This Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made as of April 16, 1997, by and
between  Immecor  Corporation,  a  California  corporation,  located  at 100-105
Professional Center Drive, Rohnert Park, California 94928,  hereinafter referred
to as  "Immecor"  or the  "Employer",  and Jason C. Lai,  whose  address is 5625
Mireille Drive, San Hose, California 95118,  hereinafter referred to as "Lai" or
the "Employee".

In  consideration  of the mutual promises made herein,  Immecor and Lai agree as

                          ARTICLE 1. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT

Section 1.01.  Specified  Term.  The Immecor  hereby  employs Lai and Lai hereby
accepts employment with Immecor for a period of one (1) year, beginning on April
16, 1997.

Section 1.02. Earlier Termination. This Agreement may be terminated earlier only
as hereinafter provided. 


Section 2.01. Title and Description of Duties. Lai shall serve as Vice President
of Sales and Marketing of Immecor  Corporation.  In that capacity,  Lai shall do
and perform all services,  acts, or things necessary or advisable to fulfill the
duties of that  position.  Lai shall ay all times be subject to the direction of
the  President,  and to the  policies  established  by the Board of Directors of
Immecor.  The  duties of Lai may be  modified  from  time to time by the  mutual
consent of Immecor and Lai without  resulting in a rescission of this Agreement.
The mutual written consent of Immecor and Lai shall constitute execution of that

Section 2.02.     Trade Secrets.
         (a) The  parties  acknowledge  and agree that  during the terms of this
Agreement and in the course of the discharge of his duties hereunder,  Lai shall
have access to and become  acquainted with information  concerning the operation
of Immecor, including without limitation, financial, personnel, sales, planning,
and  other  information  that is  owned by  Immecor  and  regularly  used in the
operation of Immecor's business and that this information  constitutes Immecor's
trade secrets.
         (b) Lai  agrees  that he shall not  disclose  any such  trade  secrets,
directly or indirectly, to any other person or use them in any way, except as is
required in the course of his employment with Immecor.
         (c) Lai further agrees that all files, records,  documents,  equipment,
and similar items  relating to Immecor's  business,  whether  prepared by lai or
others,  are and shall remain  exclusively the property of Immecor and that they
shall be removed  from the  premises  of  Immecor  only with the  express  prior
consent of Immecor.
         (d) However,  in the event that Immecor  breaches any of its agreements
or contracts with Lai, including any of the provisions of this Agreement,  Lai's
obligations under this Section shall terminate and he shall not be restricted in
his use or disclosure of any  information or knowledge that Immecor may consider
or claim to be a trade secret.


                       ARTICLE 3. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYER.

Section  3.01.  General   Description.   Immecor  shall  provide  Lai  with  the
compensation, incentives, benefits, and business expense reimbursement specified
elsewhere in this Agreement.

Section 3.02. Office and Staff. Immecor shall provide Lai with office equipment,
supplies,  and other  facilities  and  services  suitable to Lai's  position and
adequate for the performance of his duties.

Section 3.03. Indemnification of Losses of Employee. Immecor shall indemnify Lai
for all losses  sustained by Lai in direct  consequence  of the  performance  or
discharge of his duties on Immecor's behalf.

                       ARTICLE 4. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYER.

Section 4.01. Initial Bonus. Upon execution of this Agreement, Immecor shall pay
to Lai the sum of Three  Thousand  Dollars  ($3,000.00) as a signing bonus which
shall be paid in addition to all other compensation described in this Agreement.

Section 4.02.  Annual Salary. As compensation for the services to be rendered by
Lai hereunder,  Immecor shall pay Lai an annual base salary in the amount of One
Hundred  Thousand Dollars  ($100,000.00).  Such salary shall be payable in equal
semi-monthly  installments  of  Four  Thousand  One  Hundred  Sixty-six  Dollars
($4,166.67)  on the  fifteenth  (15th) and final  days of each month  during the
period of employment, prorated for any partial employment period.

Section 4.03. Salary Continuation  during Disability.  If Lai becomes physically
disabled so that he is unable to perform the duties prescribed  herein,  Immecor
agrees to pay Lai fifty  percent  (50%) of Lai's annual  salary,  payable in the
same manner as provided for the payment of salary  herein,  for the remainder of
the employment term provided herein.

Section  4.04.  Tax  Withholding.  Immecor  shall  have the  right to  deduct or
withhold  from the  compensation  due to Lai hereunder any and all sums required
for federal  income and Social  Security  taxes and all state or local taxes now
applicable or that may be enacted and become applicable in the future.

                           ARTICLE 4. EMPLOYEE BONUS.

Section 5.01.     Cash Bonus Based on Sales.
         (a) In any month in which the total gross sales of Immecor,  as defined
below, exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) but are less than
Three Hundred Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($350,000.00),  Lai shall receive a cash
bonus equal to one-half percent (0.5%) of total gross sales.
         (b) In any month in which the total gross sales of Immecor,  as defined
below,  exceed Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars  ($350,000.00)  but are less
than Four Hundred Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($450,000.000),  Lai shall receive a
cash bonus equal to one percent (1.0%) of total gross sales.


(b) In any month in which the total gross sales of  Immecor,  as defined  below,
exceed Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00) but are less than Four
Hundred Fifty Thousand  Dollars  ($450,000.000),  Lai shall receive a cash bonus
equal to one percent (1.0%) of total gross sales.
         (c) In any month in which the total gross sales of Immecor,  as defined
below,  exceed Four Hundred  Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($450,000.00),  Lai shall
receive a cash bonus  equal to one and one half  percent  (1.5%) of total  gross

Section 5.02.  Payment of Cash Bonus.  This bonus shall be earned based on sales
made each month by Immecor  and shall be paid to Lai  within  fifteen  (15) days
after full  payment  has been  received  by Immecor for sales to which the bonus
applies,  and  shall be in  addition  to any other  compensation  to which he is
entitled hereunder.

Section 5.03.  Determination  of Gross Sales.  For the purposes of this Article,
the total  gross  sales of Immecor  shall be  determined  on a calendar  monthly
basis,  and shall  include  for each  month all sales  booked by  Immecor in the
calendar month on a regular and consistent basis,  without setoff and whether or
not actual  payment has been  received  for such sales.  For the purpose of this
bonus,  each calendar month shall be treated as a separate month,  and the bonus
determined for any one calendar month shall not be affected by the determination
of any bonus payable in any other month.

                          ARTICLE 6. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.

Section 6.01.  Annual  Vacation.  Lai shall be entitled to three weeks  vacation
time each year with full pay. Lai may be absent from his employment for vacation
at such times as Immecor and Lai shall  mutually agree from time to time. If Lai
is unable for any reason to take the total amount of  authorized  vacation  time
during any year, at Lai's  election he may either accrue that time and add it to
vacation  time for any  following  year or he may  receive a cash  payment in an
amount  equal  to the  amount  of  annual  salary  attributable  to that  unused

Section  6.02.  Illness.  Lai shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days per year as
sick leave with full pay. Sick leave may be accumulated  without limit as to the
number  of  days,  but any  unused  sick  leave  shall  not be paid to Lai  upon
termination of employment.

Section  6.03.  Group  Life  Insurance.  Immecor  agrees  to  include  Lai under
Immecor's group term life insurance coverage in an amount  commensurate with the
coverage  provided to other  employees  in Lai's  annual  salary range if Lai is
medically acceptable as determined by the insurance carrier.

Section  6.04.  Group  Medical  Insurance.  Immecor  agrees to include Lai under
Immecor's group medical insurance coverage.

Section  6.05.  Other  Benefits.  Immecor  agrees to  provide to Lai the same or
substantially  similar employee  benefits that are from time to time provided to
the other employees of Immecor.


                          ARTICLE 7. BUSINESS EXPENSES

Section 7.01.  Business  Expense.  Immecor shall promptly  reimburse Lai for all
reasonable  business  expenses  incurred  by Lai in  promoting  the  business of
Immecor,  including  expenditures  for  entertainment,  gifts,  and travel  upon
approval by Immecor.

Section 7.02. No Repayment by Employee of Disallowed  Business Expenses.  In the
event that any expenses  paid for Lai or any  reimbursement  of expenses paid to
Lai shall,  on audit or other  examination of Immecor's  income tax returns,  be
determined not to be allowable deductions from Immecor's gross income, Lai shall
not be  required  to repay to  Immecor  any amount of such  disallowed  expenses
provided they have been approved by Immecor.


Section 8.01.  Termination  by Employer  Only For Cause.  Immecor shall have the
right to terminate this Agreement for cause only if Lai (i) wilfully breaches or
habitually  neglects the duties which he is required to perform  under the terms
of this Agreement, or (ii) commits acts of fraud, gross  misrepresentations,  or
other  acts of moral  turpitude  which  prevent  the  performance  of his duties

Section 8.02.  Termination by Employee. Lai may terminate this Agreement and all
of his obligations hereunder at any time upon written notice to Immecor.

Section  8.03.  Termination  Upon Death of  Employee.  This  Agreement  shall be
terminated upon the death of Lai.

Section  8.04.  Effect of Merger,  Transfer  of  Assets,  or  Dissolution.  This
Agreement shall not be terminated by any voluntary or involuntary dissolution of
Immecor  resulting from either a merger or consolidation in which Immecor is not
the consolidated or surviving corporation, or a transfer of all or substantially
all of the assets of Immecor.

Section  8.05.  Effect on  Compensation.  In the event  that this  Agreement  is
terminated prior to the completion of the term of employment  specified  herein,
Lai shall be entitled to the  compensation  earned by and vested in him prior to
the date of termination as provided for in this Agreement,  computed pro rate up
to and including that date.


Section 9.01. Covenant Not To Compete. Except as provided in Section 9.04 , upon
the  expiration  of the  term of this  Agreement,  or upon  termination  of this
Agreement for cause by Immecor and for one (1) year after such termination,  Lai
agrees not to sell any products (which at the time of termination are then being
marketed  by  Immecor)  to  the  following  three  customers  of  Immecor:   KLA
Instruments, Advanced Fibre Communications, and Compumotor.

Section 9.021.  Deferred  Compensation  For Covenant.  As compensation  for this
covenant, un-

less  Lai is  terminated  for  cause,  Immecor  shall  pay to Lai the sum of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), payable in monthly installments of Eight
Thousand Three Hundred  Thirty-three and 33/100 Dollars ($8,333,33) on the first
day of each month after termination of employment.

Section  9.03.  Breach Of This  Article by Either  Party.  In the event that Lai
breaches the covenant  under this Article,  or Immecor fails to make any payment
of  deferred  compensation  under this  Article,  then the sole remedy of either
party for such breach shall be the complete  release of any further  obligations
of both  parties  under this  Article.  That is, if Lai  breaches  the  covenant
hereunder, Immecor's sole remedy shall be to cease making additional installment
payments  of deferred  compensation  (but  Immecor  shall not be entitled to any
reimbursement  of such  payments  made  prior  to the  breach);  and if  Immecor
breaches the agreement to make deferred compensation  payments,  then Lai's sole
remedy shall be his complete  release from the covenant and his release from any
restrictions under Section 2.02 above.

Section  9.04.  Voluntary  Termination.   In  the  event  that  Lai  voluntarily
terminates  this  Agreement,  without  cause,  prior  to the end of the  initial
employment  term, then Lai agrees that the Covenant Not to Compete under Section
9.01 above  shall apply but only until the end of the  initial  employment  term
under Section 1.01 above and only with respect to the following  three customers
of Immecor: KLA Instruments,  Advanced Fibre Communications,  and Compumotor. In
that event,  Immecor shall not be obligated to pay any deferred  compensation to
Lai under Section 9.02 above and except to the three above named companies,  Lai
shall be released from any restrictions under Section 2.02 above.

                         ARTICLE 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS

Section  10.01.  Notices.  Any notices to be given by either  party to the other
shall be in writing and may be  transmitted  either by  personal  delivery or by
mail,  registered or certified,  postage prepaid with return receipt  requested.
Mailed  notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses  appearing in
the  introductory  paragraph of this  Agreement,  but each party may change this
address by written  notice in accordance  with this section.  Notices  delivered
personally shall be deemed communicated as of the date of actual receipt; mailed
notices  shall  be  deemed  communicated  as of two (2) days  after  the date of

Section 10.02.  Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any proceedings or legal action is
brought to enforce or  interpret  the terms of this  Agreement,  the  prevailing
party  shall be  entitled  to  actual  attorneys'  fees,  costs,  and  necessary
disbursements  in  addition  to any  other  relief  to which  that  party may be
entitled.  This  provision  shall  be  construed  as  applicable  to the  entire

Section  10.03.  Modifications.  Any  modification  of  this  Agreement  will be
effective only if it is in writing signed by the party to be charged.

Section 10.04. Effect of Waiver. The failure of either party to insist on strict
compliance with any of the terms,  covenants, or conditions of this Agreement by
the  other  party  shall  not be  deemed a waiver  of that  term,  covenant,  or
condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or


power  at any one time or times be  deemed a waiver  or  relinquishment  of that
right or power for all or any other times.

Section 10.05. Partial Invalidity. If any provision in this Agreement is held by
a court or competent  jurisdiction to be invalid,  void, or  unenforceable,  the
remaining  provisions  shall  nevertheless  continue in full force without being
impaired or invalidated in any way.

Section 10.06. Law Governing Agreement.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.  Venue for any
action  brought  with  respect  to  this  Agreement  or for any  other  purposes
hereunder shall be Santa Clara County.

Section 10.07. Sums Due Deceased  Employee.  If Lai dies prior to the expiration
of the  term of his  employment,  any sums  that may be due to him from  Immecor
under this  Agreement as of the date of death shall be paid to Lai's  executors,
administrators, heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns.


Immecor Corporation
         a California corporation
100-105 Professional Center Drive,
Rohnert Park, California 94928

By: Heinot H. Hintereder, President

Jason C. Lai
