
1.   The Licensees listed below are the holders of Prospecting
     Licence 38706.

                                             Licence Interest %

Fletcher Challenge Energy Taranaki Limited        26.50835
Southern Petroleum (Ohanga) Limited               26.50835
Petroleum Resources Limited                       18.18330
Australia and New Zealand Petroleum Limited       13.35000
Minora Energy (NZ) Limited                         4.45000
Minister of Energy                                11.00000

2.   The Licensees have applied to the Minister of Energy to
     surrender the Prospecting Licence 38706 as to part of the
     land comprised in that Licence and described in the Second
     Schedule to this Permit. The Licensees listed in the First
     Schedule to this Permit have applied to the Minister of
     Energy to receive in exchange a mining permit.


I, MAX BRADFORD, MINISTER OF ENERGY, acting pursuant to section
25 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991 HEREBY GRANT a Mining Permit,
on the conditions in this Permit and Schedules, to the Permit
Holders named in the First Schedule to this permit.


1.   Definitions

1.1  In this Permit:

     "Permit" includes the Schedules to this Permit;

     "Permit Holder" means the permit holders named in the First
     Schedule to this permit and refers to each and all of the
     permit holders jointly and severally.

1.2  The headings to the Clauses of this Permit are for
     convenience only and have no legal effect.

2.   Duration

2.1  This permit is granted for a duration of fourteen (14)


3.   Mining

3.1  The Permit Holder shall have the right to prospect, explore,
     and mine for petroleum in the area described in the Second
     Schedule to this Permit, and delineated on that plan in the

4.   Compliance

4.1  The Permit Holder will comply with the conditions specified
     in this Permit and with every other obligation arising under
     the Crown Minerals Act 1991 and any Regulations made under
     that Act.

5.   Work Programme

5.1  The Permit Holder will comply with the work programme in the
     Third Schedule to this Permit.

5.2  The Permit Holder is responsible for ensuring that all
     appropriate consents are obtained before commencing any of
     the works authorised under the Permit.

5.3  The Permit Holder will at all time make all reasonable
     efforts to conduct exploration, appraisal and mining
     operations as appropriate in accordance with good oilfield
     practice and will meet that degree of due diligence and
     prudence reasonably and ordinarily exercised by experienced
     operators engaged in a similar activity under similar

6.   Fees

6.1  The Permit Holder will pay all fees payable in relation to
     this Permit.

7.   Royalties

7.1  The Permit Holder will pay to the Secretary of Commerce a
     royalty calculated in accordance with the conditions set out
     in the Fourth Schedule to this Permit.

8.   Date of Commencement of Production

8.1  Mining operations may commence on the day following the
     grant of this Permit.

9.   Wells and Production Facilities

9.1  The Permit Holder will produce petroleum from wells in the
     Ngatoro Field in the manner described in the approved Work

9.2  The Permit Holder will not undertake any works in relation
     to the injection of water or gas into any underground
     reservoir (except as may be authorised by an amendment to
     this Permit).

9.3  The Permit Holder shall not flare gas from the Ngatoro field
     in the normal course of operations during any twelve month
     period commencing on 1 July in any year unless the consent
     of the Secretary of Commerce to such flaring has been
     obtained prior to the commencement of the period within
     which flaring is to take place.

9.4  The Permit Holder may drill additional wells and conduct
     initial well testing operations in accordance with the
     relevant Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations. Additional
     wells drilled into petroleum reservoirs identified in the
     existing wells Ngatoro-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 may be
     placed into commercial production under this Permit
     according to the work programme in the Third Schedule. New
     petroleum reservoirs discovered in additional wells shall
     not be placed in commercial production except as authorised
     by an amendment to this permit.

10.  Amendments to Permit

10.1 The Permit Holder may request an amendment to this Permit by
     forwarding to the Secretary of Commerce, for consideration
     by the Minister of Energy, the information referred to in
     the relevant Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations.

10.2 An amendment to the Permit will not generally be required
     for minor modifications to  equipment where such
     modifications do not affect the approved production
     operations. In such cases, details of any changes to
     facilities or equipment included in the Work Programme
     approved in the Third Schedule are to be provided to the
     Secretary within 3 months of installation thereof.

11.  Abandonment

11.1 At the completion of production operations in the Permit,
     the Permit Holder shall abandon any wells, remove surface
     facilities and restore operating sites in accordance with
     good oil field practice. Any gas and liquid export lines
     well be swabbed free of gas/hydrocarbon liquid and abandoned
     in-situ. Prior to the abandonment of any facilities in the
     Permit, the Permit Holder will submit a report to the
     Secretary of Commerce describing the proposed abandonment
     and the reasons for the abandonment.

Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of December, 1996
/s/ Max Bradford
Minister of Energy