
                                                                    Exhibit 10.8


                         THE JEAN COUTU GROUP (PJC) INC.



1.1  The purpose of the stock option plan for officers, employees, service
     suppliers and consultants (the "PLAN") of The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.
     (the "COMPANY") is to secure for the Company and its shareholders the
     benefit of an incentive interest in share ownership by directors, officers
     and employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries, and by service suppliers
     and consultants retained by the Company to provide ongoing management or
     consulting services.


2.1  The Plan shall be administered by the Company's Board of Directors (the
     "BOARD") upon recommendation by the Human Resources Committee, as the same
     may be constituted from time to time (the "COMMITTEE"). The Board upon
     recommendation by the Committee shall have full and complete authority to
     interpret the Plan and to establish the rules and regulations applying to
     it and to make all other determinations it deems necessary or useful for
     the administration of the Plan, provided that such interpretations, rules,
     regulations and determinations shall be consistent with the relevant policy
     statements of the competent securities authorities and the rules of the
     stock exchanges on which the securities of the Company are listed.


3.1  The shares subject to the Plan are Class "A" Subordinate Voting Shares (the
     "SHARES") of the Company. The total number of Shares that may be issued
     under the Plan shall not exceed 8,000,000 Shares of the Company and no
     Optionee (as defined hereinbelow) shall hold options to purchase more than
     five percent (5%) of the number of Shares issued and outstanding from time
     to time. All of the Shares covered by options that will have expired or
     that will have been cancelled without being exercised shall become reserved
     Shares for the purposes of options that may be subsequently granted under
     the terms of the Plan.



4.1  The Board upon recommendation by the Committee shall from to time designate
     the directors, officers or employees of the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries, or service suppliers or consultants, to whom options shall be
     granted (an "OPTIONEE") and the number of Shares covered by each of such
     options. For the purposes of the Plan, "SUBSIDIARIES" shall mean any legal
     entity of which the Company holds or is the beneficiary, at any time,
     directly or indirectly, otherwise than as security, of securities
     conferring over 50% of the votes enabling it to elect the majority of the
     directors of such entity as well as any current or future Subsidiary of
     such legal entity. Any Optionee may hold more than one option. However, no
     Optionee may hold options to purchase over five percent (5%) of the number
     of Shares issued and outstanding from time to time. The granting of each
     option shall be evidenced by a letter from the Company addressed to the
     Optionee setting forth the number of Shares covered by such option, the
     subscription price and the option period.


5.1  The subscription price for each Share covered by an option shall be
     established by the Board upon recommendation by the Committee but such
     price shall not be lower than the average of the closing prices of the
     Shares on The Montreal Exchange and The Toronto Stock Exchange on the last
     trading day preceding the date of the granting of the option (the


6.1  Subject to the provisions of subsection 6.2, each option shall be
     exercisable during a period established by the Board upon recommendation by
     the Committee (the "OPTION PERIOD"); such period shall commence not earlier
     than the date of the granting of the option and shall terminate not later
     than ten years after such date.

6.2  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 6.1, an option shall not be
     exercisable by an Optionee from and after each and every one of the
     following dates (an "EARLY EXPIRY DATE"), unless the Board upon
     recommendation by the Committee decides otherwise:

         6.2.1  sixty (60) days following the date on which (i) the Optionee
                resigns or voluntarily leaves his/her employment with the
                Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as the case may be, or (ii)
                an Optionee's employment with the Company or any of its
                Subsidiaries, as the case may be, is terminated for cause except
                in the event of theft, fraud or any other criminal act against
                the company, or (iii) in the case where the Optionee is a
                director of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as the case
                may be, but is not employed by one of the latter, the date on
                which such Optionee ceases to be a member of the relevant Board
                of Directors for any reason other than death, or (iv) in the
                case where the Optionee is a service supplier or a consultant,
                the date on which



                he/she terminates his/her contract as a service supplier or
                consultant before its normal termination date or the date on
                which the Company terminates for cause such contract before its
                normal termination date;

         6.2.2  date of termination of employment of the holder on the grounds
                of theft, fraud or any other criminal act committed against the

         6.2.3  six (6) months following the date on which (i) the Optionee's
                employment with the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as the
                case may be, is terminated by reason of death or, in the case
                where the Optionee is a director of the Company or any of its
                Subsidiaries, as the case may be, but is not employed by any of
                the latter, (ii) six (6) months following the date on which such
                Optionee ceases to be a member of the relevant Board of
                Directors by reason of death, or (iii) in the case where the
                Optionee is a service supplier or a consultant, six (6) months
                following the date on which its contract as a service supplier
                or consultant is terminated in accordance with its normal
                termination date or the date on which the Company terminates
                without cause such contract before its normal termination date.

         6.2.4  sixty (60) days following the date on which the Optionee's
                employment with the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as the
                case may be, is terminated for any cause or reason other than
                those mentioned in paragraphs 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.3, including,
                without limiting the scope of the foregoing, disability,
                illness, retirement or pre-retirement.

         Such rules shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to extend the
         Option Period beyond ten years.

6.3  Under the provisions of sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.4, the unvested options are
     forfeited from the said date, but the vested options may be exercised in
     the following sixty (60) days, whereas under the provisions of section
     6.2.3, the vesting of options and the exercise of such options continue
     over the said period of six (6) months.

6.4  All rights conferred by an option not exercised at the termination of the
     Option Period or from and after any Early Expiry Date shall be forfeited.


7.1  Subject to the provisions of section 6, an option may be exercised in
     whole, at any time, or in part, from time to time, during the Option
     Period, but in all cases in accordance with the exercise frequency
     established by the Board upon recommendation by the Committee and
     applicable at the time of the grant.



7.2  An option may be exercised by written notice to the Director of Legal
     Affairs and Secretary of the Company. Such notice shall set forth the
     number of Shares subscribed and the address to which the certificate
     evidencing such Shares is to be delivered. Such notice shall also be
     accompanied by a certified cheque made payable to the Company in the amount
     of the Subscription Price. The Company shall cause a certificate for the
     number of Shares specified in the notice to be issued in the name of the
     Optionee and delivered to the address specified in the notice no later than
     10 business days following the receipt of such notice and cheque.


8.1  No option or interest therein shall be assignable by the Optionee other
     than by will or the law of succession.


9.1  An Optionee shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with
     respect to any Shares covered by his/her option until he/she shall have
     become the holder of record of such Shares.

10.  Offer for Shares of the Company

10.1 In the event that, at any time, an offer to purchase is made to all holders
     of Shares, notice of such offer shall be given by the Company to each
     Optionee and all unexercised options will be come exercisable immediately
     at the Subscription Price, but only to the extent necessary to enable an
     Optionee to tender his/her Shares in response to the offer should the
     Optionee so desire.


11.1 In the event of any change in the number of outstanding Shares of the
     Company by reason of any stock dividend, stock-split, recapitalization,
     merger, consolidation, combination or exchange of Shares or other similar
     change, an equitable adjustment shall be made by the Board upon
     recommendation by the Committee in the maximum number or kind of Shares
     issuable under the Plan or subject to outstanding options and in the
     Subscription Price of such Shares. Such adjustment will be definitive and
     mandatory for the purposes of the Plan.




12.1 The Board may, at any time, with the prior approval of The Montreal
     Exchange and The Toronto Stock Exchange, amend, suspend or terminate the
     Plan in whole or in part. In the event of a suspension, termination or
     material amendment (including an increase in the maximum number of Shares
     issuable under the Plan) or a reduction in the Subscription Price of an
     option (other than for standard anti-dilution purposes), the approval of
     the holders of a majority of the Shares present and voting in person or by
     proxy at a meeting of shareholders of the Company shall be obtained.

12.2 In addition to the foregoing, any material amendment to an option held by
     an insider (within the meaning of the SECURITIES ACT (Quebec), other than a
     person who is an insider solely by virtue of being a director or senior
     officer of a Subsidiary of the Company) or an associate of an insider,
     including a change in the Subscription Price or expiry date, shall be
     approved by a majority of votes cast at a meeting of shareholders, other
     than votes attaching to Shares beneficially owned by an Optionee and an
     Optionee's associates. In the event that an amendment is made, other than
     on a non-isolated basis, to an option held by a non-insider, the approval
     of a majority of votes cast at a meeting of shareholders shall be obtained
     if required by The Montreal Exchange and The Toronto Stock Exchange.

12.3 For the purposes of this section 12, an amendment does not include an
     accelerated expiry of an option by reason of the fact that an Optionee
     ceases to be a director, an officer or an employee.

12.4 The shareholders' approval of an amendment may be given by way of
     confirmation at the next meeting of shareholders after the amendment is
     made, provided that no Shares are issued pursuant to the amended terms
     prior thereto.


13.1 The Company's obligation to issue options granted under the terms of the
     Plan is subject to all of the applicable laws, regulations or rules of any
     governmental agency or other competent authority in respect of the issuance
     or distribution of securities and to the rules of any stock exchange on
     which the Shares of the Company are listed. Each Optionee shall agree to
     comply with such laws, regulations and rules and to provide to the Company
     any information or undertaking required to comply with such laws,
     regulations and rules.

13.2 The Company shall not be required to issue or deliver any certificates for
     shares pursuant to the exercise of any option prior to (i) listing of such
     shares on any stock exchange on which such shares may be then listed; and
     (ii) completion of any registration or qualification of such shares under
     any Canadian or United States law, or any ruling or regulation of any



     government body which the Company shall, in its sole discretion, determine
     to be necessary or advisable or the Company being satisfied that
     appropriate exemptions are available.

13.3 The participation in the Plan of a director, an officer or an employee of
     the Company or any of its Subsidiaries shall be entirely optional and shall
     not be interpreted as conferring upon a director, an officer or an employee
     of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries any right or privilege
     whatsoever, except for the rights and privileges set out expressly in the
     Plan. Neither the Plan nor any act that is done under the terms of the Plan
     shall be interpreted as restricting the right of the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries to terminate the employment of an officer or employee at any
     time. Any notice of dismissal given to an officer or employee at the time
     his/her employment is terminated, or any payment in the place and stead of
     such notice, or any combination of the two, shall not have the effect of
     extending the duration of the employment for purposes of the Plan.

13.4 No director, officer or employee of the Company, nor any service supplier,
     consultant, Optionee or any other person acquires automatically the right
     to be granted one or more options pursuant to the Plan as a result of
     previous grants pursuant thereto.

13.5 The Plan does not provide for any guarantee in respect of any loss or
     profit which may result from fluctuations in the price of the Shares.

13.6 The Company and its Subsidiaries shall assume no responsibility as regards
     the tax consequences that participation in the Plan will have for a
     director, an officer or an employee of the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries, or a service supplier or consultant, and such persons are
     urged to consult their own tax advisors in such regard.

13.7 The Plan and any option granted under the terms of the Plan shall be
     governed and interpreted according to the laws of the province of Quebec
     and the laws of Canada applicable thereto.

13.8 The Plan is dated as of October 26, 1994 and has been last amended on
     December 8, 2004.


                                   SCHEDULE 1

                         THE JEAN COUTU GROUP (PJC) INC.

                                SUBSCRIPTION FORM


The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.
530 Beriault Street
Longueuil, Quebec
J4G 1S8


         I, the undersigned _______________________________, hereby subscribe
for (__________) Class "A" Subordinate Voting Shares of The Jean Coutu Group
(PJC) Inc. under the terms of the Stock Option Plan for directors, officers and
employees of The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc., out of the ______________________
(_______) Class "A" Subordinate Voting Shares available for purchase by the
undersigned, and I enclose herewith my certified cheque (or money order) made
payable to the order of The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc., in the amount of
_________________ dollars ($________________) in payment of the said


                                                     (Full Address)

