AS OF OCTOBER 26, 1998

           This  Amendment No. 2 (this "Amendment"), dated as  of
March   31,   1999,  is  made  by  and  among  CAREER   EDUCATION
CORPORATION,  a  Delaware  corporation (the  "Parent"),  ACADEMIE
INTERNATIONALE  du  DESIGN  INC., a  Quebec  corporation  ("IAMD-
(CANADA)  LTD.,  an  Ontario corporation  ("IAMD  (CANADA)",  and
together  with  IAMD-Montreal, collectively, the "Co-Borrowers"),
the  financial institutions party hereto (the "Lenders"), LASALLE
NATIONAL  BANK, as administrative agent for the Lenders (in  such
capacity,  the  "Administrative Agent"), and  THE  BANK  OF  NOVA
SCOTIA ("Scotia Bank"), as foreign currency agent for the Lenders
(in  such  capacity, the "Foreign Currency Agent";  and  together
with   the   Administrative  Agent,  collectively,   called   the
"Agents").   Terms  defined in the Credit Agreement  (as  defined
below)  shall have the same respective meanings when used  herein
and  the  provisions  of  Sections 1.2  and  1.3  of  the  Credit
Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this Amendment.

                     W I T N E S S E T H :

          WHEREAS, the parties hereto are parties to that certain
Amended  and  Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of October  26,
1998  (as amended and in effect on the date hereof, the "Existing
Credit  Agreement" and as amended and modified by this Amendment,
the "Credit Agreement");

            WHEREAS,  the  Parent  and  the   Co-Borrowers   have
requested that the Lenders increase the aggregate Revolving  Loan
Commitment  of  the Lenders to $90,000,000 and the  aggregate  LC
Commitment of the Lenders to $50,000,000; and

           WHEREAS,  the Lenders are willing to amend and  modify
the  Existing  Credit  Agreement  on  the  terms  and  conditions
contained herein;

           NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises,  the
mutual  covenants  herein contained and other good  and  valuable
consideration (the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which  is
hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto, intending legally to be
bound, hereby agree as follows:

           1.    Amendments.  Subject to the satisfaction of  the
conditions  precedent set forth in Section 5 below, the  Existing
Credit Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

           (a)   Section  2.1  is amended  be  deleting  the
     reference   to  "$60,000,000"  contained  therein   and
     replacing it with "$90,000,000";

           (b)   Section  2.2  is amended  be  deleting  the
     reference   to  "$35,000,000"  contained  therein   and
     replacing it with "$50,000,000"; and

          (c)  Schedule 2.1 of the Existing Credit Agreement
     is  hereby  deleted in its entirety and  replaced  with
     Schedule 1 hereto.

          2.   Documents Remain in Effect.  Except as amended and
modified by this Amendment, the Existing Credit Agreement remains
in  full  force  and effect and the Parent and each  of  the  Co-
Borrowers   confirms   that   its  representations,   warranties,
agreements  and  covenants  contained  in,  and  obligations  and
liabilities  under, the Credit Agreement and each  of  the  other
Related  Documents are true and correct in all material  respects
as  if made on the date hereof, except where such representation,
warranty, agreement or covenant speaks as of a specified date.

           3.   References in Other Documents.  References to the
Existing  Credit Agreement in any other document shall be  deemed
to  include a reference to the Credit Agreement, whether  or  not
reference is made to this Amendment.

           4.    Representations.  The Parent and each of the Co-
Borrowers hereby represents and warrants to the Lenders  and  the
Agents that:

           (a)   The execution, delivery and performance  of
     this  Amendment  and  the Restated  Notes  (as  defined
     below)  are  within the Parent's and the  Co-Borrowers'
     corporate authority, have been duly authorized  by  all
     necessary corporate action, have received all necessary
     consents and approvals (if any shall be required),  and
     do  not  and will not contravene or conflict  with  any
     provision of law or of the Certificate of Incorporation
     or  By-laws of the Borrower, the Co-Borrowers or  their
     respective  Subsidiaries, or  of  any  other  agreement
     binding  upon the Borrower, the Co-Borrowers  or  their
     respective Subsidiaries or their respective property;

            (b)   This  Amendment  and  the  Restated  Notes
     constitute the legal, valid, and binding obligation  of
     the  Parent  and the Co-Borrowers (to the extent  party
     thereto),  enforceable against the Parent and  the  Co-
     Borrowers  in  accordance with their respective  terms;

           (c)  No Default has occurred and is continuing or
     will result from this Amendment or the Restated Notes.

           5.    Conditions Precedent.  The effectiveness of this
Amendment  is subject to the receipt by the Administrative  Agent
of  each of the following, each appropriately completed and  duly
executed   as  required  and  otherwise  in  form  and  substance
satisfactory to the Administrative Agent:

           (a)  Certified copies of resolutions of the Board
     of Directors of the Parent authorizing or ratifying the
     execution,  delivery and performance by the  Parent  of
     this Amendment and the Restated Notes (to the extent  a
     party thereto);
          (b)  A certificate of the President or a Vice-President
of  the  Parent  that all necessary consents  or  approvals  with
respect  to  this  Amendment and the  Restated  Notes  have  been

           (c)   A certificate of the Secretary or Assistant
     Secretary of the Parent, certifying the name(s) of  the
     officer(s)  of  the  Parent  authorized  to  sign  this
     Amendment, the Restated Notes and the documents related
     hereto on behalf of the Parent;

           (d)   Restated Revolving Notes, in  the  form  of
     Exhibit  A, for each of the Lenders in an amount  equal
     to  their  respective  Revolving Loan  Commitment  with
     respect  to  the funding of Revolving Loans in  Dollars
     (collectively, the "Restated Notes");

           (e)  An opinion of Katten Muchin & Zavis covering
     those  matters  set forth in clauses  (a)  and  (b)  of
     Section 4 as to the Parent and such other legal matters
     as the Administrative Agent or its counsel may request;

          (f)  The Parent shall pay the Administrative Agent, for
     the  benefit  of  the  Lenders, an amendment  fee  equal  to
     $75,000; and

           (g)   Such other instruments, agreements and documents
     as  the Administrative Agent may reasonably request, in each
     case  duly  executed as required and otherwise in  form  and
     substance satisfactory to the Lenders.

          6.   Miscellaneous.

           (a)   Section headings used in this Amendment are  for
convenience  of  reference  only,  and  shall  not   affect   the
construction of this Amendment.

           (b)   This  Amendment  and  any  amendment  hereof  or
supplement  hereto may be executed in any number of  counterparts
and  by  the different parties on separate counterparts and  each
such  counterpart shall be deemed to be an original, but all such
counterparts  shall  together constitute but  one  and  the  same

           (c)  This Amendment shall be a contract made under and
governed  by the internal laws of the State of Illinois,  without
giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws.

          (d)  All obligations of the Parent and Co-Borrowers and
rights  of the Lenders and the Agents, that are expressed herein,
shall  be  in addition to and not in limitation to those provided
by applicable law.

            (e)    Whenever  possible,  each  provision  of  this
Amendment  shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective
and  valid  under  applicable law; but if any provision  of  this
Amendment shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law,
such  provision  shall  be ineffective  to  the  extent  of  such
prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder  of
such provision or the remaining provisions of this Amendment.

           (f)   This Amendment shall be binding upon the Parent,
the   Co-Borrowers,  the  Lenders,  and  the  Agents  and   their
respective successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit
of  the Parent, the Co-Borrowers, the Lenders, and the Agents and
their respective successors and assigns.

                    *          *          *
           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the
execution and delivery hereof by their respective representatives
thereunto duly authorized as of the date first herein appearing.

                              CAREER EDUCATION CORPORATION

                              By:    /s/ WILLIAM A. KLETTKE
                              Name:      William A. Klettke
                              Title:     Chief Financial Officer

                              INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF
                              MERCHANDISING & DESIGN (CANADA) LTD.

                              By:    /s/ WILLIAM A. KLETTKE
                              Name:      William A. Klettke
                              Title:     Vice President and Treasurer

                              ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE du DESIGN INC.

                              By:    /s/ WILLIAM A. KLETTKE
                              Name:      William A. Klettke
                              Title:     Vice President and Treasurer

                              LASALLE NATIONAL BANK, in its
                               individual corporate capacity and
                               as Administrative Agent

                              By:    /s/ DAVID F. MOHR
                              Name:      David F. Mohr
                              Title:     Assistant Vice President

                              THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, in its
                               individual corporate capacity and
                               as Foreign Currency Agent

                              By:    /s/ F.C.H. ASHBY
                              Name:      F.C.H. Ashby
                              Title:     Senior Manager Loan Operations

                              ABN AMRO BANK CANADA, in its
                               individual corporate capacity

                              By:    /s/ DAVID MOORE
                              Name:      David Moore
                              Title:     Vice President

                              By:    /s/ JOHN GLEASON
                              Name:      John Gleason
                              Title:     G.V.P.

                              NATIONAL CITY BANK, in its
                               individual corporate capacity

                              By:    /s/ MATTHEW R. KLINGER
                              Name:      Matthew R. Klinger
                              Title:     Assistant Vice President

                              COMERICA BANK, in its
                               individual corporate capacity

                              By:   /s/ GREGORY N. BLOCK
                              Name:     Gregory N. Block
                              Title:    Vice President

                              HARRIS  TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK,  in
                              its individual corporate capacity

                              By:   /s/ M. JAMES BARRY, III
                              Name:     M. James Barry, III
                              Title:    Vice President

                              UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N.A.,  in
                              its individual corporate capacity

                              By:   /s/ STEPHEN R. SWEENEY
                              Name:     Stephen R. Sweeney
                              Title:    Vice President

                              THE   BANK  OF  MONTREAL,  in   its
                              individual corporate capacity

                              By:   /s/ MICHAEL W. MCADAM
                              Name:     Michael W. McAdam
                              Title:    Relationship Manager