STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     A  NONQUALIFIED  STOCK  OPTION for a total of One Hundred  Eighty  Thousand
(180,000)  Shares  of  Common  Stock  ("Shares"),  of  Mirenco,  Inc.,  an  Iowa
corporation,  ("Company"),  is hereby granted to Dave Stone ("Participant"),  on
the date and at the price  determined  as provided  herein,  and in all respects
subject to the terms,  definitions and provisions of this Agreement and the 1998
Common  Stock  Compensation  Plan  adopted  by the  Company  on the  31st day of
December,  1998 ("Plan"),  which is incorporated by reference herein. The number
of shares and the option price  referenced  herein accounts for all stock splits
and stock  dividends  through  June 15,  1999.  Capitalized  terms  used but not
defined herein, have the same meaning herein as in the Plan.

     1.   OPTION PRICE.  The option price is Twenty-nine  Cents ($0.29) for each


                  (a) MINIMUM SHARES. This Option is fully vested as of the date
         of grant  and may be  exercised  in whole or in part,  but not for less
         than Five Hundred (500) Shares at any one time,  unless fewer than Five
         Hundred  (500)  Shares  are then  purchasable  under the Option and the
         Option is then being exercised as to all such Shares.

                  (b) WRITTEN  NOTICE.  This Option may be exercised only by the
         Participant,   Participant's   legal   representative,    Participant's
         beneficiary,  or Participant's  guardian, as provided in the Plan. This
         Option  may be  exercised  by giving  written  notice  to the  Company,
         addressed to the attention of the Secretary of the Company. Such notice
         shall   (i)  be  signed  by  the   Participant,   Participant's   legal
         representative,  beneficiary,  or guardian  entitled  to  exercise  the
         Option and, if being exercised by any person other than Participant, be
         accompanied by proof, satisfactory to the Secretary for the Company, of
         the  right of such  person  to  exercise  the  Option;  (ii)  state the
         person(s) in whose name the stock certificates for such Shares is to be
         registered, and the street address and the tax identification or social
         security number of such  person(s);  (iii) specify the number of Shares
         then elected to be purchased with respect to the Option and the date of
         exercise thereof,  which date shall be at least five (5) days after the
         giving of such notice; (iv) contain such representations and agreements
         as may be satisfactory  to the Secretary for the Company,  and unless a
         Registration Statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, is
         in  effect  with  respect  to the  Shares  to be  purchased,  contain a
         representation of Participant, Participant's legal representative, P

         Participant's  beneficiary,  or Participant's guardian, that the Shares
         are being acquired for investment, and that the Shares will not be sold
         or  otherwise  transferred  except in  compliance  with all  applicable
         securities  laws and  regulations  and all  requirements  of any  stock
         exchange  or market  upon which  such  Shares  are then  listed  and/or
         traded;  and (v) be  accompanied by payment in full of the Option Price
         of the Shares to be purchased.

                  (c) PAYMENT OF OPTION PRICE. The Option Price upon exercise of
         this Option  shall be payable to the Company in full (i) in cash or its
         equivalent (acceptable cash equivalents shall be determined at the sole
         discretion of the Company);  (ii) at the sole discretion of the Company
         and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall approve, by any
         other  method of payment  as  provided  for in the Plan,  or (iii) by a
         combination of (i) and (ii).

                  (d) CERTIFICATES.  As promptly as practicable after receipt of
         such  written  notice,  required  representations,   payment,  and  the
         satisfaction  of  any  other  requirement  or  provision  of  the  Plan
         applicable  hereto,  the Company shall cause to be issued and delivered
         to the Participant,  Participant's legal representative,  Participant's
         beneficiary, or Participant's guardian,  certificates for the Shares so
         purchased,  registered  in the name as specified in the written  notice
         and endorsed with any appropriate restrictive legends.


                  (a) IN  GENERAL.  This  Option  may not be sold,  transferred,
         pledged, assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
         will  or by the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution.  Subject  to the
         applicable  provisions of the Plan,  Participant may designate a person
         or persons to receive in the event of Participant's  death, this Option
         or any Shares  pursuant  thereto,  to which  Participant  would then be
         entitled.  Such  designation  shall be made upon a form provided by the
         Company  substantially in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto,  which
         may be revoked or amended in writing by the Participant.

                  (b)  ABSENCE  OF  BENEFICIARY.  In the  event of the  death of
         Participant  and in the  absence of a  beneficiary  validly  designated
         under the Plan who is living at the time of  Participant's  death,  the
         Company  shall deliver this Option and any Shares  pursuant  thereto to
         the executor or  administrator  of the estate of Participant,  or if no
         such executor or administrator  has been appointed (to the knowledge of
         the Company),  the Company, in its discretion,  may deliver this Option
         and any  Shares  pursuant  thereto  to the spouse or to any one or more
         dependents or relatives of Participant,  or if no spouse,  dependent or
         relative  is known to the  Company,  then to such  other  person as the
         Company may designate.

                  (c)  CREDITOR  STATUS.  This  Option  and any  Shares  payable
         pursuant  thereto  (1)  may  not  be  taken,   either   voluntarily  or
         involuntarily,   for  the  satisfaction  of  the  debts  of,  or  other
         obligations  or claims  against,  the  Participant,  the  Participant's
         beneficiary or any other person, including claims for alimony, support,
         separate maintenance and claims in bankruptcy proceedings and (2) shall
         not be  subject  in  any  manner  to  anticipation,  sale,  alienation,
         transfer,   assignment,   pledge,   encumbrance,   charge,  attachment,
         garnishment,   levy  or   execution   by   Participant,   Participant's
         beneficiary,  the  creditors of either,  and any other  person.  In the
         event of a violation or attempted  violation of any of the restrictions
         and/or  provisions  of  this  subsection,  the  Company  has  the  sole
         discretion  and  authority  to  terminate  this  Option   (without  any
         compensation  therefore) by written notice to Participant  and it shall
         thereupon become null and void.

     4. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ON EXERCISE. This Option may not be exercised if
the issuance of shares upon such  exercise  would  constitute a violation of any
applicable  federal or state  securities or other law or regulation,  including,
without  limitation,  the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended.  As a condition  to the  exercise of this
Option,  the Company may require the person  exercising  this Option to make any
representation  or warranty to the Company as may be required by applicable  law
or  regulation  or other  restriction  or  agreement  binding  upon or otherwise
affecting the Shares of the Company.

     5.  BINDING  EFFECT.  This  Agreement  shall be binding on and inure to the
benefit of the Participant's beneficiaries and legal representatives

     6. DATE OF GRANT. This Option was granted by the Company on the 31st day of
December,  1998 and takes into  account all stock splits and  dividends  through
June 15, 1999.

                                                      MIRENCO, INC.

                                                By: /s/ Dwayne Fosseen
                                                   Dwayne Fosseen, President


         Participant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Plan, a copy of which
is attached  hereto,  and represents  that the  Participant is familiar with the
terms and provisions thereof,  and hereby accepts this Option subject to all the
terms and provisions thereof. Participant hereby agrees to accepting as binding,
conclusive and final all decisions or  interpretations of the Committee relating
to the administration of the Plan.

Dated this 21st day of June, 1999.

                                              /s/ Dave Stone
                                              Participant (please sign)

                                              Dave Stone
                                              Participant (please type or print)

                                              RR3 Box 208
                                              Street Address

                                              Leon         IA         50144
                                              City         State      Zip Code

                                              Social Security Number

                                    EXHIBIT A
                           DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY

     Pursuant to the provisions of the 1998 Common Stock  Compensation Plan (the
"Plan") of Mirenco, Inc. (the "Company"). I hereby revoke all prior designations
(if any) of  primary  and  secondary  beneficiaries  and  hereby  designate  the
following  persons as my primary and  secondary  beneficiaries  of my Option for
180,000  shares  (pre-split)  of the Company which was granted to me on the 31st
day of December, 1998 pursuant to the Plan.


Name:        ________________  Relationship: _____________ Percentage: _________
Address:     ___________________________________________________________________

Name:        ________________  Relationship: _____________ Percentage: _________
Address:     ___________________________________________________________________


Name:        ________________  Relationship: ____________  Percentage: _________
Address:     ___________________________________________________________________

Name:        ________________  Relationship: ____________  Percentage:__________
Address:     ___________________________________________________________________

Name:        ________________  Relationship: ____________  Percentage: _________
Address:     ___________________________________________________________________


Dave Stone                                       /s/ Dave Stone
- -------------------------------                  ------------------------------
Participant Name (Please Print)                  Participant Signature

- -------------------------
Date of Designation