                                               ============       ============

Notes payable..................................................  $ 738,950          $ 812,788
Accrued interest payable.......................................      5,361              6,045
Preferred dividends payable....................................        905                737
Real estate taxes payable......................................     19,786             16,224
Accounts payable and accrued expenses - construction...........      3,064              8,402
Accounts payable and accrued expenses - operating..............      9,631              7,094
Security deposits..............................................      4,456              4,725
Other liability, net...........................................     10,528             11,729
                                                               ------------       ------------
     Total liabilities.........................................    792,681            867,744

Limited partners' common capital interest (6,220 common Units)
  at redemption value..........................................    145,196            157,663
Preferred partners' capital interest (180 Series Z Preferred
  Units) at $25.00 liquidation preference......................      4,500              4,500

Partners' Capital:
  General partner (320 and 327 common Units)...................      5,446              5,725
  Limited partner (25,492 and 25,975 common Units).............    366,250            385,685
  Preferred partners (4,600 Series A Preferred Units and
    2,000 Series B Preferred Units)at $25.00 liquidation
    preference.................................................    165,000            165,000
                                                               ------------       ------------
     Total partners' capital................................       536,696            556,410
                                                               ------------       ------------

     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity................$ 1,479,073        $ 1,586,317
                                                               ============       ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated balance sheets.

Page 4

                                                GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                              CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                  (Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Per Unit Amounts)

                                                                   Three Months Ended                Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,                     September 30,
                                                                  1999            1998            1999             1998
                                                                --------       --------         ----------      ----------

Rental revenues................................................ $ 56,155       $ 54,091         $ 166,923       $ 144,526
Other property revenues........................................    3,295          2,856             9,354           7,369
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------
     Total property revenues...................................   59,450         56,947           176,277         151,895
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------
Property management revenues...................................    1,231          1,301             3,784           3,213
Development revenues, net......................................      760            ---             1,989             ---
Other..........................................................    1,141            966             1,892           1,772
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------
     Total other revenues......................................    3,132          2,267             7,665           4,985
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

     Total revenues............................................   62,582         59,214           183,942         156,880
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

Property operating and maintenance (exclusive of items shown
     separately below).........................................   20,288         19,652            59,919          51,751
Real estate asset depreciation and amortization................   11,721         10,887            35,251          28,581
Corporate asset depreciation and amortization..................      151            120               403             346
Amortization of deferred financing costs.......................      235            280               696             787
Property management - owned....................................    1,370          1,161             3,788           3,520
Property management - third/related party......................      993            847             2,771           2,328
General and administrative.....................................    1,474          1,764             4,794           4,438
Severance costs................................................      ---            ---             2,000             ---
Interest.......................................................   10,770         10,561            32,029          28,059
Credit enhancement fees........................................      475            444             1,352           1,006
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------
     Total expenses............................................   47,477         45,716           143,003         120,816
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

Equity in income of joint ventures.............................      120            103               302             270
Interest income................................................      158            112               497             293
Loss on treasury locks.........................................      ---         (3,627)              ---          (5,637)
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

Income before gain on sale of real estate assets...............   15,383         10,086            41,738          30,990
Gain on sale of real estate assets.............................    4,019            ---             4,685             ---
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

Net Income.....................................................   19,402         10,086            46,423          30,990

Distributions to preferred unitholders.........................   (3,520)        (2,442)          (10,561)         (7,222)
                                                                ---------      ---------        ----------      ----------

Net income available to common unitholders.................... $ 15,882        $ 7,644          $ 35,862        $ 23,768
                                                                =========      =========        ==========      ==========

Weighted average number of common Units outstanding - basic...   32,296         32,532            32,533          29,400
Weighted average number of common Units outstanding - diluted.   32,341         33,072            32,575          29,820

Per Common Unit Information:
Net income - basic.............................................   $ 0.49         $ 0.23            $ 1.10          $ 0.81
Net income - diluted...........................................   $ 0.49         $ 0.23            $ 1.10          $ 0.81

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

Page 5

                                           GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                            (Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Per Unit Amounts)

                                                                     Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                                         1999               1998
                                                                    ------------       ------------

Net income.........................................................  $ 46,423           $ 30,990
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
  by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization...................................    36,350             29,714
   Equity in income of joint ventures..............................      (302)              (270)
   Gain on sale of real estate assets..............................    (4,685)               ---
   Long-term compensation expense..................................       893                872
   Loss on treasury locks..........................................       ---              5,637
   Amortization of discount on long-term liability.................       520                384
   Operating distributions received from joint ventures............       303                281
   Change in operating assets and liabilities:
     Restricted cash...............................................    (2,143)            (2,930)
     Other assets..................................................    (3,953)            (7,987)
     Other liabilities, net........................................     5,290             10,531
                                                                     ---------          ---------
          Net cash provided by operating activities................    78,696             67,222
                                                                     ---------          ---------

Acquisition and construction of real estate assets.................   (57,162)          (309,959)
Long-term land lease payments......................................       ---             (1,000)
Net proceeds from sale of real estate assets.......................    81,505                ---
Investment in joint venture........................................    (4,696)               ---
Proceeds from contribution of real estate assets to joint venture..    60,347                ---
                                                                     ---------          ---------
     Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities...........    79,994           (310,959)
                                                                     ---------          ---------

Capital contributions related to common share offerings,
  net of issuance costs............................................       ---             87,530
Capital contributions related to the exercise of share options.....       502              3,101
Capital contributions related to dividend investment plan..........     6,675              1,295
Unit redemptions and unit redemptions related to treasury
  share purchases..................................................   (26,504)               ---
Payments of deferred financing costs...............................      (415)            (2,680)
Treasury lock settlement payment...................................       ---             (1,198)
Notes payable proceeds.............................................    17,426            439,522
Notes payable repayments...........................................   (91,264)          (227,527)
Principal escrow deposits..........................................      (522)              (523)
Preferred distributions paid.......................................   (10,393)            (7,158)
Common distributions paid ($1.55 and $1.51 per Unit, respectively).   (50,197)           (45,685)
                                                                     ---------          ---------
     Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities...........  (154,692)           246,677
                                                                     ---------          ---------

Net change in cash and cash equivalents............................     3,998              2,940
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.....................     7,054              3,179
                                                                     ---------          ---------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period...........................  $ 11,052            $ 6,119
                                                                     =========          =========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
     Cash paid for interest........................................  $ 38,696           $ 32,330
     Interest capitalized..........................................     5,983              6,089
                                                                     ---------          ---------
     Cash paid for interest, net of amounts capitalized............  $ 32,713           $ 26,241
                                                                     =========          =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

Page 6

(Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Gables Realty Limited Partnership (the "Operating Partnership" or "Gables")
is the entity through which Gables  Residential  Trust (the  "Company"),  a real
estate investment trust (a "REIT"),  conducts  substantially all of its business
and owns  (either  directly or through  subsidiaries)  substantially  all of its
assets.  In 1993,  the Company was formed under  Maryland law and the  Operating
Partnership  was  organized as a Delaware  limited  partnership  to continue and
expand the multifamily apartment community management, development, construction
and acquisition operations of its privately owned predecessor organization.  The
Company  completed its initial public  offering on January 26, 1994 (the "IPO").
Gables engages in the multifamily apartment community  management,  development,
construction  and  acquisition  businesses,  including  the provision of related
brokerage and corporate  rental housing  services.  The Operating  Partnership's
third party  management  businesses  are  conducted  through  two  subsidiaries,
Central  Apartment  Management,  Inc., a Texas  corporation,  and East Apartment
Management, Inc., a Georgia corporation (the "Management Companies").

     The  Company  was an 80.6%  economic  owner  of the  common  equity  of the
Operating  Partnership  as of  September  30,  1999.  The Company  controls  the
Operating   Partnership  through  Gables  GP,  Inc.  ("GGPI"),   a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of the  Company  and  the  sole  general  partner  of the  Operating
Partnership (this structure is commonly  referred to as an umbrella  partnership
REIT or "UPREIT").  The board of directors of GGPI, the members of which are the
same as the members of the Board of Trustees of the Company, manages the affairs
of the Operating  Partnership  by directing  the affairs of GGPI.  The Company's
limited  partner  and  indirect  general  partner  interests  in  the  Operating
Partnership  entitle it to share in cash distributions  from, and in the profits
and losses of, the Operating Partnership in proportion to its ownership interest
therein and  entitle the Company to vote on all matters  requiring a vote of the
limited  partners.  Generally,  the  other  limited  partners  of the  Operating
Partnership  are persons who contributed  their direct or indirect  interests in
certain properties to the Operating Partnership primarily in connection with the
IPO, the South Florida  Acquisition  and the Greystone  Acquisition  (as defined
herein).  The Operating  Partnership  is obligated to redeem each common unit of
limited  partnership  interest ("Unit") held by a person other than the Company,
at the request of the holder thereof, for cash equal to the fair market value of
a share of the Company's common shares at the time of such redemption,  provided
that the Company,  at its option,  may elect to acquire any such Unit  presented
for redemption for one common share or cash. Such limited  partners'  redemption
rights are reflected in "limited partners' capital interest" in the accompanying
consolidated  balance sheets at the cash redemption  amount at the balance sheet
date. With each such redemption,  the Company's percentage ownership interest in
the  Operating  Partnership  will  increase.  In addition,  whenever the Company
issues common shares or preferred shares, the Company is obligated to contribute
any net  proceeds  therefrom to the  Operating  Partnership,  and the  Operating
Partnership  is obligated to issue an  equivalent  number of common or preferred
units, as applicable, to the Company.

     Distributions  to holders of Units are made to enable  distributions  to be
made to the Company's shareholders under its dividend policy. Federal income tax
laws require the Company,  as a REIT, to distribute 95% of its ordinary  taxable
income. The Operating  Partnership makes  distributions to the Company to enable
it to satisfy this requirement.

     As of September 30, 1999, Gables owned 80 completed  multifamily  apartment
communities comprising 23,690 apartment homes, of which 38 were developed and 42
were  acquired by Gables,  and an indirect 25% general  partner  interest in two
apartment communities developed by Gables comprising 663 apartment homes. Gables
also owned two multifamily apartment communities under construction at September
30, 1999 that are expected to comprise 763 apartment  homes upon  completion and
an indirect 20% interest in seven apartment  communities  under  construction at
September  30, 1999 that are  expected to comprise  2,181  apartment  homes upon
completion.  As of  September  30, 1999,  Gables  owned  parcels of land for the
future development of 14 apartment communities expected to comprise an estimated
3,111 apartment  homes.  There can be no assurance that Gables will develop such
land.  Additionally,  Gables has  contracts  or  options  to acquire  additional
parcels of land.  There can be no assurance  that Gables will acquire these land
parcels; however, it is Gables' intent to develop an apartment community on each
such land parcel, if purchased.

Page 7

(Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Secondary Common Share Offerings
- --------------------------------

     Since the IPO,  the Company has issued a total of 14,831  common  shares in
eight offerings,  generating  $347,771 in net proceeds which were generally used
(i) to reduce outstanding indebtedness under interim financing vehicles utilized
to fund Gables'  development and acquisition  activities (the "Interim Financing
Vehicles") and (ii) for general working capital  purposes,  including funding of
future development and acquisition activities.

Preferred Share Offerings
- -------------------------

     On July 24,  1997,  the  Company  issued  4,600  shares  of 8.30%  Series A
Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares (liquidation preference $25.00 per share)
(the  "Series A  Preferred  Shares").  The net  proceeds  from this  offering of
approximately $111.0 million were used to reduce outstanding  indebtedness under
the Interim  Financing  Vehicles.  The Series A Preferred  Shares,  which may be
redeemed by the Company at $25.00 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends on
or after July 24,  2002,  have no stated  maturity,  sinking  fund or  mandatory
redemption and are not convertible into any other securities of the Company.

     On June 18, 1998, the Company issued 180 shares of 5.0% Series Z Cumulative
Redeemable  Preferred  Shares  (liquidation  preference  $25.00 per share)  (the
"Series Z Preferred  Shares") in connection  with the acquisition of a parcel of
land for  future  development.  The  Series Z  Preferred  Shares,  which  may be
redeemed by the Company at $25.00 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends at
any time,  are subject to mandatory  redemption  on June 18, 2018.  The Series Z
Preferred  Shares are not  subject to any sinking  fund and are not  convertible
into any other securities of the Company.

Issuances of Common Operating Partnership Units
- -----------------------------------------------

     Since the IPO, the Operating  Partnership has issued a total of 3,917 Units
in connection with the South Florida Acquisition,  the Greystone Acquisition and
the  acquisition of other operating  apartment  communities and a parcel of land
for future development.

Issuance of Preferred Operating Partnership Units
- -------------------------------------------------

     On November 12, 1998, the Operating  Partnership issued 2,000 of its 8.625%
Series B Preferred  Units (the "Series B Preferred  Units") to an  institutional
investor.  The net proceeds  from this issuance of  approximately  $48.7 million
were  used to  reduce  outstanding  indebtedness  under  the  Interim  Financing
Vehicles.  The Series B  Preferred  Units may be  redeemed by the Company at its
option after  November 14, 2003 and are  exchangeable  by the holder into 8.625%
Series B Cumulative  Redeemable Preferred Shares of the Company on a one-for-one
basis. This exchange right is generally not exercisable until after November 14,
2008.  The Series B Preferred  Units have no stated  maturity,  sinking  fund or
mandatory redemption.

Common Equity Repurchase Program
- --------------------------------

     Gables has announced a common equity  repurchase  program pursuant to which
the Company is  authorized  to purchase  up to $100  million of its  outstanding
common shares or Units. The Company plans to repurchase shares from time to time
in open market and privately negotiated transactions, depending on market prices
and other conditions, using proceeds from sales of selected assets. Whenever the
Company repurchases common shares from shareholders,  the Operating  Partnership
is required to redeem from the Company an equivalent number of Units on the same
terms and for the same aggregate price. After redemption,  the Units so redeemed
by the Operating Partnership are no longer deemed outstanding. Units may also be
redeemed for cash upon their  presentation for redemption by unitholders.  As of
September 30, 1999,  Gables had redeemed 1,123 Units for $26,504,  including 895
Units redeemed from the Company.

Page 8

(Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Gables Realty Limited
Partnership   include  the  consolidated   accounts  of  Gables  Realty  Limited
Partnership and its subsidiaries  (including the Management  Companies).  Gables
consolidates  the  financial  statements  of  all  entities  in  which  it has a
controlling  financial interest as that term is defined under generally accepted
accounting  principles  ("GAAP")  through  either  majority  voting  interest or
contractual agreements.  All significant  intercompany accounts and transactions
have been eliminated in consolidation.

     The accompanying  interim unaudited financial statements have been prepared
by Gables' management in accordance with GAAP for interim financial  information
and in conjunction with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Accordingly,  they  do  not  include  all of  the  information  and
footnotes required by GAAP for complete financial statements.  In the opinion of
management,  all adjustments (consisting only of normally recurring adjustments)
considered necessary for a fair presentation for these interim periods have been
included.  The results of operations for the interim period ended  September 30,
1999 are not necessarily  indicative of the results that may be expected for the
full year.  These financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with the
financial statements of Gables Realty Limited Partnership included in the Gables
Realty Limited Partnership 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998.


     On April 1, 1998, Gables acquired the properties and operations of Trammell
Crow  Residential  South Florida  ("TCR/SF"),  which consisted of 15 multifamily
apartment  communities  containing a total of 4,197 apartment  homes, and all of
TCR/SF's  residential  construction  and development and third party  management
activities in South Florida (collectively,  the "South Florida Acquisition"). In
consideration for such properties and operations, Gables (i) paid $155.0 million
in cash, (ii) assumed  approximately $135.9 million of tax-exempt debt and (iii)
issued  approximately  2,348 Units valued at  approximately  $64.9  million.  In
addition,  $10.7  million of the  purchase  price was  deferred by Gables  until
January 1,  2000,  at which time  Gables  will issue a number of Units  equal in
value to such deferred  amount.  The  acquisition  increased the size of Gables'
portfolio under management on April 1, 1998 from approximately  28,000 to 40,000
apartment homes.

     The South  Florida  Acquisition  has been  accounted for under the purchase
method of accounting in accordance with Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No.
16.  Accordingly,  assets acquired and liabilities assumed have been recorded at
their  estimated  fair  values.  The  accompanying  consolidated  statements  of
operations  include the  operating  results of TCR/SF  since April 1, 1998,  the
closing date of the South Florida Acquisition. The following unaudited pro forma
information  for the nine months  ended  September  30,  1998 has been  prepared
assuming the South Florida  Acquisition had been consummated on January 1, 1998.
The  unaudited  pro forma  information  (i)  includes the  historical  operating
results of the properties and residential construction and development and third
party management  activities acquired and (ii) does not purport to be indicative
of the results  which  actually  would have been  obtained had the South Florida
Acquisition  been  consummated  on January 1, 1998,  or which may be attained in
future periods.

                                              Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                 1999               1998
                                                 ----               ----

  Total revenues                               $183,942           $166,908
  Net income available to common unitholders     35,862             23,218
  Per common Unit information:
      Net income - basic                          $1.10              $0.77
      Net income - diluted                        $1.10              $0.77

Page 9

(Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     In April,  1998,  Gables acquired four  multifamily  apartment  communities
comprising  a total of 913  apartment  homes  located  in  Houston,  Texas  (the
"Greystone  Acquisition").  In connection with such acquisition,  Gables assumed
approximately   $31.0  million  of  indebtedness  at  fair  value,   and  issued
approximately  665 Units valued at  approximately  $18.0  million.  In addition,
Gables has accrued  approximately  $0.5 million as of  September  30, 1999 for a
portion of the purchase price that was deferred by Gables,  the payment of which
is  contingent  upon 1999  economic  performance.  Gables will issue a number of
Units equal in value to the amount due, once determined.

     On March 26, 1999,  Gables  entered into a joint venture  agreement with an
affiliate  of J.P.  Morgan  Investment  Management  Inc.  ("J.P.  Morgan").  The
business purpose of the venture is to develop, own and operate seven multifamily
apartment  communities,  located  in four of  Gables'  nine  markets,  which are
expected to comprise 2,181 apartment homes. As of March 25, 1999, Gables (i) had
commenced  construction of four of the communities,  (ii) owned the land for the
future  development of two of the  communities  and (iii) owned the  acquisition
right for the land for the future  development  of one of the  communities.  The
capital  budget for the  development of the seven  communities is  approximately
$213 million and is anticipated  to be funded with 50% debt and 50% equity.  The
equity  component will be funded 80% by J.P.  Morgan and 20% by Gables.  Gables'
portion  of the  equity  will be  funded  through  a  contribution  of cash  and
property.  On March 26,  1999,  Gables  contributed  its  interests in the seven
development  communities  to the joint venture in return for (i) cash of $60,347
and (ii) an initial  capital  account in the joint  venture of  $15,214.  Gables
serves as the managing member of the venture and has responsibility for all day-
to-day  operating  issues.  Gables also serves as the  property  manager and the
general contractor for construction activities.


     Basic  earnings  per Unit are  computed  based on net income  available  to
common  unitholders and the weighted average number of common Units outstanding.
Diluted  earnings  per Unit  reflect the assumed  issuance of common Units under
share option and incentive plans and upon settlement of long-term disability, as
applicable.  The  numerator  and  denominator  used for both  basic and  diluted
earnings per Unit computations are as follows:

                                                                   Three Months                   Nine Months
                                                                 Ended September 30,           Ended September 30,
                                                                 1999          1998            1999          1998
                                                                 ----          ----            ----          ----
Net income - basic                                               $15,882       $7,644          $35,862       $23,768

Amortization of discount on long-term liability                      ---          192              ---           384
                                                                 --------      -------         --------      --------
Net income - diluted                                             $15,882       $7,836          $35,862       $24,152
                                                                 ========      =======         ========      ========

Average Units outstanding - basic                                 32,296       32,532           32,533        29,400
Incremental Units from assumed conversions of stock options           45          110               42           137
Issuance of Units upon settlement of long-term liability             ---          430              ---           283
                                                                 --------      -------         --------      --------
Average Units outstanding - diluted                               32,341       33,072           32,575        29,820
                                                                 ========      =======         ========      ========

Page 10

(Unaudited and Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Gables adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income," during 1998.
SFAS No. 130  established  standards for reporting and disclosing  comprehensive
income (defined as revenues,  expenses, gains and losses that under GAAP are not
included in net income) and its components. As of September 30, 1999, Gables had
no items of other comprehensive income.

     In June,  1998, SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments and
Hedging Activities" was issued  establishing  accounting and reporting standards
requiring  that  every  derivative   instrument  (including  certain  derivative
instruments  embedded in other  contracts)  be recorded in the balance  sheet as
either an asset or liability  measured at its fair value.  SFAS No. 133 requires
that changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized  currently in earnings
unless  specific  hedge  accounting  criteria are met.  Special  accounting  for
qualifying  hedges  allows a  derivative's  gains and  losses to offset  related
results on the hedged item in the statement of  operations,  and requires that a
company must  formally  document,  designate,  and assess the  effectiveness  of
transactions that receive hedge accounting. SFAS No. 133 is effective for Gables
beginning  January  1, 2001.  The  impact of SFAS No.  133 on Gables'  financial
statements will depend on the extent,  type and effectiveness of Gables' hedging
activities.  SFAS No.  133 could  increase  volatility  in net  income and other
comprehensive income.


     In the  ordinary  course of  business,  Gables is exposed to interest  rate
risks.  Gables'  senior  management  periodically  seeks  input from third party
consultants  regarding market interest rate and credit risk in order to evaluate
its interest rate exposure. In certain situations, Gables may utilize derivative
financial  instruments  in the form of rate  caps,  rate  swaps or rate locks to
hedge interest rate exposure by modifying the interest rate  characteristics  of
related balance sheet instruments and prospective financing transactions. Gables
does  not  utilize  such  instruments  for  trading  or  speculative   purposes.
Derivatives  used as hedges must be effective  at reducing  the risk  associated
with the exposure being hedged, correlate in nominal amount, rate, and term with
the balance sheet instrument being hedged,  and must be designated as a hedge at
the inception of the derivative contract.

     Lump sum  payments  made or  received at the  inception  or  settlement  of
derivative  instruments designated as hedges are capitalized and amortized as an
adjustment  to interest  expense over the life of the  associated  balance sheet
instrument.  Monthly amounts paid or received under rate cap and rate swap hedge
agreements are recognized as adjustments to interest expense as incurred. In the
event that circumstances arise indicating that an existing derivative instrument
no longer meets the hedge criteria  described above, the derivative is marked to
market in the statement of operations.

     In  anticipation of a projected  seven-year  debt offering,  Gables entered
into two forward treasury lock agreements in late 1997. The timing and amount of
the  projected  debt  offering  was  modified  several  times  as  a  result  of
unanticipated capital transactions, including the South Florida Acquisition. The
treasury lock agreements were extended to align with the projected timing of the
debt  offering.  The treasury  lock  agreement in place in  September,  1998 was
terminated  due to certain  economic  conditions  affecting the  unsecured  debt
market.  For the  three  and  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998,  Gables
recognized  mark to market losses of $3,627 and $5,637,  respectively,  upon the
expiration of the original and extended  terms of the treasury  lock  agreements
since the required hedge criteria no longer existed at those dates.


     Gables adopted SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosures  about Segments of an Enterprise
and Related  Information,"  during 1998. SFAS No. 131 established  standards for
reporting  financial and descriptive  information  about  operating  segments in
annual financial statements.  Operating segments are defined as components of an
enterprise  about which  separate  financial  information  is available  that is
evaluated  regularly by the chief  operating  decision  maker in deciding how to
allocate  resources  and  in  assessing  performance.  Gables'  chief  operating
decision maker is its senior management group.

Page 11

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Gables owns,  operates and develops  multifamily  apartment  communities in
nine major  markets  located in Texas,  Georgia,  Florida  and  Tennessee.  Such
apartment  communities  generate  rental  revenue and other  income  through the
leasing of apartment homes to a diverse base of residents.  Gables evaluates the
performance  of  each  of its  apartment  communities  on an  individual  basis.
However,  because  each  of  the  apartment  communities  has  similar  economic
characteristics, residents, and products and services, the apartment communities
have been aggregated into one reportable segment. This segment comprised 95% and
96% of  Gables'  total  revenues  for the three  and nine  month  periods  ended
September 30, 1999, respectively.

     The primary  financial measure for Gables'  reportable  business segment is
net operating  income ("NOI"),  which  represents  total property  revenues less
property  operating and maintenance  expenses (as reflected in the  accompanying
statements of operations).  Accordingly,  NOI excludes certain expenses included
in the  determination of net income.  Current year NOI is compared to prior year
NOI and current year budgeted NOI as a measure of financial performance. The NOI
yield or return on total capitalized costs is an additional measure of financial
performance.  NOI from apartment communities totaled $39,162 and $37,295 for the
three months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998,  respectively,  and $116,358 and
$100,144 for the nine months ended  September  30, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.
All other segment measurements are disclosed in Gables'  consolidated  financial

     Gables also provides  management,  brokerage,  corporate apartment home and
development and construction  services to third parties.  These operations on an
individual  and  aggregate  basis do not meet the  quantitative  thresholds  for
segment reporting per SFAS No. 131.

                         AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

- --------

     The Operating  Partnership is the entity through which the Company,  a real
estate  investment  trust (a "REIT") focused within the multifamily  industry in
the Southwestern and Southeastern  region of the United States (the "Sunbelt" or
"Sunbelt Region"),  conducts  substantially all of its business and owns (either
directly  or  through  subsidiaries)  all  of  its  assets.   Gables'  operating
performance  relies  predominantly  on net  operating  income from its apartment
communities.  Gables' net operating  income is influenced by operating  expenses
and rental  revenues which are affected by the supply and demand dynamics within
Gables'   markets.   Gables'   performance  is  also  affected  by  the  general
availability  and cost of capital  and its  ability  to  develop  and to acquire
additional  apartment  communities with returns in excess of its blended cost of
equity and debt capital.

     The  Company's  objective  is to  increase  shareowner  value  by  being  a
profitable owner and operator of Class AA/A multifamily apartment communities in
the  Sunbelt  Region.  To  achieve  its  objective,  Gables  employs a number of
business strategies. First, Gables adheres to a strategy of owning and operating
Class AA/A apartment  communities which should maintain high levels of occupancy
and rental rates. Gables believes that such communities,  when supplemented with
high quality services and amenities,  attract the affluent  renter-by-choice who
is  willing  to  pay a  premium  for  conscientious  service  and  high  quality
communities.  Accordingly,  Gables' communities possess innovative architectural
designs and numerous  amenities and services that Gables  believes are desirable
to its target customers.  Second,  Gables seeks to grow cash flow from operating
communities  through  innovative,  proactive property management that focuses on
resident  satisfaction and retention,  increases in property rents and occupancy
levels,  and the control of operating  expenses  through  improved  economies of
scale. Third, Gables develops and acquires high-quality apartment communities in
in-fill locations and  master-planned  communities near major employment centers
in the  Sunbelt  with  the  objective  of  achieving  critical  mass in the most
desirable  submarkets.  Finally,  due to the cyclical  nature of the real estate
markets,  Gables  has  adopted  an  investment  strategy  based on strong  local
presence  and  expertise  which  it  believes  will  allow  for  growth  through
acquisition and development (as warranted by underlying market fundamentals) and
help ensure  favorable  initial  and  long-term  returns.  Gables  believes  the
successful execution of these operating and investment strategies will result in
operating cash flow growth.

Page 12

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Gables believes it is well  positioned to continue  achieving its objective
because of its  long-established  presence  as a  fully-integrated  real  estate
management,  development,  construction and acquisition  company in its markets.
Gables believes that its established local market presence creates a competitive
advantage in generating  increased cash flow from (i) property operations during
different  economic  cycles and (ii) new investment  opportunities  that involve
site selection,  market  information,  and requests for  entitlements and zoning
petitions.  Gables'  markets  are  geographically  independent,  rely on diverse
economic foundations, and have experienced above-average job growth.

     Portfolio-wide  occupancy  levels  have  remained  high and  portfolio-wide
rental rates have  continued to increase  during each of the last several years.
Gables  expects  portfolio-wide  rental  expenses to increase at a rate slightly
ahead of  inflation,  but less than the  increase in property  revenues  for the
coming twelve  months.  In certain  situations,  management's  evaluation of the
growth  prospects for a specific asset may result in a determination  to dispose
of the  asset.  In this  event,  management  would  intend to sell the asset and
utilize the net  proceeds  from any such sale to invest in new assets  which are
expected to have better growth prospects,  to reduce indebtedness or, in certain
circumstances  with  appropriate  approval  from  the  board  of  trustees,   to
repurchase   outstanding   common  equity.   Gables  maintains  staffing  levels
sufficient  to  meet  the  existing   construction   acquisition,   and  leasing
activities. If market conditions warrant,  management would anticipate adjusting
staffing levels to mitigate a negative impact on results of operations.

     The  following  discussion  and  analysis of the  financial  condition  and
results  of  operations  should  be read in  conjunction  with the  accompanying
consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto.

     This report on Form 10-Q  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the
meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section
21E of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended.  Actual  results or
developments  could differ materially from those projected in such statements as
a result of certain factors set forth in the section  entitled  "Certain Factors
Affecting Future  Operating  Results" on Page 23 of this Form 10-Q and elsewhere
in this report.


     On April 1, 1998, Gables acquired the properties and operations of Trammell
Crow  Residential  South Florida  ("TCR/SF"),  which consisted of 15 multifamily
apartment  communities  containing a total of 4,197 apartment  homes, and all of
TCR/SF's  residential  construction  and development and third party  management
activities in South Florida (collectively,  the "South Florida Acquisition"). In
consideration for such properties and operations, Gables (i) paid $155.0 million
in cash, (ii) assumed  approximately $135.9 million of tax-exempt debt and (iii)
issued approximately 2,348 Units valued at approximately $64.9 million. The cash
portion  of the  purchase  price was funded  through  borrowings  under  Gables'
unsecured  credit  facilities  (the "Credit  Facilities").  In  addition,  $10.7
million of the purchase  price was deferred by Gables until  January 1, 2000, at
which time Gables  will issue a number of Units equal in value to such  deferred
amount. The acquisition increased the size of Gables' portfolio under management
on April 1, 1998 from approximately 28,000 to 40,000 apartment homes.

     In April 1998,  Gables  acquired  four  multifamily  apartment  communities
comprising  a total of 913  apartment  homes  located  in  Houston,  Texas  (the
"Greystone  Acquisition").  In connection with such acquisition,  Gables assumed
approximately  $31.0  million  of  indebtedness,   at  fair  value,  and  issued
approximately 665 Units valued at $18.0 million.


Secondary Common Share Offerings
- --------------------------------

     Since the IPO,  the Company has issued a total of 14,831  common  shares in
eight offerings,  generating  $347,771 in net proceeds which were generally used
(i) to reduce outstanding indebtedness under interim financing vehicles utilized
to fund Gables'  development and acquisition  activities (the "Interim Financing
Vehicles") and (ii) for general working capital  purposes,  including funding of
future development and acquisition activities.

Page 13

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Preferred Share Offerings
- -------------------------

     On July 24,  1997,  the  Company  issued  4,600  shares  of 8.30%  Series A
Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares (liquidation preference $25.00 per share)
(the  "Series A  Preferred  Shares").  The net  proceeds  from this  offering of
approximately  $111 million were used to reduce  outstanding  indebtedness under
the Interim  Financing  Vehicles.  The Series A Preferred  Shares,  which may be
redeemed by the Company at $25.00 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends on
or after July 24,  2002,  have no stated  maturity,  sinking  fund or  mandatory
redemption and are not convertible into any other securities of the Company.

     On June 18, 1998, the Company issued 180 shares of 5.0% Series Z Cumulative
Redeemable  Preferred  Shares  (liquidation  preference  $25.00 per share)  (the
"Series Z Preferred  Shares") in connection  with the acquisition of a parcel of
land for  future  development.  The  Series Z  Preferred  Shares,  which  may be
redeemed by the Company at $25.00 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends at
any time,  are subject to mandatory  redemption  on June 18, 2018.  The Series Z
Preferred  Shares are not  subject to any sinking  fund and are not  convertible
into any other securities of the Company.

Issuances of Common Operating Partnership Units
- -----------------------------------------------

     Since the IPO, the Operating  Partnership has issued a total of 3,917 Units
in connection with the South Florida Acquisition,  the Greystone Acquisition and
the  acquisition of other operating  apartment  communities and a parcel of land
for future development.

Issuance of Preferred Operating Partnership Units
- -------------------------------------------------

     On November 12, 1998, the Operating  Partnership issued 2,000 of its 8.625%
Series B Preferred  Units (the "Series B Preferred  Units") to an  institutional
investor.  The net proceeds  from this issuance of  approximately  $48.7 million
were  used to  reduce  outstanding  indebtedness  under  the  Interim  Financing
Vehicles.  The Series B  Preferred  Units may be  redeemed by the Company at its
option after  November 14, 2003 and are  exchangeable  by the holder into 8.625%
Series B Cumulative  Redeemable Preferred Shares of the Company on a one-for-one
basis. This exchange right is generally not exercisable until after November 14,
2008.  The Series B Preferred  Units have no stated  maturity,  sinking fund, or
mandatory redemption.

Common Equity Repurchase Program
- --------------------------------

     Gables has announced a common equity  repurchase  program pursuant to which
the Company is  authorized  to purchase  up to $100  million of its  outstanding
common shares or Units. The Company plans to repurchase shares from time to time
in open market and privately negotiated transactions, depending on market prices
and other conditions, using proceeds from sales of selected assets. Whenever the
Company repurchases common shares from shareholders,  the Operating  Partnership
is required to redeem from the Company an equivalent number of Units on the same
terms and for the same aggregate price. After redemption,  the Units so redeemed
by the Operating Partnership are no longer deemed outstanding. Units may also be
redeemed for cash upon their  presentation for redemption by unitholders.  As of
September 30, 1999,  Gables had redeemed 1,123 Units for $26,504,  including 895
Units redeemed from the Company

Shelf Registration Statement
- ----------------------------

     On December 3, 1998,  the Company  and the  Operating  Partnership  filed a
shelf registration  statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to add
an additional  $500 million of equity capacity and an additional $300 million of
debt  capacity.  Gables  believes it is prudent to maintain  shelf  registration
capacity in order to facilitate future capital raising activities.

Page 14

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Property Sales
- --------------

     During  the first  quarter  of 1999,  Gables  sold an  apartment  community
located in Atlanta  comprising 213 apartment homes.  During the third quarter of
1999, Gables sold two apartment  communities  located in Atlanta  comprising 463
apartment homes and two apartment  communities located in Memphis comprising 490
apartment  homes.  The net proceeds  from these sales  totaled $81.5 million and
were  used to pay  down  outstanding  borrowings  under  the  Interim  Financing
Vehicles  and to purchase  common  shares and Units under the  Company's  equity
repurchase program.

Joint Venture with J.P. Morgan
- ------------------------------

     On March 26, 1999,  Gables  entered into a joint venture  agreement with an
affiliate  of J.P.  Morgan  Investment  Management  Inc.  ("J.P.  Morgan").  The
business purpose of the venture is to develop, own and operate seven multifamily
apartment  communities,  located  in four of  Gables'  nine  markets,  which are
expected to comprise 2,181 apartment homes. As of March 25, 1999, Gables (i) had
commenced  construction of four of the communities,  (ii) owned the land for the
future  development of two of the  communities  and (iii) owned the  acquisition
right for the land for the future  development  of one of the  communities.  The
capital  budget for the  development of the seven  communities is  approximately
$213 million and is anticipated  to be funded with 50% debt and 50% equity.  The
equity  component will be funded 80% by J.P.  Morgan and 20% by Gables.  Gables'
portion  of the  equity  will be  funded  through  a  contribution  of cash  and
property.  On March 26,  1999,  Gables  contributed  its  interests in the seven
development  communities  to the joint venture in return for (i) cash of $60,347
and (ii) an initial  capital  account in the joint  venture of  $15,214.  Gables
serves as the managing member of the venture and has responsibility for all day-
to-day  operating  issues.  Gables also serves as the  property  manager and the
general contractor for construction activities.

Page 15

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Results of Operations
- ---------------------

1998 (THE "1998 PERIOD").

     Gables'  net  income  is  generated  primarily  from the  operation  of its
apartment   communities.   For  purposes  of  evaluating  comparative  operating
performance,  Gables  categorizes its operating  communities based on the period
each community reaches stabilized occupancy. A community is considered by Gables
to have achieved stabilized  occupancy on the earlier to occur of (i) attainment
of 93% physical occupancy or (ii) one year after completion of construction. The
operating  performance for all of Gables' apartment communities combined for the
three months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 is summarized as follows:

                                                                               Three Months Ended September 30,

                                                                                                     $           %
                                                                         1999         1998        Change       Change
                                                                      ---------    ---------     --------     --------
Same store communities (1)                                             $48,316      $46,980       $1,336         2.8%
Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period,
    but not during the 1998 Period (2)                                   3,793        2,382        1,411        59.2%
Development and lease-up communities (3)                                   ---          ---          ---         ---
Acquired communities (4)                                                 5,461        4,687          774        16.5%
Sold communities (5)                                                     1,880        2,898       -1,018       -35.1%
                                                                       --------     --------      -------     --------
Total property revenues                                                $59,450      $56,947       $2,503         4.4%
                                                                       --------     --------      -------     --------

Same store communities (1)                                             $16,666      $16,430         $236         1.4%
Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period,
    but not during the 1998 Period (2)                                     963          480          483       100.6%
Development and lease-up communities (3)                                   ---          ---          ---         ---
Acquired communities (4)                                                 1,937        1,570          367        23.4%
Sold communities (5)                                                       722        1,172         -450       -38.4%
                                                                       --------     --------      -------     -------
Total specified expenses                                               $20,288      $19,652         $636         3.2%
                                                                       --------     --------      -------     -------

Revenues in excess of specified expenses                               $39,162      $37,295       $1,867         5.0%
                                                                       ========     ========      =======     =======

Revenues in excess of specified expenses as a percentage
    of total property revenues                                            65.9%       65.5%          ---         0.4%
                                                                       ========     ========      =======     =======
(1)      Communities which were owned and fully stabilized throughout both the 1999 Period and 1998 Period ("same store").
(2)      Communities which were stabilized during all of the 1999 Period, but were not stabilized during all of the 1998 Period.
(3)      Communities in the development and/or lease-up phase which were not fully stabilized during all or any of the 1999 Period.
(4)      Communities which were acquired or in renovation subsequent to July 1, 1998.
(5)      Communities which were sold subsequent to July 1, 1998.

Page 16

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Total property revenues  increased $2,503, or 4.4%, from $56,947 to $59,450
due primarily to increases in the number of apartment  homes  resulting from the
acquisition and development of additional communities and to increases in rental
rates on communities  stabilized  throughout both periods ("same  store").  This
increase  in  property  revenues  has  been  offset  in part by the sale of five
apartment  communities  in 1999;  however,  two of the five  sales did not occur
until  September 30, 1999.  Below is additional  data regarding the increases in
total property  revenues for two of the five community  categories  presented in
the preceding table:

Same store communities:

                                                                                     Increase       Increase
                                        Percent of                     Increase     (Decrease)     (Decrease)
                         Number of        Total         Occupancy     (Decrease)     in Total       in Total
           Number of     Apartment      Apartment       During the        in         Property       Property
Market    Communities      Homes          Homes        1999 Period    Occupancy      Revenues       Revenues
- ------    -----------    ---------      ----------     -----------    ----------    ----------     ----------

Atlanta       18           5,378          26.7%           95.0%           -0.7%        $551           4.5%
Houston       15           5,633          27.9%           95.7%            1.2%          -4           0.0%
South Florida 12           3,430          17.0%           96.5%            4.8%         596           7.6%
Dallas         9           2,085          10.4%           94.4%           -0.4%          75           1.4%
Nashville      4           1,166           5.8%           93.4%           -1.4%         -11          -0.5%
Austin         4             953           4.7%           95.4%           -0.9%         141           5.0%
Memphis        2             964           4.8%           94.6%           -1.0%          27           1.5%
San Antonio    2             544           2.7%           90.1%           -5.0%         -39          -3.1%
              --          ------         ------           -----           -----      ------          -----
              66          20,153         100.0%           95.2%            0.7%      $1,336           2.8%
              ==          ======         ======           =====           =====      ======          =====

Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period, but not during the 1998 Period:

                                      Percent of    Increase
                          Number of     Total       in Total     Occupancy
            Number of     Apartment   Apartment     Property    During  the
Market     Communities      Homes       Homes       Revenues    1999 Period
- ------     -----------    ---------   ----------    --------    -----------
Orlando         2             511       36.2%          $443        93.4%
Atlanta         1             386       27.4%           571        97.8%
Houston         1             256       18.2%           241        96.0%
Austin          1             256       18.2%           156        96.8%
               ---          -----      ------        ------        -----
                5           1,409      100.0%        $1,411        95.6%
               ===          =====      ======        ======        =====

     Other  revenues  increased  $865,  or 38.2%,  from  $2,267  to  $3,132  due
primarily to development revenues, net of $760 in the 1999 Period.

     Property  operating and maintenance  expense (exclusive of depreciation and
amortization)  increased  $636,  or 3.2%,  from  $19,652 to  $20,288,  due to an
increase in apartment  homes  resulting from the  acquisition and development of
additional  communities and an increase for same store communities of 1.4%. This
increase in property  operating and maintenance  expense has been offset in part
by the sale of five  apartment  communities  in 1999;  however,  two of the five
sales did not occur until September 30, 1999.

     Real estate depreciation and amortization  expense increased $834, or 7.7%,
from $10,887 to $11,721 due  primarily to the  acquisition  and  development  of
additional   communities.   This  increase  in  real  estate   depreciation  and
amortization   expense  is  partially  offset  by  the  sale  of  the  apartment
communities noted above.

     Property   management   expense  for  owned  communities  and  third  party
properties on a combined basis increased  $355, or 17.7%,  from $2,008 to $2,363
due primarily to (i)increased  staffing and support related to Gables' strategic
initiatives for enhanced  management  information  systems and (ii) inflationary
increases in expenses.  Gables allocates  property  management  expenses to both
owned communities and third party properties based on the proportionate share of
total apartment homes and units managed.

Page 17

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     General and administrative expense decreased $290, or 16.4%, from $1,764 to
$1,474,  due primarily to decreases in abandoned  real estate  pursuit costs and
internal acquisition costs incurred by the Company related to 1998 acquisitions.

     Interest  expense  increased  $209,  or 2.0%,  from $10,561 to $10,770 as a
result of an increase in operating  debt  associated  with the  acquisition  and
development  of additional  communities.  This increase in interest  expense has
been offset in part by the  offerings  and  property  sales  Gables  consummated
between  periods,  of which a portion  of the  proceeds  has been used to reduce

     Loss on  treasury  locks of $3,627 in the 1998  Period  represents  mark to
market  losses  recorded  upon the  expiration  of the  terms of  treasury  lock
agreements  that were (i)  entered  into in  anticipation  of a  projected  debt
offering,  (ii)  subsequently  extended in connection with  modifications in the
projected  timing of the debt  offering  and (iii)  terminated  due to  economic
conditions affecting the unsecured debt market.

     Gain on sale of real estate assets of $4,019 in the 1999 Period  relates to
the  sale  of two  apartment  communities  located  in  Atlanta  comprising  463
apartment homes and two apartment  communities located in Memphis comprising 490
apartment homes.

Page 18

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Results of Operations
- ---------------------

1998 (THE "1998 PERIOD").

     Gables'  net  income  is  generated  primarily  from the  operation  of its
apartment   communities.   For  purposes  of  evaluating  comparative  operating
performance,  Gables  categorizes its operating  communities based on the period
each community reaches stabilized occupancy. A community is considered by Gables
to have achieved stabilized  occupancy on the earlier to occur of (i) attainment
of 93% physical occupancy or (ii) one year after completion of construction. The
operating  performance for all of Gables' apartment communities combined for the
nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 is summarized as follows:

                                                                       Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                                   1999         1998      $ Change      % Change
                                                                 --------    ----------   ---------     ---------
Same store communities (1)                                       $114,928     $113,026      $1,902           1.7%
Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period,
    but not during the 1998 Period (2)                              6,663        4,577       2,086          45.6%
Development and lease-up communities (3)                            6,295        1,488       4,807         323.1%
Acquired communities (4)                                           41,483       25,193      16,290          64.7%
Sold communities (5)                                                6,908        7,611        -703          -9.2%
                                                                 ---------    ---------    --------      ---------
Total property revenues                                          $176,277     $151,895     $24,382          16.1%
                                                                 ---------    ---------    --------      ---------

Same store communities (1)                                        $38,652      $38,401        $251           0.7%
Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period,
    but not during the 1998 Period (2)                              1,515        1,047         468          44.7%
Development and lease-up communities (3)                            2,148          349       1,799         515.5%
Acquired communities (4)                                           14,998        8,940       6,058          67.8%
Sold communities (5)                                                2,606        3,014        -408         -13.5%
                                                                 ---------    ---------    --------      ---------
Total specified expenses                                          $59,919      $51,751      $8,168          15.8%
                                                                 ---------    ---------    --------      ---------

Revenues in excess of specified expenses                         $116,358     $100,144     $16,214          16.2%
                                                                 ========     ========     =======       =========

Revenues in excess of specified expenses
    as a percentage of total property revenues                     66.0%        65.9%          ---           0.1%
                                                                 ========     ========     =======       =========

(1)  Communities which were owned and fully stabilized throughout both the 1999 Period and 1998 Period ("same store").
(2)  Communities which were stabilized during all of the 1999 Period, but were not stabilized during all of the 1998 Period.
(3)  Communities in the development and/or lease-up phase which were not fully stabilized during all or any of the 1999 Period.
(4)  Communities which were acquired  subsequent to January 1, 1998, including the 15 communities acquired in April, 1998 in
       South Florida.
(5)  Communities which were sold subsequent to January 1, 1998.

Page 19

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Total  property  revenues  increased  $24,382,  or 16.1%,  from $151,895 to
$176,277 due primarily to increases in the number of apartment  homes  resulting
from the acquisition and development of additional  communities and to increases
in  rental  rates on  communities  stabilized  throughout  both  periods  ("same
store").  This increase in property revenues has been offset in part by the sale
of five apartment  communities in 1999;  however,  two of the five sales did not
occur until September 30, 1999. Below is additional data regarding the increases
in total property revenues for three of the five community  categories presented
in the preceding table:

                                                                                                    Increase       Increase
                                                Percent of                            Increase     (Decrease)     (Decrease)
                                 Number of        Total           Occupancy          (Decrease)     in Total       in Total
                Number of        Apartment      Apartment        During  the             in         Property       Property
Market         Communities         Homes          Homes          1999 Period         Occupancy      Revenues       Revenues
- ------         -----------       ---------      ----------       -----------         ----------     ---------      ---------
Atlanta             17             5,165          31.8%              95.1%              -0.4%        $1,618            4.4%
Houston             15             5,633          34.7%              93.6%              -1.6%           -48           -0.1%
Dallas               9             2,085          12.8%              92.8%              -1.7%           258            1.6%
Nashville            4             1,166           7.2%              91.6%              -3.6%          -198           -2.9%
Austin               3               680           4.2%              94.0%               0.5%           336            6.1%
Memphis              2               964           5.9%              92.2%              -3.6%             5            0.1%
San Antonio          2               544           3.4%              88.4%              -4.5%           -69           -2.0%
                   ----          --------       --------            -------            -------      --------         -------
                    52            16,237         100.0%              93.7%              -1.4%        $1,902            1.7%
                   ====          ========       ========            =======            =======      ========         =======

Communities stabilized during the 1999 Period but not during the 1998 Period:

                                        Percent of    Increase
                           Number of      Total       in Total      Occupancy
             Number of     Apartment    Apartment     Property     During  the
Market      Communities      Homes        Homes       Revenues     1999 Period
- ------      -----------    ---------    ----------    --------     -----------
Austin           2             529        65.4%        $1,353          90.8%
Orlando          1             280        34.6%           733         100.0%
            -----------    ---------    ----------    --------     -----------
                 3             809       100.0%        $2,086          93.1%
            ===========    =========    ==========    ========     ===========

Development and lease-up communities:

                                        Percent of    Increase
                           Number of      Total       in Total      Occupancy
             Number of     Apartment    Apartment     Property     During  the
Market      Communities      Homes        Homes       Revenues     1999 Period
- ------      -----------    ---------    ----------    --------     -----------
Atlanta          1             386        44.2%        $2,116          87.0%
Houston          1             256        29.3%         1,203          86.3%
Orlando          1             231        26.5%         1,488          74.1%
            -----------    ---------    ----------    --------     -----------
                 3             873       100.0%        $4,807          82.5%
            ===========    =========    ==========    ========     ===========

     Other  revenues  increased  $2,680,  or 53.8%,  from  $4,985 to $7,665  due
primarily to (i) an increase in property  management revenues of $571, or 17.8%,
from $3,213 to $3,784,  resulting  from a net increase of properties  managed by
Gables for third parties as a result of the South Florida  Acquisition  and (ii)
development revenues, net of $1,989 in the 1999 Period.

Page 20

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Property  operating and maintenance  expense (exclusive of depreciation and
amortization)  increased  $8,168,  or 15.8%,  from  $51,751 to $59,919 due to an
increase in apartment  homes  resulting from the  acquisition and development of
additional  communities and an increase for same store communities of 1.7%. This
increase in property  operating and maintenance  expense has been offset in part
by the sale of five apartment communities in 1999.

     Real estate  depreciation and amortization  expense  increased  $6,670,  or
23.3%,  from $28,581 to $35,251 due primarily to the acquisition and development
of  additional  communities.  This  increase  in real  estate  depreciation  and
amortization  expense  is  partially  offset  by the sale of the five  apartment
communities noted above.

     Property   management   expense  for  owned  communities  and  third  party
properties on a combined basis increased  $711, or 12.2%,  from $5,848 to $6,559
due primarily to (i) an increase of approximately  5,000 apartment homes managed
from 37,000 in the 1998 Period to 42,000 in the 1999 Period, resulting primarily
from the South Florida Acquisition,  (ii) increased staffing and support related
to Gables' strategic  initiatives for enhanced management  information  systems,
and  (iii)  inflationary  increases  in  expenses.   Gables  allocates  property
management  expenses to both owned  communities and third party properties based
on the proportionate share of total apartment homes and units managed.

     General and administrative  expense increased $356, or 8.0%, from $4,438 to
$4,794 due  primarily  to (i)  compensation  and other  costs for new  positions
associated with the South Florida  Acquisition  and (ii) increased  compensation
costs.  This increase in general and  administrative  expense has been offset in
part  by  decreases  in  abandoned   real  estate  pursuit  costs  and  internal
acquisition costs incurred by the Company related to 1998 acquisitions.

     Severance costs of $2,000 in the 1999 Period represent  charges  associated
with  organizational  changes resulting from management  succession  directives,
including the resignation of the previous chief operating officer.

     Interest expense increased $3,970, or 14.2%, from $28,059 to $32,029 due to
an increase in operating debt associated with the acquisition and development of
additional communities,  including the debt assumed in connection with the South
Florida  Acquisition  and  Greystone  Acquisition.  These  increases in interest
expense have been offset in part as a result of the offerings and property sales
Gables consummated  between periods, of which a portion of the proceeds has been
used to reduce indebtedness.

     Loss on  treasury  locks of $5,637 in the 1998  Period  represents  mark to
market  losses  recorded  upon the  expiration  of the  terms of  treasury  lock
agreements  that were (i)  entered  into in  anticipation  of a  projected  debt
offering,  (ii)  subsequently  extended in connection with  modifications in the
projected  timing of the debt  offering  and (iii)  terminated  due to  economic
conditions affecting the unsecured debt market.

     Gain on sale of real estate assets of $4,685 in the 1999 Period  relates to
the sale of three  apartment  communities  in Atlanta  comprising  676 apartment
homes and two apartment  communities located in Memphis comprising 490 apartment


     Gables' net cash provided by operating  activities  increased  from $67,222
for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998 to $78,696 for the nine months
ended  September 30, 1999 due to (i) an increase of $11,894 in income (a) before
certain non-cash or non-operating items, including  depreciation,  amortization,
equity  in  income  of  joint  ventures,  gain on sale  of real  estate  assets,
long-term  compensation  expense  and  loss on  treasury  locks,  and (b)  after
operating  distributions received from joint ventures,  (ii) the change in other
assets between periods of $4,034 and (iii) the change in restricted cash between
periods  of $787.  Such  increases  were  offset in part by the  change in other
liabilities between periods of $5,241.

Page 21

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     For the nine months ended  September  30,  1999,  Gables had $79,994 of net
cash provided by investing  activities  compared to $310,959 of net cash used in
investing  activities for the nine months ended  September 30, 1998.  During the
nine months ended September 30, 1999,  Gables received cash of (i) $60.3 million
in connection  with the  contribution  of its  interests in certain  development
communities  to the joint  venture  with J.P.  Morgan and (ii) $81.5  million in
connection  with the sale of five operating  apartment  communities.  During the
nine months  ended  September  30, 1999,  Gables  expended  approximately  $44.1
million   related  to   development   expenditures,   including   related   land
acquisitions,  approximately  $4.7 million related to its investment in the J.P.
Morgan  joint  venture,   approximately   $7.5  million  related  to  recurring,
non-revenue enhancing, capital expenditures for operating apartment communities,
and   approximately   $5.6  million   related  to   non-recurring,   renovation/
revenue-enhancing expenditures.

     For the nine months ended  September  30, 1999,  Gables had $154,692 of net
cash used in financing  activities  compared to $246,677 of net cash provided by
financing  activities for the nine months ended  September 30, 1998.  During the
nine months ended September 30, 1999, Gables had net repayments of borrowings of
approximately   $73.8   million,   net   payments  of   distributions   totaling
approximately $53.9 million,  and payments for treasury share purchases and Unit
redemptions  totaling  approximately $26.5 million. The repayments of borrowings
were funded by the net cash provided by investing activities.

     Gables  elected to be taxed as a REIT under  Section 856 through 860 of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  commencing  with its taxable year
ended  December 31, 1994.  REITs are subject to a number of  organizational  and
operational requirements, including a requirement that they currently distribute
95%  of  their  ordinary   taxable  income.   Provided   Gables   maintains  its
qualification  as a REIT,  the Company  generally will not be subject to Federal
income tax on distributed net income.

     As of September 30, 1999, Gables had total  indebtedness of $738,950,  cash
and cash  equivalents of $11,052,  and principal  escrow  deposits  reflected in
restricted cash of $2,805.  Gables' indebtedness has an average of 5.62 years to
maturity  at  September  30,  1999.  Excluding  monthly  principal  amortization
payments,  over the next five years  Gables  has the  following  scheduled  debt
maturities for indebtedness outstanding at September 30, 1999:

                    1999     $   11,492
                    2000         53,521
                    2001         55,000
                    2002        122,392
                    2003         62,676

     The debt  maturities in 2002 include  $40,000 of  outstanding  indebtedness
under  Gables' $225 million  Credit  Facility  which has two one-year  extension
options.  The  debt  maturities  in 2003  include  $44,930  of  tax-exempt  bond
indebtedness  credit-enhanced  through  a letter of  credit  facility  which has
unlimited one-year extension options. Three of the underlying bond issues mature
in December, 2007 and the fourth underlying bond issue matures in August, 2024.

     Gables' distributions through the third quarter of 1999 have been paid from
cash provided by operating  activities.  Gables  anticipates that  distributions
will  continue to be paid on a quarterly  basis from cash  provided by operating

     Gables has met and  expects to continue  to meet its  short-term  liquidity
requirements generally through net cash provided by operations. Gables' net cash
provided  by  operations  has been  adequate  and Gables  believes  that it will
continue  to be  adequate  to meet both  operating  requirements  and payment of
dividends in accordance with REIT  requirements.  The budgeted  expenditures for
improvements  and  renovations  to  the  communities,  in  addition  to  monthly
principal  amortization  payments,  are also expected to be funded from net cash
provided  by  operations.   Gables  anticipates   construction  and  development
activities  and  land  purchases  will be  initially  funded  primarily  through
borrowings under its Credit Facilities described below.

     Gables  expects to meet certain of its  long-term  liquidity  requirements,
such  as  scheduled  debt  maturities,  repayment  of  short-term  financing  of
construction  and  development  activities and possible  property  acquisitions,
through  long- term  secured  and  unsecured  borrowings,  the  issuance of debt
securities or equity securities, private equity investments in the form of joint
ventures or through the disposition of assets which, in management's evaluation,
may no longer meet Gables' investment requirements.

Page 22

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

$225 Million Credit Facility
- ----------------------------

     Gables has a $225 million unsecured revolving credit facility. In May, 1999
the facility was amended and the maturity date was extended to May,  2002,  with
two  one-year  extension  options.  In addition,  the  interest  rate on Gables'
current syndicated  borrowings was increased from LIBOR plus 0.80% to LIBOR plus
0.95%.  Gables'  availability under the facility is limited to the lesser of the
total  $225  million  commitment  or the  borrowing  base.  The  borrowing  base
available under the facility is based on the value of Gables'  unencumbered real
estate assets as compared to the amount of Gables' unsecured indebtedness. As of
September 30, 1999, Gables had $40.0 million in borrowings outstanding under the
facility and,  therefore,  had $185.0 million of remaining  capacity on the $225
million available commitment.  Additionally, a competitive bid option feature is
in place for up to 50% of the total commitment.

$25 Million Credit Facility
- ---------------------------

     Gables has an unsecured  revolving  credit facility that provides for up to
$25 million in  borrowings.  This  facility  has an initial term of one year and
unlimited one-year extension options. Gables has exercised three of its one-year
extension  options,  resulting  in a current  maturity  date for the facility of
October,  2000.  Borrowings currently bear interest under this facility at LIBOR
plus 0.95%. As of September 30, 1999, Gables had no borrowings outstanding under
this facility.

Restrictive Covenants
- ---------------------

     Certain of  Gables'  debt  agreements  contain  customary  representations,
covenants and events of default,  including covenants which restrict the ability
of the Operating  Partnership to make distributions in excess of stated amounts,
which in turn  restricts  the  discretion  of the  Company  to  declare  and pay
dividends. In general, during any fiscal year the Operating Partnership may only
distribute  up  to  95%  of  the  Operating  Partnership's  consolidated  income
available for distribution (as defined in the related  agreement),  exclusive of
distributions  of capital gains for such year.  The applicable  debt  agreements
contain  exceptions to these  limitations to allow the Operating  Partnership to
make any distributions  necessary to allow the Company to maintain its status as
a REIT. Gables does not anticipate that this provision will adversely effect the
ability of the Operating  Partnership  to make  distributions  or the Company to
declare dividends, as currently anticipated.


     The  application of historical cost accounting in accordance with generally
accepted accounting  principles ("GAAP") for Gables' UPREIT structure results in
an  understatement of total assets and partners' capital compared to the amounts
that would be recorded via the application of purchase  accounting in accordance
with GAAP had Gables not been organized as an UPREIT.  Management believes it is
imperative to  understand  this  difference  when  evaluating  the book value of
assets  and  partners'  capital.  The  understatement  of basis  related to this
difference  in  organizational  structure  at  September  30, 1999 is  $112,494,
exclusive of the effect of depreciation.  Accordingly, on a pro forma basis, the
real estate  assets before  accumulated  depreciation,  total assets,  and total
partners' capital (including  limited and preferred  partners' capital interest)
as  of  September  30,  1999  would  be  $1,681,216,  $1,591,567  and  $798,886,
respectively, if such $112,494 value were reflected.

- ---------

     Substantially  all of Gables' leases at the  communities  are for a term of
one year or less,  which may enable Gables to seek increased  rents upon renewal
of existing leases or commencement of new leases in times of rising prices.  The
short-term  nature of these leases generally serves to lessen the impact of cost
increases arising from inflation.


See Note 6 to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Page 23

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This Report on Form 10-Q  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the
meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section
21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  The words  "believe,"
"expect,"   "anticipate,"  "intend,"  "estimate,"  "assume"  and  other  similar
expressions  which are  predictions of or indicate  future events and trends and
which do not  relate  solely  to  historical  matters  identify  forward-looking
statements.  Reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because
they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are,
in some cases,  beyond the  control of Gables and may cause the actual  results,
performance or  achievements  of Gables to differ  materially  from  anticipated
future  results,  performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by such
forward-looking statements.

     Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to,
the following:  Gables may abandon or fail to secure development  opportunities;
construction  costs of a community may exceed original  estimates;  construction
and  lease-up may not be  completed  on  schedule,  resulting in increased  debt
service expense and construction  costs and reduced rental  revenues;  occupancy
rates and market  rents may be adversely  affected by local  economic and market
conditions which are beyond management's control; financing may not be available
or  may  not  be  available  on  favorable  terms;  Gables'  cash  flow  may  be
insufficient to meet required  payments of principal and interest;  and existing
indebtedness may mature in an unfavorable  credit  environment,  preventing such
indebtedness from being refinanced or, if financed,  causing such refinancing to
occur on terms that are not as favorable as the terms of existing indebtedness.


     The  statements  in the  following  section  include  "Year 2000  readiness
disclosure"  within  the  meaning  of the Year 2000  Information  and  Readiness
Disclosure Act of 1998.

     The Year 2000 issue occurs when business  application  software or embedded
microcontrollers  use  two  digits  to  specify  the  year,  rather  than  four.
Therefore,  on January 1, 2000, unless corrections are made, most computers with
time-sensitive  software programs will recognize the year as "00" and may assume
that  the  year  is  "1900".   This  could   result  in  a  system   failure  or
miscalculations which could result in disruptions of normal business operations.
The Year 2000 issue can also affect  embedded  microcontrollers  in non-computer
equipment such as elevators, HVAC and security systems. Gables is in the process
of  assessing  the  impact  of the  Year  2000  issue  on its  computer  systems
(hardware),   software  and  other  equipment  with  embedded   microcontrollers
(non-IT).  Gables' Year 2000  Project is divided into four phases,  as described

     Phase 1-  Inventory   assessment:   Identify  all   equipment   that  could
          potentially  be affected by the Year 2000 issue.  Equipment is divided
          into three categories: hardware, software and non-IT.

     Phase 2 - Contact vendors and  third-party  service  providers: Contact the
          vendors and third-party service providers that maintain and/or support
          the equipment  identified in Phase I to obtain a Year 2000  compliance

     Phase 3 - Determine  scope of  non-compliance: Based on vendor response and
          in-house testing,  assemble a list of items that will not be compliant
          and prioritize the items to be either replaced or retrofitted.

     Phase 4  - Implementation,  identification  of  alternative  solutions  and
          testing:  Replace or retrofit items that are not Year 2000  compliant,
          identify and implement  alternative  solutions to items that cannot be
          replaced or retrofitted, and perform testing thereof.

Page 24

(Amounts in Thousands, Except Property and Per Unit Amounts)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gables' progress is described by category in the following table:

     CATEGORY            STATUS              PHASE 4 COMPLETION DATE
     --------            ------              -----------------------
     Hardware            Complete                    3/31/99
     Software            Complete                    3/31/99
     Non-IT              Complete                    6/30/99

     Gables' costs of addressing  the Year 2000 issue have not been, and are not
expected  to be,  material  and relate  primarily  to costs of  upgrading  older
equipment in addition to personnel resource  allocation.  However,  no estimates
can be made as to the potential  adverse  impact  resulting  from the failure of
third party  service  providers  and vendors to prepare for the Year 2000 issue.
Gables has included banks and utilities in its vendor survey,  as their services
are considered to be  mission-critical  to its business function.  As with other
vendors,  Gables is attempting  to attain  compliance  certification  from these
vendors to assure that there will be no business  interruption  to its customers
on January 1, 2000.  Based on vendor response and in-house  testing,  Gables has
developed specific  contingency plans where necessary.  In addition,  Gables has
general  contingency plans in place in the event of unanticipated  equipment and
systems  failures.  However,  there can be no  assurance  that such plan will be
adequate or that  failures  or delays by third  parties in  achieving  Year 2000
compliance will not result in material business interruptions,  loss of revenues
or other adverse effects.

     The  discussion   above  regarding   Gables'  Year  2000  Project  contains
forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended. Gables' assessment of the impact of the Year 2000 issue may prove to
be  inaccurate  due to a number  of  factors  which  cannot be  determined  with
certainty,  including the receipt of inaccurate  compliance  certifications from
third party vendors,  inaccurate  testing or assessments by Gables' personnel of
its equipment or systems,  and  inaccurate  projections by Gables of the cost of
remediation  and/or  replacement of affected equipment and systems. A failure by
Gables to adequately  remediate or replace affected  equipment or systems due to
the factors cited above or for other reasons,  a material increase in the actual
cost of such remediation or replacement, or a failure by a third party vendor to
remediate  Year 2000  problems  in systems  that are vital to the  operation  of
Gables'  properties or financial systems,  could cause a material  disruption to
its  business  and  adversely  affect its results of  operations  and  financial


- ------------------------------------


                        Number of     Total                                                  Actual or Estimated Quarter of
                        Apartment   Budgeted      Percent at September 30, 1999   Construction   Initial   Construction  Stabilized
Community                 Homes       Cost       Complete    Leased    Occupied     Start       Occupancy       End       Occupancy
- ---------               ---------  ----------   ----------  --------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ----------
                                   (millions)                                                                                  (1)

Orlando, FL
- -----------
Gables Chatham Square      448        $37           6%         ---       ---        2Q 1999      2Q 2000      3Q 2001       3Q 2001
Gables North Village       315         40           1%         ---       ---        2Q 1999      4Q 2000      1Q 2002       1Q 2002
                           ---        ---
WHOLLY-OWNED TOTALS        763        $77
                           ---        ---


Atlanta, GA
- -----------
Gables Metropolitan I      435        $49          84%         33%       18%        2Q 1998      3Q 1999      2Q 2000       4Q 2000

Houston, TX
- -----------
Gables Raveneaux           382         28          86%         49%       27%        3Q 1998      2Q 1999      1Q 2000       3Q 2000

Dallas, TX
- ----------
Gables San Raphael         222         17          99%         51%       43%        3Q 1998      2Q 1999      4Q 1999       1Q 2000
Gables State Thomas I      290         33          24%         ---       ---        2Q 1999      2Q 2000      1Q 2001       3Q 2001

Boca Raton, FL
- --------------
Gables Grande Isle         320         23          18%         ---       ---        2Q 1999      1Q 2000      4Q 2000       1Q 2001
Gables Palma Vista         189         23          60%          2%       ---        1Q 1999      4Q 1999      2Q 2000       4Q 2000
Gables San Michele II      343         40          78%         40%       33%        3Q 1998      2Q 1999      2Q 2000       4Q 2000
                         -----       ----
CO-INVESTMENT TOTALS     2,181       $213 (3)
                         -----       ----
DEVELOPMENT TOTALS       2,944       $290
                         =====       ====
(1)  Stabilized occupancy is defined as the earlier to occur of (i) 93% occupancy or (ii) one year after completion of construction.
(2)  These communities were contributed into a joint venture in March, 1999.
(3)  Construction loan proceeds are expected to fund 50% of the total budgeted costs.  The remaining costs will be funded by capital
     contributions to the venture from the venture partner and Gables in a funding ratio of 80% and 20%, respectively.

     The following is a "Safe  Harbor"  Statement  under the Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Section 21E of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended. The projections and estimates contained in the table above are
forward-looking  statements.  These forward-looking statements involve risks and
uncertainties  and actual results may differ  materially from those projected in
such statements.  Risks associated with Gables' development,  construction,  and
lease-up  activities,  which could impact the  forward-looking  statements made,
include:  development  opportunities may be abandoned;  construction  costs of a
community  may  exceed  original   estimates,   possibly  making  the  community
uneconomical;  and  construction  and lease-up may not be completed on schedule,
resulting in increased debt service and construction costs.

Page 26

- ------------------------------------


                                                                           September 30, 1999 Scheduled Rent Per
                                      Number of    September 30, 1999      -------------------------------------
Community                               Homes          Occupancy               Unit              Square Foot
- ---------                            ----------    ------------------        --------           -------------
Houston, TX
- -----------
Austin Colony                            237             98%                  $  836                $0.85
Baybrook Village                         776             97%                     547                 0.68
Gables Bradford Place                    372             96%                     770                 0.89
Gables Bradford Pointe                   360             95%                     669                 0.87
Gables Champions                         404             96%                     762                 0.84
Gables CityPlaza                         246            100%                     862                 0.97
Gables Cityscape                         252             97%                     874                 1.02
Gables CityWalk/Waterford Square         317             97%                     870                 1.08
Gables Edgewater                         292             99%                     782                 0.89
Gables Meyer Park                        345             99%                     844                 0.98
Gables New Territory                     256             98%                     837                 0.92
Gables of First Colony                   324             98%                     875                 0.88
Gables Piney Point                       246             97%                     869                 0.94
Gables Pin Oak Green                     582             97%                     971                 0.95
Gables Pin Oak Park                      477             97%                   1,006                 0.99
Gables River Oaks                        228             99%                   1,409                 1.16
Lions Head                               277             96%                     679                 0.80
Metropolitan Uptown   (JV)               318             98%                   1,032                 1.13
Rivercrest I                             140             96%                     696                 0.83
Rivercrest II                            140             98%                     684                 0.81
Westhollow Park                          412             97%                     668                 0.74
Windmill Landing                         259             98%                     705                 0.81
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       7,260             97%                     817                 0.90

Atlanta, GA
- -----------
Briarcliff Gables                        104             98%                   1,142                 0.92
Buckhead Gables                          162             98%                     839                 1.11
Dunwoody Gables                          311             96%                     846                 0.91
Gables Cityscape                         192             98%                     876                 1.06
Gables Mill                              438             97%                     831                 0.90
Gables Northcliff                         82             99%                   1,219                 0.78
Gables Sugarloaf                         386             98%                     868                 0.87
Gables Vinings                           315             95%                   1,001                 0.94
Gables Walk                              310             95%                   1,058                 0.89
Gables Wood Arbor                        140             98%                     725                 0.80
Gables Wood Crossing                     268             92%                     765                 0.80
Gables Wood Glen                         380             95%                     720                 0.73
Gables Wood Knoll                        312             96%                     737                 0.74
Lakes at Indian Creek                    603             96%                     635                 0.69
Rock Springs Estates                     295             97%                     936                 0.93
Roswell Gables I                         384             96%                     893                 0.82
Roswell Gables II                        284             96%                     893                 0.76
Spalding Gables                          252             99%                     889                 0.90
Wildwood Gables                          546             93%                     870                 0.77
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       5,764             96%                     849                 0.83

South FL
- --------
Boca Place                               180             96%                     833                 0.85
Cotton Bay                               444             93%                     708                 0.72
Hampton Lakes                            300             94%                     747                 0.70
Hampton Place                            368             94%                     713                 0.74
Kings Colony                             480             99%                     760                 0.86
Mahogany Bay                             328             96%                     760                 0.75

Page 27

- ------------------------------------
(continued from previous page)
                                                                           September 30, 1999 Scheduled Rent Per
                                      Number of    September 30, 1999      -------------------------------------
Community                               Homes          Occupancy               Unit              Square Foot
- ---------                            ----------    ------------------        --------           -------------
South FL (continued)
- --------
Mizner on the Green                      246             96%                  $1,562                 $1.23
San Michele                              249             95%                   1,397                  1.05
San Remo                                 180             96%                   1,229                  0.67
Town Colony                              172             97%                     832                  0.97
Vinings at Boynton Beach I               252             95%                     889                  0.74
Vinings at Boynton Beach II              296             95%                     903                  0.75
Vinings at Hampton Village               168             96%                     797                  0.66
Vinings at Town Place                    312             96%                     803                  0.96
Vinings at Wellington                    222             95%                   1,009                  0.75
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       4,197             95%                     896                  0.82
Dallas, TX
- ----------
Arborstone                               536             94%                     532                  0.74
Gables at Pearl Street                   108             98%                   1,438                  1.32
Gables CityPlace                         232             97%                   1,401                  1.33
Gables Green Oaks                        300             99%                     833                  0.87
Gables Mirabella                         126             99%                   1,270                  1.39
Gables Preston                           126             94%                   1,067                  0.97
Gables Spring Park                       188             95%                     967                  0.92
Gables Turtle Creek                      150             95%                   1,287                  1.28
Gables Valley Ranch                      319             96%                     962                  0.94
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       2,085             96%                     955                  1.02
Memphis, TN
- -----------
Arbors of Harbortown   (JV)              345             95%                     858                  0.87
Gables Cordova                           464             95%                     645                  0.69
Gables Stonebridge                       500             99%                     651                  0.74
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       1,309             97%                     703                  0.76
Austin, TX
- ----------
Gables at the Terrace                    308             97%                   1,081                  1.14
Gables Bluffstone                        256             99%                   1,097                  1.11
Gables Central Park                      273             97%                   1,207                  1.28
Gables Great Hills                       276             99%                     851                  1.03
Gables Park Mesa                         148            100%                   1,139                  1.04
Gables Town Lake                         256             99%                   1,212                  1.30
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       1,517             98%                   1,092                  1.16
Nashville, TN
- -------------
Brentwood Gables                         254             96%                     850                  0.75
Gables Hendersonville                    364             91%                     669                  0.71
Gables Hickory Hollow  I                 272             96%                     643                  0.71
Gables Hickory Hollow II                 276             96%                     643                  0.68
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                       1,166             95%                     696                  0.71
San Antonio, TX
- ---------------
Gables Colonnade I                       312             90%                     801                  0.88
Gables Wall Street                       232             96%                     810                  0.85
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                         544             92%                     804                  0.87
Orlando, FL
- -----------
Gables Celebration                       231             94%                   1,236                  1.07
The Commons at Little Lake Bryan I       280            100%                    ----   (A)            ----  (A)
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
                                         511             97%                   1,236                  1.07
                                     --------         --------               ---------             --------
   TOTALS                             24,353             96%                    $859                 $0.88
                                     ========         ========               =========             ========

(A) This property is leased to a single user group pursuant to a triple net master lease.  Accordingly, scheduled rent
    data is not reflected as it is not comparable to the rest of Gables' portfolio.

Page 28

- ------------------------------------

(Dollars in thousands)


                                                              Percentage         Interest          Total         Years to
Type of Indebtedness                           Balance          of Total         Rate (A)         Rate (B)       Maturity
- --------------------                           -------         ----------        --------         --------       --------
Secured notes                                 $124,134           16.8%            7.80%            7.80%           8.50
Unsecured notes                                322,709           43.7%            7.20%            7.20%           3.95
Tax-exempt                                      90,545           12.2%            5.90%            6.31%           7.92
                                             ----------        --------         --------         --------        -------
    Total fixed-rate                          $537,388           72.7%            7.12%            7.19%           5.67
                                             ----------        --------         --------         --------        -------

Tax-exempt variable-rate                      $150,070           20.3%            3.80%            4.79%           6.69
                                             ----------        --------         --------         --------        -------

Unsecured credit facilities                    $51,492            7.0%            6.04%            6.04%           2.01
                                             ----------        --------         --------         --------        -------

Total portfolio debt (C), (D)                 $738,950          100.0%            6.37%            6.62%           5.62
                                             ==========        ============     ========         ========        =======

(A)  Interest Rate represents the weighted average interest rate incurred on the indebtedness, exclusive of
     deferred financing cost amortization and credit enhancement fees, as applicable.

(B)  Total Rate represents the Interest Rate (A) plus credit enhancement fees, as applicable.

(C)  Interest associated with construction activities is capitalized as a cost of development and does not impact
     current earnings.  The qualifying construction expenditures at September 30, 1999 for purposes of  interest
     capitalization were $87,629.

(D)  Excludes (i) $16.4 million of tax-exempt bonds and $17.7 million of outstanding conventional indebtedness
     related to joint ventures in which Gables owns a 25% interest and (ii) $43.2 million of construction loan
     indebtedness related to a joint venture in which Gables owns a 20% interest.


                              Notional             Effective      Termination
Description of Agreement       Amount     Rate       Date            Date
- ------------------------      --------    ----     ---------      -----------

LIBOR, 30-day - "Rate Swap"   $25,000     5.76(E)  02/27/98        02/27/00  (F)

LIBOR, 30-day - "Rate Swap"   $40,000     4.79(E)  11/30/98        09/29/00

(E)  The 30-day LIBOR rate in effect at September 30, 1999 was 5.38%.

(F)  This is a knock-out swap agreement  which fixes Gables'  underlying  30-day
     LIBOR rate at 5.76%.  The swap  terminates upon the earlier to occur of (i)
     the  termination  date or (ii) a rate reset date on which the 30-day  LIBOR
     rate is 6.70% or higher.

Page 29

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION  - Funds from Operations and
                           Adjusted Funds from Operations

     Gables considers funds from operations  ("FFO") to be a useful  performance
measure of the operating  performance  of an equity REIT because,  together with
net income and cash flows,  FFO provides  investors with an additional  basis to
evaluate  the  ability  of a  REIT  to  incur  and  service  debt  and  to  fund
acquisitions  and other capital  expenditures.  Gables believes that in order to
facilitate  a clear  understanding  of its  operating  results,  FFO  should  be
examined in conjunction with net income as presented in the financial statements
and data included  elsewhere in this report.  Gables  computes FFO in accordance
with standards established by the National Association of Real Estate Investment
Trusts  ("NAREIT").  FFO as  defined  by NAREIT  represents  net  income  (loss)
determined  in  accordance  with GAAP,  excluding  gains or losses from sales of
assets or debt restructuring plus certain non-cash items,  primarily real estate
depreciation,  and after adjustments for  unconsolidated  partnerships and joint
ventures.  In addition,  extraordinary or unusual items,  along with significant
non-recurring events that materially distort the comparative measure of FFO, are
typically   disregarded  in  its  calculation.   FFO  presented  herein  is  not
necessarily  comparable to FFO  presented by other real estate  companies due to
the fact that not all real estate  companies use the same  definition.  However,
Gables'  FFO is  comparable  to the FFO of real  estate  companies  that use the
NAREIT  definition.  Adjusted funds from  operations  ("AFFO") is defined as FFO
less recurring,  non-revenue enhancing capital expenditures. FFO and AFFO should
not be considered  alternatives to net income as indicators of Gables' operating
performance or alternatives to cash flows as measures of liquidity. FFO does not
measure  whether  cash flow is  sufficient  to fund all of Gables'  cash  needs,
including principal  amortization,  capital  expenditures,  and distributions to
shareholders  and unitholders.  Additionally,  FFO does not represent cash flows
from operating,  investing or financing activities as defined by GAAP. Reference
is made to  "Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition  and
Results of  Operations - Liquidity  and Capital  Resources"  for a discussion of
Gables' cash needs and cash flows. A reconciliation of FFO and AFFO follows:

                                                                          Three Months                    Nine Months
                                                                       Ended September 30,             Ended September 30,
                                                                       1999          1998              1999          1998
                                                                       ----          ----              ----          ----
Net income available to common unitholders                            $15,882       $7,644            $35,862       $23,768
Non-recurring severance costs (a)                                         ---          ---              2,000           ---
Non-recurring loss on treasury locks (b)                                  ---        3,627                ---         5,637
Amortization of loss on extension of used treasury locks                  -46          -46               -138           -96
Gain on sale of real estate assets                                     -4,019          ---             -4,685           ---

Real estate asset depreciation:
       Wholly-owned real estate assets                                 11,721       10,887             35,251        28,581
       Joint venture real estate assets                                   113           55                238           167
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------
                Total                                                  11,834       10,942             35,489        28,748
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------

Funds from operations - basic                                         $23,651      $22,167            $68,528       $58,057
Amortization of discount on long-term liability (c)                       165          192                521           384
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------
Funds from operations - diluted                                       $23,816      $22,359            $69,049       $58,441
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------

Capital expenditures for operating apartment communities:
      Carpet                                                           $1,361       $1,011             $3,217        $2,163
      Roofing                                                              24           96                 55           130
      Exterior painting                                                    44          ---                 63           ---
      Appliances                                                          134          158                346           315
      Other additions and improvements                                  1,106          921              3,817         2,628
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------
               Total                                                    2,669        2,186              7,498         5,236
                                                                      -------      -------            -------       -------
Adjusted funds from operations - diluted                              $21,147      $20,173            $61,551       $53,205
                                                                      =======      =======            =======       =======
Average Units outstanding - basic                                      32,296       32,532             32,533        29,400
                                                                      =======      =======            =======       =======
Average Units outstanding - diluted (c)                                32,786       33,072             33,045        29,820
                                                                      =======      =======            =======       =======

Page 30

(a)  Severance  costs of $2,000 for the nine  months  ended  September  30, 1999
     represent  charges  associated with  organizational  changes resulting from
     management succession directives, including the resignation of the previous
     chief  operating   officer.   The  NAREIT   definition  of  FFO  disregards
     significant  non-recurring  events that materially  distort the comparative
     measurement  of FFO over time.  Gables  believes  that such  organizational
     changes  that  resulted  in the charge are unusual  and non-  recurring  in
     nature. Gables also believes that other organizational  changes could arise
     in the future that could result in similar  charges.  Gables believes these
     severance costs materially distort the comparative  measurement of FFO and,
     therefore,  have been disregarded in the calculation of FFO pursuant to the
     NAREIT definition of FFO.

(b)  Loss on  treasury  locks of $3,627 and $5,637 for the three and nine months
     ended  September 30, 1998,  respectively,  represents mark to market losses
     recorded upon the expiration of the terms of treasury lock  agreements that
     were (i) entered into in  anticipation  of a projected debt offering,  (ii)
     subsequently  extended in connection  with  modifications  in the projected
     timing  of  the  debt  offering  as  a  result  of  unanticipated   capital
     transactions,  including the South Florida Acquisition and (iii) terminated
     due to economic conditions  affecting the unsecured debt market. The NAREIT
     definition  of  FFO  disregards   significant   non-recurring  events  that
     materially  distort the  comparative  measurement  of FFO over time.  While
     Gables may utilize derivative  financial  instruments such as rate locks to
     hedge interest rate exposure by modifying the interest rate characteristics
     of prospective financing  transactions,  it believes the specific series of
     events and circumstances  that resulted in the loss of hedge accounting for
     these treasury locks is unusual and  non-recurring  in nature.  Gables also
     believes that different events and circumstances  could arise in the future
     that  could  result  in  similar  losses.   Gables  believes  these  losses
     materially distort the comparative measurement of FFO and, therefore,  have
     been  disregarded  in  the  calculation  of  FFO  pursuant  to  the  NAREIT
     definition of FFO.

(c)  This  obligation  will be settled with Units.  Such Units are excluded from
     basic shares and Units outstanding,  but are included in the calculation of
     diluted shares and Units outstanding.


     Gables' capital structure  includes the use of variable rate and fixed rate
indebtedness.  As such,  Gables is exposed to the impact of changes in  interest
rates.  Gables'  senior  management  periodically  seeks  input from third party
consultants  regarding market interest rate and credit risk in order to evaluate
its interest rate exposure. In certain situations, Gables may utilize derivative
financial  instruments  in the form of rate  caps,  rate  swaps or rate locks to
hedge interest rate exposure by modifying the interest rate  characteristics  of
related balance sheet instruments and prospective financing transactions. Gables
does not utilize such instruments for trading or speculative purposes.

     Gables  typically  refinances  maturing debt  instruments at  then-existing
market  interest  rates  and terms  which may be more or less than the  interest
rates and terms on the maturing debt.

     Refer to the  Operating  Partnership's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended  December 31, 1998 for detailed  disclosure  about  quantitative  and
qualitative   disclosures  about  market  risk.   Quantitative  and  qualitative
disclosures  about market risk have not  materially  changed since  December 31,

Page 31

Part II - Other Information

         Item 1:    Legal Proceedings


         Item 2:    Changes in Securities

                    Each time the Company issues shares of beneficial  interest,
                    it  contributes   the  proceeds  of  such  issuance  to  the
                    Operating  Partnership  in return for a like number of Units
                    with rights and preferences  analogous to the shares issued.
                    During  the  period  commencing  on July 1, 1999 and  ending
                    September  30, 1999, in  connection  with such  issuances of
                    shares by the Company during that time period, the Operating
                    Partnership  issued an aggregate  95,318 common Units to the
                    Company.  Such Units were issued in reliance on an exemption
                    from  registration  under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act
                    of  1933,  as  amended,   and  the  rules  and   regulations
                    promulgated thereunder.

         Item 3:    Defaults Upon Senior Securities


         Item 4:    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


         Item 5:    Other Information


         Item 6:  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                    (a)  Exhibits

                         27.1* Financial Data Schedule Financial Data Schedule

                     * Filed herewith

                     (b) Reports on Form 8-K


Page 32


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           GABLES REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                           By:    Gables GP, Inc.
                                           Its:   General Partner

Date:    November 10, 1999                 /s/ Marvin R. Banks, Jr.
                                           Marvin R. Banks, Jr.
                                           Senior Vice President and
                                           Chief Financial Officer
                                          (Authorized Officer of the Registrant)

Date:    November 10, 1999                 /s/ Dawn H. Severt
                                           Dawn H. Severt
                                           Vice President and
                                           Chief Accounting Officer