STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT,  dated as of July 6, 1998 (this "Agreement"),
between Palatin Technologies,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and
TheraTech, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Purchaser").

     WHEREAS,  the  Purchaser  and the Company  have  entered into a License and
Development Agreement dated March 18, 1998 (the "License Agreement");

     WHEREAS,  the  Purchaser  and the Company have executed a Letter of Intent,
dated March 18, 1998, in connection with a proposed loan to the Company from the
Purchaser which loan would be convertible  into shares of the Company's Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Loan Transaction");

     WHEREAS,  the parties to the Loan Transaction  desire to void ab initio all
agreements  and  understandings   relating  thereto,   other  than  the  License
Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Company
desires to issue and sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser  desires to acquire
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  $.01 par value per share (the  "Common

     IN  CONSIDERATION  of the mutual  covenants and agreements set forth herein
and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                               CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

     SECTION 1.1.  CERTAIN  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this Agreement,  unless the
context  requires a different  meaning,  the  following  terms have the meanings
indicated in this Section 1.1:

     "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any Person that, directly or
indirectly,  controls,  is controlled by, or is under common control with,  such
Person. For purposes of this definition,  "control" (including, with correlative
meanings,  the terms "controlled by" and "under common control with") shall mean
the  possession,  directly  or  indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause the
direction of the  management  and policies of such Person,  whether  through the
ownership of voting securities or by contract or otherwise.

     "Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

     "Business  Day"  means any day  except  Saturday,  Sunday and any day which
shall be a Federal legal holiday or a day on which banking  institutions  in the
State of New York are authorized or required by law or other government  actions
to close.

     "Closing" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(b).

     "Closing Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(b).

     "Commission" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "Common Stock" means the Company's common stock, par value $.01 per share.

     "Company" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

     "Current Balance Sheet" means the unaudited balance sheet of the Company as
of March 31, 1998.

     "Disclosure Materials" means, collectively, the SEC Documents, the Exhibits
and Schedules to this Agreement and the  Registration  Rights  Agreement and all
other  information  furnished  in writing by or on behalf of the  Company to the
Purchaser or its  representatives,  respective  agents and counsel in connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Governmental  Agency" means any federal,  state,  local,  foreign or other
governmental agency, instrumentality,  commission,  authority, board or body and
the Nasdaq SmallCap Market.

     "Intellectual  Property Rights" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Knowledge"  or "Know"  when used with  respect  to the  Company  means the
knowledge of the executive  officers,  senior management of the Company,  or any
other management personnel that has had significant  involvement in the business
and affairs of the Company.

     "Legal Opinion" means the legal opinion letter of Rubin Baum Levin Constant
& Friedman,  outside counsel to the Company,  addressed to the Purchaser,  dated
the Closing Date, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.

     "Liability"  means  any  liability  or  obligation   (whether  absolute  or
contingent, liquidated or unliquidated or due or to become due).

     "License  Agreement"  shall  have the  meaning  set  forth in the  recitals


     "Lien" means, with respect to any asset, any mortgage,  lien, pledge, right
of first refusal,  charge, security interest or encumbrance of any kind in or on
such asset or the revenues or income thereon or therefrom.

     "Loan Transaction" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

     "Material  Adverse  Effect"  shall  have the  meaning  set forth in Section

     "Person"  means  an  individual  or  a  corporation,   partnership,  trust,
incorporated or  unincorporated  association,  joint venture,  limited liability
company, joint stock company,  government (or an agency or political subdivision
thereof) or other entity of any kind.

     "Proceeding"  means an action,  claim,  suit,  investigation  or proceeding
(including,  without limitation, an investigation or partial proceeding, such as
a deposition).

     "Purchaser" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals hereto.

     "Registration  Rights  Agreement" means the registration  rights agreement,
dated the Closing Date,  between the Company and the  Purchaser,  in the form of
Exhibit A, as the same may be amended,  supplemented  or  otherwise  modified in
accordance with its terms.

     "Required Approvals" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(f).

     "SEC Documents" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(k).

     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Securities  Registration  Statement" means a registration  statement under
the  Securities  Act  prepared by the Company and filed with the  Commission  in
accordance with the Registration  Rights  Agreement,  covering the resale of the
Shares and naming the holder or holders of such Shares as "selling stockholders"

     "Shares" means the shares of Common Stock to be purchased  pursuant to this

     "Transaction  Documents"  means,  collectively,   this  Agreement  and  the
Registration Rights Agreement.


                                   ARTICLE II

                               PURCHASE OF SHARES


     (a) Subject to the terms and  conditions set forth in this  Agreement,  the
Company shall issue and sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser  shall  purchase
363,636 Shares for an aggregate purchase price of $2,000,000.

     (b) The  closing of the  purchase  and sale of the Shares  (the  "Closing")
shall  take  place on such date as the  parties  shall  agree at the  offices of
Kirkland & Ellis,  153 East 53rd Street,  39th Floor,  New York, New York 10022.
The date of the Closing is hereinafter referred to as the "Closing Date."

     (c) At the  Closing  the  Company  shall (i) issue and  deliver one or more
stock  certificates  representing  the Shares to be  acquired  hereunder  by the
Purchaser,  duly registered in the name of the Purchaser,  (ii) deliver or cause
to be  delivered  the Legal  Opinion,  (iii)  deliver or cause to be delivered a
certificate  executed by the Chief  Executive  Officer  dated the  Closing  Date
stating  that  (a) all of the  representations  and  warranties  of the  Company
contained in this Agreement are true and correct in all material respects at and
as of  the  Closing  Date  except  to  the  extent  of  changes  caused  by  the
transactions contemplated hereby, and (b) all of the covenants and agreements of
the Company contained in this Agreement and required to be performed on or prior
to the Closing Date have been performed in a manner  reasonably  satisfactory to
the  Purchaser,  (iv)  deliver or cause to be  delivered  a  certificate  of the
Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Company,  dated the Closing Date, as
to the continued and valid  existence of the Company,  certifying the By-laws of
the Company and the resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company
authorizing  the actions to be taken by the Company  under this  Agreement,  (v)
deliver or cause to be delivered a certificate  of the Secretary of the State of
Delaware,  dated a  recent  date,  to the  effect  that the  Company  is in good
standing in the State of Delaware and that all annual reports, if any, have been
filed as  required  and that all taxes  and fees  have  been paid in  connection
therewith,  (vi)  deliver  or  cause to be  delivered  a  certified  copy of the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Company as filed with the Secretary of State
of  Delaware  and any  amendments  thereto,  and  (vii)  deliver  or cause to be
delivered all other executed  instruments,  agreements and  certificates  as are
required to be delivered by or on their behalf at the Closing, including without
limitation,  this Agreement and the Registration  Rights Agreement.  The Closing
shall be conditioned on the prior  compliance  with this paragraph and paragraph
(d) of this Section 2.1.

     (d) At the Closing the Purchaser  shall deliver or cause to be delivered to
the Company (i) immediately available funds equal to $2,000,000 in United States
dollars; and (ii) all other executed instruments, agreements and certificates as
are required to be  delivered  by or on their  behalf at the Closing,  including
without limitation, this Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.


                                   ARTICLE III


hereby represents and warrants to the Purchaser as follows:

     (a) ORGANIZATION AND  QUALIFICATION.  The Company has no subsidiaries other
than as set forth in Schedule  3.1(a)  (collectively  the  "Subsidiaries").  The
Company  and  each of the  Subsidiaries  is a  corporation,  duly  incorporated,
validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
incorporation,  with the requisite  corporate power and authority to own and use
its properties  and assets and to carry on its business as currently  conducted.
The Company and each of the  Subsidiaries  is duly  licensed or  qualified to do
business and is in good standing as a foreign  corporation in each  jurisdiction
in which the nature of the business conducted or property owned by it makes such
license or qualification  necessary,  except where the failure to be so licensed
or qualified or in good standing, as the case may be, could not, individually or
in the aggregate, (x) adversely affect the legality,  validity or enforceability
of the Shares or any  Transaction  Documents  or the  transactions  contemplated
thereby,  (y)  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  business,  results  of
operations,  assets,  prospects,  or condition  (financial  or otherwise) of the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole  or (z)  adversely  impair  the
Company's  ability to perform fully on a timely basis its obligations  under any
Transaction Documents (any of (x), (y) or (z), a "Material Adverse Effect").

     (b)  AUTHORIZATION;  ENFORCEMENT.  The Company has the requisite  corporate
power and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  the  Transaction  Documents,  to
consummate the  transactions  contemplated by the  Transaction  Documents and to
otherwise  carry out its obligations  thereunder.  The execution and delivery of
each  Transaction  Document  by the Company  and the  consummation  by it of the
transactions  contemplated  thereby have been duly  authorized  by all necessary
action  on the part of the  Company.  Each  Transaction  Document  has been duly
executed by the Company and, when delivered in accordance with the terms hereof,
each  Transaction  Document  shall  constitute  the  legal,  valid  and  binding
obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its

     (c) CAPITALIZATION. The authorized, issued and outstanding capital stock of
the Company is as set forth in Schedule  3.1(c).  Neither the  issuance  nor the
delivery  of the Shares is subject to any  preemptive  or similar  rights of any
stockholder  of the  Company or to any right of first  refusal or other  similar
right in favor of any Person which has not been waived.  Except as  specifically
disclosed in Schedule 3.1(c), there are no outstanding pledges,  Liens, options,
warrants,  rights  to  subscribe  to,  calls  or  commitments  of any  character
whatsoever  relating to, or,  except as a result of the purchase and sale of the
Shares  hereunder,   securities,  rights  or  obligations  convertible  into  or
exchangeable  for, or giving any Person any right to  subscribe  for or acquire,
any  shares of Common  Stock,  or  contracts,  commitments,  understandings,  or
arrangements  by which the  Company is or may become  bound to issue  additional
shares of Common Stock or securities or rights  convertible or exchangeable into
shares of Common Stock.


     (d) ISSUANCE OF SECURITIES. The Shares are duly authorized and, when issued
and delivered in  accordance  with the terms  hereof,  shall be validly  issued,
fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of all Liens.

     (e)  NO  CONFLICTS.   The  execution,   delivery  and  performance  of  the
Transaction  Documents by the Company and the consummation by the Company of the
transactions  contemplated  thereby  do not and  will not (i)  conflict  with or
violate any  provision of its  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  By-laws or other
charter  documents  (each as amended  through the date hereof),  (ii) subject to
obtaining the consents referred to in Section 3.1(f), conflict with, result in a
breach,  or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time
or both  would  become  a  default)  under,  or give to  others  any  rights  of
termination,   amendment,   acceleration  or  cancellation  of,  any  agreement,
indenture or  instrument  (evidencing  a Company debt or otherwise) to which the
Company is a party or by which any  property or asset of the Company is bound or
affected,  or (iii) result in a violation of any law, rule,  regulation,  order,
judgment,  injunction,  decree or other restriction of any court or governmental
authority  to  which  the  Company  is  subject  (including  federal  and  state
securities  laws and  regulations),  or by which  any  property  or asset of the
Company is bound or  affected;  except in the case of each of  clauses  (ii) and
(iii),  as could  not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have or result in a
Material  Adverse Effect.  The business of the Company is not being conducted in
violation of any law,  ordinance or  regulation of any  governmental  authority,
except for violations which,  individually and in the aggregate,  could not have
or result in a Material Adverse Effect.

     (f)  CONSENTS  AND  APPROVALS.  The  Company is not  required to obtain any
consent,  waiver,  authorization or order of, or make any filing or registration
with, any court or other federal,  state,  local,  foreign or other governmental
authority  or other  Person  in  connection  with the  execution,  delivery  and
performance  by the Company of the  Transaction  Documents and the  transactions
contemplated  thereby,  other  than  (i) the  filing  of one or more  Securities
Registration  Statements  with  the  Commission  and the  making  of  applicable
blue-sky  filings under state securities laws with respect to the Shares and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  each  as  contemplated  hereby  and  by the
Registration  Rights  Agreement,  (ii) the  application  for the  listing of the
Shares on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market  (and on each other  national  securities
exchange,  market or trading facility on which the Common Stock is then listed),
and (iii)  other  than,  in all other  cases,  where the  failure to obtain such
consent,  waiver,  authorization  or order,  or to give or make  such  notice or
filing,  could  not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have or  result  in a
Material Adverse Effect (the "Required Approvals").

     (g)  LITIGATION;  PROCEEDINGS.  Except  as  specifically  disclosed  in the
Disclosure  Materials,  there is no claim,  action,  suit,  notice of violation,
proceeding or  investigation  pending or, to the best  knowledge of the Company,
threatened against or affecting the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any of
their   respective   properties   before  or  by  any  court,   governmental  or
administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal,  state, county, local or
foreign)  which if decided  adversely  to any such  Person  could (i)  adversely
affect or challenge the legality,  validity or enforceability of any Transaction
Document or the Shares or (ii) could,  individually or in the aggregate, have or
result in a Material Adverse Effect.


     (h)  NO  DEFAULT  OR  VIOLATION.   Neither  the  Company  nor  any  of  its
Subsidiaries  (i) is in default under or in violation of (or has received notice
of a claim  that it is in  default  under  or  that it is in  violation  of) any
indenture,  loan or credit  agreement or any other  agreement or  instrument  to
which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties is bound, (ii) is in
violation of any order of any court,  arbitrator or governmental  body, or (iii)
is in  violation  of  any  statute,  rule  or  regulation  of  any  governmental
authority,  except as could, individually or in the aggregate, have or result in
a Material Adverse Effect.

     (i) PRIVATE  OFFERING.  Assuming  the accuracy of the  representations  and
warranties of the Purchaser contained in Sections  3.2(b)-3.2(f),  the offering,
issuance  or sale of the Shares as  contemplated  hereunder  are exempt from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act and state securities laws.

     (j) CERTAIN FEES. No fees or commissions  will be payable by the Company to
any broker, financial advisor or consultant, finder, investment banker or Person
performing  a similar  function,  placement  agent,  or bank with respect to the
transactions contemplated hereby.

     (k) SEC DOCUMENTS;  DISCLOSURE.  The Company has filed all reports required
to be filed by it under the Exchange Act, including pursuant to Section 13(a) or
15(d) thereof,  since July 1, 1996 (the foregoing  materials being  collectively
referred to herein as the "SEC  Documents")  on a timely basis or has received a
valid  extension  of such  time of filing  and has filed any such SEC  Documents
prior to the expiration of any such  extension.  As of their  respective  filing
dates,  each SEC  Document  filed with the  Commission  complied in all material
respects with the  requirements  of the  Securities Act and the Exchange Act and
the rules and regulations of the Commission promulgated thereunder,  and none of
the SEC Documents, when filed, contained any untrue statement of a material fact
or omitted to state a material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary
in order to make the statements  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under
which they were made, not  misleading.  To the Company's  knowledge,  each final
registration  statement filed with the Commission by the Company pursuant to the
Securities  Act  since  July 1,  1996,  as of the  date  such  statement  became
effective  complied  in all  material  respects  with  the  requirements  of the
Securities  Act and did not contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact or
omit to state any material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made,  not  misleading.  This Agreement  together with the Schedules,  Exhibits,
written statements and certificates supplied to the Purchaser by or on behalf of
the  Company  with  respect to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  does not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
necessary to make the statements  contained  herein or therein,  in the light of
the circumstances in which they were made, not misleading.

     (l) FORM S-3  ELIGIBILITY.  The Company is eligible to register  the Shares
for resale with the Commission  under Form S-3 promulgated  under the Securities

the listing of the Common Stock was initially approved for trading on the Nasdaq
SmallCap Market,  the Company has not received notice (written or oral) from any
stock exchange,  market or trading  facility on which the Common Stock is or has
been  listed  (or on which  it is or has been  quoted)  to the  effect  that the
Company is not in compliance  with the listing or  maintenance  requirements  of
such exchange, market or trading facility. The Company is in compliance with all
such listing and maintenance requirements.


     (n)  INVESTMENT  COMPANY.  The Company is not, and is not  controlled by or
under common control with an Affiliate of, and  "investment  company" within the
meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     (o) PATENTS AND  TRADEMARKS.  The  Company  has, or has rights to use,  all
patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications, service marks,
trade names, copyrights, licenses, trade secrets and other intellectual property
rights which are necessary for use in connection  with its business or which the
failure  to so have  would have a Material  Adverse  Effect  (collectively,  the
"Intellectual  Property Rights").  To the best knowledge of the Company, none of
the Intellectual Property Rights infringe on any rights of any other Person, and
the Company either owns or has duly licensed or otherwise acquired all necessary
rights with respect to the  Intellectual  Property  Rights.  The Company has not
received  any notice  from any third party of any claim of  infringement  by the
Company of any of the Intellectual Property Rights, and has no reason to believe
there is any basis for any such claim.  To the best  knowledge  of the  Company,
there is no existing  infringement by another Person on any of the  Intellectual
Property Rights.

     (p) NO UNDISCLOSED  LIABILITIES.  To the Company's  knowledge,  neither the
Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has any liabilities except (i) as and to the
extent of the amounts reflected or reserved against on the Current Balance Sheet
(including footnotes thereto),  (ii) liabilities and obligations incurred in the
ordinary  course of  business  since the date  thereof,  and  (iii)  such  other
liabilities that in the aggregate will not result in a Material Adverse Effect.

hereby represents and warrants to the Company as follows:

     (a) ORGANIZATION;  AUTHORITY. The Purchaser is an entity organized, validly
existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the  jurisdiction  of its
organization  with the  requisite  power  and  authority  to  enter  into and to
consummate the transactions  contemplated by the Transaction  Documents to which
it is a party and to carry out its obligations  thereunder.  The purchase of the
Shares by the  Purchaser  hereunder  has been duly  authorized  by all necessary
action on the part of the Purchaser. Each of this Agreement and the Registration
Rights  Agreement has been duly executed by the Purchaser and, when delivered by
the Purchaser in accordance with the terms hereof shall constitute the valid and
legally  binding  obligation  of  the  Purchaser,   enforceable  against  it  in
accordance with its terms.

     (b)  INVESTMENT  INTENT.  The Purchaser is acquiring the Shares for its own
account for investment  purposes only and not with a view to or for distributing
or  reselling  such  Shares or any part  thereof or  interest  therein,  without
prejudice,  however, to the Purchaser's right, subject to the provisions of this
Agreement  and  the  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  at all  times  to sell or
otherwise  dispose of all or any part of such Shares  pursuant  to an  effective
registration   statement  under  the  Securities  Act  and  in  compliance  with
applicable state securities laws or under an exemption from such registration.

     (c) PURCHASER  STATUS.  At the time the Purchaser was offered the Shares to
be  acquired by it  hereunder,  it was,  at the date  hereof,  it is, and at the
Closing  Date,  it will be, an  "accredited  investor" as defined in Rule 501(a)
under the Securities Act.


     (d)   EXPERIENCE   OF  PURCHASER.   The   Purchaser  has  such   knowledge,
sophistication  and  experience  in business and  financial  matters so as to be
capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective  investment in the
Shares, and has so evaluated the merits and risks of such investment.

acknowledges  that an investment in the Shares to be acquired by it hereunder is
speculative  and involves a high degree of risk.  The  Purchaser is able to bear
the economic  risk of an  investment  in the Shares and, at the present time, is
able to afford a complete loss of such investment.

     (f)  ACCESS TO  INFORMATION.  The  Purchaser  acknowledges  receipt  of the
Disclosure  Materials and further acknowledges that it has been afforded (i) the
opportunity to ask such questions as it has deemed  necessary of, and to receive
answers from, representatives of the Company concerning the terms and conditions
of the  offering of the  Shares,  and the merits and risks of  investing  in the
Shares, (ii) access to information about the Company and the Company's financial
condition, results of operations, business, properties, management and prospects
sufficient to enable it to evaluate its investment; and (iii) the opportunity to
obtain such additional  information  which the Company  possesses or can acquire
without  unreasonable  effort or expense  that is  necessary to make an informed
investment  decision with respect to the  investment  and to verify the accuracy
and completeness of the information contained in the Disclosure Materials.

     (g)  RELIANCE.  The Purchaser  understands  and  acknowledges  that (i) the
Shares to be acquired by it hereunder  are being  offered and sold to it without
registration under the Securities Act in a private placement that is exempt from
the  registration  provisions of the Securities Act and (ii) the availability of
such exemption,  depends in part on, and the Company will rely upon the accuracy
and  truthfulness  of, the foregoing  representations  and the Purchaser  hereby
consents to such reliance.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                         OTHER AGREEMENTS OF THE PARTIES

     SECTION 4.1. TRANSFER RESTRICTIONS.  (a) The Shares may only be disposed of
pursuant  to  (i) an  effective  registration  statement  under  the  Securities
Act,(ii) an  available  exemption  from or in a  transaction  not subject to the
registration  requirements  of the  Securities  Act;  or  (iii)  subject  to the
conditions set forth herein,  any other legally available means of transfer.  In
connection  with any transfer of any Shares other than  pursuant to an effective
registration statement or to the Company, the Company may require the transferor
thereof to provide to the Company an opinion of counsel selected and paid for by
the  transferor,  the form and  substance of which  opinion  shall be reasonably
satisfactory  to the Company,  to the effect that such transfer does not require
registration under the Securities Act.

     (b) The Purchaser agrees to the imprinting,  so long as is required, of the
following legend on the certificates representing the Shares:



     SECTION  4.2. USE OF  PROCEEDS.  The Company  shall use all of the proceeds
from the sale of the  Shares  solely for the  research  and  development  of the
dosage  form  of  PT-14  or  other  peptide,  including,  but  not  limited  to,
metalopeptide,  for  sexual  dysfunction  in any and all drug  delivery  systems
whether  existing now or in the future  including OTM,  pulmonary,  transdermal,
controlled-release injections, and oral drug delivery systems.

     SECTION 4.3.  LISTING OF SHARES.  The Company  shall (a) not later than the
fifth  Business Day  following the Closing Date prepare and file with the Nasdaq
SmallCap Market (as well as any other national  securities  exchange,  market or
trading facility on which the Common Stock is then listed) an additional  shares
listing  application  covering the Shares, (b) take all steps necessary to cause
such Shares to be approved for listing on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market (as well as
on any other national securities  exchange,  market or trading facility on which
the Common Stock is then listed) as soon as possible thereafter, and (c) provide
to the Purchaser  evidence of such listing,  and the Company shall  maintain the
listing of its Common Stock on such exchange or market.

     SECTION  4.4.  INTEGRATION.  The  Company  shall not and shall use its best
efforts to ensure that no Affiliate of the Company shall sell, offer for sale or
solicit  offers to buy or  otherwise  negotiate  in respect of any  security (as
defined in Section 2 of the  Securities  Act) that would be integrated  with the
offer or sale of the Shares in a manner  that  would  require  the  registration
under  the  Securities  Act of the  issue,  offer or sale of the  Shares  to the

     SECTION 4.5.  BREACHES.  Each of the Company and the  Purchaser  shall give
prompt  written  notice to the other of any breach by it of any  representation,
warranty or other agreement  contained in any Transaction  Document,  as well as
any events or occurrences arising after the date hereof and prior to the Closing
Date, which would reasonably be likely to cause any  representation  or warranty
or  other  agreement  of  such  party,  as the  case  may be,  contained  in the
Transaction  Documents  to be  incorrect  or breached as of such  Closing  Date.
However,  no disclosure  by a party  pursuant to this Section shall be deemed to
cure any breach of any representation,  warranty or other agreement contained in
any Transaction Document.


                                    ARTICLE V


     SECTION 5.1. FEES AND EXPENSES.  Each party shall pay the fees and expenses
of its advisers,  counsel,  accountants and other experts, if any, and all other
expenses  incurred  by such  party  incident  to the  negotiation,  preparation,
execution,  delivery and performance of this  Agreement.  The Purchaser shall be
responsible  for its  own tax  liability  that  may  arise  as a  result  of the
investment hereunder or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

Agreement,  together with the Exhibits and Schedules  hereto  contain the entire
understanding  of the  parties  with  respect to the subject  matter  hereof and
supersede all prior agreements and understandings, oral or written, with respect
to such matters,  including,  without  limitation,  any and all  agreements  and
understandings  with  respect to the Loan  Transaction  other  than the  License
Agreement.  The Exhibits and Schedules to this Agreement are hereby incorporated
herein and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein.

     SECTION  5.3.  NOTICES.  Any  notice  or other  communication  or  delivery
required or permitted to be provided  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been received on the earliest of (i) the date of transmission, if
such notice or  communication  is delivered  to the address or to the  facsimile
telephone  number (as the case may be)  specified in this Section  prior to 8:00
p.m.  (Eastern Standard time) on a Business Day, (ii) the Business Day after the
date of  transmission  or hand  delivery,  if such  notice or  communication  is
delivered to the address or the at the facsimile  telephone  number (as the case
may be) specified in this Section later than 8:00 p.m.  (Eastern  Standard time)
on any date and earlier than 11:59 p.m.  (Eastern  Standard  time) on such date,
(iii) the  Business Day  following  the date of mailing,  if sent by  nationally
recognized  overnight courier service,  or (iv) upon actual receipt by the party
to whom such notice is required  to be given.  The address for such  notices and
communications  to the  Purchaser  and the  Company  shall  be to the  following

                   TheraTech, Inc.
                   417 Wakara Way
                   Salt Lake City, UT 84108
                   Facsimile No.: (801) 583-0050
                   Attn: Dinesh C. Patel, Ph.D., President, Chairman and Chief
                   Executive Officer

   With copies to  Kirkland & Ellis & Co.
                   153 East 53rd Street, 39th Floor
                   New York, NY 10022
                   Facsimile No.: (212) 446-4900
                   Attn: Stephen P. Johnson


                   Palatin Technologies, Inc.
                   214 Carnegie Center
                   Princeton, NJ  08540
                   Facsimile No.:  (609) 452-0880
                   Attn:  Edward J. Quilty, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

   With copies to: Rubin Baum Levin Constant & Friedman
                   30 Rockefeller Plaza
                   New York, NY  10112
                   Facsimile No.: (212) 698-7700

or such other  address as may be designated  in writing  hereafter,  in the same
manner, by such Person.

     SECTION 5.4.  AMENDMENTS;  WAIVERS.  No provision of this  Agreement may be
waived  or  amended  except in a written  instrument  signed,  in the case of an
amendment, by the Company and the Purchaser, or, in the case of a waiver, by the
party against whom  enforcement  of any such waiver is sought.  No waiver of any
default  with  respect  to any  provision,  condition  or  requirement  of  this
Agreement shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver in the future or a waiver of
any other  provision,  condition or requirement  hereof,  nor shall any delay or
omission of either  party to exercise any right  hereunder in any manner  impair
the exercise of any such right accruing to it thereafter.

     SECTION 5.5. HEADINGS. The headings herein are for convenience only, do not
constitute a part of this  Agreement  and shall not be deemed to limit or affect
any of the provisions hereof.

     SECTION 5.6.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the  benefit of the  parties  and their  successors  and  permitted
assigns,  including  any Persons to whom the  Purchaser  transfers  Shares.  The
assignment by a party of this Agreement or any rights hereunder shall not affect
the obligations of such party under this Agreement.

     SECTION 5.7. NO THIRD-PARTY  BENEFICIARIES.  This Agreement is intended for
the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective  successors and permitted
assigns and, other than with respect to permitted  assignees  under Section 5.6,
is not for the benefit  of, nor may any  provision  hereof be  enforced  by, any
other Person.

     SECTION  5.8.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by and
construed and enforced in accordance  with the internal laws of the State of New
York without regard to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.


     SECTION  5.9.  WAIVER OF JURY  TRIAL.  The parties to this  Agreement  each
hereby waives to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right to trial by jury
of any claim,  demand,  action, or cause of action arising under this Agreement,
whether now  existing or  hereafter  arising,  and  whether in  contract,  tort,
equity,  or otherwise.  Each of the parties to this Agreement  hereby agrees and
consents that any claim, demand,  action, or cause of action shall be decided by
court trial  without a jury and that the parties to this  Agreement  may file an
original  counterpart  of a copy of this  Agreement  with any  court as  written
evidence of the  consent of the  parties  hereto to the waiver of their right to
trial by jury.

     SECTION  5.10.  EXECUTION.  This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  all of which when taken  together shall be considered one and the
same agreement, and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by
each party and  delivered to the other  parties,  it being  understood  that all
parties need not sign the same  counterpart.  In the event that any signature is
delivered by facsimile  transmission,  such  signature  shall create a valid and
binding  obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is
executed) the same with the same force and effect as if such facsimile signature
page were an original thereof.

     SECTION 5.11.  PUBLICITY.  The Company and the Purchaser shall consult with
each other in issuing any press releases or otherwise  making public  statements
with respect to the transactions  contemplated  hereby and neither the Purchaser
nor the Company  shall issue any such press  release or otherwise  make any such
public statement  without the prior written consent of the other,  which consent
shall not be  unreasonably  withheld  or delayed,  except that no prior  consent
shall be required  if such  disclosure  is  required by law or any  Governmental
Agency,  in which such case the  disclosing  party shall provide the other party
with prior notice of such public  statement.  The  Purchaser  shall not make any
public  statement  or  issue  any  press  release   regarding  the  transactions
contemplated hereby without the prior written consent of the Company.

     SECTION 5.12.  SEVERABILITY.  In case any one or more of the  provisions of
this Agreement shall be invalid or  unenforceable  in any respect,  the validity
and enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall
not in any way be affected or impaired  thereby and the parties  will attempt to
agree  upon a valid  and  enforceable  provision  which  shall  be a  reasonable
substitute  therefor,  and upon so agreeing,  shall  incorporate such substitute
provision in this Agreement.

     SECTION 5.13. REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. Except as otherwise provided herein, the
remedies  provided  herein  shall be  cumulative  and  shall  not  preclude  the
assertion  by any party  hereto of any other  rights or the seeking of any other
remedies against any other party hereto.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly executed as of the date first indicated above.

                                           The Company:

                                           PALATIN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                           By:  ________________________________
                                                Name: Edward J. Quilty
                                                Title: Chairman, President and
                                                       Chief Executive Officer

                                           The Purchaser:

                                           THERATECH, INC.

                                           By:  ________________________________
                                                Name: Dinesh C. Patel, Ph.D.
                                                Title: Chairman, President and 
                                                       Chief Executive Officer
