WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                   For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2000




                         Commission file number 1-13315

                                AVIS GROUP HOLDINGS, INC.
                (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                             11-3347585
       (State or other jurisdiction                         (I.R.S. Employer
    of incorporation or organization)                      identification No.)

                       900 Old Country Road, Garden City, New York 11530
                             Address of principal executive offices)
                                        (Zip Code)

                      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                     Not Applicable

                      (Former    name, former address and former fiscal year, if
                                 changed since last report.)

Indicate by checkmark  whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  X      No


 Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the registrant's  classes
 of common stock as of August 9 , 2000:  Common Stock,  $.01 par value - Class A



PART I. Financial Information



            Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three
               months and six months ended June 30, 2000 and 1999..............1

            Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of
               June 30, 2000and December 31, ..................................2

            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the six months
               ended June 30, 2000 and 1999....................................3

             Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements ......4-16

            AND RESULTS OFOPERATIONS.......................................17-26

            ABOUT MARKET RISKS................................................27

PART II. Other


ITEM 6(a).  EXHIBITS..........................................................29

ITEM 6(b).  REPORT ON FORM 8-K ...............................................29

CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENTS OF  OPERATIONS  (In  thousands,  except per share data)

                                                       Three months ended                          Six months ended
                                                            June 30,                                   June 30,
                                                  --------------------------                ------------------------------
                                                       2000           1999                     2000               1999
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------        -----------
 Vehicle rental..............................     $  666,597      $  637,457                $ 1,255,473        $ 1,204,374
 Vehicle leasing and other fee based.........        429,871                                    854,028
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------
                                                   1,096,468         637,457                  2,109,501          1,204,374
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------

 Costs and expenses:
 Direct operating, net.......................        229,314         242,886                    456,008            461,720
 Vehicle depreciation and lease charges, net.        426,505         165,417                    827,502            318,471
 Selling, general and administrative.........        186,192         120,381                    366,275            231,182
 Interest, net...............................        161,197          51,483                    305,994             99,925
 Non-vehicle depreciation and amortization ..         13,440           6,569                     26,459             12,351
 Amortization of cost in excess of
   net assets acquired ......................         11,762           3,177                     23,594              6,351
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------        -----------
                                                   1,028,410         589,913                  2,005,832          1,130,000
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------        -----------

 Income before provision for income taxes ...        6 8,058          47,544                    103,669             74,374
 Provision for income taxes..................         30,626          20,262                     46,651             31,906
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------        -----------
 Net income..................................         37,432          27,282                     57,018             42,468
 Preferred stock dividend....................          4,667                                     9,335
                                                  ----------      ----------                -----------
 Earnings applicable to common stockholders..     $   32,765      $   27,282                $    47,683        $    42,468
                                                  ==========      ==========                ===========        ===========

 Earnings per share:

 Basic.......................................     $     1.05      $     0.87                $      1.53        $      1.35
                                                  ==========      ==========                ===========        ===========

 Diluted ....................................     $     1.05      $     0.85                $      1.52        $      1.31
                                                  ==========      ==========                ===========        ===========

 See notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.

(In thousands)

                                                              June 30,                    December 31,
                                                                2000                          1999
                                                          ----------------              ---------------


Cash and cash equivalents.............................    $        151,114              $       71,697
Cash held on deposit with financial institution.......             143,610                      93,530
Restricted cash.......................................             243,952                     253,080
Accounts receivable, net..............................             681,150                   1,115,740
Assets held for sale, net.............................             869,222
Prepaid expenses......................................              62,222                      64,316
Finance lease receivables.............................             176,916                     871,034
Vehicles, net-rental..................................           4,148,989                   3,367,362
Vehicles, net-leasing.................................           3,053,234                   3,134,009
Property and equipment, net...........................             182,567                     197,827
Other assets..........................................             104,797                     115,273
Cost in excess of net assets acquired, net............           1,240,826                   1,794,390
                                                          ----------------              ---------------
   Total assets.......................................    $     11,058,599              $   11,078,258
                                                          ================              ===============

Accounts payable......................................    $        530,500              $      588,377
Accrued liabilities ..................................             354,160                     369,453
Due to affiliates, net................................              76,659                      59,396
Current income tax liabilities........................              20,012                      18,226
Deferred income tax liabilities, net .................             161,057                     181,256
Public liability, property damage and
   other insurance liabilities, net ..................             257,477                     259,756
Vehicle debt..........................................           7,006,064                   6,969,805
Acquisition debt .....................................           1,491,500                   1,500,000
Minority interest (preferred membership interest).....              99,305                      99,305
                                                          ----------------              ---------------
   Total liabilitie..................................            9,996,734                  10,045,574
                                                          ----------------              ---------------

Commitments and contingencies

Preferred Stock:
Class A Preferred stock ..............................             360,000                     360,000
Class B Preferred stock...............................              18,225                       9,000
Class C Preferred stock...............................               2,000                       2,000
                                                          ----------------              ---------------
   Total preferred stock..............................             380,225                     371,000
                                                          ----------------              ---------------

Common stockholders' equity:
Class A Common stock .................................                 359                         359
Additional paid-in capital ...........................             593,199                     593,106
Retained earnings.....................................             223,373                     175,690
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                               (31,459)                     (3,639)
Treasury stock .......................................            (103,832)                   (103,832)
                                                          -----------------             ---------------
   Total common stockholders' equity..................             681,640                     661,684
                                                          -----------------             ---------------
   Total liabilities, preferred stock and common
     stockholders' equity ............................    $     11,058,599              $   11,078,258
                                                          =================             ===============

See notes to the condensed consolidatedfinancial statements.

(In thousands)

                                                                         Six months ended
                                                                             June 30,

                                                                2000                         1999
                                                            --------------              ---------------
Cash flows from operating activities:

  Net income .........................................      $      57,018               $       42,468
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities  ...............            868,101                      249,395
                                                            --------------              ---------------
  Net cash provided by operating activities...........            925,119                      291,863
                                                            --------------              ---------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

  Payments for vehicle additions .....................         (3,957,921)                  (2,494,247)
  Vehicle deletions ..................................          2,379,842                    1,526,780
  Increase in finance lease receivables...............            (65,906)
  Payments for property and equipment.................            (28,779)                     (17,953)
  Retirements of property and equipment ..............               9,018                       1,073
  Payments for purchase of rental car franchise
     licensee, net of cash acquired of
     $11,065 in 1999 .................................                                         (42,503)
  Payment for purchase of PHH Holdings, net of
     cash acquired of $170,568 in 1999................                                      (1,330,932)
                                                            --------------              ---------------
  Net cash used in investing activities ..............         (1,663,746)                  (2,357,782)
                                                            --------------              ---------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

  Changes in debt:
  Proceeds ...........................................          1,254,649                    5,882,621
  Repayments .........................................           (377,470)                  (3,510,624)
                                                            --------------              ---------------
  Net increase in debt ...............................            877,179                    2,371,997
  Payments for debt issuance costs  ..................             (7,775)                      (1,635)
  Purchases of treasury stock.........................                                         (57,237)
  Other...............................................                                           3,326
                                                            --------------              ---------------
  Net cash provided by financing activities...........            869,404                    2,316,451
                                                            --------------              ---------------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash ..............             (1,280)                          87
                                                            --------------              ---------------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents.............            129,497                      250,619
Cash and cash equivalents and cash held on deposit
  with financial institution at beginning of period ..            165,227                       29,751
                                                            --------------              ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents and cash held on deposit
  with financial institution at end of period ........      $     294,724               $      280,370
                                                            ==============              ===============
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:

Cash interest paid....................................      $     294,979               $      107,466
                                                            ==============              ===============
Cash income taxes paid ...............................      $      23,134               $        5,329
                                                            ==============              ===============

Businesses acquired in 1999:
Fair value of assets acquired, net of cash acquired
  of $181,633.........................................                                  $    6,218,950
Liabilities assumed...................................                                       4,483,515
Net assets acquired...................................                                       1,735,435
Less: issuance of Series A and Series C Preferred
  Stocks..............................................                                        (362,000)

Net cash paid for acquisitions........................                                  $    1,373,435

See notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.


Note 1-  Basis of Presentation

The accompanying  unaudited condensed  consolidated financial statements include
Avis Group Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company" or "Avis Group.").
These consolidated  financial  statements reflect, in the opinion of management,
all material  adjustments  (which include  normal  recurring  adjustments  only)
necessary to fairly state the financial position,  the results of operations and
cash flows for the periods presented.  The consolidated  statements of financial
position include all of the assets and liabilities of the Company, including the
Company's vehicle lease and vehicle  management  businesses in the United States
and Canada ("PHH North America"), and in Europe ("PHH Europe") (see Note 5), and
of Wright Express LLC (collectively "VMS") which were acquired on June 30, 1999.
The consolidated statements of financial position also include all of the assets
and liabilities of Rent A Car  Incorporated  ("Rent-A-Car,  Inc.") and Motorent,
Inc. of Nashville,  Tennessee  ("Motorent")  rental car franchisees,  which were
purchased on March 19, 1999 and June 30, 1999,  respectively.  The  consolidated
statements of operations include the results of these operations,  subsequent to
their  dates of  acquisition.  Operating  results  for  interim  periods are not
indicative  of  the  results  that  can  be  expected  for a  full  year.  These
consolidated  financial  statements  should  be read  in  conjunction  with  the
Company's audited annual  consolidated  financial  statements and notes thereto,
included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 1999, and the current  report on Form 8-K,  dated July 14, 2000,  filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. Certain amounts in the prior period have
been reclassified to conform to current period presentation.  All amounts are in
thousands except share data.

Note 2 - Cash Held on Deposit with Financial Institution

Cash held on  deposit  with  financial  institution  represents  lease  payments
collected from the Company's  vehicle leasing  customers by one of the Company's
lenders in connection with the Company's  domestic  vehicle leasing Asset Backed
Financing  Structure (see Note 7). Cash collected during the month by the lender
net of vehicle  purchases  is settled  with the Company in the early part of the
following month.

Note 3- Earnings Per Share

Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing  earnings  applicable to common
stockholders for the three months ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 by 31,131,712 and
31,188,977  weighted average shares outstanding,  respectively,  and for the six
months  ended  June 30,  2000 and 1999 by  31,131,712  and  31,529,114  weighted
average shares outstanding, respectively. Diluted earnings per share is computed
by dividing  earnings  applicable  to common  stockholders  for the three months
ended June 30,  2000 and 1999 by  31,336,088  and  32,237,810  weighted  average
shares outstanding, respectively, and for the six months ended June 30, 2000 and
1999  by  31,339,247  and  32,380,499   weighted  average  shares   outstanding,
respectively.  Shares used in calculating diluted earnings per share include the
effects of the assumed exercise of stock options.

Note 4 - Acquisitions

On June 30, 1999,  the Company  acquired VMS for $1.8 billion and refinanced VMS
indebtedness  of  approximately  $3.5  billion  (the  "VMS  Acquisition").   The
acquisition financing included borrowings by the Company of $1.0 billion of term
loans, the issuance by the Company of $500 million of senior subordinated notes,
and the  issuance by the  acquisition  subsidiary  of $362  million of preferred

On March 19, 1999 and June 30, 1999, the Company also purchased Rent-A-Car, Inc.
and Motorent using internally generated funds for approximately $53.8 million.

The combined purchase cost allocation for the Company's acquisitions of VMS,
Rent-A-Car, Inc. and Motorent are as follows (in

Purchase cost....................................... $   1,917,948
Fair value of:
     Assets acquired................................     4,797,701
     Liabilities assumed............................     4,279,041
Net assets..........................................       518,660
Cost in excess of net assets acquired before
     Reclassification............................... $   1,399,288

The above mentioned acquisitions have been accounted for by the purchase method.
The financial  statements  include the operating  results of these  acquisitions
subsequent to their dates of acquisition.


The following unaudited pro forma information presents the results of operations
of the Company as if the  acquisition  of VMS for $1.8  billion  (including  the
issuance of Series A and Series C Preferred  Stock) and the  refinancing  of VMS
indebtedness  and  related  adjustments  had taken  place on January 1, 1999 (in
thousands, except share data):

                                                      Three months         Six months
                                                         ended                ended
                                                      June 30, 1999       June 30, 1999
                                                      -------------       -------------

Revenue.........................................      $  1,047,494         $  2,016,317
                                                      ============         ============

Income before provision for income taxes........      $     36,745         $     49,843
                                                      ============         ============

Net income......................................      $     18,449         $     23,039
                                                      ============         ============

Preferred stock dividends.......................      $      4,555         $      9,110
                                                      ============         ============

Earnings applicable to common stockholders......      $     13,894         $     13,929
                                                      ============         ============

Earnings per share:

Basic...........................................      $        .45         $        .44
                                                      ============         ============

Diluted.........................................      $        .43         $        .43
                                                      ============         ============

If the acquisitions of Rent-A-Car,  Inc. and Motorent had occurred on January 1,
1999,  they would not have had a material impact on the result of operations for
the three and six months ended June 30, 1999.

Note 5 - Assets Held For Sale, net

On June  30,  2000,  the  Company  announced  that it had  signed  a  definitive
agreement with Banque Nationale de Paris ("BNP Paribas") to form a joint venture
company,  that will own PHH Europe and, within one year, merge with BNP Paribas'
vehicle management  subsidiary,  Arval Service Lease S.A. ("Arval").  As part of
the  agreement,  BNP Paribas will acquire an 80% interest in the venture and the
Company will initally retain a 20% interest in the venture, receive $800 million
in cash and have its  intercompany  indebtedness  with PHH  Europe  repaid.  PHH
Europe with its  operations in the United  Kingdom and Germany is engaged in the
business of leasing  vehicles and providing fee based  services,  including fuel
and maintenance  cards,  accident  management and other vehicle  services to its
customers.  The  Company  will  license  PHH North  America's  fleet  management
technology,  PHH  InterActive,  to the joint  venture  and Arval and  receive an
annual royalty for 10 years.  Any  difference  between the carrying value of the
net assets of PHH Europe and the proceeds  from the sale is accounted  for as an
adjustment  to  cost  in  excess  of net  assets  acquired  relating  to the VMS
Acquisition (see Note 4). Accordingly,  the net assets of PHH Europe,  including
the cost in excess of net assets  acquired  mentioned  above,  are  reported  as
Assets  Held  for  Sale,  Net  on the  accompanying  Consolidated  Statement  of
Financial  Position at June 30, 2000. On August 9, 2000,  the Company  completed
it's announced agreement with BNP Paribas.

At June 30, 2000 Assets Held for Sale, net consists of (in thousands):

     Assets....................................   $1,895,122
     Liabilities...............................    1,025,900
                                                  $  869,222


Note 6- Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income is comprised of the following (in thousands):

                                                                 Three months ended          Six months ended
                                                                        June 30,                  June 30,
                                                                ---------------------     ---------------------
                                                                   2000         1999         2000         1999
                                                                ---------    --------     ----------   --------
Net income..................................................    $ 37,432     $ 27,282     $  57,018    $ 42,468
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of income taxes     (18,646)       2,280       (27,820)      2,680
                                                                ---------    --------     ----------   --------
Comprehensive income........................................    $ 18,786     $ 29,562     $  29,198    $ 45,148
                                                                =========    ========     ==========   ========

Note 7- Financing and Debt

Debt outstanding at June 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 consist of the following
(in thousands):

                                                                                     June 30,          December 31,
                                                                                       2000                 1999
                                                                                  -------------        ------------
Vehicle Rental

Commercial Paper Notes..................................................          $  1,315,363         $ 1,026,261
Short-term notes-foreign................................................               216,984             111,259
Series 1997-1A asset-backed Medium Term Notes due May through
    October 2000 at 6.22%...............................................               533,333             800,000
Series 1997-1B asset-backed Medium Term Notes due May through
    October 2002 at 6.40%...............................................               850,000             850,000
Series 1999-1 asset-backed Medium Term Notes due December 2004 through
    May 2005 at 6.14%...................................................               600,000             600,000
Series 2000-1 floating rate Rental Car Asset-Backed Notes due
    February 2003 through July 2003.....................................               250,000
Series 2000-2 floating rate Rental Car Asset-Backed Notes due
     March 2007 through August 2007.....................................               300,000
Revolving credit facility due June 2005.................................                60,000              62,000
Other...................................................................                 5,685               5,902
                                                                                  -------------        ------------
        Total Vehicle Rental Debt                                                    4,131,365           3,455,422
                                                                                  -------------        ------------

Vehicle Leasing and Other Fee Based

Commercial Paper Notes..................................................             1,709,688           1,521,498
Canadian short term borrowings..........................................                31,957              44,563
Series 1999-2 floating rate asset-backed notes, Class A-1...............               550,000             550,000
Series 1999-2 floating rate asset-backed notes, Class A-2...............               450,000             450,000
Foreign Asset  Backed Securities - UK Advances (see Note 5).............                                   850,443
Self-fund notes.........................................................                31,827              30,397
Wright Express Certificates of Deposit..................................               101,227              67,482
                                                                                  -------------        ------------
        Total Vehicle Leasing and Other Fee Based Debt                               2,874,699           3,514,383
                                                                                  -------------        -----------
        Total Vehicle Debt                                                           7,006,064           6,969,805
                                                                                  -------------        ------------

Acquisition Financing

Term A Loan  Notes due June 2005........................................               242,500             250,000
Term B Loan  Notes due June 2006........................................               374,500             375,000
Term C Loan  Notes due June 2007........................................               374,500             375,000
Senior Subordinated Notes due May 2009 at 11.00%........................               500,000             500,000
                                                                                  -------------        ------------
        Total Acquisition Financing.....................................             1,491,500           1,500,000
                                                                                  -------------        ------------
        Total Debt......................................................          $  8,497,564           8,469,805
                                                                                  =============        ============


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements

In connection  with the VMS  Acquisition  and as part of the financing  thereof,
Avis Group Holdings, Inc. (the "Parent") issued and sold the Senior Subordinated
Notes  (see  Note  7)  in a  transaction  exempt  from  registration  under  the
Securities Act. The Senior Subordinated Notes are general unsecured  obligations
of the  Parent,  subordinated  in right of  payment to all  existing  and future
senior  indebtedness  of the Company,  and guaranteed by certain of the Parent's
domestic  subsidiaries.   Accordingly,  the  following  condensed  consolidating
financial information presents the condensed  consolidating financial statements
as of June 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 and for the three and six months ended
June 30,  2000 and 1999,  respectively,  of: (a) the  Parent  (b) the  guarantor
subsidiaries  (c)  the  non-guarantor   subsidiaries  (d)  elimination   entries
necessary to consolidate  Parent with guarantor and  non-guarantor  subsidiaries
and (e) the Company on a consolidated basis.

Investments  in  subsidiaries  are  accounted  for using the  equity  method for
purposes of the consolidating  presentation.  The principle  elimination entries
eliminate investments in subsidiaries and intercompany balances and transactions
(in thousands):

Separate  financial  statements  and  other  disclosures  with  respect  to  the
subsidiary  guarantors have not been made because management  beleives that such
information is not material to holders of the Senior Subordinated Notes.

                                                                              Consolidating Statements of Operations
                                                                           For the six months ended June 30, 2000
                                                                                             (in thousands)
                                                                                       Non-                          Avis Group
                                                                      Guarantor     Guarantor                      Holdings, Inc.
                                                         Parent     Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                       ----------   ------------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------
Revenue                                                             $  1,179,926    $  929,575                     $  2,109,501
                                                                    ------------  ---------------                  ----------------
Costs and expenses:
Direct operating, net............................                        401,713        54,295                          456,008
Vehicle depreciation and lease charges, net......                        265,060       562,442                          827,502
Selling, general and administrative..............                        270,283        95,992                          366,275
Interest, net....................................      $  80,249         100,422       125,323                          305,994
Non-vehicle depreciation and amortization........                         17,314         9,145                           26,459
Amortization of cost in excess of net
   assets acquired...............................                         20,536         3,058                           23,594
                                                       ----------   ------------  ---------------                  ----------------
                                                          80,249       1,075,328       850,255                        2,005,832
                                                       ----------   ------------  ---------------                  ----------------
                                                         (80,249)        104,598        79,320                          103,669
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries...............        107,458          62,027                   $   (169,485)
                                                       ----------   ------------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------
Income before provision for income taxes.........         27,209         166,625        79,320         (169,485)        103,669
Provision  (benefit) for  income taxes...........        (29,809)         59,167        17,293                           46,651
                                                       ----------   ------------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------
    Net income...................................      $  57,018    $    107,458  $     62,027     $   (169,485)   $     57,018
                                                       ==========   ============  ===============  ==============  ================


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                              Consolidating Statements of Operations
                                                                           For the six months ended June 30, 1999
                                                                                             (in thousands)
                                                                                            Non-                     Avis Group
                                                                         Guarantor        Guarantor                  Holdings, Inc.
                                                          Parent        Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries   Eliminations  Consolidated
                                                        -------------  -------------  --------------   ------------  --------------
Revenue                                                                $ 1,086,437     $   117,937                  $    1,204,374
                                                                       ------------   --------------                ---------------
Costs and expenses:
Direct operating, net............................                          407,104          54,616                         461,720
Vehicle depreciation and lease charges, net......                          288,925          29,546                         318,471
Selling, general and administrative..............                          214,450          16,732                         231,182
Interest, net....................................       $     6,918         91,119           1,888                          99,925
Non-vehicle depreciation and amortization........                           11,091           1,260                          12,351
Amortization of cost in excess of net
   assets acquired...............................                            6,255              96                           6,351
                                                        -------------  -------------  --------------                --------------
                                                              6,918      1,018,944         104,138                       1,130,000
                                                        -------------  -------------  --------------                --------------
                                                             (6,918)        67,493          13,799                          74,374
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries...............            46,965          9,374                    $ (56,339)
                                                        -------------  -------------  -------------- ------------   --------------
Income before provision for income taxes.........            40,047         76,867          13,799      (56,339)            74,374
Provision  (benefit) for  income taxes...........            (2,421)        29,902           4,425                          31,906
                                                        -------------  -------------  -------------- ------------   --------------
    Net income...................................       $    42,468    $    46,965     $     9,374    $ (56,339)    $       42,468
                                                        =============  =============  ============== ============   ==============

                                                                              Consolidating Statements of Operations
                                                                           For the three months ended June 30, 2000
                                                                                             (in thousands)
                                                                                          Non-                        Avis Group
                                                                        Guarantor      Guarantor                     Holdings, Inc.
                                                            Parent     Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries   Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                        -------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------
Revenue                                                                $   619,697    $   476,771                    $   1,096,468
                                                                       ------------  -------------                  ---------------
Costs and expenses:
Direct operating, net............................                          204,842         24,472                          229,314
Vehicle depreciation and lease charges, net......                          133,722        292,783                          426,505
Selling, general and administrative..............                          137,826         48,366                          186,192
Interest, net....................................       $    40,207         56,620         64,370                          161,197
Non-vehicle depreciation and amortization........                            8,656          4,784                           13,440
Amortization of cost in excess of net
   assets acquired...............................                           10,266          1,496                           11,762
                                                        -------------  ------------  -------------                  ---------------
                                                             40,207        551,932        436,271                        1,028,410
                                                        -------------  ------------  -------------                  ---------------
                                                            (40,207)        67,765         40,500                           68,058
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries...............            63,407         32,472                    $  (95,879)
                                                        -------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------
Income before provision for income taxes.........            23,200        100,237         40,500        (95,879)           68,058
Provision  (benefit) for  income taxes...........           (14,233)        36,831          8,028                           30,626
                                                        -------------  ------------   $    32,472     $  (95,879)   $       37,432
                                                        =============  ============  =============  ==============  ===============


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                              Consolidating Statements of Operations
                                                                           For the three months ended June 30, 1999
                                                                                             (in thousands)
                                                                                          Non-                         Avis Group
                                                                         Guarantor     Guarantor                    Holdings, Inc.
                                                          Parent       Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries   Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                        ------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------
Revenue                                                               $   578,867     $   58,590                    $    637,457
                                                                      --------------  -------------                 --------------
Costs and expenses:
Direct operating, net............................                         215,521         27,365                         242,886
Vehicle depreciation and lease charges, net......                         151,031         14,386                         165,417
Selling, general and administrative..............                         111,700          8,681                         120,381
Interest, net....................................       $    3,459         47,029            995                          51,483
Non-vehicle depreciation and amortization........                           5,877            692                           6,569
Amortization of cost in excess of net
   assets acquired...............................                           3,128             49                           3,177
                                                        ------------  --------------  -------------                 --------------
                                                             3,459        534,286         52,168                         589,913
                                                        ------------  --------------  -------------                 --------------
                                                            (3,459)        44,581          6,422                          47,544
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries...............           29,531          4,387                    $   (33,918)
                                                        ------------  --------------  -------------  -------------- --------------
Income before provision for income taxes.........           26,072         48,968          6,422         (33,918)        47,544
Provision  (benefit) for  income taxes...........           (1,210)        19,437          2,035                          20,262
                                                        ------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------
    Net income...................................       $   27,282    $    29,531     $    4,387     $   (33,918)   $     27,282
                                                        ============  ==============  =============  =============  ==============


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                                Consolidating Statements of Financial Position
                                                                                              June 30, 2000
                                                                                               (in thousands)
                                                                                        Non-                           Avis Group
                                                                       Guarantor     Guarantor                      Holdings, Inc.
                                                         Parent       Subsidiaries  Subsidiaries     Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                       ------------  -------------  -------------   --------------  ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents........................      $        30    $    39,204   $    111,880                     $    151,114
Cash held on deposit with financial institution..                                        143,610                          143,610
Restricted cash..................................                                        243,952                          243,952
Accounts receivable, net.........................                         241,968        439,182                          681,150
Assets held for sale, net........................                         429,393        439,829                          869,222
Prepaid expenses.................................                          52,714          9,508                           62,222
Finance lease receivables........................                                        176,916                          176,916
Vehicles, net-rental.............................                         (72,180)     4,221,169                        4,148,989
Vehicles, net-leasing............................                          (5,213)     3,058,447                        3,053,234
Property and equipment, net......................                         167,069         15,498                          182,567
Investment in subsidiaries.......................        2,192,807      1,362,888                    $ (3,555,695)
Other assets.....................................            1,000         67,516         36,281                          104,797
Cost in excess of net assets
    acquired, net................................                       1,237,308          3,518                        1,240,826
                                                       ------------  -------------  -------------   --------------  ---------------
Total assets.....................................      $ 2,193,837    $ 3,520,667   $  8,899,790    $ (3,555,695)   $  11,058,599
                                                       ============  =============  =============   ==============  ===============


Accounts payable.................................                     $   294,681   $    235,819                    $     530,500
Accrued liabilities..............................      $     5,773        303,352         45,035                          354,160
Due (from) to affiliates, net....................           34,328        (82,846)       125,177                           76,659
Current income tax liabilities...................                          46,084        (26,072)                          20,012
Deferred income tax liabilities, net.............          (79,404)       174,682         65,779                          161,057
Public liability, property damage and other
   insurance liabilities, net....................                         203,711         53,766                          257,477
Debt.............................................        1,551,500          7,970      6,938,094                        8,497,564
Minority interest (preferred membership interest)                                         99,305                           99,305
Preferred stock..................................                         380,225                                         380,225
Common stockholders' equity......................          681,640      2,192,808      1,362,887    $ (3,555,695)         681,640
                                                       ------------  -------------  -------------   --------------  ---------------
Total liabilities, preferred stock and
  common stockholders' equity....................      $ 2,193,837      3,520,667   $  8,899,790    $ (3,555,695)      11,058,599
                                                       ============  =============  =============   ==============  ===============


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                                Consolidating Statements of Financial Position
                                                                                              December 31, 1999
                                                                                               (in thousands)
                                                                                         Non-                         Avis Group
                                                                       Guarantor      Guarantor                      Holdings, Inc.
                                                            Parent    Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                       ------------  -------------  -------------   --------------  ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents........................      $        54    $    42,184   $     29,459                    $     71,697
Cash held on deposit with financial institution..                                         93,530                          93,530
Restricted cash..................................                                        253,080                         253,080
Accounts receivable, net.........................                (9)      210,962        904,787                       1,115,740
Prepaid expenses.................................                          41,282         23,034                          64,316
Finance lease receivables........................                                        871,034                         871,034
Vehicles, net-rental.............................                         (75,581)     3,442,943                       3,367,362
Vehicles, net-leasing............................                          55,704      3,078,305                       3,134,009
Property and equipment, net......................                         161,651         36,176                         197,827
Investment in subsidiaries.......................         2,121,275     1,272,000                   $  (3,393,275)
Other assets.....................................             1,000        78,863         35,410                         115,273
Cost in excess of net assets
    acquired, net................................                       1,595,529        198,861                       1,794,390
                                                       ------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Total assets.....................................      $ 2,122,320    $ 3,382,594   $  8,966,619    $  (3,393,275)  $ 11,078,258
                                                       ============  =============  ==============  ==============  ===============


Accounts payable.................................                     $   273,102   $    315,275                    $    588,377
Accrued liabilities..............................      $    16,774        366,602        (13,923)                        369,453
Due (from) to affiliates, net....................           (84,266)     (119,494)       263,156                          59,396
Current income tax liabilities...................                          17,910            316                          18,226
Deferred income tax liabilities, net.............           (42,982)      144,893         79,345                         181,256
Public liability, property damage and other
   insurance liabilities, net....................                         206,111         53,645                         259,756
Debt.............................................         1,562,000        10,305      6,897,500                       8,469,805
Minority interest (preferred membership interest)                                         99,305                          99,305
Preferred stock..................................                         371,000                                        371,000
Common stockholders' equity......................           670,794     2,112,165      1,272,000    $  (3,393,275)       661,684
                                                       ------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Total liabilities, preferred stock and
  common stockholders' equity....................      $ 2,122,320    $ 3,382,594   $  8,966,619    $  (3,393,275)  $ 11,078,258
                                                       ============  =============  ==============  ==============  ===============


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                            Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                                                                         For the six months ended June 30, 2000
                                                                                          (in thousands)
                                                                                          Non-                        Avis Group
                                                                        Guarantor      Guarantor                     Holdings, Inc.
                                                            Parent     Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries  Eliminations    Consolidated
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------

Net income.......................................         $  57,018    $   107,458   $     62,027   $  (169,485)     $    57,018
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
  provided by (used in) operating activities:....            60,916        246,846        560,339                        868,101
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------
  Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities       117,934        354,304        622,366      (169,485)         925,119
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

Payments for vehicle additions...................                          (23,363)    (3,934,558)                    (3,957,921)
Vehicle deletions................................                         (246,667)     2,626,509                      2,379,842
Increase in finance lease receivables............                               (1)       (65,905)                       (65,906)
Payments for property and equipment..............                          (22,615)        (6,164)                       (28,779)
Retirements of property and equipment............                            5,923          3,095                          9,018
Investment in subsidiaries.......................          (107,458)       (62,027)                     169,485
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------
  Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities      (107,458)      (348,750)    (1,377,023)      169,485       (1,663,746)
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

Net increase in (repayment of) debt..............           (10,500)        (2,335)       890,014                        877,179
Payments for debt issuance costs.................                           (6,199)        (1,576)                        (7,775)
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------                  ---------------
    Net cash (used in) provided by financing                (10,500)        (8,534)       888,438                        869,404
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------                  ---------------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash..........                                          (1,280)                        (1,280)
                                                                                     -------------                  ---------------

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents            (24)        (2,980)       132,501                        129,497
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.                54         42,184        122,989                        165,227
                                                          ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------   ---------------
    Cash and cash equivalents at end of  period..         $      30    $    39,204   $    255,490   $               $    294,724
                                                          ==========   ============  =============  =============   ===============

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:

    Cash interest paid...........................                                                                   $    294,979
    Cash income taxes paid.......................                                                                   $     23,134


Note 8 - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Condensed Financial Statements (Continued)

                                                                              Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                                                                              For the six months ended June 30, 1999
                                                                         Guarantor      Guarantor                    Avis Group
                                                           Parent      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries   Eliminations  Holdings, Inc.
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------
Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income.......................................         $   42,468    $    46,965   $     9,374     $   (56,339)   $    42,468
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
(used in) provided by operating activities.......           (166,712)       303,990       112,117                        249,395
                                                          ----------   -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------
  Net cash (used in)  provided by operating activities      (124,244)       350,955       121,491         (56,339)       291,863
                                                          ----------   -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------

Cash flows form investing activities:

Payments for vehicle additions...................                           89,213     (2,583,460)                    (2,494,247)
Vehicle deletions................................                         (252,063)     1,778,843                      1,526,780
Payments for  property and equipment.............                          (16,761)        (1,192)                       (17,953)
Retirements of property and equipment............                            1,056             17                          1,073
Investment in subsidiaries.......................            (46,965)       (9,374)                        56,339
Payment for purchase of  rental car franchise
  licensees, net of cash acquired of $11,065.....                          (42,503)                                      (42,503)
Payment for purchase of PHH Holdings, net of cash
  acquired of $170,568...........................         (1,330,932)                                                 (1,330,932)
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------
  Net cash used in investing activities..........         (1,377,897)      (230,432)     (805,792)         56,339     (2,357,782)
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

Net increase in (repayment of) debt..............          1,573,000        (67,953)      866,950                      2,371,997
Payments for debt issuance costs.................             (1,600)           (35)                                      (1,635)
Purchases of treasury stock......................            (57,237)                                                    (57,237)
Other............................................              3,326                                                       3,326
Cash dividends...................................                             4,866        (4,866)
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------                 --------------
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing
     activities..................................          1,517,489        (63,122)      862,084                      2,316,451
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------                 --------------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash..........                                              87                             87
                                                                                      -------------                 --------------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents........             15,348         57,401       177,870                        250,619
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.                 11          9,776        19,964                         29,751
                                                          -----------  -------------  -------------   ------------  --------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of  period......         $   15,359   $     67,177   $   197,834     $             $    280,370
                                                          ===========  =============  =============   ============  ==============

Cash interest paid...............................                                                                   $    107,466
Cash income taxes paid...........................                                                                   $      5,329

Business acquired in 1999:
Fair value of assets acquired, net of cash acquired                                                                 $  6,218,950
   of $181,633...................................
Liabilities assumed..............................                                                                      4,483,515
Net assets acquired..............................                                                                      1,735,435
Less: issuance of Series A and Series C Preferred
   Stocks........................................                                                                       (362,000)

Net cash paid for acquisitions...................                                                                   $  1,373,435


Note 9 - Segment Information

Prior to the purchase of VMS on June 30, 1999 (see Note 4), the Company operated
in one  industry  segment;  the rental  car  business.  As of July 1, 1999,  the
Company began operating in two business segments as follows:

       Vehicle Rental                       The Company rents vehicles to
                                            business and leisure customers

       Vehicle Leasing andother fee
         based services                     The Company leases vehicles to
                                            customers under closed-end and
                                            open-end leases.  Fee based services
                                            include fuel and maintenance cards,
                                            accident management and various
                                            other vehicle services which enable
                                            customers to effectively manage
                                            costs and enhance productivity.

Prior to the  purchase of VMS on June 30,  1999,  the  Company  operated in four
geographic  areas: the United States,  Australia/New  Zealand,  Canada and Other
Foreign  Operations  principally  in Puerto Rico,  the U.S.  Virgin  Islands and
Argentina.  As a result of the VMS acquisition,  the Company added an additional
geographic area; the United Kingdom (see Note 5). Revenue generated from each of
the  Company's  business  segments is  recorded in the country in which  vehicle
rental, vehicle leasing and other fee based services are provided.

The accounting  policies of each geographic area are the same as those described
in the  summary  of  significant  accounting  policies  (see Note 1 of the notes
audited annual 1999 consolidated financial statements).

EBITDA  represents net income,  plus non-vehicle  interest expense  (acquisition
interest),  non-vehicle  depreciation and amortization,  amortization of cost in
excess of net assets acquired and income taxes.  Corporate  represents primarily
acquisition  interest, of cost in excess of net assets acquired and amortization
of deferred financing fees.

 The operations  within major business  segments and major  geographic areas for
the three and six months ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 are summarized as follows:

Business Segments
- -----------------

                                                                                        Six months ended
                                                                                          June 30, 2000
                                                                                 And other
                                                                  Vehicle        Fee Based
                                                                   Rental         Services        Corporate     Consolidated
                                                                -------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------
Revenue..........................................               $ 1,255,473    $   854,028                      $  2,109,501
                                                                =============  ===============                  ==============
EBITDA...........................................               $   131,958    $    93,392      $       203     $    225,553
                                                                =============  ===============  ==============  ==============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes..               $   110,740    $    79,848      $   (86,919)    $    103,669
                                                                =============  ===============  ==============  ==============
Total assets.....................................               $ 5,647,093    $ 5,411,506                      $ 11,058,599
                                                                =============  ===============                  ==============

Business Segments
- -----------------

                                                                                        Six months ended
                                                                                          June 30, 1999
                                                                                 And other
                                                                  Vehicle        Fee Based
                                                                   Rental         Services        Corporate     Consolidated
                                                                -------------  --------------   --------------  -------------
Revenue..........................................               $ 1,204,374                                     $  1,204,374
                                                                =============                                   ==============
EBITDA...........................................               $    94,511                     $    (1,435)    $     93,076
                                                                =============                   ==============  ==============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes..               $    75,809                     $    (1,435)    $     74,374
                                                                =============                   ==============  ==============
Total assets.....................................               $ 6,644,851    $ 4,949,008                      $ 11,593,859
                                                                =============  ==============                   ==============


Note 9 - Segment Information (Continued)

Business Segments
- -----------------

                                                                                   Three months ended
                                                                                      June 30, 2000
                                                                                 And other
                                                                  Vehicle        Fee Based
                                                                   Rental         Services        Corporate     Consolidated
                                                                -------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------
Revenue..........................................               $   666,597    $   429,871                      $  1,096,468
                                                                =============  ===============                  =============
EBITDA...........................................               $    82,515    $    46,743                      $    129,258
                                                                =============  ===============                  =============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes..               $    71,814    $    39,899      $   (43,655)    $     68,058
                                                                =============  ===============  ==============  =============
Total assets.....................................               $ 5,647,093    $ 5,411,506                      $ 11,058,599
                                                                =============  ===============                  =============

Business Segments
- -----------------

                                                                                    Three months ended
                                                                                       June 30, 1999
                                                                                  And other
                                                                  Vehicle         Fee Based
                                                                   Rental         Services        Corporate      Consolidated
                                                                -------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------
Revenue..........................................               $   637,457                                     $   637,457
                                                                =============                                   =============
EBITDA...........................................               $    58,029                     $      (739)    $    57,290
                                                                =============                   ==============  =============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes..               $    48,283                     $      (739)    $    47,544
                                                                =============                   ==============  =============
Total assets.....................................               $ 6,644,851     $ 4,949,008                     $ 11,593,859
                                                                =============  ===============                  =============

Geographic Areas
- ----------------

                                                                             Six months ended June 30, 200
                                                    United        United     Australia/                    Foreign
                                                    States       Kingdom     New Zealand      Canada      Operations   Consolidated
                                                  -----------  -----------   -------------  ------------  -----------  -------------
Revenue.......................................... $ 1,821,997  $  132,256    $   60,559     $  74,491     $  20,198    $ 2,109,501
                                                  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============  ===========  =============
EBITDA........................................... $   164,973  $   37,110    $   12,401     $   8,884     $   2,185    $   225,553
                                                  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============  ===========  =============
Income before provision for income taxes......... $    54,689  $   27,337    $   11,781     $   8,074     $   1,788    $   103,669
                                                  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============  ===========  =============
Total assets..................................... $10,051,081  $  424,005    $   84,406     $ 434,442     $  64,665    $11,058,599
                                                  ===========  ===========  ==============  ============  ===========  =============

Geographic Areas
- ----------------

                                                                             Six months ended June 30, 1999

                                                    United        United       Australia/                    Foreign
                                                    States       Kingdom      New Zealand      Canada      Operations  Consolidated
                                                  -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  -----------  -------------
Revenue.......................................... $ 1,087,217                $    61,063    $  41,297     $  14,797    $  1,204,374
                                                  ===========                =============  ============  ===========  =============
EBITDA........................................... $    80,962                $    12,902    $   3,076     $  (3,864)   $   93,076
                                                  ===========                =============  ============  ===========  =============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes.. $    63,798                $    12,258    $   2,593     $  (4,275)   $    74,374
                                                  ===========                =============  ============  ===========  =============
Total assets..................................... $ 9,768,851  $ 1,285,719   $    89,291    $ 339,415     $ 110,583    $ 11,593,859
                                                  ===========  ===========   =============  ============  ===========  =============


Note 9 - Segment Information (Continued)

Geographic Areas
- ----------------

                                                                                 Three months ended June 30, 2000
                                                    United        United       Australia/                   Foreign
                                                    States       Kingdom      New Zealand      Canada     Operations   Consolidated
                                                  -----------  -----------   ------------   ------------  -----------  -------------
Revenue.......................................... $   956,857   $  64,540    $   25,486       $  39,933     $   9,652   $ 1,096,468
                                                  ===========  ===========   =============  ============  ===========  =============
EBITDA........................................... $   100,806   $   17,218    $   4,482       $   5,763     $     989   $   129,258
                                                  ===========  ===========   =============  ============  ===========  =============
Income before provision for income taxes......... $    45,518   $   12,207    $   4,183       $   5,358     $     792   $    68,058
                                                  ===========  ===========   =============  ============  ===========  =============
Total assets..................................... $10,051,081   $  424,005    $  84,406       $ 434,442     $  64,665   $11,058,599
                                                  ===========  ===========   =============  ============  ===========  =============

Geographic Areas
- ----------------

                                                                                 Three months ended June 30, 1999
                                                    United        United      Australia/                    Foreign
                                                    States       Kingdom      New Zealand      Canada      Operations  Consolidated
                                                  -----------  -----------   -------------  ------------  -----------  -------------
Revenue.......................................... $   578,604                 $  27,399      $  23,893     $   7,561    $   637,457
                                                  ===========                ============== ============  ===========  =============
EBITDA........................................... $    51,507                 $   4,878      $   2,666     $  (1,761)   $   57,290
                                                  ===========                ============== ============  ===========  =============
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes.. $    42,593                 $   4,515      $   2,422     $  (1,986)   $    47,544
                                                  ===========                ============== ============  ===========  =============
Total assets..................................... $ 9,768,851  $ 1,285,719    $  89,291      $ 339,415     $ 110,583    $11,593,859
                                                  ===========  ===========   ============== ============  ===========  =============

Note 10 - Retirement Benefits

Effective  January 1, 1999, the Company  curtailed its defined benefit plans to
its  eligible  salaried and hourly  employees  as of June 30, 1985.  The Company
recognized  a  non-recurring  $7.5  million  pre-tax  gain  as a  result  of the
curtailment  which  was  recorded  in  January  1999 and is  included  in Direct
Operating  Expenses on the  accompanying  Statement of Operations  for the three
months and six months ended June 30, 1999.

Note 11 - Subsequent Event

On July 20, 2000, one of the Company's  vehicle  financing  subsidiaries  issued
$200 million of Series 2000-3 Floating Rate Rental Car  Asset-Backed  Notes. The
Notes are secured by the Company's vehicles.  Anticipated principal repayment on
the Notes  commence  May 2003  through  October  2003 . The  interest  rate with
respect to the Series 2000-3 Notes will be equal to Libor plus 19 basis points.


General Overview

The  following  discussion  and analysis of results of  operations  includes the
vehicle rental  operations and the vehicle  leasing and other fee based services
operations ("Vehicle Management Services or VMS") of the Company.

The Company conducts vehicle rental operations through wholly-owned subsidiaries
in the United States,  Canada, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands,  Argentina,
Australia and New Zealand.  Vehicle rental revenue is derived  principally  from
time and mileage charges for vehicle  rentals and, to a lesser extent,  the sale
of loss damage waivers, liability insurance and other products and services. VMS
conducts operations principally in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom
and  Germany.  VMS'  business  includes  providing  vehicles  on lease and other
vehicle related services,  such as vehicle acquisition,  title and registration,
vehicle remarketing and fleet management  consultation.  VMS' principal feebased
products are fuel, vehicle maintenance and accident management services.

Management  believes  that  a  more  meaningful  comparison  is  made  when  the
historical  results of operations for the six months and three months ended June
30, 2000 are compared to the pro-forma  results of operations for the six months
and three months ended June 30, 1999,  which give effect to the VMS acquisition,
as if it had occurred on January 1, 1999.

EBITDA is presented since it is a widely  accepted  indicator of funds available
to service  debt,  although  it is not a measure of  liquidity  or of  financial
performance under generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). The Company
believes  that  EBITDA,  while  providing  useful  information,  should  not  be
considered  in  isolation  or as an  alternative  to net income or cash flows as
determined under GAAP.


Vehicle Rental Revenue:

         Revenue is recognized over the period the vehicle is rented.

Vehicle Leasing Revenue:

         The  Company   primarily   leases   vehicles   under   three   standard
arrangements: open-end operating leases, closed-end operating leases or open-end
finance  leases  (direct  financing  leases).  These leases are accounted for in
accordance  with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 13,
"Accounting for leases".  Each lease is either  classified as an operating lease
or direct financing lease and are included in Vehicles,  net-leasing and Finance
Lease  Receivables,  respectively,  on the  accompanying  Statement of Financial
Position.  Lease terms range from 12 months to 50 months. Amounts charged to the
leases for interest on the  unrecovered  investment  are credited to income on a
level yield method, which approximates the contractual terms.

Other Fee Based Revenue:

         Revenue  from  fleet   management   services  other  than  leasing  are
recognized  over the  period in which  services  are  provided  and the  related
expenses are incurred.

Costs and Expenses

 Vehicle rental expenses include:

   o Direct operating  expenses  (primarily field  operations' wages
     and  related  benefits,  concessions  and  commissions  paid to
     airport authorities, vehicle insurance premiums and other costs
     relating to the  operation of rental  locations  and the rental
   o Depreciation and lease charges relating to the rental fleet (including net
     gains or losses upon disposition of vehicles).
   o Selling, general and administrative expenses (including payments to
     Cendant under the Master License Agreement, reservation costs, advertising
     and marketing costs, and commissions paid to airlines and travel
   o Interest expense  (primarily relating to the financing of the rental fleet)

 VMS' vehicle leasing and other fee based services expenses include:

   o Depreciation and lease charges relating to the fleet (including net gains
     or losses upon disposition of  vehicles).
   o Selling,  general and administrative expenses (including wages and related
     benefits, information  processing  and information services costs).
   o Interest expense (relating primarily to VMS' leased fleet).


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)


Net income

Vehicle  rental  profitability  is  primarily a function of the number of rental
transactions,  pricing  of rental  transactions  and  utilization  of the rental

VMS'   profitability  is  primarily  a  function  of  the  number  of  fee-based
transactions, leased vehicle volume and pricing.


Expenses  associated  with the VMS  acquisition,  which are  primarily  interest
expense,  amortization of cost in excess of net assets acquired and amortization
of  deferred   financing  costs  are  shown  separately  in  a  column  entitled

The following  discussion  and analysis  provides  information  that  management
believes to be relevant to understanding  the Company's  financial  position and
results of operations:


Historical Results of Operations for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2000 Compared
to Pro-forma Results of Operations for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999

The following table sets forth for the periods  indicated,  certain items in the
Company's condensed consolidated statement of operations (in thousands):

                                               Historical                                               Pro-forma
                                     Six Months ended June 30, 2000                      Six Months ended June 30, 1999
                              ---------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------
                                             Vehicle                                              Vehicle
                                             Leasing                  Total                       Leasing                   Total
                                             and Other              Avis Group                    and Other              Avis Group
                                Vehicle     Fee Based                Holdings,      Vehicle       Fee Based               Holdings,
                                Rental      Services    Corporate      Inc.          Rental       Services    Corporate     Inc.
                              -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------   -----------  ------------  ---------- -----------
  Vehicle Rental.........     $ 1,255,473                           $  1,255,473   $1,204,374                            $ 1,204,374
  Vehicle Leasing........                  $  707,158                    707,158                 $  687,931                  687,931
  Other fee based........                     146,870                    146,870                    124,012                  124,012
                              -----------  -----------             -------------   -----------  ------------             -----------
  Total Revenue:                1,255,473     854,028                  2,109,501    1,204,374       811,943                2,016,317
                              -----------  -----------             -------------   -----------  ------------             -----------
Costs and expenses:
  Direct operating.......         456,008                                456,008      461,720                                461,720
  Vehicle depreciation and
  lease charges,net......         319,328     508,174                    827,502      318,471       514,837                  833,308
  Selling, general and
    administrative.......         235,598     130,880   $   (203)        366,275      231,182       128,519                  359,701
Interest, net............         112,581     121,582                    234,163       99,925        94,450   $   1,000      195,375
                              -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------   ------------ ------------  ---------- -----------
                                1,123,515     760,636       (203)      1,883,948    1,111,298       737,806       1,000    1,850,104
                              -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------   ------------ ------------  ---------- -----------
EBITDA...................         131,958      93,392        203         225,553       93,076        74,137      (1,000)     166,213
Interest - acquisition
    debt.................                                 71,831          71,831                                 68,758       68,758
Amortization of cost in excess
of net assets acquired...           6,281       3,509     13,804          23,594        6,351         3,997      13,246       23,594
Non-vehicle depreciation and
    amortization.........          14,937      10,035      1,487          26,459       12,351        11,038         629       24,018
                              -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- -----------
Income before provision for
   income taxes..........        $110,740  $   79,848   $(86,919)        103,669   $   74,374    $   59,102   $ (83,633)      49,843
                              ===========  ===========  =========                  ===========   ===========  ==========
Provision for income taxes                                                46,651                                              26,804
                                                                   -------------                                         -----------
Net                                                                 $     57,018                                         $    23,039
income...................                                          =============                                         ===========


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)




Revenue increased 4.2%, from $1,204.4 million to $1,255.5  million,  compared to
the same period in 1999. The increase reflects an increase in the overall market
demand (2.5%) and the impact of two acquisitions  completed in 1999:  Rent-A-Car
Company,  Inc.  on March 19,  1999 and  Motorent,  Inc.  on June 30,  1999 (1.7%
combined). The revenue increase reflects a 3.6% increase in the number of rental
transactions and a 0.6% increase in revenue per rental transaction.

Total Costs and Expenses

Total costs and expenses (including amortization of cost in excess of net assets
acquired and non-vehicle  depreciation  and  amortization)  increased 1.3%, from
$1,130.0 million to $1,144.7 million, compared to the same period in 1999.

Direct operating expenses decreased 1.2%, from $461.7 million to $456.0 million,
compared  to the same  period  in  1999.  As a  percentage  of  revenue,  direct
operating  expenses declined to 36.3 %, from 38.3% for the corresponding  period
in 1999. The reduction was due primarily to lower  maintenance  and damage costs
(0.5% of revenue),  lower airport  commissions (1.9% of revenue),  lower vehicle
insurance  costs (0.2% of revenue),  and other  operating  cost savings  (0.7%),
partially offset by higher  compensation  costs (0.7% of revenue).  1999 results
included a one-time  $7.5  million gain (0.6% of  revenue),  resulting  from the
curtailment of the Company's Defined Benefit Plans.

Vehicle  depreciation  and lease charges  increased 0.3%, from $318.5 million to
$319.3 million, compared to the same period in 1999. As a percentage of revenue,
vehicle  depreciation  and lease  charges were 25.4% of revenue,  as compared to
26.4% of revenue for the  corresponding  period in 1999. The change  reflected a
1.8%  increase  in the  average  rental  fleet  combined  with a lower  cost per

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased 1.9%, from $231.2 million
to $235.6 million,  compared to the same period in 1999. The increase was due to
higher royalty fees ($3.3 million),  higher  marketing  expenses ($2.0 million),
and higher travel agency commissions  expenses ($2.9 million),  partially offset
by lower general and administrative expenses ($3.5 million).

Fleet related  interest expense  increased  12.7%,  from $99.9 million to $112.6
million,  compared to the same period in 1999, due to higher borrowings required
to finance the growth of the rental fleet and higher average interest rates.

Income before provision for income taxes increased 48.9%,  from $74.4 million to
$110.7  million,  compared to the same  period in 1999.  The  increase  reflects
higher revenue and lower costs and expenses as a percentage of revenue.



VMS' revenue increased 5.2%, from $811.9 million to $854.0 million,  compared to
the same  period  in 1999.  The  increase  consists  of a 2.8% or $19.2  million
increase in vehicle  leasing  revenue and a 18.4% or $22.9  million  increase in
other fee based revenue, compared to the same period in 1999.

The increase in vehicle leasing revenue reflects a 2.1% increase in leased units
and an increase  in interest  charges  billed  back to  customers  due to higher
interest rates.

The increase in other fee based revenue reflects solid growth in the three major
fee based product lines: fuel, maintenance and accident management. Fuel revenue
increased 32.1% reflecting an increase in outstanding fuel cards and higher fuel
prices.  Accident  Management  continued  its  strong  growth  as total  revenue
increased 17.8%.

Total Costs and Expenses

Total costs and expenses (including amortization of cost in excess of net assets
acquired and non-vehicle  depreciation  and  amortization)  increased 2.8%, from
$752.8  million to $774.2  million,  compared  to the same  period in 1999.  The
increase was mainly due to $27.1 million of higher interest  expense,  resulting
from  higher  interest  rates,  which  for the most  part,  was  billed  back to

Income before provision for income taxes increased 35.1%,  from $59.1 million to
$79.8 million, compared to the same period in 1999. The increase reflects higher
revenue and lower costs and expenses as a percentage of revenue.


Corporate  expenses  primarily  include  interest  expense and  amortization  of
deferred financing costs related to the Company's Senior  Subordinated Notes and
Term loans which provided  financing for the VMS  acquisition  (see  Acquisition
Financing  contained  in  Note 7 of the  notes  to  the  condensed  consolidated
financial statements).

Corporate expenses increased 3.9%, from $83.6 million to $86.9 million, compared
to the same  period in 1999,  mainly due to $3.1  million  increase  in interest
expense caused by higher interest rates.


Provision for Income Taxes

The Company's  consolidated  provision for income  increased  74.0%,  from $26.8
million to $46.7  million,  compared to the same period in 1999.  The  effective
income tax rate for the period  ended June 30,  2000 was 45.0%,  down from 53.8%
for the  corresponding  period in 1999. The decrease in the effective income tax
rate was due  primarily  to an increase in income  before  provision  for income
taxes.  The effective tax rate reflects  differences  between foreign income tax
rates and the U.S. federal  statutory income tax rate, taxes on the repatriation
of foreign  earnings,  and foreign  withholding  taxes on dividends  paid to the

Net Income

Consolidated  net income increased 147.5 %, from $23.0 million to $57.0 million,
compared to the same  period in 1999.  The  increase  reflects  higher  revenue,
decreased  costs and expenses as a percentage  of revenue and a lower  effective
income tax rate.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)



Historical Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2000
Compared to Pro-forma Results of Operations for the Three
Months Ended June 30, 1999

The following table sets forth for the periods  indicated,  certain items in the
Company's condensed consolidated statement of operations (dollars in thousands):

                                               Historical                                               Pro-forma
                                     Three Months ended June 30, 2000                    Three Months ended June 30, 1999
                               -------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------
                                             Vehicle                                            Vehicle
                                             Leasing                  Total                     Leasing                    Total
                                            and Other               Avis Group                  and Other                Avis Group
                                Vehicle     Fee Based                Holdings,     Vehicle      Fee Based                 Holdings,
                                 Rental      Services   Corporate     Inc.         Rental       Services     Corporate      Inc.
                               ---------  ------------  ---------- -------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- ------------
  Vehicle Rental.............  $ 666,597                            $  666,597    $ 637,457                             $   637,457
  Vehicle Leasing............             $   356,050                  356,050                 $   346,411                  346,411
  Other fee based............                  73,821                   73,821                      63,626                   63,626
                               ---------  ------------             -------------  ----------  -------------             ------------
  Total Revenue:                 666,597      429,871                1,096,468      637,457        410,037                1,047,494
                               ---------  ------------             -------------  ----------  -------------             ------------
Costs and expenses:
  Direct operating...........    229,314                               229,314      242,886                                 242,886
  Vehicle depreciation and
    lease charges, net.......    172,096      254,409                  426,505      165,417        259,441                  424,858
  Selling, general and
    administrative...........    120,203       65,989                  186,192      120,381         64,948                  185,329
  Interest, net..............     62,469       62,730                  125,199       51,483         47,354    $    500       99,337
                               ---------  ------------  ---------- -------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- ------------
                                 584,082      383,128                  967,210      580,167        371,743         500      952,410
                               ---------  ------------- ---------- -------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- ------------
EBITDA.......................     82,515       46,743                  129,258       57,290         38,294        (500)      95,084
Interest - acquisition debt..                           $  35,998       35,998                                  34,297       34,297
Amortization of cost in excess
of net assets acquired.......      3,122        1,727       6,913       11,762        3,177          1,971       6,614       11,762
Non-vehicle depreciation and
  amortization...............      7,579        5,117         744       13,440        6,569          5,397         314       12,280
                               ---------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- ------------
Income before provision for
   income taxes..............  $  71,814  $   39,899    $ (43,655)  $   68,058    $  47,544      $  30,926    $(41,725)      36,745
                               ========== ============  ==========                ==========  =============  ==========
Provision for income taxes...                                           30,626                                               18,296
                                                                   -------------                                        ------------
Netincome....................                                       $   37,432                                          $    18,449
                                                                   =============                                        ============



Revenue  increased 4.6%, from $637.5 million to $666.6 million,  compared to the
same period in 1999. The increase  reflects overall market demand (3.0%) and the
impact of two acquisitions  completed in 1999: Rent-A-Car Company, Inc. on March
19,  1999 and  Motorent,  Inc.  on June 30,  1999 (1.6%  combined).  The revenue
increase  reflects a 4.4%  increase in the number of rental  transactions  and a
0.1% increase in revenue per rental transaction.

Total Costs and Expenses

Total costs and expenses (including amortization of cost in excess of net assets
acquired and non-vehicle  depreciation  and  amortization)  increased 0.8%, from
$589.9 million to $594.8  million,  compared to the same period in 1999.  Direct
operating  expenses  decreased  5.6%,  from  $242.9  million to $229.3  million,
compared  to the same  period  in  1999.  As a  percentage  of  revenue,  direct
operating expenses declined to 34.4%, from 38.1% for the corresponding period in
1999.  The reduction was due primarily from lower  maintenance  and damage costs
(0.7% of revenue),  lower airport commissions (1.9% of revenue),  lower facility
expense (0.4%) and other operating cost savings (0.7%).


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)


Vehicle  depreciation  and lease charges  increased 4.0%, from $165.4 million to
$172.1 million, compared to the same period in 1999. As a percentage of revenue,
vehicle  depreciation  and lease  charges were 25.8% of revenue,  as compared to
25.9% of revenue for the  corresponding  period in 1999. The change  reflected a
3.5%  increase  in the  average  rental  fleet  combined  with a higher cost per

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased 0.1%, from $120.4 million
to $120.2 million,  compared to the same period in 1999. The decrease was due to
lower general and  administrative  expenses ($2.8 million) and lower reservation
fees ($1.0 million),  partially offset by higher royalty fees ($1.8 million) and
higher travel agency commissions ($2.0 million).

Fleet related  interest  expense  increased  21.3%,  from $51.5 million to $62.5
million,  compared to the same period in 1999, due to higher borrowings required
to finance the growth of the rental fleet and higher average interest rates.

Income before provision for income taxes increased 51.0%,  from $47.5 million to
$71.8 million, compared to the same period in 1999. The increase reflects higher
revenue and lower costs and expenses as a percentage of revenue.



VMS' revenues increased 4.8%, from $410.0 million to $429.9 million, compared to
the same period in 1999.  The increase  consists of a $9.6  million  increase in
vehicle leasing  revenue and a 16% or $10.2 million  increase in other fee based

The  increase  in vehicle  leasing  revenue  reflects a 1.8 % increase in leased
units and an increase in interest charges billed back to customers due to higher
interest rates.

The increase in other fee based revenue reflects solid growth in the three major
fee based product lines: fuel, maintenance and accident management. Fuel revenue
increased 29.9% reflecting an increase in outstanding fuel cards and higher fuel
prices.  Accident  Management  continued  its  strong  growth  as total  revenue
increased 26.2 %.

Total Cost and Expenses

Total costs and expenses (including amortization of cost in excess of net assets
acquired and non-vehicle  depreciation  and  amortization)  increased 2.9%, from
$379.1  million to $390.0  million,  compared  to the same  period in 1999.  The
increase was mainly due to $15.4 million of higher interest  expense,  resulting
from  higher  interest  rates,  which  for the most  part,  was  billed  back to

Income before provision for income taxes increased 29.0%,  from $30.9 million to
$39.9 million, compared to the same period in 1999. The increase reflects higher
revenue and lower costs and expenses as a percentage of revenue.


Corporate  expenses  primarily  include  interest  expense and  amortization  of
deferred financing costs related to the Company's Senior  Subordinated Notes and
Term loans which provided  financing for the VMS acquisition  (see Note 7 of the
notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements).

Corporate expenses increased 4.6%, from $41.7 million to $43.7 million, compared
to the same  period in 1999,  mainly due to $1.7  million  increase  in interest
expense caused by higher interest rates.


Provision for Income Taxes

The Company's  consolidated  provision for income taxes  increased  67.4%,  from
$18.3  million  to $30.6  million,  compared  to the same  period  in 1999.  The
effective  income  tax rate was  45.0%,  down from  49.8% for the  corresponding
period in 1999. The decrease in the effective  income tax rate was due primarily
to an increase in income before  provision  for income taxes.  The effective tax
rate reflects  differences between foreign income tax rates and the U.S. federal
statutory income tax rate, taxes on the  repatriation of foreign  earnings,  and
foreign withholding taxes on dividends paid to the Company.

Net Income

Consolidated net income increased  102.9%,  from $18.4 million to $37.4 million,
compared to the same  period in 1999.  The  increase  reflects  higher  revenue,
decreased  costs and expenses as a percentage  of revenue and a lower  effective
income tax rate.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company's operations are expected to be funded by cash provided by operating
activities  and by  financing  arrangements  maintained  by the  Company  in the
markets in which it operates. The Company's primary use of funds will be for the
acquisition   of  new  vehicles  and  the  repayment  of  the  VMS   acquisition
indebtedness. For the six months ended June 30, 2000, the Company's expenditures
for  new  vehicles  were  approximately  $4.0  billion  and  proceeds  from  the
disposition  of  used  vehicles  were  approximately  $2.4  billion.  For  2000,
management expects the Company's  expenditures for new vehicles (net of proceeds
from the disposition of used vehicles) to be higher than in 1999. Since the late
1980's,  the  Company  has  acquired  vehicles  related  to its  vehicle  rental
operations primarily pursuant to manufacturer  repurchase  programs.  Repurchase
prices  under  the  repurchase  programs  are based on  either  (1) a  specified
percentage  of  original  vehicle  cost  determined  by the month the vehicle is
returned to the manufacturer or (2) the original  capitalization cost less a set
daily depreciation amount (the "Repurchase Programs"). Repurchase Programs limit
residual  risk with  respect to  vehicles  purchased  under the  programs.  This
enables management to better estimate  depreciation  expense in advance. VMS has
historically  not  participated in Repurchase  Programs and the Company does not
expect it to do so in the future.  Generally,  customers  with open-end  leases,
which make up approximately 85% of VMS' lease portfolio,  bear the residual risk
with  respect  to  their  vehicles.   For  closed-end  leases,   which  make  up
approximately  15% of VMS' lease  portfolio,  VMS bears the residual  risk.  The
Company has  established  methods for  disposition of used vehicles that are not
covered by Repurchase Programs.

Historically,  the Company's  financing  requirements  for rental  vehicles have
typically reached an annual peak during the second and third calendar  quarters,
as fleet levels build in response to increased rental demand during that period.
The typical low point for cash requirements  occurs during the end of the fourth
quarter and the beginning of the first quarter,  coinciding with lower levels of
vehicle and rental  demand.  Management  expects that this pattern will continue
with the  addition  of VMS,  whose  cash  requirements  have  historically  been
relatively consistent over the course of a given year.

Management  expects  that cash flows from  operations  and funds from  available
credit  facilities  will be sufficient to meet the  Company's  anticipated  cash
requirements  for  operating   purposes  for  the  next  twelve  months.   Trade
receivables,  from  vehicle  rental  operations,  also  provide  liquidity  with
approximately 11 days of daily sales outstanding.

The Company made capital  investments for property  improvements  totaling $28.8
million for the six months ended June 30, 2000.

The Company has an interest rate management  policy,  including a target mix for
average  fixed rate and floating  rate  indebtedness  on a  consolidated  basis.
However, an increase in interest rates may have a material adverse impact on the
Company's profitability.

Vehicle Rental ABS Facility

To support  vehicle  rental  operations,  the Company has a domestic  integrated
financing  program  that as of June 30, 2000  provides for up to $4.0 billion in
financing  for vehicles  covered by Repurchase  Programs,  with up to 25% of the
asset-backed  securities  ("ABS") Facility available for vehicles not covered by
Repurchase  Programs.  The ABS Facility  provides for the issuance of up to $1.5
billion of asset backed  variable  funding notes (the "Variable  Funding Notes")
and $2.5 billion of asset-backed medium term notes are outstanding under the ABS
Facility  (the "Medium Term Notes").  The Variable  Funding Notes and the Medium
Term Notes are  indirectly  secured by,  among other  things,  a first  priority
security interest in the Company's rental fleet.

 The Variable Funding Notes support the issuance by a special purpose company of
commercial  paper notes that are rated A-1 by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
("S&P") and P-1 by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's").  The Medium Term
Notes are guaranteed  under a surety bond issued by MBIA and AMBAC Assurance and
as a result  are  rated AAA by S&P and Aaa by  Moody's.  At June 30,  2000,  the
Company  had  approximately  $3.8  billion  of debt  outstanding  under  the ABS
Facility and had  approximately  $175 million of additional credit available for
rental vehicle purchases.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)


Based  on  current  market   conditions  and  the  Company's   current   banking
relationships,  management  expects to fund  maturities of the Medium Term Notes
either  by  the  issuance  of  new  medium  term  notes  or an  increase  in the
outstanding  principal  amount of the Variable Funding Notes depending on market
conditions at the time the Medium Term Notes mature. However,  management cannot
be sure that this will occur.

On May 1, 2000,  one of the  Company's  vehicle  rental  financing  subsidiaries
issued $250 million of Series 2000-1 Floating Rate Rental Car Asset-Backed Notes
(Series  2000-1  Notes).  The  notes  are  secured  by the  Company's  vehicles.
Anticipated  principal  repayment on the Notes commence on February 2003 through
July 2003.  The interest  rate with  respect to the Series  2000-1 Notes will be
equal to LIBOR  plus 19 basis  points per annum.  The  Series  2000-1  Notes are
guaranteed  under a Suerty Bond  issued by AMBAC and are rated AAA by  Standards
and Poor and Aaa by  Moody's.  The Series  2000-1  Notes rank pari pasu with the
Variable Funding Note and the Medium Term Notes described above.

On May 22, 2000,  one of the Company's  vehicle  rental  financing  subsidiaries
issued $300 million of Series 2000-2 Floating Rate Rental Car Asset Backed Notes
(Series  2000-2  Notes).  These  notes were  issued as a paired  series with the
Series  1997-1A  Asset-Backed  Medium Term Notes,  with the  proceeds  from this
series used to fund the scheduled  amortization of the Series 1997-1A notes. The
notes are secured by the Company's vehicles.  Anticipated principal repayment on
the Notes  commence on March 2007 through  August 2007.  The interest  rate with
respect to the Series  2000-2  Notes will be equal to LIBOR plus 34 basis points
per annum.  The Series 2000-2 Notes are guaranteed under a Suerty Bond issued by
AMBAC and are rated AAA by  Standards  and Poor and Aaa by  Moody's.  The Series
2000-2 Notes rank pari pasu with the  Variable  Funding Note and the Medium Term
Notes described above.

Vehicle Leasing ABS Facilities

VMS-U.S  currently  has a $3.0 billion  lease  financing  program (the  "Vehicle
Leasing ABS  Facility")  supported by the leases and vehicles  owned by VMS-U.S.
The Vehicle  Leasing  ABS  facility  consists  of two  classes of floating  rate
asset-backed  notes;  Class A-1 notes,  which total $550  million and Class A-2,
which total $450 million.  Both classes of notes have an interest rate, which is
reset monthly at LIBOR plus 32 basis points for the Class A-1 notes and 35 basis
points  for the Class A-2 notes.  The Class A-1 notes  have an average  expected
life of 2 years  and  commence  amortizing  on March  2001  with a final  stated
maturity of October 2006. The Class A-2 notes have an average expected life of 3
years and commence  amortizing  when the Class A-2 are repaid in full. The Class
A-2 notes have a final stated  maturity of October  2011.  Both classes of notes
are  rated AAA by S&P and Aaa by  Moody's.  In  addition  to the  floating  rate
asset-backed  notes,  the Company may issue up to $1.75 billion Variable Funding
Investor Notes to a group of multi-seller commercial paper conduits.

At June 30, 2000,  the Company had two series of Preferred  Membership  Interest
outstanding,  which total  $99.3  million.  Preferred  Membership  Interest  are
financial  instruments issued by the Company to third parties in connection with
the VMS vehicle financing.

VMS-U.K.  currently  has a $838 million  asset-backed  facility  (the "U.K.  ABS
Facility") which is supported by the leases,  vehicles and fuel card receivables
of the various  VMS-U.K.  entities.  The U.K. ABS  Facility is funded  through a
group of multi-seller  commercial paper conduits.  As of June 30, 2000 there was
$795 million  outstanding under this facility,  which is included in Assets Held
for Sale, net on the accompanying Statement of Financial Position (see Note 5).

Borrowings for the Company's other  international  operations  consist mainly of
loans  obtained  from  local  and   international   banks.  All  borrowings  for
international  operations are in the local  currencies of the countries in which
those  operations are conducted.  The Company  guarantees only the borrowings of
its subsidiary in Argentina,  which had outstanding debt of $2.8 million at June
30, 2000. At June 30, 2000, the total debt for the Company's other international
operations is approximately $270 million.  The impact on the Company's liquidity
and financial  condition due to the exchange rate  fluctuations of the Company's
foreign operations is not expected to be material.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)


Acquisition Financing

The  Company  is party  to a credit  agreement  (the " Credit  Facility")  which
provides for up to $1.35  billion of  borrowings  in the form of (1) A Revolving
Credit Facility in the amount of up to $350.0 million, (2) a $250.0 million Term
A Loan,  (3) a $375.0  million Term B Loan and (4) a $375.0 million Term C Loan.
Upon consummation of the VMS Acquisition, Avis borrowed as of June 30, 1999, the
full $1.0 billion  under the Term A Loan,  Term B Loan and Term C Loan and $73.0
million under the Revolving Credit Facility. As of June 30, 2000, there is $60.0
million  outstanding  under the Revolving Credit Facility,  $242.5 million under
Term Loan A and $374.5 million outstanding under each of Term Loans B and C. The
loans under the Credit Facility bear interest at variable rates at fixed margin,
above either Chase  Manhattan  Bank's  alternative  base rate or the  Eurodollar
rate.  The Credit  Facility is guaranteed  by each U.S  subsidiary of Avis Group
Holdings, Inc., but excluding any insurance subsidiaries,  banking subsidiaries,
and  securitization or other vehicle financing  subsidiaries.  All borrowings by
the Company under the Credit Facility are secured by a first-priority  perfected
lien on substantially  all of the tangible and intangible  assets of the Company
and each guarantor  under the Credit Facility  excluding  assets that secure the
ABS  Facilities,  and by a pledge of all the capital stock of each of Avis Group
Holdings,  Inc.'s U.S.  subsidiaries  and 65% of the capital  stock of its first
tier non-U.S. subsidiaries. In addition, in connection with the VMS acquisition,
the Company issued Senior Subordinated Notes (the "Notes") which mature in 2009.
Avis Group  Holdings,  Inc.'s  obligation  under the Notes are  subordinate  and
junior in right of payment in all existing and future senior indebtedness of the
Company,   including  all  indebtedness  under  the  New  Credit  Facility.  The
obligations of the Company under the Notes and the Indenture are guaranteed on a
senior subordinated basis by each of the Company's U.S. subsidiaries, other than
its banking  subsidiaries,  insurance  subsidiaries and securitization and other
vehicle financing  subsidiaries which have not guaranteed senior indebtedness of
the Company.  The Credit Facility and the Indenture  contain numerous  financing
and operating  covenants that limit the  discretion of the Company's  management
with respect to certain  business  matters.  Under terms of the credit agreement
with the Company's lenders,  approximately $800 million of the net proceeds from
the  sale  of PHH  Europe  will  be used to  reduce  the  Company's  acquisition
financing (see Note 5).

These  covenants  place  significant  restrictions  on, among other things,  the
ability of the  Company  and  certain of its  subsidiaries  to incur  additional
indebtedness,  pay  dividends  and  other  distributions,   prepay  subordinated
indebtedness,  create liens or other  encumbrances,  make capital  expenditures,
make certain  investments or acquisitions,  engage in certain  transactions with
affiliates,  sell or otherwise  dispose of assets and merge with other  entities
and  otherwise  restrict  corporate  activities.  The  Credit  Facility  and the
Indenture contain customary events of default.  As of June 30, 2000, the Company
was in compliance with all such covenants.


The Company's  vehicle rental  business is seasonal,  with  decreased  travel in
winter  months and  heightened  activity  in spring and summer.  To  accommodate
increased  demand,  the Company  increases its available fleet during the second
and third  quarters.  Since VMS'  business  is  generally  not  seasonal,  these
patterns of  seasonality  are  expected to  continue.  Certain of the  Company's
operating  expenses are fixed and cannot be reduced  during periods of decreased
rental demand. In certain geographic markets, the impact of seasonality has been
reduced by emphasizing leisure or business travel in the off-peak season.


The increased  acquisition cost of vehicles is the primary  inflationary  factor
affecting  the  Company's  operations.  Many of the  Company's  other  operating
expenses  are  inflation  sensitive,   with  increases  in  inflation  generally
resulting in increased costs of operations.  The effect of inflation-driven cost
increases on the Company's overall operating costs is not expected to be greater
for the Company than for its competitors.

Recent Accounting Standards

A recent  pronouncement of the Financial Accounting Standards Board which is not
required  to be adopted at this  date,  is  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards ("SFAS") No. 133 - "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging
Activities",  ("SFAS 133") which is  effective  for the  Company's  consolidated
financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2001. SFAS 133 establishes
accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain
derivative  instruments  embedded in other contracts and for hedging activities.
It  requires  that an entity  recognize  all  derivatives  as  either  assets or
liabilities in the statement of financial  position at fair value.  The adoption
of  SFAS  133  is not  expected  to  have a  material  effect  on the  Company's
consolidated financial statements.

Forward Looking Information

Certain  matters  discussed  in this  report that are not  historical  facts are
forward-looking  statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions
of  the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of  1995.  Forward-looking
statements  involve risks and uncertainties  including the impact of competitive
products and pricing,  changing  market  conditions;  and other risks which were
detailed from time to time in the Company's publicly-filed documents,  including
its Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the period ended  December 31, 1999.  Actual
results  may differ  materially  from  those  projected.  These  forward-looking
statements represent the Company's judgement as of the date of this report.


Quantitative and Qualitative Financial Disclosures About Market Risk

The  Company  has  derivative  financial  instruments  at June 30, 2000 that are
sensitive  to  changes on its debt  obligations  and on its  interest  rate swap
agreements.  The following derivative  instruments' agreements have been entered
into by the Company:

(a)  In order to reduce its risk from interest rate fluctuations under its asset
     backed debt,  the Company has entered into  domestic  interest rate cap and
     interest rate floor agreements with duration of 10 years, respectively. The
     domestic interest rate cap and interest rate floor agreements have notional
     values of $526.9 million and $366.6 million,  respectively.  The agreements
     established  the  domestic and foreign  interest  rate ceiling and floor on
     asset-backed vehicle financing of 6.13% and 5.0%, respectively.

(b)  The  Company  has  also  entered  in U.S and  Foreign  Interest  Rate  Swap
     Agreements,  which effectively convert floating to fixed rates of interest.
     At June 30, 2000, these swap agreements have an aggregate notional value of
     $1,410.5 million and terminate through May 2005.

 (c) Depending  on  market  fundamentals  of the  price of  gasoline  and  other
     conditions, the Company may purchase put options to reduce or eliminate the
     risk of  gasoline  price  declines.  Put options  purchased  by the Company
     effectively  establish a minimum  sales  transaction  fee for the volume of
     gasoline purchased on the Company's  programs.  An increase in the value of
     the options is highly  correlated  to  decreases  in the  average  price of
     gasoline  purchased by the Company's  cardholders.  Put options  permit the
     Company to participate in price increases above the option price.  The cost
     of an option is amortized in the month the option  expires.  Gains from the
     sale or exercise of options are recognized  when the  underlying  option is
     sold. At June 30, 2000, the total contract  amount of such options was 25.7
     million  gallons of gasoline and the  unamortized  cost of options was $277
     thousand  and is included  in other  assets in the  Company's  consolidated
     statement of financial position.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Company
has duly  caused  this  report  to be signed  on its  behalf by the  undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.

                                                   Avis Group Holdings, Inc.

Dated:   August 9, 2000                      By:  /s/ Kevin M. Sheehan
                                             President-Corporate and Business
                                             Affairs and Chief Financial Officer
                                             (principal financial officer)

Dated:   August 9, 2000                      By:  /s/ Timothy M. Shanley
                                                  Vice President and Controller
                                                  (principal accounting officer)

                           Part II. Other Information


The annual meeting of the Company's  stockholder's was held on May 16, 2000. The
following  matters were submitted to a vote of the stockholders as was described
in the Company's  Proxy  Statement,  which was filed together with the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K dated April 14, 2000:

1)   To elect eleven directors for a one-year term and until their successors
     are duly elected and qualified;

2)   To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the auditors of the
     Company's financial statements for the year ending
     December 31, 2000;

3)   To approve the amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated  Certificate
     of  Incorporation  to (I)  reclassify the Company's  100,000,000  shares of
     authorized  Common  Stock as a Class A  Common  Stock  and  (ii)  authorize
     15,000,000 shares of non-voting Class B Common Stock which may be converted
     into Class A Common Stock under certain circumstances;

4)   To approve the Company's 2000 Incentive Compensation Plan



                                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

Exhibits  filed with Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  June 30,  2000 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                                       AVIS GROUP HOLDINGS, INC.

                         Commission file number 1-13315

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX


   No.                          Description                             Page No
- --------            ----------------------------------------           --------

  27                 Financial Data Schedule for                          28
                     the Six months ended June 30, 2000


On July 14,  2000,  the Company  filed a Form 8-K that with the approval of it's
Board of  Director's  and it's  stockholders,  giving  notification  that it had
reclassified its existing Common Stock as Class A Common Stock.