
                                                                    EXHIBIT 3.41

DSCB 15-1306 (Rev. 89)

Microfilm Number____________                       Filed with the Department of
                                                       State on APR 27 1992

Entity Number 2087645                                    /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                   Secretary of the Commonwealth

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

Indicate type of domestic corporation (check one):

/ / Business-stock (15 Pa. C.S. Section 1306)      /X/ Professional (15 Pa C.S. Section 2903)

/ / Business-nonstock (15 Pa. C.S. Section 2102)   / / Management (15 pa. C.S. Section 2071)

/ / Business statutory dose (15 Pa C.S.            / / Cooperative (15 Pa. C.S. Section 7701)
    Section 2304a is applicable)

1.  The name of the corporation is: The Dermatopathology Laboratory, P.C.

    This corporation is incorporated under the provisions of the Business
    Corporation Law of 1988

2.  The address of this corporation's initial (a) registered office in this
    Commonwealth or (b) commercial registered office provider and the county of
    venue is:

(a) St, Francis Medical Center, 400 45th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201  Allegheny
    Number and Street     City           State          Zip             County

(b)  N/A
    Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider                       County

    For a corporation represented by a commercial registered office provider,
    the county in (b) shall be deemed the county in which the corporation is
    located for venue and official publication purposes.

3.  The aggregate number of shares authorized is: 20,000 (other provisions, if
    any attach 5 1/2x 11 sheet)

4.  The name and address, including street and number, if any. of each
    Incorporator is:

    Name                 Address                     Signature                  Date
    Alan R.Silverman     5340 Maynard Street         /s/ Alan R.Silverman      4/21/92
                         Pittsburgh, PA 15217

5.  The specified effective date, if any, is:
                                             month   day    year    hour, if any

6.  Any additional provisions of the articles, if any, attach an
    8 1/2 x 11 sheet.
                  SEE ATTACHMENT

7.  Statutory close corporation only: Neither the corporation nor any
    shareholder shall make an offering of any of its shares of any class that
    would constitute a "Public Offering" within the meaning of the Securities
    Act of 1933 (15U.S.C, Section 77A at seq.).

8.  Business cooperative corporations only: (Complete and strike out
    inapplicable term) The common bond of membership among Its
    members/shareholders is:____________________________________________________



                             Attachment to Item 6 of
                            Articles of Incorporation

    In each election of Directors, shareholders entitled to vote shall not have
the right of cumulative voting.



DSCB 15-1915 (Rev 90)

Microfilm Number_________________                Filed with the Department of
                                                 State on  DEC 12 1997

Entity Number 2007645                                    /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                                                 Secretary of the Commonwealth


    In compliance with the requirement of 15 Pa.C.S. Section 1915 (relating to
articles of amendment), the undersigned business corporation, designing to amend
its Articles hereby states that:

1.  The name of the corporation is: THE DERMATOPATHOLOGY LABORATORY, P.C

2.  The (a) address of this coporation's current registered office in this
    commonwealth or (b) name of its commercial registered office provider and
    the county of venue is (the Department is hereby authorized to correct the
    following information to conform to the records of the Department):

        Number and State              City             State     Zip    County

    (b) c/o                       N/A
            Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider               County

    For a corporation represented by a commercial registered office provider,
    the country in (b) shall be deemed the country in which the corporation is
    located for venue and official publication purpose.

3.  The statute by or under which it was incorporated is The General Association
    Act of 1988, Act of December 21, 1988 (P.L. 1444, No. 177)

4.  The date of its incorporation is April 27, 1992

5.  (Check and if appropriate complete, one of the following):

    /X/ The amendment shall be effective upon filling these Articles of
        Amendment in the Department of State

    / / The amendment shall be effective on ________________ at ________________
                                                  Date               Hour

6.  (Check one of the following)

    /X/ The amendment was adopted by the shareholders (or members) pursuant to
        15 Pa C.S. Section 1914(a) and (b).

    / / The amendment was adopted by the board of directors pursuant to 15 Pa
        C.S. Section1914(c).

7.  (Check, and if appropriate completed, one of the following):

    / / The amendment adopted by the corporation, set forth in full, is as

    /X/ The amendment adopted by the corporation as set forth in full in Exhibit
        A attached hereto and made a part hereof.




DSCB 15-1915 (Rev 90)-2

8.  Check if the amendment ???? this Article):

    / / The restated Articles of Incorporation ??? the original Articles and all
        amendments thereto.

    IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF of the undersigned corporation the caused these
Articles of Amendment to be signed by a duly authorized officer thereof the 12th
day of December, 1997.

                                         THE DERMATOPATHOLOGY LABORATORY, P.C.
                                                   (Name of Corporation)

                                         BY: /s/ Alan R. Silverman

                                         TITLE: Alan R. Silverman, Secretary




                             EXHIBIT A TO ITEM 7 OF
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

     RESOLVED, that the name of this Corporation be, and it hereby is, changed
from "The Dermatopathology Laboratory, P.C.", to "Ameripath Pennsylvania, Inc.";

     RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Corporation be, and it hereby IS, changed from
a professional corporation to a business corporation; and

     RESOLVED STILL FURTHER, that the Articles of Incorporation of this
Corporation (hereinafter, "the Articles") be, and they hereby are, amended in
the manner set forth below:

     A Paragraph 9 is hereby added to the Articles as follows:

          "9. The Corporation Shall have unlimited power to engage in and do any
     or all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated under the
     General Association Act, act of December 21, 1988 (P.L. 1444, No. 177),
     under which Act this corporation, a corporation for profit, is

          RESOLVED STILL FURTHER, that the proper officers of the Corporation
     be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute Articles of
     Amendment setting forth the above changes, and to file such Articles of
     Amendment with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the Corporation's