Announcement Company Merrill Lynch International TIDMTTP Headline EMM Disclosure Released 17:45 19 Mar 2003 Number 9689I FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY) Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. CONNECTED EXEMPT MARKET-MAKERS: DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Name of EMM Merrill Lynch International Date of disclosure 19 March 2003 Date of dealing 18 March 2003 Telephone number 020 7996 1038 Please see attached disclosure of dealings under Rule 38.5 in the securities of the following companies: 18 March 2003 Morrison (W.M) Supermarkets - Common Oxford Glycosciences Plc - Common P & O Princess Cruises Plc - Ordinary Sainsbury (J) Plc - Common AMENDMENT state which element(s) of previous disclosure was incorrect: In the case of option business or dealings in derivatives full details should be given on a separate sheet so that the nature of the dealings can be fully understood. For options this should include the number of securities under option, the exercise period (or in the case of exercise, the exercise date), the exercise price and any option money paid or received. For derivatives this should include, at least, the number of reference securities to which they relate (when relevant), the maturity date (or if applicable the closing out date) and the reference price. For full details of disclosure requirements see Rules 8 and 38 of the Code. If in doubt contact the Monitoring Section of the Panel, Tel. No: 0171 638 0129 FORM 38.5 Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. CONNECTED EXEMPT MARKET-MAKERS: DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Dealing in Morrison (W.M) Supermarkets Class of security Common Date of disclosure 19 March 2003 Date of dealing 18 March 2003 Name of EMM Merrill Lynch International Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected Trackdean Investments Ltd Number of securities purchased 164,983 Highest price paid* GBP1.71 Lowest price paid* GBP1.69 Number of securities sold 175,220 Highest price paid* GBP1.72 Lowest price paid* GBP1.67 *Currency must be stated FORM 38.5 Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. CONNECTED EXEMPT MARKET-MAKERS: DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Dealing in Oxford Glycosciences Plc Class of security Common Date of disclosure 19 March 2003 Date of dealing 18 March 2003 Name of EMM Merrill Lynch International Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected Cambridge Antibody Tech Group Number of securities purchased 5,303 Highest price paid* GBP1.88 Lowest price paid* GBP1.85 Number of securities sold Nil Highest price paid*n/a Lowest Price Paid*n/a *Currency must be stated FORM 38.5 Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. CONNECTED EXEMPT MARKET-MAKERS: DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Dealing in P & O Princess Cruises Plc Class of security Ordinary Date of disclosure 19 March 2003 Date of dealing 18 March 2003 Name of EMM Merrill Lynch International Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected Carnival Corp Number of securities purchased 86,793 Highest price paid* GBP4.11 Lowest price paid* GBP3.94 Number of securities sold 96,231 Highest price paid* GBP4.11 Lowest price paid* GBP3.94 *Currency must be stated FORM 38.5 Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. CONNECTED EXEMPT MARKET-MAKERS: DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Dealing in Sainsbury (J) Plc Class of security Common Date of disclosure 19 March 2003 Date of dealing 18 March 2003 Name of EMM Merrill Lynch International Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected Trackdean Investments Ltd Number of securities purchased 231,559 Highest price paid* GBP2.46 Lowest price paid* GBP2.42 Number of securities sold 202,923 Highest price paid* GBP2.47 Lowest price paid* GBP2.41 *Currency must be stated END