
                                                                   Exhibit 10.20

                                                                [EXECUTION COPY]

                         TO SENIOR MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

       This Second Amendment and Acknowledgment to Senior Management Agreement
(this "AMENDMENT"), dated as of April 6, 2004, is made to the Senior Management
Agreement (the "AGREEMENT"), dated as of February 6, 2004, by and among
Medtech/Denorex, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and now known as
Prestige International Holdings, LLC (the "COMPANY"), Medtech/Denorex
Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation and now known as Prestige Brands, Inc.
("EMPLOYER"), and Peter J. Anderson ("EXECUTIVE"), as amended by the First
Amendment and Acknowledgment to Senior Management Agreement, dated March 5,
2004, by and among the Company, Employer and Executive. Each capitalized term
used herein but not otherwise defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such
term in the Agreement.

       WHEREAS, concurrently herewith, the Company is indirectly acquiring all
of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Bonita Bay Holdings, Inc., a
Virginia corporation and ultimate parent of Prestige Brands International, Inc.
(the "ACQUISITION"); and

       WHEREAS, in connection with the Acquisition, and in order to better
reflect the intent of the undersigned, the undersigned desire to amend certain
terms of the Agreement, make certain acknowledgments with respect to the
Agreement and reaffirm the other term and make provisions of the Agreement.

       NOW, THEREFORE, effective immediately prior to the consummation of the
Acquisition (except as otherwise provided in Section 15 below), the undersigned,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

1.     Each reference, if any, in the Agreement to any of the entities
       identified below shall be deemed a reference to such entity's new name,
       as indicated:

       (a)    Medtech/Denorex, LLC n/k/a Prestige International Holdings, LLC;

       (b)    SNS Household Holdings, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Household Holdings,

       (c)    SNS Household Brands, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Household Brands, Inc.;

       (d)    Medtech Acquisition Holdings, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Products
              Holdings, Inc.;

       (e)    Medtech Acquisition, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Brands, Inc.;

       (f)    Medtech/Denorex Management, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Brands, Inc., as
              successor by merger;

       (g)    Denorex Acquisition Holdings, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Personal Care
              Holdings, Inc.; and

       (h)    Denorex Acquisition, Inc. n/k/a Prestige Personal Care, Inc.


2.     The fourth introductory paragraph of the Agreement shall be deleted in
       its entirety and amended and restated as follows:

              The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Company and
       Executive is a condition to (A) the purchase of Class B Preferred Units
       and Common Units by GTCR Fund VIII, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership
       ("GTCR FUND VIII"), GTCR Fund VIII/B, L.P., a Delaware limited
       partnership ("GTCR FUND VIII/B"), GTCR Co-Invest II, L.P., a Delaware
       limited partnership ("GTCR CO-INVEST") and the TCW/Crescent Purchasers
       (as defined herein) pursuant to a Unit Purchase Agreement among the
       Company and such Persons dated as of the date hereof (as amended from
       time to time, the "PURCHASE AGREEMENT") and (B) the purchase of warrants
       to acquire Class B Preferred Units and Common Units by GTCR Capital
       Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("GTCR CAPITAL PARTNERS")
       and the TCW/Crescent Lenders (as defined herein) pursuant to a Warrant
       Agreement between the Company and such Persons dated as of the date
       hereof. Certain provisions of this Agreement are intended for the benefit
       of, and will be enforceable by, the Purchasers (as defined herein).

3.     The definitions for each of the following defined terms in the Agreement
       shall be deleted in their entirety and amended and restated as follows:

       (a)    "CREDIT AGREEMENT" means the Credit Agreement, dated as of April
              6, 2004, among Employer, Prestige Brands International, LLC, a
              Delaware limited liability company, the lenders and issuers party
              thereto, Citicorp North America, Inc., as administrative agent and
              Tranche C Agent (as defined therein), Bank of America, N.A., as
              syndication agent for the lenders and issuers, Merrill Lynch
              Capital, a division of Merrill Lynch Business Financial Services
              Inc., as documentation agent for the lenders and issuers, and the
              other parties named therein, as the same may be amended,
              supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, at any
              renewal, extension, refunding, restructuring, replacement or
              refinancing thereof (whether with the original agent or lenders or
              another agent or agents or other lenders and whether provided
              under the original Credit Agreement or any other credit

       (b)    "DEBT" means "Indebtedness" as such term is defined in the Credit

       (c)    "EBITDA" means "Adjusted EBITDA" as such term is defined in the
              Credit Agreement.

       (d)    "LLC AGREEMENT" means the Third Amended and Restated Limited
              Liability Company Agreement of the Company, dated as of April 6,
              2004, as amended from time to time pursuant to its terms.

              means, with respect to any Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment,
              the product of the Purchaser Equity Fund Dilution Percentage
              MULTIPLIED BY the number of Standard


              Carried Common Units owned by Executive immediately prior to the
              Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment.

4.     The following defined terms in the Agreement shall be deleted in their

       (a)    Maximum Percentage of Repurchaseable Standard Carried Common

       (b)    Purchaser Mezzanine Fund Dilution Factor; and

       (c)    Purchaser Mezzanine Fund Dilution Percentage.

5.     The following defined terms (and related definitions) shall be added to
       the Agreement:

       (a)    "CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS" has the meaning set forth in the LLC

       (b)    "COMET" means The Comet Products Corporation, a Delaware

       (c)    "PRESTIGE" means Prestige Brands International, Inc. a Virginia

       (d)    "REGISTRATION AGREEMENT" means the Registration Rights Agreement,
              dated as of February 6, 2004, by and among the Company and certain
              of its securityholders, as amended from time to time pursuant to
              its terms.

       (e)    "SPIC AND SPAN" means the The Spic and Span Company, a Delaware

6.     References in the Agreement to the Transition Services Agreement
       (including the definition thereof) shall be disregarded.

7.     Each reference to "Investor" or "Equity Investor" in the Agreement shall
       instead be deemed a reference to "Purchaser"; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
       each reference to "Investor" in Sections 3(b)(v) and (vi) of the
       Agreement shall instead be deemed a reference to "Participating

8.     Section 3(b)(ii) of the Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and
       amended and restated as follows:

       (ii)   Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this
       SECTION 3(b), in the event of any Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment,
       the Purchasers who participated in such Follow-on Purchaser Equity
       Investment (the "PARTICIPATING PURCHASERS") will have the right to
       repurchase (the "DILUTION REPURCHASE OPTION") from Executive and his
       transferees (including for this purpose the Company and, with respect to
       any Standard Carried Common Units acquired other than pursuant to the
       Dilution Repurchase Option, the Purchasers) all or any portion of
       Executive's Maximum Number of Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units
       as of such Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment.

9.     Section 3(b)(iv) of the Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and
       amended and restated as follows:


       (iv)   As soon as practicable after the Company has determined the
       Maximum Number of Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units in respect
       of any Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment, the Company shall give
       written notice (the "DILUTION REPURCHASE OPTION NOTICE") to the
       Participating Purchasers setting forth the Maximum Number of
       Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units and the purchase price
       therefor. The Participating Purchasers may elect to purchase any or all
       of the Maximum Number of Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units by
       giving written notice to the Company within 30 days after the Dilution
       Repurchase Option Notice has been given by the Company. If the
       Participating Purchasers elect to purchase an aggregate number greater
       than the Maximum Number of Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units,
       the Maximum Number of Repurchasable Standard Carried Common Units shall
       be allocated among the Participating Purchasers on a pro rata basis
       consistent with each such Participating Purchaser's portion of such
       Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment Amount. As soon as practicable, and
       in any event within 10 days after the expiration of the 30-day period set
       forth above, the Company shall notify each holder of the Standard Carried
       Common Units as to the number of units being purchased from such holder
       by the Participating Purchasers, the aggregate consideration to be paid
       for such units and the time and place for the closing of the transaction
       (the "DILUTION REPURCHASE NOTICE"). At such time, the Company shall also
       deliver written notice to each Participating Purchaser setting forth the
       number of units such Participating Purchaser is entitled to purchase, the
       aggregate purchase price and the time and place of the closing of the

10.    In Section 6(b) of the Agreement, the phrase "must agree in writing to be
       bound by the provisions of this Agreement and the LLC Agreement" shall be
       deleted in its entirety and amended and replaced with the phrase "must
       agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement, the LLC
       Agreement, the Securityholders Agreement and the Registration Agreement".

11.    In Section 10(a) of the Agreement, the phrase "the Company, Employer,
       Medtech, Denorex" shall be deleted in its entirety and amended and
       replaced, in each case in each instance in which it appears, with the
       phrase "the Company, Employer, Medtech, Denorex, Spic and Span, Comet,

12.    EXHIBIT B to the Agreement shall be replaced and superseded in its
       entirety by the form of EXHIBIT B attached hereto.

13.    The parties hereto agree that the defined term "Substantial
       Underperformance" and the references thereto in the Agreement shall be
       disregarded until July 1, 2004, at which time such defined term and the
       references thereto shall be reinstated in the Agreement with full force
       and effect.

14.    Any notices sent to Kirkland & Ellis LLP pursuant to the terms of the
       Agreement shall be sent to the attention of Kevin R. Evanich, P.C. and
       Christopher J. Greeno.


15.    Immediately following the consummation of the Acquisition and the
       transactions related thereto, the definitions for each of the following
       defined terms in the Agreement shall be deleted in their entirety and
       amended and restated as follows:

       (a)    "EQUITY EQUIVALENTS" means, at any time, without duplication with
              any other Equity Securities or Equity Equivalents, any rights,
              warrants, options, convertible debt or equity securities,
              exchangeable debt or equity securities, or other rights
              exercisable for or convertible or exchangeable into, directly or
              indirectly, Equity Securities or securities convertible or
              exchangeable into Equity Securities, whether at the time of
              issuance or upon the passage of time or the occurrence of a future
              event; PROVIDED THAT, (i) any of the foregoing shall only be
              considered an Equity Equivalent to the extent (and only to the
              extent) that it is convertible or exchangeable into an Equity
              Security at a price below the then Fair Market Value of such
              Equity Security and (ii) in no event shall the Senior Preferred
              Units (as defined in the LLC Agreement) be deemed Equity
              Equivalents hereunder

       (b)    "EQUITY SECURITIES" means all Class A Preferred Units, Class B
              Preferred Units, Common Units and other Units (as defined in the
              LLC Agreement) or other equity interests in the Company (including
              other classes or series thereof having different rights) that are
              purchased simultaneously with Common Units as a strip of
              securities as may be authorized for issuance by the Company from
              time to time. Equity Securities will also include equity of the
              Company (or a corporate successor to the Company or a Subsidiary
              of the Company) issued with respect to Equity Securities (i) by
              way of a unit split, unit dividend, conversion, or other
              recapitalization, (ii) by way of reorganization or
              recapitalization of the Company in connection with the
              incorporation of a corporate successor in accordance with Section
              15.7 of the LLC Agreement, or (iii) by way of a distribution of
              securities of a Subsidiary of the Company to the members of the
              Company following or with respect to a Subsidiary Public Offering.

16.    In connection with the Follow-on Purchaser Equity Investment consummated
       as part of the Acquisition, Executive represents and warrants that
       Executive owns the 180,108 Standard Carried Common Units being purchased
       from Executive pursuant to the related Dilution Repurchase Option free
       and clear of all liens, restrictions, charges and encumbrances (other
       than as contemplated by the Agreement and the other agreements referenced
       therein) and the same will not be subject to any adverse claims.

17.    Except for the changes noted above, the Agreement shall remain in full
       force and effect and any dispute under this Amendment shall be resolved
       in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, including, but not limited
       to, Section 13(g) thereof (Choice of Law).

18.    This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts (including
       by means of facsimiled signature pages), which shall together constitute
       one and the same instrument.

                                   * * * * * *


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Second
Amendment and Acknowledgment to Senior Management Agreement on the date first
written above.

                                        PRESTIGE INTERNATIONAL
                                        HOLDINGS, LLC

                                        By:       /S/ PETER C. MANN
                                        Name:     Peter C. Mann
                                        Title:    President

                                        PRESTIGE BRANDS, INC.

                                        By:       /S/ PETER C. MANN
                                        Name:     Peter C. Mann
                                        Title:    President

                                          /S/  PETER J. ANDERSON
                                        PETER J. ANDERSON

Agreed and Accepted:


By:    GTCR Partners VIII, L.P.
Its:   General Partner

By:    GTCR Golder Rauner II, L.L.C.
Its:   General Partner

Name:    David A. Donnini
Its:     Principal


By:    GTCR Partners VIII, L.P.
Its:   General Partner

By:    GTCR Golder Rauner II, L.L.C.
Its:   General Partner

Name:    David A. Donnini
Its:     Principal




By:    GTCR Golder Rauner II, L.L.C.
Its:   General Partner

Name:    David A. Donnini
Its:     Principal


By:    GTCR Mezzanine Partners, L.P.
Its:   General Partner

By:    GTCR Partners VI, L.P.
Its:   General Partner

By:    GTCR Golder Rauner, L.L.C.
Its:   General Partner

Name:    David A. Donnini
Its:     Principal


By:    TCW/Crescent Mezzanine
       Management III, L.L.C.,
       its Investment Manager

By:    TCW Asset Management Company,
       its Sub-Advisor

Name:    Timothy P. Costello
Its:   Managing Director



                                                                       EXHIBIT B


Fiscal Year                                             Annual EBITDA
- -----------                                             -------------
2004                                                    $ 102 million
2005                                                    $ 102 million
2006                                                    $ 102 million
2007                                                    $ 102 million
2008                                                    $ 102 million