<Page> EXHIBIT 99.9 ESTIMATES FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2004 <Page> NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA British Columbia. Estimates, fiscal year ending March 31. -- 1983- Annual Continues: British Columbia. Ministry of Finance. Estimates of revenue and expenditure. ISSN 0707-3046 Vols. For 1983- have suppl. Imprint varies: Ministry of Finance, 1983-1987; Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, 1988-June 2001; Ministry of Finance, June 2001- Also available on the Internet. ISSN 0712-4597 = Estimates - Province of British Columbia 1. British Columbia - Appropriations and expenditures - Periodicals. 2. Budget - British Columbia - Periodicals. 3. Revenue - British Columbia - Periodicals. I. British Columbia. Ministry of Finance. II. British Columbia. Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations. III. Title. HJ13.B742 354.7110072'225 C82-089032-4 ----------------- Available to the General Public from: CROWN PUBLICATIONS INC. 521 Fort Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 1E7 <Page> TABLE OF CONTENTS <Table> <Caption> PAGE INTRODUCTION TO THE ESTIMATES ............................................................................. v EXPLANATORY NOTES ......................................................................................... vi SUMMARY INFORMATION Estimates Accounting Policies and Presentation Changes .................................................. 1 Estimated Statement of Financial Position ............................................................... 3 Estimated Statement of Operations ....................................................................... 4 Estimated Deficit Overview .............................................................................. 5 Estimated Accumulated Deficit ........................................................................... 5 Estimated Revenue by Source ............................................................................. 6 Estimated Expense by Organization ....................................................................... 7 Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Expense ............................................................. 8 ESTIMATES OF SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Legislation ............................................................................................. 17 Officers of the Legislature ............................................................................. 21 Office of the Premier ................................................................................... 27 Ministry of Advanced Education .......................................................................... 31 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries ............................................................. 37 Ministry of Attorney General ............................................................................ 45 Ministry of Children and Family Development ............................................................. 55 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services .................................................. 61 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise ......................................................... 73 Ministry of Education ................................................................................... 79 Ministry of Energy and Mines ............................................................................ 85 Ministry of Finance ..................................................................................... 93 Ministry of Forests ..................................................................................... 101 Ministry of Health Planning ............................................................................. 111 Ministry of Health Services ............................................................................. 117 Ministry of Human Resources ............................................................................. 125 Ministry of Management Services ......................................................................... 129 Ministry of Provincial Revenue .......................................................................... 135 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General ......................................................... 143 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour ............................................................... 153 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management ............................................................. 157 Ministry of Transportation .............................................................................. 163 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection .............................................................. 169 Management of Public Funds and Debt ..................................................................... 175 Other Appropriations .................................................................................... 179 SCHEDULES A - Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Expense, Capital Expenditure and FTE Reconciliation - 2002/03 ... 193 B - Special Accounts - Summary .......................................................................... 203 C - Financing Transactions - Prepaid Capital Advances ................................................... 204 D - Financing Transactions - Capital Expenditures ....................................................... 205 D1 - Financing Transactions - Capital Expenditures - Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies . 206 E - Financing Transactions - Loans, Investments and Other Requirements .................................. 207 F - Financing Transactions - Revenue Collected for, and Transferred to, Other Entities .................. 208 G - Fulltime Equivalent (FTE) Employment ................................................................ 209 H - Reconciliation of Deficit to Change in Taxpayer-Supported Debt and Statement of Total Debt .......... 210 I - Summary of Ministerial Accountability for Operating Expenses ........................................ 211 J - Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Result ................................................ 213 K - Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies - Estimated Revenues and Expenses ................ 214 L - Regional Authorities - Estimated Revenues and Expenses .............................................. 215 M - Estimated Revenue by Source ......................................................................... 216 N - Estimated Expense by Function ....................................................................... 217 EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIONS .................................................... 218 </Table> <Page> INTRODUCTION TO THE ESTIMATES The Estimates for each fiscal year is presented to the Legislative Assembly by the Minister of Finance. The 2003/04 ESTIMATES is presented on a consolidated basis which combines the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Crown corporations/agencies, and regional authorities. The Estimates includes a pro forma statement of financial position; a statement of operations which combines the operating revenues and expenses of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Crown corporations and agencies, and regional authorities; and, non-operating financial requirements (financing transactions) of the broadly defined government entity for the coming fiscal year. The Estimates also includes budget and revised forecast information for the 2002/03 fiscal year for comparative purposes. The Consolidated Revenue Fund is comprised of the General Fund. All expenditures from the Consolidated Revenue Fund must be authorized by an appropriation, either through a SUPPLY ACT or through a specific provision in another statute. The General Fund is the main operating account of government and includes a number of Special Accounts which provide statutory authority for specific expenditures. In addition to disclosing the pro forma statement of financial position, statement of operations and financing transactions of the government, the Estimates form the basis for annual Consolidated Revenue Fund appropriations approved by the Legislative Assembly through a SUPPLY ACT. Votes contained in the Consolidated Revenue Fund provide the framework for legislative control of government spending since funds can only be expended for purposes stated in the Estimates. Expenses cannot exceed individual vote totals without legislative authority. Voted expenses are detailed by sub-votes and group account classification in the Estimates. Voted and Special Account expenses are detailed by standard object of expense in the SUPPLEMENT TO THE ESTIMATES. This more detailed presentation is intended to provide additional information and establishes a framework for administrative control by Treasury Board over special office and ministry expenses. The 2003/04 ESTIMATES is comprised of three separate sections. 1. SUMMARY INFORMATION - this section of the Estimates provides an overview the government's financial plan for the 2003/04 fiscal year. This section also presents an outline of the accounting policies on which the Estimates have been prepared and significant presentation changes in the Estimates from the previous year. 2. ESTIMATES OF SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - this section presents detailed information on Consolidated Revenue Fund operating expense, capital and other financing transactions. The Legislative Assembly will be asked to approve Consolidated Revenue Fund expenses through a SUPPLY ACT based on the detailed information that is provided in this section. The SUPPLY ACT will provide the legislative authority for voted appropriations and financial requirements. Expenses from Special Accounts are disclosed in the Estimates, however they are not included in SUPPLY ACT totals since they have existing statutory authority. Each special office and ministry is presented on a similar basis. 1. Summary - summarizes total voted and statutory (Special Account) expense, capital and other financing transactions which are the responsibility of the special office or ministry. Also included is the estimated fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment for the fiscal year. 2. Core Business Summary - discloses operating expense, capital and other financing transactions by core business on both the gross (before deducting external recoveries) and net (after deducting external recoveries) basis. A core business includes programs and/or functions grouped together based on common roles and/or purposes. Where core businesses are not required (Special Offices and Other Appropriations), the voted and statutory (Special Account) expense and capital expenditures are disclosed by vote. 3. Operating Expense by Core Business - includes a description of the purpose for each vote and operating expense details by voted and statutory appropriations. Where core businesses are not required (Special Offices and Other Appropriations), the operating expense, capital expenditures and fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment are disclosed by vote. 4. Special Accounts - discloses revenue and expense, capital and other financing transactions and projected spending authority available for all special accounts. 5. Financing Transactions - discloses financing transactions which are the responsibility of the special office or ministry. 3. SCHEDULES - this section of the Estimates consists of supporting schedules that include detailed Consolidated Revenue Fund operating expense, capital expenditure and FTE reconciliation to restate the 2002/03 ESTIMATES to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation; summaries of operating and financial requirements and opening and closing balances for all Special Accounts; summaries of major ministry and taxpayer-supported Crown corporation and agency related financing transactions; a summary of FTE staff utilization by special office, ministry, taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency, and regional authority; a summary of ministerial accountability for operating expenses; a reconciliation of the deficit to the change in taxpayer-supported debt and disclosure of total debt; summaries of taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency and regional authority revenues and expenses; and a detailed reconciliation of revenue by source and expense by function. v <Page> EXPLANATORY NOTES RECOVERIES IN THE ESTIMATES As in previous years, the 2003/04 ESTIMATES contains several votes and sub-votes where recoveries are applied against expenses. In these situations the total recoveries amount is disclosed in the group account classification located on the last page of each special office, ministry or other appropriation section. There are two forms of recoveries: 1. INTERNAL RECOVERIES - represents transfers within the Consolidated Revenue Fund and generally comprise inter-ministry chargebacks for costs budgeted centrally in government for the provision of certain goods and services that are recovered from areas elsewhere in government that consume and/or use those goods and services. Internal recoveries include employee benefits, postal services, Queen's Printer services and Provincial Treasury banking charges. 2. EXTERNAL RECOVERIES - represents recoveries to the Consolidated Revenue Fund from entities outside of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and include costs and amounts recovered from government corporations, other levels of government and non-government organizations, individuals, and businesses. External recoveries also include sinking fund interest earnings; an offset for commissions paid for the collection of government revenues and accounts, and increases in provisions for or the write-off of uncollectible revenue-related accounts. An example of a major external recovery is interest costs relating to funds borrowed by government and re-loaned to public bodies. AUTHORITY TO SPEND ESTIMATED RECOVERIES Consolidated Revenue Fund expense budgets are established on the basis of the gross amount of funds required for a particular purpose, with anticipated recoveries then being deducted to arrive at the net expense. A shortfall in anticipated recoveries would cause net expenses to increase. Section 23(3) of the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT provides that where a vote in the Estimates approved by the Legislature shows an item as a credit or recovery, the vote is deemed to authorize the payment of the net expense plus the amount of the credit or recovery that is budgeted, whether or not this latter amount is actually realized. Under-realization of recoveries would have the same effect on the Consolidated Revenue Fund operating result as an equivalent shortfall in anticipated government revenue. AUTHORITY TO SPEND EXCESS RECOVERIES Section 23(3) of the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT also provides that excess Consolidated Revenue Fund recoveries (amounts earned over and above those shown in the Estimates approved by the Legislative Assembly) may be used for additional expenses, with the prior approval of Treasury Board. This incremental spending would have no impact on net budgeted Consolidated Revenue Fund expenses since the incremental recoveries would offset the incremental spending. CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS The government capitalizes certain capital assets in its financial statements. The annual cost of these acquisitions is shown in each ministry's section of the Estimates, and is summarized in Schedules D and D1. The cost of these acquisitions is not included in ministries' operating budgets but is instead voted as one amount in the SUPPLY ACT. The amortization cost of tangible capital assets held by the Consolidated Revenue Fund is included in ministry operating budgets. The government also provides capital funding to organizations within and outside of the government reporting entity to fund public infrastructure. Schedule C summarizes this funding. The amortization cost of these advances is included in ministry operating budgets. vi <Page> SUMMARY INFORMATION Estimates Accounting Policies and Presentation Changes Estimated Statement of Financial Position Estimated Statement of Operations Estimated Deficit Overview Estimated Accumulated Deficit Estimated Revenue by Source Estimated Expense by Organization Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Expense <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 1 ESTIMATES ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PRESENTATION CHANGES ESTIMATES ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. The Estimates fully consolidates the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which consists of the General Fund (voted appropriations and all Special Accounts), with the individual assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of taxpayer-supported Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities on a line-by-line basis. Self-supported Crown corporation/agency results are consolidated using the modified equity basis, which includes the profit/loss of each Crown corporation/agency rather than the individual assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. 2. The accounting policies followed in the Estimates comply, in all material respects, with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for senior governments as modified by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB), with the following exceptions: a. REPORTING ENTITY - PSAB currently defines the government reporting entity to include organizations that are accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources either to a minister of the government or directly to the legislature, and are owned or controlled by government. Guidance relating to determining the government reporting entity is currently undergoing a major review. It is anticipated that the criteria for inclusion will be changed from organizations that are accountable to government to organizations that are controlled by government. The guidelines will include indicators of control that will assist in the determination of whether or not an entity is controlled by government. The indicators clearly show that school districts, colleges and health authorities should be included in the government reporting entity. However, the indicators make a strong case for the exclusion of universities from the government reporting entity. Discussions with the Auditor General regarding the status of universities are ongoing. The BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT, 2001 requires government to fully implement GAAP by April 1, 2004. School districts, colleges, universities and health authorities are not currently included in the government's Summary Financial Statements. Inclusion of these entities in the 2001/02 Public Accounts would have decreased the Statement of Operations surplus by $225 million. In the previous four years, inclusion of these entities would have slightly reduced the Statement of Operations deficit in each year except one when it would have slightly increased the deficit. The Auditor General has qualified his opinion on the government's Summary Financial Statements as a result of the exclusion of school districts, colleges, universities and health authorities from the government reporting entity. b. PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES - Prepaid Capital Advances are provided to school districts, post secondary institutions, health organizations and other specified government organizations to fund capital asset acquisitions. The province has an ongoing claim to these assets and, accordingly, capitalizes the advances and amortizes them over the useful life of the underlying capital assets. PSAB recommends that governments fully expense these advances in the year they are disbursed. SIGNIFICANT PRESENTATION CHANGES IN THE 2002/03 ESTIMATES The 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation has been changed in order to achieve direct linkage between inputs ($/FTEs) and outputs/outcomes, as indicated by performance measures and targets included in ministry service plans. This change provides alignment between sub-votes in the Estimates and core business areas in ministry service plans. The following significant presentation changes have been incorporated into the 2003/04 ESTIMATES: 1. RESTATEMENT OF 2002/03 ESTIMATES - The 2002/03 Estimates and Forecast have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation of Consolidated Revenue Fund operating expense, capital expenditures and FTEs to restate the 2002/03 Estimates to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. <Page> 2 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATES ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PRESENTATION CHANGES (CONTINUED) 2. REGIONAL AUTHORITIES - During fiscal years 2003/04 to 2005/06, the Ministry of Children and Family Development will transfer authority for services in its Community Living Services and Child and Family Development programs to new governance structures. While these bodies will be responsible for directing operating and managing funds and services, the government will retain responsibility for funding, performance agreements, and monitoring and assessing accountabilities of the authorities. Therefore, these authorities are included in the government reporting entity. Details on the estimated revenues and expenses of these regional authorities can be found in Schedule L of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. 3. SUMMARY INFORMATION - In prior years, the Estimates consolidated taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency results using the modified equity basis which included the profits/losses of Crown corporations/agencies rather than the individual assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. Commencing with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES, the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of taxpayer-supported entities have been consolidated with the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Consolidated Revenue Fund on a line-by-line basis. This presentation is consistent with GAAP consolidation policies. A number of tables in the Summary Information section of the Estimates have also been changed to conform with the new method of consolidation. The presentation format of the Estimated Statement of Financial Position (formerly known as the Balance Sheet) has changed to comply with GAAP presentation requirements for government organizations. The Estimated Statement of Operations fully consolidates the revenues and expenses of the government. In prior years' Estimates, this table was located in the Schedules section for information purposes only. The Estimated Deficit Overview provides a high level presentation of the Statement of Operations and separates out taxpayer-supported programs and agencies from self-supported operations. Taxpayer-supported programs and agencies include the Consolidated Revenue Fund, taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency and regional authorities. The Estimated Revenue by Source table combines the revenues of taxpayer-supported programs and agencies with the net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations/agencies to arrive at the total revenue. The Estimated Expense by Organization combines the operating expenses of taxpayer-supported programs and agencies to arrive at the total expense. 4. ESTIMATES OF SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - The 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation format of this section has been changed to better align with ministry service plans. Each ministry section begins with a summary page which includes the ministry's mission statement as well as a summary of the total voted and statutory (Special Accounts) expense, capital and other financing transactions and fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment for the fiscal year. The following pages disclose the operating expenses, capital expenditures and other financing transactions by core business on both a summary and detailed level. The Special Offices and Other Appropriations sections of the Estimates have also changed to correspond with the new format. However, as Special Offices and Other Appropriations are not required to disclose activities by core business, the operating expense, capital expenditures and other financing transactions for these sections are disclosed by vote. The group account classification for voted expenses is reported at the ministry level in the Estimates; details on group account classification at the individual sub-vote level can be found in the SUPPLEMENT TO THE ESTIMATES. 5. SCHEDULES - The 2003/04 ESTIMATES includes five new schedules. The first schedule, Regional Authorities - Estimated Revenues and Expenses (Schedule L) provides details on the estimated revenues and expenses of the Ministry of Children and Family Development governance authorities. The second and third schedules, Reconciliation of Deficit to Change in Taxpayer-Supported Debt and Statement of Total Debt (Schedule H) and Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Result (Schedule J) are schedules that in previous years' Estimates have been included in the Summary Information section. The fourth schedule, Estimated Revenue by Source (Schedule M) provides a detailed reconciliation of revenue by both source and organization. The purpose of this schedule is to show the revenue attributable to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Crown corporation/agencies and regional authorities on a source basis. The fifth schedule, Estimated Expense by Function (Schedule N) provides a detailed reconciliation of expenses by both function and organization. The purpose of this schedule is to show the operating expenses attributable to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Crown corporation/agencies and regional authorities on a functional basis. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 3 ESTIMATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION(1) <Table> <Caption> Estimates(2) Revised Forecast(2) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL ASSETS 381,000 173,000 Cash and Temporary Investments ......................................... 152,000 1,304,000 1,033,000 Loans and Investments .................................................. 1,776,000 2,595,000 2,587,000 Equity in Self-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies ............... 2,594,000 8,087,000 7,571,000 Financed Assets of Crown Corporations and Agencies(3) .................. 8,270,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- 12,367,000 11,364,000 12,792,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- LIABILITIES 13,000 6,000 Unfunded Pension Liabilities ........................................... 6,000 1,416,000 1,568,000 Working Capital Deficiency(4) .......................................... 1,438,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,429,000 1,574,000 1,444,000 31,601,000 29,281,000 Taxpayer-Supported Debt ................................................ 32,046,000 8,377,000 7,687,000 Self-Supported Debt .................................................... 8,420,000 750,000 300,000 Forecast Allowance ..................................................... 500,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- 40,728,000 37,268,000 40,966,000 (635,000) (426,000) Less: Debt Guarantees and Non-Guaranteed Debt(5) ....................... (439,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- 40,093,000 36,842,000 Total Debt ............................................................. 40,527,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- 41,522,000 38,416,000 41,971,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- (29,155,000) (27,052,000) Net Liabilities ......................................................... (29,179,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS 7,424,000 7,141,000 Prepaid Capital Advances (net)(6) ....................................... 7,313,000 11,525,000 11,098,000 Investment in Capital Assets (net)(6) ................................... 10,735,000 419,000 285,000 Other Assets ............................................................ 303,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- 19,368,000 18,524,000 18,351,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- (9,787,000) (8,528,000) Accumulated Deficit ..................................................... (10,828,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) Figures have been rounded to the nearest million. (2) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. (3) Includes loans to Crown corporations and agencies for the purchase of capital assets. (4) Working capital includes accounts receivable, inventories, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and deferred revenues. (5) Represents loan guarantees, and Crown corporation/agency debt which has not been borrowed from or guaranteed by the provincial government. (6) Prepaid capital advances and investment in capital assets are reported net of amortization. <Page> 4 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS(1),(3) <Table> <Caption> Estimates(2) Revised Forecast(2) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE 13,018,000 12,365,000 Taxation .............................................................. 13,341,000 2,867,000 3,002,000 Natural Resource ...................................................... 3,396,000 2,407,000 2,517,000 Fees and licences ..................................................... 2,262,000 777,000 659,000 Investment earnings ................................................... 728,000 936,000 906,000 Miscellaneous ......................................................... 900,000 1,651,000 1,717,000 Net earnings of Self-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies......... 1,381,000 3,327,000 3,809,000 Contributions from the Federal Government ............................. 3,992,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 24,983,000 24,975,000 Total Revenue ......................................................... 26,000,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- EXPENSES 10,674,000 10,707,000 Health ................................................................ 10,718,000 3,297,000 3,096,000 Social Services ....................................................... 2,856,000 6,936,000 6,954,000 Education ............................................................. 6,936,000 1,462,000 1,471,000 Protection of persons and property .................................... 1,428,000 1,605,000 1,699,000 Transportation ........................................................ 1,354,000 1,208,000 1,526,000 Natural resource and economic development ............................. 1,127,000 1,097,000 987,000 Other ................................................................. 1,123,000 500,000 496,000 General Government .................................................... 466,000 1,854,000 1,539,000 Interest .............................................................. 1,792,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 28,633,000 28,475,000 Total Expenses ........................................................ 27,800,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- (3,650,000) (3,500,000) Deficit before Forecast Allowance ..................................... (1,800,000) (750,000) (300,000) Forecast Allowance .................................................... (500,000) - ---------- ----------- ----------- (4,400,000) (3,800,000) Deficit ............................................................... (2,300,000) - ---------- ----------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- ----------- </Table> NOTES (1) Figures have been rounded to the nearest million. (2) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. (3) The Estimated Summary Statement of Operations discloses budgeted amounts for revenues and expenses of the Government Reporting Entity on a functional basis. The statement fully consolidates the taxpayer-supported Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities with the Consolidated Revenue Fund. This results in revenues and expenses of the Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities being added to those of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 5 ESTIMATED DEFICIT OVERVIEW <Table> <Caption> Estimates(1) Revised Forecast(1) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS AND AGENCIES 23,332,000 23,258,000 Revenue ................................................................ 24,619,000 (28,633,000) (28,475,000) Expense ................................................................ (27,800,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- (5,301,000) (5,217,000) (3,181,000) 1,651,000 1,717,000 Net Earnings of Self-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies ........ 1,381,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- (3,650,000) (3,500,000) DEFICIT BEFORE FORECAST ALLOWANCE ..................................... (1,800,000) (750,000) (300,000) Forecast Allowance .................................................... (500,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- (4,400,000) (3,800,000) DEFICIT ............................................................... (2,300,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> ESTIMATED ACCUMULATED DEFICIT <Table> <Caption> Estimates Revised Forecast ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5,387,000) (4,710,000) Accumulated Deficit, Beginning of Year(2) ..................... (8,528,000) -- (18,000) Adjustments(3)................................................. -- - ----------- ----------- ----------- (5,387,000) (4,728,000) Accumulated Deficit, Beginning of Year, Restated .............. (8,528,000) (4,400,000) (3,800,000) Deficit for the Year .......................................... (2,300,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- (9,787,000) (8,528,000) Accumulated Deficit, End of Year .............................. (10,828,000) - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ----------- ----------- ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. (2) The 2002/03 Revised Forecast amount for the beginning of the fiscal year is as reported in the 2001/02 Public Accounts. (3) The 2002/03 Revised Forecast adjustment represents a correction to the province's proportional interest in Canadian Blood Services. <Page> 6 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATED REVENUE BY SOURCE <Table> <Caption> Estimates(1) Revised Forecast(1) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taxation Revenue 4,850,000 4,216,000 Personal income................................................. 4,722,000 777,000 645,000 Corporation income.............................................. 755,000 3,828,000 3,816,000 Social service ................................................. 3,995,000 3,563,000 3,688,000 Other(2)........................................................ 3,869,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 13,018,000 12,365,000 Total Taxation Revenue ..................................... 13,341,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- Natural Resource Revenue 1,386,000 1,441,000 Petroleum, natural gas and minerals............................. 1,766,000 1,145,000 1,212,000 Forests .............................................. ......... 1,102,000 336,000 349,000 Water and other resources ...................................... 528,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 2,867,000 3,002,000 Total Natural Resource Revenue ............................. 3,396,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- Other Revenue 1,296,000 1,385,000 Medical Services Plan premiums ................................. 1,410,000 345,000 350,000 Motor vehicle licences and permits.............................. 352,000 766,000 782,000 Other fees and licences ........................................ 500,000 777,000 659,000 Investment earnings ............................................ 728,000 936,000 906,000 Miscellaneous(3)................................................ 900,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 4,120,000 4,082,000 Total Other Revenue......................................... 3,890,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- Contributions from the Federal Government 2,805,000 2,649,000 Canada health and social transfer............................... 2,763,000 -- 668,000 Equilization ................................................... 675,000 522,000 492,000 Other contributions(4) ......................................... 554,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 3,327,000 3,809,000 Total Contributions from the Federal Government ............ 3,992,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 23,332,000 23,258,000 TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS AND AGENCIES .......................... 24,619,000 Self-support Crown Corporations 345,000 415,000 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority ..................... (48,000) 5,000 (65,000) Transfer to (from) Rate Stabilization ...................... (22,000) - ---------- ----------- ----------- 350,000 350,000 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority ..................... (70,000) 640,000 651,000 British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch .................... 655,000 660,000 670,000 British Columbia Lottery Corporation ........................... 725,000 14,000 (83,000) British Columbia Railway Company ............................... 61,000 (10,000) 33,000 Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ...................... 45,000 5,000 12,000 Other........................................................... 5,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 1,659,000 1,633,000 1,421,000 (8,000) 84,000 Accounting adjustments(5) ...................................... (40,000) - ---------- ----------- ----------- 1,651,000 1,717,000 Net Earnings of Self-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies . 1,381,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 24,983,000 24,975,000 TOTAL REVENUE ..................................................... 26,000,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. (2) Includes fuel, tobacco, property, property transfer, corporation capital and other taxation revenue sources. (3) Includes asset dispositions, reimbursements for health care and other services provided to external agencies, and other recoveries. (4) Includes contributions for health, education, housing and social service programs, for transportation, projects and to British Columbia Ferry Corporation. (5) Includes, primarily, an adjustment to British Columbia Railway Company to bring its financial results in line with the government fiscal year. ESTIMATES, 03/04 7 ESTIMATED EXPENSE BY ORGANIZATION(1) <Table> <Caption> Estimates(1) Revised Forecast(1) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41,249 38,249 Legislation ......................................................... 42,955 30,122 26,122 Officers of the Legislature ......................................... 22,709 47,062 45,062 Office of the Premier ............................................... 52,270 1,899,007 1,899,007 Ministry of Advanced Education ...................................... 1,899,007 64,061 64,061 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries ......................... 49,153 558,514 540,514 Ministry of Attorney General ........................................ 505,845 1,587,544 1,587,544 Ministry of Children and Family Development ......................... 1,451,472 652,564 641,564 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services .............. 665,551 51,389 49,389 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise ..................... 114,706 4,859,926 4,859,926 Ministry of Education ............................................... 4,859,939 52,342 52,342 Ministry of Energy and Mines ........................................ 56,631 57,588 57,588 Ministry of Finance ................................................. 54,870 621,282 621,282 Ministry of Forests ................................................. 564,899 23,180 23,180 Ministry of Health Planning ......................................... 24,154 10,185,966 10,185,966 Ministry of Health Services ......................................... 10,185,347 1,671,801 1,518,801 Ministry of Human Resources ......................................... 1,417,493 55,585 55,585 Ministry of Management Services ..................................... 46,679 50,698 43,698 Ministry of Provincial Revenue ...................................... 49,642 509,496 509,496 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General ..................... 506,684 28,800 25,800 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour ........................... 25,637 117,497 117,497 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management ......................... 92,297 734,632 734,632 Ministry of Transportation .......................................... 834,366 148,558 148,558 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection .......................... 130,057 920,000 730,000 Management of Public Funds and Debt ................................. 926,000 556,446 547,137 Other Appropriations(2) ............................................. 455,637 -- 275,000 Forestry Restructuring .............................................. -- - ---------- ------------ ------------ 25,525,309 25,398,000 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSES(3) ............................... 25,034,000 (723,000) (818,000) Less: Grants to agencies and other internal transfers(4) ............ (1,087,000) 1,517,000 1,421,000 Add: Expenses recovered from external entities(3) ................... 1,615,000 - ---------- ------------ ------------ 26,319,309 26,001,000 25,562,000 2,314,000 2,471,000 TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES(5) ............... 1,955,000 -- 3,000 REGIONAL AUTHORITIES(6) ............................................. 283,000 - ---------- ------------ ------------ 28,633,309 28,475,000 TOTAL EXPENSE ....................................................... 27,800,000 - ---------- ------------ ------------ - ---------- ------------ ------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation of all expense restatements. (2) See page 13 for details on Other Appropriations. (3) Expenses are reported after deducting cost recoveries received from other entities within, and external to, the Consolidated Revenue Fund. On consolidation the recoveries are reported as spending increases. (4) Grants and other payments between the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the taxpayer-supported Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities are eliminated to avoid double counting. (5) See Schedule K for details on revenues and expenses. (6) See Schedule L for details on revenues and expenses. 8 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE(1) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGISLATION 41,249 1 Legislation ......................................... 42,955 - --------- ----------- ---------- 41,249 Total Voted Expense ................................. 42,955 - --------- ---------- 41,249 Total Expense ....................................... 42,955 - --------- ---------- - --------- ---------- OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE 8,364 2 Auditor General ...................................... 7,901 292 3 Conflict of Interest Commissioner .................... 292 13,589 4 Elections BC ......................................... 7,509 2,227 5 Information and Privacy Commissioner ................. 1,972 4,549 6 Ombudsman ............................................ 4,050 1,101 7 Police Complaint Commissioner ........................ 985 - --------- ----------- ----------- 30,122 Total Voted Expense .................................. 22,709 - --------- ----------- ---------- 30,122 Total Expense ........................................ 22,709 - --------- ----------- ---------- - --------- ----------- ---------- OFFICE OF THE PREMIER 47,062 8 Office of the Premier ................................. 52,270 - --------- ----------- ----------- 47,062 Total Voted Expense .................................. 52,270 - --------- ---------- 47,062 Total Expense ......................................... 52,270 - --------- ---------- - --------- ---------- MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION 1,899,327 9 Ministry Operations .................................. 1,899,007 --------- ---------- 1,899,327 Total Voted Expense .................................. 1,899,007 78,907 (S) Industry Training and Apprenticeship ................. 78,438 (79,227) Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ............... (78,438) --------- ---------- (320) Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)............. -- - --------- ---------- 1,899,007 Total Expense ........................................ 1,899,007 - --------- ---------- - --------- ---------- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES 64,041 10 Ministry Operations .................................. 49,133 64,041 Total Voted Expense .................................. 49,133 20 (S) Livestock Protection ................................ 20 --------- ---------- 20 Total Special Accounts .............................. 20 - --------- ---------- 64,061 Total Expense ....................................... 49,153 - --------- ---------- - --------- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. ESTIMATES, 03/04 9 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE(1) -- (CONTINUED) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 414,418 11 Ministry Operations ................................ 379,990 53,303 12 Treaty Negotiations Office ......................... 34,665 51,179 13 Judiciary .......................................... 51,636 30,000 14 Statutory Services ................................. 28,700 - --------- --------- ----------- ---------- 548,900 Total Voted Expense ................................ 494,991 17,783 (S) Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia .... 17,351 (8,169) Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ............. (6,497) --------- ----------- 9,614 Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)........... 10,854 - --------- ----------- 558,514 Total Expense ...................................... 505,845 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 1,587,544 15 Ministry Operations ................................ 1,451,472 --------- ----------- 1,587,544 Total Voted Expense ................................ 1,451,472 - --------- ----------- 1,587,544 Total Expense ...................................... 1,451,472 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 629,863 16 Ministry Operations ................................ 642,998 14,155 17 Royal British Columbia Museum ...................... 12,751 --------- ----------- 644,018 Total Voted Expense ................................ 655,749 3,398 (S) First Citizens' Fund ............................... 3,962 280 (S) Olympic Arts Fund .................................. 483 1,726 (S) Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund ........... 2,215 3,142 (S) University Endowment Lands Administration .......... 3,142 --------- ----------- 8,546 Total Special Accounts ............................. 9,802 - --------- ----------- 652,564 Total Expense ...................................... 665,551 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE 49,889 18 Ministry Operations ................................ 113,206 --------- ----------- 49,889 Total Voted Expense ................................ 113,206 1,500 (S) Northern Development Fund .......................... 1,500 --------- ----------- 1,500 Total Special Accounts ............................. 1,500 - --------- ----------- 51,389 Total Expense ...................................... 114,706 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 4,859,926 19 Ministry Operations ................................ 4,859,939 --------- ----------- 4,859,926 Total Voted Expense ................................ 4,859,939 - --------- ----------- 4,859,926 Total Expense ...................................... 4,859,939 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. 10 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE (1) -- (CONTINUED) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES 26,777 20 Ministry Operations ............................... 32,390 25,350 21 Contracts and Funding Arrangements ................ 24,240 1 22 British Columbia Utilities Commission ............. 1 --------- ---------- 52,128 Total Voted Expense ............................... 56,631 214 (S) Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline ............. -- --------- ---------- 214 Total Special Accounts ............................ -- - --------- ----------- 52,342 Total Expense ..................................... 56,631 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF FINANCE 41,845 23 Ministry Operations ............................... 39,249 14,812 24 Public Sector Employers' Council .................. 14,812 --------- ---------- 56,657 Total Voted Expense ............................... 54,061 931 (S) Unclaimed Property ................................ 809 -- (S) Provincial Treasury Revenue Program ............... -- --------- ---------- 931 Total Special Accounts ............................ 809 - --------- ----------- 57,588 Total Expense ..................................... 54,870 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF FORESTS 345,142 25 Ministry Operations ............................... 312,230 146,000 26 Forest Investment ................................. 110,000 - --------- --------- ---------- ----------- 491,142 Total Voted Expense ............................... 422,230 124,019 (S) BC Timber Sales ................................... 138,179 2,293 (S) Forest Stand Management Fund ...................... 1,490 3,828 (S) South Moresby Forest Replacement .................. 3,000 --------- ---------- 130,140 Total Special Accounts ............................ 142,669 - --------- ----------- 621,282 Total Expense ..................................... 564,899 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING 16,071 27 Ministry Operations ............................... 17,069 7,109 28 Vital Statistics .................................. 7,085 --------- ---------- 23,180 Total Voted Expense ............................... 24,154 - --------- ----------- 23,180 Total Expense ..................................... 24,154 - --------- ----------- - --------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. ESTIMATES, 03/04 11 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE(1) -- (CONTINUED) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES 10,041,466 29 Ministry Operations ................................ 10,038,097 ----------- ----------- 10,041,466 Total Voted Expense ................................ 10,038,097 144,500 (S) Health Special Account ............................. 147,250 15,000 (S) Medical and Health Care Services ................... -- (15,000) Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ............. -- ----------- ----------- 144,500 Total Special Accounts (net of transfers) .......... 147,250 - ---------- ----------- 10,185,966 Total Expense ...................................... 10,185,347 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES 1,671,801 30 Ministry Operations ................................ 1,417,493 ----------- ----------- 1,671,801 Total Voted Expense ................................ 1,417,493 - ---------- ----------- 1,671,801 Total Expense ...................................... 1,417,493 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 46,094 31 Ministry Operations ................................ 38,218 9,491 32 Public Service Employee Relations Commission ....... 8,461 ----------- ----------- 55,585 Total Voted Expense ................................ 46,679 - ---------- ----------- 55,585 Total Expense ...................................... 46,679 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE 50,673 33 Ministry Operations ................................ 49,617 ----------- ----------- 50,673 Total Voted Expense ................................ 49,617 25 (S) Provincial Home Acquisition ........................ 25 ----------- ----------- 25 Total Special Accounts ............................. 25 - ---------- ----------- 50,698 Total Expense ...................................... 49,642 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL 477,505 34 Ministry Operations ................................ 480,862 16,956 35 Statutory Services ................................. 16,957 ----------- ----------- 494,461 Total Voted Expense ................................ 497,819 6,176 (S) Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund ...................... 1,540 (S) Inmate Work Program ................................ 1,540 7,319 (S) Victims of Crime Act ............................... 7,325 ----------- ----------- 15,035 Total Special Accounts ............................. 8,865 - ---------- ----------- 509,496 Total Expense ...................................... 506,684 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. 12 ESTIMATES, 03/04 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE(1) -- (CONTINUED) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR 28,800 36 Ministry Operations ................................. 25,637 ---------- --------- 28,800 Total Voted Expense ................................. 25,637 - ------- ----------- 28,800 Total Expense ....................................... 25,637 - ------- ----------- - ------- ----------- MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 114,566 37 Ministry Operations ................................. 90,001 2,931 38 Agricultural Land Commission ........................ 2,296 ---------- --------- 117,497 Total Voted Expense ................................. 92,297 -- (S) Crown Land Special Account .......................... -- ---------- --------- -- Total Special Accounts .............................. -- - ------- ----------- 117,497 Total Expense ....................................... 92,297 - ------- ----------- - ------- ----------- MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 734,632 39 Ministry Operations ................................. 834,366 734,632 Total Voted Expense ................................. 834,366 - ------- ----------- 734,632 Total Expense ....................................... 834,366 - ------- ----------- - ------- ----------- MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION 117,213 40 Ministry Operations ................................. 98,712 ---------- --------- 117,213 Total Voted Expense ................................. 98,712 31,345 (S) Sustainable Environment Fund ........................ 31,345 ---------- --------- 31,345 Total Special Accounts .............................. 31,345 - ------- ----------- 148,558 Total Expense ....................................... 130,057 - ------- ----------- - ------- ----------- MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT 920,000 41 Management of Public Funds and Debt ................. 926,000 ---------- --------- 920,000 Total Voted Expense ................................. 926,000 - ------- ----------- 920,000 Total Expense ....................................... 926,000 - ------- ----------- - ------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. ESTIMATES, 03/04 13 ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE(1) -- (CONTINUED) Estimates 2002/03 Vote * ESTIMATES 2003/04 $000 $000 No. $000 $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 173,695 42 Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs ........ 170,000 230,000 43 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) .............. 190,000 91,000 44 BC Family Bonus ........................................ 85,000 -- 45 Citizens' Assembly ..................................... 1,500 1 46 Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances 1 for Doubtful Revenue Accounts 3,542 47 Environmental Assessment Office ........................ 2,897 1,895 48 Environmental Boards and Forest Appeals Commission 1,895 4,822 49 Forest Practices Board ................................. 4,344 1,491 Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate ......... -- 50,000 Seismic Mitigation ..................................... -- ---------- ----------- 556,446 Total Voted Expense .................................... 455,637 -- (S) Insurance and Risk Management ......................... -- -- (S) Build BC Special Account ............................... -- -- (S) Purchasing Commission Working Capital Account .......... -- ---------- ----------- -- Total Special Accounts ................................. -- - ---------- ----------- 556,446 Total Expense .......................................... 455,637 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- ALL APPROPRIATIONS 25,183,759 Total Voted Expense .................................... 24,680,861 341,550 Total Special Accounts (Statutory) ..................... 353,139 - ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 25,525,309 Total Expense .......................................... 25,034,000 - ---------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES * An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. (1) For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2002/03 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. ESTIMATES OF SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Legislation Officers of the Legislature Office of the Premier Ministry of Advanced Education Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Ministry of Attorney General Ministry of Children and Family Development Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise Ministry of Education Ministry of Energy and Mines Ministry of Finance Ministry of Forests Ministry of Health Planning Ministry of Health Services Ministry of Human Resources Ministry of Management Services Ministry of Provincial Revenue Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry of Skills Development and Labour Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Management of Public Funds and Debt Other Appropriations [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA LEGISLATION SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 1--Legislation ................................................. 41,249 42,955 -------------- ------------ OPERATING EXPENSE 41,249 42,955 -------------- ------------ -------------- ------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 451 670 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 230 300 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 18 LEGISLATION SUMMARY ($000) 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members' Services ........................... 19,807 18,968 -- 18,968 Caucus Support Services ..................... 3,481 3,869 -- 3,869 Office of the Speaker ....................... 333 353 -- 353 Clerk of the House .......................... 8,928 10,466 -- 10,466 Sergeant-at-Arms ............................ 3,490 3,529 -- 3,529 Hansard ..................................... 2,961 3,475 -- 3,475 Legislative Library ......................... 2,249 2,295 -- 2,295 --------- --------- ---------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 41,249 42,955 -- 42,955 --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office of the Speaker ..................... 2 -- -- -- Clerk of the House ........................ 195 365 -- 365 Sergeant-at-Arms .......................... 5 20 -- 20 Hansard ................................... 157 207 -- 207 Legislative Library ....................... 92 78 -- 78 --------- --------- ---------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 451 670 -- 670 --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- LEGISLATION 19 OPERATING EXPENSE BY SUB-VOTE $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 1 - LEGISLATION This vote provides for the operation of the Legislative Assembly and its committees, including basic compensation, special allowances and other allowances for Members of the Legislative Assembly, officials and staff, and for support services and other related costs. Operating costs of the Parliamentary Dining Room are partially recovered from ministries, organizations, and individuals. MEMBERS' SERVICES ....................................................... 19,807 18,968 CAUCUS SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................ 3,481 3,869 OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER ................................................... 333 353 CLERK OF THE HOUSE ..................................................... 8,928 10,466 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS ........................................................ 3,490 3,529 HANSARD ................................................................. 2,961 3,475 LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY ..................................................... 2,249 2,295 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 1-- LEGISLATION 41,249 42,955 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ......................................................... 19,820 20,734 Operating Costs ............................................................... 8,418 10,240 Other Expenses ................................................................ 13,251 12,181 Internal Recoveries ........................................................... (240) (200) --------------- ------------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ........................................................ 41,249 42,955 --------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 2--Auditor General ....................................................... 8,364 7,901 Vote 3--Conflict of Interest Commissioner ...................................... 292 292 Vote 4--Elections BC .......................................................... 13,589 7,509 Vote 5--Information and Privacy Commissioner .................................. 2,227 1,972 Vote 6--Ombudsman .............................................................. 4,549 4,050 Vote 7--Police Complaint Commissioner ......................................... 1,101 985 -------------- ------------- OPERATING EXPENSE 30,122 22,709 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 2,834 1,297 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 242 211 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 22 OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auditor General .......................... 8,364 9,801 (1,900) 7,901 Conflict of Interest Commissioner ........ 292 292 -- 292 Elections BC ............................. 13,589 7,509 -- 7,509 Information and Privacy Commissioner ..... 2,227 1,987 (15) 1,972 Ombudsman ................................ 4,549 4,051 (1) 4,050 Police Complaint Commissioner ............ 1,101 985 -- 985 --------- --------- ---------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................. 30,122 24,625 (1,916) 22,709 --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET Auditor General .......................... 190 190 -- 190 Conflict of Interest Commissioner ........ -- -- -- -- Elections BC ............................. 2,545 1,005 -- 1,005 Information and Privacy Commissioner ..... 15 15 -- 15 Ombudsman ................................ 59 62 -- 62 Police Complaint Commissioner ............ 25 25 -- 25 --------- --------- ---------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ............... 2,834 1,297 -- 1,297 --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE 23 SUMMARY $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 2 - AUDITOR GENERAL This vote provides for the operations of the Office of the Auditor General. The Auditor General, an officer of the Legislature under the authority of the AUDITOR GENERAL ACT, exists to help members of the Legislative Assembly hold the government accountable. Through its audit opinions, the Auditor General gives legislators audit assessments about the fairness and reliability of the financial statements and public accounts of the government. The Auditor General also assesses the operations and performance of the government's programs and services. The reports of the Auditor General are tabled with the Legislative Assembly and discussed, in a public forum, with the Public Accounts Committee of the legislature. Costs incurred for certain audits and related services are recovered. OPERATING EXPENSE Auditor General .............................................................. 8,364 7,901 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Auditor General .............................................................. 190 190 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Auditor General .............................................................. 103 103 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- VOTE 3 - CONFLICT OF INTEREST COMMISSIONER This vote provides for the operation of the Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner. The Commissioner is an officer of the Legislature with a mandate under the MEMBERS' CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACT to meet the requirements under the Act. OPERATING EXPENSE Conflict of Interest Commissioner .............................................. 292 292 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Conflict of Interest Commissioner .............................................. -- -- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Conflict of Interest Commissioner .............................................. 2 2 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- 24 OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 4 - ELECTIONS BC This vote provides for the ongoing operating costs of the office of the Chief Electoral Officer and provides for the administration of provincial elections, plebiscites, voter registration and list maintenance, enumerations, referenda, electoral boundaries, election financing, registration of political parties and constituency associations, recall petitions, initiative petitions and initiative votes, and other aspects of the provincial electoral process. The Chief Electoral Officer is an officer of the Legislature and is responsible for the administration of the ELECTION ACT and the RECALL AND INITIATIVE ACT. OPERATING EXPENSE Elections BC .................................................................. 13,589 7,509 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Elections BC .................................................................. 2,545 1,005 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Elections BC ................................................................... 48 39 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- VOTE 5 - INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER This vote provides for the salaries and expenses of the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and provides for other duties and functions given to the Commissioner by statute. The Commissioner is an officer of the Legislature under the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT (FOIPPA) with a broad mandate to protect the rights given to the public under FOIPPA. This includes conducting reviews of access to information requests, investigating complaints, monitoring general compliance with the Act, promoting freedom of information and protection of privacy principles, and overseeing and enforcing the Lobbyist Registry program pursuant to the LOBBYIST REGISTRATION ACT. Costs related to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Conferences are fully recovered from participants and sponsoring agencies. OPERATING EXPENSE Information and Privacy Commissioner ........................................... 2,227 1,972 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Information and Privacy Commissioner .......................................... 15 15 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Information and Privacy Commissioner .......................................... 28 20 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE 25 SUMMARY (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 6 - OMBUDSMAN This vote provides for the salaries, benefits, and expenses for the operation of the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an officer of the Legislature, under the authority of the OMBUDSMAN ACT. The Ombudsman may investigate, either in response to a specific complaint or on the Ombudsman's own initiative, the actions and decisions of government bodies. The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman extends to ministries of the province, Crown corporations, provincially appointed agencies, boards and commissions, school districts, colleges, universities, hospitals, governing bodies of professional and occupational associations, local governments, and regional districts. The Ombudsman may undertake initiatives to increase public understanding of the role of the Ombudsman, and to improve government's and other public bodies' commitment to respect the principles of administrative fairness and natural justice. Some costs incurred are recovered from agencies, individuals, organizations, or other levels of government. Recoveries are also received from the distribution of materials developed by the office. OPERATING EXPENSE Ombudsman ..................................................................... 4,549 4,050 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Ombudsman ..................................................................... 59 62 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Ombudsman ..................................................................... 50 38 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- VOTE 7 - POLICE COMPLAINT COMMISSIONER This vote provides for the salaries of the Police Complaint Commissioner and staff and the costs incurred by the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner in dealing with complaints against municipal police and members of policing units designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The Police Complaint Commissioner is an officer of the Legislature, under the authority of the POLICE ACT. OPERATING EXPENSE Police Complaint Commissioner ................................................ 1,101 985 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Police Complaint Commissioner ................................................ 25 25 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Police Complaint Commissioner ................................................ 11 9 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .............................................. 16,684 15,100 Operating Costs .................................................... 6,110 9,438 Government Transfers ............................................... 61 61 Other Expenses ..................................................... 8,483 26 External Recoveries ................................................ (1,216) (1,916) -------------- ------------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................................ 30,122 22,709 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICE OF THE PREMIER The mission of the Office of the Premier is to ensure the achievement of the New Era vision through leadership across government and Crown agencies in innovative planning, timely decision-making and effective service delivery, supported by leading-edge technology, open and transparent communications, and positive intergovernmental relations. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 8--Office of the Premier ................................................. 47,062 52,270 -------------- ------------- OPERATING EXPENSE 47,062 52,270 -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 819 609 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 343 312 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 28 OFFICE OF THE PREMIER CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat ................... 3,177 2,490 (10) 2,480 Crown Agencies Secretariat ................................ 3,003 2,478 -- 2,478 Public Affairs Bureau ..................................... 33,983 40,806 (177) 40,629 Executive and Support Services ............................ 6,899 6,683 -- 6,683 ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................................. 47,062 52,457 (187) 52,270 ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ...................................... Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET CORE BUSINESS Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat ................... 30 25 -- 25 Crown Agencies Secretariat ................................ 18 18 -- 18 Public Affairs Bureau ..................................... 690 485 -- 485 Executive and Support Services ............................ 81 81 -- 81 ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .............................. 819 609 -- 609 ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ OFFICE OF THE PREMIER 29 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 8 - OFFICE OF THE PREMIER This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat, Crown Agencies Secretariat, Public Affairs Bureau, and Executive and Support Services. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS SECRETARIAT VOTED APPROPRIATION Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat ........................................ 3,177 2,480 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for management and administration support for the Executive Council in the development and coordination of advice, policy, negotiations, issues management, and public consultation relating to federal-provincial, inter-provincial, and international relations initiatives. This includes support for the Premier and Cabinet participation in First Ministers' Conferences, Premiers' Conferences, ministerial conferences, and international conferences. This sub-vote also provides for costs of official ceremonies, programs for visiting dignitaries, government-hosted functions, and government honours and awards by authority of the PROVINCIAL SYMBOLS AND HONOURS ACT. Transfers are provided for activities of the Executive Council. A portion of costs may be recovered from ministries, special offices, other levels of government, and participating bodies. CROWN AGENCIES SECRETARIAT VOTED APPROPRIATION Crown Agencies Secretariat..................................................... 3,003 2,478 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the strategic and systemic oversight of Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions including analysis, advice, and co-ordination on governance, accountability, strategic priorities, performance measurement, mandate/core reviews and cross-Crown agency issues and policies. The sub-vote also provides for the recruitment and recommendation of candidates for appointments to all Crown corporations agencies, boards and commissions. PUBLIC AFFAIRS BUREAU VOTED APPROPRIATION Public Affairs Bureau ......................................................... 33,983 40,629 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for research, planning, coordination, and delivery of communications programs, policies, and services and advertising services for ministries, special offices, and certain public bodies. Transfers may be provided to Crown corporations, ministries, other levels of government, special offices, and private bodies for advertising and other communications related activities. Recoveries may be received from ministries, special offices, Crown corporations, certain public bodies, and other levels of government for costs associated with media monitoring and other services. <Page> 30 OFFICE OF THE PREMIER OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Premier's Office ............................................................... 2,818 2,818 Executive Operations .......................................................... 4,081 3,865 ------------- ------------- 6,899 6,683 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the offices of the Premier and the Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances, and operating expenses for the Premier, the Minister of State, and their staff. This sub-vote also provides for support of the Executive Council, including Cabinet and government administration, management of cross-government issues and corporate planning and restructuring as well as the salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses for the deputy ministers' office; and salaries and other expenses incurred in providing policy, planning and operational support to Cabinet and its committees, and for the planning and coordination of legislative priorities. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 8-- OFFICE OF THE PREMIER 47,062 52,270 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .............................................. 23,150 21,223 Operating Costs .................................................... 24,241 30,679 Government Transfers ............................................... 96 146 Other Expenses ..................................................... -- 624 Internal Recoveries ................................................ (185) (215) External Recoveries ................................................ (240) (187) ------------- ------------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................................ 47,062 52,270 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION The Ministry of Advanced Education provides leadership and support for a top-notch advanced education and training system that provides all British Columbians with opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge they need to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of the province. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 9--Ministry Operations .................................................. 1,899,327 1,899,007 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Industry Training and Apprenticeship Special Account ......................... 78,907 78,438 Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ................................. (79,227) (78,438) ------------- ------------- OPERATING EXPENSE 1,899,007 1,899,007 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) 200,350 212,410 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 2,490 2,570 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) 143,327 199,556 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 278 237 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 32 MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Educational Institutions and Organizations ............................ 1,407,232 1,413,805 (13,000) 1,400,805 Industry Training and Apprenticeship (includes special account) ....... 71,250 73,781 -- 73,781 Student Financial Assistance Programs ................................. 156,756 170,429 (5,000) 165,429 Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances ....... 239,100 236,500 -- 236,500 Executive and Support Services ........................................ 24,669 22,506 (14) 22,492 ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................................. 1,899,007 1,917,021 (18,014) 1,899,007 ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances ......... 200,350 212,410 -- 212,410 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- TOTAL PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES ........................................ 200,350 212,410 -- 212,410 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Industry Training and Apprenticeship ...................... 850 190 -- 190 Executive and Support Services ............................ 1,640 2,380 -- 2,380 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .............................. 2,490 2,570 -- 2,570 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Student Financial Assistance Programs ................. 143,327 208,545 (8,989) 199,556 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ....... 143,327 208,545 (8,989) 199,556 ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION 33 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 9 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Educational Institutions and Organizations, Industry Training and Apprenticeship, Student Financial Assistance Programs, Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances, and Executive and Support Services. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS VOTED APPROPRIATION Educational Institutions and Organizations .................................... 1,407,232 1,400,805 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides funding to universities, university colleges, colleges, institutes, educational agencies, and other organizations to support the post secondary education system. This sub-vote also provides transfers for research, scholarships, bursaries, and other initiatives. Recoveries are received from the Federal Government in accordance with Federal/Provincial agreements. INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP VOTED APPROPRIATION Industry Training and Apprenticeship Programs .................................. 71,570 73,781 ------------- ------------- 71,570 73,781 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Industry Training and Apprenticeship Special Account ........................... 78,907 78,438 Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ................................... (79,227) (78,438) ------------- ------------- 71,250 73,781 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides funding to the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Special Account to support the expansion of training opportunities in industry growth areas, particularly high-tech and other knowledge industries, and to promote awareness of industry training and apprenticeship. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Special Account which is governed under the INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP ACT. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS VOTED APPROPRIATION Student Financial Assistance Programs ......................................... 156,756 165,429 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for financial, income and other assistance to and for students including interest on student loans issued by financial institutions under these programs, debt service costs net of interest earned on loans issued by the province, provisions for future liabilities on student loans, transfers to students, and transfers for initiatives that enhance student performance. Recoveries are received from students for student loan interest repayments and other miscellaneous sources. 34 MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBT SERVICE COSTS AND AMORTIZATION OF PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Debt Service Costs ........................................................... 145,000 142,300 Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances ..................................... 94,100 94,200 ------------- ----------- 239,100 236,500 ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the payment of short and long term debt service costs for approved capital projects including new buildings, equipment, renovations, and improvements to existing university, university college, college, institute and agency facilities, and interest payments on matching funds relating to the Canada Foundation for Innovation Program for research infrastructure projects. Sinking fund assets, which are used to retire existing debt obligations, earn interest that is netted against debt service costs. This sub-vote also provides for amortization of funds advanced to universities, university colleges, colleges, institutes and agencies for capital projects including new buildings, renovations and improvements, capital leases and equipment purchases. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ............................................................ 435 435 Program Management ........................................................... 24,234 22,057 ------------- ----------- 24,669 22,492 ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for Ministry leadership and direction, establishment of policy and accountability, and provides program support for the post secondary system. This sub-vote also provides for consumer protection with respect to private post-secondary institutions and quality assessment for public and private post secondary degree-granting institutions, and administration of the INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP ACT. This sub-vote also provides for the office of the Minister of Advanced Education, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances, and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. Transfers are provided for post secondary development and implementation activities, and national and international education initiatives. Recoveries are received from participation in federal/provincial agreements and activities, and other sources. Financial, human resources, information resources, administrative services, freedom of information and privacy services, and general services and assistance are provided to the Ministry of Advanced Education by the Ministry of Education, Management Services Division. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 9-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS ................................................... 1,899,327 1,899,007 STATUTORY-- INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP SPECIAL ACCOUNT ............... 78,907 78,438 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ...................................................... 15,326 15,256 Operating Costs ............................................................ 103,177 101,170 Government Transfers ....................................................... 1,620,044 1,625,021 Other Expenses ............................................................. 252,701 254,012 Internal Recoveries ........................................................ (79,227) (78,438) External Recoveries ........................................................ (13,014) (18,014) ------------- ------------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................................... 1,899,007 1,899,007 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION 35 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP This account was established by the INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP ACT. The purpose of the account is to support projects and initiatives under the INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP ACT, including the designation of trades and occupations; the establishment of industry training and apprenticeship programs; the allocations of funds including transfers to other agencies, organization and individuals to support training in designated trades and occupations; the granting of credentials for workers in designated trades and occupations; and increasing the proportion of members of under-represented groups in designated trades and occupations. Revenue is receiving through a transfer from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Ministry Operations Vote and from fees charged under the INDUSTRY TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP ACT to employers and individuals as may be appropriate. Expenses are for transfers, contractual agreements with private sector and post secondary institutions to support training in designated trades and occupations, new initiatives in work-based training, and administration costs. Financial, human resources, information resources, administration services, freedom of information and privacy services, and general services and assistance are provided to the Ministry of Advanced Education by the Ministry of Education, Management Services Division. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ................ 4,428 4,806 ------------- ------------ OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ......................................................................... 79,757 78,968 Expense ......................................................................... (78,907) (78,438) ------------- ------------ Net Revenue (Expense) ........................................................ 850 530 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ....................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ........................................................ (850) (190) Disbursements - Other .......................................................... -- -- ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................... (850) (190) Working Capital adjustments(2) ................................................. 378 285 ------------- ------------ PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(3) ........ 4,806 5,431 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (3) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 36 MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS BRITISH COLUMBIA STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM -- Disbursements represent expenditures associated with loans under the British Columbia Student Assistance Program. Receipts represent principal repayments on outstanding loans. Interest revenue is recovered to the voted appropriation for the management of the public debt. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts ..................................................................... 5,067 8,989 Disbursements ................................................................ 148,394 208,545 ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................. (143,327) (199,556) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBT SERVICE COSTS AND AMORTIZATION OF PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES -- Funds are provided to universities, university colleges, colleges, institutes and agencies for approved capital costs of new buildings, renovations and improvements, equipment and capital leases. Receipts .................................................................... -- -- Disbursements ............................................................... 200,350 212,410 ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................... (200,350) (212,410) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES The mission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries is to deliver programs that maintain a positive business climate for a competitive market-responsive agri-food and fisheries sector, and safeguard BC's ability to provide safe and high quality British Columbia agri-food and seafood products for consumers. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 10--Ministry Operations ............................................ 64,041 49,133 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Livestock Protection Special Account .................................... 20 20 ------------- ------------ OPERATING EXPENSE .......................................................... 64,061 49,153 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 1,230 1,990 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) (1,096) (870) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 351 329 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 38 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Industry Competitiveness .......................................... 14,297 4,621 (17) 4,604 Fisheries and Aquaculture Management .............................. 4,871 5,146 -- 5,146 Food Safety and Quality ........................................... 6,642 6,239 (50) 6,189 Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development ............. 8,362 7,466 -- 7,466 Risk Management (includes special account) ........................ 20,481 17,763 (1,414) 16,349 Executive and Support Services .................................... 9,408 9,474 (75) 9,399 ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ........................................ 64,061 50,709 (1,556) 49,153 ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Industry Competitiveness .......................................... 75 70 -- 70 Fisheries and Aquaculture Management .............................. 225 494 -- 494 Food Safety and Quality ........................................... 386 300 -- 300 Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development ............. 140 667 -- 667 Risk Management (includes special account) ........................ 179 366 -- 366 Executive and Support Services .................................... 225 93 -- 93 ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ..................................... 1,230 1,990 -- 1,990 ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET CORE BUSINESS Industry Competitiveness .................................... (1,096) -- (870) (870) Risk Management (includes special account) .................. -- 3,000 (3,000) -- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ............. (1,096) 3,000 (3,870) (870) ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- --------- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES 39 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 10 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following six core businesses: Industry Competitiveness, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Food Safety and Quality, Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development, Risk Management, and Executive and Support Services. INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Industry Competitiveness ................................................... 5,647 4,604 Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority ....................................... 8,650 -- ------------- ------------ 14,297 4,604 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for agri-food industry competitiveness programs and includes work in partnership with agriculture and agri-food organizations to provide advice on competitiveness issues affecting the production, marketing and business management of the agri-food sector; provides for internal to government advocacy on behalf of the agri-food and fish sectors to improve the business climate in which the sector operates; provides for assembly and dissemination of technical information to producers and other agencies; provides for the provincial component of the 4-H program, agriculture and food research and demonstration projects plus related food safety and quality, environmental and risk management initiatives; provides for the administration of Industry Loan Guarantee Programs under the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT and credit programs under the AGRICULTURE CREDIT ACT; also provides for industry development and renewal initiatives and trusts. In the 2002/03 fiscal year, this sub-vote also provided for transfers to the Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority for operating costs and delivery of the interior tree fruit industry revitalization program. The operation of the Authority will be wound up by March 31, 2003 and responsibility for the program will be transferred to a private sector organization. Transfers are made to agriculture and business organizations and in support of agriculture, food, resource development and federal-provincial initiatives. Recoveries are received from parties external to government for ministry services. FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE MANAGEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Fisheries and Aquaculture Management ......................................... 4,871 5,146 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for technical review of applications for tenure and for the licensing and enforcement of regulations as required under the FISHERIES ACT and the FISHERIES INSPECTION ACT; administration of relevant sections of the FISHERIES ACT; licensing and regulation of finfish and shellfish aquaculture; development and diversification of the fisheries and aquaculture (seafood) sectors; including development of strategies to create jobs and enhance the competitiveness of British Columbia's seafood products; and transfers to support the province's seafood sector's management and development. FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY VOTED APPROPRIATION Food Safety and Quality .................................................. 6,642 6,189 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the animal health centre and plant diagnostic services; monitoring of animal and plant health; licensing, monitoring and inspecting dairy farms, tank milk receivers, tank milk trucks, game farms, fur farms, veterinary drug outlets, feed mills, apiaries, sale yard operations, livestock dealers, slaughter houses, feed mills, poultry processors and others as required by legislation; transfers to various agencies for pest management, veterinary services; transfers in support of agriculture and food research. This sub-vote also provides for assembly and dissemination of technological information to producers and other agencies; for agriculture, food and fish research and demonstration projects and related environmental, industry competitiveness and risk management initiatives. Recoveries are received from parties external to government for ministry services. 40 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development ........................ 8,362 7,466 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides services to initiate, plan and coordinate province-wide land and water policies regarding soil management, waste management and water management; for administration of the FARM PRACTICES PROTECTION (RIGHT TO FARM) ACT; for cooperation with the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management to enhance sustainable resource development opportunities throughout the province, and support to joint planning with local governments to achieve growth of the agriculture and aquaculture sectors. Transfers are provided to local government to support agricultural land use planning. FISK MANAGEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION National Safety Net Programs ................................................. 19,479 15,335 BC Marketing Board ........................................................... 982 994 ------------- ------------ 20,461 16,329 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Livestock Protection Special Account ......................................... 20 20 ------------- ------------ 20,481 16,349 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for management of provincial and federal-provincial agricultural risk management parograms and for transfers defined under the Agricultural Policy Framework Agreement as well as Crop Insurance, Net Income Stabilization and the Whole Farm Insurance Program agreements. This sub-vote also provides for the operation of the British Columbia Marketing Board which is responsible for supervising the operations of the marketing boards and commissions formed under the NATURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING (BC) ACT, and hearing related appeals. This sub-vote also provides for the operation of the Farm Practices Board formed under the FARM PRACTICES PROTECTION (RIGHT TO FARM) ACT and the hearing of related appeals. Recoveries are received from the federal government for crop insurance administration costs and from other parties external to government for British Columbia Marketing Board services. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Livestock Protection Special Account which is governed under the LIVESTOCK PROTECTION ACT. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Minister's Office ............................................................ 434 390 Corporate Services ........................................................... 8,974 9,009 ------------- ------------ 9,408 9,399 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. It provides for executive direction of the ministry and administrative support services including financial planning, human resources, communications, information systems and program audit. This sub-vote also provides for policy development, economic and statistical analysis and trade completion programs. Transfers are provided to business organizations in support of agricultural initiatives. Recoveries are received from parties external to government for ministry services. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 10-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS ................................................ 64,041 49,133 STATUTORY-- LIVESTOCK PROTECTION SPECIAL ACCOUNT ............................. 20 20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES 41 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................................................... 23,580 22,444 Operating Costs ............................................................. 13,407 12,956 Government Transfers ........................................................ 29,311 14,990 Other Expenses .............................................................. 226 319 External Recoveries ......................................................... (2,463) (1,556) ------------- ------------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................................................... 64,061 49,153 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK PROTECTION This account was originally created as a fund by the DOMESTIC ANIMAL PROTECTION ACT, 1973; was continued under the LIVESTOCK PROTECTION ACT; and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1982. The purpose of the account is to provide compensation to an owner for livestock killed or injured by a dog that is not owned or kept by the livestock owner, and to encourage good dog husbandry practices in the province. All fees, licences and cost assessments levied under the LIVESTOCK PROTECTION ACT are credited to the account as revenue. Expenses include compensation transfers and administration costs. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR 108 108 ------------- ------------ OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ........................................................................ 20 20 Expense ........................................................................ (20) (20) ------------- ------------ Net Revenue (Expense) ....................................................... -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ...................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ....................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ......................................................... -- -- ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) .............................................. -- -- ------------- ------------ PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ....... 108 108 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES 43 LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS AGRICULTURE CREDIT ACT -- Receipts represent principal repayments on outstanding loans issued under the Agricultural Land Development Program. This program was terminated on March 31, 1995. Receipts ...................................................... 1,096 870 Disbursements ................................................. -- -- ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) .............................. 1,096 870 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ RISK MANAGEMENT CROP INSURANCE STABILIZATION -- Disbursements are provided to cover deficits in the Crop Insurance Trust Account that may arise due to payment of indemnity claims in excess of premiums and other revenue in the trust account. These advances are fully recovered from Crop Insurance Program premium revenue in subsequent years (receipts). Receipts ...................................................... 3,000 3,000 Disbursements ................................................. 3,000 3,000 ------------- ------------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) .............................. -- -- ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL The mission of the Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations is to promote the safety and security of communities (in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General); administer an independent, impartial and accessible justice system; facilitate the timely, fair and lasting resolution of civil legal disputes (including family); provide high quality legal services to government; and, through negotiation, achieve reconciliation with the First Nations of British Columbia and legal certainty over the ownership and use of Crown land and resources in British Columbia. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 11--Ministry Operations ............................................ 414,418 379,990 Vote 12--Treaty Negotiations Office ..................................... 53,303 34,665 Vote 13--Judiciary ...................................................... 51,179 51,636 Vote 14--Statutory Services ............................................. 30,000 28,700 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia Special Account ......... 18,048 17,351 Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ......................... (8,434) (6,497) ------------- ------------ OPERATING EXPENSE 558,514 505,845 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 19,522 9,820 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) 2,972 17,589 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 3,514 3,464 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 46 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Court Services ............................................................ 141,794 136,544 (1,247) 135,297 Legal Services ............................................................ 23,126 16,166 (661) 15,505 Prosecution Services ...................................................... 83,357 77,839 -- 77,839 Justice Services .......................................................... 99,361 93,208 (1,976) 91,232 Executive and Support Services ............................................ 66,780 60,234 (117) 60,117 Treaty Negotiations Office ................................................ 53,303 36,295 (1,630) 34,665 Judiciary ................................................................. 51,179 51,636 -- 51,636 Statutory Services ........................................................ 30,000 28,700 -- 28,700 Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia (special account) ........ 9,614 12,448 (1,594) 10,854 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................................................ 558,514 513,070 (7,225) 505,845 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Court Services ............................................................. 9,829 3,999 -- 3,999 Legal Services ............................................................. 231 23 -- 23 Prosecution Services ....................................................... 1,599 1,990 -- 1,990 Justice Services ........................................................... 593 360 -- 360 Executive and Support Services ............................................. 6,055 1,978 -- 1,978 Treaty Negotiations Office ................................................. 100 -- -- -- Judiciary .................................................................. 591 581 -- 581 Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia (special account) ......... 524 889 -- 889 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .............................................. 19,522 9,820 -- 9,820 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Executive and Support Services ............................................ -- 670 (670) -- Treaty Negotiations Office ................................................ 2,972 17,589 -- 17,589 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................... 2,972 18,259 (670) 17,589 ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 47 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 11 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Court Services, Legal Services, Prosecution Services, Justice Services, and Executive and Support Services. COURT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Registry and Trial Support ............................................. 111,987 105,100 Security and Escorts ................................................... 29,807 30,197 ----------- ---------- 141,794 135,297 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for court registry operations, court administration, prisoner escort and court security support to the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, and Provincial Court. Recoveries are received from municipal governments for costs related to by-law hearings and circuit courts, and from litigants for costs associated with video conferencing, filings of court documents and civil jury costs. LEGAL SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Legal Services ........................................................ 23,126 15,505 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for legal and related services to the province and various agencies, boards, commissions and other organizations, including legal advice, representation in civil litigation, and drafting, preparing, filing and publishing statutes, regulations and Orders in Council. This sub-vote also provides for administration of Orders in Council and appeals to the Executive Council. Transfers are provided for justice system policy issues. Recoveries are received from ministries, agencies, boards, commissions, and other organizations for legal and related services provided. PROSECUTION SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Prosecution Services ................................................. 83,357 77,839 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for operation of Crown counsel services, including approval and conduct of criminal prosecutions and appeals of offences, advice to government on all criminal law matters, and responsibility for all other matters mandated by the Crown Counsel Act. Recoveries are received from the Victims of Crime Special Account to enable compliance with the VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT. 48 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTICE SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Justice Services ............................................................. 99,361 91,232 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration and management of justice services throughout the province including: legal aid services; maintenance enforcement and inter-jurisdictional reciprocal order services, debt counselling and debt repayment services; alternative-to-court dispute resolution services for separating and divorcing parents and their children; and developing and promoting non-adversarial dispute resolution options within the justice system and throughout the government. Transfers are provided to the private sector and not-for-profit societies for services including the provision of parenting after separation programs and supervised access services as well as to the private sector for family maintenance enforcement activities to assist vulnerable parties and decrease reliance on other government services. Recoveries are received from family maintenance enforcement clients for costs incurred and from the federal government for criminal, young offender, and immigration legal aid costs and family justice services initiatives projects. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office .......................................................... 681 666 Corporate Services ......................................................... 48,379 45,405 Agencies, Boards and Commissions ........................................... 17,720 14,046 ----------- ---------- 66,780 60,117 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for: the office of the Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations, including salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the Attorney General and the minister's staff; support and operations of the Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General; centralized capital acquisitions for these ministries; and the investigation of matters relating to the administration of the CORRECTION ACT and court services. It also provides for various agencies, boards and commissions under the jurisdiction of the Attorney General, and other initiatives sponsored by the Attorney General. Transfers are provided to the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia Special Account and agencies and societies providing services that complement ministry programs. Recoveries are received from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and from parties external to government for corporate services. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 11-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS ............................................. 414,418 379,990 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 49 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 12 - TREATY NEGOTIATIONS OFFICE This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the Treaty Negotiations Office core business. TREATY NEGOTIATIONS OFFICE VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Negotiations ................................................................... 22,954 19,964 Treaty Settlement and Implementation Costs ..................................... 20,349 4,701 Economic Measures .............................................................. 10,000 10,000 ----------- ---------- 53,303 34,665 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for strategic management and direction of the Office; the province's participation in the negotiation of treaties and other arrangements with First Nations and the federal government including consultation with third parties and others; treaty mandate and policy development; cross-government coordination of treaty implementation; service planning, performance measurement, and support services for the above. This sub-vote also provides for the settlement and implementation costs of treaty agreements which have been ratified by British Columbia, Canada and First Nations; payments to the McLeod Lake Indian Band under the McLeod Lake Indian Band Treaty No 8 Adhesion and Settlement Agreement and for third party costs; and for initiatives to enable the acquisition of lands for treaty settlement purposes. Transfers are provided to First Nations and others in respect of their participation in the treaty process; for treaty related and economic measures; for aboriginal community development; to facilitate treaties; to assist in the resolution of land and resource issues; and to enhance First Nation participation in economic development. Recoveries are received from the federal government for costs incurred pursuant to federal/provincial agreement. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 12-- TREATY NEGOTIATIONS OFFICE ....................................... 53,303 34,665 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 13 - JUDICIARY This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the Judiciary core business. JUDICIARY VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Superior Courts .......................................................... 11,688 11,922 Provincial Courts ........................................................ 39,491 39,714 ----------- ---------- 51,179 51,636 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for administrative and support services for the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court located in the province and provides for the operational budget for the Provincial Court of British Columbia. Transfers are provided to the Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges and to the British Columbia Courthouse Library Society. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 13-- JUDICIARY ..................................................... 51,179 51,636 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 51 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 14 - STATUTORY SERVICES This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the Statutory Services core business. STATUTORY SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION CROWN PROCEEDING ACT ................................................. 30,000 28,700 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the payments made under the authority of the CROWN PROCEEDING ACT and for the costs of commissions issued and inquiries conducted under the INQUIRY ACT. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 14-- STATUTORY SERVICES ......................................... 30,000 28,700 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUTORY - PUBLIC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA This statutory account provides for the programs and operations in the statutory appropriation under the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia core business. PUBLIC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia Special Account ................ 18,048 17,351 Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ................................... (8,434) (6,497) ----------- ---------- 9,614 10,854 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia Special Account which is governed under the PUBLIC TRUSTEE AMENDMENT ACT. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUTORY-- PUBLIC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA SPECIAL ACCOUNT .... 18,048 17,351 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .................................................... 249,131 251,073 Operating Costs .......................................................... 183,526 173,848 Government Transfers ..................................................... 125,301 101,679 Other Expenses ........................................................... 41,131 39,703 Internal Recoveries ...................................................... (34,351) (53,233) External Recoveries ...................................................... (6,224) (7,225) ----------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................................. 558,514 505,845 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 53 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA This account was created by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE AMENDMENT ACT, 1989. The purpose of the account is to provide services to clients of the Public Guardian and Trustee, including the protection of certain property rights of children including litigation settlements and other children's funds held in trust, property and personal care substitute decision making for adults incapable of managing their own affairs, administration of the estates of the deceased where no other person is willing or able to act, and administration of the affairs of missing persons. Revenue represents fees and commissions paid by clients of the Public Guardian and Trustee for services rendered, and transfers from the Ministry Operations Vote. Expenses are for costs directly related to the provision of services to clients and for administration. Recoveries are received from clients and other parties external to government. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ............... 9,757 11,029 ----------- ---------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ........................................................................ 19,652 17,823 Expense ........................................................................ (18,488) (18,945) Internal and External Recoveries ............................................... 440 1,594 ----------- ---------- Net Revenue (Expense) ....................................................... 1,604 472 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ....................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ........................................................ (524) (889) Disbursements - Other .......................................................... -- -- ----------- ---------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................... (524) (889) Working Capital adjustments(2) ................................................. 192 483 ----------- ---------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(3) ........ 11,029 11,095 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (3) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 54 MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES INTEREST ON TRUSTS AND DEPOSITS -- Interest (disbursements) is credited to certain trust funds and deposits belonging to third parties, which are held by and are under the general administration or trusteeship of the province, on the basis of earnings received (receipts) from the investment of these funds or as specified by provincial statutes. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts ........................................ 925 670 Disbursements ................................... 925 670 ----- ----- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ................... -- -- ----- ----- TREATY SETTLEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION COSTS TREATY SETTLEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION COSTS -- Disbursements are made to First Nations in accordance with treaty agreements and for the implementation costs of the agreements. These disbursements are amortized over the period of the capital transfer identified in legislated treaty agreements. Land is also purchased and held for treaty settlement purposes. Amortization costs are included in the Treaty Negotiations Office Vote. Receipts ........................................... -- -- Disbursements ...................................... 2,972 17,589 ------ ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ..................... (2,972) (17,589) ------ ------- [LOGO] MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT The mission of the Ministry of Children and Family Development is to promote and develop the capacity of families and communities to care for and protect vulnerable children and youth and support adults with developmental disabilities. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 15--Ministry Operations .............................. 1,587,544 1,451,472 --------- --------- OPERATING EXPENSE ......................................... 1,587,544 1,451,472 --------- --------- --------- --------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) ................................ -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) .................................... 18,042 17,150 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) ............... (368) (6) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT (6) ................... 4,869 4,274 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 56 MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Community Living Services .... 630,800 555,300 (2,000) 553,300 Child and Family Development . 814,724 838,491 (68,984) 769,507 Provincial Services .......... 118,928 113,784 (3,702) 110,082 Executive and Support Services 23,092 18,627 (44) 18,583 --------- --------- -------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..... 1,587,544 1,526,202 (74,730) 1,451,472 --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Executive and Support Services 18,042 17,150 -- 17,150 ------ ---------- -------- -------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .. 18,042 17,150 -- 17,150 ------ ---------- -------- -------- ------ ---------- -------- -------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Executive and Support Services .................... (368) -- (6) (6) ---- ---- ---- --- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS .. (368) -- (6) (6) ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- --- MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 57 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 15 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Community Living Services, Child and Family Development, Provincial Services, and Executive and Support Services. COMMUNITY LIVING SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Community Living Services..................... 630,800 553,300 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for residential and day services support to adults with developmental disabilities; some services for children with special needs and their families, including autism treatment services; establishing new governance structures; one-time costs of restructuring services; and funding under the COMMUNITY SERVICES INTERIM AUTHORITY ACT. Transfers are provided under the HUMAN RESOURCE FACILITY ACT and are provided in support of service activities to or on behalf of individuals, agencies, corporations, community groups and other organizations. Recoveries are received from organizations and individuals for repayable benefits, overpayments, and third party settlement costs. The ministry will transfer authority and responsibility to a single provincial authority where government retains responsibility for funding, performance agreements, monitoring and assessing accountabilities of the authority. The authority will be responsible for directing operations, enforcing standards, managing funds and services. CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Child and Family Development................... 814,724 769,507 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for service support, direct operating costs and local administration of community-based support services for aboriginal and non-aboriginal children, youth and families; establishing new governance structures; one-time costs of restructuring programs; and funding for governance authorities under provisions of the COMMUNITY SERVICES INTERIM AUTHORITY ACT; the CHILD FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT, the ADOPTION ACT, the CORRECTION ACT, the YOUNG OFFENDERS (BRITISH COLUMBIA) ACT, the MENTAL HEALTH ACT and other initiatives to support children, youth and families. Transfers are provided under the HUMAN RESOURCE FACILITY ACT and are paid to or on behalf of clients including children in care, eligible families and youth, care givers, agencies, and other organizations. Recoveries are received from the federal government, other provinces, other ministries, other organizations, and individuals, for contributions to service delivery, repayments, repayable benefits, overpayments, and costs arising from third party settlements. The ministry will transfer authority and responsibility to aboriginal and regional authorities, where government retains responsibility for funding, performance agreements, monitoring and assessing accountabilities of authorities. The authorities will be responsible for directing operations, managing funds and services. PROVINCIAL SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Provincial Services .......... 118,928 110,082 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for program support and administration for young offender services that promote rehabilitation, including youth custody centres and youth forensic psychiatric services to the courts and clients; and specialized provincial services under the provisions of the YOUNG OFFENDERS (BRITISH COLUMBIA) ACT, the CORRECTION ACT, the MENTAL HEALTH ACT and the FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY ACT, and other services to support children and youth. Transfers are provided in support of program services. Recoveries are received from the federal government and other ministries. 58 MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministers' Office ............ 730 730 Corporate Services ........... 22,362 17,853 ------- -------- 23,092 18,583 ------- -------- ------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Children and Family Development; the office of the Minister of State for Early Childhood Development; overall direction, development and support for ministry services, including central support and advice to the areas of child and family development, community living and provincial services; and for the administration of the HUMAN RESOURCE FACILITY ACT. Transfers are provided for province-wide services. Recoveries are received from the federal government and from organizations. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 15-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 1,587,544 1,451,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ........... 303,640 261,997 Operating Costs ................. 133,414 113,785 Government Transfers ............ 1,228,459 1,148,999 Other Expenses .................. 3,949 3,909 Internal Recoveries ............. (2,488) (2,488) External Recoveries ............. (79,430) (74,730) --------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ......... 1,587,544 1,451,472 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 59 LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES PROVIDERS FINANCING PROGRAM -- Receipts represent repayment of loans provided in previous fiscal years for capital purposes, including funds under the HUMAN RESOURCE FACILITY ACT, and to stimulate investment in efficiencies and innovation by British Columbia service providers. Receipts .................... 368 6 Disbursements ............... -- -- ---- ---- Net Cash Source (Requirement) 368 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES The mission of the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services is to work in partnership with governments and communities to improve the day-to-day lives of individuals, building a stronger British Columbia. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 16--Ministry Operations ............................ 629,863 642,998 Vote 17--Royal British Columbia Museum .................. 14,155 12,751 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS First Citizens' Fund Special Account .................... 3,398 3,962 Olympic Arts Fund Special Account ....................... 280 483 Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund Special Account 1,726 2,215 University Endowment Lands Administration Special Account 3,142 3,142 ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE ......................................... 652,564 665,551 ------- ------- ------- ------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) ................................ -- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) .................................... 6,969 3,617 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) ............... -- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) .................... 967 799 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 62 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Local Government (includes special account) ........... 153,163 181,004 (35,000) 146,004 Housing and Building .................................. 137,155 147,595 -- 147,595 Women's Services and Child Care ....................... 251,360 235,580 -- 235,580 Culture, Heritage and Sport (includes special accounts) 34,111 32,910 (809) 32,101 Safety and Standards .................................. 21,261 21,012 (1) 21,011 Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration (includes special account) ........................... 21,509 37,170 (20,720) 16,450 2010 Winter Olympic Bid Secretariat and Community Initiatives .......................................... 4,213 40,530 -- 40,530 Executive and Support Services ........................ 15,637 13,542 (13) 13,529 Royal British Columbia Museum ......................... 14,155 14,071 (1,320) 12,751 -------- ------- -------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .............................. 652,564 723,414 (57,863) 665,551 -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Local Government (includes special account) ................. -- 77 -- 77 Housing and Building ........................................ 20 -- -- -- Women's Services and Child Care ............................. 500 375 -- 375 Culture, Heritage and Sport (includes special accounts) ..... -- 25 -- 25 Safety and Standards ........................................ 1,900 2,670 -- 2,670 Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration (includes special account) ................................. -- 355 -- 355 2010 Winter Olympic Bid Secretariat and Community Initiatives 3 -- -- -- Executive and Support Services .............................. 850 115 -- 115 Royal British Columbia Museum ............................... 3,696 -- -- -- ------ ------ ----- ------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................. 6,969 3,617 -- 3,617 ------ ------ ----- ------- ------ ------ ----- ------- MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 63 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 16 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following eight core businesses: Local Government, Housing and Building, Women's Services and Child Care, Culture Heritage and Sport, Safety and Standards, Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration, 2010 Winter Olympic Bid Secretariat and Community Initiatives, and Executive and Support Services. LOCAL GOVERNMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Local Government Services ............................... 6,363 5,313 Local Government and Library Services Transfers ......... 136,430 130,911 Community Transition and Adjustment ..................... 2,990 2,400 University Endowment Lands .............................. 4,238 4,238 -------- -------- 150,021 142,862 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION University Endowment Lands Administration Special Account 3,142 3,142 -------- -------- 153,163 146,004 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS ACT, and the LIBRARY ACT, financial and other support to local governments, public libraries and related organizations and for the operation of the University Endowment Lands. Transfers are provided in support of local governments and public libraries in British Columbia, to the City of Vancouver for the provision of fire protection services to the University of British Columbia and the University Endowment Lands, and for administration costs associated with these transfers. Recoveries represent the transfer of costs associated with services to ratepayers from the University Endowment Lands Administration Special Account. Recoveries are also received from the federal government in respect of its share of project costs under the Canada-BC Infrastructure Program. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the University Endowment Lands Administration Special Account which is governed under the UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LAND ACT, 1979. HOUSING AND BUILDING VOTED APPROPRIATION Housing and Building .............................. 137,155 147,595 --------- -------- --------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for housing and building policy development, and administration of the British Columbia Building Code. Transfers are provided to the British Columbia Housing Management Commission for the protection and enhancement of the supply of adequate and affordable housing, including the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program which provides financial assistance to eligible seniors for shelter costs. This sub-vote also provides for transfers for land acquisitions intended for social housing. In addition, transfers are provided to the Homeowner Protection Office to support general operations and for assistance provided to individuals under the Provincial Sales Tax Relief Grant Program. WOMEN'S SERVICES AND CHILD CARE VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Women's Services ............................... 54,413 51,298 Child Care Services ............................ 196,947 184,282 -------- -------- 251,360 235,580 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for policy development and program administration for women's services and child care. Transfers are provided to organizations to support services to women who have experienced abuse and their dependent children, and the child care system under the CHILD CARE BC ACT and BC BENEFITS (CHILD CARE SUBSIDY) ACT. 64 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CULTURE, HERITAGE AND SPORT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Culture and BC Arts Council ............................ 14,014 13,437 Heritage ............................................... 9,337 7,327 Sport .................................................. 8,754 8,639 ------- ------- 32,105 29,403 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Olympic Arts Fund Special Account ...................... 280 483 Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund Special Account 1,726 2,215 ------- ------- 34,111 32,101 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for support of cultural, heritage and sport policy and activities; and for the administration and delivery of government programs under the ARTS COUNCIL ACT, THE HERITAGE CONSERVATION ACT, and the KLONDIKE NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK ACT; and for the administration of the Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund and Olympic Arts Fund Special Accounts. Transfers are provided for support of heritage protection, preservation and management, community grant programs, amateur sport associations, and physical activity projects, and for the programs of the British Columbia Arts Council. Costs are partially recovered from parties external to government for program services. STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund Special Account and for the Olympic Arts Fund Special Account. SAFETY AND STANDARDS VOTED APPROPRIATION Safety and Standards................................. 21,261 21,011 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for public safety programs including the Office of the Fire Commissioner, the establishment of safety standards; inspection services for electricity, natural gas, propane, boiler and pressure vessels, elevating devices, amusement rides, refrigeration systems, aerial tramways and railways; fire and accident investigations and the licensing of technical personnel. Transfers are provided to Local Assistants, as defined by the FIRE SERVICES ACT, for fires investigated and reported to the Fire Commissioner and for the establishment of an independent safety authority in British Columbia. Recoveries are received for ad hoc inspection services. MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 65 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Aboriginal Directorate ................ 3,815 3,158 Multiculturalism and Immigration Services 14,296 9,330 ------- ------- 18,111 12,488 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION First Citizens' Fund Special Account .... 3,398 3,962 ------- ------- 21,509 16,450 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the coordination of resources and services provided to Aboriginal people, support to Aboriginal advisory bodies, including the First Citizens' Forum and the First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council, policy and program development and delivery for multiculturalism and immigration and programs. This sub-vote also provides for negotiation and implementation of the Agreement for Canada-British Columbia Co-operation on Immigration and administration of the First Citizens' Fund Special Account. Transfers are provided to support aboriginal issues, and to programs for settlement services for immigrants. Recoveries are received pursuant to federal/provincial agreements. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the First Citizens' Fund Special Account. 2010 WINTER OLYMPIC BID SECRETARIAT AND COMMUNITY INITIATIVES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS 2010 Winter Olympic Bid Secretariat ......... 2,183 38,490 Community Initiatives and Vancouver Agreement 2,030 2,040 ----- ------ 4,213 40,530 ----- ------ ----- ------ VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for securing the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games through the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Bid Secretariat, and for programs to support local action to enhance communities' socio-economic conditions and address structural barriers. The sub-vote also provides support for the Vancouver Agreement, which provides for provincial leadership and coordination responsibility for a tri-level agreement to promote and support sustainable development in Vancouver. Transfers are provided in support of the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation and urban community development projects. 66 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministers' Office ................................................. 1,132 1,132 Corporate Services ................................................ 14,505 12,397 ------- ------ 15,637 13,529 ------- ------ ------- ------ VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the offices of the Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services, the Minister of State for Community Charter and the 2010 Olympic Bid and the Minister of State for Women's Equality, including salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the ministers' staff. The sub-vote also provides for executive direction and administrative services for the operating programs of the ministry, including financial administration and budget coordination, strategic and business planning and reporting, information and privacy, records management, human resources, office management and accommodation and information systems. Recoveries are received from parties external to government for ministry services. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 16-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS ....................................... 629,863 642,998 STATUTORY-- FIRST CITIZENS' FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT .................... 3,398 3,962 STATUTORY-- OLYMPIC ARTS FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT ....................... 280 483 STATUTORY-- PHYSICAL FITNESS AND AMATEUR SPORTS FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT 1,726 2,215 STATUTORY-- UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL ACCOUNT 3,142 3,142 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 67 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTE 17 - ROYAL BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSEUM (SPECIAL OPERATING AGENCY) This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the Royal British Columbia Museum core business. ROYAL BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSEUM VOTED APPROPRIATION Royal British Columbia Museum 14,155 12,751 ------ ------ VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for a transfer to the new Royal British Columbia Museum Crown agency which will be established this fiscal year. This sub-vote also provides for transitional funding to the Royal British Columbia Museum until such time as the agency is established. Costs for certain programs are partially recovered from program revenues and other organizations. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTE 17-- ROYAL BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSEUM 14,155 12,751 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .............. 63,070 52,460 Operating Costs .................... 40,463 30,707 Government Transfers ............... 595,064 638,743 Other Expenses ..................... 4,864 4,648 Internal Recoveries ................ (3,144) (3,144) External Recoveries ................ (47,753) (57,863) ------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............ 652,564 665,551 ------- ------- ------- ------- 68 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 FIRST CITIZENS' FUND This account was originally created as a fund under the REVENUE SURPLUS APPROPRIATION ACT, 1969, was continued under the FUNDS CONTROL ACT, 1979, and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 1988. The account promotes the economic, social, and cultural well being of members of First Nations who are residents of British Columbia, by providing financial assistance through loan guarantees and transfers. Interest attributable to the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of transfers in support of cultural, educational, and economic opportunities including student bursaries, heritage, language and culture programs, native friendship centre operations, and economic development programs. The account also provides funds for the administrative costs of certain social and economic development programs. The account balance was increased by $9 million effective before April 1, 2002 and by $9 million effective on April 1, 2002 and on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ..... 6,090 15,090 --------- -------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ............................................................ 3,398 3,962 Expense ............................................................ (3,398) (3,962) --------- -------- Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................ -- -- Transfer from General Fund ......................................... 9,000 9,000 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ........................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ............................................ -- -- Disbursements - Other .............................................. -- -- --------- -------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) .................................. -- -- --------- -------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) 15,090 24,090 --------- -------- --------- -------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 69 SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 OLYMPIC ARTS FUND This account was established under the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 2001. The account promotes the bid for hosting the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in British Columbia or the hosting of those Games. Interest earned on the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of transfers to groups and organizations for cultural and artistic activities that will promote the bid for the hosting of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in BC or the hosting of those Winter Olympic Games. Administration costs are provided through the Ministry Operations Vote. The initial account balance was established at $5 million. The balance was increased by $5 million effective on April 1, 2002 and will be increased by $5 million on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ..... 2 5,002 -------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue .............................................................. 280 483 Expense .............................................................. (280) (483) -------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) .............................................. -- -- Transfer from General Fund ........................................... 5,000 5,000 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ............................................................. -- -- Disbursements - Capital .............................................. -- -- Disbursements - Other ................................................ -- -- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ...................................... -- -- -------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR (2) 5,002 10,002 -------- --------- -------- --------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 70 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL FITNESS AND AMATEUR SPORTS FUND This account was originally created as a fund under the REVENUE SURPLUS APPROPRIATION ACT, 1969, was continued under the FUNDS CONTROL ACT, 1979, and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 1988. The account promotes the physical fitness of residents of the province and their participation in amateur sport. Interest earned on the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of transfers to physical fitness and amateur sport projects, groups and organizations, and awards to individuals. Administration costs are provided through the Ministry Operations Vote. The account balance was increased by $5.5 million effective before April 1, 2002 and by $5.5 million effective on April 1, 2002 and on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ..... 1,675 7,175 --------- ---------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ............................................................ 1,726 2,215 Expense ............................................................ (1,726) (2,215) --------- ---------- Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................ -- -- Transfer from General Fund ......................................... 5,500 5,500 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ........................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ............................................ -- -- Disbursements - Other .............................................. -- -- --------- ---------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) .................................... -- -- --------- ---------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR (2) 7,175 12,675 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES 71 SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS ADMINISTRATION This account was established as a Miscellaneous Statutory Account by authority of the UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS ADMINISTRATION ACT, was continued under the UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LAND ACT, 1979, and became a Special Account under the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1982. The account provides for services to residents of the University Endowment Lands. Revenue is derived from University Endowment Lands resident ratepayer contributions, including fees, licences, and property taxes. Other revenue sources (net of direct costs) include land sales and rent from land tenures. Expenses represent the transfer to the Ministry Operations Vote of the ratepayers' portion of the costs of providing services. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ..... 13,251 13,251 -------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ............................................................ 3,142 3,142 Expense ............................................................ (3,142) (3,142) -------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................ -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ........................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ............................................ -- -- Disbursements - Other .............................................. -- -- -------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) .................................... -- -- -------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) 13,251 13,251 -------- --------- -------- --------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE The mission of the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise is to: ensure British Columbia has the most attractive investment and business climate in North America; encourage a culture of innovation and the development and transfer of new knowledge benefiting individuals, businesses and communities; and promote growth of investment and trade by aggressively pursuing increased marketing of British Columbia. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 18--Ministry Operations ............................ 49,889 113,206 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Northern Development Fund Special Account ............... 1,500 1,500 ------ ------- OPERATING EXPENSE ......................................... 51,389 114,706 ------ ------- ------ ------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES (2) .............................. -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (3) .................................. 805 652 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS (4) ............. -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES (5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT (6) .................. 177 149 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE 74 CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES -------- -------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Championing a Competitive Business Environment (includes special account) ................................. 7,540 7,207 (70) 7,137 Marketing and Investment ..................................... 11,371 10,785 (223) 10,562 Encouraging Innovation and the Development and Transfer of New Knowledge .................................................... 14,997 13,839 -- 13,839 Executive and Support Services ............................... 17,481 83,208 (40) 83,168 -------- ------- --------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................. 51,389 115,039 (333) 114,706 -------- ------- --------- --------- -------- ------- --------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET ---- ------------- ---------- ------ CORE BUSINESS Marketing and Investment ..................................... 615 600 -- 600 Executive and Support Services................................ 190 52 -- 52 ---- ------------- ---------- ------ TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................. 805 652 -- 652 ---- ------------- ---------- ------ ---- ------------- ---------- ------ MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE 75 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTE 18 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Championing a Competitive Business Environment, Marketing and Investment, Encouraging Innovation and the Development and Transfer of New Knowledge, and Executive and Support Services. CHAMPIONING A COMPETITIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Economic Policy ......................... 4,852 4,473 BC Film Commission ...................... 1,188 1,164 ----- ----- 6,040 5,637 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Northern Development Fund Special Account 1,500 1,500 ----- ----- 7,540 7,137 ----- ----- ----- ----- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for development, analysis and preparation of policy and strategies relating to enhanced competitiveness and economic development within the province, particularly trade, tourism, film industry and government fees and licences, including: development of and support for government-wide economic strategies; negotiation and management of federal-provincial cost shared economic development programs; and promotion of British Columbia's locations and film industry infrastructure. Transfers are provided for economic and employment generating initiatives, including the Agreement on Internal Trade Secretariat, BC Film Society, Regional Film Commissions and various arts and cultural organizations. Recoveries are received from outside organizations and individuals for co-operative marketing initiatives, and services provided by the BC Film Commission. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Northern Development Fund Special Account, which was created by the BC-ALCAN NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT FUND ACT. MARKETING AND INVESTMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS BC Trade and Investment Office ........... 9,701 9,042 Reserves for Doubtful Accounts ........... 1,670 1,520 ------- ------- 11,371 10,562 ------- ------- ------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration, operation and delivery of activities intended to stimulate provincial economic development, including: promotion of British Columbia as a positive investment location; encouraging business development; promotion of export capabilities into new markets; administration and wind-up of loans, investments, guarantees and fiscal agency agreements; and development and administration of tax credit and other programs and services for small business. This core business also provides for reserves for doubtful loans, write-downs of investments, and interest expense for concessionary loans. Transfers are provided for business and trade development and industry adjustment. Recoveries are received from participating public bodies, the public, and from clients through fees and project cost-sharing. ENCOURAGING INNOVATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER OF NEW KNOWLEDGE VOTED APPROPRIATION Encouraging Innovation and the Development and Transfer of New Knowledge ....................... 14,997 13,839 -------- ------- -------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for development of policies and programs to support science and technology initiatives. Transfers are provided to support the following science and technology activities: research and development, technology transfer and adoption; infrastructure services and initiatives; public understanding, awareness, education and training; and related strategic, long term partnerships, including federal-provincial initiatives. 76 MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministers' Office ........................ 729 729 Corporate Services ....................... 11,352 10,439 British Columbia Pavilion Corporation .... 5,400 5,000 Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre -- 67,000 ------ ------ 17,481 83,168 ------ ------ ------ ------ VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Competition, Science and Enterprise and the office of the Minister of State for Deregulation, and for administration and ministry executive support, including the deputy minister's office, financial, human resources, legislation and administrative services, records management and information systems, and the library. This sub-vote also provides for administrative support services for the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Deregulation Secretariat, the Progress Board, and administration and enforcement of the MOTOR DEALER ACT. Transfers are provided to the BC Community Financial Services Corporation for a grant for its Corporation Capital Tax liabilities and to the British Columbia Pavilion Corporation towards capital, operating and facilities maintenance costs and for amortization of the provincial investment in the corporation. Transfers are also provided for the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre expansion project. Costs of administering the Motor Dealer Customer Compensation Fund are recovered from the fund. Recoveries are received from parties external to government for ministry services. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTE 18-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS ............... 49,889 113,206 STATUTORY-- NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT ........................... 1,500 1,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ...... 14,656 12,425 Operating Costs ............ 11,218 10,567 Government Transfers ....... 20,989 86,897 Other Expenses ............. 5,400 5,150 Internal Recoveries ........ (133) -- External Recoveries ........ (741) (333) ------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .... 51,389 114,706 ------- --------- ------- --------- MINISTRY OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE 77 SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT FUND This account was created by the BC-ALCAN NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT FUND ACT, 1998. The purpose of the account is to promote sustainable economic development in northwestern British Columbia. Expenses are to support investment in new or existing businesses, to create new employment or stabilize existing employment, to support other goals consistent with the Act, and for the operations of the Nechako-Kitimat Development Fund Society. Interest earned on the fund balance is credited to the account as revenue. Transfers are provided to the Nechako-Kitimat Development Fund Society to support economic development in northwestern British Columbia. Administration costs are funded through the Ministry Operations Vote. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ............... 6,822 7,457 ------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ....................................................................... 635 600 Expense ....................................................................... (1,500) (1,500) ------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) ....................................................... (865) (900) Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) 1,500 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ...................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ....................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ......................................................... -- -- ------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................... -- -- ------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR (2) ....... 7,457 6,557 ------- --------- ------- --------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION The mission of the Ministry of Education is to enable all learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy, democratic and pluralistic society and a prosperous and sustainable economy. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 19--Ministry Operations ............................ 4,859,926 4,859,939 ---------- ------------ OPERATING EXPENSE ......................................... 4,859,926 4,859,939 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) ................................ 265,800 195,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) .................................... 3,281 5,129 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) ............... -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) .................... 326 317 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 80 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Public Schools ............... 4,088,732 4,084,624 (8,807) 4,075,817 Independent Schools .......... 156,828 167,349 -- 167,349 Debt Service and Amortization 564,030 569,434 -- 569,434 Management Services .......... 17,637 18,115 (740) 17,375 Executive and Support Services 32,699 30,450 (486) 29,964 --------- --------- -------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ...... 4,859,926 4,869,972 (10,033) 4,859,939 --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Public Schools ................ 265,800 195,000 -- 195,000 --------- --------- -------- --------- TOTAL PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES 265,800 195,000 -- 195,000 --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Management Services .................. 310 1,079 -- 1,079 Executive and Support Services........ 2,971 4,050 -- 4,050 --------- --------- -------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES.......... 3,281 5,129 -- 5,129 --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 81 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 19 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Public Schools, Independent Schools, Debt and Amortization, Management Services, Executive and Support Services. PUBLIC SCHOOLS VOTED APPROPRIATION Public Schools ......................... 4,088,732 4,075,817 --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for transfers to School Districts and others to support the public school system. Recoveries are received from the federal government for expenditures primarily relating to the Official Languages in Education Protocol. INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS VOTED APPROPRIATION Independent Schools..................... 156,828 167,349 --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for transfers to eligible independent schools for operating expenses, special education programs for qualifying students and registered home-schooled students. DEBT SERVICE AND AMORTIZATION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Debt Service Costs ................... 363,450 359,000 Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances 200,580 210,434 --------- --------- 564,030 569,434 --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the payment of short and long term debt service costs for approved capital construction projects, buses and equipment purchases. Sinking fund assets, which are used to pay off existing debt obligations, earn interest that is netted against debt service costs. This sub-vote also provides for the amortization of funds advanced for capital projects including school sites, portables, capital leases, buses, and equipment purchases. 82 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANAGEMENT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Management Services.......................... 17,637 17,375 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for corporate support services to operating programs including financial, human resources, information management, administrative services, freedom of information and privacy services, and general services and assistance to ministries, boards, agencies and commissions including the Ministry of Advanced Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour. Recoveries are received from miscellaneous sources and include certain costs related to supporting the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal and Compensation Advisory Services in the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office............................ 489 489 K-12 Education Programs...................... 32,210 29,475 ------ ------ 32,699 29,964 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for executive direction for the ministry and management and program support for K-12 education programs. This sub-vote also provides for the office of the Minister of Education, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances, and operating expenses of the Minister and Minister's staff. Transfers are provided for education development and implementation activities. Recoveries are received from general education development test fees, participation in federal/provincial agreements and activities, other governments, and other sources. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 19-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 4,859,926 4,859,939 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ................... 19,748 18,398 Operating Costs ......................... 230,929 239,309 Government Transfers .................... 4,256,091 4,253,097 Other Expenses .......................... 363,618 359,168 External Recoveries ..................... (10,460) (10,033) --------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................. 4,859,926 4,859,939 --------- --------- --------- --------- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 83 PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SCHOOLS PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES -- Disbursements are provided for approved school capital projects including construction, school sites, portables, capital leases, and bus and equipment purchases. Receipts.................................... -- -- Disbursements............................... 265,800 195,000 ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement)............ (265,800) (195,000) ======== ======== [LOGO] MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES The mission of the Ministry of Energy and Mines is to promote British Columbia's energy and mining investment opportunities, and to foster a competitive investment climate, which encourages responsible development of energy and mining resources, supports job creation, and ensures environmental protection and public and worker health and safety. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 20--Ministry Operations ........................... 26,777 32,390 Vote 21--Contracts and Funding Arrangements ............ 25,350 24,240 Vote 22--British Columbia Utilities Commission ......... 1 1 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Special Account ..... 214 -- ------ ------ OPERATING EXPENSE ......................................... 52,342 56,631 ------ ------ ------ ------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) ................................ -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) .................................... 685 660 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) ............... 50,000 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) .................... 244 234 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 86 MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE BUSINESS Resource Development ........................................ 11,209 14,309 -- 14,309 Policy and Legislation ...................................... 2,897 3,717 -- 3,717 Mining ...................................................... 6,123 4,526 -- 4,526 Executive and Support Services .............................. 6,548 9,838 -- 9,838 Contracts and Funding Arrangements (includes special account) 25,564 24,240 -- 24,240 British Columbia Utilities Commission........................ 1 4,734 (4,733) 1 ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................................ 52,342 61,364 (4,733) 56,631 ====== ====== ====== ====== CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Resource Development ........................................ 355 260 -- 260 Policy and Legislation ...................................... 60 8 -- 8 Mining ...................................................... 180 86 -- 86 Executive and Support Services .............................. 80 96 -- 96 British Columbia Utilities Commission ....................... 10 210 -- 210 --- --- ---- --- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ............................. 685 660 -- 660 === === ==== === LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Contracts and Funding Arrangements .......................... 50,000 50,000 -- 50,000 ------ ------ ---- ------ TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 50,000 50,000 -- 50,000 ====== ====== ==== ====== REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Executive and Support Services .............................. -- 17,800 (17,800) -- ---- ------ ------- ---- TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES ..................................... -- 17,800 (17,800) -- ==== ====== ======= ==== MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES 87 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 20 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Resource Development, Policy and Legislation, Mining, and Executive and Support Services. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Resource Development ....................... 11,209 14,309 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for management of the province's coal, geothermal, mineral, natural gas and petroleum resources, including: conducting geoscientific field studies; determining coal, geothermal, mineral, natural gas and petroleum potential; issuing, recording and maintaining subsurface tenures; regulating mineral and placer claim staking; providing support services to industry and information to the public; collecting fees, rentals and tender bonuses; negotiating fair compensation for mineral and coal titles expropriated for the creation of parks; revenue forecasting, royalty policy determination, fiscal and economic analysis, infrastructure development and investment promotion; and developing new resource development and revenue generating initiatives. Transfers are provided for resource studies and projects, to support and stimulate oil and gas exploration, for university research, and to support ministry revenue generating initiatives. POLICY AND LEGISLATION VOTED APPROPRIATION Policy and Legislation ..................... 2,897 3,717 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for evaluation, strategic planning, policy and legislation development and regulatory reform initiatives with regard to the province's energy sector, including electricity, alternative energy, and oil and gas resources, and the mineral sector including mineral exploration and the development of metals, coal, industrial minerals and aggregate resources; development and implementation of the Province's Energy Plan, including administration of the Columbia River Treaty, the UTILITIES COMMISSION ACT, the POWER FOR JOBS ACT and the ENERGY EFFICIENCY ACT; encouraging First Nations development by developing consultation policy and guidelines, developing treaty mandates for subsurface resources, and negotiating interim measures agreements; collection and dissemination of statistics, analysis and forecasting of energy and mineral market conditions; and economic analyses and environmental assessment reviews of resource developments and resource use options. Transfers are provided for energy research. MINING VOTED APPROPRIATION Mining ..................................... 6,123 4,526 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for management of the province's mineral, coal and aggregate resources and regulation of the industries that explore for and develop these resources, by regulating mineral, coal, industrial mineral and aggregate industries for health and safety and environmental responsibility. 88 MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 539 481 Corporate Services .......................... 3,600 3,717 Offshore Oil and Gas ........................ 2,409 5,640 ----- ----- 6,548 9,838 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Energy and Mines, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff and administration and ministry executive support, including deputy ministers' offices. Under an agreement, the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise provides administrative support services for the ministry. This core business also provides for assessment and implementation of offshore oil and gas exploration and development, including negotiating necessary fiscal, regulatory and environmental management arrangements with the federal government. Transfers are provided for investigation of offshore oil and gas development. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 20--MINISTRY OPERATIONS ............... 26,777 32,390 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES 89 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 21 - CONTRACTS AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Contracts and Funding Arrangements. CONTRACTS AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Resource Revenue Sharing Agreements ......... 2,500 2,500 Columbia Basin Trust ........................ 2,000 2,000 Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement ........................ 20,850 19,740 ------ ------ 25,350 24,240 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Special Account ........................... 214 -- ------ ------ 25,564 24,240 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides transfers for First Nations to share revenue received from petroleum, natural gas, and minerals extraction in accordance with the federal/provincial agreement, as specified under the FORT NELSON INDIAN RESERVE MINERALS REVENUE SHARING ACT and agreements with other First Nations; for the Columbia Basin Trust for operating expenses; and for the Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Special Account, which was created by the VANCOUVER ISLAND NATURAL GAS PIPELINE ACT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 21--CONTRACTS AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS 25,350 24,240 STATUTORY--VANCOUVER ISLAND NATURAL GAS PIPELINE SPECIAL ACCOUNT .................. 214 -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 22 - BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriation under the core business British Columbia Utilities Commission. BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION VOTED APPROPRIATION British Columbia Utilities Commission ....... 1 1 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the commission as outlined under the UTILITIES COMMISSION ACT. Transfers are made to reimburse some participants for costs related to commission proceedings. Costs of the commission are fully recovered from regulated entities, hearing and project applicants, and others. VOTE 22-- BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION 1 1 ====== ====== MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 16,414 17,240 Operating Costs ............................. 11,608 17,152 Government Transfers ........................ 26,929 26,287 Other Expenses .............................. 685 685 External Recoveries ......................... (3,294) (4,733) ------ ------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 52,342 56,631 ====== ====== MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES 91 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VANCOUVER ISLAND NATURAL GAS PIPELINE This account was created by authority of the VANCOUVER ISLAND NATURAL GAS PIPELINE ACT. Of the original $80,000,000 authorized for this account, $25,000,000 was disbursed as loans in 1990/91 and 1991/92 for capital construction of the pipeline to Vancouver Island. As of March 31, 2003, the full remaining balance of the account will be expended for the provision of financial assistance for the conversion of oil, propane, and other fuel-fired appliances to the use of natural gas. Expenses to the account have consisted of transfers for persons that have applied and qualified for financial assistance. No interest or other revenue is credited to the account. Administration costs have been funded through the Ministry Operations Vote. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ............... 934 -- ====== ===== OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... -- -- Expense ..................................... (214) -- ------ ----- Net Revenue (Expense) ....................... (214) -- Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) ...... (720) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ....................... -- -- ------ ----- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............... -- -- ------ ----- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............... -- -- ====== ===== - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 92 MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTS AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS COLUMBIA BASIN ACCORD -- Disbursements are for an investment in the Columbia Power Corporation and the Columbia Basin Trust for power projects to be undertaken pursuant to the province's agreements with the Columbia Basin Trust. Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements ............................... 50,000 50,000 ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. (50,000) (50,000) ======= ======= REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES OIL AND GAS COMMISSION ACT -- Disbursements are provided by the province to the Oil and Gas Commission under the OIL AND GAS COMMISSION ACT with respect to oil and gas industry fees collected under the PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS ACT and the PIPELINE ACT, and the levy assessed under the Oil and Gas Commission Levy Regulation. Receipts .................................... 17,800 17,800 Disbursements ............................... 17,800 17,800 ------ ------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. -- -- ====== ====== [LOGO] MINISTRY OF FINANCE The mission of the Ministry of Finance is to develop a sustainable fiscal plan, to prudently manage government finances, and to create a sound policy and regulatory framework that supports the creation of a strong and vibrant economy. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 23--Ministry Operations .............. 41,845 39,249 Vote 24--Public Sector Employers' Council . 14,812 14,812 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Provincial Treasury Revenue Program Special Account ......................... -- -- Unclaimed Property Special Account ........ 931 809 ------ ------ OPERATING EXPENSE 57,588 54,870 ====== ====== - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 5,158 5,876 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 602 548 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) for comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 94 MINISTRY OF FINANCE CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE BUSINESS Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis .............. 7,982 6,486 (4) 6,482 Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting (includes special account) ................................... 7,683 7,261 (200) 7,061 Treasury (includes special account) .......................... 1 11,957 (11,956) 1 Financial and Corporate Sector Services ...................... 8,850 18,462 (10,410) 8,052 Executive and Support Services ............................... 18,260 18,718 (256) 18,462 Public Sector Employers Council .............................. 14,812 14,837 (25) 14,812 ------ ------ ------- ------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................... 57,588 77,721 (22,851) 54,870 ====== ====== ======= ====== CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis .............. 175 45 -- 45 Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting (includes special account) ................................. 310 150 -- 150 Treasury (includes special account) .......................... 1,443 1,848 -- 1,848 Financial and Corporate Sector Services ...................... 2,351 2,764 -- 2,764 Executive and Support Services ............................... 876 816 -- 816 Public Sector Employers Council .............................. 3 253 -- 253 ------ ------ ----- ------ TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................. 5,158 5,876 -- 5,876 ====== ====== ===== ====== MINISTRY OF FINANCE 95 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 23 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis, Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting, Treasury, Financial and Corporate Sector Services, and Executive and Support Services. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND ANALYSIS VOTED APPROPRIATION Treasury Board Staff Operations ............. 7,982 6,482 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of Treasury Board Staff Operations. Major responsibilities include financial, economic, revenue, capital, taxation, intergovernmental fiscal relations advice to government and risk management as it pertains to the fiscal framework. Costs are partially recovered from parties external to government for services provided on their behalf. This sub-vote also provides for the management of the provincial government budget, service plan and service plan report processes; production of various financial and economic documents, including the Estimates and Budget and Fiscal Plan; and operation and maintenance of financial and economic models to support decision-making within government. FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE, ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Comptroller General Operations .............. 6,751 6,251 Internal Audit and Advisory Services ........ 1 1 ----- ----- 6,752 6,252 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Unclaimed Property Special Account .......... 931 809 ----- ----- 7,683 7,061 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the Office of the Comptroller General. Major responsibilities include: reporting on financial transactions including ad hoc, monthly and quarterly financial reporting and Public Accounts; governance over financial management and procurement legislation, policy and procedures; analysis and advice on financial administration, accounting and procurement policy issues and process improvements; post-payment compliance and payment diversion; provision of internal audit and management advisory services pertaining to internal financial and management controls; performance management, accountability, and risk management; special audit investigations; and provision of pre- and post-implementation reviews of major information technology systems; recoveries are received from ministries and Crown corporations for internal audit services. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Unclaimed Property Special Account which is governed under the UNCLAIMED PROPERTY ACT, 1999. 96 MINISTRY OF FINANCE OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURY VOTED APPROPRIATION Provincial Treasury Operations .............. 1 1 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Provincial Treasury Revenue Program Special Account ........................... -- -- ------- ------ 1 1 ======= ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for debt management for the government and its Crown corporations and agencies; support for corporate and project finance initiatives and for management of settlement operations; forecasting, reporting and analysis services relating to the provincial debt. Services are cost recovered from Crown corporations and agencies, other government ministries and other clients internal and external to government. This sub-vote also provides for banking and cash management services on a cost recovery basis to Banking/Cash Management Branch clients, including Crown corporations and the government. Services include contract negotiation and management; credit facilities; Consolidated Revenue Fund management; payment and revenue collection services; direction and support to government clients for electronic banking and payment services; and implementation support and monitoring for card services. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Provincial Treasury Revenue Program Special Account. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SECTOR SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Financial and Corporate Sector Policy ....... 759 859 Financial Institutions Commission ........... 1 1 Registries .................................. 8,090 7,192 ----- ----- 8,850 8,052 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the Financial Institutions Commission and the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation. It provides for the administrative costs of regulating credit unions, trust companies, insurance companies, pension plans and captive insurance companies; administration of the REAL ESTATE ACT, the MORTGAGE BROKERS ACT, the STRATA PROPERTY ACT and related activities; and administrative costs of the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Fund, and related activities. This sub-vote also provides for the registration of all business entities, non-profit organizations and cooperatives that operate in British Columbia; maintenance of registries of security interests (liens) in personal property; the ownership and location of manufactured homes in the province; and the operation of the Auditor Certification Board under the COMPANY ACT. This sub-vote also provides for policy analysis and advice to government regarding the financial and corporate sectors and the legal frameworks applicable to companies, societies, partnerships, condominiums, and the use of personal property as collateral for loans and various liens. Costs are partially recovered from parties external to government. MINISTRY OF FINANCE 97 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 529 529 Corporate Services .......................... 17,731 17,933 ------ ------ 18,260 18,462 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Finance, for executive and administration support for the ministry, including financial, human resources, information and systems management, freedom of information and privacy services, and funding in support of Partnerships British Columbia. It also provides for payment of travel expenses, including prescribed allowances to members of the Executive Council, Parliamentary Secretaries, and related staff pursuant to Section 7 of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ALLOWANCE AND PENSION ACT. This sub-vote also provides for certain expenses incurred for the Office of the Premier; occupancy and related costs for the Executive Council and Intergovernmental Relations; and support for Government House. Recoveries are received from parties external and internal to government for ministry services. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 23 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 41,845 39,249 STATUTORY -- PROVINCIAL TREASURY REVENUE PROGRAM SPECIAL ACCOUNT -- -- STATUTORY -- UNCLAIMED PROPERTY SPECIAL ACCOUNT 931 809 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 MINISTRY OF FINANCE OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 24 - PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS' COUNCIL This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Public Sector Employers' Council. PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS' COUNCIL VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Public Sector Employers' Council ............ 1,939 1,939 Employer Associations ....................... 12,873 12,873 ------ ------ 14,812 14,812 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the Public Sector Employers' Council and the Council Secretariat, as established under the PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS ACT (PSEA), and includes salaries and remuneration of the secretariat staff, government's financial contributions to employer associations established under the PSEA, and related expenses. The council sets and coordinates strategic directions in human resource management and labour relations, and advises government with respect to labour relations, pensions and compensation-related issues in the public sector. Costs are partially recovered from pension boards. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 24-- PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS' COUNCIL 14,812 14,812 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 39,201 38,876 Operating Costs ............................. 25,727 26,440 Government Transfers ........................ 15,018 15,018 Other Expenses .............................. 11,740 11,905 Internal Recoveries ......................... (18,897) (14,518) External Recoveries ......................... (15,201) (22,851) ------ ------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 57,588 54,870 ------ ------ ------ ------ MINISTRY OF FINANCE 99 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCIAL TREASURY REVENUE PROGRAM This account was established in 1990 by amendments to the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT, and provides for revenue generated from financial agreements managed by the Ministry of Finance. Net revenue (expense) represents the net income (deficiency) from the Provincial Treasury revenue program in the Management of Public Funds and Debt vote. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .............. 8,296 9,096 ===== ===== OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 517 310 Expense ..................................... -- -- ----- ----- Net Revenue (Expense) ..................... 517 310 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) 283 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ....................... -- -- ----- ----- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. -- -- ----- ----- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2)................ 9,096 9,406 ===== ===== NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 100 MINISTRY OF FINANCE SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNCLAIMED PROPERTY This statutory appropriation was created by the UNCLAIMED PROPERTY ACT, 1999. The purpose of the legislation is to reunite owners with their unclaimed property held by government and others. Revenues represent unclaimed money deposits, and any unclaimed property remitted to government by holders under section 12 of the UNCLAIMED PROPERTY ACT, and related fees. Expenses from the account represent claims paid out to owners, and all costs associated with the administration of the Act and regulations. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ................ 5,045 5,000 ===== ===== OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 2,500 2,500 Expense ..................................... (931) (809) ----- ----- Net Revenue (Expense) ....................... 1,569 1,691 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) 641 Return to the General Fund .................. (2,285) (1,683) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... (145) (10) Disbursements - Other ....................... -- -- ----- ----- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............... (145) (10) Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Cash Source (Requirement) ...................... 145 Working Capital adjustments 2 ............... 30 2 ----- ----- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR 3 ............. 5,000 5,000 ===== ===== NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (3) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> [LOGO] MINISTRY OF FORESTS The mission of the Ministry of Forests is to protect and manage our public forests for the sustained benefit of all British Columbians. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 25--Ministry Operations ............. 345,142 312,230 Vote 26--Forest Investment ............... 146,000 110,000 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS BC Timber Sales Special Account ........... 124,019 138,179 Forest Stand Management Fund Special Account ......................... 2,293 1,490 South Moresby Forest Replacement Special Account ......................... 3,828 3,000 ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE 621,282 564,899 ------- ------- ------- ------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 17,320 15,690 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) 6,880 34,610 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 3,470 3,070 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 102 MINISTRY OF FORESTS CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE BUSINESS Forest Protection ............................................ 111,452 112,117 (11,851) 100,266 Stewardship of Forest Resources (includes special accounts) .. 69,518 52,999 (2,117) 50,882 Pricing and Selling Timber ................................... 81,307 70,600 -- 70,600 Compliance and Enforcement ................................... 34,288 30,048 -- 30,048 Executive and Support Services ............................... 54,698 65,049 (125) 64,924 Forest Investment ............................................ 146,000 113,500 (3,500) 110,000 BC Timber Sales (special account) ............................ 124,019 138,179 -- 138,179 ------- ------- ------ ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE..................................... 621,282 582,492 (17,593) 564,899 ======= ======= ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Forest Protection ............................................ 2,980 2,430 -- 2,430 Stewardship of Forest Resources (includes special accounts) .. 5,605 3,178 -- 3,178 Pricing and Selling Timber ................................... 4,567 4,933 -- 4,933 Compliance and Enforcement ................................... 1,951 2,366 -- 2,366 Executive and Support Services ............................... 1,207 2,103 -- 2,103 BC Timber Sales (special account) ............................ 1,010 680 -- 680 ----- ----- ----- ----- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................... 17,320 15,690 -- 15,690 ====== ====== ===== ====== LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS BC Timber Sales (special account) ............................ 6,880 34,610 -- 34,610 ----- ------ ------ ------ TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 6,880 34,610 -- 34,610 ===== ====== ====== ====== MINISTRY OF FORESTS 103 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 25 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Forest Protection, Stewardship of Forest Resources, Pricing and Selling Timber, Compliance and Enforcement, and Executive and Support Services. FOREST PROTECTION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Direct Fire ................................ 55,380 55,380 Fire Preparedness .......................... 45,712 37,161 Forest Health .............................. 10,360 7,725 ------- ------- 111,452 100,266 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for forest protection, including fire prevention control in accordance with applicable legislation throughout the province, including: (a) Direct Fire - provides for control and suppression of wild fires and EX GRATIA payments related to these activities. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services are recovered from other agencies and levels of government, provinces, countries, companies, organizations and individuals; (b) Fire Preparedness - provides for fire prevention; the infrastructure, personnel, equipment and supplies required to maintain a consistent state of readiness to control and suppress wild fires: and associated research and development. Transfers are provided to promote fire safety and awareness. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services may be recovered from other agencies and levels of government, provinces, countries, companies, organizations, and individuals, and from annual rents paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund by timber licence holders; and (c) Forest Health - provides for forest health activities in Parks and Protected Areas, some viewscapes, urban areas, and other special sites. STEWARDSHIP OF FOREST RESOURCES VOTED APPROPRIATION Stewardship of Forest Resources ............. 63,397 46,392 ------ ------ 63,397 46,392 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Forest Stand Management Fund Special Account ......................... 2,293 1,490 South Moresby Forest Replacement Special Account ......................... 3,828 3,000 ------ ------ 69,518 50,882 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for provincial forest and range land stewardship and management at provincial, regional and district levels including forest and range practices, timber supply planning and determination, range planning and management, control of invasive alien plants, recreation, forest health management, applied research, and forest gene resource management. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services may be recovered from other ministries and levels of governments, agencies, organizations, and individuals. STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Forest Stand Management Fund Special Account and for the South Moresby Forest Replacement Special Account. 104 MINISTRY OF FORESTS OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING AND SELLING TIMBER VOTED APPROPRIATION Pricing and Selling Timber .................. 81,307 70,600 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for headquarters, regional and district activities related to timber tenure administration, timber pricing, and access to markets; meeting obligations with First Nations; and building and maintaining the forest services roads and bridge infrastructure to provide access to timber. Transfers are provided for the promotion of integrated management of forest and rangelands. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services may be recovered from other ministries and levels of governments, agencies, organizations, and individuals. COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Compliance and Enforcement .................. 34,288 30,048 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for all activities related to upholding British Columbia laws to protect the province's forest and range resources under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Forests including: enforcing environmental standards for forest and range management for government and forest and range tenure holders; enforcing revenue policies; combating forest crimes; enforcing regulations to minimize fire, pests, and other agents; and enforcing rules governing the use of forest service recreation sites and trails. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 611 618 Corporate Governance ........................ 54,087 49,306 First Nations' Participation ................ -- 15,000 ------ ------ 54,698 64,924 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for executive direction and related support services to the ministry including: the office of the Minister of Forests, including salaries, benefits, allowances, and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff; and corporate governance and service delivery activities for strategic policy, performance management, legislation development, First Nations' participation, finance, human resources, freedom of information, executive and executive support, regional and district management, continuous improvement, best practices initiatives, and information technology strategy and central infrastructure. Transfers are provided for the integrated management of forest and rangelands and First Nations' participation in the forest economy. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services may be recovered from other ministries and levels of governments, agencies, organizations, and individuals. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 25--MINISTRY OPERATIONS 345,142 312,230 STATUTORY--FOREST STAND MANAGEMENT FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT 2,293 1,490 STATUTORY--SOUTH MORESBY FOREST REPLACEMENT SPECIAL ACCOUNT 3,828 3,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF FORESTS 105 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 26 - FOREST INVESTMENT This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Forest Investment. FOREST INVESTMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Forest Investment ........................... 146,000 110,000 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation and management of forest resource planning, research and investments, and product development and marketing including: the development of objectives and standards for, and third party administration of, land-based investments and for planning and delivery of land-based activities by the forest industry; the development of objectives and standards for, and third party administration of, delivery of land-based investments on the crown portion of Woodlot licence and Community Forest Agreement areas; the completion of strategic land use plans for areas across the province and for preparation of landscape/watershed level sustainable resource management plans; high priority operational research activities identified by the forest industry, research community and government; the development and provision of genetically well-adapted, high quality reforestation material from natural sources and through the conservation of our forest gene resources; product development, technology transfer and the fibre access needs of the secondary manufacturing industry; and activities that are intended to develop new markets and maintain existing international markets for British Columbia forest products. Transfers are provided for seed and gene conservation. Costs related to the provision of supplies and services may be recovered from other levels of government, agencies, organizations, and individuals. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 26--FOREST INVESTMENT 146,000 110,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 MINISTRY OF FORESTS OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUTORY -- BC TIMBER SALES SPECIAL ACCOUNT (FORMERLY SMALL BUSINESS FOREST ENTERPRISE PROGRAM SPECIAL ACCOUNT) This statutory account provides for programs and operations described in the statutory appropriations under the core business BC Timber Sales. BC TIMBER SALES STATUTORY APPROPRIATION BC Timber Sales Special Account ............. 124,019 138,179 ======= ======= STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the BC Timber Sales Special Account. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUTORY--BC TIMBER SALES SPECIAL ACCOUNT 124,019 138,179 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 226,848 167,921 Operating Costs ............................. 397,884 397,881 Government Transfers ........................ 4,438 17,836 Other Expenses .............................. 40,898 1,890 Internal Recoveries ......................... (42,044) (3,036) External Recoveries ......................... (6,742) (17,593) ------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 621,282 564,899 ======= ======= MINISTRY OF FORESTS 107 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BC TIMBER SALES (FORMERLY SMALL BUSINESS FOREST ENTERPRISE PROGRAM SPECIAL ACCOUNT) This account was established in 1988 through an amendment to section 109 of the FOREST ACT. The purpose of the account is to identify all revenues incidental to the operation of BC Timber Sales and to provide an ongoing source of funds to defray the costs of the program. Revenue is collected from the following sources: upset stumpage; bonus stumpage; annual fees and billings (annual rent, trespass charges, scaling fees, and registration fees) incidental to the operation of the program; and sales of logs. Expenses are for: preparing forest development plans and logging plans; assessments required to formulate these plans for timber sale licences; costs of meeting requirements in accordance with applicable legislation; construction and maintenance of logging roads and bridges; costs of developing timber sales for auction; protection of forests; administration; costs of selling timber and logs; and other forest management requirements incidental to the program. Revenue in excess of current expenses and outstanding obligations is transferred to the General Fund. Disbursements reflect capitalizable costs incurred for development of timber for sale in future years. These costs are recovered from future sales revenue. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ................ 124,666 120,882 OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 208,090 281,500 Expense ..................................... (124,019) (138,179) -------- -------- Net Revenue (Expense) ..................... 84,071 143,321 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense)(2).. 54,374 Return to the General Fund .................. (166,928) (107,447) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... (1,010) (680) Disbursements - Other(3)..................... (6,880) (34,610) -------- -------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. (7,890) (35,290) Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Cash Source (Requirement)(2)........................... 30,815 Working Capital adjustments(4)............... 1,774 153 -------- -------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(5)............. 120,882 121,619 ======== ======== - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Forecast net revenue and net cash receipts are significantly higher than budget primarily due to higher than expected harvest volumes (up 26 percent to 12.2 million cubic meters). (3) The significant year over year increase reflects a change in accounting estimate to include direct labour and an applicable share of overhead costs in the cost of inventory (i.e., timber developed for sale). Direct labour and overhead were previously expensed as period costs. (4) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (5) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 108 MINISTRY OF FORESTS SPECIAL ACCOUNT (1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREST STAND MANAGEMENT FUND This account was originally established as a fund by the FOREST STAND MANAGEMENT FUND ACT, 1986, and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 1988. Revenue is provided by contributions from municipalities, the forest industry, forest sector unions and others; through money collected in accordance with applicable legislation; penalties levied in accordance with applicable legislation; and from stumpage levies. Expenses provide for enhanced management of British Columbia's forest and range lands, for silviculture work and costs related to environmental remediation performed in accordance with applicable legislation, to defray the costs of investigating contraventions of applicable legislation, to defray fire suppression costs relating to contraventions of applicable legislation where a penalty has been levied in respect of the contravention, and for reforestation and road deactivation in areas subject to stumpage levies. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ................ 13,881 15,377 ------ ------ OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue .................................... 2,051 3,674 Expense .................................... (2,293) (1,490) ------ ------ Net Revenue (Expense) .................... (242) 2,184 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense).... 1,738 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital .................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ...................... -- -- ------ ------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............ -- -- ------ ------ PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR (2).......... 15,377 17,561 ====== ====== - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> MINISTRY OF FORESTS 109 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 SOUTH MORESBY FOREST REPLACEMENT This account was established by the SOUTH MORESBY IMPLEMENTATION ACT in 1988. The purpose of this account is to offset the decrease in forest land available for harvest due to the creation of South Moresby National Park by funding incremental silviculture and other activities on coastal forest lands. This account may receive contributions from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, the federal government and accrued interest. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .............. 24,702 24,536 -------- ---------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................................................... 404 711 Expense ..................................................................... (3,828) (3,000) -------- ---------- Net Revenue (Expense) ..................................................... (3,424) (2,289) Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) 3,258 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ....................................................... -- -- -------- ---------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................. -- -- -------- ---------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ....... 24,536 22,247 -------- ---------- -------- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the Supply Act. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING The mission of the Ministry of Health Planning is to guide and enhance the province's health services in order to ensure British Columbians are supported in their efforts to maintain and improve their health. The top priorities of the two health ministries will be to fulfil the government's New Era vision of saving and renewing public health care and providing high quality public health care services that meet patients' most essential needs. <Table> <Caption> MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 27 - Ministry Operations.................................... 16,071 17,069 Vote 28 - Vital Statistics....................................... 7,109 7,085 ---------- ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 23,180 24,154 ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 1,578 600 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 215 209 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 112 MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- -------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Stewardship and Corporate Management 16,071 17,144 (75) 17,069 Services Delivered by Ministry ..... 7,109 7,492 (407) 7,085 -------- -------- ------ -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE........... 23,180 24,636 (482) 24,154 -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Services Delivered by Ministry...... 1,578 600 -- 600 ------ ------------- -------- ----- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ....... 1,578 600 -- 600 ------ ------------- -------- ----- ------ ------------- -------- ----- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING 113 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 27 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Stewardship and Corporate Management. STEWARDSHIP AND CORPORATE MANAGEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office................................. 467 467 Program Management and Corporate Services......... 15,604 16,602 -------- -------- 16,071 17,069 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Health Planning and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. This sub-vote also provides for stewardship and corporate management functions such as: development of the policy and legislative framework for the health system; development of long-term healthcare plans; monitoring and regulation of professional associations; and public health reports on population health through the Provincial Health Officer. Central financial and operational management is provided by the Ministry of Health Services. Transfers are provided to other levels of government, agencies and organizations complementing ministry-funded programs. Recoveries are made from other levels of government for services provided by the ministry. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 27 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 16,071 17,069 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> 114 MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 28 - VITAL STATISTICS (SPECIAL OPERATING AGENCY) This vote provides for programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Services Delivered by Ministry. SERVICES DELIVERED BY MINISTRY VOTED APPROPRIATION Vital Statistics................................. 7,109 7,085 -------- ------- -------- ------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for expenses of the Special Operating Agency responsible for the administration, registration, record maintenance, certification, statistical analysis and reporting of births, deaths and marriages occurring in the province. Transfers are provided to various individuals, groups, and agencies that provide services on behalf of the Vital Statistics Agency. Recoveries are received as a result of the provision of services for genealogy, pre-adoption records, non-statutory certifications and data extraction, to provincial government ministries, to agencies, to other levels of government and to the public. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 28 -- VITAL STATISTICS (SPECIAL OPERATING AGENCY) 7,109 7,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 14,154 14,260 Operating Costs ............................. 7,409 8,185 Government Transfers ........................ 2,377 2,469 Internal Recoveries ......................... (278) (278) External Recoveries ......................... (482) (482) -------- -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 23,180 24,154 -------- -------- -------- -------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLANNING 115 VITAL STATISTICS The Vital Statistics Agency (the Agency) provides a system for the registration and certification of vital events for the Province of British Columbia. The Agency's mandate is established in a number of pieces of legislation including the VITAL STATISTICS ACT, the MARRIAGE ACT and the NAME ACT. The Agency provides a direct public service role by producing vital event certificates and documents to the public. The Agency also provides vital event data, statistical reports and health status indicators to support the needs of the Ministry, the provincial and federal governments, regional health care administrators and researchers in planning for and managing health care initiatives. Goals 1. To fulfil the requirements of the legislation administered by the Agency, effectively and efficiently and in a manner that meets the service quality expectations of its clients. 2. To participate in an advisory capacity to the Identity and Vital Statistics Councils for Canada and to implement vital event registration and certification standards as established by those organizations to improve the identification process in Canada and address national security issues related to identification. 3. To produce health status indicators and statistical information in support of the ministry's population health goals in a manner that meets the service quality expectations of these clients. 4. To expand the provision of alternate service delivery methods. 5. To meet the accountability objectives established in agency business plans as agreed upon by Treasury Board, the Ministry and the Agency. <Table> <Caption> - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFORMANCE MEASURES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL FORECAST TARGET TARGET TARGET 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Revenue ($000) ............... 9,941 10,059 9,842 9,807 9,857 Allowance for doubtful accounts ... (20) (22) (25) (25) (25) Less commissions .................. (713) (731) (757) (758) (758) --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- Revenue(1) ($000) .................. 9,208 9,306 9,060 9,024 9,074 --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- Expense ($000) ..................... 7,048 7,068 7,085 6,935 6,935 Volumes: Certificates ...................... 221,024 228,750 229,243 230,303 230,650 Registrations ..................... 130,719 121,690 126,900 125,400 127,000 Wills, Notices and Searches ....... 65,274 64,198 60,300 59,400 55,000 Gross Unit Costs: Certificates ...................... $ 14.88 $ 14.78 $ 14.71 $ 14.64 $ 14.60 Registrations ..................... $ 14.41 $ 14.32 $ 14.25 $ 14.18 $ 14.14 Wills, Notices and Searches ....... $ 8.93 $ 8.98 $ 8.71 $ 8.67 $ 8.90 Turnaround times (days to complete): Certificates ...................... 3 3 5 5 5 Registrations ..................... 40 43 40 35 35 Wills, Notices and Searches ....... 4 4 3 2 2 Customer satisfaction (% acceptable to excellent) ........ 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) Revenue represents fees and licences charged by the Vital Statistics Agency for the provision of its services net of commissions and allowances for doubtful accounts. <Page> [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES The mission of the Ministry of Health Services is to guide and enhance the province's health services in order to ensure British Columbians are supported in their efforts to maintain and improve their health. The top priorities of the two health ministries will be to fulfill the government's New Era vision of saving and renewing public health care and providing high quality public health care services that meet patients' most essential needs. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 29 -- Ministry Operations................................ 10,041,466 10,038,097 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Health Special Account........................................ 144,500 147,250 Medical and Health Care Services Special Account ............. 15,000 -- Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote ................ (15,000) -- ----------- ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 10,185,966 10,185,347 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) 272,900 202,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 19,962 16,031 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) (1,362) (2,034) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 2,616 2,525 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 118 MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ---------- --------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Services Delivered by Partners (includes special account) ....... 9,871,481 10,005,873 (115,563) 9,890,310 Services Delivered by Ministry .................................. 202,660 205,334 (1,200) 204,134 Recoveries from Health Special Account (includes special account) -- -- -- -- Stewardship and Corporate Management ............................ 111,825 90,903 -- 90,903 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ....................................... 10,185,966 10,302,110 (116,763) 10,185,347 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Services Delivered by Partners................................... 272,900 202,500 -- 202,500 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- TOTAL PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES................................. 272,900 202,500 -- 202,500 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Services Delivered by Ministry................................... 10,155 7,843 -- 7,843 Stewardship and Corporate Management............................. 9,807 8,188 -- 8,188 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES..................................... 19,962 16,031 -- 16,031 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Services Delivered by Partners................................... (1,362) -- (2,034) (2,034) ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS................................................... (1,362) -- (2,034) (2,034) ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES 119 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 29 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Services Delivered by Partners, Services Delivered by Ministry, Recoveries from Health Special Account, and Stewardship and Corporate Management. SERVICES DELIVERED BY PARTNERS <Table> <Caption> VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Regional Health Sector Funding............................ 6,348,689 6,419,004 Medical Services Plan...................................... 2,515,599 2,551,892 Pharmacare................................................. 701,903 614,014 Debt Service Costs......................................... 178,790 172,300 Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances................... 126,500 133,100 ---------- ---------- 9,871,481 9,890,310 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Medical and Health Care Services Special Account........... 15,000 -- Less: Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............... (15,000) -- ---------- ---------- 9,871,481 9,890,310 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides funding for, or on behalf of, system partners who are responsible for the administration, operation and delivery of health programs and services in the province. Regional Health Sector Funding provides for the management and delivery of health services, including mental health services to adults, public and preventive health services, acute care services, provincial programs and home and community care services. This includes funding for operations, minor equipment and minor capital improvements. Transfers are provided and services delivered to, or on behalf of, health authorities, individuals, and other organizations such as Canadian Blood Services. Recoveries are received from other levels of government and other organizations for services provided by the ministry. Medical Services Plan provides transfers for eligible services provided by medical practitioners, health care practitioners and diagnostic facilities, on a fee-for-service basis or alternative contractual basis and other recruitment, retention, training and planning initiatives with respect to physicians. Payments for these services and initiatives are in accordance with the MEDICARE PROTECTION ACT and agreements with professional associations and health authorities. Recoveries are received to reimburse the Medical Services Plan for claims that are the responsibility of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, Workers' Compensation Board and other third parties and from other levels of government for services provided by the ministry. Pharmacare provides transfers to individuals, agencies or other organizations for the full or partial cost of designated prescription drugs, dispensing fees, ostomy supplies, prosthetic appliances and other approved items, as well as for services that complement Pharmacare programs. Debt Service Costs provides for the provincial government's share of debt servicing costs related to health facility and equipment capital projects. Sinking fund assets, which are used to retire existing debt obligations, earn interest that is netted against debt service costs. Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances provides for the amortization of funds advanced for health facility and equipment capital projects. STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Medical and Health Care Services Special Account which is governed under the MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT ACT. <Page> 120 MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES DELIVERED BY MINISTRY VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Emergency Health Services........................................ 187,566 190,540 Health Benefits Operations....................................... 15,094 13,594 ----------- ---------- 202,660 204,134 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides funding for the administration, operation and delivery of specified services delivered directly to the public. Emergency Health Services provides for the administration, operation and delivery of emergency health services, including ground and air ambulance services, as well as for training, examination of emergency medical personnel, and amortization expense related to capital assets. Transfers are provided to agencies for ambulance services to the public on behalf of the Emergency Health Services Commission. Recoveries are received from organizations for the use of ambulances and attendants and from the Medical Services Plan for medical services provided on a contractual basis. Health Benefit Operations provides for the administration of the Medical Services Plan and Pharmacare programs, including the enrolment of eligible British Columbia residents to ensure they have access to publicly funded health care, managing the premium assistance program, processing claims for medically required services provided by physicians, diagnostic and laboratory facilities, certain supplementary benefits practitioners, and eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies. Central financial and operational management, including information systems, is funded within the Stewardship and Corporate Management sub-vote. Recoveries are received from other agencies and ministries, such as the Workers' Compensation Board and Ministry of Human Resources, for the processing costs of claims covered by these parties. RECOVERIES FROM HEALTH SPECIAL ACCOUNT <Table> <Caption> VOTED APPROPRIATION Recoveries from Health Special Account........................... (144,500) (147,250) ----------- ---------- (144,500) (147,250) STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Health Special Account........................................... 144,500 147,250 ----------- ---------- -- -- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for recoveries from the Health Special Account. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Health Special Account which is governed under the HEALTH SPECIAL ACCOUNT ACT. <Page> MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES 121 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEWARDSHIP AND CORPORATE MANAGEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministers' Office................................................ 1,042 1,042 Program Management and Corporate Services........................ 110,783 89,861 ----------- ---------- 111,825 90,903 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Health Services and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff; salaries, benefits and allowances for the Minister of State for Mental Health, the Minister of State for Intermediate, Long Term and Home Care and the ministers' staff. This sub-vote also provides for stewardship and corporate management functions such as: direction to health authorities and other health providers; support to partners in delivering healthcare services; monitoring of health authority compliance and performance; central financial and operational management services of the ministry; general services to support program delivery; and assistance to the Ministry of Health Planning. Transfers are provided to agencies and organizations complementing ministry-funded programs. Recoveries are received from other levels of government for services provided by the ministry. <Table> <Caption> - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 29 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 10,041,466 10,038,097 STATUTORY -- HEALTH SPECIAL ACCOUNT 144,500 147,250 STATUTORY -- MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT 15,000 -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits 191,225 178,305 Operating Costs 255,060 254,919 Government Transfers 9,680,092 9,696,563 Other Expenses 338,636 319,896 Internal Recoveries (159,820) (147,573) External Recoveries (119,227) (116,763) ------------ ------------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 10,185,966 10,185,347 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> 122 MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH SPECIAL ACCOUNT This account was established by the HEALTH SPECIAL ACCOUNT ACT, 1992. Administered by the Ministry of Health Services, the account provides for the allocation of a portion of British Columbia Lottery Corporation revenues and may include revenues from the winding down of the Healthcare Labour Adjustment Society, to fund the administration, operation, and delivery of health care, health research, health promotion and health education services. Expenditures of the Special Account represent transfers to the Ministry Operations Vote. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ...... -- -- ----------- ----------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ............................................................. 144,500 147,250 Expense ............................................................. (144,500) (147,250) ----------- ----------- Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................. -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ............................................................ -- -- Disbursements - Capital ............................................. -- -- Disbursements - Other ............................................... -- -- ----------- ----------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ..................................... -- -- ----------- ----------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) -- -- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES 123 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT This account was established by the MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES SPECIAL ACCOUNT ACT, 1994, and is administered by the Ministry of Health Services. The purpose of the account is to facilitate arrangements to manage year-to-year fluctuations in payments by the Medical Services Plan to members of various health care professions. These arrangements are established by regulation or are contained in agreements between the government and the professions under the authority of the MEDICARE PROTECTION ACT. Revenue is provided from voted appropriations and consists of unused portions of the available amount for each profession and from any amount specified by an agreement. Expenses may be made where savings from under-utilization in prior years are applied to offset over-utilization in a subsequent year or specified by an agreement. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .................... 6,248 306 --------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ........................................................................... 15,000 -- Expense ........................................................................... (15,000) -- --------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) ........................................................... -- -- Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) ... (5,942) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .......................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ........................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ............................................................. -- -- --------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ................................................... -- -- --------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............. 306 306 --------- --------- --------- --------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> 124 MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES DELIVERED BY PARTNERS HEALTH INNOVATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM -- Loans (disbursements) are no longer provided to health authorities or other health agencies. Receipts represent repayment by health authorities of the loans (disbursements) made in previous years. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts ............................................. 1,362 2,034 Disbursements ........................................ -- -- -------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ...................... 1,362 2,034 -------- --------- -------- --------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES DELIVERED BY PARTNERS PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES -- Disbursements are provided for approved health facilities and equipment capital projects. Receipts.............................................. -- -- Disbursements......................................... 272,900 202,500 -------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement)....................... (272,900) (202,500) -------- --------- -------- --------- <Page> [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES The mission of the Ministry of Human Resources is to provide services that move people towards sustainable employment and assist individuals and families in need. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 30 -- Ministry Operations ........................... 1,671,801 1,417,493 ----------- ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 1,671,801 1,417,493 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 21,380 15,328 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 2,599 2,310 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 126 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ---------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Employment Programs ................................... 110,108 111,231 (1,123) 110,108 Temporary Assistance .................................. 699,164 453,352 (2,100) 451,252 Continuous Assistance ................................. 449,200 445,150 (800) 444,350 Supplementary Assistance .............................. 185,989 199,136 (3,350) 195,786 Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal ............. 2,241 2,417 -- 2,417 Executive and Support Services ........................ 225,099 213,590 (10) 213,580 ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................... 1,671,801 1,424,876 (7,383) 1,417,493 ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal ............. -- 35 -- 35 Executive and Support Services ........................ 21,380 15,293 -- 15,293 -------- -------- -------- -------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ............................ 21,380 15,328 -- 15,328 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES 127 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 30 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following six core businesses: Employment Programs, Temporary Assistance, Continuous Assistance, Supplementary Assistance, Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal, and Executive and Support Services. EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS VOTED APPROPRIATION Employment Programs .............................. 110,108 110,108 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for programs for clients with employment plans to assist them to find sustainable employment and may include directed job search, job placement programs and/or specific training for employment. It also provides for specialized programs that support persons with disabilities. Transfers are made to organizations, corporations and individuals in support of employment programs, including transfers under the federal-provincial Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Agreement. Recoveries may be received from the federal government for specialized employment programs. This sub-vote also provides for salaries and benefits for persons with disabilities receiving on-the-job training under the Public Service Training Program. TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE VOTED APPROPRIATION Temporary Assistance ............................. 699,164 451,252 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for temporary assistance to eligible individuals who are capable of financial independence through employment. Those unable to work because of a short-term medical condition, because they are a single parent caring for a young child, or because they are caring for a disabled family member may be temporarily excused from seeking employment. This sub-vote also provides for persons with disabilities who are expected to work. Transfers are made to individuals in support of these activities. Recoveries are received from assignments authorized by the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT and the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, and from repayable assistance and overpayments. CONTINUOUS ASSISTANCE VOTED APPROPRIATION Continuous Assistance ............................ 449,200 444,350 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for continuous assistance to eligible individuals who are not expected to gain financial independence through employment; this includes those with multiple barriers to employment. Transfers are made to individuals in support of these activities. Recoveries are received from assignments authorized by the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT and the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, and from repayable assistance and overpayments. SUPPLEMENTARY ASSISTANCE VOTED APPROPRIATION Supplementary Assistance ......................... 185,989 195,786 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for health and other supports for eligible individuals in need such as health services for persons with disabilities and emergency shelters. Transfers are made to individuals and organizations in support of these activities. Recoveries are received from Bus Pass Program user fees, from assignments authorized by the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT and the EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, from repayable assistance and overpayments, and from agencies contributing to or sharing in the cost of sponsored services. <Page> 128 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMPLOYMENT AND ASSISTANCE APPEAL TRIBUNAL VOTED APPROPRIATION Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal ........ 2,241 2,417 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for a single-level, regionally-based appeal system Transfers are made to regional appeal. tribunal members. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ................................ 383 371 Corporate Services ............................... 45,557 41,546 Service Delivery ................................. 179,159 171,663 ----------- ----------- 225,099 213,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Human Resources, executive direction, and support services such as policy, research, performance measurement, employee services, financial services, information management, and service delivery. Transfers are made in support of these activities. Recoveries are received from ministries and parties external to government for ministry services provided. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 30 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 1,671,801 1,417,493 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 139,237 129,858 Operating Costs ............................. 90,369 88,063 Government Transfers ........................ 1,443,500 1,199,591 Other Expenses .............................. 7,506 8,165 Internal Recoveries ......................... (801) (801) External Recoveries ......................... (8,010) (7,383) ----------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 1,671,801 1,417,493 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES The mission of the Ministry of Management Services is to ensure business results by driving fundamental change and technology enablement across the British Columbia public service through the use of leading practices and creative service delivery models. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 31--Ministry Operations................................................. 46,094 38,218 Vote 32--Public Service Employee Relations Commission........................ 9,491 8,461 ------------ ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 55,585 46,679 ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 57,922 58,665 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 2,202 2,049 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 130 MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ----------- ---------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Governance and Integration ................................. 4,589 4,389 -- 4,389 Results Management Office .................................. 1 201 (200) 1 Service and Channel Integration ............................ 29,139 31,587 (3,929) 27,658 BC Shared Services Agency .................................. 7,940 54,537 (49,327) 5,210 Public Service Appeal Board ................................ 219 -- -- -- Executive and Support Services ............................. 4,206 960 -- 960 HR Governance and Strategy ................................. 6,301 6,301 -- 6,301 HR Client Services ......................................... 1,258 1,258 -- 1,258 Pension, Employee Benefits and Corporate Programs .......... 1 21,971 (21,970) 1 HR Executive and Support Services .......................... 1,931 901 -- 901 -------- --------- --------- -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................. 55,585 122,105 (75,426) 46,679 -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Governance and Integration ................................. 30 30 -- 30 Results Management Office .................................. 100 100 -- 100 Service and Channel Integration ............................ 1,296 1,546 -- 1,546 BC Shared Services Agency .................................. 55,876 52,801 -- 52,801 Executive and Support Services ............................. 6 21 -- 21 HR Governance and Strategy ................................. 8 8 -- 8 Pension, Employee Benefits and Corporate Programs .......... 304 304 -- 304 HR Executive and Support Services .......................... 302 3,855 -- 3,855 --------- ------------- -------- -------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ............................... 57,922 58,665 -- 58,665 --------- ------------- -------- -------- --------- ------------- -------- -------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 131 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 31 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following six core businesses: Governance and Integration, Results Management Office, Service and Channel Integration, BC Shared Services Agency, Public Service Appeal Board, and Executive and Support Services. GOVERNANCE AND INTEGRATION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Telecommunications .................................. 2,303 2,303 Chief Information Office Operations ................. 2,286 2,086 -------- -------- 4,589 4,389 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the Chief Information Office Operations; governance and leadership of the provincial government's information and information technology (IT) resources including the development of strategies, policies, standards, architectures and electronic service delivery directions for government; and strategies to enable the local and federal governments, as well as businesses and citizens of British Columbia to engage with the provincial government electronically. This sub-vote also provides for the development of policies and programs to support telecommunications initiatives. Transfers are provided to support federal-provincial initiatives and telecommunications activities. RESULTS MANAGEMENT OFFICE VOTED APPROPRIATION E-Government Initiatives ............................ 1 1 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the costs related to certain e-government, critical business and other initiatives. Costs are fully recovered from ministries, special offices, Crown agencies and external organizations. SERVICE AND CHANNEL INTEGRATION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Government Agents ................................... 21,110 21,110 Corporate and Information Programs .................. 8,029 6,548 -------- -------- 29,139 27,658 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of Government Agent offices throughout the province, including the integrated delivery of programs, services and information on behalf of ministries, agencies, the private sector and other governments. This sub-vote also provides consolidated corporate and information programs that support cross government specialized functions. Activities include information management, privacy protection and information access, and statistical and research services. Activities also include managing legislation and providing policy and professional advice, tools, resources and services that enhance accountable decision-making and increase public access to programs and information. Recoveries are received from ministries, Crown agencies, and external organizations for various activities. <Page> 132 MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (Continued) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BC SHARED SERVICES AGENCY VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Corporate Applications .............................. 4,097 3,110 Corporate Procurement Services ...................... 2,539 2,097 Procurement and Supply Services ..................... 1 1 Common IT Services .................................. 1 1 Finance Services .................................... 1 1 Shared Services Implementation Project .............. 1,301 -- --------- --------- 7,940 5,210 --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for service delivery and administration of the BC Shared Services Agency. Shared services include: corporate procurement and supply chain services, evaluation and consultation services, and travel and light vehicle fleet management services; delivery of cross government initiatives that enable shared and common business applications, including special IT infrastructure projects and IT security services; procurement and supply services; common IT services; and finance services, including the corporate accounting system and payroll services. Recoveries are received from parties external and internal to government for shared services. PUBLIC SERVICE APPEAL BOARD VOTED APPROPRIATION Public Service Appeal Board ......................... 219 -- --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provided for fees and salaries of the board members and staff, and expenses of the board in the processing and hearing of appeals under the Public Service Act. The Office of the Merit Commissioner will take over the functions of the Public Service Appeal Board, which is being eliminated. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ................................... 420 420 Corporate Services .................................. 3,786 540 --------- --------- 4,206 960 --------- --------- --------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Management Services, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. It also provides for executive direction of the ministry and administrative support services including financial, human resources, information systems, freedom of information and privacy services, and other services to ministry operations and programs. Recoveries are received from parties internal to government for services provided. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 31 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 46,094 38,218 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 133 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 32 - PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMISSION This vote provides for Public Service Employee Relations Commission (PSERC) programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: HR Governance and Strategy, HR Client Services, Pension, Employee Benefits and Corporate Programs, and HR Executive and Support Services. HR GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Corporate HR Strategy and Planning .................. 2,357 2,357 Employee Relations .................................. 3,725 3,725 Office of the Merit Commissioner .................... 219 219 ---------- --------- 6,301 6,301 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for PSERC activities related to strategic human resource management, policy and compensation, merit commissioner activities, management terms and conditions, workforce adjustment activities, labour relations, and collective bargaining, which includes the negotiation and administration of collective agreements on behalf of government. HR CLIENT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Regional Operations ................................. 1 1 Employee Learning ................................... 1,257 1,257 ---------- --------- 1,258 1,258 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for a broad range of HR services to government and other clients including recruitment and selection, advisory services on organizational design, compensation, labour relations, government-wide training and development, workforce adjustment, career planning and transition services and other activities related to human resource management. Recoveries are received from parties internal to government for services provided. PENSION, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND CORPORATE PROGRAMS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Provincial Pensions ................................... 111,381 99,833 Miscellaneous and Statutory Items ..................... 9,779 7,000 Canada Pension ........................................ 55,031 48,645 Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation .... 600 600 Death and Retiring Benefits ........................... 2,629 1,820 Extended Health and Dental Benefits ................... 45,871 42,190 Group Insurance ....................................... 6,603 4,500 Medical Services Plan ................................. 19,731 29,200 Long Term Disability .................................. 34,091 38,110 Employment Insurance .................................. 35,781 27,904 Workers Compensation .................................. 6,500 11,000 Employee and Family Assistance Program Administration . 1,103 1,034 Other Benefits ........................................ 32,842 35,789 Internal Recoveries ................................... 361,941) (347,624) ---------- ---------- 1 1 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for employer contributions for pensions and benefits, as well as the management and administration of employee benefits plans and corporate programs. Transfers are made to employees through the employee recognition program. Recoveries are received from parties external and internal to government for pensions, benefits and corporate programs. <Page> 134 MINISTRY OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HR EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Office of the Commissioner ............................ 1,408 378 Information Management Branch ......................... 1 1 Corporate Services .................................... 522 522 ---------- ---------- 1,931 901 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the commissioner, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the commissioner and the commissioner's staff. It provides for executive direction of PSERC and administrative support services including financial, human resources, information systems, freedom of information and privacy services, and other services to PSERC operations and programs. Recoveries are received from parties internal to government for services provided. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 32 -- PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COMMISSION 9,491 8,461 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ............. 462,401 479,621 Operating Costs ................... 199,019 252,734 Government Transfers .............. 1,534 1,560 Other Expenses .................... 63,713 58,103 Internal Recoveries ............... (613,620) (669,913) External Recoveries ............... (57,462) (75,426) ----------- ------------ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ........... 55,585 46,679 ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE The mission of the Ministry of Provincial Revenue is to provide fair, efficient and equitable revenue and debt collection which supports public services to meet the needs of British Columbians. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 33--Ministry Operations............................................ 50,673 49,617 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Provincial Home Acquisition............................................. 25 25 ---------- ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 50,698 49,642 ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 10,000 9,734 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) 3,780 3,665 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 937 988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 136 MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ---------- ----------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Tax Administration and Collection ............................... 5,315 49,837 (47,212) 2,625 Debt Administration and Collection and Home Owner Grant (includes special account) .................................... 563 26 -- 26 Executive and Support Services .................................. 44,820 46,991 -- 46,991 ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ....................................... 50,698 96,854 (47,212) 49,642 ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Debt Administration and Collection and Home Owner Grant (includes special account) .................................... 760 760 -- 760 Executive and Support Services .................................. 9,240 8,974 -- 8,974 ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .................................... 10,000 9,734 -- 9,734 ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Tax Administration and Collection ............................... 3,840 22,500 (18,800) 3,700 Debt Administration and Collection and Home Owner Grant (includes special account) .................................... (60) 40 (75) (35) ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ............... 3,780 22,540 (18,875) 3,665 ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Tax Administration and Collection ............................... -- 904,600 (904,600) -- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES ............................................ -- 904,600 (904,600) -- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE 137 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 33 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following three core businesses: Tax Administration and Collection, Debt Administration and Collection and Home Owner Grant, and Executive and Support Services. TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION VOTED APPROPRIATION Tax Administration and Collection ..................... 5,315 2,625 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration and enforcement of various tax statutes and revenue and benefit programs which are the responsibility of the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. This sub-vote also provides for payment of interest or refunds of taxation revenues under statutes administered by the ministry. Costs are partially recovered from revenues administered by the ministry. DEBT ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION AND HOME OWNER GRANT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Debt Administration and Collection .................... 1 1 Home Owner Grant ...................................... 537 -- ---------- --------- 538 1 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Provincial Home Acquisition Special Account ........... 25 25 ---------- --------- 563 26 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for accounts receivable collection, loan management services, and administration of the Home Owner Grant Program. Costs are recovered from clients or deducted from collected proceeds. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Provincial Home Acquisition Special Account. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ..................................... 430 430 Strategic Initiatives and Administration .............. 44,390 46,561 ---------- --------- 44,820 46,991 ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Provincial Revenue, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. It also provides for executive strategic direction of the ministry and administrative support services; tax appeal management and administration; and centralized billing and receivable management including premiums and fees collected for the Medical Services Plan of the Ministry of Health Services. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 33 -- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 50,673 49,617 STATUTORY -- PROVINCIAL HOME ACQUISITION SPECIAL ACCOUNT 25 25 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Page> 138 MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .................. 58,841 62,570 Operating Costs ........................ 38,303 41,886 Government Transfers ................... -- -- Other Expenses ......................... 1,412 3,949 Internal Recoveries .................... (10,031) (11,551) External Recoveries .................... (37,827) (47,212) ---------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................ 50,698 49,642 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE 139 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 PROVINCIAL HOME ACQUISITION This account was created as a fund by the PROVINCIAL HOME ACQUISITION ACT, 1967, and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1982. The purpose of the account was to pay grants to qualified British Columbia residents constructing or purchasing a home, and to make loans secured by second mortgages. Currently, mortgage financing is provided from this account to qualified British Columbia residents for the conversion of existing housing into rental suites under the HOME CONVERSION AND LEASEHOLD LOAN ACT, 1979. Most of the BC Second Mortgage program portfolio has been sold to private sector lenders. The province repurchases mortgage accounts which become more than 90 days in arrears. Revenue consists of interest on outstanding mortgage principal. Expense includes statutory rebates and other miscellaneous program costs. Receipts represent repayment of outstanding mortgage loan principal. Disbursements represent new conversion mortgages, repurchased mortgage accounts and guarantee claims paid under the mortgage assistance program. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ............... 482,574 482,634 --------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ...................................................................... 25 25 Expense ...................................................................... (25) (25) --------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) ...................................................... -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ..................................................................... 100 75 Disbursements - Capital ...................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ........................................................ (40) (40) --------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............................................ 60 35 --------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ........ 482,634 482,669 --------- --------- --------- --------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> 140 MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION INTERNATIONAL FUEL TAX AGREEMENT (MOTOR FUEL TAX ACT) -- Disbursements are provided by the province to other International Fuel Tax Agreement jurisdictions in respect of the receipts collected on their behalf by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 4,700 4,800 Disbursements ......................................... 3,800 3,900 --------- -------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... 900 900 --------- -------- --------- -------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION LAND TAX DEFERMENT ACT -- Disbursements are made to local governments to reimburse them for property taxes of those over 60 years of age and other qualified property owners that are deferred under this Act. The property owner or the estate is required to repay to the province all deferred taxes together with interest, on the termination of the agreement. Receipts represent repayments of outstanding principal (taxes deferred exclusive of interest). Interest and fee revenue are credited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 13,860 14,000 Disbursements ......................................... 18,600 18,600 --------- -------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... (4,740) (4,600) --------- -------- --------- -------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE 141 REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION BRITISH COLUMBIA FERRY CORPORATION (MOTOR FUEL TAX ACT) -- Disbursements were provided to the British Columbia Ferry Corporation (BCFC) in respect of motive fuel tax (receipts) collected on BCFC's behalf by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs were funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Disbursements were used by BCFC to cover a portion of their operating losses incurred in providing ferry services in British Columbia coastal waters. In 2003/04, this financing transaction is eliminated and a grant of $106 million will be provided to the British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. for the costal ferry services contract. Receipts .............................................. 73,900 -- Disbursements ......................................... 73,900 -- ---------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSIT ACT (MOTOR FUEL TAX) -- Disbursements are provided to British Columbia Transit (BCT) in respect of the BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSIT ACT fuel tax (receipts) collected on BCT's behalf by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 7,450 8,000 Disbursements ......................................... 7,450 8,000 ---------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION BUILD BC ACT (MOTOR FUEL AND SOCIAL SERVICES TAXES) -- Disbursements are provided to the BC Transportation Financing Authority (BCTFA) in respect of the fuel tax (receipts) and the social service tax (receipts) on short term rentals of passenger vehicles collected on BCTFA's behalf under the Build BC Act by the ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 203,200 418,300 Disbursements ......................................... 203,200 418,300 ---------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION GREATER VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ACT (MOTOR FUEL AND SOCIAL SERVICE TAXES) -- Disbursements are provided to the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) in respect of the fuel tax (receipts) and the social service tax (receipts) on parking collected on GVTA's behalf under the GREATER VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ACT by the ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 241,900 260,600 Disbursements ......................................... 241,900 260,600 ---------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- </Table> <Page> 142 MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION RURAL AREA PROPERTY TAXES -- Disbursements are provided to local governments and entities in rural areas in respect of local property taxes and levies (receipts) collected on their behalf by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. Interest and fee revenue is deposited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 182,000 190,000 Disbursements ......................................... 182,000 190,000 ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION TOBACCO TAX AMENDMENT ACT -- Disbursements are provided to the Cowichan Tribes in respect of the Cowichan Tribes Agreement for tobacco tax (receipts) collected on their behalf. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 1,500 2,200 Disbursements ......................................... 1,500 2,200 ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- TAX ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION TOURISM BRITISH COLUMBIA (HOTEL ROOM TAX ACT) -- Disbursements are provided by the province to Tourism British Columbia in respect of the TOURISM BRITISH COLUMBIA ACT hotel room tax (receipts) collected on the corporation's behalf by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. Receipts .............................................. 23,450 25,500 Disbursements ......................................... 23,450 25,500 ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ....................... -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- </Table> <Page> [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL The mission of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General is to ensure the security and economic vitality of communities through effective policing, corrections, liquor control, gaming, protective and regulatory programs. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 34--Ministry Operations....................................... 477,505 480,862 Vote 35--Statutory Services........................................ 16,956 16,957 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund Special Account...................... 6,176 -- Inmate Work Program Special Account................................ 1,540 1,540 Victims of Crime Act Special Account............................... 7,319 7,325 --------- ---------- OPERATING EXPENSE 509,496 506,684 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 7,696 7,430 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 2,814 2,827 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 144 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ---------- -------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Corrections ........................................... 217,266 199,124 (10,727) 188,397 Policing and Community Safety ......................... 232,325 245,267 (6,212) 239,055 Compliance and Consumer Services ...................... 15,964 37,719 (1,701) 36,018 Gaming Policy and Enforcement ......................... 9,566 198,036 (182,643) 15,393 Liquor Control and Licensing .......................... 1 8,601 (8,600) 1 Executive and Support Services ........................ 2,383 1,998 -- 1,998 Statutory Services (includes special accounts) ........ 31,991 25,822 -- 25,822 ------- ------- -------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................. 509,496 716,567 (209,883) 506,684 ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Corrections ........................................... 2,335 2,659 -- 2,659 Policing and Community Safety ......................... 2,903 1,766 -- 1,766 Compliance and Consumer Services ...................... 560 1,627 -- 1,627 Gaming Policy and Enforcement ......................... 1,219 20 -- 20 Liquor Control and Licensing .......................... 586 905 -- 905 Executive and Support Services ........................ -- 360 -- 360 Statutory Services (includes special accounts) ........ 93 93 -- 93 ------- ------- -------- ------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .......................... 7,696 7,430 -- 7,430 ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL 145 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 34 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following six core businesses: Corrections, Policing and Community Safety, Compliance and Consumer Services, Gaming Policy and Enforcement, Liquor Control and Licensing, and Executive and Support Services. CORRECTIONS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Adult Custody ......................................... 173,382 146,585 Community Corrections ................................. 43,884 41,812 ---------- --------- 217,266 188,397 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the management of remanded and sentenced adult offenders in custody and in the community, immigration detainees, non-criminally charged intoxicated persons, and for planning and management of correctional programs. Electronic monitoring technology is used to assist in the supervision of parolees and offenders on conditional sentences. Transfers are provided for correctional services related to health, counselling, education, training, work programs, food services, attendance programs, and residential programs; development and evaluation of correctional programs; and Keep of Prisoners. Recoveries are received from the federal government for costs related to community programs and housing of federal inmates and immigration detainees; the Medical Services Plan for salaried and sessional medical services; the Vancouver Police Department for the provision of municipal lockup functions; community services required for the Drug Court; and external agencies for the holding of intoxicated persons. POLICING AND COMMUNITY SAFETY VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Police Services ....................................... 182,500 196,006 Security Programs ..................................... 2,627 2,262 Provincial Emergency Program .......................... 6,492 6,455 Coroners Service ...................................... 8,346 8,247 Victim Services ....................................... 27,779 21,994 Community Programs .................................... 4,581 4,091 ---------- --------- 232,325 239,055 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for superintending law enforcement in the province, for providing victims of crime with services and benefits, and for assisting communities with community support and crime prevention programs, as well as for providing coroner services, province-wide emergency preparedness, security industry regulations, and other protective programs. Transfers are provided to: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; the Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia; the Justice Institute of British Columbia (Police Academy); the federal government and other parties to enhance policing in the province; communities and organizations in the province for victim services and emergency preparedness; and individuals and service providers for assistance to victims of crime. Recoveries are received from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, the Vancouver Port Corporation, all levels of government, individuals and organizations covered by the CRIMINAL RECORDS REVIEW ACT and the VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT Special Account. <Page> 146 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE AND CONSUMER SERVICES Voted Appropriations Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles ........ 3,942 6,399 Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement ............. 748 19,007 Residential Tenancy ................................... 7,761 7,290 Consumer Services ..................................... 2,157 2,135 Film Classification ................................... 1,356 1,187 ---------- --------- 15,964 36,018 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for: the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles which administers programs relating to road safety; the administration and enforcement of commercial transport road safety programs and vehicle inspection and standards programs; the administration and enforcement of consumer legislation; residential tenancy information and landlord-tenant dispute resolution services; film and adult video classification services and licensing of theatres and distributors. Transfers are provided to foundations, agencies and societies providing services that complement ministry programs. Recoveries are received from the federal government for costs associated with the use of advanced technology for National Safety Code enforcement; from parties external to the ministry for services provided on their behalf; and pursuant to court and consent orders, for costs associated with investigations and consumer restitution. GAMING POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Gaming Policy and Enforcement Operations .............. 9,565 15,392 Distribution of Gaming Proceeds ....................... 1 1 ---------- --------- 9,566 15,393 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration of gaming in the province, and includes the definition of policy and standards, the regulation and enforcement of legal gaming; the management of the province's gaming initiatives, and the distribution of gaming proceeds. Transfers may be made to eligible organizations, to host local governments where casinos are located; to eligible, successful destination casino proponents for Development Assistance Contributions; and to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for law enforcement information. Recoveries are received from revenues paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation and from gaming registrants for the direct costs incurred in investigations. LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING VOTED APPROPRIATION Liquor Control and Licensing .......................... 1 1 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for overall policy development, administration, licensing and inspections in support of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations. Recoveries are received from licensing fees and permit charges. <Page> MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL 147 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ..................................... 477 480 Corporate Services .................................... 941 510 Agencies, Boards and Commissions ...................... 965 1,008 ---------- --------- 2,383 1,998 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General including salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the Solicitor General and the minister's staff; secondary support and operations of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and centralized capital acquisitions for the ministry. Primary support services are provided by the Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations. This sub-vote also provides for various agencies, boards and commissions under the jurisdiction of the Solicitor General. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 34-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 477,505 480,862 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Page> 148 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 35 - STATUTORY SERVICES This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Statutory Services. STATUTORY SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION EMERGENCY PROGRAM ACT ................................. 16,956 16,957 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund Special Account ......... 6,176 -- Inmate Work Program Special Account ................... 1,540 1,540 VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT Special Account .................. 7,319 7,325 ---------- --------- 31,991 25,822 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the EMERGENCY PROGRAM ACT which provides for response and recovery to emergencies and disasters. STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund Special Account, the Inmate Work Program Special Account, and the VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT Special Account,. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 35 -- STATUTORY SERVICES 16,956 16,957 STATUTORY -- FORFEITED CRIME PROCEEDS FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT 6,176 -- STATUTORY -- INMATE WORK PROGRAM SPECIAL ACCOUNT 1,540 1,540 STATUTORY -- VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT SPECIAL ACCOUNT 7,319 7,325 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY <Table> <Caption> GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .................. 168,686 169,050 Operating Costs ........................ 108,928 109,325 Government Transfers ................... 441,901 439,626 Other Expenses ......................... 1,928 2,716 Internal Recoveries .................... (4,017) (4,150) External Recoveries .................... (207,930) (209,883) ------------ ----------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................ 509,496 506,684 ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL 149 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 FORFEITED CRIME PROCEEDS FUND This account was established by the SPECIAL ACCOUNTS APPROPRIATION AND CONTROL ACT, 1988 as amended by the ATTORNEY GENERAL AMENDMENT ACT, 1989. The purpose of the account is to dispose of property forfeited from criminal offenses in a manner which will facilitate the administration of criminal justice and law enforcement in the province. Revenue represents the disposition of forfeited proceeds of crimes. The Solicitor General will determine expenses to be made from the account, however, under the terms of a protocol agreement, expenses from previous years' revenues can be made only with the approval of the Minister of Finance. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ......................... 6,176 325 ----------- ---------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ................................................................................ 50 100 Expense ................................................................................ (6,176) -- ----------- ---------- Net Revenue (Expense) ................................................................ (6,126) 100 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) ........ 275 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ............................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ................................................................ -- -- Disbursements - Other .................................................................. -- -- ----------- ---------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........................................................ -- -- ----------- ---------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) .................. 325 425 ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> 150 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INMATE WORK PROGRAM This account was created by the MISCELLANEOUS STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT (NO. 2), 1987. The purpose of the account is to assist inmates in acquiring skills and to encourage them to develop good work habits. Revenue represents proceeds from the sale of goods and services produced by inmates. Expenses are for supplies and costs directly related to the production and sale of goods and services within the Inmate Work Program. Administration costs are funded through voted appropriations. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ......................... 1,740 1,699 ----------- ----------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ................................................................................ 2,200 1,550 Expense ................................................................................ (1,540) (1,540) ----------- ----------- Net Revenue (Expense) ................................................................ 660 10 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) ........ (660) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ............................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ................................................................ (93) (93) Disbursements - Other .................................................................. -- -- ----------- ----------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........................................................ (93) (93) Working Capital adjustments(2) ......................................................... 52 47 ----------- ----------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(3) .................. 1,699 1,663 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (3) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL 151 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT This account was established by the VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT, 1995. The purpose of the account is to fund services to victims of crime as provided for in the Act. Revenue includes proceeds from a victim surcharge levy on fines from all provincial offenses, both court-imposed fines and those which result in a violation ticket. Revenue also includes proceeds from the federal victim surcharge levy on offenses imposed by the court under the CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA. Expenses are to fund justice system obligations to victims of crime under the Act, including administration costs for both the Ministry of Attorney General and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Any remaining funds may be expended on initiatives which may benefit victims of crime. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ......................... 18,068 20,149 ---------- --------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ................................................................................ 8,400 9,500 Expense ................................................................................ (7,319) (7,325) ---------- --------- Net Revenue (Expense) ................................................................ 1,081 2,175 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) ........ 1,000 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts ............................................................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ................................................................ -- -- Disbursements - Other .................................................................. -- -- ---------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........................................................ -- -- ---------- --------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) .................. 20,149 22,324 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. <Page> 152 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMING POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT BRITISH COLUMBIA RACING COMMISSION (HORSE RACING TAX ACT) -- Advances (disbursements) were provided to the British Columbia Racing Commission in respect of HORSE RACING TAX ACT taxes on wagering collected on the Commission's behalf by the Ministry of Finance. Administration costs for revenue collection were funded through the Ministry of Finance's voted appropriations, and corporate services and regulation of horse racing were provided by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. In 2003/04, this tax will be replaced by a horse racing betting fee collected and distributed to the industry by the BC Lottery Corporation. Receipts ......................................... 13,800 -- Disbursements .................................... 13,800 -- --------- --------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) .................. -- -- --------- --------- --------- --------- </Table> <Page> [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR The mission of the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour is to create an employment environment with dynamic workplaces that meet the needs of workers, employers and unions. Vulnerable workers will be protected. The Ministry will ensure that British Columbians have the tools they need to foster working relationships in safe and healthy workplaces. It will develop programs and legislation that contribute to provincial competitiveness and prosperity. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 36--Ministry Operations.......................................... 28,800 25,637 ------------ ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 28,800 25,637 ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 1,351 3,512 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 476 451 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 154 MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES --------- ------------------------------------ EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Skills Development and Employment Standards ........... 16,114 14,125 (291) 13,834 Industrial Relations .................................. 9,510 8,199 (79) 8,120 Workers' Compensation ................................. 1 31,814 (31,813) 1 Executive and Support Services ........................ 3,175 3,682 -- 3,682 ------- ------- --------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ............................. 28,800 57,820 (32,183) 25,637 ------- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------- --------- ------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Skills Development and Employment Standards ........... 355 677 -- 677 Industrial Relations .................................. 133 20 -- 20 Workers' Compensation ................................. 863 2,815 -- 2,815 ------ ------ ------- ------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES .......................... 1,351 3,512 -- 3,512 ------ ------ ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- ------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR 155 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 36 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Skills Development and Employment Standards, Industrial Relations, Workers' Compensation, and Executive and Support Services. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS VOTED APPROPRIATION Skills Development and Employment Standards ...... 16,114 13,834 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for direct operating costs for the overall direction, development and support of strategic plans for skills development and labour market services in the province. This sub-vote also provides for services promoting harmonious labour and employment relations including administration of the EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT and support services to the Labour Relations Board. Recoveries are received for the costs of client education, investigations, ministry record searches, regulation of children in the workplace, and other sources. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS VOTED APPROPRIATION Industrial Relations ............................. 9,510 8,120 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the Labour Relations Board, an agency established under the Labour Relations Code to promote harmonious labour relations in British Columbia, and for other labour relations initiatives. This sub-vote also provides for the administration of some sections of the EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT. Recoveries are received for the costs of adjudication and mediation services, appeals and from other sources. WORKERS' COMPENSATION VOTED APPROPRIATION Workers' Compensation ............................ 1 1 -------- -------- -------- -------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operations of the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal, an independent agency established under the WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT to hear appeals from decisions made by the Workers' Compensation Board and other matters, and for Compensation Advisory Services which provides information and advice to employers and workers respecting workers' compensation matters. This sub-vote also provides for windup costs of the Workers Compensation Review Board. Costs associated with Workers' Compensation are fully recovered from the Accident Fund established pursuant to the WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT, course fees, proceeds from the sale of manuals, and disposal of assets, and other sources. <Page> 156 MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (Continued) $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ................................ 489 489 Program Management ............................... 2,686 3,193 -------- -------- 3,175 3,682 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Skills Development and Labour and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operation expenses of the Minister and the Minister's staff. It provides for administration and executive direction of the Ministry, including the Deputy Minister's office, policy and legislative services. Other administrative services, including financial, human resources, information systems, facilities management, and freedom of information and protection of privacy, are provided by the Ministry of Education. Transfers are provided to agencies and other organizations for the promotion of good employment relationships. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 36-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 28,800 25,637 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- <Table> <Caption> GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits .................. 34,595 37,655 Operating Costs ........................ 14,971 20,047 Government Transfers ................... 1,953 35 Other Expenses ......................... 183 83 External Recoveries .................... (22,902) (32,183) --------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................ 28,800 25,637 --------- --------- --------- --------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Page> [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The mission of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management is to provide provincial leadership, through policies, planning and resource information to support sustainable economic development of the province's land, water and resources. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) <Table> <Caption> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 37--Ministry Operations.............................................................. 114,566 90,001 Vote 38--Agricultural Land Commission..................................................... 2,931 2,296 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Crown Land Special Account................................................................ -- -- ------------ ----------- OPERATING EXPENSE 117,497 92,297 ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 8,115 8,342 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) 100 100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 1,292 954 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. <Page> 158 MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ---------- ----------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Sustainable Economic Development ........................... 29,166 25,565 (469) 25,096 Integrated Land and Resource Information ................... 63,118 66,364 (13,960) 52,404 Sound Governance ........................................... 2,218 2,012 (17) 1,995 Water Management ........................................... 7,771 -- -- -- Property Assessment Services ............................... 1 1,973 (1,972) 1 Executive and Support Services ............................. 12,292 10,535 (30) 10,505 Agricultural Land Commission ............................... 2,931 2,296 -- 2,296 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................. 117,497 108,745 (16,448) 92,297 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Sustainable Economic Development ........................... 639 501 -- 501 Integrated Land and Resource Information ................... 7,264 7,646 -- 7,646 Sound Governance ........................................... 5 5 -- 5 Property Assessment Services ............................... 96 97 -- 97 Executive and Support Services ............................. 60 50 -- 50 Agricultural Land Commission ............................... 51 43 -- 43 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ............................... 8,115 8,342 -- 8,342 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Crown Land (special account) ............................... 100 1,000 (900) 100 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOTAL LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS .......... 100 1,000 (900) 100 --------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- </Table> <Page> MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 159 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 <Table> <Caption> Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 37 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following six core businesses: Sustainable Economic Development, Integrated Land and Resource Information, Sound Governance, Water Management, Property Assessment Services, and Executive and Support Services. SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Sustainable Economic Development ................. 29,166 25,096 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for management and delivery of programs through regional offices and headquarter branches that support sustainable economic development of Crown land, water and other resources. This sub-vote also provides for strategic landscape/watershed land and resource use planning; developing guidelines and tools for strategic plans; and developing operational policy and conducting planning to support sustainable development of tourism and other resource-based sectors. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with sustainable economic development and land and resource use activities and processes. Costs are recovered for some program services from clients or from revenues collected by the ministry, other ministries, other levels of government, organizations, and individuals. INTEGRATED LAND AND RESOURCE INFORMATION VOTED APPROPRIATION Integrated Land and Resource Information ......... 63,118 52,404 -------- -------- -------- -------- VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the administration and delivery of programs that collect, record, manage and co-ordinate land, water and natural resource inventories and data. The sub-vote also provides decision support, base mapping and information management services and products in support of economic development, land-use planning and negotiations with First Nations. It also provides for developing and maintaining partnerships with other governments, industry, academia and other organizations related to information management. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with sustainable resource use and land-related activities and processes. Costs are recovered for some program services from clients or from revenues collected by the ministry, other ministries, other levels of government, organizations, and individuals. SOUND GOVERNANCE VOTED APPROPRIATION Sound Governance ................................. 2,218 1,995 -------- -------- -------- -------- </Table> VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides corporate policy and legislation development associated with land and water activities, property assessment, and revenue (fees and licences). It also provides for the development and implementation of consultation and accommodation policies, and development of strategic land and resource policies for negotiations with First Nations. Further, the sub-vote provides for intergovernmental-affairs, service planning, evaluation and the development of a sustainable resource management framework to support decision-making. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with sustainable resource use and land-related activities and processes. Costs are recovered for some program services from clients or from revenues collected by the ministry, other ministries, other levels of government, organizations, and individuals. 160 MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER MANAGEMENT VOTED APPROPRIATION Water Management ............................ 7,771 -- ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: Responsibility for the Water Management Program has been assumed by Land and Water British Columbia, a provincial Crown corporation. In 2002/03, this sub-vote provided for Crown land management and appraisals, acquisitions and exchanges and land administration activities including Crown land pricing and allocation, water pricing and allocations, administration of land tenures and water licences and regulation of water utilities. This sub-vote also provided for managing appeals under the WATER AND UTILITIES ACT. Transfers were provided for activities concerned with sustainable resource use and land related activities and processes. Costs are recovered for some program services from clients or from revenues collected by the ministry, other ministries, other levels of government, organizations, and individuals. PROPERTY ASSESSMENT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATION Property Assessment Services ................ 1 1 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operating costs of the Property Assessment Review Panels and the Property Assessment Appeal Board including the fees and expenses of appointees. Recoveries are received from the British Columbia Assessment Authority or from organizations and individuals. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 520 520 Corporate Services .......................... 11,772 9,985 ------ ----- 12,292 10,505 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Sustainable Resource Management and includes salaries, benefits allowances and operating expenses of the Minister, the Minister's staff and the deputy minister's office. This sub-vote also provides for finance, administrative, personnel, information systems, information and privacy, special and corporate program co-ordination and trust fund management for ministry operations and programs. Under agreement, corporate services are provided to the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, the Environmental Assessment Office and Land and Water British Columbia Inc. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with sustainable resource use and land-related activities and processes. Costs are recovered for some program services from clients or from revenues collected by the ministry, other ministries, other levels of government, organizations, and individuals. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 37-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 114,566 90,001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 161 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 38 - AGRICULTURAL LAND COMMISSION This vote provides for the operations described in the voted appropriations under the core business Agricultural Land Commission. AGRICULTURAL LAND COMMISSION VOTED APPROPRIATION Agricultural Land Commission ................ 2,931 2,296 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the operation of the Agricultural Land Commission (formerly the Land Reserve Commission). Under the AGRICULTURAL LAND COMMISSION ACT, the commission is responsible for preserving the scarce supply of agricultural land in the province through policies and programs that foster long-term sustainability and encourage farm businesses. The commission responds to the needs of farmers, landowners, applicants, local governments and others. A portion of fees for the applications made under the AGRICULTURAL LAND COMMISSION ACT are retained by local governments for services provided in the application process. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 38-- AGRICULTURAL LAND COMMISSION 2,931 2,296 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 74,830 62,547 Operating Costs ............................. 71,414 60,110 Government Transfers ........................ 7,461 2,843 Other Expenses .............................. 3,875 397 Internal Recoveries ......................... (22,286) (17,152) External Recoveries ......................... (17,797) (16,448) ------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 117,497 92,297 ======= ====== 162 MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROWN LAND SPECIAL ACCOUNT This account was originally created as a fund by authority of Section 7 of the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ACT, 1973, was replaced by the Crown Land Fund effective July 31, 1979 pursuant to the MINISTRY OF LANDS, PARKS AND HOUSING ACT, and was changed to a Special Account under the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTROL ACT, 1982. Revenue sources (net of direct costs) include land sales, land exchanges, land tenures, interest income, and sale of density allotments pursuant to community plans, and fees. Expenses have been restated to reflect the reallocation of program costs such as reporting, clean-up and crown land servicing to the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management and transfer to the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection of expenses relating to park land. Receipts represent repayment of outstanding loans and deposits made on pending sales. Disbursements reflect recoverable disbursements associated with the acquisition, servicing, development and disposition of inventoried Crown land administered by Land and Water British Columbia Inc. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ................ 50,000 50,000 ======= ======= OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 56,600 65,870 Expense ..................................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Revenue (Expense) ..................... 56,600 65,870 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) .... (334) Return to the General Fund .................. (56,166) (65,770) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... 900 900 Disbursements - Capital ..................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ....................... (1,000) (1,000) ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. (100) (100) ------- ------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............ 50,000 50,000 ======= ======= NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. [LOGO] BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The mission of the Ministry of Transportation is to: create an integrated transportation network that incorporates all modes of transport, reflects regional priorities, and provides a strong foundation for economic growth; and maintain and improve the provincial highway system, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of people and goods provincially, nationally and internationally. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 39--Ministry Operations .............. 734,632 834,366 ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE ........................... 734,632 834,366 ======= ======= - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) 155,070 46,390 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 7,865 6,450 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 1,583 1,385 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 164 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE BUSINESS Highway Operations ........................................... 447,004 707,702 (252,887) 454,815 Transportation Improvements .................................. 16,481 271,096 (257,560) 13,536 Motor Carrier Regulation ..................................... 595 1,805 (1) 1,804 Public Transportation ........................................ 250,162 348,157 -- 348,157 Executive and Support Services ............................... 20,390 16,074 (20) 16,054 ------- --------- -------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ................................... 734,632 1,344,834 (510,468) 834,366 ======= ========= ======== ======= PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Public Transportation ........................................ 155,070 46,390 -- 46,390 ------- ------ ------ ------ TOTAL PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES ............................ 155,070 46,390 -- 46,390 ======= ====== ====== ====== CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Highway Operations ........................................... 4,140 5,150 -- 5,150 Transportation Improvements .................................. 1,350 974 -- 974 Executive and Support Services ............................... 2,375 326 -- 326 ----- ----- ----- ----- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................ 7,865 6,450 -- 6,450 ===== ===== ===== ===== MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 165 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 39 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following five core businesses: Highway Operations, Transportation Improvements, Motor Carrier Regulation, Public Transportation, and Executive and Support Services. HIGHWAY OPERATIONS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Maintenance, Asset Preservation and Traffic Operations ........................ 431,017 436,278 Inland Ferries .............................. 14,155 16,705 Coquihalla Toll Administration .............. 1,832 1,832 ------- ------- 447,004 454,815 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for Maintenance, Asset Preservation and Traffic Operations; Inland Ferries; and Coquihalla Toll Administration. Major activities include: regional, district and headquarters operations support; avalanche control; rock slope stabilization; traffic operations; development approvals; pavement marking; road and bridge surfacing, rehabilitation, replacement, seismic retrofit, safety improvements and minor betterments; weigh scale operations; electrical installations, maintenance and infrastructure upgrades; payments to road and bridge maintenance contractors for the maintenance of highways, roads, bridge structures and tunnels; operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of inland ferries and ferry landings; and Coquihalla toll collection. Transfers are provided to various organizations in support of transportation-related activities. Recoveries are received from the BC Transportation Financing Authority and other parties external to the ministry for costs incurred, and works and services provided on their behalf. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Transportation Policy and Legislation ....... 1,420 723 Planning, Engineering and Construction ...... 15,060 12,812 Partnerships ................................ 1 1 ------ ------ 16,481 13,536 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for Transportation Policy and Legislation; Planning, Engineering and Construction; and Partnerships. Major activities include: transportation, highway and corporate policy and the development of legislation; highway planning; capital program development and monitoring; highway corridor investment strategies; quality management; access management; the direction and management of projects; engineering, design, survey, construction, reconstruction, property acquisition and expropriation for provincial highways, roads, bridges, and tunnels; development and monitoring of public-private partnerships; and land base management. Transfers are provided to various organizations in support of transportation-related activities. Recoveries are received from the BC Transportation Financing Authority and other parties external to the ministry for costs incurred, and works and services provided on their behalf. MOTOR CARRIER REGULATION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Motor Carrier Commission .................... 595 595 Motor Carrier Department .................... -- 1,209 ----- ----- 595 1,804 ===== ===== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the Motor Carrier Commission and Motor Carrier Department. The Motor Carrier Commission is an independent body that regulates the province's commercial passenger industry (buses and taxis) pursuant to the MOTOR CARRIER ACT. The Commission, by delegation pursuant to the MOTOR VEHICLE TRANSPORT ACT (CANADA) also issues licences for the inter-provincial and international road transport of passengers. The Motor Carrier Department carries out investigations associated with motor carrier licence applications; and in cooperation with other agencies, participates in various compliance activities including: road checks; investigation of complaints, and random audits of records of licensed motor carriers. Recoveries of costs are received from some participants in hearings before the Commission, and for some program services provided. 166 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION VOTED APPROPRIATIONS British Columbia Transit .................... 153,841 151,700 Rapid Transit Project 2000 .................. 96,321 90,957 British Columbia Ferry Services Inc ......... -- 105,500 ------- ------- 250,162 348,157 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for annual provincial government contributions toward costs incurred by British Columbia Transit and Rapid Transit Project 2000. These include operating transfers toward costs incurred for providing public passenger and transportation services, including transportation services for the disabled, in various communities throughout the province; and for debt servicing and the amortization of prepaid capital advances to both British Columbia Transit and Rapid Transit Project 2000. This sub-vote also provides for transfers under a coastal ferry services contract between the province and British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 415 415 Corporate Services .......................... 19,975 15,639 ------ ------ 20,390 16,054 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the Minister's Office; and Corporate Services, which includes the deputy minister's office, finance, administration, human resources, facilities management, information systems, service planning, reporting and performance measurement; and freedom of information, protection of privacy and records management. Transfers are provided to various organizations in support of transportation-related activities. Recoveries are received from parties external to the ministry for administrative services and materials provided. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 39-- MINISTRY OPERATIONS 734,632 834,366 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 106,717 95,720 Operating Costs ............................. 751,857 936,272 Government Transfers ........................ 46,118 161,021 Other Expenses .............................. 158,315 151,976 Internal Recoveries ......................... (5) (155) External Recoveries ......................... (328,370) (510,468) -------- -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 734,632 834,366 ======== ======== - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 167 PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES (BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSIT) -- Disbursements are provided for approved capital expenditures for selected public passenger transit services in communities around the province. Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements ............................... 12,170 4,050 ------- ------ Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........... (12,170) (4,050) ======= ====== PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES (RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT 2000) -- Disbursements are provided for approved rapid transit capital expenditures in the Lower Mainland, and for capitalized borrowing costs relating to Rapid Transit Project 2000 debt. Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements ............................... 142,900 42,340 -------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. (142,900) (42,340) ======== ======= [LOGO] MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION The ministry provides leadership and support to British Columbians to help them limit the adverse effects of their individual and collective activities on the environment, while fostering economic development and providing recreational opportunities. MINISTRY SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 40--Ministry Operations ................ 117,213 98,712 STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Sustainable Environment Fund Special Account ........................... 31,345 31,345 ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE 148,558 130,057 ======= ======= - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 29,554 86,920 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) . -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 1,140 998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 170 MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION CORE BUSINESS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ---------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE BUSINESS Environmental Protection (includes special account) .......... 48,879 55,554 (3,473) 52,081 Environmental Stewardship .................................... 44,323 43,466 (4,232) 39,234 Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation ........................... 18,068 37,771 (26,466) 11,305 Executive and Support Services ............................... 37,288 27,447 (10) 27,437 ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE .................................... 148,558 164,238 (34,181) 130,057 ======= ======= ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE BUSINESS Environmental Protection (includes special account) .......... 2,862 584 -- 584 Environmental Stewardship .................................... 18,035 80,583 -- 80,583 Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation ........................... 8,145 4,503 -- 4,503 Executive and Support Services ............................... 512 1,250 -- 1,250 ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ................................ 29,554 86,920 -- 86,920 ====== ====== ====== ====== MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION 171 OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 40 - MINISTRY OPERATIONS This vote provides for ministry programs and operations described in the voted appropriations under the following four core businesses: Environmental Protection, Environmental Stewardship, Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation, and Executive and Support Services. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION VOTED APPROPRIATION Environmental Protection .................... 17,534 20,736 ------ ------ 17,534 20,736 STATUTORY APPROPRIATION Sustainable Environment Fund Special Account ........................... 31,345 31,345 ------ ------ 48,879 52,081 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for clean, healthy and safe water, land and air for all living things through programs including: administering and delivering the SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT FUND ACT, 1990; setting standards for, monitoring and reporting publicly on ambient air and water quality; leading the provincial response to climate change; reducing and removing contaminating toxins and waste; managing pesticide use and flood hazards; responding to high-risk environmental emergencies; and managing environmental laboratory services. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with access, protection and management of the environment. Costs related to the Sustainable Environment Fund are recovered from the Sustainable Environment Fund Special Account. Recoveries are received from other ministries, other levels of government, organizations and individuals for ministry services. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This statutory appropriation provides for the Sustainable Environment Fund Special Account which is governed under the SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT FUND ACT. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP VOTED APPROPRIATION Environmental Stewardship ................... 44,323 39,234 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the management and conservation of the province's biodiversity, protection of species at risk, protection and restoration of watersheds, and the protection of fish and wildlife species and their habitats through programs including the protection, maintenance, and restoration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; protection, rehabilitation and enhancement of fish, wildlife and their habitat; management of special areas including provincial parks; monitor and report on the state of provincial biodiversity; and enforcement, inspection and special investigations to deter violations that harm the environment. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with access, protection and management of the environment. Recoveries are received from other ministries, other levels of government, organizations and individuals for ministry services. This core business also provides for the estimated capital cost of acquiring parks and protected lands, including the potential acquisition of Burns Bog. PARK, FISH AND WILDLIFE RECREATION VOTED APPROPRIATION Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation .......... 18,068 11,305 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for diverse park, fish and wildlife outdoor recreational opportunities across the province through programs including the maintenance of the provincial park system which provides for day and overnight front country, backcountry and boating facilities and services; the management of hunting and angling activities and the provincial fish culture and stocking programs; and allocation of fish and wildlife resources for recreational and commercial use. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with access, protection and management of the environment. Recoveries are received from other ministries, other levels of government, organizations and from fees, licences and other charges collected from individuals for ministry services. 172 MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION OPERATING EXPENSE BY CORE BUSINESS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Minister's Office ........................... 457 457 Program Management .......................... 36,831 26,980 ------ ------ 37,288 27,437 ====== ====== VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection, corporate business innovation including strategic planning, business review and planning, corporate policy development, co-ordination of legislation and intergovernmental relations, program evaluation, economic and regulatory impact analysis; the management and delivery of programs that report on public information on the state of environment and environmental trends. It provides for executive direction of the ministry and administrative support services including financial planning, human resources, communications, information systems and program audit. Transfers are provided for activities concerned with access, protection and management of the environment. Recoveries are received from other ministries, other levels of government, organizations and individuals for ministry services. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 40--MINISTRY OPERATIONS 117,213 98,712 STATUTORY--SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT 31,345 31,345 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 75,053 72,256 Operating Costs ............................. 74,883 78,333 Government Transfers ........................ 9,746 8,697 Other Expenses .............................. 51,083 41,252 Internal Recoveries ......................... (35,947) (36,300) External Recoveries ......................... (26,260) (34,181) ------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 148,558 130,057 ======= ======= MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION 173 SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT FUND This account was created by the SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT FUND ACT, 1990, and subsequent amendments. It provides for the protection of the air, land and water and for environmental renewal by preventing pollution, controlling pollutants and undertaking remediation activities through administration of the WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT, PESTICIDE CONTROL ACT, the ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT ACT, and related regulations. Revenue is derived from environmental levies, fees, licenses, and contributions from the federal government and other organizations and individuals. Expenses represent a transfer from the Ministry Operations Vote of the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection for administration, the development of policies, legislation and regulations, standards and criteria for discharges and emissions; monitoring and understanding the receiving environment; education, and encouragement of activities to prevent pollution; waste reduction; laboratory services; air and water quality; the clean-up of contaminated sites; special waste management; soil and water remediation projects; and transfers to local governments, other organizations and individuals to assist in waste management, clean-up of contaminated sites and to support various environmental protection initiatives. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR ............ 26,986 26,986 ------- ------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 31,345 31,345 Expense ..................................... (31,345) (31,345) ------- ------- Net Revenue (Expense) .................... -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ....................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. -- -- ------- ------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............ 26,986 26,986 ======= ======= NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. [LOGO] MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 1 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATION Vote 41--Management of Public Funds and Debt .......................... 920,000 926,000 ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE ........................... 920,000 926,000 ======= ======= - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 176 MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES ------- ----------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost of Borrowing for Government Operating and Capital Financing Purposes ........................................... 919,996 1,037,890 (111,894) 925,996 Cost of Borrowing for Relending to Government Bodies ......... 1 801,769 (801,768) 1 Cost of Financial Agreements Entered into on Behalf of Government Bodies ............................................ 1 798 (797) 1 Provincial Treasury Revenue Program .......................... 1 5,600 (5,599) 1 Cost of Unallocated Borrowing under the Warehouse Program .... 1 52,483 (52,482) 1 ------- --------- -------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ...................................... 920,000 1,898,540 (972,540) 926,000 ======= ========= ======== ======= MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT 177 OPERATING EXPENSE BY SUB-VOTE $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 41 - MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT This vote provides for the cost of managing public funds and debt resulting from borrowing activities to finance provincial operating and capital requirements; borrowing on behalf of government bodies under the fiscal agency loan program and under financial agreements; and borrowing for the provincial treasury revenue program and the warehouse program. COST OF BORROWING FOR GOVERNMENT OPERATING AND CAPITAL FINANCING PURPOSES (NET OF RECOVERIES) VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Government Operating Purposes ............... 919,991 925,991 Schools Capital Financing ................... 1 1 Post Secondary Institutions Capital Financing 1 1 Health Facilities Capital Financing ......... 1 1 Public Transit Capital Financing ............ 1 1 SKYTRAIN Extension Capital Financing ........ 1 1 ------- ------- 919,996 925,996 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the cost of interest and all associated costs and fees on debt incurred or assumed for government operating purposes and for education, health facility and public transit capital financing purposes. Capital costs include approved construction of new buildings, renovations and improvements; bus and equipment purchases; and infrastructure for transit and rapid transit. Recoveries from the use of financial instruments such as interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements, and revenue earned from sinking fund investments and prefunding operations, are offset against the related interest expenditure. Costs associated with the student loans program and capital borrowing for education and health facilities and transit projects are recovered from the debt servicing appropriations in the Ministries of Advanced Education, Education, Health Services and Transportation. COST OF BORROWING FOR RELENDING TO GOVERNMENT BODIES (NET OF RECOVERIES) VOTED APPROPRIATION Cost of Borrowing for Relending to Government Bodies ......................... 1 1 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the cost of interest on borrowings under the fiscal agency loan program, and all associated costs. Recoveries from the use of financial instruments such as interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements are offset against the related interest expenditure, the remaining costs are fully recovered from government bodies. COST OF FINANCIAL AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO ON BEHALF OF GOVERNMENT BODIES (NET OF RECOVERIES) VOTED APPROPRIATION Cost of Financial Agreements Entered into on Behalf of Government Bodies .............. 1 1 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the cost of financial agreements entered into by the government on behalf of government bodies and all associated costs. These agreements are in relation to borrowings of the government bodies that do not involve the provincial government, and to commodity derivatives. Recoveries from the use of financial instruments such as interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements are offset against the related interest expenditure, the remaining costs are fully recovered from government bodies. 178 MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT OPERATING EXPENSE BY SUB-VOTE (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCIAL TREASURY REVENUE PROGRAM (NET OF RECOVERIES) VOTED APPROPRIATION Provincial Treasury Revenue Program ......... 1 1 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for costs associated with special revenue programs. The programs are structured so that interest (and other earnings) on program assets exceed interest (and other payments) on program liabilities. Any profit or loss is transferred to the Provincial Treasury Revenue Special Account. Recoveries may be made from investment earnings of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Recoveries from the use of financial instruments such as interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements are offset against the related interest expenditure. COST OF UNALLOCATED BORROWING UNDER THE WAREHOUSE BORROWING PROGRAM (NET OF RECOVERIES) VOTED APPROPRIATION Cost of Unallocated Borrowing under the Warehouse Borrowing Program ............... 1 1 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the costs associated with debt issued in advance of requirements. At the time of borrowing, the debt has not been allocated to the province or any government body. The program is structured so that interest (and other earnings) on program assets offsets interest (and other payments) on program liabilities. Recoveries from the use of financial instruments such as interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements are offset against the related interest expenditure. There is no profit or loss associated with the program. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 41-- MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND DEBT 920,000 926,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Other Expenses .............................. 2,850,174 2,738,440 Internal Recoveries ......................... (850,250) (839,900) External Recoveries ......................... (1,079,924) (972,540) ---------- --------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 920,000 926,000 ========== ========= [LOGO] OTHER APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY ($000) Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03(1) 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Vote 42--Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs ........................ 173,695 170,000 Vote 43--Government Restructuring (All Ministries) ........................ 230,000 190,000 Vote 44--BC Family Bonus .................. 91,000 85,000 Vote 45--Citizens' Assembly ............... -- 1,500 Vote 46-- Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts ........................ 1 1 Vote 47--Environmental Assessment Office .. 3,542 2,897 Vote 48--Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission ............... 1,895 1,895 Vote 49--Forest Practices Board ........... 4,822 4,344 Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate ................................ 1,491 -- Seismic Mitigation ........................ 50,000 -- STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Insurance and Risk Management Special Account -- -- Build BC Special Account .................... -- -- Purchasing Commission Working Capital Special Account ........................... -- -- ------- ------- OPERATING EXPENSE 549,446 455,637 ======= ======= - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES(2) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES(3) 56,286 45,918 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(4) . -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(5) -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT(6) 121 109 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2002/03 operating expense, capital expenditures, and FTEs have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 ESTIMATES. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. (2) Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. (3) Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. (4) Details of loans, investments and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. (5) Details of revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities is presented in Schedule F. (6) Details of FTEs are presented in Schedule G. 180 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY $000 2002/03 2003/04 ESTIMATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL OPERATING EXPENSE Net GROSS RECOVERIES NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 173,695 170,000 -- 170,000 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) 230,000 190,000 -- 190,000 BC Family Bonus 91,000 86,000 (1,000) 85,000 Citizens' Assembly -- 1,500 -- 1,500 Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts 1 201,001 (201,000) 1 Environmental Assessment Office 3,542 2,897 -- 2,897 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission 1,895 1,895 -- 1,895 Forest Practices Board 4,822 4,344 -- 4,344 Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate 1,491 -- -- -- Seismic Mitigation 50,000 -- -- -- STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Insurance and Risk Management Special Account -- 2,481 (2,481) -- Build BC Special Account -- -- -- -- Purchasing Commission Working Capital Special Account -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- ------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 549,446 660,118 (204,481) 455,637 ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Net DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS NET - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 20,000 30,000 -- 30,000 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) 35,000 15,000 -- 15,000 Environmental Assessment Office 101 103 -- 103 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission 65 45 -- 45 Forest Practices Board 125 100 -- 100 Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate 25 -- -- -- STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS Insurance and Risk Management Special Account 970 670 -- 670 ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 56,286 45,918 -- 45,918 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- <Page> 181 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS OTHER APPROPRIATIONS $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 42 - CONTINGENCIES (ALL MINISTRIES) AND NEW PROGRAMS (MINISTER OF FINANCE) This vote provides additional funding for items budgeted in other votes to accommodate the financial consequences of unanticipated and contingent events. Unanticipated events include developments during the year that could not be reasonably anticipated when the budget was prepared. Contingent events include developments that could be anticipated but not with enough certainty to make a reasonable estimate of budget costs, or where final costs are dependent on a pending decision by government or another party. This vote also provides for unanticipated events not budgeted in other votes, but which are consistent with the general purposes of those votes. This includes natural disasters, emergency relief and assistance for those in need. EX GRATIA payments are also provided for in this vote. In addition, this vote provides for the funding of new government programs. OPERATING EXPENSE Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs .............................. 173,695 170,000 ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs .............................. 20,000 30,000 ======= ======= VOTE 43 - GOVERNMENT RESTRUCTURING (ALL MINISTRIES) (MINISTER OF FINANCE) This vote provides funding for costs associated with Voluntary Departure and Early Retirement Incentive programs, employee termination benefits and related severance costs, facility closure costs, costs to consolidate and relocate operations and other costs associated with the government's approved plan for restructuring. OPERATING EXPENSE Government Restructuring (All Ministries) ... 230,000 190,000 ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Government Restructuring (All Ministries) ... 35,000 15,000 ======= ======= 182 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 44 - BC FAMILY BONUS (MINISTER OF FINANCE) This vote provides funding for payments to low income families with children. Recoveries are received from the federal government for the payment of Family Bonus to aboriginal families on reserves. A payment is made to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for program administration. OPERATING EXPENSE BC Family Bonus ............................. 91,000 85,000 ======= ======= VOTE 45 - CITIZENS' ASSEMBLY (MINISTER OF ATTORNEY GENERAL) This vote provides for the operation of the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform, which is to assess and make recommendations regarding the voting systems for provincial elections. The Citizens' Assembly is to consult with the public on this issue and report to government by the end of calendar year 2004. OPERATING EXPENSE Citizens' Assembly .......................... -- 1,500 ===== ===== OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 183 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 VOTE 46 - COMMISSIONS ON COLLECTION OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND ALLOWANCES FOR DOUBTFUL REVENUE ACCOUNTS MINISTER OF ADVANCED EDUCATION MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES MINISTER OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE MINISTER OF ATTORNEY GENERAL MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL MINISTER OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES MINISTER OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MINISTER OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION MINISTER OF FINANCE MINISTER OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION MINISTER OF HEALTH SERVICES This vote provides for the recognition of commissions paid for the collection of public funds and for allowances for doubtful collection of revenue accounts. COMMISSIONS ON COLLECTION OF PUBLIC FUNDS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministry of Advanced Education .............. 3,464 3,100 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries . 1 -- Ministry of Attorney General ................ 50 50 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services .......................... 90 35 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise ............................ 2 -- Ministry of Finance ......................... 505 462 Ministry of Health Services ................. 3,972 3,737 Ministry of Human Resources ................. 1,200 2,400 Ministry of Provincial Revenue .............. 29,878 31,762 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General ......................... 5 -- Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management ................................ 25 30 Ministry of Transportation .................. 4,750 4,363 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection .. 1,058 1,062 ------- ------- 45,000 47,001 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for the recognition of payments to or amounts withheld by parties on account of commissions and/or remunerations for services provided to the government relating to the administration, collection and management of revenue and accounts owed to the government as authorized under various statutes/regulations. This sub-vote also provides for collection costs incurred by the Loans Administration Branch, Ministry of Provincial Revenue and Legal Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General. 184 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 46 - COMMISSIONS ON COLLECTION OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND ALLOWANCES FOR DOUBTFUL REVENUE ACCOUNTS (CONTINUED) MINISTER OF ADVANCED EDUCATION MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES MINISTER OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE MINISTER OF ATTORNEY GENERAL MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL MINISTER OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES MINISTER OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MINISTER OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION MINISTER OF FINANCE MINISTER OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION MINISTER OF HEALTH SERVICES ALLOWANCES FOR DOUBTFUL REVENUE ACCOUNTS VOTED APPROPRIATIONS Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries . 1 1 Ministry of Attorney General ................ 4,600 5,650 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services ...................... 18 18 Ministry of Finance ......................... -- -- Ministry of Health Services ................. 41,750 92,078 Ministry of Human Resources ................. 16,300 11,900 Ministry of Provincial Revenue .............. 35,564 35,585 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General ......................... 100 -- Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management . 518 518 Ministry of Transportation .................. 2,500 8,200 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection .. 650 50 ------- ------- 102,001 154,000 ======= ======= VOTED APPROPRIATIONS DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for allowances for doubtful collection of revenue accounts owed to the government as authorized under various statutes/regulations. RECOVERIES VOTED APPROPRIATION Recoveries .................................. (147,000) (201,000) ========= ========= VOTED APPROPRIATION DESCRIPTION: This sub-vote provides for recoveries that represent fees and commissions deducted from the gross amount of revenues and accounts collected on behalf of government, as authorized under various statutes and regulations, and allowances for doubtful collections for revenue accounts which are deducted from gross revenues. OPERATING EXPENSE Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts .......................... 1 1 ======= ======= OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 185 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 47 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE (MINISTER OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) This vote provides for a neutral and publicly-accessible process for the assessment of environmental, economic, social, heritage and health effects of major project proposals in British Columbia. The Environmental Assessment Office provides the facilitation, coordination and resources for project assessments which include consultation with members of the public, interest groups, First Nations and/or other levels of government. Costs are recovered for some program services from other ministries, other levels of government, organizations other levels of government and organizations external to government. OPERATING EXPENSE Environmental Assessment Office ............. 3,542 2,897 ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Environmental Assessment Office ............. 101 103 ======= ======= FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Environmental Assessment Office ............. 35 29 ======= ======= VOTE 48 - ENVIRONMENTAL APPEAL BOARD AND FOREST APPEALS COMMISSION (MINISTER OF FORESTS AND MINISTER OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION) This vote provides for provides for the operation, administrative and support services for the Environmental Appeal Board and the Forest Appeals Commission. Administrative costs for some appeals are recovered from the Ministry of Health Services. The Environmental Appeal Board hears appeals to decisions made under environmental legislation. This vote also provides for operation of the Forest Appeals Commission in meeting the requirements of Part 9 of the FOREST PRACTICES CODE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ACT, including: hearing appeals under the Act; evaluating how the Act, regulations and standards are functioning; and recommending amendments. This vote further provides for the hearing of appeals by the Forest Appeals Commission under Part 12 of the FOREST ACT and section 41 of the RANGE ACT. OPERATING EXPENSE Administration and Support Services ......... 1,153 1,153 Environmental Appeal Board .................. 410 410 Forest Appeals Commission ................... 332 332 ------- ------- 1,895 1,895 ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission ................. 65 45 ======= ======= FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission ................. 11 11 ======= ======= 186 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE 49 - FOREST PRACTICES BOARD (MINISTER OF FORESTS) This vote provides for the operation of the Forest Practices Board in meeting the requirements of Part 8 of the FOREST PRACTICES CODE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ACT, including independent audits and special investigations of forest practices, investigations of public complaints, and reviews of administrative decisions. This vote also provides for the operations of the Board relative to independent audits and investigations of public complaints on Nisga'a lands during the five-year transitional period. OPERATING EXPENSE Forest Practices Board ...................... 4,822 4,344 ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Forest Practices Board ...................... 125 100 ======= ======= FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Forest Practices Board ...................... 33 26 ======= ======= VOTE (ELIMINATED FOR 2003/04) - OFFICE OF THE CHILD, YOUTH AND FAMILY ADVOCATE This vote provided for the operation of the Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate. The Advocate was an Officer of the Legislature with a mandate under the CHILD, YOUTH AND FAMILY ADVOCACY ACT to ensure that the rights and interests of children, youth and their families relating to designated services are protected and advanced. The Advocate assisted and supported children and youth in obtaining access to government services, ensured appropriate and effective review and appeal processes were in place, and provided information and advice to government and communities about services for children, youth and their families. All functions of this office are now carried out by the new Office for Children and Youth (Ministry of Attorney General) under the OFFICE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ACT. OPERATING EXPENSE Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate 1,491 -- ======= ======= CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate 25 -- ======= ======= FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate 14 -- ======= ======= OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 187 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) $000 Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE (ELIMINATED FOR 2003/04) - SEISMIC MITIGATION (MINISTER OF FINANCE) This vote provided for transfers for approved seismic mitigation projects in existing buildings funded by the provincial government. Transfers were made to participating agencies including school districts, health authorities, universities, colleges, institutes, the British Columbia Buildings Corporation and the British Columbia Housing Management Commission. OPERATING EXPENSE Seismic Mitigation .......................... 50,000 -- ======= ======= MINISTRY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Salaries and Benefits ....................... 73,875 73,480 Operating Costs ............................. 145,448 77,361 Government Transfers ........................ 142,090 86,123 Other Expenses .............................. 374,017 466,304 Internal Recoveries ......................... (29,000) (43,150) External Recoveries ......................... (149,984) (204,481) -------- -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE ..................... 549,446 455,637 ======== ======== 188 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) $000 INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT (MINISTER OF FINANCE) This account was established by the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT ACT, 1989, and provides insurance and/or risk management services to government bodies, ministries, public authorities, and classes of persons and public authorities designated by regulation. The account is administered by the Ministry of Finance. Revenue and recoveries represent amounts paid into the account by or in respect of participants under agreements, and earnings of the account. Expenses represent the cost of services provided to or on behalf of participants, amounts required to be paid under regulation or amounts appropriated for that purpose. Revenues are received from government entities not included in the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Expenses are for administrative costs associated with risk management services; and costs related to agreements or arrangements for risk management services, purchases of insurance, and/or self-insurance services provided to government bodies, ministries, public authorities, persons, hospitals, health authorities, schools, colleges, and universities, and for investigation and settlement of claims. Recoveries are received from government entities and are netted against expenses. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .............. 138,058 142,083 ------- ------- OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ..................................... 3,250 3,250 Expense ..................................... (30,734) (45,009) Internal and External Recoveries ............ 30,734 45,009 ------- ------- Net Revenue (Expense) ..................... 3,250 3,250 Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Revenue (Expense) .. 1,385 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................... -- -- Disbursements - Capital ..................... (970) (670) Disbursements - Other ....................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ............. (970) (670) Difference Between 2002/03 Estimates and Projected Actual Net Cash Source (Requirement) 50 Working Capital adjustments(2) .............. 310 489 ------- ------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(3) ..................... 142,083 145,152 ======= ======= FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT .......... 28 43 ======= ======= NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (3) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 189 SPECIAL ACCOUNT 1 $000 BUILD BC SPECIAL ACCOUNT (MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION) This Special Account was established in 1993 by the BUILD BC ACT. The purpose of the account is to provide for projects and initiatives that facilitate the expansion and diversification of the British Columbia economy in a manner consistent with the Act. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .............. 58,821 58,821 ======= ======= OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ................................... -- -- Expense ................................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Revenue (Expense) ................... -- -- FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................. -- -- Disbursements - Capital ................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ..................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........... -- -- ------- ------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............ 58,821 58,821 ======= ======= NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. 190 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS SPECIAL ACCOUNT(1) (ELIMINATED FOR 2003/04) $000 PURCHASING COMMISSION WORKING CAPITAL ACCOUNT (MINISTER OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES) This account provided the Purchasing Commission with working capital to finance the acquisition of capital assets for use by special offices and ministries. All expenditures were recoverable from ministries and special offices over the life of the capital assets. Revenue was received from the disposal of government assets. This account was established by authority of the PURCHASING COMMISSION ACT and will terminate on March 31, 2003. The account was administered by the Ministry of Management Services. Estimates ESTIMATES 2002/03 2003/04 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FISCAL YEAR .............. 49,799 -- ======= ======= OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Revenue ................................... -- -- Expense ................................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Revenue (Expense) Return to the General Fund ................ (49,799) FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Loans, Investments and Capital Acquisitions Receipts .................................. -- -- Disbursements - Capital ................... -- -- Disbursements - Other ..................... -- -- ------- ------- Net Cash Source (Requirement) ........... -- -- ------- ------- PROJECTED SPENDING AUTHORITY AVAILABLE AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR(2) ............. -- -- ======= ======= NOTES (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) The Projected Spending Authority Available represents the cash and temporary investments projected to be available at the end of the fiscal year. SCHEDULES A - Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Expense, Capital Expenditure and FTE Reconciliation - 2002/03 B - Special Accounts - Summary C - Financing Transactions - Prepaid Capital Advances D - Financing Transactions - Capital Expenditures D1 - Financing Transactions - Capital Expenditures - Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies E - Financing Transactions - Loans, Investments and Other Requirements F - Financing Transactions - Revenue Collected for, and Transferred to, Other Entities G - Fulltime Equivalent (FTE) Employment H - Reconciliation of Deficit to Change in Taxpayer-Supported Debt and Statement of Total Debt I - Summary of Ministerial Accountability for Operating Expenses J - Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Result K - Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies - Estimated Revenues and Expenses L - Regional Authorities - Estimated Revenues and Expenses M - Estimated Revenue by Source N - Estimated Expense by Function ESTIMATES, 03/04 193 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- -------- ---- LEGISLATION Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ........ 39,332 451 230 Transfer from Ministry of Management Services Legislative building facilities ............................................................. 1,917 -- -- ------- ------ ------ Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated ......... 41,249 451 230 ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATURE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ........ 31,516 2,859 255 Transfer from Ministry of Attorney General Lobbyist registration program ............................................................... 97 -- 1 Transfer to Other Appropriations - Office of the Child Youth and Family Advocate Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate .............................................. (1,491) (25) (14) ------- ------ ------ Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated ......... 30,122 2,834 242 ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ OFFICE OF THE PREMIER Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ........ 49,727 949 367 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency .................... 146 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Attorney General Internal printing expense ................................................................... (83) -- -- Printing expenses adjustment ................................................................ (17) -- -- Public Information Working Group ............................................................ (48) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Children and Family Development One FTE ..................................................................................... (80) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Provincial Carillon funds ................................................................... (25) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise One FTE ..................................................................................... (40) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Energy and Mines One FTE ..................................................................................... (67) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Forests One FTE ..................................................................................... (55) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Government Chief Information Office ......................................................... (2,287) (130) (18) Transfer to Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General One FTE ..................................................................................... (64) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Transportation One FTE ..................................................................................... (45) -- (1) ------- ------ ------ Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated ......... 47,062 819 343 ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ADVANCED EDUCATION Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ....... 1,899,696 2,685 278 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency .................... 16 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services -- (195) -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................................ (705) -- -- ------- ------ ------ Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated ........ 1,899,007 2,490 278 ------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ 194 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ -------- AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate.......................................................................... 64,078 1,432 360 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services............................................................. -- (202) (9) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ....... (17) -- -- --------- ---------- -------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated ............................................................. 64,061 1,230 351 --------- ---------- -------- --------- ---------- -------- ATTORNEY GENERAL Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates.............................................................. 556,228 25,572 3,635 Transfer from Office of the Premier Internal printing expense ...................................................... 83 -- -- Printing expenses adjustment ................................................... 17 -- -- Public information working group ............................................... 48 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Amortization budget on capital requested for personal computers ................ 33 -- -- Communication support to policy, planning and legislation ...................... 50 -- -- Funding for information technology systems services ............................ 800 -- -- Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles ................................. 492 -- 6 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ....... 63 -- -- Child Commissioner's Office .................................................... 1,200 -- -- Transfer to Officers of the Legislature Lobbyist registration program .................................................. (97) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services............................................................. -- (6,050) (122) Transfer to Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Drug Court ..................................................................... (42) -- (2) E-mail and network costs ....................................................... (114) -- -- Funding for Office for Children and Youth to provide for fatality reviews ...... (200) -- (2) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................... (47) -- -- --------- ---------- -------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated.............................................................. 558,514 19,522 3,514 --------- ---------- -------- --------- ---------- -------- CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate.............................................................. 1,558,430 18,042 4,907 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ........................................................................ 80 -- 1 Transfer from Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Metchosin Camp Property ........................................................ 103 -- -- Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ....... 30 -- -- School based programs .......................................................... 31,000 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Health Services Centralization of library resources ............................................ (59) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services............................................................. -- -- (39) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................... (2,040) -- -- ---------- ---------- -------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated............................................................. 1,587,544 18,042 4,869 ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ESTIMATES, 03/04 195 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S SERVICES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate.......................................................... 554,828 9,575 1,107 Transfer from Office of the Premier Provincial Carillon funds .................................................... 25 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Human Resources Child care subsidy and youth parents programs ................................ 8,999 -- 138 Child care subsidy program ................................................... 107,302 -- -- One FTE ...................................................................... 44 -- 1 Transfer from Ministry of Management Services BC Archives .................................................................. 3,070 196 32 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ....................................................... 27 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Government Agents ............................................................ (21,526) (1,000) (284) Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services.......................................................... -- (1,802) (27) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................. (205) -- -- ----------- ---------- --------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated........................................................... 652,564 6,969 967 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate........................................................... 53,680 1,105 202 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ...................................................................... 40 -- 1 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 67 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Science, Technology and Telecommunications ................................... (2,398) -- (9) Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services.......................................................... -- (300) (17) ----------- ---------- --------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated........................................................... 51,389 805 177 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- EDUCATION Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 4,861,081 3,976 353 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 95 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services......................................................... -- (695) (27) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................. (1,250) -- -- ----------- ---------- --------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated................................................... 4,861,176 3,281 326 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- ENERGY AND MINES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate.......................................................... 50,144 1,002 243 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ...................................................................... 67 -- 1 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Offshore Oil and Gas ............................................ 2,150 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services......................................................... -- (317) -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (19) -- -- ----------- ---------- --------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated........................................................... 52,342 685 244 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- 196 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ FINANCE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate........................................................... 27,216 9,689 559 Transfer from Ministry of Management Services Corporate and Ministry Support Services Division ............................. 13,135 780 83 Procurement governance funding ............................................... 350 -- 3 Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services .......................................................... -- -- 1 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ... 1,280 -- -- Transfer from Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Public Sector Employers' Council ............................................. 14,812 3 13 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Unclaimed Property Unclaimed Property special account ........................................... 931 145 4 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Corporate Accounting System .................................................. (1) (5,000) (60) Internal audit funding ....................................................... (60) -- -- Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (459) (1) Transfer to Ministry of Provincial Revenue Internal audit funding ....................................................... (60) -- -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (15) -- -- ------------ ------------ ----------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 57,588 5,158 602 ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- FORESTS Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 620,914 19,120 3,569 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ...................................................................... 55 -- 1 Transfer from Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Centralization of library resources .......................................... 204 -- 1 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 109 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (1,800) (101) ------------ ------------ ----------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 621,282 17,320 3,470 ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- HEALTH PLANNING Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimate .......................................................... 16,633 -- 135 Transfer from Ministry of Health Services Vital Statistics Special Operating Agency .................................... 7,109 1,578 93 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 29 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Health Services Primary care funding from federal government ................................. -- -- (8) Rural health care program .................................................... (591) -- (5) ------------ ------------ ----------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 23,180 1,578 215 ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ESTIMATES, 03/04 197 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ HEALTH SERVICES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 10,205,400 23,890 2,789 Transfer from Ministry of Children and Family Development Centralization of library resources .......................................... 59 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Health Planning Primary care funding from federal government ................................. -- -- 8 Rural health care program .................................................... 591 -- 5 Transfer from Ministry of Human Resources Funding for general anesthesia for non-cosmetic restorative dental services .. 1,000 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Health Planning Vital Statistics Special Operating Agency .................................... (7,109) (1,578) (93) Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (1,350) (55) Transfer to Ministry of Provincial Revenue Medical Services Plan billings and collection functions ...................... (5,373) (1,000) (36) Transfer to Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Two FTEs ..................................................................... -- -- (2) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (48) -- -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................. (8,554) -- -- ------------ ----------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 10,185,966 19,962 2,616 ------------ ----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- HUMAN RESOURCES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 1,789,143 23,555 2,799 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 13 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Child care subsidy and young parents programs ................................ (8,999) -- (138) Child care subsidy program ................................................... (107,302) -- -- One FTE ...................................................................... (44) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Health Services Funding for general anesthesia for non-cosmetic restorative dental services .. (1,000) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (2,175) (61) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................. (10) -- -- ------------ ----------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 1,671,801 21,380 2,599 ------------ ----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- 198 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ MANAGEMENT SERVICES Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 47,843 28,317 1,336 Transfer from Office of the Premier Government Chief Information Office .......................................... 2,287 130 18 Transfer from Ministries Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- 24,378 614 Transfer from Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Government Agents ............................................................ 21,526 1,000 284 Transfer from Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise Science, Technology and Telecommunications ................................... 2,398 -- 9 Transfer from Ministry of Finance Corporate Accounting System .................................................. 1 5,000 60 Internal audit funding ....................................................... 60 -- -- Transfer from Other Appropriations Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- 73 -- Transfer to Legislation Legislative building facilities .............................................. (1,917) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services BC Archives .................................................................. (3,070) (196) (32) Transfer to Ministry of Finance Corporate and Ministry Support Services Division ............................. (13,135) (780) (83) Procurement governance funding ............................................... (350) -- (3) Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- -- (1) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (58) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 55,585 57,922 2,202 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PROVINCIAL REVENUE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 45,278 11,000 908 Transfer from Ministry of Finance Internal audit funding ....................................................... 60 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Health Services Medical Services Plan billings and collection functions ...................... 5,373 1,000 36 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (2,000) (7) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (13) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 50,698 10,000 937 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ESTIMATES, 03/04 199 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 506,491 7,446 2,758 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ...................................................................... 64 -- 1 Transfer from Ministry of Attorney General Drug Court ................................................................... 42 -- 2 E-mail and network costs ..................................................... 114 -- -- Office for Children and Youth funding to provide for fatality reviews ........ 200 -- 2 Transfer from Ministry of Health Services Two FTEs ..................................................................... -- -- 2 Transfer from Ministry of Transportation Integration of public safety within government ............................... 4,108 250 61 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 17 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Attorney General Amortization budget .......................................................... (33) -- -- Communication support ........................................................ (50) -- -- Funding for information technology systems services .......................... (800) -- -- Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles ............................... (492) -- (6) Transfer to Ministry of Children and Family Development Metchosin camp property ...................................................... (103) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- -- (6) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Public Sector Employers' Council Funding for employer association ............................................. (62) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 509,496 7,696 2,814 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 28,728 1,530 476 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... 72 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (179) -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 28,800 1,351 476 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 117,770 25,088 1,385 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (473) (90) Transfer to Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Park land, ecological reserves and critical fish and wildlife conservation projects ..................................................................... (267) (16,500) (3) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (6) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 117,497 8,115 1,292 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 200 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ TRANSPORTATION Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 738,505 8,750 1,695 Transfer from Office of the Premier One FTE ...................................................................... 45 -- 1 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Inland ferries ............................................................... 200 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (635) (52) Transfer to Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Integration of public safety within government ............................... (4,108) (250) (61) Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (10) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 734,632 7,865 1,583 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 162,494 18,800 1,138 Transfer from Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Park land, ecological reserves and critical fish and wildlife conservation projects ..................................................................... 267 16,500 3 Transfer to Ministry of Forests Centralization of library resources .......................................... (204) -- (1) Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (5,746) -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (23) -- -- Restatement for parks, hunting and angling fees recoveries ................... (13,976) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 148,558 29,554 1,140 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - CONTINGENCIES (ALL MINISTRIES) AND NEW PROGRAMS Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 210,000 20,000 -- Transfer to Ministries Capital city allowance, ministerial travel between Victoria/constituency ..... (1,755) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Attorney General Child Commissioner's Office .................................................. (1,200) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Children and Family Development School based programs ........................................................ (31,000) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Energy and Mines Offshore Oil and Gas ......................................................... (2,150) -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Transportation Inland ferries ............................................................... (200) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 173,695 20,000 -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 3,470 112 35 Transfer from Other Appropriations - Environmental Appeal Board and the Forest Appeals Commission Environmental Assessment Board ............................................... 72 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (11) -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 3,542 101 35 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ESTIMATES, 03/04 201 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - ENVIRONMENTAL APPEAL BOARD AND THE FOREST APPEALS COMMISSION (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENTAL BOARDS AND FOREST APPEALS COMMISSION) Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 1,967 85 11 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (20) -- Transfer to Other Appropriations - Environmental Assessment Office Environmental Assessment Board ............................................... (72) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 1,895 65 11 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS' COUNCIL Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 1,939 15 13 Transfer from Ministry of Advanced Education Funding for employer association ............................................. 705 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Attorney General Funding for employer association ............................................. 47 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Children and Family Development Funding for employer association ............................................. 2,040 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Funding for employer association ............................................. 205 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Education Funding for employer association ............................................. 1,250 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Health Services Funding for employer association ............................................. 8,554 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Human Resources Funding for employer association ............................................. 10 -- -- Transfer from Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Funding for employer association ............................................. 62 -- -- Transfer to Ministry of Finance Funding for Public Sector Employers' Council ................................. (14,812) (3) (13) Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (12) -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... -- -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 16,715 1,000 28 Transfer to Ministry of Management Services Support for shared services: human resources, payroll, information systems, printing services ............................................................ -- (30) -- Restatement of Insurance and Risk Management special account recoveries ....... (16,715) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... -- 970 28 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - OFFICE OF THE CHILD YOUTH AND FAMILY ADVOCATE Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... -- -- -- Transfer from Officers of the Legislature Office of the Child Youth and Family Advocate ................................ 1,491 25 14 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... 1,491 25 14 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 202 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE A CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING EXPENSE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND FTE RECONCILIATION - 2002/03 Operating Capital Expense Expenditures FTEs $000 $000 --------- ------------ ------ OTHER APPROPRIATIONS - UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Estimates ......................................................... 931 145 4 Transfer to Ministry of Finance Unclaimed Property special account ........................................... (931) (145) (4) ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Operating Expense, Capital Expenditures, and Authorized FTEs - 2002/03 Restated .......................................................... -- -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ALL SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Total Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Expense, Authorized FTEs and Capital Expenditures - 2002/03 Estimates .................................. 25,556,000 301,315 31,608 Total Transfers from Special Offices, Ministries and Other Appropriations .... 279,908 51,058 1,500 Total Transfers to Special Offices, Ministries and Other Appropriations ...... (279,908) (51,058) (1,500) Restatement for parks, hunting and angling fees recoveries ................... (13,976) -- -- Restatement of Insurance and Risk Management special account recoveries ...... (16,715) -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Expense, Authorized FTEs and Capital Expenditures - 2002/03 Restated ................................... 25,525,309 301,315 31,608 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ESTIMATES, 03/04 203 SCHEDULE B SPECIAL ACCOUNTS(1) -- SUMMARY (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) SPENDING SPENDING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY OPERATING TRANSACTIONS General FINANCING TRANSACTIONS Working AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ---------------------- Fund ---------------------- Capital MARCH 31 APRIL 1, 2003 Revenue Expense Transfer(2) Receipts DisbursementsAdjustment(3) 2004 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL ACCOUNTS BC Timber Sales ...................... 120,882 281,500 (138,179 (107,447) -- (35,290) 153 121,619 Build BC ............................. 58,821 -- -- -- -- -- -- 58,821 Crown Land Special Account ........... 50,000 65,870 -- (65,770) 900 (1,000) -- 50,000 First Citizens' Fund ................. 15,090 3,962 (3,962) 9,000 -- -- -- 24,090 Forest Stand Management Fund ......... 15,377 3,674 (1,490) -- -- -- -- 17,561 Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund ........ 325 100 -- -- -- -- -- 425 Health Special Account ............... -- 147,250 (147,250) -- -- -- -- -- Industry Training and Apprenticeship . 4,806 78,968 (78,438) -- -- (190) 285 5,431 Inmate Work Program .................. 1,699 1,550 (1,540) -- -- (93) 47 1,663 Insurance and Risk Management ........ 142,083 3,250 -- -- -- (670) 489 145,152 Livestock Protection ................. 108 20 (20) -- -- -- -- 108 Medical and Health Care Services ..... 306 -- -- -- -- -- -- 306 Northern Development Fund ............ 7,457 600 (1,500) -- -- -- -- 6,557 Olympic Arts Fund .................... 5,002 483 (483) 5,000 -- -- -- 10,002 Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund ................................ 7,175 2,215 (2,215) 5,500 -- -- -- 12,675 Provincial Home Acquisition .......... 482,634 25 (25) -- 75 (40) -- 482,669 Provincial Treasury Revenue Program .. 9,096 310 -- -- -- -- -- 9,406 Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia ............................ 11,029 17,823 (17,351) -- -- (889) 483 11,095 Purchasing Commission Working Capital Account ............................. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- South Moresby Forest Replacement ..... 24,536 711 (3,000) -- -- -- -- 22,247 Sustainable Environment Fund ......... 26,986 31,345 (31,345) -- -- -- -- 26,986 Unclaimed Property ................... 5,000 2,500 (809) (1,683) -- (10) 2 5,000 University Endowment Lands Administration ....................... 13,251 3,142 (3,142) -- -- -- -- 13,251 Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Victims of Crime Act ................. 20,149 9,500 (7,325) -- -- -- -- 22,324 --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- 1,021,812 654,798 (438,074) (155,400) 975 (38,182) 1,459 1,047,388 --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- TRANSFERS FROM VOTED APPROPRIATIONS TO SPECIAL ACCOUNTS(4) Industry Training and Apprenticeship . -- (78,438) 78,438 -- -- -- -- -- Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia .................... -- (6,497) 6,497 -- -- -- -- -- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- -- (84,935) 84,935 -- -- -- -- -- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- TOTAL SPECIAL ACCOUNTS (NET OF TRANSFERS) ........................... 1,021,812 569,863 (353,139) (155,400) 975 (38,182) 1,459 1,047,388 --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- --------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) A Special Account is an account in the General Fund where the authorization to spend money from the account is located in an Act other than the SUPPLY ACT. (2) General Fund Transfers consist of changes in statutory spending authority. (3) Working capital adjustments include those adjustments that would change the cash balance of the Special Account. This would include changes in accumulated amortization, inventory, and accounts receivable and payable. (4) Transfers from voted appropriations are eliminated to establish the amount of special account expenses that do not require voted appropriations. This net amount of special account expense is then deducted from total expenses in the determination of SUPPLY ACT requirements shown on page 13. 204 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE C FINANCING TRANSACTIONS PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES (1) (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) NET CASH SOURCE Receipts Disbursements (REQUIREMENT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION(2) Prepaid Capital Advances -- 212,410 (212,410) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION(2) Prepaid Capital Advances -- 195,000 (195,000) MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES(2) Prepaid Capital Advances -- 202,500 (202,500) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION(2) Prepaid Capital Advances (British Columbia Transit) -- 4,050 (4,050) Prepaid Capital Advances (Rapid Transit Project 2000) -- 42,340 (42,340) ----------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES -- 656,300 (656,300) ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Commencing in 1998/99, loans and capital funding provided to school districts and post secondary institutions are treated, for financial statement reporting purposes, as prepaid capital advances (assets of the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF)) and amortized over the useful life of the underlying assets. The amortization period for these advances, on average, approximates 30 years. Commencing with the 2000/01 fiscal year, loans and capital funding provided to British Columbia Transit and health facilities for capital projects are accounted for in the same manner. Since the borrowing for schools, post secondary institutions, public transit and health facilities capital is now raised directly through the CRF, these financial requirements are included in the annual SUPPLY ACT. (2) Disbursements by the Ministry of Advanced Education are for capital costs of new buildings, renovations and improvements to universities, colleges, institutes and agencies. Disbursements by the Ministry of Education are for capital costs of new buildings, renovations and improvements to schools and other school district buildings and for bus and equipment purchases. Disbursements by the Ministry of Health Services are for capital costs of new buildings, renovations and improvements for health facilities and agencies. Disbursements by the Ministry of Transportation are for capital expenditures for public passenger transit services, rapid transit in the lower mainland, and capitalized borrowing costs relating to Rapid Transit Project 2000 debt. ESTIMATES, 03/04 205 SCHEDULE D FINANCING TRANSACTIONS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2004) ($000) Land and Office Roads, Land Furniture Tenant Bridges Improve- Specialized and Information Improve- and ments Buildings Equipment Equipment Vehicles Systems ments Ferries Other Total SPECIAL OFFICES AND MINISTRIES Legislation ........................ -- -- -- 284 -- 386 -- -- -- 670 Officers of the Legislature ........ -- -- -- 28 -- 1,269 -- -- -- 1,297 Office of the Premier .............. -- -- -- 46 -- 563 -- -- -- 609 Ministry of Advanced Education ..... -- -- -- 100 -- 1,910 560 -- -- 2,570 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries .................... -- -- 323 161 760 691 55 -- -- 1,990 Ministry of Attorney General ....... -- -- 982 390 240 5,501 2,707 -- -- 9,820 Ministry of Children and Family Development ...................... -- -- -- 550 200 15,000 1,400 -- -- 17,150 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services ............. -- -- -- -- 320 3,197 100 -- -- 3,617 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise ................... -- -- -- 30 -- 622 -- -- -- 652 Ministry of Education .............. -- -- -- 300 -- 4,629 200 -- -- 5,129 Ministry of Energy and Mines ....... -- -- 90 62 30 378 100 -- -- 660 Ministry of Finance ................ -- -- 10 262 -- 5,295 309 -- -- 5,876 Ministry of Forests ................ -- 700 4,790 240 2,200 7,260 500 -- -- 15,690 Ministry of Health Planning ........ -- -- 5 20 -- 575 -- -- -- 600 Ministry of Health Services ........ -- -- 1,843 400 6,000 7,788 -- -- -- 16,031 Ministry of Human Resources ........ -- -- -- 3,183 -- 11,825 320 -- -- 15,328 Ministry of Management Services .... -- -- 1,889 528 95 55,693 460 -- -- 58,665 Ministry of Provincial Revenue ..... -- -- -- 175 -- 9,135 424 -- -- 9,734 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General ................ -- -- 550 67 1,302 4,316 1,195 -- -- 7,430 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour ........................... -- -- -- 40 -- 3,322 150 -- -- 3,512 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management ....................... -- -- 100 110 437 7,595 100 -- -- 8,342 Ministry of Transportation ......... -- 350 3,610 80 560 1,850 -- -- -- 6,450 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection ....................... 84,100 -- 1,570 -- -- 1,250 -- -- -- 86,920 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs(1) .................. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30,000 30,000 Government Restructuring (All Ministries)(1) .............. -- -- -- -- -- -- 10,000 -- 5,000 15,000 Environmental Assessment Office .... -- -- -- 47 -- 56 -- -- -- 103 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission .......... -- -- -- 10 -- 35 -- -- -- 45 Forest Practices Board ............. -- -- -- 25 -- 75 -- -- -- 100 Insurance and Risk Management ...... -- -- -- 24 -- 646 -- -- -- 670 ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SUBTOTAL(2) 84,100 1,050 15,762 7,162 12,144 150,862 18,580 -- 35,000 324,660 TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES(3) ...... -- 105,000 -- -- 7,000 -- -- 298,000 59,000 469,000 ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- TOTAL ................................ 84,100 106,050 15,762 7,162 19,144 150,862 18,580 298,000 94,000 793,660 ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- SUMMARY Consolidated Revenue Fund - Voted Appropriations ..................... 84,100 1,050 15,669 7,114 12,144 148,471 18,580 -- 35,000 322,128 Consolidated Revenue Fund - Special Accounts(4) ........................ -- -- 93 48 -- 2,391 -- -- -- 2,532 Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies ....................... -- 105,000 -- -- 7,000 -- -- 298,000 59,000 469,000 ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- TOTAL ................................ 84,100 106,050 15,762 7,162 19,144 150,862 18,580 298,000 94,000 793,660 ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- (1) Administered by the Minister of Finance. (2) These expenditures are to provide for the purchase or capital lease of tangible capital assets to be held by the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The acquired tangible capital assets are to assist in the delivery of programs of those offices, ministries and other appropriations. (3) See Schedule D1. (4) The capital asset acquisitions of each special account are shown in the capital expenditure section of the 2003/04 SUPPLEMENT TO THE ESTIMATES. <Page> 206 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE D1 FINANCING TRANSACTIONS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES(1) (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) <Table> <Caption> Roads, Bridges and Buildings Vehicles Ferries Other(1) Total - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES British Columbia Buildings Corporation 38,000 -- -- -- 38,000 BC Transportation Financing Authority -- -- 298,000 -- 298,000 British Columbia Transit -- 7,000 -- -- 7,000 Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre Expansion Project(2) 67,000 -- -- -- 67,000 Other -- -- -- 59,000 59,000 -------- ------- ---------- -------- -------- Total 105,000 7,000 298,000 59,000 469,000 -------- ------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- -------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) Represents infrastructure-related capital expenditures, funded through the government's Consolidated Capital Plan, as well as other capital expenditures made by taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies. (2) The Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre Expansion Project will be delivered through a provincial Crown corporation with capital contributions provided by the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 207 SCHEDULE E FINANCING TRANSACTIONS LOANS, INVESTMENTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS(1) (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) <Table> <Caption> NET CASH SOURCE Receipts Disbursements (REQUIREMENT) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION British Columbia Student Loan Program -- Loan repayments (receipts) and new loans 8,989 208,545 (199,556) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES AGRICULTURE CREDIT ACT -- Loan repayments (receipts) 870 -- 870 Crop Insurance Stabilization -- Premium (receipts) and recoverable advances to the Crop Insurance Trust Fund 3,000 3,000 -- MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Interest on Trusts and Deposits -- Interest on trust funds and deposits belonging to third parties 670 670 -- Treaty Settlement and Implementation Costs -- Payments to First Nations in accordance with treaty agreements -- 17,589 (17,589) MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Human Services Providers Financing Program -- Principal repayments (receipts) 6 -- 6 MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES Columbia Basin Accord -- Investment in the Columbia Power Corporation and the Columbia Basin Trust joint venture -- 50,000 (50,000) MINISTRY OF FORESTS BC Timber Sales (Special Account) -- Development of timber for sale in future years -- 34,610 (34,610) MINISTRY OF HEALTH SERVICES Health Innovation Incentive Program -- Loan repayments (receipts) 2,034 -- 2,034 MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE International Fuel Tax Agreement (MOTOR FUEL TAX ACT ) -- Moneys collected for, and transferred to, other jurisdications 4,800 3,900 900 LAND TAX DEFERMENT ACT -- Repayments of outstanding loans (receipts) and payments to local government for property taxes 14,000 18,600 (4,600) Provincial Home Acquisition (Special Account) -- Repayments of outstanding loans (receipts) and guarantee claims and other disbursements 75 40 35 MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Crown Land Special Account (Special Account) -- Loan repayment and loan sales deposit (receipts) and land acquisition, servicing and development costs 900 1,000 (100) --------- -------- --------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SUBTOTAL 35,344 337,954 (302,610) --------- -------- --------- --------- -------- --------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES(2) -- -- (440,000) --------- -------- --------- TOTAL 35,344 337,954 (742,610) --------- -------- --------- --------- -------- --------- SUMMARY Voted Appropriations 34,369 302,304 (267,935) Special Accounts 975 35,650 (34,675) Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies -- -- (440,000) --------- -------- --------- TOTAL 35,344 337,954 (742,610) --------- -------- --------- --------- -------- --------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) The purpose of this table is to show the receipts and disbursements for financing transactions related to ministry programs, or administered by ministries, in order to fully disclose the government's financial transactions and provide documentation for the SUPPLY ACT which authorizes financial requirements. Further information on these financing transactions is included in the relevant ministry section of the Estimates. (2) The total net cash source (requirement) for taxpayer-supported Crown corporation and agency financing transactions is disclosed for information only. <Page> 208 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE F FINANCING TRANSACTIONS REVENUE COLLECTED FOR, AND TRANSFERRED TO, OTHER ENTITIES(1) (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) <Table> <Caption> NET CASH SOURCE Receipts Disbursements (REQUIREMENT) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES OIL AND GAS COMMISSION ACT -- Fees collected for, and transferred to, the Oil and Gas Commission 17,800 17,800 -- MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL REVENUE BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSIT ACT (Motor Fuel Tax) -- Taxes collected for, and transferred to, British Columbia Transit 8,000 8,000 -- BUILD BC ACT (Motor Fuel and Social Services Taxes) -- Taxes collected for, and transferred to, the BC Transportation Financing Authority 418,300 418,300 -- GREATER VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ACT (Motor Fuel and Social Service Taxes) -- Taxes collected for, and transferred to, the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority 260,600 260,600 -- Rural Area Property Taxes -- Taxes collected for, and transferred to, local governments and entities 190,000 190,000 -- TOBACCO TAX AMENDMENT ACT -- Taxes collected for, and transferred to, the Cowichan Tribes 2,200 2,200 -- Tourism British Columbia (HOTEL ROOM TAX ACT ) -- Hotel room taxes collected for, and transferred to, Tourism British Columbia 25,500 25,500 -- --------- -------- --------- TOTAL 922,400 922,400 -- --------- -------- --------- --------- -------- --------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) The purpose of this table is to show the receipts and disbursements for financing transactions related to ministry programs, or administered by ministries, in order to fully disclose the government's financial transactions and provide documentation for the SUPPLY ACT which authorizes financial requirements. Further information on these financing transactions is included in the appropriate ministry section of the Estimates. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 209 SCHEDULE G FULLTIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) EMPLOYMENT Fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment is the estimate of each special office's, ministry's, taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency's and regional authority's annualstaff utilization. The BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT defines staffutilization to include all employees whose salaries are paid directly by the taxpayer-supported government reporting entity. The term "fulltime equivalent" is defined as the employment of one person for one full year or the equivalent thereof (for example, the employment of two persons for six months each). Ministry and special office FTEs are calculated by dividing eachspecial office's and ministry's total hours of permanent, auxiliary, temporary, seasonal and overtimee mployment paid, or estimatedto bepaid, for the fiscal year, by the normal paid working hours for one fulltime employee for one year. Taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency FTEs are estimated in a similar manner. Employees in taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies whose salaries are included in the cost of capital projects are not counted as FTEs in order to maintain consistency between salaries expense and FTEs. The table below provides a summary of estimated fulltime equivalent employment by special office, ministry and taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency for the 2002/03 and 2003/04 fiscal years. The 2002/03 ministry and special office numbers are restated to reflect program and staff transfers among ministries (see Schedule A for a detailed reconciliation). The 2002/03 FTE utilization is forecast to be 38,728 FTEs. <Table> <Caption> 2002/03 2003/04 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legislation 230 300 Officers of the Legislature 242 211 Office of the Premier 343 312 Ministry of Advanced Education 278 237 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 351 329 Ministry of Attorney General 3,514 3,464 Ministry of Children and Family Development 4,869 4,274 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 967 799 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise 177 149 Ministry of Education 326 317 Ministry of Energy and Mines 244 234 Ministry of Finance 602 548 Ministry of Forests 3,470 3,070 Ministry of Health Planning 215 209 Ministry of Health Services 2,616 2,525 Ministry of Human Resources 2,599 2,310 Ministry of Management Services 2,202 2,049 Ministry of Provincial Revenue 937 988 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 2,814 2,827 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour 476 451 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management 1,292 954 Ministry of Transportation 1,583 1,385 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection 1,140 998 Management of Public Funds and Debt -- -- Other Appropriations 121 109 --------- --------- Total 31,608 29,049 --------- --------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES British Columbia Ferry Corporation(1) 3,430 -- Other(2) 5,370 5,270 --------- --------- Total Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies 8,800 5,270 --------- --------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES(3) -- 150 --------- --------- TOTAL 40,408 34,469 --------- --------- --------- --------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) Reflects transfer of BC Ferry Corporation FTEs to the new independent British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. (2) Includes 127 FTEs transferred from the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services to the Royal British Columbia Museum Crown agency which will be established this fiscal year. (3) In 2003/04, the government reporting entity is expanded to include the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) governance authorities. Includes 150 FTEs transferred from MCFD. <Page> 210 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE H RECONCILIATION OF DEFICIT TO CHANGE IN TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT AND STATEMENT OF TOTAL DEBT(1) <Table> <Caption> Estimates(1) Revised Forecast ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT 4,400,000 3,800,000 Deficit(2)......................................................... 2,300,000 74,000 62,000 Self-Supported Crown Corporation and Agency Income in Excess of Contributions to the Consolidated Revenue Fund(3)...... 7,000 (1,863,000) (1,489,000) Adjustment for Expenses Not Requiring Working Capital or Other Borrowing(4)............................................ (1,841,000) (228,668) (1,599,000) Working Capital Changes............................................ 106,430 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 2,382,332 774,000 Operating Requirement (Source)..................................... 572,430 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 894,120 619,000 Prepaid Capital Advances (Schedule C).............................. 656,300 775,315 562,000 Tangible Capital Asset Expenditures (Schedule D)................... 793,660 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 1,669,435 1,181,000 Capital Requirement................................................ 1,449,960 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 179,233 151,000 Loan, Investment and Other Requirements (Schedule E)............... 742,610 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 4,231,000 2,106,000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Taxpayer-Supported Debt................. 2,765,000 27,370,000 27,175,000 Taxpayer-Supported Debt, Beginning of Year(5)...................... 29,281,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 31,601,000 29,281,000 Taxpayer-Supported Debt, End of Year............................... 32,046,000 (222,000) (194,000) Less: Taxpayer-Supported Third Party Guarantees and Non-Guaranteed Debt.............................................. (175,000) - ----------- -------------- ------------ 31,379,000 29,087,000 Taxpayer-Supported Debt, End of Year (net of guarantees and non-guaranteed debt)....................................... 31,871,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT Self-Supported Crown Corporation and Agency Debt 7,442,000 6,998,000 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority....................... 7,689,000 639,000 486,000 British Columbia Railway Company................................. 478,000 296,000 203,000 Other Crown Corporation and Agency Debt(6)....................... 253,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 8,377,000 7,687,000 Total Self-Supported Crown Corporation and Agency Debt............. 8,420,000 (413,000) (232,000) Less: Debt Guarantees and Non-Guaranteed Debt.................... (264,000) - ----------- -------------- ------------ 7,964,000 7,455,000 Self-Supported Debt (net of guarantees and non-guaranteed debt)............................................................ 8,156,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 750,000 300,000 Forecast Allowance................................................. 500,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ 40,093,000 36,842,000 Total Debt (net of guarantees and non-guaranteed debt) 40,527,000 - ----------- -------------- ------------ - ----------- -------------- ------------ </Table> NOTES (1) Further details on debt are provided in Appendix Table A15 in the Budget and Fiscal Plan - 2003/04 to 2005/06. (2) For purposes of the debt reconciliation a deficit is shown as a positive amount since it increases government debt. (3) Represents the elimination of self-supported Crown corporation/agency income which is included in the Summary Accounts deficit but has not been transferred to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The excess earnings remain in the Crown corporation/agency and reduce self-supported Crown corporation/agency debt. (4) These adjustments include, primarily, the amortization of capital assets and the forecast allowance. (5) The 2002/03 Revised Forecast includes taxpayer-supported third party guarantees. The amount reported in the 2001/02 Public Accounts ($26,952 million) excludes third party guarantees of $223 million. (6 ) Includes, primarily, the debt related to Columbia River power projects. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 211 SCHEDULE I SUMMARY OF MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OPERATING EXPENSES (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) For each Minister (other than the Minister of Provincial Revenue) with responsibility for operating expenses accounted for in the Consolidated Revenue Fund, an estimated amount must be made public with the Estimates under section 6(1) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT, commencing with the 2002/03 fiscal year. The estimated amount is described in section 5(1) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT and represents the operating expenses which are the responsibility of the minister as set out in the main Estimates for the fiscal year. Section 6(2)of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT requires that the actual amount of those operating expenses be made public for each minister with the Public Accounts for that fiscal year. Section 5(2) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT applies to the Minister of Provincial Revenue and provides for an amount of revenue to be specified by regulation of Treasury Board. Section 5(3) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT applies to ministers of state, for whom expected results are specified by Treasury Board regulation and are itemized in minister of state accountability statements which appear in the corresponding ministry service plans. The table below shows, for each minister, the ministry and other appropriations for which the minister is responsible. The third column shows the total operating expenses for each of the ministries or other appropriations for the 2003/04 fiscal year. The final column shows the sum of these operating expenses, which is the estimated amount each minister is responsible for under section 5(1) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT for the 2003/04 fiscal year. <Table> <Caption> 2003/04 2003/04 TOTAL OPERATING ESTIMATED MINISTER RESPONSIBLE MINISTRY AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS EXPENSES (NET) AMOUNT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREMIER Office of the Premier 52,270 52,270 MINISTER OF ADVANCED EDUCATION Ministry of Advanced Education 1,899,007 1,899,007 MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FISHERIES Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 49,153 49,153 ATTORNEY GENERAL AND MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR TREATY NEGOTIATIONS Ministry of Attorney General 505,845 Citizens' Assembly 1,500 507,345 MINISTER OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Ministry of Children and Family Development 1,451,472 1,451,472 MINISTER OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMEN'S Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's SERVICES Services 665,551 665,551 MINISTER OF COMPETITION, SCIENCE AND ENTERPRISE Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise 114,706 114,706 MINISTER OF EDUCATION Ministry of Education 4,859,939 4,859,939 MINISTER OF ENERGY AND MINES Ministry of Energy and Mines 56,631 56,631 MINISTER OF FINANCE Ministry of Finance 54,870 Management of Public Funds and Debt 926,000 Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 170,000 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) 190,000 BC Family Bonus 85,000 Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and 1 Allowance Insurance and Risk Management -- 1,425,871 MINISTER OF FORESTS Ministry of Forests 564,899 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals 848 Commission(1) Forest Practices Board 4,344 570,091 MINISTER OF HEALTH PLANNING Ministry of Health Planning(2) 24,154 24,154 MINISTER OF HEALTH SERVICES Ministry of Health Services(2) 10,185,347 10,185,347 MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ministry of Human Resources 1,417,493 1,417,493 MINISTER OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES Ministry of Management Services 46,679 46,679 MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 506,684 506,684 </Table> <Page> 212 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE I SUMMARY OF MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OPERATING EXPENSES - (CONTINUED) (for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004) ($000) <Table> <Caption> 2003/04 2003/04 TOTAL OPERATING ESTIMATED MINISTER RESPONSIBLE MINISTRY AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS EXPENSES (NET) AMOUNT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINISTER OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR Ministry of Skills Development and Labour 25,637 25,637 MINISTER OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management 92,297 Environmental Assessment Office 2,897 95,194 MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION Ministry of Transportation 834,366 834,366 MINISTER OF WATER, LAND AND AIR PROTECTION Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection 130,057 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals 1,047 131,104 Commission(1) TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT 24,918,694 NOT APPLICABLE Legislation 42,955 Officers of the Legislature 22,709 Minister of Provincial Revenue(3) 49,642 ------------- TOTAL 2003/04 ESTIMATES 25,034,000 ------------- ------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1) The Ministers of Forests and Water, Land and Air Protection each have operating expense accountability for the Administration and Support Services of Vote 48, Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission therefore, those funds have been allocated on a pro-rata basis. (2) The 2003/04 estimated amounts for the Ministers of Health Planning and Health Services will be augmented by additional federal funding arising from the First Ministers' Accord on Health Care Reform. Supplementary Estimates in the amount of the additional federal funding will be presented to the Legislature once details of the federal funding are finalized. (3) Under Section 5(2) of the BALANCED BUDGET AND MINISTERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT the Minister of Provincial Revenue is accountable for earning $34 million in incremental (new) net revenue over the 2001/02 base year from audit and revenue compliance related activity in 2003/04. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 213 SCHEDULE J ESTIMATED CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING RESULT(1),(3) <Table> <Caption> Estimates(1) Revised Forecast(1) ESTIMATES 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 $000 $000 $000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE SUMMARY(2) 12,585,000 11,904,000 Taxation Revenue..................................................... 12,755,000 2,840,000 2,974,000 Natural Resource Revenue............................................. 3,367,000 2,175,000 2,207,000 Other Revenue........................................................ 2,294,000 1,420,000 1,496,000 Contributions from Crown Corporations................................ 1,205,000 2,986,000 3,498,000 Contributions from the Federal Government............................ 3,625,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- 22,006,000 22,079,000 Total Consolidated Revenue Fund Revenue.............................. 23,246,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- EXPENSE SUMMARY(3) Special Offices and Ministries 41,249 38,249 Legislation......................................................... 42,955 30,122 26,122 Officers of the Legislature......................................... 22,709 47,062 45,062 Office of the Premier............................................... 52,270 1,899,007 1,899,007 Ministry of Advanced Education...................................... 1,899,007 64,061 64,061 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries......................... 49,153 558,514 540,514 Ministry of Attorney General........................................ 505,845 1,587,544 1,587,544 Ministry of Children and Family Development......................... 1,451,472 652,564 641,564 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services.............. 665,551 51,389 49,389 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise..................... 114,706 4,859,926 4,859,926 Ministry of Education............................................... 4,859,939 52,342 52,342 Ministry of Energy and Mines........................................ 56,631 57,588 57,588 Ministry of Finance................................................. 54,870 621,282 621,282 Ministry of Forests................................................. 564,899 23,180 23,180 Ministry of Health Planning......................................... 24,154 10,185,966 10,185,966 Ministry of Health Services......................................... 10,185,347 1,671,801 1,518,801 Ministry of Human Resources......................................... 1,417,493 55,585 55,585 Ministry of Management Services..................................... 46,679 50,698 43,698 Ministry of Provincial Revenue...................................... 49,642 509,496 509,496 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General..................... 506,684 28,800 25,800 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour........................... 25,637 117,497 117,497 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management......................... 92,297 734,632 734,632 Ministry of Transportation.......................................... 834,366 148,558 148,558 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.......................... 130,057 920,000 730,000 Management of Public Funds and Debt................................. 926,000 556,446 547,137 Other Appropriations(4)............................................. 455,637 -- 275,000 Forestry Restructuring.............................................. -- - ---------- ----------- ----------- 25,525,309 25,398,000 Total Consolidated Revenue Fund Expense............................. 25,034,000 - ---------- ----------- ----------- (3,519,309) (3,319,000) CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING RESULT........................... (1,788,000) - ---------- ----------- ----------- - ---------- ----------- ----------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES (1) The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 ESTIMATES presentation. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation of all expense restatements. (2) Excludes revenue collected on behalf of, and transferred to, Crown corporations and agencies, and other entities (see Schedule F). (3) Expenses are reported after deducting cost recoveries received from other entities within, and external to, the Consolidated Revenue Fund. (4) See page 13 for details on Other Appropriations. 214 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE K ESTIMATES, 03/04 TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENSES $000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2002/03 Estimates 2002/03 Revised Forecast REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME ------- -------- ---------- ------- -------- ---------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation .............. 434,000 400,000 34,000 475,000 440,000 35,000 British Columbia Ferry Corporation .................. 481,000 465,000 16,000 487,000 463,000 24,000 BC Transportation Financing Authority ............... 409,000 465,000 (56,000) 411,000 431,000 (20,000) British Columbia Housing Management Commission ...... 255,000 255,000 -- 274,000 274,000 -- British Columbia Transit ............................ 151,000 151,000 -- 145,000 145,000 -- Legal Services Society .............................. 76,000 76,000 -- 76,000 80,000 (4,000) Canadian Blood Services ............................. 133,000 132,000 1,000 125,000 125,000 -- British Columbia Assessment Authority ............... 66,000 66,000 -- 66,000 64,000 2,000 Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission ............ 50,000 50,000 -- 50,000 50,000 -- Pacific National Exhibition ......................... 35,000 34,000 1,000 33,000 33,000 -- B.C. Pavilion Corporation ........................... 32,000 32,000 -- 31,000 31,000 -- Tourism British Columbia ............................ 30,000 32,000 (2,000) 32,000 35,000 (3,000) British Columbia Securities Commission .............. 20,000 27,000 (7,000) 18,000 27,000 (9,000) Land and Water British Columbia Inc. ................ 23,000 23,000 -- 30,000 31,000 (1,000) Other Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations ......... 145,000 134,000 11,000 199,000 193,000 6,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS ............... 2,340,000 2,342,000 (2,000) 2,452,000 2,422,000 30,000 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers(1)... (935,000) (28,000) (907,000) (1,021,000) 49,000 (1,070,000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- CONSOLIDATED TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS .. 1,405,000 2,314,000 (909,000) 1,431,000 2,471,000 (1,040,000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003/04 ESTIMATES REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME ------- -------- ---------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation ............... 448,000 410,000 38,000 British Columbia Ferry Corporation ................... -- -- -- BC Transportation Financing Authority ................ 597,000 545,000 52,000 British Columbia Housing Management Commission ....... 279,000 279,000 -- British Columbia Transit ............................. 145,000 145,000 -- Legal Services Society ............................... 67,000 63,000 4,000 Canadian Blood Services .............................. 123,000 123,000 -- British Columbia Assessment Authority ................ 66,000 67,000 (1,000) Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission ............. 54,000 54,000 -- Pacific National Exhibition .......................... 34,000 33,000 1,000 B.C. Pavilion Corporation ............................ 35,000 33,000 2,000 Tourism British Columbia ............................. 33,000 34,000 (1,000) British Columbia Securities Commission ............... 22,000 27,000 (5,000) Land and Water British Columbia Inc. ................. 32,000 31,000 1,000 Other Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations .......... 220,000 142,000 78,000 ----------- ---------- ---------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS ................ 2,155,000 1,986,000 169,000 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers(1) ... (1,008,000) (31,000) (977,000) ----------- ---------- ---------- CONSOLIDATED TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS ... 1,147,000 1,955,000 (808,000) ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES (1) This adjustment eliminates grants and other payments between Crown corporations and agencies and the Consolidated Revenue Fund to avoid double counting. ESTIMATES, 03/04 215 SCHEDULE L REGIONAL AUTHORITIES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENSES $000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2002/03 Estimates 2003/04 Revised Forecast REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME ------- -------- ---------- ------- -------- ---------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES Ministry of Children and Family Development Governance Authorities(1) ....................... -- -- -- 3,000 3,000 -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Sub total ............................................. -- -- -- 3,000 3,000 -- Grants to agencies and other internal transfers(2) .... -- -- -- (3,000) -- (3,000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES .................................. -- -- -- -- 3,000 (3,000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003/04 ESTIMATES REVENUE EXPENSES NET INCOME ------- -------- ---------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES Ministry of Children and Family Development Governance Authorities(1) ....................... 283,000 283,000 -- --------- --------- --------- Sub total ............................................. 283,000 283,000 -- Grants to agencies and other internal transfers(2) .... (283,000) -- (283,000) --------- --------- --------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES .................................. -- 283,000 (283,000) --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- NOTES (1) During 2003/04 to 2005/06, the Ministry of Children and Family Development will transfer authority for services in its Community Living Services and Child and Family Development programs to new governance structures. These authorities will be responsible for directing operations and managing funds and services, however government will retain responsibility for funding, performance agreements, monitoring and assessing accountabilities of the authorities. (2) This adjustment eliminates grants and other payments between the regional authorities and the Consolidated Revenue Fund to avoid double counting. <Page> 216 ESTIMATES, 03/04 SCHEDULE M ESTIMATED REVENUE BY SOURCE $MILLIONS <Table> <Caption> NATURAL FEES & INVESTMENT TAXATION RESOURCES LICENCES EARNINGS MISCELLANEOUS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND............................. 12,755 3,367 2,016 64 214 Accounting Adjustments................................ Contributions from Crown corporations................. Expenses recovered from external entities............. 72 11 143 649 284 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- 12,827 3,378 2,159 713 498 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation................ 9 439 British Columbia Ferry Corporation.................... BC Transportation Financing Authority................. 418 179 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- British Columbia Housing Management Commission........ 3 187 British Columbia Transit.............................. 8 40 1 96 Legal Services Society................................ 67 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- Canadian Blood Services............................... 123 British Columbia Assessment Authority................. 62 4 Other Crown corporations and agencies................. 26 18 63 11 306 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- 514 18 103 24 1,401 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers....... (9) (999) --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS................. 514 18 103 15 402 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- Regional Authorities.................................. - - - - 283 - - - - 283 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers........ (283) --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES.................................. - - - - - --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- BC Hydro.............................................. BC Liquor Distribution................................ BC Lottery Corp....................................... --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- BC Rail............................................... Insurance Corp of BC.................................. Other Self-supported Crown Corporations............... - - - - - --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- - - - - - Accounting Adjustments................................ - - - - - --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- NET EARNINGS OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS..... - - - - - --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- TOTAL REVENUE BY SOURCE............................... 13,341 3,396 2,262 728 900 --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION FROM GOV'T FROM FEDERAL ENTERPRISES GOV'T TOTAL - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND............................. 1,205 3,625 23,246 Accounting Adjustments................................ (184) (184) Contributions from Crown corporations................. (1,205) (1,205) Expenses recovered from external entities............. 184 272 1,615 ----------- ------------ --------- - 3,897 23,472 ----------- ------------ --------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation................ 448 British Columbia Ferry Corporation.................... - BC Transportation Financing Authority................. 597 ----------- ------------ --------- British Columbia Housing Management Commission........ 89 279 British Columbia Transit.............................. 145 Legal Services Society................................ 67 ----------- ------------ --------- Canadian Blood Services............................... 123 British Columbia Assessment Authority................. 65 Other Crown corporations and agencies................. - 6 430 ----------- ------------ --------- - 95 2,155 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers....... (1,008) ----------- ------------ --------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS................. - 95 1,147 ----------- ------------ --------- Regional Authorities.................................. - - 283 ----------- ------------ --------- - - 283 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers....... (283) ----------- ------------ --------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES.................................. - - - ----------- ------------ --------- BC Hydro.............................................. (70) (70) BC Liquor Distribution................................ 655 655 BC Lottery Corp....................................... 725 725 ----------- ------------ --------- BC Rail............................................... 61 61 Insurance Corp of BC.................................. 45 - 45 Other Self-supported Crown Corporations............... 5 - 5 ----------- ------------ --------- 1,421 - 1,421 Accounting Adjustments................................ (40) - (40) ----------- ------------ --------- NET EARNINGS OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS..... 1,381 - 1,381 ----------- ------------ --------- TOTAL REVENUE BY SOURCE............................... 1,381 3,992 26,000 ----------- ------------ --------- ----------- ------------ --------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES The Estimated Revenue by Source schedule is presented for information purposes. The schedule provides further revenue detail of the Government Reporting Entity. Adjustments are required to make Crown corporation accounting policies consistent with government accounting policies; to eliminate Crown corporation and regional authority revenue received from the province; to eliminate dividends from self-supported Crown corporations to avoid double counting; and to gross up revenue for recoveries received from external sources. Figures have been rounded to the nearest million. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 217 SCHEDULE N ESTIMATED EXPENSE BY FUNCTION $MILLIONS <Table> <Caption> PROTECTION OF SOCIAL PERSONS & TRANS- NATURAL HEALTH SERVICES EDUCATION PROPERTY PORTATION RESOURCES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legislation...................................... Officers of the Legislature...................... 5 Office of the Premier............................ Advanced Education............................... 1,899 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Agriculture, Food & Fisheries.................... 49 Attorney General................................. 64 387 10 Children and Family Development.................. 108 1,234 37 72 Community, Aboriginal & Women's Services......... 186 81 7 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Competition, Science and Enterprise.............. 115 Education........................................ 4,860 Energy & Mines................................... 57 Finance.......................................... 6 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Forests.......................................... 565 Health Planning.................................. 24 Health Services.................................. 10,185 Human Resources.................................. 91 1,216 110 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Management Services.............................. Provincial Revenue............................... Public Safety & Solicitor General................ 507 Skills Development & Labour...................... 26 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Sustainable Resource Management.................. 92 Transportation................................... 1 833 Water, Land & Air Protection..................... 119 Management of Public Funds & Debt................ -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- BC Family Bonus.................................. 85 Contingencies.................................... Restructuring.................................... Other appropriations............................. - - - 2 - 9 -------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND........................ 10,408 2,785 6,906 1,087 833 1,023 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers........................................ (63) (346) - (11) (92) (84) Expenses recovered from external entities........ 209 71 29 306 63 63 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- 10,554 2,510 6,935 1,382 804 1,002 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation........... British Columbia Ferry Corporation............... BC Transportation Financing Authority............ 545 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- British Columbia Housing Management Commission....................................... British Columbia Transit......................... 145 Legal Services Society........................... 63 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Canadian Blood Services.......................... 123 British Columbia Assessment Authority............ Other............................................ 54 - 1 46 28 134 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- 177 63 1 46 718 134 Other internal transfers......................... (13) - - - (168) (9) --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS............ 164 63 1 46 550 125 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- Regional Authorities............................. - 283 - - - - --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES............................. - 283 - - - - --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- TOTAL EXPENSE BY FUNCTION........................ 10,718 2,856 6,936 1,428 1,354 1,127 --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- --------- ------- -------- ---------- --------- -------- </Table> <Table> <Caption> GENERAL OTHER GOVERNMENT INTEREST TOTAL - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legislation...................................... 43 43 Officers of the Legislature...................... 18 23 Office of the Premier............................ 52 52 Advanced Education............................... 1,899 -------- -------- --------- ------- Agriculture, Food & Fisheries.................... 49 Attorney General................................. 45 506 Children and Family Development.................. 1,451 Community, Aboriginal & Women's Services......... 391 665 -------- -------- --------- ------- Competition, Science and Enterprise.............. 115 Education........................................ 4,860 Energy & Mines................................... 57 Finance.......................................... 49 55 -------- -------- --------- ------- Forests.......................................... 565 Health Planning.................................. 24 Health Services.................................. 10,185 Human Resources.................................. 1,417 -------- -------- --------- ------- Management Services.............................. 47 47 Provincial Revenue............................... 50 50 Public Safety & Solicitor General................ 507 Skills Development & Labour...................... 26 -------- -------- --------- ------- Sustainable Resource Management.................. 92 Transportation................................... 834 Water, Land & Air Protection..................... 11 130 Management of Public Funds & Debt................ 926 926 -------- -------- --------- ------- BC Family Bonus.................................. 85 Contingencies.................................... 170 170 Restructuring.................................... 190 190 Other appropriations............................. - - - 11 -------- -------- --------- ------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND........................ 762 304 926 25,034 Grants to agencies and other internal transfers........................................ (491) - - (1,087) Expenses recovered from external entities........ 63 162 649 1,615 -------- -------- --------- ------- 334 466 1,575 25,562 -------- -------- --------- ------- British Columbia Buildings Corporation........... 410 410 British Columbia Ferry Corporation............... - BC Transportation Financing Authority............ 545 -------- -------- --------- ------- British Columbia Housing Management Commission....................................... 279 279 British Columbia Transit......................... 145 Legal Services Society........................... 63 -------- -------- --------- ------- Canadian Blood Services.......................... 123 British Columbia Assessment Authority............ 67 67 Other............................................ 91 - - 354 -------- -------- --------- ------- 847 - - 1,986 Other internal transfers......................... (58) - 217 (31) -------- -------- --------- ------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS............ 789 - 217 1,955 -------- -------- --------- ------- Regional Authorities............................. - - - 283 -------- -------- --------- ------- REGIONAL AUTHORITIES............................. - - - 283 -------- -------- --------- ------- TOTAL EXPENSE BY FUNCTION........................ 1,123 466 1,792 27,800 -------- -------- --------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> NOTES The Estimated Expense by Function schedule is presented for information purposes. The schedule provides further expense detail of the Government Reporting Entity. Adjustments are required to make Crown corporation accounting policies consistent with government accounting policies; to eliminate Crown corporation expenses paid to the province to avoid double counting; and to gross up expenses for recoveries received from external sources. Figures have been rounded to the nearest million. <Page> 218 ESTIMATES, 03/04 EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATING EXPENSES Voted expenses for special offices, ministries and other appropriations are presented in the ESTIMATES on the basis of a group account classification system. Each group account represents a broad category of expense and is comprised of several specific components (standard objects of expense). A supplementary publication, SUPPLEMENT TO THE ESTIMATES, provides detail for each special office, ministry and other appropriation at the standard object of expense level. The account classification system is described below in more detail. SALARIES AND BENEFITS o BASE SALARIES - includes the cost of base salaries, overtime pay and lump sum payments for all permanent and temporary direct employees of the government. o SUPPLEMENTARY SALARY COSTS - includes the cost of extra pay for certain types of work such as shift differential, premiums and allowances. o EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - includes the cost of employer contributions to employee benefit plans and pensions. Other benefits paid by the employer such as relocation and transfer expenses are also included. o LEGISLATIVE SALARIES AND INDEMNITIES - includes the cost of the annual M.L.A. indemnity and supplementary salaries as authorized under Section 4 of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ALLOWANCES AND PENSION ACT. Salaries for the Officers of the Legislature are also included. OPERATING COSTS o BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COURTS - FEES AND EXPENSES - includes fees paid to board and commission members, juries and witnesses, and related travel and out-of-pocket expenses. o PUBLIC SERVANT TRAVEL - includes travel expenses of direct government employees and officials on government business including prescribed allowances. o CENTRALIZED MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES - includes central agency charges to ministries for services such as human resources, legal services, internal audit, payroll, corporate accounting system and common information technology services. o PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - includes fees and expenses for professional services rendered directly to government for: the provision of goods and services in the delivery of government programs; the provision of goods or services that are required by statute or legislation and are billed directly to the government; and the provision of goods or services that will assist in the development of policy and/or programs or improve/change the delivery of programs, such as management consulting services. o INFORMATION SYSTEMS - OPERATING - includes all contract fees and costs related to data, voice, image and text processing operations and services such as data and word processing, data communications charges, supplies, repairs, maintenance and short-term rentals of information processing equipment. o OFFICE AND BUSINESS EXPENSES - includes supplies and services required for the operation of offices. o ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATIONS - includes costs associated with non-statutory advertising and general publications. o STATUTORY ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATIONS - includes costs associated with special notices and publications required by statute and regulations. o UTILITIES, MATERIALS, AND SUPPLIES - includes the cost of services such as the supply of water and electricity, materials and supplies required for normal operation of government services and food for institutions. o OPERATING EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES - includes the costs associated with the repair and maintenance of government vehicles, and operating machinery and equipment. o NON-CAPITAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - includes highway costs recovered from the BC Transportation Financing Authority, costs for minor enhancements to capitalized infrastructure, as well as non-highway road costs. o AMORTIZATION - includes the amortization of the cost of capital assets and prepaid capital advances over their useful lives. o BUILDING OCCUPANCY CHARGES - includes payments to the British Columbia Buildings Corporation or the private sector, for the rental and maintenance of buildings and office accommodation, including tenant improvements that do not meet the criteria for capitalization. <Page> ESTIMATES, 03/04 219 EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIONS - CONTINUED GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS o TRANSFERS - GRANTS - includes discretionary grants to individuals, businesses, non-profit associations and others, where there are no contractual requirements. o TRANSFERS - ENTITLEMENTS - includes non-discretionary payments to individuals, businesses or other entities, where eligible recipients must be paid under statute, formula or regulation, and where there are no ongoing contractual obligations. o TRANSFERS - AGREEMENTS - includes payments and reimbursements under contract, formal agreement or shared cost agreement to individuals, businesses or other entities for purposes specified in an agreement. OTHER EXPENSES o TRANSFERS BETWEEN VOTES AND SPECIAL ACCOUNTS - includes transfers (payments) between a vote and a special account. o INTEREST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT - includes only interest payments on the direct provincial debt borrowed for government purposes. o OTHER EXPENSES - includes expenses such as financing costs, valuation allowances and other expenses which cannot be reasonably allocated to another standard object of expense. INTERNAL RECOVERIES o RECOVERIES BETWEEN VOTES AND SPECIAL ACCOUNTS - includes recoveries between a vote and a special account. o RECOVERIES WITHIN THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND - includes recoveries for the use of equipment or the provision of goods and services between ministries of the provincial government. EXTERNAL RECOVERIES o RECOVERIES EXTERNAL TO THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND - includes costs and amounts recovered from government corporations and agencies; the offset for commissions paid for the collection of government revenues and accounts; and the write-off of uncollectible revenue related accounts. o RECOVERIES EXTERNAL TO THE GOVERNMENT REPORTING ENTITY - includes costs and amounts recovered from other governments and non-government organizations. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital expenditures for special offices, ministries and other appropriations are presented in the Estimates under Capital Expenditures and in Schedule D. The SUPPLEMENT TO THE ESTIMATES provides detail for each special office, ministry and other appropriation at the standard object of capital expenditure level. The category of assets is described below. o LAND - includes the purchased or acquired value for parks and other recreation land, and land directly associated with capitalized infrastructure (buildings, ferries and bridges); but does not include land held for resale. o LAND IMPROVEMENTS - includes the capital costs for improvements to dams and water management systems and recreation areas. o BUILDINGS - includes the purchase, construction or major improvement of buildings owned by the Consolidated Revenue Fund. o SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT - includes the purchase or capital lease cost of heavy equipment such as tractors, trailers and ambulances, as well as telecommunications relay towers and switching equipment. o OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT - includes the cost or capital lease cost of office furniture and equipment. o VEHICLES - includes the purchase or capital lease cost of passenger, light truck and utility vehicles. o INFORMATION SYSTEMS - includes the purchase or capital lease cost of mainframe and other systems hardware, software and related equipment. o TENANT IMPROVEMENTS - includes the cost or capital lease cost of improvements to leased space. o ROADS - includes the capital costs for construction or major improvements of roads, highways, bridges and ferries. o OTHER - includes capital expenditures which cannot be reasonably allocated to another standard object of capital expenditure.