Company Christopher Evans & Alan Goodman
                  Headline Further re OGS
                  Released 07:30 11 Apr 2003
                  Number 9225J

Oxford Glycosciences PLC ("OGS")

Sir Christopher Evans and Alan Goodman confirm that they have now completed
their detailed due diligence on OGS. Based on the results of such final
detailed due diligence, Sir Christopher and Mr Goodman have concluded that
an offer at a value in excess of that currently offered by the outstanding
offer from Celltech Group PLC ("Celltech") is not a viable proposition. They
are, therefore, today formally withdrawing their interest in OGS. However,
they intend to maintain a watching brief on the situation and reserve the
right to make an offer for OGS should Celltech's offer lapse.

Sir Christopher and Mr Goodman remain convinced of the benefits of
consolidation in the UK biotech sector, particularly by way of public
to private transactions, and they are currently actively pursuing a number
of other attractive opportunities in the sector.

11 April 2003