Exhibit 99.1


                             Contact: Tootie Larios
                           914-336-7700, Extension 162


KINGSTON,  New York, April 4, 2000 - After two years of development,  Besicorp -
Empire  Development  Company,  LLC has  halted  development  activity  in Ulster
County. The Company has been actively  evaluating  alternative sites in response
to contractual and technical issues involving  TechCity,  as well as the lack of
political support in the Town of Ulster.

We have been gratified at the support we received from the economic  development
and business  communities in Ulster County. Most notably, we want to thank Gerry
Davidson and the Ulster County Development Corp. In particular, we want to thank
Abel  Garraghan,  who supported this project so  enthusiastically  and publicly.
Also,  we want to thank the Ulster  County  Chamber  of  Commerce,  whose  Board
unanimously  voted to support  this  project.  And to those  courageous  elected
officials  and many  individuals  that came out  publicly  for the  project,  we
express our thanks and our  regrets.  And to our friends in the labor  movement,
thank you as well.

The project  continues to be very viable,  and it is our intention to bring this
project  to  completion.   Leading   companies  in  the  field  of  engineering,
construction,  paper manufacturing,  environmental  permitting,  finance and law
have  committed  their  resources  to bringing  this  project to  fruition.  The
development team remains confident that this project will improve the quality of
life of its host community,  bringing tax base, stable employment, clean energy,
and conservation of air and water resources.

Fortuitously,  we have received  numerous  invitations from other communities to
consider sites within their jurisdictions, and we are confident that in the near
future we will select a site that meets our technical qualifications and has the
political support this project needs.

We do regret that Ulster  County will not benefit from the  economic  boost this
project  would have  brought.  The world  would  have had  Ulster  County in its
sights, with one of the most advanced industrial  infrastructure projects in the
world being  developed in our  community.  Ulster  County will lose not only the
employment and taxes that this project could have brought, but spin-off business
and the attention of the many companies that would have considered this area for
their expansion as a result of this project.

We are in a different era in terms of environmental awareness and protection. It
remains our  commitment  that this clean  industrial  and power project will set
standards in the world for how well such a project should be executed.

As a developer of technologies to SOLVE  environmental  problems,  we accept the
fact that blazing new trails can be difficult.  Our  relentless  efforts to site
this  project in Ulster  County came from a deeply held belief that this project
would not only be  compatible  with the  community and not at all harmful to the
environment,  but would be an enormous  economic boon to this community.  We had
many  opportunities to leave Ulster County on previous  occasions,  but remained
convinced that the vast majority of people would overwhelmingly  support it once
the project was presented in full detail,  free of rhetoric.  We still hold that
belief,  but we must bow to financial and political  realities.  This project is
too  important  and  requires  too much high risk capital to depend upon a shaky
foundation  and the risk that zoning and  approvals  will not be granted for the
wrong reasons.

We also want to state that we totally respect the concerns of area residents who
raised  legitimate  issues  with  the  project  and its  proposed  location.  We
recognize the relief that our decision to move on will bring to them, even if we
think their concerns were misplaced.

We  deeply  regret  that we will not be able to be part of the  solution  to the
economic  dilemma  that we face in  Ulster  County  and  wish  the  best for all

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