
                                                                 EXHIBIT 10.1(g)

                             LEASING AGREEMENT (B+L)
                                   NO. 559 02

Lessor (LG):          DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
                      Immobilien-Vermietungs KG
                      [DEGECENSUS Property Management Company GmbH
                      Real Estate Leasing Limited Partnership]
                      Hauptstrasse 131-137
                      65760 Eschborn

Lessee (LN):          Schabmuller GmbH
                      Industriestrasse 8
                      92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach

Leased property:      Production, storage and administration building

Location:             Industriestrasse 8, 92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach

                      Municipal Court: Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
                      Land register of: Sollngriesbach
                      Volume: 11 Page: 405

                      Parcel no.:     204          Size:       440  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/37       Size:       550  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/34       Size:     1,488  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/41       Size:     7,598  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     203          Size:     4,245  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/39       Size:     9,025  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/42       Size:        26  m(2)
                      Parcel no.:     275/35       Size:    13,101  m(2)

                      The machines and operating equipment, as defined by
                      Section 68 BewG [Valuation Law], located on the property
                      are not the subject matter of this Leasing Agreement.


1.   Total Investment Costs (GIK)                            Computational depreciation in % p.a.
     Land                              DM 1,326,000.00
     Buildings                         DM 5,712,000.00        2.778

     Total                             DM 7,038,000.00

     Residual value at the end of the
     term of lease:                    DM 3,546,825.60       50.395% of the GIK


                                      - 2 -


     Term of lease:                    22 years


     Occupancy date:                   November 30, 1996
     Commencement of tenancy:          December 1, 1996


     - not applicable -


     0.188% p.a. of the total investment costs

6.   RENTS

     The total annual payments comprise:

     DM 511,250.70 (7.264% of the GIK).

     The total annual payments are computed by the Lessor on the basis of an
     assumed financing interest rate of 5.69% p.a. with a five-year fixing
     period at 100% disbursement. They consist of rents that include expenses
     and the contribution to administrative costs.

     By no later than the commencement of tenancy, the Lessor will determine the
     amount and composition of the total payments and the first rent conversion
     date in accordance with Section 14 Item 1.2 of the General Terms of Lease
     and will notify the Lessee thereof.

     The Lessee can then demand from the Lessor a determination of the financing
     conditions by no later than the occupancy date of the leased property,
     provided the Lessor has not yet utilized any funds available for financing.
     The Lessor must be notified in writing of the Lessee's request.

     The total payments for the period up to the first rent conversion will then
     be based on the financing terms obtained by the Lessor.


                                      - 3 -


     The total annual payments according to item 6 do not reflect:

     Costs of reestablishment and/or reconstruction to be paid by the Lessor in
     the event of accidental, full or partial loss or full or partial
     destruction of the leased property,

     as well as

     possible reductions in the total payments of the Lessee in the
     aforementioned cases and in the event that the Lessee is unable to utilize
     the leased property for an extended period of time for reasons for which it
     cannot be held responsible.

     The costs to be borne by the Lessor in this regard and/or the reduced
     amounts will be made available, when payable, to the Lessor by the Lessee
     in the form of a special loan. The special loan will yield 7.0% annual
     interest and will be due for repayment, including interest, following
     termination of the Leasing Agreement.


     The Lessee offers the Lessor the conclusion of this Leasing Agreement under
     the conditions mentioned above and listed below. The Lessee will remain
     bound to its offer for a period of six weeks. This period begins upon
     receipt of all records required to review the application.


     This Leasing Agreement comprises the General Terms of Lease and the
     appended Supplementary Agreements.

     As soon as the final Leasing Agreement data have been set, the Leasing
     Agreement will be amended and/or supplemented accordingly by the Lessor.

Eschborn, dated November 15, 1996          Berching/Sollngriesbach, dated

DEGECENSUS                                 Schabmuller GmbH
Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH                 SCHABMULLER GMBH
Immobilien-Vermietungs KG                              Electromotoren
                                                     Industriestrasse 8
                                               92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach
                                           Telephone 08462-2040 - Fax 08462-1841

[signature]                                [signature]
- --------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
- - Lessor -                                 - Lessee -


                                      - 4 -

                             GENERAL TERMS OF LEASE


1.          The Lessor leases to the Lessee the leased property described in the
            Leasing Agreement.

2.          The Lessee will use the leased property exclusively for commercial
            purposes and exclusively for [generating] sales subject to sales tax
            and, furthermore, will only use it for the purpose agree to with the
            Lessor and in accordance with official regulations.


1.          The Lessee is aware that for performance of this Leasing Agreement,
            the developed property must first be acquired.

            The Lessee acknowledges the contracts to be concluded by the Lessor
            for this purpose. In doing so, the Lessee accepts all payment
            obligations resulting from these contracts and the enforcement
            thereof, which shall be charged against the total investment costs
            in accordance with Section 11 and/or the ancillary leasing costs in
            accordance with Section 15 and must be fulfilled.

2.          The outcome of any legal disputes that become necessary in
            connection with the performance of the Leasing Agreement, whether by
            court ruling, settlement or other means, shall be binding on the
            Lessor and the Lessee.

Section 3   OCCUPANCY

1.          The Lessee is obligated to take possession of the leased property as
            soon as the Lessor has acquired the leased property in accordance
            with the provisions of the property purchase agreement. The Lessee
            shall take possession of the leased property in as-is condition. The
            Lessor assumes no liability for the leased property being vacated in
            a timely manner.

2.          The Lessee is already the renter of the leased property, and shall
            assume all resulting risks, hazards and costs until the date of
            occupancy. In this regard, it indemnifies the Lessor against damage
            to the leased property.

3.          The Lessee will have performed, at its expense, any construction it
            requires following occupancy of the leased property, and will
            supervise completion and invoicing.


1.          The Lessee will use the leased property with the care of a prudent
            businessman, and will maintain at its own expense. It guarantees the
            Lessor that the leased property will not be depreciated, as a result
            of use, beyond the [rates of] depreciation included in the rents.


                                      - 5 -

            After having given unsuccessful warning, the Lessor is entitled to
            have repairs completed at the expense of the Lessor.

2.          The duty to make the premises safe for persons or vehicles is
            incumbent upon the Lessee; the Lessee indemnifies the Lessor against
            third-party claims in this regard.

3.          Within the scope of its use, the Lessee is responsible to the Lessor
            for fulfillment of all current and future legal and official
            regulations/requirements applicable to the leased property and the
            business operations practiced therein.


1.          The Lessor is entitled to complete installations/conversions,
            provided they do not adverse affect the value and usability of the
            leased property.

            The Lessee is entitled to install operating equipment, as defined by
            Section 68 BewG, provided it is able to demonstrate that such
            equipment is only being installed for temporary use.

2.          Major constructional changes require the prior written approval of
            the Lessor. This approval cannot be denied, provided the intrinsic
            value and the usability of the leased property are not adversely
            affected and official requirements are fulfilled.

3.          The Lessee is entitled to remove installations/conversions, provided
            it reestablishes the original condition at its expense.

            Upon termination of the Leasing Agreement, the Lessee can demand
            that the Lessor remove the installations/conversions and reestablish
            the original, contractually stipulated condition at the expense of
            the Lessee.

Section 6   SUBLETTING

1.          Subletting of the leased property by the Lessee is only permitted
            with the written approval of the Lessor. This approval may only be
            denied for good cause.

2.          The Lessee will notify the Lessor of subleases, and hereby assigns
            its current and future claims derived for the sublease to the
            Lessor. The Lessor hereby accepts the assignment and is entitled to
            disclose the assignment.

Section 7   GUARANTY

1.          The Lessor hereby authorizes the Lessee to assert, on its own behalf
            and at its expense, the guaranty claims to which the Lessor is
            entitled under the property purchase agreement it has concluded.
            Claims for payment and substitute delivery shall be asserted for
            performance to the Lessor. The Lessor will credit any payments it
            receives to rents for the remaining term of lease or will make such
            payment available to the Lessee for the purpose of establishing the
            condition of the leased property stipulated by contract. The Lessor
            does not assume any further guaranties.


                                      - 6 -

2.          The Lessee is obligated to assert the guaranty claims within the
            agreed or legal time periods. It will notify the Lessor in writing,
            within ten days, of any defects discovered during the guaranty

3.          If the participation of the Lessor is required to assert claims, it
            will be bill its expenses to the Lessee.

Section 8   LIABILITY

1.          The Lessor is liable for the risks of damage to the leased property
            as a result of fire, tap water and storms, as well as the risk of
            accidental, full or partial loss of the leased property.

2.          In the event of full or partial destruction or full or partial
            accidental loss of the leased property, the Lessor is obligated to
            reconstruct and/or reestablish [the leased property] at its expense.
            If the Lessee is responsible for the destruction, it is obligated to
            reconstruct and/or reestablish [the leased property] at its expense.


1.          The Lessee will make the Lessor aware of the requirements of
            adequate insurance coverage, and will inform the Lessor of changes
            in the risks requiring insurance coverage.

2.          For the period following occupancy of the leased property, the
            Lessor will take out a fire insurance policy within the scope of its
            EC coverage at the indexed new value. It will also obtain comparable
            insurance coverage against storm and tap water damage. In addition,
            it will take out a property liability insurance policy and, if
            applicable, a water damage liability insurance policy.

            The Lessee undertakes to observe and comply with the terms and
            safety requirements and regulations on which the insurance policies
            are based, as well as any guidelines stipulated by the insurance
            carriers. The Lessee shall request that the Lessor provide it with
            any of these provisions with which it is not familiar. Violations
            can result in the cancellation of insurance benefits by the
            insurance carrier, and the Lessee shall be responsible for any
            losses incurred as a result.

            The Lessee, in coordination with the Lessor, is entitled to take out
            the insurance policies to be concluded by the Lessor under the terms
            of the Leasing Agreement, provided the premiums are more favorable
            than for policies concluded by the Lessor and the scope of coverage,
            terms, and policy numbers and deductibles remain unchanged.

3.          Following occupancy of the leased property, the Lessee will obtain,
            at its expense, adequate manufacturers' liability, use and occupancy
            and inventory insurance coverage, as well as environmental liability
            insurance coverage. The Lessor can demand evidence of such coverage.

4.          Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 8 Item 2, the Lessee will
            promptly report to the Lessor any damage occurring in the leased
            property, and will file the necessary claims at its own expense and
            in coordination with the Lessor. In individual cases, the Lessor is
            entitled to file the necessary claims at the expense of the Lessee.


                                      - 7 -

Section 10  TERM OF LEASE

1.          The term of lease commences on the first day of the month following
            occupancy of the leased property.

2.          Upon termination of the term of lease, the Lessee shall return the
            leased property to the Lessor in the contractually stipulated


1.          The assessment basis for rents comprises the total investment costs
            for the developed property, which consist of the purchase price of
            the developed property without operating equipment, as well as the
            ancillary costs of acquisition and financing, if applicable, even
            when such costs are incurred after the commencement of tenancy.

            The total investment costs also include the Lessor's contribution to
            administrative costs, according to Item 5 of the Leasing Agreement,
            for the period between conclusion of the Leasing Agreement and
            commencement of tenancy, as well as any decontamination costs for
            the entire leased property and the certification costs incurred in
            connection with this Agreement.

2.          In the event that the investment funds made available do not cover
            the final total investment costs and/or the total investment costs
            increase during the term of the Leasing Agreement, the Lessee is
            obligated to provide the Lessor with funds for lost supplementary
            tenant payments in the amount of the shortfall. Following the
            consumption of the investment funds made available by the Lessor,
            these supplementary tenant payments shall be paid on request.

3.          At the request of the Lessee, the Lessor can apply for an increase
            in the investment funds made available. The rents to be stipulated
            for the amount of the increase will then be based on the money and
            capital market conditions in place at the time in question.

4.          Once all invoices are available, the Lessor will determine the final
            total investment costs and notify the Lessee thereof; these costs
            will then serve as the basis of this Leasing Agreement.


1.          The Lessee is aware that the Lessor may only dispose of the funds
            that are made available when:

            1.1     the clear transfer of title to the property to the Lessor is

            1.2     the priority-based lien on the property to the benefit of
                    the Lessor's bank has been secured and verified under the
                    agreed conditions

            1.3     the building permit, confirmation of waiver of the permits
                    of acceptance for ready use for portions of the building
                    constructed after 1982 issued by the district
                    administrator's office in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, and the
                    insurance and inventory records for the leased property are


                                      - 8 -

2.          All previously required payments will be rendered by the Lessee. The
            Lessor will provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses
            associated with the total investment costs once the disbursement
            requirements have been met.


            The contribution to administrative costs for the period between
            conclusion of the Leasing Agreement and commencement of tenancy
            becomes part of the total investment costs.


            The Lessor is entitled and obligated to adjust the rents:

            1.      if the depreciable portion of the total investment costs
                    changes as a result of a notice of tax assessment and/or the
                    depreciation for wear and tear (AfA) permissible under tax
                    law is reduced to a level below the depreciation on which
                    computation of the rent is based, in accordance with Item 1
                    of the Leasing Agreement. In these cases, a retroactive
                    adjustment is also permissible.

            2.      at the time of rent conversion, under consideration of the
                    money/capital market conditions in place at the time in
                    question; the new rent conversion date will also be
                    determined by the Lessor at this time.


1.          The Lessee will reimburse the Lessor for ancillary costs incurred.

2.          The ancillary costs include, in particular:

            2.1     the costs of insurance policies taken out by the Lessor in
                    accordance with Section 9 Item 2

            2.2     the costs, if applicable, of regular maintenance, inspection
                    and repair of the technical equipment

            2.3     all property-related taxes, levies, contributions, and fees,
                    even in the event that they are newly introduced during the
                    term of lease

            2.4     the prorated portion of property tax resulting from the
                    leased property, including taxes on earnings on this
                    property tax

            2.5     any trade tax incurred when long-term debt, interest on
                    long-term debt, and long-term charges are added to the
                    Lessor's basis for assessment of trade tax, and/or if
                    reductions in the trade tax cannot be effected

            2.6     the costs incurred by the Lessor (e.g., property inspection,
                    contributions to the chamber of commerce and industry,
                    necessary amendments to the bylaws, possible partnership
                    interest transfers, etc.)


                                      - 9 -

2.7         the costs incurred by the Lessor for annual audits will be paid by
            the Lessor in the first year in the form of a lump-sum payment in
            the amount of DM 850.00. The lump-sum payment will increase each
            year by 3% over the amount from the previous year.


1.          One-quarter of each [annual] rent is payable in advance on the first
            day of each quarter, the first payment being payable in accordance
            with Section 10 Item 1.

2.          The ancillary leasing costs are payable within ten days of the
            invoice date.

3.          The Lessee hereby authorizes the Lessor to collect all payments
            arising from this Leasing Agreement, including the special loan in
            accordance with Item 7 of the Leasing Agreement, by direct debit
            from the bank account of the Lessee.

4.          All payments listed in accordance with Items 5 and 6, as well as in
            accordance with Section 15 of the Leasing Agreement do not include
            turnover tax. Pursuant to Section 9 UStG [Turnover Tax Act], the
            Lessor will subject its rental revenues to turnover tax, and will
            provide separate invoices for turnover tax on rents and ancillary
            leasing costs. Special loans are currently exempt from turnover tax.

5.          If the Lessee fails to comply with the stipulated payment dates
            and/or payment obligations, it shall pay late payment fees in the
            amount of 5.0 percentage points above the discount rate issued by
            the Deutsche Bundesbank [German Central Bank] for payments in
            arrears. The parties to the Agreement reserve the right to furnish
            evidence of a higher or lower loss.


1.          All payments under this Leasing Agreement are payable without regard
            to the condition and usability of the leased property. This does not
            apply, assuming that the Lessor is given advance notice by the
            Lessee in a timely manner,

            1.1     in the event of the accidental, full or partial loss of the
                    leased property

            1.2     in the event of the full or partial destruction of the
                    leased property, as well as in the event of the leased
                    property becoming unusable for an extended period of time,
                    provided this circumstance is not attributable to the

2.          The Lessee is not entitled to offset claims with counter-claims,
            unless the claims in question are undisputed claims or claims
            recognized by declaratory judgment.


1.          The Leasing Agreement cannot be terminated during the term of lease,
            unless otherwise stipulated below. Both parties to the Agreement are
            entitled to termination for good cause.


                                     - 10 -

2.          The Lessor is, in particular, entitled to termination without notice

            2.1     The Lessee discontinues its payments or a petition in
                    bankruptcy is filed for its assets, or a petition is filed
                    to institute other judicial or extrajudicial proceedings to
                    regulate debt

            2.2     the Lessee's liability base is adversely affected by a
                    change in its legal for or its ownership

            2.3     the economic circumstances of the Lessee have changed to
                    such an extent as to jeopardize regular payment of
                    stipulated payments

            2.4     the Lessee is in arrears for a period of more than 14 days
                    with payments amounting to more than 1/4 of the total annual
                    payment, in spite of having received written warning from
                    the Lessor

            2.5     the Lessee fails to fulfill other contractual obligations
                    within 14 days, in spite of having received written warning
                    from the Lessor.

3.          In the event of termination for which the Lessee can be held liable,
            the Lessee shall compensate the Lessor for any losses it incurs as a
            result of premature termination of the Leasing Agreement,
            particularly loss of rent. The advantages created as a result of
            this premature termination, especially those due to alternative use
            of the leased property and premature redemption of the financing,
            will be credited against the loss, as will the special loans
            provided to the Lessor by the Lessee. In the event of alternative
            use or sale of the leased property, the proceeds will also be
            credited, provided they exceed the calculated residual value upon
            expiration of the term of lease plus the portion of the special loan
            repaid by the date of termination.

Section 19  WITHDRAWAL

1.          Both parties to the Agreement can withdraw from this Leasing
            Agreement if, for reasons for which the Lessee is responsible,
            acquisition of the developed property within one year of conclusion
            of the Leasing Agreement is not possible.

2.          In the event of withdrawal in accordance with Item 1, the Lessee
            will reimburse the Lessor for all total investment costs incurred
            and yet to be incurred, as well as all other costs and expenditures
            already incurred and resulting from the withdrawal. To cover its
            costs, the Lessor will assess a lump-sum fee of 2.0% (plus turnover
            tax) of the total investment costs indicated under Item 1 of the
            Leasing Agreement; the Lessee reserves the right to furnish evidence
            of lower costs incurred. Instead of assessing a lump-sum fee, the
            Lessor is also entitled to bill the Lessee for the specific costs
            and expenditures it has incurred as a result of the Agreement.


                                     - 11 -


1.          The Lessor can assign to a bank all rights and claims arising from
            this Leasing Agreement, as well as the rights and claims arising
            from the insurance policies it has concluded. Furthermore, the
            Lessor is entitled to transfer all of its rights and obligations
            arising from this Leasing Agreement, with the effect of settling
            debts, to companies affiliated with one of the Lessor's group
            companies. In this case, the Lessee is obligated to continue this
            Leasing Agreement, together with all rights and obligations
            [associated with it], with the new lessor.

2.          The Lessee can only assign the claim for repayment of the special
            loans to which it is entitled with the written approval of the

3.          The Lessee will provide the Lessor with information concerning its
            legal, earnings and financial circumstances, and will also provide
            the Lessor, within the six months following the preceding fiscal
            year, two copies of its annual financial statements, audit reports
            and, if applicable, company reports. The Lessor can demand that
            annual financial statements be provided that have been prepared by a
            tax accountant or certified by a certified public accountant. During
            the term of lease, the Lessee will inform the Lessor, promptly and
            without having been requested to do so, of all significant legal and
            economic changes within its company.

4.          The Lessor undertakes to treat as confidential all records and
            information provided. The Lessor will receive all records at no

Section 21  ACCESS

            The Lessee or its authorized agent is permitted access to the leased
            property at appropriate times and by prior arrangement.


1.          The Lessee is responsible for all costs incurred upon conclusion,
            amendment and execution of the Leasing Agreement.

2.          Subsidiary agreements to this Leasing Agreement must be made in
            writing. They will be incorporated as parts of this Leasing


            Should one or more provisions of this Leasing Agreement be or become
            invalid, this shall not affect the validity of its remaining
            portions. The parties concluding the Agreement are obligated to
            supplement the Agreement analogously.


                          SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT NO. 1
                       TO THE LEASING AGREEMENT NO. 559 02


        DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
        Immobilien-Vermietungs KG
        Hauptstrasse 131-137
        65760 Eschborn

        - hereinafter referred to as the Lessor -


        Schabmuller GmbH
        Industriestrasse 8
        92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach

        - hereinafter referred to as the Lessee -

Lessor and Lessee concluded Leasing Agreement No. 559 02 for a production,
storage and administrative building in 92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach with
investment costs in the amount of DM 7,038,000.00 on November 15, 1996.

This Supplementary Agreement No. 1 becomes part of the aforementioned Leasing
Agreement upon being signed in a legally binding fashion.

In amendment and/or supplementation of the Leasing Agreement, the following is
agreed by the Lessor and the Lessee:

1.   The jointly established total investment costs (GIK) in accordance with
     Item 1 of the Leasing Agreement, as specified in the property statement of
     April 23/May 21/May 28, 1997, amount to DM 7,130,654.40, and are comprised
     of the following:

                                                Computational depreciation
     Land                 DM 1,345,113.38
     Buildings            DM 5,785,541.02       2.778 % p.a.
     Total                DM 7,130,654.40

     The computed residual value at the end of the term of lease comprises DM
     3,595,043.60 (50.417% of the GIK).

2.   The tenancy shall commence on December 1, 1996.

3.   In accordance with Item 6 of the Leasing Agreement and under consideration
     of the contribution to administrative costs specified under Item 5, the
     total annual payments as of December 1, 1996 comprise (in DM, not including
     turnover tax)*:


                                      - 2 -

                        Year         Total annual payments
                         12/1996     DM          12,956.01
                            1997     DM         511,619.79
                            1998     DM         511,816.16
                            1999     DM         511,816.16
                            2000     DM         511,816.16
                            2001     DM         511,816.16
                            2002     DM         511,816.16
                            2003     DM         511,816.16
                            2004     DM         511,816.16
                            2005     DM         511,816.16
                            2006     DM         511,816.16
                            2007     DM         511,816.16
                            2008     DM         511,816.16
                            2009     DM         511,816.16
                            2010     DM         511,816.16
                            2011     DM         511,816.16
                            2012     DM         511,816.16
                            2013     DM         511,816.16
                            2014     DM         511,816.16
                            2015     DM         511,816.16
                            2016     DM         511,816.16
                            2017     DM         511,816.16
                      01-11/2018     DM         469,057.70

     * Differences of up to DM 0.01 are attributable to the rounding of figures

4.   The total annual payments were computed on the basis of the financing
     interest of 5.59% p.a., which is stipulated as being fixed until November
     30, 2001.

5.   The next rent conversion will take place on November 30, 2001. The total
     annual payments due will be adjusted for the ensuing period.

6.   All other provisions of Leasing Agreement No. 559 02 shall remain in
     effect, provided they are not revoked, amended or supplemented by this
     Supplementary Agreement No. 1.

Eschborn, dated September 17, 1997               Berching/Sollingriesbach, dated
                                                 September 10, 1997

Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH     Schabmuller GmbH
Immobilien-Vermietungs KG                            SCHABMULLER GMBH
                                                    Industriestrasse 8
                                               92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach
                                           Telephone 08462-2040 - Fax 08462-1841

[signature]                                [signature]
- --------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
(Signatures)                               (Signatures)
- - Lessor -                                 - Lessee -



     DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
     Hauptstrasse 131-137
     65760 Eschborn

     - hereinafter referred to as DEGECENSUS -

is the sole general partner


     DEGESUR Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
     Hauptstrasse 13-137 [sic]
     65760 Eschborn

     - hereinafter referred to as DEGESUR -

is the sole limited partner in

     DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
     Immobilien-Vermietungs KG
     Hauptstrasse 131-137
     65760 Eschborn

     - hereinafter referred to as the Lessor -.

The Lessor intends to conclude Leasing Agreement No. 559 02 for a production,
storage and administrative building in 92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach with

     Schabmuller GmbH
     Industriestrasse 8
     92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach

     - hereinafter referred to as the Lessee -.

In addition, the Lessee shall be granted an option to acquire the partnership
interest in the Lessor.

This said, both DEGECENSUS and DEGESUR, in their capacity as sole general
partner and sole limited partner, for the event that the aforementioned Leasing
Agreement and the aforementioned option are brought about in a legally binding
manner, declare the following:

DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Immobilien-Vermietungs
KG will not sell the leased property prior to the termination of Leasing
Agreement No. 559 02 with Schabmuller GmbH without the approval of the Lessee.


                                      - 2 -

In our capacity as partners in DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Immobilien-Vermietungs KG, we undertake to ensure the fulfillment of this

Eschborn, dated October 25, 1996          Eschborn, dated October 25, 1996

DEGECENSUS                                DEGESUR
Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH    Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

[signature]                               [signature]
- --------------------------------------    --------------------------------------



1.      PREAMBLE

1.1     DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

        - hereinafter referred to as DEGECENSUS -

        is the general partner and

        DEGESUR Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

        - hereinafter referred to as DEGESUR -

        is the limited partner in the company, registered in the commercial
        register of the Frankfurt am Main District Court,

        DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Immobilien-Vermietungs
        KG Hauptstrasse 131-137
        65760 Eschborn

        - hereinafter referred to as the Lessor -,

        with its head office in Eschborn.

1.2     The Lessor has concluded Leasing Agreement No. 559 02, dated November
        15, 1996, for a production, storage and administrative building in 92334
        Berching/Sollngriesbach, for a term of 22 years, with

        Schabmuller GmbH
        Industriestrasse 8
        92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach.

1.3     The Lessor has concluded loan agreements for financing purposes.

2.      OFFER

        This said, DEGECENSUS and DEGESUR submit the following offer:

2.1     DEGECENSUS undertakes to transfer, in full or in part, the partnership
        interest it holds as the general partner in the Lessor, with effect and
        with the right to participate in profits on the date of acceptance of
        the offer, to the Lessee or to a third party to be designated by the
        Lessee at the time of termination of this Leasing Agreement.


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2.2     DEGESUR undertakes to transfer, in full or in part, the partnership
        interest it holds as the limited partner in the Lessor, with effect and
        with the right to participate in profits on the date of acceptance of
        the offer, to the Lessee or to a third party to be designated by the
        Lessee at the time of termination of this Leasing Agreement.

2.3     The offer can only be accepted upon expiration

2.3.1   of a term of lease of 22 years or

2.3.2   of a term of lease of 10 years or

2.3.3   of a term of lease of 15 years or

2.3.4   of a term of lease of 20 years

        from the date of commencement of the above-mentioned Leasing Agreement.

2.4     The offer can only be accepted unanimously once

2.4.1   all obligations of the Lessee under the Leasing Agreement specified
        under Item 1.2 have been completely fulfilled prior to acceptance of the


2.4.2   DEGECENSUS, DEGESUR and all other companies of the VR-LEASING Group have
        been indemnified against joint liability for the obligations of the
        Lessor vis-a-vis its creditors at the of acquisition of the partnership
        interest, as well as against all third-party claims of an economic,
        fiscal and other nature.

2.5     The purchase price for the partnership interest is comprised of the
        capital, the reserves, the profit carried forward, and the prorated net
        income for the year.

        If the offer to acquire the partnership interest is accepted prior to
        expiration of the term of lease in accordance with Item 2.3.1, the
        purchase price shall increase, for each remaining lease year, by the
        contribution to administrative costs specified under Item 5 of the
        Leasing Agreement, as well as by any applicable damages (e.g., early
        payment penalties, fees) claimed by the refinancing bank against the

2.6     DEGECENSUS and DEGESUR shall each be informed of the acceptance of this
        offer by registered mail by no later than 12 months prior to expiration
        of the dates specified under Item 2.3. If this twelve-month deadline is
        missed, this offer can no longer be accepted, and refusal to accept the
        offer for any reason will require no further explanation.

2.7     DEGECENSUS and DEGESUR are entitled to withdraw this offer immediately
        if the Lessor has prematurely terminated the Leasing Agreement for good
        cause. This [notice of] withdrawal will then be issued to the Lessee by
        registered mail and will take effect upon receipt.


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2.8     The terms of this offer shall affect the respective legal successor both
        positively and negatively.

2.9     The Lessee is responsible for all current and future costs, fees and
        taxes associated with this offer.

2.10    The invalidity of one or more terms of this offer, if applicable, shall
        not affect the validity of the remaining terms. Instead, they shall be
        executed analogously. Any invalid portion of this offer shall then be
        replaced with a provision that most closely approximates the purpose of
        the invalid portion.

Eschborn, dated September 17, 1997

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DEGECENSUS Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

Eschborn, dated September 17, 1997

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DEGESUR Grundstucksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

Berching/Sollngriesbach, dated September 10, 1997

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           Industriestrasse 8
      92334 Berching/Sollngriesbach
  Telephone 08462-2040 - Fax 08462-1841

Schabmuller GmbH