<Page> PUBLIC ACCOUNTS For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2004 2003/2004 [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] MINISTRY OF FINANCE Office of the Comptroller General <Page> - -------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA British Columbia. Office of the Comptroller General. Public accounts for the year ended . . . -2000/2001- Annual. Report year ends Mar. 31. Continues: British Columbia. Ministry of Finance. Public accounts. ISSN 1187-8657. ISSN 1499-1659 = Public accounts-British Columbia. Office of the Comptroller General 1. British Columbia-Appropriations and expenditures-Periodicals. 2. Revenue-British Columbia-Periodicals. 3. Finance, Public-British Columbia-Periodicals. I. British Columbia. Ministry of Finance. 2. Title. HJ13.B74 352.4'09711'05 C2001-960204-9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- <Page> JUNE 29, 2004 VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The undersigned has the honour to present the Public Accounts of the Government of the Province of British Columbia for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004. GARY COLLINS MINISTER OF FINANCE MINISTRY OF FINANCE VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA HONOURABLE GARY COLLINS MINISTER OF FINANCE I have the honour to submit here with the Public Accounts of the Government of the Province of British Columbia for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004. Respectfully submitted, ARN VAN IERSEL COMPTROLLER GENERAL <Page> <Page> BRITISH COLUMBIA'S PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SETTING THE COURSE The Public Accounts are one of the major accountability documents for the Provincial Government. They demonstrate accountability to the citizens of British Columbia by providing actual audited financial information in a consistent, timely and understandable format. They further allow the reader to see how government performed relative to its fiscal plan for the year, as laid out in the Budget and Estimates of revenue and expenditure. Finally, they report on the financial state of the Province in terms of its assets, liabilities and net debt. The proper focus of the Public Accounts is the Summary Financial Statements that represent the consolidated financial results and financial position for all those organizations that make up the government reporting entity. These statements provide an aggregate over view of how the Province and its various organizations performed against the financial plan. Supplementary information is also provided through the Consolidated Revenue Fund Extracts (available on the internet) that compare actual to planned spending on an appropriation basis, which represents another significant accountability of ministries back to the Legislative Assembly. The Province continues to improve the Public Accounts in terms of their usefulness to readers. A new front section has been developed for Fiscal 2003/04, that provides a summary of the fiscal year. It further provides explanations of revenue, expense, assets and liabilities that tie into both the 2003/04 budget and the 2003/04 financial statements. This section is intended to make the Public Accounts more understandable and continues our effort to better integrate all our major financial accountability documents. Our intention is to further improve this section of the Public Accounts in the coming years by adding comparative data for prior years so that readers can better identify trends. The Public Sector Accounting Board also has a project to develop segmented financial reporting that will provide information on the major components of government. They intend this initiative to address some current concerns that the government entity has become so large and has lost some of its meaningfulness in terms of describing the government's major responsibilities, for example, health and education. The 2003/04 Public Accounts are themselves, a transition document given that the government reporting entity, that is, those organizations considered to be part of government, has already been expanded in the 2004/05 budget, to include schools, universities, colleges, and health authorities (SUCH sector). However, since these Public Accounts are a report against the 2003/04 Budget that did not include the SUCH sector, they do not yet officially include these organizations. As has been the case for the past eight years, however, the projected impact of including SUCH sector is shown in the supplementary material (see page 83-86). Recognizing that as of 2004/05 and beyond, the Public Accounts will be based on the larger government reporting entity, we have provided some additional information on the impact of SUCH sector. Consistent with recent experience, adding in the SUCH sector would have improved our bottom line, as acknowledged by the auditor general, by $337 million. As the 2003/04 Public Accounts are still based on the old reporting entity and do not officially in clude the SUCH sector, the statements again include a reservation by the Auditor General in keeping with the past number of years. As of 2004/05, with the expanded entity being included in the budget, we expect this reservation will disappear. The government has agreed to include the SUCH sector effective 2004/05, based on our legal requirement to follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). British Columbia, therefore, leads the country in terms of the organizations it includes in its reporting entity. We have stated, however, that with respect to universities, we will monitor the practices of other senior governments to determine if universities truly should be considered part of government in the long term. Besides the SUCH sector, there have been other changes to the reporting entity for 2003/04. New organizations have been added, while others have been deleted, and some have changed status. Major changes include the conversion of BC Ferries into a new authority model, the transfer of the Pacific National Exhibition to the Municipality of Vancouver, and the starting of operations for the Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd and the Vancouver Convention Center Expansion Project. There is a complete listing of the reporting entity for government on pages 67-68. For British Columbia Ferry Corporation, page 47, (As sets Held for Resale, Note 11), provides further information. Also, page 65, (Significant Events, Note 34), provides information regarding the BC Rail transaction anticipated to close in 2004/05. This information is provided to show the impact of the BC Rail transaction on the Summary Financial Statements. <Page> Accounting policies are reviewed each year for continued relevance and consistency with GAAP. Since we are required by law to be GAAP compliant, we have to adjust our policies accordingly. For fiscal 2003/04 there were no accounting policy changes, how ever deferred foreign exchange gains or losses on debt are now included in the reported debt numbers rather than appearing as a deferred revenue or deferred expense. Policy and format changes are made in consultation with the independent Accounting Policy Advisory Committee created under the BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT in 2001. This Committee has advised government on the requirements to be fully compliant with GAAP by the legislated date of April 1, 2004. Based on progress to date, we are on track to meet this requirement. British Columbia remains a leader in budgeting and financial reporting based on the comparability of its Estimates and Public Accounts, with its focus on "One Bottom Line"; that is, the Summary Financial Statements of the Province including ministries, Crown corporations and other agencies. While we continue to go through significant change, we remain dedicated to improving both the budgeting and reporting of the Province. Again, I thank the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts of the Legislative Assembly, government ministries, Crown corporations and agencies, and the Office of the Auditor General for their guidance and support in preparing the 2003/04 Public Accounts. The efforts of all participants were critical in maintaining an early release date comparable with the best practitioners in Canada. Comments or questions regarding the Public Accounts documents are very much appreciated and can be directed to me by mail at PO Box 9413 STN PROV GOVT, Victoria BC V8W 9V1, e-mail at arn.vaniersel@gems8.gov.bc.ca or by telephone at 250-387-6692 or fax at 250-356-2001. ARN VAN IERSEL COMPTROLLER GENERAL <Page> <Table> <Caption> CONTENTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW (UNAUDITED) PUBLIC ACCOUNTS CONTENT................................................ 9 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS............................ 10 SUMMARY ACCOUNTS' SURPLUS (DEFICIT).................................... 11 CHANGES FROM 2003/04 BUDGET............................................ 12 CHANGES IN ACTUAL RESULTS FROM 2003 TO 2004............................ 12 TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT.................................................. 13 ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS.................................................... 13 REVENUE BY SOURCE...................................................... 14 REVENUE BY CATEGORY.................................................... 15 EXPENSE BY FUNCTION.................................................... 16 EXPENSE BY FUNCTION-CHART.............................................. 17 EXPENSE BY MAJOR ACCOUNTABILITY........................................ 17 FINANCIAL ASSETS....................................................... 18 LIABILITIES............................................................ 19 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DEBT............................................... 19 TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT.................................................. 19 CREDIT RATING-CHART.................................................... 20 NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS................................................... 20 NET LIABILITIES AND ACCUMULATED DEFICIT................................ 21 SUM MARY ACCOUNTS' STAFF UTILIZATION................................... 21 IMPACT OF SUCH......................................................... 22 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA...................... 25 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA......................................... 29 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION........................................ 31 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS................................................ 32 STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN NET LIABILITIES................................. 33 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS................. 34 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.................................. 36 REPORTING ENTITY....................................................... 67 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR.............................. 69 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR...................................... 71 STATEMENT OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL POSITION........................... 73 STATEMENT OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF OPERARTIONS AND STATEMENT OF EQUITY.............................................. 74 STATEMENT OF TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS................................... 75 STATEMENT OF GUARANTEED DEBT........................................... 76 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) ADJUSTED NET INCOME OF CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES................. 81 IMPACT OF SUCH SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS' STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION.......................... 83 IMPACT OF SUCH SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS' STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS.................................. 85 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH SECTOR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR..................... 87 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH SECTOR STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR............................. 89 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXTRACTS (UNAUDITED) OPERATING RESULT....................................................... 93 SCHEDULE OF NET REVENUE BY SOURCE...................................... 94 SCHEDULE OF COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES TO ACTUAL EXPENSES...................................................... 96 SCHEDULE OF FINANCING TRANSACTION DISBURSEMENTS........................ 98 SCHEDULE OF INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 9(2)(D)(II), (III) AND (IV) OF THE BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT............................................... 99 PROVINCIAL DEBT SUMMARY OVERVIEW OF PROVINCIAL DEBT (UNAUDITED)................................ 103 PROVINCIAL DEBT (UNAUDITED)............................................ 104 CHANGE IN PROVINCIAL DEBT (UNAUDITED).................................. 105 RECONCILIATION OF SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (SURPLUS) DEFICIT TO CHANGE IN TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT AND TOTAL DEBT (UNAUDITED)...................................... 106 RECONCILIATION OF TOTAL DEBT TO THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DEBT (UNAUDITED)................................ 106 CHANGE IN PROVINCIAL DEBT, COMPARISON TO BUDGET (UNAUDITED).......................................................... 107 </Table> <Page> <Table> <Caption> CONTENTS--CONTINUED - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERPROVINCIAL COMPARISON OF TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT AS A PER CENTAGE OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (UNAUDITED)................ 108 INTERPROVINCIAL COMPARISON OF TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT PER CAPITA (UNAUDITED)........................................... 109 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ON THE SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, AND SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES.............................. 111 SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT................................................ 113 KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT......................................... 115 SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES........................................... 116 DEFINITIONS............................................................... 117 </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 9 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS CONTENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS)--provides a written commentary on the Summary Financial Statements plus additional information on the financial performance of the government. SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--these audited statements have been prepared to disclose the financial impact of the government's activities. They aggregate the Consolidated Revenue Fund and taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies (government organizations) and self-supported Crown corporations and agencies (government enterprises). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (UNAUDITED)--this section provides supplementary schedules containing detailed information on the results of those Crown corporations and agencies that are part of the government reporting entity. Additional information is also included on the impact of including schools, universities, colleges and institutes, and health care authorities in the government reporting entity. Currently, they are not considered part of the government reporting entity because each is part of a province-wide program, is locally based and has an initial accountability to a local board. These organizations will be included in 2004/05. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXTRACTS (UNAUDITED)--the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) reflects the core operations of the province as represented by the operations of government ministries and legislative offices. Its statements are included in an abridged form. The CRF Extracts include a summary of the CRF operating result, a schedule of net revenue by source, a schedule of expenses, a schedule of financing transactions, and a schedule of write-off, remission and forgiveness, as required by statute. PROVINCIAL DEBT SUMMARY--presents schedules and statements that provide further details on provincial debt and reconcile the Summary Financial Statements to the province's total debt. Also included are the audited Summary of Provincial Debt, Key Indicators of Provincial Debt and Summary of Performance Measures. This publication is available on the Internet at: www.fin.gov.bc.ca ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE The following information is available only on the Internet at: www.fin.gov.bc.ca CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES--this section contains schedules that provide details of financial activities of the province's Consolidated Revenue Fund, including details of expenses by ministerial appropriations, including an analysis of statutory appropriations, Special Accounts and Special Funds, and financing transactions. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND DETAILED SCHEDULES OF PAYMENTS--this section contains detailed schedules of salaries, wages, travel expenses, grants and other payments. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES--this section contains links to the audited financial statements of those Crown corporations and agencies that are included in the government reporting entity. SEGREGATED FUNDS AND TRUST FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--this section contains the audited financial statements of the pension, superannuation and long-term disability funds administered by the province. A summary of financial information for trust funds is also included in this section. SUMMARIES OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES TO WHICH THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION ACT APPLIES--this section contains summaries of the financial statements of corporations, associations, boards, commissions, societies and public bodies required to report under the FINANCIAL INFORMATION ACT (R.S.B.C. 1996, chap. 140, sec. 2). <Page> 10 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS REPORT The focus of the province's financial reporting is the Summary Financial Statements that consolidate the operating and financial results of the province's Crown corporations and agencies with the Consolidated Revenue Fund. These are general-purpose statements designed to meet, to the extent possible, the information needs of a variety of users. The Public Accounts are prepared in accordance with the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT and the BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (BTAA). The BTAA was amended in 2001 with the passing of Bill 5. Under section 20 of that Bill, the government has mandated that "all accounting policies and practices applicable to documents required to be made public under this Act for the government reporting entity must conform to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)." This move to fully comply with GAAP must be completed effective with the 2004/05 fiscal year. For senior governments, GAAP is generally considered to be the recommendations and guidelines of the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. While the province generally follows the recommendations of PSAB, there are two areas that have been or will be reviewed in the move to full GAAP reporting: i) school districts, universities, colleges and institutes, and health authorities (SUCH sector) were examined to determine whether or not they belong in the government reporting entity (GRE). These organizations will be included in the GRE in 2004/05. ii) prepaid capital advances, currently used to capitalize grants to entities outside the GRE for tangible capital assets, will be reviewed to determine if they are still required once the move to fully comply with GAAP is complete. An Accounting Policy Advisory Committee has been established as an independent body and is assisting the province in addressing these two issues. The Public Accounts are printed in one volume and include the Overview, the Summary Financial Statements, Supplementary Information, the Consolidated Revenue Fund Extracts and the Provincial Debt Summary. Additional information is available to the public on the Internet at: www.fin.gov.bc.ca. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 11 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The information contained within the Financial Highlights is taken from the Summary Financial Statements on pages 31 to 77. The bud get figures are from pages 3 to 5 of the ESTIMATES--FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004. Despite significant revenue and expenditure shocks in 2003/04, the province ended the year with a deficit of $1,339 million, an improvement of $961 million compared with the budgeted $2,300 million deficit and an improvement of $1,860 million compared with the prior year. SUMMARY ACCOUNTS' SURPLUS (DEFICIT) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/031 Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ---------------------------------------------------------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS AND AGENCIES $ $ $ $ $ Revenue(2)............................................... 24,619 24,793 22,887 174 1,906 Expense(2)............................................... (27,800) (27,891) (27,577) (91) (314) ---------------------------------------------------------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED BALANCE (3,181) (3,098) (4,690) 83 1,592 Self-supported Crown corporation net earnings............ 1,381 1,881 1,766 500 115 ---------------------------------------------------------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) BEFORE UNUSUAL ITEMS (1,800) (1,217) (2,924) 583 1,707 Results of discontinued operations....................... (106) 106 Restructuring exit expense............................... (122) (169) (122) 47 Forecast allowance....................................... (500) 500 ---------------------------------------------------------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR (2,300) (1,339) (3,199) 961 1,860 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- </Table> (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. (2)2003/04 Budget excluded $319 million in additional CHST funds from the federal government that were not known at the time of the Budget, but were included in the Supply Act passed on May 29, 2003. Improvements in taxation and energy revenues and self-supported Crown corporation operating results helped to offset unanticipated events, such as reduced Equalization revenues and the costs of forest fires, floods and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). At the same time, lower debt service costs and ministry savings created additional fiscal room to accommodate priority initiatives, including the acceleration of $72 million of the government's commitment to support the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. During the 2003/04 fiscal year, the Legislative Assembly approved four Supplementary Estimates totalling $837 million. The Supplementary Estimate authorized the spending of $319 million in federal health accord funding received. The Supplementary Estimates provided information and authorization to support spending of $446 million in additional expenses related to disaster costs, $72 million in accelerated funding for the 2010 Olympics, and $274,000 in additional expenses for the Information and Privacy Commissioner. <Page> 12 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS CHANGES FROM 2003/04 BUDGET <Table> <Caption> In Millions Revenues Expenses Deficit -------- -------- ------- $ $ $ BUDGET (BEFORE FORECAST ALLOWANCE) 26,000 27,800 (1,800) Forecast Allowance.............................................................. (500) ------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) PER BUDGET (2,300) Increase in taxation revenue.................................................... 467 467 Decrease in equalization funding................................................ (1,005) (1,005) Increase in Canada Health and Social Transfer................................... 281 281 Increase in energy revenue...................................................... 332 332 Increase in self-supported Crown corporation net earnings....................... 500 500 Increase in other revenue....................................................... 99 99 (Decrease) in debt interest expense............................................. (341) 341 Increase in forest fires, floods, and BSE costs................................. 410 (410) Increase in other spending...................................................... 144 (144) Decrease in forecast allowance.................................................. 500 ------ ------ ------- 674 213 961 ------ ------ ------- ACTUAL RESULTS 26,674 28,013 (1,339) ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- </Table> CHANGES IN ACTUAL RESULTS FROM 2003 TO 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions Revenues Expenses Deficit -------- -------- ------- $ $ $ 2002/03(1) SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 24,653 27,852 (3,199) Increase in taxation revenue (see page 14)...................................... 1,531 1,531 Increase in natural resources revenue (see page 14)............................. 372 372 In crease in other revenue (see page 14)........................................ 235 235 Increase in self-supported Crown corporation net earnings (see page 14)......... 115 115 (Decrease) in federal contributions (see page 14)............................... (232) (232) Increase in health expenses (see page 16)....................................... 221 (221) (Decrease) in social services expense (see page 16)............................. (280) 280 Increase in other expense....................................................... 220 (220) ------ ------ ------- Subtotal of changes in actual results........................................... 2,021 161 1,860 ------ ------ ------- 2003/04 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 26,674 28,013 (1,339) ------ ------ 2002/03(1) ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (8,015) ------- 2003/04 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (9,354) ------- ------- </Table> - ----------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 13 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Fiscal 2003/04 also marks the final year of the government's three-year restructuring initiative for government ministries. Over the three-year period, actual ministry restructuring costs totalled $574 million. Crown corporations restructuring costs over the same period were $309 million. Debt reported on the financial statements at the end of 2003/04 was $36,938 million, up $814 million from 2002/03. As noted in the table below, total provincial debt was $399 million higher than the amount reported in the province's financial statements due to differences in how debt guarantees and non-guaranteed debt are reported for accounting purposes. TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Financial statement debt.......................................... 40,527 36,938 36,124 (3,589) 814 Third party guarantees and non-guaranteed debt.................... 439 399 415 (40) (16) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT 40,966 37,337 36,539 (3,629) 798 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- </Table> - ----------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. A more comprehensive overview of provincial debt, including key debt indicators is located on pages 103 to 116. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS British Columbia's economy grew by 2.2% in calendar 2003, tying for fourth highest among provinces, according to preliminary results from Statistics Canada. The estimated 2.2% growth last year exceeded the national average of 1.7%. Economic growth in British Columbia was fueled by a strong housing market and robust job creation in 2003. Employment grew 2.5% last year with just over 50,000 jobs created, almost all of them full-time. Housing starts posted growth of 21% in calendar 2003 and non-residential construction also saw a pick-up in growth to 6.1%. [Graphic] <Page> 14 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS STRONG AND STABLE CREDIT British Columbia continues to maintain a strong and stable credit rating, most notably evidenced by the recent upgrade to the province's credit rating outlook by two of the three credit rating agencies. (See page 19 for details.) FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REVENUE For the 2003/04 fiscal year, revenue totalled $26,674 million, $674 million higher than budget and $2,021 million higher than 2002/03. REVENUE BY SOURCE <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Taxation........................................................... 13,341 13,808 12,277 467 1,531 Contributions from Federal Government(2)........................... 3,992 3,346 3,578 (646) (232) Natural Resources.................................................. 3,396 3,653 3,281 257 372 Fees and Licences.................................................. 2,262 2,427 2,283 165 144 Net earnings of self-supported Crown Corporations.................. 1,381 1,881 1,766 500 115 Miscellaneous...................................................... 900 977 829 77 148 Investment Earnings................................................ 728 582 639 (146) (57) ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- TOTAL REVENUE...................................................... 26,000 26,674 24,653 674 2,021 ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- </Table> - ------------ (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. (2)2003/04 Bud get excluded $319 million in additional CHST funds from the federal government that were not known at the time of the Budget, but were included in the SUPPLY ACT passed on May 29, 2003. The main reasons for the difference between budget and actuals were higher self-supported Crown corporation net earnings and higher taxation and natural resource revenues, partially off set by lower federal transfer payments. Taxation revenues, which comprise over 50% of all revenues, were $467 million higher than budget and $1,531 million higher than 2002/03, reflecting personal income tax and property transfer tax improvements. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 15 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Contributions from the federal government were $646 million lower than budget and $232 million lower than 2002/03 since reduced equalization entitlements for 2003/04 and prior years were only partially offset by higher revenues for Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) and federal government relief for forest fire costs. Equalization revenue was $1,005 million below budget reflecting a $499 million lower entitlement in respect of 2003/04 and a negative $506 million prior year adjustment mainly for 2002/03. CHST revenue was up $281 million from budget mainly due to the Health Accord funding and federal contributions for forest fire relief totalled $121 million. Relative to 2002/03, equalization revenue was $873 million lower and CHST revenue was up $438 million. The year-over-year change in CHST revenue reflects the Health Accord funding, the higher entitlement for prior years and an increased base in 2003/04. Natural resource revenues were $257 million higher than budget and $372 million higher than 2002/03, reflecting higher energy revenues, mainly due to the record natural gas and petroleum drilling rights sold in September 2003. These gains were partially offset during the year by lower natural gas revenues resulting from lower production and lower forest revenues due to the effects of a higher Canadian dollar and lower coastal harvest volumes. Net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations were $500 million higher than budget and $115 million higher than 2002/03. The change from budget was primarily due to improved reservoir levels, lower than expected energy and interest costs for the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), and higher premium revenue and reduced operating costs for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). The improvement over the 2002/03 fiscal year was due to increased sales and reduced costs for the Liquor Distribution Branch, increased BC Lotteries' revenues, and higher premium revenues from ICBC. These in creases were partially offset by lower income from BC Hydro due to an increase in electricity purchases to meet domestic demand and a provision for the Vancouver Island Generation Project/Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline costs. Primary sources of provincial revenue are outlined in the chart below. REVENUE BY CATEGORY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/04 [GRAPHIC] <Page> 16 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS EXPENSE In 2003/04, provincial expenses totalled $28,013 million, $213 million higher than budget and $161 million higher than 2002/03. EXPENSE BY FUNCTION <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Health(2).................................................... 10,718 10,945 10,724 227 221 Education.................................................... 6,936 6,899 6,898 (37) 1 Social Services.............................................. 2,856 2,871 3,151 15 (280) Interest(3).................................................. 1,792 1,451 1,493 (341) (42) Protection of Persons and Property........................... 1,428 1,565 1,422 137 143 Transportation............................................... 1,354 1,267 1,150 (87) 117 Natural resources and economic development................... 1,127 1,496 1,533 369 (37) Other........................................................ 1,123 906 667 (217) 239 General Government........................................... 466 491 539 25 (48) ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE...................................... 27,800 27,891 27,577 91 314 Results of discontinued operations........................... 106 (106) Restructuring exit expense................................... 122 169 122 (47) ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- TOTAL EXPENSE................................................ 27,800 28,013 27,852 213 161 ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- ------- ------- ---------- --------- -------- </Table> - ------------ (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. (2)2003/04 Budget for Health excluded $319 million in additional CHST funds from the federal government that were not known at the time of the budget, but were included in the Supply Act passed on May 29, 2003. (3)Interest expense does not include interest relating to prepaid capital advances. These interest costs are recorded in the related health, education and transportation functions. SEE Note 29 on page 63 for more details. Health spending was $227 million higher than budget and $221 million higher than 2002/03, primarily due to additional federal funding arising from the federal/provincial Health Accord. Social services spending was $15 million higher than budget and $280 million lower than 2002/03. The decrease from the prior year was primarily due to an overall reduction in case loads and other program costs. Interest expense was $341 million less than budget and $42 million less than 2002/03 as a result of lower interest rates, reduced debt balances compared to budget and a stronger Canadian dollar. Natural resources and economic development spending was $369 million higher than budget and $37 million lower than 2002/03. The change from budget was primarily due to unanticipated forest fire suppression, BSE, and flood related costs. The decrease from the prior year mainly reflected the effect of a one-time provision of $275 million made in 2002/03 for forestry revitalization offset by the additional disaster costs in 2003/04. Other spending was $217 million lower than budget and $239 million higher than 2002/03. The difference between actual and budget was due to lower than expected spending by taxpayer-supported Crown corporations. The 2003/04 to 2002/03 actual variance related to the accelerated spending associated with the 2010 Olympics. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 17 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for senior governments and Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB), provincial expenses are reported on a functional basis in the Public Accounts. Under functional reporting, expenses are grouped and classified according to their principle purpose using a modified version of the Statistics Canada account classification system. Primary expense functions are outlined in the chart below: EXPENSE BY FUNCTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/04 [GRAPHIC] MINISTRY, PROGRAM AND AGENCY REPORTING While functional reporting allows for greater comparability across jurisdictions, it is not considered the primary tool for managing results as the level of aggregation does not provide specific information about the operational objectives and major activities of the reporting entity. Reporting by entity provides management and the public additional information regarding the allocation of resources and related costs of the different operational activities of government. For example, Health Services shows an expense of $10,453 million while the Health Function in the above table shows an expense of $10,945 million. The difference results from the Health Function including the Health Services Ministry, taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies and other ministries' programs that are related to health function spending. EXPENSE BY MAJOR ACCOUNTABILITY <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Health Services.......................................... 10,209 10,453 10,206 244 247 Education................................................ 4,860 4,787 4,807 (73) (20) Advanced Education....................................... 1,899 1,897 1,897 (2) Management of Public Funds and Debt...................... 926 738 711 (188) 27 Other Ministries and Programs............................ 6,950 7,235 7,346 285 (111) Government restructuring (All ministries)................ 190 168 212 (22) (44) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSE........................ 25,034 25,278 25,179 244 99 Less: Grants/internal transfers.......................... (1,087) (1,128) (1,155) (41) 27 Add: Recoveries.......................................... 1,615 1,733 1,670 118 63 Other taxpayer supported entities (net of accounting adjustments).......................................... 2,238 2,130 2,158 (108) (28) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- TOTAL EXPENSE............................................ 27,800 28,013 27,852 213 161 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- </Table> - ------------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. <Page> 18 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Major variances in the Expense by Major Accountability are: o Health Services was $244 million higher than budget and $247 million higher than 2002/03, due primarily to additional federal contributions for health care. A Supplementary Estimate to authorize the spending of the federal contribution was approved in May 2003. After taking into account the Supplementary Estimate, health care spending was $75 million below budget. o Other ministries and program spending was $285 million higher than budget and $111 million lower than 2002/03. The change from budget primarily reflects the additional costs associated with forest fire suppression, BSE, and flood related costs partially offset by lower spending in other areas. o Management of Public Funds and Debt (interest) was $188 million lower than budget due to government interest savings arising from lower interest rates, reduced debt balances and a stronger Canadian dollar. o Other taxpayer-supported entity spending was a $108 million lower than budget and $28 million lower than 2002/03, primarily due to delays in the implementation of Ministry of Children and Family governance authorities. Further details on ministry, program and agency spending can be found in the 2004 British Columbia Financial and Economic Review available in July 2004, at: www.fin.gov.bc.ca/pubs FINANCIAL ASSETS Financial assets as at March 31, 2004 totalled $15,810 million, $269 million lower than budget and $1,439 million higher than 2002/03. The increase compared to 2002/03 is primarily due to a $344 million increase in BC Hydro loans receivable, a $399 million increase in ICBC equity and a $428 million loan receivable from British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. FINANCIAL ASSETS <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Accounts receivable................................................. 2,539 2,542 2,380 3 162 Equity in self-supported Crown Corporations and Agencies............ 2,594 2,989 2,629 395 360 Loans for purchases of assets recoverable from agencies............. 8,270 7,602 7,336 (668) 266 Other financial assets.............................................. 2,676 2,677 2,026 1 651 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS.............................................. 16,079 15,810 14,371 (269) 1,439 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- </Table> - -------------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 19 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS As at March 31, 2004, the province's equity investment in self-supported Crown corporations was $2,989 million. In 2003/04, these organizations provided government with $1,881 million in net income. More than 90% of the $7,602 million in recoverable capital loans represents loans to BC Hydro toward the acquisition of power generation and distribution assets. The change from budget is primarily due to lower than anticipated borrowing requirements for BC Hydro. Other financial assets include cash and cash equivalents, temporary investments, inventory, and loans receivable. LIABILITIES Total liabilities were $2,250 million lower than budget and $2,285 million higher than 2002/03. LIABILITIES <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Taxpayer-supported Debt.................. 31,871 29,431 28,899 (2,440) 532 Self-supported Debt...................... 8,156 7,507 7,225 (649) 282 Forecast Allowance....................... 500 (500) ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- TOTAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT DEBT........... 40,527 36,938 36,124 (3,589) 814 Accounts Payable......................... 3,790 3,543 3,353 (247) 190 Other Liabilities........................ 941 2,527 1,246 1,586 1,281 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- TOTAL LIABILITIES........................ 45,258 43,008 40,723 (2,250) 2,285 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- </Table> - ------------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. FINANCIAL STATEMENT DEBT Total financial statement debt was $3,589 million lower than budget, but $814 million higher than 2002/03. Primary reasons for the change from budget included lower than forecast debt balances at the end of the 2002/03 fiscal year, improved government operating results and reduced capital spending requirements. OTHER LIABILITIES Other liabilities were $1,586 million higher than budget and $1,281 million higher than 2002/03. Of this difference, $733 million related to the increase for the repayable Equalization advance from the federal government and an increase of $390 million in deferred revenue related to the federal trusts for CHST. TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT When reporting to rating agencies, the province adds to its financial statement debt, all debt guarantees and the debt directly incurred by the self-supported Crown corporations. This balance is referred to as the total provincial debt. Total provincial debt at March 31, 2003/04, was $37,337 million, which is $3,629 million less than budget and $798 million higher than 2002/03. In April 2004, two of the three rating agencies up graded the province's credit rating outlook to positive from stable. The Moody's Investors Service Inc., presents the outlook for the province at Aa2 (Positive) and Standard and Poor's outlook for the province is at AA-(Positive). The outlook from Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) remains unchanged at AA (low). <Page> 20 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS CREDIT RATINGS JUNE 2004 <Table> <Caption> RATING AGENCY(1) PROVINCE MOODY'S INVESTORS STANDARD AND POOR'S DOMINION BOND SERVICES INC. RATING SERVICE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ British Columbia Aa2 AA- AA(low) Alberta Aaa AAA AAA Saskatchewan Aa3 AA- A Manitoba Aa2 AA- A (high) Ontario Aa2 AA AA Quebec A1 A+ A New Brunswick Aa3 AA- A Nova Scotia A3 A- BBB(high) Prince Edward Island A2 Not rated A(low) Newfoundland A3 A- BBB Canada Aaa AAA AAA </Table> (1)The rating agencies as sign letter ratings to borrowers. The major categories, in descending order of credit quality are: AAA/Aaa; AA/Aa; A; BBB /Baa; BB/Ba; and B. The "1", "2", "3" "high", "low", and "-" modifiers show relative standing within the major categories. For example, AA+ exceeds AA A more comprehensive overview of provincial debt, including key debt indicators is located on pages 103-116 of this publication. NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS At March 31, 2004, non-financial assets totalled $17,844 million, representing a $507 million decrease from budget and a $493 million decrease from the previous year. The decreases were a result of lower than anticipated capital requirements in ministries and the health and education sectors. NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Tangible Capital Assets............................. 10,735 10,482 10,381 (253) 101 Prepaid Capital Advances............................ 7,313 7,136 7,108 (177) 28 Prepaid Program Costs............................... 98 82 107 (16) (25) Non-financial assets held for resale................ 593 (593) Other Assets........................................ 205 144 148 (61) (4) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- TOTAL NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS.......................... 18,351 17,844 18,337 (507) (493) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- </Table> - ------------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. Non-financial assets typically represent resources that government can use in the future to provide services. The majority of the province's non-financial assets reflect capital asset related expenditures and take the form of either tangible capital assets or prepaid capital advances. Prepaid capital advances represent the government's claim on provincially funded assets acquired by external entities in the health, education and transportation sectors. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 21 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS NET LIABILITIES AND ACCUMULATED DEFICIT In accordance with GAAP, the government's statement of financial position is presented on a net debt or net liabilities basis. Net liabilities represents the difference between a government's financial assets and its liabilities and is often used as a measure of the future revenues required to pay for past transactions and events. The accumulated deficit represents the sum of prior years' operating results. NET LIABILITIES AND ACCUMULATED DEFICIT <Table> <Caption> In Millions Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(1) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- $ $ $ $ $ Financial Assets.................... 16,079 15,810 14,371 (269) 1,439 Less: Liabilities................... (45,258) (43,008) (40,723) 2,250 (2,285) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- NET LIABILITIES..................... (29,179) (27,198) (26,352) 1,981 (846) Less: Non-financial Assets.......... 18,351 17,844 18,337 (507) (493) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- ACCUMULATED DEFICIT................. (10,828) (9,354) (8,015) 1,474 (1,339) ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- -------- </Table> - ------------- (1)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. SUMMARY ACCOUNTS' STAFF UTILIZATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004(1) The table below provides a summary of full-time equivalent (FTE)employment. <Table> <Caption> Variance 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03(2) Actual 2003/04 Budget Actual Actual to Budget vs 02/03 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- Consolidated Revenue Fund(3)......................................... 29,049 28,684 29,751 (365) (1,067) Taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies(4,5).............. 5,270 4,570 7,747 (700) (3,177) Regional authorities(6).............................................. 150 (150) ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- TOTAL STAFF UTILIZATION.............................................. 34,469 33,254 37,498 (1,215) (4,244) ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- </Table> (1)Staff utilization is the full time equivalent of the number of persons employed in the fiscal year whose salaries are paid by taxpayer-supported entities within the Summary Accounts. (2)The 2002/03 figures have been restated to conform with the presentation of the 2003/04 Public Accounts. (3)See the Consolidated Revenue Fund Schedules at www.fin.gov.bc.ca. for details. (4)See financial statements of Crown corporations and agencies at www.fin.gov.bc.ca for details of amounts included in this total. (5)The 2003/04 Budget includes an estimate for Canadian Blood Services. This organization is not included in the Public Accounts figures. (6)In 2003/04, the government reporting entity was expanded to include the Ministry of Children and Family Development governance authorities. <Page> 22 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The FTE reductions for the CRF against 2003/04 budget and 2002/03 actuals reflect the government's three-year restructuring and workforce adjustment initiative, offset by 150 FTEs not transferred to regional authorities in 2003/04. The difference between budgeted utilization for taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and actual utilization was 700 employees. This difference included an estimate of 545 employees for Canadian Blood Services while no actual utilization was available for this entity at year end and there were also 82 fewer employees than budgeted for in the Legal Services Society. No employees were transferred to regional authorities in 2003/04 although 150 employees were budgeted to be transferred. The major change between 2003/04 and 2002/03 (4,244 employees) was the transfer of the British Columbia Ferry Corporation in the 2003/04 fiscal year, to an organization outside of the government reporting entity. This accounted for 3,345 employees. MOVE TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES Although the province is not required to include the schools, universities, colleges and health authorities (SUCH sector) in its financial statements until fiscal 2004/05, the 2003/04 Public Accounts does provide an impact statement as if these entities were included. This information has been included in the Public Accounts since fiscal year end 1997/98. The following table outlines the financial impact to government had the SUCH sector organizations been included under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for the 2003/04 fiscal year. IMPACT OF SUCH SECTOR <Table> <Caption> In Millions Before After Impact Inclusion Inclusion of of SUCH of SUCH SUCH --------- --------- ------ $ $ $ Revenue(1)......................... 26,674 28,974 2,300 Expenses(1)........................ 28,013 29,976 1,963 --------- --------- ------ ANNUAL DEFICIT (1,339) (1,002) 337 --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- ------ Financial Assets................... 15,810 19,540 3,730 Less: Liabilities.................. (43,008) (46,900) (3,892) --------- --------- ------ NET LIABILITIES (27,198) (27,360) (162) Less: Non-financial Assets......... 17,844 22,617 4,773 --------- --------- ------ ACCUMULATED DEFICIT (9,354) (4,743) 4,611 --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- ------ </Table> (1)Changes to accounting adjustments resulting from the impact of the SUCH sector. Further details on the impact of the SUCH sector are available on pages 83 to 90 of this publication. <Page> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] <Page> <Page> [Graphic] Report of the Auditor General of British Columbia ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA I have audited the summary financial statements of the Government of the Province of British Columbia consisting of the statement of financial position as at March 31, 2004, and the statements of operations, change in net liabilities, and changes in cash and temporary investments for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Government. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Government, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. RESERVATION As explained in note 1(c) to these financial statements, the Government's stated accounting policies contain exceptions to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for senior governments, as recommended by The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, related to schools, universities, colleges and institutes, and health care organizations. Had GAAP been followed as at March 31, 2004, it would be expected that financial assets increase by $3.7 billion ($3.4 billion at March 31, 2003), liabilities increase by $3.9 billion ($3.7 billion at March 31, 2003), non-financial assets increase by $4.8 billion ($3.6 billion at March 31, 2003), and the accumulated deficit decrease by $4.6 billion ($3.3 billion at March 31, 2003). Similarly, for the year ended March 31, 2004, revenues increase by $2.3 billion ($2.4 billion for 2003), expenses increase by $2.0 billion ($2.2 billion for 2003), and the annual deficit decrease by $0.3 billion ($0.2 billion for 2003). ... 2 <Page> <Page> Page 2 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OPINION In my opinion, except for the effects of my reservation explained in the preceding paragraph, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Government of the Province of British Columbia as at March 31, 2004, the results of its operations and the changes in net liabilities and its cash and temporary investments for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for senior governments as recommended by The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. [Signature] VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA Wayne Strelioff, FCA MAY 14, 2004 Auditor General <Page> <Page> STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the Summary Financial Statements for the Government of the Province of British Columbia rests with the Provincial Government. These financial statements are prepared by the Comptroller General in accordance with the accounting policies as determined by Treasury Board. The fiscal year of the government is from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. To fulfill its accounting and reporting responsibilities, the government maintains systems of financial management and internal control. These systems give due consideration to costs, benefits and risks; and, are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are properly authorized by the Legislative Assembly, are executed in accordance with prescribed regulations and are properly recorded. This is done to maintain accountability of public money and safeguard the assets and properties of the Province of British Columbia under government administration. The Comptroller General of British Columbia maintains the accounts of British Columbia, a centralized record of the government's financial transactions, and obtains additional information as required from ministries, Crown corporations and agencies to meet accounting and reporting requirements. The Auditor General of British Columbia provides an independent opinion on the financial statements prepared by the government. The duties of the Auditor General in that respect are contained in section 11 of the AUDITOR GENERAL ACT. Annually, the financial statements are tabled in the Legislature as part of the Public Accounts, and are referred to the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts of the Legislative Assembly. The Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts reports to the Legislative Assembly on the results of its examination together with any recommendations it may have with respect to the financial statements and accompanying audit opinions. Approved on behalf of the Government of the Province of British Columbia: [Signature] GARY COLLINS Chair, Treasury Board <Page> <Page> 31 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions Note 2004 2003 ---- ---------- ---------- FINANCIAL ASSETS Cash and temporary investments................................................ 3 430 312 Accounts receivable........................................................... 4 2,542 2,380 Inventories for resale........................................................ 5 238 216 Due from other governments.................................................... 6 344 135 Due from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies....................... 7 164 402 Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies...................... 8 2,989 2,629 Loans, advances and mortgages receivable...................................... 9 1,048 596 Other investments............................................................. 10 453 328 Financial assets held for sale................................................ 11 37 Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies....................... 12 7,602 7,336 ---------- ---------- 15,810 14,371 ---------- ---------- LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities...................................... 13 3,543 3,353 Due to other governments...................................................... 14 1,109 322 Due to Crown corporations, agencies and funds................................. 15 123 101 Deferred revenue.............................................................. 16 1,292 706 Liabilities related to assets held for sale................................... 11 113 Employee pension plans (unfunded pension liabilities)......................... 17 3 4 Taxpayer-supported debt....................................................... 18 29,431 28,899 Self-supported debt........................................................... 19 7,507 7,225 ---------- ---------- 43,008 40,723 ---------- ---------- Net liabilities............................................................... 21 (27,198) (26,352) ---------- ---------- NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets....................................................... 22 10,482 10,381 Prepaid capital advances...................................................... 23 7,136 7,108 Prepaid program costs......................................................... 24 82 107 Non-financial assets held for sale............................................ 11 593 Other assets.................................................................. 25 144 148 ---------- ---------- 17,844 18,337 ---------- ---------- ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT)................................................. 26 (9,354) (8,015) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Contingencies and commitments................................................. 27 Significant events............................................................ 34 </Table> The accompanying notes and supplementary statements are an integral part of these financial statements. Prepared in accordance with the accounting policies as determined by Treasury Board. [Signature] ARN VAN IERSEL Comptroller General <Page> 32 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ------------------- ---------- Estimates (Note 31) Actual Actual $ $ $ REVENUE Taxation (Note 28)............................................................. 13,341 13,808 12,277 Contributions from the federal government...................................... 3,992 3,346 3,578 Natural resources.............................................................. 3,396 3,653 3,281 Fees and licences.............................................................. 2,262 2,427 2,283 Net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies (Note 8)........ 1,381 1,881 1,766 Miscellaneous.................................................................. 900 977 829 Investment earnings............................................................ 728 582 639 -------- ------- -------- 26,000 26,674 24,653 -------- ------- -------- EXPENSE Health (Note 29)............................................................... 10,718 10,945 10,724 Education (Note 29)............................................................ 6,936 6,899 6,898 Social services................................................................ 2,856 2,871 3,151 Interest (Note 29)............................................................. 1,792 1,451 1,493 Protection of persons and property............................................. 1,428 1,565 1,422 Transportation (Note 29)....................................................... 1,354 1,267 1,150 Natural resources and economic development..................................... . 1,127 1,496 1,533 Other.......................................................................... 1,123 906 667 General government............................................................. 466 491 539 -------- ------- -------- 27,800 27,891 27,577 -------- ------- -------- Surplus (deficit) for the year before unusual items............................ (1,800) (1,217) (2,924) Forecast allowance............................................................. (500) Results of discontinued operations (Note 11)................................... (106) Restructuring exit expense (Note 35)........................................... (122) (169) -------- ------- -------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR................................................. (2,300) (1,339) (3,199) -------- -------- Accumulated surplus (deficit)--beginning of year as restated (Note 26)......... (8,015) (4,816) ------- -------- ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT)--END OF YEAR..................................... (9,354) (8,015) ------- -------- ------- -------- </Table> The accompanying notes and supplementary statements are an integral part of these financial statements. <Page> 33 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN NET LIABILITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Surplus (deficit) for the year.............................................. (1,339) (3,199) ------- ------- Effect of change in tangible capital assets: Acquisition of tangible capital assets................................... (702) (601) Amortization of tangible capital assets.................................. 526 564 Impact of tangible capital assets held for sale.......................... 593 Disposals and valuation adjustments...................................... 75 268 ------- ------- 492 231 ------- ------- Effect of change in: Prepaid capital advances................................................. (28) (75) Prepaid program costs.................................................... 25 19 Other assets............................................................. 4 9 ------- ------- 1 (47) ------- ------- (Increase) decrease in net liabilities...................................... (846) (3,015) Net liabilities--beginning of year.......................................... (26,352) (23,337) ------- ------- NET LIABILITIES--END OF YEAR................................................ (27,198) (26,352) ------- ------- ------- ------- </Table> The accompanying notes and supplementary statements are an integral part of these financial statements. <Page> 34 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ------------------------------------ -------- Disburse- Receipts ments Net Net $ $ $ $ OPERATING TRANSACTIONS Surplus (deficit) for the year................................................. (1,339) (3,199) Non-cash items included in surplus (deficit) Amortization of tangible capital assets..................................... 526 564 Amortization of prepaid capital advances.................................... 468 415 Amortization of public debt deferred revenues and deferred charges.......... (15) 55 Concessionary loan adjustments (decreases).................................. (2) (1) Impact of Tangible Capital Assets held for sale............................. (51) 51 Valuation adjustments....................................................... 228 273 Net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies.............. (1,881) (1,766) Accounts receivable (increases)................................................ (327) (55) Due from other governments (increases)......................................... (209) 278 Due from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies (increases) decreases.. 238 (18) Accounts payable increases (decreases)......................................... 190 (30) Due to other governments increases............................................. 787 223 Due to Crown corporations, agencies and funds increases........................ 22 38 Unfunded pension liability payments............................................ (1) (2) Items applicable to future operations increases................................ 615 116 Contributions of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies................ 1,541 1,657 ------- ------- Cash derived from (used for) operations........................................ 790 (1,401) ------- ------- CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS Tangible capital assets (acquisitions)......................................... 629 702 (73) (392) Prepaid capital advances (increases)........................................... 496 (496) (490) ------ ------ ------- ------- Cash (used for) capital........................................................ 629 1,198 (569) (882) ------ ------ ------- ------- INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS Investment in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies................... 20 (20) Loans, advances and mortgages receivable (issues).............................. 120 603 (483) (35) Other investments--net decreases (increases)................................... 133 (133) (44) ------ ------ ------- ------- Cash (used for) investments.................................................... 120 756 (636) (79) ------ ------ ------- ------- Total financing (requirements)................................................. (415) (2,362) ------- ------- </Table> <Page> 35 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ------------------------------------ -------- Disburse- Receipts ments Net Net $ $ $ $ FINANCING TRANSACTIONS(1) Public debt increases.......................................................... 15,905 15,094 811 770 Derived from Warehouse Program investments..................................... 1,067 Derived from (used for) purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies.......... (4,900) (4,622) (278) 57 ------ ------- ------- ------- Cash derived from (used for) financing......................................... 11,005 10,472 533 1,894 ------ ------- ------- ------- Increase (decrease) in cash and temporary investments.......................... 118 (468) Balance--beginning of year..................................................... 312 780 ------- ------- BALANCE--END OF YEAR........................................................... 430 312 ------- ------- ------- ------- </Table> (1) Financing transaction receipts are from debt issues and disbursements are for debt repayments. The accompanying notes and supplementary statements are an integral part of these financial statements. <Page> 36 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ( a ) REPORTING ENTITY These financial statements include the accounts of organizations accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources to a minister of the government or, directly to the Legislature, and are owned or controlled by the government. For purposes of the reporting entity, accountability to a minister or directly to the Legislature, does not include those entities that are part of a province-wide program and are locally based having initial accountability to a local board. The reporting entity also includes government partnerships. A list of organizations included in these consolidated financial statements can be found on pages 67 and 68. Trusts administered by the government or a Crown corporation or agency are excluded from the reporting entity. ( b ) PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION Taxpayer-supported Crown corporations' and agencies' financial statements are consolidated with the Consolidated Revenue Fund using the full consolidation method. The government's interests in government partnerships are recorded on a proportional consolidation basis. Self-supported Crown corporations and agencies and government business partnerships are consolidated with the Consolidated Revenue Fund on the modified equity basis of consolidation. The definitions of these consolidation methods can be found on page 117. No adjustments are made for Crown corporations and agencies whose fiscal year-ends are different from the government's fiscal year-end of March 31, unless the effect of an adjustment would be significant to the consolidated operating result. ( c ) BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The government's Summary Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for senior governments as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, with the following exceptions: (i) Reporting entity--PSAB recommends the reporting entity comprise all organizations that are accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources either to a minister of the government or directly to the Legislature, and are owned or controlled by the government. The government currently does not include school districts, universities, colleges and institutes, or health care authorities (SUCH sector) in its reporting entity. These organizations will be included in 2004/05. The inclusion of universities will be reviewed annually. (ii) Prepaid capital advances--PSAB recommends government transfers be expensed in a government's financial statements in the period that the events giving rise to the transfer occurred, as long as the transfer is authorized, eligibility criteria are met, and a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. Transfers to school districts, universities, colleges and institutes, and health care authorities for the acquisition of significant tangible capital assets are not expensed in the year they are issued; rather, they are treated as a prepaid expense and amortized over the life of the tangible capital assets acquired with the advances. <Page> 37 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued The following table provides the impact to the province's financial statements if the accounting policies were changed to conform to current PSAB. <Table> <Caption> In Millions (Unaudited) Assets Liabilities Net Equity Revenue Expense Surplus ------ ----------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- $ $ $ $ $ $ INCLUSION OF SUCH SECTOR AND EXPENSING PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES--INCREASE............. 8,503 3,892 4,611 2,300 1,963 337 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- </Table> The BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT requires that any exceptions to GAAP be eliminated for fiscal 2004/05. ( d )SPECIFIC ACCOUNTING POLICIES REVENUE All revenue is recorded on an accrual basis except when the accruals cannot be determined with a reasonable degree of certainty or when their estimation is impracticable. The exception is corporation income tax which is recorded on a cash basis. Government transfers are recognized as revenues in the period during which the transfer is authorized and any eligibility criteria are met. Tax credits/offsets are accrued on the same basis as the associated tax revenues and reduce gross taxation revenue but are not considered valuation allowances. EXPENSES The cost of all goods and services received during the year is expensed. Interest expense is recorded net of sinking fund earnings and includes debt servicing costs such as amortization of discounts and premiums, foreign exchange gains and losses, and issue costs. Pension expense is calculated as the cost of pension benefits earned by employees during the year, interest on the pension benefits liability, net of pension plan assets, and amortization of the government's share of any experience gains or losses, less contributions made by members. The estimated total cost of the government's share of the plan amendments related to past service is expensed in the year the plan is amended. Government transfers include grants, entitlements and transfers under agreements, as described in the definitions on page 117. Government transfers are recognized as expenses in the period in which the events giving rise to the transfer occurred, as long as the transfer is authorized, eligibility criteria have been met and a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. This excludes transfers that meet the criteria for a prepaid capital advance. Acquisitions of tangible capital assets and prepaid capital advances are recorded as assets and the cost is amortized over the useful life of the relevant tangible capital asset. Tangible capital assets not related to a capitalized class of assets are expensed in the year of acquisition. <Page> 38 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Restructuring exit expenses are recorded when a restructuring plan in appropriate form has been approved by the province. To qualify, the expense must not be associated with or benefit activities that will be continued by the government reporting entity. In addition, the expense must: (i) be incremental to other expenses incurred in normal operations and incurred as a direct result of the restructuring plan; or, (ii) represent amounts to be incurred under an existing contractual obligation that will continue after the restructuring plan is completed with no economic benefit to the government; or, (iii) represent a penalty or compensation incurred to cancel an existing contractual obligation. ASSETS Assets are recorded to the extent that they represent cash and claims upon outside parties, items held for resale to outside parties, prepaid expenses, deferred charges, prepaid capital advances or tangible capital assets acquired as a result of events and transactions prior to the year-end. FINANCIAL ASSETS Temporary investments and Warehouse Program investments include short-term investments recorded at the lower of cost or market value. Inventories for resale include property which has been purchased, or for which development costs have been incurred, that is held for ultimate resale or lease to outside parties. Inventories for resale are recorded at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies represents the province's investment (including long-term advances) in those self-supported Crown corporations and agencies at cost, adjusted for increases and decreases in the investees' net assets. Loans and advances are recorded at cost less adjustment for any prolonged impairment in value. Mortgages receivable are recorded at the principal amount less valuation allowance, are secured by real estate and are repayable over periods ranging up to thirty years. Concessionary loans and mortgages are recorded at net present value at issue and related present value discounts are expensed. Valuation allowances are made when collectability is considered doubtful. Other investments are recorded at the lower of cost of acquisition (which may be adjusted by attributed income) or estimated current value. Valuation adjustments are made when the value of investments is impaired. Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies are recorded at maturity value less unamortized premium or discount, deferred foreign exchange gains or losses and sinking fund balances. Premium/discount is amortized on a constant yield basis. NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets are recorded at historical cost, less accumulated amortization. Estimated cost is used to record existing tangible capital assets when actual cost is unknown. The recorded cost, less the residual value, is generally amortized over the estimated useful lives of the assets on a straight-line basis except for some transportation equipment which is amortized using the sinking fund method. All significant tangible capital assets of government organizations and operations have been capitalized. Crown land is capitalized at a nominal value of $1. The value of collections (artifacts, specimens and documents) has been excluded from the balance sheet. Prepaid capital advances are provided to school districts, post- secondary educational institutions, health care organizations and other specified government organizations to fund capital asset acquisitions. The province has an ongoing claim on the assets of these organizations. Prepaid capital advances are amortized over the useful life of the assets funded. <Page> 39 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued LIABILITIES All liabilities are recorded to the extent they represent claims payable to outside parties as a result of events and transactions prior to the year-end, including probable losses on loan guarantees issued by the province, contingent liabilities when it is likely a liability exists and the amount of the liability can be reasonably determined on an individual or portfolio basis, and unfunded pension liabilities. EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS (UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITIES) The province accounts for employee pension plans by recognizing a liability and an expense in the reporting period in which the employee has provided service. The amount is calculated using the accrued benefit actuarial cost method. Where plans are in a net asset position, and Joint Trusteeship Agreements restrict access to the assets, the province records the value of plan net assets as nil. Changes in net liabilities/assets which arise as a result of actuarial gains and losses, are amortized on a straight-line basis by the plan, over the average remaining service period of employees active at the date of the adjustments. Past service costs from plan amendments are recognized in full in the year of the amendment. Unfunded pension liabilities of the Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Account represent the terminal funding that would be required from the province for the difference between the present value of the obligations for future benefit entitlements and the amount of funds available in the account. PUBLIC DEBT Public debt represents the direct debt obligations of the Province of British Columbia including borrowings incurred for government operating purposes, the acquisition of capital assets, for re-lending to authorized government bodies and for borrowings in advance of future requirements under the Warehouse Program. Public debt consists of short-term promissory notes, notes, bonds and debentures, bank loans, capital leases and mortgages payable. These obligations are recorded at principal less unamortized premium or discount, deferred foreign exchange gains or losses, and sinking fund balances where applicable. Public debt is reported in two categories: (1) taxpayer-supported, and (2) self-supported. (1) Tax payer-supported debt includes direct debt used for government operating and capital purposes, and the debt of Crown corporations and agencies that requires an operating or debt servicing subsidy from the provincial government or that are fully consolidated within these financial statements. (2) Self-supported debt includes the portion of debt of commercial Crown corporations and agencies that has been borrowed through the government's fiscal agency loan program. It does not include all debt of commercial Crown corporations and agencies as these entities are consolidated on the modified equity basis. Commercial Crown corporations and agencies fully fund their operations and debt from revenue generated through the sale of goods and/or services at commercial rates to buyers that are outside the government reporting entity. Self-supported debt includes debt of the Warehouse Program. Debt premium/discount is amortized on a constant yield basis. Unamortized premium/discount on bonds called and refinanced is amortized over the remaining life of the old debt, or the life of the new debt, whichever is shorter. When it has been determined that there are sufficient securities to satisfy scheduled interest and principal payments for a debt instrument, the sinking fund assets are set aside in a defeased trust account. The debt and the related securities used to extinguish the debt are removed from the province's Statement of Financial Position. The debt is considered extinguished for financial reporting purposes. <Page> 40 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Canadian dollars at the exchange rate prevailing at the year-end. Foreign currency transactions are translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction unless hedged by forward contracts that specify the rate of exchange. Adjustments to revenue or expense transactions arising as a result of foreign currency translation are credited or charged to operations at the time the adjustments arise. Unrealized foreign currency gains and losses, on long-term fixed-term monetary assets and liabilities, are reported as a component of Public Debt and Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies and amortized over the remaining terms of the related items on a straight-line basis. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are translated at historical rates of exchange. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The province is a party to financial instruments with off-balance sheet risk due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rate fluctuations and counterparty default on financial obligations. The province does not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. Off-balance sheet position data is given in the form of nominal principal amounts outstanding. Amounts earned and expenses incurred under swaps are recognized and offset against the related interest expense. Gains and losses on terminated derivative contracts are deferred and amortized over the lesser of the remaining term of the contract or the related debt. 2. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY Uncertainty in the determination of the amount at which an item is recognized in the financial statements is known as measurement uncertainty. Uncertainty exists whenever estimates are used because it is reasonably possible that there could be a material variance between the recognized amount and another reasonably possible amount. Measurement uncertainty in these financial statements exists in the accruals for pension obligations, Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), the Federal Equalization Program and personal income tax. The nature of the uncertainty in the accruals for pension obligations arises because actual results may differ significantly from the province's best estimates of expected results based on variables such as earnings on pension investments and life expectancy of claimants. Uncertainty related to the accrual for CHST, the Federal Equalization Program and personal income tax arises because of the possible differences between the estimates for the economic factors used in calculating the accruals and actual economic results. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), a wholly owned self-supported Crown corporation, is directly exposed to counterparty credit risk as a result of the purchase and sale of electricity and natural gas. During fiscal year 2001, the rapid rise of wholesale power prices and in-state supply shortages have caused significant financial hardship for a number of utilities in California, resulting in defaults on payments. As a result, BC Hydro has not recognized some amounts as revenue owed them from sales to these utilities and has recorded provisions for uncollectible amounts and legal costs that are, in management's best estimate, sufficient to cover any remaining exposure. Due to the instability in the California market and ongoing regulatory and legal proceedings, management cannot predict the outcome and the amount ultimately collected may differ materially from management's current estimate. <Page> 41 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 3. CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Cash (cheques issued in excess of funds on deposit)..... (28) (248) Temporary investments(1)................................ 458 560 ---- ---- 430 312 ---- ---- ---- ---- </Table> (1) Temporary investments consist mainly of units in the Province of British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Pooled Investment Portfolios. Units are carried at the lower of market value or cost of acquisition adjusted by income attributed to the units. 4. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Taxes receivable...................................... 1,742 1,666 Trade accounts receivable............................. 1,176 1,015 Accrued interest...................................... 343 315 ----- ----- 3,261 2,996 Provision for doubtful accounts....................... (719) (616) ----- ----- 2,542 2,380 ----- ----- ----- ----- </Table> 5. INVENTORIES FOR RESALE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Properties............................................ 49 82 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program.............. 176 131 Other................................................. 13 3 ----- ----- 238 216 ----- ----- ----- ----- </Table> <Page> 42 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--CONTINUED 6. DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Government of Canada Current 186 95 Long-term 132 Provincial governments Current 18 14 Local governments(1) Current 8 24 Long-term 2 --- --- 344 135 === === </Table> (1) Local governments are municipal units established by the provincial government which include regional and metropolitan municipalities, cities, towns, townships, districts, rural municipalities and villages. 7. DUE FROM SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 91 338 British Columbia Lottery Corporation 71 62 Columbia Power Corporation 2 2 --- --- 164 402 === === </Table> See page 73 for details. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 43 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 8. EQUITY IN SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---------------------------------- ------- Unremitted Investments Earnings Total Total $ $ $ $ British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 20 1,614 1,634 1,630 British Columbia Railway Company 258 164 422 371 Columbia Power Corporation 276 23 299 293 Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 618 618 319 Provincial Capital Commission 16 16 16 ---- ----- ----- ----- 554 2,435 2,989 2,629 ==== ===== ===== ===== CHANGE IN EQUITY IN SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES Balance--beginning of year 534 2,095 2,629 2,520 Increase in investment 20 20 Net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies 1,881 1,881 1,766 Contributions paid to the Consolidated Revenue Fund (1,353) (1,353) (1,483) Adjustments to contributions paid (188) (188) (174) ---- ----- ----- ----- BALANCE--END OF YEAR 554 2,435 2,989 2,629 ==== ===== ===== ===== </Table> See pages 73 and 74 for details. <Page> 44 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 9. LOANS, ADVANCES AND MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- LOANS AND ADVANCES $ $ British Columbia Student loans 412 302 Industrial Development Fund commercial loans 97 135 Land Tax Deferment loans 150 144 British Columbia Ferry Services Inc 428 Construction loans to social housing projects 21 24 Accountable advances 17 29 Miscellaneous 57 67 ----- ----- 1,182 701 Provision for doubtful accounts (170) (145) ----- ----- 1,012 556 ----- ----- MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE Reconstruction Program 49 58 Miscellaneous 8 ----- ----- 57 58 Provision for doubtful accounts (21) (18) ----- ----- 36 40 ----- ----- 1,048 596 ===== ===== </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 45 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 9. LOANS, ADVANCES AND MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE--Continued The BC Student Loan Program provides loans to students for higher education. Students are required to repay these loans through a contracted service provider, to the province over a maximum of 174 months with a floating interest rate of prime plus 2.5% or a fixed rate of prime plus 5%. Defaulted loans are due on demand with interest at a floating rate of prime plus 2.5%. The Program also administers defaulted student loans issued by financial institutions under a guaranteed and risk sharing agreement with the province. Defaulted risk sharing loans arise due to bankruptcy or death of the student while attending school. The Industrial Development Fund provided loans to assist the establishment of new industry, the introduction of new technology to existing industry, or the development of a region of British Columbia. These loans incur interest at rates ranging from 0% to 10%. The Industrial Development Fund was eliminated pursuant to the repeal of the INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE ACT UNDER THE BUDGET MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION ACT, 2002. No loans were issued after March 31, 2002. The Land Tax Deferment Program allows eligible owners to defer payment of all, or a portion of, annual property taxes due on residences. Eligible individuals are either 60 years or older, a surviving spouse or a person with a disability. Simple interest is charged on the deferred taxes at a rate set by the Minister of Provincial Revenue. This rate will not exceed 2.0% below the prime lending rate of the principal banker to the government. The deferred taxes, administration fees, plus any outstanding interest, must be repaid be fore the residence can be legally transferred to a new owner, other than directly to a surviving spouse. As part of a secured debenture amendment and preferred share surrender agreement, dated May 23, 2003, the province exchanged its interest in British Columbia Ferry Corporation for an interest-bearing debt in British Columbia Ferry Service Inc. The loan is interest bearing at 5.33% with a maturity date of April 1, 2006. Construction loans are provided by British Columbia Housing Management Commission (BCHMC), a taxpayer-supported Crown corporation, and an approved lender under the NATIONAL HOUSING ACT. BCHMC provides construction loans for societies that are building approved projects under social housing programs. Interest is payable at the province's weighted average borrowing rate for short-term funds, plus administration costs. Loans are repaid at substantial completion of each project from financing arranged with private lenders. Account able advances represent funds issued for program costs that have not been expended in accordance with the applicable agreements. The Reconstruction Program provides financial assistance to home owners to pay for repairs to homes with premature building envelope failure. The financial assistance is provided in the form of subsidized interest loans, no interest loans or deferred payment loans and secured by registered mortgages. This Program is administered by the Home owner Protection Office. Miscellaneous mortgages receivable have terms ranging from less than one year to twenty years with some loans being payable on demand. Interest rates range from 3.5% to 10%. <Page> 46 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 10. OTHER INVESTMENTS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Government of Canada bonds 36 18 Provincial government bonds 63 63 Commercial loans and investments 111 111 British Columbia Ferry Services Inc 75 Pooled Investment Portfolios 14 45 Columbia Basin Trust investments 201 152 Miscellaneous 68 54 ----- ----- 568 443 Provision for doubtful accounts (115) (115) ----- ----- 453 328 ===== ===== </Table> Government of Canada bonds have a market value of $37.4 million (par value $35.5 million), with yields ranging from 2.305% to 4.336%. Maturity dates range from June 18, 2004 to June 1, 2012. Provincial bonds of various provinces have a market value of $68.9 million (par value $60.9 million), with yields ranging from 2.075% to 4.566%. Maturity dates range from March 8, 2005 to July 22, 2013. Commercial loans and investments are recorded at the lower of cost of acquisition adjusted by attributed income and market value. A provision in the full amount of these loans has been recorded. As part of a secured debenture amendment and preferred share surrender agreement dated May 23, 2003, the province exchanged its interest in British Columbia Ferry Corporation for 75,477 preferred shares in British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. These non-voting shares are valued at $1,000 per share and entitle the province to a fixed cumulative dividend at a rate of 8% of the issue price. Pooled investment portfolios consist of units in the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation's BC Focus Fund and Illiquid Fund. These funds' investments consist primarily of debt and equity holdings of privately held companies. Columbia Basin Trust investments include $9 million in bankers acceptances and deposits. The balance of $192 million represents investments in power development joint ventures. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 47 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 11. ASSETS HELD FOR SALE The Financial Statements and related notes for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003, have been restated to report the disposal of long lived assets and discontinued operations of only significant government operations. For the 2003/04 fiscal year, the impact of the government's decision to sell the shares and transfer control of British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. (BCFSI), (formerly British Columbia Ferry Corporation) to the British Columbia Ferry Authority is shown. British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. provides ferry transportation services in British Columbia. The British Columbia Ferry Authority is an independent no-share capital corporation; its purpose is to govern BCFSI and to appoint its Board of Directors. As of April 2, 2003, BCFSI is no longer owned or controlled by the province and its assets and operations are no longer included in the government reporting entity. On that date, the province exchanged its ownership in BCFSI for non-voting preference shares in BCFSI with a stated value of $75 million and a promissory note from BCFSI with a par value of $428 million. The discontinued operations and assets held for sale of the British Columbia Railway Company, a modified equity enterprise, are included in Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies and described in Note 34, Significant Events. 12. LOANS FOR PURCHASE OF ASSETS, RECOVERABLE FROM AGENCIES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 7,040 6,696 British Columbia Railway Company 467 481 Columbia Power Corporation 47 Improvement districts 5 6 Post-secondary educational institutions 90 106 ----- ----- 7,602 7,336 Provision for doubtful accounts ----- ----- 7,602 7,336 ===== ===== </Table> 13. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Trade accounts payable and other liabilities 1,700 1,624 Accrued interest on debt 805 789 Accrued employee leave entitlements 280 245 Other accrued estimated liabilities(1) 758 695 ----- ----- 3,543 3,353 ===== ===== </Table> (1) Includes pending litigation, provision for guaranteed debt payout and other miscellaneous accrued claims. <Page> 48 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 14. DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Government of Canada Current 334 297 Long-term 738 Provincial governments Current 30 22 Local governments(1) Current 7 3 ----- ----- 1,109 322 ===== ===== </Table> (1) Local governments are municipal units established by the provincial government which include regional and metropolitan municipalities, cities, towns, townships, districts, rural municipalities and villages. 15. DUE TO CROWN CORPORATIONS, AGENCIES AND FUNDS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch 44 44 Post-secondary educational institutions 1 Trust funds 79 56 ----- ----- 123 101 ===== ===== </Table> 16. DEFERRED REVENUE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Medical Services Plan premiums 66 69 Motor vehicle licences and permits 185 166 Petroleum, natural gas and minerals, leases and fees 35 32 Water rentals and recording fees 70 76 Derivative debt instruments 144 47 Federal Contributions 390 Unearned lease revenue 106 107 Federal and municipal highway project revenues 65 36 Forest Stand Management Fund 15 16 Deferred Capital Contributions 85 67 Miscellaneous 131 90 ----- ----- 1,292 706 ===== ===== </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 49 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 17. EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS (UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITIES) <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Account 3 4 ===== ===== </Table> The province contributes to four defined benefit pension plans for substantially all its employees and to the Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Account (the Account). The four pension plans are the Public Service Pension Plan, the Municipal Pension Plan, the Teachers' Pension Plan and the College Pension Plan. The plans provide pensions based on length of service and highest five-year average earnings. No unfunded liability exists for the future indexing of pensions as the obligation is limited to the amount of available assets in separate inflation accounts. There are additional employee pension plans in Crown corporations and agencies consolidated on the modified equity basis. Net assets or net liabilities of the pension funds are included in the investment balance of the particular Crown corporation or agency. The estimated financial position as at March 31, 2004 for each plan is as follows: <Table> <Caption> In Millions Public Service Municipal Teachers' College Pension Pension Pension Pension Plan Plan Plan Plan Total ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- $ $ $ $ $ Accrued benefit obligation 8,986 9,049 10,566 1,331 29,932 Pension fund assets 11,069 10,300 10,182 1,523 33,074 ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ (2,083) (1,251) 384 (192) (3,142) Unamortized actuarial gain (loss) (776) (196) (972) ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ACCRUED NET OBLIGATION (ASSET) (2,083) (1,251) (392) (388) (4,114) ====== ====== ====== ===== ====== </Table> The College, Public Service, Municipal and Teachers' plans are joint trusteeship plans. In joint trusteeship plans, control of the plans and their assets are assumed by individual pension boards made up of government and plan member representatives. Provisions of these plans stipulate that the province has no formal claim to any pension plan surpluses or assets. The boards are fully responsible for the management of the plans, including investment of the assets and administration of the plans. The British Columbia Pension Corporation (Pension Corporation) provides benefit administrative services as agents of the boards of trustees. <Page> 50 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 17. EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS (UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITIES)--Continued In the event that a plan deficit is determined by an actuarial valuation (performed every three years), the pension boards, by agreement, are required to address it through contribution adjustments or other means. It is expected, therefore, that any unfunded liabilities in the future will be short-term in nature. The reported net assets of the pension plans are under joint trusteeship agreements which limit the province's possible conditional share to 50%. The province has no claim on accrued asset amounts. If the individual pension boards decide to reduce or suspend employer contributions for a period of time, the province may record an asset. Therefore, the recorded value of the net assets is nil until such time that such a decision is made. Also, only 70% of the pension fund assets and accrued benefit obligation are included for the Municipal Pension Plan, reflecting the province's interest in the plan. The accrued benefit obligations and pension assets shown for 2003/04 are based on extrapolation of the most recent actuarial valuations as follows: Public Service Pension Plan (March 31, 2002); Municipal Pension Plan (December 31, 2000); Teachers' Pension Plan (December 31, 2002); and College Pension Plan (August 31, 2003). Fund assets are based on market value at the date of actuarial valuation and extrapolated using actuarial growth assumptions. The Account is also administered by the Pension Corporation. As members of the Legislative Assembly retire, the present value of the amount required to provide a legislative member's future pension benefits are transferred from the Account to the Public Service Pension Plan from which monthly pensions are paid. Pension benefits are based on length of service and highest five-year average earnings. The unfunded pension liability for the Account represents the terminal funding that would be required from the province for the difference between the present value of the obligations for future benefit entitlements and the amount of funds available in the Account. Key actuarial assumptions used in the valuations include a long-term annual rate of return on pension fund assets of 7.30% for the Public Service Pension Plan, 7.25% for the Municipal Pension Plan, 7.25% for the Teachers' Pension Plan, and 7.20% for the College Pension Plan, and long-term annual salary increases of 4.80% for the Public Service Pension Plan, 4.75% for the Municipal Pension Plan, 4.75% for the Teachers' Pension Plan, and 4.70% for the College Pension Plan. The audited financial statements of each pension plan listed, along with full descriptions, benefit formulas, inflation assumptions and funding policies may be found at www.pensionsbc.ca. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 51 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 18. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT(1) <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 Canadian Canadian Year of Canadian US Japanese Other Dollar Dollar Maturity Dollar Dollar(2) Yen(2) Currencies(2) Total Total -------- ------ ------- ---- ----------- ----- ----- Short-term promissory notes 2004 976 2005 850 73 923 Notes, bonds and debentures(3) 2004 1,912 2005 1,036 489 610 2,135 2,123 2006 2,365 2,365 2,296 2007 1,431 1,179 370 2,980 2,987 2008 930 829 59 418 2,236 2,248 2009 2,103 1,157 3,260 2,970 2009-2014 6,983 919 204 935 9,041 8,387 2014-2019 783 783 659 2019-2024 2,776 2,776 2,473 2024-2029 1,635 1,635 1,632 2029-2034 3,110 3,110 3,110 2034-2039 665 665 165 2039-2044 350 350 200 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- TOTAL DEBT ISSUED AT FACE VALUE 25,017 4,646 263 2,333 32,259 32,138 ====== ====== ====== ====== Sinking funds(4) (2,680) (3,135) Unamortized premium (discount) (119) (119) Unrealized foreign exchange gains/(losses) (18) 24 Amount held in the Consolidated Revenue Fund (11) (9) ------ ------ TOTAL TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT 29,431 28,899 ======= ======= The effective interest rates (weighted average percent) as at March 31 on the above debt are: 2004 5.67% 2003 5.98% </Table> (1) The balances and interest rates reflect the impact of the related derivative contracts, presented in Note 20 (Risk Management and Derivative Financial Instruments). (2) Foreign currencies include: $3,023 million US ($4,646 million Canadian); 22,000 million Japanese yen ($263 million Canadian); 1,000 million Swiss francs ($1,028 million Canadian); and 741 million euros ($1,305 million Canadian). Effective January 1, 2002, debt originally issued in and totalling 2,499 million French francs and 703 million Deutsche marks was converted at established fixed exchange rates (6.55957 French francs for 1 euro and 1.95583 Deutsche marks for 1 euro) and is now reported in euros. (3) Notes, bonds and debentures include nil (2003: $6 million) in bank loans, $32 million (2003: $47 million) in capital leases and $134 million (2003: $141 million) in mortgages. (4) Sinking fund balances include assets totalling $108 million (2003: $138 million) invested in the Matched Book Program and assets totalling $2,572 million (2003: $2,997 million) set aside for orderly repayment of debt. Sinking funds are managed by the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation. <Page> 52 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 18. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT--Continued NOTES, BONDS AND DEBENTURES REDEEMABLE BY THE BOND HOLDER Balances include debentures issued to the Canada Pension Plan totalling $3,424 million (2003: $3,447 million) at a weighted average interest rate of 8.73% (2003: 9.27%). These debentures mature at various dates from April 2, 2004 to March 1, 2024, with interest rates varying between 5.29% and 14.06%. These debentures are redeemable in whole or in part before maturity, on six months' prior notice, at the option of the Minister of Finance of Canada, subject to certain restrictions. During the year, $300 million in Canada Pension Plan debentures were issued. Under Canada Pension Plan legislation, any significant amendment to benefits or contributions requires the approval of the legislature of two-thirds of the provinces. Balances include 5.45% debentures due August 17, 2028, totalling $200 million (2003: $200 million). The holders have a put option that, if exercised, would result in the bond maturing on August 17, 2005. If the option is not exercised, the debenture will mature on August 17, 2028, and the effective rate on the bond will be 5.62% for the period August 18, 2005 to August 17, 2028. Balances include 5.86% debentures due June 18, 2029, totalling $250 million (2003: $250 million). The holders have a put option that, if exercised, would result in the bond maturing on June 19, 2006. If the option is not exercised, the debenture will mature on June 18, 2029. Balances include British Columbia Savings Bonds totalling $180 million (2003: $229 million) maturing at dates from October 15, 2005 to October 15, 2007, and with an effective rate of 2.35% are redeemable at par by the holder each April 15 and October 15 prior to maturity. REDEEMABLE BY THE PROVINCE Balances include debentures issued to the Canada Pension Plan totalling $3,424 million (2003: $3,447 million) at a weighted average interest rate of 8.73% (2003: 9.27%). These debentures mature at various dates from April 2, 2004 to March 1, 2024, with interest rates varying between 5.29% and 14.06%. These debentures are redeemable in whole or in part before maturity, on 30 days' prior notice, at the option of the province. Issues totalling $150 million (2003: $80 million) with effective rates ranging from 2.25% to 2.31% are redeemable at par at the province's option on dates ranging from October 20, 2005 to April 30, 2015. DEFEASANCES At March 31, 2004, sufficient securities had been set aside in a defeasance trust account to satisfy the scheduled interest and principal payment requirements of $763 million (2003: $814 million). The securities are government of Canada bonds, provincial bonds or BC Municipal Finance Authority securities that are held to maturity and match the timing and specific amounts required to pay the interest and principal payments on the debt. The debt is considered extinguished for financial reporting purposes. The debt and related securities used to extinguish the debt are removed from the province's Statement of Financial Position. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 53 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 18. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT--Continued NOTES, BONDS AND DEBENTURES--Continued AGGREGATE PAYMENTS TO MEET SINKING FUND INSTALMENTS AND RETIREMENT PROVISIONS Aggregate payments for the next five fiscal years to meet sinking fund instalments and retirement provisions on notes, bonds and debentures are: In Millions Canadian Dollar ------ 2005 1,836 2006 2,164 2007 2,765 2008 2,101 2009 3,130 19. SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT(1) <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 Canadian Canadian Year of Canadian US Japanese Other Dollar Dollar Maturity Dollar Dollar(2) Yen(2) Currencies(2) Total Total -------- ------ ------- ---- ----------- ----- ----- Short-term promissory notes 2004 1,187 2005 267 733 1,000 Notes, bonds and debentures 2004 300 2005 388 75 135 598 598 2006 413 413 413 2007 314 314 314 2008 9 397 406 430 2009 144 144 144 2009-2014 1,674 356 150 2,180 1,747 2014-2019 350 350 2019-2024 1,296 1,296 1,296 2024-2029 75 655 730 810 2029-2034 575 575 575 2034-2039 50 393 443 491 ----- ----- --- --- ------- ------- TOTAL DEBT ISSUED AT FACE VALUE 5,555 2,609 135 150 8,449 8,305 ===== ===== === === Sinking funds(3) (1,048) (1,029) Unamortized premium (discount) 4 (6) Unrealized foreign exchange gains/(losses) 102 (45) --- ---- TOTAL SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT 7,507 7,225 ===== ===== </Table> <Page> 54 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 19. SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT--Continued The effective interest rates (weighted average percent) as at March 31 on the above debt are: <Table> <Caption> 2004 6.11% 2003 6.25% </Table> (1) The balances and interest rates reflect the impact of the related derivative contracts, presented in Note 20 (Risk Management and Derivative Financial Instruments). (2) Foreign currencies include: $1,949 million US ($2,609 million Canadian); 10,000 million Japanese yen ($135 million Canadian); 97 million euros ($150 million Canadian). (3) Sinking funds at March 31, 2004, totalling $397 million US (2003: $372 million US) act as a natural hedge of the US dollar debentures and short-term promissory notes. Sinking funds are managed by the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation. NOTES, BONDS AND DEBENTURES REDEEMABLE BY THE BOND HOLDER Balances include debentures issued to the Canada Pension Plan totalling $317 million (2003: $317 million) at a weighted average interest rate of 11.11% (2003: 11.11%). These debentures mature at various dates from July 10, 2004 to June 9, 2009 with interest rates varying between 9.62% and 14.06%. These debentures are redeemable in whole or in part before maturity, on six months' prior notice, at the option of the Minister of Finance of Canada, subject to certain restrictions. During the year, no Canada Pension Plan debentures were issued for self-supported debt. Under Canada Pension Plan legislation, any significant amendment to benefits or contributions requires the approval of the legislature of two-thirds of the provinces. REDEEMABLE BY THE PROVINCE Balances include debentures issued to the Canada Pension Plan totalling $317 million (2003: $317 million) at a weighted average interest rate of 11.11% (2003: 11.11%). These debentures mature at various dates from July 10, 2004 to June 9, 2009, with interest rates varying between 9.62% and 14.06%. These debentures are redeemable in whole or in part before maturity, on 30 days' prior notice, at the option of the province. DEFEASANCES At March 31, 2004, sufficient securities had been set aside in a defeasance trust account to satisfy the scheduled interest and principal payment requirements of $68 million (2003: $68 million). The securities are government of Canada bonds or provincial bonds that are held to maturity and match the timing and specific amounts required to pay the interest and principal payments on the debt. The debt is considered extinguished for financial reporting purposes. The debt and related securities used to extinguish the debt are removed from the province's Statement of Financial Position. AGGREGATE PAYMENTS TO MEET SINKING FUND INSTALMENTS AND RETIREMENT PROVISIONS Aggregate payments for the next five fiscal years to meet sinking fund instalments and retirement provisions on notes, bonds and debentures are: <Table> <Caption> In Millions Canadian Dollar ------ 2005 566 2006 427 2007 327 2008 431 2009 150 </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 55 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 20. RISK MANAGEMENT AND DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The province borrows funds in both domestic and foreign capital markets, and manages its existing debt portfolio to achieve the lowest debt costs within specified risk parameters. As a result, the province is exposed to risks associated with interest rate fluctuations, foreign exchange rate fluctuations and credit risk. In accordance with risk management policy guidelines set by the Risk Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the province uses a variety of derivative financial instruments to hedge exposure to interest and foreign exchange risks. Derivatives used by the province include interest rate swaps, cross-currency swaps, forward foreign exchange contracts, forward rate agreements, advanced rate setting agreements and options. A derivative instrument is a financial contract with a financial institution or counterparty that is applied to effect a hedge on interest rate or foreign exchange exposure contained in the underlying provincial debt instrument. A derivative derives value from the impact of market changes on the underlying hedged debt instrument. The province also engaged in commodity derivative hedging on behalf of the British Columbia Ferry Corporation. The objective of commodity derivative hedging was to reduce the financial risks associated with price volatility in the commodity market. As at March 31, 2004, the remaining notional amounts under commodity contracts totalled nil (2003: 122,000) barrels of oil. Effective April 2, 2003, the contracts were transferred to British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. and matured at various dates from May 31, 2003, to August 31, 2003. The following tables present maturity schedules of the province's derivatives by type, outstanding at March 31, 2004, based on the notional amounts of the contracts. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT <Table> <Caption> In Millions Forward Cross Interest Advanced Foreign Year of Currency Rate Rate Setting Exchange Maturity Swaps Swaps Agreement Contracts Total -------- ----- ----- --------- --------- ----- $ $ $ $ $ 2005 1,099 95 200 73 1,467 2006 745 745 2007 1,919 1,679 3,598 2008 1,305 1,305 2009 1,158 1,055 2,213 6-10 years 2,013 1,011 3,024 Over 10 years 218 634 852 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL 7,712 5,219 200 73 13,204 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== </Table> As at March 31, 2004, the province entered into two advanced rate setting agreements to lock in interest rates in advance of an expected bond issue. The hedging instrument for both is a Government of Canada bond, 5.75%, maturing June 1, 2029 with a notional amount of $200 million. <Page> 56 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 20. RISK MANAGEMENT AND DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--Continued SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT <Table> <Caption> In Millions Cross Interest Delayed Year of Currency Rate Interest Rate Maturity Swaps Swaps Swap Total -------- ----- ----- --------- ----- $ $ $ $ 2005 279 1,168 1,447 2006 135 236 371 2007 200 200 2008 200 524 724 2009 6-10 years 440 1,296 200 1,936 Over 10 years 150 150 ----- ----- ----- ----- TOTAL 1,054 3,574 200 4,828 ===== ===== ===== ===== </Table> On behalf of British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), the province entered into a delayed interest rate swap to hedge the refinancing risk on a BC Hydro debt issue. Under the interest rate swap, the province pays a fixed semi-annual rate and receives a floating rate, starting June 21, 2004 and maturing December 21, 2012, on a notional amount of $200 million. INTEREST RATE RISK Interest rate risk is the risk that the province's debt servicing costs will fluctuate due to changes in interest rates. The province uses derivative contracts to manage interest rate risk by exchanging a series of interest payments, and assuming either a fixed or floating rate liability to a counterparty, based on the notional principal amount. Derivatives allow the province to alter the proportion of its debt held in fixed and floating rate form to take advantage of changes in interest rates. The government's current policy guidelines, with respect to the provincial government direct debt portfolio, that totals $25,943 million (2003: $25,309 million), allow floating rate exposure up to 45.00% (2003: 45.00%) of this portion of the taxpayer-supported debt. At March 31, 2004, floating rate debt exposure was 35.62% (2003: 40.57%) of the government direct debt portfolio. Under current policy guidelines for BC Hydro, the floating rate exposure is 46.00% (2003: 46.00%) of their debt that totals $7,040 million (2003: $6,784 million). At March 31, 2004, floating rate debt exposure for BC Hydro was 29.30% (2003: 38.40%) of their debt. Based on the taxpayer-supported and self-supported debt portfolios at March 31, 2004, a 1.00% increase in interest rates would result in an increase in the annual debt servicing expense of $93 million (2003: $100 million) for the taxpayer-supported debt portfolio and $15 million (2003: $25 million) for the self-supported debt portfolio. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 57 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 20. RISK MANAGEMENT AND DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--Continued FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the province's debt servicing costs and principal payments will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The province uses derivative contracts to hedge foreign exchange risk by converting foreign currency principal and interest cash flows into Canadian dollar cash flows. Within specified limits set by policy, the province and provincial corporations may only assume unhedged exposure to US dollars and Japanese yen. The government's current policy guidelines with respect to the provincial government direct debt portfolio, which totals $25,943 million (2003: $25,309 million), allow unhedged foreign debt exposure up to 10.00% (2003: 10.00%) of this portion of the taxpayer-supported debt. At March 31, 2004, unhedged foreign debt exposure in Japanese yen was 4.73% (2003: 2.99%) of the government direct debt portfolio. At March 31, 2004, there was no unhedged foreign debt exposure in US dollars for the government direct debt portfolio (2003: nil). Under current policy guidelines for BC Hydro, the maximum unhedged foreign debt exposure is 30.00% (2003: 30.00%) of their debt, which totals $7,040 million (2003: $6,784 million). At March 31, 2004, 20.10% (2003: 25.20%) of their debt was in the form of unhedged foreign debt in US dollars. Based on the taxpayer-supported and self-supported debt portfolios at March 31, 2004, a one cent decrease in the Canadian dollar versus the US dollar would result in an increase of $11 million (2003: $15 million) in the annual debt servicing expense for the self-supported debt portfolio. A decrease of one yen versus the value of the Canadian dollar (for example, from 79 yen to 78 yen) would result in an increase to the annual debt servicing expense of $3 million (2003: $2 million) for the taxpayer-supported debt portfolio. CREDIT RISK Credit risk is the risk that the province will incur financial loss due to a counterparty defaulting on its financial obligation to the province. In accordance with the government's policy guidelines, the province reduces its credit risk by dealing with only highly rated counterparties. The province only enters into derivative transactions with counterparties that have a rating from Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's of at least AA-/Aa3 or A+/A1 in the case of Canadian Schedule A banks. The province also establishes limits on individual counterparty credit exposures and monitors these exposures on a regular basis. <Page> 58 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 21. NET LIABILITIES The Statement of Change in Net Liabilities (SEE page 33) shows the net impact of applying the expenditure basis of accounting. The net liabilities calculation uses the expenditure, rather than the expense, basis of accounting. Under the expenditure basis of accounting, prepaid capital advances, tangible capital assets, prepaid program costs and other assets are recorded as expenditures when calculating the current year surplus or deficit. Under the expense basis of accounting, these items are recorded on the Statement of Financial Position as assets and amortized over an applicable period of time. 22. TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 -------- -------- Net Book Net Book Value Value $ $ Land and land improvements 833 770 Buildings (including tenant improvements) 921 944 Highway infrastructure 6,263 6,161 Ferries and related infrastructure 11 15 Transportation equipment 2,053 2,088 Computer hardware and software 268 257 Other 133 146 ------ ------ 10,482 10,381 ====== ====== </Table> SEE Statement of Tangible Capital Assets on page 75. The estimated useful lives of the more common tangible capital assets are: buildings (10-50 years); highway infrastructure (15-40 years); ferries and related infrastructure (5-40 years); transportation equipment (5-40 years); computer hardware and software (3-5 years); and other (including vehicles, specialized equipment, and furniture and equipment) (5-20 years). Land improvements are amortized over 30 years (recreation areas) or 40 years (dams and water management systems). Tenant improvements are amortized over 5 years or the length of the relevant lease term. Included in tangible capital assets of British Columbia Transit (BCT) and of Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd (RTP) are capital assets under lease to Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA). These capital assets under lease consist of land, land improvements, stations, guideways and other assets related to the SkyTrain system and West Coast Express. These assets are made available to GVTA for their use under the GREATER VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ACT and an Order in Council (OIC) enacted thereunder, and represent one of the province's contributions toward public transportation in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. The OIC-directed lease arrangements with GVTA and BCT are for one dollar per year under an initial fifteen-year term with additional five-year renewal periods upon the agreement of BCT and GVTA. The net book value of these assets is $945 million (2003: $963 million). A similar lease arrangement is under negotiation with GVTA for the RTP assets. 23. PREPAID CAPITAL ADVANCES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 -------- -------- $ $ Health facilities 3,074 2,953 Post-secondary educational institutions 2,609 2,401 Schools 6,429 6,475 ----- ----- 12,112 11,829 Accumulated amortization (4,976) (4,721) ------- ------- 7,136 7,108 ======= ======= </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 59 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 24. PREPAID PROGRAM COSTS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ PREPAID PROGRAM COSTS(1) 82 107 == === </Table> (1) Includes inventories of operating material held in the Purchasing Commission and Queen's Printer warehouses pending distribution in a subsequent fiscal year. Also includes inventories of supplies and other not for resale items held by taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies and charged to expenses when consumed in the normal course of operations. 25. OTHER ASSETS <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 -------- -------- $ $ Deferred debt instrument costs 119 122 Deferred treaty costs 21 23 Other deferred costs 4 3 ------- ------- 144 148 ======= ======= </Table> 26. ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 -------- -------- $ $ Accumulated surplus (deficit)--beginning of year as previously reported (7,954) (4,785) Adjustments to accumulated surplus (deficit)(1,2) (61) (31) ------- ------- Accumulated surplus (deficit)--beginning of year as restated(2) (8,015) (4,816) Surplus (deficit) for the year(2) (1,339) (3,199) ------- ------- ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT)--END OF YEAR (9,354) (8,015) ======= ======= </Table> (1) In fiscal 2002/03, the opening accumulated deficit for 2002/03 was restated to apply changes due to correction of errors. These adjustments were made: to recognize the outstanding amount of leave liability for the Healthcare Benefits Trust for those organizations funded through government ($30 million increase); to adjust the land account for land held for the federal government that had been capitalized by the province ($1 million increase); to adjust revenue recognition for safety inspection fees recognized as revenue in prior years that should have been deferred to future years to coincide with the related cost incurrence ($8 million increase); and, to transfer the trust account held for the Crop Insurance Fund to be included as a part of regular government operations, ($8 million decrease). The net effect of these changes results in an increase to the 2002/03 opening accumulated deficit of $31 million (from $4,785 to $4,816). (2) In fiscal 2003/04, further restatements to the 2002/03 accumulated deficit were made to apply changes due to correction of errors. These adjustments were made: to recognize the outstanding amount of leave liability for the Healthcare Benefits Trust for those organizations funded through government ($23 million increase); to adjust expense for School District Building Envelope Program ($7 million increase); to transfer the trust account held for the Crop Insurance Fund to be included as a part of regular government operations, ($8 million decrease); and, to adjust the accrual for employee leave liability ($8 million increase). The net effect of these changes is a $30 million increase to the 2002/03 deficit (from $3,169 to $3,199). When combined with the prior year's change, the total impact to the 2003/04 opening accumulated deficit is $61 million (from $7,954 to $8,015). <Page> 60 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 27. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS (a) GUARANTEED DEBT Guaranteed debt as at March 31, 2004, totalled $156 million (2003: $264 million). These guarantees include amounts where indemnities have been made for explicit quantifiable loans. SEE Statement of Guaranteed Debt on page 76 for details. (b) CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (i) Litigation The province is a defendant in legal actions and is involved in matters such as expropriation compensation disputes and tax assessment appeals. These matters may give rise to future liabilities. The province has the following contingent liabilities where the estimated or known claim is or exceeds $100,000, but the likelihood of payment is uncertain. <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- $ $ Negligence and miscellaneous 2 38 Contract disputes 130 163 Damages to persons or property 28 157 Expropriation disputes 34 Timber harvesting rights disputes 3 Property access disputes 9 22 Motor vehicle accidents 1 2 Tax disputes 18 8 --- --- 191 424 === === </Table> When it is determined that it is likely that a liability exists and the amount can be reasonably estimated, the amount is recorded as an accrued liability (SEE Note 13) and an expense. The accrued liability for litigation at March 31, 2004 was $61 million (2003: $36 million). (ii) Guarantees and Indemnities The province also has contingent liabilities in the form of indemnities, indirect guarantees and outstanding claims for amounts that are not explicit or reasonably estimable at this time. (iii) Environmental Clean-up The province is responsible for the environmental clean-up of numerous contaminated sites in the province. For those sites where the province has possession, a liability of $130 million (2003: $145 million) has been accrued based on preliminary environmental audits. This liability is based on the minimum estimated clean-up costs for those sites where an estimate has been made and it has been determined that the government is liable. Estimated clean-up costs, not already accrued, for sites under evaluation are approximately $93 million at March 31, 2004. In addition, the Ministry of Energy and Mines has determined possible net liabilities of $300 million for sites the province does not own. Many other sites remain to be evaluated; the future liability for all environmental clean-up costs is not currently determinable. (iv) Aboriginal Land Claims Treaty negotiations between the province, Canada and First Nations commenced in 1994. The province anticipates that these negotiations will result in modern-day treaties defining the boundaries and nature of First Nations treaty settlement lands. As of March 31, 2004, there were 45 treaty tables in various stages of negotiation, representing two-thirds of the aboriginal people in British Columbia. When final treaty agreements are ratified, the provincial cost of treaties is recorded in the Public Accounts. Costs are amortized over the same period as the period of capital transfers established in final agreements. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 61 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 27. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS--Continued Four Agreements in Principle (AiPs) were signed in 2003, to add to the AiP signed with Sechelt in 1999. It is expected that the capital transfer components in all the AiPs will be entirely provided by Canada. The provincial land commitments of Provincial Crown Land within all five AiPs are as follows: - Lheidli T'enneh, 3,120 hectares - Maa-nulth, 20,900 hectares - Sliammon, 6,000 hectares - Tsawwassen, 427 hectares - Sechelt, 933 hectares Since the signing of the Sechelt AiP, there has been little or no progress in negotiations and a final agreement is not anticipated in the near future. Eighty percent of funding for First Nations negotiation costs is in the form of loans from Canada and is repayable from treaty settlements. The province has committed to reimburse Canada 50% of any negotiation support loans that default, along with 50% of the interest accrued. The earliest date at which the loans are expected to become due is 2006 and the amount of any provincial liability is not determinable at this time. Some First Nations have chosen not to negotiate through the formal British Columbia Treaty Commission process. Several have commenced litigation claiming aboriginal rights and/or title over their asserted Traditional Territories and/or challenging provincial approvals regarding resource allocation and extraction on those lands with respect to the adequacy of consultation and accommodation. The result of these actions is not determinable at this time. (v) Crown Corporations The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) has settled some claims which require ICBC to provide claimants with periodic payments, usually for a lifetime. ICBC has purchased annuities to make these payments; however, if the annuities are insufficient, ICBC remains responsible. The gross amount of these settlements at December 31, 2003, was approximately $594 million (2002: $569 million). The BC Transportation Financing Authority has contingent liabilities of $92 million remaining after deducting the estimated settlement expense currently accrued from gross claims outstanding for capital projects. Powerex, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, has been named as a defendant in a number of lawsuits regarding alleged market manipulation of energy prices in the California wholesale electricity markets. Estimates of claims against all market participants could reach several billion US dollars. Management cannot predict the outcome of the various claims; however, Powerex states the terms of its sales were just and reasonable. (c) COMMITMENTS The government has ongoing operational and capital commitments to fund a variety of programs for public welfare including health, education, social services, protection of persons and property, and management of natural resources. Any significant non-operating commitments of less than five years duration and costing more than $50 million are detailed in this note. (i) Restructuring plan The province is in the final year of a three-year restructuring plan. In each year, associated costs are determined, included in the Estimates, and recorded in the financial statements. <Page> 62 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 27. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS--Continued (ii) 2010 Winter Olympics On July 2, 2003, the International Olympic Committee selected Vancouver to host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. A comprehensive Multi-Party Agreement (MPA) between Canada, British Columbia, the City of Vancouver, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, the Canadian Olympic Committee, the Canadian Paralympic Committee, and the Vancouver 2010 Organizing Committee was signed November 14, 2002. This agreement establishes the roles and relationships of all the parties, the contractual arrangements, financial contributions, legal responsibilities, and the sport legacies of the Games. On September 30, 2003 the "Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games" (VANOC) was incorporated. The province has the power to appoint three of the twenty board members. VANOCs mandate is to plan, organize, finance and stage the Winter Games. The province, has established a commitment of $600 million for the 2010 Olympic Games. The MPA outlines the province's obligations for the Games. The obligations include: medical services for the Games; sharing security costs with the Government of Canada; providing one half of the costs of the venues; and providing $55 million to the Legacy Endowment Fund. To date, the province has spent $111 million toward its $600 million commitment. In addition, the province has guaranteed any potential financial short fall that may be incurred by VANOC as a result of staging the Games. A short fall is not anticipated at this time. The province has also agreed to upgrade the Sea to Sky Highway at a cost estimated to be $600 million. (iii) Crown corporations The province has committed to the construction of the expansion to the Vancouver Convention Centre and other shared upgrades to adjacent facilities. The cost is to be shared by the province ($230 million), the Government of Canada ($223 million) and Tourism Vancouver ($90 million). 28. REVENUE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- TAXATION REVENUE INCLUDES $ $ Personal income 4,878 4,154 Corporation income 776 613 Social service 4,001 3,794 Property 1,576 1,541 Other 2,577 2,175 ----- ----- 13,808 12,277 ====== ====== </Table> SEE notes at end of the Schedule of Net Revenue by Source on page 94 for additional information on taxation revenue. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 63 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 29. EXPENSE <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- INTEREST EXPENSE BY FUNCTION $ $ Health 151 152 Education 446 453 Transportation 138 138 Interest(1) 1,451 1,493 ----- ----- 2,186 2,236 ===== ===== </Table> <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- TOTAL EXPENSE BY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION $ $ Government transfers 19,669 19,544 Operating costs 2,677 2,369 Salaries and benefits 2,370 2,281 Interest(1) 2,186 2,236 Other 466 583 Amortization 523 564 ------ ------ 27,891 27,577 ====== ====== </Table> (1) Includes foreign exchange gain amortization of $19 million (2003: loss amortization of $7 million) 30. VALUATION ALLOWANCES <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Accounts receivable 165 152 Loans, advances and mortgages receivable 41 31 Investments 8 6 Tangible capital assets 14 7 ------ ------ 228 196 ====== ====== </Table> These amounts are included in Other in expense by group account classification in Note 29 and represent the write-down of assets and liabilities in the above Statement of Financial Position categories. <Page> 64 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 31. COMPARISON TO ESTIMATES The Estimates numbers on the Statement of Operations are taken from the Estimated Statement of Operations on page 4 of the Estimates, Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004. They do not include supplementary spending of $419 million approved by the Legislature during the 2003/04 fiscal year. Of this amount, $319 million was additional Canadian Health and Social Transfer funds from the federal government that were not known at the time of the budget, but were included in the SUPPLY ACT passed on May 29, 2003. 32. TRUSTS UNDER ADMINISTRATION <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----- ----- $ $ Public Trustee and Official Administrators --administered by government officials 530 575 Supreme and Provincial Court (Suitors' Funds) --administered by the Courts 32 22 Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of B.C. --administered by various government officials and a non-government investment corporation 117 104 Other trust funds --administered by various government officials 68 43 --- --- 747 744 === === </Table> 33. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (WCB) WCB administers the WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT. Its main functions are promotion of occupational health and safety, compensation for occupational injury, death or disease, and rehabilitation of injured workers. WCB collects funds necessary for its operations from employers covered under the Act, and operates similar to a trust. It is excluded from the government reporting entity. The audited financial statements of WCB at December 31 reflect the following financial information: <Table> <Caption> In Millions December 31 December 31 2003 2002 ----- ----- $ $ Assets 8,481 8,078 Liabilities 8,473 8,225 ----- ----- NET EQUITY 8 (147) ===== ===== </Table> <Table> <Caption> In Millions December 31 December 31 2003 2002 ----- ----- $ $ Revenue 1,573 795 Expense 1,419 1,366 ----- ----- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 154 (571) ===== ===== </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 65 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 34. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS GOVERNMENT RESTRUCTURING The province has stated its intentions to reorganize government. As part of the reorganization, the province will discontinue some operations and invite outside investors to participate in other operations. These include, among others, liquor distribution, land registry operations, rail operations and highway operations. BRITISH COLUMBIA RAILWAY COMPANY (BCRC) OPERATIONS On November 25, 2003, BCRC and BCR Properties signed an agreement with Canadian National Railway Company (CN) under which CN will assume the operations of the industrial freight railway business carried on by BC Rail Partnership, by purchasing the shares of BC Rail Ltd., and the partnership interests of BC Rail Partnership (collectively "BC Rail"), for proceeds of $1 billion (the "Transaction"). Prior to closing, BC Rail will undergo a corporate restructuring to ensure that only assets and liabilities of BC Rail's Industrial Freight Railway business are owned by BC Rail at the time of the Transaction. Part of this restructuring will involve transferring the railbed and related infrastructure from BC Rail to BCRC. The BC Rail Partnership and BC Rail will continue to be liable for certain inter-company debt owing to BCRC and BCR Properties. As part of the Transaction, BCRC and CN will enter into a Revitalization Agreement under which CN will lease the railbed and related infrastructure from BCRC for a term of 60 years. The Revitalization Agreement also gives CN the option to renew the lease for an additional 30 years at no cost to CN and allows for further extensions of the term of the agreement beyond this time, should BCRC not excercize its option to repurchase the rail operations. The province and BCRC have provided commercial indemnities to CN with respect to the Transaction including indemnities related to tax attributes of BC Rail at closing. The maximum payable under the indemnities related to tax attributes is $367 million, plus interest at 9% from the date of closing and any taxes payable by CN on the amounts received under the indemnities. These indemnities remain in effect until 90 days after the last date on which a tax assessment or reassessment can be issued in respect of the tax attributes. It is unlikely the province and BCRC will ultimately be held liable for any amounts under these indemnities. The maximum payable under the other indemnities - not related to tax attributes -is limited to $262 million. There are certain other specific indemnities (including certain environmental indemnities and matters unrelated to the industrial freight railway business) for which there are not limits on the amounts payable thereunder. At March 31, 2004, the book value of the net assets of these operations held for sale was $755 million and annual net income was $86 million. COLUMBIA BASIN TRUST On January 16, 2004, the provincial government announced a regulation to bring the COLUMBIA BASIN TRUST AMENDMENT ACT, 2003 into force. The government's stated objective is to increase efficiency and deliver ongoing savings, provide representation from Columbia Basin residents and continue the mandate of the Columbia Basin Trust to invest its share of the power project and other in come to further the economic, social and environmental well-being of Columbia Basin residents. The development and management of power projects, currently done through joint ventures between the Trust and Columbia Power Corporation, will be consolidated under a single corporation that will be a subsidiary of the Trust. The Trust will hold 100% of the subsidiary's shares and will appoint a majority of the board of directors. The man date of the power subsidiary and the continued 50/50 sharing of power in come will be set out in agreements between the province and the Trust to implement the power restructuring. On May 3, 2004, the Arrow Lakes Generating Station (a joint venture of the Columbia Basin Trust and Columbia Power Corporation) incurred damage to a portion of the intake channel resulting in the temporary suspension of power generation. The cause of the damage is currently under investigation and the appropriate steps have been taken to prevent further damage and to carry out necessary repairs. The financial impact of this can not be determined at this time. Recourse under insurance policies and warranties under the Design-Build Contract are currently under investigation. <Page> 66 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 NOTES TO SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued 35. RESTRUCTURING EXIT EXPENSE Reported restructuring exit expenses of $122 million (2003: $169 million) do not include an additional recovery ($16) million (2003: expenses of $78 million) for restructuring exit expenses of government organizations that were consolidated using the modified equity basis. This consists of $8 million in expenses (2003: expenses of $37 million) for British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, recoveries of ($25) million (2003: expenses of $26 million) for the British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch, nil (2003: expenses of $15 million) for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and expenses of $1 million (2003: nil) for British Columbia Lottery Corporation. <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- RESTRUCTURING EXIT EXPENSE BY FUNCTION $ $ Health 10 6 Education 1 2 Social services 22 17 Protection of per sons and property 17 2 Transportation 5 14 Natural resources 25 69 Other 13 55 General government 29 4 --- --- 122 169 === === </Table> <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ---- ---- RESTRUCTURING EXIT EXPENSE BY GROUP ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION $ $ Government transfers 3 16 Operating costs 38 61 Salaries and benefits 78 89 Other 3 3 --- --- 122 169 === === </Table> 36. COMPARATIVES Certain of the comparative figures for the previous year have been restated to conform with the current year's presentation. These restatements have had no effect on the operating result as previously reported except as specifically noted. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 67 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORTING ENTITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES (GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS) RECORDED ON A CONSOLIDATED BASIS CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND(1) HEALTH SECTOR Canadian Blood Services(2) Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission EDUCATION SECTOR Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission(3) Industry Training Authority(4) Private Post-Secondary Education Commission NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SECTOR 552513 British Columbia Ltd(5) BC Immigrant Investment Fund Ltd B.C. Pavilion Corporation British Columbia Enterprise Corporation British Columbia Trade Development Corporation(3) Columbia Basin Trust Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority Trust Fund Discovery Enterprises Inc Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd(4) Innovation and Science Council of British Columbia(6) Land and Water British Columbia Inc Oil and Gas Commission Partnerships British Columbia Inc Tourism British Columbia Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project(4) Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre Authority TRANSPORTATION SECTOR BC Transportation Financing Authority British Columbia Ferry Corporation(7) British Columbia Transit Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd Victoria Line Ltd(3) PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY British Columbia Securities Commission Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia Society SOCIAL SERVICES SECTOR B.C. Community Financial Services Corporation Interim Authority for Community Living British Columbia Legal Services Society <Page> 68 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORTING ENTITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES (GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS) RECORDED ON A CONSOLIDATED BASIS--CONTINUED OTHER SECTOR B.C. Festival of the Arts Society(3) B.C. Games Society British Columbia Arts Council British Columbia Assessment Authority British Columbia Buildings Corporation British Columbia Heritage Trust(3) British Columbia Housing Management Commission First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council Homeowner Protection Office Pacific National Exhibition(7) Provincial Rental Housing Corporation Royal BC Museum(4) SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES (GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES) RECORDED ON A MODIFIED EQUITY BASIS BCIF Management Ltd British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch British Columbia Lottery Corporation British Columbia Railway Company Columbia Power Corporation Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Provincial Capital Commission (1) The Consolidated Revenue Fund has been allocated to the appropriate sector on the Statement of Financial Position by Sector (page 69) and Operations by Sector (page 71). (2) This organization reflects a government partnership amongst Canadian provinces and is proportionally consolidated based upon the province's share (14.67%) of the total provincial contributions to the partnership. (3) These organizations were wound up during the fiscal year. (4) These organizations began operations during the fiscal year. (5) 552513 British Columbia Ltd was involved in the acquisition and disposal of Skeena Cellulose Inc. (6) This organization changed its name during the current year. It was formerly known as Science Council of British Columbia. (7) During the year, the government transferred control of these organizations to outside the government reporting entity. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 69 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions General Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health Education Services Servicing PPP(1) tation ED(2) Other(3) ment(4) ments(5) Total ----- --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- FINANCIAL ASSETS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cash and temporary investments 15 1 11 238 14 157 (6) 430 Accounts receivable ........... 104 27 77 380 136 31 725 24 1,083 (45) 2,542 Inventories for resale ........ 7 10 192 20 9 238 Due from the Province of British Columbia ............ 37 (37) Due from other governments .... 19 36 7 13 17 22 29 201 344 Due from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ... 93 71 164 Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ... 5 618 422 1,934 16 (6) 2,989 Loans, advances and mortgages receivable .................. 3 303 1 5 428 85 59 164 1,048 Other investments ............. 27 23 76 268 59 453 Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies ... 10,839 (3,237) 7,602 ----- --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- 168 367 101 11,480 779 1,035 3,476 201 1,528 (3,325) 15,810 ----- --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- </Table> <Page> 70 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions General Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health Education Services Servicing PPP(1) tation ED(2) Other(3) ment(4) ments(5) Total ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ....... 527 87 139 805 230 225 659 301 640 (70) 3,543 Due to other governments .... 30 6 47 3 7 2 1,014 1,109 Due to Crown corporations, agencies and funds ........ 1 78 44 123 Due to the Province of British Columbia........... Deferred revenue ............ 109 10 144 226 131 173 111 391 (3) 1,292 Unfunded pension liabilities ............... 3 3 Taxpayer-supported debt ..... 5 5 29,245 4 2,851 60 508 1 (3,248) 29,431 Self-supported debt ......... 7,507 7,507 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- 671 97 150 37,701 507 3,210 900 1,000 2,093 (3,321) 43,008 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- Net liabilities ............. (503) 270 (49) (26,221) 272 (2,175) 2,576 (799) (565) (4) (27,198) ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets ..... 83 13 30 65 8,438 676 1,037 140 10,482 Prepaid capital advances .... 1,670 5,466 7,136 Prepaid program costs ....... 15 1 4 22 18 13 9 82 Other assets ................ 105 21 15 3 144 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- 1,768 5,479 31 105 90 8,475 697 1,050 149 0 17,844 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 1,265 5,749 (18) (26,116) 362 6,300 3,273 251 (416) (4) (9,354) ====== ========= ======== ========= ====== ======== ======= ======== ======= ======== ===== </Table> - ---------- (1) Protection of persons and property. (2) Natural Resources and Economic Development. (3) Includes housing, recreation and culture and other activities which cannot be allocated to the specific sectors. (4) Includes the Legislature,tax collection and administration,CHST and equalization transfers from the federal government, liquor and gaming profits, general administration and central agency services such as accounting, auditing, budgeting, insurance and risk management to all sectors. (5) Represents sectoral adjustments to conform to government accounting policies and to eliminate transactions between sectors. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 71 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions General Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health Education Services Servicing PPP(1) tation ED(2) Other(3) ment(4) ments(5) Total ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- REVENUE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Taxation ........................ 446 24 62 13,276 13,808 Contributions from the federal government ............ 45 148 57 215 24 22 117 2,718 3,346 Natural resources ............... 3,653 3,653 Fees and licences ............... 1,539 2 6 602 91 102 24 61 2,427 Contributions from the provincial government/self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ..... 299 58 105 311 1,442 (334) 1,881 Miscellaneous ................... 229 9 84 132 19 132 334 87 (49) 977 Investment earning .............. 2 4 1 703 1 28 25 7 7 (196) 582 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- Total revenue ................... 1,815 163 148 703 1,249 666 4,063 855 17,591 (579) 26,674 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- </Table> <Page> 72 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued <Table> <Caption> In Millions General Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health Education Services Servicing PPP(1) tation ED(2) Other(3) ment(4) ments(5) Total ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ------- EXPENSE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Government transfers ...... 10,013 5,993 2,234 631 144 124 530 21 (21) 19,669 Operating costs ........... 372 364 241 318 482 793 505 (60) (338) 2,677 Salaries and benefits ..... 319 36 371 542 136 473 162 331 2,370 Interest .................. 1,434 143 1 70 538 2,186 Other ..................... 241 504 23 59 167 84 (20) 155 (747) 466 Amortization .............. 17 2 13 17 345 29 44 56 523 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ------- Operating expense ......... 10,962 6,899 2,882 1,434 1,567 1,417 1,504 1,291 503 (568) 27,891 ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ------- Surplus (deficit) for the year before unusual items (9,147) (6,736) (2,734) (731) (318) (751) 2,559 (436) 17,088 (11) (1,217) Restructuring exit expense (7) (3) (3) (50) (74) 15 (122) ------ --------- -------- --------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 2003/04 ............ (9,140) (6,736) (2,734) (731) (315) (751) 2,562 (386) 17,162 (26) (1,095) ====== ========= ======== ========= ====== ========== ====== ======== ======= ========= ======= SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 2002/03 ............ (9,009) (6,754) (3,031) (728) (614) (918) 2,273 (281) 15,969 (106) (3,199) ====== ========= ======== ========= ====== ========== ====== ======== ======= ========= ======= </Table> - ---------- (1) Protection of persons and property. (2) Natural Resources and Economic Development. (3) Includes housing, recreation and culture and other activities which cannot be allocated to the specific sectors. (4) Includes the Legislature, tax collection and administration, CHST and equalization transfers from the federal government, liquor and gaming profits, general administration and central agency services such as accounting, auditing, budgeting, insurance and risk management to all sectors. (5) Represents sectoral adjustments to conform to government accounting policies and to eliminate transactions between sectors. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 73 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions Transpor- Natural 2004 2003 Utility(1) Insurance(2) Liquor(3) tation(4) Finance(5) Resources(6) Total Total ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- ASSETS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cash and temporary investments ........ 77 6,490 (10) 56 73 4 6,690 5,838 Accounts receivable ................... 329 177 49 48 44 647 619 Inventories ........................... 87 69 36 6 198 242 Long-term investments ................. 88 31 119 396 Tangible capital assets ............... 10,088 84 24 891 55 15 11,157 11,079 Other assets .......................... 578 117 2 98 6 801 786 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- 11,247 6,899 134 1,129 184 19 19,612 18,960 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ......................... 1,124 4,840 127 216 113 6,420 6,030 Deferred revenue ...................... 1,089 1,441 3 2,533 2,424 Due to the Province of British Columbia 93 71 164 402 Long-term debt due to the Province of British Columbia .................... 6,900 467 7,367 7,270 Other long-term debt .................. 108 7 24 139 205 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- 9,314 6,281 134 707 184 3 16,623 16,331 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- EQUITY Investment by the Consolidated Revenue Fund .......................... 296 258 554 534 Unremitted earnings--end of year ...... 1,637 618 164 16 2,435 2,095 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- 1,933 618 422 16 2,989 2,629 ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----- ----- TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY .......... 11,247 6,899 134 1,129 184 19 19,612 18,960 ========== ============ ========= ========= ========== ============ ===== ===== </Table> (1) Utility--British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority and Columbia Power Corporation. (2) Insurance--Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). (3) Liquor--British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch. (4) Transportation--British Columbia Railway Company. (5) Finance--British Columbia Lottery Corporation and BCIF Management Ltd. (6) Natural Resources--Provincial Capital Commission. <Page> 74 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND STATEMENT OF EQUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions Transpor- Natural Re- 2004 2003 Utility(1) Insurance(2) Liquor(3) tation4 Finance(5) sources(6) Total Total(7) ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Revenue ................................... 3,455 3,300 2,004 374 1,891 4 11,028 10,279 Expense ................................... 3,370 2,998 1,280 323 1,172 4 9,147 8,513 ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------- Net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ............... 85 302 724 51 719 1,881 1,766 Contributions paid to the Consolidated Revenue Fund .............................. (95) (3) (724) (534) (1,356) (1,483) Adjustments to contributions(8) ........... (185) (185) (174) ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------- Increase (decrease) in unremitted earnings in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ............................ (10) 299 51 340 109 Unremitted earnings--beginning of year .... 1,647 319 113 16 2,095 1,986 Adjustment to unremitted earnings ......... ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------- Unremitted earnings--end of year .......... 1,637 618 164 16 2,435 2,095 Investment by the Consolidated Revenue Fund 296 258 554 534 ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------- EQUITY IN SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES FOR THE YEAR ............... 1,933 618 0 422 0 16 2,989 2,629 ========== ============ ========= ======== ========== =========== ===== ======== </Table> - --------- (1) Utility--British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority and Columbia Power Corporation. (2) Insurance--Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). (3) Liquor--British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch. (4) Transportation--British Columbia Railway Company. (5) Finance--British Columbia Lottery Corporation and BCIF Management Ltd. (6) Natural Resources--Provincial Capital Commission. (7) BC Hydro has a change in accounting policy that requires electricity trade income to be netted against corresponding energy costs. It has restated the the 2002/03 amounts, decreasing revenue and increasing expenses by $1,189 million, netting to $0. (8) This adjustment is for British Columbia Lottery Corporation transfers to charities and local governments which is shown as a recovery by the Consolidated Revenue Fund. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 75 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS(1) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 <Table> <Caption> In Millions Land and Land Highway Transpor- Computer Improve- Infra- tation Hardware/ 2004 2003 ments Buildings structure Ferries Equipment Software Other Total Total -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- HISTORICAL COST(2) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Opening cost .......................... 841 1,750 10,121 83 2,564 724 361 16,444 16,249 Additions ............................. 77 53 406 20 105 41 702 601 Disposals and valuation adjustments ... (12) (115) (19) (14) (5) (33) (59) (257) (406) -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- 906 1,688 10,508 69 2,579 796 343 16,889 16,444 -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ACCUMULATED AMORTIZATION Opening balance ....................... 71 806 3,960 68 476 467 215 6,063 5,745 Amortization expense .................. 5 51 285 2 52 89 42 526 564 Effects of disposals and valuation adjustments ......................... (3) (90) (12) (2) (28) (47) (182) (246) -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- 73 767 4,245 58 526 528 210 6,407 6,063 -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- NET BOOK VALUE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 ...................... 833 921 6,263 11 2,053 268 133 10,482 10,381 ======== ========= ========= ======= ========= ========= ===== ===== ===== NET BOOK VALUE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2003 ...................... 770 944 6,161 15 2,088 257 146 10,381 ======== ========= ========= ======= ========= ========= ===== ===== ===== </Table> - ---------- (1) This statement includes assets that are held on capital leases at March 31, 2004, at a net book value totalling $32 million (2003: $45 million) comprised of: heavy equipment $0 million (2003: $4 million) and vehicles $32 million (2003: $41 million). (2) Historical cost includes work-in-progress at March 31, 2004, totalling $295 million (2003: $191 million) comprised of: buildings $39 million (2003: $21 million); land improvements $6 million (2003: $7 million); high way infrastructure $190 million (2003: $106 million); transportation equipment $1 million (2003: $3 million); computer hardware/software $58 million (2003: $50 million); and specialized equipment $1 million (2003: $4 million). Work-in-progress is not amortized. <Page> 76 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GUARANTEED DEBT(1) AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 Guaranteed debt represents that debt of municipalities and other governments, private enterprises and individuals, and debt and minority interests of provincial Crown corporations and agencies, which has been explicitly guaranteed or indemnified by the government, under the authority of a statute, as to net principal or redemption provisions. <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ----------- ------------ Net Net Outstanding Outstanding(1) TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED GUARANTEED DEBT $ $ Municipalities and other local governments MUNICIPAL ACT debentures ............................. 1 1 ----------- ------------ Subtotal, municipalities and other local governments .... 1 1 ----------- ------------ Government services HOMEOWNER PROTECTION ACT loan guarantees ............. 104 98 ----------- ------------ Subtotal, government services ........................... 104 98 ----------- ------------ Health and education FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT student aid loans ....... 41 54 ----------- ------------ Subtotal, health and education .......................... 41 54 ----------- ------------ Economic development SECURITIES ACT ....................................... 1 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Business Development Bank Guaranteed Program ....... 1 1 Emergency Credit Enhancement Program ............... 3 7 Farm Distress Operating Loan Program ............... 1 3 Feeder Association's Loan Guarantee Program ........ 5 5 Miscellaneous guarantees each less than $1 million . 1 HOME MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ACT mortgages ....... 10 15 HOME MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ACT second mortgages(2) ....................................... 1 1 ----------- ------------ Subtotal, economic development .......................... 21 34 ----------- ------------ Total taxpayer-supported guaranteed debt ................ 167 187 ----------- ------------ </Table> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 77 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GUARANTEED DEBT(1) AS AT MARCH 31, 2004--Continued <Table> <Caption> In Millions 2004 2003 ------------- ------------ Net Net Outstanding(1) Outstanding(1) SELF-SUPPORTED GUARANTEED DEBT $ $ Economic development BRITISH COLUMBIA RAILWAY FINANCE ACT capital leases(3) ................... 2 ------------- ------------ Subtotal, economic development .............................................. 2 ------------- ------------ Utilities HYDRO AND POWER AUTHORITY ACT bonds and debentures(3) .................... 87 ------------- ------------ Subtotal, utilities ......................................................... 87 ------------- ------------ Total self-supported guaranteed debt ........................................ 89 ------------- ------------ Grand total, all guaranteed debt ............................................ 167 276 Provision for probable payout ............................................... (11) (12) ------------- ------------ NET TOTAL, ALL GUARANTEED DEBT(4) ........................................... 156 264 ============= ============ </Table> - ----------- (1) Guaranteed debt includes gross principal debt less sinking fund balances, and represents the total amount of contingent liability of the government arising from relevant guarantees. (2) The British Columbia Second Mortgage Program was sold to the Bank of Montreal in June 1989, with the condition that the province will buy back any mortgages which may become uncollectible in future years. (3) See the financial statements of government organizations and enterprises for details of maturity dates, interest rates and redemption features of the outstanding debt of these Crown agencies and for details of derivative financial products. (4) Debentures totalling $0.3 million (2003: $0.3 million) have been defeased and are considered extinguished for financial reporting purposes. <Page> <Page> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] <Page> <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 81 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 ADJUSTED NET INCOME OF CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Policy Equity Adjusted Revenue Expense Net Income Adjustments Adjustments Net Income -------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED (GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS) $ $ $ $ $ $ 552513 British Columbia Ltd ........................... 2 2 B.C. Community Financial Services Corporation ......... 1 (2) (1) 1 B.C. Games Society .................................... 2 (2) B.C. Pavilion Corporation ............................. 35 (35) (6) (6) BC Transportation Financing Authority ................. 604 (479) 125 (182) (57) British Columbia Assessment Authority(1) .............. 65 (63) 2 2 British Columbia Buildings Corporation ................ 517 (470) 47 (4) (18) 25 British Columbia Housing Management Commission ........ 279 (279) 8 8 British Columbia Securities Commission ................ 23 (28) (5) (5) British Columbia Transit .............................. 138 (138) (3) (3) British Columbia Ferry Corporation .................... (503) (503) Canadian Blood Services ............................... 119 (118) 1 3 4 Columbia Basin Trust .................................. 25 (28) (3) (3) Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority Trust Fund 1 (1) Discovery Enterprises Inc ............................. (1) (1) (1) First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council . 1 (1) Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission .............. 55 (54) 1 (1) Forestry Innovations Investment Ltd ................... 27 (27) 4 4 Homeowner Protection Office ........................... 24 (20) 4 4 Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission(3) .... 54 (54) Industry Training Authority ........................... 21 (19) 2 2 Innovation and Science Council of British Columbia .... 5 (4) 1 1 Interim Authority for Community Living British Columbia 4 (3) 1 1 </Table> <Page> 82 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 ADJUSTED NET INCOME OF CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Policy Equity Adjusted Revenue Expense Net Income Adjustments Adjustments Net Income ------- ------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED (GOVERNMENT ORGANIZA- $ $ $ $ $ $ TIONS)--Continued Land and Water British Columbia Inc ............... 51 (45) 6 1 7 Legal Services Society ............................ 71 (69) 2 2 Oil and Gas Commission ............................ 21 (21) Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia Society 18 (18) Pacific National Exhibition(2) .................... 38 (33) 5 (5) Partnerships British Columbia Inc ................. 20 (12) 8 1 9 Private Post-Secondary Education Commission ....... 1 (1) Provincial Rental Housing Corporation ............. 19 (12) 7 (2) 5 Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd .................... 29 (29) Royal BC Museum ................................... 21 (20) 1 2 3 Tourism British Columbia .......................... 33 (37) (4) (4) Vancouver Convention Center Expansion Project ..... 1 1 67 68 ------- ------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- NET IMPACT OF TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES ...................................... 2,323 (2,123) 200 (110) (525) (435) ======= ======= ========== =========== =========== ========== SELF-SUPPORTED (GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES) British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority ........ 3,459 (3,361) 98 (21) (93) (16) British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch ....... 2,004 (1,280) 724 (724) British Columbia Lottery Corporation .............. 1,891 (1,164) 727 (8) (719) British Columbia Railway Company(1) ............... 92 (72) 20 31 51 Columbia Power Corporation ........................ 31 (23) 8 (2) 6 Insurance Corporation of British Columbia(1) ...... 846 (764) 82 220 (3) 299 Provincial Capital Commission ..................... 3 (3) ------- ------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- NET IMPACT OF SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES ...................................... 8,326 (6,667) 1,659 222 (1,541) 340 ======= ======= ========== =========== =========== ========== </Table> - ----------- (1) The revenues and expenses reported for the British Columbia Assessment Authority, British Columbia Railway Company and Insurance Corporation of British Columbia are as at December 31, 2003. (2) This organization was transferred to the City of Vancouver during the fiscal year 2003/04. (3) These organizations were wound up during the fiscal year 2003/04. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 83 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 IMPACT OF SUCH(1) SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Health Authorities Regional Universities, Summary and Hospital Colleges and School Adjust- Statements(2) Societies(3,4) Districts(5) Institutes(3) Districts(3) ments(6) Total Net Effect ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- FINANCIAL ASSETS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cash and temporary investments .. 430 851 738 528 2,547 2,117 Accounts receivable ............. 2,542 119 160 36 (37) 2,820 278 Inventories for resale .......... 238 28 1 267 29 Due from the Province of British Columbia .............. 174 17 1 (192) Due from other governments ...... 344 29 21 7 401 57 Due from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ..... 164 164 Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ..... 2,989 2,989 Loans, advances and mortgages receivable .................... 1,048 4 1,052 4 Other investments ............... 453 94 1,217 24 1,788 1,335 Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies ..... 7,602 (90) 7,512 (90) ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- 15,810 1,267 0 2,185 597 (319) 19,540 3,730 ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- </Table> <Page> 84 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 IMPACT OF SUCH(1) SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Health Authorities Regional Universities, Summary and Hospital Colleges and School Adjust- Statements(2) Societies(3,4) Districts(5) Institutes(3) Districts(3) ments(6) Total Net Effect ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accounts payable and accrued liabilities .... 3,543 1,396 442 340 (199) 5,522 1,979 Due to other governments . 1,109 4 16 9 1,138 29 Due to Crown corporations, agencies and funds ..... 123 14 (14) 123 Due to the Province of British Columbia ....... 3 9 3 (15) Deferred revenue ......... 1,292 2,351 2,015 4,160 (7,135) 2,683 1,391 Unfunded pension liabilities ............ 3 3 Taxpayer-supported debt .. 29,431 134 426 25 (92) 29,924 493 Self-supported debt ...... 7,507 7,507 ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- 43,008 3,902 0 2,908 4,537 (7,455) 46,900 3,892 ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- Net liabilities .......... (27,198) (2,635) 0 (723) (3,940) 7,136 (27,360) (162) ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets .. 10,482 3,087 3,396 5,288 22,253 11,771 Prepaid capital advances . 7,136 (7,136) (7,136) Prepaid program costs .... 82 104 13 7 206 124 Other assets ............. 144 1 12 1 158 14 ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- 17,844 3,192 0 3,421 5,296 (7,136) 22,617 4,773 ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ -------- ----- ---------- ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) .............. (9,354) 557 0 2,698 1,356 0 (4,743) 4,611 ============= ============== ============ ============= ============ ======== ===== ========== </Table> - ---------- (1) School districts, Universities, Colleges and institutes, and Health care authorities. (2) See Summary Financial Statements, Statement of Financial Position, on page 31. (3) The province does not necessarily hold title to the assets of these organizations. (4) Included are assets of Denominational Health care facilities. These organizations have a special relationship with government that provides them with significant autonomy. While their assets are consolidated, they are owned, managed and operated by the Denominational Health Board. (5) For fiscal 2002/03, legislative changes have resulted in the Regional Hospital Districts being excluded from this schedule, which depicts the Summary Financial Statements as if the SUCH sector had been included. (6) Represents adjustments to eliminate transactions that occurred within the SUCH sector, and between the SUCH sector and other consolidated entities included in the Summary Financial Statements. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 85 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 IMPACT OF SUCH(1) SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Health Authorities Regional Universities, Summary and Hospital Colleges and School Adjust- Statements(2) Societies Districts(3) Institutes Districts ments(4) Total Net Effect ------------- ---------- ------------ ------------- --------- -------- ----- ----------- REVENUE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Taxation ........................ 13,808 13,808 Contributions from the federal government .................... 3,346 22 182 69 3,619 273 Natural resources ............... 3,653 3,653 Fees and licences ............... 2,427 224 781 110 (2) 3,540 1,113 Contributions from the provincial government/self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ..... 1,881 7,162 1,730 4,219 (13,111) 1,881 Miscellaneous ................... 977 271 640 87 (189) 1,786 809 Investment earnings ............. 582 39 58 21 (13) 687 105 ------------- ---------- ------------ ------------- --------- -------- ----- ----------- Total revenue ................... 26,674 7,718 0 3,391 4,506 (13,315) 28,974 2,300 ------------- ---------- ------------ ------------- --------- -------- ----- ----------- </Table> <Page> 86 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 IMPACT OF SUCH(1) SECTOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Health Authorities Regional Universities, Summary and Hospital Colleges and School Statements(2) Societies Districts(3) Institutes Districts Adjustments(4) Total Net Effect ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- --------- EXPENSE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Health ....................... 10,945 7,698 (7,321) 11,322 377 Education .................... 6,899 3,170 4,370 (5,924) 8,515 1,616 Social services .............. 2,871 (26) 2,845 (26) Interest ..................... 1,451 9 29 1 (14) 1,476 25 Protection of persons and property ................... 1,565 (15) 1,550 (15) Transportation ............... 1,267 1,267 Natural resources and economic development ................ 1,496 (10) 1,486 (10) Other ........................ 906 (3) 903 (3) General government ........... 491 (2) 489 (2) ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- --------- Total operating expense ...... 27,891 7,707 0 3,199 4,371 (13,315) 29,853 1,962 ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- --------- Surplus (deficit) for the year before unusual items ...... (1,217) 11 0 192 135 0 (879) 338 Restructuring exit expense ... (122) (1) (123) (1) ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- --------- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 ....... (1,339) 10 0 192 135 0 (1,002) 337 ============= ========== =========== ============ ========== ============== ===== ========= SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2003 ....... (3,199) 152 (340) 233 150 0 (3,004) 195 ============= ========== =========== ============ ========== ============== ===== ========= </Table> - ---------- (1) School districts, Universities, Colleges and institutes, and Health care authorities. (2) See Summary Financial Statements, Statement of Operations, on page 32. (3) For fiscal 2002/03, legislative changes have resulted in the Regional Hospital Districts being excluded from this schedule, which depicts the Summary Financial Statements as if the SUCH sector had been included in the government reporting entity. The March 31, 2003 balance reflects the write-off of Regional Hospital Districts net assets. (4) Represents adjustments to eliminate transactions that occurred within the SUCH sector, and between the SUCH sector and other consolidated entities included in the Summary Financial Statements. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 87 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH(1) SECTOR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Expanded General Expanded Edu- Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health(2) cation(3) Services Servicing PPP(4) tation ED(5) Other(6) ment(7) ments(8) Total --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- -------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ----- FINANCIAL ASSETS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cash and temporary investments 866 1,267 11 238 14 157 (6) 2,547 Accounts receivable ........... 209 211 77 380 136 31 725 24 1,083 (56) 2,820 Inventories for resale ........ 29 7 10 192 20 9 267 Due from the Province of British Columbia ............ 2 37 (39) Due from other governments .... 48 64 7 13 17 22 29 201 401 Due from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ... 93 71 164 Equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ... 5 618 422 1,934 16 (6) 2,989 Loans, advances and mortgages receivable .................. 3 307 1 5 428 85 59 164 1,052 Other investments ............. 121 1,241 23 76 268 59 1,788 Loans for purchase of assets, recoverable from agencies ... 10,839 (3,327) 7,512 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- -------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ----- 1,249 3,119 101 11,480 779 1,035 3,476 201 1,528 (3,428) 19,540 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- -------- ------ -------- ------- --------- ----- </Table> <Page> 88 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH(1) SECTOR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BY SECTOR AS AT MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Expanded General Expanded Edu- Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health(2) cation(3) Services Servicing PPP(4) tation ED(5) Other(6) ment(7) ments(8) Total --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ....... 1,750 850 139 805 230 225 659 301 640 (77) 5,522 Due to other governments .... 34 25 6 47 3 7 2 1,014 1,138 Due to Crown corporations, agencies and funds ........ 5 1 78 44 (5) 123 Due to the Province of British Columbia .......... Deferred revenue ............ 791 741 144 226 131 173 111 391 (25) 2,683 Unfunded pension liabilities 3 3 Taxpayer-supported debt ..... 138 451 5 29,245 4 2,851 60 508 1 (3,339) 29,924 Self-supported debt ......... 7,507 7,507 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ 2,718 2,067 150 37,701 507 3,210 900 1,000 2,093 (3,446) 46,900 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ Net liabilities ............. (1,469) 1,052 (49) (26,221) 272 (2,175) 2,576 (799) (565) 18 (27,360) --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Tangible capital assets ..... 3,170 8,697 30 65 8,438 676 1,037 140 22,253 Prepaid capital advances .... 22 (22) Prepaid program costs ....... 119 20 1 4 22 18 13 9 206 Other as sets ............... 1 13 105 21 15 3 158 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ 3,290 8,752 31 105 90 8,475 697 1,050 149 (22) 22,617 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- ---------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 1,821 9,804 (18) (26,116) 362 6,300 3,273 251 (416) (4) (4,743) ========= ========= ======== ========= ==== ========== ====== ======== ======== ======== ====== </Table> - ---------- (1) School districts, Universities, Colleges and institutes, and Health authorities. (2) Comprised of Health Sector (per Summary Financial Statements) and Health authorities. (3) Comprised of Education Sector (per Summary Financial Statements), Universities, Colleges and institutes, and School districts. (4) Protection of Persons and Property. (5) Natural Resources and Economic Development. (6) Includes housing, recreation and culture and other activities that cannot be allocated to the specific sectors. (7) Includes the legislature, tax collection and administration, CHST and equalization transfers from the federal government, liquor and gaming profits, general administration and central agency services such as accounting, auditing, budgeting, insurance and risk management to all sectors. (8) Represents sectoral adjustments to conform to government accounting policies and to eliminate transactions between sectors. <Page> PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 89 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH(1) SECTOR STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Expanded General Expanded Edu- Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health(2) cation(3) Services Servicing PPP(4) tation ED(5) Other(6) ment(7) ments(8) Total --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- REVENUE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Taxation ................ 446 24 62 13,276 13,808 Contributions from the federal government .... 67 399 57 215 24 22 117 2,718 3,619 Natural resources ....... 3,653 3,653 Fees and licences ....... 1,763 893 6 602 91 102 24 61 (2) 3,540 Contributions from the provincial government/ self-supported Crown corporations and agencies .............. 21 107 299 58 105 311 1,442 (462) 1,881 Miscellaneous ........... 449 713 84 132 19 132 334 87 (164) 1,786 Investment earnings ..... 41 83 1 703 1 28 25 7 7 (209) 687 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- Total revenue ........... 2,341 2,195 148 703 1,249 666 4,063 855 17,591 (837) 28,974 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------ -------- -------- -------- ----- </Table> <Page> 90 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDING SUCH1 SECTOR STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS BY SECTOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) <Table> <Caption> In Millions Expanded General Expanded Edu- Social Debt Transpor- NR and Govern- Adjust- Health(2) cation(3) Services Servicing PPP(4) tation ED(5) Other(6) ment(7) ments(8) Total --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------- -------- ------- --------- ----- EXPENSE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Government transfers ..... 3,999 553 2,234 631 144 124 530 21 (151) 8,085 Operating costs .......... 2,081 1,234 241 318 482 793 505 (60) (343) 5,251 Salaries and benefits .... 4,700 5,736 371 542 136 473 162 331 12,451 Interest ................. 9 29 1,434 143 1 70 (210) 1,476 Other .................... 356 615 23 59 167 84 (20) 155 (122) 1,317 Amortization ............. 332 437 13 17 345 29 44 56 1,273 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------- -------- ------- --------- ----- Operating expense ........ 11,477 8,604 2,882 1,434 1,567 1,417 1,504 1,291 503 (826) 29,853 --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------- -------- ------- --------- ----- Surplus (deficit) for the year before unusual items .................. (9,136) (6,409) (2,734) (731) (318) (751) 2,559 (436) 17,088 (11) (879) Restructuring exit expense (8) (3) (3) (50) (74) 15 (123) --------- --------- -------- --------- ---- --------- ------- -------- ------- --------- ----- SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 2003/04 ........... (9,144) (6,409) (2,734) (731) (321) (751) 2,556 (486) 17,014 4 (1,002) ========= ========= ======== ========= ==== ========= ======= ======== ======= ========= ===== SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 2002/03 ........... (9,197) (6,371) (3,031) (728) (614) (918) 2,273 (281) 15,969 (106) (3,004) ========= ========= ======== ========= ==== ========= ======= ======== ======= ========= ===== </Table> - ---------- (1) School districts, Universities, Colleges and institutes, and Health authorities. (2) Comprised of Health Sector (per Summary Financial Statements) and Health authorities. (3) Comprised of Education Sector (per Summary Financial Statements), Universities, Colleges and institutes, and School districts. (4) Protection of Persons and Property. (5) Natural Resources and Economic Development. (6) Includes housing, recreation and culture and other activities that cannot be allocated to the specific sectors. (7) Includes the legislature, tax collection and administration, CHST and equalization transfers from the federal government, liquor and gaming profits, general administration and central agency services such as accounting, auditing, budgeting, insurance and risk management to all sectors. (8) Represents sectoral adjustments to conform to government accounting policies and to eliminate transactions between sectors. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXTRACTS (UNAUDITED) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] 93 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OPERATING RESULT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Millions 2004 2003 --------------------- ------ Estimated(1) Actual Actual $ $ $ REVENUE Taxation 12,755 13,219 11,846 Contributions from the federal government 3,625 2,987 3,276 Natural resource 3,367 3,616 3,255 Other 2,294 2,332 2,209 Contributions from Crown corporations and agencies 1,205 1,371 1,517 ------ ------ ------ 23,246 23,525 22,103 ------ ------ ------ EXPENSE Health(2) 10,408 10,607 10,377 Education(2) 6,906 6,813 6,817 Social services 2,785 2,807 3,096 Interest(2,3) 926 738 711 Protection of persons and property 1,087 1,168 1,104 Transportation(2) 833 819 750 Natural resources and economic development 1,023 1,345 1,357 Other 631 523 402 General government 304 328 377 ------ ------ ------ 24,903 25,148 24,991 ------ ------ ------ Surplus (deficit) before unusual items (1,657) (1,623) (2,888) Liquidation dividends 510 Restructuring exit expense (131) (131) (188) ------ ------ ------ SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR (1,788) (1,244) (3,076) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - --------- (1) The estimated amount consists of the original Estimates presented to the Legislative Assembly February 17, 2003. It does not contain any appropriations granted in subsequent Supplementary Estimates. (2) For 2003/04, interest expense of $526 million (2003: $453 million) is included in education expense, $181 million (2003: $151 million) is included in health expense and $158 million (2003: $139 million) is included in transportation expense. (3) Interest expense does not include the following: interest of $686 million (2003: $748 million) on cost of borrowing for relending to government bodies; interest of $11 million (2003: $41 million) on cost of unallocated borrowing under the Warehouse Program; interest of $6 million (2003: $5 million) on borrowings under the Provincial Treasury Revenue Program; and, interest of $0 million (2003: $6 million) on cost of financial agreements entered into, on behalf of government bodies. These amounts are not included because the interest expense and recovery are offsetting. 94 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF NET REVENUE BY SOURCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Millions 2004 2003 --------------------- ------ Estimated Actual Actual $ $ $ TAXATION REVENUE(1) Personal income 4,725 4,878 4,154 Corporation income 755 776 613 Social service 3,962 3,966 3,770 Property 1,490 1,491 1,457 Fuel 451 461 393 Other 1,428 1,684 1,532 Commissions on collection of public funds (31) (29) (32) Valuation adjustments (25) (8) (41) ------ ------ ------ Total taxation revenue 12,755 13,219 11,846 ------ ------ ------ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Canada health and social transfer 2,763 3,044 2,606 Federal Equalization Program 675 (330) 543 Other contributions 187 273 127 ------ ------ ------ Total contributions from the federal government 3,625 2,987 3,276 ------ ------ ------ NATURAL RESOURCE REVENUE Petroleum, natural gas and minerals 1,750 2,086 1,567 Forests 1,102 1,007 1,323 Water and other 528 524 371 Commissions on collection of public funds (2) (1) (1) Valuation adjustments (11) (5) ------ ------ ------ Total natural resource revenue 3,367 3,616 3,255 ------ ------ ------ OTHER REVENUE Medical Services Plan premiums 1,412 1,415 1,358 Motor vehicle licences and permits 354 366 355 Other fees and licences 351 374 339 Investment earnings 67 63 18 Miscellaneous 242 277 245 Commissions on collection of public funds (14) (18) (13) Valuation adjustments (118) (145) (93) ------ ------ ------ Total other revenue 2,294 2,332 2,209 ------ ------ ------ 95 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF NET REVENUE BY SOURCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) In Millions 2004 2003 --------------------- ------ Estimated Actual Actual $ $ $ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES Taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies British Columbia Buildings Corporation 15 18 14 Other 20 ------ ------ ------ Total contributions from taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies 15 18 34 ------ ------ ------ Self-supported Crown corporations and agencies British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 0 93 338 British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch 655 724 654 British Columbia Lottery Corporation 533 534 489 Other 2 2 2 ------ ------ ------ Total contributions from self-supported Crown corporations and agencies 1,190 1,353 1,483 ------ ------ ------ Total contributions from government enterprises 1,205 1,371 1,517 ------ ------ ------ NET CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND REVENUE 23,246 23,525 22,103 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ LIQUIDATION DIVIDENDS 510 ------ ------ REVENUE COLLECTED FOR AND TRANSFERRED TO CROWN CORPORATIONS, AGENCIES AND OTHER ENTITIES(2) BC Transportation Financing Authority (418) (416) (222) Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (TransLink) (260) (258) (250) Rural area property taxes (190) (183) (174) Other Crown corporations, agencies and entities (54) (55) (144) ------ ------ ------ TOTAL (922) (912) (790) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - --------- (1) Personal income tax and corporation income tax revenues are recorded after adjustment for tax credits. These tax credits reduced personal income tax by $110 million (2003: $101 million) and corporation income tax by $199 million (2003: $146 million). The types of adjustments to personal income tax and corporation income tax revenues are for foreign taxes, logging taxes, venture capital, political contributions, low income rent reductions, low income tax rebates and royalty tax rebates. Personal income tax revenue is also reduced by $53 million (2003: $63 million) which represents that portion of the BC Family Bonus program costs recorded against revenue. Additional personal income tax and corporation income tax refunds are issued under the INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL BUSINESS (TAX REFUND) ACT. Personal income tax refunds were $0.3 million (2003: $0.4 million) and corporation income tax refunds less recoveries were $2.6 million (2003: $(0.5)million). Property revenue is net of home owner grants of $511 million (2003: $511 million). (2) The revenue collected for and transferred to Crown corporations, agencies and other entities has not been included in their revenue sources. 96 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Thousands Other Total Estimated Authorizations Authorizations Actual ---------- -------------- -------------- ---------- $ $ $ $ SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Legislation 42,955 42,955 41,151 Officers of the Legislature 22,709 569 23,278 22,660 Office of the Premier 52,270 52,270 49,602 Advanced Education 1,899,007 1,899,007 1,897,252 Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 49,153 30,035 79,188 79,166 Attorney General 505,845 19,871 525,716 519,809 Children and Family Development 1,451,472 1,451,472 1,430,191 Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 665,551 85,147 750,698 750,611 Education 4,859,939 4,859,939 4,786,636 Energy and Mines 56,631 20,299 76,930 76,930 Finance 54,870 558 55,428 53,562 Forests 564,899 277,737 842,636 839,089 Health Planning 24,154 (24,154) Health Services 10,185,347 343,554 10,528,901 10,452,878 Human Resources 1,417,493 1,417,493 1,394,037 Management Services 46,679 14,479 61,158 61,158 Provincial Revenue 49,642 (25) 49,617 48,781 Public Safety and Solicitor General 506,684 92,737 599,421 598,850 Skills Development and Labour 25,637 25,637 19,925 Small Business and Economic Development 114,706 1,481 116,187 114,687 Sustainable Resource Management 92,297 92,297 91,384 Transportation 834,366 834,366 819,523 Water, Land and Air Protection 130,057 489 130,546 129,250 Management of Public Funds and Debt 926,000 926,000 738,430 Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs(1) 170,000 (107,258) 62,742 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) 190,000 190,000 167,843 BC Family Bonus 85,000 85,000 80,259 Citizens' Assembly 1,500 852 2,352 2,352 Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts 1 1 Environmental Assessment Office 2,897 2,897 2,853 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission 1,895 1,895 1,183 Forest Practices Board 4,344 4,344 4,226 Build BC Special Account 58,822 58,822 58,822 Transfer from the Build BC Special Account to the General Account (58,822) (58,822) (58,822) Insurance and Risk Management Special Account 4,083 4,083 4,083 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE INCLUDING RESTRUCTURING EXIT EXPENSE 25,034,000 760,454 25,794,454 25,278,361 Restructuring exit expense(2) (130,728) (130,728) (130,728) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE 24,903,272 760,454 25,663,726 25,147,633 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 97 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004--Continued (Unaudited) In Thousands Other Total Estimated Authorizations Authorizations Actual ---------- -------------- -------------- ---------- $ $ $ $ SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS Voted expense 24,680,861 810,771 25,491,632 24,981,442 Statutory Various Acts 19,523 19,523 19,523 Special Accounts 438,074 677,547 1,115,621 1,085,481 Inter-account transfers (84,935) (747,387) (832,322) (808,085) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE BY APPROPRIATION INCLUDING RESTRUCTURING EXIT EXPENSE--2003/04 25,034,000 760,454 25,794,454 25,278,361 Restructuring exit expense(2) (130,728) (130,728) (130,728) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE BY APPROPRIATION--2003/04 24,903,272 760,454 25,663,726 25,147,633 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE BY APPROPRIATION--2002/03 25,367,730 306,302 25,674,032 24,991,223 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - --------- (1) Budget for Contingencies has been reallocated to ministries with approved access. (2) SEE Note 1--Significant Accounting Policies for information. 98 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF FINANCING TRANSACTION DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Thousands Other Actual Estimated Authorizations Total Disbursements ---------- -------------- -------------- ------------- $ $ $ $ SPECIAL OFFICES, MINISTRIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATIONS Legislation 670 127 797 797 Officers of the Legislature 1,297 1,297 665 Office of the Premier 609 609 428 Advanced Education 423,525 423,525 351,762 Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 4,990 4,990 883 Attorney General 28,079 279 28,358 15,535 Children and Family Development 17,150 17,150 5,438 Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 3,617 3,617 3,147 Education 200,129 938 201,067 145,045 Energy and Mines 68,460 3,711 72,171 72,171 Finance 5,876 5,876 3,315 Forests 50,300 11,484 61,784 61,784 Health Planning 600 (600) 0 Health Services 218,531 600 219,131 155,210 Human Resources 15,328 15,328 5,627 Management Services 58,665 58,665 33,323 Provincial Revenue 936,874 1,753 938,627 919,232 Public Safety and Solicitor General 7,430 7,430 4,455 Skills Development and Labour 3,512 3,512 739 Small Business and Economic Development 652 1,004 1,656 1,656 Sustainable Resource Management 9,342 9,342 6,571 Transportation 52,840 427,701 480,541 450,285 Water, Land and Air Protection 86,920 86,920 49,744 Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 30,000 (2,289) 27,711 Government Restructuring (All Ministries) 15,000 15,000 10,810 Environmental Assessment Office 103 103 34 Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission 45 45 Forest Practices Board 100 100 35 Insurance and Risk Management 670 670 376 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL FINANCING TRANSACTION DISBURSEMENTS 2,241,314 444,708 2,686,022 2,299,067 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS Loans, investments and other requirements 337,954 440,527 778,481 694,882 Prepaid capital advances 656,300 656,300 508,138 Revenue collected for, and transferred to, other entities 922,400 3,574 925,974 911,551 Capital Expenditures Land and land improvements 84,100 84,100 48,568 Buildings 1,050 1,050 461 Specialized equipment 15,762 480 16,242 15,078 Office furniture and equipment 7,162 127 7,289 5,967 Vehicles 12,144 12,144 10,528 Information systems 150,862 150,862 91,114 Tenant improvements 18,580 18,580 12,780 Other 35,000 35,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL FINANCING TRANSACTIONS BY APPROPRIATION 2,241,314 444,708 2,686,022 2,299,067 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 99 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 9(2)(d)(ii),(iii) AND (iv) OF THE BUDGET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Millions Assets, Debts and Debts and Obligations Obligations Remissions Written Off Extinguished Made ----------- ------------ ---------- $ $ $ MINISTRY Advanced Education 1 Children and Family Development 1 Forests 3 Health Services 13 4 Human Resources 12 Management Services 7 Provincial Revenue 15 Public Safety and Solicitor General 4 Small Business and Economic Development 6 Sustainable Resource Management 1 ----------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL 2003/04 57 6 4 ----------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL 2002/03 180 8 1 ----------- ------------ ---------- This statement includes amounts authorized by sections 17, 18, and 19 of the FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT. Amounts authorized for write-off, forgiveness or remission by other statutes are not shown separately in these financial statements. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCIAL DEBT SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGO] 103 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 OVERVIEW OF PROVINCIAL DEBT (Unaudited) The provincial government and its Crown corporations and agencies incur debt to finance operations and capital projects. Borrowing for operations is required when revenues fall short of expenditures and to meet other cash requirements such as loans and investments. Borrowing for capital projects finances the building of schools, hospitals, roads, public transit and other social and economic capital assets. As these investments provide essential services over several years, the government, like the private sector, borrows to fund these projects and amortizes the cost over the asset's useful life. Provincial debt is reported using two basic classifications: (1) taxpayer-supported debt and (2) self-supported debt. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT--includes government direct debt, which is incurred for government operating and capital purposes, and the debt of those Crown corporations and agencies that require an operating or debt service subsidy from the provincial government or that are fully consolidated in the Summary Financial Statements. Examples include debt of the British Columbia Buildings Corporation and the BC Transportation Financing Authority. SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT--includes the debt of commercial Crown corporations and agencies as well as the Warehouse Program. Commercial Crown corporations and agencies generate sufficient revenues to cover interest costs and repay principal and may pay dividends to the province. The British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority and the British Columbia Railway Company are examples of commercial Crown corporations. The Warehouse Program is used to take advantage of borrowing opportunities in advance of requirements. Eventually, this debt is allocated to the province, Crown corporations or agencies. In the interim, these funds are invested at market rates. The following provincial debt summary provides additional detailed information and related key indicators and benchmarks to allow a more informed assessment of the debt totals. A reconciliation is also provided to explain the differences between the Summary of Provincial Debt and the Summary Financial Statements. The total provincial debt as at March 31, 2004 was $37,337 million which consists of $36,938 million in the Summary Financial Statements, with $232 million in additional debt of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies and $167 million in additional taxpayer-supported debt. 104 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 PROVINCIAL DEBT AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) The accumulated provincial debt of $37,337 million has been incurred for various purposes as shown in Chart 1 below. Over the years, borrowing activity has contributed to economic development in the province and has provided resources to deliver health, education and social programs, and transportation infrastructure. At March 31, 2004, taxpayer-supported debt totalled $29,598 million--including debt incurred for government operating purposes ($15,754 million), educational facilities ($6,072 million), health facilities ($2,084 million), transportation infrastructure ($4,880 million) and other debt ($808 million). Other debt is comprised mainly of British Columbia Buildings Corporation, debt relating to social housing, and loans to universities and colleges. At March 31, 2004, self-supported debt relating to commercial Crown corporations and agencies totalled $7,739 million. Commercial debt includes the debt of British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, British Columbia Railway Company and debt relating to Columbia River power projects. Chart 1 In Millions/Percent of Total [Pie Chart Taxpayer-supported: $29,598 million (79%) Self-supported: $7,739 million (21%) Commercial & other self-supported $ 7,379 21% Highways, Ferries and Transit $ 4,880 13% Health Facilities $ 2,084 6% Government Direct(1) Operating $15,754 42% Education $ 6,072 16% Other $ 808 2% TOTAL: $37,337 MILLION] (1) Operating debt includes a portion of highway infrastructure debt incurred prior to 1994/95, ferry infrastructure debt transferred in 1999/00 and amounts required to finance operating deficits. 105 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CHANGE IN PROVINCIAL DEBT(1) (Unaudited) Provincial debt increased by $798 million in 2003/04; this included increases in taxpayer-supported debt of $511 million and in self-supported debt of $287 million (see Chart 2 below). Taxpayer-supported Debt--The 2003/04 increase of $511 million was due to an increase ($277 million) in government operating debt to finance the operating deficit partially offset by higher cash balances at the start of the year, cash flows for health accord funding and other working capital sources. The increase also included new capital financing (partially offset by changes in sinking fund balances) totalling $453 million, used to fund various provincial infrastructures in the education ($279 million), health ($80 million), and transportation ($94 million) sectors. Other debt decreased by $219 million mainly due to reductions in debt of the British Columbia Buildings Corporation. Self-supported Debt--The 2003/04 increase of $287 million consists of a $256 million increase in British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority's debt and a $97 million increase in debt relating to Columbia River power projects, offset by reductions in other self-supported debt ($66 million) primarily relating to British Columbia Railway Company and Columbia Power Corporation. [Graphic] - ---------------- (1) Includes gross new borrowings plus changes in sinking fund balances, less debt maturities. 106 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 RECONCILIATION OF SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (SURPLUS) DEFICIT TO CHANGE IN TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT AND TOTAL DEBT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Millions 2004 2003(1) ------- ------- $ $ (Surplus) deficit for the year 1,339 3,199 ------- ------- Taxpayer-supported debt decreased by: Non-cash expenses included in (surplus) deficit (1,182) (1,380) Accounts receivable, accounts payable and other working capital net decreases (1,191) (995) ------- ------- (2,373) (2,375) ------- ------- Taxpayer-supported debt increased by: Self-supported Crown corporation and agency earnings in excess of contributions to the CRF 340 109 Prepaid capital advances 496 490 Tangible capital asset net acquisitions 73 392 Net increases in loans, advances and investments 636 79 ------- ------- 1,545 1,070 Net increase (decrease) in taxpayer-supported debt 511 1,894 Taxpayer-supported debt--beginning of year 29,087 27,193 ------- ------- Taxpayer-supported debt--end of year 29,598 29,087 Self-supported debt(2) 7,739 7,452 ------- ------- TOTAL DEBT(3) 37,337 36,539 ------- ------- ------- ------- RECONCILIATION OF TOTAL DEBT TO THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DEBT AS AT MARCH 31, 2004 (Unaudited) In Millions 2004 2003(1) ------- ------- $ $ Total debt 37,337 36,539 Debt included as part of equity in self-supported Crown corporations and agencies (232) (226) Contingent liabilities for debt of individuals and organizations that have been guaranteed by the province (167) (189) ------- ------- SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DEBT 36,938 36,124 ------- ------- ------- ------- Comprised of Taxpayer-supported debt 29,431 28,899 Self-supported debt 7,507 7,225 ------- ------- 36,938 36,124 ------- ------- ------- ------- - --------------- (1) Restated. SEE Note 26. (2) SEE Summary of Provincial Debt, page 113. (3) Total debt includes debt of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies, and debt of individuals and organizations guaranteed by the province. 107 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 CHANGE IN PROVINCIAL DEBT COMPARISON TO BUDGET (Unaudited) The increase in provincial debt was $3,629 million less than originally budgeted (per the Budget and Fiscal Plan presented in February 2003, adjusted to reflect the restated Public Accounts balance at March 31, 2003). Chart 3 below shows the difference between the actual change in provincial debt and the budgeted change by major category. The increase in taxpayer-supported debt was $2,448 million less than budget and the increase in self-supported debt was $681 million lower than budget. In addition, the $500 million forecast allowance included in the budget was not required. TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT--The increase was $2,448 million lower than budget due to reduced borrowing for government operating purposes ($2,028 million) due to improved operating results, higher than forecast cash balances at the start of the year, updated cash flow information for health accord funding, and reduced financing transaction requirements; lower than forecast capital spending and changes in sinking fund balances ($326 million) on education, health and transit infrastructure and lower than expected debt of the British Columbia Buildings Corporation and other agencies ($94 million). SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT--The increase was $681 million lower than budget as a result of reduced debt for British Columbia Power and Hydro Authority ($649 million) due to improved operating results and lower working capital requirements, and lower debt of other self-supported Crown corporations and agencies ($32 million). [Graphic] 108 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 INTERPROVINCIAL COMPARISON OF TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT AS A PERCENTAGE OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (Unaudited) Chart 4 below shows the ratio of each province's taxpayer-supported debt as a percentage of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The ratio of a province's taxpayer-supported debt relative to its GDP highlights the ability of a province to service its debt load. This rating is often used by investors and credit rating agencies when assessing a province's investment quality. British Columbia's taxpayer-supported debt ratio is one of the lowest in Canada and this translates into a strong credit rating and relatively low debt servicing costs. According to Moody's Investors Services Inc., British Columbia has the second lowest taxpayer-supported debt to GDP ratio of all provinces, based on May 2004 estimates. Chart 4 Percent of GDP, at March 31, 2004 [Graphic] Source: Moody's Investors Services Inc., based on May 2004 Estimates 109 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 INTERPROVINCIAL COMPARISON OF TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT PER CAPITA (Unaudited) Chart 5 shows the inter-provincial taxpayer-supported debt per capita, which is the amount of taxpayer-supported debt owing for each resident in a province. According to the Moody's Investors Service, British Columbia has the second lowest taxpayer-supported debt per capita of all provinces, based on May 2004 estimates. Chart 5 $ Per capita, at March 31, 2004 [Graphic] Source: Moody's Investors Service Inc., based on May 2004 Estimates. More comprehensive information on the debt of the province and its Crown corporations and agencies is provided on the Debt Management Branch web-site. This more detailed information can assist readers in assessing the province's debt position. The web-site is available on the Internet at: http//www.fin.gov.bc.ca/PT/dmb/index/shtml. [Graphic] Report of the Auditor General of British Columbia ON THE SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, AND SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PREAMBLE Each year since 1995 the Auditor General has provided a special report to the Legislative Assembly on the accuracy of debt-related statements prepared by the Government. For the 2003/04 fiscal year these statements are the Summary of Provincial Debt, Key Indicators of Provincial Debt, and Summary of Performance Measures. Through these statements the Government reports on its debt management by presenting five years of information on provincial debt and debt indicators, and compares its actual results of Performance Measures to its benchmark measures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004. Consistent with prior years, in preparing these statements, and in the 2003/04 budget, the government reporting entity has been that which is defined by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants but excludes schools, universities, colleges and institutes, and health care organizations (SUCH sector). Accordingly, in these statements the provincial debt, whether directly borrowed or guaranteed by the Government, does not include amounts borrowed from private lenders by SUCH sector organizations. For the 2003/04 fiscal year, the outstanding balance of these excluded borrowings amounted to $493 million ($368 million for 2002/03). The preparation of the three statements named above is the responsibility of the Government. My responsibility is to express an opinion on the accuracy of such information based on the above definition of the reporting entity and provincial debt. . . . 2 Page 2 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ON THE SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT, AND SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES SCOPE I examined financial and other information included in the statements titled Summary of Provincial Debt for the five years ended March 31, 2004, Key Indicators of Provincial Debt for the five years ended March 31, 2004, and Summary of Performance Measures for the year ended March 31, 2004 in accordance with procedures I considered necessary in the circumstances. These procedures include the verification of financial information extracted from financial statements audited by me or by other auditors whose work I have reviewed on a test basis. These procedures also include confirming or assessing the reasonableness of the non-financial and statistical data used by the Government for the Province's credit rating, population and gross domestic product; however, I did not perform an audit of such data. OPINION As a result of applying these procedures, I am of the opinion that the information included in the statements titled Summary of Provincial Debt for the five years ended March 31, 2004, Key Indicators of Provincial Debt for the five years ended March 31, 2004, and Summary of Performance Measures for the year ended March 31, 2004 are, in all significant respects, consistent with the sources from which they are extracted, and are presented in a consistent manner. DISCLAIMER I have not been associated with the development of the Government plans to manage provincial debt, nor have I audited them. This is the responsibility of the government. My responsibility is limited to examining the information included in the statements specifically referred to in the above scope paragraph, based on the definition of the reporting entity and provincial debt as outlined in the preamble to this report. [SIGNATURE] VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA Wayne Strelioff, FCA MAY 14, 2004 Auditor General 113 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT(1) AS AT MARCH 31 In Millions 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- $ $ $ $ $ TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED DEBT Provincial government direct operating(2) 15,754 15,477 13,805 12,045 13,735 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Education(3) Schools 4,384 4,294 4,092 3,880 3,609 Post-secondary educational institutions 1,688 1,499 1,425 1,383 1,369 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 6,072 5,793 5,517 5,263 4,978 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Health facilities(3) 2,084 2,004 1,920 1,780 1,451 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Highways, ferries and public transit BC Transportation Financing Authority 2,764 2,661 2,514 2,197 1,843 British Columbia Ferry Corporation(2) 19 21 24 British Columbia Transit 83 87 79 75 79 Public transit(3) 914 930 936 948 952 SkyTrain extension(3) 1,119 1,105 1,044 836 488 Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd. 3 47 114 101 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 4,880 4,786 4,639 4,191 3,487 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Other British Columbia Buildings Corporation 317 456 596 610 615 552513 British Columbia Ltd. (Skeena Cellulose Inc.)(4) 337 Social housing(5) 156 161 299 265 205 Homeowner Protection Office 129 123 113 71 34 Universities and colleges 90 105 114 124 130 577315 British Columbia Ltd. (Western Star Trucks Holdings Ltd.) 62 580440 British Columbia Ltd. (Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre)(2) 3 Other(6) 116 182 190 244 357 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 808 1,027 1,312 1,651 1,406 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total taxpayer-supported debt 29,598 29,087 27,193 24,930 25,057 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 114 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 SUMMARY OF PROVINCIAL DEBT(1) AS AT MARCH 31--Continued In Millions 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- $ $ $ $ $ SELF-SUPPORTED DEBT Commercial Crown corporations and agencies British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 7,040 6,784 6,670 6,649 6,880 British Columbia Railway Company 477 494 614 603 655 552513 British Columbia Ltd. (Skeena Cellulose Inc.)(4) 280 Columbia River power projects(7) 215 118 120 93 94 Columbia Power Corporation 47 64 20 British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch 7 9 13 2 3 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 7,739 7,452 7,481 7,367 7,912 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Warehouse Program 1,067 1,312 1,320 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total self-supported debt 7,739 7,452 8,548 8,679 9,232 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PROVINCIAL DEBT 37,337 36,539 35,741 33,609 34,289 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - ------------------ (1) Debt is after deductions of sinking funds, unamortized discounts, unrealized foreign exchange gains/(losses), and, excludes accrued interest. Government direct and fiscal agency debt accrued interest is reported in the government's accounts as an accounts payable. Figures for earlier years have been restated to conform with the presentation used for 2004 and to reflect changes in underlying data. (2) Effective March 31, 2000, the provincial government assumed responsibility for the fiscal agency loans of the British Columbia Ferry Corporation ($1,080 million) and 580440 British Columbia Ltd. (Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre--$70 million). (3) Represents government direct debt incurred for capital financing of education and health facilities and public transit infrastructure. (4) Based on the outlook for world pulp prices and their potential impact on 552513 British Columbia Ltd. (Skeena Cellulose Inc.), the debt was reclassified as being taxpayer-supported in 2000/01. In fiscal 2001/02, the company's debt was assumed by the provincial government ($260 million) and by the minority shareholder ($94 million), as Skeena Cellulose Inc. was sold to the private sector. (5) Includes debt of the British Columbia Housing Management Commission and the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation. (6) Includes debt of Land and Water British Columbia Inc., the Pacific National Exhibition, other taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies and the fiscal agency loans to local governments. Also includes student loan guarantees, loan guarantees to agricultural producers, guarantees under economic development and home mortgage assistance programs. (7) Joint ventures of Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust. 115 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT(1) FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDED MARCH 31 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 -------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- Budget Estimate(2) Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual DEBT TO REVENUE (PERCENT) Total provincial 112.1 104.2 108.9 94.8 82.7 101.4 Taxpayer-supported 124.4 112.4 116.2 104.2 90.0 100.6 DEBT PER CAPITA ($)(3) Total provincial 9,800 9,003 8,879 8,764 8,321 8,549 Taxpayer-supported 7,667 7,137 7,069 6,668 6,172 6,247 DEBT TO GDP (PERCENT)(4) Total provincial 29.4 26.2 27.0 27.1 25.6 28.4 Taxpayer-supported 23.0 20.8 21.5 20.6 19.0 20.7 INTEREST BITE (CENTS PER DOLLAR OF REVENUE)(5) Total provincial 7.3 6.3 6.7 6.4 6.4 7.5 Taxpayer-supported 7.7 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.8 7.2 INTEREST COSTS ($ MILLIONS) Total provincial 2,666 2,241 2,233 2,423 2,604 2,528 Taxpayer-supported 1,982 1,707 1,662 1,724 1,871 1,785 INTEREST RATE (PERCENT)(6) Taxpayer-supported 6.5 5.8 5.9 6.6 7.5 7.4 BACKGROUND INFORMATION REVENUE ($ MILLIONS) Total provincial(7, 8) 36,528 35,824 33,545 37,689 40,618 33,804 Taxpayer-supported(9) 25,757 26,334 25,034 26,108 27,690 24,909 <Page> 116 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 KEY INDICATORS OF PROVINCIAL DEBT(1) FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDED MARCH 31--Continued 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 -------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- Budget Estimate(2) Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual TOTAL DEBT ($ MILLIONS) Total provincial 40,966 37,337 36,539 35,741 33,609 34,289 Taxpayer-supported(10) 32,046 29,598 29,087 27,193 24,930 25,057 PROVINCIAL GDP ($ MILLIONS)(11) 139,540 142,418 135,552 132,050 131,086 120,921 POPULATION (THOUSANDS AT JULY 1)(12) 4,180 4,147 4,115 4,078 4,039 4,011 - ----------------- (1) Figures for prior years have been restated to conform with the presentation used for 2004 and to include the effects of changes in underlying data and statistics. (2) Represents the budget estimate as presented in the Budget and Fiscal Plan tabled February 18, 2003. (3) The ratio of debt to population (e.g. 2003/04 debt divided by population at July 1, 2003). (4) The ratio of debt outstanding at fiscal year end to provincial nominal gross domestic product (GDP) for the calendar year ending in the fiscal year (e.g. 2003/04 debt divided by 2003 GDP). (5) The ratio of interest costs (less sinking fund interest) to revenue. Figures include capitalized interest expense in order to provide a more comparable measure to outstanding debt. (6) Weighted average of the cost of all outstanding debt issues. (7) Total provincial revenue has been restated to reflect a change in accounting policy for power utilities. Electricity trade activities that are supported by derivative purchases and sales are now reported on a net basis (no bottom line impact). This resulted in a revenue decrease (and an offsetting decrease in expense) of $1.3 billion in 2002/03 and $1.1 billion in 2003/04 for BC Hydro. Amounts for previous years have not been restated as in formation is not available. This restatement effects the calculation of two indicators: total provincial debt to revenue and total provincial interest bite. (8) Includes revenue of the Consolidated Revenue Fund plus revenue of all Crown corporations and agencies. (9) Excludes revenue of commercial Crown corporations and agencies. (10) Excludes debt of commercial Crown corporations and agencies, and funds held under the province's Warehouse Borrowing Program. (11) GDP for the calendar year ending in the fiscal year (e.g. GDP for 2003 is used for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004). (12) Population at July 1st within the fiscal year (e.g. population at July 1, 2003 is used for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004). SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES(1) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2004 2004 2004 2003 ---- ---- ---- Target Actual Actual Provincial credit rating(2) Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Debt to GDP ratio(2) In the lowest 3 2nd lowest 2nd lowest Debt service costs as a percentage of revenue(2) 2nd lowest 2nd lowest 2nd lowest (1) Performance measures as presented in the Ministry of Finance Service Plan in February 2003. (2) Moody's Investor Service Inc., based on May 2004 estimates. The debt to GDP and debt service costs as a percentage of revenue performance measures represent inter-provincial comparisons. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 117 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 (Unaudited) DEFINITIONS CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND (CRF)--includes the taxpayer-supported activities of the General Fund and special funds of government through which the government delivers central government programs. It does not include the activities of government operated through Crown corporations or agencies. CONSOLIDATION--the methods used to combine the results of Crown corporations and agencies with the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The two methods used are: (1) full or proportional consolidation--the accounts of the Crown corporation or agency are adjusted to a basis consistent with the accounting policies of the government. The operating result and financial position of the Crown entities are combined on a "line-by-line" basis. Inter-entity accounts and transactions are eliminated upon consolidation. Proportional consolidation differs from full consolidation in that only the government's portion of operating and financial results is combined on a "line-by-line" basis. (2) modified equity consolidation--the original investment of the government in the Crown corporation or agency is initially recorded at cost and adjusted annually to include the net earnings/losses and other net equity changes of the entity. There is no adjustment to conform to government accounting policies. Since the government ensures the ongoing activities of self-supported Crown corporations and agencies, full account is taken of losses in these entities, even when cumulative losses exceed the original investment. Accounts and transactions between self-supported entities are not eliminated; however, profit elements included in such transactions, including certain increases in contributed surplus, are eliminated. DEBT--represents the par value of the debt less sinking fund balances, internally held debt, unamortized discount and premiums, and unrealized foreign exchange gains or losses. DEFICIT--meaning is dependent upon the statement to which it applies: (i) Statement of Financial Position: the accumulated deficit is the amount by which the total liabilities of the government exceed its total assets. (ii) Statement of Operations: the annual deficit is the amount by which the total annual expenses for the operating year exceed total annual revenues (SEE "Surplus" definition). ENTITLEMENT--a government transfer that the government must make if the recipient meets specified eligibility criteria. Entitlements are non-discretionary in the sense that both eligibility and the amount of the payment are prescribed in a statute or regulation. FINANCIAL ASSETS--assets on hand at the end of the accounting period, including cash and assets that are convertible into cash and are not intended for consumption in the normal course of activities, that could provide resources to discharge existing liabilities or finance future operations. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP--a government partnership that has all the following characteristics: (i) is a separate legal entity with the power to contract in its own name and that can sue or be sued; (ii) has been delegated the financial and operational authority to carry on a business; (iii) sells goods and/or services to individuals and organizations outside the government reporting entity as its principal activity; and (iv) can, in the normal course of its operation, maintain its operations and meet its liabilities from revenue received from sources outside the government reporting entity. GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP--a contractual arrangement between the government and a party or parties outside the government reporting entity that has all the following characteristics: (i) the partners co-operate toward achieving significant, clearly defined common goals; (ii) the partners make a financial investment in the government partnership; (iii) the partners share control of decisions related to the financial and operating policies of the government partnership on an ongoing basis; and (iv) the partners share, on an equitable basis, significant risks and benefits associated with the operation. <page> 118 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 2003/04 (Unaudited) DEFINITIONS--Continued GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS--transfers of money from government to an individual, organization or another government from which the government making the transfer does not: (i) receive any goods or services directly in return; (ii) expect to be repaid in the future; nor (iii) expect a financial return. GRANTS--a government transfer made at the sole discretion of the government. The government has the discretion to decide whether or not to make the grant, the conditions to be complied with, if any, the amount of the grant and to whom to provide the grant. NET LIABILITIES--the amount by which the total liabilities of the government exceed its total financial assets. The separate calculation of this number on the Statement of Financial Position is unique to financial statements for Canadian senior governments. Can also be referred to as "net debt"; however, as this term can be confused with the term "debt" (SEE definition), the more descriptive net liabilities terminology is used by this province. Excludes non-financial assets such as buildings and prepaid expenses from total assets on the Statement of Financial Position. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT DIRECT DEBT--combines the government direct operating debt and the debt incurred to finance education, health facilities and public transit. This combined portfolio represents the debt for which the government has direct responsibility for the associated debt service costs. SELF-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES--all Crown corporations and agencies that are accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources either to a minister of the government or directly to the Legislature and are owned or controlled by the government. In addition, they must also carry on a business that sells goods and/or services to persons outside the government reporting entity as their principal activity and maintain operations and meet liabilities from revenue received outside the government reporting entity in the normal course of operations. This also includes the government's interest in government business partnerships. SUMMARY ACCOUNTS--the financial position and operating result of the government reporting entity including the Consolidated Revenue Fund and Crown corporations and agencies; the amounts represented by the Summary Financial Statements of the government. SURPLUS--meaning is dependent upon the statement to which it applies: (i) Statement of Financial Position: the accumulated surplus is the amount by which the total assets of the government exceed its total liabilities. (ii) Statement of Operations: the annual surplus is the amount by which the total annual revenues for the operating year exceed total annual expenses (SEE "Deficit" definition). TAXPAYER-SUPPORTED CROWN CORPORATIONS AND AGENCIES--all Crown corporations and agencies outside the Consolidated Revenue Fund that are accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources either to a minister of the government or directly to the Legislature and are owned or controlled by the government. In addition, they must not meet the criteria for being self-supported. This also includes the government's interest in government partnerships that are not government business partnerships. TRANSFERS UNDER AGREEMENTS (INCLUDING SHARED COST)--a government transfer that is a reimbursement of eligible expenditures pursuant to an agreement between the government and the recipient. The recipient usually spends the money first, and the government has some input into how the money is spent.