Company Takeover Panel
                  TIDM TTP
                  Headline Oxford Glycosciences
                  Released 10:04 9 Apr 2003
                  Number 8092J


Offers by

Celltech Group plc ("Celltech")


Cambridge AntiBody TechnologY GROUP plc ("Cambridge")


Oxford Glycosciences plc  ("Oxford")

Rule 31.9 of the Code requires that the board of an offeree company
should not, except with the consent of the Panel, announce trading
results after the 39th day following the posting of the offer document.
Normally, therefore, the last day for publication by Oxford of trading
results in the context of the competing offers for it by Celltech and
Cambridge would have been today, Wednesday 9 April.  However, Rule
31.9 also provides that where it is not practicable to make such an
announcement before Day 39, the Panel will normally grant its consent
to a later announcement and will normally be prepared to grant an
extension to the other key dates in the offer timetable.

In response to a request by Oxford, the Panel Executive has consented
to the release of Oxford's preliminary results for the year ended 31
December 2002 after Day 39 and Oxford announced earlier today that
those results would be released on or about 29 April.  The Panel
Executive has ruled that each of Celltech and Cambridge will be
entitled to a further 7 days in which to revise its offer and, as a
result, Day 46 (the last day for posting a revised offer) for the
competing offers for Oxford by Celltech and Cambridge will be 7 days
after the release of Oxford's trading results (i.e. on or about
Tuesday 6 May).9 April 2003