Company Standard Life Investments TIDMI RSH Headline Rule 8 - Oxford Glycoscience Released 09:30 3 Apr 2003 Number 5883J FORM 8.1/8.3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack if appropriate and the Takeover Panel. Use a separate form for each class of securities in which dealings have been made. 03 Apr 2003 DISCLOSURE UNDER RULES 8.1(a), 8.1(b)(i) and 8.3 OF THE CITY CODE ON TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS Date of dealing 02 Apr 2003 Dealing in (name of company) Oxford Glycoscience 1. Class of securities (eg ordinary shares) Ord GBP 0.05 2. Amount bought Amount sold Price per unit (GBP) 488 1.9135000 3. Resultant total of the same class owned or controlled (and percentage of class) 1,607,544 2.87 % 4. Party making disclosure Standard Life Investments 5. EITHER (a) Name of purchaser / vendor (Note 1) OR (b) if dealing for discretionary client(s), name of fund management organisation Standard Life Investments 6. Reason for disclosure (Note 2) (a) associate of (i) offeror (Note 3) NO (ii) offeree company YES Specify which category or categories of associate (1-8 overleaf) If category (8), explain (b) Rule 8.3 (ie disclosure because of ownership or control of 1% or more of the class of relevant securities dealt in) YES Signed, for and on behalf of the party named in (4) above (Also print name of signatory) Graeme Brogan Telephone and Extension number 0131 245 6826 END