Exhibit 6(k)



     THIS STOCK ESCROW AND SECURITY  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is dated as of
May15, 2001, by and among UPSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. a corporation organized under
the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A. (the "Company"), the undersigned buyer
(the "Buyer") and H. GLENN BAGWELL,  JR., a duly licensed attorney who practices
law in the  State of North  Carolina,  U.S.A.,  as  Escrow  Agent  (the  "Escrow

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, the Buyer and the Company have entered into that Note Purchase
Agreement  dated as the  date  hereof  (the  "Securities  Purchase  Agreement"),
pursuant to which the  Company  has agreed to sell,  and the Buyer has agreed to
purchase,  in a closing or  closings as  described  in the  Securities  Purchase
Agreement (each a "Closing"), that 7% Convertible Promissory Note of the Company
(the "Note"),  which is convertible  into shares of common stock of the Company,
$.001 par value per share ("Common Stock") (collectively, the "Securities"); and

         WHEREAS, the Buyer has requested certain additional security as partial
consideration for Buyer's  undertakings as described in the Securities  Purchase
Agreement and the Note; and

         WHEREAS,  it is a condition of the Buyer's  obligation  to purchase the
Securities,  that this Agreement be executed and delivered by all of the parties
named above, and that the undertakings described herein be performed; and

         WHEREAS, the Escrow Agent is willing to act hereunder on the terms and
conditions set forth herein;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and
obligations set forth below, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

         1.       ESCROW ACCOUNT.

         1.1  Deposit.  On or  before  the date of the  Closing,  by  electronic
transfer or by delivery of one or more  certificates,  the Company shall deposit
eight million  (8,000,000)  shares of  unrestricted,  free-trading  Common Stock
(each a "Share" and collectively the "Shares") with the Escrow Agent, to be held
by the Escrow  Agent in a separate  brokerage  account  (the  "Escrow  Account")

established with Wachovia  Securities,  Inc., or another  brokerage  account (as
applicable,  the  "Brokerage"),  subject to the terms and  provisions  contained
herein. The parties hereto acknowledge that the Closing shall not occur prior to
the deposit of the Shares into the Escrow Account.

         2.       DISBURSEMENT OF SHARES.

         2.1  Disbursement.  None of the Shares shall be disbursed other than in
accordance with the terms hereof, or in accordance with the written instructions
of both the Company and the Buyer  delivered  to the Escrow  Agent.  In no event
shall the Escrow Agent release or transfer any Shares to any party other than to
the Buyer or to the Company in accordance  with this  Agreement,  absent express
written  instructions  from the Company to transfer Shares to a third party. The
Shares (or such portion as may be  applicable)  shall be disbursed by the Escrow
Agent under the following circumstances.

         (a) At any time,  in accordance  with the terms of the Note,  the Buyer
exercises  its right to convert  the Note (or any portion  thereof)  into Common
Stock, the Buyer shall in addition to the steps required under the Note, deliver
via  facsimile a copy of the  Conversion  Notice (as defined in the Note) to the
Escrow  Agent.  The Escrow  Agent  shall,  as soon as  practicable  upon receipt
thereof  but in any event  within two (2) days after  receipt of the  Conversion
Notice, deliver to or at the direction of the Buyer, via electronic transfer out
of the Escrow  Account  such number of Shares as are to be received by the Buyer
upon conversion in accordance with the Conversion Notice. The Escrow Agent shall
have no discretion with respect to the number of Shares to be delivered pursuant
to a  Conversion  Notice,  but  shall  deliver  that  number  specified  in such
Conversion Notice absent manifest error on the part of the Buyer

         (b)  Upon  conversion  into  Common  Stock  of all  of the  outstanding
principal  amount  of the Note  offered  and  sold  pursuant  to the  Securities
Purchase  Agreement,  and  upon  delivery  of that  number  of  Shares  which is
equivalent  to the number of shares of Common Stock to have been received by the
Buyer upon  conversion  of all of the Note so offered and sold,  the Company and
the Buyer shall send via facsimile  written  notice to the Escrow Agent that all
of the  outstanding  principal  amount of the Note has been fully  converted and
that the  parties do not intend to sell and  purchase  any  further  Notes.  The
written notice from the Company shall also provide  instructions with respect to
the return of all  remaining  Shares (if any) to the  Company.  The Escrow Agent
shall,  within  three (3)  business  days after  receipt of such notice from the
parties,   return  all  remaining   Shares  to  the  Company  pursuant  to  such

         2.2 Controversies. If any controversy arises between two or more of the
parties hereto,  or between any of the parties hereto and any person not a party
hereto,  as to whether  or not or to whom the Escrow  Agent  shall  deliver  the
Shares or any  portion  thereof  or as to any  other  matter  arising  out of or
relating to this  Escrow  Agreement,  the Escrow  Agent shall not be required to
determine the same and need not make any delivery of the Escrow concerned or any
portion  thereof  but may retain the same until the rights of the parties to the
dispute shall have been finally  determined by agreement or by final judgment of
a court of competent jurisdiction after all appeals have been finally determined
(or the time for further appeals has expired without an appeal having been made)
(notwithstanding  the above, the provisions of the paragraph next above this one

shall apply in all events  without  exception).  The Escrow Agent shall  deliver
that portion of the Escrow  concerned  covered by such agreement or final order,
if any is then held by the Escrow  Agent,  within five (5) days after the Escrow
Agent  receives a copy  thereof.  The Escrow  Agent  shall  assume  that no such
controversy  has arisen  unless and until it  receives  written  notice from the
Buyer  and/or  the  Company  that such  controversy  has  arisen,  which  refers
specifically  to this  Agreement  and  identifies  the adverse  claimants to the

         2.3      No Other Disbursements.   No portion of the Shares shall be
disbursed or otherwise  transferred  except in  accordance  with this Section 2,
Section 4 or Section 5.1(b).

         3.       ESCROW AGENT.     The acceptance by the Escrow Agent of his
duties  hereunder is subject to the following  terms and  conditions,  which the
parties to this Agreement  hereby agree shall govern and control with respect to
the rights, duties, liabilities and immunities of the Escrow Agent:

         3.1 The Escrow Agent shall not be  responsible  or liable in any manner
whatever for the sufficiency,  correctness, genuineness or validity of any cash,
Shares,  certificates,  investments  or other amounts  deposited with or held by

         3.2 The Escrow  Agent  shall be  protected  in acting  upon any written
notice, certificate, instruction, request or other paper or document believed by
him to be genuine and to have been signed or  presented  by the proper  party or

         3.3 The Escrow  Agent  shall not be liable  for any act done  hereunder
except in the case of his reckless or willful misconduct or actions taken in bad

         3.4 The Escrow Agent shall not be obligated or permitted to investigate
the  correctness or accuracy of any document or to determine  whether or not the
signatures  contained in said documents are genuine or to require  documentation
or evidence substantiating any such document or signature.

3.5      The Escrow Agent shall have no duties as Escrow Agent except those that
         are expressly set forth herein,  and in any  modification  or amendment
         hereof;  provided,  however,  that no such  modification  or  amendment
         hereof shall affect his duties unless the Escrow Agent shall have given
         his written consent  thereto.  The Escrow Agent shall not be prohibited
         from  owning an equity  interest  in the  Company,  the Buyer,  another
         buyer, any of their respective  subsidiaries or any third party that is
         in any way  affiliated  with  or  conducts  business  with  either  the
         Company, the Buyer or another buyer.

         3.6 The Company and the Buyer specifically  acknowledge that the Escrow
Agent is a practicing attorney, and has or may have worked with the Company, the
Buyer,  the  placement  agent  or  finder  on  the  transaction,   one  or  more
stockholders of the Company,  or affiliates of either of them on other unrelated
transactions, and that they and each of them has specifically requested that the
Escrow Agent draft some or all of the  documents for the said  transactions  and
act as Escrow Agent with respect to the said transactions. Each party represents
that it has retained legal and other counsel of its choosing with respect to the
transactions  contemplated herein and in the Securities Purchase Agreement,  and
is  satisfied  in  its  sole  discretion  with  the  form  and  content  of  the

documentation  drafted by the Escrow Agent.  Without  further  disclosure of any
kind to any party,  the Escrow Agent may own, and shall not be  prohibited  from
owning,  an equity  interest  in the  Company  and/or may be an equity  owner or
lender of the Buyer,  another buyer or any other of the persons noted above, and
may increase or sell any such interest, so long as in accordance with applicable
law. The said parties  hereby waive any  objection to the Escrow Agent so acting
based upon conflict of interest,  lack of impartiality or otherwise.  The Escrow
Agent  agrees  to act  impartially  and in  accordance  with  the  terms of this
Agreement and with the parties' respective instructions, so long as they are not
in conflict with the terms of this Agreement.

         4. TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall terminate on the later of (a) the
date on which all of the  Shares  and any other  escrowed  documents  and things
described  herein shall have been fully  disbursed in accordance  with the terms
and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  or (b) ten (10)  business  days  after the
conversion of the last of the outstanding  principal  amount of the Note to have
been  issued  by the  Company  to Buyer  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the
Securities Purchase Agreement.

         5.       MISCELLANEOUS.

         5.1      Indemnification of Escrow Agent.

         (a) The  Company  and Buyer  each  agree,  jointly  and  severally,  to
indemnify  the Escrow  Agent for,  and to hold him  harmless  against,  any loss
incurred  without  reckless  or  willful  misconduct  or bad faith on the Escrow
Agent's part,  arising out of or in connection with the  administration  of this
Agreement,  including  the costs and expenses of defending  himself  against any
claim or liability in connection  with the exercise or performance of any of his
powers or duties hereunder. This indemnification shall not apply to a party with
respect to a direct  claim  against the Escrow  Agent by such party  alleging in
good faith a breach of this  Agreement by the Escrow Agent,  which claim results
in a final non-appealable judgment against the Escrow Agent with respect to such

         (b) In the  event of any  dispute  as to the  nature  of the  rights or
obligations of the Buyer, the Company or the Escrow Agent hereunder,  the Escrow
Agent may at any time or from time to time interplead, deposit and/or pay all or
any part of the Shares with or to a court of competent  jurisdiction  sitting in
Wake County,  North Carolina or in any appropriate  federal court, in accordance
with the procedural  rules  thereof.  The Escrow Agent shall give notice of such
action to the Company and the Buyer. Upon such interpleader, deposit or payment,
the Escrow Agent shall  immediately and automatically be relieved and discharged
from all further  obligations  and  responsibilities  hereunder,  including  the
decision to interplead, deposit or pay such funds.

         5.2      Amendments.       This Agreement may be modified or amended
only by a written instrument executed by each of the parties hereto.

         5.3 Notices. All communications required or permitted to be given under
this  Agreement  to any  party  hereto  shall  be sent by  first  class  mail or
facsimile to such party at the address, of such party set forth on the signature
page of this Agreement.

         5.5 Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall bind and inure to the
benefit of the  parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and  assigns;
provided,  however, that the Escrow Agent shall not assign his duties under this

         5.6 Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina,  and
venue for any civil action related to this Agreement  shall be had in the courts
of Wake County, North Carolina.

         5.7      Counterparts.     This Agreement may be executed in three or
more counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which together
shall constitute one and the same agreement.

         5.8  Facsimile.  This  Agreement may be accepted via  facsimile,  and a
facsimile  transmission  of the executed  signature  page hereof shall make this
Agreement  legally binding upon the party so executing and faxing such signature
page to the Escrow Agent.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


                                         THE COMPANY:

                                         UPSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC.

                                         Mr. Michael Porter, Chairman and CEO

                                         THE BUYER:

                                         AUGUSTINE ASSOCIATES, L.L.C.

                                        (Duly Authorized Company Representative)

                                         ESCROW AGENT:

                                         H. GLENN BAGWELL, JR., ESQ.

                                         Address: 3005 Anderson Drive, Suite 204
                                               Raleigh, North Carolina USA 27609
                                               Telephone 919.785.3113
                                               Telecopier 919.785.3116