Exhibit 21.


The following is a list of subsidiaries of the corporation as of February 1,
1998. The corporation's bank subsidiaries which have the words "National
Association" (N.A.), or "National" in their respective titles are organized
under the laws of the United States; and all state bank subsidiaries are
incorporated under the laws of the state in which each is domiciled. Each non-
bank subsidiary is incorporated or organized in the jurisdiction appearing
opposite its name.

Bank Subsidiaries

Norwest Bank Arizona, N.A.

Norwest Bank Colorado, N.A.
Norwest Bank Grand Junction, N.A.
Norwest Bank Grand Junction-Downtown, N.A.
Norwest National Bank
The Bank of the Southwest, N.A.

Norwest Bank Illinois, N.A.

Norwest Bank Indiana, N.A.

Dial National Bank
Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A.

Norwest Bank Cloquet, N.A.
Norwest Bank Faribault, N.A.
Norwest Bank International Falls, N.A.
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Norwest Bank Minnesota North, N.A.
Norwest Bank Minnesota South, N.A.
Norwest Bank Minnesota Southwest, N.A.
Norwest Bank Minnesota West, N.A.
Norwest Bank North Country, N.A.
Norwest Bank Red Wing, N.A.

Norwest Bank Montana, N.A.

Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A.
Packers Bank

Norwest Bank Nevada, N.A.

Norwest Bank New Mexico, N.A.
Norwest Bank New Mexico Northeast, N.A.

Norwest Bank North Dakota, N.A.

Norwest Bank Ohio, N.A.

Dial Bank
Norwest Bank South Dakota, N.A.

Continental State Bank
Fidelity Bank & Trust, N.A.
First Valley Bank
Norwest Bank El Paso, N.A.
Norwest Bank Texas, N.A.
Norwest Trust Texas, Odessa, N.A.

Norwest Bank La Crosse, N.A.
Norwest Bank Wisconsin, N.A.

Norwest Bank Wyoming, N.A.

- ---------------------
Norwest Bank International

Non-Bank Subsidiaries

                                                      Jurisdiction of
                                                     Incorporation or
Directly Owned:                                        Organization
- --------------                                         ------------

AMFED Financial, Inc.                                      Nevada       
B & G Investment Company                                   Texas        
Benson Financial Corporation                               Texas        
Blackhawk Bancorporation                                   Iowa         
Canton Bancshares, Inc.                                    Illinois      
Central Bancorporation, Inc.                               Texas         
Cityside Savings & Financial Services Co.                  Minnesota     
Courtesy Funding Corporation (inactive)                    California    
Credisol, S.A.                                             Costa Rica    
Directors Acceptance Corporation (inactive)                California    
Directors Equity (inactive)                                California    
Farmers National Bancorp, Inc.                             Delaware      
Financiera El Sol, S.A.                                    Panama        
Fidelity Bancshares, Inc.                                  Texas         
First Valley Bank Group, Inc.                              Texas         
GST Co.                                                    Delaware      
Henrietta Bancshares, Inc.                                 Texas         
Independent Bancorp of Arizona, Inc.                       Delaware      
International Bancorporation, Inc.                         Minnesota     
Irene Bancorporation, Inc.                                 South Dakota  
Island Finance (Aruba) N.V.                                Aruba         
Island Finance (Bonaire) N.V.                              Netherlands Antilles
Island Finance (Cuaracao) N.V.                             Netherlands Antilles
Island Finance (St. Maarten) N.V.                          Netherlands Antilles
Island Finance Puerto Rico, Inc.                           Delaware            
Island Finance Virgin Islands, Inc.                        Delaware            
Lindeberg Financial Corporation                            Minnesota           
Lomas Properties, Inc. (inactive)                          New Mexico          
Lowry Hill Investment Advisors, Inc.                       Minnesota           
Midwest Credit Life Insurance Company                      Arizona             
Minnetonka Overseas Investment Limited (inactive)          Cayman Islands, BWI 
Myers Bancshares Inc.                                      Texas               
Northern Prairie Indemnity Limited                         Cayman Islands, BWI 
Norwest Agricultural Credit, Inc.                          Minnesota           
Norwest Alliance System, Inc. (inactive)                   Minnesota           
Norwest AMG, Inc.                                          Delaware            
Norwest Asia Limited                                       Hong Kong           
Norwest Audit Services, Inc.                               Minnesota           
Norwest Auto Receivables Corporation                       Delaware            
Norwest Capital Markets, Inc. (inactive)                   Minnesota           

                                                        Jurisdiction of
                                                        Incorporation or
Directly Owned:                                           Organization
- --------------                                            ------------

Norwest Credit, Inc.                                       Minnesota          
Norwest Escrow Funding, Inc.                               Delaware           
Norwest Financial Services, Inc.                           Delaware           
Norwest Foundation                                         Minnesota          
Norwest Holding Company                                    Delaware           
Norwest Insurance, Inc.                                    Minnesota          
Norwest Investment Services, Inc.                          Minnesota          
Norwest Investors, Inc.                                    Minnesota          
Norwest Limited, Inc.                                      Minnesota          
Norwest Nova, Inc.                                         Minnesota          
Norwest Properties, Inc.                                   Minnesota          
Norwest Services, Inc.                                     Minnesota          
Norwest Trust Company, Cayman Islands                      Cayman Islands, BWI
Packers Management Company, Inc.                           Nebraska           
Peoples Mortgage and Investment Company                    Iowa               
Stan-Shaw Corporation                                      California         
Statewide Mortgage Company                                 Texas              
Texas Bancorporation, Inc.                                 Texas              
Texas National Bankshares, Inc.                            Texas              
The First National Bankshares, Inc.                        New Mexico         
The Foothill Group, Inc.                                   Delaware           
Union Texas Bancorporation, Inc.                           Texas              
United Banks Insurance Services, Inc.                      Colorado           
Victoria Bankshares, Inc.                                  Texas              

                                                     Jurisdiction of
                                                     Incorporation or
Indirectly Owned:                                      Organization
- ----------------                                       ------------

Admiral Life Insurance Company of America                Arizona       
AMAN Collection Service, Inc.                            South Dakota  
AMAN Collection Service 1, Inc.                          Nevada        
Allied Business Systems, Inc.                            Iowa          
American Community Bank Services Corporation             Minnesota     
American Land Title Co., Inc.                            Nebraska      
American Land Title Company of Kansas City, Inc.         Missouri      
Americorp Financial, Inc.                                Nevada        
ATI Holding Company                                      Minnesota     
ATI Title Company of California                          California    
ATI Title Company of Nevada                              Nevada        
ATI Title Agency of Arizona, Inc. (inactive)             Arizona       
ATI Title Agency of Ohio, Inc.                           Ohio          
Bancshares Insurance Company                             Arizona       
Blackhawk Leasing Corporation (inactive)                 Minnesota     
Blue Jay Asset Management, Inc.                          Delaware      
Blue Spirit Insurance Company                            Vermont       
BSF Trustee, Inc. (inactive)                             Nevada        
Cardinal Asset Management, Inc.                          Delaware      
Central Bancorporation of Delaware, Inc.                 Delaware      
Central Casualty Insurance Agency, Inc. (inactive)       Oklahoma      
Centurion Agency Nevada, Inc.                            Nevada        
Centurion Agency Ohio, Inc. (inactive)                   Ohio          
Centurion Agencies, Co.                                  Iowa          
Centurion Casualty Company                               Iowa          
Centurion Life Insurance Company                         Missouri      
CGT Insurance Company                                    Barbados      
CHM Insurance Company                                    South Dakota  
Cityside Insurance Company, LTD                          Turks & Caicos Islands
Clinton Street Garage Company, Inc.                      Indiana             
Commonwealth Leasing Corporation                         Minnesota           
Community Casualty Co.                                   Vermont             
Community Pacific Broadcasting Corporation               Nevada              
Copper Asset Management, Inc.                            Delaware            
Crestone Capital Management, Inc.                        Colorado            
Dial Finance Company, Inc. (inactive)                    Nevada    
Dial Finance Company, Incorporated (inactive)            Delaware  
Dial Finance Company of Hawaii, Inc. (inactive)          Hawaii    
Dial Finance Company of Michigan No. 1 (inactive)        Michigan   

                                                      Jurisdiction of
                                                      Incorporation or
Indirectly Owned:                                       Organization
- ----------------                                        ------------

Dial Finance Company of Ohio No. 1, Inc.
   Merger Company, Inc. (inactive)                         New Hampshire   
Dial Finance Company of Oklahoma (inactive)                Oklahoma        
Dial Finance Company of Oregon (inactive)                  Oregon          
Dial National Community Benefits, Inc.                     Nevada          
Directors Asset Conduit Corporation                        Delaware        
Douglas Financial, Inc. (inactive)                         Nevada          
Ellis Advertising, Inc.                                    Iowa            
Falcon Asset Management, Inc.                              Delaware        
Faxual Credit Reporting Service, Inc.                      California      
FB Mortgage Corporation (inactive)                         Texas           
FCC Holdings                                               California      
Fidelity Acceptance Holding, Inc.                          Nevada          
Fidelity Acceptance Corporation /1/                        Minnesota       
Fidelity Bancorporation, Inc.                              Delaware        
Fidelity National Life Insurance Company                   Arizona         
Finvercon USA, Inc.                                        Nevada          
Finvercon S.A. Compania Financiera                         Argentina       
First City Life Insurance Company                          Arizona         
First DialWest Escrow Company, Inc.                        California      
First Interstate Equipment Finance, Inc. (inactive)        Wisconsin       
First Nevada Company (inactive)                            Nevada          
First of Lubbock Agricultural Credit Corporation           Texas           
First Western Service Corporation (inactive)               Nevada          
First Valley Delaware Financial Corporation                Delaware        
Foothill Capital Corporation                               California      
Fremont Properties, Inc.                                   Colorado        
Galliard Capital Management, Inc.                          Minnesota       
Great Plains Insurance Company                             Vermont         
Green Bay Asset Management, Inc.                           Delaware        
Henrietta Delaware Financial Corporation                   Delaware        
Home Escrow Corporation (inactive)                         Nevada          
Home Trustee, Inc. (inactive)                              Nevada          
IntraWest Asset Management, Inc.                           Delaware        
IntraWest Insurance Company                                Arizona         
Iowa Asset Management, Inc.                                Delaware        


/1/Fidelity Acceptance Corporation is the parent and directly or indirectly
beneficially owns all the voting securities of subsidiaries operating as
consumer finance companies in the United States and Guam (39 as of February 1,
1998). Such subsidiaries were incorporated or otherwise organized in Alabama,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Washington, Wisconsin and Guam.

                                                       Jurisdiction of
                                                       Incorporation or
Indirectly Owned:                                        Organization
- ----------------                                         ------------

Island Finance Credit Services, Inc.                       New York       
Island Finance New York, Inc.                              New York       
La Crosse Asset Management, Inc.                           Delaware       
LaSalle, Inc. (inactive)                                   Indiana        
Lincoln Building Corporation                               Colorado       
Mail Systems Co.                                           Iowa           
Marquette Real Estate Funding Corporation                  Delaware       
Minnetonka Representacoes Comerciais Ltda (inactive)       Brazil         
Mission Savings and Loan Association                       U.S.           
Modern Casualty Insurance Agency                           Arizona        
Nabankco, Inc. (inactive)                                  Indiana        
National Letter Service Company                            Minnesota      
Nat-Lea, Inc. (inactive)                                   Indiana        
NISI Nevada Insurance, Inc.                                Nevada         
NISI Wyoming Insurance                                     Wyoming        
North Star Mortgage Guaranty Reinsurance Company           Vermont        
Norwest Colorado Community Development Corporation         Colorado       
Norwest Agencies Montana, Inc. (inactive)                  Montana        
Norwest Asset Securities Corporation                       Delaware       
Norwest Auto Finance, Inc.                                 Minnesota      
Norwest Auto Lease, Inc.                                   Minnesota      
Norwest Business Credit, Inc.                              Minnesota      
Norwest Center, Inc. (inactive)                            Minnesota      
Norwest Colorado Community Development Corporation         Colorado       
Norwest do Brasil Servicos Ltda                            Brazil         
Norwest Electronic Tax Service, Inc.                       Minnesota      
Norwest Energy Capital, Inc.                               Texas          
Norwest Equipment Finance, Inc.                            Minnesota      
Norwest Equipment Finance & Leasing, Inc.                  New Jersey     
Norwest Equity Capital, L.L.C.                             Minnesota      
Norwest Financial, Inc./2/                                 Iowa           
Norwest Financial Alabama, Inc.                            Alabama        
Norwest Financial Business Credit, Inc.                    Iowa           
Norwest Financial Canada, Inc.                             Ontario        


/2/Norwest Financial, Inc. is the parent and directly or indirectly beneficially
owns all the voting securities of subsidiaries operating as consumer finance
companies in the United States, Canada, Guam and Saipan. (102 subsidiaries at
February 1, 1998). Such subsidiaries were incorporated or otherwise organized
in: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida,
Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Canada, Guam and Saipan.

                                                          Jurisdiction of
                                                          Incorporation or
Indirectly Owned:                                           Organization
- ----------------                                            ------------

Norwest Financial Capital, Inc.                               Delaware      
Norwest Financial Capital Canada, Inc.                        Ontario       
Norwest Financial Coast, Inc.                                 California    
Norwest Financial Communication Services                                    
    Group, Inc.(inactive)                                     Iowa          
Norwest Financial Credit Services, Inc.                       Florida       
Norwest Financial DE Asset Management, Inc.                   Delaware      
Norwest Financial Information Services Group, Inc.            Iowa          
Norwest Financial Investment, Inc.                            Nevada        
Norwest Financial Investment 1, Inc.                          Nevada        
Norwest Financial Leasing, Inc.                               Iowa          
Norwest Financial North Carolina 2, Inc.                      North Carolina
Norwest Financial North Carolina 3, Inc.                      North Carolina
Norwest Financial NV Asset Management, Inc.                   Nevada        
Norwest Financial Resources, Inc.                             Iowa          
Norwest Financial Security Services, Inc.                     Iowa          
Norwest Financial South Carolina 1, Inc.                      North Carolina
Norwest Funding, Inc.                                         Minnesota     
Norwest Funding II, Inc.                                      Minnesota     
Norwest Insurance Arizona, Inc.                               Arizona       
Norwest Insurance New Mexico, Inc.                            New Mexico    
Norwest Insurance Wyoming, Inc.                               Wyoming       
Norwest Integrated Structured Assets, Inc.                    Delaware      
Norwest International Commercial Services Limited             Hong Kong     
Norwest Investment Management, Inc.                           Minnesota     
Norwest Mortgage, Inc.                                        California    
Norwest Mortgage Asset Management Corporation                 Minnesota     
Norwest Mortgage Closing Services, Inc.                       Iowa          
Norwest Mortgage Conventional 1, Inc.                         Delaware      
Norwest Mortgage Insured 1, Inc.                              Delaware      
Norwest Mortgage Insured 2, Inc.                              Delaware      
Norwest Mortgage of Massachusetts, Inc.                       Massachusetts 
Norwest Mortgage of New Mexico, Inc.                          New Mexico    
Norwest Mortgage of New York, Inc.                            New York      
Norwest Properties Holding Company (inactive)                 Minnesota     
Norwest Rural Insurance Services, Inc.                        Minnesota     
Norwest Trust Company, New York                                             
     (a Limited Purpose Trust Company)                        New York      
Norwest Venture Capital Management, Inc.                      Minnesota     
Norwest Ventures, Inc.                                        Minnesota     
Osprey Asset Management, Inc.                                 Delaware      
Peregrine Capital Management, Inc.                            Minnesota     
PGD, Inc.                                                     Texas         

                                                            Jurisdiction of
                                                            Incorporation or
Indirectly Owned:                                             Organization
- ----------------                                              ------------

Premium Service/Norwest Financial Coast, Inc.                 South Carolina 
PriMerit Investor Services (inactive)                         Nevada         
Raven Asset Management, Inc.                                  Delaware       
Reliable Financial Services, Inc.                             Puerto Rico    
Regency Insurance Agency, Inc.                                Minnesota      
Residential Home Mortgage, L. L. C.                           Delaware       
Residential Home Mortgage Investment, L. L. C.                Delaware       
Robin Asset Management, Inc.                                  Delaware       
Rural Community Insurance Company                             Minnesota      
Rural Community Insurance Agency, Inc.                        Minnesota      
Scott Life Insurance Company                                  Arizona        
Servcorp of Yankton, Inc. (inactive)                          South Dakota   
South Dakota Asset Management, Inc.                           Delaware       
Statewide Acceptance Corporation                              Texas          
Superior Asset Management, Inc.                               Delaware       
Superior Guaranty Insurance Company                           Vermont        
Superior Health Care Management, Inc.                         Delaware       
Superior North Asset Management, Inc.                         Delaware       
Superior Red Wing Asset Management, Inc.                      Delaware       
Superior South Asset Management, Inc.                         Delaware       
Superior Southwest Asset Management, Inc.                     Delaware       
Superior West Asset Management, Inc.                          Delaware       
TDM Corporation (inactive)                                    Texas          
The United Group, Inc.                                        North Carolina 
Tower Data Processing Corporation                             Iowa           
Transact Financial Corporation (inactive)                     Texas          
USF Life Reinsurance Company                                  Arizona        
United New Mexico Credit Services, Inc. (inactive)            New Mexico     
United New Mexico Financial Corporation                       New Mexico     
United New Mexico Real Estate Services, Inc.                  New Mexico     
United Title Agency of Arizona, Inc.                          Arizona        
Valley Asset Management, Inc.                                 Delaware       
Valley-Hi Securities, Inc. (inactive)                         Texas          
Valuation Information Technology, Inc.                        Iowa           
Victoria Capital Corporation (inactive)                       Texas          
Victoria Financial Services, Inc.                             Delaware       
VIE, Inc.                                                     Minnesota      
Warranty Title, Inc.                                          Minnesota      

Note:  Not included in the above list of subsidiaries of the corporation are
       certain subsidiaries formed solely for the purpose of reserving a name,
       joint ventures or limited partnerships.