[LOGO] PROPOSAL ST. CLAIR STEEL STRUCTURES, INC. 222 Flaio Rd., P. O. Box 4464, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408-512/289-6966 TO: Corpus Christi Day Cruises LLC Re: Terminal Building for Cruise Ship 555 Challenger Ave. Facilities, Harbor Island, Texas Port Canaveral, FL 32920 We hereby propose to furnish all materials, labor and equipment required to erect the metal building described below and or in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by St. Clair Steel Structures, Inc. If erection is by St. Clair Steel Structures, Inc., standard erection practices and procedures will be used: SIZE 80' x 90' GUTTERS-DOWNSPOUTS Yes EAVE HEIGHT 12' ROOF EXTENSION TYPE 1/12 pitch CANOPY DESIGN - FRAMES TWIA Code Port of Corpus Christi WINDLOAD 125 mph ROOF VENTILATORS LIVELOAD 20 psf TYPE: SIZE: OTHER 5 psf PLASTIC ROOF SHEETS 10 ea. white UL approved ROOF SHEETS 24 ga. color INSULTATION: ROOF Yes S/WALL Yes WALL SHEETS 24 ga color THICKNESS 4" UL RATING 25 FINISH Galvalume & Factory Finish FACING White Reinforced Vinyl POULTRY WIRE No END WALL FRAME Bearing ANCHOR BOLTS Yes WING UNIT WALK DOORS Framed openings for FOUNDATION: Glass Door and Glass Entrance TYPE Monolithic FOOTINGS/PIERS Doors SLAB TKN'S 9" EXT. BEAMS 12" X 24" OVERHEAD DOORS: INT.BEAMS 10" x 18" SL REINF #4 rebar 12" O.C TYPE EXT. BM REINF. 4#6 INT. BM. REINF 4#6 WINDOWS: OTHER ITEMS: Fixed Glass and Mullion Glass BLDG PERMIT Yes BLDRS RISK INS. Yes Entrance Doors TAP FEES No GLASS & STOREFRONT Yes SLIDING DOORS: INT. FINISH Yes PLUMBING Yes No A/COND Yes ELEC. Yes SPECIAL NOTES: We propose to furnish and erect a Metal Building 80' x 90' x 12' Eave with coloral walls and roof with stainless steel fasteners, walls and roof are to be insulated with R19-4" blanket fiberglass insulation with reinforced white vinyl vapor barrier. Framed openings are provided for the store front, glass and glass entrance doors. White skylights, - 10 ea. will be installed in the roof. We will also furnish and install a 5" monolithic concrete foundation with 12" x 24" perimeter beams and 10" x 18" interior beams on level site furnished by owner. Slab re-inforcement will be #4 rebar 12" o.c. and beam 4 ea. #6 rebar. #3 stirrups 24" o.c. will be designed and stamped by a registered professional engineer. Building and foundation are to be designed to meet the Texas Windstorm TWIA Code for any building east of the Intercoastal Canal. The building will be constructed to meet the Port of Corpus Christi requirements. St. Clair Steel Structures will take care of all permits and insurance certification necessary to obtain insurance on the building from the Texas Board of Insurance in Austin, Texas. Our prices per Schedule 'A' attached includes all items listed on Schedule 'A' toward furnishing a complete job, for job cost purposes, we have listed budgeted figures for each sub contract to be furnished under this contract. Schedule 'A" is part of this contract and will be used for draw purposes. TOTAL PRICE: Two Hundred Thirty One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Six Dollars ($231,276.00) PAYMENT TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: 10% DOWN ($23,127) $39,600 upon completion of foundation, $45,000 upon delivery of metal building to jobsite, draws for building erection and during the performance of the sub-contract work per Schedule 'A' attached. Date: 5/1/00 Signed /s/ ----------------------------------------- This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted with 90 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: The above proposal has bee examined, found satisfactory and is hereby accepted. You are authorized to order the building and/or other materials required to do the work itemized above. Payment is to be made as outlined above. DATE: 5/22/00 By: /s/ Martin Gross ---------------------------------------------------- Mgr. Corpus Christi Day Cruise LLC