CTI INDUSTRIES CORPORATION

         CTI Industries Corporation,  a corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Delaware, hereby certifies as follows:

         1. The name of the corporation is CTI Industries Corporation.  The date
of the filing of its original  Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Corporation
with the Secretary of State, under the name Container Merger Company,  Inc., was
October 14, 1983.

         2. This Restated Certificate of Incorporation restates,  integrates and
further amends the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation,  as amended,
in its  entirety  and has been  adopted in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
Sections 242 and 245 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, as
amended, to read as herein set forth in full:

         FIRST:   The  name  of  the   corporation   (hereinafter   called   the
"Corporation") is:

                           CTI INDUSTRIES CORPORATION

         SECOND: The address,  including the street,  number, city and county of
the registered office of the corporation in the State of Delaware is 1209 Orange
Street, City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, and the name of the registered
agent  of the  corporation  in the  State of  Delaware  at such  address  is The
Corporation Trust Company.

         THIRD:  The nature of the  business and of the purposes to be conducted
and promoted by the corporation shall be to engage in any lawful act or activity
for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware.


         A. This  Corporation  is  authorized  to issue three classes of capital
stock to be  designated  respectively  Common Stock  ("Common  Stock"),  Class B
Common Stock ("Class B Common Stock") and Preferred  Stock.  The total number of
shares of capital stock that the  Corporation is authorized to issue is Fourteen
Million One Hundred Thousand (14,100,000).  The total number of shares of Common
Stock  this  Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is  Eleven  Million
(11,000,000).  The  total  number  of  shares  of  Class  B  Common  Stock  this
Corporation  shall have  authority to issue is One Million One Hundred  Thousand
(1,100,000).  The total  number of shares of Preferred  Stock the Company  shall
have the authority to issue is Two Million  (2,000,000).  The Common Stock shall
have a par value of $.065 per share,  the Class B Common  Stock shall have a par
value of $.91 per share and the  Preferred  Stock shall have a par value of $.91
per  share.  Upon the  conversion  of the  Preferred  Stock to shares of Class B
Common Stock as provided in Section 6.02 of Paragraph D of this Article  Fourth,
any  additional  shares of Preferred  Stock may be issued from time to time with
such  designations,   preferences,   conversion  rights,  cumulative,  relative,
participating,   option  or  other  rights,   qualifications,   limitations   or
restrictions  thereof  as shall be stated and  expressed  in the  resolution  or
resolutions  providing for the issuance of such  Preferred  Stock adopted by the
Boardof Directors pursuant to the authority in this paragraph given.


         B. Upon the  effective  date of this  Second  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  (i) a reverse stock split of the Company's  Preferred Stock shall
automatically take place whereby current holders of Preferred Stock will receive
1 share of Preferred Stock for every 2.6 shares of Preferred Stock then held and
(ii) a reverse  stock split of the  Company's  Common Stock shall  automatically
take  place  whereby  current  holders of Common  Stock will  receive 1 share of
Common Stock for every 2.6 shares of Common Stock then held.  The reverse  stock
splits provided for above will take effect automatically and immediately without
the need for replacement  certificates to be issued by the Company.  The Company
shall, however, issue replacement certificates as soon as practicable.

         C. The powers,  preferences,  rights,  restrictions,  and other matters
relating to the Common Stock and Class B Common Stock are as follows:

                  1.  Dividends.  The  holders of the  Common  Stock and Class B
Common  Stock  shall  participate  equally  and pro rata in  dividends,  if any,
declared by the Company on a per share basis.

                  2.  Liquidation.  In the event of any voluntary or involuntary
liquidation  (whether  complete or  partial),  dissolution  or winding up of the
Corporation,  the  holders  of  Common  Stock  and  Class B Common  Stock  shall
participate  equally,  on a per share  basis,  in the assets of the  Corporation
available for distribution to its stockholders, whether from capital, surplus or

                  3.       Voting Rights.

                  3.01 General Voting Rights.  Except in  circumstances in which
         the  holders of Common  Stock and Class B Common  Stock,  respectively,
         shall be required to vote  separately  as a class,  with respect to all
         matters  upon  which the  Corporation's  stockholders  shall vote or be
         entitled to vote,  the  holders of all Common  Stock and Class B Common
         Stock  shall vote  together as a single  class with each  holder  being
         entitled to one vote per share on all such matters.

                  3.02  Election  of  Directors.  For so long as there  shall be
         issued  and  outstanding  more  than  500,000  shares of Class B Common

                           (a) By-Laws; Number of Directors. Notwithstanding the
         provisions of Article  Seventh  hereof,  the by-laws of the Corporation
         shall provide for the election of seven  directors  and such  provision
         may  not be  amended,  modified,  altered  or  repealed  except  by the
         approval  of the holders of  two-thirds  of the  outstanding  shares of
         Class B Common Stock voting separately as a class,  provided,  however,
         that the number of directors  shall in no event be reduced  below seven
         without the  additional  approval of the holders of  two-thirds  of the
         outstanding shares of Common Stock voting separately as a class.


                           (b)      Election of Directors.

                                    (i)     Four of the seven  directors  of the
                                            Corporation  shall be elected by the
                                            holders   of  a   majority   of  the
                                            outstanding shares of Class B Common
                                            Stock voting separately as a class;

                                    (ii)    The remaining  three directors shall
                                            be  elected  by  the  holders  of  a
                                            majority of the  outstanding  shares
                                            of  Common  Stock and Class B Common
                                            Stock  voting  together  as a single

                  3.03  Amendments  to Class B Common  Stock.  After the initial
         issuance of Class B Common Stock upon the  conversion  of the Preferred
         Stock, the Corporation shall not (i) issue additional shares of Class B
         Common Stock (except for  additional  issuances  upon stock  dividends,
         stock splits, or  recapitalizations  with respect to outstanding shares
         of Class B Common  Stock) or (ii) amend the terms of the Class B Common
         Stock in any  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the rights of the
         holders of Common  Stock  except  with the  approval  of the holders of
         two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

                  3.04  Quorum.  At  any  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of the
         Corporation, the presence in person or by proxy of a majority in number
         of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock and Class B Common
         Stock, as a single class, shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum.

                  3.05 Action Without Meeting.  Any action required or permitted
         to be taken at any meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation,  may
         be taken without a meeting,  if prior to such action a written  consent
         thereto is signed by the holders of shares of Common Stock and/or Class
         B Common  Stock  necessary  to approve  such  action if such action was
         taken at a meeting of stockholders.

                  4.       Transfer.

                  4.01 No  person  holding  shares  of Class B  Common  Stock of
         record  (hereinafter  called  "Class B Holder") may  transfer,  and the
         Corporation  shall not register the transfer of, such shares of Class B
         Common Stock, whether by sale, assignment, gift, bequest,  appointment,
         operation  of law or  otherwise,  except to a Permitted  Transferee.  A
         Permitted Transferee shall mean:

                           (a) Stephen M.  Merrick,  John H.  Schwan,  Howard W.
         Schwan,  Frances Ann Rohlen,  and Philip W. Colburn,  their  respective
         spouses, issue, and the spouses of such issue (collectively referred to
         as "Family Members");


                           (b) The  trustee  or  trustees  of a trust or  trusts
         (including a voting  trust) for the primary  benefit of any one or more
         Family Members (collectively referred to as "Family Trusts");

                           (c)  A  corporation  or  partnership  controlled  (as
         defined  below)  by  one  or  more  Family  Members  or  Family  Trusts
         (collectively referred to as "Family Entities"); and

                           (d)      The estate of such Class B Holder.

                  4.02  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  set  forth
herein,  any Class B Holder may pledge  such  Holder's  shares of Class B Common
Stock to a pledgee  pursuant to a bona fide pledge of such shares as  collateral
security for  indebtedness  due to the pledgee,  provided that such shares shall
not be  transferred to or registered in the name of the pledgee and shall remain
subject to the  provisions  of this  Section 4. In the event of  foreclosure  or
other similar action by the pledgee, such pledged shares of Class B Common Stock
may only be  transferred  to a Permitted  Transferee of the pledgor or converted
into shares of Common Stock as the pledgee may elect.

                  4.03 The  following  events shall result in the  conversion of
the applicable shares of Class B Common Stock into shares of Common Stock:

                           (a) a Class B Holder  shall  transfer  or  attempt to
         transfer  Class B Common  Stock to a person or entity  not a  Permitted

                           (b) a Class B Holder  shall  transfer  or  attempt to
         transfer to any person or entity not a Permitted Transferee, including,
         without  limitation,  a  pledgee,  the right to vote any Class B Common
         Stock, whether by agreement, voting trust or otherwise;

                           (c) a Family Trust holding Class B Common Stock shall
         cease to be a trust for the  primary  benefit of any one or more Family

                           (d) a Family  Entity  holding  Class B  Common  Stock
         shall cease to be  controlled  by one or more Family  Members or Family
         Trusts. For purposes of this Section 4, "controlled"  means: (i) in the
         case of a corporation,  the ownership,  beneficially and of record,  of
         shares of capital stock representing a majority of the equity ownership
         of, and economic interest in, such  corporation,  as well as a majority
         of all votes  entitled to vote for the election of directors;  and (ii)
         in the  case  of a  partnership,  the  ownership,  beneficially  and of
         record, of partnership interests  representing a majority of the equity
         as a majority of the partnership  interests  entitled to participate in
         the management of the partnership.

                  If any of the  foregoing  events  shall  occur,  all shares of
Class B Common Stock subject to such transfer or attempted transfer or then held
by such Family Trust or Family  Entity,  whichever  applicable,  shall,  without
further act on anyone's part, be converted into shares of


Common  Stock  effective  upon  the  date  of  such  event  occurs,   and  stock
certificates  formerly  representing  such shares of Class B Common  Stock shall
thereupon  and  thereafter  be deemed to represent  the like number of shares of
Common  Stock.  The  Corporation  may, in  connection  with  preparing a list of
shareholders entitled to vote at any meeting of shareholders,  or as a condition
to the  transfer  or the  resignation  of shares of Class B Common  Stock on the
Corporation's  books,  require the furnishing of such  affidavits,  documents or
other proof as it deems  necessary to  establish  that any person is a Permitted
Transferee  or  to  ascertain  that  none  of  the  events   described  in  this
subparagraph 4.03 occurred.

                  4.04 Shares of Class B Common Stock shall be registered in the
names of the beneficial  owners  thereof and not in "street" or "nominee"  name.
For this  purposes,  a "beneficial  owner" of any shares of Class B Common Stock
shall mean a person who, or any entity which, possesses the power, either singly
or jointly,  to direct the voting or disposition of such shares. The Corporation
shall note on the  certificates for shares of Class B Common Stock the existence
of the restrictions on transfer imposed by this Section 4.

                  5.       Conversion.

                  5.01     Conversion Rights and Procedure.

                           (a)  Right of  Conversion.  Each  holder of shares of
         Class B Common  Stock shall be entitled to exercise all or a portion of
         the conversion rights provided herein at any time or from time to time.

                           (b) Rate of Conversion. Upon exercise of the right of
         conversion  hereunder  with respect to shares of Class B Common  Stock,
         the holder  thereof  shall be entitled to receive that number of shares
         of Common Stock ("Conversion  Shares") equal to the number of shares of
         Class B Common  Stock  tendered  subject to  adjustment  as provided in
         Section 4.02.

                           (c) Method of Conversion. A holder of shares of Class
         B Common Stock shall exercise such holder's conversion rights hereunder
         by (i)  delivering  or  mailing to the  Corporation,  by  certified  or
         registered  mail,  return receipt  requested,  a written notice stating
         such  holder's  intention to exercise  such rights and  specifying  the
         number  of shares  of Class B Common  Stock as to which the  conversion
         right is exercised and (ii) accompanying such notice with a certificate
         or  certificates  representing  such shares  duly  endorsed in blank or
         accompanied  with a stock power duly  endorsed  in blank.  The right of
         exercise  shall be deemed to have been  exercised on the date that such
         notice shall be delivered to the  Corporation  or mailed in  accordance
         with this section ("Exercise Time"). Each share of Class B Common Stock
         shall be canceled after it has been converted as provided herein.

                           (d)  Delivery  of   Certificates.   Certificates  for
         Conversion Shares shall be delivered to the holder named therein within
         15 days after the Exercise Time. Unless all of the Class B Common Stock
         evidenced by the certificate delivered to the Corporation shall


         have been converted,  the  Corporation  shall within such 15 day period
         prepare a new certificate, substantially identical to that surrendered,
         representing the balance of the shares of Class B Common Stock formerly
         represented by the certificate  which shall not have been converted and
         shall  within the said 15 day period  deliver such  certificate  to the
         person designated as the holder thereof.

                           (e)      The Corporation covenants and agrees that:

                                    (i)     At all times during which any shares
                                            of Class B Common  Stock are  issued
                                            and  outstanding,   the  Corporation
                                            shall   reserve   and   maintain   a
                                            sufficient  number of authorized and
                                            unissued   shares  of  Common  Stock
                                            sufficient to issue shares of Common
                                            Stock upon  conversion of all of the
                                            then issued and outstanding  Class B
                                            Common Stock,  including  additional
                                            shares which may become  issuable by
                                            reason of an adjustment  pursuant to
                                            Section 5.02 hereof. The Corporation
                                            shall not issue any shares of Common
                                            Stock   if,   after   the   issuance
                                            thereof,  the  number of  authorized
                                            and unissued  shares of Common Stock
                                            would then be  insufficient to issue
                                            shares of Common Stock to holders of
                                            the  then  issued  and   outstanding
                                            Class B Common  Stock if all of such
                                            holders   were  to  exercise   their
                                            rights of conversion hereunder;

                                    (ii)    The Conversion  Shares issuable upon
                                            any  conversion  of  any  shares  of
                                            Class B Common Stock shall be deemed
                                            to have been  issued  to the  person
                                            exercising such conversion privilege
                                            at the Exercise Time, and the person
                                            exercising such conversion privilege
                                            shall be deemed for all  purposes to
                                            have  become  the  record  holder of
                                            such  Common  Stock  shares  at  the
                                            Exercise Time.

                                    (iii)   All  Conversion  Shares which may be
                                            issued  upon any  conversion  of any
                                            shares of Class B Common Stock will,
                                            upon  issuance,  be  fully  paid and
                                            non-assessable  and  free  from  all
                                            taxes,   liens  and   charges   with
                                            respect to the issue thereof.

                           (f)  Notwithstanding the above, the shares of Class B
         Common Stock then  outstanding  shall be  automatically  converted into
         shares of Common Stock upon the conversion terms then in effect on July
         23, 2002.


                  5.02     Adjustment Provisions.

                           (a)  Subdivision or Combination of Stock.  In case at
         any time the  Company  shall in any manner  subdivide  its  outstanding
         shares of Common Stock into a greater  number of shares or combine such
         shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares, then the number
         of shares of Common  Stock into  which a share of Class B Common  Stock
         may be  converted  shall be adjusted  to reflect  such  subdivision  or
         combination of shares of Common Stock.

                           (b) Reorganization, Reclassification,  Consolidation,
         Merger  or  Sale.  If any  reorganization  or  reclassification  of the
         capital  stock of the Company,  or any  consolidation  or merger of the
         Company with another  corporation,  or the sale of all or substantially
         all of the Company's assets to another corporation shall be effected in
         such a way that  holders of Common  Stock  shall be entitled to receive
         stock, securities,  or assets with respect to or in exchange for Common
         Stock, then, as a condition of such  reorganization,  reclassification,
         consolidation,  merger or sale, lawful and adequate provisions shall be
         made whereby the holders of Class B Common Stock shall  thereafter have
         the right to purchase and receive such shares of stock, securities,  or
         assets as may be issued or payable  with  respect to or exchange  for a
         number of  outstanding  shares of such Common Stock equal to the number
         of  shares  of  such  stock  immediately  theretofore  purchasable  and
         receivable  upon  the  conversion  of  Class B  Common  Stock  had such
         reorganization,  reclassification,  consolidation,  merger  or sale not
         taken place, and in any such case  appropriate  provision shall be made
         with  respect to the rights and  interests of the holder of the Class B
         Common Stock to the end that the provisions  hereof shall thereafter be
         applicable,  as nearly as may be, in  relation  to any shares of stock,
         securities or assets  thereafter  deliverable  upon the exercise of the
         rights represented hereby.

         In the event of a merger or  consolidation  of the Company with or into
         another  corporation  as a result of which a number of shares of common
         stock of the surviving corporation greater or lesser than the number of
         shares of Common Stock of the Company outstanding  immediately prior to
         such merger or consolidation are issuable to holders of Common Stock of
         the  Company,  then the  number of shares of Common  Stock  subject  to
         issuance  upon  conversion  of a share of Class B Common Stock shall be
         adjusted  in the same  manner as though  there  were a  subdivision  or
         combination of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the Company.
         The Company shall not effect any such  consolidation,  merger, or sale,
         unless prior to the consummation thereof the successor  corporation (if
         other than the Company)  resulting from such consolidation or merger of
         the  corporation  into or for the  securities  of which the  previously
         outstanding  stock of the Company shall be exchanged in connection with
         such  consolidation  or  merger,  or the  corporation  purchasing  such
         assets,  as the  case  may be,  shall  assume,  by  written  instrument
         executed  and  mailed or  delivered  to the  holder  hereof at the last
         address  of such  holder  appearing  on the books of the  company,  the
         obligation to deliver to such holder such shares of stock,  securities,
         or assets as, in accordance with the foregoing provisions,  such holder
         may be entitled to purchase.  The  provisions  of this Section  5.02(b)
         governing the substitution of another corporation for the Company shall
         similarly apply to successive instances in which


         the  corporation  then deemed to be the Company  hereunder shall either
         sell all or substantially all of its properties and assets to any other
         corporation,   shall   consolidate   with  or  merge   into  any  other
         corporation,  or shall be the surviving  corporation of the merger into
         it of any other  corporation as a result of which the holders of any of
         its  stock or other  securities  shall be  deemed  to have  become  the
         holders of, or shall become entitled to, the stock or other  securities
         of any corporation  other than the corporation at the time deemed to be
         the Company hereunder.

                           (c) Notice of  Adjustment.  The Company shall give to
         the holder of the Class B Common Stock prompt  written  notice of every
         adjustment  of the  Conversion  terms  by  first  class  mail,  postage
         prepaid,  addressed to the address of such holder as shown on the books
         of the Company, which notice shall state the adjustment,  and shall set
         forth in reasonable detail the method of calculation and the facts upon
         which such calculation was based.

         D. The powers,  preferences,  rights,  restrictions,  and other matters
relating to the Preferred Stock are as follows:

                  1.       Dividends

                  1.01  Preferred  Stock  Dividends.  The  holders  of shares of
Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to receive  dividends  at the rate of 13% per
annum of the par value, payable out of funds legally available  therefore.  Such
dividends  shall be payable  only  when,  as,  and if  declared  by the Board of
Directors.  Such dividends shall accrue from day to day whether or not earned or
declared.  If declared,  all dividends which shall have accrued shall be payable
on the first day of  March,  June,  September  and  December  for so long as any
shares of the  Preferred  Stock  shall  remain  outstanding.  If at any time the
Corporation shall pay less than the total amount of dividends due on outstanding
Preferred  Stock at the time of the payment,  such payment shall be  distributed
among the holders of the  Preferred  Stock so that an equal amount shall be paid
with respect to each outstanding share of Preferred Stock.

                  1.02  Dividends  Cumulative.  Dividends  on each  share of the
Preferred  Stock  shall be  cumulative  from the date of issuance of such share,
whether or not at the time such  dividend  shall  accrue or become due or at any
other time there  shall be profits,  surplus or other  funds of the  Corporation
legally  available for the payment of dividends.  Dividends shall accrue on each
share of Preferred  Stock from and  including the date of issuance of such share
to and  including  the date upon  which  the  holder of such  share  shall  have
converted such share to Common stock in accordance with Section 4 hereof or such
share shall have been purchased and redeemed by the Corporation.

                  1.03  Restriction  on Common Stock  Dividends.  So long as any
shares of Preferred  Stock are  outstanding,  no dividends  whatsoever  shall be
declared or paid upon, nor shall any  distribution  be made upon or with respect
to, any shares of Common Stock.

                  2.       Liquidation.

                  2.01 Rights Upon Liquidation. In the event of any voluntary or
involuntary liquidation (whether complete or partial), dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation,  the holders of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to be paid
out of the assets of the Corporation


available for distribution to its stockholders, whether from capital, surplus or
earnings,  an  amount  in cash per  share  equal to the  Liquidating  Value.  No
distribution  shall be made on any Common Stock of the  Corporation by reason of
any  voluntary  or  involuntary   liquidation  (whether  complete  or  partial),
dissolution  or winding up of the  Corporation  unless  each  holder  shall have
received the full amount of the Liquidating  Value with respect to all shares of
Preferred  Stock  held  by such  holder.  The  consolidation  or  merger  of the
Corporation  into or with any other  entity or  entities  which  results  in the
exchange  of  outstanding  shares of the  Corporation  for  securities  or other
consideration  issued or paid or caused to be issued or paid by any such  entity
or  affiliate  thereof,  and the sale or transfer by the  Corporation  of all or
substantially all its assets,  shall be deemed to be a liquidation,  dissolution
or winding up of the  Corporation  within the meaning of the  provisions of this
Section 2.01.

                  2.02 Liquidating  Value. The Liquidating Value with respect to
each share of Preferred Stock  outstanding shall be the sum of (i) the par value
and (ii) all unpaid dividends accrued thereon to the date of final distribution.

                  2.03   Allocation  of  Liquidation   Payments.   If  upon  any
dissolution,  liquidation  (whether  complete or partial),  or winding up of the
Corporation,  the assets of the  Corporation  available for  distribution to the
stockholders  shall  be  insufficient  to  pay  to the  holders  of  outstanding
Preferred  Stock the full  amount to which they shall be  entitled  pursuant  to
Section 2.01 hereof, each holder of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive
an amount equal to the product derived by multiplying the total amount available
for  distribution  by a fraction  the  numerator of which shall be the number of
shares of Preferred  Stock held by such person and the  denominator of which the
total number of shares of Preferred Stock then outstanding.

                  3.       Voting Rights.

                  3.01 General Voting Rights.  Except in  circumstances in which
the holders of Preferred Stock and Common Stock  respectively  shall be required
to vote  separately  as a class,  with  respect  to all  matters  upon which the
Corporation's stockholders shall vote or be entitled to vote, the holders of all
Preferred Stock and Common Stock shall vote together as a single class with each
holder being entitled to one vote per share on all such matters.

                  3.02  Election  of  Directors.  For so long as there  shall be
issued and outstanding more than 250,000 shares of Preferred Stock:

                           (a) By-Laws; Number of Directors. Notwithstanding the
         provisions of Article  Seventh  hereof,  the by-laws of the Corporation
         shall  provide  for  the  election  of  five  directors  and may not be
         amended,  modified,  altered or repealed  except by the approval of the
         holders of  two-thirds  of the  outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock
         voting separately as a class.

                           (b)      Election of Directors.

                                    (i)     Four of the  five  directors  of the
                                            Corporation  shall be elected by the
                                            holders   of  a   majority   of  the
                                            outstanding   shares  of   Preferred
                                            Stock voting separately as a class;


                                    (ii)    One director shall be elected by the
                                            holders   of  a   majority   of  the
                                            outstanding  shares of Common  Stock
                                            and Preferred  Stock voting together
                                            as a single class.

         If at any time after December 31, 1996, there shall be outstanding less
         than 250,000 shares of Preferred Stock, the foregoing  provisions shall
         thereafter no longer be in effect and all directors of the  Corporation
         thereafter  shall be elected by the holders of the  outstanding  Common
         Stock and Preferred Stock voting together as a single class.

                  3.03 Voting in Certain  Circumstances.  The following  actions
shall  require  the  approval of the holders of  two-thirds  of the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock and Preferred Stock voting together as a single class, by
written  consent,  or in person or by proxy at a special meeting of stockholders
called for such purpose:

                           (i)      Any   amendment   of  the   Certificate   of
                                    Incorporation of the Corporation;

                           (ii)     Any   merger   or   consolidation   of   the
                                    Corporation   or  any   subsidiary   of  the
                                    Corporation with any other corporation;

                           (iii)    Authorization of or the taking of any action
                                    to  dissolve,   liquidate  or  wind  up  the
                                    business of the Corporation; or

                           (iv)     The   sale,    lease   transfer   or   other
                                    disposition of all or any  substantial  part
                                    of the corporation's  assets in any one or a
                                    series of related transactions.

                  3.04  Quorum.  At  any  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of the
Corporation,  the  presence in person or by proxy of a majority in number of the
issued and outstanding  shares of Common Stock and Preferred  Stock, as a single
class, shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum.

                  4.       Conversion Rights.

                  4.01     Conversion Rights and Procedure.

                           (a)  Right of  Conversion.  Each  holder of shares of
         Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to exercise  all or a portion of the
         conversion rights provided herein at any time or from time to time.

                           (b) Rate of Conversion. Upon exercise of the right of
         conversion  hereunder  with respect to shares of Preferred  Stock,  the
         holder  thereof  shall be entitled to receive  that number of shares of
         Common Stock determined by dividing the Conversion Value per share of a
         share  of  Preferred  Stock  multiplied  by the  number  of  shares  of
         Preferred  Stock  converted and divided by the Conversion  Price of the
         Common  Stock.  The  "Conversion  Value"  per  share  of each  share of
         Preferred Stock shall be the sum of the par value of such share and all
         accrued  and unpaid  dividends  thereon  as of the date of  conversion.
         Subject to  adjustment  as provided in Section  4.02,  the  "Conversion
         Price" per


         share of Common Stock shall be Thirty-five  Cents ($.35) per share. The
         shares  of  Common  Stock to be  issued  upon  conversion  of shares of
         Preferred   Stock  as  provided   herein  are  referred  to  herein  as
         "Conversion Shares."

                           (c)  Method  of  Conversion.  A holder  of  shares of
         Preferred  Stock  shall  exercise  such  holder's   conversion   rights
         hereunder by (i) delivering or mailing to the Corporation, by certified
         or registered mail, return receipt requested,  a written notice stating
         such  holder's  intention to exercise  such rights and  specifying  the
         number of shares of Preferred Stock as to which the conversion right is
         exercised  and (ii)  accompanying  such  notice with a  certificate  or
         certificates  representing  such  shares  duly  endorsed  in  blank  or
         accompanied  with a stock power duly  endorsed  in blank.  The right of
         exercise  shall be deemed to have been  exercised on the date that such
         notice shall be delivered to the  Corporation  or mailed in  accordance
         with this section ("Exercise Time").

                           (d)  Delivery  of   Certificates.   Certificates  for
         Conversion Shares shall be delivered to the holder named therein within
         15 days after the  Exercise  Time.  Unless all of the  Preferred  Stock
         evidenced by the certificate  delivered to the  Corporation  shall have
         been converted or redeemed,  the  Corporation  shall within such 15 day
         period  prepare  a new  certificate,  substantially  identical  to that
         surrendered,  representing the balance of the shares of Preferred Stock
         formerly  represented  by the  certificate  which  shall  not have been
         converted or redeemed  and shall within the said 15 day period  deliver
         such certificate to the person designated as the holder thereof.

                           (e)      The Corporation covenants and agrees that:

                                    (i)     At all times during which any shares
                                            of  Preferred  Stock are  issued and
                                            outstanding,  the Corporation  shall
                                            reserve  and  maintain a  sufficient
                                            number of  authorized  and  unissued
                                            shares of Common Stock sufficient to
                                            issue  shares of Common  Stock  upon
                                            conversion of all of the then issued
                                            and  outstanding   Preferred  Stock,
                                            including  additional  shares  which
                                            may become  issuable by reason of an
                                            adjustment  in the  conversion  rate
                                            pursuant to Section 4.02 hereof. The
                                            Corporation   shall  not  issue  any
                                            shares of Common Stock if, after the
                                            issuance  thereof,   the  number  of
                                            authorized  and  unissued  shares of
                                            Common    Stock    would   then   be
                                            insufficient   to  issue  shares  of
                                            Common  Stock to holders of the then
                                            issued  and  outstanding   Preferred
                                            Stock if all of such holders were to
                                            exercise  their rights of conversion

                                    (ii)    The Conversion  Shares issuable upon
                                            any  conversion  of  any  shares  of
                                            Preferred  Stock  shall be deemed to
                                            have  been   issued  to  the  person
                                            exercising such conversion privilege
                                            at the Exercise Time, and the person
                                            exercising such conversion privilege
                                            shall be deemed for all purposes to


                                            have  become  the  record  holder of
                                            such  Common  Stock  shares  at  the
                                            Exercise Time.

                                    (iii)   All  Conversion  Shares which may be
                                            issued  upon any  conversion  of any
                                            shares of Preferred Stock will, upon
                                            issuance,    be   fully   paid   and
                                            non-assessable  and  free  from  all
                                            taxes,   liens  and   charges   with
                                            respect to the issue thereof.

                  4.02     Anti-dilution Provisions.

                           (a) Anti-dilution; Initial Conversion Price. In order
         to prevent  dilution of the rights  granted  hereunder,  the Conversion
         Price  per share of  Common  Stock  and the  number of shares of Common
         Stock  which a holder of  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to receive
         upon  exercise  of the  conversion  rights  herein  shall be subject to
         adjustment  from time to time in accordance with this Section 4.02. For
         purposes of this section the initial  Conversion Price of each share of
         Common Stock shall be Thirty-five  Cents ($.35).  The Conversion  Price
         per share of Common  Stock shall be the initial  Conversion  Price,  as
         adjusted from time to time  pursuant to the  provisions of this Section

                           (b)   Adjustment  of  Conversion   Price;   Resulting
         Adjustment  of Number of Shares of Common  Stock Upon  Conversion.  The
         initial  Conversion Price per share of Common Stock shall be subject to
         adjustment  from time to time as  hereinafter  provided  (such price or
         such price as last adjusted  pursuant to the terms hereof,  as the case
         may be, is herein called the "Conversion Price").  Upon each adjustment
         of the Conversion  Price, the holder of shares of Preferred Stock shall
         be entitled to receive upon exercise of the conversion  rights provided
         herein,  at the Conversion  Price resulting from such  adjustment,  the
         number of shares of Common Stock obtained by multiplying  the number of
         shares of Preferred Stock  converted by the Conversion  Value per share
         of Preferred  Stock and dividing the product  thereof by the Conversion
         Price resulting from such adjustment.

                           (c)  Adjustment of Conversion  Price Upon Issuance of
         Common  Stock.  If and whenever  after the date hereof the  Corporation
         shall issue or sell any shares of its common Stock for a  consideration
         per share less than the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
         the time of such  issue or sale  (except if such issue or sale shall be
         made pursuant to the exercise of Executive options,  as defined below),
         then,  forthwith upon such issue or sale, the Conversion Price shall be
         reduced to the price,  calculated  to the nearest  cent,  determined by
         dividing  (a) the sum of (i) the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock
         outstanding  immediately  prior to such issue or sale multiplied by the
         then  existing  Conversion  Price and (ii) the  consideration,  if any,
         received  by the  Company  upon  such  issue or sale,  by (b) the total
         number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  immediately  after such
         issue or sale. No adjustment of the Conversion Price, however, shall be
         made in an  amount  less  than  $0.01 per  share,  but any such  lesser
         adjustment  shall be carried  forward and shall be made at the time and
         together with the next  subsequent  adjustment  which together with all
         adjustment so carried  forward shall amount to $0.01 per share or more.
         The provisions of this subparagraph (c) shall not apply with respect to
         Executive Options.  "Executive  Options" shall mean and include options
         to purchase Common Stock of the  Corporation  which may be granted from
         time to time by act of the


         Board of Directors of the Corporation to executives or employees of the
         Corporation not exceeding, in the aggregate 500,000 shares.

         For the purposes of this paragraph (c), the following  paragraphs  4.02
(d) to 4.02(m), inclusive,  subject to the exception set forth above, shall also
be applicable:

                           (d)  Issuance  of Rights or  Options.  In case at any
         time the  Company  shall in any manner  grant  (whether  directly or by
         assumption in a merger or otherwise)  any rights to subscribe for or to
         purchase, or any options for the purchase of, Common Stock or any stock
         or securities  convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock, (such
         rights or options being herein called "Options" and such convertible or
         exchangeable  stock or  securities  being  herein  called  "Convertible
         Securities"),  whether  or not such  Options or the right to convert or
         exchange any such Convertible  Securities are immediately  exercisable,
         and the price per share for which  Common  Stock is  issuable  upon the
         exercise  of  such  Options  or upon  conversion  or  exchange  of such
         Convertible   Securities  (determined  as  provided  in  the  following
         sentence) shall be less than the Conversion Price in effect immediately
         prior to the time of  granting  such  Options,  then the total  maximum
         number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of all such
         Options or upon  conversion or exchange of the total maximum  amount of
         such  Convertible  Securities  shall be deemed to have been  issued for
         such price per share as of the date of the granting of such Options and
         thereafter  shall be deemed to be outstanding.  The price per share for
         which  Common  Stock  is  issuable,  as  referred  to in the  preceding
         sentence,  shall be determined by dividing (a) the sum of (i) the total
         amount,  if any, received or receivable by the Company as consideration
         for the  granting  of such  Options,  plus (ii) the  minimum  aggregate
         amount of  additional  consideration  payable to the  Company  upon the
         exercise  of all  such  Options,  plus  (iii)  in the  case of all such
         Options that relate to Convertible  Securities,  the minimum  aggregate
         amount of additional  consideration,  if any, payable upon the issue or
         sale of all such  Convertible  Securities  [to the extent  not  counted
         under the immediately preceding clause (ii)] and upon the conversion or
         exchange of all such  Convertible  Securities into Common Stock, by (b)
         the total  maximum  number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the
         exercise of such Options or upon the conversion or exchange of all such
         Convertible Securities. The consideration received or receivable by the
         Company shall in each case be determined in accordance  with  paragraph
         4.02(h) below. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 4.02(f) below,
         no  adjustment  of the  Conversion  Price shall be made upon the actual
         issue of such  Common  Stock  or of such  Convertible  Securities  upon
         exercise of such  Options or upon the actual issue of such Common Stock
         upon conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities.

                           (e) Issuance of Convertible  Securities.  In case the
         Company shall in any manner issue (whether directly or by assumption in
         a merger or otherwise) or sell any Convertible  Securities,  whether or
         not the  rights to  exchange  or  convert  thereunder  are  immediately
         exercisable, and the price per share for which Common Stock is issuable
         upon  such  conversion  or  exchange  (determined  as  provided  in the
         following  sentence) shall be less than the Conversion  Price in effect
         immediately  prior to the time of such  issue or sale,  then the  total
         maximum  number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon  conversion or
         exchange  of all such  convertible  securities  shall be deemed to have
         been  issued  for such  price  per share as of the date of the issue or
         sale of such Convertible Securities and


         thereafter shall be deemed to be outstanding,  provided that (a) except
         as otherwise  provided in paragraph 4.02(f) below, no adjustment of the
         Conversion  Price  shall be made upon the actual  issue of such  Common
         Stock upon conversion or exchange of such Convertible  Securities,  and
         (b) if any such issue or sale of such  Convertible  Securities  is made
         upon  exercise of any Options for which  adjustment  of the  Conversion
         Price have been or are to be made pursuant to other  provisions of this
         paragraph 4, no further  adjustment  of the  Conversion  Price shall be
         made by  reason  of such  issue or sale.  The price per share for which
         Common Stock is  issuable,  as referred to in the  preceding  sentence,
         shall be  determined  by dividing  (i) the sum of (A) the total  amount
         received or receivable by the Company as consideration for the issue or
         sale of such  Convertible  Securities,  plus (B) the minimum  aggregate
         amount of additional consideration, if any, payable upon the conversion
         or exchange of such  Convertible  Securities into Common Stock, by (ii)
         the total  maximum  number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the
         conversion   or   exchange   of  such   Convertible   Securities.   The
         consideration  received or receivable by the Company shall in each case
         be determined in accordance with paragraph 4.02(h) below.

                           (f) Change in Option Price or Conversion  Rate.  Upon
         the happening of any of the following  events,  namely, if the purchase
         price  provided  for in any Option  referred to in  paragraph  4.02 (d)
         above and still  outstanding,  the  additional  consideration,  if any,
         payable upon the conversion or exchange of any  Convertible  Securities
         referred  to  in   paragraph   4.02(d)  or  4.02(e)   above  and  still
         outstanding,  or the rate at which any such Convertible  Securities are
         convertible  into or exchangeable  for Common Stock shall change at any
         time (other than under or by reason of  provisions  designed to protect
         against  dilution),  the Conversion Price in effect at the time of such
         event shall forthwith be readjusted to the Conversion Price which would
         have  been in  effect  at such  time had such  Options  or  Convertible
         Securities   provide  for  such  changed  purchase  price,   additional
         consideration,  or  conversion  rate,  as the case may be,  at the time
         initially  granted,  issued,  or sold. On the  expiration of any Option
         referred to in paragraph 4.02(d) above prior to the exercise thereof or
         the  termination  of right  to  convert  or  exchange  any  Convertible
         Securities  referred to in paragraph  4.02(d) or 4.02(e) above prior to
         the  exercise  of such  right,  the  Conversion  Price  then in  effect
         hereunder  shall  forthwith be increased to the Conversion  Price which
         would have been in effect at the time of such expiration or termination
         had such Option or Convertible  Securities,  to the extent  outstanding
         immediately prior to such expiration or termination, never been issued,
         and the Common Stock issuable  thereunder  shall no longer be deemed to
         be  outstanding  for the purposes of any  calculation  under  paragraph
         4.02(d) or 4.02(e) above.

                           (g)  Determination of Consideration  Upon Dividend or
         Other  Distribution.  In case the Company  shall  declare a dividend or
         make any other  distribution  upon any stock of the Company  payable in
         Common  Stock,  Options or  Convertible  Securities,  any Common Stock,
         Options,  or Convertible  Securities,  as the case may be,  issuable in
         payment of such dividend or  distribution  shall be deemed to have been
         issued or sold without consideration.

                           (h)  Consideration  for Stock.  In case any shares of
         Common Stock, Options or Convertible Securities shall be issued or sold
         for cash, the consideration


         received  therefor  shall be deemed to be the  amount  received  by the
         Company therefor,  without deduction therefrom of any expenses incurred
         or any  reasonable  underwriting  commissions  or  concessions  paid or
         allowed by the  Company  (or  deducted  from  amounts  received  by the
         Company) in connection  therewith.  In case any shares of Common Stock,
         Options  or  Convertible  Securities  shall  be  issued  or sold  for a
         consideration  other than cash, the amount of the  consideration  other
         than cash  received by the Company shall be deemed to be the fair value
         of such consideration as determined reasonably and in good faith by the
         Board of Directors of the  Company,  without  deduction of any expenses
         incurred or any reasonable underwriting commissions or concessions paid
         or allowed by the Company (or  deducted  from  amounts  received by the
         Company) in connection therewith. The amount of consideration deemed to
         be received by the Company pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this
         paragraph  4.02(h)  upon  any  issuance  and/or  sale,  pursuant  to an
         established compensation plan of the Company, to directors, officers or
         employees of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company in connection
         with their employment of shares of Common Stock, Options or convertible
         Securities,  shall  be  increased  by the  amount  of any  tax  benefit
         realized by the Company as a result of such issuance  and/or sale,  the
         amount of such tax benefit being the amount by which the federal and/or
         state income or other tax  liability of the Company shall be reduced by
         reason of any  deduction or credit in respect of such  issuance  and/or
         sale. In case any Common Stock, Options or Convertible Securities shall
         be issued in connection with any merger or  consolidation  in which the
         Company is the surviving  Corporation  (other than any consolidation or
         merger in which the  previously  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of
         the Company  shall be changed into or exchanged  for the stock or other
         securities  of  another  corporation),   the  amount  of  consideration
         received  therefor  shall be deemed to be the fair value as  determined
         reasonably  in good faith by the Board of  Directors  of the Company of
         such  portion  of  the  assets  and   business  of  the   non-surviving
         corporation  as such Board may  determine  to be  attributable  to such
         shares of Common Stock, Options or convertible Securities,  as the case
         may be. In the event of any  consolidation  or merger of the Company in
         which the  Company  is not the  surviving  corporation  or in which the
         previously  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the Company shall be
         changed into or exchanged for the stock or other  securities of another
         corporation, or in the event of any sale or all or substantially all of
         the  assets  of the  Company  for  stock  or  other  securities  of any
         corporation,  the  Company  shall be deemed to have  issued a number of
         shares of its Common Stock for all  outstanding  stock or securities of
         the other  corporation  of the  nature  received  in  exchange  for the
         Company's  Common  Stock  computed on the basis of the actual  exchange
         ratio on which the  transaction  was predicated and for a consideration
         equal to the fair market value on the date of such  transaction  of all
         such  stock  or  securities  of the  other  corporation,  and  if  such
         calculation   results  in  adjustment  of  the  Conversion  Price,  the
         determination  of the number of shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon
         conversion of the  Preferred  Stock  immediately  prior to such merger,
         consolidation or sale, for purposes of paragraph  4.02(l) below,  shall
         be made after giving effect to such adjustment of the Conversion Price.
         In case any  shares  of Common  Stock  shall be  issued  (or  issuable)
         pursuant to any Options for the purchase of the same, the consideration
         deemed to be received (or  receivable)  therefor  shall be deemed to be
         the total amount, if any, received (or total minimum amount receivable)
         by the Company as consideration for the granting of such Options,  plus
         the  aggregate  amount of  additional  consideration  paid (or  minimum
         amount  payable) to the Company upon the exercise of such  Options.  In


         any  shares of Common  Stock  shall be issued  (or  issuable)  upon the
         conversion or exchange of any Convertible Securities, the consideration
         deemed to be the total amount received (or receivable)  therefore shall
         be deemed to be the total  amount  received  (or total  minimum  amount
         receivable)  by the Company as  consideration  for the  granting of any
         Options to subscribe to or purchase such Convertible  Securities,  plus
         the total amount of additional  consideration  paid (or minimum  amount
         payable)  to the  Company  as  consideration  for issue or sale of such
         Convertible   Securities,   plus  the  total   amount   of   additional
         consideration,  if any, paid (or minimum amount payable) to the Company
         upon the conversion or exchange thereof.

                           (i) Record  Date.  In case the  Company  shall take a
         record of the holders of its Common  stock for the purpose of entitling
         them to  receive a  dividend  or other  distribution  payable in Common
         Stock, Options or Convertible  Securities,  then such record date shall
         be deemed  to be the date of the issue or sale of the  shares of Common
         Stock deemed to have been issued or sold upon the  declaration  of such
         dividend or the making of such other distribution.

                           (j) Treasury  Shares.  The number of shares of Common
         Stock  outstanding  at any given time shall not include shares owned or
         held by or for the account of the Company,  and the  disposition of any
         such shares  shall be  considered  an issue or sale of Common Stock for
         the purposes of this Section 4.02.

                           (k)  Subdivision or Combination of Stock.  In case at
         any time the  Company  shall in any manner  subdivide  its  outstanding
         shares of Common Stock into a greater  number of shares or combine such
         shares  of Common  Stock  into a smaller  number  of  shares,  then the
         Conversion Price in effect  immediately  subsequent to such subdivision
         or  combination  shall be equal to the  product  of (a) the  Conversion
         Price in effect  immediately  prior to such  subdivision or combination
         multiplied  by (b) a fraction,  the numerator of which is the number of
         shares  of  Common  Stock   outstanding   immediately   prior  to  such
         subdivision or combination  and the  denominator of which is the number
         of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately thereafter.

                           (l) Reorganization, Reclassification,  Consolidation,
         Merger  or  Sale.  If any  reorganization  or  reclassification  of the
         capital  stock of the Company,  or any  consolidation  or merger of the
         Company with another  corporation,  or the sale of all or substantially
         all of the Company's assets to another corporation shall be effected in
         such a way that  holders of Common  Stock  shall be entitled to receive
         stock, securities,  or assets with respect to or in exchange for Common
         Stock, then, as a condition of such  reorganization,  reclassification,
         consolidation,  merger or sale, lawful and adequate provisions shall be
         made  whereby the holder  thereof  shall  thereafter  have the right to
         purchase and receive such shares of stock, securities, or assets as may
         be  issued or  payable  with  respect  to or  exchange  for a number of
         outstanding  shares of such Common  Stock equal to the number of shares
         of such stock immediately  theretofore  purchasable and receivable upon
         the exercise of the rights represented hereby had such  reorganization,
         reclassification, consolidation, merger or sale not taken place, and in
         any such case  appropriate  provision shall be made with respect to the
         rights and interests of the holder of the Preferred to the end that the
         provisions hereof (including, without limitation, provision


         for  adjustment  of the  Conversion  Price and of the  number of shares
         purchasable and receivable upon the Conversion of the Preferred)  shall
         thereafter  be  applicable,  as nearly as may be,  in  relation  to any
         shares of stock,  securities or assets thereafter  deliverable upon the
         exercise  of the rights  represented  hereby  (including  an  immediate
         adjustment,   by  reason  of  such  consolidation  or  merger,  of  the
         Conversion Price to the value of the Common Stock reflected by terms of
         such consolidation or merger if the value so reflected is less than the
         Conversion Price in effect  immediately prior to such  consolidation or

                           In the  event of a  merger  or  consolidation  of the
         Company with or into another  corporation as a result of which a number
         of shares of  common  stock of the  surviving  corporation  greater  or
         lesser  than the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock of the  Company
         outstanding  immediately  prior to such  merger  or  consolidation  are
         issuable to holders of Common Stock of the Company, then the Conversion
         Price in effect immediately prior to such merger or consolidation shall
         be adjusted in the same manner as though  there were a  subdivision  or
         combination of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the Company.
         The Company shall not effect any such  consolidation,  merger, or sale,
         unless prior to the consummation thereof the successor  corporation (if
         other than the Company)  resulting from such consolidation or merger of
         the  corporation  into or for the  securities  of which the  previously
         outstanding  stock of the Company shall be exchanged in connection with
         such  consolidation  or  merger,  or the  corporation  purchasing  such
         assets,  as the  case  may be,  shall  assume,  by  written  instrument
         executed  and  mailed or  delivered  to the  holder  hereof at the last
         address  of such  holder  appearing  on the books of the  company,  the
         obligation to deliver to such holder such shares of stock,  securities,
         or assets as, in accordance with the foregoing provisions,  such holder
         may be entitled to purchase.  If a purchase,  tender, or exchange offer
         is  made  to and  accepted  by the  holders  of  more  than  50% of the
         outstanding  shares of the Common  Stock of the  Company,  the  Company
         shall not effect  any  consolidation,  merger,  or sale with the Person
         having made such offer or with any  Affiliate  of such  Person  unless,
         prior to the consummation of such  consolidation,  merger, or sale, the
         holder of the Preferred shall have been given a reasonable  opportunity
         to then elect to receive either the stock,  securities,  or assets then
         issuable upon the Conversion of the Preferred. As used herein, the term
         "Person"  shall  mean and  include  an  individual,  a  partnership,  a
         corporation, a trust, a joint venture, an unincorporated  organization,
         and  a  government  or  any  department  or  agency  thereof,   and  an
         "Affiliate" of any Person shall mean any Person  directly or indirectly
         controlling,  controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control
         with,  such  other  Person.  A Person  shall be  deemed  to  control  a
         corporation if such Person possesses, directly or indirectly, the power
         to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such
         corporation,  whether  through the  ownership of voting  securities  by
         contract,  or  otherwise.   The  provisions  of  this  Section  4.02(l)
         governing the substitution of another corporation for the Company shall
         similarly apply to successive  instances in which the corporation  then
         deemed  to  be  the  Company   hereunder   shall  either  sell  all  or
         substantially   all  of  its   properties   and  assets  to  any  other
         corporation,   shall   consolidate   with  or  merge   into  any  other
         corporation,  or shall be the surviving  corporation of the merger into
         it of any other  corporation as a result of which the holders of any of
         its  stock or other  securities  shall be  deemed  to have  become  the
         holders of, or shall become entitled to, the stock or


         other  securities of any corporation  other than the corporation at the
         time deemed to be the Company hereunder.

                           (m) Notice of  Adjustment.  The Company shall give to
         the  holder  of the  Preferred  Stock  prompt  written  notice of every
         adjustment  of the  Conversion  price  by  first  class  mail,  postage
         prepaid,  addressed to the address of such holder as shown on the books
         of the Company, which notice shall state the Conversion Price resulting
         from such  adjustment  and the  increase  or  decrease,  if any, in the
         number of shares  purchasable  at such price upon the conversion of the
         Preferred Stock, and shall set forth in reasonable detail the method of
         calculation and the facts upon which such calculation was based.

                  5.       Redemption.

                  5.01 Right to  Redeem.  From and after  January  1, 2000,  the
Corporation  shall  have  the  right  to  redeem  all or any  part  of the  then
outstanding shares of Preferred Stock at any time or from time to time expressed
by  resolution  of its Board of  Directors,  in the  manner  prescribed  in this
Section 5, provided that in (i) any single  redemption,  the  Corporation  shall
redeem not less than 100,000 shares of Preferred  Stock and (ii) the Corporation
shall not be entitled to redeem shares of Preferred  Stock unless at or prior to
the Redemption Date the Corporation  shall have paid to all holders of Preferred
Stock  all  dividends  on the  Preferred  Stock  accrued  to the last day of the
calendar quarter immediately preceding the Redemption Date.

                  5.02  Redemption  Notice.  Before  making  any  redemption  of
Preferred Stock hereunder, the Corporation shall mail by certified or registered
mail, return receipt requested,  to each record holder of any Preferred Stock at
the address shown on the Corporation's  records,  a written notice  ('Redemption
Notice") stating:  (i) the number of shares of Preferred Stock held by record by
such holder  which the  Corporation  proposes to redeem,  (ii) the date  (herein
called  the  "Redemption  Date") on which the  Corporation  proposes  to pay the
Redemption Price for the shares to be redeemed, (iii) the Redemption Price which
is to be paid for each share repurchased; and (iv) the place at which the shares
to be redeemed may be surrendered in exchange for the Redemption  Price for such
shares.  Upon the mailing of a  Redemption  Notice,  subject to the right of the
holder to convert the shares to be redeemed to Common Stock as provided  herein,
the Corporation shall have the right, and shall become obligated,  to redeem the
Preferred Stock specified in such notice on the date specified in such notice as
the Redemption  Date.  Each  Redemption  Notice shall be mailed at least 35 days
before the Redemption  Date,  provided that if the Corporation  fails to pay the
Redemption  Price on such date, the  Redemption  Date shall be the date on which
the Corporation actually pays the Redemption Price.

                  5.03  Allocation  of  Redeemed  Shares.  With  respect  to any
redemption,  the  Corporation  shall  designate,  by  resolution of its Board of
Directors, the aggregate number of shares of Preferred Stock to be redeemed. The
number of shares of Preferred  Stock to be redeemed from each holder  thereof in
any redemption shall be determined by multiplying the aggregate number of shares
of Preferred Stock to be redeemed by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be
the total  number  of shares of  Preferred  Stock  held by such  holder  and the
denominator of which shall be the total number of shares of Preferred Stock then


                  5.04 Right of Holder to Convert. Notwithstanding the provision
of this Section 5, a holder of shares of Preferred Stock shall have the right to
convert the shares of Preferred Stock as to which a Redemption Notice shall have
been give to such holder by  converting  such shares to Common Stock at any time
prior to the  Redemption  Date in  accordance  with the  provisions of Section 4
hereof.  Any conversion of shares of Preferred  Stock made by a holder after the
date of a Redemption  Notice and prior to the Redemption Date shall be deemed to
be conversion  of the shares to be redeemed  pursuant to the  Redemption  Notice
and, thereafter, (i) with respect to such shares, the Corporation shall not have
the right or obligation  to redeem such shares and (ii) the aggregate  number of
shares to be  redeemed  by the  Corporation  shall be  reduced  by the number of
shares converted to Common Stock by such holder.

                  5.05     Redemption Price.

                           (a) For each share of Preferred  Stock which shall be
         redeemed  by the  Corporation  at any time,  the  Corporation  shall be
         obligated to pay to the holder of such share an amount  (herein  called
         the  "Redemption  Price")  equal to the par  value of such  share.  The
         Corporation  shall be obligated to pay on any Redemption  Date both the
         Redemption  Price for each share redeemed and all dividends which shall
         have accrued  (computed on a daily basis) on each share redeemed to and
         including the Redemption  Date and which shall not previously have been
         paid. Such payments which the Corporation shall be obligated to make on
         any redemption Date shall be deemed to become "due" for all purposes of
         this Section  regardless  of whether the  Corporation  shall be able or
         legally permitted to make such payments on the Redemption Date.

                           (b) Each holder of Preferred  Stock shall be entitled
         to  receive  on or at any  time  after  the  Redemption  Date  the full
         Redemption Price, plus accrued  dividends,  for each share of Preferred
         Stock held by such holder which the  Corporation  shall be obligated to
         redeem on such  Redemption  Date upon  surrender  by such holder at the
         Corporation's  principal  office of the certificate  representing  such
         share duly  endorsed in blank or  accompanied  by  appropriate  form of
         assignment duly endorsed in blank.  After payment by the Corporation of
         the full  Redemption  price for any share of Preferred  Stock redeemed,
         plus accrued dividends thereon,  all rights of the holder of such share
         shall (whether or note the  certificate  representing  such share shall
         have  been  surrendered  for  cancellation)  cease and  terminate  with
         respect to such share.

                  6.       Required Conversion.

                  6.01  Public  Offering.   Notwithstanding  anything  contained
herein to the contrary,  upon the Closing by the Company of a public offering of
its securities for gross proceeds equal to or greater than $5,000,000 all shares
of Preferred Stock then outstanding shall, without further act on anyone's part,
be  converted  into an  aggregate  of  1,098,901  shares of Class B Common Stock
effective upon such Closing, and stock certificates  formerly  representing such
shares of Preferred Stock shall thereafter be deemed to represent such number of
shares of Class B Common Stock.

                  6.02 Effect of  Conversion.  Upon the conversion of all shares
of Preferred Stock to shares of Class B Common Stock,  any additional  shares of
Preferred Stock issued shall not be


subject to the  foregoing  provisions,  but may be issued from time to time with
such  designations,   preferences,   conversion  rights,  cumulative,  relative,
participating,   option  or  other  rights,   qualifications,   limitations   or
restrictions  thereof  as shall be stated and  expressed  in the  resolution  or
resolutions  providing for the issuance of such  Preferred  Stock adopted by the
Board of Directors pursuant to the authority in this paragraph given.

         FIFTH:  The  books  of the  Corporation  may be  kept  (subject  to any
provision contained in the statutes) outside the State of Delaware at such place
or places as may be designated from time to time by the board of directors or in
the by-laws of the Corporation.

         SIXTH:  Whenever a compromise or arrangement  is proposed  between this
Corporation  and  its  creditors  or any  class  of  them  and/or  between  this
Corporation  and its  jurisdiction  within  the State of  Delaware  may,  on the
application  in a  summary  way  of  this  Corporation  or of  any  creditor  or
stockholder thereof or on the application of any receiver or receivers appointed
for this  Corporation  under the  provisions  of  Section  291 of Title 8 of the
Delaware  Code  or on the  application  of  trustees  in  dissolution  or of any
receiver or receivers  appointed for this  Corporation  under the  provisions of
Section 279 of Title 8 of the Delaware  Code order a meeting of the creditors or
class of creditors,  and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of this
corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such manner as the said court
directs.  If a majority  in number  representing  three-fourths  in value of the
creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders of this Corporation,
as  the  case  may  be,  agree  to  any  compromise  or  arrangement  and to any
reorganization  of this  Corporation as compromise or  arrangement  and the said
reorganization  shall, if sanctioned by the court to which the said  application
has been made, be binding on all the creditors or class of creditors,  and/or of
the  stockholders or class of  stockholders of this  Corporation as the case may
be, and also on this Corporation.

         SEVENTH:  For the management of the business and for the conduct of the
affairs of the Corporation and in further definition,  limitation and regulation
of the powers of the  Corporation and of its directors and  stockholders,  it is
further provided:

                           (a) The number of directors of the Corporation  shall
         be as specified in the by-laws of the Corporation,  but such number may
         from time to time be  increased or decreased in such manner as shall be
         provided in the  by-laws of the  Corporation.  The number of  directors
         shall not be less than the minimum  prescribed  by law. The election of
         directors need not be by ballot. Directors need not be stockholders.

                           (b)  In  furtherance  and  not in  limitation  of the
         powers  conferred  by the laws of the State of  Delaware,  the board of
         directors is expressly  authorized and empowered to make, alter,  amend
         and repeal by-laws,  subject to the power of the  stockholders to alter
         or repeal by-laws made by the board of directors.


                           (c) Any director or any officers elected or appointed
         by the  stockholders or by the board of directors may be removed at any
         time  in such  manner  as  shall  be  provided  in the  by-laws  of the

                           (d) In the  absence of fraud,  no  contract  or other
         transaction  between the Corporation  and any other  corporation and no
         act of the Corporation,  shall in any way be affected or invalidated by
         the fact that any of the directors of the Corporation are peculiarly or
         otherwise  interested  in, or are  directors or officers of, such other
         corporation;  and in the absence of fraud, any director,  individually,
         or any firm of which any director  may be a member,  may be a party to,
         or may be  peculiarly  or  otherwise  interested  in, any  contract  or
         transaction  of the  Corporation,  provided in any case,  that the fact
         that he or such firm is so interested  shall be disclosed or shall have
         been known to the Board of Directors or the majority  thereof;  and any
         director of the  Corporation,  who is also a director or officer of any
         such other  corporation,  or who is also  interested  may be counted in
         determining  the  existence  of quorum at any  seating  of the Board of
         Directors of the  Corporation  which shall authorize any such contract,
         act or  transaction,  may vote thereat to authorize any such  contract,
         act or  transaction,  with like force and effect as if he were not such
         director or officer of such other corporation, or not so interested.


                           (a) The Corporation shall have power to indemnify any
         person who was or is party or is  threatened  to be made a party to any
         threatened,  pending or completed action,  suit or proceeding,  whether
         civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative (other than an action
         by or in the right of the  Corporation)  by the reason of the fact that
         he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation,
         or is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation  as a director,
         officer, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint
         venture,  trust  or  other  enterprise,   against  expenses  (including
         attorney's  fees),  judgments,  fines and  amounts  paid in  settlement
         actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with such action,
         suit or  proceeding  if he  acted  in good  faith  and in a  manner  he
         reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best  interests  of
         the   Corporation   and,  with  respect  to  any  criminal   action  or
         proceedings,  had no  reasonable  cause  to  believe  his  conduct  was
         unlawful.  The  termination  of  any  action,  suit  or  proceeding  by
         judgment,  order,  settlement,  conviction,  or  upon  a plea  of  nolo
         contendere  or  its  equivalent,   shall  not,  of  itself,   create  a
         presumption  that the  person did not act in good faith and in a manner
         which  he  reasonably  believed  to be in or not  opposed  to the  best
         interests of the  Corporation,  and with respect to any criminal action
         or  proceeding,  had  reasonable  cause to believe that his conduct was

                           (b) The Corporation shall have power to indemnify any
         person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any
         threatened,  pending or completed  action or suit by or in the right of
         the  corporation  to procure a  judgment  in its favor by reason of the
         fact that he is or was a  director,  officer,  employee or agent of the
         Corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as
         a director, officer,


         employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,
         trust or other enterprise against expenses (including  attorneys' fees)
         actually and reasonably  incurred by him in connection with the defense
         of and in a manner he  reasonably  believes  to be in or not opposed to
         the  best   interests   of  the   Corporation   and   except   that  no
         indemnification  shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter
         he reasonably  believes to be in or not opposed to the best interest of
         the  Corporation  and except that no  indemnification  shall be made in
         respect of any claim,  issue or matter as to which  such  person  shall
         have been  adjudged to be liable for  negligence  or  misconduct in the
         performance  of this  duty to the  Corporation  unless  and only to the
         extent  that the Court of Chancery or the court in which such action or
         suit was brought shall  determine upon  application  that,  despite the
         adjudication of liability but in view of all the  circumstances  of the
         case,  such person is fairly and  reasonably  entitled to indemnity for
         such  expenses  which the Court of  Chancery  or such other court shall
         deem proper.

                           (c) No director of the Corporation shall be liable to
         the Corporation or its  stockholders for monetary damages for breach of
         fiduciary  duty as a director,  except for liability for (1) any breach
         of  the  director's   duty  of  loyalty  to  the   Corporation  or  its
         stockholders;  (2) acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve
         intentional  misconduct  or a knowing  violation of law; (3) acts under
         Section  174  of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  law;  or (4)  any
         transaction  from  which the  director  derived  an  improper  personal

                           (d)  Expenses   incurred  in  defending  a  civil  or
         criminal  action,  suit or proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in
         advance of the final disposition of such action,  suit or proceeding as
         authorized  by the board of directors in the specific case upon receipt
         of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer,  to repay
         such  amount  unless  it  shall  ultimately  be  determined  that he is
         entitled to be  indemnified  by the  Corporation  as authorized in this
         Article Eighth. Such expenses incurred by other employees or agents may
         be so paid upon  such  terms and  conditions,  if any,  as the board of
         directors deems appropriate.

                           (e) Any indemnification under paragraphs (a), (b) and
         (c) (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the  Corporation  only
         as  authorized  in  the  specific  case  upon  a   determination   that
         indemnification of the director,  officer,  employee or agent is proper
         in the  circumstances  because he has met the  applicable  standard  of
         conduct set forth in paragraphs  (a), (b) and (c).  Such  determination
         shall be made (1) by the board of  directors  by a  majority  vote of a
         quorum  consisting  of  directors  who were not parties to such action,
         suit or  proceeding,  or (2), if such a quorum is not  obtainable,  or,
         even if obtainable and a quorum of disinterested  directors so directs,
         by  independent  legal  counsel  in a  written  opinion,  or (3) by the

                           (f) The  indemnification  provided  by  this  Article
         Eighth shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those
         indemnified  may be  entitled  under any  by-laws,  agreement,  vote of
         stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise, both as to action
         in his  official  capacity and as to action in another  capacity  while
         holding such office,  and shall  continue as to a person who has ceased
         to be a director, officer, employee


         or agent and shall inure to  the  benefit of the  heirs, executors  and
         administrators of such a person.

                           (g) The Corporation  shall have power to purchase and
         maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was a  director,
         officer,  employee or agent of the  Corporation or is or was serving at
         the  request of the  Corporation  as a director,  officer,  employee or
         agent of another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust or
         other  enterprise  against  any  liability  asserted  against  him  and
         incurred by him in any such  capacity,  or arising out of his status as
         such,  whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify
         him against such liability under the provisions of this Article Eighth.

                           (h) For the purpose of this Article Eighth, reference
         to  "the  Corporation"  shall  include  all  constituent   corporations
         absorbed  in a  consolidation  or  merger as well as the  resulting  or
         surviving  corporation  so that any  person  who is or was a  director,
         officer,  employee or agent of such a constituent  corporation or is or
         was   serving  at  the   request  of  such   constituent   corporation,
         partnership,  joint venture,  trust or other  enterprise shall stand in
         the same position  under the provisions of this section with respect to
         the resulting or surviving corporation in the same capacity.

         NINTH:  From  time  to  time  any of the  provision  of  this  Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation  may be amended,  altered or repealed,  and other
provisions  authorized by the laws of the State of Delaware at the time in force
may be added or inserted in the manner and at the time  prescribed by said laws,
and all rights at any time conferred upon the stockholders of the Corporation by
this Certificate are granted subject to the provisions of this Article Ninth.


         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   CTI  Industries   Corporation  has  caused  the
Certificate  to be  signed  by Howard W.  Schwan,  being  the  President  of the
Corporation this 22nd day of July, 1997.

                                        By:  /s/ Howard W. Schwan
                                                 Howard W. Schwan, President

 /s/ Stephen M. Merrick


STATE OF ILLINOIS                   )
                                    )       ss
COUNT OF COOK                       )

         BE IT REMEMBERED,  that personally appeared before me, the undersigned,
a Notary  Public  authorized to take  acknowledgment  of deed by the laws of the
place where the  foregoing  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  was signed
Howard W. Schwan, the President who signed the foregoing Restated Certificate of
Incorporation, known to me personally to be such, and I having make known to him
the contents of said Restated Certificate of Incorporation, he acknowledged that
the same to be his act and deed, and that the facts therein stated are truly set

         GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal this 22nd day of July, 1997.

                                               /s/ Cheryl J. Stevens
                                                     Notary Public
