Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the  Registrant[X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant[ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X]  Definitive  Proxy  Statement  
[ ]  Definitive  Additional Materials  
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                            FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]    No fee required.
[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and O-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         3) Per  unit  price or other  underlying  value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange  Act  Rule O-11 (Set forth  the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it  was determined):
         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
         5) Total fee paid:

[ ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset  as provided  by Exchange  Act
       Rule O-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting  fee was
       paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
       number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:
         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         3) Filing Party:
         4) Date Filed:

                            FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                            321 North Wooster Avenue
                                Dover, Ohio 44622
                                 (330) 364-7777


         Notice is hereby given that the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of
FFD  Financial   Corporation  ("FFD")  will  be  held  at  the  McDonald/Marlite
Conference  Center,  143 McDonald  Drive SW, New  Philadelphia,  Ohio 44663,  on
October  13,  1998 at 1:00 p.m.,  local  time (the  "Annual  Meeting"),  for the
following  purposes,  all  of  which  are  more  completely  set  forth  in  the
accompanying Proxy Statement:

          1.   To elect four directors of FFD for terms expiring in 2000;

          2.   To ratify the selection of Grant  Thornton LLP as the auditors of
               FFD for the current fiscal year; and

          3.   To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
               Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         Only  shareholders  of FFD of record at the close of business on August
31,  1998,  will be  entitled  to  receive  notice of and to vote at the  Annual
Meeting and at any adjournments thereof. Whether or not you expect to attend the
Annual  Meeting,  we urge  you to  consider  the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement
MAY BE  ASSURED.  The giving of a Proxy  does not  affect  your right to vote in
person in the event you attend the Annual Meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

Dover, Ohio                                   Robert R. Gerber, President
September 16, 1998

                            FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                            321 North Wooster Avenue
                                Dover, Ohio 44622
                                 (330) 364-7777

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


         The enclosed Proxy is being  solicited by the Board of Directors of FFD
Financial Corporation ("FFD") for use at the 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of FFD to be held at the McDonald/Marlite  Conference Center, 143 McDonald Drive
SW, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663, on October 13, 1998, at 1:00 p.m., local time,
and at any adjournments  thereof (the "Annual  Meeting").  Without affecting any
vote  previously  taken,  the Proxy may be revoked by a shareholder  executing a
later dated proxy which is received by FFD before the Proxy is  exercised  or by
giving  notice of  revocation  to FFD in writing or in open  meeting  before the
Proxy is exercised. Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, of itself, revoke
a Proxy.

         Each properly  executed  Proxy received prior to the Annual Meeting and
not revoked  will be voted as  specified  thereon or, in the absence of specific
instructions to the contrary, will be voted:

               FOR the  reelection  of Stephen  G.  Clinton,  Robert R.  Gerber,
               Richard J.  Herzig  and Enos L.  Loader as  directors  of FFD for
               terms expiring in 2000; and

               FOR the  ratification  of the  selection  of Grant  Thornton  LLP
               ("Grant  Thornton") as the auditors of FFD for the current fiscal

         Proxies may be solicited by the directors, officers and other employees
of FFD and First Federal Savings Bank of Dover ("First  Federal"),  in person or
by telephone, telegraph or mail only for use at the Annual Meeting. Such Proxies
will not be used for any other meeting.  The cost of soliciting  Proxies will be
borne by FFD.

         Only  shareholders  of record as of the close of business on August 31,
1998 (the "Voting  Record  Date"),  are entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.
Each such  shareholder  will be entitled to cast one vote for each share  owned.
FFD's records  disclose that, as of the Voting Record Date, there were 1,445,350
votes entitled to be cast at the Annual Meeting.

         This Proxy Statement is first being mailed to shareholders of FFD on or
about September 18, 1998.

                                  VOTE REQUIRED

Election of Directors

         Under Ohio law and FFD's Code of Regulations (the  "Regulations"),  the
four  nominees  receiving  the  greatest  number  of votes  will be  elected  as
directors.  Shares as to which the authority to vote is withheld are not counted
toward the  election  of  directors  or toward the  election  of the  individual
nominees  specified on the Proxy. If the accompanying  Proxy is signed and dated
by the  shareholder  but no vote is specified  thereon,  the shares held by such
shareholder will be voted FOR the reelection of the four nominees.

Ratification of Selection of Auditors

         The  affirmative  vote  of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  shares
represented  in person or by proxy at the Annual  Meeting is necessary to ratify
the  selection of Grant  Thornton as the auditors of FFD for the current  fiscal
year. The effect of an abstention is the same as a vote against ratification. If
the  accompanying  Proxy is signed and dated by the  shareholder  but no vote is
specified  thereon,  the shares held by such  shareholder  will be voted FOR the
ratification of the selection of Grant Thornton as auditors.

                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

         The following table sets forth certain  information with respect to the
only  person  known to FFD to own  beneficially  more than five  percent  of the
outstanding common shares of FFD as of August 31, 1998:

                                    Amount and nature of          Percent of
Name and address                    beneficial ownership      shares outstanding
FFD Financial Corporation                142,941(1)                  9.89%
 Employee Stock Ownership Plan
1201 Broadway
Quincy, Illinois 62301
- ---------------------------

  (1)    Includes 98,862  unallocated shares with respect to which First Bankers
         Trust Company,  N.A. (the "ESOP  Trustee"),  as the Trustee for the FFD
         Financial  Corporation  Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP"), has
         sole voting power.  The ESOP Trustee has sole investment power over all

         The following table sets forth certain  information with respect to the
number of common shares of FFD beneficially owned by each director of FFD and by
all directors and executive officers of FFD as a group as of August 31, 1998:

                                     Amount and nature of beneficial ownership
                                      Sole voting and         Shared voting and               Percent of
Name and address (1)               investment power (2)        investment power           shares outstanding
- --------------------               --------------------        ----------------           ------------------
Stephen G. Clinton                         6,892 (3)               46,234 (4)                     3.67%
Robert R. Gerber                          15,798 (5)               53,349 (4)(6)                  4.75
J. Richard Gray                            4,742 (3)               20,000                         1.71
Richard J. Herzig                          4,742 (3)               12,500                         1.19
Enos L. Loader                                 -                    1,000                         0.07
Roy O. Mitchell, Jr.                      17,242 (3)                2,000                         1.33
Robert D. Sensel                          14,742 (3)               10,000                         1.66
All directors and executive
  officers of FFD as a group
  (9 people)                              70,316 (7)              103,662 (8)                    11.47%

- -----------------------------

(1)  Each of the persons listed on this table may be contacted at the address of

(Footnotes continued on next page)

(2)  The number of shares  held with sole voting and  investment  power does not
     reflect a number of shares, yet to be determined, recently purchased by the
     First Federal  Savings Bank of Dover  Recognition  and  Retention  Plan and
     Trust  (the  "RRP")  using  cash  distributions  paid on shares  awarded to
     participants in the RRP but not yet earned.

(3)  This number includes 3,578 shares that may be acquired upon the exercise of
     options awarded pursuant to the FFD Financial Corporation 1997 Stock Option
     and  Incentive  Plan (the  "Stock  Option  Plan") and 582 shares  which are
     expected to be earned in the next 60 days pursuant to the RRP.

(4)  This  number  includes  44,384  shares held by the RRP Trust with regard to
     which  Messrs.  Clinton and Gerber have shared  voting power as Trustees of
     the RRP.

(5)  This number  includes  10,470 shares that may be acquired upon the exercise
     of an option  awarded  pursuant to the Stock  Option Plan and 1,164  shares
     which are expected to be earned in the next 60 days pursuant to the RRP.

(6)  This number  includes 3,965 shares  allocated to Mr. Gerber's ESOP account,
     with respect to which Mr. Gerber has voting power.

(7)  This number  includes  32,604 shares that may be acquired upon the exercise
     of options awarded  pursuant to the Stock Option Plan and 4,481 shares that
     are expected to be earned in the next 60 days pursuant to the RRP.

(8)  The 44,384 shares held by the RRP Trust  (including  the shares held by the
     RRP Trust but  expected to be earned and  distributed  in the next 60 days,
     which are also  included in the numbers of shares held with sole voting and
     investment  power) are reflected in each Trustee's  amount but counted only
     once in the  amount  beneficially  owned  by all  directors  and  executive
     officers of FFD as a group.  This number includes 6,928 shares allocated to
     the ESOP  accounts  of  executive  officers, with  respect  to  which  such
     executive officers have voting power.

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Election of Directors

         FFD's Regulations provide for a Board of Directors  consisting of seven
persons  divided  into two  classes.  In  accordance  with  Section  2.03 of the
Regulations,  nominees  for election as  directors  may be proposed  only by the
directors or by a shareholder entitled to vote for directors if such shareholder
has  submitted a written  nomination to the Secretary of FFD by the later of the
July 31st  immediately  preceding  the  annual  meeting of  shareholders  or the
sixtieth day before the first  anniversary  of the most recent annual meeting of
shareholders  held for the election of directors.  Each such written  nomination
must state the name,  age,  business or residence  address of the  nominee,  the
principal  occupation or employment of the nominee,  the number of common shares
of FFD owned  either  beneficially  or of record  by each such  nominee  and the
length of time such shares have been so owned.

         Each of the  directors  of FFD is also a  director  of  First  Federal.
Messrs.  Clinton,  Gerber, Gray, Herzig, Mitchell and Sensel became directors of
FFD in  connection  with the  conversion  of FFD from  mutual to stock form (the
"Conversion") and the formation of FFD as the holding company for First Federal.
Mr. Loader was appointed to the boards of FFD and First Federal  effective  June
1, 1998, to fill vacancies  created when the size of the boards was changed from
six to seven members.

         The Board of Directors proposes the reelection of the following persons
to serve as directors of FFD until the annual  meeting of  shareholders  in 2000
and until their successors are duly elected and qualified or until their earlier
resignation, removal from office or death:

Name                            Age (1)         Position(s) held             Director of FFD since
- ----                            -------         ----------------             ---------------------
Stephen G. Clinton                45            Director                              1995
Robert R. Gerber                  49            Director and President                1995
Richard J. Herzig                 73            Director                              1995
Enos L. Loader                    61            Director                              1998

- -----------------------------

(1)  As of August 31, 1998.

         If any nominee is unable to stand for  election,  any Proxies  granting
authority  to vote for such  nominee  will be voted for such  substitute  as the
Board of Directors recommends.

         The following directors will continue to serve after the Annual Meeting
for the terms indicated:

Name                         Age (1)       Position(s) held       Director of FFD since     Term expires
- ----                         -------       ----------------       ---------------------     ------------
J. Richard Gray                 71         Director                       1995                  1999
Roy O. Mitchell, Jr.            71         Director                       1995                  1999
Robert D. Sensel                53         Director                       1995                  1999

- -----------------------------

(1)  As of August 31, 1998.

     Stephen G. Clinton is a Vice President with Tucker Anthony Incorporated, an
investment  banking  firm  headquartered  in  Boston,  Massachusetts,  providing
assistance  to  financial   institutions  in  their  implementation  of  capital
strategies.  Prior to joining  Tucker Anthony in 1997, Mr. Clinton was for seven
years the President of National Capital  Companies,  LLC, an investment  banking

     Robert R. Gerber has served as President of First Federal since 1992.  From
1984 to 1992, Mr. Gerber was a loan officer and the Secretary of First Federal.

     Richard J. Herzig is the  Chairman and retired  President of  Toland-Herzig
Funeral Homes, Inc., located in Dover, Ohio.

     Enos L. Loader was employed by Bank One Dover N.A.  for 38 years,  retiring
in 1998 as Executive Vice President and Chief  Operating  Officer.  He currently
provides business financial consulting to several firms.

     J. Richard Gray has been  employed by Hanhart  Agency,  Inc.,  an insurance
agency in Dover,  since 1951. Mr. Gray has served as that company's Chairman for
the past three years.

     Roy O. Mitchell,  Jr. served as Managing Officer of First Federal from 1967
until his retirement from First Federal in 1992.

     Robert D. Sensel has been  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Dover
Hydraulics,  Inc., Dover,  Ohio, since 1984. Dover Hydraulics is involved in the
manufacture,  repair and distribution of hydraulic  cylinders and components for
the steel, construction and mining industries.

Meetings of Directors

         The Board of Directors of FFD met 13 times for regularly  scheduled and
special meetings during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

         Each director of FFD is also a director of First Federal.  The Board of
Directors  of First  Federal met 13 times for  regularly  scheduled  and special
meetings during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

Committees of Directors

         The Board of Directors of FFD has an Audit Committee, an ESOP Committee
and a Stock Option Committee. The full Board of Directors serves as a nominating

         The Audit  Committee is responsible  for selecting and  recommending to
the Board of  Directors a firm to serve as auditors  for FFD and  reviewing  the
report prepared by the auditors. The full Board of Directors served as the Audit
Committee during fiscal year 1998 and met once during the fiscal year ended June
30, 1998.

         The ESOP Committee is responsible for  administering the ESOP. The ESOP
Committee  consists of all of the directors of FFD. The ESOP  Committee met once
during the 1998 fiscal year.

         The Stock Option Committee is responsible for  administering  the Stock
Option Plan,  including  interpreting the Stock Option Plan and granting options
pursuant to its terms.  The members of the Stock  Option  Committee  are Messrs.
Gray,  Herzig,  Mitchell and Sensel. The Stock Option Committee met twice during
the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

         The Board of Directors of First Federal has an Executive Committee and
an RRP Committee.

         The  Executive   Committee  functions  primarily  as  a  loan  approval
committee, although it is authorized to act on other matters. The members of the
Executive Committee are Messrs. Gerber, Gray and Herzig. The Executive Committee
met 48 times during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

         The RRP Committee administers the RRP and recommends awards thereunder,
subject to the approval of the full Board of  Directors.  The members of the RRP
Committee are Messrs.  Gray, Herzig,  Mitchell and Sensel. The RRP Committee met
once during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

         In addition to Mr.  Gerber,  who is the President of both FFD and First
Federal,  the following persons are executive  officers of FFD and First Federal
and hold the designated positions:

Name                      Age(1)           Position(s) held
Charles A. Bradley           37            Treasurer of  FFD and Vice President,
                                           Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer 
                                           of First Federal

Shirley A. Wallick           53            Secretary of FFD and First Federal

- -----------------------------

(1)  As of August 31, 1998.

         Charles A. Bradley is the Vice  President,  the Treasurer and the Chief
Financial  Officer of First Federal and the  Treasurer of FFD.  Prior to joining
FFD and First Federal in 1997, Mr. Bradley served as the Chief Financial Officer
of the Bank One branches located in Dover,  Coshocton and Cambridge,  Ohio, from
1995 to February,  1997, and as Vice President/Finance and Manager of Operations
at the Bank One branch in Dover, Ohio, from 1992 to 1995.

         Shirley A. Wallick is the  Secretary  of First  Federal and FFD. She is
responsible for teller operations, bookkeeping and on-line coordination of First
Federal's  data  processing  system.  She has been an employee of First  Federal
since December 1982.


Executive Compensation

         The  following  table  sets  forth the  compensation  paid to Robert R.
Gerber,  who is the  President  of FFD and First  Federal,  for the fiscal years
ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996. No other  executive  officer of FFD or First
Federal earned salary and bonus in excess of $100,000 during such periods.

                                        Summary Compensation Table

                                                                                                                All Other
                                    Annual Compensation(1)               Long term Compensation               Compensation

Name and Principal      Year       Salary ($)      Bonus ($)                     Awards
Position                                                        -----------------------------------------
                                                                Restricted Stock    Securities Underlying
                                                                  Awards ($)         Options/SARs (#)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert R. Gerber        1998       $87,500         $5,400               -                  -                         -
President               1997       $84,000         $8,000         $64,020 (2)         26,174 (3)               $62,486 (4)
                        1996       $77,833(5)      $6,376               -                  -                   $15,546 (6)

- -------------------------

(Footnotes on next page)

(1)  Does not  include  amounts  attributable  to other  miscellaneous  benefits
     received  by Mr.  Gerber,  the  cost of  which  was  less  than  10% of his

(2)  On October 8, 1996, Mr. Gerber was awarded 5,820 common shares  pursuant to
     the RRP. Mr. Gerber paid no consideration for such shares. Such shares will
     become earned and  nonforfeitable  at the rate of one-fifth per year on the
     anniversary of the date of the award,  beginning October 8, 1997,  assuming
     continued  employment  with, or service on the Board of Directors of, First
     Federal. The market price of FFD's shares on October 8, 1996, determined by
     reference to the closing bid for FFD's shares on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market
     ("Nasdaq") on such date, was $11.00 per share.  The aggregate  market value
     of the shares  awarded to Mr.  Gerber  under the RRP, as of such date,  was
     $64,020.  At June 30,  1998,  the  market  price was  $19.25,  based on the
     closing bid of FFD's common shares,  and the aggregate  market value of the
     shares awarded to Mr. Gerber was $112,035. In addition, dividends and other
     distributions  paid on such  shares  and  earnings  on such  dividends  and
     distributions  are  distributed  to Mr.  Gerber  according  to the  vesting

(3)  Represents  the  number of  common  shares  of the FFD  underlying  options
     granted to Mr. Gerber pursuant to the Stock Option Plan, as adjusted due to
     a return of capital paid in June 1998.

(4)  Consists  of the  aggregate  value at the date of  allocation  of  3,423.89
     shares allocated to Mr. Gerber's ESOP account.

(5)  Includes directors' fees of $7,350.

(6)  Consists  of First  Federal's  contribution  of $8,375  to First  Federal's
     tax-qualified  profit  sharing plan and the aggregate  value at the date of
     allocation of 541.2 shares allocated to Mr. Gerber's ESOP account.

Stock Option Plan

         The  shareholders  of FFD  adopted  the Stock  Option  Plan at the 1996
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders.  Pursuant to the Stock  Option  Plan,  145,475
shares were  reserved for issuance by FFD upon exercise of options to be granted
to certain directors,  officers and employees of FFD and First Federal from time
to time under the Stock Option Plan.  Options to purchase  131,067 common shares
of FFD have been granted and not forfeited pursuant to the Stock Option Plan.

         The Stock Option  Committee  may grant  options  under the Stock Option
Plan at such times as it deems most  beneficial  to First Federal and FFD on the
basis  of  the  individual  participant's  responsibility,   tenure  and  future
potential to First Federal and FFD and in  accordance  with the Office of Thrift
Supervision ("OTS") regulations.

         Options  granted to the officers and  employees  under the Stock Option
Plan may be "incentive stock options" ("ISOs") within the meaning of Section 422
of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  Options granted
under the Stock Option Plan to directors  who are not  employees of FFD or First
Federal  will not qualify  under the Code and thus will not be  incentive  stock
options ("Non-Qualified Stock Options").

         FFD will receive no monetary  consideration for the granting of options
under the Stock  Option  Plan.  Upon the  exercise of options,  FFD will receive
payment  of cash or,  if  acceptable  to the  Committee,  FFD  common  shares or
outstanding awarded stock options.

         The  following  table sets forth  information  regarding the number and
value of unexercised options held by Mr. Gerber at June 30, 1998:

                                Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and 6/30/98 Option/SAR Values
                                                              Number of Securities Underlying        Value of Unexercised
                        Shares Acquired on                      Unexercised Options/SARs at        "In The Money" Options/
                           Exercise(#)           Value                   6/30/98(#)                 SARs at 6/30/98($)(1)
Name                                          Realized($)         Exercisable/Unexercisable       Exercisable/Unexercisable
Robert R. Gerber               -0-                N/A                   5,235/20,939                   $52,874/$211,484

- ---------------------------

(1)  For  purposes  of this  table,  the value of the option was  determined  by
     multiplying  the  number of shares  subject to  unexercised  options by the
     difference  between the $9.14  exercise  price and the fair market value of
     FFD's  common  shares,  which  was  $19.24 on June 30,  1998,  based on the
     closing bid price reported by Nasdaq.

Recognition and Retention Plan

         The  shareholders  of FFD adopted the RRP at the 1996 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders.  With funds  contributed by First  Federal,  the RRP has purchased
50,245  common  shares  of FFD,  29,800  of  which  have  been  awarded  and not

         The  RRP is  administered  by the  RRP  Committee.  The  RRP  Committee
determines which directors and employees of First Federal will be awarded shares
under the RRP and the number of shares awarded.

         Unless the RRP  Committee  specifically  states to the  contrary at the
time of an  award  of  shares,  one-fifth  of such  shares  will be  earned  and
non-forfeitable  on each of the  first  five  anniversaries  of the  date of the
award.  Shares  awarded  pursuant to the RRP, along with any dividends and other
distributions  paid on such shares and  earnings  thereon,  are  distributed  to
recipients as soon as practicable  after such shares become  earned.  Recipients
are not  permitted to transfer or direct the voting of shares  awarded under the
RRP until they become earned.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

         FFD has  established  the ESOP for the benefit of  employees of FFD and
its subsidiaries,  including First Federal, who are age 21 or older and who have
completed at least one year of service with FFD and its  subsidiaries.  The ESOP
provides  an  ownership  interest  in  the  Company  to all  eligible  full-time
employees of the Company.  The ESOP trust  borrowed  funds from the Company with
which it acquired 116,380 of the common shares sold in the Conversion.

         Contributions to the ESOP and shares released from the suspense account
are  allocated  among  participants  on the basis of  compensation.  Except  for
participants  who retire,  become  disabled or die during a plan year, all other
participants  must have  completed  at least  1,000 hours of service in order to
receive an allocation. Benefits become fully vested after five years of service.

Director Compensation

         Each director who is not an executive  officer of FFD receives a fee of
$300 per regular  meeting  attended and $50 per special meeting  attended.  Each
director who is not an executive officer of First Federal receives a fee of $700
per regular meeting attended and $50 per special meeting attended.  In addition,
directors who are not executive  officers of either FFD or First Federal receive
a fee of $25 per committee meeting attended,  except that non-officer members of
the Executive  Committee of First  Federal  receive a payment of $1,200 per year
rather than the committee meeting fee.

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

         First Federal makes loans to executive  officers  and  directors in the
ordinary  course of  business.  Although  First  Federal  may make loans to such
persons on terms more  favorable  than those  offered to persons not  affiliated
with First  Federal,  all amounts owed by  directors  or  executive  officers in
excess of $60,000  during the last two fiscal years were owed  pursuant to loans
made on  substantially  the  same  terms  as  those  prevailing  at the time for
comparable transactions with other persons, did not involve more than the normal
risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable  features and are current in
their payments.

                              SELECTION OF AUDITORS

         The Board of Directors has selected  Grant Thornton LLP as the auditors
of FFD for the current fiscal year and recommends that the  shareholders  ratify
the selection.  Management  expects that a representative  of Grant Thornton LLP
will be present  at the  Annual  Meeting,  will have the  opportunity  to make a
statement  if he or  she  so  desires  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to
appropriate questions.


         Any  proposals of  shareholders  intended to be included in FFD's proxy
statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  should be sent to FFD by
certified  mail and must be  received  by FFD not later  than May 21,  1999.  In
addition,  if a  shareholder  intends to present a proposal  at the 1999  Annual
Meeting without  including the proposal in the proxy  materials  related to that
meeting, and if the proposal is not received by August 4, 1999, then the proxies
designated  by the Board of  Directors  of FFD for the 1999  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of FFD may vote in their discretion on any such proposal any shares
for which they have been appointed proxies without mention of such matter in the
proxy statement or on the proxy card for such meeting.

         Management  knows of no other  business which may be brought before the
Annual  Meeting.  It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed Proxy
to vote such Proxy in  accordance  with their best judgment on any other matters
which may be brought before the Annual Meeting.


                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              Robert R. Gerber, President
Dover, Ohio
September 16, 1998

                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                            FFD FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                OCTOBER 13, 1998

         The undersigned shareholder of FFD Financial Corporation ("FFD") hereby
constitutes and appoints J. Richard Gray and Roy O. Mitchell, Jr., or either one
of  them,  as the  Proxy  or  Proxies  of the  undersigned  with  full  power of
substitution and  resubstitution,  to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of FFD to be held at the McDonald/Marlite  Conference Center, 143 McDonald Drive
SW, New  Philadelphia,  Ohio 44663, on October 13, 1998, at 1:00 p.m. local time
(the  "Annual  Meeting"),  all of the  shares of FFD which  the  undersigned  is
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting,  or at any adjournment  thereof, on each
of the following proposals, all of which are described in the accompanying Proxy

1.       The election of four directors:

             FOR                    WITHHOLD                FOR ALL EXCEPT
             [  ]                      [  ]                      [  ]

                               Stephen G. Clinton
                                Robert R. Gerber
                                Richard J. Herzig
                                 Enos L. Loader

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "FOR
ALL EXCEPT" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   The  ratification of the selection of Grant Thornton LLP,  certified public
     accountants, as the auditors of FFD for the current fiscal year.

        FOR                       AGAINST                        ABSTAIN

3.   In their  discretion,  upon such other business as may properly come before
     the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

          IMPORTANT:  Please sign and date this Proxy on the reverse  side.  

          The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote "FOR" the nominees and the
     proposals listed above.

         This  Proxy,  when  properly  executed,  will be  voted  in the  manner
directed herein by the undersigned shareholder.  Unless otherwise specified, the
shares will be voted FOR proposals 1 and 2.

         All Proxies  previously  given by the  undersigned  are hereby revoked.
Receipt of the Notice of the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of FFD and of
the accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.

         Please sign exactly as your name appears on your Stock  Certificate(s).
Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Guardians, Attorneys and Agents should give
their full titles.

- ----------------------------                ------------------------------
Signature                                            Signature

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Print or Type Name                                   Print or Type Name

Dated: _____________________                Dated: _______________________