January 4th, 2021 This form is filled out within all the SPIRITs of the SEC Laws of '33 and '34. ACCESS-POWER & CO., INC. OTC TICKER: ACCR We were violent victims of toxic death spiral convertible "floorless" debentures from 1998 to 2008, and then through March 2012. PERIOD and DOCUMENT:			10KSB for the FULL YEAR 12/31/2020 COMPANY CONFIRMED NAME:		ACCESS-POWER & Co., INC. CENTRAL INDEX KEY:			0001041588 FORM TYPE:				10KSB SEC FILE NUMBER:			333-65069 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET 1:				PO BOX 598 CITY:					GRAND HAVEN STATE:			 		MI ZIP:			 		49417 Respectfully submitted to the, UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 The Division of Corporation Finance, Section 11 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K /X/ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2020. TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM ______ TO _____ COMMISSION FILE NUMBER: 333-65069 ACCESS-POWER & CO., INC. [Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter] *** FLORIDA	*** Domicile State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization http://www.sunbiz.org *** MICHIGAN *** State of Operations https://cofs.lara.state.mi.us/SearchApi/Search/Search 59-3420985 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) PO BOX 598 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 616-312-5390 Email: pjensen@myaccess-power.com (Address of principal executive offices) REGISTRANTS TELEPHONE NUMBER, INCLUDING AREA CODE: 616-312-5390 SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(b) OF THE ACT: NONE SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(g) OF THE ACT: COMMON STOCK, $0.001 PAR VALUE - 300,000,000 shares authorized fully diluted. Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes No X Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes No X Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed be Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files). Yes X No Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K (Section 229.405 of this chapter) is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrants knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large a ccelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of large accelerated filer, accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, and emerging growth company in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. Large accelerated filer	 NO	Accelerated filer	NO Non-accelerated filer	NO (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) Smaller reporting company	YES Emerging growth company	YES If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to ection 13(a) of the Exchange Act. Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No X ALL COMMON SHARES REFLECT A FULLY DILUTED BASIS. State the aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates computed by reference to the price at which the stock was sold, or the average bid and asked prices of such stock as of a specified date within the past 60 days: PATRICK restricted shares: 186 ,984,379 shares PERCENT OF SHARES HELD BY NON AFFILIATES= 37.6719% SHARES HELD BY EVERYONE ELSE : 113,015,621 and of this amount, we certify a DTCC FLOAT SINCE MARCH 1, 2012: 98,376,146 common shares The aggregate market value of the voting common stock held by non-affils. of the registrant (assuming officers and directors are affiliates) was approximately $ 395,554.67 as of 12/31/2020, computed on the fully diluted basis of and the closing price on such date of $.0035, and so... 113,015,621 held by non-affiliates + 131,128,500 shares acquired by our Director plus 55,855,879 issued to our Director in 2020 = 300,000,000 common shares verified by our SEC Registrered same Transfer Agent dating back to May 1997. Our Director's FORM 4 filings are found here: https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0001557361 As of December 31st, 2020, there were 300,000,000 shares of the registrant's Common Stock outstanding. PATRICK J JENSEN, Director of Access-Power & CO., Inc. has a total of 186,984,379 Restricted Shares of these shares. THE TOTAL MARKET CAPITALIZATION AS OF THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS January 4th , 2021 is $1,050,000.00 BASED ON A CLOSING PRICE OF $.0035 PER SHARE on 12/31/2020, and total outstanding issued common stock equalling 300,000,000 shares. At January 4th , 2021, there were issued and outstanding 300,000,000 shares of Common Stock fully diluted, and Patrick J. Jensen owns 186,984,379 shares or 62.3281 percent of all the Common Stock. In 2020, the Company during the course of 2020 experienced a market capitalization HIGH of over $3,000,000.00. All 186,984,379 are currently all restricted and held in book entry form at our Transfer Agent. THE SEC COMMISSION CONFIRMED OUR FORM RW ON 12/21/2020. ______________________________________________________________ My Dear Shareholders, OTC Markets Directors, colleagues at FINRA, and to the Esteemed Commissioners of the SEC, and of course, to my Chiefs at Section 11 at the SEC, CURRENT UPDATE...as of January 4th, 2021. Our Director is called many names on message boards...and today, in 2021 we bow our heads to all decision makers at OTC Markets in our quest to re-apply to the PINK CURRENT INFO tier status. This is a reapplication to occur on January 24th, 2021. *****WE ONLY HAVE COMMON STOCK IN OUR CAPITAL STRUCTURE**** *****WE DO NOT HAVE CONVERTIBLE NOTES or WARRANTS***** ****WE HAVE ZERO LONG TERM DEBT******** *****ACCR DOES NOT BELIEVE IN PROMOTION********* It is very expensive to hire a PCAOB registered firm/accountant/attorneys for our micro-cap operations. However, we will succeed in capturing all of the requirements of all the SEC Rules of '33 and '34, as best as we can. We are fully aware of the FINAL RULE imposed by the SEC, by September 21st, 2021 to require movement of all PINK NO INFORMATION tier companies to the grey market today called the EXPERT MARKET. We are pleading with all the Directors at OTC Markets to please be fair to our Company. We will re-apply with OTC Markets on January 24, 2021 to become PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier again, as we once were in 2008. The only reason why there is a RED STOP SIGN is because of a discussed CRIMINAL FORM 15 filed by our previous inept managers in 2007. We charge our past managers naked short sold our shares into the ground. Their intent was to carve all the equity off the bone, and then to file the CRIMINAL FORM 15 in 2007 as their criminal strategy. We provide full disclosure to our Market Makers, and to our investing community. We have the Spirit of a Warrior, and our Corporation has done nothing wrong. All of the Company press releases can be found here: http://www.globenewswire.com We have learned that in 2021, all OTC Markets PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier Companies will have at chance at Solicited Quotes for the first time in over 12.5 years. We will not be needing to obtain a FORM 211 with FINRA. We have received news that in 2021, only selected PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier companies will receive a shot at SOLICITED QUOTES by a market maker. ACCR believes to have an excellent relationship with our primary Market Maker over the years. Our primary market maker signed the UNSOLICITED QUOTE FORM with OTC Markets pre-October 18, 2019. We are loyal to our Shareholder base. Our story...from Inception through March 1, 2012, the Company was a violent victim of a terrible financial crime. The criminals behind this scheme to defraud investors was planned very methodically. We have many shareholders placed in restrictive shares...none of which have SURFACED in do a 144a sale in over 2 decades. Why is this? Management believes that all 100 share lot's of restrictive shares were issued in fraud, and to fictitious people, or Shareholders - totaling over 15,000,000 shares in never to be claimed restrictive shares. It was pre-meditated and very detail in CRIME. The criminals of the past perpetraded a MASTERMIND financial crime against our Shareholder base. We seek retribution from our past fraud managers. We recently learned that one of our past fraud managers lives in Nashville area of TN in a $5.2 million dollar house in September 2020. We charge he used SEC filings to commit financial crimes against our Shareholders. We nearly have 15,000,000 shares in RESTRICTED STATUS 100 share lots's.... the previous criminal masterminds. WE SEEK RETROBUTION FOR OUR SHAREHOLDERS We charge this man used SEC filings going back to 2002 to commit financial crimes against our Shareholders. Today, we are the cleanest OTC Companies around. The Company made 2 FINRA DAILY lists on 5/6/2020 and on 9/6/2018. The Company has had discussions with the SEC regarding a FRAUD FORM 15 that was filed by previous management in 2007. We believe that we have a fiduciary responsibility to report transparent information to our Shareholders. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1041588/ 000117347307000043/0001173473-07-000043-index.htm We were victims of toxic death spiral debentures from 1998 to 2008 and through March 2012. PLEASE FORGIVE OUR PAST. ACCR as a structure TODAY is very sound, because I am in charge. ACCR has life only today because of ME. The past is the past, and we wish to move forward with a plan to become fully current with the SEC in 2021. We are trying the best we can within the Spirit of the Law. We will be refiling our FORM 10 very soon...very soon. On October 18, 2019, our Company was in the FIRST GROUP of Equities to bust out of the death grey market, where we stayed there for 11 years after our criminal FORM 15 was filed by previous criminal management. Let's move forward, and for get the PAST! Prior to October 18, 2019...we had DEATH....today, we have LIFE, and we have a direction on how to fix this trajedy. Today we have visible Level 2 QUOTES. We have already spent 11 years in the DEATH DARK GREY MARKET. Please,,,why should we go back? We will NOT go back, ever. TODAY, we have LIFE. Our primary Market Maker signed a new form created with OTC Markets in 2019. This form is located here...we believe to have a wonderful relationship with our PRIMARY MARKET MAKER. https://www.otcmarkets.com/files/unsolicited-quote-form-1514935916031.pdf We jumped from the deathly grey market to the PINK NO INFORMATION tier of OTC Markets on this infamous date in our history, October 18, 2019. We have lived in this tier with NO DILUTION for over a year with no harm to our Shareholders. WE LOVE OUR SHAREHOLDERS, and believe in RAISING SHAREHOLDER VALUE. WE VALUE OUR COMMON STOCKHOLDERS. ACCR received a denial to go PINK CURRENT TIER on July 23, 2020. Why? We submitted every form in a satisfactory manner. We CLASHED with our prior accountant whom shall remain nameless. We clashed hard. Why were we denied to go PINK CURRENT is a mystery to us. Maybe our prior attorney said bad things about our Company to OTC Markets, I do not know why. He threatened to call OTC MARKETS, and call me a liar, when he was the liar. We do not know. We've been told that OTC Markets did not like our Company 8K's nor our Company story. ACCR has contacted OTC Markets, and on July 23, 2020 we received the following reply: On July 23, 2020 3:30 PM Liz Heese <liz@otcmarkets.com> wrote: Mr. Jensen, OTC Markets has reached a final determination to deny your application for access to the OTC Disclosure & News Service. Our determination is due to public interest concerns associated with the company and its disclosure, including but not limited to issues previously communicated to you. We consider this matter to be closed and will not engage in further discussion at this time. As stated in the email from Nancy Rodriguez, you may reapply for the service in 6 months. Liz Heese EVP, Issuer & Information Services OTC Markets Group" THEREFORE, ACCR is going to re-apply to become PINK CURRENT INFORMATION TIER on January 24, 2021. ACCR as a Corporation is perfectly clean, and has done nothing wrong. We've just had bad management. All the Amendments and Articles of Incorp all check out at: https://www.sunbiz.org ACCR has done nothing wrong. ACCR will get SOLICITED QUOTES again in 2021. CURRENT MANAGEMENT WILL STEP DOWN TO CLEAR A PATHWAY FOR OTHERS Let's just forget this past CRIMINAL FORM 15, that according to the SEC cannot be changed, and our only option is today to re-file our FORM 10 properly with the help of counsel, and we will. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1041588/ 000117347307000043/0001173473-07-000043-index.htm Again, as of the close of business December 31st, 2020 --------> our common stock structure is as follows: Authorized Common Stock: 300,000,000 shares Outstanding Common Stock: 300,000,000 shares Estimated Float: Substanstially less than 98,244,146 shares Restricted Common Stock: 201,625,854 outstanding PATRICK: 186,984,379 ALL RESTRICTED SHARES or 62.3281 % of the TOTAL AMOUNT OF STOCK ON A FULLY DILUTED SHARES - PERIOD! OUR CORPORATE WEBSITEs IS: https://www.myaccess-power.com Access-Power & Co., Inc.'s contact is: PO BOX 598 Grand Haven, MI 49417 pjensen@myaccess-power.com (616)312-5390 TEL. https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/faqs/soxact2002.htm We applied for a Trademark for Clones By Drones TM, and also Clones by Cars TM in 2020. The service will be very futuristic, and will be the first of its kind. We applied for a federal patent for our Clobes by Drones futuristic home curbside delivery service. WE ARE WORKING ON A REVERSE MERGER...we plan to audit the incoming private company that wishes to go public in a responsible RIGHT WAY. Access-Power & Co., Inc. is in good standing and has a very good relationship with our Transfer Agent, Standard Transfer & Co. Our Transfer Agent is SEC registered, and except for one change in ownership in 2007, is our original transfer agent dating back to May 1997 our beginning. Our transfer agent is SEC registered and has a profile at: https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mrtransfer.shtml https://www.otcmarkets.com/learn/service-providers/2433?t=6 https://standardtransferco.com Standard Transfer & Co. 440 East 400 South Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Phone (801) 571-8844 Fax: (801) 328-4058 Our ticker symbol ACCR and further information may be found at: https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?CIK=accr We are actively looking for a MERGER DEAL. In the end, we plan to re-register our shares again fully by the FORM 10. Our Director, PATRICK has a total of 15,400,000 shares with a cost basis of $.0445 worth over $685,000.00 for his grand children to be. This FORM 4 filing is on file with the SEC. There are currently a total of 98,374,146 ESTIMATED shares registered in our float. Management continues to believe that there is a massive short position in our Company stock that was accumulated from 1999 to 2008, and we estimate this short position to be massive extended through the present day. It is not the fault of the Company. We never comment on price, but our Director believes in rooting for our Shareholders. We value our COMMON STOCK...Our Company stock FLOAT is substantially lower than the official 98,374,146 shares reported to OTC Markets. We care about our Shareholders dearly, and our top priority is investor protection. There is NO DILUTION IN THE COMMON STOCK OF ACCR. Our Director wants to RAISE SHAREHOLDER VALUE the old fashioned way through price discovery. We seek a MONUMENTAL reverse merger in 2021." Patrick PART I ITEM 1. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Access-Power & Co., Inc, is a for profit business looking for a MERGER CANDIDATE. We believe that a REVERSE MERGER candidate is ready to happen in 2021. 2020 was a bad year with the Biblical Covid-19 attack on mankind. We believe this aggression will continue into 2021, and affect consumer demand. THE COMPANY HAS NOT HAD ANY CONSISTENT REVENUE SINCE MAY 2020. The Company struggled from May 1, 2019 to October 18, 2019. We had no income during this period, and our operational expenses were paid for by myself, Patrick J. Jensen as a donation to the Company. I personally paid out of my own pocket all the expenses during this dark time, EVEN TODAY. On October 2, 2019---> I dreamed of getting off the greys. This is a fact. The Company also operates many eCommerce websites at the present time. https://www.clonesbydrones.com https://www.clonesbycar.com (s) https://www.mycbdpets.com We continue to strive to build up our revenues. We want to succeed and we will comeback to a higher reporting standard. On October 18, 2019 we were upgraded in trading tier from the dark grey market to the PINK NO INFORMATION market. We have no intention of going back to the grey market, as the Company currently trades on an unsolicited basis in the PINK NO INFORMATION tier at OTC Markets. THERE IS RISK TO OUR PLAN. OTC MARKETS COULD SAY NO... OTC Markets could deny our re-application again on January 24, 2021. ACCR DOES NOT BELIEVE IN PROMOTION, we tried it once in January 2020 and paid $70 in cash, and it was the worst experience the Company ever had...what a dumb promoter. We were curious because the guy came to us soliciting the dumb postings he would do. We cancelled the relationship after 3 dismal daze days. He was posting stuff from 1999 as current information...LOL. The $70 bucks was unsolicited by the Company. We were just dumb and curious at that one moment in time. We will NOT engage in this type of activity again....not now. Please forgive our past mistakes... ACCR has not sold 1 single share of stock in over a Decade and ACCR does NOT believe in promotion ever. Our Director became a US Disabled Citizen on August 20, 2020. Access-Power & Co., Inc.'s revenue shortfalls are supported by personal donations from Patrick J. Jensen, our Company Director. We issued the following PRESS RELEASE on December 28th, 2020. Access-Power & Co., Inc. affirms commitment to go PINK CURRENT with OTC Markets on January 24, 2021 GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Dec. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Access-Power & Co., Inc., ACCR or the Company, a Grand Haven based diversified holding Company is pleased to announce a new plan to get to the PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier with OTC Markets, and reapply by January 24th, 2021. The company is fully aware of the steps involved to attain PINK CURRENT tier by our re-application date of January 24, 2021. Our Director, Patrick J Jensen commented, it is with great pleasure that we affirm our commitment to go PINK CURRENT with OTC Markets. We have analyzed our requirements to get to this new tier. The requirements are found here, https://www.otcmarkets.com/corporate-services/information-for-pink- companies Additionally, the Company is pleased to announce the hiring of a consultant/accountant to help bridge forward all of our financial statements. The Company, going into 2021, is already set up with QUICKBOOKs in anticipation of this higher standard for reporting. Our accountant was hired on December 18, 2020. Our consultant/accountant will also be preparing our Financial Disclosure Reports to be filed with OTC Markets. The Company expects all expenses to be covered. ACCR on 12/18/2020 wired $2,500.00 to the bank account of our hired accountant. Patrick J Jensen continued, Our hired accountant came to the Company as a result of a referral. We are pleased, and very blessed to have this ANGEL come down and help our company. Patrick further assures shareholders, ACCR expects good CASH FLOW upcoming. Our Director has made a commitment in writing to do another paid in capital donation of $25,000.00 by the end of April 2021. We are pleased with the level of commitment that has been established with our Director, Patrick J Jensen. Patrick commented, All ACCR expenses right now are covered. We anticipate enough cash to cover all upcoming expenses. ACCR will owe $2,500.00 to our consultant in another month. ACCR will owe OTC Markets another $1k application fee and another $5.5k to complete the yearly News & Disclosure Service of OTC Markets. In the end, ACCR expects to pass all requirements, and get PINK CURRENT. Today, ACCR also has learned that MMs going forward will make selected solicited quotes for all Companies in the PINK CURRENT tier of OTC Markets. We want our Shareholders to know, that we see all of this coming, and expect to have enough cash to cover all anticipated expenses with continued ZERO LONG TERM DEBT in 2021, and only common stock in our float. ITEM 1a. RISK FACTORS ACCR DOES NOT BELIEVE IN PROMOTION - PERIOD! Access-Power & Co., Inc. sees RISK EVERYWHERE in this World of Worry! We have a consumer model that is 100percent legal and we believe our Clones by Car business will be incredible. THERE IS NO DILUTION IN OUR COMMON STOCK in 2021. ACCR may have to re-classify ourselves, in future quarters, as a SHELL COMPANY. We are in control of the treasury of ACCR. We will guard this treasury with our life, as we believe that NO DILUTION will be very beneficial to our Shareholders over the long term. There are no convertible debentures associated with ACCR. ACCR has zero long term debt. We have a strong set of bylaws. Risk by our Director is mitigated. ITEM 1b. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS NONE, we plan to re-file our FORM 10 very soon...THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT ACCR FOR THE FIRST TIME WILL BE MARKED AS A SHELL. REVENUE has been affected by Covid-19. We must find another private company that is willing to carry some innocent weight and use our Shell/Company to go public. We will re-register our shares again in 2021 via our Form 10. We know this ----> we plea wi the SEC please just give us some more time. OUR REVERSE MERGER IS CRITICAL ITEM 2. PROPERTY There is not much property here... 1. http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=88690325&caseType= SERIAL_NO& searchType=statusSearch https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=90054802&caseType=SERIAL_NO &searchType=statusSearch 2. Hollistic Legendary Seeds $2,000.00 estimated value. Shelf life of 20 years. 3. 2010 BMW 650i M Tuned Edition...Racing Sports w/ only 55k miles 4. The Mind of Patrick J Jensen - structurally sound, let's GO! 5. 186,984,379 restricted ACCR common shares or 62.3281% of all the VOTE 113 ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS NONE - and we do not anticipate any expense problems in 2021. ACCR has strong confidence that all of our anticipated Company expenses will be covered. ITEM 4. Mine Safety Disclosures. If applicable, provide a statement that the information concerning mine safety violations or other regulatory matters required by Section 1503(a) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and Item 104 of Regulation S-K (17 CFR229.104) is included in exhibit 95 to the annual report. NONE. PART II ITEM 5. MARKET FOR REGISTRANTS COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES We trade in the unsolicited basis of OTC Markets in the PINK NO INFORMATION tier venue. ALL ON FILE WITH THE SEC WITH MANY STAFF INTERACTION. We plan to refile our FORM 10 soon. We are working to reapply with OTC Markets for the PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier venue change. All we have to do is get 2 years of AUDITED FINANCIALS, and the ever important attorney letter. ACCR IS ENGAGING AN ATTORNEY to help us with the ATTORNEY LETTER. (This is our plan) CASH IS KING. https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/ACCR/security ITEM 6.	 SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA PREPARED BY PATRICK OUR DREAM IS PRICELESS...Where do I place public value on... https://www.clonesbydrones.com https://www.clonesbycar.com (s) https://www.mycbdpets.com and my other dreams. NO PUBLIC DILUTION IN 2020 - ALL YEAR, and ALL YEAR IN 2021 GO ASK FINRA. ACCESS-POWER & CO., INC. (An Emerging Growth Company MICRO CAP) UNAUDITED - REVIEWED by HR & Block only 2019 Balance Sheets Comps YEAR over YEAR Our last quartertly report filed Sepetember 30, 2020 is on file with the SEC. We plan to file our 2020 tax return soon in 2021 for the THIRD year in a row with H&R Block. Assets (UNAUDITED - self reported in TRUST) DECEMBER 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 ------------------ ------------------ (unaudited) Current assets: Cash $ 32,700.13 $ 1,138.73 CDs Accounts receivable $ 0 $ 0 Prepaid expenses Hollistic Legendary Seeds $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 --------------------------------------- Total current assets $ 34,700.00 $ 2,138.73 ---------------------------------------- Property and equipment, net ACCR Car - 1 BMW ONLY NOW $ *10,000.00 $ 1,000.00 (sold at approx. $25,000.00 NET) Other assets $ 0 $ 0 --------------------------------------- Total assets $ 44,700.13 $ 3,138.73 ================================== ================================== Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit) Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses rent $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Cable, Internet, and TV $ 185.00 $ 185.00 Electricity, Gas, Water, and Sewer $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Marketing Expenses (includes THE BMW) $500.00 $ 500.00 Food, Office supplies, etc $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Current portion of long-term debt - - Total current liabilities $ 0 $ 0 BMW debt as of 12/31/2020 $13,908.00 affiliate DIRECTOR owned. Convertible debentures/notes and Warrants $ 0 $ 0 ------------------ ------------------ We are working on RETAINED EARNINGS continuation from 2002 last reported financial earnings and statements. Total short term liabilities MONTHLY (($ 2,385.00)) (($ 2,385.00)) --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *One 2010 BMW 650i M Tuned Racing Sport Edition NET EQUITY est $10,000.00 *The BMW is in a private name AFFILIATE that at the stroke of a PEN, becomes the 100% wholly owned asset/debt as reported. GO ACCR!!! PREPARED BY PATRICK Stockholders' equity (deficit): Common stock, $.001 par value, authorized 300,000,000 shares, issued and outstanding 244,144,121 and 300,000,000 shares as of December 31st, 2019 and Dec 31, 2020 ACCR TREASURY OF COMMON STOCK IS SOLID STEEL STRUCTURE NO PUBLIC DILUTION 2020 and 2021 Par Value of Equity Structure $ 300,000.00 $ 244,144.12 ============================== ACCR Total liabilities and stockholders' equity (deficit) $ 300,000.00 $ 244,144.12 ============================ ACCESS-POWER, INC CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (unaudited) FISCAL YEAR ENDED 4th QTR 2020 December 31st, 2020 CASH FLOW OF OPERATIONS Patrick J Jensen Personal Donation One TIME DONATION paid in capital $ 0 $ 25,000.00 REVENUE BADLY IMPACTED BY COVID-19 $ 0 $ 20,561.00 One time CAPITAL GRANT $ 0 $ 14,000.00 COST OF REVENUE 	 $0 $ 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS PROFIT (LOSS) $ 0 $ 34,561.00 OPERATING EXPENSES Selling, general and administrative exp rent, and utilities 	 $ 2,385.00 28,200.00 Consulting fees 		 $2,500.00 2,500.00 Professional fees and related expenses $ 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4,885.00 $ 30,700.00 Salaries to Patrick J. Jensen	 	 $0 $ 1.00 Fair value of derivative liability 	 $0 $ 0.00 OTHER INCOME nonreCURRING $0 $ 0 Gain on debt extinguishment 	 $ 0.00 INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR nil	 $3,861.00 INCOME TAXES PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES treated as prepaid expense on balance sheet 			 	nil $ 0.00 NET (LOSS) INCOME 	 nil $3,861.00 BASIC (LOSS) INCOME PER SHARE DILUTED (LOSS) INCOME PER SHARE nil $3,861.00 WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING BASIC 300,000,000 shares 300,000,000 shares PUBLISHED DISCLOSURE WITH ALL MY SPIRIT AND LOVE TOTAL RESTRICTED SHAREs 201,625,854 shares or just over 65percent of all stock. ESTIMATED FLOAT LESS THAN 98,974,146 shares Estimated Trading Float substantially lower than 98,974,146 shares EPS				nil nil The 4th QTR of 2020 saw $0 revenue, and later in 2021, we may be forced to change our Shell designation if Company revenue continues to suffer------> NOTE TO SEC PLEASE ITEM 7.	 MANAGEMENTS DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONs ACCR values our common shares, and we may buy them back in 2021. We have a good cash pile, and will use it as we see fit. Our Director is a full time US Disabled Citizen as of August 8, 2020. https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/faqs/soxact2002.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes%E2%80%93Oxley_Act Access-Power & Co., Inc., is a Grand Haven, MI based medical marijuana clone company on track to become Michigans only manufacturer and distributor of medical marijuana clone products delivered by https://www.clonesbycar.com (s). We are planning and implementing to become a fully licensed operation in the State of Michigan. Our seedvault includes famous strains such as Amnesia Haze...and so many more. We are in development of a new service trademarked under the brand, Clones by Cars (TM), a method for delivering marijuana and marijuana clones online across the nation by CARS! Our beta website is www.clonesbycar.com (s). Additionally, the Company offers a variety of calming pet products on its website www.mycbdpets.com. Access-Power & Co., Inc. was formed in 1996 and is a Florida-based profit Corporation. We only have common stock, and the Corporation has zero debt and no convertible notes. NO WARRANTS. Our Shareholders will enjoy no dilution in our Common shares through the end of 2021, specifically MARCH 2022. Finally, Access-Power & Co., Inc., is seeking to merge with another entity with experienced management to create value for our shareholders. We can do anything in this world. The Director is Actively looking for a MERGER DEAL. ITEM 7a. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK Access-Power & Co., Inc. is not concerned about market risk. The Company has learned that in 2021, OTC Markets and Market Makers will decide price discovery and entity certification for achieving Solicited Quotes. We understand that the FORM 211 with FINRA will be gone for all PINK CURRENT INFORMATION tier stocks. The Solicited Quotes will happen on a select basis, and we believe to have an EXCELLENT relationship with our Primary Market Maker. We hope to make a MONUMENTAL deal in 2021 and maybe by the Fall 2021 refile our FORM 10 with the SEC to ReRegister our shares according to all the Spirit in all the laws of the Securities and Exchange Commission '33 & '34. ITEM 8.	 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA See item 6. (b) A smaller reporting company may provide the information required by Article 8 of Regulation S-X in lieu of any financial statements required by Item 8 of this Form. ITEM 9.	 CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE NONE. ITEM 9A. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES Access-Power & Co., Inc. has strict rules to follow and a Corporate Governance. Our Director's wife of 30 years was diagnosed with Stage 1 CANCER in our 4th QTR 2020. ITEM 9B. OTHER INFORMATION Access-Power & Co., Inc. will succeed, and will come back further. On October 18, 2019 Access-Power & Co., Inc. was upgraded in tier at OTC Markets from the grey market back to the Pink No Information Tier. We spent 11 dark years on the OTC Grey Market. We believe in a higher reporting standard. We will not dilute our Shareholders in 2021. Patrick J. Jensen made a critical decision in 2018 which enabled ACCR to get upgraded in tier. We are not going back to the grey market. NO WAY. There is an SEC 15c211 Modernization Rule update coming in 2021 - expected by September 2021. We will have 2 trys to get PINK CURRENT with OTC Markets. We will be successfull in our re-application on January 24, 2021. DO NOT PENALIZE US FOR TRYING - this spirit is ALIVE! In August 2020, our Director PATRICK became a permanent US Disabled Citizen. We believe that all OTC Companies in the Pink No Information tier will be remanded to the Expert Market ----> Where the roaches check in, and NEVER check out - the NEW DEATH GREY MARKET in 2021. Corporate Actions Market Changes ACTION TYPE	EFFECTIVE DATE	SYMBOL	DESCRIPTION Market Change	10/30/2008	ACCR	Market change from Pink No Information to Grey Market Market Change	10/18/2019	ACCR	Market change from Grey Market to Pink No Information We spent 11 years on the grey market Cellar Boxed. Everyone wants to know how I did it, as there are only a handful of companies that have ever returned from the dark greys. ACCR has accomplished the unthinkable. We have liquidity and further transparency. Pink No Information Dark or Defunct Verified Profile 12/2020 https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/ACCR/security We are not going back to the GREY MARKET, ever... DREAM ON! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJDtukGW79Y PART III ITEM 10.	DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERANCE Patrick J. Jensen - Registered owner of 186,984,379 restricted shares of ACCR. All of these shares are federally RESTRICTED shares. I signed a lock up agreement pledging never to sell or pledge to sell my restricted stock until March 2022. At that time, I will follow all current SEC rules and regulations with regard to Company Directors. WE have 1 very close advisor who advises ACCR on day to day operations. ACCR will soon announce an ADVISORY BOARD at no cost to the Company. ITEM 11.	EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Patrick J. Jensen is the only KEY EMPLOYEE. I donate all my time and money to the ACCR Treasury. I donate my own personaly funds to fund the operations, as ACCR has ZERO CONVERTIBLE NOTES and ZERO long term debt and NO PROMOTION. I take on a $1 salary from ACCR. Our Director guarantees all anticipated expenses throughout 2021. ITEM 12.	SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS Patrick J. Jensen - Registered owner of 186,984,379 restricted shares of ACCR. ITEM 13.	CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE NONE. ITEM 14.	PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING FEES AND SERVICES H&R BLOCK of Muskegon. We expect only to pay $450.00 every year for review and support of the 2020 ACCR US Tax Return. We expect to complete our 2020 US TAX BUSINESS RETURN sometime in April 2021. We know that there are many hurdles to bridge forward our accounting. We need a CPA - and we are working with a consultant to bring one on board. We need an ATTORNEY LETTER to get PINK CURRENT by our re-application date of January 24, 2021. We have continuous bank statements from May 2018- Present. We are in good standing, and request a re-application please to the CURRENT INFORMATION TIER at OTC Markets. This is a re-application to be pink current...we last traded in the PINK SHEETS current tier over 13 years ago and on www.otcbb.com WE MADE A FINRA DAILY LIST ON 5/6/2020 and 9/6/2018. ***** CERTIFIED ***** https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/ACCR/security Our next step will be to amend our Company 10k from 2018-2020. We also will secure a letter signed by H&R Block attesting to verification of all monthly bank records, revenue, and expenses. We have a 2 year plan going forward to become CURRENT REGISTERED with the SEC. We are hooked up to QuickBooks with our CONSULTANT to solidify accounting in 2021. After 2 years, we plan to get an accountant that is registered with the PCAOB, like BDO of Grand Rapids. We will continue to be a CURRENT REPORTING company. We believe in our plan, and we are secure in our future. Again, as of today, December 31st, 2020...the verified outstanding share is 300,000,000 shares and at a closing price of $.0035, this represents a total Company market value of $1,050,000.00 We value the shares our Company. PART IV Item 15. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules. See above. Item 16. Form 10Ksb Summary See above. ALL OTHER QUESTIONS and PARTS OF THE FORM: THE ANSWER IS NONE or I DO NOT KNOW. TRUST, TRUTH, and A WARRIOR!!! Patrick _______________________________________________ We plan to re-file our FORM 10 in 2021. As of the close of business December 31, 2020 there were issued and outstanding 300,0000,000 shares of our Common stock. Access-Power & Co., Inc. has $ 32,700.13 in our premiere checking account as of 12/31/2020. We are a For Profit Corporation active in the State of Florida, operating in Michigan for the time being. We believe in Raising Shareholder Value, and we have a promised NO DILUTION to my SEC Section Chief's at the Corporate Finance Division. _________________________________________ SIGNATURES* Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, on January 4th, 2021. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. Supplemental Information to be Furnished With Reports Filed Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act by Registrants Which Have Not Registered Securities Pursuant to Section 12 of the Act. I am following the Spirit of the Law to comeback and fight for my Shareholders. Thank you to all my dear Shareholders, I won't let you down...ever. Just keep believing in me...and our comeback song is will always remain, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbhCPt6PZIU BY: /s/ Patrick J. Jensen Director of ACCR ACCESS-POWER & CO., INC. January 4th, 2021 WE WISH TO COMPLY WITH ALL INSIDER TRADING LAWS, and therefore we do not trade our common stock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes%E2%80%93Oxley_Act Confidentiality Notice: The information in this email and any attachments may be privileged, confidential, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited from using, copying, relying upon, or disseminating the information, and the sender disclaims any liability for such unauthorized use. Further, if you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete the message from your computer. Thank you. The following should be considered in connection with an evaluation of our business and recent market activities as described above: There are various risk factors that should be carefully considered in evaluating our business; because such factors may have a significant impact on our business, our operating results, our liquidity and financial condition. As a result of these various risk factors, actual results could differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us, or that we currently consider to be immaterial, may also impact our business, result of operations, liquidity and financial condition. If any such risks occur, our business, its operating results, liquidity and financial condition could be materially affected in an adverse manner. Under such circumstances, if a stable trading market for our securities is established, the trading price of our securities could decline, and you may lose all or part of your investment. BEWARE OF NAKED SHORTING IN OUR SHARES MAY GOD BLESS OUR SHARES Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and probably will, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. The following should be considered in connection with an evaluation of our business and recent market activities as described above: There are various risk factors that should be carefully considered in evaluating our business; because such factors may have a significant impact on our business, our operating results, our liquidity and financial condition. As a result of these various risk factors, actual results could differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us, or that we currently consider to be immaterial, may also impact our business, result of operations, liquidity and financial condition. If any such risks occur, our business, its operating results, liquidity and financial condition could be materially affected in an adverse manner. Under such circumstances, if a stable trading market for our securities is established, the trading price of our securities could decline, and you may lose all or part of your investment. WE DO NOT TRADE OUR COMMON STOCK, PERIOD! SECURITIES ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INVOLVE A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK AND, THEREFORE, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED EXTREMELY SPECULATIVE. THEY SHOULD NOT BE PURCHASED BY PERSONS WHO CANNOT AFFORD THE POSSIBILITY OF THE LOSS OF THE ENTIRE INVESTMENT. PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS SHOULD READ ALL OF THE COMPANY'S FILINGS, INCLUDING ALL EXHIBITS, AND CAREFULLY CONSIDER, AMONG OTHER FACTORS THE VARIOUS RISK FACTORS THAT MAY BE PRESENT. You should be aware that there are many substantial risks to an investment in our common stock. Carefully consider these risk factors, along with any available information currently reported by the Company (of which there are note), before you decide to invest in shares of our common stock. If these risk factors were to occur, our business, financial condition, results of operations or future prospects could be materially adversely affected. If that happens, the market price for our common stock, if any, could decline, and prospective investors would likely lose all or even part of their investment. Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking Statements Statements in this press release may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as anticipate, believe, estimate, expect, intend, and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company or its management, identify forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about the Company's business, based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and probably will, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. END of REPORT January 4th, 2021