
The undersigned acknowledge(s) receipt of your letter and the enclosed material
referred to therein relating to the Exchange Offer of MedQuest, Inc.

This will instruct you to tender for exchange the aggregate principal amount of
Old Notes indicated below (or, if no aggregate principal amount is indicated
below, all Old Notes) held by you for the account or benefit of the undersigned,
pursuant to the terms of and conditions set forth in the Prospectus and the
Letter of Transmittal.

Aggregate Principal Amount of Old Notes to be tendered for exchange:


* I (we) understand that if I (we) sign this instruction form without indicating
an aggregate principal amount of Old Notes in the space above, all Old Notes
held by you for my (our) account will be tendered for exchange.



  Capacity (full title), if signing in a fiduciary or representative capacity

                    Name(s) and address, including zip code

Date: _____________________________

                         Area Code and Telephone Number

                 Taxpayer Identification or Social Security No.
