HYDRAULIC DREDGES - DRAGLINES - SPUD BARGES [MIKE HOOKS LOGO] P. O. BOX 1525 - LAKE CHARLES, LA 70802 General Dredging & Marine Contractors 408 Mike Hooks Road Phone: (337) 428-6602 Westlake, LA 70669 Fax: (337) 433-8701 27 March 2000 Sophlex Enterprises, Inc. Attn: Tim Levensaler RE: MAINTENANCE DREDGING APPROX. 100,000 C.Y. (1200' LONG AREA TO -25' M.L.T.) AT PORT ARANSAS, TEXAS Sir: We propose to furnish necessary labor and equipment to perform the above referenced work as follows: Mobilization/Demobilization L.S. $85,000.00 (includes laying and removing dredge pipeline to C.O.E. placement area No. 2) Dredging approx. 100,000 c.y. @ $2.95/c.y. - $295,000.00 Total $380,000.00 Standby Rate: Based on 24-hr. day $900.00/hr. Applies to traffic at dock interferring with our operations or any other standby at the request of Sophlex Enterprises, Inc. We will absorb the first two hours per day downtime for debris in the dredging (clean cutterhead, suction pipe, pump and/or discharge pipe). Any such downtime over this will be charged at the standby rate. We require acceptance immediately upon completion. We will standby for eight daylight hours at our expense for acceptance upon completion. Any such downtime over this will be charged at the standby rate. We will have to stay 10 ft. away from any structures with our cutterhead for safety reasons, therefore cannot guarantee the required depth right at the face of structures.